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/WNBA/ & /wb/ (women's basketball) general

Schedule for games (many leagues, tournaments, friendly games):

Free livestreams WNBA:

Free official livestreams, replays:
FIBA tournaments, Eurocup, WBLA:
FIBA 3x3 tournaments:
WNBL (Australia):
NBL1 (Australia):
TKBL (Turkey):
Romanian Cup:
If you know free access availability for any other league, post it's link in the thread, will add it to the next op.

WNBA game replay streams:
WNBA game torrents:

Previous general: >>144285686
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how much do they pay you to make these threads?
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>how much do they pay you to make these threads?
None. They should pass more to Lexie, and let her shoot a lot, to make me happy.
>tfw CC plays down the eyepoke significance
Wonder if they got CC with the carrot or the stick? Got some money bonus out of being "cool" about this, or part of her current sponsorship contract to take shit like this without complaint? Hope CC have a good insurance, that covers the eyes, if almost causing blindness is considered a normal "basketball play", without consequence. I still think Carrington should be killed for trying to blind someone for being (percieved as) white.
>Atlanta Dream @ New York Liberty (starting in 19 minutes)
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GOOD EVENING /dykesimp/
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Found the streaming youtube channel for the slovenian league:
SKL (Slovenia):
Will add this to the next op.
How many of your boomer dads are into the WNBA because of Caitlin? Mine watches every Fever game in full or highlights. He hasn’t care about the NBA since the Kobe Shaq feud. He tells me about how all the “black lesbians” beat Caitlin up.
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good morning. my aces have completed a spirited sweep of the seattle storm, and will proceed to face the NY liberty in what will be a truly dynamic series. and yes, a'ja wilson will continue her dominance as well. tyvm. enjoy the wnba playoffs that are happening today.
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>Szekszárd (Hun) - Zabiny Brno (Cze) (starting in 15 minutes)
Or she can drop 40 on their ass for the next 2 games and send them to Cancun. With goggles on.
>Halftime: Szekszárd 45 - 41 Zabiny Brno
The black guard in Szekszárd team plays very similary to Mitchell in the Fever, made 4/4 3 pointers so far. Otherwise issue is the same, can't really defend due to short height, and only have +1 +/- score, despite scoring 18. I don't understand hiring so short players, I seen taller female grocery store workers, and shooting is a matter of training, so why not train taller white talent instead? Meanwhile younger hungarian players are sitting on the bench...
>Szekszárd 73 - 80 Zabiny Brno
That was painful to watch. Szekszárd was up by 9 for a while, than Brno tuned up their defense, and worked it all down in the 4th quarter. Szekszárd was more skilled with shooting, but Brno have better physical attributes, were taller, slimmer, more athletic. I blame whoever hired these foreign players to Szekszárd. The black guard Bejedi is simply too short, once Brno figured her out, she stopped scoring. A "native" with the family name Horváth (means croat) is also extremely short. Autralian guest player Whittle is too old, overweight, and not tall enough either (only 186cm), same with american Westbeld. Szekszárd's gameplan was to push these four, while they let Gréta (189cm tall girl, from our U18 national team) sit on the bench all game, despite being closer in height to the czech players.

On the czech team Brno, the most efficient player was the american Elissa Cunane (former Minnesota Lynx player), 195cm tall, the most accurate scorer (100% 7/7) was Steph Kostowicz, 190cm, so mainly their talls won, with having just one accurate sharpshooter on their wing, making opportunate 3s, when shorter Szekszárd players tried to double team the czech talls, Petra Zaplatova 27 (6/11 3s).

Even if a team want foreign talent, should rather get 1 really great player, than several mediocre ones, and give more room for younger local players. This game shown again, that height and good physical shape have more impact than shooting skill.

Also I was kind of emberassed, that the czech brought only whites (if you consider slavs white), and we had two groids on our team, and also slavs... The australian have the name Marena (slavic name), and the american had the name Kathryn (slavic spelling), and our extremely short player have a slavic (albeit local) family name. Just fucking why? Spend money within the country, and don't give it away to slavs and groids, spending money on training local talent is cheaper than hiring foreign.
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>Indiana Fever @ Connecticut Sun (starting in 22 minutes)
Samefaggs: the thread
>both threads dead
WNBA will never make it
not a foul on neither Lexie Hull, nor Mitchell
refs keep calling bullshit fouls on Lexie, every fucking game... probably league order to all refs sabotage Lexie (because white, and blue eyed)

also that early uncalled foul on Bonner, refball bullshit
This ESPN stream is bad quality, and fucking added ads on court suck too.
fucking political ads during the game... I try to switch stream at halftime... fuck espn
Come on over hungary guy the water's just right
Not thread splitting on principle, also not interested in espn intern samefagging. ESPN fucking sucks. Almost unwatchable, but no league pass stream.
>tfw I watch WNBA because I'm a feminist man and I have to be in threads with anti-women coomers

we are not the same
Oh please, spare us your lies. Feminists don't actually give enough of a shit about women's sports to watch it.
imagine if those two blatant no-calls on CC were called and it was a 1 point game right now
Time to disband the general. See ya'll next spring, it's been fun.
This was the last WNBA game I watched this season, but the general might keep on going (though with less attention paid and given to it), Euroleague, Eurocup, and if Lexie plays somewhere that is avaible to watch freely during the offseason.
It's all over
FT's: 9 vs 23
>hard to beat the 6th man when he's wearing stripes
this league is worse than the nfl when it comes to decent officiating
insane refball

First off, congrants to these women for wasting an other year of their life not being pregnant, that is one less kid they will have, one less grandkid they may see graduate high school, one less great grandkid they may see being born, if delaying giving birth (all implying we won't all just die by a world war, or pole shift, solar flare, etc, and that they are not already infertile from the clotshot, and that not trannies).

The last good Fever game probably was that big win against Chicago, way too selfish since then, continueing into the playoff.

This game was likely refball, added together there was more than 5pts worth of uncalled fouls by Connecticut. Did seen Wheeler going on that uncalled fouling streak (which I don't condone, because losing the moral high ground, but do understand), but it was more mild than what Connecticut did, and got away with. 23 free throws give to the Sun, vs 9 given to the Fever is telling. People probably bet on the Fever more (I did call for the opposite of that, for this very reason), so it was too tempting to fraud away (may have done so anyways, as a humiliation ritual against whites).

Boston and Temi were good, liked the back and forth passing. Though Boston missed a lot early on, but it evened out, and got a whole lot of rebounds (more score would have been better).

CC, Mitcheel too many 3 attempts. Lexie only had last resort shooting, and moved away from corner position, when open, knowing she would not get a pass anyways (at least she had one made).

Smith worst +/- rating in 4 minutes, she may have thrown her game for her gf (trade Smith just on the suspicion alone, should have broke up with Carrington over her intentionally trying to blind CC). Also wherever Smith may go, or if she stays, I think Smith is a small forward, who is a bit overweight for that role now, but her defense is not enough for the pf role, but is enough for sf role, and could do many layups when only guarded by a sf.

Dantas also should lose weight.
Is JuJu Watkins-Schuster going to make an impact on viewership next season?
>Is JuJu Watkins-Schuster going to make an impact on viewership next season?

No, but Paige might
Why aren't you watching the finals? It's getting more and more fun.
As to players playing off post. Mitchell is a pg, and short one even as that, it's not working with her playing as sg. Lexie is an sg, not an sf, and her being able to guard on sf post comes out of immense effort, but sometimes her height is not enough. Smith is an overweight sf. Boston is an overweight pf. Samuelson should not be playing basketball at all anymore.

Fever should only get new white, or east asian players from now on. Need two real tall centers, as in Bernadett Határ, or Han Xu tall (image all the passes CC could give them). Fever should draft/sign Lacie Hull, to play in case Lexie fouls out, or if can get away with shorter sf, can play two Hull-s at once. Try to get Breanna Stewart, to get a scoring machine that can play both sf and pf. Use any draft picks for tall white players, or trade draft picks for tall white players, such as Leonie Fiebich, or Cameron Brink, or Dorka Juhász, or Alanna Smith.

I think the Fever should not extend the contract of neither Wheeler, nor Mitchell, both are just too short for sg (even short as pg), CC is playing almost all game as pg anyways. Berger and Wallace can cover the pg backup role.

Temi should get an other one year contract, if roster room allows, because great defender, but can't make long term contract with her, because injury prone.

Only keep Dantas if loses at least 12kg-s by next season (preferably 17kg or more).

Trade Smith, loss of trust.

Trade Samuelson, net detriment almost entire season.

If need even more room trade Saxton too.

Should try to get Emma Meesseman.

Games are too late in my timezone, and I don't like anyone other than Lexie enough to stay up this late for, it's 5am over here right now.
Even though she signed an extension with Phoenix, I hope Sophie gets traded to the Fever
I love my Lynx. :)
>tfw the game venue was a casino
That kind of gives extra weight behind the game being rigged "speculation", the house always wins.
What is one of the biggest joke this season, that Samuelson cost CC entire rookie season to collapse. Without Samuelson ruining games with being around, Fever could have had more wins, and face an easier opponent. Without Samuelson on the roster, 90% of the negativity around the team could have been avoided. I think the most important for the team is to remove Samuelson, and whoever hired her, and whoever asked for minutes for her within the organization. As to Samuelson murder her, or offer her a chance to quit, and self deport into Africa, and renounce her american citizenship, if not, than kill her.
Imagine all the more fans the Fever could have picked up, if early in the season, when the most eyes were on them, would have played Lexie, and won. When Mitchell was injured, playing Lexie at that time, could have secured Lexie the occasional sg spot too, when defense required that. Team would have grown closer sooner, CC could have got her Olympic spot, Lexie could have got a 3x3 Olympic spot. All opportunities wasted for one fucking racetraitor trash shitting up the team, seriously kill who hired Samuelson too.
Now CC is not even in the mood to play basketball anywhere in the offseason, and want to go to play fucking golf.

What I recommend, and I won't deny self interest, that CC, Lexie Hull, and Lacie Hull all join an australian WNBL team together. Play there, and hang around in the sunshine, be happy, get used to each other, take pictures with hugging coalas, hang out on the beach, fish, hike, take long bike trips as a group with Wallace being the local guide. Recharge with happiness, let CC get used to a less selfish playstyle, when stakes are lower, and no WNBA stats to pad. The timezone would be excellent for me, because games are would be in the late morning, before midday in my timezone, so could watch without having to stay up late (though all this, if WNBL regular season will be freely avaible, either on youtube as their pre-season games, or the nbl1 site). Other option is to pick a team with an already certain Euroleague spot, preferably a fully white one, in a relatively safe country, and play there together. Though again, it is a bit selfish advice, because Lexie and Lacie both should just get pregnant, and have kids, the world need more Lexie-s, and Lacie-s, hopefully they would have twin girls too.
See you next year m8
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good morning. my aces are getting ready to show the liberty what for this sunday. they've been on fire all month and are showing no signs of slowing down.
No CC, no watch, no post. Bye.
Referees rigged it hard (23 vs 9 FTS),but the real massacre was the lynx mercury series, that was mafia shit-Minnesota shoot over 50 free throws.
Lynx vs Sun is officially the battle of the whistle
>mafia shit-Minnesota shoot over 50 free throws
Bit overstatement (if you meant just last game), checked it, Lynx had 27, Mercury had 12 free throw attempts, just one free throw larger difference than the Fever vs Sun game.
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>"a season unlike any other. thank you, Fever fans. see you in 2025."
Fever official twitter can't even start sentences with capital letter... Fans tuning out till next season is not surprising, though I thought team social media would still run in the offseason too. It was posting rarely betwen games in the past few weeks already.
I meant 2 games. They shot 50+ from the line and phoenix shot 25 FT.
Fever was clearly stolen yesterday. (they called for 20 fouls vs only 10 for connecticut) Watch how they will get fouled vs Lynx in the next games, I see them average 25 fouls and more.
Outside of Caitlin, Boston, Hull, I dont know who'll be back next year. Kelsey wants to test free agency, and the rest can literally be traded for anyone better
Most still have contracts:
So have to trade to free up space (remove Samuelson).

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