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Why does everyone ignore the fact he’s a convicted rapist
He served his time and has since bettered his ways. No reason to hold his past against him.
>Raping women is ...le BAD!
grow up.
nothing wrong with having convictions, i applaud his resolution
But he is NOT a recluse...
Because it's perfectly in character for him to be a rapist
Kind of like how they let Louis CK start doing comedy shows again just a year after he got exposed.
What athletes or artists do in their personal life is not my problem
He was in The Hangover. Hangover.
Exposed for what
Was he hungover in the movie?
no jewish heritage
you should be dying in a trench
Russians are invading your country and you’re shitposting on the internet
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Nigger I am literally going home right now for 2 days and then come back
Now pay your taxes faggot bitch
>no timestamp
first day on the internet?
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I don't have a pen
Here's a middle finger for you
what race is this?
also why are you going home for 2 days?
Are you fighting as a 9-5 weekday job?
That’s nice of Russia to not fight on the weekends
Yeah, they quickly agreed on ceasefire on weekends since they've found out weekends is when I give your mother railing sessions
maybe if you spent more time fighting instead of shitposting on the internet you wouldn’t have to go back to the trench on Monday for another week of war
What is your kill count?
This is what the hohol is doing with what might be the last few days of his life. Can say i blame him, poor bastatd.
*can't, fucks sake
He was rehabilitated, chud
Are you retarded? Of course troops get rotated.
Ah yes, the timeless tradition of taking a break while your country is actively being invaded.
>im not going to fight, it’s not my turn
maybe this is why Germany lost all those world wars?
Ukraine's biggest mistake was trusting the Americans when they said they would protect them if they gave up his nukes. Then again, that's Ukrainians' fault for trusting the great satan
they could be like belarus or even finland but choose to retarded instead
Good luck out there if you're telling the truth, keep your head down and stay warm
based desu
It's to be expected lol
heckin updooted!
Fuckin lel
>they could be like belarus
I see why that's so enticing for you, but lots of people are willing to do anything to not be in Belarus in this part of the world
Dilate, ZOGtranny.
when I pay my taxes ukrainians die lol
+ 9k karma
salva ukraina ukraina salva
geroiam sala
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Many such cases. Especially on /sp/
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i hope you killed a lot of russians africans chinks, gooks other third world rats
So does that mean you’re a nazi?
Still believe this was a play to conceal his homosexuality. Wasn't that the same year he bought a child to pass off as his own?
you must vote for elon musk to be that dumb desu
Patrice O'neal's bit about Tyson rape case is one of his best imo.
>there aren’t any nazis in ukraine! msm told me so! Also no, I won’t believe the pictures of Ukrainian troops with obvious nazi imagery!
Who knows why people like ronaldo
Yeah smart people vote for communism
because it didn't happen. he was convicted without evidence
how about I rape your mom? That's not le bad right?
>there aren’t any nazis in ukraine!
nobody is saying that retard
for exposing himself
>no one says that
except the French guy in this thread at everyone who says “zomg Putin is literally hitler!”
When did you Americans stopped being raging /pol/tards?
At least he's a man of action unlike you incels
Interesting difference in reactions reactions towards Connor and Tyson
holy based
What about raping men, like the Russians are doing to you?
truth is that we are all racist, we all have very low standards for blacks.
bravo anon, hope you won't get too cold
he confessed that he "forced himself" in her ass to be able to finish, worst tactic to pretend he's not gay.
based, stay safe lad
done him
>do sentence
>publicly state you did a lot of bad things you weren't proud of even outside the rape
>stay out of trouble for the most part
It's just like how kobe was convicted but nobody cared when he died. If you actually make an effort to move on and not be a repeating psycho who's in and out jail,people tend to believe you changed
>reddit flag
>based post
not sure how to feel about this
I love ukraine now
>muh flags
NPC brain
there are nazis EVERYWHERE that's the thing billy joe
in ukraine, in russia, even in america they all vote for trump like you btw
Because, although convicted on EXTREMELY specious grounds, he maintains his innocence, and the woman who accused him of rape went on to fabricate multiple different high profile rape claims against other rich and famous people and eventually got exposed as a complete fraud.

He probably didn't actually rape her but pretended he did because at the time he was spiraling with drugs and wanted to maintain the facade of le tough guy mike
He's black
he's black
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The Che and Mao tattoos are worse than the rape conviction.
>m-muh heckin politerinos
Ok, tourist
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Because he isn't being nominated for a US cabinet post ... not yet, anyway.
So Louis CK was arrested, brought to trial, found guilty, and incarcerated. How did I miss that?
He did his time.
You think having tattoos of mass murderers is a sign of GOOD character?
Would you think a Jeffrey Dahmer tattoo was a sign of good character?
Seething /pol/troon
More in common with American sports than you think.
Kek you’re gonna find out how fun rape is when those Russians finish off the grandpas Zelensky has scraped out of the barrel to plug the holes. They’re big horny mongrel homesexuala
>/pol/cucks still seething
You love to see it
he is a jew posting from her mom's basement
Who gives a fuck? He served his time and has been a washed up bum ever since, you fucking chud faggot OP.
>hurrrr what about if it was your mother or daughter or sister?
Why do dumb cunts think this is an argument?

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