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Euros can mock it all you want, Nevadan's can anticipate a new franchise coming to Vegas.
It doesn't change anything. The President throwing out the first pitch in April may very well be from Oakland, but the A's will not be.
They won 4 World Series there produced some legendary teams and players. The memories are all that will be left after today.
Sometime around 3:00 the game will be over and a city that had an NFL team, an NBA team and an MLB team 5 years ago will have no professional sports teams.
Today in Oakland Happy Hour will be a wake.
Press F, Press S, it doesn't change anything. A city whose soul has been battered is losing part of itself.
They're still playing in California for the next 3 years, albeit it's a 90 minute drive.
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>Causes all Oakland professional sports teams to leave
What a based mayor.
They haven’t given any sign that they have the finances to actually make it to Vegas nor do the people there that they are partnering with. The public money they got was peanuts (heh heh, elephants) compared to your average subsidy nowadays. There’s a good chance they’ll be couch surfing in Sacramento longer than they’d want to admit.
Breh Oakland is right next to San fran this aint about feeling sorry for them its the end of a kino team thats starting over.
A once proud team turned miserable by a greedy owner. 'Moneyball' was not worth it. Would hate to be drafted to this couch surfing, fake team now. Bad owners should have their teams stripped from them.
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>The Las Vegas Athletics of Sacramento
They’re officially eschewing any geographic marker and going by simply The Athletics for (at least) the next three years to reflect their vagabond existence.
There's something Grotesque about the Steinbeckian nature of that
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The only English example of this would be in 2003 when Wimbledon FC moved to Milton Keynes to become the MK Dons and they became despised by everyone in the football league because of it. God even hates them; last week he flooded their ground and created a sink hole in the corner. AFC Wimbledon was born from the ashes of the old club, owned by the fans and after fighting their way up the football pyramid they're in the same league as the Dons. So, why not stop crying like a cunt, pull your sleeves up and get to work creating a new home team.
a's are easily up there with the most historic ballclubs.
Closest thing I can think of is Cleveland Browns.. Now people may say Fisher is a moron and they would be correct but lets not only blame him desu. Also blame >>144676981 the Govenor as well since the crime doesn't just affect Oakland it's also spread like a disease all across California. Also blame Pamala Price, Brooke Jenkins and others for not hiring people to you know.. Go after criminals.
they objectively are. some of the greatest players of all time are athletics. 1970s a's mog basically every one else in terms of kino
The real reason is legalized sports betting and MLB wanting a team in Las Vegas. The As were a sacrifice they were willing to make.

Oh also Giants are the reason As are leaving, even after the As made effort to keep the Giants in the Bay.
That's sad right there but hold on this ad for fanduel is telling me.. Oh, hold on this ad for MGM is telling me._ Oh hold on this ad for Caesars sportsbook is telling me, Oh hold on this ad for Draftkings.. Lmao, it's so damn obnoxious every 30s theres crap like this on every commercial now.
I for one am happy about the cultural death of Oakland. An entire generation of men will now grow up without knowing where the fuck it is
Without a doubt on that but in 1970 a certain bird team had Brooks|Frank Robinson, Jim Palmer, Boog Powell and moar. ^--^
Get used to it, it's all downhill from here
It goes out with a whimper
They should storm the field. What's the worst that can happen?
vegas is the most soulless city in the world, other than those fake chinese bug cities
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why are spics the worst sports fans on the planet? They’re even worse than niggers if that’s possible. I hope Trump gets back into office so we can send these taco jockeys back home where they belong.
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they’re worse than these filthy apes
it was nice of texas rangers rookie wyatt langford to deliberately miss that easy out so the las vegas baseball team could win in front of their "fans".
those niggies looking ZESTY
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they just...put the tv up there? with no support?
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>t. easily duped

the TV still has the sticker on it. you morons fell for a bunch of small time grifters who wanted to "go viral", not realizing they pooled their money together to effectively 'sacrifice' that TV.
if they change their name to something like 'the las vegas elephants' then i will promote them to 'back up team' status.

>t. roll tide
blacks leave the stickers on they tv just like they hats
They are tier 2 maybe. Not on same tier as the real early teams like Yankees and Cardinals.
It's called passion and Protestants can't understand it. It's the same reason Philadelphian fans chimp out so much.
You call it passion, I see it as desperation. I don't want to be a rat in a cage.
>get to work creating a new home team.
None of the leagues want anything to do with Oakland. It's a complete shithole, even by American City standards. They'll never get another team.
They won 4 world series... in Oakland... and 5 in Philadelphia. This Franchise's entire history is being sold and moved to the highest bidder. Why should I care about a franchise moving away from a city where they didn't even win the majority of their titles? When they finally move to Vegas in 2028 they will have played for 5 different cities.
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Still Philly's most successful sports team 70 years after leaving...
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heh... at least our city can keep its teams
I spent 35 years going to games at the Coliseum. Went to today's game. I feel very empty right now. No one should ever have to go through losing all 3 of their sports teams like we did here in Oakland. The leagues, commissioners, and owners are not your friends. Always hold them accountable for their evils in the future. It can happen to you too.
That's where you're completely wrong. MLB and John Fisher are what caused the A's to leave. Mayor Thao and the city council did everything she could to keep the A's in Oakland. You want to blame people, you blame the billionaires up top.
It's the 2004 Expos. MLB conspired this face of a relocation. This is the White Sox or any other team with absent and tone deaf ownership that's in need of a new stadium next.
The Oakland A's won the World Series three years in a row in the early '70s, and only drew 1 million fans once during that run. They are the last WS winning team to draw fewer than a million fans. Those same years the Blue Jays drew over 3 million fans.

Fuck that city. They won't support the best team in baseball.
Imagine if we'd kept the Warriors.
>They are the last WS winning team to draw fewer than a million fans
The Marlins drew a million fans in '03?
This is actually staged btw. There's another another video of this same guy breaking the TV when the Warriors lost to the Raptors in the 2019 NBA finals.
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Don't look up the MLB attendance in the late 80s and early 90s. The results will shock you.

Why not blame Al Davis, Stephen Schott, Ken Hoffmann, Lewis Wolff, and John Fisher for deliberately killing the A's from the inside out?
1.3 million.

In 1974, the A's won the World Series for the third year in a row and had the highest payroll in the AL. They drew 850K fans ... third lowest in the league.
Oakland is a shithole and deserves everything bad that happens to it
Charley O Finley was the worst owner in baseball. He was so bad the other owners forced him to sell the team.
If only people actually knew what was going on, kind of hard when your owner constantly failed to set up TV and radio contracts.
And Haas was one of the last great owners the sport ever had. The day he died was the slow and painful death of baseball in the East Bay as we know it.
The weather is nicer than San Francisco or San Jose, but that's all Oakland has going for it.

Well, now that my time as an A's fan is over, it's time to check how my other favorite team, the White Sox, are doing!
I decided to just support any team with a crap owner at this point.
Fans of other teams should do what we did more. Maybe something will happen out of it. Make owners sell their teams if they won't spend a dime.
>Giants are the reason As are leaving
>As made effort to keep the Giants in the Bay
the owners of both teams are different from back then and yes that matters

so many people already don't know where it is that they renamed their airport to san francisco bay oakland international airport this year

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