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Why are these historical giants in decline?
Not sure about the others, but we're broke.
Not sure about the others, but we're broke.
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Two are due to Erik ten Hag
Not sure about the others, but we're broke.
A Milan tifosi is needed
Not sure about the others, but we're broke
Milan is the only one deserving of being called a giant
Man Utd aren't really a big historical team, they just dominated a farmer's league in the early 90s which helped pad their stats a lot.
If you look at their history before then, they're Notts Forest or Aston Villa tier. They are simply returning to where they belong: mediocrity.
to understand man uniteds retarded decisions youve got to understand what the glazers and united hierarchy above ten hag want for the club, what their aims are, what they view success as and what they look for in a player. they want a guy with hype, a blockbuster signing to
1.placate the fans
2.get major social media interaction, especially if they can create it into a window long saga
3.it makes them look like theyre still a big club

in a traditional sense united arent a football club. they dont prioritize winning, they dont need to win to make money. the fanbase is so massive that they can sustain themselves without prize money. how they operate is shilling man u branded crap to foreign countries fans, and sponsorships.

they use their social media interaction numbers to get sponsorships, and sign players who would raise that. infact the players are told that signing for united would increase their brand value and wealth, so only players who only care about fame and money rather than winning will join them.

because social media interaction is just a number, someone typing man utd are shit is worth just as much to them as man utd are good in regards to attracting sponsors. if theyre shit and the whole online world is trolling them, that earns them more interaction and more money. theyre not a football club, they are a marketing firm with a football arm, and it works well for them, they just tricked some old boomer to give like 4bn for 49 percent of the club
Was just gonna post this.
In the grand scheme of league history they aren't giants
All of you make millions. Stfu
You all have either
Shit coaches
Shit players
Give away the youth talent you have >for free
Only prop yourself up on the internet to make more money
In January 1997, the "Mani Pulite" investigation on Italian politics certified a transfer of 22 billion lire of slush funds from Fininvest's secret safe owned by Silvio Berlusconi and called "All Iberian" to a foreign account held by politician Bettino Craxi. This discovery caused a widening of the investigation that brought to light, after a series of rogatory letters, a system of pyramid transfers of illegal money in favor of AC Milan players: as much as 122.5 billion lire (61 million Euros) passed into the current accounts located in several tax havens of some Rossoneri players in the 1991-1994 period.

The total of slush funds rose to 190 billion lire (95 million Euros), considering the years up to 1997. In summary, for the three Scudetto seasons of Capello's Milan, 20 million Euros were annually paid out illegally as extra salaries to Milan's players: all, of course, tax-free. The cover is one of Fininvest's countless puppet companies, the "News and Sport Time" which was supposed to take care of the players' image rights, which of course never happened.

Money was paid to the players but the puppet companies did not then "use" the players for advertising means. That money, which went out the door, would come back in the window to the athletes' account, as additional but "tax-free" compensation. Fun fact: the names on the slush funds list would be coded using the last two letters of the first and last name. Stefano Eranio for example, would thus become "Noio."

Ranking of emoluments paid to Milan players through slush funds: Van Basten 42.645 billion lire, Gullit 18.271 billion, Lentini 25.880 billion, Rijkaard 8 billion, Papin 4.889 billion, Baresi 4.500 billion, Maldini 4.355 billion, De Napoli 1.297 billion, Panucci 1.177 billion, Eranio 760 million, Tassotti 520 million, Savicevic 441 million.

The All Iberian trial ended on 22 November 2000, when Corte di Cassazione declared Silvio Berlusconi's acquittal due to the statute of limitations of the offense.
>Poochester United
Awful manager
>Ass Milan
No money
Their whole team got stolen from them
Their corrupt president that bought referees and won every title they have got voted out by the socios and has ass cancer
Ajax desperately wanted to become an European top club again after they made the semis, but they let Overmars control everything by himself and he never made notes of his business. So after he was forced to leave and Ten Hag left that summer, they had to start with pretty much a blank slate and did everything wrong they could have done wrong, causing them to miss out on CL twice in a row but their books were still on CL levels so they ran out of money fast. If they miss the CL again this year, they will be in big trouble. Not bankruptcy trouble, but they will then have to sell their few good players for a bargain while keeping the boomer players.
Ajax needs to join the Bundesliga to get back to glory
When entering the 90’s Liverpool(17) dwarfed everyone else with Arsenal(10)Everton(9) United(8) filling up the spots below. How are you even ”measuring” this? Liverpool did the exact same thing united did but the two decades before.
>because social media interaction is just a number, someone typing man utd are shit is worth just as much to them as man utd are good in regards to attracting sponsors. if theyre shit and the whole online world is trolling them, that earns them more interaction and more money.
I think there's more to it. I enjoy making fun of them but when they had a good short run last year I found myself rooting for them all of a sudden. It contrasted with the relentless trolling and created a story arc of the kind that out brains are uniquely wired for. I never had that with City, I just don't care about them. You don 't need success, you need stories to capture the mind of people. I think that is what Man U capitalize on.
>if you look at their history and you ignore a sizable portion of their history
that's like me claiming egypt isn't a rotten shithole if you just ignore the last 2k years
Ah, back when politicians got investigated. Then they just bought all the courts, judges, and lawmakers.
Shortly afterwards the (((banks))) bought those very same politicians, and the rest is history.
>geriatric ronaldo, because why not
>buy a fidget spinner for 90m

>it's becase we are broke guys, not because we are dumb
that's like you being here even though sandniggers are awful at everything including sports
In the past Man U would have signed every good player at whoever the current Villa, Newcastle, Brighton, West Ham and Spurs level clubs were to make their team.
good morning buddy please refer to >>144666920 >>144667882
True. Fergushit's United were literally the Buyern of English football.
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Not sure about the others, but we're broke.
This. United were just lucky in appoiting two GOAT coaches, Busby and Fergie, who won 99% of their titles. And they would've won those titles at any club.
Reminder that in the 1970's, united were playing in division 2

Manchester United will never be a true european giant like Juventus, Milan, Real Madrid or Bayern
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They've all been cursed by Norwegian/Sami shamans, making dark auguries in fish guts and old boot leather.
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TBD if Ineos can get their heads out of their asses.
They're nowhere near as bad as people make them out to be. Sure, Inter are ahead but Milan have won a league and made a UCL semifinal recently and have a decent enough squad to continue challenging in Italy.
Board retardation
Wait and see. AVB just became president recently. Needs time to get Porto back on top.
Ship of theseus
So they can sign more niggers like chelsea, surely that will be enough against top teams with actual tactics.
Same for bbilan which only consists of negative iQ negru rejects from the premier league.
yeah, they are a Sports Entertainment Marketing Media Company
Ajax was never a giant. Historically speaking we excel at picking players with lots of potential; build them up for a couple of years; have a decent international performance; only to then blow up again when all the best players are picked up by the juggernauts.
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Milan is money i guess

Manchester United probably has a shitty culture, like the very people who work there plus legacy players and coaching staff have created a toxic environment that ruins every players that touches the club, there is no other way to explain why so many new players do so badly/score less the moment they set foot in Old Trafford .

>Ajax and Porto
It's probably due to the big difference there is between the top 5 leagues and the rest of Europe. In the 20th century due to the immigration/nationality limitations all clubs had to be composed of mostly actual citizen of their country so even if a club was rich they still could't sign Eusebio, Cruyff, Maradona and Matthäus in a single team.

Every league was more balanced so were the teams, in return you had a higher diversity of UCL winners, now the top clubs snatch the best players away from all the leagues in the world, there is no chance we will ever see Porto, Ajax or any other team outside the top 5 leagues win the UCL in the near future, and if it happens it's gonna be a rare ocurrance
>leagues were more balanced
they were? Scotland, Portugal and the Netherlands were all dominated by the same handful of teams
>Man Utd
Retarded, jewish owners

Lack of rich owners to bankroll them, also jewish owners that are slightly less retarded than Utd's but hold them back due to not wanting to spend

Fired Overmars over a dickpic, he was the only competent guy there

Apparently had a corrupt president who kept himself in power by having the ultras threaten anyone who ran against them. Villas Boas is in charge now so maybe they'll be back
that's the same with Barcelona, people got too used with 2010s Barça to remember that, sure they were like top 3 spanish teams but no way close to being this ''huge'' thing in euro football compared to others, fucking chelsea is bigger than barça and no one talks about it as much
All of them are smaller than Bahia and Vitória
>If you look at their history before then, they're Notts Forest or Aston Villa tier
Wat. They had ballon d’or tier players and won the league a bunch of times in 50s and 60s, they weren’t like Nottingham Forest.
a handful of teams always dominate leagues, but at least their national talents couldn't leave as often as now so while the English, German, Italian and Spanish leagues were better there wasn't as much of a difference as there is now.

Ajax won 3 UCL's in a row, something unthinkable now for medium sized teams from the Top 5, much less teams outside of that.
you can scratch ~20 years of their 80+ year history and it'd erase everything
you simply helped illustrate my point

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