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General JAV thread.
Censored, uncensored it doesn't matter as long as it's not gay shit or overly degenerate.
Here's on my Favorites abp-532
Does anyone have a high quality FSET-513 torrent?
Dont make jav threads. They get deleted within literally weeks
Don't give a shit I just make more. Faggot nigger loving jannies can hang themselves like all the other trannies
Anri Okita (664.18 GiB): magnet:?xt=urn:btih:87d42cdf626ea430a52837d7b1cdc6e919f683cd&dn=Anri%20Okita&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce

Hitomi (1.232 TiB): magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b04f61abfb71125d9da96056f097ad6ce7fded9c&dn=Hitomi&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce

Ranka: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b3e8fe73805b72e73779aba05f5283f9dcb40375&dn=Ranka&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fuploads.gamecoast.net%3a6969%2fannounce

AIKA (1.615TiB): magnet:?xt=urn:btih:60c5ef2512d62f44f3bf8fd4d2c8b0529985ef61&dn=AIKA&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fuploads.gamecoast.net%3a6969%2fannounce

Remu Suzumori (561.49GB): magnet:?xt=urn:btih:04d2788fc35555ff8e83221df1fc571048f39a9c&dn=Remu%20Suzumori&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fuploads.gamecoast.net%3a6969%2fannounce
Matsumoto Nanami: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:04972fa572002298d0e869f17d712e9c251784e4&dn=Matsumoto%20Nanami&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.stealth.si%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.dler.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.files.fm%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fopen.acgnxtracker.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fmovies.zsw.ca%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fretracker01-msk-virt.corbina.net%3a80%2fannounce&tr=https%3a%2f%2ftracker.lilithraws.cf%3a443%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fbt.okmp3.ru%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3a451%2fannounce

Alice Otsu Megapack (1.5TB)
there is a dedicated torrent site for jav https://onejav.com/
lol worst torrent site ever, plus 500 server error, awesome
Are there any real or at least trying to be convincing soapland and pink salon vids?
I've found like 3.
Does anybody have complete Ai Sayama and Yuka Tachibana megapack
Anyone have that Chinese hotel orgy torrent that was posted here a while back? I loved the casual-ness of it. Just friends hanging out and fucking. I thihnk it was called Chinese tea or something.
That famous one that was claimed to be some low level government functionaries?
Did not know there was video of it. Please somebody post
which website do you recommend to get bbw JAVs?
Guys I noticed that I am have almost to none in terms of mom-son related content. Give me please your go to movies for mom-son jav incest kino. Preferably ones that are more vanilla or where the mom is the one going after her son.
anyone have a good way to sign up for myfans? this girl is driving me nuts on twitter https://x.com/hiiinaaanano

I found two of her videos on telegram, I'd be happy to buy the rest but need jp phone number it looks like
Where does it ask for a phone number? From the initial sign up at least it only asks for email, password, and username. Neat they even have an English language available on the site.
when you actually try to subscribe to a paid plan
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The Anri one is goated like even the rare RKI ones are here

Do you have

Ria Yamate
Saika Kawakita
Konan Koyoi
Natsu Igarashi
Ai Sayama
Ruri Saijou
Yuka Tachibana
Kaori Saejima

I have one for Ria Yamate and a very sloppy one for Ruri Saijou
But i dont upload on demand unless enough people want it.
Sometimes people donate if they want it now but julia megapack is scheduled for release next.
Anyone have good sites to find femdom JAV?
Nice. As far as I know she has no lesbian vids but any group ones where she actually engages in sexual acts with other actresses?
Kinda knew it, but after checking Julia is kind of the exclusive JAV actress
No lesbian, and only 3 movies with co-stars
As far as i know, she actually doesnt like doing porn and only does it because it pays her a lot of money
eh, I don't know. She jumped straight into JAV, with a body and face that usualy starts and sometimes stay forever in gravure / idol videos. Not even Hitomi went straight to JAV.
And her release rate is pretty consistant too.
I think she's just really not into GG and her popularity allows her to avoid it.
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Any Yuuna Himekawa magnet or pack?
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>Ria Yamate
>Ruri Saijou
Anyone got SHMB-59/SHMO-286?
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Did you check the phone number verification part? You can choose any region number it looks like.
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Also to add, looking at that account linked, it looks like majority of her posts are time-limited as well.
Looking for Minami Sena, JULIA and Ai Sayama
the weird thing about the scream-moaning they do is sometimes you have a scene with multiple women getting banged at the same time and they actually harmonize quite nicely
Anyone have GUILD-171 and/or CLAR-1007 please?
drop them
Does anybody have a Mteam account?
No, too busy atm and not worth the trouble. I only upload large megapacks if enough people want them or if one person wants it really bad and donates.
Not going to waste power bill and time on a pack that dies in like a few months.
Julia megapack will come next year for free. Too busy atm.
Forgot to namefag
this is stuck at 34%
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Anyone have AQUMA-047?
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Hey, I'm looking for a specific (set of) videos and I'm very much appreciate some help. I found this set of 10-15 minute videos (picrel) a month or two back on nyaa, but deleted in a fit of kenju time. I found the same girl in another set of videos (FC2-PPV-4523731), but can't find the one I'm looking for. After an hour of diving through nyaa and whatever google could give me, I know her name is Kanon, but not much else. My nihongo is not jouzu. Right now, my best bet is to continue diving through nyaa. I'm on page 5 already. Any leads would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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What happened to the mature JAV thread with Yumi and Kaho and the rest? I do not believe it fell off the board. Why can't we have nice things?
>Why can't we have nice things?
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Anyone have RCT-862 in high quality?
is there a collection for 2023/2024 jav from kotone toua/Kotone Fuyue (or some full collection)
anyone got nalgas club?
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>stil no marina matsumoto or reiko sawamura megapack
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Any Marina Shiraishi content?
Do you guys know a website that tracks all the real uncensored leaks? None of that software uncensored vids.
that particular video is FC2-PPV-4524078
What is the site with the greatest number of JAV titles in its database, searchable by tags?
Doesn't have to have downloads, I've been searching for a video I had years ago now, but all I can remember are some key story elements, so need to be searching through tags to narrow it down.
Once I get the code/actress, I can look for it elsewhere.

It's driving me nuts.
javlibrary I guess, you have to create an account to use the tag search system tho
Does anyone have a magnet link for KATU-129 (mosaic reduced version)? The only direct download links that I can find are on shit filehosters and all torrents are of the censored version.
Any Jav girls with the whole back yakuza style tats?
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Thanks, made an account and will search there.
Unfortunately their tag/category system seems rather bare bones (there's just a handful of categories and can't seem to mix and match them to narrow the search).
I will have to weaponize my autism and just sift through the ocean of content as best I can.
though likely no better than javlibrary
there's also avbase but everything is in japanese so you have to use translate
where do you get your jav torrents? i want to have a few tb collection of jav
Thank you, man.
You can find most new releases on nyaa. Pornolab has a bunch of JAV collections for specific pornstars.
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Hey Anon, I have it here, but I am very new to uploading torrents (usually only downloaded them). So I hope this works (made using qBittorent). I also uploaded it to gofile in case I did the torrent wrong.


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I also want to know, what is the best way to share videos so it gets the farthest reach possible? There was this Jav I couldn't find uploaded anywhere free (OONIKU-030), so I bought the DRM protected file with a VPN and reencoded it. I want it to be readily available for others, so I was thinking upload it to some tube sites, share a torrent here, post it on some forums. Anything else or anywhere else make sense? I am deeply enthralled with meaty,chubby,thicc bbw etc Jav content (having over a terabyte saved) and want to share my efforts as best as possible.
Thank you so fucking much. I will suck your cock if I ever find you.
God this looks so hot
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In the meantime,

here is the gofile link for the video split in half.


Its 4 hours so I am reencoding it in handbrake presently to try and get the file size to something reasonable. There is a lack of attention on Thicc/Chubby/BBW JAV Actresses and I want to change that.

Nanao Madoka and Mitoma Umi are straight semon demons and this video being trapped behind Fanza's scummy site is unacceptable.
>There is a lack of attention on Thicc/Chubby/BBW JAV Actresses
Truer words have never been spoken. Keep us updated anon.
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Reencode went great. down from 33gb to just under 8. It has been added to the same gofile link.

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