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some heroes live long enough to become the villain
>two flames games at once

>split squad game
>flames send huberdeau to the road game

Reminder that teams keep their stars/prospects/respected vets at home during split squad games and send their PTO/AHL/filler players to the road game
they can get blown out twice at the same time
>stars themed thread
Dallas runs /hoc/ what can I say
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Who's /KRAKEN/ tonight?
Google says they’re winning both rn
Based triggering autistic threadtards
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my yetis! :)
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>watching flames stream
>utterly grim walk through the saddledome's 4' wide concrete concourse
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used to bang a girl who lived next to the park where all the tourist take this picture. was very annoying on the weekends.
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>rolls into thread
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>5 retards all claim they won't post here
>not a single one of them capable of making their own thread
>they all post here anyways
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Both MNF games are shit so I guess I'll watch some preseason hockey
RIP chrome domes
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my flames will win both
yet he let them walk all over the flanes
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looks like the stadium where my local Federal Hockey Prospects League (https://www.federalhockey.com/) plays. The horrible college team plays there too though
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That's a very rare fjsal
You know what? Maybe
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A vulgar display of power
Huberdeau has an assist. This season he will surely heat up.
looks like a fucking dungeon lmaaaaaaaaaao
>the city of Denver
Wtf never seen the first part of this
Two assists for huberdeau

Welcome to /hoc/
utah is playing just like my yotes rn
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Huomenta but the opposite
>most dangerous draw in Denver

>scoreless draw in Salt Lake City
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unedited version
flyers still suck lol
good chin, got right back into the fight
and has a spicy latina girlfriend ready to defend

overall, mullett retard won the war
>first home goal in SLC

we're fucking shiiiiit
Lmao Oilers losing twice
lawson crouse you are now a part of history
Lawson Crouse is a big Josh Bailey
he's heating up
big season incoming
Its Hyvää Yötä. Also muh stars, scar sum fukken gools
>goal and a fight
ok hockey is back
Cope if they dressed Michkov it would have been 6-5 Flyers
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If I recall the fat boomer that punched him did so because mullet tard said the N word and he couldn’t control himself hearing a racism. Automatic loser imo
Flames are preseason champions first we won the draft and now this?
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racism in public is cringe desu
Where is tiji?
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you ARE watching the Certified Kino game tonight, aren't you, anon?
>make sure you have some meaningless preseason fights to impress the new fans
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muh clubbies
this clubbies kings game is kino for preseason action
>coyotetard is still going to spam his retarded coyote garbage
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Mcdavid is broken from losing in the finals. Now the era of huberdeau begins.
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It's just nobodies who know they don't have the skill to make the cut trying to get noticed by any means possible and the worst part is it works more often than it should. See Matt Rempe and Arber Xhejak
like clockwork my flames shit on your oilers
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Enjoy the New Season, /hoc/izen
Dump those pics somewhere, you used AI to make them, you did nudes too. If its bestiality shit dont post them
and of course leave it to finland to encourage the fucking morons
>you used AI to make them
not me
there are dozens of us coyotiacs
If the Flames beat the Oilers twice tonight, it'll be like our Stanley Cup!
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>Worst case Ontario
Clearly not enough to keep your shit team around KWAB
Well which ones have the nude /hoc/fus?
The world would be a better place if it made a comeback desu
This place is full of cretins.
holy shit that webm
I heard Trudeau is going to make out with Ru Paul on Colbert tonight
this u?
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>the Utah Cretins
You shouldn’t be digging up peoples posts.
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so long as chucky is playing, a win for the panthers/flames is a win for the flames/panthers
It’s a common word if you’re well educated.
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>tfw watching 2000 all star game clips
god this city went to shit
>Hearing there's no stoppin' the cretins from hoppin'
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all me
>4-0 flames

oh no no
this is why the soilers will never experience this
>the city of Edmonton
>Flames currently winning both games
The best team in Alberta confirmed
Stars and Avalanche prospects keep turning over the puck to eachother doing these awful fancy passes instead of just shooting it wtf is wrong with zoomers
>oilers getting btfo twice at the same time by the fucking >flames
People really think this is a cup-winning team
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Krakin is all I do.
Bichsel Fight
They just called the Oilers for a trip but ignored mcdavid being held in the corner for 20 seconds as he's looking at the official in front of him literally going "You going to call this??? No???"
McMeme VS Guy so unknown he doesn't even have an image on NHL.com
mcgayboy kekked again
where can i watch the game?
Utah Loves Ice Hockey
>Ice Hockey
gtfo newfag
Alright my dudes

At the oilers flames game today in Edmonton and am sitting beside a guy who is constantly alternating between “let’s go oilers, fuck Trudeau/calgary.” We’re sitting behind 5 people with gaudreau jerseys. Read the room my dude, you’re a piece of shit
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Redpill me on the Anahiem Ducks. I don't have a hockey team to root for... Only their triple A Gulls....
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they're Exciting
they're shit and run by retards
uh oh, SLC
just like my kings
Painful years ahead. They're rebuilding and their "star" player is a zoomer with attitude problems who's only good for scoring meme goals every once in a while
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Say it ain't so
I will not go
Turn the lights off
Carry me home
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Embarrassing to have to share a province with them
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Scoreline dubs
They will never live this down
Is this the Flamiac Chad thread
yes, we're all pedophiles here
Oilers about to fire another coach lol
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Utah area is surprisingly small
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There are like 5000 obstructed seats
they are renovating it over the next 2 years
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small town attitude
Why didn't Michkov play tonight?
>scorefull draw
They’ll have a better arena in a couple of years
Just feels like one of those nights where nothing is going right. Oh well, good to get it out of the way now
the metro is a million
Doesn't really seem like the Oilers are playing all that badly in either game. The score is pretty meaningless, the games are fairly competitive. Oilers should probably have at least another goal in each game.
flames are full of shitters trying their hardest to make the NHL vs a team that has most of it's roster set and half the players aren't trying
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look at these shitters lmao imagine getting healthy scratched for a preseason game
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million and quarter actually
I agree, the oilers are playing uncharacteristically well in both games
september is a little early to be huffing copium innit neechie
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Remember when Calgary won 10-0 in preseason last year and then started their season 2-7-1?
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i don't live in the past bud
Calgary flames preseason cup champs for the 2nd year in a row
You absolute cretins ruin this board.
I like cretins in my salad
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i eat cretins like you for breakfast
Call flames fans cretins and watch them squirm. It’s like calling republicans weird lol. It breaks them mentally.
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oh that's fresh
I eat oatmeal for breakfast
I am NOT a cretin
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oh shid
even more oh shid how the fuck did this happen?
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I agree with him about republicans
God save our King and heaven bless the maple leaf forever
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forgot pic
thanks for the yellow highlighter
we're all retards who otherwise wouldn't have known where to look
palindrome mania
Cornato is having a great preseason. He makes the team for sure.
you're welcome, i had that feeling.
I'm going to fill the vacancy in the Rapid City Rush created by whoever takes Matty's place in the AHL :)
>the vacant oil patch of Edmonton
Why does the Stars/Avs game have FoxTrax?
And the lookalike cam just came up, are they just showing the jumbotron feed?
Jesus, Edmonton
>he's already dead =(
Another missed call against calgary – since it's preseason I'm gonna stop complaining about this now but come on
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It's never your fault
It's never your faulllllt
Always the victim
It's never your fault
ESPN just abruptly switched to the the “your event has ended screen” like two minutes into the 3rd
Yep I've got that too lmao. What a mess.
And Dallas just scored to tie it. Wtf Gary someone better get fired over this
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You don't have to tell him twice.
Pretty sure the Flames do this every year. Look insane during the pre season just to be shit when the real season kicks off.

Can’t wait to hear the shit talk after tonight it won’t age well.
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Calgary gonna be dynamite this year
Wait so did McMuffin play in one of the games?

Calgary Flames should sponsor the Ottawa Charge with a helmet sticker because that would be awesome
you can see why Buffalo moved on from Savoie.
I was going to post something, but I forgot what it was.
Didn’t you say the senators fucked up by drafting yak? you’re wrong again sweden.
What the fuck is that
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that's the Power of Creativity that you'll find down at the ol' PWHL, lad
McDavid - 20:24
Draisatl - 18:17
Bouchard - 27:57
Ekholm - 25:50

In a meaningless split squad preseason game.
Heard he was terrible at the rookie tournament. Maybe he saved himself for camp. Or perhaps the supposed scouts that work for The Athletic suck ass.
top guys don't try at all in nhl preseason, it would probably be really funny to watch if i actually played hockey past the age of 8
Better play the shit out of the players who've had the shortest off-season. You just don't know how to coach at the elite level like the Oilers coaching staff.
>two scorefull draws in the Rocky Mountains
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Oh boy first OT of the preseason
we had two over times yesterday, you knob
Nevermind Stars wins with about a second on the clock
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I’ll never forgive Kylington he’s been added to the long list of people who’ve fucked over the Calgary flames
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didnt you say that about johnny and now you have a cuck shrine set up for him?
samir has a friendship shrine set up in his closet but nobody to put in it
Connor McDavid getting btfo in two games in one night
>pre season Gary Time
I hope Utah wins
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>already a bust
good news...
Convoy already knew that which is why he didn't pay the hefty fee for his pick
Everybody thought he played great in the playoffs last year. I didn't see that at all though, at least not in the finals and with the puck. I thought he spread a lot of pucks in all three games I watched live.
Not a bust - bussin'.
Why hasn’t he played a single game
um... why are they doing a shoot-out?
>yo barber, give me a mac 'n' cheese haircut
They're fun to watch live, preseason should have even more mario party minigames
He’s a work in progress. This game he made a mistake that caused a goal against but otherwise defended well, got into a fight, and won the game with .02 seconds on the clock. Strong start
>Utah won twice
Ban fighting
that song rules!!!
No I like it it is fun
utah is fun! happy for their new fans

>Bettman's Mouth Gaurd makes fan bites feel like Angel Kisses =3

Because you are
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Checked who would he replace on D if they started him though?
I like how AI had a harder time rendering a cat than Gary
He’s just like me fr
just got home and cracked open a beer
Oregon Ducks goalie died today. Heart attack. He’s was only 22.
Didn’t ask
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>As great a goalie as he was, Hank was an even better human,” the post said. “He was the perfect example of treating people how you want to be treated, never missing an opportunity to call someone ‘sir or ma’am.’”
Rest easy Hank
and take ya monayyyy
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unironically vaxx statty?
Died at 22 from natural causes

If you had a garden, wouldn't you pick the best flowers first
No, you prune the small ones so the big beautiful ones can grow bigger and bear fruit
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Hopefully no chuds bring up the vaccine
he would have died earlier without the vaccine
Damn I’m planning to watch them at the Bend Classic in January
I could hand out a million vaccinations
and let 'em all die from heart inflammation
Alright sour steve no need to rain on my parade buddy
thinking about another rewatch of The Return
Phew, that Marner was very close to ending up in my pants. Maybe I shouldn't had eaten three plates of taco meat.
Just goes to show how much of a waste of time college is
prolly because your asshole is loose ya gay bitch
Rectum? Damn near killed um!
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Cannot wait for the season to start
>can't wait to choke again
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Kapanen is already better than Laine
Well with Mark Glass leading your team that’s all but guaranteed for you
>if you win the cup you lose
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why do I keep getting banned for ban evasion. i though that if you find a way around a ban you could still post?
>if you choke on Dallas cock in the first round you win
The Vegas Golden Knights with Mark Stone as their captain: 1 cup

The Dallas Stars with Jaime (has)Benn as their captain: 0 cups

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>flames up 2-0 in the battle of Alberta already
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>sees a picture of a Dallas Stars Player
>seethes uncontrollably
Rape victim mentality
says the guy who can't go a minute and a half without samefagging KWAB
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got some random images from the archives
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Seek help retard
We don't sign our posts here bud
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Did Laine had any goals?
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marchessault's mom died rip at least she didn't have to see how shit the preds would be :(
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Flames bros what do you think about Honzek so far? A few nhl games this season? Or its rather ahl for the year?
No shame in losing to Bettman's favorite team
based. not a donna guy but still a kino picture.
The vaccine has killed literally everyone I know
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IDK I know one person in their 60s who almost died from covid back in 2020 and I know one person who DID die from the vaxx in their mid 20s.
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Haven't watched the games too closely to be honest. I hope he makes it though.
Probably starts in the ahl and will get called up after mantha and kuzmenko get traded.
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Getting banned.
It's been fun
for me it's the turbonegro song
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aces play today :)
Ässät play tomorrow
The coof made all my high school friends hate Justin
Justin was a raiders fan
and may they also win
based and true rip
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>Scores 3 goals under 3 minutes
We're so fucking back
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now wait a minute, something is off in this pic
I still couldn't figure out why Vegas lowballed him.
Because he's 36 years old and they didn't want to pay him for what he's done.
go panthers
Secret Service Chris is what really makes this photo great
Bulju has finally figured it out
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>3 assists in one game

yeah im thinkin' he's back
>>>/x/38888888 soon
get your jlmi or your >rags ready retard
so this gay general is basically one mentally ill person arguing with himself? no wonder its so gay
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>when the latest installment of his favorite reading material is out
I dont think I would recover if I got beat by some boomer
Good morning /hoc/
off to the gf store anyone need anything?
A will to live
that's at the will to live store. it's in the same shopping center, i'll see if they have anything in stock
A country girl with traditional values but I’ll settle for whatever they have in the bargain bin
Yeah a cheap chinese import, doesn't have to last longterm.
>I’ll settle for whatever they have in the bargain bin
Ok so a country girl with traditional values
Taking the kitties to get spayed
Based Bob Barker appreciator
could you get matty neutered while youre at it
he is spraying everywhere
For girly drinks and parlor games
We'll pass around the easy lie
Of absolutely no regrets
And later maybe you could try
To let your losses dangle off
The sharp edge of a century
We'll talk about the weather
Or how the weather use to be
10 days until the European opener
14 days until the North American opener
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Goooooood morning /hoc/! If /yourteam/ plays tonight, show them some love!
make sure to give kitty a treat after the appointment :3
Eating oatmeal bros!
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I was born in '67
The year of Sgt. Pepper
And Are You Experienced?

Into a suburb of heaven
Yeah, it should've been forever
It all seems to make so much sense

But after a while
You realize time flies
And the best thing that you can do
Is take whatever comes to you
'Cause time flies

She said luck is all you make it
You just reach out and take it
Now let's dance a while

She said nothing ever happens
If you don't make it happen
And if you can't laugh then smile

But after a while
You realize time flies
And the best thing that you can do
Is take whatever comes to you
'Cause time flies

And laughing under summer showers
Is still the way I see you now

How does time break down
With no marker, things slow down.
A conference of the strange
And your family is deranged

I could tell you what I'm thinking
While we sit here drinking
But I'm not sure where to start

You see there's something wrong here
I'm sorry if I'm not clear,
Can you stop smoking your cigar?

But after a while
You realize time flies
And the best thing that you can do
Is take whatever comes to you
'Cause time flies

And the coat your wore to Alton Towers
It's still the way I see you now
I actually preferred the Stars Avalanche game having no announcers last night but what the fuck was up with A) no scoreboard/clock and B) why the FUCK are they trying to make the puck tracker a thing again
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That's hazel Moore. She is a black cock addict
Sorry I slept during my high school finnish classes
He likes candy
does she know randy and dylan
The axis of evil
laffs are the comic relief villain
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i've coomed to her blacked videos
And the >rags are the villain that appears menacing at first but turns out to be a massive disappointment
I never knew mcdavid was a based red bull sipper
Average Penguins fan
Ivy League hockey player gf!
Well I guess no goals Laine is a bust on another team
Reddit creaming their pants at habs fans cheering laine getting the puck just shows how little expectations they have for him
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our Sennies :)
The #1 pick in 2025 is going to be another 5'11 manlet
And my sensissies will draft him
she'll be a wallstreet girl boss ceo while I serve as her house husband
Jeff skinner was invisible
Skinner for Poo
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Samir bros... we got humiliated...
Noel will never be real bud.
Flames are undefeated this preseason. Thoughts?
Flames 2-0
Utah 2-0
Stars 2-0
Sabres 2-0
Panthers 2-0

good teams right thurrr
From Long Island
preseason doesn't count
Samir is too busy making curry deliveries to be checking hockey news
>soilers are the first team in NHL history to lose 2 game in one day
Says who?
Oilers fans coping about losing twice in the same night.
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>remember to poo in the loo and not in your shoe
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McDavid is a natural born leader, he will motivate his team to bounce back from these preseason losses
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theres gonna be a lot more seething this entire season
Out: Ceci, Desharnais, Broberg
In: Brown, Stecher, Emberson

Oiler sisters our defence….
2 games in and Bichsel has
>1 GWG
>1 assist
>2 fights won
>2 penalties
good for mcdavid for calling out his shit team
I’m conflicted about it. Yes they are shit and should be called out but there’s something so unconvincing about McDavid yelling.
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Mcdavid should’ve stepped up himself. 0 goals in game 7. Take some responsibility.
I'm not even sure which group is more shit.
Brown is one of the worst dmen I’ve ever watched. He’s not an nhl player.
Bichsel Rempe fight will be kino
Oh shit it's Josh Brown? Yeah out of the revolving door of "Why the fuck is this guy still in the NHL?" defensemen my Sensies used over the years he was undoubtedly the worst.
Calling your favourite team the _____-ies has to be the most cringe trend to come out of /hoc/ in the last 5 years
That would require rempe to get ice time
>at naming conventions
my thread standardsies :)
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lmao nice
I can't wait to laugh at his autism
Imagine being one of the Kraken players and getting an erection in locker room and then female coach walks in
because one of your favorite teammates is naked?
0 points* and only 2 shots. And then they gave him the Smythe anyway. Bob choked 3 games in a row, and McDavid choked the biggest game of his life. Breaking a record doesn't even matter at that point. They should have have just drawn a name from a hat
remember when it got so bad that bob was benched?
Lost my folder. Can someone post some Capitals Pepes and Wojaks
Can't WAIT for my Wingies to play tomorrow night!
>bench bob
>fucking stolarz lets in 3 more
I would have thrown things at them if I was PoMo
i bet she wishes pk played for the krakken haha
soilers D = laffs D = ECHL tier

Next, we review goaltending, here on Roger's hometown fucktards.
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It's preseason, none of these games mean anything
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Flameschuds signing sociopaths again
the senaturds stanley cup right here
Why are alberta teams like this. If the leafs signed the amount of scumbags the soilers and lames did I’d stop being a fan.
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Yeah, laffs only sign quality players.
It’s only an issue now cause he’s white
Ynr shayne corson
ads on ice should be criminal offense, punishable by death.
That's anti-Semitic
So that’s the power of former ducks goaltending
I'm pretty sure they were showing the feed from the jumbotron. At some point a lookalike cam with this guy came up and then went away, plus the arena music was being being played through the feed. And like 5 minutes into the 3rd ESPN said the game was over and I went to bed.
Now present day >laffs goaltending
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he'll fit in perfectly with the >laffs
w2c sneakers
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white af1s with gum sole. or basically any low top white sneaker with a gum sole.
Atleast he’s a good person
thanks. I wish I made more money so I could be /fa/
Learn to thrift and save for at least decent quality clothes. You don't need a huge wardrobe to look nice.
I had the BEST dream. I dreamt my flames beat he oilers TWICE in one day. In fact twice at the SAME TIME. Oilers had all their STARS on the ice: Mcmeme, Drai, Highman etc. And my flames were TOO MUCH to handle. If only it were real life and not a dream. Oilyboys with their "cup contenders" getting shit on by my flames.
Oilers forced the flames into a rebuild bitch ass pussy.
I'll follow your directions
Last night I dreamt I was making out with a girl I had a crush on 20 years ago and her super bitchy best friend at the time was watching us. I looked the girl up on instagram and she's fat now.
>she's fat now.
At least now you have a chance.
If my dream was real life, I think the rebuild would be over
If only :(
I wonder how many of my high school classmates are obese now
>checks flag
statistically like 40 percent
only shit teams today
False my Sensies are playing :)
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
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Relax bro its only the preseason
Preseason doesn’t matter. It’s flsmestards acting like it does.
You know they're coping and seething when even their Twitter guy is.
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cashier girl made extra long skin contact when giving me change bro's go flames
>a grown man named bitchsel
next time ask for her number
nah she had blue hair and face piercings
straight cash nigga
I have a $100 bill in my wallet. Not even sure if it's real.
Does it have Trump on it
I’d take any girl at this point. I’m a 25 year old virgin.
might watch raw soon
is it brown and has borden on it? Back has some lady using insulin
Might not ask soon
rampage was cancelled tranny
I'm a 26 year old virgin and I'm in the same boat
10/10 cutie invited me to her house for 4 days. Whole time I never had the courage to do anything. Now she's dating someone. I'm a retard.
slopdown lost half its viewers after it got cancelled
Did you sleep on her couch? Did she do anything to indicate she was interested? Why did she invite you in the first place?
You two should sleep with eachother
smackdown got promoted by making more money on USA and gaining an extra hour of tv time

nxt just beat collision and rampage combined

KWAB till tiny
She was 100% interested and flirted with me the whole time. Like she had super intense eye contact and wore revealing clothing etc.
but we're both boys
Then yes you're a retard, but it's by being retarded that you learn so don't beat yourself up too hard friend.
>brett favre has parkinsons
The Flames announced today that they have assigned the following players to their respective junior clubs:

Jacob Battaglia (LW) (Kingston, OHL)
Axel Hurtig (D) (Calgary, WHL)
Eric Jamieson (D) (Everett, WHL)
Hunter Laing (RW) (Prince George, WHL)
Henry Mews (D) (Ottawa, OHL)
Luke Misa (LW) (Brampton, OHL)
Etienne Morin (D) (Moncton, QMJHL)
Feels bad. Only girl to ever show interest was a literal 10/10 cutie. I go back to never talking to anyone cept you frens
That's anti-Finnish
watching an all ego ethan page interview and said his daughter is in grade 1 i didn't know he was canadian desu
>watching anything all e-slop
cope i don't watch main event or lvl up
lvl up is based
Dspgaming watches wwe
So does boogie
So wrestling attracts fat retards. Got it.
>Your local sports team? Not very good!
There I just saved every wrestletard a lifetime of watching their shitty sweaty mandrama "promos"
Then. Now. Forever .
My mother has parkinsons
I'm sorry. My aunt has it and will die by the end of the year
So does Gary
>Copey is 5'6 and morbidly obese
No wonder he's always here and always seething at my Stars
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This. It always comes back to jealousy and intimidation at the end of the day.
give her as much love as you can
>if you lose for 25 years you win
Chad enough to have his mexigf attack the boomer without any second thoughts.
How do I get abs like that?
Train like a professional athlete I’m guessing
latinx women love fighting
>changes the subject
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Who is winning the Preseason Trophy
Utah. Just the way Gary drew it up.
same as usual,
flambes, senaturds and ded wongs
none of which will be relevant come april
laffs are only relevant in april for the annual laffing
Next thread should be Flames related
>dom in a shark cage hanging over liv vs rhea at bad blood
It's always dramatic irony on how they'll get eliminated
Shut the fuck up
adding the finishing touches to the new thread you guys are gonna love love love it
True it should be the islanders instead
Thanks I'm excited :)
Gonna go check out The Substance later.
fuck fedex
My hockey club :)
Where is it, cuck?
stop calling me a fucking cuck
i'm not making it anymore
posting it now
Slow Joe was a cheap shot artist and choker.


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