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Previous Thread: >>93769121

For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and Greentexts about your game sessions (specify the system you are using)

>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>Don't sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93760938

3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Labyrinthus Random NPC Generator: https://srr5cb2m.play.borogove.io
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Lewd Attack, Frameworks for Maptool: https://mega.nz/folder/4ixRTS7K#nSxJQ4BuNcaZYA4slPVPcw
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Rapture World: https://mega.nz/file/PPQxVYIa#EHENwjI-gTxCvJjVTzVEeTj7Y-yl_6Ubra4RM2oZ3ck

>Other Material and Systems (IE: D&D, Pathfinder, Ventangle etc)
post cheesecake since we lack a thread plz

I don't know if I'm dumb but I can't get into Labyrinthus and Lewd Attack, they feel too crunchy.
Not much to report about paladin and (now pregnant) clericwife. Downtime is going smoothly without drow finding a good chance to seduce paladin or the town turning hostile on our heroes for having a disgusting non-human with them. The nomads are still around and I could make some random tables for them (say, random events or exotic valuables to buy, perhaps including retainers and slaves), but that's for later.

What I've been thinking about the most are logistics: Before either investing in xp to level up or buying pack animals and new equipment, we need to recover some treasure left behind in the dungeon camp that we were unable to take with us last time. Hiring more retainers and sending them to do that would be ideal, and quickly because there's a high chance it will vanish in a matter of days, but after what happened paladin is determined to not risk any life unnecesarily and go back himself after healing a bit.

Now, here's the thing: cleric has 0 appreciation for the lives of heathens. She absolutely would send some pagan retainers back and not care even a bit for what happens to them, and if she sees it as necessary, do so behind her husband's back so he doesn't have to take the risk. I might just leave this matter to the dice, if cleric does that or if she respects the boy's plan. Whatever the case, we need the coin.
Is there a repository for LA greentext stories that's still updated? I know about the one on the rentry, but those are all old.
They're bold to assume nobody who retrieves their treasure will run off with it.
It's a known fact, much more helpful too I guess since people have come for general TTRPG advice more than once.
That would be the most likely outcome if it weren't for two things:

1-Any attempt to run with the treasure will force the thief to run through either the wasteland or the grasslands, both of which have chances of absolutely lethal encounters for lvl 1 adventurers, and even more lvl 0 commoners.
2-Paladin's charisma is so absurdly high that retainers basically can't betray him. He gives them an absurd amount of loyalty.
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>Trophy Wife or concubine "bad end"
>"I only accept ugly bastard scenario if the ugly guy is a rich or wealthy guy living in a mansion and the girl being fucked is younger commoner or servant girl

Has anyone even ever had this type of "bad end" given these lewd games are after all, porn/hentai plots basically. Also this then opens up a question I think not enough people ask. What happens to such a young woman if she ever get old eventually, which also leads to her becoming less attractive and even less and less fertile?

I get this type of ugly bastard porno situations since rich and wealthier men can afford or a privilege of taking any younger attractive woman they fancy to be their wife. And I understand the reasons why any young and remotely attractive woman MIGHT consider letting a rich ugly man marry and PLAP them ranges from not only wealth. But because the woman in question is literally poor and considers being a trophy wife as an escape from poverty. Or the young woman is literally a slave sold off to said rich ugly man as a sex/pleasure slave. Or the classical "rich dude who's already married bangs his maid/servant girl who is much much younger and prettier than his wife" scenario. And as some even said, the purpose of a younger woman being trophy wife or concubine or "secondary wife" is because the wealthy upper class dude either wants a younger and sexier "playmate" to pleasure him or to have more children/heirs because his first legally married wife is already older and not as pretty as before.

But what happens when such a woman eventually also gets old, less prettier and less fertile. What happens to such women or what will they do now in the man's mansion when they get age eventually?
I can't say that I find it all that surprising either. I play solo games in both lewd and traditional flavor. I'd even suggest that we'd have significantly more experience with different systems than a lot of /tg/ as well. It's not like there are any rewards for that, but it just sort of makes sense that if a single individual wishes to try a new ruleset it would be easy for them to simply do so.
I just started a S&W Whitebox game using some of the lewd rules from these threads. I got the book and wanted to check it out. That's reason enough to do so if you aren't having to get multiple other people to decide to try it out with you.
Is the erotic arcana the only erpg supplement available for 5e that is worth its salt? I'm trying out solo in 5e cause I wanna run a campaign for my friends, but I wanna practice with the system first, just so I'm familiar enough with it. Also, for those of you who've played with 5e, what adventure module did you start with that had good selection of female npcs? Or do you guys just change the genders of npcs?
They become a regular wife and raise the kids.
I'm a few sessions in, and this story has been interesting thus far. My magic user is a witch that turned to the demonic place to increase her powers. It didn't turn out well. The demons used her as a fleshlight for a day before finally letting her go. They are now bound to her and periodically send her on ridiculous missions for them. Perhaps I should greentext her adventures.
I'm not playing solo but this feels like the best place to pose a question of mine since it's a game with ERP on the table Why do some players obsess over acting out pc x pc relationships?
I find that really weird and distasteful. They read like people who never learned to not dip their pen in the company ink. I love pc x npc stuff but the constant attempts to come on to my character aggravate me and I put up with it for the sake of the game.
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Does any lewd OSR shit exist?
Tomb of Anihilation has three very different female archetypes to have alone in the jungle. Pure heroic LG maiden, wild woman that wants to save cat people (werecat), traitorous snake woman. And you have some female merchant princesses: strong fighter woman, subtle assasin protecting her daughter... there was another one. You could turn every prince into a princess too.
presumably because they have fun doing it

if you don't like it just be more direct in ooc about it, if they keep pushing things after that then there's a different problem
Why they do it is up for debate. Perhaps you could just shut it down hard in character if you want it to end?
The last time I turned down a guy OOC he became really antagonistic and got in my way until my character was eliminated.
It's never really IC flirting but he keeps pestering me about doing it.
LotFP has some lewd-esque modules.
>why people who signed up for ERP expect to do ERP with other people who signed up for ERP
Everyone trying to fuck the DM does sound hot, but if anything pcxpc makes more sense.
>Everyone trying to fuck the DM
...this is how all of my TTRPGs go, ERP or not.
I love 1-on-1 games where I GM, but it's so hard to find a partner that is consistent, communicative, a quality writer and not a complete autist. Does anyone know a good place to recruit for that kind of dynamic? The discord is mostly cliques rusing eachother into games that never go anywhere.
Here we have an example of someone who's never been in a professional environment.
someone in an old thread had an addon to oldschool essentials
Never mine. Maybe it's only a thing in voice games?
*Raises paw*
The gamefinder discords are other options.
nta but I am using OSE. Do you have the addon?
With such charisma and fighting prowess, I think the paladin might be the chosen one or something.
If they're lucky enough to have a kind man, they'll be taken care of even after they're replaced. If not, they'd probably be kicked to the curb.
Sungeons and Wagons?
Nah, he got his shit kicked in (reduced to 1hp) by the shroom men and only luck saved his ass. His combat bonus is just +1 too. His highest stat is charisma with 18.
Submissives & Wizards
>they feel too crunchy.
What do you mean by that?
(not the author of any, just curious)
is that the guy that made lewd attack
Trying my first solo rpg, and after finding this shit, I’m splicing lewd shit in. Was starting Starforged so I just added Randy Adventures for character interactions between (and maybe later DURING) the missions. Liking what I’ve got so far. The world I made and themes ade it look like it was gonna be about finding a haven planet and establishinng a town, guess it’s gonna be HAREM now instead. My randomly shuffled Asset card was a fairy too so gonna get some /monster/ shit going eventually
Why yes, it is.
Randy Adventures? Also I was thinking of trying Ironsworn myself as I enjoy low-fantasy settings, plus isolated communities looking for fresh studs has been kino since Waterworld.
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And if they're good at the game, they might even become the primary wife, and even after the husband dies continue to influence his estate. She might even get to be the most powerful woman in the country, or even the world, in this way.
Pic related.
What other games do you play? And how did you learn from them? Because if you are gonna say 5e and you mostly learn from watching videos then i have bad news for you
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I couldd only find a draft file, there may be a new version somewhere
Scarlet Heroes is one of the primary was people play solo, and the "D&D Sex Rules" document is compatible with it. Also, there's an anon here that uses "Randy Encounters" as a sort of overlay for the game.
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Requesting some help with some ideas I can steal for my game from you all.

Looking to come up with a lewd alchemy shop, with various elixirs and alchemical concoctions that have fun RP effects. I’ve got the basics of course- the horny potions and sensitivity creams and the bodily transformation flasks, but I wanted to ask for some creative tosses that would be fun.

I prefer to avoid dice mechanics in my elixirs but it’s OSE if it’s better if they’re included
Taste altering, smell altering, hair tonics, love potions, sleep potions, the big sloppy potion, they sky is the limit.
Elixir of Tentacular Ecstasy: makes you feel as though all your holes are being violated by slippery tentacles
>bodily transformation flasks
So things like these you already have? Well, maybe someone else finds the ideas useful.

Depilatory Pills: prevent hair grows everywhere but on the scalp and around the eyes. Permanently after repeated use.
Dollification Spray: Bodily functions stop to crawl, joints lock into place but can be moved with some exterior force and effort, the subject can be used as a doll or even a piece of furniture.
Flexo Brew: The user becomes the flexibility of the most skilled contortionist paired with bones which seem to be made of hard rubber. They can literally bend backwards and kiss their own arse.
Chewbaccon: A gas which causes all the skin it goes into contact with to sprout thick, luscious fur. Already existing hair or fur becomes thicker and somewhat longer.
everybody runs through everybody, or else what's the point of having the other people around if you aren't interacting with them
-Perfume that makes others think you're weak, vulnerable and desirable and potion that makes the drinker submissive.
-Perfume that makes others think you're strong and dominating and potion that makes the drinker feel the same about themselves.
-Potion that makes you incorporeal to clothes and objects but not people, air, ground and water. Your clothes will fall off and you can touch others directly through their clothes.
-Perfume that makes people unbothered by your mischief. E.g. undressing, groping, etc. Acting like nothing is wrong.
-Potion/Perfume where the target will follow suggestions/commands
-Drinker can't cast magic so low strength mages are vulnerable
-Drinker has 0 magic resistance so any controlling or restraining spells work 100% of the time
-Feeblemind/Stupefy potion

Also I'm reminded of a lore tidbit from one of my settings where one of the main ingredients in Health Potions was also a contraceptive so every time someone would go to buy one you'd get "knowing" looks and smiles from the shopkeeps.
Non lewd interactions, mainly. I don't ask them to make what I find sexy and they don't have to find me sexy.
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Yeah there was a pdf of randy adventures last thread, I can repost it. Someone was using it to spice up a scarlet heroes playthrough and it looked easy enough, though I don’t think it fits with everything we’d want. I don’t see a good way to add it to combat for example, but I’ve had fun with it in the between parts as a way to track relationships and make more detailed support npcs
It's ironic that people complain how certain games are too complex but then you also see others say that this supplemente is more "simple" when it adds a bunch of extra stats and uses the same concept
This sounds great. I'd love to hear a follow up, if possible.
Post DM's feet.
your setting should allow for temporary alterations in ways that maintain verisimilitude, or else why not just go outside and fuck real humans that won't surgically alter themselves for you on a whim
Simplicity and complexity in the context of RPG's, I think, are actually about intuitiveness, readability and how wieldy the rule-set is for the individual. The actual expansiveness of the rule-set is a secondary issue. It's as much a subjective and individual experience as it is a description of the rules as they actually exist.
For example if I have to calculate ten steps before making a roll, the fact that the roll is just "a simple roll over target with modifiers" isn't really about how simple the roll mechanic is at it is a criticism of how long it takes to find out how many and what modifiers need to be applied. The rules can be simple and clear and very straightforward but if it takes more time or effort to get to the part that's fun it will feel complex where as if you contrast that with a rule system that has many moving parts but each part is fun for the individual to resolve it can be very situationally complex but will feel simple because the player is quickly moving from one enjoyable experience to another.
Even if a rule-set add a large level of complexity to a task if that rule-set offers that complexity in discreet easily memorized elements it can feel simpler than an onjectively simpler system that does more work in each of it's more limited number of tasks.

Unironically, it's a vibe check and you have to design around the vibe rather than what's real. And as always there's no accounting for taste.
I think that rather than a vibe check is just people that want to be contrarians so they will shit on stuff they want to dislike, but use the excuse of "rules bad"
I see the thread is going well so how's your sessions going, Anon, what are you currently playing as and what system are you using
LA, continued from >>93783670
Decided that there is some stockholm syndrome going on with her, and she stays with that village. Did some minor missions, had a close fight against a frost troll, defeated two champions and a draugr. Training right now the art of the mace. Soldier character, I want a massive arsenal.
Now on a mission to rescue some girls from an orc camp. Had to cut the session short after being ambushed by some dark elves right before that, and it was somewhat a rough fight that took some time.

Had an idea for making HP a bit more important: Each time a layer of armor is destroyed, the remaining damage goes directly against your HP. If you still have remaining layers, they only start to matter for the next attack.
The frost troll actually managed to destroy one layer of armor, and the remaining damage would have absolutely put a big dent into her HP. But not outright defeated her. A minmaxed character with low HP that still wears some heavy armor would have been knocked out.

Also, have been testing, for a potential future update, to not increase the number of dice when increasing your skills. And it's fine. It could work.
S&W (Swords and Wizardry) Whitebox:
My witch has been sent on a mission by her demonic subjugators to find them a tome in a nearby cavern. Since the demon (who has previously abused her) is holding her up by the throat while asking, she agrees.
After 6 days of woodland travel, she is met by a necromancer who explains that the demons have offered him great rewards to stop her and get the tome himself.
She manages to kill him, but is now acutely aware that they're pulling strings behind her back.
Rolled a random Character for Labyrinthus with additional stuff from the NPC tables, here's my options:

>Origin: Scoundrel (Dungeoneer)
>Acts as: Man-eater
>Behavior: Cheerful
>Quirk: Easy to Anger but always tries to calm down
>Flaw: Paranoid

>Jötunn Blood
>Origin: Lupercal (Courtesan)
>Act as: Submissive
>Behavior: Untrustworthy
>Quirk: Has broken a Vow (Table of Meanings result is Flaunt Vice)
>Flaw: Reckless

>Futa (Cursed Penis)
>Origin: Combatant (Brawler)
>Acts as: Tomboy
>Behavior: Gullible
>Quirk: Pretends everything is fine even when distressed
>Flaw: Loudmouth

So a literal schizo Halfling (cheerful but paranoid and easy to anger), a good-looking Half-giant (probably Frost) or a gullible tomboy Cambion
Did you mean to reply to my post?
Forcing captured women to bathe in dollification spray until I have an entire troupe of living puppets.
What are some ways I can make a post-apocalyptic setting lewd other than simply adding sexual slavery?
You sit down and start writing ideas
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Maybe lighten the tone slightly? Make it more like a pulpy adventure where babes wear lewd post apocalyptic clothes or like Conan or Heavy Metal Magazine stories. The scifi thing I’m doing is running more like Space Dandy than Star Trek.

You could make combat feature more nudity and grappling, or just make the women a bit looser though I’d rather not make em easy.
looks like a way to cut your inner thigh while running
people want to fuck because its nice
finding someone that gets you and you have sexual chemistry with is rare moral raising and something worth trying to keep in the harsh and horrible wasteland
The tomboy sounds the most fun, but these games are very much matters of personal taste so run whichever you like best.

Misinterpret some tech from before the fall as sex toys, and sex toys as more useful tech
Cult built around some ancient porn mags
Back to nature fertility cult
Kinky mutations
Society where "war is bad so we have sex competitions instead"
General loss of nudity taboos in some areas while others got more extreme, likely neighbors
Region where sexual favors are used as money
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You don't have to make things "lighthen in the tone" to have half-naked people in a Post-apocalyptic setting you know
True, fair enough, just meant it in a general “Ya don’t need to go straight to slavery in a post apocalypse” way.
I mean in the end the classic tropes can be added to all settings with some adjusted: something like libido-inducing drugs or "spores" from mutated fungi, super-horny mutants, etc. Again, just sitting down and writing ideas is the best way
make it a Slaaneshi themed apocalypse.
ie. in pursuit of pleasure humanity went into a hedonistic spiral, focusing science and manufacturing on sexual fetishization of everything
Society crumbled as vast majority of individuals devoted their lives to seeking ways to titillate their ever more over-stimulated libidos. Than you have whatever series of events you want to have brought about the actual apocalypse.
>all that was left were ruins and wastelands gradually being reclaimed by wild nature
>and the remnants of the Age of Depravity
you can put anything and everything as those remnants
>endless variations of genetically modified women whose bodies and mind were repurposed for some erotic purpose
>same as above, but robots
>left over lost tech crafted by sex crazes sociopaths
>for example police drones that taser women if those women cover up their bodies
>nanobot swarms that clean people up to prepare them for sex quicker. also will eat clothing off them
>tentacle and slime monsters that were genetically designed to rape people just because their creators thought that would be fun and they have since adapted to be part of the natural world. except that when the see humans, they go back to original design
>in the same theme, flora experiments getting out into the wild. everything from weeds to mushrooms that might spray aphrodisiac
>if you want to operate a lost tech water filtration station or a generator you have to 'plug' a girl into a work station terminal that is just an elaborate fuck machine, just because that's how the last sex crazed workers preferred to customize their workplaces
>many variations of genetically modified crops, that have to be sexually implanted into a woman and than extracted from her. Originally made just so that some pervert could eat a cucumber that gestated inside his favorite porn star. But because these plants were made at peak age of technology they also have regenerative properties and so are ultra valuable
>Space station satellites made as last resort to try and preserve humanity. They continuously scan the planet and direct drone hunter parties that capture remaining humans and force them to copulate.
>trap devices that emit invisible signals that make women extra horny in a particular area
>just massive amounts of all kinds of bondage gear left over. Because its so high tech, even people who aren't into that are tempted to use them. Like a mother might pass on on a harness to her daughter that forces vibrating dildoes into her at random, but it also comes with 4 powerful tentacles which are just super useful for everything from heavy labor to self-defence.
>small tribes of people surviving off of lewd park attractions. Like a sex-disney park that dispenses super nourishing candy based on number of orgasms it tabulates within an arena
>mechanical bondage devices for submissives - like motorcycles, cars or even buggies that are designed to only amplify movements of a person trapped inside.
>a lot of kink weapons because the most popular sport became gladiator sex combat. The standard 'bullet' is a non-lethal little bot device that sticks to target slithers around the body and tries to fuck it if it can reach a proper orifice. Thousands of different toy guns and even things like gladiator nets all designed to use these rape bullets.
>genetically engineered diseases - all viruses were forced to mutate into one of a limited selection of sex viruses. Instead of getting a cold, a sick woman will might turn into a horny submissive slut for a week. Than a few months later catch a different virus and become a crazed nymphomaniac craving semen for a week.

and in the middle of that just put down a group of normal young humans
Lewd solo of Hunters Hunted that turned into VtM, got the urge after playing bloodlines through again

Currently ghouling up a harem and working towards diablerizing my sire
Insightful, anon.

I'm about to run a lewd version of Phandelver and Below but my character will be a new member of the Redbrands. One thing that I noticed is that a lot of 5e modules have plenty of named female npcs. (This town alone has a lot and they retconned a Druid to be a female.)
If the adventure doesn't have them, I generally don't add them.
I like what the authors are going for, especially with Lab. The crafting rules hit the right spot and I've been reading the premade adventures, they're not bad to get you started. But with both games, I try to make a character, I go thru every option, try to adjust everything and familiarize myself with what I can do but I always feel like I'm missing something or that you could remove half of the rules and have something functional, easy to play and all that. I don't like how they feel.

I played 5e when I got into the hobby, but nowadays I play OSE, Mothership and Shadowdark. I learned by reading, playing with friends and not by watching videos. I don't know what you're implying.
I always wondered what's this thread opinion on Safe Horny and if it effects their game?
That doesn't mean anything, and if a game isn't """"horny"""" enough for you (zoomer begone), you can just move on to another one. Alternatively, you could define what the hell you are exactly talking about.
What half of the rules would you remove?
>I always feel like I'm missing something
I think that's because you are used to play with systems that uses classes (5e, OSe and Shadowdark are all just D&D in different variation) and being free to pick you probably fall into the pit of "i need everything to do everything". You can just be good at one thing and still have fun
Also between Lewd Attack Anon and Labyrinthus Anon, the latter is more keen to listen to suggestions. Labyrinthus itself changed a lot through the years thanks to people's feedback

I'm a newbie here, where should I start?
You can start by reading the OP and picking a system

Could you give me a rundown of the systems? I know PbtA so I can assume Powered by the Lewd, but what are the main selling point oif the other systems?

Or simply what do you suggest?
I think I'll go with the Halfling since short women that act all cute and dandy but get mad in 1 second is a funny concept. I'll probably give her the Stabber Feat for obvious reasons
Selling points:
>Labyrynthus: updated regularly
>Lewd Attack: updated once in a while
>Powered by the Lewd: It's done
>Rapture World: It's done
It sucks
My general understanding is stuff that doesn't offend certain people's Sensibilities
Post DM's nuts
Paladin, cleric and drow are still enjoying some downtime rest. Meanwhile I am working in other solo campaigns, but also thinkering around some random village events I could include.

The theme of the village is somewhat primitive community build over the ruins of an ancient structure. What rumors/adventure seeds you guys propose? I am going to make a roll table so paladin and his harem can get to work as soon as he heals fully.
Monsters have been sighted using/destroying/near important infrastructure, like a water source or the church!

Someone saw an important figure's wife leaving the home of another man early this morning!

A neighboring town is going to have a feast for a local event and relatives are looking for protection on the road.

A village boy was exploring the ruins and discovered something!

A friendly stranger tells the Paladin that there's a plot to kill his drow companion by a fanatic, he suggests leaving town... for his own good.
Will the LA maptool frameworks ever get updated?

I think the guy who originally worked on it set the torch aside for someone else to pick up, but it's been a long while now...
the original updater said they were working on an update
ayyy nice. How long ago was that? and did they give an ETA or was it more of a "i'm still alive" situation
unfortunately maybe a still alive situation
Two months ago. Like most of LA stuff, things take ages to get updated
A scion of the original builders of the ancient structures returns and wants to reclaim them like human adventurers do to goblins in ruins.
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>roll 3 d100 kinks for a female characters in my adventure
>A mother and daughter characters I meet both are into bondage
>eventually go to get their neice/cousin from a place that’s doomed
>also into bondage

These dice got something to say about this family
Holy shit, do you have nothing better to do than spam your weird fetish self justification every single thread?
You heavily underestimate padded armour.
It's Applejack!
I thought his name was Cracker Jack?
Candlejack you fucking re
You dumbasses, can’t recognize candlejack? 4chan has really gone downh
Started the Darkmaster campaign and now I feel a little bad: I am growing attached to the hero's small village even when I know that they all are very likely to die once the randomly determined monsters come seeking the chosen one.

Maybe I should tie the fate of the place to how well my MC and his harem perform during the attack. Low results = everyone dies, high results = most are alive and well.
Inspiration post:
>Reminder that female thieves are not for bad ends. They are there to be rescued when they fail their stealth roll.

Also, if this is not standard female adventurer attire in your game, you are doing this wrong.
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I prefer them to look relatively competent but lacking pants.
There’s a fair bit of “Jacket open” or “bodysuit with zipper down” or “crop top that got cropped a fair bit in mine” though >>93856205 got me thinking I oughta lean into that aesthetic a bit more.

And while I haven’t had female thief yet, a female bounty hunter that came after me eventually ended up as she should.
it could get caught against one leg and be driven in to either that leg or the other by the force of running, or the force of the fall if you where to stumble
what do you say to that KNAVE
Native Americans have used that kind of holster for knives for hundreds of years and it worked just fine for them, and they were only using leather
>"Holy shit, do you have nothing better to do than spam your weird fetish self justification every single thread?"
>He says this in a crypto-porn thread where anons post and talk about their literal porn plot games and their female characters being fucked by comically hideous ogres

Yeah and I'm sure you must have better tastes and standards than most of us, don't you?
go back
>a female bounty hunter that came after me eventually ended up as she should.
Impaled on your big throbbing cock and loving it?
Are you gonna cry now?
They had to say it the poor sods...
Every single fucking thread, nearly the exact same post every time to the point that you might as well be dropping a fucking copypasta and editing one or two sentences. Always the exact same about your "porn/hentai plot bad end ugly old bastard takes female adventurer and turns her into broodmare and what happens to her then" fetish.
Here is a fucking idea, you midwit, choose a system, stat up your "Lily-a-nee" or whoever else you want to use, and actually play a fucking game and see what happens. Start from 0, build her up, then see if she ends up ugly bastard'd. Play goddamn game.

Given how its hung and that she's wearing a padded jack, that is really unlikely to happen. Again, you severely underestimate padded armour, it's a lot more effective than dnd and the like would have you think.
>Always the exact same
Hey, that's not true. They went from getting mad and argumentative towards people who try to apply any logic to hentai scenarios as a pointless goal to now trying to make sense of it and having it work in a way that doesn't make himself mad.

It's like they gave up then gave up on giving up.
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these kind of cloth design look too convoluted to my eyes. It would be normal if this was a queen of some major nation or at least a princess, but if this is 'average', the setting starts looking ridiculous. Modern CRPGs are constantly getting this wrong. Often, less is more and I am not just talking from a pervy perspective.

this >>93856205 looks a bit more realistic to me when I imagine what an 'average' girl should be wearing to make the setting sexy but not ridiculous.
Obviously, we are looking at very different tech levels

I am thinking of settings such as Pathfinder's Castrovel - relatively hot, jungle climate, the norm for clothing is bare necessity for function. To the point where its normal for women to go around naked.

I only see 2 routes in terms of society/world building on this one
One way to indulge the fetish of 'rich ugly bastard + common girls' is conquest - meaning we are taking about captured slaves or something. In which case the women are 'discarded' from the harem when they get older. At best, she is lucky to transition to a different job within the household or sold to a lesser household for menial labor.
Its a grimdark variant, but its one that has actually played out most often in our history and can even be considered to be the norm for a lot of it when it came to conquest
The other is you have a peaceful society. In such a case there would have to be customs to provide long term security for the women. If rich men failed to provide for their concubines when those get older, it would relatively swiftly make young women very fearful of accepting such a role. One generation of watching dirty old women beg on the street and would teach every young girl that accepting the role is a slow death sentence.
Try this fetish on for this anons
I call it
>Sample setting: Castrovel
>dominant humanoids: Lashunta
>Males look like stereotypical dwarfs, stronger and hardier than females
>Females look like sexy pinup elves, have stronger telepathic power, especially when it comes charm and influencing wildlife
>General background: jungle planet, bountiful life, predators and dinosaurs, all flora and fauna are generally larger and tougher than on Earth.
>environment social impact: males are war oriented, hardy, heavy armor wearing barbarian types. Females are manipulative, stealthy, careful. Its normal to wear nothing at all, or have the bare minimum essentials - hot and somewhat humid weather means clothing is never really needed and every little thing adds discomfort. Lashunta males take pride in ignoring said discomfort when they armor up.
>The race is telepathic and it takes time to master one's telepathy. Most Lashunta go through puberty decades earlier than they learn to adequately control their telepathy.
>as a result, society has a very relaxed view of sexual desires. Everyone will have spent at least a decade of their life in a state where they already have strong sexual desires but are yet unable to prevent themselves from telepathically broadcasting them to everyone around and particularly to the subject of their interest
>imagine highschool, but having a sexual day dream or even a fleeting sexual impulse about a girl also means sexting said daydream and thoughts to her that same moment.
>so key takeway is that Lashunta females would be used to knowing exactly when anyone lusts after them and also knowing the exact details of such desires.
>as a result, sex and lust have no taboos. Its considered exactly as normal and routine to lust after a woman as it would be to feel hungry or tired.
Just report his post for spam. If we all do it, he'll get booted.
>by same extension, deciding to satisfy a man's lusts is also treated about the same as a woman deciding to feed a man a meal

so its personal, as you don't get girls offering you sandwiches at random, but its also not nearly as big of a deal. entirely normal that if two strangers meet at a campsite, if the woman is feeling just slightly benevolent to you she might offer to give you one of the meat pies she has in her rations... or in the same scope, offer to satisfy that sexual urge you just broadcast at her.
Now mix in human guys with Lashunta females - maybe one gets isekaid on Castrovel or something. Every female he meets can read any thoughts, desires or fantasies he has about her as she intuitively just reads his mind whenever he lusts after her. Anything he wants to do to her or wants her to do to him is immediately known to the girl. And she grew up in a culture where doing any of that is equivalent of sharing a water bottle or a meal (obviously adjusted for the effort it takes)
You meet see a girl, by default she is about so close to naked it barely matters, you have a fleeting fantasy about fucking her or having her go down on you or something like that - its treated about the same as if you told a human woman that the pie she just cooked smells tasty. So the rule of thumb would than be, any time you are in a situation where a human woman would be willing to share some food with you, a lashunta woman would likely be just as wiling to help ease your lust and they always know exactly what and how you want it.

Caveat is that this automatic mind reading only applies to sexual stuff. For everything else, they have to use offensive telepathic powers.

Consider the fantasy of travel and adventures on a world where women are like that.
Its impossible to hide your desires from any of them... but they also are very easy-going about it. Aside from that its your standard sword and sorcery world in constant upheaval.
Pretty good concept, though I get hung up on the sex-thoughts-only caveat, and the problem of broadcasting vs receiving. I would propose that the transmission of sexual desire requires one to be telepathic like everything else, and, since you imply that adult Lashunta get their telepathy under control, meeting a young adult human male who lacks telepathy in this world would come off for the Lashunta like meeting someone whose mannerisms are unusually mature and reserved for his age. Might possibly hit the sweet spot for both young and MILF Lashunta women, who could feel like they would get the best of both youth (beauty) and middle age (self-discipline) from our lucky everyman self-insert protagonist.
Seems quite retarded to me. Why Males are dwarf-like and Females elf-like. What's the point for such difference.
If is really how why the fuck would males wear heavy iron stuff instead of being naked like women.
Being able to telepathically read sex stuff means you are constantly bombarded with lewd imagery from different people all at once so you'll go insane immediately. Why you think telephats that can read minds usually hate crowded places in fiction? Rather than be relaxed on sexual stuff they should instead be extremely strickly towards not thinking sex stuff without causing discomfort to others of the same species
i guess it would depend on which fetish to cater to.
if you want to go with 'powerful MC' type who attracts the women by projecting discipline and maturity, your take does that.
I was more aiming at the opposite - a very slow 'zero to hero' MC who at first comes off as a particularly lewdly oriented, inexperienced young one and who, because he is human and has no way to shield himself from such basic telepathy, always have to overcome that initial impression through some heroic feats and behavior.
Also, the biggest fetish draw for me is the girl knowing exactly what the man wants and when he wants it without the man having to say anything, or even consciously acknowledging it. A human guy would not be used to policing his own thoughts too much and would likely find it nearly impossible to adjust if he spent the first decade after puberty freely fantasizing in the privacy of his mind.
So it would be kind of a forced honesty from the man meeting understanding indulgence from the women.
>Seems quite retarded to me. Why Males are dwarf-like and Females elf-like. What's the point for such difference
not sure what you are finding retarded. its just a common natural phenomenon in evolution of life. you know like in actual humans, males are far stronger and more durable than females. There are many species on earth with far greater degree of sexual dimorphism than humans, so why would it be 'retarded' for a man-like species to develop a greater difference?
Or are you looking for a plausible world building explanation for they difference would be even greater particularly on this world?
How about, they live on https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Castrovel
a planet that outside of tamed regions would be closer to prehistoric death world than Earth. Abundant life, means abundant predators.
Would it be strange for a species to evolve so that male evolution is optimized for strength, endurance and toughness while female evolution is optimized for beauty to be able to attract the best protectors and telepathic charm abilities so they can try to domesticate and befriend fauna to serve as their mounts and additional protectors? Aside from telepathy that is literally how humans evolved.
I've read that one. A nice concept wasted on an okay at best She-Ra comic.

>What's the point for such difference.
Ask Piazo, it's their idiocy.
>If is really how why the fuck would males wear heavy iron stuff instead of being naked like women.
In a species with high sexual dimophirms its natural for the sexes to seek to empathize those differences. Males wanting to both show off how strong and hardy they are and also make actual use of those advantages over the females. Again, the same way as in real life, women are prone to wear revealing clothing in societies where they feel safe to do that. While men are just not and instead try to compete on other metrics and status symbols. For Lashunta, I am just extending the same lines of progress that are apparent in humans.
The women being naturally gifted telepaths would lean even more into making use of their beauty and also there is just little purpose to extra clothing on a world that is perpetually warm.
>Being able to telepathically read sex stuff means you are constantly bombarded with lewd imagery from different people all at once so you'll go insane immediately.
you are immediately ascribing human capacity and rate of desires to an alien species. How about for the purpose of the proposed fantasy we just go with
>you wouldn't
as we have nothing to model telepathy off, how about we just go with 'a species that is naturally telepathic, would not be feeling any more overwhelmed by that then humans are by a noisy bazaar. Meaning its something they get used to and learn to filter out at will.
another modifying factor might be different sexual drives. In nudist colonies and societies humans tend to lose association of nudity sexuality. In Lashunta's case, maybe the men are not nearly so horny and are also far more used to their women being mostly nude, so the number of such broadcasts is limited just to the relatively young.
>be relaxed on sexual stuff they should instead be extremely strickly towards not thinking sex stuff without causing discomfort to others of the same species
but what if its not 'discomfort' to them?
Fair enough, but then I'd rephrase the mechanics to "young and/or female Lashunta uncontrollably read others' minds" or something like that so it's consistent
>There are many species on earth with far greater degree of sexual dimorphism than humans, so why would it be
Non-sentient species, and usually the reason is to fend off predators or to be able to produce a lot of offspring
>Would it be strange for a species to evolve so that male evolution is optimized for strength, endurance and toughness while female evolution is optimized for beauty to be able to attract the best protectors
Why not having both males and females being strong and able to fend off predators? that seems way better so if the male is killed, the female can stil lgrant protection to her kids, meanwhile the other case means if the male dies, all die.
>Ask Piazo, it's their idiocy.
This actually explains a lot
>If is really how why the fuck would males wear heavy iron stuff instead of being naked like women.
It was supposed to be "hot" not "how". If the planet is very hot both should wear less or at least not heavy stuff since it makes you sweat more. Unless is something like generic bracers, shins, belts that leave enough for the skin to breathe
>Non-sentient species, and usually the reason is to fend off predators or to be able to produce a lot of offspring
sure but the Paizo writers aren't exactly stretching the fantasy all that far here.
Rather, when I read about their fiction, it struck me as strange that so few fantasy writers play on sexual dimophirism.
Clearly the one who wrote up Lashunta was a man of culture. You can feel that culture hiding implicitly in the text.
>Why not having both males and females being strong and able to fend off predators?
For the same reason as in humans but just more so.
because specialization up to a point is an advantage.
In the case of the Lashunta, females are better at telepathy and can use it to charm powerful beasts and dinosaurs to use for defense. But if that fails for some reason, the tribe still has a source of its own martial strength from the males. In trade-off for that greater telepathic power, the females have weaker constitution and are not built for physical confrontation, so there is no point in them wearing armor as it would merely hamper their ability to flee if telepathy fails.
Meanwhile the males have the physique that lets them endure the heat and weight of the armor even in this climate. So obviously they wear it because it makes them more effective in combat. And its also a status symbol of their fitness as a male. Its like asking why so many cultures in human species have the men grow useless beards - because its 'manly' for obvious reasons.
Frankly once one accepts the premise of sexual dimophirism, there is no point in arguing why the sexes are different. Its like asking why some dinosaurs have armored scales and plates and others are just making do with toothy maws and fast legs.
You may be interested in this
Has anyone ever actually run or played a Rapture World game?
A couple of anons did. Then they moved to anything else.
PbtL and Rapture World are in the list because they were made by anons, but that's that.
I was about to say, it's a bit bare bones and seems to lend itself to relatively short campaigns.
WELL I MAY VERY WELL BE. Thanks! I myself am vanilla as fuck so this helps
Paladin and Cleric campaign: Drow decided to make her move and wait for our hero naked in the room (I got the most extreme result after rolling in a custom tablet). Then something hilarious happened: She actually failed her charisma roll, and not only that, but paladin also failed his own intelligence roll to resist the attempt. I have no idea how to even interpret this interaction in narrative terms, but mechanically while she failed to achieve her objective next time she gets a bonus of+1
Been a while since I posted anything, but Galairian and Lucie's LA adventure has been ongoing. Recent stuff includes:

>Some time was spent in a big city, Galairian spent much of it studying while Lucie worked in the red light district.
>Galairian accepts an epic quest to stop a cult.
>The two take a ship ride to start their journey.
>Storms. So many storms.
>Once the weather clears there's a giant who wants to see some tiddies.
>Everyone's eyes turn to Galairian.
>On one hand this is kinda embarrassing.
>On the other hand, elven pride kicks in.
>"Damn right I'm the hottest woman on this boat."
>Comply, even do a little dance. Regret. Face resembles a tomato.
>Lucie is clearly enjoying this a lot more than she should.
>Next day, a bunch of sailors want a piece of Galairian's ass.
>Galairian is aroused, but not amused. Especially not with the number of interested sailors bordering double digits.
>Politely turn them down. Arrive at port the next day
>This city has a red light district too.
>Lucie happily heads there to earn the pair's daily bread.
>Horny elf has more money than sense.
>Walks right behind her human maid and hires her for the night at the brothel.
>"You could've just asked and I would've done this for free, mistress," Lucie coyly remarks.
>Too horny to retort with anything wittier than "Shut up and fuck me."
>Commence y/u/ri.
>Journey continues in the morning, there's still a long way to the cult's last known location.
>Trip to first village is largely uneventful, hooray for horses.
>Village itself has had some sort of alchemy mishap though.
>A moderate case of tentacles.
>Help the townsfolk with clearing them out.
>One of them gives Lucie a wardrobe malfunction.
>This leads to some unwanted attention.
>Need to tell some dudes to fuck off.
>Bargain for free lodgings as reward for clearing out tentacles.
>Fuck right off in the morning.
>Road to next village has an alarmingly high amount of goblins.
>Nothing the two can't handle, but worrying.
>Town itself is peaceful enough, has a smithy with a bad case of fire.
>Help put it out with magic.
>With that good deed done, head to the tavern.
>There's sex in the tavern.
>Lucie takes the opportunity to earn some money.
>Galairian isn't feeling it, so simply withdraws to a room.
>Sleep poorly due to having to listen to her maid get banged in the neighbouring room.
>Wake up to alarm bells and overall commotion
>Expect goblins because the roads were swarming with them.
>Turns out it's actually minotaurs.

Rolled six combat encounters and minotaurs' numbers for each, but didn't do the actual fighting. That'll happen next time I play.
Please tell me your social mechanics I need ideas
Two main stats to keep track of: Friendship and approval. Both start at 0 by default and can reach a max of 6. Friendship is your actual bond with an npc. Approval is how in agreement your personalities and actions are.

Write down 3 things the npc in question approves. Optionally 3 things she dislikes. Each time the player acts in accordance with that list approval gets a bonus of +1. Only a single bonus can be provided per approved action, maximum of +3 per adventure or dwelve.

At the end of each adventure or dwelve roll 1d6. A result of 6+ means Friendship goes up by 1. This means that approval makes getting friendship levels easier, but it isn't vital. Upon reaching a level of 6, you can either pursue a romance and change this to Love, or change it to True Friendship, both of which can only be lost through acts of clear betrayal, dropping it to, at minimum, a score of -1.
*Correction: Approval max bonus is 3.
Funny thing, House Discordia of all the Houses actually has two of the most potent moves in the game. One is a free attack if an opponent rolls at 9 or less, and one is a free point of leverage if you land an attack on someone that scene.
>sure but the Paizo writers aren't exactly stretching the fantasy all that far here.
>Rather, when I read about their fiction, it struck me as strange that so few fantasy writers play on sexual dimophirism.
>Clearly the one who wrote up Lashunta was a man of culture. You can feel that culture hiding implicitly in the text.
Castrovel is based on weird fiction and sword & sorcery (or rather sword & planet) stories. Such dimorphism shows up now and then.
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For those that are savvy on D&D lore: how common are human-elf relationships in Faerun? I ask, because I want to get a gauge of how surface Drow -- Eilistraee worshippers specfiically -- would view human men. Would human men be a kind of fetish or no? Are interspecies relationships a taboo?
I designed overly intricate social mechanics that in retrospect are kind of overwrought and contradictory to the fun of the game because of how limiting they are.
>interspecies relationships are taboo
Hot. Everyone likes to be naughty and break the rules by fucking someone you shouldn't, someone considered extra dirty.

>interspecies relationships are not taboo
Hot. Everyone wants to be welcomed by exotic, sexy strangers, and indulge their curiosity with an unfamiliar body (and sex acts).

>interspecies relationships are just kind of okay and no big deal
Boring and gay.
She fucked something up that made her feel so self-conscious she couldn't get into it, even though she initiated and he was happy to receive her.
Purely a fetish for elves, since humans live barely a tenth of the average elf lifespan and you get infertile kids
>you get infertile kids
Half elves can have kids, anon.
Each of these whores has fucked a glabrezue.
I imagine Elistraean drow would be trying to distance themselves from Lolthian drow attitudes like xenophobia as much as possible. An individual raised in such an environment would probably be relatively "normal" for an elf, but a lewd angle could be introduced when you remember that there's no greater zealot than a convert, one of Elistraea's domains is Lust, and a former Lolthian drow will likely still be carrying the horniness of her upbringing and now has a lot of experiences of foreign men to make up for missing her whole life.
The elfish word for human translates into "garbage".
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>how common are human-elf relationships in Faerun?
>would view human men
Some shitty joke stolen from ten years ago has nothing to do with actual lore.
Pretty sure Drow don't speak "elfish", so I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.
Duh, Drow speak Black Elfish
I’m assuming that’s elf-ebonics


So in other words pretty friendly, but very horny.
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Anyone ever try running lewd Persona/SMT, or something analogous to that? Basically anything where doing something to someone's counterpart in the dream world causes an affect on them in the waking world.
You could do some real weird demon negotiations in that system, weirder than the already are.

There’s a fanmade purseowner on here http://thevelvetbook.wikidot.com/ that seems massive enough to have all the shit you’d need to generate off of, just add a bit less censorship than fatlus and it’ll be lewder. There’s also an smt one thats official but don’t think it would have the social aspects. You could also jury rigg some social systems into it if that aspects lacking.
I'm a fan of TVB, haven't checked out the nitty gritty of it since an earlier development cycle. Not sure I want to take a fan thing people worked hard on and just tack on lewd...

...but I might.
> female evolution is optimized for beauty to be able to attract the best protectors

yes that would be practically unique in fact
sexual selection is generally along the lines of males must be as beautiful as possible because females have their pick of males
and will go to the best
dudes having lower standards than chicks is the rule in sexual selection
egad you c-can...REPEAT YOURSELF?!?!?!
legs are about 4 times stronger than arms wiseass
ill be honest i dont know the deep lore on this single image character on how all the straps and rivets are arranged so i couldnt tell you if there where means to prevent that from happening
but nothing there approaches safe
There's been some instances where dreams/mindscapes are touched on, but nothing so literal where you're repeatedly dungeon-delving in order to alter someone's mind.
Though that does sound like a very fun angle, since it turns what could be a social aspect of convincing someone into a more combat aspect where you enter their mind, beat up dream monsters, and convince them that way.
I'd view it as achieving things that normally can't be achieved with a single social roll, or at least not very quickly without a lengthy series of god tier rolls through complex circumstances.

You're probably not going to convince the class president who is graduating valedictorian with distinguished honors and who already has multiple acceptance letters and scholarships to top universities to drop out senior year and become a stripper without major effort or difficulty. Invade her dreams and conquer them thoroughly enough and suddenly she's dancing on a pole for singles one day.
This is actually pretty good. The rules could use some fleshing out but are nice right here. I can see some influence from eromanga, and I could change and add some things. There is some influence from WEG though, and I can take that out.
Yeah. I think it has the advantage in that rather than more complex social mechanics, you can basically lean on the combat mechanics of any given system instead.
Lots of good potential there.
The should probably be some social mechanics for things that don't quite call for invading someone's dream space and doing inception on them, but for long shot things like personality rewrites etc then it makes sense to do it that way.
Eilistraee worshiping Drow are in most things more mellow than most Drow and this includes their view of other races. However depending on the era they'd view Human men with about as much suspicion as any other male. The fact your average human's reaction to a drow is going to be anything from panic to violence won't help matters.
That said, there is SOME history of Drow at least fooling around with Humans (I think one of the first drow in fiction was a traveling companion with benefits of a human protagonist, she was a Greyhawk drow so things were a bit different).
One that'd be willing to have your kids would be unusual, and a keeper.
that is a man
You faggots really spend your days making up sex games to help each other jerk off? Holy shit, you're all pathetic losers.
Nah, I think that's pretty cool.
Where do you think you are?
Look, if you’re already doing a solo rpg, there’s no reason NOT to add sex and lewdity to it. Who’s gonna judge you? The other players? What other players!? And yeah it has to be discussed and refined SOMEWHERE.

On that note, I’ve been playing Ironsworn starforged and adapting a few different lewd rulesets but haven’t found any where the act of fugging ITSELF is fun and interesting to me, and rather than continueing to add and swap frameworks, I realized I could probably just take ironsworns progress system (used for fighting encounters and exploring) and apply that to sex. The back and forth in combat gets portrayed well, so why not our favourite back and forth? Before I get to it, has anyone else ALREADY done it?
Are you gonna cry now? Like a little bitch?
table source?
Labyrinthus, The Tree (Infested). The box says it has 1d3+1 different entrances to Infested Tunnels - is that multiple entrances to the same Infested Tunnels or is it 1d3+1 completely different Infested Tunnels?
>Paladin is finally healed and miracously, no bad event triggered in the town.
>Another miracle: 3-in-6 chances someone stole the silver they left in the dungeon, but after going back it was still there.
>We buy some armor, resources and also a draft horse to carry our stuff. Paladin wanted a big, mean warhorse, but the budget made that a little unviable and rather useless.
>Only thing left was to roll for rumors and see what adventure comes next.
>tfw it was that one quest an anon here proposed before: intelligent monster comes to reclaim the town ruins claiming that per ancient law the place is his by right.

Now, this is an interesting situation: Depending on how hostile the monster is, paladin might actually try to reach a settlement with the village so the ancient law is respected. Needless to say, the village is hostile towards non-humans and won't accept anything less than murder for something like this, and will demand paladin to do his fucking job.

How will our boy react? Unless the intelligent monster rolled is a drow, his new conquest won't care, and clericwife just defaults to murder 90% of the time. This has a lot of fun potential to really test his ideals.

> female evolution is optimized for beauty to be able to attract the best protectors

yes that would be practically unique in fact
sexual selection is generally along the lines of males must be as beautiful as possible because females have their pick of males
and will go to the best
dudes having lower standards than chicks is the rule in sexual selection
>yes that would be practically unique in fact
>sexual selection is generally along the lines of males must be as beautiful as possible because females have their pick of males
>and will go to the best
>dudes having lower standards than chicks is the rule in sexual selection
What a strange bot
you wouldnt help a homie jerk off?
or is the only way you can get off, being degraded by the angry words of neck beards luridly typed out on cum spattered keyboards
you naughty boy
indeed indeed
You know I read that reply and thought it was weird because I was 90% sure I had read it before.
Same. That's why I searched, to make sure I wasn't going crazy.
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>get to sex scene in my game, but don’t want to make it as boring as last time
>spend far too long to write out a while sex system for ironsworn starforged in my chickenscratch
>fits with other mechanics in game and emulate combat with some minor differences
>first roll is (6/10,10) MISS WITH MATCH CRIT FAIL
Di-did my guy just pass out or something?

Either way, I need suggestions for a table of “Complications” in a sex scene. Someone interrupting, physical compatibilty concerns, random pain and cramps, something ruining the mood, someone farts or something, i dunno. Anyone got any?
Worst result should be dick bent
You better post those rules later. Also, what system are you using and what's your campaign about?
Broken benis is absolutely going up there, bad angles DO happen and it’s tragic.
Ironsworn Starforged. Been using a couple other lewd rulesets for the romancing but got tired of switching mindsets. I’ll clean it up and add stuff for the buildup and relationship stuff once I figure out if I can add that too. After the initial CRIT fail the rest of the encounter was fun.
Actually, how a serious of a game would you want this to be beyond doing lewd things to people who normally wouldn't bend to lewdity? Who's to say that the lewdity isn't a side quest or a sub mechanic in what could be a much longer and more interesting game?
AH forgot what it was about. It’s my first solo rpg playthrough and was gonna be straightforward till I found this thread and figured “why not?” Wanted to switch from this game as I’m not big on scifi, but the generating rolls went really well.
>The start of the story is at a system where the star is about to explode so the main planets been fucked by the various struggles of people rushing to get out. Ships are limited and resources are scarce.
>Our hero works in a full ship (with limited fuel so we can’t skip town) salvaging stuff from the clusters of broken ships orbiting the planet. One day he meets a scifi fairy thing (which I made less crystal monster and more lewd fairy) who promises to imprint on me if I take it along with a community of people to a planet with life where she can rebuild the fairy community. She needs people with us to protect the fairy community (and maybe to make babies, fairies are born from a babys first laugh right? Need babies, or I’m not sure if that’s the system).
>So the goal has been getting people and supplies in order to get the fuck outta there. I’ve built up a some people including the longtime collaborator girl, a group of scavengers who found a potential planet, an ex thief (who rolled impossibly high stats for looks and charm), a monster hunter, a drug obsessed doctor, a tomboy mechanic, and a plucky sidekick girl to apprentice me and lose clothing.

>This particular scene happened post saving the last member before we go, a bounty hunter, from a machine cult. The save itself was close fought, neary got completely seperated from the crew using a countdown mechanic for a ship I was on that was gonna leave. Was prepared to deal with it, but got out in time.
>Got back to the ship and brought her to med bay before being ordered to rest. (1heath left)
>she tried to sleep fug me as she’s messed around with me before and what do ya know, one of her generated kinks is unconscious people
>she fails her roll so I get on top of her
>want to ask her about the incident BUT why would I do that when she is naked under me
>sex scene starts crit fail
The scene itself was good, fet like a challenge pucking what move to do to keep it going and deciding when to climax. The crit compliaction was “sidekick girl is peeping and caused sudden loss of stamina/momentum”. I’ll need an actual problem table next time
Need help naming a femboy character i'm making
Pick something that can work for both: Charlie. Alex. Ashley. Kai. Phoenix. Aaron/Erin.
And that's the way we like it!
Unfortunately I have yet to find any images of a female draegloth.
Lolito el Putito
Multiple entrances to the same Dungeon
Cheers, thank you. What's the reasoning behind multiple entrances do you know?
>What's the reasoning behind multiple entrances do you know?
Classic D&D and contemporary dungeon crawlers place a high value on exploration in delving. Multiple entrances adds more 'surface area' to the dungeon by making it more explore-able. Dungeons are meant to be revisited multiple times, and while you're away the monsters repopulate. Multiple entrances also means multiple exits, for emergencies and pathfinding the shortest route out. Some parts of the dungeon may only be accessible by one entrance, until a secret path is discovered or a new path is carved out.
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Six waves of minotaurs survived, though not fully unscathed. Lucie isn't immediately present because she spent the night whoring and needed some time to prepare.

>Galairian is so OP at this point that she wins most one-on-one encounters with a single Magic Dart.
>First wave is two Minotaurs. Dart one, dodge the other's attacks, dart again.
>Second wave is one plus a Lord. Lucie joins in.
>Electric Strike the Lord while Lucie attacks the minotaur.
>Doesn't accomplish much, his counterattack wrecks two layers of her elven leathers.
>She flubs another attack but thankfully Galairian is there to dart the bull away.
>Next wave is a single Minotaur, Lucie gets the drop on him with some fairly impressive rolls.
>Guards' turn to shine, they gain a win against three Minotaurs.
>Assist them with a Chain Lightning
>Another three appear, Burning Field is a spell.
>Final wave is two Minotaurs. One gets the dart, the other is defeated by the nimble thief.

Galairian burned most of her mana fending away the minotaurs and Lucie's armour is busted, so the two decide to recuperate instead of continuing their journey. The villagers are thankful, but Lucie looking like a freshly defeated Taimanin ready for training is getting a lot of unwanted attention. It doesn't help that this feeds right into most of Lucie's fetishes so the mere thought of it leads into her being partial to playing the part. Galairian opts to be a spoilsport and drag the horny thief into the inn where they're subject to more unwanted attention. Approched by five dudes, Lucie actively wants them to run a train on her at this point. Galairian gives up and books a room by herself, pulling Lucie along just long enough to strip off her leathers and nudge her to the gentlemen's care wearing only her underwear. With some grumbling she breaks out a sewing kit and gets to repairing the busted leathers. Soon enough she can hear Lucie receiving her reward for helping save the town from a neighbouring room.
Mostly because the entrances are below the tree through roots, and since the Dungeon theme is "Infested Tunnels" it makes sense that it has more than one entrance to indicate that rather than being dug by living creatures is more of a "natural formation" of small galleries and tunnels (although Infested Tunnels might be made by flesh-like walls). It also allows to let you to come up with some entrances being guarded by creatures while there might be a third on the back of the huge tree that is partially hidden and you can avoid the encounters but it leads into a Hazard Room. it also let you get in one but leave from another
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Literal retard.
Makes sense, thank you very much
I don't necessarily agree with the premise that a lewd game has an intrinsically short shelf life. I do agree that most lewd games are lacking in things to do and goals to achieve.
wow that's a lot of sneed in one place
I was reading up on the Monster Girl Encyclopedia's setting recently for an idea of a game I had, but all of it boils down to having a lot of sex all day and making a lot of babies. That works fine for porn, but it isn't a great basis for a long-running game, so I'm going to inject monster girls into Ironsworn's default setting and see how that plays out instead. I just need to finish reading the rulebook.
That's kind of why I'm thinking Persona but also Delta Green/Call of Cthulhu. Do lewd things to shadows and turn your enemies into sluts and bimbos all you like, but there are mysteries to solve.
cool! Is erotic arcana the only other supplement you use when it comes to lewd 5e solo rpg or are there any rules, tables, etc that you've added to your game?
How does Ironsworn as low fantasy work with MGE at least on paper? I'm not super familiar with Ironsworn but it seems like MGE is more high fantasy-ish.
No idea, since I haven't played it, but I'm only using MGE for monster designs and ideas. I'll probably stick to the low level ones and keep their power level down. Goblins and kobolds, not dragons and lilim. I'm sure it can be worked out without impacting the isolates villages struggling against nature in an inhospitable land too much.
stone knives do not have foot long blades
its a matter of practicality
short sharp brittle
Didn't someone already make nsfw rules for Ironsworn?
Best system, lewd or not, to play a pulp fantasy barbarian conquering land, collecting a harem of scantily clad beauties and defeating evil sorcerors?
the Conan RPG?
Barbarians of Lemuria, or perhaps Savage Worlds.
Define pulp. The answer might be Exalted, or it might be not an answer at all.
>Human-Elf Relationships
Relatively common. Most of the examples in Faerun are elven men with human women though.
Generally most are known in the West Coast because Moon/Silver Elves are common and enjoy partying, if one takes Greenwood's notes from Candlekeep there's even an example of a moon elf and an orc getting together.

Drow as a whole tend to still have some racial supremacy vibes, even when living on the surface. They're not as violent/strict about it as the underdark ones, but it happens.
Eilistraee Drow tend to be relaxed about whatever, since their whole thing is about doing good and not giving a fuck about what other people think.
That said Eilistraee Drow are kind of schizophrenic in writing, some writers have them as sexist, others say they're basically trad waifus, and then others say they're kind/nice/good, but they're still Drow so they enjoy playing tricks that some surfacers find offensive, and several are described as really enjoying murdering the fuck out of evil.
Fantasy involving trees and plants.
Very well, back with paladin and cleric adventures, the monster trying to reclaim the ruins in the village was none other than an ettin. And the thing isn't "reclaiming" part of the place, rather, it set a lair in the nearby ruins and is already attacking the local shepherds.

I looked in the monster manual and the thing is a 13 foot tall evil monster that can kill each and every single one of my characters with 1 hit. Knowing this, we went and tried to secure the support of the local leader to kill the beast, who turned out to be an old, faithful knight with a nomad wife. Because we both belonged to the same religion and he was in fact a zealot, securing new equipment and more hirelings wasn't a problem.

Current plan is to scout the lair during the day (the ettin is active at night and prefers the darkness), see if there's more than once entrance, and if that's the case, try to seal those with rocks or earth. Once that's done, we will use flaming oil and tons of wood to set a fire that we will throw down the one remaining exit. Hopefully this will either do the job for us, or at least weaken the ettin enough to take it down with sheer numbers.

Not gonna lie, I am scared shitless and felt tempted to fudge the dice for a weaker result, but at the end decided that making this encounter easy via planning and preparation is the way to go. Any ideas in how to deal with it? My ace in the hole is drow casting her only spell, light, to blind the fucker for 12 turns and then set him on fire+make everyone attack.
>Awww yeah, that's right, show me that softwood timber
Poisoned bait could be an option if it's eating the sheep, or piling some particularly noxious chemicals inside its home to help the fire fumigate it (cooking oil is nasty when it burns). If you can't smoke it out and you can't stuff an ewe full of some sort of nightshade, I'd suggest an ambush with a pit, ropes to restrain it once it falls over, and start chopping at the necks. Sort of like Gulliver's Travels, but more violent.
I'm glad my idea for the monster was productive for you, anon. Thank you for checking back in with how you used it.
Idea: secure a ballista (or multiple if possible) and point it/them straight at the only remaining exit. There's also the classic pot of boiling pitch dropped from above.
Additional idea: construct barricades and obstacles of angled, sharpened wood posts, pointed toward the lair entrance, to make it a nuisance for the ettin to maneuver. Basically, think of it as a proper siege, but adapt tactics from both sides, since you're trying to defend the outside from what's inside the "castle," rather than trying to breach the castle itself.
Newfag here, currently making my character at Labyrinthus. I'm confused at the concept of "Burden Dice" and "Superior Dice". Would love to be enlightened, thank you in advance.
From the description of it, it looks like a dice pool. Normally your pool is one dice, but those add another to it. The difference is, with the Burden dice you also raise the amount of successes needed by one.
I was asking earlier in the thread if anyone had, would appreciate it if anyone can find it. Otherwise, I can type out what I’ve made once I’ve refined it a bit more.
Speaking of Ironsworn, anyone have any blogs or play reports with the mechanics laid out? I checked OP but didn't find any.
Normally you roll 1d10. With a Superior Dice you roll 2d10 and take the highest. A Burden Dice you roll 2d10 but take the lowest.
This is the right answer >>93884357
Thank you friends
I should mention in Ironsworn starforged the system changes so you’re always doing 2d10 and 1d6 plus bonus. If the d6 plus bonus is better than 2, you get strong hit. Better than 1 is weak hit which is mixed bag of progress and bad shit. Worse than both is a miss and bad shit occurs.
Ironsworn is just the Mörk Borg of Solo Games.
It gets a lot of praise but most of the time people quickly realize is either boring or unfun to play.
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This is the version I have from 2023. Not sure if anon updated it later or not.

It doesn't meaningfully use ironsworn mechanics in sex itself tho, so I'd be interested in what you've made.
So this is where you guys 'publish' your works? Any other place? I'm not really interested in profiting off my junk but some feedback might be nice.
no, that would never work

if you have enough content or are consistent enough to bring in a following, say one chapter a month minimum, there's tons of amateur writing websites out there

of course since this is lewd rpg general and 4chan which means you might have weird feitshes and/or unfortunate western politics in your stuff, so you might need to be careful about choosing the right place
I have considered opening up a ko-fi.
Me too, but not for thing kind of thing. For games of this nature, I'd at least like to know if what I can produce is at least mildly interesting enough to be shared or commented on. When I'm finally done I'll post it and then see if it merits a (you) or not.
Ignore this retard >>93886905.
If you have a lewd game and want some feedback you can also publish a link in here but depending on its content, engagement by anons is not guaranteed.

Is not like the OP actually tells you that
I bet she has pube stubble, hot

Are these comics worth reading?
Where is a GM supposed to find players for an ERPG?
You will be able to find people on Reddit. I suggest you go to r/ERP. They'll be the most knowledgeable and willing to play games centering around ERP.
Fuck off
Is there any confliction with using starforged instead of ironworn?
Well thanks for being civil at least.
I haven’t tried vanilla ironsworn but this looks compatible with what I’ve played of starforged
Thanks, this has a lot of good ideas for the non-sex parts which I was stuggling to fit nicely, in particular adding RAPE and groping to bad stuff was something I didn’t think of. I’ll maybe combine this and the intamacy progress mechanic I’ve made and see how it goes. If it goes well I’ll clean it up and make a pdf too.
Never tried myself, but I'm sure there's an erp thread or two on /trash/ if you can stand to put up with that sort
How bad is the sort on /trash/? I've actually had decent luck on /soc/ before, players who were at least on par with what you found in the gamefinder thread here when it was still around.
Very well, Paladin and Cleric faced the Ettin and in the end the plan turned out to be an overkill. It wasn't less scary because of that however:

>We suround the lair with obstacles and stakes to make movement as difficult as possible
>Flammable oil around the entrance
>A whole cart of flammable material ready to be thrown down the lair
>Paladin starts by igniting the cart, and then he and other 5 dudes push it inside with all their might. By sheer luck no one got burned.
>The flaming ball ignites the whole place as it is destroyed, including the skins the ettin wears
>Now the very pissed and unintelligent monster, ignited and in pain, charges forwad and out of the lair.
>Comes across the fire barrier
>Will he charge forwad? He hesitates for a moment and three retainers throw their javelins, all missing.
>That does it
>He charges the very fire, moving at max speed, and attacks the vanguard
>Lady drow and a retainer knight are attacked. Thanks to the penalties given by the barricade, the fire and the smoke he misses the first, but not the second
>Knight is crushed like a can
>At the verge of panic, paladin orders the men to throw javelins again while he tries to contain the beast, this time they hit, and the fire also keeps chipping away at his hp.
>Paladin hits too
>Drow uses light
>Saving throw: 7, failed
>The Ettin is blinded in the middle of combat, and also confused
>That's all it takes: paladin orders everyone to attack again.
>Burdened under so many attacks, Ettin finally falls.

After this we recovered the treasure in the lair. It was mediocre. Just as mediocre as the local lord's reward, a single jewel, but I guess a knight in the middle of nowhere isn't very rich.
After that they celebrated in the tavern. But to give some context to what happened next, is necessary to go back to the previous night:

>Roll to see if there's any interesting interaction
>Yes, there's... Cleric and drow talk
>UNE gives a rather surprising result: Drow, who knows how much Cleric hates her, and that normally doesn't care about her, was not only friendly with the woman, but in fact expressed her gratitude for rescuing her from that dungeon
>Clerics passes her WIS check: against all odds, drow is sincere

The next night comes, I ask some questions to the oracle, and well... Drow seemingly changed her approach to the seduction scheme, because paladin woke up in bed with a massive hangover, his naked wife, and also a naked and very pleased-looking drow.
Based. Good on the drow for tackling the most difficult obstacle to riding this kid into a life of status and luxury.
It sounds like things are working out for them! Hopefully, their next quest has a nice reward at the end for them. I hope the paladin doesn't take another death under his leadership too harshly.
Labyrinthus, any limit on magic rings? Have a Ring of Mage but just rolled for a Lesser Ring of Mage - is there a limit or would you also say the Lesser version counts as a duplicate so re-roll?
>So, do you guys actually subject male characters or male npcs in any of these compromising, degrading and humiliating sexual scenarios?
Yes. Do I play it out in detail? No, because it doesn't interest me, but everyone plays by the same rules.
I am not into malesub so it's not in the game. I am into femsub so it is in the game. Simple as that.

Also the girls of my setting aren't actually traumatized by rape. They're fine. It's more of a "Oh no, not again! Waah!" kind of reaction to rape. Saying "You suck!" after the act and can go from submissive to stabby in no time at all.
>in a quest to rescue friends and settlement members from tentacle captivity in an Infested Tree dungeon
>find imperious statue that forces a Brood quest to be impregnated 5 times or else

Rescue mission detour I suppose!
As explained at page 78 of the Core Rules you can have up to 2 rings equipped. So far there are no limits to duplicates so you can equip both the Ring of Mage and Lesser Ring of Mage

A classic plot twist for the Infested Tunnels i see
I always think "no duplicates" rules are bullshit unless it's a unique piece of gear or it doesn't make sense, like wearing two magic cockrings doesn't strike me as sensible. I have ten fingers, let me wear ten rings!
Most of the time is a balance thing, since you can get loaded with stuff that gives you a lot of bonuses and just steamroll everyone. Also Ring 1 and Ring 2 is just for "magical rings". Trinkets never count for the limit of bullshit you can wear. if you have 10 copper rings you can wear all of them
Thank you!
Damn not bad but I really wanna see the elf get a train run on her next
Join the Discord server
I don't wear programmer socks tho
the social combat system?
Labyrinthus, my character already has Kinks for tentacles, impregnation and being restrained. Rolled a 6 on Flustered Miscast while Horny, and it says to add a new Kink based on the enemy - a tentacle lurker.

Any ideas for other Kinks based on this creature?
All the way through.
Yes, but also the two-axis results system that builds complex ramifications into every exchange. For example: if you succeed at deceiving a guard into believing you're important and allowed to be somewhere, but roll a Despair, maybe he believes you so hard it becomes a major hindrance to you, with him following you around, announcing you to everyone, asking for advice or favors, getting all up in your business, and generally making it way harder to escape notice for the rest of your infiltration.
Update on paladin and cleric: I am feeling very stupid right now. Can you guys believe I completely forgot to assign xp for treasure recovered? Not only are they (except drow because her class requires crazy amounts of xp) above level 2, but are well on their way to level 3. After rolling the hit dice our young couple aren't as 1-hit-able as before, which is good.

That aside, they had to deal with the consequences of their little night of drunk fun. Drow was pleased and violently smug, but after rolling a horribly low reaction roll, cleric wasn't having it: she almost attacks the elf once she remembered how the bitch got her and paladin drunk, and to save herself she had to escape from the room half naked. The poor boy wasn't free from the zealot's fury either, accused of being an easily manipulable horndog that would get himself and her killed at this rate. After chewing him up for an hour cleric demanded physical "compensation" for his supposed "infedility", which triggered a CON check the boy barely passed (and would've dealt 1d4 damage if he failed).

After this cleric demanded paladin to kick drow out, but once again the boy saved the situation with his charisma by arguing that the "foul hellspawn" had saved them both during the fight by using her spell, and leaving her in a hostile village would be dishonorable. Drow, meanwhile, realized that she should probably attempt to get in cleric's good graces before trying something as extreme again.
Hmm, but you see I don't like all the way through particularly
Oh that's interesting. I have been using story cubes recently, wonder if you could use that for a similar effect
>didn't realize no Concentration Wizard check needed if spell had Combat descriptor

i am dum
The real RPG was the soap opera we watched along the way. Good stuff, anon, I'm eating it up.
Silly me, since it was a tentacle horse the obvious answer was horse kink
Well you can always try to see if there is somethign else easily associated with the Tentacle Creature, for example if you look at the tokens they are all Purple, so a Kink could be Purple Skin (which is also present in the Kink Table), it could be "Multiple Penetration" since a Tentacle Creature can do that, could be Impregnation, could be "Tentacles" since some Creatures have Tentacles (Like the Octomermaid) but are not Tentacle Creatures. Another option could be either the type of location where the Kink occurred or the event that caused it (liek an Ambush)
Still working on lewdsona. Basically just a subset of rules that have to be added to TVB.
How does one find a group like this, is there an LFG Discord?
>can't read
Fuck off
Not what I expected, is Discord just a four letter word around here? Too zoomer?
Thread is not for LFG posts so fuck off
hedidn't lfg though, he asked where to go lfg
>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
go away
he didn't, he asked where he should do it instead of here

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