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>don't discuss hockey news in the hockey general
look at this numale
Go Canucks!
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You now remember Patrik Laine
eating pizza and drinking beers and watching knucks/flames
My penguins ):
what's on the pizza?
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who's gonna hire him?
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>make sure that laines injury is not only season ending, but the kind of injury that will affect him for the rest of his life
pare almost scored kek
>sale actually did something
idk but i don't like the way his face looks.
why is gary like this?
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Now that’s my kind of Saturday night! Think I’ll do the same.
>no arms on those glasses
based gary
Kirby Dach now there's a guy
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my leafies
With a shnoz like that you don't need them
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>had 40+ reaction image for Canucks I've collected over the years
>some faggot broke into my apartment and store my laptop
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let buuuuuuuuuut
that fat fucking ugly pig nikita lion is back with a double knee brace like stone cold KWAFB
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Connor Garland? More like Connor Garlic
Member when that Oilers girl flashed her titties at the end of last season?
Marlies won
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>first “4:20 remaining” on the Vancouver broadcast of the season
Hell yea
I don't know what this means can you vocaroo it for me?
well that was awful
Long and short:
Habs suck.
Pachal used to be a knight bro's
>dyke wedding
I'm surprised my gay Sharks aren't sponsoring it and plastering their logo all over the place.
fuck you seattles gayer
Not irl.
oh i didn't know sorry
yo ass better caaaaaaaaaaaaall somebody
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It's over... the season is over before it even began :(
Marie-Philip Poulin is probably a bigger celebrity than anyone on the Sharks besides Celebrini


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10 minutes until we /krak/in'
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flamesbros >we are up 1 on the nuckies going into the second
The Road Dogg Jesse James.
The Badd Ass Billy Gunn.
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wheres jen
>pickard ded
doing jen things
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Yes, life as a Shorks fan has been absolute misery for over 30 years.
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no worries bro we'll get your collection started again
I love to love 'em
I love to kick 'em
I love to shove 'em
I love to stick 'em
Love to flaunt 'em
I love to watch 'em
I love to pick 'em
And I'm gonna kick 'em
Cause I'm an ass man
Yeah I'm an ass man
Probably an immigrant who needed money, you bigot. What would Truedope say about your behavior?
describe whatever you remember
I'll post what I have (when I get up tomorrow)
That's life in Hongcouver
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You can do it Tampa!
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>Laine seen leaving Bell Centre in a knee brace and crutches
C'est fini...
Check up on your Habs friends tonight
I don't have any Fr*nch friends
based xhekaj
This motherfucker looks like todd from breaking bad
Hon hon hon!
Well I guess I am going to go and buy 2 footlongs from subgay, and just for fun i'll grab a 26 of vodka. It's a long weekend after all. No better way to watch the nucks game imo
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Holy kek he actually does
jen has a killer body
Fuck my company doesn't count White Guilt day as a holiday
degenerate behavior
>Oilers have an Ozempic ad
What did they mean by this?
This is going to be the year Tampa starts to collapse isn't it
where did his hair go
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Love when people do that desu
I love her so much bros. I hope she's doing well.
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/kraken/ score (again)
I heard she was fired as a result of this
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I absolutely love dykey athlete girls and even I can't get over that face
>Yes, Hockey Mommy
>Thank you, Hockey Mommy
nuckies :(
Do I go to the /krak/ home opener
I have the same studded belt
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female coach is so hot bros
Whatever happened to giordano
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Garland could have just crossed his fingers to represent Bouchards eyes but he would have been suspended.
what teams besides utah don't have captains?
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He's old.
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>the way she seductively has her jacket zipped down... if only... if only it was zipped a little lower
Year of the Ratu
kek based garly
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Vancouver is coming back baby
lmao look at how tiny he is. I bet Montreal tried to get him to add to their midget collection
logging on to zelda
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Who are these cunts? They look ripe for a BKC
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Need her bad. I'd like to Seattle her Kraken if you're picking up what I'm putting down.
>laine gets traded
>immediately dies

if only there was a pattern that existed for us to know that this was gonna happen
Massive respect to every guy who blocks a shot during preseason. Real hockey players.
reddit comment
soucey's got the sauce
adam platka? who the fook is that?
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Based mccann.
He’s 6 foot 9 inches
meme game in edmonton
this guy has fake ears
I don't follow.
I'm saying I'd like to Defend her Deep if you catch my drift.
congrats fumes you iced your whole roster and are just barely holding on with a 2 goal lead against the nucks who have 2 roster players playing.
do they have female drill sergeants in the US army?
In English, Doc.
I'd like to cross her check
haha imagine if she got mad i didn't empty the dishwasher before she got home from work and she said rude things to me about how lazy and worthless i am then started stepping on me and then took off my belt and started whipping me with it haha wouldn't that be funny
Holy cope
There's no way house husbands wear belts
how else do they keep their trousers up?
sweatpants and basketball shorts have drawstrings.
he doesn't need to turn and look behind the net when they're fighting for the puck back there. he can pinpoint exactly where it is at all times
>she's already outcoaching stanley cup finalist Chris Knobcock and his star player McDick
Its over for the coilers
Let's just say I wouldn't mind spending 5 minutes in her penalty box, if you're hip to the jive.
Gonna be wild when Carter Hart gets exonerated and him and Michkov lead the flyers to the threepeat.
Listen pal, I put a belt on when we leave the house alright?
I know nothing about hockey.
I am now a hockey fan.
Who do I root for.
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Hockey is BACK
He’s a free agent and will sign with the oilers
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I can't wait to wear my signed jersey. It was super cheap on ebay for some reason so I snatched it up.
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> tfw no hockey gf
wildly shit thread
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/hoc/'s team is the Flames, if you wish to join in solidarity
Otherwise just pick whoever you think has a cool logo.
The small town of hockey
Islanders gave up raty lol
Let Lou cook
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My Oilyboys obviously
>another year of the edmonton powerplay merchants
wake me up
I do not care if Hirose is injured.
this plapka guy requires tyler myers correction
I'm not hip to your lingo.
Oh no, a third line center was given up for a first line center.
what do bobs feel like
just like my islanders
rebbies won even though that faggot abandoned the team :)
Soft with no defence? True.
hugely inflated with silicone?
Absolute beauty behind Tocc
garlys such a scrappy little fella
I like my Flamies being a bunch of greasy rat bastards. Will keep things entertaining while the rebuild plays out.
Islanders will need him soon they’re old af
He's an angry elf

Oh no not the third line center

Anyways last week
this is sprongs world and you're just living in it
I hope not
Canucks won that trade and now have an elite prospect.
how's noel bud did you swap gf's with the other virtual sock puppet fan?
Anyday now Raty will be elite....
You mean 1983
Need a fight before this game ends.
he's the anti-Tocchet
>le country roads singalong
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Laine sucks
damn raty should have buried that..
He literally scored this game
(menacingly) Visit Salem County
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he's fuckin zooted
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I hate him so much.
Stop blaming your goalie for having shit defence
jubu temple was sleepwalkingly ez
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Fuck Gary
gary rules
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chris believers thats another pre-season W maybe hoob was right
remember when we used to make fun of meredith gaudreau :(
shut up fag
he's usually worse than the other goalie on the team, he's a reliably mediocre #2
He was right
Flames will win just enough to miss out on Michael Misa
The fact that Joey Daccord had 46 starts last year is probably the best argument against expansion. Imagine 4 guys worse than him being made starters and 4 guys worse than that being back ups.

Oh well, at least having a good goalie will become a thing again unlike in 2010-2016
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>seattle weaponized their cap space by signing a bunch of 30 year 3rd liners and 2nd pairing defencemen to mid level contracts and giving every single one of them a no move and no trade clause
Who even said weaponized cap space?
Their GM, Ron Francis
If you won't make fun of her at her worst you don't deserve to make fun of her at her best
If Ron Francis wanted to make the Islanders without Barzal, Horvat, Nelson, Sorokin, or even Pelech, then good job you made the ultimate mid team.
>If Ron Francis wanted to make the Islanders, then good job you made the ultimate mid team.
>the ultimate mid team
So the islanders?
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There are zero game changers on the Kraken
>He doesn't know about Jagger Firkus
Former Islander great Jordan Eberle is there
The Flyers are arguably a more mid team.
nah they're submid
>shane shite
remember how pissed he was that he didn't get picked 1 oa?
imagine being a xeattle fan and thinking you'd be off to the races like vegas
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Save us Firkus Circus.
>stares you down and makes your entire organization scared
gonna cry montreal?
every single thing about xheattle is a fucking disgusting abortion
We have his brother anyway
just made a good post on hfboards
Just like my islanders
>hfboards mentioned
I'm out
Don't worry I cancelled it out with a horrific one
remember, 99% of them turn out like the mom
Sports are more fun when you dont give a shit and go with "It is what it is", because some people take this shit too seriously.
Calgarypuck is better
This is bud logic. This better not be stolen from his twitter.
This past week is why I refuse to take part in the Mets twitter, and honestly enjoy watching the team fuck up

At least it makes me feel better that im not going to be let down.
female coach will turn the Krakens into a winning team
I believe those would both be the mom unless there's a major plot point I'm missing
Should I eat cold steak with A1 or pizza?
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>Cédric Paré
>Born in Quebec City
>injures Montreal's new star player
The Nordiques must come back. I want to see bloodbath between these two teams.
why didnt the laffs send ryan reaves out to answer to xhekaj steve mooring one of their players?
The absolute cretins here that think that hit was intentional. watch more hockey fucking morons.
the cretin gimmick isn't a draw
>steve mooring

The fact that there are people seriously comparing those two is a sign of how soft Toronto is. Moore fought in the game before he got smashed into the ice. Pare was too much of a pussy to stand up for himself so he took some punches
>laine skates right into the leafs player
>ow me knee

sucks that happened to him but maybe try skating around people next time.
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It was 100% intentional.
The islanders are the only good gimmick here and they are one of the most successful NHL franchises in history
Apparently Erik Karlsson hasnt been skating for the Penguins
The Giordano special
william karlsson is also dealing with something
every fanbase is annoying and obnoxious as fuck when they win, but i love listening to podcasts of teams that are really underperforming. there's so much petty sniping and arguing about stupid shit, bringing up old things they said - you can hear them getting angry at each other. it's just a sloppy mess.
He skated right into his leg. Lol is the defenceman supposed to just let him by?
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anyone else excited to see how steve and his retard buddies are going to defend that dirty kneeing fuck on monday? gonna be a rager
That's jarred tinordi he was somehow too dumb to be a rangers seventh defenseman
i didn't know they stacked shit that high
Dallas is the only undefeated team in preseason
what does that matter when they're missing the playoffs anyways?
We’re talking about Dallas right now not Vegas.
If Dallas misses then everything went horrifically wrong.
Nice Marine Octopus
yeah, talking about dallas missing the playoffs. can't you read?
You can’t talk positively about the stars it makes daddy very angry. Trust me you don’t want to fuck with daddy.
miromanov and pachal were knights
I can but it’s Vegas that’s missing playoffs not Dallas and you haven’t been able to defend why they wouldn’t even just once so you know it too.

In short (like you) go project on someone else.
mopr faget
Learn English
someone's upset @ daddy again
Are you retarded? He stuck out his leg. It's a text book kneeing. If he was defending properly within the rules he would've leaned in with his shoulder.
Some midget is upset at the Dallas Stars again KWAB
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blah blah blah wah wah wah incoherent nonsense dallas sucks fuck you faggot
no milly cup?
the NFL literally did this for years with the Saints.
that's a different league retard
you need to get used to the fact that I’m not going anywhere. Retard.
aren't you excited to deal with leafs retards defending this bum ahler all year?
the dallas kwabs cup is closer to my islanders last cup than it is to our knighties cup
the NHL was that slow to a thing the NFL has been doing for years. tons of salary cap issues could be fixed if you literally could do that for players.
Kek look at how mad this little retard is
>n-no you
Oh yeah ya boiling
Did you just “nou” me? Holy fuck you’re mad
>doubled down

But enough about you
jaime benn will never win a cup
god damn the habs are fucking pathetic.
their fanbase is even worse.
whoever coined that word and all these new acronyms for twitter need to beat it. I can let yapping pass because that's always been used.
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>I started a trend
>which no other player has followed
Seems like getting a bunch of money years later when inflation have eaten up a percentage of it is actually extremely dumb and even the dumbest agent should know that.
Yes, very excited.
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oh is that a fact is it
Time passes quickly and chances are few.
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sorry to hear lad
This is the fucking funniest thing I've read on /hoc/
How’s the paper route going?
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One day I will tell you, all other days I won't.
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Vancouver Canucks
One day they will be bodybuilding magazines, all other days they won't.
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random youtuber i put on eviscerated the jets' offseason
It's amazing to me that they're still on their first GM since moving to Winnipeg. 3 playoff series wins in 13 seasons.
what a resume
Nobody wants to play on a small market team.
Just like my islanders
Great but we're discussing the GM being the same loser for 13 years
Morning retards
I should be sleeping right now but waging calls
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It's amazing how the just flushed away last season by playing Hellebuyck 126 games in the regular season when they had a backup with better numbers than Hellebuyck who could've played at least 15 more games without any drop off in results. The retardness on that bench was stunning.
>yeah, let's play our starter 861 regular season games, he'll be rested fine in the playoffs for sure

And to this season they've lost that backup and will most likely overplay Hellebuyck, again, and crash out in the first round, again.
just heard the news
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its so over
I think I saw some posts earlier stating that he has never had issues with his knees.

2014: https://www.nhlsuomi.com/2022/11/02/patrik-laineelta-karu-paljastus-ura-oli-lahella-paattya-polvivammaan-se-tuhosi-polveni/
>"It sort of destroyed my knee. My meniscus went completely to pieces. One of the doctors said that I might never play again, which is not nice for a 15-year-old to hear", Laine reveals now.

2016: https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/patrik-laine-limit-nhl-combine-tests-pain-knee/
>Stops a test in Combine due to pain on the left knee

2022: https://x.com/hockey_realm/status/1502475364047765510
>"This knee has been operated on quite a few times, so I was a bit worried. There was quite a lot of pain, but now everything feels fine. There's still some soreness, but I'm able to play with it and try to win these games", Laine said.

Sorry if someone posted these already, I didn't read all the messages on this thread.
habssœurs... its so so over...
montreal should be on suicide watch for the next few weeks
Almost Marnered myself on my way to work but thankfully I found a gas station on the way and was able to avoid the worst. It's in pretty good condition too.
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nooooo my kraken
Polish people don't belong in hockey
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No harm done. There is no harm done.
>laine loses probably a whole season because some dipshit AHL plug wanted his 5 minutes of fame before he gets banished back to the farm
Can they just stop doing a preseason already? Shit like this happens every year
that's a man
Yea, Pare should have bowed out of respect and let Laine pass uncontested into the offensive zone. This is totally on Pare, not on Laine for trying to skate through two defenders.
I can't tell if the two lads to the left of the whale are disgusted or trying to hide their arousal.
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Wrong. I checked.
good morning to everyone except cederic paré
whenever I buy pears I forget to eat them and they get all brown and mushy
unironically this
how dare he
In that case Connor McDavid wants to know xer location
I will now watch your league!
i am sorry adolf but the next skoda cup isn't until may
world juniors in a few months, /iihf/chads
didn't ask in a few months
Op's pic makes no sense, those both are women's names
Habs fans applauding Xhejak for straight up assaulting a guy who was just trying to defend the blue line are the same ones who called the cops on Chara
Bud is from the falkland islands
then how do you plan on spending your boxing day?
I don't even know where I can find womens hockey
yes down to a man the exact same people
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why was the leafs player that murdered laine tryharding in preseason? I don't get it
Based have fun! :)
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/
british clay
Is there any reason at all why the Canadiens still exist other than muh quebec teams? They are literally Oakland tier now
friendly reminder that the laffs are losing in the first round again
reminder that all canadian teams are irrelevant in Garys NHL
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>making the yoffs
Just like my islanders
Reminder I didnt ask
Deserved or not. You are correct. Actions have consequences. Laines apparent injury has more room for argument in terms of whether Pare should receive extra discipline or not. The refs missing a call is 100% not on Toronto or the player. Xhekaj's response has more likelihood of being punishable. You can't force a player to fight you. You can call him a coward, you can beak at him all you want - but you have to have them square up or you are basically assaulting someone. Hockey "code" or not. That's how it works. I'm sure knuckle draggers will disagree, but I'm sure they would change their tune if they or someone they loved got sucker punched out of nowhere (deservedly or not) and got severely hurt
Gary refuses to acknowledge the league’s rampant finnphobia
Finally, got service. My entire town (Asheville) is destroyed as well as the surrounding mountain communities. Fucking Helene will make me miss hockey.
Sorry to hear that brother. Glad you are okay tho
Don't nuke israel nuke sweden first
not taking that laff bait
I'm glad you're safe
this so much
I used to live up there, how bad is it

Stay strong king
Nah focus on the former first
remember this kino?
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If you want to perform first class, dress first class. That's why I always support those hollowlife girls.
Took a lovely morning marner
took a messy paré this morning
Dropped a tremendous Finnish Goaltending
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now that the dust have settled, who was in the wrong?
xhekaj was in the right
by assaulting someone and punching them in the back of the head?
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It would be great if you guys could stop being such faggots
can't hear you. i have 24 rings plugging my ears.
Why aren't more NHLers gay with their teammates?
Toronto saying « doesn’t matter about the knee, this retaliation is unacceptable »

If it happened to Matthews they would be burning down the bell centre
Exile Paré from Quebec. He shouldn't be able to set foot here again.

No, but in all seriousness, I am livid. I couldn't have imagined this happening again. Fuck. If the refs had just ejected Paré as they should've for a dirty knee on knee hit, lots of this would've been avoided.

Also, can teams just agree on whether they're icing an AHL or NHL lineup so we can have better preseason games? These games against the Leafs this week have been useless for both teams and in both, important NHL players on each team got injured.

Fuck this shit man. Fuck the Leafs.
Matthews is smart enough to keep his head up and not spam the “stop skating and just deke through the red line” move that Laine is famous for.. it’s his own fault.

Pare is a retard but he’s 1/10th the player Laine is, the fuck is he doing with his head down like that?
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he's nothing compared to michkov though bro, who is going to be the face of the league and the head of the flyers dynasty
laffs are insufferable. if condotta did that to matthews, i wouldn't be upset if reaves went after him.
you sound like a sissy who's never answered the bell
demidov is better
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nah bro pensbro is right, michkov has 6 pts in 3 games. he is legit bro. unlike jack hughes, who is a bust
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i feel you bro. not gonna be fun watching michkov skate circles around us for 15 years as he leads the flyers to multiple cups. it's going to be tough bro
oh you mean the doorbell? why would i? if somebody wants something they can text me.
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same guy btw
Laine is such a raped bitch
You will never fit in newfag
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>humans are hypocrites
holy shit you're right
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you wouldn't say that to my face
How gay is women's hockey?
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my wife's son just said he wants a michkov for xmas
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tough times ahead bro he's easily going to take ovi's place as the russian goat
you will always be a raped bitch
Still not getting it right kid
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bros i know we're all upset that michkov is here and will lead the flyers to a threepeat, but there is no need for this hostility
BREAKING: Laine out for the season with terrible triad tear
Swagman would have made that save
i don't like this gimmick
i'm filtering michkov
I still think it’s absolutely hilarious how Habs fans kept spamming “muh Reinbacher” trying to cope from not picking Michkov..

Now Reinbacher is out and Michkov is making a huge instant impact for Philly, to the point where even Torts is lavishing praise on a rookie like we’ve never seen before.. fuck the Habs lmao
The Habs are raped bitches lmao
Oakland didn't sell tickets, Habs are top 3 earners every year, and that's all that matters in sports.
demidov has 7 points in 9 gp, btw
yes, YEEEES! delicious!
i long for violence in the rink.
Different draft mate, but good pick. Habs couldn’t afford to fuck up another pick alongside Reinbacher, Kotka, Galchenyuk etc
No tickets?
I don’t get the whole answer the bell mantra. Why should he answer the bell for an unintentional play that arguable was Laine’s fault?

Throw a bad hit? Sure. Answer that bell.

But that wasn’t a bad hit, just an unfortunate circumstance
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Because that's how it is and that's how it will forever be. They're playing pro hockey, they know where their legs are going.
Yeah? And what if I kiss you?
Patrik raped bitch Laine
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>reddit spacing
>reddit meme
b-but we're both straight men! >///<
knew a swede would respond to this
>reddit arrows
fishy :)
Just watched the video of that and we need more of it in the nhl.
Still not drawing anything
Your 2025 Stan Lee Champions, the Utah Hockey Club!
my clubbies :)
found this on reddit.
/hoc/ will never post this!
LMAO Laine tries to take out someones knee like Ulf Samuelson and then pays the price when it backfires
I assume if I buy season tickets for 1 seat I'm going to have an insanely difficult time reselling games I can't go to ?
Last chance to hop on the Flyers Warwagon! Last chance! Matvei Michkov becomes a national name like Ovie this year, and if you aren’t a fan now you’ll be a bandwagon faggot with zero credibility! Last chance anons, hurry up and get your tickets!
buy 2. i'll go to the games with you. what team?
Last change the balding Russian youth becomes a generation talent and the first ever super star completely bald by his prime age of 25.

two is just so expensive, if I had a gf or a friend here I would have no problem eating it up
Yeah he will
Regina Pats
he will be your gf
How much is it, close to a grand I suppose? Fucking expensive.
x5 for the lowest cost full season lmao

its 100% not worth it financially even if I go to every game
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5 THOUSAND DOLLARS? Holy fucking shit. It is like buying a fucking car. That is insane. How is it ever worth it in any sense? Do only rich people buy season tickets? And that's flyover like Seattle. Imagine some poor schmuck in Toronto, one of the very few lucky season ticket holders, how much has he spent on the tickets for the last 10 years? Plus parking and food and everything. 100K easily? And only see his team lose every year? What a huge fucking scam.
thank amazon tech bros
Hard mode: he has a family of 4.
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What a great day to be an Otter!

Season tickets are for corporations, it's expensed. Don't get scammed
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>Spend 10 grand on the tickets in fucking Utah
fuck my life.
also, what's up with the obstructed view in half of the arena? what the actual fuck?
that's crazy
You said if you had a gf you'd be willing to drop 12k on 2 season tickets? Would you be planning to sell some of them? Did you look into that, like how much you could save by going to some games and then sell the remaining games at hopefully higher prices than the average you are paying?
Paré played his last game in the NHL yesterday.
Sections 6, 7, 8 and 17, 18, 19 are where you should sit if you go to live games. Sections 9 and 16 get an honorable mention.

If you really were a hockey autist id 100% just get the season pass and anytime I couldn't personally go id give the tickets to my buddies.
$200 per game for those seats is a steal when you consider the people of toronto pay $800 for the same seats only to watch the >laffs shit the bed
Why are my penguins playing the senators in the preseason again on neutral ice?
Its 100% not financially acceptable to get them and would 10000% be cheaper to just buy tickets a few hours before the games when I want to go

I doubt I would be able to resell them and make up a significant amount of the cost , t
Kraft hockeyville
imagine comparing going to see matthews and the leafs at scotiabank arena with going to see the utah "hockey club" in salt lake shitty
lol lmao
They’re still doing that shit?
When the ice is 100% neutral, how is it actually neutralized, by what chemicals?
Thanks for being a classy fanbase (no sarcasm).

Some of my fellow Habs fans hate me for this, but the reality is that I generally never have a problem will Leafs fans on my end and I even defend you to an extent (even if you don’t need/care) lol. Having a rational discussion is easy, and last night you proved me right once again, despite all the hatred and threats. Most of you guys recognize that the hit is questionable and even if not, that you’re showing legit concern about Laine’s health.

Good luck this season and all the best.
Now I understand why gary is continuously cumming in his pants
good gimmick
>people actually thought that laine would be healthy for the season
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Non-hockey arena's will have this issue.
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>wins the cup
I blame Laine because he has weird noodle-like legs and weak knees and they could get bent on contact just like when you twirl spaghetti on your fork.
Kraft hockeyville more like kraftnumaleville
lol get it

I replaced a word with "numale".
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So far away we wait for the dayyy
For the lives all so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand thrads
Through the Isles and the Flames we carry on
imagine getting a great deal, only $3k per season for this seat
lol get it

Numale replaced a word with "numale".
numale is a dog whistle for redditphobes
So you pay $6k in seattle and the first act you see is some retard rapper perform a FUCK AMERICA ritual. That's your national anthem! This world is sick
I never see any North Dakota plates in the parking lot
I blame Laine because he takes a wide vulnerable stance and expects the D to just let him through. Dude keeps getting injured because he has the IQ of a brick.
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Whomst the fuck are these people? Not a single roster regular wanted to travel to Minnesota im guessing
Now that the dust settled and emotions have calmed down. The leafs did nothing wrong. Laine skates into him instead of around. It was not intentional.
What the fuck I forgot that Matej Blumel was around still. I remember an Oilers fan lost their shit because Holland let him go.
>"hockey is for everyone" day is against xheattle
lol schedulers
I think this is like his 3-4 training camp. He just makes really bad plays every shift
Kaapo Kakko Kaapo Kakhonen Capobianco
There are too many causes I decided I'm not giving a shit about any of them
yea good idea
i can get behind bobblehead night and retro night tho
I like mental health, women, and Wednesdays.
Mental health is just a code word for beer desu
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So I just got back from trying on the Fanatics jerseys... wow are they shit quality and fit even fucking worse. Holy shit, who approved of this?
in seattle, they made people who bough season tickets sign on for a minimum of 3 years.
i hate mondays
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>Pink the Rink (Anti-Bullying)
Oh but goy they have a 10% higher profit margin
You know who approved it
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greed, but also the NHL not learning from the MLB's fanatics bullshit.
>won't let me play boys sports
idk i think they should let ftms get destroyed and then quit
Anything that makes the $400 hockey jersey buying community mad is good
she probably just wants to look at locker room dong
i dont think anyone should spend 400 dollars on anything.
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Can the next thread be Brazil themed

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