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news: google it
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6 days until the European opener
10 days until the North American opener
Also killed Kippers
Stay safe Randy!
Thank God the Sens won
don't let cock hit you on the way out
not randy but thanks bro

very gay, very played-out post
should have just called it Utah Jizz
Canes will win because no one expects it
okay that's an even gayer post
good post
shut the fuck up randy
eat cock randy
I can believe it
Eat cock randy
3v3 is so gay. Just do 4v4 for 5 minutes and bring back draws.
what's gay about jizz? even women do that
or was 'utah' the gay part?
3x3 was good until the coaches got to it, like the rest of the sport.
No one ever actually expects them to win
Honzek Is having a really good preseason. I was thinking he might be a bust during the young stars games but he seemed to turn it around.
Randy does kwab
Not with that goaltending
I'm obviously excluding clinically delusional retards
cope Akira is elite
The Tampa dynasty is over
Akiras brother was named after a dragon ball character. His family are weebs
After Bryan Little's retirement, only three Atlanta Thrashers remain in the NHL: Zach Bogosian (MIN), Evander Kane (EDM) and Blake Wheeler (UFA).
Cursed players for a cursed franchise
all shit
You now remember when Rangers fans thought Blake Wheeler was going to help them win a cup
All locker room cancer
>naming your son Krilin

lol wtf
What was it about Wheeler that made everyone realize he was a fraud? If you were just statwatching you'd think he was good but he was bought out and soon as he hit UFA barely anyone wanted anything to do with that bum
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We don't need no education
Krillin shows perseverance and he dates the hottest chick in the show
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Flames play tonight.
>in the NHL

>only shit teams until tuesday
bleak why the fuck is this year's preseason so looong
that's not the only thing that's long
it was one week.
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My losing streak?
my sister named the cat bulma
My Oilyboys' division title drought?
Yeah and it doesn't end for over another week you fucking RETARD KYS
Is she single?
Aatu Raty (pronounced "ootie rootie")
post some nhl nudity
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didn’t ask, eating oatmeal bros, /playoffs bound/, Jen, eat cock Randy,
"It would behoove the head coach of a team not to "show his butt" in the presence of players and player parents," the investigator wrote. "This conduct is objectively disrespectful and offensive."
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Coronato leads the NHL in preseason scoring over the last 2 years with 12 points in 8 games
Before the season begins it’s worth discussing gatekeeping in /hoc/ and how this community helps grow the sport.

First, what gatekeeping isn't. Gatekeeping isn't disagreeing with someone about their take, it isn't chirping, and it isn't memeing on another team.

What is hockey gatekeeping? Gatekeeping is a superior attitude about fandom that wants to show off what a big, beefy hockey brain you have compared to a newer fan of the sport. Gatekeeping is "is this your first year watching hockey?" Gatekeeping is telling someone they shouldn't have opinions about the sport if they "haven't played high level hockey," despite this being one of the most expensive and time consuming sports to play. It's sneering at nontraditional markets, casual racism, or a bizarre fixation on talking about how much better men are than women at sports (who cares?)

Gatekeeping is weak shit. It happens in other sports but it's bad in hockey for a lot of reasons I won't get into here.

If I had a nickel for every time someone gate kept me in this general I'd have at least a dollar. I think most hockey fans don't like this shit and most of us know that new hockey fans today are coming to this general to learn and to participate and there's no reason to prevent them from doing that. Especially if we want this game to grow.
we do gatekeep here tranny
The next Ty Rattie
imagine posting a chatgpt essey as your post
Gaslight gatekeep girlboss
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Pretty cool poster
why did gary stop growing the game™ in japan and italy?
You’ve said this the entire summer
Yasss kween slay
imo hockey should be played on open stadiums near beaches and in bikinis
yellow man bad - jews
enjoying your first season here newfaggot? what is it like being a loyal goyim that only gets into sports jews grow™ to you?
just woke up from a nap how we feeling today Flamiacs
bloated i ate a lot
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Only one Axis power has hockey potential
Don't be a racist.
Fax that idea to Gary. I want to see crosby play in a speedo in the Maui all stars game
why would crosby play in an allstar game????????????????
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Weegs over here looking like he's seeing Takagi Flames edits for the first time
don't forget boys, if you see someone looking back at you with a color that doesn't match the ice on the ground, strap on that neck guard. Can't trust em.
Nobody is challenging them in the east
but i hate albinos
That’s ableist
One day a player will accidentally walk into a locker room interview naked
I like it
i'm sure it happens every day, the prude american't just censor everything because they're cucks afraid of everything.
Good diver he can draw penalties
The yen is worthless and Italians are too poor to get into hockey. I’d still go to a game in either Milan or Sapporo
you're worthless too :DDDD
He’s the best player in the 21st century
Okay i'll come back when the east is a dogfight yet again
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maybe in lala land lmoa
Ovi only scores on power points
just like my penguins
good one
this webm is the proof that gary has assasins with sniper rifles armed with horse tranquilizers in every match
watching speedway and about to watch some farcelona on my multiple monitors
Markstrom sucks
Your gimmick is shit and created by a retard.
takes one to know one
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Why do they have condoms?
soulless "faces of the league"
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Keep birth rates low
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Cope if he died in a car accident you'd love him
European opener? That's disgusting.
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he'd have a wedgie, and his jock everywhere, not good for focus. no one's focus.
the whole season should take place in Europa
nobody cares about the first matches
Flames won the trade
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back2back /kraken/ nights
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luv me pc98
luv me hokkaido fighters
simple as
Tkachuk... the red and white one (orange stripe)
>le otter xd
no cups KWAB
Mr Bartosz Zmarzlik not only secured and won the world championship in the last Grand Prix, but now even won the last Grand Prix of the year :)))))
We don’t speak retard here
excuse me but who are you quoting?
for he is a big star
/We/ might not but you two sure do.
>We don’t speak
heed your advice
I wanna go where the hockey girls are!
i think, and just hear me out here
you need to leave your room and go outside
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be nice
the edmonton oilers lost game 7 of the 2024 stanley cup finals
this extended canadian teams' stanley cup drought to 31 years
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What if there's a hockey girl in this general? You wouldn't need go anywhere
Polish lives matter my ebf is one of them
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oilers are a pakistani team
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Fun Fact: The Detroit Red Wings former captain Henrik Zetterberg married a retard who was a participant in two seasons of the Swedish survivor and won the second one.

She was also a (unaware) participant in the ''Swedish Championship in Nazi references'' where she failed to recognize a bunch of famous Nazis, concentration camps and other Nazi related things. It ends with her putting on a shirt with the text: Treblinka Class of '45.

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The fuck happened here?
iirc he played while sick and the medicine he was on made him extremely dehydrated
Michael Raffl also collapsed during a game, I think it was the same season, wonder if the Flyers were going retard mode with something
just like my Utah Hockey Clubbies
name one bad move conroy has made I’ll wait
If it were a current day situation then yes
as soon as he played batman, he basically couldn't lose.
Taking an inferior package for Tanev
Grushnikov Is having a great preseason and will make flames lineup. Many say he’s the next tanev himself.
whl battle of alberta going on rn lads let's go hitmen
You mean the calgary faggots?
just like my charlottetown islanders
whats it like living in canada? do you guys still use loonies and toonies?
Trudeau inflation means that you never need less than a $5 bill to pay for something.
We throw loonies at strippers too it's like getting stoned so i hear
you need a new oonie
you could put connor mcdavid on a $5 coin and call it a mcdoonie
they all live within a hundred miles of the us border it's a fucking joke lol
I live in northern Alberta I’m one of the few white people up here.
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Only the Laurentian Elites and their slaves.
what happens in yellowknife?
Why do you punish yourself? Is it oil money?
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oh no did their bus break down?
who the fuck is leaving over 3 hours early to go to a preseason game
No I don’t work in oil. I was just born here.
>Okay i'll come back when the east is a dogfight yet again
currently the entire east is tied in points
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The same shit happened yesterday with another game
least is a joke desu
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They should have left earlier. Pittsburgh forfeits.
you guys gonna buy the starfield expansion?
This can't be a /hoc/ meetup. One of them has a girlfriend!
No I’m busy watching my islanders choke leafs away
Did they expand it into a full game yet?
idk. i had fun for a little bit playing it on game pass, but i'll wait to hear what people think of the dlc before i spend thirty bux on it
>failed to
Sounds like he married her because she's an excellent actress
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Hell yeah
>your team
>your kpop waifu
America is turning into a 3rd world country
Maybe wait until its abandonware.
Does canada really keep letting a third world country win the Stanley Cup year after year after year?
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I'm in this pic
captcha: GAYHD
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That's great and all, but what will he say next year?
He wants to repeat
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Hitmen bros what the fuck is happening???
Jenny I got your number
I need to make you mine
i have it too it's 867-5309
No, she's just retarded.
America is a 3rd world country at this point
the most dangerous lead
that sweater is so zesty
Do canadians really?
All 32 NHL markets are third world desu
Bret screwed Bret btw
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one man's she belongs in a psych ward is another man's she's all he ever wanted :)
Bower Blay :DDDD
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Sexiest jersey know to man. Wish I had one but they changed the secondary colour to brown/red and its impossible to find a pink one.
holy shit thats gross lol
nah, the fucking ridiculousness of the pink makes it work. thats just some gulag shit
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this is what they're wearing this year
I'm agreeing with you. I love the pink.
How did they manage to ruin every part of the jersey. Even the logo looks shit.
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but enough about yo mama
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yeah, my bad, should've had the incorrect american
fucking bringing skinny jeans to jerseys.
Aren't you that guy who was raped on Easter 2022?
watching isles/devils preseason on a saturday evening. i don't even like these shit teams.
watching leafs/habs preseason on a saturday evening. i don't even like these shit teams.
trade you games
remember when putin made a mockery of a bunch of former nhl players. could putin have made the nhl?
Based Flames don't play for three hours
sick of these meaningless preseason games
Watch our Hitmen then!
Damn that's too bad you don't like them. Those teams are in desperate need for fandom too.
I'm waiting for Light No Fire. It's a game where you explore 1 earth sized planet with differentiating biomes instead of 18,000,000,000,000,000,000
>fucking bringing skinny jeans to jerseys.
What did he mean by this?
They got Google earth for that shit nigga
Two of the only six teams that matter
>Light No Fire
That sounds like pidgin English for an electric light.
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your team isn't real if it was created during the 80s and later on
more like Draw No Dimes
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who approved this sterile shit
The fans
It's not garys fault utah hc won the ballot
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In Sweden we make fun of the few teams that call themselves Hockey Club
seething over my kitties looool
wow, this is significant because the rest of the world cares a lot about what people talk about in sweden
I know. That's why I made the post about it.
keep us updated on swedish opinions so i know what to care about
unironically people around the world do not care about what Americans have to say. We all assume (with reason) they have some kind of brain atrophy.
jake allen has the best masks
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but my team has won 3 cups since their relocation in 80s and >our goalie was do good the league made a rule change based on him
the heck is this camera angle?
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Poverty Kings
who are you seething at?
i like homer announcers
unbiased pbp guys are boring
is meier going to be shit again this year?
No one. I'm mostly joking. Americans are usually extremely nice. Sorry burger buds, I didn't mean it.
i think it's time i take my talents to r/hockey
Ducks Kings game is getting spicy
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if you are a fan of a relocated team you arent a fan of the game you are just a brainwashed goyim.
i'm a habs fan
can't beat that
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>canadians in such shambles that they have to root for American teams
many such cases for a cucked country
aww *reaches out for hug*
yall are nice too, except the french lmao
What does Sweden think about all of this?????
wait...... who the fuck cares?
probably "lalalala i am a mass retard lalalala"
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lines this morning
maybe Laine will show up tonight
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my canesies are setting the pace out there
He doesn't even try in the real season you think he's gonna try in preseason?
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I'm watching the russian feed of ducks vs kongs the commentator talking over the english is kino
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He won it for Calgary though
Are you getting anything for /hoc/ you selfish fucking prick?
hopefully you'll find someone who will ask there
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habs vs. marlies in 10 bings
That was the old Laine. This is going to be an all new Laine. A Laine that will bring back the old Matthews vs Laine talks.
Are there any good Canadian symbols that didn't come from Quebec?
(there isnt btw)
he told the media today that he's playing in every preseason game
What do you want? I’m getting an eel and cucumber roll
spicy tuna roll pls
Based I haven’t seen my friends in forever
he didnt play in last game
Just further proof that the West needs to separate
One of my friends is depressed so we've been hanging out as a group more than ever. Feels good
i chat with my friends every day (you guys)
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Is it true some people call pop soda?
bros should i get dominos or papa johns?
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>i-it was just because you guys were playing NHLers...
my canesies :) continue to fucking RIP IT
>Reinbacher already injured
Michkovbros we won
some people call pop, coke

some people call gaseosas, refrescos

get pizza hut
>Laine dead as well
Holy fuck
>gaseosas, refrescos
Some people don't know either of these words.
pizza hut sucks man, i know youre a leaf but have some common courtesy
It's over. No playoffs for my Habs.
so do dominos and papa johns
and laine is dead
Laine can't catch a break.
Ban preseason too many star players get hurt for nothing
laffs no longer content injuring their own players
i'll bet habs fans are FUMING
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>losing your first round pick and your biggest offseason acquisition in the first five minutes of a preseason game
Tabarnak d'ostie de calisse
>laine is scoring 40
he didn't even make it 40 mins kwab
That's habs hockey baby!
Didn't look anything close to intentional. Leaf guy didn't move or adjust to Laine deking, just stayed put and Laine skated into him
Habs fans are neurotics and are applauding Xhejak for jumping a rookie who did nothing wrong
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based xhekaj kek
It's gonna be a long winter Habsbros.
What a fucking messy start, completely miss the call on the knee and it leads to this

Awful to see Laine and Reinbacher go down like that in a completely meaningless game
A KHL team would have flown, that's a real man's league
that knee-on-knee looked horrible
laine is actually done
also 7 min pp. fuck you charon
Laine is made of glass. Can't even make it through preseason now. I'm sure he'll be in drug rehab by next week.
Remember that plane crash in 2011?
Paré scoring now would be the funniest shit
kid looks like a thumb
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Why would anything nice ever happen
>dress your opening night roster against the Marlies so you can dunk on them in front of your fans
>it backfires horribly
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why do God hate this Finn so much?
we needed to send reinbacher down anyway, too many defenceman. Laine getting hurt is a huge plus because he will have fresh legs for the second half of the year and the playoffs, and we'll get a discount on him next summer
Mental health bros we're not doing too hot...
Capitals is bad and they should go back to their eagle.
Yotes has sovl.
Wild is cringe. Their name is even worse.
I like Vegas, Nashville, San Jose.
Florida is growing on me.

Other than that, agreed.
"fresh" legs
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Like five of us signed for the colorado avalanche, that was pretty cool
Poverty franchise
>I like Vegas
what a fucking CHAD
They don't take care of themselves during the off-season with training and diet. They only drink booze and smoke cigarettes.
I hate to be this guy, but my regular site is down..
Anyone got a link to the leafs habs game?
Good try Gary
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>I love girls with deep vaginas, I love girl with big fat titties
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Teams that finish 28th overall don't make the playoffs
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god must only like sunbelt finns
Why did Laine skate into the guy's knee like that
Oh yeah that's a season-ending image right there
is Sportsnet Now worth it?
career ending injury
not a real fin
I'm a banwagonner already. I think I'll join Florida.
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Knees are not suppose to bend that way.
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>No bulju-aho-laine at the 4 Nations
He's done.
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>all have different logos
wtf is this retardation
7+20 for this lmao
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Total Finn Death
Pussy league.
it's never been this over
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Why did the Leaf not defend himself?
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He hadn't learned the typical Leafs defense

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He is the last leaf on the tree. Nothing to defend. Not his honour or his dead on arrival team.
Now I want a hot dog
bell centre hot dogs are so good
I like when they wear the Whalers jerseys, it's like killing an animal and wearing its skin
Please someone call 911
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shawty fire burning on the dance floor
Make it 40seconds, dude was 13seconds on ice. Kwab of the season right there
i hate the laffs so much
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Please do the needful and give me a fallow saar
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But I was told that the islanders should've traded for Laine
What about PCL?
don't know. let me ask dr. harjas
Its never been this over. My bet is its all of the above and he misses second season in a row.
>OH N-
If they signed him he never gets hit by a leafs player in preseason. Butterfly effect is crazy bro.
Too me it looked like a meniscus injury, but if the knee had any kind of forced rotation the ACL and/or the MCL could also be torn.
>refs calling everything against thr Leafs because they're scared shitless of getting mugged after the game
$19 M on LTIR and not a single game played
Inside out 2 is a hockey movie.
diverse hairlines more like
power to the people
Tonsil hockey.
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I love Shiorin
So which game is the Nucks/Flames waiting room?
The Habs need Corey Perry once again.
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based slafkovsky kek
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>Auston Taylour Matthews
They deserve to get beaten to death after the game
That's not a fun fact. At all.
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They should have
I hope they show us Riley's eliteprospects page in Inside Out 3
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where bedard
Nuh uh. an injury prone player who floats around is not what they need. Duclair has done fine so far in the preseason.
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Bendy Finnish knee :--DDDD
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this is what happened when you mess with slaf
message sent
Doesn't matter who you are that hit fucks up your knee. Has nothing to do with being injury prone
mountain frens
Slaf pulled his hair and got clocked as a result KWAB
primeau time :)
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fake blood
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It's time to go back
>she failed to recognize a bunch of famous Nazis, concentration camps and other Nazi related things. It ends with her putting on a shirt with the text: Treblinka Class of '45.
Literally nothing wrong with this. Do you guys have more of her?
>just play your best players in meaningless pre-season ga-AAAAAACCCCCKKKK
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>stop calling penalties for the last 30 minutes
>call one with 5 seconds left
the fucking CHEEK of it
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habs pp is so bad
Habs losing to the Marlies despite being on the PP for most of the game KWAB
oh no.... this isn't good bud, i see the double chin
the poo jackets won the trade.
Bud is aryan as fuck.
>Literally nothing wrong with this
It's not if you're retarded and didn't finish middle school
>Do you guys have more of her?
Just google Emma Andersson or Emma Zetterberg
Meanwhile Flyers pp looks absolutely lethal thanks to Michkov. The nifty things he does with the puck is incredible.
the habs are a shit team in general what'd you expect
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Flyers :)
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don't care. demidov is tearing it up in the khl.
lane hutson is going to be the habs best player...
anderson finally did something
>middle school
My biggest disappointment in this moment is that I lack the writing ability to accurately explain to you just how utterly unimportant it is for middle schoolers to learn about the Expensive Hallway. This is a good trend and I hope more of your actual countrymen follow suit.
i expected better than 0/7 vs. the marlies
Habs could have had Michkov and Demidov. Insane. I remember vividly how many posters on hoc said that was a bad pick and he won’t be playing in the nhl for at least 4 years.
The who? wait who the fuck cares?
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It sucked when we lost against Ottawa's B squad but it was clear we weren't trying.

These guys are going balls to wall and getting their asses pumped hahahahahaha!
>instead of waiting one season for a Russian prospect you now have to wait three seasons for another Russian prospect
You really should now history and the great German leaders of WWII.
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j e t s
You now remember Patrik Laine
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Finland on suicide watch (more than usual)
Talk about coming alive in the third.
me in rocket league
and there it is
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It's time
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hell yeah
My krakies :)
daniel sprong is going to sproing all over their chests and faces
He's dutch and all of his coaches hate him
Tocchet is a hardass who won't take any shit. He'll whip him into shape
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tocchet is a manlet with no hair
he couldn't fix Kuz
just means he's unfixable then
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roberston has look really good in preseason
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He's trying to prove his worth this season.
Why isn't the Pup in net?
Preordered majima pirate yakuza life
I hate the Flames so very much.
great sportsmanship from raty right there
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>Vancouver. Must. Lose.
Haha we scored bitch
He won’t even let us have the preseason.
Cope we're the 7th player
I am partly responsible for any goal my team scores.
nice one WEEGAR you white wigger
le but?
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cope we're losing too
behold his gaze... but not for too long lest you are lost
Love this
The kraken woke up
>Nucks season depends entirely on Silovs
oh no
Haha canuck bitch ass can’t beat us
Artur Silovs? More like Barfer Shitloft
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reminder preseaon doesn't matter
I preordered the new monster hunter
based nuckies giving our flamesbros something to cheer about this lovely saturday night
This was a humiliating night and does not belong in the National Hockey League. Regardless of whether or not it was preseason.
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nobody gave a shit about it besides Flames fans
was that a lekkerimakki goal????????
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It absolutely was! Not sure if luck or skill but he’s making the team now.
do numales really think that players intentionally knee each other to give them severe injuries?
way too many k's in that name. scrabble winning game-ass name
>combover at 21
>double chin neckbeard
>doll gf
why the fuck would you even post this
Refs more than made up for it by giving the Marlies a ton of penalties and Habs still couldn't score KWAB
shut the fuck up faggot
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imagine if they had a puck shooting specialist on the team
There's a team in Utah? And they didn't even bother trying to find a name for it?
>great German leaders of WWII
>if you lose you win
Imagine if he stayed healthy for once, mentally and physically

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