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KaNsAsS ShiTty GeTs AlL Da CaLls
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ya seethe?
gay ass general
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all smiles here
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49ers DT Javon Hargrave likely out for season
John Harbaugh 'very confident' struggling Justin Tucker will work through slump
Lions pass rusher Marcus Davenport could miss rest of season
Canales: "Andy Dalton is our quarterback"
Report: Sam Darnold has knee bruise, not expected to miss time
Sources: Lions TE Sam LaPorta has low ankle sprain
Matthew Stafford on Rams' dramatic comeback over 49ers: 'NFL is an improbable business'
Update: X-rays on Justin Herbert's ankle are negative
Falcons OT Kaleb McGary believed to have MCL sprain
Malik Nabers is first player with 20+ catches, three TDs in first three NFL games
Brian Callahan sticking with Will Levis as Titans starting QB
Report: Sam Darnold to undergo MRI for knee injury
Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has no offseason regrets after Ravens RB Derrick Henry's 151-yard outing against Dallas: 'We couldn't afford [him]'
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/our year/
What it goes against your false narrative
>not pictured: blatant no-calls in critical moments
I don't give a shit about this topic but you should yourself for using that girlish alternating caps sarcasm.
Why do you think I used it?
It makes people like (You) seethe so hard you had to legitimately post here
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In-denial faggot
We all agree Bijan is a bust by now right
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Verification not required.
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>posting made up stats
>expecting anybody to take (You) seriously
Lol I never noticed that, chicks do write like that when their having a tiff. But why
No but he didn't need to go that high

fantasies are not facts
>you should yourself
Most intelligent Chiefs hater
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shannybros this can't be happening
This. It was only funny like 10 years ago
Rueben or Tuna melt? I'm hungry.
uncalled DPI is the free center square of loser bingo
Total penalty yardage doesnt mean shit

KC always get crucial game winning calls when it matters (usually in the final few minutes) and mahomo has an absurd amount of interceptions called back
Bungles fuck up the 1 and Goal AGAIN
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The last 4 penalties of that game all occurred on the Falcons drive, moving them within 13 yards of the endzone. Why couldn't they just convert on 4th&inches?
For you >>144635365
No one is reading that
wdym the Bungles fuck up 1st and goal? it's physically impossible for any teams to fuck up on 1st and goal and not score a touchdown, this is why it was such a big deal that the refs cheated the Atlanta Falcons out of a Touchdown on SNF last night.

You cant just not score on 1st & goal you have 3/4 attempts!
I bet
Well the Commanders just scored off it so for example it would have worked
Ok. And then what?
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>refball posters get decisively blown out last thread
>go quiet
>immediately try again in the new thread like nothing happened
What if you finally just shut the fuck up instead
I don't know dumbass the game isn't over. Do you want me to give you some make believe shit?
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>refball posters get decisively blown out last thread
I think I missed that part, can you post it again for us?
Did you think I'm talking about the Commanders game? Why would you think that? Could it be that you're an illiterate retard that can't even follow simple conversation, let alone make a point?
Bros the one and only Damar Hamlin just caught a pick, what an inspiring moment for all of us. Did you know that he almost died on the field a few years ago?
No because that's the game going on right now. Are you not watching football and instead just posting in a football general on MNF lol
You mean cheeftards got BTFO
...... lol
Sure, refball anon is BTFO'd because after 3 weeks the Raiders have the most beneficial calls in their favor, with the least amount of penalties called against them making the Raiders have the most net penalties in their favor out of any team.

Their 15 Net beneficiary penalties is 5 more than the nearest next team in the Atlanta Falcons, and 10 more than the Chiefs.

There is no world where the NFL and referees would actively rig the league in favor of the Raiders, and therefore the idea there is some stringpuller rigging all the NFL games with the refs as their puppets cannot be true.
I would rather not make every thread about your resentments actually
Thanks for the entertainment to my question.
Sarcasm posting is an instant admission of failure btw
is Trevor Lawrence still elite?
He was until he spent a summer with Mac Jones
>implying he ever was
Volume penalties don't really matter though, the situation and context is more important.
If the fake ass stat said like, 17, maybe I'd believe it. But you're straight up smooth brained if you think Mahomes has had 53 overturned INTs.
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Now talk about this
>hard mode: don't mention muh 50/50 ball vs Bengals
I was thinking about this exact image the other day when some retard brought up the 2021 texas ice storm
>Volume penalties don't really matter though,
This is cope shitty loser teams tell themselves. The refs can only do so much you have to actually go out and win football games by playing good football.

There isn't narrative behind a penalty, when your shit teams QB squandered refs driving them down the field for 60 yards and the awful kicker missed wide left, that doesn't just invalidate the penalties, or ref help your team just received.

It just means they wasted an opportunity a better team like the Chiefs would've found the endzone on.
who is playing tonight? I'm too lazy to look because it's probably a couple of shitters

Pitts should have caught it
your mother vs 11 black men is on one channel and your father vs 11 black men is the other double header
Josh Allen is looking great tonight, this might be his MVP year
>hard mode: don't point out my hypocrisy and BTFO me again in any way
So you're saying he was being INTERFERED with?
i think the defender getting there early had something to do with him not
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>There isn't narrative behind a penalty
I don't understand why all these fans are upset then. It's just 15 yards and that isn't all that much...
weird because I'm an orphan...
Fake news and debonked
Keep coping while the Chiefies keep winning
get fucked :^) that was a DPI, should've been called a DPI, but the Failcunts should've scored more points in the 5 drives they botched, and Butker would've kicked the game winning even if the Failcunts got in the endzone there.

Also, Chiefs got lucky as hell again with Araiza's fake rape claims leading to the Bills cutting him. Araiza single handedly saved the game right here by catching an errant snap like a WR1 catching a jump ball.
flag on the post: moving the goalposts!
your parents loved black men more than you
Nobody disagrees idiot, please, please stop fucking posting
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>blaming the players for penalties when it's clearly white supremacy at work
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me in the middle
The New England Patriots are the best team of all time
rigging with penalties is about situations not volume

no, i said Pitts should have caught the ball, you're kinda thick aren't you?
you're an obvious paid shill. a touchdown (first and goal at the one) was taken away from the falcons last night. period. totally fake penalties on the chiefs called on the next falcons drive to 'even it out.'

the chiefs being 5th in penalties during the mahomes era is exactly because of fake 'even it out' penalties like the ones on the falcons drive last night, none of which were legitimate. it's a major marker that the games are rigged for the chiefs and that they are given an advantage by the refs, not that they aren't.

btw no-one or not many is saying that the chiefs wouldn't win in a fair game against the falcons or that they're not better than the falcons. but mahomes has been off this year and the chiefs have a good defense so the nfl couldn't give the falcons that fourth quarter lead last night, because it's not like the falcons dbs are throwing the game and there'd have been a chance mahomes threw a pic and the falcons won, which wouldn't have been ok because of that 'fastest qb to 100 wins' or whatever stat that had been shilled all week.

that's what you get for thinking, come back when you've had more experience
we don't post winkies here, nufag
Believe it or not a PI call that puts a team at 1st & Goal at the 1 does not automatically make it a touchdown!
Reminder that Temujin is a latina living in California.
>There isn't a narrative behind yards
>Anon's top 10 qb list
I am saying the Chiefs wouldn't win in a fair game against the Falcons
Everything you said sounds like it's came out the mouth of an insane schizo on a street corner

that's no excuse for being a Raider fan though

the game was fair, both teams were subjected to the idiotic whims of the same shitty ref crew
>lameme is 27 and already washed
you hate to see it
If every blown call was reversed, there's no way Chiefs win that game. I'm not buying the schizo conspiracy stuff, at least not all of it, but bl you're full of shit. I've played sports my whole life refs are part of the game if you want to win you can't be whining about refs nonstop, but you seem delusional the other way.
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*goes off script*
this is retarded. they cheat nonstop and are most penalized because they are cheating the most. most are on couple guys that hold and cheat nonstop. they are also pointless calls after the win is secured with no impact ont he game. other team will get 15 penalties and then in the last quarter chiefs magically get 8 penalties in a single drive. that doesnt mean its fair or they arent being fed free wins from refs.
>If every blown call was reversed, there's no way Chiefs win that game.
Well that would only benefit the Chiefs because a nocall isn't a blown call and you can't reverse a nocall. However it would remove their RTP, and DPI.

That said if giving you context, and you're saying they called the no-call that still only puts the Failcunts up 2 points as they were down by 5. Assuming they make the extra point with no issues.

That means Andy Reid pulls out a 2 minute drill to get into FG range and wins with a Butker FG as the Chiefs have done for most of the last 6 seasons.
>this is retarded. they cheat nonstop and are most penalized because they are cheating the most
>This makes sense, because they snap the football the most, and are most penalized because they play more football than any other team.
if ref incompetence upsets you you guys so much, just know that it only gets worse as each new season unfolds. seriously go watch another sport like badminton, before it's too late.
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>>This makes sense, because they snap the football the most, and are most penalized because they play more football than any other team.
>the teams with that have plays hundreds of more snaps than the other team isn't even the most penalized team in football over Mahomes career
Super Bowl 55 singe handedly dismantles any narrative of the refs favouring KC
I game I watched last night remantles the narrative of the refs favoring KC.
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>opposing fanbases calls Mahomes a cuck
>their fans actually are
many such cases

the bad guys always talk shit about the good guys
that looks like her son >_<
>went out to get some pizza
>come back
>jags 3 bills 34
>it's only halftime

what the FUCK happened?
rough night for cats

every time the Bills get the ball, they scored a touchdown

every time the Jags get the ball, they don't
Nice to see the Joe Reddit narrative die in real time, just watch every single pundit continue to rank him top 5.
damn, i thought they would go back to being elite since trevor had time to heal from his injuries from last season

i guess they just suck, huh?
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>[Next Gen Stats] Rashee Rice gained 75 of his 110 yards after the catch across 12 receptions on 14 targets. Rice also forced 5 missed tackles. Rice currently leads all players in yards after catch this season (200), and leads all wide receivers in missed tackles forced (9).

it's funny how the cope for the Chiefs is that Rashee Rice can be suspended at any time as if it's going to happen this season.
refund status?

Lawrence does seem to suck after all, seems the critics were right
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>I guess they just suck, huh?
Lawrence will be fixed on his second team and it'll be one of those teams that have already won the Super Bowl multiple times and is considered a serious franchise.

An unserious franchise (Jaguars) Is not going to motivate an unserious player (Trevor Lawrence) into being successful.

Lawrence when interviewed said he didn't want people to think of him as just as football player nor did he see himself as his life revolving around football and that's the biggest issue.

what's funny is a player is expected to be suspended for a traffic accident

The NFL doesn't outright suspend players until the court case finishes. They do not like to play judge.
He's going to receive punishment but it was never going to be this year for something like this.
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I know, right.

the same NFL put Kareem Hunt on the exempt list even though he was never convicted of anything because his "victim" wasn't injured at all and declined to press any charges
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hmm...why does mutthomes always do this pose after a bad play?
Kareem lied to ownership/NFL FO about what he did and more shit leaked out about him being a shithead one after the other about shit he directly lied on.
A video leaked of him kicking a woman in the head outside of his apartment, the NFL does not like how that makes them look.

Street racing where nobody got hurt is different
Generational Talent.

Kareem lying to the Chiefs is why they cut him, not why he ended up on the NFL exempt list
>Street racing where nobody got hurt is different
Yeah, that's why they went so hard on that fat fuck from the eagles.
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i wonder what diggs is thinking right now
What was the thought process behind this?
>has never achieved anything
>consistent mediocrity even when he's not hurt
>gets an enormous contract for basically doing nothing anyways
At least with Dak he's good enough to consistently take the Cowgirls to the playoffs even if they will inevitably choke, Lawrence couldn't even do that
You really dont think the Hunts weren't relaying that to ownership and then goodell also got egg on their face?
>the old “aggregate penalty yardage is more important than when flags are and are not thrown” meme
lol at that guy one week ago saying that you never see hurts leading a game winning drive. tards always get exposed
>Yeah, that's why they went so hard on that fat fuck from the eagles.
>Fatal crash

he's probably wondering why his receivers run routes like they are supposed to in practice, and then however the fuck they want during games
This was debunked>>144637366
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Jacksonville thinking they can suck worse than us?!

Sorry losers but the first pick is OURS
this was debunked >>>/lgbt/
i accept your concession
Not an argument
This post says nothing of value. Of course a PI flag thrown on the last drive matters far more than a couple holding or illegal shift flags in Q1
You're a faggot. I don't care.

any egg on their face is due to them finding Hunt guilty of something that wasn't even a crime
>ignores that the cap goes up every year

they focused too much going 8-3 and being the winningest team in the NFL at the start of the season and blamed going 1-5 the rest of the season on TLAW's ankle sprain

basically, they're retarded
Kek based
You clearly cared enough to reply and even use proper capitalization and punctuation this time.
How long until Jayden RG3's himself?
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what is he thinking at this moment?

and i accept yours
Don't care. Faggot.
You're a faggot. I don't care.
we both know it should have been called.
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Will Giants fans say they're sorry for chimping out on him after Week 1 when he's played well the last two weeks and it turns out the Vikings are apparently one of the best teams in the NFC?
i think i might be gay for joey b bros
calm down, they beat the browns
the problem with Trevor Lawrence is he is an unserious QB, on an unserious franchise.
The Jaguars are completely not serious.

Trevor Lawrence has literally everything he needs to be a successful, SB winning elite QB. Everything. Except the mindset, he literally can't make that up and playing on the Jaguars, with Goofy Dougy P isn't going to ignite that fire. Not hating Doug P, he's a superbowl winning HC.

But it's just not a good fit
They should have beat the Commanders as well but lost because they mishandled an injury to their kickr.

write a strongly worded letter to the league expressing your concern, i am sure that will help solve the decades old shitty ref problem
Trevor is too real for you niggas....(100 emoji)(first bump emoji)
their owner makes all his money selling drugs, guns, and wrestling. he's the Jerry Reinsdorf of the NFL
quit acting tough with me it’s insufferable
He doesn't make any money off wrestling lmao
where can i buy these comically oversized hats?
right, it's just more money laundering
It's been literal years since I watched a Skins game. I had no idea Riverboat Ron was gone and I've never heard of Jaylen Daniels, but I'm glad they're dabbing on the Bungles.

quit acting like you or i or anyone else can do anything about the abysmal quality of nfl refs and it's a deal
kek what a kwab
you’re still doing it retard. fronting on 4chan what’s your problem?
the new owners changing the name soon anyways

you haven't missed much, they're still pretty terrible
i still wonder if ron was always trash and heir 15-1 season was a fluke or if he was fine but the ownership and GM were trash

just keeping you tied up so you can't bother anyone else, don't take it personal
Why is Joseph Reddit so bad?
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>2023 Playoffs WildCard L vs Packers
>2022 Playoffs Divisonal L @ 49ers
>2021 Playoffs WildCard L vs 49ers
>2018 Playoffs Divisonal L @ Rams
>2016 Playoffs Divisonal L vs Packers
>2014 Playoffs Divisonal L @ Packers
>2009 Playoffs Divisonal L @ Vikings
>2007 Playoffs Divisonal L vs Giants
>2006 Playoffs WildCard L @ Seahawks
>2003 Playoffs WildCard L @ Panthers
>1999 Playoffs WildCard L @ Vikings
>1998 Playoffs WildCard L vs Cardinals
>1996 Playoffs Divisonal L @ Panthers

he's not bad exactly, he's just fragile
Chiefs would booty blast all these shit teams
to be fair, zac taylor literally said on the record that he doesn't care about the beginning of the season and instead focuses on getting hot in later in the season
Cam carried very hard

that would be fine but the Bengals don't get hot later in the season either
Sounds like cope for being shit.
>L-L-Losing winnable games is part of the plan!
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>bryce young is so bad he got benched before I remembered to make this image
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>*Shit tackles they have for years now hold on every play*
>*Corners hold on every time they press*
>Some games they call it straight, most they don't
>*Never call them in a big against them*

They should be number 1 in penalties. There's more to it than that as well. Like how the refs let the teams "play" then start making calls by the letter of the law in favor of the Chiefs late, like the Eagles superbowl.
In a big moment*
>They should be number 1 in penalties. T
No, that's just your degraded brain because the only team you analyze every play for missed penalties of is the Chiefs.
The bengals are getting worked by the fucking commanders imagine needing refball to beat that shitty ass team
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This Daniels fella seems solid. How high was he drafted? I don't watch CFB and only remember Caleb Williams and ATL taking a QB after trading for Cousins.
>getting lit up by a black QB
bungles full of KWABs
It’s never been this over for the bungles

the retarded shit you post
Joey Reddit got more hairstyles than wins KWAB

Mike Vick clone #2315 was the #2 overall pick
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You're telling me there has been that many black dual threat QBs? I thought it was a rare talent.
>Joey Bortions
>rare talent

lmao hell no, those guys grow on trees, just too short for basketball
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Yeah, I'm thinking Elite.

PT Barnum was right about y'all
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>Josh Allen was 1 TD away from Tying Sam Darnolds TD count
>they stopped the count
GEQBUS as they say. Nobody has more touchdowns. Nobody could. Throws the best of touchdowns.
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That we have tremendous balance?
What is the most pleasant to watch nfl team right now quality wise?
The refs calling holding on the Chiefs in the fourth quarter when they’re already blowing out their opponent, is different than the refs calling pass interference or roughing the passer on the Chiefs opponent when the game is on the line.
>Lions pick up a guy who is always hurt
>he once again, is hurt…
>Dougie P is at more risk getting fired before Brian Daboll, Nick Sirianni and Antonio Pierce
Let's Go Buffalo
Joey Planned Parenthood losing to the commies would be funny
Commies pls don’t choke this
KC's opponents get more calls in the 4th quarter this season, outnumbering KC 6-8.
There's a 100% chance that Hendrickson jumped early there.
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See the thing about KC is, they always get all the calls in the 4th quarter, when the clock is running low, and the refs call shit against them when it's earlier in the game doesn't matter
Jayden ROTY.
That is all.
So no proof?
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Can you imagine Joey Reddit, constantly fellated as one of the best QBs in the league, getting fucking annihilated by some literal who rookie?
>commies first in their division
just as we all expected
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illegal hands to the face on the Jets, no flag. shameful.
>2 NFL generals
>See the thing about KC is, they always get all the calls in the 4th quarter, when the clock is running low,
>posts an image showing 4/5 the penalties in the 4th quarter were against the Chiefs
>posts an image where three of those four penalties were within the final 2 minutes
....in the trans woman's eyes. It's clearly a hold on the LT for normal people.
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*just dropping by*

it's almost like players, late in games, dead tired, desperate to make a stop so they don't lose another game they should have won, do dumb things like holding or late hits or pass interference and get flagged for it
If your team doesn’t have a win yet, please refrain from posting in this genny in the meantime.
I think you'll be in first based on the divions record (Eagles haven't played a division game yet)

if you don't know what holding is then it's your failing, not mine
It feels nice that I can post!

>say something objectively wrong, even being retarded enough to post evidence contrary to your claim
>get called out
>immediately backpeddle
:^) I accept your concession.

when you have been watching football longer than a couple months it'll make perfect sense to you cause you'll have seen it yourself at least a dozen times
I accept your concession.
He grabbing the inside of his shoulder pads, fuckhead

dwell in ignorance then, it's fine with me
Your concession has been noted and accepted. Reply to this post if you're still seething.

yeah, that shit happens all the time in every game and it's almost never called because if it was football would be unplayable
Calebbros, Youngbros, our response to the 2nd overall pick being better?

i don't seethe when people don't know the difference between blocking and holding, i just laugh
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What's his name /sp/
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>Joey /r/BNWO

i shall call him, skinny-me
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This is literally the hundredth time we've seen a QB with decent potential who will be ruined by a shit O-line and shit coaching. It's all so tiresome.
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Daniels seems bretty good and Bungles seem pretty shit.

the Bears problems do seem to be institutional, don't they
I just realized the Jags are 0-3. Remember when people said TLaw was good? At least he'll always have that Chorgers playoff win.

Bengals were confirmed shit when they lost week 1 to the Patriots led by Jacoby Brissett
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>"There is no penalty!"
>*Gets proven wrong immediately
>"Just don't call penalties bro"
Kys faggot
It truly is joeover
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Yeah, but she's sexy.
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What went wrong?
Trusting in Glass Joe.

flopping is not a penalty, but it should be

she's so old her copy of the bible is autographed
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Coach primate
Trayvon Walker < Aidan Hutchinson
Bryce Young < CJ Stroud
Caleb Williams < Jayden Daniels
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101 is the new 30.
He clearly ripped him down. That should be OPI 100% time.
RG3 looked great his rookie season. I hate the Bears more than any other franchise, but I’m not naive enough to think that the treasure trove of picks and assets the Panthers gave them won’t pay off at some point in the next 3 or 4 years. If I had to bet tonight, I would put money on Caleb’s career being better in the long run. Daniels will have a much better rookie season.
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Going to sleep like a baby tonight /spee/
Was she a beaut when she was younger?
Harry Potter<Lord of the Rings
Keep it in the fridge<Don't refrigerate it
Some pieces of history right there.

i wonder how many hundreds of dollars it cost the Bears owners to create their first team
Same bro, gonna sleep well tonight with a big smile on my face at work tomorrow to talk shitto divisional fans
I’m so horny
Yeah, she sucked a mean dick.
Yall keep this up you'll have a very nice Browns QB jersey
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screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place
They just told the blacks that worked in their box making plant that if they played for the team they might earn their freedom. Doesn't matter that slavery was outlawed already and they were in the north to begin with, it's what they were told and no one wanted to question it and look stupid so they went along with it.

the whole team was probably only a dozen guys that all had to play iron man football, too
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>In less than a hour Queefsfags went from telling people questioning the obvious refball that they are blind and don't know football to saying they shouldn't call penalties because it's more entertaining and every call that's too obvious to deny is actually a flop
What a vile group of creatures they are.
Back when TLaw was in the draft, I was hoping my Lions would pick him up as a back up and later, a replacement for Stafford.

Good thing nobody listens to me.
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Say something nice about them
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well yeah, maybe you have a screw loose, bud.
How are you still at this? What the actual fuck? Is there any possible way to convince you to kill yourself?
Someone make a real bread
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>mfw the Steelers are undefeated and we found our franchise QB in the bargain bin
They were the Staleys to start because that was the name of the financial backer. Halas didn’t outright own the team until the 30s. He got a loan from Curly Lambeau of $1500 to keep the team running. He helped the Packers in a couple tough spots too. The Bears have never been the same since he died. The fumes of his management is what led to the 85 Bears. His daughter and her spawn have been awful.
The texans are 4 seed material I guess
> franchise qb
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McVay might make your Monkey's Paw wish come true
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c-coach primate
>irrelevant 5 yard holding call against the Chiefs when they’re up by three scores
>momentum killing pass interference on the Chiefs opponent when they’re about to turn the table on them

These are not the same thing.
It’s the most souless division in the NFL, but it is in the NFL.
if fields is franchise qb meaning the steelers actually advance in the playoffs tomlin deserves a fucking statue
Bills look so good holy shit. Could this be their year?
is he right?
they tried
Stop. Kill yourself. You are fucking deranged
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It'll be MAHOMESWINSLOL after a bullshit roughing the passer call in OT in the AFCCG
you just see the name and look at box scores
I watch the games
I was an adult through all of Ben Roethlisbergers career, I remember Kordell Stewart and Neil O Donnell
Justin Fields is a perfect fit for the style of football this team wants to play. I was skeptical until this last game, he was carrying the team when the run game wasn't working
Every former Jags QB was still a bust when they left. Gabbert is a career backup and Bortles already retired. I doubt Lawrence will be any different whenever he leaves.
>wow, that cake sure looks good
cowboys have always had decent talent and just consistently underperform
bad culture more than anything else
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>shitsinnati bungles
Which sends it to OT and the Chiefs win the toss, scoring a touchdown on the first possession
Maybe they just need more hookers and cocaine like in the early 90s
yes, but /nfl/ will claim to know more about football than belichick
Just took a big stinky AFC south, it wouldn't even flush
Lawrence is bustproof under the right system its just not the jags
All that plus no salary cap.
Still outplayed by a literal who rookie.
>stoolers have more wins than the rest of the division combined

Fucking mindbroken freak
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>26 points allowed
Goodell will not deny the mutt his threepeat, so no
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Red Rifle
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>Joey Reddit has less wins than a serial rapist
Yeah until black DC(s) need to stop someone good and can't and have to get into a gunfight and can't, which is Steelers football since dick lebeau fucked off over a decade ago
Most pathetic person alive
and there it is?
the rules are you can't come back from sucking anymore
But enough of your official titles
actually thats what makes the cowfag implosions hilarious. it wouldn't be as funny if your team was just a shit team that got lucky
Chiefs D has Allen's number. It will be a kino AFCCG though.
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He's right though.
Keep desperately trying to renew the refball arguments that died an hour ago because you're such a mindbroken obsessed fucking retard that you unironically spend your entire day doing this. It is actually hard to fathom someone as fucked up as you
If the Rams wide receivers weren't made of glass, I would like a Bills-Rams super bowl. Instead I'm thinking Bills-Packers
What are you talking about?
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>only under the right system

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Love this nigga like you wouldn't believe
Chiefs noongas are worse than me an my autistic Bradyposting
The league's only hope is that TJ Watt takes mutthomo to Snap City.
Your parents want you to stop being a fat parasite, that's what
for me it's ignoring every post about kansas city

reality and the shit you posted are not the same thing either
1. Allen
2. Darnold
3. Dalton
4. Carr
5. Mayfield
at least I can root for the Texans now that they are competitive instead of rooting for the Cowboys knowing they're gonna fucking ruin it every year, we need a third team so I can have a truly clean slate and don't have to pretend I like either of these horrid teams
based, this thread fucking sucks
No, I don't think I will.
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>Keep desperately trying to renew the refball arguments that died an hour ago because you're such a mindbroken obsessed fucking retard that you unironically spend your entire day doing this. It is actually hard to fathom someone as fucked up as you
>Your parents want you to stop being a fat parasite
I moved out of Kansas City a long time ago, thankfully
Literally makes no sense like everything you post dumb fuck
What team and system is that? I wish he would leave just to prove he would be a bust wherever he went like Gabbert and Bortles were. Lawrence's failure is his own fault. The Jags were winning earlier last season in spite of him.
You can't win on your first possession in playoff ot anymore.
You're a retarded casual fan, go fuck yourself then kys faggot
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I get that QBs take the blame but now are we gonna put this on T Law when the defense gave up 40+
I’m sorry you were never taught to read but that’s not really my problem. I’ll be migrating to the real thread now but feel free to continue sperging out in here
>We're out of Dominos. Send Jackson Mahomes for more.
The phrase bustproof cannot exist when a franchise like the bears exist
dude sustain a drive lmao
No you don't understand, your joke is literally fucking nonsensical because you don't have a functioning brain. I look forward to seeing you be mindbroken as ever in the new thread too, everyone does!
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>Don't call penalties bro.....I'll pee on you
You're so mad you lost the argument. Lol, lmao even
SAN ANTONIO TEAM WHEN? (why'd you shop it onto Fredericksburg tho?)
not mine handiwork, it was the closest thing I could find, SA is always low on the list, but I would kill for a SA team, the only team I wholeheartedly support is the Spurs since I live near the city but I feel Austin would get the OK before SA would, which is dumb because the Alamodome is already here perfect for football games
>this mad that you lost a non-conference game in september
Let it go.
Go to the real thread
>Austin would get the OK
Austin will never get an NFL team and there is a giant $40 billion burnt-orange reason why.
Probably the biggest hold-up to a San Antonio team (besides Jerry Jones) is that the Alamo dome would probably have to be renovated (or a new stadium built entirely).
Why, you ask? BC NFL must get tax dollars & there is no other reason.
>san antonio football
watch the XFL and be happy with the Brahmas
No. I refuse to support a souless team named for a WWE roidtranny from Califagia
Wait, is this the real thread now?
What's the stat for 4th quarter only?
Whoa the fun guy is here now
An absurd number*
Eventually. I didn't realize when I made this thread I put general in the name field.
Don't know how it got to 360 replies with that mistake though.
What Monday night football does to a mfer.
Fucking moron
He's a subhuman chiefs fan what did you expect
Remember when we were told that the AFC South was gonna be the best and most competitive division in the nfl?
Lmao good times

he wasnt supposed to BE GOOD
typical steelers ass devil magic
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I'm enjoying what we have so far, but I think the Ravens and Toxins will be the real statement games.
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my vikies
They say that every few years, they're always wrong. Every team in the division could go 14-3 and the only thing they'd be competing for is to be the worst 14 win team of all time.
The guy is an absolute faggot. He has tk be a troll. No once can be this delusional
I've got a screw for you!
*unzips your bussy*
NFL is dead lol, shitty refs and low quality play killed it.
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>he thinks the ACKbirds and Houston Midlands are real opponents
Where is the razor this season?
Nah you are
>genny up for 24 hours
>during the season
too bad you aren't
Do you feel better?
He's the local Chiefs autist ignore him
Cool good talk
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This thread sucks, where my bears bros at?
le zesty peanut oil man
First for vikings
shit thread
How has this poverty thread not been archived yet?
Hello newfriend :^)
Right here bro
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7 hours.
>throws a 45 yard hail mary from the 46
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soon bro
>already coping about a rookie in his 3rd game
I can smell your fear
If he were mahomes it would have have been dpi and he would have got an untimed down from the 1.
And I can already smell Jayden Daniels's OROY.
Why are tight ends total dogshit this year?
They are every year, this year the quarterbacks are too.
Chiefs smell like expired eggs
Nah, that's just Taylor Swift.
Lol this thread might make it to Sunday
skol kot :3
stay mad ya hataz
I don’t want to experience the pain of seeing Aaron Jones play at Lambeau Field in a Vikings uniform.
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the FLEET would bootyblast your shit team
No they wouldn't
How many are legitimate pass interference and how many are not?
panthers gonna win it all this year

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