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>UEFA Referees Committee admits Cucurella handball should have been called a penalty



yeah yeah, everyone gets shit decisions against them
this is just your turn
Calm down, Hasim. Why are you screaming?
The gall at Germans complaining about this
emmm... source?
Of course that was a pen.
What I want to know is why the VAR decided it wasn't.
It didn't go to VAR did it

it didn't go to var because the english ref said no
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I would like to know aswell
Its one thing for a ref to fuck up, but for Var to not tell him to look at the replay is wild
I read it with Hitler's yelling voice
holy shit lad
yes, it was a wrong decision and I’m sad we didn’t get a chance to win the euros but you need to move with your life
there’s no point in seething about something that is long gone
14 years later I still say: ERA PENAL
why refs love spain NT and their clubs?
>IFAB changes the handball interpretation rule for this season
>cucurella's handball would have been a penalty if it was this season
>it was last season
not my problem
That's not (usually) it works.
VAR informs the ref that he made a mistake and should check the replay.

The natural state of life is war and genocide
It is the answer to the fermi paradox
We will see this rock annihilated just to kill a single enemy

We took it away with the nuke
We stole War from humanity

Soccer is the last remnants of war and genocide
We exist to hate enemy niggers
Not really, the Cucurella case was used as a Fallbeispiel, a situational example of a situation where a penalty should have been awarded. This according to UEFA refereeing boss Roberto Rosetti.
>Referee Anthony Taylor and VAR man Stuart Atwell said no however, [...]
Your problem is being a fucking spic pouring beers for anglos, Germans and nords with a foot on you
You are an animal
>a situational example
so it wasn't a handball then
it's gonna happen again in 2026, dumb fuck
like it has happened many many times in the past
because there are no actual consequences
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Why do you constantly Switch between US and Germany flags? I dont get your constant seething about firsties and thirdies
Get back to beero pouring you fucking modern slave race
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Because only northern Europeans ever accomplished anything of note.
I also love Russians.
We are the only human beings on this rock
Catholics are not human beings.
why are you on an English imageboard if you don't speak the language
honest question
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oh well, no hard feelings
It was. Situational example was maybe the wrong word, English isnt my first language so let me use deepl translate
"According to the report, head referee Roberto Rosetti is said to have drawn up a document for UEFA that was sent to the top international referees. This happens regularly so that the referees make the same decisions in similar situations. The latest document apparently explicitly mentions the German "upset of the year" that happened more than two months ago as a case study for a wrong officisting decision on-field"
I guess case study fits better.
it's not that hard to understand, they changed how it should be interpreted now and they used cucurella as an example.
Minus Japan, sometimes china.*

There exists a continuum of people from cold lands who seek advancement
And brown meds who are subhumans larping off rome larping as Greeks who basically were probably us anyway

And yes I think Ashkenazi Jews in physics and maths are amongst our ranks for basically the same seasons

Are you a catholic?
>still seething
Okay but why do you use a German VPN for shitposting. Why not use a Russian one if you love them so much?
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lmao are you really? You'd still have lost 4:2, and additionally pic related
You're a shithole who is controlled by Germany and France. You are basically the Florida of Europe.

Respect isn't love
ever heard of the cold war?
You did well krauts. You almost made it to the nuclear club
The frogs did it by sheer CDG autism
You're still on our side ok?
Don't forget that our actual sides are not what you wessicucks watch on tages
you are truly bordering on being detestable.
You must admit it was just punishment for wembley.
we got lucky with refball in 2002 and 2010 so I’m not sure what you’re on about
>I dont get your constant seething about firsties and thirdies
Happens to spergs from """"1st world countries"""" that experience Latin America and forget they are not constantly on an online forum. We will relentlessly bully the sperg outta you.
I wanna believe he is that kid from the doxx pics and that he was BTFO by Quilmes negros for years, and so acquired his rage boner for us.
STFU mutt spic retard you stole all our tech and scientists
Well atleast youre not denying anymore that you arent German lmao
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it was offside + handball by fullkrug before not seeing why this being handball or not would matter
cry me a river
it wasn't offside
not a single replay angle exists where he was offside
there's a reason only Spics bring up the phantom offside
it's how they try to justify the cheating lmao
if it was offside, why didn't they say so? It would instantly kill the discussion, I am pretty sure I've told you before and you didn't answer (as per usual).
>the germcuck really is going insane because muttsiala didn't get to fuck all his hottest and most fertile women
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Your defenders knee kept him onside.
If he had been in doubt for offside, automatic offside technology would have picked it up.
It didnt.
Why are chinks and jeets so obsessed with nigger cocks?
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not gonna say anything about this handball?
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this isn't handball
any other cheating excuses, you poor brown subhuman?
elbow is handball sore loser
kek at the spic picking a later frame to cheat in an argument
so spiccy of him
idk man, VAR and ref said so
you weren't going to win the euros anyways
holy fuck, did your brown skin color seep into your eyes and make you go blind?
ah yes
already the backpedalling
>maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, anyway let's move on to the next argument since I lost this one

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your frame is before the ball hits lmao nice try though
might have lost the argument but not the euros
it's literally touching his shoulder in that frame
fucking subhuman brain
how about winning more than one WC in 100 years instead
This, let the germoids cry more about it.
For some reason they think that if they keep repeating they were "robbed" it will become true, and the fact that it came from an offside will become forgotten
the VPN mutt may be a retard but he is onto something
there's a "med-gene" that causes this behavior where cheating is glorified
it goes from greece all the way to portugal and obviously to their kid countries in south america
they fucking love cheating and will always deny doing it but when they get caught they gloat about it
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Nigger I dont mind you winning the Euros and you deserved to win it overall, but are you seriously picking a duel between two players where even your pic shows a duel between two players (nice of you to drop the non existing offside argument) vs a clear shot on goal blocked by a defenders arn outstretched?
so this is a handball and cucurella's isn't? This is what you are trying to sell here?
And the amerimutt is back to his German VPN kek
and you're not that wrong often
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spics aren't people
only Germanics are people.
shut the fuck up you fucking retard and get lost
Ref was constantly letting German murderball slide, Kroos should have been booked like 5 times no card for injuring a player with a kick is insane and Germany should endended up playing with 9 players yet they have the guts to say they got refballed lmao
>Ref was constantly letting German murderball slide, Kroos should have been booked like 5 times no card
Same as Rodri, I guess?
it touches his shoulder first then it slides down and comes out of his elbow the frames are taken just before the balls goes off not when is arriving like you did
without that "duel" handball was the assists to Musiala lol
also i didn't drop the offside argument it obviously is
both are but fullkrug ones comes first
>no hand by defender
>offside and hand by striker
>muh murderball
->(You) are here, what's next?
I'm pretty sure no one would argue that wasn't a penalty on good faith / unironically.
So I'll for the sake of my mental health and faith for humanity I'll assume all the posters who are justifying that shit and saying it wasn't a penalty are just shitposting/memeing.
What murderball did rodri do lol? Kroos did 2 "orange" card worth fouls in first 10 minutes injuring Pedri the first one and the second one against Yamal next to the area and got 0 cards
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>it touches his shoulder first then it slides down and comes out of his elbow the
why lie lol
you can literally see where it touches his shoulder because it changes direction
and then it bounces in front of him, not towards the elbow
otherwise the ball would have gone more to the right

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>drop the offside argument it obviously is
You guys got hosed. Happens to every team at some point and someone always gets screwed. See >>144628952 as example. Could go back and forth on it all day desu
Uh bro? Why aren't the black bars on each side of the picture straight?
why do spics not understand that var automates offside and would have called the offside if there was one?
same with füllkrug's shoulderball
it would have been announced by var as hand
just like they did for the whole tournament
because, chinky, someone drew that and the lines and took a pic of his screen after he was done
because phoneposters are retarded
no he did not take a pic of the scene and then draw lines
he only took a phone pic of the finished product
That why I posted that Kahn image.
Every team has been fucked by bad decisions before, and Germany have benefitted more than most. Every country could post an example. But they won't stop crying over it.
>why do spics not understand
they do, they just pretend they don't because it's in their nature to cheat and get away with it
when you talk to a Spanish person ALWAYS assume that they're currently thinking about how to trick you even if it seems they're being honest
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>also i didn't drop the offside argument it obviously is
Again, your defender kept him onside. And if there had been offside, automated offside technology would have picked it up. Others already replied to your ridiculous claim of Füllkrug handball vs pic related
I will say that the Cucurella handball was incredibly obvious. Like I agree with >>144629528
It's the kinda thing VAR should overturn and not being a fucking 1mm toenail offside.
>Spics straight up vanished after they get called out
Tell me about it.
Yeah but last season isn't this season so it doesn't matters, wasn't handball back then lol
what the fuck are you retards talking about
did you even read the statement? there was no rule change for 24/25
>However, more than two months later, the UEFA Referees Committee has informed the international referees that there was an error in that play and it should have ended in a penalty . This instruction has been included in the latest review by the organisation, which periodically analyses European matches - whether at national or club level - that it considers interesting in order to standardise the criteria and ensure that the referees make the same decisions in similar plays.
>In the document, which Relevo has had access to, the institutional body is forceful in its explanations: there was an error both in the field refereeing, who did not signal the maximum penalty after the Spanish player's handball, and in the VAR, for not intervening in the play that could have ended in a penalty, as claimed by the German team.
>"Following the latest UEFA guidelines, hand-to-ball contact that stops a shot on goal should be punished more strictly, and in most cases a penalty kick should be awarded, unless the defender's arm is very close to the body or on the body ," they say in the comments field. "In this case, the defender stops the shot on goal with his arm, which is not very close to the body, making itself bigger, so a penalty kick should have been awarded ," they add.

it was an internal analysis of referee mistakes
it was just the honest mistake of an incompetent anglo
I mean, at the time not calling the handball was considered the correct action given the uefa briefing before the tournament. I don't know what prompted the change of judgement.
So Spain's title gets an * now?
people always bring that up and pretend the arm didn't move towards the ball which the ref would have clearly seen if he had used VAR
are we still seething about this? Even the Jap seething at judo gave up
why wouldn't we
this statement came out today and confirmed the rigging
it would have been very scandalous if he had given the pen, he was very biased during the game for the host
it was only the Euros. No one knows what that trophy looks like
yeah. english refs and german players have a history of being bros
the day will come when it's revealed just how much Spain has been rigging the game in the 21st century
their current league president literally just admitted the last week to rigging the league a few years ago so a team could stay up on the last matchday
European football just isn't compatible with Mediterranean football
wasn't there an offside anyway? krauts are pathetic 2bh
give me your address
i'll be in berlin in march if you want a punch up
yeah sure
March 9th, 6pm CET
I'll be wearing a red cap
i'll make a thread at the time with a picture of this post and you nowhere to be seen
you mean you will look at my thread doing the same
You'll end up having gay sex I recon.
Germcucks are still seething kek
You would have lost on pens regardless.
it was clearly not intentional, you can literally copy the movement right now in your house and you would naturally do the same
cool post
but you're brown so I didn't even read it
Germany hasnt lost a penalty shootout for almost 50 years
Intention is not relevant and can't be judged anyways.
Yeah, and you robbed England back in 2010.

Neuer almost murdered Higuaín in the 2014 final.

Everyone gets a turn to be fucked by referee mistakes, Hans. Deal with it.
>Yeah, and you robbed England back in 2010.
wrong, we blew them out of the stadium
>Neuer almost murdered Higuaín in the 2014 final.
Kramer got murdered so bad by the argentinians he had to be substituted
It is and it can tho? A lot of yellow and red cards are given depending on the intention for example.
You're trying way too hard mate
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Tbf the 2010 game was a mauling but rhe momentum also matters. Had englel equalized that game maybe it would have given their players a morale boost.
>Kramer got murdered
he quite literally ran into Garay's shoulder with his back turned to him.
Zabaleta got his knee kicked in the air in front of the referee and the opossing player only received a yellow card for it.
stop asking questions chud
>he quite literally ran into Garay's shoulder with his back turned to him.
youre fucking kidding
of course youre not
your mafia squad should have been down one man down for most of the final
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Spics are so fucking detestable it's INSANE
lying little rats
there's literally thousands of videos of it out there and you STILL LIE
Why? you know you're wrong but you don't care
>maybe they will believe my lie
your entire content could go under and NO ONE in society would suffer
ref made up for not giving the german niggers 2 reds with this decision
get fucked
besides I'm not the one crying on /sp/ee for months over a bad ref decision, truly pajeet behaviour
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Im honestly of the opinion germans dont whine enough
literally noone even knows how Kramer was murdered
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I am sorry but you've never played football in your life if you believe that's a pen, not even the german players claim that as a foul and just kept going on with the play yet I am supossed to believe that it's one just because some 4'11 brown skinned guy that doesnt even know how to speak german keeps whining about a colission of a game that ended ten years ago.
And even if it was, it doesnt take away the fact that Höwedes should have been sent off because of this foul 9/10 times, Garay at least went for the ball while Benedikt's foot was nowhere near the ball.
Not only that but the ref is just meters away from this action.
shut the fuck up, subhuman
you have NEVER won a WC without cheating kek
stop projecting
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>not even a counter argument
I am not sure why you're even shilling so much for germany if you're gonna respond with such subhuman monkey antics.
Oh well.
there is no need for counter arguments when you're arguing with a brown subhuman like you
>It would instantly kill the discussion,
there is no discussion buddy, you lost because you're shit and we won because we're great and beloved by God
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>There's no discussion
What's this op then? And the countless created before regarding this obvious rigging? Face it buddy, without VARdrid and UEFAlona your footballing department would be somewhere under the Scandinavian ones (no offense meant here)
>What's this op then?
A german crying after he lost because he's shit and his country is shit
this nigga has 1 WC
England tier
>He never won the euro wc and euro back to back to back
small footballing nation.
And Spain hasn't lost against Germany in an official competition for almost 50 years.
Simon is a better shotstopper than a geriatric neuer.
clear red card
>ball hits hand
>not a hand ball
Literally 1984
Even if it was a pen Germany would have lost. Spain was by far a better team.
Merino would have still scored the equalizer and Germany would have went out on pens.
Not that difficult.
you can't know the future, stop saying this nonsense.
God I wish
Germans are fucking seething lmao
Yeah you don't know. simon might have stopped the pen and we wouldn't even have this discussion. A pen isn't a guaranteed goal. So accept that you lost and move on.

It's in the Germans' nature that they would rather lose than win by cheating. There's nothing that Germans hate more than unsportsmanlike behaviour. Sadly German teams get constantly robbed in the CL and also in the Euros and world championships by Italian and Spanish teams because some bribed UEFA or FIFA officials change the outcome of the games.
1954 world cup final
let it go, that is the only thing those thirdies have, they would kys if we would take that from them

That's just what happens when you let the Wehrmacht play football against some partisans.
riggirella riggirella wins a rigged cup
England would have won with this outcome though, not sure Germans would've liked to experience that at home

I doubt it. The betting odds had Germany and Spain on top and thereafter France, England and Holland. For most people it was clear that Germany vs Spain decides who becomes European champion.
you're crazy bro.
Cucu, Cucurella
Cucu, Cucurella
Se come una paella,
Se bebe una estrella,
Haaland tiembla,
Que viene Cucurella,
Haaland tiembla,
Toma una galleta
Toni Kroos played the full time of the match, we dont care. Seguid chupándonos la polla y llorando por aquí jajajajaja
referreing was clearly in favor of the germans
I don't know what they're complaining about although I never expected much honesty from these apes
looking forward to humiliate them again in the NL.
Massive delusion lmfaoooo
Shartvertz would miss his penalty anyway, you can't win with Arseanal players. Maybe 2026 we will win it, but with retirements, injuries and important players getting older I doubt it
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I don't see anyone who can match us in 2026 unless Rodri wound is so bad that his level decrease significantly. the WC is as good as ours.
The one thing Kvertz scores is penalties though.

You forgot to turn off the proxy, Spaniard.
isn't it all opinions though? why should we take this most recent "take" as the proper take? it's just another opinion on a binary situation, where experts say it's A and other experts say it's B, thus proving that football isn't a science and is entirely about opinions?
I don't need to use a proxy, I'm in france I'm just not french :)
Its a fucking Mickey Mouse tournament who cares
>varsinso gets implemented
>suddenly germans cant cheat and steal games anymore
give it back yamal
It's official, another *-trophy for asspain. Sad.
>n-no u!
kek what a disingenous brown bitch
So it's an asterisk Euro ?
stop being brown please, pablo
lower your tone when speaking to me, a white person
you can clearly see that he is trying to clear the ball with the outside of his foot but fails horribly
so its not intentional, but yeah, my first impulse says its red as well kek
>Ex-Fifa referee Manuel Gräfe (51) explains Uefa's behavior as follows: “Fifa and Uefa generally don't comment on scenes during matches or tournaments to protect their referees. But also because they would otherwise be under pressure to comment on something and not comment on something. And Uefa didn't officially declare it, but it was apparently leaked.”
Whistleblowerbros, we tip the scales again
“The scene wasn't much of a discussion outside of Germany anyway, because even for Spanish referees or ex-referees the situation was clearly punishable, as it was for German refereeing experts like Markus Merk, Thorsten Kinhöfer and myself, and they themselves spoke of good luck for Furia Roja
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I dont think there was any intention to kick Zabaleta in the knee on purpose but you can clearly see that 'I fucked up' look on his face while playing the replay
look at the top of his head, the "I fucked up" look you are talking about is a common denominator around genetically inferior lads who put way too much value on their hair. they literally do the face all time any time
It was inded offside, stupid niggerman, stop being this pathetic. Germany can't football against spain, whatever if you have your full star team and we a bunch of kids
>It was inded offside
you can tell by looking this picture, a picture you've seen hundreds of different times in other matches. That's a 3-5cm offside.
ridiculous. you don't even need var for that shit either. obvious handling. that's a penalty in 1950, 1990 and 2024. simple as.
we running cicles mate.

>3-5cm offside
that red knee looks like it's, at the very least, level with the white knee. not sure what you're seeing. or do you think his arm counts as offside?
you just showed a pic where he isn't offside
are you stupid?
also just so you know, offsides is AUTOMATED and was not called
why do Spanish posters have such low iq?
do they post like that on purpose? is it just a language barrier?
why is it always like that when they post in threads?
why even respond
>they never showed a replay where he's offside
>nobody ever made a convincing image he's offside
>there are convincing images that he's onside
>and most important: VAR is literally automating offside and would have announced it like in every other scene/game

the other Spanish cope is handball by Füllkrug which has also been disproven numerous times and that Germany should have been 10men from minute 5 because they think Kroos, a 20year veteran, would have continued to make reckless tackles all game after his first yellow
these guys are supposed to be European but have literal Brazil monkey brains
they've won like 1 legit EC since the 2000s was the Fuentes doping era
funny how they dropped off hard after this shit got uncovered
let's give the Euro to the Germs
noone really cares about the Euros
they don't understand that this is about more than the Euros
samefag coping
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brazil tier brain
omg i've been pwned by such an element inspector!!1!! Truly a very German Industry Automobile freestyle swagger, let's just concile the fact that you're based and ugly
buckbroken by being compared to Brazilians
He's a world cup winning centerback, cant he just get a hair transplant
at least taylor will never ref again right?
nothing wrong with it
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this whole country is full of retarded riggers, and what the tards from VARdrid doing on the field on a weekly basis is outrageous. Time for Spexit to be honest.
UEFA needs to make sure LATAMs stay sportscolonized and since most of them are delusional and larp as Spanish or Italian they will rig it for them

If Americans cared about football then england would have 5 Euros

You can see the psyop working on the thirdie dogs in this very thread
The ref was too scared to send off the veteran rat because muh retirement, perdiste alemán llorón y encima en tu propia casa jajajajajaj
lmfaoooo german subhumans trying to argue about cheating after this lol
>still no comment from the UEFA
they be scared
they're actually pretty civilized imo, just ignore the guy larping as a german meltdown
its not automated, its semiautomated. That means that they have to run, thats why offside checks usually take so long. If it was offside or not we will never know because they didnt use it.
When will the Quarter final be replayed?
>Raul wants to leave spain
>maybe he'll join >Schalke again
all you need to know lmao

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