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future prospects edition

Current and upcoming races:
28.09 World Championships WE - Road Race WC
29.09 World Championships ME - Road Race WC
29.09 - 06.10 PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi 2.Pro
01.10 - 06.10 Cro Race 2.1
01.10 Binche - Chimay - Binche / Mémorial Frank Vandenbroucke 1.1
01.10 Binche Chimay Binche pour Dames 1.1 WE
02.10 Betcity Elfstedenrace 1.1
03.10 Sparkassen Münsterland Giro 1.Pro
05.10 Giro dell'Emilia 1.Pro
05.10 Giro dell'Emilia Internazionale Donne Elite 1.Pro WE
06.10 Coppa Agostoni - Giro delle Brianze 1.1
06.10 Paris - Tours Elite 1.Pro
07.10 Coppa Bernocchi - GP Banco BPM 1.Pro
08.10 - 13.10 Simac Ladies Tour 2.WWT
08.10 Tre Valli Varesine 1.Pro
08.10 Tre Valli Varesine Women's Race 1.Pro WE
09.10 - 13.10 Tour of Taihu Lake 2.Pro
10.10 Gran Piemonte 1.Pro
12.10 - 14.10 Tour de Kyushu 2.1
12.10 Il Lombardia 1.UWT
13.10 Chrono des Nations 1.1
13.10 Chrono des Nations 1.1 WE
15.10 - 17.10 Tour of Chongming Island 2.WWT WE
15.10 - 20.10 Gree-Tour of Guangxi 2.UWT
16.10 Giro del Veneto 1.Pro
20.10 Tour of Guangxi 1.WWT WE
20.10 Veneto Classic 1.Pro
20.10 Utsunomiya Japan Cup Road Race 1.Pro

>Mecha-Rusbert's webm folders:

>Bert van Koers' ciclismo quizzes:

>Races info:

>Free streams:

>Velodrama league code:

Previous thread:
fuck tiberi
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doper jaw
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ayy lmao
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FUCK Tiberi
toxoplasmosis eradicator
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Got colder, embraced my oldmanship with dressing in old man clothes.
This is an approach shift as big as before/after getting big.
Getting boss-man treatment because of that shirt and outdoor pants.
for me? SEPP kuss
why isn't he riding the WC
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he eats da borger
He's still recovering from his Vuelta heroics
>ynr him saying he could compete for the tdf win with vingo and pogi
who whispers these things in his ears
busy being a mtb chad innit
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It's over
Mädchen news?
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Muur de Kigali
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/cyc/ has been discussing the products of this very Dr. Oetker just yesterday
coincidence?? I think not
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pogi gets the real stuff form doctor oetker
nibbas out there putting chocolate on a pizza
seen it all now
Nothing short of an assassination before or during the race will stop Pogi from winning here. It's actually tailor-made for him.
Who will even be his rivals? Grug and Wout?
At least this is yet another incetive for Remco to ride Ronde.
I am so ready
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For me it's Dr. Oetker' pic related giving me my best watts
mhhhmmm feasting
>nutriscore B (green)
confirmed good for you
wouldn't feed dr oetker to me dog
cardboard tasting shite
That Oetker guy is out of control
my god we're reaching slop levels I never thought possible
im not done
wtf I love the Doc now
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Infant-sized pizzas can't satisfy me
gotta go for that C nutri-score
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Exactly, as healthy as milk as it's also B.
Thats why I consume both daily
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>double cheese
>double sausage
Please, no gore on a blue board
It has over 5000 elevation meters
i think the main opponent is Remco
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my honest reaction
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>Pogi wins the WC after a 90km solo attack, being fed slices of BIG AMERICAN by his team car instead of gels
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>/cyc/ - pizza general
We don't have any of the meme flavours of Dr Oetker's Ristorante here, most memey i've ever had was salmon. Tbh you can't be funghi, although chicken is pretty nice, it's rarely available where I shop.

One of my favorite thin crust frozen pizza is pic related. It's imported by this greek food importers, usually by the independent grocery stores or the chains that aren't part of the big conglomerates. Made in France, probably by the same factories that make the carrefour stuff I bet. I was surprised that the chorizo used was actually smokey, dry cured chorizo and not just that boloney crap they call chorizo at the Pizza Pizza or in the Irresistible Metro brand supermarket frozen pizza. The goat cheese and vegetable variants are pretty good too.
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Do you remember our pizza competition that a few berts made pizzas for but then schizobrit got medicated and lost interest
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forgot pic
I go to my local pizzeria and get a couple slices I don’t recognize any of this dogshit
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I go to Hong Kong, far from WADA's jurisdiction
and me? New Haven style apizza with puffy clams on
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>SRF reported in the evening that Furrer fell in a forest on the so-called "City Circuit"
Maybe this one? >>144674566
Looking at it again, that doesn't seem to be a Swiss jersey.
Swiss girls got dropped early so likely no footage from when it happened.
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>Albert Philipsen
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Somehow fucked up the corner even harder than I did with Pablo's truck directly in my path. Still PR and 5 seconds off kom and 2 seconds off 2nd.

>leader is a 54 yo boomer with max power 1100 and max hr 214
214 HR means death to most people
wind howling
Fucking hell what is happening, last night some semi tornado also hit my house.
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I'm done
the mais field next to me looks like a sea haha
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>he World Championships in Zurich will probably not be Mathieu van der Poel's last race this season. The current Dutch world champion of Alpecin-Deceuninck has been working meticulously towards this period for the past eight weeks and wants to try to reap the rewards of that work in more than one race. Van der Poel is also eyeing the World Championship Gravel (6 October) between Halle and Leuven and wants to try his luck in the Tour of Lombardy (12 October) a week later. Van der Poel has been at the start of the Italian autumn monument once before, in the covid year 2020 he finished tenth. The final of Il Lombardia is slightly less tough this year than in previous editions and so Van der Poel wants to give it another try.

>The Tour of Lombardy seems to be a nice second chance of the World Championship, because Remco Evenepoel and Tadej Pogacar have also already confirmed. There is a big chance that Van der Poel will join them, although the Dutchman wants to wait for the outcome of the World Championship before making a definitive commitment.
He stands no chance in Lombardia, should do Paris Tours instead
Isn't it on the same day as gravel WC?
You're right, who signed off on that idea
Would have been the perfect prep race
This race should be WT, I have no idea why it isn't
this was another girl. this section was on the transfer from the Greifensee lap to the city ciruit. Furrer chuted somewhere on the Schmalzgruebstrasse nearby Küsnacht ZH.
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Adonis? I used to buy those there, very tasty.
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No one even talks about this bad boy
>WC 2030 in Brussels
Stinky city
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Pogi is a Die Ofenfrische type of guy.
>grug retires after denying wout his last chance at wc
I just found out they stopped making hln comments public wtf
They think some people are desperate enough to pay to see them
What’s the point of a forum is it’s not public so stupid
Both will be retired by then
Grug could do some hybrid xc/classic until 35
That's some good hopium
the hall of shame
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BIG stuff happening down in Chyna,
RAJOVIC lost GC jersey, Estonian menace hubled by [redacted]
QUINTANA will win
A man can dream
>A day later, the UCI could only communicate in a new press release that the condition of the 18-year-old Furrer was still 'very critical' and that the three organising parties were 'extremely concerned' about the situation.
>The parties also consulted with Furrer's family, who agreed and wanted the remaining program of the World Cycling Championships to continue as originally planned.
Really not looking good
it's dry but very windy today in Switzerland. adjust accordingly.
Imagine sitting by your daughter in the hospital and David Lappartient comes begging to let the WC continue
News said some swiss woman is almost dead in hospital because of you immoral scumbags.
>let's watch a bunch of guys and women risk their lives for our entertainment
>please I really need a pogi WC
Not my fault they switched to disc brakes
Why are disk brakes bad?
easier to panick brake and lock the wheels
how long until mandatory ABS on bicycles
Big if true
>female MSR
>It's not 300km+
Lol what's the point, also didn't they already have their italian monument
>female tdf
>it's not 3 weeks
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Here is your abs bert
oldest cycling snake oil in the book
special place in hell for this guy
How did it happen? in a descent?
He'll lose his baby face fast like this
in track cycling, they got rid of brakes altogether because it's safer to have one guy crash than panic brake and take out the whole group

perhaps the UCI could experiment with banning brakes from road races too, it could make it SafeR
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>tfw descending from the passes with no breaks
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the weather looks alright today, so hopefully no one dies
Berts here don't break anyway and do all descents at 70km/h+ I have gathered from posts here
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first chute of the day
Looking forward to a WT rider winning this
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in other news, shameless squeaker hogs the feeder by himself. birbs should just peck him in a bum
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even if you're from Africa, you should be able to hold the wheel in the pedalton when it's flat
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whats the matter feathered ones
just a bit of banter
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>squirting tyres
tubeless, not even once
>rear tire fails the goon sesh after less than 30 minutes
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it's hooked saar put your d*ck back into your bibs
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no shortage of Italian restaurants in Zürich to celebrate grande victories
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Been paying too much attention since I recognize all 3 dudes in the break
Already has that DNF look
>what I am doing in leg warmers, it's 28 in Calpe today
>Why did I say I was going to do lombardia
can matty van der Grug defend the stripes or will are matteo kwab the flatlander of flanders and cruelly snatch them ?
just a reminder that if jarno widar fails and you greentext or mock him you are a fool, because he said in an interview

>"I am living very relaxed towards this", he says. "Everything extra is a bonus. I have nothing to lose anyway, I can only win. If I lose, the world just goes on. Then I get up the next day and just focus on other goals."

so you cannot actually mock him should he get lachee with 20km to go
PR classes already paying off
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le vaincqeur
Huub ARTZ will win
Blessing MAZINGA
not gonna lie he sounds like he's wouting
preemptive coping
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I wonder what has happened to that frenchbert's Gobik jersey which he claimed was falling apart. I have ordered a new one (long sleeved) because I am really happy with all three I currently have.
>teardrops on lens
uh oh
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>3 gobbik dollars were deposited into your account
>begging to let the WC continue
why even beg? why does the WC need to be stopped because of a crash?
based spender
if you're ever feeling down join us at reddit.com/r/paypigsupportgroup/
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gotta make a living somehow
it will always be gopnik for me
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Swiss rider Baroumi caught up with some Africans
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I like when the chute happens
Nordhagen looks like Jonas
His english is very peculiar, it felt like he sometimes switches from english to whatever tribal tongue they use over there in belgium
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sudden gr*vel attack
Swissbert showing how it's done
cyc represented
the berts
>NOVAK going backwards
this fraud was 5th at the Giro Next Gen
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that is not okay!
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a random squeaker appear
If this is the weather on sunday pogi is winning by 4 minutes
if god didnt want us to look at chute then why did he make bike races to chuty? Check mate scientist
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Finland's brave Axel KÄLLBERG will top10 this
chute comicale
Please rusbert, fignon bert is going to be all over this
Sleeping fetish is a bit un welcomed lately
>SEB putz
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wtf did hirohito mean by this?
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what's going on
>bertacek and russbert are the same person
Big plotwist
The masks are coming off on your little operation
Not only skinwalking now also webwalking
wow proper shamalama twist here the two guys who make the threads are the same person
bravo nolan
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I noticed already some years ago
the simple clue was 1639485061720.jpg
Shit autumn now

Also not running, that stuff is even worse for my kidneys and destroys red blood cells.
Guess I will try to force myself into body weight exercises.
take up sw*mming innit
that's a healthy, fullbody exercise with vascular and muscular benefits
plus think of the swimteam bunda
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get this hothead outta here
Have anyone heard anything new about Muriel? Will she survive?
what is going on
allow me to shill Pilates
it's quite a few grams in a sock, gotta weight weeny harder bro
we won’t know until pogacar wins WC unfortunately
My kidneys are weakening/failing. Not bothered to get a diagnosis, too bothersome and doesn't solve anything anyways. Kidneys cannot be healed.
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Del Stier
No further news yet—the condition is "very critical". President Adam Hansen will surely speak out
I read "somewhere" that apparently she wasn't found for hours lying in the woods
That's a strong group
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is that hail?
if you actually have kidney failure resulting in anemia you'll be put on epo like meds for life
they released 3 or 4 meds in 23/24 tailor made for you
wait, what? how did they just forget about her with all that auxiliary vehicles on a course?
just healthy european rain innit
should've seen the rain me grandpa had to commute through every day
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I'm legit bewildered by these ads on uk eurosport.
>this nibba eating beans
What if Morgado, Christen and Del Toro all work together and ride away?
>According to the Swiss newspaper Blick, Swiss junior Muriel Furrer lay seriously injured for a long time on Thursday, undiscovered in a wooded area on the course of the World Championships in Zurich, although much mystery remains surrounding the crash.

I don't know, if she chuted early and there are no radios, then perhaps
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The world used to fear us; now we're a joke even to ourselves
to answer your question this >>144693385 + head injury + very critical condition means vegetable at best, already brain dead at worst
I used to fear them, but now I think they are a joke
>Blick claims that during the junior women's race, no rescue operation was observed around the forest area of Küsnacht where the accident occurred. The rescue helicopter did not land in Küsnacht until about an hour after the end of the race. Furthermore, a motorcyclist told the media that he was not aware of the crash, which is why no additional safety measures were taken during the second pass at the same point. Furrer was out of sight of the caravan.

And they want to ban radios for safety reasons
If she's dead they're going to put back radios next year
sounds like we can make a case of the girl dying because of no radios because I doubt she would've gone missing for an hour with regular communication, someone wouldve noticed earlier
Yeah no way no-radio races ever comeback
Buttplugge didn't like this post
good lord. imagine dying on your home circuit full of personnel, that somehow managed to ignore you for hours.
But I don't want EPO, which is ironic.
Just fucking lol.

>do cycling
>shit kidneys
>maybe would get EPO, because hemoglobin levels have dropped over the years
>free legal doping
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>artem shit
This area is way more secluded than it looks on Google Earth. I couldn't believe that the little Mädchen got lost until I saw these pictures
in the mountains nobody can hear you chute
don't wanna
Del toro quite good looking on his bike I have to say
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entry is free. you can observe frogs there.
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oh no. F
Jesus Christ, she didn't make it
Ah fuck. Can't say we didn't see this one coming. F
why is it never the ones who deserve it
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the guy who brought you the French gommieblocks.
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Just ban racing already
Very sad news
jesus christ man what the fuck
How does this even happen
I can't even imagine how the family must be feeling damnit
are you asking how she died doing a sport people regularly die doing?
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What answer do you even want to this question, you crash at high speed on your head
I'm asking how the fuck they left a teenage girl to die in a forest for hours
I don't think this child murdering "sport" is for me
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>please understand we need to continue the WC sir thanks for giving your word that, that is okay
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attaque morgado
morgado goes
all i did was wish for people to pay attention to women's cycling
because WC and other such races are without radios
you crash where no one sees it or off a cliff its cest fini
Nobody saw she chuted, there were no team radios (could have helped, could have not, if she wasn't conscious). As said previously it is actually a secluded area.
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Remember that time Bardet jumped into the ditch to help allah during LBL? Well this time there was no Bardet and no radios
Seeing Pogacar in the rainbow bands is what she would have wanted. The show must go on.
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i hate that i chuckled at this
im such a horrible person
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Further proof, as if it were needed, that women should NOT be cycling
is there any footage of the crash? i assume there isn't judging by the comments?
no one really knows what hapened. I assume some girl saw her chute but didn't stop and know feels like shit
even no one in the race saw her crashing, of course there's no footage
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Zoo saved some Dutch and Danish giraffes from certain death.
yes well you're a d*ne afterall so just embrace villainy
I will provide free counseling service to all affected ciclista qt
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yea im thinking ima stay indoors all weekend playing wow
the outside world is too dangerous
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local flora and fauna
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>not AoEII:DE
>blizzturd in 2011+14-0.25
risk taker I see
can't stay schizo all year round, i only let the beast out when the sl*venian satan is racing
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what do they even propose? real step to ensure safety would be banning disk brakes and hookless rims. but they will never do that
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Kopenhagen zoo is known for butchering giraffes in front of kids and feeding the meat to the lions. never forget.
>Dutch cyclist Bas van Belle (24) passed away

Another one, F
ban road races obviously, no fun allowed
we can but speculate, but possibly she was lachee'd and chuted on her own where there weren't any spectators or motorcycles or cars or gendarmes to see it.

you cannot really cover and control every part of the race. appearantly the swiss team didn't know where she was during the race, you could make an argument with those velon style transponders but those tend to be pretty unreliable and when you have to switch bikes you're off the grid so it may not actually be a solution
God damnit
They need to do... something!
Confirmed dead now.
>suddenly died
vax status?
I thought they were actually going to ban hookless, which is why zipp made those weird ass comments about not hitting sharp objects
>2 deaths in 15 months
Swiss roads are dangerous
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wtf is going on today
nothing a little bit of lobbying money can't fix
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70k to go and the race has blown up with no pedalton left
ah that
as i remember it, it was some old giraffe that was sick and dying anyways and could only serve one last purpose on this earth as it would have in the wild, be food for predators
feminine looking motherfucker
The more I watch this race, the more I think remco could do it.
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Webm of crash where?
no it was normal and healthy, but it was male and no use for procreation because of its genetic closeness to the rest of the zoos animals.
and giraffes arent so rare that you need to keep useless ones around
he's a Pogiboy after all
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oh well
atleast it became the best media advetisement for any zoo ever
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this is the forest where the chute fatale happened
Del grosso drilling it
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Morgado is angry
Winning move next climb
staat wel nog steeds 53.4km linksboven michel
Group UAE will for this climb
Morgado and Del Toro are kind of too strong for this race
Lots of match burning from guys that should save
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cam on jan
The UAE boys are completely out of control
Del toro panne de jambes
they’re going to motorpace him so hard
waar widar
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Already on it chef
Easydoor already done?
I see him unless it's lecerf
Segaert looking good. Another 2nd place isn't out of sight
dozens of motos on the ready for the pacing
He’s got like three motors LMAO chase is solo left alone
Wie daar?
Vowels are expensive in Czechoslovakia.
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widarlich in G3
judging by this motorpacage Kïng Küng will win tomorrow
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jan getting 2 scoops
Widar pretty good for a 35kg manlet. Might be the real deal
>win tomorrow
did he transition to female?
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how to deal with Danish immigrants? this is not normal behavior.
4 Belgs, how will they mess it up.

The mfking Swiss keep rocks in cages.
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Missed the post, RIP poor girl.
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Del Grosso lachee
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IF they plan on sending grug it should be ffective
very weird grug
Can Christen win it? Waar Morgado?
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>tfw Grug gets arrested at WC again
>this time for beating up belgian woman
he’s basically being drafted to the line
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widar punishing himself
A bit too cold for 30kg widar. Understandable
Morgado did the attack to break the race for his UAE teammate
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>now you'll get it, stupid legs
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Once again—
Getting major beste man in koers vibes from Christen

Daily reminder to put your kid in CX schools bert
Next he will be riding in sackcloth bibs
Attaque du Widar!
Iván Romeo already proved he can take 45 seconds on under 10km of flat on Jan Christen, why doesn’t he just attack?
backward attack that's it
I get that cancelling everything is pointless, but it feels shit watching after what happened, doesn't seem worth it
BIG fan of SVRCEK ever since that rally and rerally with the pas normal vainqueur ABRAHAMSEN in Brussels.
He also wore my sixes as number.
time-trialing fresh and after 150 km is a bit different matter
Men U23 is stupid it’s WT guys racing nothing promise about it
i am mou
Why is Belgium always incapable of riding as a team?
They did all the work for widar, what are you talking about?
Widar pulling them close so someone else can win
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she was wonderful...
Segaert was riding for W I D E R just fine; he just can't drop everyone else on these climbs
Dont give the murican any ideas please
Christen appears to be cracking
Yes unlike all the danish riders working together somewhere offscreen lol
They're closing. I think Del Toro wins
they’re riding for Albert
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jan losing time quick
Morgado will win
G2 G2ing
Guiseppe Blackmore wins another one
widar is a lot smaller than his G2 friends

Why don't they at least put GPS tags on every rider and check if they don't move for a certain time? Seems to be low cost and stop things like this from happening.
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German lad is an absolute unit. how did he even survive the rampas?
sounds expensive
Don't garmins already have collision warnings and whatever
Widar refusing the slurping. Kid scored some points with me
kind of looks like christen is caught in two minds like he's no longer fully committed to the solo to the finish
>Why don't they at least put GPS tags on every rider and check if they don't move for a certain time?
That would be far too sensible. It's not like their head units already have GPS in them, or like their head units have collision detection, or that we've already seen that big events can, when they want, track the riders. Every penny spent on something like that is a penny not spent on a UCI committee, its catering, etc.
>sounds expensive
Pretty reliable GPS units start at like 50€ a piece.
I always assumed you need to carry you're phone with you
He's a big watt haver, his ftp is around 460
man fuck karl
G2 will catch Lil' Jan, infecting G1 with G2 syndrome, Segaert will pull Del Grosso to the group, and Del Grosso will win
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cam on Hirschi hay balls
They're going to go all in on the same climb
widar the goat
it's over for Christen
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who has the best sprint?
the manlet rage fuels cyclismo
christen zal een stijve nek krijgen michel
what'd koral do this time?
You'd think the big guy but Del Toro has some punch too.
his belly is too full of semen for a proppa sprint
after this race, probably Blackmore
I think Behrens wins in a sprint
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deutschland pas normal
Teutonic Tormentor.
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Top racing this
Widar fucked by morgado letting the gap grow lol
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great finale , very good tv
better than michel relentlessly bullying >ons josé
putting that weight to good use now
Yeah don't even allow christens to keep up and slurp on your back
Politt 2.0?
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>excited to see what God has planned for me #godisgood
looks like still everything can happen good racing this
>Teutonic Tormentor.
With that name, more like a dutch rapebaby
stop this
French commentators still pronounce it Svreč
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can you fuck of
Widar did all this workd to finish 5th
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Now that del stier and widar closed the gap the question is will they slurp or will they try to work?
he would be last in the sprint anyway
good showing
exactly, should've waited for Alec Segaert, no?
How is Svrček good at U23 wc again but hasn’t had a single good result all year for the wolfpack?
Thoughts about Grug's chances after this?
cmon and BAM this German cunt
he was saving the matches
The next HERZOG
segaert was dead, widar should have played poker to make the other work more
Grugcoin meteoric rise is what I'm seeing
He made good racing today for being a manlet twig he sure can do these parcours
still low since Pogacar can drop grug on the kwaremont
Mostly unchanged. I feel better about Remco's, though
if grug can activate his "leave out one pull and immediately recover" powers he has a chance
This, so many places for the aero manlet to escape
Well established he is not surviving a true acceleration. Too steep, too long, too unrelenting.
Somehow...Segaert has returned
are they slurping now?
1. Remco
2. Poggers
3. Grug
Berens will go all out anyway for a good WT contract the svreck guy has it in the bag
Wout's chances on the other hands are pretty high
behrens already signed with pissma
kek segaert
Pas normal that last bidon of Segaert.
christ rises again
christen?? dat KAN NIET michel
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Sagaert just takes the bronze for free kek
kek I hate karl so fucking much
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Pierre Baguette in the bin
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Behrens wins
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Very cool
good racing that
LOL is Svrcek already on tramadol. What an idiot
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Slolvakia embarassed again
Svrcek caught sleeping at the wheel

Also no Palestinian flags, I guess the budget ran out

step back w/kg merchants
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fick ja
Good race from the 18 year old Wiedaar
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keking at Segaert 3rd. G2 really blew it
phwoar he annihiliated sverkek.

really fun last hour of racing, hopefully the men elite race will be good too. obviously the women elite will be good because women's cycling is always fun
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winning bronze > losing gold aka getting a silver medal
>German anthem won't be played because that ciclista died
Ehm excuse me? Just add a minute of silence before or afterwards.
>obviously the women elite will be good because women's cycling is always fun
>Also no Palestinian flags, I guess the budget ran out
maybe they're saving for the main event
Can't wait for my Kasia to attack in the dumbest spot and finish 4th.
The German remco
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top 10
disappointing result for Team UAE
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top 10
3 in top ten, better than you did
almost all of these were born in 2003 except Christen in 2004 and Widar in 2005
Best Dane 19th what a shit country of failed doupeurs
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>8. Tibor del Grosso
I know this lad he's from the puckse vlogs
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atleast they worked together as a team
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Watts estimate?
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he can barely believe it himself
how long until German media says that he's a future tour winner?
He's also the U23 CX WC
he uploads with power to strava so with some luck we will see soon
he uploaded the itt https://www.strava.com/activities/12484441967/analysis
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yes but I don't watch that I only watch the puckse vlogs
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Svrček did pretty good today
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his 200 meter sprint
>it's already up
based headunit to phone auto connection
>be 18
>cycling main event going right through your home town
>die in the race
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400 normalized. Big guy
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>Max HR 183
>Avg 159
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if you wondered about Denmark
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why did he do it
Jan should’ve gone later he went full pogacar/remco 50km is too much for the mortals
hates 1 day races of any kind
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for 1 (one) PCS point
He doesn’t want to be a dayracer
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so what now for the next 2agan?
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This whole story is so depressing, young and dying alone in some woods for hours when nobody even knows you're injured.
Can't wait for Adam Hansen to circle this like a vulture for self gain.
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I just ate four Kinder Pinguí
He should take his newsboy cap off before the picture desu
She seemed to really like God so she was probably calm and accepting of what was happening at least

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