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WNBA general is here: >>144650519

CC is here:
Almost gametime
We've reached the end of the road. Today, the Fever and Mercury will be eliminated. Fellow Caitbros, Lexielovers and Sophiesisters... how will we cope?
By not watching anymore of course.
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>Today, the Fever and Mercury will be eliminated.
Wait this is true? What if the Fever win? Are they still in playoff contention?
Last game Bricklin stunk it up and couldn’t hit a 3 to save her life. She should be embarrassed and ashamed by her play.
We’ll see tonight if she can redeem herself and become again the Goatlin that we all know she can be.
Lynx has Alana Smith, Bridget Carleton, and Dorka Juhazs. and theyre the favorites
The playoffs are already in progress. The first round is best of 3, and the fever lost the first game, so if they lose tonight they’re out. If they win they force game 3 at home.
>If they win they force game 3 at home.

Wait they're playing on the road again in a best of three
I see.
Yep pretty ridiculous.
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Just realized my new gf has live espn on her hulu account
I might post here just to make the Hungarian seethe
You definitely should. Why would you ever encourage that type of autistic obsessive and anti social behavior?
Since he's the only one in his own thread I did invite him over here
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She should hang or at least spend time in prison for trying to blind someone
Andraya Carter is kinda a cute little lesbian
Holy fuck her team can't even hit layups
DiJonai is the hottest black girl. Hotter than Beyonce or Rihanna or Halle
A true gentleman.
She just wears a HUGE blonde wig and her nails are reasonably lengthed (Unless being shoved into an eye) instead of 6 inches long.

Also wow what a shocker, a no call on Bonner for fouling clark
>Also wow what a shocker, a no call on Bonner for fouling clark

She's also talking to Lexie now. She's fighting all the white girls
>5 minutes
>14 points
holy shit
CC could theoretically be 12/8/8 by the end of Q1
Someone give me the link to watch the game, please :))
im just pissed that I have to have my AC on in practically October. It's 90 right now 95 tomorrow in the Dakotas. That's bullshit
Bros I’ll be honest with you, I want to have sexual intercourse with Caitlin Clark
Who pays them to wear a shirt that says VOTE
Taylor Swift
I like her tan. So hot
Pale women look best naked in low light
>ejecting a fan

Dykeball kino
What did that guy say to Caitlin?
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damn I wish these cameras weren't such shit so I could see what the fat guy did
holy shit they should NEVER not put the ball in CCs hands they look like idiots otherwise
Marina is THICC
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So many cute couples in the W
Which couple is cutest bros?
get smith out of the damn game
It's caitlover
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Azzi and Paige, but more because of Azzi
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Paige is cute in a broken home kinda way
>Pale women
only hot pale women are asians
lol @ the s0i guy putting up his hands
The fuck she throw an alley oop for? Think she was going to slam that shit down kek
>The fuck she throw an alley oop for? Think she was going to slam that shit down kek
lmao imagine if that happened
Number 86 ref a cute
She looks like she'd be working overnight at a grocery store if she wasn't good at basketball
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Stop it anon I can only get so erect
Fever: Love, light, universal order, humility
Keeskuk: Corruption, darkness, tyranny, debauchery

The choice couldn't be more clearer.
I haven't seen a single dunk in women's basketball since I've started watching.
Why did CC lose her stroke. They would've been leading.
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This is a best of 3 series right bros
It used to be a best of 1 series lol. Minor league sports problems
That was a nasty lil bounce pass on that last goal.
WNBA moment
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So is this ref (if I chose the right webm)
kek what a retard
fairly cursed sporting event
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shit wrong one
Why can't fever play better?
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>misses a wide open layup
Not my wife blaming the camera guy.
Probably nerves. I think this is what the commentators mean when they talk about play-off experience.
It's almost like the best defensive team can slow her down
I thought it was a knee injury coming down on her plant foot but I only saw it once
I thought the Lynx had the best defense.
Bridget Carleton & te lynx will beat Connecticut
They're one and two. The Sun have the better individual defenders while the Lynx is more team defense
Have the Fever ever made a comback? Because at the moment it's looking really bad.
caitlin bros we are so back
She's going to drop a 30 point triple double faggot
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Have they physically assaulted her yet? It happens nearly every game
Not if Boston keeps traveling
>Named Boner
what does she mean by this
Refs treating the Connecticut like the Lakers.
>assaulted by 2 players
No call
How is it possible to have no offense besides transition
They were the worst team for the last 3 years
They really gonna make Caitlin play the whole game
Cathy engelbert the commissioner is such a dumbass. She should have told these officials to get the fever the win by any means necessary. Maybe we will get a 2006 mavericks-heat fourth quarter and Clark will get 30 free throws this quarter

I can’t believe they’re gonna fuck this up
caitlin can't win with these cats
Why don’t they give the ball to CC
>time to slow momentum...foul on hull for breathing
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That's my Cait
Even with this terrible officiating, Fever are hanging in. Imagine when she actually starts getting calls.
Put Dijonai in, she needs 4 more points.
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>more like KINO Clark
Lol sun were celebrating too early like a bunch of bitches
WOO I finally hit a 3 after 10 misses were so elite!
What do you think these women smell like?
>it's a caitlin's teammates sells the game episode
How come theyre not rigging it for Caitlyn?
can't imagine it's good
What was that kelsey
no one watching these dykes without caitlin

say goodbye to ratings wnba
>no Clark vs Reese finals series
Yeah, Kelsey's gone
Kelsey Mitchell put a bet on
in the last two minutes how many shots did caitlin take

how many did these other scrubs chuck up? that's why they lost.
Rip season, see you next year wnba
Is chicago still in it?
see you lads in April
>8 free throws
>vs 21
>5 BLATANTLY MISSED foul points
>lose by 6
I don't know, I only watch Indiana games
Yep. Nobody is watching these other literal who's
Based mitchell
>spread was Fever +5.5
>that shitty ass free throw from Mitchell
yea, she threw the game.
Thank you Dijonai for saving my parlay
Rest up CC
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I'll watch for my girl to three peat
She didn't even have to try and score it was a based move after hull fouled for no reason.
They didn't even make it to the playoffs.
Looking forward to the WNBA commissioner trying to explain why the ratings dropped by 50% after the first round.
No. And Reese was out for the season with an injury anyways.
Time for the Silver & Co jews to wrest control back from their incompetent diversity hires and do this right. It's unconscionable, an absolute affront, that this wasn't rigged in Clark's favor. I want answers, I want justice.
They want the 3peat for the Aces. They can't let a rookie get calls because the sheboons would chimp out about racism. They'll start giving her calls next season, I would imagine.
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still taller than you
What the hell are you talking about
You're missing out. Other teams are more talented and more enjoyable to watch.
In my experience, heavenly.
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NTA but I like watching cute girls
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Sophie smells like Lavender and Vanilla
Who's the cutest W player?
i love how all women nowadays just wear these crop tops
my neighbor lost his eye from a basketball eye injury
I'd say Bridget Carleton, but Lexie Hull, Cameron Brink, Dorka Juhazs, Sophie Cunningham, Nika Muhl, Marina Mabrey, Caitlin Clark, Alanna Smith, Karlie Samuelson, Julie Vanloo, Kelsey Plum, & Sabrina are all in the running
Why is Phoenix ass?
Paige Bueckers next year.
Good list. Just followed them all on instagram.
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>4th quarter
>0 rebounds
Any cute black girls?
>b-but black girls aren't cute
Some are. Drop names.
DiJonai Carrington
satou sabally
Jonquel Jones
Men need to start wearing them too. Like in the 80s.
Bump for Caitlin Clark
Caitlin is going away for a long time, you have to let her go

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Brittney Griner is cute and no one can convince me otherwise.
Gabby Williams
She doesn't even look black
so prison nigger bitches can just purposely stab you in the eye with 1inch finger nails? what a league

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