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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by Gwendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like
- Read the last 3 threads before posting



>Guides (Install 4ChanX script for better experience)
FDM Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/H1en2ghM
Resin Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/SbYWdMnC
Resin Safety: https://radtech.org/safe-handling-of-3d-printing-resins/
Printer Buying: https://pastebin.com/raw/1Kfib5YK


>Last Thread: >>93720690
I don't have much experience with variable printing speed but I'd just do one speed throughout. If one layer prints correctly there's no reason not to continue throughout, sure it's less efficient but good philosophy says if not broke don't fix it, remember regardless of horizontal size 3d resin prints at same speed and its a few seconds each layer so it's already dozens of times fast than fdm printing. Where you get pinched is vertical size which takes longer if figure has sword or staff etc, now height may be twice as high doubling print time, but by using an angled model orientation we can shave time off again reducing that doubled time to only a 1/4th time increase. So I wouldn't bother with variable print speed until you get hundreds of successful prints under your belt.
Time for me is a non issue. Like at all. If I print something big, I just left it run while I go to work or while I sleep. 8-10 hours certainly is enough and if it could be done in 6, it would not change anything for me because I still come home or get up at the same time.
i wouldnt like to leave a filament printer unattended. but yeah letting a resin printer run for 16 hours while you work and sleep so its done when you get home is great. im just always shocked when i want to print something 5 cm tall and it swys that it will take 9 hours to complete.
my biggest print was when i wanted to do a max height statuette for ace from one piece.
43 hours for 27cm and i had to refill the basin twice
i think i would have thrown the printer if that one would have failed
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its great what kind of details pop out of a print if you just prime and wash it. and supportless designs are way less hassle that the needlessly intricate shit by people that dont even have the decency to put their models on a base.

pic is gonna be a nameless elite enemy for my DnD campaign, along with 7 other duplicates because 3d printing means i can just do that
Looks good fren
Is there any way to get files which are listed on yeggi but delisted on the actual sites ?

I've heard Punk girl marta is good for blade guard proxies. Should i just message and ask for the files ?
could be that they got taken down for copyright reasons. you can either send them the picture of the yeggi listing and ask for the .stl or you try your luck on telegram.
maybe they redirect you to another site where they host their stuff now(probably for money)
I'm somewhat struggling to find info online for some things. In particular, I settled on sunlu ABS like resin, and saw two listings on Amazon
Sunlu ABS like resin, in clear, blue, or red
Or "Updated" Sunlu ABS like resin in grey and various other colors.
Now, I don't give a shit what color my resin is so I went with clear because it was cheaper and to be honest, I can't find any info about an updated sunlu resin, or what colors it comes in.

But I'm wondering if I somehow fucked up specifically because I can't find any information about any of this anywhere. Am I retarded?
clear resin will let more uv rays penetrate further into the resin. this has the advantage that you can print thicker layers faster and normal layers with way less exposure time. when curing your print you dont have to worry about uncured resin seeping to the surface because everything will cure at once. i just had tge experience tgat clear resin develops a cloudy surface after a while wich doesnt look too good
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I am the anon who was having printer failure issues in the last thread.
I was informed by someone that Anti Aliasing into a .goo file can cause print failures on modern Elegoo printers due to a bug in the Chitubox motherboards. This can be fixed by slicing into a .ctb file or not using AA in a goo file. Apparently AA in a .goo file on a chitubox motherboard can overload the x axis pixel count and lead to spaghettification of prints.
Thought I would share since I have not seen this mentioned anywhere outside of one reddit post (that said person sent me) and wanted to help anyone else having the same issue as me.
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I need to take those aquilas off the helmets. Will I be better off trying to do it in blender (never touched it before), or filing it off after they're done?
Depends on how adept you are at learning how to use computer software and how many you need to do. It's not tremendously difficult to do it in Blender, but if there's like only 5 you need to do, you'll probably be better off just filing them rather than spending the time learning Blender.
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Alright I'm onto something. Just gotta figure out how to make the triangles fit the rest. Cheers.
Just switched from Mars 2 to Saturn 4 Ultra, unbelievable how much of an upgrade this is
Definitely worth the ultra premium for the tilting vat too, I printed a Sicaran chassis for 30k in under 5 hours.
I went with the Saturn 3 Ultra because lower price and (slightly) larger build plate, but both are great
The only issue is resin itself is toxic being epoxy and polystyrene, but if you can tolerate it and you can vent it outside sunlu is just like any other epoxy resin, it stinks, is horrible for your health, although it does have good resolution and all that, in my experiments I found it a little brittle, but it had crisp edges and stick well to the build plate so not an issue with the printing at all. As fren said >>93797491 clear resin is an advantage, if you have a monochromatic screen don't go above 2.3 second exposure time for normal layers, it won't be needed. You may get away with 2 second layer times even. It depends on the thickness of the layer. At .03mm 2 second is probably possible with the clear resin, but I'd start at 2.3 and back it down by a .1 if 2.3 works well.
Thanks. I haven't heard of that. I use a ctb file anyway so I haven't encountered that. Thanks for the tip. Did you see my last advice about gap? It might help if you didn't. Elegoos have that tape around the screen so it can confuse and enrage the beginner leveler. >>93790415
select all the faces involved and extrude by a little bit and it'll pop up.. They you can use the sculpting tool to increase the resolution of that section and do the smooth curves with the sculpting tools or you can just skip right to the sculpting tools but then your outside edge will be soft.
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ngl you lost me after extruding. I think I'll just put my trusty file to work. thanks for trying tho.
So... is there a ruler or something to use inside the platform program?
because usually when I try to scale the minis differently to be "on scale" from one and other, the only reference I may have is the size of the model (which may not be accurate because if the figure have a staff then is wrong)
and the only reference are the lines on the floor really.
Guess just looking for a model ruler could work.
Say i have alot of proxy stl files but no printer, what would be the cheapest way to get those printed out?
Etsy, but take a good look at the sellers. Some of them can be a bit mediocre or sketchy.
Fren with 3d printer and a love for cookies, find one and start baking
the cheapest way would probably be to order a printer, print your files. and then return it.
this would be fraud but would cost about as much as asking a friend
most programs have the ability to add basic shapes in modular sizes, so I just add a cube with the height I want and scale compared to that.
I almost ordered a tent today. A small one. Only to realize last minute that I wouldn't be able to open the lid without getting out the whole thing and risking spilling the resin and all. So yeah a slightly bigger one is actually preferable.
Its been awhile since I read about new printers. Are we at the point where after priming a part, you couldnt tell if it was an official bit or printed, even with a magnifying glass? Aside from weight of course
The old 2k resin printer I got over lockdown is finally packing up. Any suggestions on what to replace it with or what new features/innovations in the last four years I should look out for? I like the idea of getting a flexible build plate but I don't know if those are just gimmicks
Mars 4 Pro would be a budgetfriendly upgrade.
Hey /3dg/, who makes the best* bug-like alien biobeasts?
I would like to create a zerg-arachnid-terminid warband to pit against my scifi dudes.

*by "best" I mean:
- Print well
- Either are in kits or have a wide variety of poses so they don't look like a dozen identically posing ballerinas
- Bonus point: small variety of subspecies, so I can field heavies, artilleries and/or flyers alongside the mass infantry
I like Hydracast.
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I appreciate the laughs that the autistic Gram jannies and some users give me. The sheer amount of people acting like they important God Kings because they have STL files or are openly abusing power when they are proven incorrect is comedy gold.
I have stl, i am kangz
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Who would you recommend for files/figures that have warhammer fantasy aesthetic?
Not (necessarily) looking for leaks, paid is okay, i’m not sure what the legality of it all is but there are definitely creators making cool WH fantasy lookalikes.
Hoping to use them in a D&D setting
>I have stl, i am kangz
Worse, it's more like "Suck my dick peasants, I have STLs!"
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See this? This is evidence that a Warpgnaw STL exists somewhere but I cannot find it for the life of me. I am genuinely convinced GW has somehow managed to scrub it off the internet.

Can anyone here source the model? Any leads?
Highland Minis make proxies that still feel like Warhammer models proportion and aesthetic wise
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>openly abusing power when they are proven incorrect
Too do a shitty tl;dr, The Juice, a chat member who "would be an admin if the owner was around to make him one.", said that an old Warhammer Fantasy model was "not yet released." when someone asked about it. He was informed that he was wrong and it was from WHFB, a mold that was at least a decade old, but reissued because of The Old World. So he threw a fit and banned two people while going on about how they were disrespecting him.
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>writes in third person
Holy shit
He was just quoting another guy.
I thought he was even more autistic than I imagined.
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I was quoting pic related that.Juice has pinned and is quick to link to, so he can show off that he's an unofficial official admin.
No you don't get it, the Chaos lord is actually a new release
I have one but he didn't seem to interested in playing 40k but I'm kind of turning him around with the idea of playing those hilarious 80's homage orks (the ghost busters ones ect).

At this point I'm considering just buying a printer. It would need to stay outside and live outside. Maybe I can get a small horizontal waterproof shed and run it there. I live in cali so the temperature doesn't change much.
Also do the printers ever go on sale?
I checked it, they look more like your typical tyranid expy. I'm looking for something with a typical insect/arachnid body-plan.
Thank you anyway!
- Vae Victis do a bunch of stuff that would fit for Empire (their mercs, elite mercs and ogres specifically). There's some other stuff spread through their range that would probably be useable too (I think they've got some Mordheim warband proxies in there, and some bowman of the kingdom that would be good for Brets. Plus the usual gaggle of skellys and zombies, always useable for VK and misc stuff).
- Monstrous Encounters does a bunch of stuff that are sort of 4th-5th edition proxies (the O&G stuff takes after Kev Adams rather than Brian Nelson). Lots of HQ proxies in there too that are useable.
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Definitely heard of Vae Victis, will check out highlands and the others.

What is the legality and rules around using warhammer models? I know for tournaments of the board game 3D prints have been contended, but warhammer’s site says you can print minis… just not sell them.
So what do these brands which emulate the style count as? Especially if they’re pretty 1:1 on what they’re trying to be.

Pic might be shit, but the author unsubtly called them “realms of mayhem warriors”
When it comes to simply removing stuff, i just use meshmixer. Select area, press F, badabim badaboom, we're done.
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Holy shit, anon. I love you. This is incredible. So smooth.
Puppetswar might be worth a look, and Hardcore Miniatures released a set of starship troopers bugs, but only the small ones.
I just got a Neptune 4 Max and I really want to print a Stormbird as a centerpiece for my SoH army. I had links to a file a while ago but it looks like it’s been purged from the internet. It had ball turrets that actually swiveled.

I hate begging but can anyone point me in a good direction?
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>Hardcore Miniatures
Ah, yes! Perfect! I'm getting them.
Official tournaments and Warhammer stores are right out (assuming someone realizes you're using proxies). FLGS, YMMV.
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I've only just started but 3d printing is the best thing to ever happen to my hobbyism.
Does any Black Templarfag know where a brother can get some Sword Brethren?
I can tell you for a fact they are out there.
Best way to create an STL from AUTOCAD?
or a dwg to STL

Native export is outputting low res stl files (no options).
>kosher salt
>cheap knockoff designs
The laziest way would be to retopo the model.
yeah you can look in public whatsapp groups focussed on sharing models
or myspace
if you can open it in blender then you can make it a .stl
as a baseline i always run shit through blender if its not already a .stl file
this stuff comes in waves. someone uploads his collection. someone sees this and adds his own. cults and thingieverse become swarmed with proxy models. then james lawyers show up and take it all down. download and backup everything you find and like. get an external ssd with alot of space and just throw your shit in there.
i had one and made the mistake of placing my speakers on top of it. now 1.5 terrabyte of models are corrupted and i have to sort them out. shit sucks
Yeah I tried but for some reason, they won't show up when imported.
Also tried rhino, but it breaks the models and they cannot be repaired by my slicer.
it's 2023 and autocad still can't output high poly stls BAKA
well of course its a fucked file if it doesnt work in blender. what did you even try to do? and can you do the same thing with another software?
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This thing? It's on the telly.
brother, blender can't import a plain cube from autocad. My file is fine
might just be small scale
increasy scale by 1000 in blender and see if it shows up
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Im planning on printing some soviet concrete panel fences for Zona Alfa. There are lots of free models out there so i'm trying to narrow down which one to print.

Can anyone confirm that these PO-2 and PO-5 fences only have the waffle pattern on one side? I'm pretty sure that's the case but can't find any photos showing like tipped over one or somethign showing the back side.
The waffling is mainly to deflect sound away from whatever it's surrounding; doesn't make much sense from a design perspective to have it on both sides.
I went into the rabbit hole, pretty interesting subject, guy who designed them is called boris, lives in new york and dislikes russia.
Anyway, i'm pretty sure the waffle texture is on both sides, the only evidence i found to the contrary was a low poly stl that had zero detail on one side.
That is a positive side effect, but the design was made with aesthetics in mind, with the shapes distributing shadows and light, and was picked because it's low maintenance, it's somewhat selfcleaning and only requires rainwater. With that in mind, the design should be on both sides.
For a manufacture perspective though a one piece mold is simpler than a two piece needed for double pattern and flat on one side will result in a stronger slab since thicker

Design drawing on pg16 here seems to show pretty conclusively the pattern is only on one side

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Several photos showing stacks of them from the manufacturer shown midway down the page have a flat back and a tapered form for removal from a one piece mold

What are they? Magicks?
Angry resin anon reminds me of this chick I played DnD with. She refused to have anything to do with chemicals. Everything had to be all natural or else she'd get sick or something? It was odd. She asked us to use natural soaps and laundry detergent and everything or she could not play. It seems to be some kind of mental problem to me or is there some kind of thing people are super sensitive to?
What are you guys using for the missing parts in eternal pilgrims? Also do you guys ever just cast bits just to reduce wait times?

There are people who are this sensitive but are only affected by using those products directly on their own skin. Your "friend" sounds like a nightmare to be around though.
>Missing parts
You mean the actual gw miniatures?
Some people are indeed super sensitive to some things. At the same time there are plenty who are just plain nuts about "natural" stuff and "chemicals" and so on. And of course someone could also be both.
As for your friend, well, I obviously can't diagnose allergies indirectly and over the internet. But as you describe it her scientific literacy appears to be absolute rubbish, and she may have a severe case of new age mumbo jumbo.
Some people are intensely allergic to literally everything.
Me, I try to use all natural stuff due to being highly autistic about it - animal fat soaps, no fluoride or sulfates, parabens, etc. If I was also a bit of a psychopath, I'd ask my guests do the same. I also resin print, though I do use a half respirator.
Toss a coin.
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I found an acceptable solution.
So there is an autocad command: facetres
Which increases polygons when exporting. My slicer doesn't pick it up so it looks a bit shit in preview, but comes out pretty good (previously, the printed bases looked like nintendo 64 models).

Also I went overboard on these supports, especially for the gun, but I wanted to make sure they were in the right place. the barrel also had deformations.
It's such a process learning printing, I felt the universe was against me, but bit by bit, the setbacks are becoming less frequent and it's becoming less tiresome.
Yes, those. Is it easier to print something that is compatible (if so what) or is there a secret super cheap bit to be used?
does anyone have recommendations for tyranid proxies/bug or insectoid models that are nice and chonky to print in fdm? i want to round out my collection of sci-fi npc enemies.
Are there good proxy mechanic arms/legs for admech?
Why do you put the bases upside down? Wouldn't the bottom of the base be the perfect spot to place the supports?
Not necessarily. The bottom is a large, smooth surface, and any amount of support work risks fucking it up or deforming it. Supporting the decorative elements is much safer, as it isn't as obvious (usually) when a support makes a small dent.
Oh, i see.. I thought its flat standard bases.
>store my minis (bought them from various 3rd party printers) in a wooden cabinet
>now that cabinet absolutely reeks of resin whenever I open it
It's ruined, right? I can't just air it out or leave it open in the sun? It's fine the way it is now but I don't want to give somebody super cancer if they store dishes in it later.
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I wanted to preserve the detailed underside as I’ll be doing further manual texture work to the tops.
>It's ruined, right?
Depends how much work you feel like doing.
Hit it with some UV for a good while then sand it down and clean it with some strong chemicals/cleaner. Re varnish/paint/whatever afterwards.

I really don't know anon but this seems like an easy problem to fix.
This cabinet is an old POS somebody else already sloppily hit with some chalk paint, I wouldn't try refurbishing it without a sandblaster I don't have.
What chemicals would you use though? Surely the resin would have permeated the wood?
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Idc about resin
Neptune 4max .05 layer
Stoppit, there are FDM printers that can do decently now, you're feeding into the resin shills' argument.
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Are most unpainted?
Will resin stank leech through paint and varnish on finished minis?
There's a lot of unpainted, but acrylic (including varnish) will let molecules through, that's how it cures and one of the reasons why fat over lean isn't a thing for acrylics.
If drips got on surface clean with alcohol and gloves and paper towels to remove most and then you can just use sandpaper when you refinish in the future and use polyurethane finish to seal and even out the gloss or just paint it and seal that shit up entirely if it has weird colors or whatever. Prior to that though the smell is the main problem. Airing outside for long time will work, put in full shade in cooler weather so it doesn't dry and crack or get rain on it and let oxygen do it's job. Eventually will smell neutral again. But imagine what the resin does to the rest of your house and more importantly to your lungs. I try to tell people. They don't listen. :(
I'm looking for somewhere I can buy files to print legion of the dammed, specifically bikers, dreadnaughts, librarians, chaplains, and the full range of tac squad boyos.

Does anyone have a sculptor or the like they can recommend?
What do you guys do with your failed prints?

I've started cutting off warped limbs and replacing then with robotic looking ones. But for some that's still not enough, or way too much work compared to trying again, so the pile of failure my neurotic brain won't let me throw out just keeps growing.
You could break them down into parts to use for terrain or basing? A fucked up tank print can be used as terrain for a destroyed vehicle on the battlefield, a fucked up guy can be turned into severed limbs or a dead body, etc.
When I first started I just threw all of them in a spare tub. Only kept the fails that you could tell what they were. I also snapped off any weapons and similar to decorate bases/terrain.

But these days I hardly ever have fails due to using just one resin and having it dialed in pretty well. The fails are still in the tub and I will occasionally use one to test out painting/colors. Other than that they just sit there.
You can use the parts for terrain or wait until you have a bucket of them, break them up and use them for filler in concrete slabs for your garden haha
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I managed to kill some pixels on my screen, but the rafts on my prints print. Maybe the pixel is not dead? Anyways, what printer should i buy that will have replacement screens for a while? my printers screen can only be replaced now in china and it is hard to find there as well. Is the Saturn 3 Ultra a good choice? It has tempered glass so would that prevent pixel damage net time?
What printer is it? I bet we can find a way to replace the screen.
Creality Halot-One. It wasa going out of stocks when i bought it 50% off. It is my tutorial printer.
Which size screen is it? The CL-60 or CL-70?
This one looks out of stock, but
Another source for the 70s https://spool3d.ca/creality-halot-one-pro-replacement-print-lcd-screen/
Another for the CL-60s I guess. All foreign sites of course. https://www.3idea.in/spare-parts-869/lcd-screen-for-ld-002r-3d-printer
Source for the bit?
It is a CL60. I live in EU. Thanks for the links, going to check them out tomorrow.
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Source is me. Sorry it's not available - maybe in the future.
I feel very dumb asking this, but I haven't changed my FEP in a while. There's a flimsy sheet and a stiffer sheet in the pack, which one is the actual FEP? I figure it's the stiff one, but I don't remember having two different sheets the last time I bought FEP.
The thinner sheet is a protector for the fep. The thicker thing is the fep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcCJFy_FcWE
Yeah, all of the girls on X with pussy in bio are actually just guys selling files for 40k. Just message them saying that you look like nurgle and you should get sent a link in about 5-10 minutes. If you don't, then that means that you just gotta tell them that your a heretic and they'll understand.
here's his contrast chart from his site https://taleofpainters.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/ToP_Citadel_Contrast_hand-painted_swatch_V2.0.jpg.webp
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I got into 40k recently and I'd want some ruins and other terrain bits to play smaller combat patrol games with friends. I don't have a printer but there are shops that print the files you provide around here. I was wondering if terrain models are easy to access to and free
Damn shame, it looks excellent.
you can get terrain files almost anywhere including thingiverse or cults3d. They have barrels, rocks, crystals, building, rubble, whatever you want. And good thing about terrain is it still looks good printed on an FDM printer. You can also make your own terrain with stuff you find like rocks, sticks, sand, card board, styrofoam, etc whatever you want. Glue and cheap craft paint. That's what we use to make all that.
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Any advice on printing terrain with resin? Never did it before and it looks like a massive pain in the ass. Can't find the updated version of this windmill mimic that's been presupported for resin online, the included text file says it prints fine on fdm without any supports flat. Last attempt I made at printing a building had it get fucked up from becoming a suction cup because I was retarded and printed it flat on the plate.
Guessing it's better to just pay the library to print it in plastic until I can make space and afford a plastic printer.
If it can be chopped into pieces for easier printing, do it.
Also hollow things as much as you reasonably can.
What's the "best" Warhound STL? I have the Ortus Forge one but I think I'm missing a part in the file I have. Something between the bottom piece and the pelvis piece that helps tie everything together.
Does anyone know where I can find historically accurate mesopotamian buildings and decorating bits? I want to make a diorama for a mesopotamian city.
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what era? Mesopotamia still exists of course. I assume you mean during the babylonian or assyrian empires. for that you'll have to look at all the stuff Obama's Isis army destroyed and learn to hate him. The buildings were square with decorative trims as a crown, made of brick, decorated with griffons with human heads and lions and long necked giraffes that historical idiots think are dragons. The decorations may be hard to recreate in an art program, but the building should be easy. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4545140
There are some nice arround. I like those where you have a "modular system" that allows you to print pieces and have them combined in differrent combinations, for that I like stuff that uses the Warlayer system. https://www.printables.com/model/971004-warlayer-50-sample-files
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Does anyone know where these Varagyr Termie proxies are from?
Sorry james, can't help you.
This is why a lot of 3Donly fags suck. Never handled a real mini so never respected the art of production, assembly or the painting.
Take a look at the state of those bases.
>becoming a suction cup
I learned this very important lesson through error. Never read about this one.
Angle large flat surfaces. Had the suction rip my bases right off their supports.

It should be fine if you angle that tower like 20 degrees. Enjoy the fidelity.
Thanks for the references. Right now I have the STL of a ziggurat pyramid, a couple of lamassu statues and the Ishtar Door. I also have a brick roller to make the texture for the walls, but I'm not sure how accurate it is. I'm still looking for a babylonian palace and guard towers, plus generic ancient stuff such as market tents, palm trees and the like. Possibly even some boats if I decide to add a river.

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