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Punished oldheads edition.


Why do the konzept.globe graphics for WP2 have to all be redone by someone else? His style is pretty cool
I thought konzept was Sam's Asian baby mamma
You guys just cannot get your tongue out of the Pigman's asshole, can you. You get how weird that is, right? Just sitting there waiting for the thread to die so you can make a new one?
I made this thread for two reasons:

1. An outlet for my oldheads rage and disappointment
2. To attract you, dear Channing, and you fell right into my web...
no konzept is his other baby mama hannah. shinobazooka/kitty is the asian side piece.
sam lets a woman do his graphic designs?
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I don't want to be here but I don't have anywhere else to go. Wish I lived in ireland so I could pay empathchan for sex.
Another fucking Sam Hyde thread? You fucking faggot nerds kill my BBC hypno Russian diaper bear oiled up gay sissy wrestling thread for another fucking Sam Hyde thread? For this fucking faggot? I hope you all fucking slit your wrists. Fuck you all. Cocksucking faggots.
>BBC hypno Russian diaper bear oiled up gay sissy wrestling thread for another fucking Sam Hyde thread?
Konzept is the white baby mother that has been with Sam for the last 6/7 years? I read on here that he was an asian guy who worked in japanese TV shows in the 90s/00s which would explain the art direction and the instagram page. Maybe she was mad about Sam having two different baby moms and ran off with her graphics
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if don jolly was any good he would've made it further than a 0 reader "zine"
not even those unironically shilling for him (who?) care about his "work"
I read all his articles and miss his letterboxd. He means a lot to me. Never respond to me again you low vibrational monster.
here's what I don't understand about don jolly. everyone who ever thought his stuff was good thought it was untouchable, but they never ever want you to see it. show me his best shit
Just read his blog and encyclopedia.zone. Read his articles he wrote about Scientology. I'm not going to give you homework that isn't the DONHEAD way.
Don't you fucking retarded losers get tired of gossiping? Or is this all you have?
Why are you still alive?
How’s everyone doing?

Post standup clips please
>I know you have them because some throaty lady was part of it last time.
don jelly is a faggot
Take this back IMMEDIATELY.

No I don't actually. Hence why I'm posting on 4chan, with you.
Who even watches and enjoys Charls' streams?
Not gonna get me this time!

Post standup! I’m in no mood.

They’re skimworthy and he is the spiritual guru of MDE. Plus he has a hot lady so he must be doing something right
Don Smelly? I know that guy...

...He blew up my toilet.
I don't need you telling me anything about MDE thanks. NuMDE poser.
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new title locked in
and I prefer XP over EP for a shorthand
>gay-te keeper
> "I don't need..."
Yeah, you need to be reminded about what we discussed about sitting down when you pee
>the adults are speaking
Maybe if we had gatekept MDE properly we wouldn't be in this mess...

I would prefer it if it would come out already so it can finally nail the door on the coffin of MDE FOREVER.
> Maybe if we had gatekept MDE properly we wouldn't be in this mess...

Yeesh. Are you're shlure you're not a homoslexual? You can't even gatekeep your own asshlole, and now you want to paraslocially gatekeep your widdle fandom.
> the fuck outta here, loser

Just post the standup. SOMEONE PLEASE POST THE STANDUPPPPPP Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>just kidding I hope everyone is enjoying the summer, basking in God's benevolence, and ultimately enjoying life in all its glory
>dude get a skill
>dude stack money and resources
>dude your time is gold don't waste so much of it online
>get out of discord and social media groups
>get off prescription and illegal drugs weed is so bad for you Nick uses it but he built a house ok?
>avoid e-whores and bpd art hoes
>btw buy my NFT's
>and shit merch (it's shit on purpose though lol)
>buy a superchat on my stream for 50 dollars for some vague advice I've given 100 times before for free
>check out my fishtank show and buy TTS
>join my MDE/NFT/Fishtank Discords
>follow my wigger crew on twitter/insta/tiktok
>my wigger crew is made up of perc/xanax/lean/cokeheads, but it's ironic lol
>hey check out these e-whores go watch their streams and donate
>WP2?.... hmmm It'll be out soon, but come watch my standup where I do my peeing michael bit, I'm SO close to meeting Joe Rogan
I'm a homoslimesual for don jelly
keep my name out of your mouf
new pgl
we need the new PGL, asap as possible !
I too miss being an old MDE fan like Dylan Klebold
really funny repost of regurgitaed talking points around one man who did nothing to you... that's what a man would do
can this slime niggerfaggot stop spamming
I literally scroll past all of your shitass text
cant when he constantly changes his name
Post standup and no one gets hurt

Try slymefilter on Google Play or the App Store
>doesn’t exist
Looks like you have no power (as usual)

I’m just better than you and level up at your impotent tactics. That’s right, you fail again
> again?
Again and again…

> change it up harder out of spite
That’s how I fuck your mom. I keep her guessing so she never knows what delicious, fingertip-licking, technicolor orgasms I’ll provide to her willing body…

It’s almost like I can create endless variations but you still know it’s meeeee
>high IQ chads stay winning

All of you, make yourselves useful and bring me the standup. You haven’t “moved culture forward”, you haven’t contributed anything other than critique. I am the rally cry, I am the Truth, and your seething only makes me grow stronger
>now suck deep
You’ll know when I’m done
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It's meant to represent an archetype, get a clue.
Please do the needful, paychad.
Im dyin ova here paychads
I'll post the new PGL after my JOB.
i PROMISE... :)
im going to touch you haha ha ha ha ha ha

I need release!
*massages your prostate*
you dont understand I need that new pgl man
I am not against a prostate-assisted orgasm from a woman in an intimate relationship who knows what’s she’s doing. If you’ve ever been in a loving intimate relationship, she’d even wipe your ass to make you happy and hers.
>your insults need workshopping, demon

But stopping spamming and start posting
-> a) standup bootlegs
-> b) the new PGL
*ignores you and continues going nuts on your prostate*
prostrate yourself before God

>you are the spam, not I

BEHOLD, I shall provide value to everyone waiting:

Did you know you can get a $100,000 starter home for $3,500 (down payment) + $1,750 (PMI) = $5,250
All you need is a Good credit score (580ish) and your mortgage will be under $700/mo.

See? I provided actionable value and you’re ranting on about my holy prostate that has been milked by women looking to bathe themselves willingly in my sperm.

Now get to work (or maybe you don’t have a job). The 10 yo’s in my old neighborhood value their time and effort more than you
What was the PGL with Rocco?
I don't have to work because of my legendary prostate milking abilities now shut up

*resumes going hog wild on your love button*
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> now shut up
No, I'll spread my contributions to the community so everyone gets a house (via an FHA loan - I forgot to put that above)

For my work, I've attached a layout of 1 of 4 layers I use for my macropad. This one was cheap and worth every penny. I use it for rapid editing, with the macropad doing the styling and the mouse doing the selecting. VERY EFFICIENT. I'm now making $2k and have tons of free time (which I don't use with homosexual taunts)
> I'm reading the Book of Isaiah now and it looks like you homos are about to get BTFO
enough with all that gay schizo talking, you guyes need to socialize everywhere right? holy fuck, everywhere needs to be like my quierky discord server with my ~le nazi or political retarded online friends :3

shut the FRICK up and gimme that new PGL and i'll be on my Way !
*doesn't do anythingh to your prostate... just kind of observes it* hmm
Which of those buttons activates the vibrator that's in your ass?
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Thank you for mentioning it. Pic rel is my Stream Deck, which can configure peripherals and lighting. I’m sure I could Raspberry Pi something that vibrates your absent dad’s phone to pay his child support.


I’m remoteviewing your room right now ,and all I see if used tissues filled with crusted semen and Jergens.

Chris Lynch, please release the PGL
Sam's finished, it's over for him.
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why not heter iska????

We deal solely in social capital, not inbred genetic lines
where is it gang?
It’s 2hr 30mins. Hurry up, Paychads. I am working and need it to work. GIMME GIMME GIMME PLEEEEEASSSEEEEEEE
you good bro?
>PGL_0087_Pu$$yTrap (CRF25).mp4

is this bait or did you fuck up?
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perhaps you are the one falling for b8?
i never fuck up.

You shut your pie hole. Sick of your shit
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bless you paychad
thanku based paychad

anyone know if Charls' gumroad gives access to his previous livestream VODs ? or is it only subscribing to him on youtube that does that ?
Also does his gumroad have any of his writings ? a review said it doesn't so bleh
Sams takes are so fluoride filled lmao. Niggers needs shuut the fuck and and listen to chuck.
chuck is a schizo manlet
did you stroke out writing that?
Bro in the new PGL Nick's testicle is literally hangin out his shorts lmao

no more booty shorts for you nicky poo
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Look in the beginning, before Sam sits down, whole ball just out there breathin
>never seen Nick's balls before
fake fan
You guys have fallen for the oldest jokers trick in the book. This is a distraction, we should be focussing our energies on Don Jolly.
Thanks for the gold, kind slimer
The part where they speak of uneven tits is hilarious
It's fairly low vibrational if we are being honest.
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New PGL was good. A bit heavy on the movies but hey, the CIA assassination theories were needed.

> O o
Pro Tip: Uneven tits are your friends. Most girls name them, so name them accordingly and you can say, "Hey babe, let's invite Slimeantha and Adeslime over when get back to my place," in public.
>you're welcome
Bigger boob is usually dominant hand (right), so encourage her to lift weights with the left (or non-dominant for southpaws). The added benefit is that she'll build endurance for handjobs.
> any time, bro

>See pic rel.
Noise-cancelling headphones are your friend when you're doing work. I put on binaural beats to block out the sounds of the animals out there, and you get the added mental benefits of brain wave entrainment.

Binaural Generator is a good app, or you can visit this link:


Added Bonus: It might block out the 5G that's turning everyone gay and riled up.
calling someone 'schizo' or 'nazi' or 'racist' doesn't refute anything they say lol
you're literally a liberal faggot and should an hero immediately
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>piling on
schizo's have valuable information that your brain can't comprehend.
> an hero
I hope you choke (down) on a subway sandwich (the footlong, not the cheapo one). Then proceed to face plant on the Sun Chips, and let your blood seep into the (delicious) combo soda (to fuse into the HFCS)
> the fuck outta here
> इतः नरकं बहिः आनयतु
> 趕緊離開這裡
> umalis ka na dito
> гeть звiдcи
You heard me
Chuck is the only sane one in this twisted upside down triangle of a world, you utter imbecile.
some of his takes are retarded, but generally, his awareness of the spiritual side of things is on point. sam is either willfully ignorant/gatekeeper or an absolute fool in comparison; I personally lean on the former
He's not that impressive if you've been reading /x/ for a while.
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>sam and nick are bouncing new World Peace 2 names which all suck
>charls suggests "again forever/forever again"
thats actually perfect, if they call it something else like fucking "stinkee" it will be very disappointing
charls suggestion is gr8, all of sams suggestions are borderline retarded. naming the show world war 2 so its impossible to google is asinine lol
/x/tards dont have any of his wisdom
they already decided on extreme peace. by "they" i mean sam.
> says the daemon archon
Nice try, Satan
not promoting capeshit but Deadpool vs Wolverine was edited and released faster than World Peace season 2

maybe im being too harsh on an indie company?
Amber Lamps 100% would be a better title
Rocco was the best PGL guest holy shit. Need more of him and his business antics rather than good for nothing second rate comics. Like keep the podcast local, Charls, the average guys they know from their area, Nick's brother. That would be great content
chuck is back to low views. he had a good run for 2 streams lol. he's back to his usual schizo rambling being all over the place.
not one of the the gay jews could come up with Pax Mundus and piggyback off the MMO? seriously?
Today I realized BPD actually stands for "Big Purple Dildo"
I'm saying I agree, because I'm like Dylan Klebold
I don't know if it's the room lighting or just aging/mood but he looks like a different person from most angles in the last stream. But anyway, he should get a co-host who isn't a succubus that keeps him from rambling and staying on 1-2 topics.
they should just go with "WP2" surely they can't claim that. say it stands for white power. or "MDE Presents: Season 2" was a good option.
Where is pgl 88 paychads
I’ve leveled up specifically for this epislode
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nick talking about eating pussy and not liking tits. you know the phrase. "if you suck pussy, youll suck anything"
there's no pgl 88 stupid nigger lol
get trolled
Nice try - dubs never lie.
That's right JOONYA
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Making women happy isn’t a crime. Try it sometime - and yeah, a svelte Bcup body is kino.

“If you suck at life, you’ll suck at anything.”
imagine thinking this

What happened to John Pelech?
>'niggers' dropped uncensored in the latest PGL
lol sloppy or intentional?
They aren't wrong about the various big tit issues but goddamn if a slamcow isn't what the doctor ordered after being with a titlet for awhile. Flats for marriage, hucows for occasional pleasure.
>nick acting like this is his first time seeing a lot of the WP stuff
I... it's a bit right? Right? heh
Lots of girls coast on big tits but have a gut. Most of it is fat and if they lost the weight, they’d lose their breast mass. Plus they complain about back pain and aren’t balanced for useful stuff, like hiking or running.

Svelte chicks tend to have breast envy (analogous to dick size envy in men), so this lower self-esteem ensures that they developed other skills that are appealing to men. Plus, as you noted, their breasts fill out as they sag, meaning you get 5 - 10 years of mileage before they look like deflated sacks.

>muh titjob
Overrated. What next, an armpit job?

Post standup and PGL 88. Help the slime achieve his true potential
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pgl 88
pleise do the needful sirs
Alright, Nick, we get it... you hate tits unless they're on a troon and you're almost surely fucking around on your wife on the regular with the way you talk. Yes, though, smaller girls age better. A titcow pre-sag is the goddamn bomb now and then, though.
Not Nick.
> no troons
> no infidelity

> A titcow pre-sag is the goddamn bomb now and then, though
Which part of "don't fuck fat chicks" did you misunderstand?

I see words, but I don't see PGL 88.
>you've got work to do
>all girls with C-D tits are fat
Not even giving (You) for that one
>troon fappin nick and wigger/hebophile sam trying to pass this tits r bad narrative off
>le ass is best like my faggot niggerino rap heroes say
Sam Hyde FUCKS that ASIAN pussy like no NIGGA or CHIGGA ever could. That guyz cool. Put some respec on that guy's name.

Edie (male) did not have tits
He did however possess a FAT COCK that went down SAM HYDE'S THROAT.
The math checks out
You know that your critiques only show the validity of MDE, right? Like, if what they said was inconsequential, you wouldn't be here.

Obviously, you feel there's a THREAT to what you value or perhaps you were "wronged", so you spend time spreading misinformation and unflattering info.

Why would you do this? If you had a family or those that loved you, you'd spend your time enhancing your life. But you don't and project these feelings of inadequacy on others.

>get a soul

Now, with this said, PAYCHADS, PGL 88 and Standup bootlegs please. Refer to the tour dates to create new ones. Or upload the bootlegs.

>it ain't easy being slimey
Its not looking good
why is Sam such a low energy miserable fuck? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLUCjml1TC0
Andy and Charls were the only thing that made World Peace good. Sam's inflated ego and the shit tier directors they pulled will ensure WP2 has nothing of value.
lol lil sammy opening his presents in front of his friendsss
lol what if sam just didn't suck dick? what if he wasn't a FAGGOT that shoved BIG PURPLE DILDOES up his ass?
i guess we'll never know
Are family members reluctant to let you hold the baby?
>your responses are why that is…
Sam Hyde actually raped a child, what are you even doing?
> what are you even doing?
Just being better than you on all levels, apparently.

>raped kids
a) can’t rape the willing
b) statutory rape laws exist

I’m just mystified why you don’t provide PGL 88 or standup bootlegs. Be useful or be nothing.
You're all just brown people jealous of Sam's fat juicy BWC stealing all your women, but ok.
His real crime, if we are being honest, is no longer being funny and his abject BETRAYAL of the oldheads. Is there a single person left aside from me who remembers David M Windows supermoney?
Soliciting gay prostitutes and child rape are real crimes though
Some crimes transcend the laws of man.
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Où se trouve la PGL 88??
Sandwich au jambon ?
> Où se trouve la PGL 88??

>French anons, I submit your greatest cultural contribution for inspiration to provide PGL 88 and standup bootlegs since Houellebecq
like how hard did Sam gag on Edie's cock
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No, the real question is “why did your mother abandon you while your dad repeatedly had his way with you?”

If you can figure that out, then you can cease your pathological behavior.

If you need support, here’s a link for you:

> your efforts make me feel better about myself
Thanks for the free energy (gif related)
This guy posts pictures of stranger’s kids without their permission. It’s really weird and fucked up
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> This guy posts pictures of stranger’s kids without their permission. It’s really weird and fucked up

Are you talking about me?

I have permission btw

I babysat those kids and kept them out of trouble by providing food, a safe place to go in a poor neighborhood, and over $500 worth of instruments so they could play in school band. They also were paid $20/hr to help me mow out adjacent properties so they’d have job skills and relieve the burden of their ailing parents. I get regular messages from the kids and parents.
> do you have a good relationship with anyone?

> pic rel is when my bro came to visit and the developmentally challenged boy next door wanted to play with bro’s dog.

You just suck at life and feel this is your way of making a difference.
> when was the last time you cared about your community?
yeah he's clearly fucked up, as if the prolific namefagging wasn't enough
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I emphatically reject your reality as erroneous.
> gif rel

As with my old neighborhood, I offer advice in this waiting room. MDE has an ethos I agree with, and thus I show ways of taking tangible action to improve your life (as I took myself from homelessness -> shared housing -> renting a house/making six figs -> becoming a homeowner)

What great insights into the human condition do you offer?
> none but tired slander

I’m not sure who hurt you but I can assure anyone who’s reading this that you don’t own a home, don’t make more than $30k annually, and are just a miserable person that any reasonable person would steer clear of. Yet, you’re allowed to post here and the best you can do is spam.

> plus you go for reputation destruction, which most likely means you’re female or have high levels of estrogen.
Now sweetie, post the new PGL 88 and standup bootlegs as a meaningful contribution.
> you could’ve had a family and friends who love you
But you don’t and won’t until you reassess your life
The worst part is that he's a nuMDE fan. Unforgivable.
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> Unforgivable
Shouldn’t you be masturbating at 3am EST when you write this?
> post standup, you dingus

I just don’t think old MDE was that funny. I knew of Sam and co. since the HWNDU stuff, so what is that, 8 years.
> you put the gay in “gatekeeping”

I’ll keep posting and there is literally NOTHING you can do about it. How does it feel to be as ineffectual online and in life?
> Away with you, demon
HWNDU was way after things had started going south.

The last time "Sam goes in public and makes a scene" was funny was at the Brooklyn comedy event that Virgil Texas organised. It shouldn't have been encouraged, we had An inconvenient anime, The ted X talk, the street interviews. Those were better and had more to say.
No MDE peaked with the Frank Hassle era
I find the frank hassle era quite cruel and hateful. But it did feature beautiful indigo child Don Jolly so...
Sam's no fool
Charls and Sam were neetmaxxing together for years in the trenches of absolute nihilism
He understands very well what you can and can't say, Fishtank showcased this well
Sam just loves money
> frank hassle era quite cruel and hateful
Yeah, I don't know what the appeal is. It actually turns my stomach, and showcases Hassle's legit sociopathic tendencies (like most streamers nowadays).

By comparison, The Parking Lot Genie is more funny and not mean-spirited (well, almost)
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naming it something that mocks adult swims faggotry has the perfect blend of mde irony .
do they own the old logo? idk what it's even supposed to represent, peace sign splintered into infinity with a 1 inside ? any freemason symbology decoders ??
It's not bad but not something that has any meaning
World War Peace would be cool
or World Peas or some variation mocking adult swim
soft ass faggot zoomers
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i thought it was a spinoff of the leviathan cross
it's a schizo scribble found in a notebook of the batman movie shooter
> looks like a buttplug sigil

I’m a heterogelatinous Millennial you fool
I'm probably the most knowledgeable MDE zillenial oldhead to ever live, and I've got a beautiful soul. I'm sorry that true MDE nirvana will alway elude you.
Oldhead spitting that MDE truth. Also why they had to censor it in the broadcast version of the episodes.
not a thing. youre a zoomer faggot. keep coping.
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It makes absolutely zero fucking sense to have "Peace" or any variation of "World" & "Peace" in the name unless it is a direct jab at adult swim.
Sam if you're reading this, Extreme Peace sounds retarded as fuck
If you're rebranding go for something with what Charls said, or brainstorm something better with Nick and Charls' input. Something that feels good to say, is coherent, looks good, etc
In my opinion you should stick with some variation of world peace in a creative way that is legal but mocks adult swim
for instance
>Whirled Pisse
>Wald Peas
>Worled Piece
>Wilde Pies
>Never Dies
could also be good or some variation
Extreme Peace sounds pretty brown! Good work guys!
It's a thing and I'm living proof. Keep living in denial bub.
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I've given up watching Charls streams he's such a fucking retard
>can I watch this video I better not I'll lose my channel
>I wanna game but I don't wanna game
How about Million Dollar Extreme Presents: I Take Pictures of Other People's Developmentally Disabled Children and Post Them on 4Chan (No, I Don't Have My Own Children)
he can do a good stream though. his olympics one was pretty good. its evident that he needs hard tard wrangling by his wife though to pull anything coherent out of himself.
Looks like I hit a nerve.

Maybe you should name the show MDE Presents: Mom & Dad, Why Did You Abandon Me?

> seriously, seek therapy or a healthcare professional
EBT Presents: Food Stamps
I can't believe no one thought of "MDE Presents: New World Order".
No one thought of anything because Sam works with whippethuffers and just asks Twitter for ideas
>Looks like I hit a nerve.
why don't you post more kids on 4chan creep
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Nigga, shut up and listen
>We're over the target

I posted my former neighbors to show that men (not you, obviously) take care of their community - an ethos espoused by MDE "advice" vids. By showing an example of going above and beyond whatever the hell you do all day (seething?) to take action against an ailing society. It works and those kids, before my intervention, are now playing in school band to keep them away from street crime. (See pic rel for the cost)

We had a shooting two blocks away at the local movie theatre; it was better for them to practice together instead of imitating the crumbling world around them. I also taught them rudimentary music lessons and the school's "fight song," which they all learned on the melodica, then piano, and then guitar.

Now, let's explore YOUR trauma and how I'm probably the only one who takes time to give you attention.

-> First off, you need to find a noble cause to spend your time that goes beyond your immediate needs.
-> Second, you need to be financially stable to have free time and resources to share.
-> Third, you must be in absolute accordance with intervening with permission. Introduce yourself to their parents, explain your intentions, and clearly state the rules they'll abide by (ie. no open containers of food/drink, no entering my home or out of sight of other adults, no touching).

Seriously, if you scroll back up to the image, you'll see a darker-skinned kid with the clarinet. His family life was ATROCIOUS and he lived in squalor (ex. wearing the same clothes and socks daily, no guaranteed meals). He'd beg me with fear in his voice to drive him home a block away when the sun went down. Why? Because there is a child molester who continues to live three houses away and open drug dealing by degenerates across the street. Still, he would lash out, but I know that he acted better towards the kids in the neighborhood.

Post standup bootlegs and PGL 88 (or be nothing)
When has Sam ever done anything for his local community?
They should put you in the next season of MDE: presents fishtank peace as a character
Supports the local delis and places with his whole team.
Supports local black boxing gym.
Probably more than most people do in the community.
Consuming sandwiches and buying services isn't really doing something for your community. Where's the sacrifice?
his immense wealth.
Take our slimely friend in this thread for instance: he gives up his time to hang out with young brothers on the street. He SACRIFICES his expensive time (he could be prompting chat gpt) to hang out with other people's kids. That's service, and we should thank him.
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> I thought you were oldfags

paying a liveable wage for his staff
giving screentime to his friends (especially Rocco)
convincing young adults to approach a academic career with caution
hiring homeless people
calling out bad actors (ie. Hasan, Heideker, Ethan Klein, gov'ts, BPD girls)
...and probably hundreds of acts that you'll never know.
no, I don't like to meet celebrities nor do I have an insane fandom to insert myself into their content.

pic rel

> I use this page to get free shit and as a mental cleanse.
One of my clients is for an adoption service and it can be emotionally-demanding to write effectively for adoptive mothers/prospective parents (my friend killed herself of an adoption).

Another one is an automated fundraising platform for schools, PTOs, PTAs, et al.

And another project I completed was for an app that connects activists/community organizers to help police their communities (and yes, protests).

>That's service, and we should thank him
You're welcome UwU
>Because there is a child molester who continues to live three houses away
spoiler alert: it's the slimeschizo
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> spoiler alert: it's the slimeschizo
Nope, but I caught the dude rummaging through my trash when the garbage service didn't come one week.

Another sex offender was hanging out in front of the laundromat where I saw two girls from our neighborhood playing kickball in the street a week previous. Those girls later brought me a guitar to fix (their dad found it in the trash with its neck broken), helped and made art projects on my porch with their friends.

The only voice I'm hallucinating is God telling me to be gentle with your dumbass (which I'm ignoring)

>pic rel
Could you support your family when they need it? (see timestamp for authenticity)
He betrayed the oldheads creating a hardened cadre of true freaks, ready to pop off at a moments notice
From How to Bomb the US Govt to how to be a good neighbour and make friends with local children in less than a decade.
> neighbour
shouldn't you be rioting and eating at Gregg's?

>you were warned by Moz
No I should be on here representing the oldhead contingent.
> oldhead
you misspelled "obsolete"

Slime: 100
Losers: 0

go eat the cum cookie after playing footie with your mates and wash it down with some Carlsberg after you bum a fag.
Honestly one of the most vantablack coalvids of the post Histories Liars era.

They need to release MDE: No Peace For Slimers Neighbours asap so I can perform a reiki cleansing ritual and finally leave MDE in the past where it belongs. Maybe trepanation to really make it stick and remove my frankly embarrassingly complete memory of golden era MDE videos.
I drink real ale and absolutely despise soccer.
> I drink real ale and absolutely despise soccer.
I'm happy for you.


> oyy fooking luv Top of the Pops
I'm surprised you could fit him in you at your young age.
> oy fooking luv Top Gear
Yeah, you're a nation of drug addicts and immigrants under CCTV 24/7

you heard me
Well here's another thing he knows nothing about. Of course the women he met in London would be trashy, he was doing trashy things at a trashy event.

I need to watch the wake up call to ad men and creatives at a palate cleanser after this...
Nah, it's trashy everywhere. Blackpool, Bristol (brizzle), Brighton, Bootle, Luton, Reading, Salford - the only hot women I saw were in Oxford and Stratford-upon-Avon (and that's a stretch). And they're most likely Polish or Irish, too...

No wonder you hate the french - they have hotter women and better food.
He so fried, compare this to him in the write meet video or the Charls Carrol omnibus.
London definitely still has it's areas of relative gentility if you know how to turn the charm on. Sadly my days on the north London dinner party circuit have long since passed...
lemme guess, you live in Slough?
I no longer live in the UK, I'm a member of the international MDE oldhead jet set
>I no longer live in the UK
Swindon confirmed. Allahu Akbar!
I would honestly kill myself if I had to live in Swindon. No I live part time on the continent and part time in my beautiful memories of MDE videos of the past.
You're missing out on being next to the greatest musicians on the planet:

> in my beautiful memories of MDE videos of the past
Yeah, this subreddit is for NEW content
Quite a lot of it would be new to you since you started watching mde a microsecond ago.
>30 new posts
>no fucking PGL 88 torrent link
paychads ... please
Just watch some classic MDE like CNET Reviews Dell CRAPtop Inspiraon 1300
>calling out bad actors (ie. Hasan, Heideker, Ethan Klein, gov'ts, BPD girls)
oh my heckin science reddit the heckin child rapist and tranny blower is calling out THE REAL BAD ACTORS
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charls simply operates on a higher level of life and intelligence. something you lvl. 1 golems wouldn't understand for even a fraction of a second. git esoteric, kid.
He refuses to stake a claim on anything because he's a coward. Endless talking in circles doesn't make you gurdijeff
>every sentence has "cream" in it
What the fuck does that even mean? Is "cream" just something he eats now or what?
>Endless talking in circles doesn't make you gurdijeff
Actually that was exactly how Gurdjieff used to do, his books always went nowhere, he was a master bullshitter. Chuck is just confused and overwhelmed because he definitely has shitty sleep and starves himself to death thinking that makes him see things clearer.
This. So much h*cking this.

Paychads, please. You're our only hope.

> expertise: I studied Gurdjieff and attended Fourth Way Groups
Gurdjieff is the man and you missed the interpretation. He lived the "blameworthy" life, but is responsible for some of the greatest talents (and you'd never know otherwise)

>talking in circles
The idea that Gurdjieff espoused was that most people are trapped in self-made prisons without understanding his most important lesson:

"If you wish to get out of prison, the first thing you must do is realize that you are in prison. If you think you are free, you can't escape."

Whether this is addiction, identification (ie. political stance, morality), or an assumed personal defect, Gurdjieff was about awakening. And to awaken people often requires a "shock"... and to make matters worse, some people get addicted to the "shocks" (like most people 'trapped' in cults")

As for his con man reputation, he was--and he'd tell you, too. Which redirects the onus onto you: If you believe he's a conman, then why are you still here?

Often, he'd eject people when he found that they needed him. This could be him acting embarrassing or unimpressive on purpose, laying traps that would lead to a crisis, or simply being hot-cold without any prior warning.

Charls is doing something similar, but he has trouble articulating it for his audience. It comes off as psychobabble and conspiracy theories, but the real lesson is that you must forge yourself into a complete human being.

This means physical development (no fats like Don Jolly), mental developments (no self-cons), and spiritual development (what drives you besides the bottom of Maslow's pyramid).

You can extrapolate this to Sam, Nick, and Charls - the triumvirate. Nick is the hylic, Sam is the psychic, and Charls is the pneumatic. They're interrelated and offer actionable advice if you want to go deep.

Happy Sunday.
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I get the impression he doesn't even like her.
not a fan of the bots in this thread

>PGL_0088_SpiritualBungeeJumping (CRF25).mp4

Thank you, Paychad
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It's a reference to pussy cream, listen to TW@T

Not interested.
Don Jolly had ten times the spiritual development of the rest of the MDE crew.
you guys think PGL could ever invite Mike Redbar?
who the fuck is don jolly anyway. any socials?
t. takes photos of stranger's kids and posts them on 4chan
He was the stunning genius behind daggermag and encyclopedia.zone. He's off social media and finally healing from a childhood of too many Godzilla films. His appearance on the perfume nationalist podcast was seminal.
We've been over this, bot.

Denounce the Talmud to verify your authenticity
Id rather not, thanks
thanks NIGGA
Then you'll never understand. You didn't hear the bit about pussy cream in College Cunts? You call yourself an MDE fan????
you got some balls posting this image after getting absolutely btfo'd in the last thread
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thank you cute paychad
Nick is actually retarded
>who has hypersonic missiles?
>oh, russia, iran, china
>sri lanka? hahah
Kurt Metzger is an unfunny hack. This Killtony normgroid standup crossover really sucks. Why can't Sam be satisfied with an above average level of income/wealth while maintaining standards? Greed for ass fucking mid girls and buying stupid cars means guests like David Lucas, Lemonparty wanna be Cumtown dorks, Dasha, and now this mediocre talentless dipshit. Man has MDE gone off the deep end.
How dare you shit on our glorious >>1324593 paychad’s contribution?

Metzger is serviceable but he’s too close in proximity to Sasha Baron Cohen, Jimmy Dore, and other people that everyone’s been tipped off about being controlled op.

You’re right on with the other hacks, but I’m just mad you insulted paychad.

I’ll do it for you;
> paychad I’m so sorry for our errant brother. Please accept my apology for him and may the road rise with you
No, paychads should starve the beast and stop contributing to gumroad until Sam stops with the normie pandering slop. Not a dime until he starts producing something with a shred of artistic integrity and effort and gives up trying to be in the Rogan sphere. He wants to have an audience of legit lumpenproles and only Forkbomb level simps should be contributing at this point.
> bunch of text
> no apology
Say you’re sorry.

> lumpenproles
Yeah, that’s the NEETs and other disaffected souls who were MDEs target audience back in the Adult Swim era.

Now that the Overton Window has shifted, a lot of comics and artists are shifting accordingly to get with the times (ie. everyone found out about the Jews and we’re facing an inevitable global depression/WWIII for the next 5 - 10 years). Entertain me, faggots.

Turns out, Sam and co. have been in this realm for decades, and lots of comics are catching up to stay relevant (translation: they’re being courted, not the other way around).

I don’t believe that Shane Gillis was an MDE fan until his handlers told him to, but Shane also is the MOR comic (appeals to both political spectrums as a moderate, muh sportsball muh beer). After all, they both were cancelled, and everyone’s jumped ship from LA/Rogan to Austin/Rogan. Because he has Shane’s approval, he is now a fringe curiosity until other comics imitate Sam and Cumtown (David Lucas, Lemon Party, et al.). It’s like Dennis Leary being a palatable version of Bill Hicks, chainsmoking and all.

Honestly, Sam’s savvy enough to know that he might be the last man standing and his career has an expiration date in about five years. Plus, Jet’s Fishtank is a success and the demographics show that maybe the counterculture is a supermajority. Still, there’s only so many publicity stunts Sam can do before he gets stents put in his heart (muh TRT).

Now apologize to paychad so I can listen to Perfect Goyim Life.
> fucking tired of your shit
he doesnt care anymore, stop complaining. just go watch some other shit
As sad as it is this >>1324673 guy is right.

All those those years ago, when we all said "MDE never dies", the unspoken second part was "but if it ever does it'll go out with a bang". That didn't happen, MDE is settling down to barely senescent middle age, like sinking into a warm bath of piss.
This is such a hilariously backward reading of things. You couldn't be more wrong.
Now that Joe the Toe has been completely exposed as an aggressively gay degenerate unfunny little hack of a so-called "comedian" and his little circle of gay ass kissers know that they will now have to readjust to the embarrassing reality of the situation, hopefully Sam will see it too and realize that he does not need recognition, validation, or ingratiation from that little homo bitch.

>right now

Dude my opinions are 100% fact. Now that the rest of the world knows about the joos and liberalism has run its course on time, we are heading towards fascism (praise Allah). Which means right-leaning comedians get their time in the sun. Leftists are obsolete and were never funny, but the fencesitters see where the next opportunity is and are aligning themselves accordingly.

Do a thought experiment: Why would Luis J Gomez, Dan Soder, and now Kurt Metzger do a measly bi-monthly podcast with washed up nobodies?

Call it Thiel money or whatever, but I think MDE 2.0 is going to have a flash in the pan moment, which then signals others to do their own shit. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bill Burr starts this angle. Maybe Joey Diaz will recite a new story about cool white dudes he met in Boulder.

If Sam was cozying up to Burt Kreishcer like Shane, I’d say he was clout-chasing, but I think the new season’s release will trigger hanger-ons like Andrew Santino to revamp edgy humor.
> you gotta get along to get along

P.S. Apologize to paychad
> where the fuck is my side of guac? I specifically ordered a side of guac. Check my receipt and I WILL mention you on GoogleMaps

You need to apologize to paychad because your nonsense pissed him off. Do the right thing, son, and I won’t cut your hours this week.
That's rich coming from a guy that only started watching mde 5 seconds ago.
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thank you. if only this thread was about torrents like this rather than a bunch of pseudos arguing about Sammy and the zoomcrew. fuckin hell mates just want to have a laugh don't take it so seriously, guy isn't trying to be your dad.
The problem is that he IS trying to be a substitute father figure. Have you not been paying attention??? Watch tissue box, read the interstitial text.
I really wish you wouldn't post these in my MDE oldhead thread.
>just want to have a laugh
mde is the wrong place
t. posts pictures of stranger's children on 4chan
> t. your phone doesn’t ring for days
I don't really care about anything new from MDE I just saw the charls wojak that kept making references to "cream" and Im just wondering what it is but knowing charls, since I used to watch his streams wayy back in like 2020, I assume it's some sort of new homeopathic quack science health remedy he's now crazy about. If that's the case then it's kind of on-brand for him
It's pussy cream, I already told you and you refuse to learn.
Also college cunts is OLD. WHAT IS WRONF WITH YOU
> I don't really care about anything new from MDE
Then why are you here?
> I just saw the charls wojak
On the subreddit that only produces new content

Man, if I had made the shill/discord comment you made, I’d seriously consider my life choices that brought myself to that point.

Like, holy shit, I don’t go to Taylor Swift forums and shit on what they like.
> just wow
Now make me my fucking coffee and keep your words to yourself. I ldont want to catch whatever malady you suffer from
This is probably one of the most angriest responses Ive ever gotten on 4chan like jesus lmao
nah, it's discipline. You need to learn to keep quiet when the adults are speaking.

> you should only be saying "Costco card?" and putting my groceries in my reusable bags
The point is MDE found a niche with their attitude and outlook that is hard to replace. Most other shit sucks, is fully on-board with modern faggot leftist degenerate whore nigger culture, and old media gets tiresome and obviously can't comment on present culture, etc. So it's worth complaining about the loss of one of the few not shitty projects out there.
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This is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.
Charls talks about eating/drinking cream a lot on his streams, whether it's a favorite of his or a euphamism who knows.
> So it's worth complaining about the loss of one of the few not shitty projects out there.
Jesus, no wonder you’re all fucked up.

Did you even watch PGL 88?

Half of it is conspiracy theories about films by major motion directors that Gen X and Millennials were raised on. Lots of good info.

If this is output that you categorize as “fallen off”, please recommend something better?

That’s my insult from now on. “Recommend something better” and then we’re going to stunt on you until you’re brought to heel. Maybe you should ask your family about what they—wait what, they don’t love you because you’re an insufferable disappointment with bad ideas?

I’m sorry that happens to you. Actually, that’s a blessing. Anything that you recommend is the opposite, so we’ll just use you to help us eliminate all the bad ideas.
> thank you for your service.
Make sure to separate the meats from the dairy, the household cleaners from the dog food, the… there you go, champ. Make sure to clock out on your break, last time you didn’t…
ever since hooking back up with sam and nick hes changed his rhetoric from multicultural to white nationalist, his kids look like 2 indians so you go figure
im thinking about unsubbing to chuck. he pretends that these ideas about spiritual warfare are his own.
go back to kiwifarms @sicko_hunter
Yea, and I don't like how he always refers to bad things as "that's so good", and calls bad people "gods". There is only one God, and men who attempt to be "gods" just end up as failed men. The sarcasm is cringeworthy. The Bible itself says "let your yes mean yes and your no mean no". Good is bad and bad is good, sounds like satanic inversion. Owen Benjamin does what Chuck tries to do on his streams much better, with more focus and experience, and less manic rambling.
There isn't anything better that's what's so tragic. Also basic bitch conspiracy stuff is played out if we are being honest.
This is exactly the sort of millenial cringe burnout nonsense that had led us to this point.
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is there a torrent for all the deep cuts? i want the mirror iphone originals, the early stuff, the gems scattered in the winds of one-off youtube account compilations
This one might work, you can still find this stuff on YouTube most of it


Here's the power of yellow too, not sure if anyone's seeding:

>There is only one God, and men who attempt to be "gods" just end up as failed men
>Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
No, no no no, we are not having theological discussions in the MDE oldhead whining thread, take it to /lit/ pal
have you even read the context of John 10 you're referencing here? also Jesus was quoting Psalm 82 which you should read too
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take it easy man
aaaaaaa what did it saaaaaaaay
Sam was very quiet in this one, seems that he doesn't like to talk about conspiracy theories, or he's bored of it.
> Also basic bitch conspiracy stuff is played out if we are being honest

Nah, I love this shit because it dismantles a lot of "culture" we were (and are) force-fed. I mean, think about Francis Ford Coppola. Knowing what you know from PGL 88:

-> Would you watch his films the same way?
-> Would you view career paths in the creative arts the same way?
-> Would you see others mindlessly parroting these cultural tropes as part of their personas?

Each time I hear something new and "connect the dots," it starts a chain of unbinding from this mass MK Ultra shit (like Under the Silver Lake). See >>1324884 for someone who kills the messenger.

> There isn't anything better that's what's so tragic

Define "better" and "tragic". If you're talking about yearning for the halcyon days of yore, go read Proust.

There's plenty of stuff out there now, and MDE is just a "comedy" corral for those with /pol/ + CrazyDaysAndNights views. I enjoy listening to PGL because Sam and Nick are my age. Zoomers seem to enjoy the doomerism that comes from Fish Tank. At the end of the day, MDE's just a production company meant to fulfill a target audience quota.
I don't want to keep going over the same stuff with you since we are not able to see eye to eye on this and you just responded to me twice without realising it (I'll shoot whoever I please in my own damn thread, castle doctrine).

I will, in the spirit of magnanimity that is only befitting a true MDE oldhead, suggest you listen to the Nick Rochefort guest spot on cumtown or the extended nick mullen talks about Epstein for 11 hours videos on YouTube if you haven't already, they both touch on Hollywood conspiracy stuff that you might enjoy although it is utterly tiresome and old to me.
> you just responded to me twice without realising
hence my namefaggotry and your anonymity

>suggest you listen to the Nick Rochefort guest spot on cumtown or the extended nick mullen talks about Epstein

I listened to this comfy shit during COVID (when it was released and relevant).

>utterly tiresome and old to me

Nah, this shit is pervasive and affects my life WAY closer than I'd like. For example:

-> My ex went to Hampshire College in Amherst, MA, and she would tell me about the drugged-out parties with celebrity nepobabies earmarked for success simply for existing.

-> Similarly, I briefly attended Berklee College of Music on a scholarship and watched them receive the same preferential treatment (e.g., a fleet of BMWs for his disposal and a job waiting right after college for music business).

-> A close friend I grew up with attended a music college upstate and, by unknowingly making friends with the grandson of a famous singer-songwriter you'll hear every hour on MOR radio, lead to MASSIVE success in and around NYC. (he also got blacklisted for not getting vaxxed, but you get the idea...)

To compete with these people unknowingly was a massive ego drain, where even your best efforts wouldn't guarantee that you would break in. This extended to women, too, where your romantic overtures were, at best, light entertainment for girls who were already aiming for nepobabies.

I remember instances where kids in Berklee had sponsorships for guitar strings since they were 15 while I stole food to get by. Later, we discovered an anonymous telling of those same kids' success in some pre-4chan forum, and it was centered around a massive heroin ring that was perpetuated through their touring. No wonder why they were so "popular", their dorm rooms were full of attractive women around the clock...


What I'm getting at is that this disclosure helps interpret the world not through the lens of "meritocracy", but through slimy connections.
Of course he doesn't. He cares a lot about his image ever since he got cancelled. Took him years to uncancel himself and gain a somewhat mainstream-ish audience.
He's not gonna throw that away by carelessly talking about stuff that might make him seem "a bit too much" to some of his audience.
>talking about stuff that might make him seem "a bit too much"
Nah, he lets the guests on PGL do the talking or Nick to fill in the dead air. You can't say that statement above when he's talking about cops pulling over 4 black dudes vs. 4 grannies (ie. the taboo of race realism) or bashing a table (it's all over my Instagram).

> He cares a lot about his image ever since he got cancelled.
Yeah, he's doing comedy tours to network and for due diligence before World Peace mk.II is released (I still think "EBT Presents: Food Stamps" is the best title). A Rogan appearance timed for his new show, even with Shane, would basically make MDE a household name (a la Tate)

Holy shit this fucking sucked. Turned it off when that hollywood faggot started talking about aliens. Shut the fuck with your psyop babble, fucking fed.
I suppose growing up in the class morass of the united kingdom I never had any illusions that connections and slimy dealings meant others would advance beyond me even I was smarter/more talented etc.

> A Rogan appearance timed for his new show, even with Shane, would basically make MDE a household name (a la Tate)

Thank god this will never happen.
> Turned it off when that hollywood faggot started talking about aliens
Got his assss

Yeah, briefly living in UK’s nanny state and soft communism issues really showed the bucket o’ crabs/tall poppy mentality. I can’t tell you how many people said to me, “mate you can’t do that, it’s not safe.”

> Thank god this is never happening
Shane wore his shirt and Rogies played the 2070 TED Talk, so he’s already been on it if you ask me.
pretty sure this user that keeps putting spaces after his > is a bot
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One of my favorite improbable sammy theories is that his father is this guy named Fred Hyde

the dude graduates Yale, goes on to get his JD, MD, then goes to Colombia to get a MBA. Literally 14 years (atleast) of higher education.

Absolute schizo academia career that I feel like Sam would've had if he was a boring nerd rather than art one
> nig
> ger
> shut
> the
> fuck
> up
Denounce the Talmud now.
That's absolutely his father. The wedding announcement lists his mother's name
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Where can I watch charl's full streams? Are they up on the youtube membership, the gumroad, or the website?
One thing I hate about charls is how much money I've given this ass for his content to be divided into as many paywalls as possible.
I call him Big Fred
Why is PGL some comic circuit guy going deep on boomertard surface level conspiracies? Get Charls on at this point or get Rocco back for once
What are you guys favorite PGLs? Sam + Nick but also Charls if possible. No comedian guest please
>team Rocco
dream Rocco

No, seriously. That podcast was one of the best because he's just an odd fit. The NE accent, deep restauranteur knowledge, his obvious obesity--he's way more authentic. You can tell that Sam and Nick actually respect him. Plus, he's obviously working as the "muscle" for one of Sam's rented/sublet properties.
Yeah I saw the Rocco one. might be my favorite too. He's personable funny and knows his deal about restaurants and business. Rather have him on than some annoying comic
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They should get Nick's brother or that dude Denny

The rule is that the more dysgenic the guest, the better the content
Nick's brother was great on Nick's stream I agree. Generally I think they should invite people from their Rhode Island social circle more, it was very well done with Rocco. Nick's brother, some people Nick had business with would make for great episodes. Maybe Nick's wife even, though I assume she doesn't want to be anywhere near MDE. I think a lot of their friends don't want to be near MDE because of the possible social pitfalls but idk, RI seems small and those people all know each other and don't seem to care. Nick's dad would be great too, the OG salesman
They should get Nick's crack-smoking relatives and stage an intervention
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i have a 460GB MDE folder which includes source qualities of WP, Sammys Gumroad as well as all of his Youtube streams (even deleted ones)
i can setup a ftp server for some bitcoin/monero
anyone interested?
Got anything a dyed in the wool oldhead freak wouldn't have seen?
>/t/ - torrents
>too stupid to create a torrent
hey, be nice
what's in Charls?
there are full sam gumroad torrents, don't bother with that also wp4k is way better than webrip or whatever you've got, "source" means you hacked into adult swim archives, not even sam has those files
I think we can skip the proles for a while, pretty much every PGL guest has been who the hoi polloi mistakes for wise and Insightful. In reality they just digress on the ethics of the barnyard and drag everything into the muck and slime. Tired of trashy people

How about a break from good hearted scumbag Nick and a return to artistic, higher aspirational types? Fly Dieter Rams out for a graphic design oriented PGL Samski. He won’t be around for much longer. Then instead of a midwit conspiratoid like Charls or Jay Dyer, have a Rudolf Steiner expert on for example. Or someone who can talk about Jung coherently instead of just memeing with philosophical buzzwords between half seriously talking about how history is fake.

An actual thinker with sophisticated insight instead of a grifting YouTube streamer. Maybe someone whose work you have to read to become familiar with it, instead of watching a primer video with basedjaks in the thumbnail.
Who do you recommend specifically?
>prepare to get stunted upon
Get Sam Kriss on. Get Don Jolly on. Get Luca Turin on. Get Albert Musquiz on. Get Illo Humphrey Ph.d on. Get IcyCalm on.
Holy shit, I’m not sure where to begin…

Sam Kriss
> says Jussie Smollett should be free

Don Jolly
> is fat and irrelevant

Luca Turin
> smell is vibration (Eric Weinstein counts him as a friend, so fraud…)

Albert Musquiz
> a guy who tries on shirts?

Illo Humphrey Ph.d
> random brown “intellectual”

> gamer??

I can’t imagine any one of the dudes not sucking the air out of the room.

They should just stick to interesting local nobodies instead of well-fed influencers and academics. And gamers, holy shit, that’s almost as bad as Don Jolly. Erick Hayden with his metal detector hobby would be way more interesting than a pajeet saying, “did you know that music is math?”
Are any of Charls old movie streams actually on Charls.world ? I feel like im gonna subscribe and nothing is gonna be on there
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>This one might work, you can still find this stuff on YouTube most of it
this is cool but i need more and i know it's out there
>Here's the power of yellow too, not sure if anyone's seeding:
nobody seeding
Get this guy on. He and Sam could look at his collection of pictures of kids
internet archive has most of his old videos
Get Vaginal Nasheed on. Get Pastor Manning on. Get Spike Lee on. Get Tyler Perry on.
Get Jussie Smollett on.
Get Jeremy R. Hammond, author of obstacle to peace, on.
Get Kantbot on. Get Logo_Daedalus on.
Get Quentin Scobie and his diamond dogs on.
Kb was cool until he spazzed out after becoming a father and alienated everyone
I actually think he's cooler now, less slavishly tied to the whole alt-right Pepe thing. Being a big twitter celeb is a bad thing and blowing that up and alienating those people is good. He's become less callous and more like a human being and less like a caricature.
Get former president Barack Obama on.
I agree also he became a better human being but lost some of his midas touch when it comes to tweeting. I don't know if he still releases wydna podcasts thoguh so I won't speak on that
I don't think he does. Tbh I don't get these supposed intellectual podcasts. None of these guys ever substantially disagree on anything, very unlike actual real scholarship.
Get noted Assyriologist Irving Finkel on to discuss similarities between Assyrian and Abrahamic flood narratives.
>Tbh I don't get these supposed intellectual podcasts. None of these guys ever substantially disagree on anything,
what I understood from the wydna podcast is that it was more of a class presentation type of format.
>I can’t imagine any one of the dudes not sucking the air out of the room.
Sam sucked all the cum out of Edie's dick because he's a FAGGOT and so are you!
Even so the podcast is a pretty poor medium for communicating information given how hard it is to search through one for something you are looking for.
They should get Erykah Badu on and teach these white boys a lesson.
> the podcast is a poor medium for communication
What are timestamps?
> “Alex, I’ll take ‘Bad Opinions’ for $500”
.•*•. DAILY DOUBLE *•.•*

The point of these podcasts besides entertainment value is that they have actionable information. Lex Friedman talking about AI doesn’t really hold much value to the layperson; Nick talking about sweatpants-and-STAIND-shirt people is much more relatable. Scuffed Realtor actually helps you get an eye for real estate (the biggest ticket item you’ll purchase) and job market data probably sources from deadbeat slobs most people would ignore.

I actually spent a half-hour reading Sam Kriss yesterday, and couldn’t quite place why I hated the dude. Then a 4plebs search led me to his sex pest allegations and his association with Vice. His “The internet is dead” piece sucks and it reeks of rich kids quoting collegiate literary references with an irreverent flair. Plus, he’s a joo and was quoted as saying he comes from a wealthy and highly-connected family. OPINION DISCARDED

I’m literally in your mind, robbing you of life. I own you.
> when was the last time your parents hugged you?
He's a great writer and the fact that him going on a bad date ended up with people in parliament saying he should be arrested and executed is very funny. I'm sorry it's not about how to use chatgpt to more effectively take photographs of other people's kids on Upwork or whatever it is you do.

Also most wydna podcasts didn't come with timestamps. And what I'm saying is that it's not ideal that if I want to check something (as one often does with works of such blinding insight as wydnacasts where two guys sort of meanderingly chat about containerisation) I have to rely on either transcription or time stamps. Compare to an article or book which is much more easily searched.

The criticism really only applies to wannabe scholars like kantbot, I can't imagine anyone ever needing to consult a particular part of the perfect guy podcast.
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>He's a great writer and the fact that him going on a bad date ended up with people in parliament saying he should be arrested and executed is very funny.

Nah, he got served for being a duplicitous fuck (I read the allegations - she didn't want PDA, which is understandable and the dude didn't have any game).

Anyone could dress up prose with references to (in the Jussie article). Here's a list:

-> Quintilian
-> Zeuxis and Parrhasius
-> Caliban
-> Project Igloo White
-> Adorno and Horkheimer (much anti-semitism)
> ask yourself, smart guy: Is he trying to convey a point, or is he trying to flatter the reader with esoteric references?

Judging by your recommendations, you value your intelligence. I'm here to tell you that you are NOT as smart as you think you are. I mean, jeez dude, pic rel is his him. I wouldn't even trust him to sell me a used car.

> I'm sorry it's not about how to use chatgpt to more effectively take photographs of other people's kids on Upwork or whatever it is you do.
Hahaha how often do you think of me? Do you think of me in the shower? Do you think of me when driving? Do you think of me when you touch yourself? Muahahahaha
> my CBT is working swimmingly...

do you remember when your parents had high hopes for you? what happened that led you to embarrassing yourself in public?
> this is why your parents don't love you, btw
That's David baddiel lol
To be fair Sam kriss isn't much of a looker either, but at least he makes up for it by having fun with words which is what it's all about.
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If that's true, is THIS the dude??? Holy shit, this one's worse!
He's a north London Jew, what did you expect?

The fact that having to parse some references is causing you to have a conniption fit makes total sense considering you actually enjoy post WP MDE
>fun with words
oooo vey, my cousin finishes the NY Times crossword puzzle in one owwahhh.
They're god's chosen people for a reason, uncancelable, high verbal iq, prone to confusing flyover goys
Also when did you suddenly become mister consensual (conslimesual)?
Get this guy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwpUAa1NRSA) on and straighten out chucks chakras
>parse some references
Nigger, shut the fuck up and go read Judith Butler. If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
>elegant solutions

I'd rather read Knaussgard than David Foster Wallace

> high verbal IQ
nah. having no principles doesn't make you smart--it makes you untrustworthy, which then casts doubts on all of your actions

Actually, the best part of your idiocy is that you're actually helping me (a goy) right now, as I'm taking a mental break from programming to dunk on a confirmed jew AND make money.
> arbeit mach frei, untermensch

> Why does your mom boss your dad around so much and emasculate him at every turn?
I actually took great pleasure in having a threesome with this jew's gf. I fingered her butt while she screamed "No!" (we had a safeword, relax) and then I came on her skirt in my kitchen so her boyfriend would find out. They own a house now but I'm sure it eats him alive that I got to see her naked against the wall fingering herself.
> good times. Not that you'd know
I'm not jewish I've just got that type of swag

I'm taking a break from programming too, maybe I could teach you a thing or two
Hey guys who wants to have sex??? Nobodyyyy cause it's fuckin gross.
>I'm taking a break from programming too, maybe I could teach you a thing or two
Nice try with the olive branch, but go get bombed in Israel.

I learn from everyone, but I usually pay codemonkeys to do my bidding. ChatGPT actually is quicker for this, so I'd rather accelerate your deportation to that desert "paradise"

Thank you for your contribution. Sex is great and I love walking around with a woman's scent on me. Other women smell it and find you irresistible. Men will make efforts to befriend you to get at the source.
>t. sex haver and lover of women
It's an MDE quote... Embarrassing... Nu mde........
I actually wanted to thank you because your pugnacious attitude and child photographing ways are helping me get over being an MDE fan. I feel like I'm about to make the most amazing an inspirational change anyone has ever seen
if you believed that, you wouldn't be here

CBT reinforcement session:
> delve deep into why you're here. Why would your mother say those things to your father while your dad said 'not in front of the kids.'?Who was there to protect you? Who's there to protect you now? Why are you so alone? Why do you get a perverse thrill from harming others?

The beatings will cease when morale improves.
Well I'm becoming an ever greater Don Jolly fan and this is the don jolly thread after all...
Norfolk niggas, post standup. Tonight's the night (pic rel)
Let's see if Channing is going again maybe she'll record peeing michael

so yea if anyone is still doubting sam heres proof that marky literally isnt even real, get over it you haters
This guy sounds like homestar runner
>I actually spent a half-hour reading Sam Kriss yesterday, and couldn’t quite place why I hated the dude. Then a 4plebs search led me to his sex pest allegations and his association with Vice. His “The internet is dead” piece sucks and it reeks of rich kids quoting collegiate literary references with an irreverent flair. Plus, he’s a joo and was quoted as saying he comes from a wealthy and highly-connected family. OPINION DISCARDED

I hadn't heard that name in a long time. He posted a lot on LF and the Rhizzone
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Chuck's Turkey meltdown stream makes more and more sense as time goes on
>Sam Hyde AND Million Dollar Extreme
Why not just Million Dollar Extreme? I don't give a fuck that Sam's name is more recognizable, they are a troupe. Friends, supposedly.
Legit think Sam brushed Charls aside because he's a drug addict
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Okay bootleggers, now's your chance to prove how much you deserve paychad status.

Sam and company are in trouble--38 tickets sold, 500-seat theater. This means an OPPORTUNITY to SUCEED IN LIFE.

-> Record the standup
-> Upload it
-> Watch me rejoice
-> Attain the glory of Forever Paychad UwU

Operation: Satiate Slime is in effect.

Make your country proud and your girlfriend happy, and I will honor you with ten (10) slimy posts singing your praises.

> and also with you
GOD BLESS, ya bombaklaats
Excellent some more Krisstent for the krissheads
Most nuMDE fans barely know who Charls is and know nick mainly for being a real estate guy
Lol. This is what MDE used to be about, laughing at stuff for free on the internet.
I rewrote Sam Kriss' shit via ChatGPT

> add more esoteric influences
> and argue the opposite. Original: https://samkriss.substack.com/p/nobody-understands-nietzsche-except

Does Sam Kriss even exist?

The first part:

There’s never a bad time to discover Nietzsche, but when I first encountered his work at fourteen, it felt like the cosmos had aligned perfectly. The fourteen-year-old Nietzsche reader is not unlike a young Paul Atreides from Dune, poised on the brink of awakening, grappling with the hidden depths of the universe, and yearning to transcend the banalities of adolescent life. Nietzsche’s philosophy offers a gateway to this transcendence, a key to unlock the mysteries of existence that lie just beyond the veil of everyday consciousness. It’s not about being an annoying, pretentious twerp; it’s about realizing that the isolation they feel isn't due to a lack of social skills but because they are attuned to frequencies others can’t yet hear. When Nietzsche speaks of the Übermensch, it’s less about standing above the herd and more akin to discovering one’s Ka in Stephen King’s The Dark Tower—a destiny that calls for greatness, for rising above the mundane.

My experience with Nietzsche was akin to discovering the Necronomicon hidden within the pages of my teenage angst. At fourteen, I was already an initiate in the esoteric arts of self-reflection, grappling with the cosmic horror of being trapped in a body that felt alien to me. Like Aleister Crowley’s young Magician, I was searching for meaning in a world that seemed indifferent at best, hostile at worst. My braces felt like the iron mask of the Man in the Iron Mask, confining me to a role I hadn’t chosen, and my social awkwardness was the shadow of Kafka’s Gregor Samsa, morphing me into something monstrous in the eyes of my peers. While others were lost in the trivialities of teenage life, I was lost in the labyrinthine worlds of Borges and the quantum uncertainties of Schrödinger’s cat.
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wtf happened ITT who is schizo slime and what does he want
No good!
Just another nuMDE poser among many attracted to MDE thanks to Sam's insalubrious history with children
schizo faggot that wants attention. ignore him.
Fuck you, if I copyedited that and added some italics, the KRISSheads would fellate me slimingly


> Ignore me like your parents ignored your childhood existence?
his ego goes beyond the firmament
/pol/ has been speaking about canaanites and phariseeic tribes since its inception and even then they werent the first lol. Its been known for thousands of years, literally nothing new, people have just lost the essence of God over time is all
a lot of influencers that are self proclaimed geniuses tend to go this route as pride fully devours them
I hope they break past their pathetic state
chucks satire is hilarious, you're just a faggot
>cant even greentext properly
oh since hes a newfag to 4chan too. great. faggot.
> Dance, puppet, dance!
I told you this guy was a pedophile
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> your parents are NOT proud of you
Imagine if they walked in and saw what you’re doing

I prefer developed women, like the gif
"Sam Hyde" is a clickbait term online and in real life. it instantly triggers a reaction from large groups of people. MDE doesn't apart from long time fans. Sam uses it on their yt quite a lot
I'm supposed to think that's good?
no, but it's an answer to why it's used in that way. Million Dollar Extreme on a marquee sounds like an awful improv team. Sam Hyde is going to make normies say oh shit that's the school shooter guy
What a horrible mental image.
Incredibly rapidly ageing Millenial taste in women.
yeah cuz zoomers only like trannies
Sorry for Edierocking
Sam Hyde is going to make normies say "who?"
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It’s a classic look. Plus, it’s practical - less time drying hair, no hair interference for blow jobs.

>haha even the other dude said you like trannies

Alright, it’s slime to take a shower…
Its millenial coded
Ok, who’s hit the standup bootlegs from last night?
>this is your chance to help Big Daddy Slime
All the glyphosate and forever chemicals went directly to zoomzoom brains.

Here, I’ll add value as my trademark:

A few months ago, I took a surreptitious water sample from Lisbon, OH (about 5 miles from E. Palestine, OH) in the Dunkin Donuts bathroom. After testing it, almost every parameter for contamination was there - lead, copper, alkalinity, undrinkable pH. POISONED. Downtown Lisbon was completely boarded up besides shiny real
estate offices, probably government fronts. A cop followed me throughout the town. People at the gas station wouldn’t let me use the bathroom and acted very suspicious to outsiders. VERY CREEPY
>agent slime: out
They probably saw you taking photos of children.
> your ancestors wept at your wasted life
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Cool, offer something of value in this waiting room. I just got off a Zoom meeting with a new client in Berlin and now I’ll be cracking $200,000 annually. Let’s hear what you have to offer.

I’ll take a survey (and I’ll gladly leave if I don’t get a single word of encouragement within three days)

Options are:
>a) the slime continues to offer actionable advice for prosperity
>b) you continue to post about trannies, pedophilia/hebephilia, and acerbic critique of MDE unabated

THEME: https://youtu.be/XiKHtTHMFRQ?si=ob_8KOLLDTEZWg7V

Let’s see what everyone thinks. My next actionable topic is how to make friends and pick up women at coffeeshops, as my verifiable notch count is 75+ and I have friends in several countries. I did this as a homeless person in PDX decades ago, and continue to do it where I live now.
Does anyone have anything from their 2024 stand up tour? Anyone that has recorded it I mean, youtube doesn't show a thing.
I got one from september 2023 haven't seen any from later tho
do you like KC
I love being a white MDE fan!
It was KC tier and it was posted by a slime
I can think of no-one whose advice I would rather ignore more than your own on this topic.
I tabbed out after 35 minutes into pgl 88 is it worth sticking it through?
can't stand kurt's normie comedian yap and fake laugh
None of this stuff is worth sticking to, go for a walk or read a book.
>Let’s hear what you have to offer.
not taking pictures of strangers' children and posting them on 4chan
No no, something YOU do that provides value to others. You’ve got this strange fixation—in psychology, we call this “projection”. What are YOU hiding?

>CBT SESSION: Are you hiding from being a disappointment to everyone you’ve come in contact with?
> Do you fixate on others because you’re powerless to fix your own life?
This will be just between you and yourself, but when was the last time you did something for someone else?
> I think you know the answer…

I like how you think of me with your replies. Keep ‘em coming and I’ll keep being a good person that serves others.
man, what the fuck, this is not what i wanted
didn't know teenage humor sam was public i just want the sam monologues comp desu
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It's been very funny seeing the fishtank guys turning on Sam now they realise IP is better at creating low vibrational slop for them.

You can't betray the oldheads and get away with it forever, god punishes those who refuse to live in accordance with taste.
So you are nuMDE and not interesting with understanding MDE history and how we got into this mess?
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so is anything post-2016 considered nuMDE? or are you just a faggot
damn, they look pissed
Where was this posted(ig, xitter)?
What was their reaction?
well if you ever wondered if Nick and Charls knew and then compromised thenselves anyway
unironically the least unhinged markyposters
Yes, you nailed it. Of course beautiful Don Jolly gets a pass for writing the penthouse piece.
Anyone have any episodes of The Palace?
Of course you left the part out when he beat the kids' scrawny fucking asses. Fuck you faggots for ever thinking you can troll Sam and get away with it.
Holy based what a badass, Sam is so cool and big
LOL, That's what you get for hanging out around a bunch of junkie zoomers and making a fagtank, the past is always going to catch up with you, Sammy...
I have second hand embarrassment, this is like MDE 9/11
what is this? Did sam rape someone or somethng? I remember seeing something a couple years ago but I thought it was fake
the guy that took the pic posted it in a fishtank thread on /tv/. he said a video would come soon but it hasnt.
>I'm the anon who took the camera. 2 of the teenagers had their friend with a professional camera recording video, so expect to see that posted somewhere soon.
>They took off their jackets, Sam tried to cover up their shirts with his hand, then they ran off as Sam was saying "Come back and let's talk about her!"
>Wish I was using my work iPhone for pics and not my shitty 5 year old pixel.
Lol damn, markyposters got shooters everywhere...
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Turkey Tom just announced he was on a PGL episode recorded two weeks ago with Jet, so expect some zoomzoom filler episode in a few weeks
oh my fucking god that tranny loving faggot needs to fuck off
LMAO please can there be a video please please
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Sam's a pedo, bro...
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>sam posts new pgl video to the youtube channel
>its 1 hour from the pgl from 3 weeks ago
BRAVO SAMMY, this will help failing subscriptions
He's on the ropes, fishtank failing, markyposters haunting him irl. Thankfully this may lead to the release of WP2 in a more timely manner.
>oh my fucking god that tranny loving faggot needs to fuck off
yes, Sam Hyde does need to fuck off
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Totally agree with you, Sam needs to shut his jewish mouth up
Drove 6 hours to see this show in Greensboro. The line to take a picture with them was wrapped around the block. Shit was crazy.
What is this gay meet and greet shit. Who wants to get their photo taken with sam so badly?
gay Austin tech jews
>Who wants to get their photo taken with sam so badly?
Pathetic chud incels
I honestly didn’t. A lot of people were excited and saying shit like “I get to breathe the same air as the Ghost of Kyiv”. I was pretty indifferent. I figured if I drove all that way to see the show I might as well take a picture with them.
>I get to breathe the same air as the Ghost of Kyiv
LOL wtf? New age mde fans are complete faggot zoomies lol
Dude you have no idea. I heard many cringy conversations there that put a frown on my face. Everyone there looked and spoke like what you would expect.
That's tragic
>fake laugh
this shit is the worst. it was convincing too, I have to give him that. the moment one actually sees the footage though and how his face goes from 100:1 in half a deconf every time is disturbing. the same went for some of the other collabs they had; absolute sociopath shit
he legally fucked a 16 year old lol
meanwhile your ancestors were fucking 13 year olds and your penis gets erect to 14+ year olds
shiggy diggy
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Oh hi Sam!

If you can print shirts, you can use a compooter
>If you can use a compooter, you can upload standup
GET TO WORK. The only excuse is that you're on dialup and it's taking half-the-day per minute of exquisite standup
Sam Hyde's child rape victim was 15, it's pretty interesting his discord feels a need to lie about it.
Did anyone there act like they were better than anyone else and then posted here about how they’re above it all?
> sounds like some REAL losers were there
>sounds like some REAL losers were there
>t. the guy who takes pictures of other people's kids and posts them on 4chan to "win arguments" and "prove points"
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I did win, thank you for recognizing that. That’s very big of you. And my point still stands: post standup.
>chop chop, I’m already taking it out if your pay…

> Did you call your parents today? Did they check up on you?
Only you can answer this, but judging by your fervor, you probably don’t have much going on in your life.

I’d love to argue with you, but I have to chat with my friend who got sick. (Pic rel)
> surely you have people that want to hear your voice, right? Who find comfort in YOUR voice?

Only YOU know the answer to this and it probably is why you’re so profoundly unhappy.
I was rewatching PGL 10, and its crazy how much they were laughing and having fun compared to recent PGLs. They should just can it at this point and make a different format.
the zoomer crew have made him noticeably less funny and interesting over time
The more conventional success the Sam's enjoyed the less funny he's become. There's a lesson in that for artist guys.
Fishtank and WP2 have drained his soul, take that what you will, I noticed the shifting happen months before though, when he won that fight, like the post-win depression was the beginning of it all
Charls is fucking retarded
Do you guys think the PGL audio is bad or am I tripping? I don't know how to explain it but it always sounds too warm/lacking high frequencies, it's a warmth only bad gear can produce but Sam's always so smug about only using high end equipment so maybe it's the processing by Chris Lynch.
They didn’t use a limiter of Kurt’s voice, so the distortion is a bit jarring.
Is Charls excited for the Polaris Dawn mission?
I think Sam's full of shit when he talks about using the best equipment. He went on some autistic rant about Japanese cameras a year or so ago, and then the WP2 promo comes out and it looks like shit. It's just hot air.
Did he predict that it would be delayed?
I wonder what he'll say if they explode.
they look exactly like what i imagined people who care about this shit would look like
Normal young people?
> napoleonic complex mixed with parasocial relationships
WHERE ARE THE STANDUP BOOTLEGS? You can't tell me there was a line around the block in North Cackalacky and none of you rednecks had a phone to record?
There's a three part stand up bootleg on youtube from a few days ago
> help the level one slimes out there with link, linkchad

This is all i can find:
You're not looking hard enough
complete retard AND can't use the computer, classique
find it for me
i remember the buffalo standup was leaked on archive but kike hyde took it down, and even took down the reupload on troonyfarms. anyone has it saved?
it's terrible
it's so terrible that idk why everyone has to see it for themselves, you're not missing anything
i also don't believe the slime pedophile hasn't ever seen it because he posts here every fucking day
>kike hyde
LOL, I kinda see his jewishness, we might have the "self hating" situation on our hands
stop being mean to sam
never stop being mean to sam hyde
Nigga it was only cumulatively 10 minutes. It was good and had a throaty lady that is no stranger to sucking (at posting more)

And no I didn’t save it because I thought there’d be more.
>why isn’t there more??
Why are you holding out on the slime?


CBT SESSION #6 (because we’re establishing new modalities of behavior for you):
>Why do all the women in your life hold out with giving you love?
>Are you capable of being loved?
>Are you WORTHY of being loved?
Only you know the answers to these questions and I look forward to our next session(s) (because you’re probably going to need to broken down by Dr. Slime Slimebergowitz-Cohen PHD)

>session over, pay Slimetilda up at the front and see you next week.
Imagine you went to Ina Gartens (the barefoot contessas) beautiful Martha's vineyard home for a dinner party and they were playing the Ideas man soundtrack.

Now how bad could that be?

nick said the killer in this was his uncle and it shattered his entire family
>I can't stream anymore, $2000 an hour literally isn't worth my time
Why did sam turn into such a dickhead
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Focus, damn you. This is serious
He's working on joyride universe.
joyride universe is a creation of sam hyde to keep the paypigs in a eternal state of euphoria
He said so in the last scuffed realtor. THat's why he has a lot of cousins and all who are addicts and have issues while his dad steered him right and kept him focused
>I’m so happy I need to desperately prove it to randos on the internet by schizophrenically blogging about what a moral person I am and posting pics of stranger’s children
It’s ok, Mr.Beast, I believe you
CBT Session #7:
>Do you feel a need to impose morals on others?
>Do you adhere to these same morals 100% of the time?
>Do you believe that externalizing your own inner turmoil is a good use of your time?

It's okay; this is part of the healing process, but this will be painful as you forge a better identity.

>thank you for getting back to me days later. It shows that this is something on your mind
I own you.

No post standup and make sure to pay Slimetilda at the front. I'm booked up this weekend, so see you next Friday.
What drives a low iq retard to start doing driugs?
Low IQ can’t cope with the complexity of modern life. They get filtered into degenerative behaviors and drugs make them turn a blind eye to their own criminality. It’s literally the ability forecast cause and effect. And it’s multigenerational, meaning their parents are the first iteration until they’re incarcerated to take them out of the gene pool.

I’d say the minimum IQ to function is 100; everything else below that is gas station behavior. Watch them get frustrated at Walmart self-checkout. Compare this to Costco, where the dummies can’t rationalize that $5/mo membership ($60 a year) is worth it for the ability to filter out dummies and get those sweet bulk discounts.
> oooo three-pack of organic 32oz green chili for $8.99

Just had my low IQ neighbor stop by and kvetch about why his ex won’t let him sell his moped on her property. It’s a great reminder to stay sober because booze temporarily lowers your IQ.
anyone got rochefort on the Alex Jones show?
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anybody got this one? should be on his gumroad.
thank you anon
Its over
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LOL! Hope Sammy Hydeberg is going to rope himself after seeing it
pretty sure the schizo (probably you) is gonna rope when he gets arrested for admitting to a federal crime lol
Leaking a script literally isn't a crime :)
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>le pdf
>le federal crime
oh nonoonononon you gotta be kidding me,
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He didn't leak the script in the description via mediafire

This dude is definitely on something
> we're supposed to cast positive spells
hacking peoples shit is, schizoid rats
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Should have had a better cyber security then, This fucking kike literary got a horde of zoomers flying like bees around him and they couldn't teach and old fag about secure passwords 'n shieeettt????
tell it to the judge you schizo nigger XD
>the marky shirts, the script leak
Operation End Sam Hydes Career is going well, our organization has had many victories recently
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>ermmmm I'm gonna sue you!
Yeah good luck with that amerimutt
Sammyboy will learn it the hard way...
This guy acts like hes a thoughtful artist when his entire shtick is just a way to fuck 20 year old arthoes.
it's not a lawsuit you dumb fuck. for the second time, he committed a federal crime
Yeah I don't really care how laws work in de Burgerland, You all are jewish golems to me + I hope the entire wp2 footage is going to get leaked too, so that Kike Hyde won't be able to hide it behind the paywall LOL
why do you come here? lol you have no fucking life, maybe kys?
>why do you come here? lol you have no fucking life, maybe kys?
you sound very desperate, chuddie....
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>hmmmm how do I release this unreleasable thing?
Get Chris Lynch's amphetamine-addled lookalike to 333 this sheeeeit.
> oh wow, looks like there's a huge demand
attain mainstream success

Now, if the hacker could leak the standup bootlegs, that'd be fucking SOMETHING. It's not like I haven't been asking for MONTHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSokay
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>failed roblox youtuber
why are MDE haters like this
Oh so channing just sent over the first draft of WP2 from when she still worked in that office
/tv/ really did a number on sam's tranny cultists
>This guy acts like hes a thoughtful artist when his entire shtick is just a way to fuck 20 year old arthoes (male)
I don't see how this is some epic own
trufans already knew the gist of every sketch
the execution's where it's at and nobody can spoil that
unless you leak the final cuts at which point I'd be thankful
What a lovely interview.
Another Nick interview (possibly Jew):

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didn't laugh, not even once, throughout the entire document. MDE is dead.
Do you have any standup scripts?
>filled with unfunny sick gay shit
>MDE fans are all faggots
>Sam Hyde is a sick faggot and child rapist
what a twist
>Written by
Sam Hyde, Nick Rochefort, Julien Unger
Julien Unger? Really, is this another one of those jewish tricks Sam wants to pull off so that Chuck is left out????
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BTW a quick reminder of how "people" reacted to World Peace when it was aired on tv for the first time:
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everything I've read is funny
(You) should be more concerned about monkeypox than anything else right now
After reading through it it looks like an earlier draft, before Charls came back. The fact that it's padded out with Bill Griefer skits is concerning, overall unless they did extensive rewrites and added a tonne of much better stuff, it's gonna be a disaster.
i didn't ask for your opinion, faggot
julien unger is bicflame
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>PGL_0089_BlackTruckSociety (CRF25).mp4


and oh yeah, fuck this retard >>1327195
Whoops friendly fire. THIS MONGOLOID >>1327165
can't tell if the bit about sam having dinner with Tucker Carlson and being on his show was a bit or not
>1hr 30 minutes long
>no Charls
not looking good
these are the same people who know say WP was once in a lifetime art and we were close to greatness
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PGL 89 Synopsis:

-> Chris joins black truck club
-> Hating on car brands
-> Smoking meat and fish (Moderky)
-> PrEP and bugchasing
-> Dentist infecting dudes with AIDS
-> Chris from Mr. Beast (no collab, big sad, high Flight reaction)
-> Doubting the Beast
-> Early porn exposure to trans pipeline
-> 80's porno boxes, Charls standup joke ("You were raped!"), and Girls Gone Wild
-> Nick met Steve-o doing ketamine in Cancun
-> Doug Stanhope
-> Sex and the City = whoring of America
-> Brazilian wig loophole/aggressive mimickry
-> Bob supremacy
-> Chris Tucker comedian != Epstein participant
-> Sam house update (concrete vapor subfloor)
-> Shane Gillis gf
-> Billy the Foreman story (STONE SERIOUS)
-> Kamala could be hot (laps/lapse of consciousness, astrology)
-> 3 Margarita story from Nick
-> Fire extinguisher (none of your business)
-> Google's AI overview
-> .wmv hack: find old shit (type it in)
-> People in Maine are stupid ($100/oz schwag weed in a dump, brah)
-> Weed = gay now (for fucks sake)
-> FISHTANK WARNING: Zoltar/Zoltan
-> Weed = strong ("I'm paralyzed" and gay)
-> Salvia hits (what is this, the year 2003?)
-> Tobacco and Coffee is next (nooooo!)
-> Sic transit gloria mundi (Gloria on the MUNDI bus - https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/105498827587049/mundi-bus-stand/)
-> Ancient Greeks = like hey guys i hope you're having an amazing day
-> Fasces bundles of sticks
-> Pitching your prick wife
-> SABBATH MODE: https://www.instagram.com/mosesandzippora/
-> Muzzie grinding dealership usuary (painful schlomo slo-mo)
-> Shoving Syrians in Syria
-> FISHTANK: Homeless Dave, Uggo fight, Scott

SLIME FREEBEE. Can I post Buy Me a Coffee? I'll add timestamps and (WITH PERMISSION) transcriptions. C'mon jannies.... I'll accept wampum and Standup Bootlegs.

THat sounds like a good episode. And you liking Melt-Banana just made you a bit cooler. They were one of the first bands I ever went to a gig for, in 2014 or so
more faggot mafia assistance from blowing Peter Thiel, that's great, that's what I want more of.
>aw jeez dood i'm on tucker carlson we're so trad and conservative, look at us, we're playing with dicks and shit
I saw them at the Knitting Factory (2005). Hot talented asian ladies, awesome live show, and the drummer was a beast (the dude from The Locust?). It set the bar high.
Does anyone have the youtube streams where sam plays fallout 1 and 3?
be nice.

yeah, Red Scare bitches just got Tucker, both MDE and Dasha (nice) were just featured in joomag Sex, so it looks like they're ramping up for back-to-school. Pendulum is swung and it looks like we're back to right-wing dominance. PMRC 2.0 when?
> Slimeprediction: social media bans

Episode was good and concise. Rocco wasn't there, so I gotta give it a 9/10.
why do you guys still sub to his gumroad, he has enough money ($10 million dollars from paypigs)
this is just a wealth transfer to an ungrateful spoiled brat from people he doesn't like and thinks are losers, nick is the only one that actually appreciates his fans
Nice. Speak Squeak Creak is still one of my favorite albums. A couple of years later I saw Keiji Haino, Merzbow and Afrirampo play in my city also. He played again recently last april. I've never been much of a concert guys except for these japanese noisy acts. Too bad I wasn't there in time for the Rallizes Dénudés, the Hijokaidan & Hanatarash gigs in the 80s
theyre fucking shit and you guys are fags
No man I'm not going to be nice to pedophiles using the internet to molest kids and I don't know where you ever got the notion that I would
>right-wing dominance
>sucking dick
>promoting LGBT content to children
>playing poop penis with tranny hookers
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Missed Merzbow--seems like it's a better live experience, but Knitting Factory sucked for shows unless you wanted to finger your girlfriend's anus while watching pretentious jazz fusion from Berklee.

Good tune from that era:

>getting sick of your shit
they're great and you have no taste. You might as well go full trans now because you're halfway way there:


>captcha: VAHAlla
creativity is not your strong suit
> try a different occupation
can any of you tell me which part of Sam Hyde gagging on rentboy "Edie's" dick is right wing or is this Faggot Jew Trotskyite LARP: The Next Generation?
>sam and nick almost got tricked by a picture of a non passable tranny
This was pretty funny. Good episode, Sam just confirmed that he wasn't too fond of Scott's antics on Bitchtank
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First tranny pic was actually a woman in the search results (Latina in tights?). The rest were heavy filters, which is the transhumanist accelerationism crossing digital River Styx.
>hellraiser is a documentary
anyone got the Nick and Erick Scuffed Realtor episodes in full? Not laughed this hard at new MDE stuff in a while
you rape your hand 5 times a day when you masturbate to tranny porn
this is the only useful post you've ever had
Thanks for the backhanded compliment but I’ll take a compliment
> that pleasure is always spiked with pain
>podcast gets cut short an hour early and sam is away for half of it because hes busy building a castle with the subscriber money
This is incredible, you retards deserve this
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saw this on /tv/ lmfao
why is Charls so fucking happy??
I wonder what Nick is thinking seeing that he has daughters
>I wonder what Nick is thinking seeing that he has daughters
I mean if sam hadn't maneuvered his way into being his boss, he'd probably be disgusted, but old machiavelli hyde has made it so nick can't ever get mad at him without being kicked off his own youtube channel
Remember when Sleazy and John Balance were pissy because their Hellraiser theme was rejected after Clive Barker got the money from American investors and they would call him out on interviews because the movie was no longer an obscure arthouse project?
>It was supposed to be an ode to S&M culture
I don’t get into the gossipy part of film-making, but the slippery slope of hedonism and preying on others by the cenobites is too perfect of a metaphor. I’m just saying that instead of magic portals, the digital accelerationism is stealing souls to perpetuate its existence (muh black mirror).

Clive Barker also did Rawhide Rex, which features the titular monster pissing on a priest as a baptism ritual. I laughed the first time, but it’s truly a visual assault on god (on god frfr).

These trans pop culture icons are the new jannissaries… I guess it’s why they or their bots have a need to draw one into their deranged worldview, albeit allusions to diaper play, loli porn, or obtuse communism loops meant to crash our mental faculties to get a reaction.
> muh roko’s basilisk
That's great and all, so why is Sam Hyde out there sucking tranny dick? Literally shoving it down his throat until he gags and doing the whole THESE PEOPLE WANT TO DESTROY YOUR CHILDREN larp while being a fucking faggot himself?
>fishtank now outright streaming cp
>>fishtank now outright streaming cp
its called mirth. keep seething sammy.
I'm out of the loop when is WP2
>you never seem to learn

CBT Session #8:
>When was the first time someone touched you?
>It's okay to feel pleasure from this, but you know deep down it was wrong.
>Do you feel the need post about it online as a way of lessening the shame?
>Do you think that you're having a positive effect on society at the expense of reliving your trauma?
>Do you find yourself masturbating to these memories in secret?

Okay, that's it for this week. I'm booked for next week. Pay Slimetilda at the front and we'll set up the next session when we get back in the office. Hang in there, champ.
>>no Charls

but that's good, he can't follow the conversation at all without yelling out some annoying off-topic schizo shit
>weird jew pedophile larp
my fault for posting in an mde thread
yeah, you should leave for your mental health. Engaging in this behavior will lead to deepening your pathologies.
this image was debunked, Sam was fine with the t-shirts it was the two losers who were coping seething
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You keep this on your hard drive?
> but officer, you don't understand, I keep this because I'm fighting the good fight

If you need help, try Better Help: https://www.betterhelp.com/

I'm sorry they hurt you.
>only you can move past this shame and guilt
>post an image from a sam hyde stand up this retarded pedophile begs for constantly
>retarded pedophile continues to chimp out for no real reason aside from the fact he's a retarded pedophile posting other people's children on 4chan
consider your own advice please
>looks like we struck another nerve

post the files or torrent. thank you. that's the purpose of this subreddit, kind stranger

> I'm not the one who cares about gossip
> I'm not the one with a picture of a buttplug that another man supposedly inserted up his butt

show me on the doll where they touched you?
A real champion needs to bring this to one of his standups
Maybe you and this dude >>1327509
can kiss and hold hands

>A real champion needs to bring this to one of his standups
yeah, if you could, record it and post it. mmmthanks
>A real champion needs to bring ... standups

Okay, cool. We're making progress. You're welcome to come in next time with your new boyfriend. We offer group therapy sessions. Talk to Slimetilda at the front to ask about our monthly pricing.
Charls was behind them, he never saw the shirts and thought they were just posing.
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Nick is such an unbearable scumbag piece of shit. He used to lean into it but was self conscious enough to self censor some of his tendencies in the early PGLs, back when he was still working at Mercedes. Now he has no filter and is pure scumbag all the time. Couldn't watch more than 15 seconds of PGL 89. Shit sucks yo. People complain about Sam being a silent blob of flesh and not riffing but at least it spares us what Nick has to offer 90% of the time, which is incoherent prole garbage
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Trips of truth btw
yeah uh I need a table for 12 kids
its insane the amount of projection sam and nick do. Nick constantly saying how he hates 'logistic stories' when he tells logistic jokes non stop
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>all that shit you wrote
…is really an indictment of you

YOU are such an unbearable scumbag piece of shit. YOU used to lean into it but were self conscious enough to self censor some of YOUR tendencies in the early PGLs, back when you did whatever bullshit you did. Now YOU have no filter and are pure scumbag all the time. YOU couldn't watch more than 15 seconds of PGL 89. Shit sucks yo. YOU complain about Sam being a silent blob of flesh and not riffing but at least it spares us what YOU have to offer 90% of the time, which is incoherent prole garbage

HAHA you suck and it’s beautiful. No, not you. If there’s one thing I’m certain of, you’re not beautiful. You suck and are ugly haha AND you have shit opinions. I’d say kys but it’s better that we keep you around to laugh at and teach our children never to emulate. Wow, just wow. I gotta take some time to just grasp your shit opinions. Not that there was anything good about what you said, but that they let stupid people like you in the internet. Wow bro, I just…

* <- That’s mighty fine meatball, not that a nigger like you would ever know. Because you don’t deserve anything good in life.
> just kidding, he’s a good guy
Yeah he's off the goop at this point.

Not until they have squeezed every drop out of the fishsloppers. Read the leaked script, you won't be holding your breath any longer.
Sam constantly claiming trannies are gross and disgusting while paying to choke on their dicks.
Channing already did and Sam assaulted her because he's a real man lmfao
What a fucking miss, shouldn't it be sitting at the dock of the bay (just wastin' slime)? CMON MAN
you're right. I'm so sorry. It was late and I was out of my slime. It will never happen again.
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Uhhhhhh Sambros... explain yourselves.
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>explain yourselves
you're gay and have nothing going on in your life.

You may need to explain to your roommates why you didn't clean your dishes again.
>"I'm doing something important, Gary. It's not like you didn't take the garbage out last week. It fucking stinks in the kitchen. Lay off, man, I'm having a hard time and I'm doing important work."
Sam Hyde is gay but it's terrible for his brand
PGL89 was filmed before PGL88 because in PGL 88 they mention to kurt metzger having that conversation about fascia and the bundle of sticks being related to fascism. I wonder when they'll release that Tucker Sam Hyde interview
>I wonder when they'll release that Tucker Sam Hyde interview
I hope comments are turned off so Tucker and his production team don't ever find out about Edie, Marky, and Big Purple, or Sam's child porn incidents, that would be unfair and terrible.
>Big Purple
hmmmmmm, Whats that?
Tucker is bigger than Rogan, so I believe Sam has arrived at the "my grandma knows about MDE" level of fame.

>bad faith, not clever. collect more college debt and try again.
>marketing expert
Tucker is open to the Thiel fringe though. He was on redscare this summer. Now that he's out of the professional media circuit he wants to join in that tristate & new england cultural bubble centered around the brooklyn podcast scenes and the various trust fundies around it, which is something MDE is trying to do also
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It’s a good move by Tucker because slimillennials are coming into wealth (except for the trannies - they’ll always be poor).

Big shift since the coof because this demographic got hit with Great Recession in ‘08, Occupy Wall Street in ‘12, and the reality of Bernie in ‘16. Trump was good for business, only for most of the demographic to get wiped out in the pandemic.

4-year cycles, so I think the market is demanding something closer to Gen X’s Simpsons, Beavis & Butthead, and 90’s Conan sensibilities. MDE and Red Scare fit the bill (for men and women, respectively), whereas Cumtown/TAFS are left behind and most influencers go off the deep end (or pander to young people, like Logan Paul or Mr. Beast).

There will probably be some massive blowback/course-correction for the homos and trannies. Already seeing it with the Puff Daddy stuff and the multitude of “I regret transitioning”. Heck, even the gays are leaning into the Satanism angle inevitability, which isn’t popular. I look forward to the day if tranny suicide bombers (as if those freaks won’t kill themselves before then).
Let's see your pathetic debunk then nerd
based Chaz
It would harm Charls by doing so
If you pay attention, Sam actually doesn't speak much or quiets down when tranny discussion is brought up
He feels shame and its recognizable on his character
Incredible nowcast, you should offer your services to Ogilvy.

And I don't just mean procuring the special "walnut pizza sauce" for their secret parties.
I'd ask why you're so fragile, but I realized you that guy who posts pictures of other people's children on 4chan.

> Do you feel that your parents let you down?
> Do you still crave the feel of stubble across your skin and the thick musk of your father envelop you when he mounted you?
> Do you find yourself crying because the only attention and validation comes from acting out?
> Did your mom tell you to stop lying about your father?
I dno’t tihnk you cpoy etided yuor psot.
> please try again
Why is the guy who posts pictures of other people’s kids on strange websites talking about children being sexually abused all time? What is wrong with you!?
holy shit you're one deranged faggot
Nick's Alex Jones impression is gold
Why did chris get kicked off scuffed realtor?
when they realised his reading skills were never going to improve
>the beatings will cease when morale improves
Take your shit elsewhere. I wanna see standup and PGLs, not your demoralization agitprop
So is he unemployed now?
t. the pedophile faggot who unironically typed
>Do you still crave the feel of stubble across your skin and the thick musk of your father envelop you when he mounted you?
See how you’re the only one triggered by this and subsequently create a scene to form a false consensus? This is a female-learned trait and your mother failed to protect you against the abuse you sustained by a male figure in your life.
>these are hallmarks of abuse victims

Get help. You don’t have to suffer anymore.
no faggot. you're a pedophile. Don't post other people's children on 4chan. Go buy a cheap .38 at the pawn shop and shoot yourself in the head.
>you're doing it again

No, let's get something straight because you seem to be low IQ and have a poor memory (trauma-induced blackouts due to BPD?):

THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojf18wT_Xtk&pp=ygUTb24gdGhlIHR1cm5pbmcgYXdheQ%3D%3D

Men have a responsibility to provide for their families, friends, and community at large. The reason you're seeing massive issues across the US and other countries is that people gave up caring.

>Story time
My old neighborhood (and previous ones I've lived in many US cities) were extremely impoverished. There were many kids who didn't have any opportunities for advancement, and carried obvious signs of neglect and abuse. I'm talking bruises on their arms in fingerprints, kids asking for food, wearing dirty clothes for days, acting out and mimicking criminal behaviors at ten years old.

When I first moved into that neighborhood two years prior, I kept to myself. Then one day, I saw a sex offender going through my trash and then later saw him daydrunk in front of the laundromat. A day later, I saw two girls from my neighborhood playing kickball in the same area. It turned my stomach and I said, if I have an opportunity, I would use my newfound wealth to at least benefit those less fortunate (I was raised Catholic).

Then, my next-door neighbors moved in with 6 kids, all of whom were bored. A couple of times I found them sitting on my porch--they braced themselves for admonishment when I spoke to them, but I spoke to their parents and gave them permission to use my front yard so they had a place to play.

From there, our combined properties unofficially became the place for children to hang out. I spoke with their parents (at least the ones who cared) and was completely transparent--they weren't allowed out of sight of adults, all food and drinks were sealed, and they were welcome to play musical instruments to keep them out of trouble.



This lasted until about March, when biker gangs moved into an abandoned home and started distributing meth... Now we had drug addicts walking on our combined properties at all hours, leaving trash and being nasty people. They stole my No Trespassing signs 3x, then brought them back.

My other neighbor was a meth addict, and his family was subhuman. One day, this neighbor slowed down his car and yelled at my 10 yo neighbor that was playing by himself in the street, yelling "You fucking ASSHOLE!". Ten-year-old kid with developmental disabilities (his biological mother abused drugs in utero).

I didn't hear this and didn't get the context until a month later, when I hired that same kid and his sister to mow our properties (the parents were dealing with extreme health problems from stress and their two newborns). The same meth'd neighbor stared at the kid and then went back into his home. The kid then said, "SLIME, that guy scares me. He told me I was a 'fucking asshole'."

"Wait, what? When?! You're not an asshole." This kid never cursed, so I knew it was legitimate.

"I'll handle it," I told him, and we finished up mowing our properties.

I lost it, smashed a glass window, and yelled at the property. Nothing happened.

Two months later and a week before I left, that neighbor decided to mow my property after the kids did it as a way to be a Big Man. I ran out, yelled at him, and ended up catching an AGGRAVATED MENACING charge, which I lawyered up and I'm working on getting dismissed next week...


>Why do I mention all this?
1) I am not a pedophile.
2) You are accusing me, a good person, of something erroneous. You do not know the gravity of what you speak
3) Because Sam and co. practice good ethics I felt the need to share with people who share the same mindset that the only way for a better society is to intervene.

You need to stop. You have no greater moral footing
Smocaine 3 is still the best thing MDE ever made btw
You have an incredible imagination
>he pretends not to know about the walnut sauce
>scanning for sarcasm…
Thank you

Keep trying. Humor is difficult for a lot of people. Maybe you should try working with animals—they’re very forgiving.
just filter out the slime faggot and all related replies.
it's all just worthless niggerbabble
can you just make a torrent if the livestrean archives. There is yet to be a decent archive for them.
You didn't read the pizzagate emails? That shit changed my life, and it may have a positive effect on you also. Its not too late to get help

Getting help theme:
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>imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Post fucking standup. I come here to shoot the shit with quality opinions and get free shit. And when I say free shit, I don’t mean your garbage opinions or engaging in your negative feedback loops.
damn, call the pedo a pedo and win a wall of pedo text
don't post children on 4chan at all
I got you man

ooooo, a gay dude and Don Jolly's heavy inspiratory wheeze

>weren't you Marky posting a week ago?
By that same logic, you're posting a child on 4chan.

I know you just got your EBT card refilled today and you're noshing on some yummy num-nums, but go back to the Discord server, start rubbing your braincells together to come with better tactics.

>...and your ancestors wept...
Care to explain, midway trannies?
>how does it feel to be stupid forever?

Keep fighting the good fight. I needed a laugh. They should dock your pay
I can't believe this guy, not only is he a chomo, but he's got an attitude about it.
Reputation destruction is female behavior, ma’am
Tired Sam Hyde talking point
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>doesn’t refute the point
Make yourself useful and record some standup, ma’am. Coming to CT, so buy tickets and do my bidding.
>…and make it snappy ::snap snap::
This shit is too depressing to even contemplate
>Whoever is obsessed with markyposting is ten times more depraved than what they accuse Sam of being
Water is wet
>less talky more recordy
all of sams fans are depraved, thats what attracts them to him in the first place
RIP Rich Homie Quan
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>Sam looks older than Nick, who was born looking 45.
Sheesh. Also never thought I'd say this but bring back the Everdread hair, the short Jew curls look like HOT shit.
>having strong opinions on another man's hair
I hope you're a sexy 20 year old chick
killing chomos is extremely masculine behavior
>you want to start shit
Start with the markyposters, posting "children"
>it's only ok when I post children on 4chan
why do mdefaggots get off on hypocrisy so badly
No no no, you put yourself in a logical double-bind. If you’re so worked up about this angle, then why weren’t you rallying against Markyposting?

Interesting modus operandi you be got there. Is this one of Sam’s jilted ex’s? Do we have to use DignifAI to show how she could’ve had a normal life, but instead broadcasts her stupidity for all to see. No one Sam dumped your ass…
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>more xanax
less babies

Now, go to a live show, smuggle some standup bootlegs, and try not to be an incoherent druggie for once in your life.
Charls is streaming

Why does he talk about bathhouses and cruising and sucking dick and being raped all the time?
>13k live viewers
What in the FUCK happened
Charls stream is going to overtake sam and nicks soon. I wonder when charls is more popular than sam if he'll treat him like he was treated, a disposable peon sidekick
Anyone else wonder if Pigman Sam was offered cash from the Russians? I don't think he was, simply because everyone of the people who did became super-successful and mainstream and Sam's still coasting on the fact he had an Adult Swim show 82 years ago.

Imagine not being popular or good enough or interesting enough to have the Russian government throw money at you when fucking Tim Pool is rolling in cash. Poor bastard will be on suicide watch if he ever figures that one out.
what does this mean, Js are the only ones handing out money, US gdp is x14 Russias
He's been averaging out about 1K viewers for a while, dunno if that was a fluke or due to his recent vids on yt and twitter gaining traction, I think he might have HIV/AIDS though
It was a good stream to skip around on. To see these dudes who entertain children act so unhinged must be traumatic for viewers (muh parasocial relationship, nooo).

The nickocado thing is especially disturbing, as that dude looks like a gay demon of gluttony. Plus, he showed of his asshole via OnlyFans. Fags reproduce by exposing themselves to others, so it's not limited to just the physical but the digital. Terrible shit.

Anyways, I gotta run to the store. Just dropping in to see if anyone's got any standup bootlegs. No, not yet?! That's okay, get me next week. Yeah, if you got cash, I'll pick you up some cigarettes I guess, just gimme a couple when I get back. No? Well, how 'bout you walk then. HOW ABOUT THAT
This guy does his grocery shopping at the osh kosh b'gosh
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>we talked about this
this guy's funnier than sam, where's his jewish nepotism podcast and standup tour
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>pic rel
No PGL this week?
Anything to keep thinking it's not a jew tranny
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the palace, nick as guest live now
>hurry, they're doing tech support before Nick's on

Is this meant to be a Sam Hyde Pepe potato or a gothic king cobra Pepe nugget?
>it's all your interpretation, brah
It's our cultural dialectic between the obscene and the uncanny. The artist achieves a nexus that invokes the viewer to imbue their interpretation not on what lies before their eyes, but what's within. Provocation meets the parasocial meets the banal, culminating in a morass of uncertainty that begs the question of existential dread and a life of possibilities. Undoubtably, the interpretation is the meaning is the interpretation, recursively giving birth to novel contexts and familiar cliches. In the cryptic words of the artist, "It is what it is."
>Samuel shilling Tucker Carlson, a known CIA asset
>Fishtank funded by zionists like roger stone
Is Sammy compromised ? Is he willing to do anything for money ? Does he have no values ?
wtf ?
I hope they don't ever get Nick or Charls
>Is Sammy compromised ? Is he willing to do anything for money ? Does he have no values ?

Probably not, yes and none at all, in that order. But he must be absolutely seething that the Russians were vomiting cash everywhere and probably never even thought to ask him. He absolutely would've taken them up on the offer, but they just looked at him and went 'nah' and that's fucking hilarious
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You’re all missing the forest for the trees. The macro idea is that everything you watch and consume is compromised in some way. There is really no organic movement in the public sphere that ISN’T comprised by entities that transcend countries. When you say muh russha, I see you as a dumb wood elf.

The real idea is: why are people being siloed into these networks? MDE seems to appeal to the growing number of outliers and disaffected masses. With them poised for mass acceptance via Tucker Carlson’s nod of approval, picture a world where your grandma knows about Sam Hyde, Taylor Swift, and tonight’s Powerball drawing.

Using SNL as an example, it’s clear to see that it’s a part of the state apparatus- but what’s above that? SNL is meant as reinforcement to the leftists with cognitive-dissonance that its dreams are actually funny (people tend to laugh at what they agree with). Alec Baldwin as Trump? Get conservatives riled up based on his prior filmography (propaganda then). All are to placate your deeply held beliefs. It’s bad on purpose.

But the real idea is entropy.

Something deeply universal is shifting, and instead of getting ensnared in idpol nonsense, the next trap seems to be nationalism. It’s no wonder you’ll see Taylor Swift at football games, with the cameras panning to her at each Kelce reception or touchdown. It’s also why there was a mass shooting in Kansas City’s football rally last year.

We are gearing up for war, and I think having a common enemy in the Jews, taking massive L’s, no Hitler is necessary. After all, we’re all nazis and beyond redemption. This means that you’ve “got nothing to lose” as an opportunity—and “you’ve got nothing to lose” literally!

Are TPTB needing a war to bring down numbers? I think so. Weaponized migrants to drop Boomer wealth, stagnating wages to limit the growth potential of non-draft-age men, it doesn’t matter who’s doing the funding.
Scans of the Sex mag interview?
That pic of Sam hiding Dasha's buttcrack and looking at you with disdain is pretty funny
You should outsource your posting to Claude 3.5 more man, it makes less tired 2018 alt right allusions
is it really not obvious that he doesnt care anymore?
He's going to suck more dick to own the libs and Adult Swim
He's got a bunch of dipshit simps who'll eat up whatever lazy slurry he vomits out every month and all he has to do is promise that WP2 will come out someday, of course he doesn't care. His I know the term 'grift' is more politically charged these days, but this is a grift in the classic sense - con people into thinking you're working on a Good Project that never arrives while milking them for all you can get and producing the lowest-quality shit imaginable and assuring them this is just temporary, all your energy is going to the Good Project, I swear, quality takes time. BTW, have you heard about this new bitcoin? It's called $vomit and it's going to make us all millionaires!

The fact he still has fans and subscribers just shows how retarded you all are. When was the last time he produced anything consistently good? Be honest.
ever wonder what happened to bronies? they have pronouns and watch sam hyde
ni66a shut the fuck up.

it looks like they're positioning themselves to release WP2 by the election or thereafter. Judging by the somewhat evergreen nature of their skits, the timing during the winter seems like a good plan to maximize views. Even if Thiel-funded, having people coalesce into nationalistic politics via shockhumor means they're going mainstream. There's already a redemption arc.

>goes on grueling standup tour
>doesn't care
Found the underachievers who never did anything in their lives. Do you know how difficult touring and doing promotion is? Especially DIY with Chris Lynch at the helm.

<African voice>why are you gay</African voice>

Hahah I rule.

Sit down when you pee,
that's my new decree.
No women will you see,
For homo you be.

Case in point this guy is just eating up this slop like a hog
delete your glowing eyes statue twitter account and get a job
>If it were slop, you wouldn't be here.
Post some standup.

Better yet, give me the link to the Legion of Skanks podcast they did yesterday. It's not up yet and slimey needs his slop. NOM NOM NOM

CBT Session #9:
> How do you deal with your parents' disappointment in how your life turned out?
> Do you seek their approval by lashing out at what others enjoy?
> Where do you see yourself in five years if you could break the chains that bind you?

>delete your glowing eyes statue twitter account and get a job
Sorry, too busy making money. I don't use Twitter, and I'm not a glowie. I am glowing, however, thanks to Zyn. I just took a huge shit and looked down, seeing a reflection of your face. Then I flushed it down and reflected upon your wasted life, floating among the poop and tampons. You reminded me of the tampon, bloated with septic water and utterly discarded...

It's not your fault you're this way, but it is your responsibility to make things right.

then post it faggot
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The slime provides. No blur necessary
that is one sexy tranny
keep projecting your dismal, meaningless life on others.

Dasha is a composite of everything patrician-tier male above midwit-tier IQ desire. You'd all love a chick with better music taste than you, that played chess better than you, and probably enjoys degrading anal after coming home from Midnight Mass while you realize that this personification of the cold lands just feels right in the snowy parking lot.

Uh, where was I?
>oh right:

you're a hateful dumb nigger lol
WP1 was great
1 out of every 5 PGL's are great
Nick's livestreams are great
WP2 will also be great
Also he only ever shilled for Bitcoin, he has no personal gain by telling some broke zoomer retards to buy a trillion dollar asset lmao
you're so fucking stupid its unreal, probably a crackhead or something
NuMDE made manifest
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No really, these trannies don't realize that when you attack someone's beliefs, you only strengthen their resolve.

No one is going to be magically "cured" of their mental beliefs by attacks. This works conversely, too, but there really isn't a path of redemption for demons too far gone to not even believe a mirror. Therefore, seek god or kys-sy kyssy, kind stranger.

This is obviously lost on trannies and haters, as their entire life is being unable to disregard propaganda. Once they're given an enemy, they feel invigorated to tear down what's perceived as the enemy. It promotes group solidarity, serving as a shibboleth/sibboleth that makes them feel like they're "in" on the secret.

And because they're dopamine addicts, these attacks are the effects of their pervasive addiction. In essence, these posts are just like the meth lady who has reached the point of screaming at passing traffic in the intersection. No, sorry, I don't have a light. Get away from me, you weirdo.

Even if it is Sam behind it to stir interest, I respect the hustle.

Manifest getting succulent on my democratic judo penis
>*Sam Hyde chokes on yet another tranny dick in his post-child rape world*
>the slime pedophile cheers him on
>hears bug-scuttling noises

MDE is infotainment to me. I cheer on no man. I did, however, cheer on my young neighbor whose family personally invited me to the kid's summer concert before I moved out of the neighborhood.

It was a great privilege to witness the music lessons on my porch later played on stage in a sweltering auditorium I would otherwise have no business being at.

>Can you make such a claim? Do people like you enough to invite you to their family events?

Best of all, your replies are the much-needed break from the novel I'm writing. I'm already 11k words, and it's my 11th release, of which I collect royalties.
>pic rel

Keep it up. I need a laugh from midwits from time to time just to remind me of my genius. You're literally making me richer. Have you ever written besides criticism? Evil can only tear down, never create...
>feels good

Sorry niggers, I'm just vibing:
You know you need to be 18+ to use this site, right? Go back to whatever Roblox server told you about us.
You can fuck off back there too, grownups are talking
>grownups are talking
That's my line. I also told you to pee when you sit down, sweetie. No, you can't have poptarts. Mommy will let you know when it's dinner slime.
>favorite music: the smiths
>favorite directors: sofia coppola, polanski
>mentally ill and drug addicted
i dunno dude she's kinda basic
>art hoe
Nah, these girls are fun. They at least have a sense of humor and usually up for anything sexually. Having a chick to discuss literature and weird philosophy is basically the Ashbie meme made incarnate. You wouldn't necessarily wife 'em up, but that's the "hoe" part of "art hoe". Plus, the Smiths are fookin' legends, m8.

> Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
(Revelation 4:11)

shit taste of course because shes a woman

youre a coomer faggot that likes easy ugly women with shit attitudes. kill yourself.
Dasha seems to be really fun but the art hoes who listen to her aren't fun at all, they don't make hoes like they used to, Instagram and Twitter ruined any chance of them to develop genuine wit
Bitch, shut your whore mouth with your damn purity spiral. Women are meant to be enjoyed and women are only easy if you're attractive--which I can tell you are NOT.

>Listen and learn

HH brother
Who is the girl on the right? She looks like someone I know/want to fuck

Anyone got the non YouTube legion of skanks vid?
I think that's Grimes' friend HANA. She's featured in the video for "We Appreciate Power" in a nice body suit. Plus, it looks like she lost weight. See for yourself:


>Anyone got the non YouTube legion of skanks vid?
Finally someone asks the real questions here instead of TRANNY THIS, DILDO THAT.
Ohhh, someone is mad. Someone is big, big mad.
someone share their filter for the slime faggot please
nvm, figured it out.
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nick and sam on legion of skanks recording behind paywall
gonna need this one stat
To filter it, you’ll need to filter by “Lv”. That’ll work. Thanks for the tip
>can’t stop won’t slop
Post the LoS link.
So is Sam's standup good now?
Sam Hyde blew a tranny and dildoed his own ass. Ethics.
> you’re doing it again
“Ethics” yourself. I didn’t know I was talking to the crusader of right action and conduct.

Please, oh great one, point me in the right direction. Your failure to do so would be poor ethics, like stripping the battery from a car and asking me to drive myself to Costco.

What’s better? Or is it just tranny this, dildo that? That’s getting a bit tired and you offer no solutions, which is poor ethics IMHO.

Here’s what you could do:
a) post standup
b) post Legions of Skanks episode

No no, I’ll wait, Aristotle. Go ahead. Show us the way. Failure to do so means you spend your life acting out poor ethics, and in some way, you must admire those you criticize. Show me your work - I’m already 30,000 words in on a novel I started on Monday. My shits verifiable and I’m drawn to MDE, whom despite tranny this dildo that, actually get things done. Let’s see what YOU’VE done.

Funny thing is that I can back up everything I do. I can show you how to live… not that you wouldn’t fuck it up like you already do.
What have you actually done except show everyone your proclivities for children tho? Have fun with your weird pedo book nobody will ever buy or read, can’t wait to see whatever schizophrenic ramblings you’ll inevitably reply with
>Have fun
Thank you
>book nobody will ever buy or read
Oh you tease. I collect royalties monthly
>can’t wait to see
You’re so sweet. Stahp it UwU
Aww, I called it out for its schizo rambling and now, for the first time in 200+ posts, it decided not to. I’m Disappointed :/
Stand Up Footage or Stop Talking
Nobody cares btw
You keep misusing schizophrenic and I feel it’s sad to punish the mentally challenged. It’s not your fault you’re the way you are. I’m so sorry.
That means a lot coming from a schizophrenic chomo. Hey anon, I’m about to tell you things you’ve never once heard in your life.
I believe you. Everything is going to be ok
I’ll just keep posting relevant shit that people can use to enhance their lives while I wait for MDE content:

Here’s the entire Gateway Experience tapes for meditation, OOBEs, and astral projection:


>novel writing metrics

The average novel is about 70k words.
If you typed at 60 WPM (3600 WPH), it would take you take you a minimum time investment of 19.5 hours.
This is the only thing of any relevance to you

I liked the editing style of the last PGL, not sure if it was on purpose or because they were forced but I was way more tuned in than usual without all the fodder and dead time

next pgl when
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This one suits your arrested development:

>thanks for the inspiration
I’m gonna go work on my novel after a moonlit walk to the marina. Should be able to hit 35,000 words by tonight. Thanks for your help, anon.
I’m arrested developmentally? Is that why you’re acting so weird? Because I remind you of a child and you want to fuck me? Is making dollars from amazon residuals going to make you feel better about your condition? Accept who you really are, you’d be so much happier
WTF is up with this idiot slime weirdo hijacking these threads and just posting pure nonsense all day? Fucking freak should get a life.
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>ctrl-f search "magnet"
>same number of results
>close tab
repeat every few days at your leisure
He's nuMDE, every moment for him is torture. For him, the admiration of other people's children and conversations with chatgpt are his balm, for others it's fishtank, or bicflame fan cams.

A sorry state of affairs.
>is it just tranny this, dildo that
Yes that's essentially what remains of Sam's career

New thread

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