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Win Edition
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>Fire your coach with a week left in the season
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so it’s settled then, i think everyone agrees? we’re rooting for the tigers
god i love taryn so much its unreal i want to eat tastykakes off her tummy
It's a cope, they were definitely trying to win.
They have the same issues they had last year that got them eliminated in the NLCS.
Chasing bad pitches, uppercut swinging for the fences instead of shortening their swings and trying to just make contact, bad situational hitting, overall subpar plate discipline. They destroy bad pitchers, but they live and die by the homerun. When they come up against great pitchers in the playoffs, they'll probably hit a wall because they won't change their approach.
They need a new hitting coach.
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Dreaming about that division and world series win. Also Chadres!
I'm old enough to remember metkies numbnuts
do you never leave the house because theres a chance you might get hit by lightning? worry about things when they happen. try enjoying life for fucks sake.
I had never heard of tastykake until this thread
>all that for Kruk being sarcastic
It’s just Megill’s slider cutter combo
Why did Cody Bellinger forget how to play for a few years?
>Taryn, nude, feeding a vodka cutlet wedge with fresh mozzarella, grilled sopressata, salami, and hot honey to me, also nude except for as Mr Met costume head
he got in too deep at the LA tranny asian wishy washies
You are a sick fuck.
More like incels
it is a kino choice for OP image
You win the division but lose the NLCS to the mets
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>He didn't go to Twitchcon to see Shylily in person, then cross the street to Petco Park to watch the Padres win
Does Wawa sell tastykake?
Kruk was joking around, idk the other guy but his smug aura mocks me
are you the same guy that's into pegging?
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you dunk them in these
>caring about vtumors
Really? Is it that regional?
Of course.
I guess if you've never heard tmac before you could see him as smug but he's pretty harmless and not confrontational lol
No, but you and I both know if Taryn asked we would.
jobe up for the tigers
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>Not watching Vtubers when no sports are on
Given their track record, I'm betting hololive is going to do a hololive night for either the Yankees or Mets next year.
As a Mets fan, should I abstain from eating Tastykakes?
they got a japanese player?
They're called the Angels because their season is dead anon
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yes but you may continue shoving them up your ass
Enjoy your team's Hololive Night next season.
You guys aren’t actually watching baseball on side-character day, are you?
i bet she smells amazing
Idk man I’d kill two of /our/ bullpen arms for a Pennsylvania Dutch birch beer rn though.
doesn't need a Japanese player, they just almost exclusively focus on New York and LA for their stuff like concerts. So it's not out of the question they'd jump around between both for MLB collabs too
I find the talk of holoshit kind of a depressing development but I'm not leaving so I'll suffer through it
Anyone that actually watches that shit is genuinely pathetic
lol Harper had no idea he got a hit for a second
It's just something that you're going to have to deal with in the future now that the MLB has seen how successful the original collab is. It absolutely brought them more money than a lot of their previous tie ins so they're going to do more next year and probably do more teams too. Soon every team will have a hololive night, soon every team will have some random vtuber wearing their team's gear and you'll have to watch some MLB player talk vtubers. They'll force them to have vtuber walkout songs too.
I just don’t understand watching streamers in general. Just play video games ya own damn self. What do adult men see in that shit honestly, someone respond and I promise to try and understand without ridiculing you.
It's a zoomer thing I'll never understand. I watch fishing videos sometimes just for tips and tricks and DIY videos for ideas, but I couldn't imagine watching streams of people doing whatever it is they do on those things.
I don't think it will pull the same support if it wasn't just some one off thing, thankfully
If I were granted the opportunity to lash the bare soles of everyone promoting it here with a stout stick, I probably wouldn't mind it that much
I mean, the main reason it did so well was mostly just timing. They intentionally did the collab at the same as AnimeExpo, so a lot more weebs were in the area that would be able to go to the game than normal, which led to an unprecedented amount of interest in the collab stuff. If they did it on a regular day, not during a con, it would not have turned out that way.
cubs had that play
remember early internet days had 24-hour live cams of people in and out of a room? some kinds of people will always be into this type of stuff.
I hope you're right
Charlie Blackmon has announced his retirement
F*UCk that idiot
Brandon Marsh now officially the most homeless looking man in baseball
>Thomson one of seven managers to make postseason 3 years in a row
>doomers still want him fired
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Alright Ms here we go, yal have 0 room for error and we have all our best pitchers in a row. Lucky for you, no Yordan as his leg died last night, but unlucky for you, we had a nice tuneup series vs the Angels last 4 games. Never forget Cal’s “it’s always a good day when the Astros lose right?” comment.
I hope he ends his career guaranteeing the Padres take the division from the Dodgers. End his career fucking over the better NL West teams one more time
your team will never have this much soul
They had a lot of people go that were into the game but most of them stood in line all night, missed the game, and complained on Twitter about. Jamie, pull that up, pull up the tweets.
attaboy tauchman
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Padres Killer legend Blackmon. At least he helped us out two days ago. May he have a good retirement, dude loves to kill my Pads.
he ain't got shit on Roberts as far as a fanbase wanting to get rid of him
>18 hours ago
Beating the phillies on Sunday night baseball really is like winning the world series for Mets fans isn't it? Also none of those people cared about the Mets two months ago.
not impossible but it's a tall task
samefagging from my computer in the other room ;)
attaboy seiya
>imagine the smell
fellas we got a nice thread going lets all take a deep breath
and they missed the game because people who don't watch baseball also went to the game just to grab their vtuber merch and made the lines longer
What's your problem?
Dodgerfags are retarded because he’s just a yes man that does whatever the spread sheet he gets from Friedman tells him to
attaboy belli
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Game on and good luck Ms
>series for the division starts tonight
Lets make it a good one
I like him fine but plenty of people still seem to blame him for things pretty obviously out of his control. A lot of people seem to want someone's head to roll every time the season ends and most of the reasons seem to be from things well in the past imo. I'm fine with whatever the front office decides to do either way.
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After webm rel they are 100% justified IMO. Jomsyboys did a break down and he didn't even argue with the ump about the bad call, or the terrible judgement. He just kept rambling about "protecting his player." Made zero sense, he should have killed Wendelstaadt for being so dumb. Total cuck.

umpball defending FAGGOT fuck you
Cubes get all the ump ball and are still shit
managers never win an argument with the umps. you can always log a protest which won't change anything either. he could have killed Wendlestaadt for the cred, but it would have been a pyrrhic victory at best.
lying piece of garbage, you will be found
stupid gay ass cusbs can't do anything right
Found like the cubes in the post season
Oh wait
attaboy isaac
why is nola still in this?
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attaboy nico
Well yea but that’s the entire point of arguing lol. You never win, you just tell the ump he’s a retard and get tossed. Then you scream at him some more. That’s one of the worst calls of the season and he got tossed for following him around like a puppy lmao.
Seriously he was around 90 pitches going into the inning anyway.
whatever team your a fan of isn't winning the world series BITCH lol
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Just tried a Tastykake, overpriced slop. Another L for fentanyldelphia
Cope cubes faggot
good ab pca
cry about it stupid ass moron lol!!! cry!!!
Get Nola out of there Thomson you fucking retard
Jesus Thomson just let him have an ovation and take him out
Bethancourt Bop!
attaboy nola
Does Philly not clinch unless the Mets lose a game? Mets are 5.0 back with 6 to play so they can’t clinch tonight with the Mets off correct?
I remember Mattingly being called Donny Dumb Dumb but I loved him for the way he'd be in the face of umps screaming with the veins in his neck bulging out.
wtf are y'all doing?
Of the Phillies win, it's a 5.5 game lead and they clinch.
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Has Raysbro forsaken us?
Which one? There’s Bahamas and >lex
I think Bahamas moved though
Well fuck you too. Are you some Dodgers fan?
He got a gf
Am I disabled? Can’t Mets win the division by winning out if Philly loses a game?
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Loses all games* lol, yea I’m retarded if they win it’s theirs
If the Phillies lost out, and the Mets won out, the Mets would win the division by .5 games.
But if the phillies win one and lose the other 5, and the Mets won out, the division would be tied and the Phillies have the tie breaker.
Good luck. The Sox just need to win all of their remaining games and need the Twins, Royals and Mariners to choke hard and they’re in. Easy.
sorry, I'm on my cycle
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i ump like this
faggot ass ump
He said he lost her tho
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I think he was bakespie. We don't even have a proper bakespie....
Phillies I really do gotta question your managers judgement leaving Nola in over 100 pitches to load the bases, then bringing Strahm in for the 7th, with bases loaded and no outs. He pitched yesterday against the Mets too.
he was here a couple months back. had broken up with the "gf" (lol) a couple weeks after he started dating her. got severe burnout working towards his PHD and was questioning his life choices. He's kind of "finding himself" now. didn't seem to be in a poor frame of mind.
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>not finding yourself on /mlb/ every day all spring, summer, and fall
Thomson has a lot of confidence in the starters and genuinely believes they can get out of late inning jams. They all routinely go way over 80 pitches and into the 100s a lot.
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>seven (7) walks
Forgot my stream was behind, they got out of it with only one run scoring so what do I know lol.
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The only acceptable fishing videos are from ndyakangler
Nah you're right lol, phillies fans don't like it either but it stretches the starters out in preparation for the post season theoretically. Just seems unnecessary.
Based, I like his comfy videos. I've been kayaking more and more too so I pick up tips from him.
y woodint u jus use a real duck that look fake af
really hate those faggoty youtube shorts that cut off right before they show you what was on the line. yeah, I'm really gonna check out your channel now you absolute faggot.
Wtf he's striking them out what are you doing?
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getting a better draft position
apologies if this doesn't interest you but I found it breath taking.

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The ground is sinking around Bally's (not the RSN people, the gambling people partnering with John Fisher) in their quest for their Chicago casino. If they have to sacrifice their Vegas plans to make that happen, there's good chance that the A's plans get sunk as well.
which team has more techbro faggot fans? mariners or padres?
I have yet to see a webm of the 400lb Alejandro Kirk running a triple, I think you all made it up
Mariners easily
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kek I hope that faggot gets fucked every single possible way imaginable
shitty games tonight
4 of the last 5 phillies games have been blacked out on mlb.tv. these nigger faggots are getting too bold
that sounds like you a problem, because it's working fine here

(minus the feedback on phillies tv feed)
Starting to think this Cubs are not a sound baseball team.
>bunt kino
Beautiful to see from Rojas
3 more outs niggas
How long until the memeiners inevitably blow this one-run lead?
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Marsh you idiot what the fuck
attaboy bethancourt
marrssssssh wat r u doin
just want to remind them, if they lose today, astros clinch the division
Com’ on cubbies you pieces of shit!
*record scratch* yep, that's me, I bet you're wondering how I got here, let me take you back
cubs are about to tie the ballgame
What does Estavez do? I don't think I've seen him have a clean inning since coming to Philly.
You'll finally get Harper a ring this time, right?

The Philadelphia Phillies are your 2024 NL East Division Champions.

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never mind
OUR Philadelphia Phillies, have won the NL East.
coach primate
>You'll finally get Harper a ring this time, right?
Philly is way to inconsistent offensively to win the WS.
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and there it is
Taryn <3
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Congrats Phils, I still want that Met v Phils NLDS kino
I really wanted the division. Now that they're a division winner they're going to lose in the playoffs :(
Consistency means literally nothing in the postseason. You need to win 11 games, not be consistent.
shut the fuck up already jesus christ you miserable cunt learn to enjoy things
I am enjoying it. THE phightin phils are NL East champions :)
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>Over is Carroll… heeeeeee’s got it!
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Congrats Phillies and Taryn
Thanks Brazil bro, it means a lot.
lmao casty lookin like keanu
>Hoffman has to teach Thomson how to open a bottle
What would that mean for the A's?
>blue gays
they'll stay in Sacramento
Move back to Philly
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he wants his fucking trophy back get hype
>team has been around for 141 years
>just win their division for the 12th time
Let us have it.
RIP better Scott Van Slyke
Surprised it was just 14, felt like he has been the Rockies one consistently good player for 30
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That's since the NL East was a thing (1969). Braves have won it 18 times.
The Braves only entered the East in 94, they were West from 69-93
Well at least it wasn't the Mest.
>Braves 18
>Phillies 12
>Pirates 9
>Mets 6
>Nationals 5
>Cardinals 3
>Cubs 2
>Marlins 0
yeah, people complain about college football alignment, but in the 80s, the Astros and Braves played in the NL West with the Doyers
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>2025 acuna-mini blocks your path
i don't care what any of you say.......i freaking love baseball
was he the superior brother all along?
The 78-84 curse is broken for the Red Sox!
His name is really Birdsong?
so did the reds
>starting pitcher goes 6 flawless innings
>bullpen pitchers can't even go half an inning without fucking it up
Why is this so common? You'd think the whole point of a reliever and closer is they completely redline themselves but they are only pitching one inning so it's fine. instead they are usually trash compared to a starter that has to pace themselves over an hour and a half of pitching.
The idea was that Bally's would tear down their decaying resort and combine with the A's to build a new resort/stadium combo on the property. But their Chicago casino plans come first. If their financial situation is as dire as to be believed considering how they're backing out of other commitments, they'll have to give up basically all their other projects including whatever they were going to replace the Vegas resort with. That would leave the A's out to dry with a stadium and nothing around them but rubble, not exactly the picture they were selling to investors. Or perhaps Ballys would even sell their lease on the property to someone else with other plans entirely and would politely show the A's the door.
Inconsistent offense is literally why they've lost in the last two season, retard.
the retarded dominican came through
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we beat the script yesterday
for what possible reason would a grown, professional woman take a photo like this for? her crotch is exposed and her feet are out. what does this have to do with sports? what the fuck?
>most impactful
>bases empty
>1 ball count
so, inconsequential
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If these south american teenagers can go to the minor leagues right away and start getting pro baseball experience, why do all the american prospects still go to college? You might as well just skip school and go right for the minor leagues if you're actually a good prospect
you should honestly be ashamed posting this about beating the pebbles
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what does this retard do?
every game counts in the quest for the NL west title
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Meanwhile in reality, they had the best offense in 2023's postseason if you're just measuring consistency. But consistency means NOTHING in small sample sizes (aka 5 or 7 game series). You don't know baseball.
ohtani probably got paid more this year than their entire team
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Bryce Harper has a chud family
Ohtani got paid 2 million dollarinos this year out of a deferred 700 milly contract
Some want more experience before they put themselves out there. Like some probably acknowledge that at the end of their high school career they might not be majors material so they want a couple seasons in college to see if they got what it takes. Some also have college prospects ready on the off chance they don't get drafted that first out of high school year. Jackson Merrill was actually planned to be committed to a college team only for the Padres to draft him first round before he actually finalized the commitment.
Shut up homo
I think you know the reason
american 17 or dominican 17 (24)?
WTF I'm a phillies fan now
what the hell is this scripted content in Houston? He had a force out at 3rd and decides to let him take the base? here comes a bases clearing double
lmao ok I take it back, rockies payroll is $160M, more than I thought. Ohtani got $700M over 10 years so ignoring the deferral he only made just under half. Still leave the pebbles alone!
D1 schools are top notch for development. getting a degree in something is also something nice to fall back on and there's a lot more social networking opportunities for different career paths. imagine what sort of future prospects are left to these Latinos that can't make money playing ball professionally.
As much as i would love to see this lead to the Vegas A's deal falling apart Fisher has spent the entire negotiation failing upwards.
phils were fuckin in the offseason
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Do you think the money matters to Ohtani
Considering he gambles it all anyway probably not
Rockies payroll is always higher than you'd expect it to be given how consistently shit they always are.
Someone post the pic where Ohtani looked like a bum on some red carpet shortly after the Ippei fiasco.
ofc not. he's making a ton every year on endorsements alone.
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Ohhhhhh yeah it's Miller time alright
>Rockies payroll: ~$160M
>Rockies record: 60-96
>Pirates payroll: ~$85M
>Pirates record: 73-83
1/4 of that is going to Kris Bryant
How is this possible lmao
also probably have to overpay for pitching to get guys who aren't even top shelf to go there
>memeiners are tight line walking the next 3 nights
one slip and they're eliminated
kris bryant is a helluva drug
Bros, I love bunts so much, you have no idea
moncada, robert, benintendi all have high salaries. they might be counting the hendriks buyout all at once.
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can the memeiners extend their lead
>Astros SP pitches very well
>bullpen blows immediately
Classic 2024 Astros
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giants desu

that’s my franchise 3rd baseman with the inside-the-parker
This team is fraudulent. We will not make it past the ALDS.
Sneks are missing the playoffs aren't they
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I posted this yesterday and I wanted to remind anyone who missed it.
>phils want to clinch at home so give the mets two pitty wins
>mets (((fans))) celebrate like they did something
Pathetic fanbase
I cant stand the Astros but im already expecting them to come out of the AL cause every AL team is a fraud this year. Who do you trust to beat them right now?
best I can do is ALCS exit
> badatbaseballstros
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Nord broo croo exposed Fraudbacks. Padres going to step on snek and secure that NL West. God help us man, tomorrow gonna be a dog fight.
>it was 4-0
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At least we didn’t get shutout
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This Fall.. BOB MELVIN is LE 82-80 MANAGER
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He's so retarded sometimes jfc
>Gints pitcher is named Birdsong
AI is generating these pitchers
This game was always going to be a “when the SPs get knocked out” kind of game
we've had a very cordial genny during the phils games so I assume you are this seething bravesfag lmao
Nah they're dropping to the 6th seed against Brewers then Dodgers, high baseball IQ
Learn to resize your window before taking screencaps
>Mest fans thought they were going to win the division
>Mest fans think they'll get the number 1 WC
What did anon mean by this?
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Scary time
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>3 more outs
>middle of the order
>need 3 runs
>facing Munoz
Yeah I think this one is over with. All good let’s get it tomorrow.
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Lmao imagine seething for three days straight about MY Mets. Pottery.
Nah I just don't like new yorkers or the mets. Atlanta can eat shit too.
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I just need the Mets to beat the Braves so we can clinch tomorrow.
if your city has a population in the 7 digits, you can eat dick
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It's over.
>an admission that the state of New York lives rent free in your head
Damn. The genny could do without your negativity thoughever.
Nobody cares about your irrelevant shithole pal
some days you based
some days you bawww
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You clearly do lmao
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(very, very) Scary time
>responding directly to a post about mets fans stimming over an irrelevant win
>rent free
You couldn't even buy a clue
>Astros Bullpen
>11 runs given up in the past 2 games
Can we get Montero and Taylor Scott back?
you will deal with Neris and Ort and like it

that astros pitcher was garbage

glad scott isnt here to watch him give up 5 runs and load the bases before pulling him
>no u
>no u
Time to update your programming.
>Padres are gonna face Kelly (pulled with cramps on Saturday), Montgomery, and Rodriguez; Nelson won't be built up in time
Insane luck
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still alive lads
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>volume increases x10
>pipe drops
>birds caw
>truck drives by
>distant car noises
Who decided this would be the commercial sounds? Just as bad as the ESPN+
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>did Mets fans have fun after a big series win over the Phils?!
>this cannot stand, I must air my grievances on /mlb/, I’m totally not mad though
Top fucking kek
Tick Tock, June 1 fast approaching
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gg htownbros see you tomorrow
Who's behind home plate in the Dbacks game? I'm just looking at GameDay and this fuckers zone is a complete joke whoever it is
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Did you come on here just to bitch about the Mets then actually say no one cares about the Mets? (You did lol).
gg Ms
A tough loss tonight off the back of a solid Hunter Brown outing. We didn’t use any high leverage but neither did they. Hopefully Yordan can play tomorrow.
See yal tomorrow night
I mean, he's no Jhonathan Diaz
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Mariners won that ballgame btw
Mariners aren't eliminated btw
>flyover yokel can't even follow the conversation
Never reply to me again
team of destiny!
I'm calling it now, the Arizona Diamondbacks are eliminated from playoff contention
Giants could help the Mets in a big way tonight. No one is allowed to be happy about that fact though, or one anon might actually anhero out of pure rage.
If Padres win in LA I think they steamroll in AZ though Perez-Kelly could be a tossup
What do Mets fans have against the Giants
>philly looms so large in the mind of the mets fanbase that they celebrate a garbage time win like they just won a pennant
>get their balls busted over it
>lel u mad
Concession accepted.
>completely collapse against the coasting broors
>starter can't even go five
Looking rough for the sneks
nothing, that one anon is seething about a video of the mets fans celebrating the series win over the phils outside of the stadium last night though
Historically speaking, Mets fans should be pissed at the Giants and the Dodgers organizations for leaving New York in the 1950s.
Fun fact that is why their colors are blue and orange - blue for Dodgers, orange for Giants.
ngl I have no stake in this conversation but anyone who says
>concession accepted
is always the biggest faggot imaginable and only posts to win imaginary arguments
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Martín Pérez has a 9-1 record, his ERA is 2.61ERA since last acquisition. He loves to eat innings, that's for sure. Probably better than our meme knuckle baller Waldron.

I mean, look how insane these stats are.

I like whatever station puts on an ambient "stadium sounds" audio track during commercial breaks. Since I stream illegally I don't know what station it is though.
Maybe if you're a Mets fan from the 60s. Now it's kind of a cool lineage that ties them together if anything.
The one where you can hear an ump say "that's outside" or something like that?
It doesn’t even make sense for LA’s team to be called the dodgers. What are they dodging?
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kek I have been posting about Phillies v Mets NLDS for weeks now, I think you might just be mad
people in New York accepted the Mets immediately because the Yankees hate was so strong for NL fans. Idk that there is any grudge left tbqh.
ICE vans
MLB Extra Innings?
yeah that one
No argument here, I think it is neat as well.
Perez has a 4.26 SIERA with SD. He's a fine 5th starter but I wouldn't consider him a lock by any stretch
I like hearing local radio ads for teams back east, and also those italian care salesmen in LA.
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Makes me really wish we had Snell man, he's missing out on all the fun. Fucking Boras. I'm hoping we resigns with us again, he loved being a Padres, he even hints on his Instagram. Some Giants news outlets posted Webb talking about Snell no hitter, he didn't celebrate but played 2k instead lmao bro hates Giants so much lol
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>the San Francisco Gi-ACKH!
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>Peerless Boilers, the world's best built boilers!
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this plus tastykake = win!
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>finishes 1 game out of the playoffs while making it as painful as possible every year
god i hate this team sometimes
faggots get swept at home to the poodres just to go on the road and shit on everyone else's post season chances
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i’m not sure if i want the snakes to win or lose this one
kek giants got em seething
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Snakes needs to lose so we can win a series against them IF we do the impossible and sweep doyers at their own turf, making us win the division. You probably would play against low morale choking Dodgers that literally has no pitching, with just statpadthani, "I didn't do shit" Betts and Freeman.
Diamondbacks lose, Mets are going to the playoffs, Padres are winning the division. All for what will probably be an anti-climatic Yankees World Series win.
Any tips on what tastykake to try first
can you go back to be a trip so I can filter you
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He never had a trip
welcome to the reality of my hell, newfag
don’t. just had the buttercream cupcakes and they tasted like shit plus they were like 6 bucks for some reason
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we can only believe
Yah IDK I think Padres should focus on extending King. Preller doesn't really dip his toes into the deep end of the FA SPs
There’s gonna be a for-sure storm in Atlanta Wednesday and Thursday. What the fuck man
why? are you stupid?
Don’t talk to me like that.
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Merrill, Profar and King extension should be our top priority. This Padres team is nothing without Profar. We have team control over hoeing and Jason Adam too, perhaps convert Hoeing into a SP?
troy taylor is our high leverage now if you can believe it
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>Mets win game 1 before the rain delay
>The next two are delayed until after the Brewers series
>Mets play the “don’t give a shit anymore” Brewers and one of the D-Backs/Braves gets eliminated
>The big Mets/Braves series turns into each team sending out their Triple-A guys cause the season’s over now.
I mean shit I’ll take it
What are the White Sox going to do next year, are they going to clear house, are they going to hope their current top AAA guys are good enough to maybe salvage their team next year, are they going to do some drastic coaching change that will somehow make them good? Or the most likely scenario, are they just going to hope this year was a fluke and their team just does better next year without fixing anything?
They are going to do the latter except without any hope that it wasn't a fluke
Reinsdorf doesn’t care he’s just going to do the same shit next year without cleaning house
Their FAs are Profar Kim Scott Perez Higgy Diaz and I think that's it. Should resign Profar Perez and Diaz IMO
love this guy but last few outings have shown some cracks. i think it's just a blip though, that pitch to heyward was a pretty simple mistake up 0-2 nd his fastball command was on point tonight which makes me feel better about his outing in arlington
Does the league have any recourse for an owner that's basically sabotaging the on field product like this?
He's brand new, he's doing fine.
>Mark Canha is on the giants now
I watch for she
Oh and importantly Peralta and Solano. But I imagine the older vets will wanna return if the money's respectable
>Profar Kim Scott Perez Higgy Diaz
these latin american names are getting ridiculous
no for sure, however for a team that relies on pitching this year has been proof that you need a consistent bullpen. any sign of shakiness gives me the jitters. troy's spot has been previously occupied by Stanek, Voth, Yimi and Santos. hasn't exactly been smooth sailing even if you chalk it up to injuries
retard here, can someone explain how the mlb minimum salary is $740K but players can still be paid less than that? Are these totals just what they have been paid this year in mlb?
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end of an era for the NL west, if i do say so.
They can’t reschedule games after this week though can they?
No just look at Fisher
I think the other owners would have to want that and they would never
740k is for a full season, they're getting a prorated version based on service time
Terrific player for a decade and east coasties have no idea who he is
kershaw retires after this year too. the golden years are so over
It’s based on time played
thank you, that's what I meant. so basically they get paid about $4600 / mlb game they are in the majors for.
he ain't retiring
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>he doesn't know
also Speier and fucking Mike Baumann were pitching in the 8th this year and Speier continued his linsanity run from last year into April before tweaking his shoulder and becoming unplayable. I miss Topa and Brash
they've already come out and said they're cutting payroll
what compels you to make the same unfounded post over and over again?
Sounds about right. IIRC there's 183 days in a major league season and a player needs to be on the 40-man roster for 172 days for a full sevice year. Pretty sure if a player is injured in the ML the team continues to pay them even as they move them around the various ILs.
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Imagine Kershaw plays for Angel's for his last years to come lol
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lessen the blow when it happens for real
Sorry 26-man roster*
I accept that. I was assuming you were someone putting their gm cap on.
Maybe if he gets a really good offer but I doubt either of them would do it at this point
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I am sad because the Dodgers losing the division means no Playoff Kershaw
IDK would Yamamoto even be able to pitch in a hypothetical WC series? It'd probably be Flaherty-Knack-Buehler/Kersh
Maybe game 1 then he’s out unless they go to game 5
we're winning the division
No no WC series, Bo3. He's pitching once a week and I imagine he'll be pitching in Colorado unless Dodgers clinch early
That’s actually hard to guess
I would but you pitch him knowing you maybe only get one game out of him if you do
and just looked at updated odds on the division at fangraphs fwiw. Padres are at 9.5%.
I mean worst case scenario you could get an inning out of him. He's certainly not helping his case with the short starts atm
The Vagiants have a 0% chance of making the playoffs
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The bullpen has been sore spot, yeah
he's still injured why are yall saying he can even pitch at all?
he threw 80+ pitches off a mound last week. I don't doubt he'll pitch in the postseason. how effectively and how he's deployed is the only question.
*I have little doubt
Yoshi or Kershaw?
But they have a fair chance to drag the Sneks down with them
Yordan out for the season
I remember when the 2022 Mets said this
grubby team that they are
Looks like he's not ruled out for the last series
The first Blackman played for the BROOKLYN dodgers pal. Idk who the fuck Charlie is but he ain’t no Jackie.
what were their odds, and at which point in the season are you referring to
Charliie was solid but he was not Helton or Walker
My Jintsies :)
sorry dbacks. ggs
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bang the streak of playoff chaos continues

gg sneks
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Thanks Giants bro, please crush their morale for us once we arrive
useless cocksucking team
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Two roads diverged in the woods and I
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference
deserved though fuck the braves also
Thomson's retarded.
This is easily one of the most schizophrenic images I've seen.
this is satanic
Manfred is the head of the league and he works for the owners.
>3 seasons
>3 playoff appearances
>2 NLCS appearances
>1 Division title
>247-181 record
>1 WS appearance
Based AJ Pajinky
wine drunk
t. beercel
>drinking on a monday night
who hurt you?
Any femanons here?
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whatcha drankin
I'm female so what
Bottle of Sav Blanc I got as a housewarming gift.
French? New Zealand?
Prefer a dry NZ.

You are no true Roman.
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double based
Oldcum here. Now Buster Posey.. THAT was a baseball player. The man could service an entire pitching staff like you wouldn't believe.
I want to service your staff.
>tfw forgot I went with -3.5 instead of -2.5 and thought I won
I also had ml for all 3 parlayed with bills -19.5 but I switched my pick for the bungles game from washington to bungles lmfao
It must've been so based when you could smoke cigs at baseball games. I'll never get to smoke a whole pack during a 5 hour 14 inning game that ends 1-2 and I'm devastated.
it was better than smoking on planes or in bars.
this used to be a proper country
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>west world style simulation where it’s baseball in the 1950s and you pay them to recreate legendary games
Now we have faggots that vape at games
Most stadiums have a smoking porch for degenerate losers like you who can't quit the worst legal habit on earth. You look like a retard and you smell like shit.
lmao I remember the absolutely pathetic degeneracy of hot boxing cigs in those places for my fix and rushing back to my seat before I quit
star trek did this on Deep Space 9 but it was the future and nobody but cared about baseball except for your Boss and he would drag you to the holodeck off-hours and you had to pretend like you were having a good time in some dirt lot because he only liked games after nuclear World War 3
>and it was off the clock so you weren't paid
you can still experience this at airports with smoke boxes lol
Like 3 years ago in Alabama I went to a couple bars you could still smoke in. At one I met a guy who was a convicted murderer who was married to an old high school friend of my MiL, went to his house and he showed us his paintings while he smoked pot from a keychain pipe in his kitchen in who the fuck knows, Alabama.
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Kek this shit literally got me to quit cigs and is where this pic came from, the “smokers shelter” at my job.
Shiiiit I work at a casino and I feel like people who've never smoked in their lives light up here just because they can.
Girl here
nigger faggot fuck you
I got early practice in hs-sharing a cig with the rednecks and every other loser in the bathrooms between classes. in about 30 seconds there'd be a 2 1/2-3-inch cherry. good times
I almost feel like I've been there
kys already
I was in Atlanta 3 years ago for work and was shocked they still had indoor smoking at bars. If you wanted non-smoking you had to sit in the restaurant side instead of the bar side
Kek I smoked in the high school bathroom too. I don’t miss cigs at all.
Couldn't smoke at baseball games, it was nice at hockey games you'd get like 18 minutes to grab a smoke out in the cold lmao I used to buy seats next to a beer stand and the smoking exit so I could get both done during an intermission.
Umm how about no??
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It's weird think back on some of the shit I used to do regularly that I can't imagine doing today. The memories are still vivid but it's like looking at a movie of someone else doing it.
It's time for a closer look!
>that is why their colors are blue and orange - blue for Dodgers, orange for Giants.
Well, that and the flag of the city of New York
finna cop a DS9er hat
Me on the right
I have never watched any Star Trek and this is the first time I’m considering it
Also thread baker please use this for the nu thread
Keep it late night /mlb/ related
Sure thing bro
I wish a baseball player would squeeze my b cups ;-;
Nobody is trying to squeeze your moobs faggot
But I'm a girl
Oh, erm... carry on, then
Let's ditch the negativity in the next thread, okay, champ?
Being an asshole isn't attractive
Meant for
me on the right
Sure when you rope faggot
cool it, asap.
guys it is free to be nice
it's one toxic loser
you are correct my apologies
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L8 nite bread
Nah fuck off
Actual /nu/
Fuck you

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