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shitty two night MNF edition
Who should I start tonight BTJ or Mclaurin?
BTJ. Say whatever you want about the Jags at least they'll occasionally throw down the field. The WFT has an ADOT of like 1 yard and all they do is pray their QB can run around for a 1st.
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Odds of Etienne having a monster game tonight?
Low because he fucking sucks.
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digits and kincAIDS has a good night
if kirk has another stinker tonight i'm dropping his ass
Should've dropped him after week 1, dingus. He's trash.

My fantasy team is going fantastic
>Specialist in Germany
He might not come back to the NFL period. Lmao.
18 point lead and my opponent still has Dalton Kincaid and jamar chase. I'm so fucked
Very low. Bills are going to destroy the jags tonight
James Cook is elite as fuck he's going to finish top 5 this season for RBs
>Had a 31 point lead coming into tonight going against Cook and Shakir
>They both already have two catches and Cook got a touchdown
>Joe Brady's boring ass offense might actually sink me
It's all so tiresome
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>my face when mfw my opponent played goff instead of prescott and would've beaten me if he played dak
he won't have a monster game but i'd be shocked if he didn't get at least 10 points in PPR.
yikes this jags d/st is booty
it's jaguover
Yep. It's over. I lost. Fuck fantasy football this shit is fucking stupid all you god damn virgin needs go touch grass shut in losers this shit is fake it's imaginary pretend football lol it doesn't even matter
>t. 0-3
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kincaid truthers on suicide watch
The first stage of learning that your team is hot doodoo caca and that you are bad at this game is denial, followed by anger.
then why are you so mad?
Fuck after that score I'm only up by 12 now in.5 ppr with my opponent having the rest of this game left with Kincaid and Shakur
See you next year CMCschizo
The only thing I'm mad about is that I wasted my time on this stupid fake pretend imaginary game. Fucking nerds trying to bring numbers and math into sports I bet you all got bullied in school fucking nerds get a life and do something more productive with your time wasting your life away on this bullshit fake game not me nope not anymore fuck fantasy football I got better things to do
You are a goldmine of cope and seethe. never change.
that's it, that's it, let it all out man. it'll be alright.
don’t call me names because you’re having a hard time processing your feelings
chase just scored
i have burrow chase and kincaid kek
as long as brian robinson jr or etienne get a few catches and/or a td, i should be alright.
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>Giving up 3 weeks into the season
Bitchmade, ISHYGDDT
Thank god I was beginning to think Buffalo forgot Keon Coleman existed
and boom goes the dynamite
Trevor Lawrence is a bust
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>tfw drafted Etienne AND White
It's time to clean house, these clowns ain't gonna cut it.
tlaw is fantasy cancer
everyone on that offense is doomed
I have nothing against Ja'Marr personally but I hope that he breaks every bone in his leg in the next 5 minutes.
Big tuddys
Rachad white will be fine. Etiene won't though
He's a bust
give it up, man.
Not after the news this morning he won't be. It's going to be a 50/50 split backfield now with Bucky.
Who do you like more ros in ppr rachad white or chubba Hubbard?

White is on the better offense but has been shit this season and is losing ground to bucky Irving. Chuba is in the worse team who will be playing from behind constantly this past game was not what the norm will be I'm fully aware of that.
lmao I blew it again. two in a row
kek, you know he says he doesn’t care that much about football right?
Hmm guys am I gonna have to bench Kelce for Goedert this upcoming week I'm about to be 1-2 which isn't a lost cause but I'm struggling with what to do there next week. Surely they force it to Kelce next game but It just might be the Goedert and Saquon show if Brown and Smith are out.
Lawrence is my QB, feel free to laugh at me
This is so big a beatdown that I can't even think "oh boy garbage time 70 pass attempts trying to catch up". It's so hopeless for them they're more likely to just bench everyone to save them (for what, who know)
Start goedart
anon they forced it to kelce for about a drive last night in the third quarter, then mahomes never looked his way again. kelce is done. goedert is the only remaining receiver on the eagles. use that information how ever you want.
Yeah I know they forced it for like 1 drive, but my thinking was they force it more than just that. >>144638323
Also was leaning Goedert but now I'm afraid they will just bracket cover his ass all game because he is the only good pass catcher left on the eagles.
my point about forcing it was it was only the one drive. kelce is not going to be a consistent target anymore unless he bitches about it, then he will get a couple targets the next drive but that's it.
alright alright alright
big money big money no whammies
decent chance brown is back this week.
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My season has been over since week 2
This is my first year using sleeper, are the win percentage predictions always this shit? The more I outscore my opponent, the lower my win percentage is going, it makes no sense
this is not real.
Oh but my friend it is. It sadly is. I'm not a quitter though so I'm still trying but I think my season is over.
God damn and I thought my situation was bad. I have Jordan love, Joe Mixon, keneth walker, and Evan Engram
I have teams that look very similar to this. in my home league I have brown, walker, deebo, njoku, kupp
BRob tuddy was STOLEN because his WEAK and FAULTY LINEMEN couldn't push SHIT outta their OWN BUTTHOLE
jesus christ jacksonville
Told y’all Trevor don’t give a fuck.
Nah he’s just like Carson wentz but on a worse team and worse franchise. The same coach ruined both of them. Paying him when he’s broken is retarded as fuck though
Trevor Laurence is a bust
>sleeper win % coming into monday night was 96%
>i have burrow left, opponent has no one
>burrow scores 11 points
>my win % is now 90%
what fuck
Nice that Higgins is having a decent game, might pull him off IR.
Should I drop Jaylen Warren for Braelon Allen? Or would Rico Dowdle be better? 10 man ppr and I don't have Hall.
there's still time for burrow to throw 3 pick sixes
but there was more time two hours ago
sleeper knows stuff we couldn't even comprehend man
Drop him for either. Both would be better than Jaylen eaten
I lost by 1 point tonight because they benched Josh Allen since they had a lead. That final pat from Tyler Bass lost me the game. My opponent has bass.
>sleeper platform
>up 15 and my opponent and I have no one left playing
>win percentage still steadily dropping every 15 minutes, currently sitting at 59%
>he doesn’t know
please enlighten me, my leaguemates convinced us to switch platforms and sleeper fucking sucks, burns through my battery, slow and buggy as shit, stats don't work most of the time, good luck sorting by weekly leaders, etc

What a joke
if you have battery issues, that's on you. what a strange reason to dislike something. fyi. I bet you wear a turtle collar and browse multiple apps like deal dash, grub hub, etc. get fucked

its not buggy, it's easier to use, go fuck yourself.

sorry you've been given the capabilities to sort a chart versus being given a chart. hey guy, go ahead and read... *looks at notes* uh... CBS fantasy news? and import those rankings.

the fuck are you doing on 4chan, faggot?
chill out go jerk off or smoke weed or whatever you
oh I've just been drinking
i have been, in a word, beheem'd.
that last Zach Moss TD was all I needed bb bless up
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Un-de-fea-ted! "clap clap clapclapclap*
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Who here /0-3/? The rally for the playoffs will be glorious.
i admire your optimism.
what's your lineup?
tfw I won a statistically projected losing game because shaheed scored zero points lol
>98% to lose
>jayden daniels happens
im honestly 100% im making it to play offs after starting 3-0
my team is clicking and I've gone against the 3 highest scorers every week
>98% chance to lose
>Josh Allen wins it for me
>in two quarters
the fantasy gods heard this and they will surely destroy your team with injuries now

There's no such thing as 100%, I went 4-0 last year and swooped Puka and Achane off waivers but then got obliterated by injuries and didn't make the playoffs
meant to say 0-3

the Fantasy gods will make sure I get there bro
>only 3-0 team in the league
Feels good man
> first bye week fast approaching
just realized that i have 3 starters with a week 6 bye. fuck me.

It's been rough, but luckily I have Monty on the bench I can sub in for White. First week was a narrow loss, second I played the Kamara and Achane owner, this week my team just fell apart entirely. Still ain't giving up, though.

He's the best pass-catching back in the league, he just can't run between the tackles

Nfl will adapt to Dalton
Real deep league - better to pick up Roschon Johnson (w Swift looking bad) or Cordarrelle Patterson (w Najee and Warren looking hurt)
In one league I have St. Brown, Gibbs, Monty, LaPorta and Goof. Week 5 is basically a free W for my opponent.
What DEF we streaming this week?
whatever team plays Tennessee as long as will levis is qb
for me
1-2 is the worst feel
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I can live with this
how does Chris Godwin for Zach Moss + Zay Flowers sound? half ppr
What QB do I look to stream this week?
idk i was thinking about texans against jags or titans against dolphins. would like vikings against packers but i don’t imagine we’ll know about love soon enough
Darnold, Dalton, Geno or Fields
I think geno is gonna get destroyed this week
He’s only gone against cupcake teams, the lions gonna eat him alive
That's a fair point (although I could argue the Pats and Broncos have underrated defenses). Still, he's someone who's been a good fantasy qb in the past and has one of the better receiving groups in the league so as a streaming option he's a decent pick
the fuck am i gonna do with this tard mcconkey he is just going to rot on my bench and not get any receptions anyway who the fuck names their kid ladd
My team 10 team half PPR:






Bench: Jameson Williams, CMC, Irving, TY Chandler, Ferguson

The trade:
I give: Jamar, Bucky, Ferguson
I receive: Breece, Diggs, Braylon Allen, X Worthy

I am 3-0. I figure if I get into the playoffs with CMC Breece and Jame cook in the lineup, that’ll be scary. I can try to upgrade Dobbins + Jameson for a better receiver
Should i sell high on jennings? Or is he worth more than a middle of the pack wr?
KW3 and charb bros. What are we doing when KW3 comes back? It’s going to be some shitty 60-40 split
KW3 is so much better than him it’ll probably be back to 80/20 but guess we’ll have to wait and see
Depends on what you can get. He's a WR3/4 until Kittle/Deebo come back.
Depends on your needs, desu he might be locked in as WR2 for the 49ers for a long time
I have him in 2 leagues and i need a consistent 10-15 point flex player in either. Odds someone would trade tyreek for him?
Low. Even if you think you're properly valuing Tyreek, the guy that drafted him top 5 isn't. He's still looking at it with the eyes of "This is Tyreek Hill, WR1, I just need to gut it out until Tua comes back or they bring in Tannehill".
rank jennings, mooney and johnston
No need, you already did.
Fair. I wouldn't trade my number 1 pick if he busted easily
Carson steele and aiyuk for tyreek? Is that good enough
Kincaid doubters where are you? Willing to accept your apologies. Just never doubt again.
Who’s top priority on Waivers? I have a free slot.
>mcbride ded
>devonta ded
it's gonna be a rough week
For WR I have
>Jennings > QJ > Mooney > Iosivas
>Irving > Wilson > Patterson > Johnson
Forgot to add, Allen would be my top RB pickup if he's still available
half PPR:
rachaad white
jonathan taylor

what do you think? i'm hurting bad at RB, my RB1 and RB2 are james conner and rachaad
Personally I’m leaning towards Bucky. Just because Jauan won’t see as many targets once Deebo comes back. Bucky is better long term for a flex
First season & 0-3 so far, switched bucs for Vikings today but completely lost otherwise. Any thoughts bros
Agree long term. Jennings would be the top priority if you need a wr to start in the next couple weeks
Your starting lineup looks fine, better than an 0-3 team unless it's like an 8 team league
you just gotta bee urself
is it worth it to keep isaiah likely? I want to drop him for ertz
WR: Deebo, London, Cooper, Pickens, BTJ
Should I swap BTJ for Jennings? I also have a free spot, but I might use that for a RB.
i'd keep BTJ because he's a locked-in starter on his team, jauan jennings had a great game but it was also in the absence of deebo and kittle, and as mediocre as aiyuk has been, the 9ers didn't just pay him $120m to ride the bench
Week 4 Waivers with Flex Rankings + FAAB Recommendation

1. Jauan Jennings
2. DeMario Douglas
3. Darnell Mooney
4. Jalen Nailor
5. Andrei Iosivas

1. Bucky Irving
2. Braelon Allen
3. Emanuel Wilson
4. Kareem Hunt

1. Cole Kmet
2. Zach Ertz
3. Mike Gesicki

1. Justin Fields
2. Sam Darnold
3. Andy Dalton

1. Jauan Jennings (25%)
2. Bucky Irving (30%)
3. Braelon Allen (30%)
4. DeMario Douglas (20%)

IDP (with snaps)
Derick Hall (40 snaps)
Tyquan Lewis (65 snaps)
Kyle Van Noy DL/LB Eligible (40 snaps)

Christian Rozeboom (55 snaps)
Racknon McMillan (53 snaps) – Bentley might be out the entire season so I’d expect this level of production to keep up)
Tyrice Knight (35 snaps) – Rookie, monitor Jerome Baker’s hamstring injury

Jamel Dean (68 snaps)
Jason Pinnock (67 snaps)
Damar Hamlin (71 snaps)
Need help with who to flex, 10 man ppr.

Dionate Johnson
Tee Higgins
Jayden Reed
Bucky Irving
thank you for posting this every week
Michael Wilson is also worth an add, not a lot of defensive attention while he quietly compiles and has a decent rapport with Murray
Game with Bills could be a shootout, he could ball out
deontae johnson is available in my league, someone dropped him after week 2. worth a faab dump now that he has Dalton throwing to him? 75%?
Am I over reacting for trying to get rid of rachad white? Here's some guys I'm dropping him for

>chuba Hubbard
>Bucky Irving
>braelon Allen
>Rico Dowdle

Are any of these not worth dropping rachad white for?
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Who should i start this week? Kmet or Goedert? subbing for LaPorta possibly being out.
Stream D
Lions vs Seahawks or dolphins vs titans?
Big time Bucky
What about the rest? Worth dropping rachad white for?
You could try trading him maybe get a mid wr you think might get better

Dowdle is interesting to me
the guy who said to pick up the packers dst last week thinks the bears dst is the pick this week. i'm gonna put in for it. too bad i have kyren
Thanks for posting this each week, it really helps a lot. I'm putting Mooney over Douglas but other than I agree with everything else. Cheers.
I've had great luck streaming vs Will Levis.
Bears are a good pickup, Houston is who I'm going with this week though.
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Some fantasy players have all the luck. I was born with low PF and high PA. Every morning my RB1 breaks his legs, and every afternoon my TE breaks his arms. At night I lie awake in agony until my failed waiver notices put me to sleep.
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how would you order this
ok, talk me into the texans. that's who i had originally put in the waiver for.
Jennings first
thanks lads
id i dont get jennings in the waiver my season is over
I'm 2nd in waivers
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You're welcome.
I need a Flex WR who should I grab?
Jakobi Meyers, Allen Lazard, DeMario Douglas, Tutu Atwell or Darnell Mooney?
12 man Full PPR.

Drop Brandin Cooks or Trey Benson for Allen Lazard and/or DeMario Douglas or nah?
>He didn't pick up Jennings before last Sunday
Neither did I in 2 leagues but I got him in the one league where I need all the help I can get.
Lizard has the best QB chemistry and long term outlook although Mooney has been putting up numbers.
Missed the pickup of Roschon Johnson by $1 - settled for Cordarrelle Patterson - also picked up Lazard and DeMario Douglas.

Now need to decide if I should flex Javonte, Lazard or DeMario.
3 teams allow pressure more frequently than the Jags, the Broncos, Patriots, and Titans. Broncos play Jets, a team that's probably already taken. Patriots play 9ers, another DST that's probably long gone. That leaves us with Miami and Houston. Miami's defense would tickle me a lot more if they had a real QB, but they don't, so I feel like this is going to be a weird one. I just trust the Texans DST more against a swiss cheese Jags OL.
>6th on waiver priority
>decide to just wait until midnight for bucky
>9th priority gets him
This is so retarded. What other RB should I get? Wilson? Kareem?
Do I bench Garrett Wilson? Another bad match up for him.
Got Braelon Allen and Bucky off waivers. Did I win?
Who else do you have?
What does your opponent’s team look like?
Guys I need help. How the fuck do I even fix this? 6 of the 7 other teams always outscore me
Should I flip Josh Allen?
ppr, they got Chase and Godwin. I have Jayden Reed and Tee Higgins on the bench.
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Sorry but
>2 qb league
Should I drop likely for iosivas? I need a wr and I have Mark Andrews and goedert as TEs. Likely hasn’t done shit since game 1 but I still think he has more upside than likely this season.

Somebody also offered me to trade Zack Moss for McLauren, or trade him Zack moss and Andrews for LaPorta
You should be castrated for rostering 3 TEs.
I got scared when I saw Andrews’ first game and picked up likely off waivers hoping to trade Andrews. Nobody took him. I’m 3-0 anyway. I just need to drop one of these niggas.
It sucks. Makes trades annoying too
Yeah. I honestly don't know what you should do. Maybe not give Allen away though.
>Rachaad white
WTF anon
am I overspending trying to get Chris Godwin by offering Zay flowers and Brian Robinson jr? godwin owner needs an RB and my others are kyren, Mixon, Moss, and braelon Allen. 0.5ppr
You could go with Reed if you wanted to. I think I'd still start Wilson even though it makes me very nervous that surtain will likely cover him all game.
These are my starters....
And this is my bench
Someone in my league wants to trade Aiyuk

Should I trade for him?
Who should I offer?
Is Olave and Keon Coleman for cook terrible? I have Hall and Singletary for rb. Need help at wr I’ve got Aiyuk, Kenan Allen, Lazard, broken aj brown and Tyler Johnson.
Drop Aiyuk for Jennings.
As the rachaad white owner, I should have been more agressive with my faab trying to get bucky. Tactical error.
Is mandrews a sit until proven type deal? Did spend 13% on Cole Khmet as a backup (or starter dunno) even though I hate him.
Pollard or moss this week boys? Is moss getting lucky or breaking out?
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>Be in 12-man league
>One guy is NEVER in the chat, NEVER in the active user list, sometimes even forgets to take out injured players/set his lineup
>Put in a bid on Jennings being the second waiver wire pick
>He snipes him because he had first
Lol yeah same thing happened to me this week for bucky
>whiff on a waiver request
>go to the back of the line for my next one
i assume you're the person giving cook, in which case, don't do that
what platform is that? i've only ever played in leagues where you go to the bottom of the order if your waiver actually goes through
espn. we’re not a faab league if that makes a difference. i did have other requests fulfilled, those are what got pushed to the bottom of the stack.
I feel like any running back is a must start against Miami until they get Tua back. They have no time of possession because of shit QB play and just get ran on the entire game while also having a bad run defense.
oh nvm, that’s not what happened. it just reports missed picks for a player right after a request goes through
Goedert bros keep an eye out, we might be feasting again if this trend continues and Smith doesn't get cleared for game time
fugg, what happened to AJ brown? a pulled hammy should not keep you out of play for 3 weeks. i was considering trading for him, but if he's out this week and has a bye next week...
Devonta and AJ are not playing with next week being a bye. Goedert is on the sidelines too, don't get cocky
Someone picked him up
Pulled Hammy hurts you all year if you rush back, they're being overly cautious since they have a bye next week.
JJ missed seven last year because of hamstring issues
devonta will play if he clears protocol (although i kind of doubt that since he got his bell rung hard), that's not really the type of lingering issue coaches stretch through the bye week for. brown is not playing this week, i think that's a given.
the guy that has aiyuk picked up jennings

he's such a fucking retard
I think I'm gonna send him a trade sending garrett wilson for aiyuk
Thoughts on keeping Hunter Henry as TE? My other options are signing Jake Ferguson, Noah Fant or Brenton Strange from FA.
Ferguson is on waivers?? Wtf pick him up now
Mark Andrews will have a severe leg injury and Likely will take over and finish as overall TE #1
Two more weeks
Which QB for this week? PPR

>A A ron vs den
>baker vs phi
i prefer fergy to henry and would consider fant to be about equal. strange is gonna fall off once engram returns
I was surprised about that too. I just wanted to ask in case there was some news I was missing about him.
Baker is the better QB. I don't trust Rodgers enough even against the Broncos.
Pick 2 PPR
>cooper vs LV
>conner vs WSH
>hubbard vs CIN
>irving vs PHI
>robinsion vs DAL
>devonta will play if he clears protocol
He's not playing anon. Grow up
Should I start Diontae Johnson over Jameson Williams in a half PPR league? Leaning Diontae because of Jameson's matchup against the Seahawks defense.
yes. seahawks CBs are nasty
grazie mille, amico
imagine thinking lamar will make any receiver #1
My league has retards who care about TE. Should I try and trade engram since I picked up Ferguson?
This is my first year playing fantasy, are this many injuries normal this early on? Half my team is listed as questionable this week.
Absolutely. See if you can get a ham sandwich.
who should i try to trade garrett wilson for?
Lolwhut. What makes you think that is good when wilson has been over 10 points every game and aiyuk has been under 10?
Questionable is normal
this year is probably a bit worse than average given how many high-profile players have missed multiple games already, but injuries are also very much a part of fantasy
I would. Hes on a solid offense and will build a good relationship with rodgers over time. Too bad guy who has him in my league is a big OSU fan so hes keeping him.
he's unplayable for the next 4 out of 5 games (vikings only)
like literal bust tier, I doubt he'll go over 10 pts in 4 of those games (broncos, bills, steelers, patriots)
should I drop K hunt for roschon?
Why is he unplayable in those games?
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Is it over for Tyreek sisters? Should we sell now or wait until tua comes back?
Hubbard is available in my one league, worth picking up?
Should I start Jake Ferguson tonight? I have Kittle rotting in on my bench and that lingering hamstring concerns me. I know TE is a fantasy wasteland this season but I don’t want to be scrambling on Sunday if Kittle is out.
Can questionable usually be disregarded? Obviously the injury in question would matter, but how often does questionable lead to the players sitting out?
Feels like I won't even have a team to play this week
Nigga, it's Wednesday.
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If you can, go for it.
how do you fellas feel about trading JJ for DK+james cook? or olave+cook? not sure if he'd go for it, but i have 0 depth, i need a 2-for-1 trade
they all have elite CB1s that will match up on Wilson and shut him down, rodgers isn't focused on getting him the ball he'll spread it out or check down
It's so fucking frustrating when you're trying to make trades in your league and retards don't take 2 seconds to check their fucking phone.
Someone offered me Bijan for MHJ and Najee. Do I take it? I would be trading away my only sure and healthy WR in my lineup. PPR 10 team
RB struggle spot
Gibson @49ers
Cordarelle @Colts
Badie @Jets
Hill @Bills
Thoughts? Most of them are still FAs
0-ppr trade straight up, I give Tyreek to get JJ Brown. They need a receiver and I can afford to wait for AJ to get healthy. is this retarded?
AJ Brown my bad
its a pretty even trade
i wouldn't take it personally
If you could afford to wait why not hold out for a possible Tua return?
call me crazy but I don't expect him to return, and/or I don't expect him to stay healthy the rest of the year if he does return. I don't have faith in tua
>No David Montgomery
i think tua is definitely returning, whether he stays healthy is a valid concern though. on the other hand, lingering hamstring issues can be a bitch for WRs, so i'm not sure about brown ROS in that regard either
Fuck I'm blind. Also think you're underrating him. He's awesome.
people not responding to trades is the worst. this is why i try to make trade offers before the waiver period, if they have waiver pickups or FA adds i know they've seen my trade and it's a no
that's some youtube dweeb's tier list, not mine. i'd rank him a little higher too, i predict a run-heavy game vs. the seahawks and i'm trying to trade for monty right now
he’s consistently overproduced this year. maybe people are overrating gibbs so far
I think by the end of the year they both end up where they were last year: low end RB1. Both are going to be startable unless injured, and if one gets injured the other one is going to go berserk.
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>people not responding to trades is the worst. this is why i try to make trade offers before the waiver period, if they have waiver pickups or FA adds i know they've seen my trade and it's a no

Dude it's the fucking worst. It's been 2 weeks now of sending trade offers to the bottom 3 teams that would benefit both of us and yet they keep picking up goobers off waivers. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt that they aren't seeing the Yahoo trade notification but holy fuck these retards need to open their fucking eyes. I like your idea though so I'll try that next week, thank you.
Mattison, Wilson, or Dowdle?
I’m reluctant on Kareem.
Should I try and trade for Mason or are his days too numbered?
That's a great cat right there
That's a football player not a cat
Is it really actually smart to bench Garrett Wilson this week since he is going up against Patrick Surtain and start someone like Diggs, Deontae Johnson or even Zay Flowers. actually while we are here then pick three two will be my starting receivers and the other flex, Devin Singletary is the bonus option
Akers or Dowdle?
12 man Full PPR.

I was offered Olave and Rico Dowdle for my Rashee Rice.

My WRs and RBs are Godwin, Garrett Wilson, Montgomery, Akers, Brandin Cooks, Ekeler (out), Pacheco (IR), Mixon (out), and Allgeier and Benson.

I clearly lack the depth, but I love having Rice. Accept or nah?
Akers If you are desperate for this week Rico for long term hopium.
No idea honestly. I feel like he'll still have an okay game
I was offered Baker Mayfield and Chase Brown for Joe Burrow and Isiah Pacheco. Is this worthwhile? I think Mayfield will fall off and Pacheco will rebound after his injury.
Torn between Dak or Stroud
he was getting shut down by the patriots CB1 you don't think that the best CB in the NFL will shut him down?
it is not smart to sit your second round pick because you want to get cute and make up scenarios in your brain where you start mid nfl players over a better one.
start your studs*
Nah you're retarded. If you drafted someone like Chris Godwin, Malik Nabers, Rashee Rice, Stefon Diggs etc you are most certainly better off starting them than Garret Wilson this week. Just look at the numbers, Pat Surtain completely shuts down WR1s
wilson isn't a stud because he only gets 3-5 passes for 5-8 yards each. he especially isn't going to do good against a star CB1 that has shit on every WR1 that he's faced
Should I start Jayden Daniels or Hurrs for PPR? I don't trust Hurts anymore, and his main targets are still injured.
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Dak or Darnold?
Drop both, go for Rodgers
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Full PPR
Kind of tempting to pick up rice and dobbins. My other WRs are ARSB MHJ Keon Coleman and BTJ. RBs mason KW3 charb and Bucky Irving.
I can’t go back to Swift. Emanuel and Ty probably not relevant until injuries
>draft wilson
>draft godwin, nabirs, rice
ok? You're smart? Is this the situation anon is in? No. reread the interaction you stupid fuck. I'm speaking specifically to anon, not telling you to start wilson over rice. tf out of here retard
define CB1. as someone who plays in like 40 IDP leagues, I'd love to hear it. because CB1 to me is Sauce. and Wilson plays on the same team.
fyi, most idp formats (all of them) lump in CB with safety, so it's all DB. so who is DB/CB1 and why? Obviously for fantasy purposes given we are in a fucking /ffg/ thread
nta but why don’t you just say where you have surtain ranked and be done with it?
Brown doesnt even deserves a bench spot in deeper leagues no deal
in idp or in real life. in idp he is nearly unrosterable. in real life, he is likely the 2nd or 3rd best defensive back in the game
how many dbs is each team allowed? do people just prefer safeties?
in idp? yes - generally you want tackle volume - strong safeties depending on scheme. so what fantasy ranks a DB is way off of the reality of what makes a good DB in the NFL.
I just want to say that last year when daron bland had that insane run of pick-6's, I picked him up in my league that rosters a single IDP for funsies and the fucker immediately did it again on thanksgiving. felt good man
should say in idp you generally have in a full idp roster: 3 DL, # LB, 3 DB, and 2-3 IDP Flex positions of which, if you aren't starting a middle inside linebacker, you are generally looking to start a safety.
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same here. after week 4 against the pats in Week 5 of last year I made sure people knew to pick him up. was an awesome ride
Pick 2:
is edge dl or lb?
those guys generally have dual eligibility, they can play in DL or LB slots. Danielle Hunter, Harold Landry, Micah Parsons, etc.
I wish someone would come and save Tyreek over there in Miami, I hate starting him with a grimace
12 man Full PPR.

Drop Brandin Cooks for Michael Wilson? Trey McBride might not play today and Wilson could do well. Thanks.
I can say with absolute certainty that trey is not going to play today
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Fuck it, I'll roll the dice on Michael Wilson then. No Trey + the Radskins give up the most points to WR might mean Wilson could be a super sneaky sleeper this week. Cheers.
Huntley will be better than the other two without knowing the system. Its shocking to me how you can have such a terrible QB room with how injury prone Tua is.
I'm trying to sell Kyler since he's my backup after Allen. You think i could swing this? Or should I ask for more?
Didn't realize the Garret Wilson conversation would be this heated I'm the original anon. If it helps I have Gibbs and Kyren Williams as my starting rbs so the receivers I can be more flexible with. .5ppr. it's a 12 man league and one was my keeper if your wondering how I have all three
Jalen Tolbert or Andrei Iosivas? Half PPR
Aaron Jones vs GB or Zack Moss vs Carolina?
Full PPR
>Zack Moss
Is Zach Moss legit or fools gold guys?
Who's the best person I could trade Kyler for? Looking for a receiver unless it's a top rb
I would scout who might need a qb and see what they got
I'm thinking buy low on Kelce
>Broncos player tore his ACL in the first quarter
>Continues playing and finishes the game
>Led his team in tackles that day with 10

Start Rico today?
Do you guys actually think Wilson will do awful against Broncos? Or is it overstated?
I think he's in for a rough game. Surtain is good enough to lock him down and they don't have any other WR's to ease that burden. It's gonna be another slow RB heavy day.
No joke I'm thinking of playing iosiva instead of him
You do you man but that's a bit extreme for me. Iosivas is basically a tight end, you're praying for 12 yards and a TD.
I have chargers defense, which should I swap to eagles, lions, or rams?
Full PPR
Olave @falcons or Shakir @ravens
I’d go lions. Rams is interesting but I think bears are getting better
Pick one for flex:

>Freiermuth @ IND
>Irving vs PHI
>Thomas JR @HOU
or I can pick up
>Wilson vs WAS
BTJ jags gotta turn it around eventually right?
Irving is hurt, and Freiermuth is a TE. It's BTJ by default.
Goedert bros, hold the line
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If McBride doesn't play this week what bum do I pick up? I'm thinking Taysom for the meme right now
where do these matchup rankings come from?
I think it's based on team points allowed to position
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I feel like I need to make a trade for a WR. who should I target. The def is just because they play TEN.

should I drop Waddle for Yoshi on waivers?
there’s someone in your league who will buy low on waddle
Yoshi is touchdown prone and bengals have sucked elsewhere in the redzone.
bad day to be a hurts owner
taysom is the only guy on there capable of having a 25pt game. do the needful anon
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>After seeing a specialist in Germany, San Francisco 49ers running back Christian McCaffrey (Achilles, calf) will likely be sidelined for at least a month and "probably closer to a couple of months." It's obvious terrible news for the 49ers and any fantasy managers that took CMC with the first overall pick in fantasy drafts this year.
dont wanna say it is JOEVER for CMC because looking at Saquon and the tremendous rebound he's having, but really does feel the window is closing on CMC being a RB1
It's absolutely joever. Barkley had an ACL tear and some sprained ankles. Never anything chronic with his achilles.
an ACL tear is much more serious than what CMC is dealing with
No it isn't. Not even close. A torn achilles is a career ender, an ACL you're out for a year and it takes another year after that to get back to 100%. CMC is dealing with chronic achilles inflamation that, if pushed too far, will lead to a tear. Just like what happened with Dre Greenlaw. They're not even 1 year removed from pushing Greenlaw to play through his chronic achilles tendinitis and watching his career end live at the Superbowl.
CMC doesn't have a torn achilles, he has inflammation that will take some amount of rest. that is nothing compared to an ACL tear by the timelines you provided. you are right to say "not even close", though
Saquon isn't even rebounding to be as good as Swift was for the Eagles lmao.
Yeah, unfortunately he's only the overall RB1 right now. It's been a real slog so far. I should have drafted Travis Kelce instead with my second pick.
I'm guessing to bench Dobbins this week for ppr leagues?

Send tank Dell
Get najee Harris

I'm FUCKED at rb. I need someone serviceable. Is this a decent trade?
As the Najee owner I wouldn't take this. RBs are hard to come by and you could get Tank Dell level production every week on the waiver.
its fine if you're absolutely down bad at RB, all it takes for dell to be a low end WR1 is an injury to nico or diggs, don't think najee will ever be better than a low RB2
should I play:
Ertz @ARI
Likely vs BUF
KC has a good run D and Herbert is injured.
anyone who has Cam Akers stashed, might be go time
My rbs are Isiah Pacheco (who i lost for multiple weeks, breece hall, Raheem mosert (might not even play this week. He's coming off an injury. And even if he does play achan has taken over the backfield. Also the dolphins offense fucking sucks until Tua comes back), Kareem hunt (it's a long shot but I'm desperate. Maybe he'll do decent on the chiefs offense. He had 9 tds last season without playing the whole season), Emanuel Wilson (looks like he's taking some work away from Josh jacobs)

My wrs are deebo, tank Dell, Jameson williams, jayden Reed, Keon Coleman, and jauan Jennings

So yeah I could really use a rb. Not that my wr situation is much better though
that is rough, you do have some upside in reed and jennings tho
It's going to be a slopfest. I'm predicting a big game for Dalton Schultz
Yeah that's why I'm focused on getting a rb now. I'm starting breece hall who is solid but currently my rb2 is fucking Raheem mosert who might not even play and if he does he's definitely taking a back seat to achan but also the dolphins offense fucking sucks
Michael Wilson. The Redskins give up the most points to WR and Wilson is the clear WR2 behind MHJ. Even if he isn't WR2, Kyler is gonna be throwing that ball allllll over the field, yes Washington is THAT bad. Trust me.
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gonna flex braelon allen over zack moss ama
You're a fucking idiot
that's not a question
You're a fucking idiot?
Do I flex Diggs or Moss?
Keep an eye on Nico's injury that popped up today. If he's not playing, that means no Nico, no Tank, so Stroud is gonna have to toss it to somebody, who so far this season has shown that he can still ball. And that man is Diggs.

But if Nico is good to go, play Moss.
Good tips, thanks
Do I flex Olave or Shakir
Who the fuck is Zach Moss. Never heard of him now he's in all these people's lineups
He's the starting rb on the Bengals

He used to be on the bills
Did someone get hurt or is he having a breakout year or something? Nobody talked about him for pre draft threads either
guess we'll see who the fucking idiot is on sunday
No injury. Joe Mixon left the Bengals this off-season and left a void which Zack Moss is filling. He stepped in last season on the Colts and was the starter for a few games and did pretty good. He's not the best but he's definitely serviceable and you could do worse
It'll be you I guarantee it
what are you the men's warehouse guy?
>2 more hours
Flex dowdle?! Pickens/Cooper seem to have good matchups on paper, but I’m not sure how reliable they can be yet
Pickens or Cooper
How do I get rid of CMC? I’m just worried that the commissioner is gonna veto shit because he’s an actual Niner fan and knows whats going on.
A lot of people were thinking Chase Brown would break out and take over but so far Moss has looked like the clear starter. Similar situation to Pollard and Spears in Tennessee who were also both going late in drafts
Pickens or Cooper have more upside than Dowdle. Plus it's a Thursday game, and those have a history to burn in the worst way. If Dowdle gets 7 or 8 points you'll feel like shit going into Sunday.
You're gonna have to sell way low at this point, shoulda traded him for Mason straight up weeks ago
Might as well just hold now at this point. He should be back during the fantasy playoffs so if you make it in at least you'll have a huge boost and can go on a run.
Anyone worried about Pacheco? Something in my gut tells me he's not gonna be back this season till the Chiefs are in playoff contention, or maybe not even at all.
Don't flex Dowdle. The Cowboys can't run and have shown no interest in running.
I would be nervous but I don't think there's anything to do but hold unless you can trade for someone startable (not likely)
Fuck these injuries man.
I'm hoping to package Pacheco with someone else to the dude in the last place. Andy Reid said last week he isn't sure when or if Pacheco will be back this season so I'd probably trade him away ASAP. Even if he does comeback, I don't see him being 100% right away.
Had to bench my 2nd round draft pick today. Very sad. Have fun in heaven travis
I'd trade him if you can make it happen, I just don't see you getting good value. Chiefs will likely have a playoff spot locked up and be careful with him even if he does come back
He's going to pop off this week. Bad move. Keep chasing the points noob.
should i flex Braelon Allen? I played Shaheed last week but he shit the bed (PPR)
I am suffering through all these injuries
Don't chase the points, start Shaheed with confidence.
Feelin like an idiot for starting Ford over Rico
Oh god this better play out
i need Brandon Aubrey to kick like 6 50+ yd field goals
Giants suck ass. Stop giving Dak points you dumb fuckers
Probably not but I'm sure he will get three towards the end if they are up big on the Giants
Higgins or Shakir this week? (PPR league)
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Opponent this week. How fucked am I?
JSN and Jennings feel like gambles, but I think they might be huge this week.
Nico Collins, Irving, and Kittle are all injured
I thought Irving isn't even playing this week? Who does he have on the bench to replace him?
I think Kittle is playing, he practiced this week.
Ty Chandler lol. Mostert is injured
>I think Kittle is playing, he practiced this week.
He barely practiced. There's still a chance he will sit out Sunday's game.
Hubbard or Harris?
some faggy kids in my league made this trade:
Jayden Daniels for Caleb Williams and Shakur. Clearly something outside the league was added to trade. Should I step it and nix it or just it slide
Coinflip but with no Warren probably Harris
Who do you like most ros
>chuba Hubbard (Jonathan Brooks is expected to come back soon and may take over the backfield. Plus the panthers offense sucks)
>rachad white (at this point completely lost to Bucky Irving)
>Bucky Irving (might he splitting touches with rachad white)
>Rico dowdle (splitting backfield with Zeke)
>braelon Allen (breece hall is still top of the backfield)
Bucky Irving is injured and the coach came out and said Rachas White is their guy.
Kirk or Chuba in my flex in PPR?
That's just being stubborn. Irving is clearly the better back
Ok then trade him to me. Will give you Carson Steele
Deal. I'd definitely take that. Rachad white has looked like shit this season
Guys should I trade Goedert and Zay Flowers for Laporta and Burrow I'm just streaming quarterbacks right now DESU I have baker and I would still have old man Kelce plus Laporta. For receivers I'm still kind of weak with Garrett Wilson, Diggs and D Johnson
It’s not the most egregious trade. How bad are their teams?
Trade BTJ and and Brian Robinson for dobbins and Christian Kirk? PPR and mostly interested in the dobbins gain
Goedert is about to have another career game
Yeah it's not about that I don't care as much about Te as Goedert will eventually have his teammates back. So I'm sure he will be just a average as all other TEs. I'm strictly doing this if I do it to get a better QB or at least a potential better QB
Friends and compadres! My fellow 4chan forum posters? Is our boy Joe Mixon coming back this week?
No I'd focus on getting a better WR
idk look here >>144680983
Bro, we talking about practice!?
the team getting daniels is stacked but with no qb, the team trading him is injured with lamar and kyler also making williams a drop.. so its just shakur
yes allen
kickers are dominating this season
Ferguson back to back solid games for a TE.
remove the position from fantasy football
he's legit
Offense fucking sucks this season it's so boring they need to do something. 2 high safeties. Drop 8. It's ruining the sport. Ban it.
Why remove kickers? They're a lot easier to predict than other positions and unlike something like Tight End you rarely get a bagel from one.
Oh god no please not Nabers.
Chris Boswell or Brayden Narveson to drop Jake Bates?
Thinking about dropping Seattle.
Pittsburg vs Indiana or Miami vs Titans?
Pittsburg seems more consistent but Miami is against the fucking Titans
I took titans D.
wandale robinson bros: we feasted.
>dak ended under his projected after that huge first half
thank GOD
>K3 was at practice
Charbonette owners, are we starting K3? Flex Charbs?
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check out these projections
bruh Pittsburgh is the best Defense in the league
I’m thinking start. I’ve got mason and Brian Robinson Jr who I’m fading this week I think.
I'm benching Garrett Wilson and Jalen Hurts
How much faith do you put into projected points? Yahoo especially always seems way higher than real life
wilson sucks dick and rodgers can't support a WR1, he just looks to get the ball out before being touched
0 faith but I thought it was neat how the projections were exactly the same.
>nico collins full practice wednesday
>limited thursday
Please tell me that’s a bad sign. I don’t want to play against him this week.
Ppr. Help me decide my flex

George Pickens vs Colts or chuba Hubbard vs Bengals
Trying to trade Hubbard for someone who really lacks in RB for Reed. Is it totally ridiculous?
If they need a RB they may take it. Ask.
His starters are Roschon and Sanders and is dead last, I'll give it a go
Dalton or darnold for QB?

Also who has more upside, Doubs (GB) and Robinson (RAMS) or legette (CAR) and Wilson (ARI)
You mean Shakir?
Its a fair trade honestly could just go Shakir for Daniels but maybe the guy wanted it to seem sweeter.
Looks like he got the Hamstring AIDS going around the league not good for Nico but since Dell is out this week he'll probably suit up

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