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New York Giants @ Cleveland Browns game thread.

Kickoff at 1PM
shit teams
man, i like danny derps. it's a shame >we'll have to send his team to the dire straits of 0-3
My body is ready for epic awful QB play on all sides
You shouldn't like Jones, he fucking sucks.
Lets hear it for Peanut Oil
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Yeah, here we go!
it seems more and more like it, but deep down i still believe that he jus needs mo' help
I like Jones, I just want a real QB on my team
NY midgets hahah
That's how you star a game.
Off to a great start
great start useless cunts
Holy shit lmao
11 fucking seconds
Bet on Daboll being the first coach fired
I don't want to fire Daboll. It's not his fault he has a retard at QB
Kek was just about to post this. What a joke.
this isnt luck, this is an active and malicious conspiracy against the giants, this just doesnt happen to other teams, no one gets this handicapped in scoring this soon
the cleveland mafia strikes again
Watson and Cooper were bound to get back in sync eventually, shame it was on the very first play lmao.
Next time don’t bury dead Italians under the field
Yeah, it was the QB's fault special teams fumbles the kickoff, and defense gives up a tud on the very next play.
Jones had nothing to do with that opening sequence, and last week's loss wasn't on him. When you lose games, you lose your players' respect and Daboll's attitude will make the players hate him even more. Daboll is getting fired after TNF
Daboll works conservatively because he, logically, doesn't trust Jones.
We are wasting Dexter Lawrence's potentially HoF career.
>get bailed out
>immediately choke when actually required to get a first down yourself
Dexter Lawrence could eat 2 chickens
Daboll has not been savvy at all like he was his first season.
>giants finally tank
>get first overall pick, trade down to load up
>get archie next year
I guarantee they'll fuck it up and win 1 or 2 meaningless games against equally awful teams but I have to believe
He and Andrew Thomas deserve to be on better teams.
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Sounds like Browns football...
Ignoring that Jones had nothing to do with the abysmal special teams/defensive start, Jones isn't calling the plays, Daboll is. 4 yard run, run for 5 yards loss, 4 yard pass. Very bad playcalling.
If I was a GM I’d trade my first round every year for a vet. Why bet on some kid when you can get a vet
based retard
That was all Jones
Go rapists! I picked you in Elimination Challenge
My Reffies.
Roughing the passer should not nullify an interception.
Another missed deep ball
lmao it gets worse
did he just lightly tap him on the heckin helmet? straight to jail
i literally have so much better shit to do than watch this, (you) me when they bench jones
just gotta wait for the make-up call now to give browns another td
small victories
My reffies :)
theres no pass rush
Myles is injured. Giants are gonna win this game. Browns will win at max 2 games at home.
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>browns score immediately
We all know how this goes
Giants congrats on your first win of the season.
Can I (you) you if the Giants tie it up?
>We all know how this goes
Yep, It will be the only TD until garbage time in the 4th QTR when they're down 28-10
should send newsome to the locker room for the rest of the game for that retarded penalty
Oh my fucking god
Step step step throw!
Browns O-Line is struggling mightily today.
Browns O-line fucking sucks
Holy shit, back to back sacks. I haven't felt this impressed since the Tuck-Osi-Jpp days. Chatman was great when he hustled in that one preseason game, he has speed for closing
the middle of the line is supposed to be stout, what the fuck is going on
i get that lawrence is really good, but holy fuck
Never underestimate the Giants ability to fuck up a winnable game.
Bad o line is like having a bad secondary. It’s a non starter. Games just over
Their ability to fuck up a winnable game is nothing compared to the Browns.
his in game management is so dogshit and the big takeaway last year was that hes a manchild on the sideline

loved the hire but its not working
Anyone got a stream with minimal pop ups? Strikeout has a lot on mobile and I’m gonna have to drive and watch the game at the same time in a sec
Finally got a holding call
Also I’ve been drinking if that matters
You should be paying attention to the road while driving
Shut up nerd
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Deshit Shartson completed a pass
That ball was not catchable
>He’s malding

>black qbs
Take the "L" out of Lover because this game is OVER.
Make up your minds.
Damn refs.
>deshart defenders
Watson has a sub 80 iq
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the refs are just taking the piss at this point
The Browns are getting gifted first downs and still shitting the bed
Both these offenses are putrid
Browns is at least 3x worse. If the Gnats score again that's game.
Does someone have a better stream link than this cricfree site? It's cutting from the ad break back to fucking 14:50 left in the 1st
Browns just missed a tackle in 3 straight plays
Not helpful thank you
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This game was only fun in the 1st 11 seconds.
That's what you get for signing a black qb
You faggots are making Jones look Montana.
vipbox.lc with an adblocker
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moss this bussy
>ad break
Is it 2008? Who doesn't use an ad blocker in 2024?
Nabers must be Jerry Rice
I hope Watson gets assassinated
Nigga it's just playing a tv feed
he said streameast, i don't know why some people here or on twatter think the feds are oblivious to a site used by tens of thousands of people and are waiting for an accidential tipoff on a tajikistani goat herding forum to pounce
danny dogshit
>tfw Giants win today
Damn, they just needed time to settle in and let the play makers make plays. Singletary & Naber's really elevated this offense. Burns & Thib needs to step their game up, and this can be a very solid team
I didn't do it to duck the feds I did it to be an asshole.
>outside run
>throw to the flat
Browns when are you going to stop that
Deshit Shartson has yet to cross midfield himself
I've played a lot of vidya and recommend cover 2 mixed up with a bit of man to man cover 1 disguised as 2
>they just needed time to settle in
No, they're just playing the clowns. Reality will go back to normal next week.
haven't stopped it since they returned
I don't think I can handle another year of Jones simply because he doesn't look awful for a few drives against terrible teams. It's the story of his career.
>3 and out
>Giants score again before halftime
>Watson pick 6 to open the third
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>you thought Deshaun Watson was good because TV told you so
you dumb
Official spcord chat & stream

I guess Browns fans forgot Watson is even worse than Jones.
What the fuck was that pass? If baker made that people are calling for him to be executed.
They’re not booing, they’re cheering for the Boo-rowns.
I'm starting to think my Brownies will be losing this game.
>Browns losing with copious refball
Leave Jameis in. WHAT THE FUCK?
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How did Berry think this tackle situation was going to be ok?
The Browns deserve this for that shit they did to Flacco
can't blame the line on this one. for all his elusiveness, watson's pocket awareness is pretty fucking bad
I was talking about the Browns defense vs giants offense you fucking retard.
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It's actually quite comical everyone was calling the Browns defense elite last season when they had like 3 good games but their overall year statistics were incredibly average. Yet all offseason everyone claimed the Browns had one of the best defenses in history when they absolutely didn't statistically
apologize and kneel to Danny Dimes, the GOAT
yeah i was saying at the time that it was pretty fraudulent, good offenses like the rams and ravens carved it up pretty easily. but it was still a big step up from joe woods' shitshow
18/20 for nearly 200 yards
They were a top 3 defense at home but got btfo in away games. It was very strange
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I wholeheartedly apologize
Nice of Danny Dimes to get the fanbase's hope up by shitting on this trash team so the heartbreak is 10x worse when they get crushed next time
I always believed in Danny Dimes after year 1. I saw his talent. They gave him nothing to work with. Now he has a WR and is doing alright
turns out copying washingtons offensive gameplan is actually really smart
I love the tom brady commercial. So inspiring. Back to work!
>he's good because he beat a shit team with a worse qb missing their best defensive player
Wait a few days when Dallas eviscerates him. It's the same shit year after year with Jones.
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Call the neighbors, I want them to see this
O you of little faith, you will be the first to be judged for your arrogance. The old Danny Pennies is dead, our new savior Danny Dimes has arisen.
>anti-white racist gm
the browns get what they fucking deserve
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Whats 4 gonna do?
gotsa get paid
Hey Cleveland ... about that new stadium ...
>tfw Giants will be 3-way tied for first place in the NFC East at 1-2 Tuesday morning
Whoops meant 4 way tied
>7 rushing yards for the Browns
I'm just rooting for Jones to make himself untradeable again for a year so he can suck next year and we can get Manning.
How is deshaun watson so fucking bad
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Career-ending injury for Watson plz? Give Famous Jameis a chance.
Chadniel Jones
I HATE this cuckolding Progressive commercial. Surprised the "back up" guy isn't black.
At this point you have to let Deshaun play his hero ball bullshit right? Giants are crashing the line and destroying Cleveland's offensive scheme
At Home with Baker Mayfield was the high water mark for this franchise for the next decade wasn’t it?
Get this rapist off the field
Not that it's real or anything but
>put out first time you meet a guy
>expect a guy of actual value to consider you dateable
It is amazing how terrible Watson is

He really has raped everything including our franchise.
>sacked out of FG range
Watson needs to kill himself
>DeShart KWABson
>Pro kickers
>black qbs
>NFL kickers
53 is a good FG range in 2024. Your kicker sucks though.
blackbros the white qb is winning...
Hopkins immediately went into top 5 kickers in Browns history after 3/4ths of a season. Dude has been money
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Is he the biggest bust in CLE history? Has to be, right?
sadly watsonkeks will defend him with that first play of the game and totally ignore the rest of it
Lol not even top 10
Not bringing Flacco back because of potential QB controversy is the dumbest thing ever. He's the better QB. We're not going with the better QB because...he's the better QB?
Reddit take. That's not how the NFL works.
lol the OL is quitting and faking injuries
thank you once again berry for drafting a headcase dt in the 2nd round, not like >we've had offensive tackle depth problems for YEARS
Can't wait to catch rescue hi surf tonight
I was wondering where the black people in the commercial were and then remembered they dont swim
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>the move
>the 2017 "perfect" season
>firing Bernie Kosar, Baker Mayfield, etc, etc, etc...
Wait isnt megan olivi on ufc?

I was so proud of them during the 2017 perfect season. They finally failed properly.


Agreed. Why the hell did they get rid of Flacco?
smells like a comeback
ok hang on a minute
It's not over yet, folks.
why 2 point
johnny football
Giants are genuinely gonna blow ths because I bet 100 on them.
Browns be Browning
When Chubb?
are you shitting me
Sure you're struggling now but it was worth it for the 2021 Super Bowl right brownies
if the browns lose this is their season over? hard to make the playoffs in AFCN
How the fuck did a Daniel Jones offense put up 21 points in the first place?
Jones will throw a pick 6 don't worry
>browns fumble in the 4th
>instantly star posting cocks
not surprised
>Watson hands the ball off to Ford's neck

Announcers are retarded.
Ravens and Bengals are 0-2. Are you retarded?
Nothing impressive desu, also the dude's thigh is fat AF, no cardio fatty wouldn't last longer than 10 seconds before being out of breath kek
>steelers 3-0
brownsbros theyre gonna cuck us again
their seasons are both over if they lose their next games desu
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>like the 8th catch this year already this short midget bitch cant make because of his short arms
There is and it
>230 million dollars to a black QB who does it differently

worst 3-0 ive ever seen
Bobby O'Carrotcake?
plus tip!

honestly, this is the best game of the season until next game. The Browns will be begging for a new stadium next year and Haslam is only using the team to launder money. So if they get a new stadium, fine. If they move to another city, fine. It literally does not matter with this front office.
The Steelers looked good today. Philly has put up worse 3-0s.
Are you, the Ravens and Bengals are better than the Browns
3/10 would not suck, looks smelly

Go for a run and stop being brown and gross
funnily enough the worst 10-0 team ive ever seen was the steelers like half a decade ago
Where could they possibly move to though? It's not popular to build public funded stadiums right now
>professional kickers
>pro kickers
>hiring a professional kicker that misses
Derp derp derpity derp derp, derpderp
Derp derp derpity derp derp, derpderp
Derp derp derpity derp derp, derpderp
Derp derp derpity derp derp, derpderp
Derp derp derpity derp derp, derpderp
Derp derp derpity derp derp, derpderp
Derp derp derpity derp derp, derpderp
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Lmao the nigger in this thread posting a 6 inch dick like it’s something to be proud of lol
Cleveland Browns legend Greg Joseph
wtf is that painted on the middle of the browns stadium?
Giants offense is so awful. How many sacks and takeaways, and they still can't pull away? It's ridiculous
Uh oh stinky
they won't because the league isn't ready for expansion yet, but why on earth would Cleveland taxpayers give these slobs a new stadium? If it was almost any other owner, it would be a done deal, but the Browns owner was already convicted of money-launder/RICO from his truck stop empire, and he obviously just bought this team for fun and profit.
brownie the elf
Why did he slide? They could have ended the game right there.
>It's fucking real
LMFAO what the fuck this is some keebler tier retardation
>last year saquon couldn't slide at the 1
>This year singletary stops
Coach primate brain
Because fuck fantasy football players
The Browns are retarded and useless.
now they can kneel it 3 times and really end it
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>singletary lays down at the 1 and does a cute little pose
what in the FUCK did he mean by this?
This is ending the game you brain dead nimrod.
Black excellence.
football intelligence
Singletary owners malding
Just a little west in another town near an airport is where it's projected to be. Closer to me, too.
happy for danny. the agenda lives on
this team is going nowhere until jack conklin comes back
Brownies are little elf spirits.
I know but they're also zesty niggas
Back to 4 wins?
Jones benched around the Steelers game.
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the superbowl window has shut
its over
>triptranny seething
yup its a good football sunday
They want you to feel bad. That's the whole point - demoralization.

BTW, how much hush money was paid to the original Jake from State Farm?
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Much to the despair of the giants tripfag, GNATS WIN GNATS WIN GNATS WIN!
Even when the Giants win it's an embarrassment. Abysmal second half, deserved to lose.
Jack Conklin wont do shit, this team isn't going anywhere if Chubb isn't 99.99% of his former self.
If we get elite chubb we can at least go 5-12, if we continue this way we won't win more than 1 more game.
What did I say. Giants tried to give that Game to the browns in the 4th qtr.
>I don't want to fire Daboll. It's not his fault he has a retard at QB

This aged like milk.
Did anon anHero?
We were both kind of right. Game was way closer than it should have been.
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