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News: theredzone.org

Cowboys win on TNF 20-15
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My Steelers :)
Reminder that even the NFL's darling little mutt makes mistakes
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Kiss the rangz.
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>d-da rangs of the whimpering mutt and goycattle wigger I worship like a good goy
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Go Bills.
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Dem pants
how did sweat fall off so hard?
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Who was he throwing to?
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>snix food
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can elite nfl qbs throw with pin point accuracy on 50+ yarders or are they just getting lucky?
im not talking about chuckers with meme "fuck it _____ down there somewhere" receivers
i'm sure most could throw it on a dime from under 20 yards
but I see quarterbacks throw 60-70 yard bombs into double coverage, or back shoulder, or hit the receiver in stride, etc. and place it otherwise perfectly where if it were a couple inches off it would be incomplete or an interception
then the same QB with a clean pocket will overthrow a wide open receiver on a deep ball
how much of it is skill and how much is luck?
if you put someone like mahomes, rodgers, stafford, etc. in the end zone and lined up 10 garbage cans on the 50 yard line are they going 10/10 with no pressure?
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For me, it’s the “Twelfth Man” Seattle Seahawks, and “La Doce” Boca Juniors
Penalty, illegal intercepting of Mahomes on the defense. Automatic first down.
Gipson, apparently. Also...what's with these blacks and putting "Sr" on their jerseys? No one cares you blew your load in some dumb whore and she shat out a kid you were too lazy to name. Until they also play in the NFL, you are the only one of your name to have any status.
my kang mommy
Primetime flags are what keeps me watching professional football.
I haven't watched in a few years. Do they still use that gay endzone cam. Players ended up using it for selfies after every TD and pick. Shit got really annoying.
cowboys in third place btw
dick shitstick
Idk uncle steve
shit shitshit
primate primate
heckin volumes
Can this man save football?
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I’d say on average for an NFL level quarterback they’ll make it 7/10. The great ones with amazing arm talent are 10/10.

The receiver correcting their route on a deep pass when they know it’s coming plays a huge part in how the QB looks. It’s why the guys with bazookas for arms like Josh Allen will throw it deep but the pass over throws the receiver and they fall down trying to draw a flag.

There are two classic QBs you should look at their highlights of, Joe Montana, and John Elway. Montana never had amazing arm strength. But he was accurate, and if you watch his deep balls to Jerry Rice they just die halfway through their arc annd Rice would sprint right under the path of the ball and it would drop in to his arms like it was dropped in from a helicopter. Contrast that with John Elway who had a cannon for an arm as well as Montanas accuracy, and he would lead Shanon Sharp on a deep pass for huge yard gains and touchdowns. He would either lead his receiver with touch for an over the shoulder catch or it would be an absolute laser that would dot the receivers chest through his pads.
Anime girls
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What are the Chiefs as of now and past few years if they didn't have ref and NFL on their side? Are they simply good or are they just batshit lucky with Refs slobbering on their dicks.
Obviously, they have been one of the best teams in the league recently, but not so much this year as of yet, they're much more like a normal top quartile team getting a few lucky breaks. And as for the penalty trend. I don't think it's really that the refs are actively favoring the Chiefs, but more that they're much more attentive as a unit in games the Chiefs play, because they know there's even more scrutiny on them than the officials for the other fifteen games that week. If they miss a penalty, especially one that would have had a material impact on the outcome of the game, that's going to be a bigger controversy than it would have if the same missed penalty had happened in a Panthers game where one team was already winning by a sizable margin. The truth is, the NFL puts their best, most consistent refs on the Chiefs games because they're in the spotlight in a fully positive way right now, for reasons both relevant and irrelevant to the actual sport. And those refs are also on their own A-Game to spare themselves controversy.
In short, the Chiefs are above average at drawing penalties from the other team, and they get the refs who end up making sure very little of that effort goes to waste.

Mahomes's is unusually good at sending the ball in an arc that makes it so it's only really able to be contested at the very last moment, and his receivers have been consistently sufficient at being in the right place and the right time to catch it without extreme stretches or on the fly adjustments. Which means that defenders only get a fraction of a second and a couple inches of opportunity where they might get a full second and enough room to act on the ball while it's in the air against another team. Which means that defenders are going to be much closer to the receivers, and they're much more likely to make moves that count as Pass Interference. Which as said above has kind of made a self fulfilling prophecy of itself.
Regular season warrior that doesn’t show up in the playoffs, which team and player am I? There multiple acceptable answers here
buffalel razorcakes and their QB, Crisp Rat.
Marino would be the textbook definition of regular season warrior
Cowboys and Dak
Ravens and Lamar
Andy Dalton bengals
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We dem boyz
we dem boyz
we make noise
dead genny
dead board
dead sport
no noise im afraid
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>Cowboys star pass rusher Micah Parsons will have an MRI on Friday after getting carted to the locker room in the fourth quarter with his left shoe off. Parsons was helped off the field after getting rolled up while attempting to rush Giants quarterback Daniel Jones.
>dook poopoo
phallus sowgoys
Glad they're not a total writeoff without Diggs
Reminder that Temujin is a latina living in California.
I'll burst my kidney laughing if he beats all the sob stories for CPOY
NFL should adopt the arena rule that you need to advance the ball the run the clock at the end of games. if nothing else it makes up for destroying onsside kicks
Boomers are starting to hate Ref/Review/Commercial chads. GODdell saved the NFL from geezerdom
Somebody post it
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This year's cowboys defense is actually really bad, and I thought the offense would be the one to struggle. The giants players were wide open all night and if it wasn't for Jones being a shit QB and all the drops otherwise the giants would've blown out the cowboys.
God the giants stink.
they just need to cut out the regular commericals when they have a lot of ref commercials. its silly how often they break around one play. also there should be no commerical breaks in the final 2 minutes.
they both suck. minshew would do a comparable job for a 10th of the price
I wonder if Mike zimmer will make it through the season. I think they’ve only had one game where they werent complete ass
Thanks anonymous ex-NFL GM. No wonder you're unemployed.
>about to lose his starting job to AOC
lol ok dumbass
It's Mike "Doug Pederson was the worst coach ever hired, and I hired Rod Chudzinski" Lombardi
>2023 Playoffs WildCard L vs Packers
>2022 Playoffs Divisonal L @ 49ers
>2021 Playoffs WildCard L vs 49ers
>2018 Playoffs Divisonal L @ Rams
>2016 Playoffs Divisonal L vs Packers
>2014 Playoffs Divisonal L @ Packers
>2009 Playoffs Divisonal L @ Vikings
>2007 Playoffs Divisonal L vs Giants
>2006 Playoffs WildCard L @ Seahawks
>2003 Playoffs WildCard L @ Panthers
>1999 Playoffs WildCard L @ Vikings
>1998 Playoffs WildCard L vs Cardinals
>1996 Playoffs Divisonal L @ Panthers
i feel like the league just fell off to andy's level. like no one else can put a reasonably complete team together. look at that shit last night. he'd probably have the same "dynasty" with fucking prime mcnabb right now.
jerry is the curse
Penis in my butt and my detroit Lions
It's a mix of throwing and receiving skill. I remember an interview from Tom Brady about Randy Moss in 2007 where he basically says he could just launch passes deep. Moss would just run to the ball and catch it no matter wherever it went.
Yep, I'm thinking my Eagles sweep the division
this is pretty much it. reid hired a bunch of people to handle the shit he used to fuck up and no he wins by just making fewer mistakes and manipulating clock. things he never would have done if the eagles didnt fire him
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yeah, that was a winnable game for the giants if they had even a halfway-decent qb. credit to the cowboy's for being able to stop the run though, that definitely won them the game
How fucked are the Cowboys is Parsons ends up missing a number of games or the entire season?
No more so than usual.
genuinely might go winless from here on.
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Oh no! It might hurt their chances of making a deep playoff run!
i would not be even remotely surprised if they lost the next 7 games until they got to play the gnats again with how they looked last night, with or without him
Malik Naybers goes out cold on the sideline. No one is asking for him to retire. Free Tua!
They'll break the streak this year
by missing the playoffs
Cowboys fans look like THAT?
how soft is Malik Nabers for getting a concussion on that play wtf
It's not his fault, the Met Life Turf Monster takes another victim.
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>yes yes, well done defense. yes, well done on the interception
WR or OL, Which is the more important position?
did anyone see/post Zeke in pre game warmups giving the least amount of effort ever seen on a football field? Should be a succinct 10 second webm somewhere
O line
A single WR is probably more important than a single OL.
But as a unit having a good offensive line is more important than having an across the board good set of receivers.
Offensive Line. You're not gonna be able to throw to your receiver if your line can't block for shit.
Baseball owns the most boring sport to watch award in perpetuity. It's a great way to take a nap in the summer.
How did Joe Burrow almost win a superbowl with good receivers and no Oline?
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Elite defense.
Key word is almost
Exception proves the rule. There's a myriad of different things that goes into winning a game. I don't know much about the Bengals line to say one way or another. Maybe opposing defensive lines couldn't get pressure?
Get pressure on this bussy
WR in the short term, OL in the long term
His defense made plays and he was sacked a shit ton of times on the way there. Also the Bengals offense had to resort to a trick play and were gifted by the refs for each of their TDs in the game. The Rams pass rush shut them down.
countless quarterbacks with good receivers and no OL don't even make the playoffs
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The owl is ours this year
The Broncos are practically on vacation right now practicing in West Virginia at some fancy resort Walmart sent them to. Seems very comfy.
Look at the Bears right now and even back to when they had Fields. No QB can go through a progression or a read with that O-Line they have. DJ Moore and that Chargers guy don't mean shit when the QB is running for his life half the time because an O-Lineman got absolutely thundered by a linebacker.
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How is this one gonna go down?
Love probably not playing so Vikes win
two teams playing great playing a rivalry game? slurpfest coming up
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Are teams that have won multiple rings already just doomed to wallow in mediocrity? The patriots don’t look like they won’t be poised to win another for a few decades. My cowboys are already 30 years out from their last ring despite running the NFC E for years. It’s disgusting.
They're both better than the Bears and the Lions and everyone knows it
Probably true.
Packers always blow out the Vikings when they're at their cockiest.
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vikings choke and then stumble back across the border.
also potentially this
>running the NFC E for years.

The absolute delusion. The Eagles have been to three super bowls in this century and the Giants won two and the cowboys haven’t even been to a single NFC Championship. The Cowboys are a joke franchise
based mirror image fan base rivalry
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Would you trust this man?
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Common Chris Simms W. He had Malik as the #1 reciever in this years draft.
But surely the Dallas Cowboys have won more NFC East titles in recent memory than the Eagles or Giants?
Based Chris Simms.
Last year is pretty recent, yes.
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Reminds me of that MLB "agent" who is definitely fucking every one of her clients and is absolutely trading sex for contracts.
Chris Simms is always on point with his analysis desu. I usually go to him when it comes to to draft season to hear his opinions on QBs and WRs.
Nope. The Cowboys have 7 NFC East titles to The Eagles 10 in the 21st century. Also the Eagles have the 4th most playoff wins of any team in the NFL since the year 2000 whereas the cowboys are tied for 25th place with a mere 4 playoff wins
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Win or lose, Im gonna sperg
Chris Simms is above God.
Wow. I guess no matter how you slice it the Eagles are the top dogs of the NFC East
if it works it works
>poised to win another for a few decades
It only takes a few good drafts and a great coaching staff to put together a contender. And when GM's fail to do these tasks they get fired... unless of course they own the team and no one can tell them no.
Daniel Jones didn’t look half as bad as everyone says he does.

He looked like a game manager; a dude who is destined to be a career backup.
concussion shit is so tiresome
Nah you didn't
hes gotten incredibly good at hiding his lack of talent, kudos to him
>no Xavier Worthy
bad list
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Quiet a lot weak haters in here.
What has he done the past 2 weeks?
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I don't need a woman's "consent" in order to send her pics of my penis. Sex? Yeah, okay, consent is needed there. But what's the problem with a simple picture? It isn't a problem. It's the minor-est of inconveniences, at worst. And a good way to get your foot in the door, at best.
As far as football and my New Orleans Saints, I'm predicting a 20-17 win over the Falcons, and you can take that to the bank.
damn son, one playoff win every five years, the jets probably average more
hard to argue with this take my friend

Odunze is literally the frontrunner for MVP.
What a pimp.
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It’s over for him
Thank you. I sometimes feel like this whole world is going crazy.
>wants to embarrass himself for an entire season instead of just retiring now

Damn, bro. You got nothing left to prove and you clearly suck now. Just move on.
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swifties got his back
2024 QB top 10

1. Josh Allen
2. Brock Purdy
3. Sam Darnold
4. Joe Burrow
5. Kyler Murray
6. Baker Mayfield
7. Aaron Rodgers
8. Justin Herbert
9. Derek Carr
10. Lamar Jackson
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Hello guys, just a minor question to local americans: which USA state was this pic probably taken at? Judging by environment
Chiefs are undefeated retard
>no Tyson Bagent
twin peaks
He needs to take the Latina pill
Nah you are
somewhere possibly on the coasts, or in the south, maybe in the midwest
>birch trees

More like bitch trees. You find them anywhere bitches live.
looks north east to me
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Daniel Jones repeatedly put the Giants in a position to win.
Zero run game and WR drops cost them the game.
too generic, but we have both birches and pines in New England.
was expecting more from singletary
Go bills
looks more like aspen, also fuck you

I loved how the commentators tried to pretend the Cowboys shit defense just suddenly became Godlike against the Giants.
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Go Raiders
you need an actual functioning OLine to have a run game that works
>mahomes has half a decade of domination, no other quarterback comes even close to him
>is now suddenly barely a top 16 quarterback, only winning because of his elite defense
how does this happen, was he a bieniemy babby?
>Daniel Jones throwing to Malik Nabers - ELITE
>Daniel Jones throwing to literally anyone else - Average
Just give Nabers the OROTY already. Shame he went out with that concussion or the Giants probably win last night.

He ran out of all the talent that Alex Smith transferred to him.
>The Giants have lost to Dik Poopsock thirteen (13) times in a row
How is that even possibles?
>1 sack all year
Guy is a bum

The Giants have been a bad team for a long time. Even with Eli they weren't good. They just had random bouts of great play at the exact right time.
my theory is that teams play the chiefs like its the super bowl while we are on regular season coast mode
It's not possible. It's been 7 games in a row, not 13.
Giants STINK!
nah you do
Nah I do
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Nagy is making him regress because he's a shitty OC
He got double doinked on the head as a child

I laughed at this for a solid minute. Thank you.
It's over Jonestown, isn't it?
>It's a "Lions are heavily favored against a very injured Seahawks team that they'll inevitably lose to" episode
They've done this for 3 seasons straight now
Last night I took an edible before the game and was blacking out left and right, even vomited on my kitchen floor. what did I miss?
You nearly won the game, but you threw an interception on the hail mary attempt. Feel better, Mr. Jones.

Bills didn't play last night, bro.
seek help.
>an edible
Did you eat one of those sour belts which is actually like 20 doses in one strip?
I ate one of those Delta 8 Flying Monkey 420mg edibles. I tried to only eat half but I probably ate like 350mg of it.
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Nothing important. Reffies fucked the Giants over in the first quarter with a phantom facemask preventing a td and then threw infinity flags against the Cowboys afterwards to try and distract from it, leading to a sad, pathetic, slow game that seemed to drive Al Michaels into wishing for the sweet relief of death over having to watch the modern NFL owners' """product"""".

Giants couldn't get anything done, didn't even get close to td after that, Jones looked terrible, even when he did hit his receivers properly they dropped the ball like it was slathered with cocoa butter. The cowboys kicker mysteriously missed a fg that would have made the giants lose against the spread. That's about it. Welcome to teh WWFL
My my my. How the turntables.
I was gonna eat a bunch yesterday just to see what happened but I drank instead. Probably would have just ended up bed locked for several hours watching Netflix
>Staley Da Bear
>not an actual bear but a guy in a costume

Fucking bullshit.
>It's been 7 games in a row
My Bears are shit
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I'm thinking this game is going to be kino
I think the neck injuries have cooked DJ's deep throw accuracy.
Yup, I'm predicting a Donkey victory your defense is going to shit all over the jets

>fucking over cowboy betfags
wtf I like Aubrey even more now
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>13 losses in a row to Pipsqueak
Couldn't be me.
I bet it was fucking amazing after the vomit.
The Cowboys run defense is pure ass, how do you not run on them?
The Jets do actually average more. They’ve got two more playoff wins than Dallas does in that timeframe
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Remember that time he acted like a jogger for no good reason other than he is legally retarded?
mahomes is just brett favre with a peak brady whistle
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He better not fuck it up (again)
Looks like Pennsylvania
is the ruskie trying to solve a crime
New Jersey, somewhere in the Northeast and close to the Atlantic
looks too sandy to be PA
I'd guess Wisconsin or Michigan, but could be a lot of places, most of the northeast or northern Midwest.
probably trying to dox somebody
Coach Primate
I passed out naked on my couch so I didn’t get to enjoy it long enough. My wife is super pissed at me
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I didn't know Vince was a Cowboys fan
I always point to this when I tell people that most football players are latent psychopaths.
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refs made Hurts drop that ball btw
sometimes forget that the buffalo bills actually existed between 1995 and 2018 and weren't just on full hiatus between Kelly and Allen
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My Rammies :)
its funny because it doesnt matter if its true. people talking about the refs is bad for business.
a modest proposal: referees need to compete for their job every season. no preference for seniority. open tryouts, objective rating. top scores get jobs.
Probably. When Peyton Manning injured his neck he permanently lost some feeling in his throwing arm and hand. DJ probably has the same thing.
Could legitimately be one of Vince's promos
Jest win 30-3
If Parsons is out there's a very real chance the Cowboys miss the playoffs
Caleb just needs more time (cock)
NFL is more rigged than the NBA and has been for a couple years or so.
What an awful decision to say this publicly. Put it in your shitty book when you retire years later. Don’t say it weeks before having to play the guy when you’re new to the position and don’t know how well your team will perform.
Is he really that much of a sesquipedalian on tv too?
Sean Payton better start winning some fucking games, looking like the worst coach in the division.
forcing refs to do press conferences to explain their calls immediately after the game would go a long way. no waiting, no giving them time to come up with excuses, just immediate answering questions,
the refs are fine
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Taunting is a gay call and should be removed
>*discussions about blatantly terrible calls every week*
"They are fine guys, honestly! seriously how could there ever be a poor refereeing moment in >our fine sport"
what does /nfl/ think of my Steelers?
That's not Antonio "Bankruptcy" Pierce

Sorry Raider Nigger your coach is even worse
It is but it’s to lessen the likelihood of fights, which are worse.
You don't remember Drew Bledsoe, JP Losman and Trent Edwards?
Its good when they are doing well they are the standard of the NFL if you can't beat them then you won't make it to the owl, if they beat everyone it means the league is shit rn and no one can meet or exceed that standard
Weakest 3-0 team of all time
I actually agree. I don’t think you can completely remove the rule,, because you don’t want players air-wanking on camera or flipping people off, but the threshold for calling it should be much more extreme. They call it for putting your hands up or looking back as you cross into the end zone, which is dumb.
Why is it that the Steelers overachieve when they're supposed to be bad but underachieve when they're supposed to be good?
The Seahawks are currently 3-0 this season and haven’t played a real NFL QB yet.
The Standard is The Standard
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We need to win against the Jags this weekend

If we lose to an 0-3 team which legitimately looks like the worst team in the league and drop to 2-2 our season might actually be over
History of dirty players and dirty hits, but people give them a pass because their a big market team. Any time they're down in the dumps is a good time. Also Tomlin is a nigger.
thankfully jared goff will stop them
Elite defense, easily top 3 when they’re not on the field the entire game. Mediocre/poor offense that will rely on coaching to be relevant. They’ll go 8-9 this season.
theyd quickly learn to evade everything. releasing in game radio convos would probably be better. literally no good reason not to do this already unless theyre hiding a ton of subjectivity and makeupcall shit
the Texans lost to the Vikings because they are playing like a really good unit. if the Texans lose to Jacksonville "over" won't describe their season
Their floor is 8-8-1. It’s like the speed of light. It’s a constant of the universe.
>releasing in game radio convos would probably be better.
quads of truth, Rugby has mic'd up refs and it's the best thing about the game
That's true, Vikings look like possibly the best defense and a top 5 offense

That said we have a ton of injured starters on offense so it might end up closer than I'd like
Most likely. The Lions are better at every position except arguably wr1.
Go away chris
Chris Simms is based. I always make sure to listen to Chris Simms Unbuttoned on the NFL on NBC YouTube Channel and the NBC Sports App.
It was a private conversation, journalists are just scumbags
>and where ever you get your podcasts! :^)
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If the Rams are always in silent snap count at home, does that make them a scarier road team?
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>Oakland lets the raiders come back after al davis forced his way out and to a busy LA market for nothing but money
>steal Rams spotlight and force the Rams to eventually move to St. Loser
>now they lost all their teams due to owners being just like "based" Al Davis and the Rams are back in LA in a less saturated market for the forseeable future
this was the best outcome. Fuck Oakland and fuck that rat bastard Al Davis.
Chris is gay and Ray Lewis should have stabbed his dad before they ruined Inside the NFL
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>Black Kings were sculpted by god to be the best qbs and no crakka qb could ever dream to reach the skill-level of these melanin-enriched ubermensch

thanks jon bois!
Best defense in the league. Also the most horrible and unentertaining games to watch.
I'm gonna tell NBC you post here
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and another article... if only somebody knew the reason why.
I just went through a bottle of vodka last night and now my kidneys hurt How do I stop drinking?
To be fair that game was absurd from Lamar. Over 10 yards per attempt, 4 TDs, no INTs, 6 incompletions on over 40 attempts, plus some rushing stats on top. The only real negatives were the 2 sacks.
Drink more, I’m currently on my 5th Bud Light
Isn’t the solution for Cleveland simple? Bench Deshaun until it’s manageable in the future cap situation to cut him. Draft a QB in the 2025 draft.
We all post here. That jerk, Mike Florio is the Mahomes spammer.
Pierce and Payton have the same record since Pierce became HC and the Raiders are a much worse team. Sean Payton is a hack fraud.
I don't know if they're actually contenders or not but I'm happy that my team (Bills) don't have to play them this season because their defense is really, really fucking good and they left half the Chargers offense in bodybags. Still doubtful about Fields but this defense reminds me of the 2010 defense which was really physical and caused a lot of player safety inactivates.
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>Chris Simms is based
hey chris, some of us are still boomers and know you're a geek
It's not reasonable to cut him until 2027. They are fucked.
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New coach, same old Chargers
So he becomes the most expensive backup in nfl history. Nothing they can do about that now. Time to roll the dice on a rookie qb.
They did take a few injuries themselves (highsmith, Trice & Donte Jackson) which aren’t huge impact players aside from Highsmith but definitely better than last season. Their attrition usually effects how they statistic perform but knock on wood they stay healthy. They’re fucking elite this year and are putting up Steel Curtain numbers.
>t.rams fan
if it was that Miami game he was throwing against CB's hired off the street from covid that probably never saw a roster let alone playing time after that
Harbaugh can't do much about injuries.
…will pay the ultimate price come January for daring to injure Jordan Love.
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Yes he can
He could have sat Herbie last week instead of making his injury even worse like a retard. Dude might be out a good chunk of the season now
Honestly this. No point in dwelling on the past, they need to be proactive to secure their team's future. GM will probably be fired though.
Why would your kidneys hurt? Wouldn't it be you liver?
Oh, and if you're too big a pussy to just quit drinking whenever you want you can try and get a benzo script for a few months from a doctor
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>And....still......the undefeated.....
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Why would anyone stop drinking?
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>How fucked are the Cowboys
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man the NFL is so shit rn.
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>oh shit, that player just got his facemask grabbed
>well, he was in a blue jersey
>...which team wears blue jerseys again?
>oh yeah, the cowboys
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For me, it's a bottle of Jack Daniels Crisp Apple hidden underneath my desk because my 3DPD wife would be pissed if she found it

Anyway, go Broncos
Would be huge if AJ can play
play with this bussy
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he needs to get with a fat assed bitch, not that lanky uggo he is with now.
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That is a loser mentality and that is why certain franchises never win anything

Harbaugh played when it was still murder ball and holds these guys accountable, Herbie wants to play he aint a little bitch like mutthomo
Other anons have said it, but it looks like east coast, near the ocean, and probably north east. I'd guess Mass but could be New Hampshire or Maine.
Mahomes has 3 Super Bowls and won one of them on a bum ankle. In what way is he a bitch other than making you seethe with his greatness?
>all those FP on thursday/friday
Two best Offensive Linemen and the anchor of the defense are out.
>black qbs
yeah getting carried by the refs real greatness
make sure to get nice and comfy on you cuck chair by your bed while wife is getting railed by BBC
Imagine laying on a bed on your back and have her walk over and sit down gently on your face. hahahahahah
Everybody's got injuries. They just played a team missing a top 4 WR for the whole game and the best OT in the league, starting G, and top-15 WR for a significant portion of it.
>carried by the refs
Classic salty cope from losers. Also:
>he thinks about black dick and cuckoldry when he gets angry
Tells you a lot about a person.
Mahomes did play with the same injury but that was during the playoffs. Risking that over a regular season game at the very start of the season is retarded
I guess I should be grateful that they aren't injured like the Rams

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