ASMR streams/youtubers/whatever.*Check the archives if you don't understand how things work around here and don't be a retard and reply to bait/offtopic shit.Previous thread >>1329126 60: 1215562Part 61: 1222870Part 62: 1232199Part 63: 1241365Part 64: 1246029Part 65: 1249881Part 66: 1256421Part 67: 1262319Part 68: 1267694Part 69: 1276658Part 70: 1283155Part 71: 1291355Part 72: 1299288Part 73: 1309390Part 74: 1318890Part 75: 1329126
oho is good
Is the Riz lumine uploaded anywhere? If not I might buy that shit myself
there is no way kurumi isnt a guy or trans. can someone upload the latest videos so i can doublecheck?
>>1337393You have to wait until the end of the month you can't just ask for kurumi before the end of the month.
I miss lewd R
>>1337354holy based, thanks anon
I like Malice but this stream has been pretty bad so far... why is a prop covering most of the screen instead of showing off her body...
seasonal tittiesaHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L1pGclF3c3Vp
>>1337512Thank you for that! Are there any Neferu videos where she puts something inside her butt?
link list has been updated(emoechi, furyupro, riona)emoechi(Nemu, Manon x2, Ran, Lala, Manma, Meguru x2, LalaRute1, LalaRute2, ManonLala4, NemuMeguru2, RanMarin6 )aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL05DT05wM3lGaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC92dmVScng=furyupro(meto,tsuki,nyan,zakuro,furyuko)bWV0byBodHRwczovL2J1bmtycnIub3JnL3YvSmRjeGNVU1RtWVBRaA==bWV0byBodHRwczovL2J1bmtycnIub3JnL3YvU1FUVU1YMGJieUgwaA==dHN1a2kgaHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy92L1NCdVpNSEt4UEg2VW8=bnlhbiBodHRwczovL2J1bmtycnIub3JnL3YvU1FwOHR1b3VVOUcxVA==emFrdXJvIGh0dHBzOi8vYnVua3Jyci5vcmcvdi9uVlg1a3BGYXp2Z3VoZnVyeXVrbyBodHRwczovL2J1bmtycnIub3JnL3Yvbjl6WTJ1cEp4UHF4Uw==Enjoy
>>1337700(me)aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5waC9hL1RVb20ycE15 Hoshikawa
Does anyone have Uise's latest Candfans?
>>1337760It's in SC but it was trash, her FC had better squirts
Anyone else used to really like C now are completely bored with her?
that succubus one(nip slip) is her peakeven if she shows a dildo it's boring
>>1337512>>1337752jacking off to both of their asses side by side should be a crime, thanks anons
Kind of annoyed I keep missing this Akari girl's streams
Anyone got the full of this vid or more from this chick? simpcity thread is 404 now, but it was pretty empty before as I recall.
>>1337760>>133776706/10 candfans still undefeated
Anyone have neferu fantia stuff?
>>1337826not even worth looking at on gofile, much less wasting storage space.
>>1337826I found some random ones on telegram, but the succubus one still eludes me.Thank you for the effort.
blurry tiddiesaHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L3M0Q29zTTl3
Ayamy live action asmr streams are still the same as they were one year ago or are they better? Wondering if I'll sub.
I wanna go back so much, bros. Little did I know how good the early days of lewd ASMR were.I fucking miss R lewd so much.
>>1337942Yeah, they haven't changed much
>>1337943After a night of fever I wake up to a blessing.Thank you anon.
Any good western ASMR sluts
>>1337988Might as well start posting some since the literal point of this fucking general, ASMR, is no longer respected as people keep posting JAV.
bXAzczoKaHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L3ZRQXc5aFVtCmh0dHBzOi8vcGl4ZWxkcmFpbi5jb20vdS96czQ0UmJEZgp2aWRlb3M6Cmh0dHBzOi8vcGl4ZWxkcmFpbi5jb20vdS9ZYVc1bjZLZwpodHRwczovL3BpeGVsZHJhaW4uY29tL3UvVEhWNUpQTGk=2nd myd x minase stream, 2nd smaller video and mp3 is the higher tier exclusive stream
>>1337992C'mon now, the moment ASMR went slightly lewd it started to overlap with JAV
>>1337994There's lewd ASMR, and there's whatever the fuck emoechi all those groups do.Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful people share, I just wish it had its own general.
imagine rizu headlock with her thighs
>>1337993thank you
Just me or was October kind of mediocre? Did I just miss the good shit?
helllo~here is some Karin streams with her live2d if you were missing that! o7
>>1338080They're saving the good stuff for halloween, xmas and NY
Any recommendations for minimal talking and ear licking with occasional moaning like she actually enjoys it?Somewhat like aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC91ajFUU0c= but lewder.
Will K save us?
R fanbox anyone?
stumbled across neferu. anyone else like this? not her ass specifically though that is nice, but the voice I guess? I like the relatively deeper and softer moans, the less theatrical stuff as opposed to the typical japanese girl moans where it could be mistaken for a murder if overheard in different circumstances good, though piston machine for clothed masturbation is kinda silly
>>1337700link list has been updated anon, is there an index or a condensed list where I can grab your previous archives other than going thread by thread?
tiddies for a long timeaHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91LzhaU2k2U1humirror because bigaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC93VjdEM1U=
>>1338214I posted link to the list in the last thread Oct 1st
>>1338226That's a fake chest... anyone?
The way Rizuna talks it might not be too far off until she starts doing full on masturbation with insertion in other sites.I wonder if she's already doing it in those 10k fanta videos no one shares, she sure seems casual talking about it here in FC.
That's a really creepy looking dildo on Riz's FC
Riz just peed herself cumming, and the dildo piston was barely touching her pussy...
>>1338292 (me)Oh well she just said in those 10k posts she has never gone as far as she does here in FC so not missing anything I guess.
why is there no good feet content? who should i be looking for?
>>1338317A psychiatrist.
>>1338317Gaon Maimai?
>>1338325seconded. maiamai is absolutely GOATed for foot stuffalso throwing this channel out there also does a lot of foot massage stuff
They finally fixed FC for real now, for videos without free part.
>>1338355Huh, you are right. Well that's a bummer. I was able to grab Supika's stuff just the other day, so things are a bit difficult from here on out.
>>1338363>the begging anon was secretly FC internit's over
>>1338368So now what?
>>1338373Hope chinks pay and share
It's over This was the extension for the anon that was begging for it, worthless now...Unless the girls are dumb and keep doing streams with free sections
I told you all i would make your life miserable. Thank /vt/ for it and the faggot thread baker for not making it jp only.
you didn't do anything you little retard lmao
i want to drink rizus piss
>>1338325Any archives available?
>>1338245Thanks my friend, found it.Re-posting here in case someone else needs it.aHR0cHM6Ly90ZXh0LmlzLzIwMjRMaW5rc0xpc3Q=Interesting that Marin debuted in February, I just learned about her recently and she automatically became my favorite.
>>1338402Okay I actually laughed at this one, you get a (You)
>>1338402The fk you on about retard, if you had a problem with that go complain there and gtfo out here, you should have dripped down your mother's leg
>>1338292She used to in the past but stopped a bit over a year ago.
Damn, no one sharing Necoma's ci-en anywhere huh
>>1338451Nobody ever shared it
Uise is streaming right now on her FC and the method still works, hopefully someone is recording assuming it won't work for the VOD
>>1338451If you have 5k yen in internet money cards flying around, feel free to buy and share it.
>>1338402kill yourself
>>1338451I mean there was 1 in a couple TgramsOnly got a clipping before it was removed
anyone got hiyona kobato's new vids from either Rplay or nn?
does someone uploads seldea membas? cant find anything on the last 2 threads>>1337943NTA, but thanks for this, what a fantastic vod>>1338402kill yourself
From the looks of it, accessing the live vod is partially possible, while any actual downloads are mostly a coin toss.It will take a while for tools to get readjusted, but ultimately it shouldn't be surprising for them to revamp their security after the ddos incident.
>>1338533Today's Uise stream had free portion so it could be accessed live and the VOD too right now.The real test will be tomorrow since M never has free portions, if the stream can be acceded live then people just need to be ready to record stuff as it goes live.But for archives and separate video uploads with no free portions I don't think any amount of tool adjustment will work.
>>1338535I was doing some testing with Mare's fc. While downloading didn't work, accessing the vod was not an issue.Frankly, all I need is a tool which works when logged in and being a paying member. I was already paying for a lot of nn(not +) channels, but up until recently I didn't had a reliable option for paying nn+ memberships.
>>1338543The extension works if you're logged in as paying member >>1338398Didn't know mare had a FC, well it hasn't been added to that extension either so it won't work, but from what I can see all her VODs have free portion so yes they can be accessed with other methods, and fully downloaded too.But it won't work on say Supika or Macoto's unless you pay since they only have VODs with no free portions.
>>1338544Adding another site to the extension only requires adding a single line, so that wasn't the issue. Using the extension, as well as the stream detector extension didn't work. Something seems to be different about Mare's site, but I frankly can't tell what it is.
>>1338549I works fine for me after adding the site to the script, again it's just because most of her vods have free section, but it works just like any other FC, you can download or watch using the extension or any other methods.But you do have to log in even with a free account to use the extension.
The best time of the month...
>>1338576Don't get your hopes up, so to not get disappointed again.
sex with neferus ass
>>1338576I wonder what kind of nothing K has done this month.
>>1338451I'm more interested in Komae's latest 3D streams
>>1338576yeah myd is going to be great
>>1338325I can't see her the same way anymore after finding her other account and seeing her massive hanging labia.
>>1338518Some, not including the first one where she masturbated unfortunatelyaHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91LzZxUENFMnR2aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L0VFWngzQkRF get 1 hourPW is another ASMR tuba. 1st letter capitalized; english lettering. GL!
>>1338644No thanks
1 got it*shrug*
Now this is some nuclear faggotry
>>1338644Don't be like that, man. That's not cool. buy the full set for a CHANCE at either 1 ASMR or 1 face showing picture...
>>1338644cba with no info on what you're sharing. It could be pics of your ugly mom.
Has C shown nips or anything yet? She kinda stopped pushing her limits a while back so I've started to get bored with her stuff, haven't even watched her past few FC streams.
>>1338680No, if she did people would be talking about it nonstop. Her stuff is stale as usual
FUCK I forgot about M stream and didn't catch it from the beginningBut confirmed it does still work even if the stream has no free part, hopefully someone has been recording it all.
>M bought a piston tooThis shit is so retarded for clothed masturbation and it barely touches their pussy.
>>1338680She's pushing it harder with the masturbation, still all off camera but at least she does feel hornier, well if it's all an act it works on me.On the last stream she kinda made hints she could be doing R18 and showing nipples in the future but 100% it won't happen while she's still a holo, just come back some years later.
>>1338683If they were smart they'd aim it up and use it for paizuri.
Macoto has to be THE fakest bitch in the business. Not even her tits are real. Such a turn-off.
>>1338688She's kinda repugnant to look at for some reason
>>1338496Oh it's full 3d? meeehh thanks for sharing, I like Live2D stuff way more, I have repulsion for that ever since a dude with a gorilla avatar with hanging giant balls semi-raped me in VR chat
Y29zcGxheSBoYWxsb3dlZW4gc3RyZWFtOgp0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L2U4UVhQUzRlCmNpZW5zOgpodHRwczovL2dvZmlsZS5pby9kLzJYUjJWZg==myd cosplay stream and photos + r15, r18 ciens
>>1338685for any anons seeing this message, hes making it up, she didnt hint at anything, just another schizo who needs to go back to her dedicated schizo thread
link list updatedloveriel aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL3RVNkplMnlTmai(update) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5zaXRlL2EvamlGOERPVW0=kanase IGh0dHBzOi8vYnVua3Jyci5vcmcvdi9WOFFKVVdMUFcwYmtKrian aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy92L1h1NThIUERBZTNHcHg=enjoy
>>1338723Kanase is old hag
>>1338671what? you get one or the other guaranteed.
For you all shall know with the power of this chant I summon Kbro.
>>1338751that's what the sentence said ESL kun. Chance at either 1 or 1 = 1 is guaranteed.
point me to the sluttiest halloween streams
>>1338794Rizunua Macoto and Tenshi Nano all wore the same fucking outfit, boring trend chasers.But it looked the best on Nano with her X nipple pasties
>>1338802Yumemi and Rica also wore the exact same outfit. At this point you just have to accept that this is a low effort line of work and most whores just do the bare minimum.
>>1338802>>1338811damn coordinated slutsseriously, no mummy cosplay? the twitter イラスト trend is a lie
>>1338723(me)more updatesemoechi aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hLzgzYWY5ZG5Wroiro(update) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL25nWXA1SkQ3ran(update) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL0R1NlR0RU56meguru aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL3N6aXBuM3Rumarin(update) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL3FRam5RWGtltamapro(updated-Momiji x2) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5ibGFjay9hLzB5ZjJDa2Fjfuryupro aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL2JiNUNoU2lMIA==enjoy
Alright pretty heavy month this time around x1> aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlcy5jYXRib3gubW9lL2d3dW9sdC50b3JyZW50
>>1338845thanks kbro as always
>>1337767Newfag here, wtf is SC?
>>1338859Sin City. Great movie.
>>1338845Thank you KBro. Do you have the stream from oct 9?
>>1338867thanks bro
>>1338811Does anyone have Yumemi's? I didn't grab it live because I didn't realize the NN+ fix happened.
Any recent neferu..
>>1338849it's not an RCE exploit, the author of that article is retarded. thanks for looking out though
I'm relatively new to this stuffCould you guys kindly recommend just a handful of C's and maybe even M's videos that are really top tier? To get me started, I guess. I found quite a few on sukubei, but too much choice, analysis paralisis...Thanks!Also, any of these asmr artsis that also some scripted RP stuff?
>>1338985>Also, any of these asmr artsis that also some scripted RP stuff?myd
Chinese bitches are on another level, but most you can get are clips on random telegrams or 360p shit on some malware site.I wonder what life would be like if I was born Chinese.Please talk me out of sending money to some random chinaman on telegram for pirated porn.
>>1338995>I wonder what life would be like if I was born Chinese.
>>1338996>work schedule practiced illegally Just call your local party member for help.
>>1338996Their time will come.12 daily hour ear licking factory workers are making the ultimate sacrifice for now.
>>1338907hold on to your dick, here it comesaHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L25rdW51WUtQ
>>1338845>Alright pretty heavy month this time around x1Only in file size. It's another month of nothing interesting at all! This girl seriously needs some correction.
Rizuna Sukoya Kana
Can anyone here rate Tsukimachi Nyamo live earlicking from recent months?Like this one: anon ever deliver anything except June 2023?
>>1339013I have a feeling this chick is rather short.
Anyone ever bought neferu fanbox stuff? Is it good?
anyone got karin's 3d stuff..
>>1338984>the tight push-upDamn, I was hoping for another nipslip. Oh well, thank you anon.
nano and supika plsplspls
Sometimes I daydream I'm an oilbaron and give K, R and C 100k for R18 uncensored PPV videos.We need a real oil baron in this thread...
>>1339119a real oil baron would have a harem of young nubile women with him 24/7. there's no need for them to buy videos from e-whores lol
R and C wouldn't take anything less than 100k USD, probably not even at that price.K on the other hand, if someone dropped her 10K USD for a private R18 video she would probably do it.
>>1339005This is why unfortunately I will probably never sub to her fantia. She has some insane videos, but they're too little too rare for my taste. I don't understand what's her thought process when making videos, but some are clearly better than others. She could open up a 4k fantia tier and put out good content more consistently .
>>1338845does she show her tits or not?
>>1339176Exactly this. I really don't know what's up with her - artificial scarcity is a smart thing to provoke as a sole supplier, but she's so shy about rubbing her cooch on camera that I'm thinking she's still got some silly internal battles over what she's doing.I absolutely would sub to her if I was guaranteed to receive one video that satisfied my interests (ie her wanking) every month.
>>1339241She doesn't.
do you guys have a ぺぺろ archive?
>>1338802>even C wore it too but left it for Fantia onlySeriously was there some sale with that costume or something?
>>1339265>women wearing the same clothesso which one is having a breakdown right now
>>1339255Someone shared an updated pepero archive like a month ago? but I don't remember if it had the old streams
I am retarded. How do I actually download the torrent files? These aren't magnet links and pasting them into qbittorrent does nothing. I tried looking at the welcome to /t/ post but there's nothing explaining this.
>>1339325what links are you trying to download?
>>1339325First learn no one actually posts torrents in this thread, then you'll understand
>>1339329>>1339329 #Then what are these string of letters people keep posting like in this comment >>1338830 #Are they parts of a url to a website?
>>1339339This question is asked and answered basically every thread it's really not difficult to figure out... why is every new persons first thought to ask again.
>>1338295Is that the first time she squirted(peed) on stream?
>>1338995You could probably just go to china and fuck the women there instead of buying porn.
Does anyone that uses JapaneseASMR or OneASMR sites know of terms or tags I can use for Deepthroat/Facefucking/Gagging?
>>1339359you might like irrumatio イラマチオ
>>1339362Appreciate you.
Before YouTube's algorithm got turned to dogshit and filled with tons of irrelevant videos I used to be able to find nice Japanese ASMR audios of shoulder massages where the girl karate chops your shoulders and says 'ton ton! ton ton! while doing it. They were great. What the hell do I have to search to find these? If you search "Japanese ASMR massage" all you get are massage JAVs that have been cut to be safe for youtube.
>>1339381Thank you.
>>1339119Real oil barons have tons of sluts and orbiters he can fuck anytime
does SC work for you guys?
>>1339339ask chatgpt what is itlike not even joking
>>1339123and r wont be able to do shit much longer. shes getting fcking old and nobody will care anymore. should get married now if she isnt already. if shes lucky she might be able to still ahve children the next few years, tho chances are pretty low in that age normally
>>1339349Thanks. After I saw this I tried asking Chatgpt to decode some of these and after a few follow up questions it also pointed me to a base64 decoding website. If I knew they were codes I would have tried that earlier, I thought they were infohashs for torrents or part of a url and Chatgpt probably would have given me a wrong answer if that's what they were so I didn't bother asking.
I want to get a gofile link where nn+ is gathered
>>1339380I've noticed that if I misspell anything the entire results becomes indians.
>>1339486Welcome newfag. Take a seat at the back
>>1339586I like the thumbnail of her next stream.
>>1339585The actual vod seems to be made private. Where did you find that one?
>>1339592go and fck yourself dumbass
>>1339586>>1339585>>1339599She's so peak
>>1339585>>1339586>>1339599>>1339713Can you please share? Looks like a goddess.Thanks.
>>1339390you have to be logged in to see threads right now.
>>1339806Is she progressively wearing less? God I hope she eventually does away with those pasties too
>>1339585>>1339586>>1339713I hope you have a recording of this you can share because she appears to have taken it down
I don't think I've seen this hereaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9IaGRsdHk=
>>1339847thanks mydbro i literally bought the book a week ago just for this, where did you get it from?
Iroame Sena (does NN+. was posted here a few times) just updated her Fanbox plans and is now posting R18 stuff there. expensive, if it was <5k or more than just one video and a few pictures I'd buy it myself. Something to keep an eye on though.
For all those wankers who want her name...Now do your fkn job and share the full vod
The chinks leak all her streams not even an hour after they happen. Just get it from them? Do better.
>>1339862Wait a few months and then join. Assuming she doesn't just up and vanish for a year again
I am looking for the asmr stream where the streamer directly kiss the binaural mic for kissing sounds I think she was blindfolded Does anyone have it or the name?Anything with kissing the binaural mic on camera is fine too since it’s hot
>>1339864how to open the chink telagram group from my browser
>>1339863>video thumbnail literally has "slips possible!?">actual video has slipsHow does she get away with it bros?
>>1339892She knows what the public wants
rplay doesn't want to take my money? cant sub to anyone, oh is visa dead there also?
>>1339886have you tried the telegram windows client newfag?
>>1339863from the chinksaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9aSWJEV1Q=
>>1339901Any chance you could share some more VODs of her? I think I found a new wife.Thanks eitherway.
>>1339895I use a visa and my stuff renewed this month. Dunno about within the last week though, ive seen some issues with visa on some other sites in the last week
>1339863Better quality, too lazy to rencode aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9IWjN4Zno=>
Chinkstealer, more like basedgod am I right
>>1339901What? Is the link already gone? Can anyone reup?
>>1339928Oh.. thanks.
>>1339919Hey, thanks man. I really appreciate the upload. I'll be thinking of you during the next wank and will even name some of my unborn children after you.
uuchan asmr is banned on youtube? I can't find her videos.
link list has been updatedZW1vZWNoaSBodHRwczovL2J1bmtycnIub3JnL2EvMFNqOHpraGg=c2V0c3VuZSBodHRwczovL2J1bmtyLnBoL2EvYUxNcnFLRmo=a2FuYXNlIGh0dHBzOi8vYnVua3Jyci5vcmcvdi95VHhEOEdEZWpPaTNiZnVyeXVwcm8odXBkYXRlKSAgaHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5maS9hL2JiNUNoU2lMc3VpIGh0dHBzOi8vYnVua3Jyci5vcmcvdi9WWnJZSWU5bDBOSG9XdGFtYXByby1tZXJ1IGh0dHBzOi8vYnVua3Jyci5vcmcvdi9vT2szbXNpQjc4azB2enjoy
>>1339900no I don't install spyware
>>1339963>uuchanI found her fantia. 5pyI5LmD44Km44K144Ku
>>1339978Why the fuck are you encoding her name...?
Is that her vagina
Post more uncensored japanese vaginas please, preferably hairy and within the next 5 hours.
>>1339963All her stuff was on spankbang, but now you need an age verified account and I ain't letting the AI scan my face for coomer shit.
>>1340009Is this supposed to work for spankbang?I have no issues with youtube.
>>1340006Are you retarded or something? I can access spank just fine.
>>1340015I have to wonder why this would affect me at all since I'm not even from the US.
>>1340018Are you a bong or something? They love to have such laws. Just get a vpn.
>>1340006>>1340018If you're VPNing to the US certain states have started enacting this shit. Mostly the southern ones.
>>1340019>>1340020Eastern Europe. Poorfag country with no such laws. That is why I found it weird.Either way this digital ID shit went from conspiracy bullshit to reality faster than I thought.Wish I didn't just bookmark a lot of stuff and actually spent the effort downloading.
>>1340021Well, to be fair, nothing you miss out on for not using spankbang.
>>1340030Found video of an oiled up korean chick I have no idea how to find again and didn't save.Other than that, you are probably right.
>>1340035You can just vpn someplace else to see. You'll need to clear your cookies first
Does anyone have yesterday's C stream?
>>1340006There's more than one now with this name, I'm talking about the earlicking one. I'll look on spankbang, but I already found her prem stuff up to 2023
>>1339964thanks, was this first roiro's anal?
anyone has emoechi gofile?
K's cute nipples
>>1339964Any chance all further uploads can include gofile links or torrent? Thanks eitherway.>>1339996Very cute.>>1340104I miss them so much...
>>1340107She just uploaded a new video where she whips them out
>>1340108Dear anon, why did you have to tell me that. Now the wait for the end of the month is gonna suck even harder...
>>1340104I'm more interested in K's ample thighs and her thick, puffy labia
Is anyone recording Supika FC? She doesn't do free sections so it won't be available after, and I can't record right now...
>>1340110I'm more in her playing with that labia
>>1340112Like 30 minutes late, but here's what I gotaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC85UGhtTUs=
>>1340157isn't this months old?
>>1340157Thanks, but I'm also fairly sure I've seen this before.
>>1340164No idea but this is what she posted today and what the anon above was talking about:'ve stopped archiving and looking at her stuff because she keeps reuploading old stuff.
>>1340160>>1340164You didn't see it uncensored before.
>>1340165>>1340168Seems like it's actually a different one, the one that I remember was posted before is premise different outfit
I love K so much it's unreal.
Anyone have Marin files?
Since people are asking for more/older emoechi stuff I'll go ahead and post this here againWVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRrd1dsaG9NRXh0YkhwTU1rWXlaRWhXYVZwWVNtaGpiVTV2WVZoYWJHTjNQVDA9I don't update it often and it may take you a million years to get everything you want off mega but I've been mirroring most of the stuff the oil baron anon posts.
If you're looking for emoechi, someone has reposted my link list in this thread, you just need to find it
What's the name of the Japanese asmr site? Not the Japaneseasmr, the other one.
>>1340211 (me)Found it never mind
I've had the newest K's cute nipples on repeat for 5 hours, this either means I'm in love or I have autism.
>>1340236They're not mutually exclusive, and the latter is DEFINITELY true.
>>1340236I wonder if there's much movement on getting her to take her underwear off whilst she's masturbating? It's taking this long to get her comfortable with showing her nipples, I halfway expect the next ice age before she shows us her blurred-out twat.
>>1340243Rubbing herself would be good enough instead of using the stand.
Is anyone gonna post more uncensored japanese pussy or what?
Why is Penpen posting her vagina and butthole for free on Candfans
>>1340280Disgusting underwear, disgusting ass. No wonder it's free.
>>1340157She's actually the best.
>>1340248If you want that you should get a twitter account that follows all the girls that work for fishy dating apps and streaming apps. you don't need to sign up for any of that shit, just wait for them to post their gigafiles of mastubating or whatever.They do that, then try to point you to their instagram or tiktok story to get the password, and theres 10 other stories advertising that stuff. and sometimes they're just a genuine slutHere's a few real ones to get you started. Just don't fall for the fakes or phishers.
>>1340157Goddam, I am not even her fan nor I like her that much and this is pure gold. Maybe I will follow her more closely from now on.
>>1340018Lots of new laws about not letting 16 or under use social media so expect this disgusting shit to become more normal as things go on. Please Trump kill the liberals.
>>1340355>no 16 year olds on social mediathis is a good thing
>>1340355Youre too young if you cant access any of the site in this board. Crawl back into your mom womb lil boy
>>1340378>Please scan your social security card and hold your phone up for AI facial recognition to use the internet.>BUT SIR THINK OF THE CHILDRENYou'll need digital IDs for this shithole instead of captchas soon enough.Yeah less kids online... like mommy wont give little Tyrone an unlocked ipad or something.
>>1340357I don't understand, I'm not American
>>1340401Outside of oregon every state passing porn ID laws is extremely right leaning/conservative. aka liberals aren't the ones passing those laws, bible thumpers are
>>1340401The liberals only want to castrate every man in existence and turn them into "women", the ones requiring ID are the conservatives.
M actively participating in Malice's FC and they both getting embarrassed about it was really hot, ngl. I hope that they do it again. If anyone is following Malice, was 10/15 the only time M participated?
Where are the western sluts asmr?
>>1340509twitch tv
>>1340507They said there might be rare videos in the highest paid plan with both of them but still nothing.Uploaded videos not streams so we can't get them for free anyway....>If anyone is following Malice, was 10/15 the only time M participated?For FC yeah I think so, she shows up on some of Malice's NND too but no touching just of to the side giving instructions
Really sucks except for the end of the month, huh.
>>1340511Well, in 10/15's M was clearly touching her, but now that I see the video in FC is 1:22:00 in total while the one I have is 2:30:00. I wonder if this one is not the one from FC.. I am confused on where this one is coming from.
>>1340532The video in the FC site right now is the rental version where they cut out all the talking and dead air, you have the original VOD.
>>1340507Anybody got the vod to this?
>>1340104>>1340157>>1340160>>1340164>>1340169This uncensored K is actually Icharab ASMR 4 from Oct 2023, timestamped 1:13:49 onwards. One of her most incredible videos and now we have an uncensored portion of it.. The closeups on her little ass just devouring the bar in the full video are peak.
>>1340598I hope we get a part 5 and 6 soon.
>>1340532This is what I need
link list has been updatedZW1vZWNoaSBodHRwczovL2J1bmtycnIub3JnL2EvTEx0MkEzMjU=cmlyaSBodHRwczovL2J1bmtycnIub3JnL2EvVkVLbmRGcGE=ZnVyeXVwcm8odXBkYXRlZCkgIGh0dHBzOi8vYnVua3Jyci5vcmcvYS9iYjVDaFNpTA==Enjoy
>>1340840thank you
Not sure why, but I really like this channel. Audio only since I don't care for "vtubers". Only voice I have ever fallen asleep to. Not sure if this is a porn asmr thread so posting anyways. This is complete as of yesterday.>magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f969bd911de60c3b1fe5c5924fa0f1a2d2496ef2&dn=AeriGoMoo%2011-15-2024&
what's the best recent stream from C?
>>1340884the focus is adult, but good actual asmr or collections are more than welcome.
>>1340967any more?
>>1340967god she just does it for me... do you know any similar to her style?
>>1340840linklist anon, in which pack is the ae6c5f0e manon x lala vid included in? I genuinely cannot spot it.
>>1341021nvm, its actually 153b5d6b. Anyways, thanks for the upload.
Anons how does it feel like to grab a womans boobs?Must feel pretty good based on how it looks.Anything you can compare it to?
>>1341038Flour in a balloon
>>1341038just grab your own man tits Nilou
Anyone know how to create an account in I get 暂不支持此域名邮箱后缀 seems like they don't allow gmail but I can't find what email domains arre allowed
Where can I find premium Nana Tanabata videos? Nothing relevant comes up when searching her name on suke in english or japanese
>>1341340make a QQ account, anyways you'll still need a baidu account to dl thoses
>>1341386I have baidu but qq says I can't create an account with my phone number.Oh well, I was curious to see if their version of the last Supika FC was full or missing the start like the one that got posted here, and I want to see if they'll post more paywalled FC content, even if you have to pay for VIP it beats what the girls ask in FCs.
Does anyone have
>>1341440Supika got posted in this thread but it's missing the start, Tenshi you can still get for free using the old methods.
simpcity is down where do I get my riz now? this never got shared anywhere?
does anyone have anything from this qt
>>1341392search 七夕なな on youtube. She hasn't uploaded in 2 years and the youtube streams aren't too good, but I saw a short 5 min clip on a porn site of what I assume to be a premium ear licking video that was very nice.
>>1341541>七夕ななThere is a theory that she is Karin. I think I have some stuff saved but I will look it tomorrow
>>1341395Hmm I see, you ever tried using naver it's a kr email service
>>1341457If it's this it's on the telegram that was shared here before.
>>1341563No that's the nico stream, my link is the paid only FC video you can't get for free anymore.
Malice FC today remember to record from the beginningIs there anyone else? Now that you can only get them live I wish someone would make an extension to keep track of upcoming streams..
Malice's FC is having technical problems, I wonder if they tried to implement a fix for free live streams and broke stuff
>>1341576Works fine. These girls always have trouble starting FC streams. I'm going to blame it on them being incompetent.
>>1341573Why is nobody sharing her when anons keep archiving it itt?
>>1341579There was an anon that was sharing all FCs including hers but he made the links really hard to find in the archiveI couldn't be bothered since everyone could just get them for free, but I'll share this one from today, for older ones they might be on southplus, telegram or simpcity I guess, but none of them shared anon's Supika FC >>1340129, so these paid only FC will be rare and worth sharing here I think.
>>1341580 (me)Also I will just upload to sukebei and not mention it here, M simps are cunts and already banned people for "DMCA violations" before for posting her stuff
>>1341580there's a guy that shares it on SC I assumed it was the anon ITT
>>1341594nope, that's meI was at work and didn't get to record it.
well hope someone recorded it its been made private and its getting edited now
>>1341601yeah she slipped up and showed her pussy
>>1341613the tape tried
video versionaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9Wd3JpbjI
any recent neferu, this is the only place ive seen upload her stuff
>>1341655I post all of her free live action streams here so unless I missed one you'll have to pay if you want more
>>1341658Nice ass but otherwise an incredibly boring video all the way through.
>>1341658I like Usagi a lot but her streams really are all over the place sometimes
Is there anyone here with a oho voice?
>>1341735Oops All Ear Licking. Myd really is the definition of mid.
>>1341762yeah god forbid somebody focuses on the audio instead being of the e-whores that spread their vagina on camera
>>1341771Speaking as an audiofag, ear licking is the absolute bottom of the barrel in both ASMR content and ASMR coomtent. There's a thousand other things she could have done and yet she did just one thing.Yawn.
>>1341772Most retarded opinion i've read this year regarding asmr.
>>1341786Your opinion is trash and your mother should have swallowed.
>>1341795dont try to be a shitposting schizo, you will never be him.
>>1341796That's a shame. I guess I'll just have to settle for being someone with correct opinions.
>>1341796Hit him right where it hurts the most lmao
>>1341651These women get too horny sometimes and just let slips go by and don't seem to care just like c with the nipple slip, c 100% wanted us to see that nipple.
>>1341821Never seen C's nipslip can you share it or point me to where it I can find it?
>>1341823It's her 24/09/2022 stream, look for it
>>13418242 years already!? Damn time sure flies, its a shame she didn't show it again
>>1341824Succubus tattoo one right? If so I found it, thanks for the date.
>>1341830Yep that's the one
link list has been updatedZW1vZWNoaSBodHRwczovL2J1bmtycnIub3JnL2EveUlSbUcwVHg=a2FuYXNlIGh0dHBzOi8vYnVua3Jyci5vcmcvYS90d2x3WFlIZg==ZnVyeXVwcm8odXBkYXRlZCkgIGh0dHBzOi8vYnVua3Jyci5vcmcvYS9iYjVDaFNpTA==enjoy
Supika from today?
>>1341260>Riz>>1341260absolutely based arigathank anon
>>1341878Thank you!
>Asmr one has tags for big boobs.>Play audio>clearly sounds like a chestletWhy is it always like this?
>>1341551who is Karin?
>>1341655Jason TextileaHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L0RkeFdDNFU3
3rd myd x minase stream dmlkZW86Cmh0dHBzOi8vcGl4ZWxkcmFpbi5jb20vbC9NM2Fabk44RCNpdGVtPTIKbXAzOgpodHRwczovL3BpeGVsZHJhaW4uY29tL3UvQUtDUWdtanA=
Riz Azki
>>1342069bless you
Also here's these tiddiesaHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L1lkekR2dlFH
>>1341658I'm a simple man that only needs 80% ass ASMR and the rest is whatever, I don't care. Is that too hard to do? Talking + tease with no ASMR is a horrible disservice :(
>>1341651Someone has a mirror?
>>1342096yum and Neon will be graduating. Hopefully this means they will open a FC site later down the road like Nano and Supika did.
>>1342158aren't those like their best sluts?
What do I do with this shit again? dmlkZW86Cmh0dHBzOi8vcGl4ZWxkcmFpbi5jb20vbC9NM2Fabk44RCNpdGVtPTIKbXAzOgpodHRwczovL3BpeGVsZHJhaW4uY29tL3UvQUtDUWdtanA
One of the biggest models on fantia, Okada Yui, has recently been charged for tax fraud. That's cool and all but what's really important is her income that's been revealed because of all of this. Her income has been revealed to be about $1.4 million USD in the last 3 years. She owes about $500,000 in taxes that she failed to report. I wonder how much everyone else is making.
>>1342280ask chatgpt>>1342292her fantia's actually disabled too, pretty funny
>>1342292Is that supposed to be a surprising number? She has hundreds of thousands of followers on twitter, and 400k free followers on fantia. People at that level of popularity are not going to have money troubles unless they're retarded. Yes even your youtuber with 80k subs who cooks or plays video games can be making 6 figures USD.
>>1342292Whenever I see things like this I can't help but think it must be the government being petty about every nickel and dime rather than actual fraud. Would someone actually be unhappy with $300K/year and instead risk jail for an extra $150K/year?
Can you tell me the gofile link for the FC2 archive collection? It was a link starting with
>>1339996anyone have this?
>>1342408Check episode 71
Kurumi's members stream made me wish it was a fantia video because holy shit she looked even more horny than usual today
>Mare got corrected by Youtube for not being seiso>starts new account>already starts with the semi-lewd shitNaito Mea... please...
>>1342452Where is this? Her earlier stream didn't seem lewd at all to me.
>>1342475I'm more talking about her thumbnails
>>1342600It's a ripoff. she does not show nips or masturbate despite charging that much. Dive into china and see if anybody was stupid enough to buy it
>>1342602Based chinks actually did it (it's a scam)
>>1339176>She has some insane videos, but they're too little too rare for my taste.Which videos are her greatest hits in your guys' opinions?The bare titty ear massage is one of my favorites.Also the one where she pours lube in her panties and rubs her crotch on the mic.
>>1342682Doing God's work
>>1342679The first "lovey-dovey asmr that make me feel good along with you" is pretty great, especially the part where she masturbated with her fingers for a moment.
>>1341340 (me)I checked this website again and they allow registration with gmail now.Doesn't seem to have anything special, though I would pay the 3 bucks for VPI access if they post C's video that she'll upload tomorrow and can't be ripped for free. she finally post an nice looking video after they fixed the site
>>1342697date for that one?
>>1341992>>1342122any reup?
>>1342610upload? telegrams worse than discord
>>134279011/29/2021 I think
>Rizuna FC moved to December 14th because of Sakamata's graduationThat's pretty fucked for the people paying so much for that FC
anyone have penpen's Fantia for this month?
>>1342814thanks anon, i love you <3
aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC80WHhrNTY=myd cien
>>1342854>Her other oshi also graduatingWe might be in for a total menhera breakdown
Have some uncensored neferu buttplay.
>>1342889Thanks myd brothe 1st one triggers win defender and won't let me download, is it just me?
>>1342912gobbless you, anon
latest Supika?
>>1342913works fine on my end, it's just your pc
link list has been updatedemoechi aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL2VLaG56QjB0setsune(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5waC9hL2FMTXJxS0Zqnemu(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5zaXRlL2EvU0dldnd5RVk=manon(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5maS9hLzVJWGlTeWJmroiro(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5waC9hL25nWXA1SkQ3ran(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5waC9hL0R1NlR0RU56lala(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5zaXRlL2EvN050dUNnVTA=marin(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5waC9hL3FRam5RWGtlmanma(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5maS9hLzZzZ0ZZY1ozmeguru(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5zaXRlL2Evc3ppcG4zdG4=rute aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL3d1OGhUS09Rdia aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL2xYRTZzNWZmkanase(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL3R3bHdYWUhmfuryupro(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL2JiNUNoU2lMEnjoy
can someone share yukino booth from 08 24? foking site won't accept my card
Pepero took over Masquerade Holo could never
Best time of the month...
huh chinks actually shared C's 10k FC video, I guess her content will continue to be shared even after the fixes.Too bad no one is sharing Riz paid videos.
>>1343168It's baidu I'm trying to download but it'll take a while
It's gone but remember archive and SC exists.
>>1343008thank you based emoechi anon
Whoops, bit latex1> aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlcy5jYXRib3gubW9lL2RweHpmMS50b3JyZW50
>>1343228Thanks bro, much appreciated.
So Riz will just upload a video instead of stream for November's missed FC, hopefully it still has a free portion.
>>1343228I was waiting for this, tysm kbro!
Miori x1 aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9SMUh2RUYK
>>1343307thx bro these are great
>>1343034>tfw the camwhore becomes the CEO
>>1343307Any chance someone could upload an audio only version? Thanks.
>>1343307>>1343417aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9FTVZuZW4= she uploaded the FC without free portion so it can't be ripped.I wonder if it's just a mistake since the description says it should have a free 10 minutes
>>1343555I actually asked on her current stream and she changed the description kekhopefully the chinks share it
>>1343228Thanks Kbro lord that preview
>>1343662neferu's stinky butthole...
>>1343662I thought japs weren't allowed to show uncensored pussy even on foreign sites.
>>1343665It still censored enough to pass for now
>>1343662that bitch seriouslybleached her butthole
i need SERA PROMISU Plz....
>>1343687/vt/'s torrents have a lot of her archives
Thx bro, i saw Coom index but SERA's recently files only Active 7?
>>1343691Thx bro, god bless you, i saw Coom index but SERA's recently files only Active 7?
>>1343694That index hasn't been updated since 7 but 8&9 have her stuff too
>>1343665It's not uncensored, there's a certain style of pixelation these girls use that looks like it's not there in scaled down pictures.
any connectopia requests? preferably videos that are hard to find.
>>1343742>videos that are hard to findIsn't pretty much everything of theirs hard to find? The only leaks I know of are over a year old
>>1343742dunno about rare but I'll take some Neon stuff
+1 for gachikois
>>1343749what hasn't been posted yet?
>>1343754NTA but unless there are leaks I don't know of, only 3 ever have been (23-07-07, 23-08-18, 23-09-08)
>>1343756here's 23-10-20 thenaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC84ckpEREI=
>>1343167>>1343169anything come of this, anon?
>>1343677that chair is ruined
>>1343662Anyone have this?
link list has been updatedemoechi aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL0FIRGY2bFY1kanase aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5zaXRlL2EvNFJGMFFqR0I=furyupro aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL2g0U3FSRkJpriri(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL1ZFS25kRnBhEnjoy
What's a good place to find hololive member streams nowadays? It's not on SC and holopirates became a discord server. Is it just random discords now?
>>1343837>holopirates became a discord serverThe links are all still on the forum, you just have to be in the discord server to see it. You can just join with a throwaway account and ignore the discord after that.There's also >>1334630
>>1340884Another one I liked. Last torrent I made got the most traffic out of any torrent I ever made. >magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7dbd1a29b9364e53d49358196e3a64ae7754f994&dn=Poffle%20ASMR%2012-07-2024&
King Tut's treasureaHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L1lyeFRwdUpH
>>1343846based, now if we can also get >>1343662
Chinks are angry at Riz fake squirt
>>1343855I am mad now too
>>1343855garbage fetish anyway
>>1343855if she pissed that much it wouldn't be so clear
>>1343855If she wants to make up for it, then she has to do it pantyless from now on.
>>1343855wtf I'm upset
>>1343855What is that?
>>1343913Unmeasurable amounts of impregnation with Miori.Does she have any other h-audio beside the onsen handjob?
>>1343913I want to impregnate this half korean woman.
>>1343958Im gonna want help finding that onsen one.
>onsen>half koreanNewfags outing themselves today
>He doesn't knowlol, lmao even
Her place of birth doesn't change the ethnicity of her parents
>>1343855I noticed since her FC, the liquid was way too clear and abundant. I also suspect Pikon does the same thing.
Does anyone have one of the numerous unarchived twitcasting streams of Shahudakara Asti?
>>1344008PIkon for sure fakes it.
>>1343855those kinda squirts are always fake
Miori is the rising star of /asmr/.If/when she starts doing R18 she will destroy every other whore.
>>1344049I've got this one. It's pretty good.
Leaving Cien means asti can masturbate openly and show lewd cosplay, but she said she won't show nipple. How dare she
>>1344079is she showing tits yet
>>1344096she has shown cleveage
>>1344096she is flat
>>1344093Thanks. Her content is tricky since there is no archive left afterwards. I was hoping to find something in the thread archives but her name wasn't mentioned.
could someone share some Seldea links?
>>1344100Even better.
>>1344079Even Bao? I'm not sure
>>1343662please we need a hero