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>watch the kill team NOVA stream
>the two best players in the world are there
>the very first movement of the game the scions player quickly lifts his measuring tool away before moving the token to just past where he measured
>he repeats this for the second token, quickly moving the measuring tool away before moving it even farther up
>by the second turn one of his tokens is past the center line of the board, a mathematically impossible movement

Is this the secret to being a world class 40k tournament player? Sloppy measurements to get an extra half inch to inch of movement every time you move? Do none of the organizers care that a player is comfortable doing this on camera?
Unironically, yes. This sort of skill based play puts GW games well above any other trash on the market.
Is the skill fluidly doing sleight of hand to take as much movement as possible without hitting the thresh hold that people would feel comfortable calling you out?
If you're not cheating you're not trying.
It seems like every major Warhammer-related tournament, someone's always cheating.
Holy shit, it's fucking pathetic.
This wasn't even a tournament, they invited the first and second place players from the world championship to play the new edition early.
They're probably just showing off the new rules. All the move values are a half inch longer than the widgets to account for how sloppy everyone is at the table.
The top tables of pretty much every competitive /tg/ activity like Magic or Warhammer is filled with people who have perfected cheating mildly enough that you never get noticed or called out.
Tabletop wargaming isnt about accurate movement, its about having fun with your friends. No sane person cares for half an inch. Competative play must perrish. Fuck GW for trying to cater to video game trannies.
>have you been cheating
>just the normal amount
>the normal amount is zero
Yeah it's because these people are so fucking desperate to win at all costs that they feel the need to fudge and cheat which is a pretty great trend for the hobby to set as a whole.
>surprised people cheat
Today's society is full of cravenly knaves who feel entitled to win and so cheat to get ahead. I blame the everyone gets a trophy mentality. Nobody knows how to handle losses and so they will cheat and cheat and cheat to make sure they win and get that smug satisfaction of victory. How hollow of an existence these people have.
>tourneyfags ruin the game asking for endless "streamlining", symmetrical dogshit boards, boring as fuck mission scenarios, hyper-optimized units that end the game by round 2, complete rules overhauls every few years with endless "balance" updates every few months and constant FAQs and Errata to keep track of
>cheat anyway
Genuinely WHAT is wrong with these freaks?
Accurate movement makes it fun
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t. nudges his models for advantage
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Beerhammer is GOAT and the faggots that say "I agree" when I explain my own LoS will BURN
>come on man let me charge I'm only 6.1 inches away
>dude I let you charge at 6.1 inches and I'm only 6.2 inches away why can't I charge?
>what the hell man be cool you let me charge at 6.2 inches and I'm only at 6.3 right now you're really going to be a dick over .1 inch?
Where does it stop?
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See if you had fun beer & pretzels evenings with your friends, you wouldn't have to ask turboautism questions like this.
kek. admitting that you are a autist who bargains over 0,1 inch.
>acurate movement makes it fun
now watch me measure 6 inch for every single one of my 150 clanrats for 20 minutes.
Anon you retard. Pick the furthest forward rat for each formation and move it accurately. Then move the next one behind it; repeat until all are moved.

Or get some fucking trays.
nice reading comprehension bro
Were you implying that you would try to intentionally be a retard at the table and move individual rats in random order to just be a cocksucker; or did you mean something other than 'accurate" when you wrote 'acurate'?
>Taking wargaming seriously
The real hobby is painting, then comes modelling, and last is playing. I don't mind kill team but I noticed it attracts a lot of try hards. Most players are really chill but there's a lot of tactical meat to the game. I wish other games were more popular but at my LGS it's either kill team or modern warhammer, of the two only one is of any interest to me. I'm trying to organise a space weirdo night but only have about 2 other people interested, just need one more person to have two games going at once.
Yeah, that's why god invented ranks.
Your example for shitty gameplay is from a shitty game.
>if you don't let me cheat I will purposefully play as slow and spitefully as possible
>beer and bretzels bro! just fun between friends!
Thats fine bud, clock is on you after all :)
This. Play a game with hexes if you want 100% correct movement ranges.
It stops when a situation makes no sense any more.
When does it make no sense?
Whenever he decides because he's just the type of person this thread is about. He will stop it when it's no longer in his interest.
Jesus Christ.
100% correct is impossible and some error is to be expected, but if you're such an addled retard that you measure things off by a half inch you are not physically or mentally fit to play the game. Or you're cheating. Take your pick.
This game is only fun if you're not playing with a total utter sperg. If the game is getting choked up on these points either it's the other guy or you
Have you tried answering a simple question?
So? Its not a difficult question, seems to be tripping you morons up though
I'm 0.2 inches out of range to answer that question sorry
Oh so .2" could matter then? Got it
It makes sense when he's 6.4 inches away but stops making sense when it's your turn and you're 6.00001 inches away.
My gf cares about my half an inch
You aren't supposed to play these sorts of games with 150 models without movement trays
>and I'm only at 6.3 right now you're really going to be a dick over .1 inch?
A hard rule of max 1/4" tolerance is fairly reasonable tbdesu
No, it isn't. In a game where line of sight matters and those tiny little movments can be game changing in how many shots you can get, with what units, etc. Fucking move your allowed distance and no further. I don't give a fuck if it's half an inch or a quarter inch, you're not cheating at any table I play at. I'll get that ruler myself if I have to. Fuck off, you cheating cunt. The game mechanics make those small increments of distance matter greatly. You don't get to ignore that just because you're a mental incompetent and want extra space.
But if you set the tolerance at 6.25 inches then you're back to arguing over mm when someone tries to move 6.26 inches, so why not just stick at 6 inches as written?
It should be illegal for mathmatically impossible plays to happen. As soon as its called out the game should reset back to that point, unless its way too far gone at which point you have to reward VP to the player that lost out due to cheating.

I had this happen at a casual game, mathematically it was impossible for them to be in objective range, and me not to be, when neither of us advanced our models.
Since it was casual, I just put up with it. In a tourney, you should get verbal warnings.
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>Tabletop wargaming isnt about accurate movement
>always measures extra never less

Right. You're playing "for fun" that's definitely not WAAC type behavior. Sure thing boss.

Apart from that one guy in X-Wing who forgot where the livestream camera was and accidentally got caught redialing in the middle of a turn.
Why haven't the Bighammer and Kill Team fandoms come up with their equivalent of EDH/Commander?
>Is this the secret to being a world class 40k tournament player? Sloppy measurements to get an extra half inch to inch of movement every time you move?
Unironically yes. Almost every "pro player" cheats.
Imagine how many fucking dragon dildos this woman owns.
cheating is a general "gaming" issue and while tabletope cheating is more of an honesty thing most of the time (since i mean, whats stopping you from literally just moving another players models other than them getting mad at you). gaming in general just has a cheating crisis where you cant play anything without people either blatantly cheating or cheating in an undetectable way
tabletop wargaming IS about having fun with friends
Fun is not getting fucked over because your "friend" is ALWAYS using more resources than hes supposed to have, and NEVER under the amount that he has
Its one thing if you do more movement than normal occasionally, but if youre not also doing UNDER the amount of movement aswell then its just very blatant cheating
And whats the point of playing a game with someone who doesnt respect the rules in place ,whether they be "official" or just ones that you two both agreed upon
>thanks for letting me move that extra inch man! its just alot more interesting if i get to fight with all of my guys!
>no you cant activate that ability you just said your turn ended
Its literally ALWAYS the same kind of people who do this sort of "leanience cheating"
>Fun is not getting fucked over because your "friend" is ALWAYS using more resources than hes supposed to have, and NEVER under the amount that he has
Exactly. Why would you consider someone who tries to cheat you in the pettiest circumstances your friend?
Personally I make sure I measure out exactly how far an enemy operative can get, then place my operative outside of that distance if I want to avoid being charged. When I do this I talk through it aloud, explaining why I have placed my operative exactly where I have, to guarantee the cover line always crosses this part of terrain to give cover, to explain that no matter how my opponent moves his operative he will never be able to get a charge in this turn, etc. often with experienced players just watching me measure such thing out and squat to check LoS and cover lines is enough to tell them that I have made sure they cannot, so they cannot.

Without rules this is a school yard game of cops and robbers, with no restrictions beyond those made up on the spot as to what anyone can do. I am playing within the rule structure, I expect my opponent to do so too. If they are unwilling to do so, I no longer want to play them.
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This man has never actually played with other people. No need to be mean to him, he's already as low as it gets.
I’ve been playing 40K for so long that I remember having six-turns-a-side games that went for over and hour and were fun, with lots of manoeuvre and actual tactical decisions.
Dogshit ‘modern’ 40K is basically a coin flip, you go first you’ll almost certainly win. Boards shrinking, model counts increasing, special rules out the wazoo, everything seeming kind of dull and flavourless. How did they fuck it up so badly?
>hobby full of socially inept male spergs and turrrrboautists
>What this hobby REALLY needs is a female sperg turrrboautist
Fuck this gay earth
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Can I see some nid kill teams - lists or models for inspiration?

I'm primarily a blood bowl player (and a bit of munda) and just picked this magazine up for £2.99. Thinking about starting a tyranid kill team, assuming I can use this tyranid prime/warrior in it.

The only thing putting me off a nid kill team is the lack of character each model tends to have, though I've seen a few nice conversions. Could do something with the terminator, but loyalist marines don't particularly interest me (though Deathwatch are neat) and I already have a small CSM army sitting on a shelf.
look up real bugs
Yeah this shit is pretty common. Anyone who does it at my local gets perma banned.
>assuming I can use this tyranid prime/warrior in it.
Not a smart assumption, anon. The KT2021 rules support a much smaller range of figures than 40k and support for tyranids is announced to end in the rules update coming in October.
> support for tyranids is announced to end
They'd just discontinue support for one of the major 40k factions?

What will 50% of the girls/trans that play 40k do now?

Oh well. I have most of the broodcoven sprue still. Maybe I cannibalise the prime for some conversions
Times changed, they all play admech now.
‘Nah man you’re taking the piss now’ that’s all it takes
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Play first game with my brother. My Vet Guard vs his Intercession Squad. In 2nd Turning point I got removed to 3 guys while only taking one of his. I am sure I missed some rules here and there and played with Tactical Assets as I am waiting for delivery of last 4. But still I was shocked I was bodied so hard. Ignore unpainted terrain it's work in progress.
It doesn't surprise me for two reasons.
1) You're both new so neither of you know what you're doing but vet guard depends much more on positioning and leveraging activation advantage to find favorable engagement than space marines. If you just bash their stats together in the open, astartes will always win.
2) There's not enough terrain, especially no heavy terrain. Even if you were more experienced, you don't have enough options to block line of sight to be able to avoid just being gunned down everywhere.
so is there a way we fuck him up?
tell GW?
I doubt the'd care
tell some big WH content creator?
Subtle cheating will give you a more significant advantage if the game is very controlled and balanced so this isn't inconsistent. Stealing an extra half inch of movement wouldn't matter as much in a game with crazy random tables and virus grenades and stuff, but it matters a lot when the match is so close that winning or losing comes down to a single point.
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During my first foray into wargaming, my opponent that was reaching me the game would measure movement from the front edge of his base for the beginning of the measurement, but when he moved the model he moved it so that the back edge was in line with the point he measured to. I asked him if he was measuring correctly, he insisted it was fine. When I did the same thing on my turn he insisted I was doing it wrong.

I hate the typical lgs scene so much bros.
>they all play admech now
I don't get it, why would the trans people wanna play a bunch of humans that enhance their bodies in totally unnatural ways?
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Never played Kill Team before, but love the idea of an Inquisitor retinue, so when I saw inquisitorial agents was a thing, I got excited.

I love doing kitbashes/conversions. Does anyone have like a go-to or recommended Inquisitor kill team list to give me something to go on?
I have been scouring the Battlefleet Gothic boardgame manuals for the lore snippet describing suicides and death when the tyranids board a battleship to create a mood for a session but can't find it anywhere in the manuals. Does anyone know the snippet i'm talking about or have i gone crazy?
It's not set in space but The Fall of Malvolion is a short story about Tyranids that ends with the protagonist killing himself
Don't bother, they're getting squatted next edition
>Sloppy measurements to get an extra half inch to inch of movement every time you move?
Yes. High level Kill Team players are actually the worst cheaters.

I've played against them at the highest level. The only way to stop them is to have a judge come watch your whole game, otherwise they will cheat and then say "let's call a judge over now" after the board state was put into a cheat state WHILE ACCUSING YOU OF CHEATING. It's the only way because the top players are all friends with the judges anyway, and these "top players" know it's impractical to have a judge watch an entire game.

I could name names but don't really want to get into it. Not even worth it. Best path is to simply not give a shit and let these disgusting "men" unfairly dominate a children's game and inflate their egos.

Competitive team leaders across the Kill Team community are almost universally sociopaths who form a court of teens and weak 20-somethings to be their social crew. It's so weird.
me and my friend under-measure, over-measure and come to fast agreements about what is and isn't bullshit.
>It's the only way because the top players are all friends with the judges anyway
They must be friends with all the content creators and reddit moderators too because any discussion of this is always shut down very quickly, and anyone caught cheating turns back up after a brief hiatus.
>Best path is to simply not give a shit and let these disgusting "men" unfairly dominate a children's game and inflate their egos.
I would be happy to ignore it if GW was not actively promoting this and giving thousands of dollars to the offenders. That sets a poor example for regular players even if they never go to tournaments.
>They must be friends with all the content creators
Most of the larger TOs are content creators in their various countries/language. At least for Kill Team.

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