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Training Camp starts Tuesday
Kek nobody respects this *.
this shit is dead until middle of October dawg and i dont trust rui hachimura anymore
By the time that 2027 season comes, $65 mil a season won't be that extreme. Contract sizes are increasing by so much and at such an insane pace. Literally every offseason there is a new "biggest contract in nba history"
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LeBron sisters they’re making fun of him….
uh oh, inceltic isn’t gonna like this one
Yet no one will take Lavine? The issue isn’t how big the contract is, it’s that Embiid has averaged 50 games a season in his prime and is always injured in the playoffs.

Philly fans are kind of dumb because they’ll claim they lost due to injury every offseason while….maxing out a guy who couldn’t play his first two years and is 7ft with injury problems
Watch basketball. Now.
Are you the PissStain autist?
inb4 discord tranny raid
lmao gaytum got an * tatted with no fmvps, name one person having a more embarrassing summer
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>LeMickey missed the playoffs then got swept and gentleman's swept the next two years
>the guys that kept saying the Celtics will lose the entire playoffs are now saying it was too easy for them

They're Miami clowns

Why is Shaw saying the Celtics had it easy when he picked the Mavericks to win the finals
Here comes the trannycord to the rescue!

Shaq didn’t know Luka was injured at the time, kid was wrapped up like a mummy ahead of the series. Why do Inceltic fans pretend like they won a chip when they got an * beating all injured teams/superstars?
The Cleveland Cavaliers won the 2016 NBA Finals*.
*Stephen Curry had three simultaneous injuries, Andre Iguodala had a back injury and Andrew Bogut was injured.
Nothing happened this weak. You are free to skip another thread, anon.
There will never be a bigger meme in basketball than Lebron James and once he is gone you will all understand his value
Lelkers fags cope with this while the sun shines on CeltGODS
>sun shines
>Gaytum gets no respect/FMVP, gets benched, Derrick White gets knocked out by a regular 45 year old drunk
Celshits are the most embarrassing ‘champion’ since the Lakeshits, coincidence I’m sure the most ‘storied’ NBA franchises have no real rings
who gets a ring first, jimmy or gaydumb(tatum)?
Man it feels good to be a CeltGOD
Who will retire a ringless bum first Shemmy or Piss Paul
Also, Draymond Green was suspended for NOT punching LeBron James in the dick (he completely missed).
>noooooooooooooooo Draymond can get as many techs as he wants lebron isn’t the goat
If he hadn’t kicked Steven Adams in the nuts he’d have finished the series
Of course he missed. It's a very small target.
Nuggets won a * Jimmy Butler was on her period the week they blew them out
Count the rings bitch, and only gonna get more.
The problem is he was suspended because it was upgraded to a flagrant foul, but it wasn't even a common foul because he fucking missed. Literally no foul occurred.
CeltBros I fear the Cryami Weap will be too shit to even make the 8th seed to lose to us next season. It feels different making fun of lottery teams. It's like bullying retards
>count the *
We already did, Gaytum got it tattooed on his back with no FMVP to illustrate how much he got carried by injuries
The other day during lunch my brother was arguing with me that Tatum was a top 5 player in the league
I almost spilled the water I was drinking when he said that
Funny thing is he hates the Celtics
This team looks like shit. None of them would start on my Celties
How many games was Green suspended for?
Gaytum, he’s an okay role player with limited skill. Couldn’t contribute on team USA since he doesn’t really excel at one particular thing
my team has won so many of the toughest championships in history I can’t help but laugh and laugh that celtics fans are so desperate for team success they praise an * where gaytum played terribly and had to surrender fmvp in front of his wife’s son
Team game, and Tatum is a humble hero who did everything necessary for the win. The best team in the NBA won. He isn't a diva like LeBron who ruined his championship team (ty btw goat!)
They played serial choker Miami Heat even LeBum got a chip of them while playing with injury ridden faggot AiDs. Honeslty going to the finals against Jimmy is an *
Yup, he plays third fiddle to CHADlen and Bazingas (when healthy)
Imagine getting this triggered because your franchise player is gay/shit under pressure
No I’ve never had sex and yes I’m a big fan of the Celtics, I’m not sure why any of that matters!
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Why can’t the Celshits beat him healthy then?
This but unironically
Jimmy Butts is 13-13 against the Celtics in the playoffs. Jimmy Butts and Gayson Gaytum are both frauds
At least LeBum managed to beat Butler, Gaytum will never accomplish that and his legacy will be further ruined when he does NOT go back to back
It's easier to get a computer at the public library during summer.
Inceltic is having a melty. Has xir been doing this all summer?
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Guy gets really upset when you state the fact the Celtics beat zero healthy superstars/teams en route to the *, lmao he tried to report me for posting that once and got a three day KWABoty
Jimmy Butts and Shart Edwards will never get a ring
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The GOAT debate has become international.
Why are you rapsoning to your own post inceltic?
speak English dog eater
make sense Jordan is a good goy state for israel
Montrezl Harrell is about to play in our National competition, coming off the bench too. The hell happened to this dude?
is what happen to gaza going to happen to me?
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>Draymond can get as many techs as he wants, Lebron isn’t the goat
Tore his ACL last year and he never learned the meme shot, so he's out of the NBA.
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>embiid extension
>new arena confirmed cleaning up the smelly dump that is chinatown
why is this sub so silent on my 8er?
he's awful
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Why is this?
I really reapect what Ben Simmons went through, with his whole sister false rape accusation thing. Dude that shit is hard, I wouldn't want to ball after that either. I just got around to telling my family tonight that I murked a dude for raping a 17 year old at my place and got away with it ten years ago, and I only told them because my mom and my older sister both told me they went through violent rapes in their life. I can't even sleep tonight, let alone take an uncontested dunk. Simmo will always be my favorite, he's the only guy in the NBA with true SOVL
fucking lol
>hello i had a salad and then a caesar salad at lunch today
>hi i went to watch a ball game and then a basket ball game the next hour
>today i went shopping and then window shopping at the next store
you talk like a fag
>Lemickey ate a fruit and a grapefruit the next two brunches
>Lemickey got a dog and a bulldog for his next two pets
>Lemickey got colon cancer and semicolon cancer for the next two ass diseases
>LeMickey opened a door and a barn door for the next two entrances
>LeMickey fucked my mom and my stepmom for my next two moms
awkward ahh ESL "I'm a loteral english professor" tranny bishnibba
Potato power
>Gentleman's sweep = a clause


i dunno whats going on here but lemickey is a fraud lmao
How the fuck did Dell Curry and Mychal Thompson manage to fart out two of the best shooters of all time out of their pp holes, while Lebron and Michael only came up with Ol' Bum Ticker Broney and Michael B. Jordan?
is gay LOL
What's going on is that this tranine fag has been sharting up the general for years and his English just gets worse and more awkward by the season If the Lakers go 2-3 in the first round next 'yoffs, this fag's gonna be posting chinese cartoons saying
>Lemickey missed the playoffs and then got swept, gentleman swept, and a game away from gentleman swept with LeMickey junior
in every single thread for all of the 2025-26 season like the fat faggot loser he is. I hate Lebron but I hate this guy even more
Anyone watching the WNBA playoffs?
No I'm not gay
why is gaydumb(jayson tatum often known as gayson gaytum) is so weak?
If everyone has 1 ring does anyone really have a ring?
its literally baskketball with 100% hot females if anything arent you gay for watching sweaty men rub up on each other trying to score lol
>100% hot women
I watch sabrina and caitlin dont care for the rest

Get some help
chat is this racist
No it's transphobic (with this comment, I'm implying that WNBA players are men pretending to be women)
need the season to start now
Why? Ben Simmons already said he’s out for the season
WNBA players are men pretending to be women
what is the impact on Lebron's legacy?
Yeah you’re gay if you’re not aroused by Brittney Griner missing layups
Still top 20, but he will have no influence post-retirement.
Has an nba champ ever been disrespected more than the Celtics right now? Disrespected as in challenging how good they are, everyone shat on the KD warriors but you have to admit thats one of the greatest teams ever.
he earned em
Lebron James since entering the NBA (03-04)
1st in Rings
1st in FMVPs
1st in Points
1st in MVPs
1st in all-stars
1st in all-nba awards
1st in clutch points (regular season and playoffs)
1st in VORP
1st in Winshares
2nd in PER
1st in playoff points
1st in playoff assists
1st in playoff rebounds
1st in playoff series wins
1st in playoff game winners

Lebron is simply the GOAT of the modern era.
Celtics were good but they beat meme/injured teams. KD warriors crushed teams that would own the league today. Except for the 2018 rockets were they got lucky
Why is it Embiid has missed 48% of his games and is a max contract but Robert Williams having missed 52% is an albatross? The only time a team paying Embiid max money has a chance to win a ring is hypothetically
>1st in Rings
>allowed Curry to win 4
Didn't read the rest. Steroids + superteams + traveling = fraud stats. He's essentially the Giannis of the 2000s. Not in any real ball-knower's top 10.
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Jordumb would struggle against zone defenses and prolific 3 point shooters on the other side of the ball

Jordan would be just another guy in this era

Not to mention social media taking its toll on the mentally fragile Jordan, who couldn't handle the passing of his father
Three brainless statements. You don't get a (You) from me.
>Not to mention social media taking its toll on the mentally fragile Jordan, who couldn't handle the passing of his father
Holy edgelord
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Holy shit, imagine being this bad at English AND this fucking mad.
Remember when Westbrick let everybody know that calling him Westbrick bothered him, and it just led to more fans doing it because duh, he let the fans know it bothers him?
Yeah. This right here is like that.
This guy status = mad
LeMickey status = missed the playoffs then got swept and gentleman's swept the next two years
She knows ball
Women generally prefer guys like Jimmy to girls like Gaytum
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>I believe the Heat will-ACK
inceltic somewhere punching the air rn
What's even the appeal of Gaytum? LeBron and MJ are marketable. Their looks and mindset were marketable. Kobe too. They looked and act like alpha chads. Gaytum is hideous, isn't funny, has no charisma and his entire personality is being a Kobe slurper. A Celtics player being a Kobe slurper lol. Who exactly is supposed to like him? He isn't face of the league material. ANT immediately leapfrogged him because of his personality. Luka is closer to being face of the league because of his talents. Why does Silver push Gaytum? Aside from him being mixed race and we know how the Jews feel about that. I can't help but think Gaytum is just a way to demoralize dark skins and white folk. Not a shock they're focusing on light skins. NFL is doing the same thing with Mahomes.
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>LeMickey looks and acts like an alpha chad
Mahomes is actually good, I can give a shit what a player looks myself. The problem with Gaytum is he has never played well in a NBA Final

He played terribly in the Olympics. He was horrible this entire postseason run. Guys like Jrue Holiday and Jaylen Brown that are actually good and carry him hardly get any accolades or media attention, Gaytum is on the cover of Sports Illustrated shooting 30% from the field and 20% from three the entire post season

Guy got the * tattooed like he won FMVP or some shit, he’s a hideous faggot
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>Derrick white if he was 5'11''
This nigga looks like AI
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That looks like the average native French
One month to go esskeetit
Tatum > Embiid at the very least.
I want to say that some top black star will take the Kobr/Pau pill and team up with a yuro to get easy rings, but then I remember none of them are all-NBA now.
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Bullsbros, we are getting that lottery pick...
Miami sucks at football too kekaroooooooo

Uhhhhh Bronsisters??
He won
Jaylen Brown's TS% in his 2 finals are .535 and .544. Better than Tatum but still shit. Neither of their two "stars" played well in the NBA finals.
Tatum? Yeah.
No, Mountain.

You forgot:

1st in turnovers (by a very wide margin)
1st in missed shots
LeMaid is a child abusing P Diddler
>LeBron exposed for P Diddy parties
>le/nba/ is silent

JorGOAT won
I win. The bottom line is clear. Anthony Edwards is a bad man. He's a problem. His inside game is elite. His outside shot is dangerous and getting better still. He can't be ignored. People, Anthony Edwards is the greatest basketball player alive, ladies and gentleman. And he is handsome too. Sometimes when I'm having a bad month I pretend to be him. And eventually, in my twisted trash heap of a mind, I become him. And when I'm Ant. I get shit done. That I can tell you. And it's nothing weird or gay. Matter of fact i'd kiss any man to freak out the squares. You know what, even with that being said, forget about Ant. I'm telling you I could take you baseline. Tell you it's coming and drop step you. Don't even @ me dawg. You know who I'm talking to ok?
K, b.
He said twice don't @ him d0g.
>apparently Kawhi's chinese agent said there was some problems but waiting for the Clippers to say anything about it to the media
His free rides over, isn't it.
Scottie Barnes' black ex speaks up

thunder owns the clippies unprotected pick lol
Reminder to haters who have been dissociating to cope: The Boston Celtics are your 2024 NBA champions

No one gives a fuck and no one should
he's getting traded
>holding it down while hes trying to make the nba
Humiliation ritual
I would say playing 7 seasons is enough when you had players wanted out from day one.
will they boo him?
How much are they paying this Hungarian fag to keep the wnba threads alive?
Seriously I go there to check if it the thread is active and I see that it is up for two weeks and 2/3 of the posts are from him
filter him now
why is Twitter pushing that shit on me so hard? it keep coming up on my TL I can't hide it fast enough.
Same. """They""" must really want us to watch it
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Grizlies cut D Rose
Future Nugget
He's signing to the Celtics for the autistic version of Griffin
Unironically, the Suns should get him
LeMaid went to P Diddy parties
It's crazy incels got this girl famous for making a dick joke. I hate the internet
I don't even know who that is
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Hypothetically, how would /NBA/ feel about it if next season saw a second consecutive year of the Celtics dominating the regular season and then dominating the playoffs and winning another ring?
Depends on the quality of the playoff run
I believe this is a negronese term that effectively means being loyal or supportive.
i hope it doesn't happen because i'm enjoying this streak of different champs each year
Total Miami suicide
aint no party like lediddy party
Is the Lebron maid photo real? Looks like a shop to me.
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Is Magic Johnson gay?

Female to Male HIV infection is less than 1 in 1,000 exposures

Is it more likely that Magic Johnson had unprotected sex with more than 1000 women and while having open sores on his dick since it increases his chances


Is did he have sex with another man (trannies counted)?
Or he got it from needles
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I hope the snow bunny is canadian atleast. We need to keep scotties gene pool in the country
Bronny update?
Whats the latest news on junior?
He may be a vampire.
Thank god, fuck that overrated bum, Ja better than him in his MVP (((prime))))
I dont think the NBA likes back to backs, especially not for charisma vacuums like Gaytum
Lakers are trying to trade Gabe Vincent for the new PS5 Pro and its stand
No wonder Canada is a shithole. You people have no self respect
Dynasties make more money
In therapy after finding out his father had close associations to P Diddy
I thought they wanted more teams represented in the finals to increase engagement
My Celtics literally resigned their record breaking roster. You are so mad right now you're about to waste another season watching Mein Celties win as I shit up this general. I want basketball to be hell for the Celtics Haters this season. Burn you fags off fr
>Deni Avdija says he wants to bring pride to Israel through basketball

>“I have friends who are combat soldiers who risked their lives for the country, and my heart is with them all the time. I’ve been very interested in their well-being and the well-being of the hostages’ families. I try to help as much as I can, balancing it with my career. At home, the TV was on all day, and social media too, so it was impossible not to be involved. I tried to do what I could to bring some pride to Israel through basketball and my efforts off the court.”
(((Adam Silver))) is already doing that. I hope anyone in the IDF gets carbombed, most of all his friends. I hope they tell him his town was bombed after he losses a game
I wonder (((who))) is behind this post...
Real white people hate Jews. You must be a kike
Thats a meme no one turns in for the pelicans. They want big franchises or faces of the league there
I am not Jewish because if I was I would be wealthy and not posting on this shitty site about hoops
And where are these real white people in Europe. Because all the actual anti jews are meximutts like Nick Fuentes or Amerigolems marching for Palestine. The fact is most whites are don't care or understandably support the only democracy in an area of national interest.
How does the salary caps help that because all it does is help small market teams and there is talk of another expansion
You're not white either kek. Nuking Jews off the map is a net gain. There's too many Muslims to do them, let them kill the Jews and kill other Muslims after. Stop defending kikes if you're not a kike.
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The /nba/ big 4
>Bro you hate to support the Jews you don't understand they're the good guys!!!

How big is your nose
> Jimmy Butts
> LeBum
> Gayson Gaytum
> Shart Edwards
More like the Fraudulent Four
t. Shekelstein

Kek get nuked faggot no one gives a fuck about some Jewish literal who player nor Israel. And fuck Muslims too they're all subhuman. Don't get it twisted. They're just as bad but higher in volume so you start with the lower amount obviously
You can hate jews all you want but you lack any geopolitical sophistication beyond /pol/memes so you might as well kill yourself
Who stops this team 4 times?
>. They're just as bad but higher in volume so you start with the lower amount obviously
That makes no sense maybe you should have stayed in those Jewish funded public schools and learn something.
Israel is one country holding Jews. There's like 12 Muslim countries. Let the Muslims kill the Jews then they'll go back to killing each other for being a different kind of Muslim. It's pretty simple but you're a kike so I understand why you don't like it
Ja Morant
Zion Willaimson
Nikola Jovic
Kevin Durant
The salary cap is an excuse for the owners to limit spending. Expansion is good because unless your franchise is a true piece of shit it WIll make money and cover "new" markets.
And i mean lakers ownership is kind of poor too
The combined might of the arab world couldn't dent Israel in fact the btfo'd them in six days kek. Aren't you nazitard supposed to know your enemy and history
Get fucked Kike. The Muslims are about to go Defcon7 on Israel. You and your subhuman people will burn in hell after being burnt alive
you seem very brown
>he thinks Israel will ever get destroyed
They have hundreds of nukes pointed at every country to make sure this doesn't happen.
Yeah and Russia claims to have 6000 nukes. Whatever you say Shekelstein. The reality is Iran is about to get provoked into attacking Israel and you just know every other ME country will look to join them. And the US will be fumbling with its election cycle to help their kike masters. It's going to be a kino winter
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reminder that your apology should be just as loud as the disrespect was
I get a lot of Caitlin Clark videos recommended to me on Youtube when I watch NBA videos
Maybe they have invested a lot of money on WNBA and they don't get any benefit from it naturally so they shill it as much as possible
isn't she just a memechucker, the reason the NBA got popular was watching people dunk on niggas
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I doubt women can even dunk on WNBA unless the basket is lower for them
I don't even know who watches this league other than degenerates, same thing with women wrestling
Based. He should team up with Domantas and Zion, and colonize the NBA.
I wonder if lebron wants to be president. Probably
Kek bitch really thought she was gonna become a millionaire through proxy
>LeBron is a Diddy FREAK OFF attendee
goat move
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>implying you wouldn't let Diddy fuck your ass for 100 million
>shitchell rubbishbin out until February for the yiddishbockers
i bet he wants to be the next charles barkley
jokic plus 3 role players. if it wasn't for his team giving out on him in game 7 they would have faced the celtics
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If he doesn't make the ECF this year, is it over?
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he already won a championship, what more do you want from the guy. also they're definitely not going past the 2nd round because of doc rivers. realistically the only coaches that could make the dame/giannis thing work are phil jackson or spo
I dont think him or dame are enough to overcome glen rivers
I assume he'll eventually leave Milwaukee if they're not viable playoff contenders
>role players are paid 52 million a year

Cope. Jokbitch can't recruit friends nor can the
Nuggets draft him real help. He's fucked.
lmao they won 57 games in a super competitive western conference while their second best player dealt with injuries for half the season and reggie jackson was actively betting against them. he already won his 3 mvps, a championship, and was 4 minutes and 4 points away from facing france for the gold medal. dude is a fuckin legend. go away kendrick perkins
YUP. Higher all-time than Lebron already.
I don't care about all that. I just don't get this "he has role players" narrative when they certainly aren't paid like role players. It sounds a bit of a cope as to why he keeps losing. If they're role players why are they paid All-Star money.
>inb4 t-they have to pay someone
Nugget's "Role Player" Salaries in 2025
>Jamal Murray 52 Million
>Michael Porter Jr. 38 Million
>Aaron Gordon 22 Million Player Option (Will Opt Out and Ask for more Money)

I wish my team could afford 40 million dollar role players.
Antony "Making As Much As a Role Player" Edwards
because none of them have any all-star or all-nba selections... and he went to the WCF, then won a championship 3 years later and he has put together back to back 50+ win seasons. not to mention he has ONE season out of nine that he missed more than 10 games. the dude is a fuckin beast.
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no you don't
I can't call anyone who hasn't beat a 50 win team in his entire career a beast sorry. I have standards. Enjoy your regular season trophies and his mickey mouse run against bottom 2 seeds into a ring. I'll come back when he doesn't choke a game 7

Kek I feel your pain actually
>Is Magic Johnson gay?
Most likely, yes.
He was clearly not a heroin addict.
Oh no no no LeMickey bros...
okay so here's my thing about the 50 win team thing. last season the nuggets beat the celtics both times, one of those was the celtics first loss at home. also, why didn't the timberwolves beat the nuggets? or why didn't the suns, or the lakers, or the heat? isn't the whole thing about holding a play-off bracket is so the best team comes out on top? it's a best of 7 series, what more can we ask for? like c'mon, make it make sense. should we just stack all the most winning teams at one end of the bracket and the most losing at the other and see what happens?

also, the nuggets went 4-1, 4-2, and 4-0 on the way to 4-1 against the heat. it was a very dominant playoff run
> why didn't the timberwolves beat the nuggets

...They did you retard
in the 23 playoffs you retard
Jamal Murray is about to get paid more than Kawhi and Luka, but what crazy is in the final year of his contract he is the 9th highest paid guy in the league
You mean the playoffs where they beat teams with 49 wins or under? What about it? Are you bringing that up because when they played the team with 56 wins they lost? Ok now that we have laid that out what's your point? Are we trying to say the one year Jokic didn't play 50 wins he won? Yeah I think that's suspicious too.
50 win teams you say?

Yeah im thinking Kobe da goat
they took the timberwolves to 7 games and gassed out at the end because they lost their two best bench players in the offseason so all of their starters were forced to play max minutes, meanwhile the timberwolves had the DPOY, the 6MOTY, a 2nd team all NBA guard, 4x all-star and 2x all-nba 3rd team forward. to quote barkley 'i'm tired of this denver nuggets slander'.
The moment that broke Embitch forever.
>cope the post

lol i don't see rudy gobert or karl anthony towns walking around with championship rings.
>Dwight Howard
Was this the gayest team of all time?
I really enjoy watching those old games on jewtube. So much less flopping and the refs actually call basic stuff like traveling & double dribble while letting them play a lot more physically.
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play off p?
now your get freak off p
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>Clippers star Kawhi Leonard underwent a procedure on his knee in the offseason, sources tell me and @LawMurrayTheNU .The franchise said today Leonard will be limited to strengthening his knee to start Clippers training camp, but team officials are optimistic about his progress.

I have to admit something bros. When Lawhi left OUR rapties to go join this shitstain joke of a franchise they call the Cloppers, I put a permanent curse on him. I went to see a witch who talked to the dark lord and asked her to hex Lawhi for all eternity. It's probably my fault he hasn't been healthy since.
i hate Somalians like you so fucking much
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but fair
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Doesn't he have a degenerative condition on his knees?
He's already been fucked since Zaza lol
This washed fraud isn't getting past the play in and Lame Dillard left Portland because he is a beta but cant actually play a role. Useless. Giannis will run off to join another team.
Gianpiss is going to join the Magic mark my words
Spurs will make the yoffs. Grizzlies will not. That is all.
Prime Kawhi and a 3+D power forward instead of Derozan and Lavine on that team back when they had healthy Ball and Caruso wins a championship.
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Most post-season points scored ever
Most post-season assists since Magic
Most post-season rebounds since Duncan
Most post-season steals ever.
How many Diddy parties?
They already have Paolo
Giannis to the thunder
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Are you getting the Ouya of basketball shoes?
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>isn't some Nike or insert brand here slop

Of course, JaylGOD isn't a sellout
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I kneel
JaylGOD thread
Miami Heat sign Nassir Little Inceltic isn't gonna like this one
I dont even watch this shit sport I just be playin 2k fr fr
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wet banana and CPOrings will not make the play in. The Grizzlies will eliminate the Timberwolves again
The Alpha of Boston, the First Option on the Celtics, the FMVP of 2024 CHADLEN BROWN
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Wasn't he healthy in the bubble when he choked a 3-1 lead alongside legendary choke artists Doc Rivers and Pandemic P?
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post NBA players that have been to Diddy parties, I'll start:
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The GOAT himself obviously
Realistically what would happen if LeBron was exposed as a diddy freak off champion and not just another guest
He would go silent on social media and not protest Diddy as he claims he's such a SJW
lakers got jj redick and bronny kek
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What is blud wearing???
The latest in gay fashion
Does this nigga just have really bad fashion sense or is really that Zesty or both
This nigga fruity
what the fuck is going on
The NBA is Zest Central, no wonder the fucking rates for this gay ass league is dying.
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Thoughts on Ja Morant?
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The Chosen One, who will flush the fraud Shart Edwards and lead my Grizzlies to the WCFs.
NBA Awards Predictions:

Luka will be too fat and that'll piss enough people off. Jokic has too many for a white dude. Jannis has lost the mandate of Heaven. Embiid is too fragile.

>DPOY - Wemby
The league has already announced it is his award to lose, so unless Draymond breaks his league as part of one of his Machevelian schemes, Wemby has it in the bag

>ROTY - Tatum
He's still only 21 years old and coming off of a title. It's his award to lose

>Coach - Lue
He's coaching while black and somehow, some way, the Clippers will have the same record after losing Playoff P. Shocking, I know. However, be sure to look out for Magic's coach Jamhal Mosley as the dark horse candidate for the award as well.
Gaytum has never won a title
Weapbro, put the dog meat down and learn English.
Tell me when he's telling lies.
Yup, CHADlen is the alpha of that team. That's why he the FMVP and Taytum got DNPs at the Olympics
nah SGA gonna get exposed this season now that the expectations are on him to win. Luka winning that MVP for sure.
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>all these tatum propaganda

god he sucks just admit it
He is the same age as Luka with a better team and he didn't produce as much while not being injured. I don't see that OKC getting to the WCF in a stacked west.
wh0 did the 6ers sign?
>tatum propaganda
What u talking about all anyone says is how bad Tatum is
Get this. The Boston Celtics are the reigning NBA champions.
You seem to be unable to comprehend. The Boston Celtics are the reigning NBA champions.
The Miami Heat are the reigning Eastern jobbers
Without comment
Like half the yellow tier is arguably better
OKC is the best team in the West and easily got better adding Godruso and Hartenstein. They are definitely the favorites in the West.
they were the first seed this year and jobbed to an injured Luka, marginal improvement from the Bald Eagle and Hartenstein isn't going to fix that
Shouldn't it be Miami Heats, not Heat?
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Is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar the actual GOAT
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will this be the year jimmy wins won?
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which one of you is this?
how devastating to the game of basketball would it be if there were videos of bron and mj engaging in inappropriate acts with minors?
Where’s the analysis?
Jaylen Brown looks sexy without the beard and without the high top
NBA viewership is already trending down,. Both Lebron and MJ getting JUSTED would kill the league. But the league is too important for propaganda purposes, so that won't happen and they'll be eternally protected.
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>Celtics only swept the Heat because Butler and Rozier were hurt
>whoever they face in the second round will beat them
>Celtics only swept the Cavs because Donovan Mitchell was hurt for 2 of the 4 games they lost
>they will get destroyed by the Pacers in the ECF
>Celtics only swept the Pacers because Haliburton was hurt for 2 of the 4 games they lost
>the Mavs will btfo them in the Finals
>it was only one game. the series is not over. stop overreacting. Mavs will win in 5.
>Celtics only won game 2 because Luka was hurt. Mavs will win in 6.
>Celtics can't sweep the Mavs. Mavs in 7.
>Celtics were downloaded by the Mavs. Mavs in 7.
>Celtics only swept the Mavs because they had a mickey mouse run through the east and the refs rigged it and the Mavs were tired and the brights were too light and the Celtics are a superteam and this was expected anyway
>Celtics won't have the best record in the NBA again
>Celtics won't make it to the Finals again
>Celtics won't win back-to-back championships
>Celtics won't three-peat
>Celtics won't win 5+ championships with their main lineup
>Tatum, Brown, Porzingas, White, Jrue, Payton Pritchard, and Jordan Walsh won't be first-ballot Hall of Famers
Based I needed this
It would pretty much kill the league, but if we reach that point then society as whole will probably be in for a reckoning
Weap Skitz aint gonna like this, can we still get Dame out of milwaukee yet
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> Trae Dung was totally worth it for Luka Doughnut
can you fags start the season already?
Same trooning on a Wednesday Night?
>Guys, I'm thinking about trannies again
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my ANT :)
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got squished!
Why are nba players always getting "exposed" by their ex's for the most trivial shit? Captain autism on the raptors Ex is the worst one so far. Like, my sister in jordan, he didn't screw you over y'all just broke up.
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Raptiebros is it true Masai is getting fired now that Rodgers owns majority stake in the team???
Harden attempted 13.2 3s and shot 36% in 2019, thoughts?
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i really believe we are about to witness jokic's best season yet. he just got done exposing the americans in the olympics, his team let him down in the playoffs last season, and he grew a fuckin beard.
JokeBITCH can't win with MurBUM and MPGAY as his second and third options in a stacked west in 2025
36% on that volume was good in 2019
are you a lakers fan, or a suns fan, or a 76ers fan
or a heat fan, or a celtics fan, or a golden state fan
LakeGOD for life
Even if Bronny and JJ shits it up this season just like WestBRICK did
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Thoughts on this? >>144674568
>Wiggers and Jews are the only non blacks
Was that even Kobe? lol
In one post season he blew a 17 point lead at home and before that got blown out by 40. Off season comes around and he blows another lead, while his teammates play well and he plays like shit. Only thing he exposed was his inability to operate in clutch time. Turn your VPN off faggot.
He retired
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Her Lakies!
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what the literal fuck is this lmao
Anti-Jew shoe
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It's called KINO
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hasnt derrick rose been retired for like 5 years now?
Power ranger villain looking ass

what the fuck is even this post?
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what the fuck is even this post?
A real nigga something you wouldn't be able to recognize
>gay county back in the basketball genny because his football team is already done for the year

He should've went the Kyrie route and signed with a Chinese shoe company
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Ausfag here looking to pick a team to follow

I've narrowed it down to either the pacers, trail blazers or the pelicans.

Which way should I go?
Thank, time to close the book on the single worse MVP award this in the last decade
Portland has Thybulle and that Sudanese mercenary you have on your NT
Patty Mills also got drafted by them
Pacers would keep you interested in watching. Trailblazers and Pelicans have no future
> another y'all didn't see prime rose bro faggot
kill yourself millennial faggot, Rose didn't deserve that MVP and anybody who was sentient that season knew it
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>photo of Diddy and LeBron kissing
kek wat
>speculation that Diddy killed Kobr
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nuggets media day suggesting russell westbrook will play a much bigger role than he did on the clippers
jokic live
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We done with BAWB's
Remember when Eminem said Diddy killed Pac
>being crucified for all the bricks
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The quickest collapse of a fake MJ, nobody will care about the turd Shart Edwards
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the goat is back in town
Revenge Run, the only man that can challenge CHADlen BROWN
>Zach lowe fired
>perk and that black lesbian still employed
He's not even in photos with him
How much did LeBron pay you to say that
It was at this moment that Anthony knew, he was not a superstar
>city of e!spn
holy based ive had espn on nba channel hidden for years now and the only quality content from it is now going to be a separate thing
espn now officially has no good hoop coverage lmao
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i know he looks 50 but hes only 29 brotha he has at least 7 more championship years in the tank
No I meant he's never beaten a 50 win team in the playoffs
>actually baited into explaining the joke
pathetic type shit
Whoever made this image needs immediate medical attention
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Fucking kek
Zack Lowe canned. ESPN going full mulatto and dark black.
zach lowe made too many good takes
zach lowe could set himself for a fat paycheck with all the new tv deal turnover coming up, he could be the rich eisen of NBA.
Lowe was talking shit about e!spn's laker/lebron fellatio and got tossed out the fucking door
>simmons/russillo/lowe 3 man pods all season

I'll take it
what else should he say?
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The man that disses the KING will have his tongue removed
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>He's not even in photos with him
>The man that disses the KING will have his tongue removed
What a mf does with a 300M contract
Do you think Diddy got to get a little sweet with that buck, Shart Edwards
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>honoring someone who forced his way out of the franchise after winning nothing

I was going to ask why this team has no pride but then I remembered they're canadian
no but I bet diddy ruined ben simmons too
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Every team that Ja's been on is tied for the gayest team of all time
lebron is on the short list of people I don't believe would sell their body for $100M
LeMickey is on the short list of people who missed the playoffs then got swept and gentleman's swept the next two years.
Simmons came into this league broken, Diddy wants them to have a little bark in them, like Shart Edwards
jesus those hands
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did lediddy really get drilled by his master
come home raptiebro
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Thoughts on the new Indiana Pacers player Tominaga Keisei?
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Need it or keep it?!
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zach lowe was legitimately the only watchable motherfucker left at espn, what're they doing there?
I thought that was WNBA dyke for a sec
Do LAcucks still pretend Austin Reaves is good
putting as many low iq hot takes out as possible. Once Legler leaves their bball coverage will be completely unwatchable

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