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History watch thread

The Chicago White Sox are at 120 losses.
One more would give them the new record for most losses in a single season since 1900, a 124 year record broken.
We will be witnessing something no one's ever seen before. It's mind blowing.
>white sox vs angels
it's either going to be a slurpfest or cringekino
Do we have an updated baseball reference printout of all the all-time dogshit teams? I remember it posted a few weeks/months ago they were statistically the absolute worst, except for some inflated Manfredball stats like steals that might trick somebody into thinking they weren't the definitive worst team of all time
I would be interested in seeing these stats as well
For a team about to shatter the record because there's still 6 games left including this one and plenty to lose, see where they fall on those stats if they're 30th in the league not just this season but all time even. I think somehow run differential isn't the worst of all time. But there is still 6 games to go.
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In seasons with at least 100 games
All this seasons stats against the White Sox need to be expunged or have an asterisk.
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And loss count
Spiders played most of their games on the road and were a quasi-barnstorming team. The blow sox play in a perfectly level and scheduled league kek
Yep the white sox have no excuses whatsoever
The 1962 Mets were a newly started expansion team that had nothing

It's truly never before seen what has transpired this season. The most history of histories possible.
Friendly reminder that the Mets only played 160 games in 1962. The White Sox need to lose 122 to have a worse record.
They'll have the overall losses and the percentage losses and the weighted losses and the balanced losses and every other losses you can think of
Are the 2024 White Sox the worst offense in the history of the entire sport?
Worst overall? Probably. Although funnily enough the Mariners have a worse team batting average
they can't get to 134 losses
the '62 Mets were an expansion team and there was no expansion draft, they were fielding a team of amateurs and minor leaguers
>0-0 in the 5th
Yep that sounds about right
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pitchers are such a bunch of fags
this started the first 'sell the team' chant
Sell the team
>mfw i have tickets for thursday
How many games in the season left?
It's coming
Six including this one
Five more after today
Not a shutout for 121
Um historybros?
Oh right, its the fucking Angels.
Not like this
Oh well, still have an entire series against Detroit
History night over. For now...
they haven't scored that fuck up by lopez an error yet.
we'll take care of things >:3
>first win this season when trailing after the 7th
well that's some sort of history
Wonder what the o/u on errors is.
damn right you will. team fighting for a wild card spot is the exact perfect team to play in last games of season.
I can't wait for the Tigers to get 3 free wins vs the sox to make it into the wildcard and watch all the rest of the teams complain how unfair it was
What's all the AL Central record vs the White Sox?
no they wont'
>62 Mets: 40/160 = 0.250
>24 Sox: 40/162 = 0.247
they need to go 40 and 122 to be worse.
Well there's still 5 games and they only need 2 more losses to 122
oh I fully believe they will accomplish it, it's just 121 is the "loss record" not the historically bad record like everyone keeps saying. if they don't lose more than 121 they will have had a better season than the 62 mets.
So do White Sox fans want to actually see history or would they rather the team win the last 5 in a row and just stay tied?
Guardians: 8-5
Tigers: 9-1 (3 remaining)
Royals: 12-1
Twins: 12-1
12-1 incoming
Does the rest of the league complain after this year is over?
Is there more complaining if the Royals/Tigers/Twins get BTFO of the playoffs, or if one of them makes the World Series?
BTFO. World Series proves they're good teams who just happened to be next to a shit one. BTFO means they were only there because of beating up on Chicago.
From someone who was at the game tonight, see history. The stadium actively cheered when the angels scored their runs. During “take me out to the ball game” half the crowd sang “root, root root for the angels.”. Chants of “121!” and “sell the team” throughout. It was the largest crowd I’ve seen at a Sox game in months.
personally i find this whole thing very sad
What else could it be? It's not a good look for the entire league as well
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Bumping because genuinely hyped. Pic unrelated.
People are celebrating it everywhere I hear about it
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>tfw my mets will finally have this scrubbed from their history
>tfw my mets will be going to the playoffs
your cope will last only ca. 25 more hours, barring rain

I blame Stone Pony.
Big mistake putting Hayes in and sending Stevenson to Clearwater. Rob Thomson is smoking whatever crack that bum walker is smoking
It's time for take 2
Ugh, damn white sox can’t even lose properly. If they win out this week I’m gonna be pissed.
>Tigers looking for the wild card
There's just no way
sizequeen is pushing crochet's start back to try and play spoiler for detoilet
He got the memo
holy shit
how are the Angels worse than the A's?
Still 2 more cracks with this worst bullpen in baseball
I believe in their utter suckage more than the angels so far inability
A's have players that have something to prove. Angels are just a constant malaise.
lets goooooooooo
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Lmao. based fans
Is Rbo alive
shan't ever forgive the angels for limiting ohtani to 105 games his first two years. fucking joke franchise.
No. Between the bears and white sox, it's over for him
I hope all the other anons have been well, its been a while
these fucking shitters
Did you reverse jinx them with this thread?
That was Jose Quijada's first loss. What the hell is this dark magic happening in the Rate?
>go to Sox game even though I have to get up at 5 tomorrow, just to see history made
>boring slog of a game goes into extra innings
>ends with Sox winning AGAIN

I hate these fuckers so much. They can't even lose when they're supposed to.
how much did you end up giving jerry in spite?
I bought the cheapest tickets possible. Nosebleed seats that I never sat in because they closed off the entire upper deck.
bros not only do I think the sox are going to beat the anglels one more time, but I also think they're going to sweep the tigers and prevent them from making the playoffs all just so they avoid losing 121, its just how this shit works
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If that happens there will be simulaneous riots in both South Chicago and Detroit.
Remember when they were about to break the longest losing streak record but then only ended up tying it?
If this shit happens again..

but no, there's literally no way. The tigers would have to either choke like no team's ever choked before or they're in on it and throwing away games. Even if those 2 are true, this team still wouldn't win

There's just no way.
So is this a drawing point for the team? Are fans showing up just to watch them make history?
Is there another reason to show up for this putrid trash masquerading as a baseball team?
guess not. They drew 18k tonight and about the same yesterday. They've been steady in the 15K range all season. Oakland has had crowds under 5000 this year and they're better than both of these crap teams.
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I conscientiously made the decision last year to not go to a single game and give these fucks any money anymore
and I used to go to plenty a year because I live right by them
I stick by my decision but was tempted to go these past 2 days. Good thing I didn't. But there's still tomorrow for me to argue internally with myself again
As a mariners fan I would be thrilled. As a Sox fan I would be furious.
Food at the Rate is good and a day at the ballpark is always a nice time.
>muh campfire milkshakes
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Will today finally be the day?
Oh yeah 121 is happening today
>0-0 in the 4th
>angels white sox
The fuck was that angles?
>depending on the Angels to do something right
Are you actually serious angels?
Holy shit
I've literally not seen the sox score 2 hits with the bases loaded in the entire season
and yet we just witnessed it here

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Historicallybadbros... it's over
>only will get 121 or 122 losses
>won't even surpass the 1916 A's
What the fuck is even the point?
>carson fulmer still shit
bad timing

But surely our bullpen will blow a 5 run lead? They've done it so many other damn times before
the fuck are you talking about?
In terms of total loss percentage they need to lose out, but if they win today, they won't get it
>carson fulbust
who gives a shit, worst team in 100+ years still. ye olde tyme "baseball" standings are a meme anyway thanks to zero parity.
True. But they'll still need to lose 2 more for that
which can happen at detroit very likely
And it is complete
a shutout too
120 still, and 123 is the max losses possible
This didn't seem likely at all
bruh I think your thread reverse jinxed them
annoying autist
god i hate modern baseball fans
We're counting on it. Don't let us down like the angles did
Reinsdorf deserves this record and is fans deserve this justification and validation
What an absolute joke the Anglels are
>lost Ohtani for NOTHING
>broke Trout for the hundredth time
>fleeced by Rendon
>swept by the 2024 White Sox, the worst team in MLB history
>set new franchise record of most losses in regular season
>bottom of their division
>yfw white sox fans booing the angels for denying the chance to witness history live
Nah, White Sox jinxed themselves by playing the Anglels. Tigers will make things right.
121 WILL happen tonight and it will happen in Comerica

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