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I'm taking a big shit on the clock. I also took a nap and smoked a joint on the clock today.
I love all my flamesbros and pray for you
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I hope nic cage sues them
>nhl stars
>its just going to be about the eternal failures of NHL the laffs

And another case of amazon driving their hands in shit.
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Thank you Takagi. I pray for you too.
United we stand, divided we fall
I'll find a way to pirate it
On my birthday :)
Does it focus on all the teams or just some of them? From the trailer it looks like an Oilers and Leafs dick sucking fest with clips of vgk, stars, and panthers sprinkled in
Real WAGs of NHL is premiering in the spring.
you're getting a great birthday gift - hockey returning! how else will you celebrate?
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Wait really?
The kraken nhl team lost to the wranglers yesterday
Thread's off to a great start
Fall is finally here and with it cool weather and hockey
In my next life, I want to be a hockey wife
[Good News] Kitty (11) got a full pass on his cat shit inspection and blood work :3 go flames
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Can’t wait to watch McMuffin’s menty b
My first racist encounter because I was wearing a Flames hat

I experienced my first racist incident in Edmonton because I was wearing a Flames hat at West Edmonton Mall. I was in Edmonton for the weekend and decided to visit West Edmonton Mall. I always wear a hat when I feel lazy to do my hair, and the only hat I have is a bright red Flames hat. As I was walking with my girlfriend, two individuals who looked like they were in their 40s grabbed my hat off my head and started chanting "Go Oilers Go," and one of them called me a racial slur. I was about to get violent with them, but my girlfriend stopped me. As my girlfriend held me back, all I saw were two grown-ups acting like children and throwing my hat off the second floor. I was taken aback by the whole situation but what took me by surprise was how everyone around us started laughing, and three more people started saying "Fuck the Flames" and calling us racial slurs. I've heard stories of people I know experiencing more racism in Edmonton than in Calgary, but damn, I didn't think it would happen to me.
>good shit
Way to go kitter!
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>finnish and swedish players
>real blond gf's and wives
>na players
>brunettes and fake blondes

This is so cringe
This you blud?
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I'm so happy summer is over :)
Leafs fan spotted
>Columbus you get a pass because a player that played for your team for two years died

Uh okay?
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Read her article. She said he didn't like the night life and wasn't interested in mountain activities. What did she expect lol
If it means Miro can finally play on his dominant side again I don’t care who is on top pair right now.
Dumba is dogshit bruh
Banff keeps winning
Yes but I tend to think playing for the Wild doesn’t exactly inspire your best work or effort
update: wisdom tooth is out :)
update: didnt ask :)

Kek mcdavid had a temper tantrum
Update: i always ask and care about /hoc/ friends’ lives
going to bed
You can just tell he never yells
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its almost that time of year again bros...
laffs fans need to numb the pain
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>be young, rich and famous
>get hitched as soon as possible
I will never understand NHL players.
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always have
always will
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This happened
How does your face feel?
How are you feeling? I'm glad you're feeling okay :)
When do playoffs start?
It’s the culture within professional sports of encouraging the younger players to get married. The belief is that it helps keep them more grounded and focused on their job rather than the fame & fortune that could be a huge distraction
Hyvaa Yota
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didnt ask tard BTFO
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Same, goodnight
I'm not even joking around. The wellness and lives of all flamesbros should be blessed and elite.
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checked and frenpilled <3
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how many goals is he gonna get this year?
Makes sense.
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Me neither. At the end of the day, all hockey fans are my /frens/
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He's always been an autistic manchild
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Damn right *kisses you*
Death to all flamesissies
Which is accurate. Chasing women can ruin a young man's abilities. Bedard will be married by the time he's 22
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that is not very frenly :(
When me team loses the first game of the season I lose all interest in hockey..
It's pumpkin spice and apple cider season :)
imagine being jt miller. a palestinian man sent to the icy hellscape of canada and one day a bunch of angry natives start yelling at him and his wife and children at a local pumpkin patch because of his creed and skill about playing a childrens game
probably gave him ptsd and scarred his poor kids for life

the people of abbostford and vancouver should be extremely ashamed of themselves for how they have acted towards him
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Thanks fren
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>hugs you
Sending this kind of hatred and demonic curses only gives us more holy fire.
>Flames Nation when one Flamesbro is under fire
to think this kind of evil is allowed to exist in this world
I want to be a pwhl player's house husband
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Hello Flames fans. I am a Sharks fan, but honestly, I love the Flames. They're my favorite Canadian team. I made this drawing of current captian, Mikael Backlund. I love the Blasty jerseys! I'm afraid to admit, but I wanted to ask the Flames fans, may I join the community and be a Flames fan too?
Imagine hating the Flames how non-white and foreign could you be kwab
Only SHIT games tonight.
Did you draw that picture yourself? Nice job
Then don’t watch (you will)
Why would I watch shit games?
Because you live to complain
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go flames
so go to the gym instead
Watching Raw tonight
He looks like he's got viking blood.
Yeah he's got something alright.
Yes thank you
based all I did was listen to music and shitpost on /hoc/
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He’s gonna carry tonight
Eat cock Dylan
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The spirit of the coyotes lives on
Why don’t you faggot since ya talk about it everyday
Proof it was meant to be
feeling fine thanks bros :)
just waiting for the bleeding to stop
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>cup or bust
It'll be awkward to see Swayman knowing that later on he'll get in a dispute with the bruins
Ok fags, I'm here now, and Summer is over. At the slightest provocation, we're gonna go.
Conbust McBustshit
>no episode about Sid and Ovi
Then I’m not fucking watching
Thanks we needed some more call ups for real retard hours
they're washed up, neither one is ever making playoffs again. the best we can get is if sid makes a cameo in a video about mackinnon
Where is islanders and flames
I wonder how this documentary factors into the contract stalemate. I’d bet anything it does.
> Episode 7: We wear purses and go golfing in April. Starring YOUR >laffs.
It'll try it's best not to mention it to not upset sweeney
/hoc/ is using its ahl shitposting squad until the season begins
It’s preseason
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Too many swedes and jews and for this reason: I'm passing
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If only it featured more finns
Trouba is such a cock. He's like a zen master of dirty hits.
I'm trying to make the ahl squad this year so I can get familiar with shitposting against grown men.
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how do you post ascci art to this site
So DeAngelo is officially heading to the KHL
Asmongold said hockey is the worst sport of the main 4 and was happy soccer is replacing it.
mcdavid owns that shirt
you think you know a guy. what a retard
asmongold is only a small step up from vtubers so i don't care
good, one less chud here and he's going to where they're free to be nazis
I like both
I love chuds and I love nazis
This checks outs TDA would sign with a Russian Team. Now he can get his propaganda straight from the source.
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lots of chucky
Guess he should have learned to play defence
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How do you react in this situation without seeming mad?
He betrayed the flames
Once a Flame Always a Flame
SNES will finish ahead of >laffs, since you asked.
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>here's what literally who thinks about x
God, I don't fucking care. Do you need to have a T imbalance to care what strangers think about things?
Accept that it was a clean hit
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soilyboys will never admit he won the cup for us
Kamala likes that DeAngelo is gone and hopefully you chuds learn a lesson here.
peak cuck behaviour
100 days until New Year’s Day
It’s funny how people are finally waking up and realizing how truly pathetic the flames organization and fans are. We’ve been telling y’all this for decades and now you finally realize it.
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It’s funny how people are finally waking up and realizing how truly pathetic the soilers organization and fans are. We’ve been telling y’all this for decades and now you finally realize it.
>cup or bust part 2 is just chucky reacting to cup or bust part 1
I'm ready
It’s funny how people are finally waking up and realizing how truly pathetic the leafs organization and fans are. We’ve been telling y’all this for decades and now you finally realize it.
It’s funny how people are finally waking up and realizing how truly pathetic the laffs organization and fans are. We’ve been telling y’all this for decades and now you finally realize it.
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>1 cup
Sabres should bring back the late 90s logo. Its still imo the coolest nhl logo ever
No wonder, you might as well have said you love brown dick
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Thanks for the reminder. There’s still a lot I need to accomplish this year
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>I gave him my camp book and we’re gonna check in next week and see if we can get him out here a couple more times and have him be part of it. I don’t want him to just come out here I want him to be part of it. I think it’ll be therapeutic for him to be around us and run some drills..he’s done it before he’s a coach, and it was great to have him here and we’ll see where it goes

They could never make me hate you Torts
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Pulju bros...
They should hire guy as a assistant coach
Thrashers spotted :)
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torts has always been based
What is this list biggest draft busts?
Why the flyers and not the poo jackets
Why does gary not acknowledge his biggest jersey merchant?
Torts had never met any of them but went to their funeral and I guess it was weighing on him because he sought out Johnny’s dad and called and invited him.

In short I think he’s genuinely a caring person that wanted to something for their dad beyond just offering condolences.
Torts raises pit bulls savage baby killing machines. I’ll never respect him for that
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puck tonight
cope cute little pitties never hurt anyone. look they're smiling
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good alberta boy cale makar is too elite
A lot of exposed raped bitches after last night
I might watch a bit of the Utah game
he was seething big time last night, claiming not to be butthurt while bitching about stephen. many such cases!
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adorable bulju smirk
I feel like he would’ve fit in really well with the Whitest Kids U Know cast that’s what I think every time I see him
We’re all gonna watch my stars play tonight right?
he did the thing as he scar'd P^:
i saw him in Malcolm in the Middle getting pissed at Francis
bowen byram
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cope you lost we won
yea im sure it's the main feature on planet gay retard
no regrettably i will be busy watching my avsies
Flames aren’t the panthers you utter cretin.
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yes, few eurobucks on stars win too
You could’ve just said yes
no i'll prolly watch the yeti kongs game
You will watch the battle of gayberta.
>betting on preseason
what a retard
Nice I’m hoping that new baby Finn Hemming pots a goal he came close last game
First thing he said after we won was >>144633573 And then he immediately flew to Calgary for Stampede
If anything I think preseason is a safer bet than regular season
literally 3.99€. I know its much for an amerimutt, thats like your one day budget pretty much in your minimum wage shithole
oh so then you're also retarded got it
>it's just 3.99 bro
>it's just a day's pay bro
>it's just a paycheck bro
>it's just my entire life savings bro
Try saying that again without sounding mad
>In Finland, the average household net adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 33 471 a year
Finland is the happiest country in the world
money =/= happiness
but enough about you
Yeah because all the unhappy people keep killing themselves
Utah what?
Its because they have saunas. Saunas cure every bad emotion.
I can afford to live and eat comfortably with that. Can you say the same?
depends where you're at

>In the United States, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 51 147 a year
Where is the utah mormons pride jersey?
I don’t know whose more stupid senaturds fans or flames fans. They’re both absolute cretins.
I didnt ask your per capita stuff. I asked can you live with that comfortably right now?
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i bet i can live more comfortably with $50k than you can with $30k
>literally named bitchsel
>Not answering
>After that deflecting
You have a bright future in politics my friend. I asked you an easy question and you cant answer it. Its like your senate hearings, nobody can answer simple questions, they just deflect
It’s pronounced bixel
it's pronounced shut the fuck up dylan you faggot
>Copey sees a tall white man
>he seethes and lashes out
Every time :^)
Haha wow more thread personalities just in time for the new season!
That’s Daddy Dylan to you, little guy.
Hi chambers
this conversation started when you suggested four euros was a lot of money to the average american. it is not, it is less money to the average american than to the average finn.
i don't deflect. you deflect.
Kill yourself
>scorrless draw in Montreal
>just over a minute apart
KWAB samefag retard
april 17 2022
Maybe stop being such faggy little hall monitors and let the man spend his money how he pleases. Imagine being that much of a micromanager busybody ass you’re crying on the internet about the way a stranger spent a couple bucks.
when i'm in charge, i'll have every sports gambler raped on ice
no u
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But enough about you
Mormon Great Values
>when i'm in charge
Oh special education classes hold elections now?
unironically can't imagine
i can't imagine asking
Can’t wait to watch the oilers beat the kings in the first round for the 1000th year in a row again.
Magnum - Vigilante is an incredibly strong album.
you can't imagine seeing your country (let alone team) win a cup in your lifetime
this but USA winning against Canada
It’s a miracle on ice because the USA winning one gold medal in hockey is a miracle lol
b u d 1
>the canadians are seething again
i always thought this was folklore
did this really happen?
Yes they made an entire movie on it
having a player named McDonald on the ice is triggering for me
but is it a fictional movie or based on a true story?
how do i find it
boreball or apecollision?
i tried the saucy nugs at wendy's today. they were horrible like all WEndy's offerings nowadays
what channel is the flys and frogs?
Mindful meditation
what is it called?
That face is so kawaiiiii god I wish I was an anime girl…
vipbox but only in gay french
I was worried that might be the case.
new zelda comes out thursday
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>new zelda comes out thursday
found it, thank you
>based on a true story from 1980
I've been meaning to try the pumpkin frosty
I look like this and I’m excited for the new Zelda I’ve been playing space marine 2 in the meantime.
>space marine 2
based i've been thinking about picking that up
2d zelda peaked with a link to the past
3d zelda peaked with ocarina of time
both these games can be emulated for free today
that's nice I haven't bought a video game since 2018
Nope since the nhl network isn't broadcasting it
Don't gamble, pekka
ESPN+ and Victory+ are
Where's Mitchov?
Not really. I live with my parents and might never own a house
fraud name
I have access to neither
Victory+ is free
on hockey dot tv is a good resource for the unemployed or the cheap, or perhaps both
wait, even in the US?
stay upset retard it should be call "Loser+"
My islanders would be right at home there
how many ads would we have to put before you stop watching
You're paying 80 bucks a year to watch your shit team miss playoffs :^)
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well then, Quebec is now tied with the rest of Canada on Cool Boy Points
>sorry, Berta...
cup champs retard dream big kwab
Thank you
>cup champs
>french refereeing
>cup champs
*pretends it's 1983*
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based broship chad
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you know it
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Islanders announce Bucket Hat Bud Night in appreciation of Islanders mega-fan Stephen
Significantly more. Eventually I'll just start following collegepuck instead
excellent posts. rip johnny hockey, it should have been blinky
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that's what I'm talking about
the irony of fucking retard making fun of a broship in the very same image where he has formed a broship
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Logan O'Connor signed a 6 year, 2.5M contract

This general is more focused on its shitty thread personalities instead.
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imagine a car hitting a mobility scooter at 100mph
>thread critics
I'm not a fan
i swear I could post a ton of clips but this ONE clip was so good

seriously every PoV was solid to their extent. I hope there's another GTA server. We really could use another batch of insane moments, especially with more members entering if possible.
but when will they collaborate with hololive like the dodgers?
I follow a D3 team it’s pretty entertaining hockey
During black history month the ad for milk should be for chocolate milk
based are you an alumni of the school?
>During black history month
>black history month
Turd world problems
damn i figured he was gone, probably could have gotten 3.5 in free agency
nice lookin feller
living in finland must be cozy
Yes. The hockey team wasn’t great back then but I started following them two years ago and they won the championship for the first time ever and then repeated last year.
will i be reimbursed for my burrito not being delivered?
cozy is just code word for boring desu
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Hockey is back which means /Hersch/ is back.
kys (keep yourself safe)
and yet you are still raped
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Hey everyone...
it's Brett Hornby here...
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raw toknight
>all the seasoned veterans are showing up during pre-season
We are lazor-focused this year, lads
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i read that as Buckethead night and got excited for a team I hate
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What's even the point of hating the islanders
coworker went and got us burritos it reminded me of trb and the incident


Endless crime and fun between holosantos police, millimon gang, the mechanics, the cabaret club, and the damn bakery being the true MVP

I am so glad that MiComet organized this event!
that was kind of him
collision was cancelled tranny
a certain rape victim who plagues /hoc/ hates them because he sees the logo anytime he closes his eyes
just like my slopdown
yea he's nice
strange thing to say since it's going to three hours
they shit talk all their best players until they leave town. I was also around in the 80's and grew up across the water. Go Whale.
Wrestling features exaggerated depictions of hyper-masculinity: muscular, often oiled, and scantily clad men grappling with one another in highly choreographed sequences. The suggestion is that this display could appeal to latent or unconscious homosexual desires, which might be repressed due societal pressures.
Go to the wrestling board then
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>he's out
no. where did you take noel today bud?
wrestling often blurs the line between violence and intimacy. The physicality of grappling, pinning, and even the way wrestlers embrace after matches can resemble acts of intimacy, albeit in an aggressive context. The theatrical storylines also occasionally feature homoerotic undertones, with rivalries based on personal tension, emotional investment, and power struggles, all adding layers to the psychology of why homosexual fans might be drawn to these dynamics.
>the ancient ruins of Philadelphia
very persuasive
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There's nothing wrong with that
There wasn’t a single post about the Buffalo/Blue Jackets game

There’s more posts for offtopic garbage (wrestlefaggotry) instead
great costumed gymnastics, poor acting
that's my sole criticism
>wouldn't mind if you stopped talking about it in /hoc/, though, sort of rude and off the current topic
Make the regular season 100 games, and change the playoff format to single game knockout and the finals is a best of 3.
We both know why you saved that gif. Case rested.
sounds like gary should get a clue
glastonbury checking in
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how about just the first round?
>Gary makes a ton of money in ad bucks and that's why he'll never go for this
Reduce the league to 20 teams
Have a midseason tournament in December/January
End the season by Memorial Day
No it should tell the wrestlefaggots and TBG to fuck off
good night

I hope it's better in the morning
i remember way more french than I thought from high school. how hard would it be to immigrate to Quebec as a licensed electrician
ya worked and boilin' bud KWAB

also it's E-God
tbg more like trb lmao
the bottom of your heart is caked in grease kwab
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holy fuck what a good post
and you were raped by a fat dago who carried around dolls kwarb
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why do you guys get triggered by rasslin, it's the preseason
Who gives a shit what you call yourself, it’s wrestlefaggot and you have a board for your bullshit.
God of the North American Association for little people maybe
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Endless crime and fun between holosantos police, millimon gang, the mechanics, the cabaret club, and the damn backery being the true MVP just like my new york islanders hockey team
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stars sisters... the source of his game 7 powers has been removed...
>every post i make has to be about the stars
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always open in front of the net, can never bury it
Get used to it, uggos. Stars run this board now.
There is literally nothing wrong with talking about the Stars
maybe on planet retard
what kind of moron bitches about hockey-related content on /hoc/? douche bag
Dallas are known frauds. Zero interest in discussing them.
What does /hoc/ even stand for
very very based and true post
You must also have zero interest in discussing any Canadian teams
You’re discussing them now. What you still fail to understand is every post you make about my team is still a post about my team. Nobody is talking about your shortbus franchise including you. You do my bidding. You work for me and you do it for free.
I like discussing the Habs because they are on the up and up and have an interesting roster.
you're a hill billy retard desu
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Could the next thread be flames themed?
I'm sure this type of gimmick goes over well in /nfl/ in relation to the cowboys but it's just not going to cut it here.
that shit is offensive
A team full of manlets is only interesting to midgets like Copey
the Brooklyn Bridge?
chat gpt has pretty good advice on what to do if you cant stop farting
Could the next thread be a "Could the next thread be flames themed?" themed?
good idea
well don't leave us hanging Gord
Cry little fags that’s all you can do. My Stars play in 10 minutes:)

You could not respond but let’s face it you can’t help yourselves because I own both of you and you hate it. Squeal a little louder for me in your next seetheposts please.
Yes I'm working on it now. It should be done just in time for the next thread. I'm also witholding an epic post for the next thread that will change /hoc/ forever
okay ill just go back to ignoring all stars related posts
Dallsharts Sharts
Stars mentioned :)
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could you use this image
(unless you already had something in mind)
samir is ignoring all stars related posts so he won't mind me making fun of his odor again
You may want to get that speech impediment checked out.
>be stars
>be dogshit and choke in the ploffs constantly
thanks. I'm perfecting my gimmick as well
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>the very pulse of the ice hockey world
I don't even think you are a stars fan, I think you're the fucking retard that admitted he spams shit tier memes for multiple teams in a desperate attempt to keep the thread active.
Stars mentioned again! Soon every post will be about the Stars because your retard franchise is irrelevant
It's always weird when one of those guys gets banned and you see that all of his deleted posts are for a bunch of random teams.
have another seizure and die
dang that's a good edit. i love my flames so much
Are you implying a stars fan wouldnt treat you this way?
>if you lose you win
tell us more about irrelevancy
Dallas Tards would be a cool rebrand
Our window is propped open yours is shut. There’s no need to talk about your team they won’t even be in the playoffs this year
I don't see any stars fan I see one larper and one try hard /nfl/ retard trying to stir shit up with faggot posts like >>144637547 and >>144637403
stop being a stuck up cunt, Karen
>choke every opportunity during said "window"
tell us more about irrelevancy
>Dallas mentioned
Good boy
not hard at all probably
Somebody thinks he's in charge and that's adorable
Only if Minnesota are the North Tards
stop being raped by bud
It would be fitting that's for sure.

Try saying that again without sounding mad
>It would be fitting that's for sure.
>he said, crying
Also notice how we’re all still talking about the stars and not about your shit team. Get used to it
Somebodies boring
but enough about you
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dallas STA-
>still seething about the stars
See what I mean? You can’t help it you’re actually such impotent little retards you’ll turn it into a stars thread for me :) do my bidding, uggos
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>the Dallas Toros
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>Utah broadcast kept Matt McConnell
>but not Tyson NAsh
50% sovl
How can tards fans possibly live this down? (Hint: they can't)
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>the idaho raped bitch
The white trash kid was fine. The Vegas sissy who got punched by a stars fan needed facial reconstruction
just a tip: we don't sign our posts here bud
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>Johnny's father on the Habs broadcast
Gary is enjoying his final vacation in the cayman islands before the season starts. One of the interns will handle it
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relax fren
I accept your concession
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what's he saying?
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Buckle up for another season that ends in heartbreak dallas bros
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so wait,
if any of these goes to OT, is it then referred to as Intern Time
>or the dreading Intern Out =/
>Dallas mentioned again
Stars run this board
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it was about the Flyer's practice, same mention as before
not funny + bud1
>the most dangerous lead in Montreal
'fraid not
Torts is going to heaven for being so kind to johnny's dad
Sometimes the answers you fear are there on the face in the mirror
>et la but

it was his only shot at redemption and I'm glad it worked out for him
>samefag checked
Fraid not
my Dallas stream has no commentary
>I want this, Gary, how much??
Getting raped in the chilly sun
I fought the bud and the bud won
I fought the bud and the bud won
The Avs doesn’t either.
hockey in utah
>Utah crowd standing and cheering getting to see their team for the first time
>hang on, Mr. PA announcer guy here, it's time to bring down the mood
>this year's Humboldt Broncos died on a bike ride or something so let's all be sad for a bit
holy fuck this cannot go on
I can't take it
finally, hockey
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They still have deserts
>this year's Humboldt Broncos died
not again ;__;
why does sgi let brown immigrants drive
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all me
Can't get over those PWHL jerseys
flyers were watching phillies clinch, nothing wrong with that, best sporting city in the universe.
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go HC
Copey was the proxy fag all along
coyotes announcer said coyotes
Can the next thread be metropolitan division themed
they'll have real jerseys when they announce their name
fucken dumb bitch newfag
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let him
The Laurentian Elites bring them in to work the slave caste jobs.
Utah HC won the fan ballot thoughever
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found this in the archives
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>believing in the power of vooting
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nah they'll be the utah yeti soon enough
early faggot
SHANT be using the early thread
Canadian scum strikes again
Clubbies would be a good name
Who's got the real thread
>most dangerous draw at the Saddledome
so how packed in the Delta Center?? lower seats look pretty full
looks packed desu. my aunt and uncle have season tickets to the jazz, hopefully they get them for them too so i can take advantage of that opportunity. they always ask if i want jazz tickets and i do not
what porn is she from?
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lol edmonton wishes
jesus christ that place looks so bleak
its age is what makes it cool. Has a lot of history. Olympics, 2 Stanley cups. Cement is polished from all the people who have walked through over the years.
You are aware that their provincial rival won 5 cups right?
Please. Call, let them know, and post the call.
>Legit the definition of being mid frfr no cap

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