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Previous thread: >>93768964

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>Rogue Trader Shipbuilder

Thread Question: Best backstory you've seen for a character?
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I still believe, map anon.
Rogue Trader story: the player who plays the ship's Void-Master is a soldier IRL, and tonight he demonstrated in-character how best to chew out soldiers for slights real or imagined. If the lenses on his lasgun are dirty, that means he hasn't been cleaning them properly, and the company gets ordered to clean the ship's 5,531 armorcrys windows. If they're clean, then either he hasn't been practicing with it enough and the entire company gets assigned triple range time, or he is doing a superlative job and is ordered to teach the rest of the company how to do it properly.
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TQ: I don't have a good one. Most of the players I played with had shit backstories.
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Solo Rogue Trader campaign guy here. Does anyone know exactly how many warp tugs you need to transport a Ramilles Star Fort? I figure it must be a minimum of 6 ships but I can't confirm that anywhere.
Yeah, ngl the only truly superlative backstories I've seen were written as examples for online multi-gm pbp games. As in they weren't simply passable, but I wanted to read more.
This. I've had plenty of random players for RT and DH with the majority being some form of, "I was a guy, now I'm a guy with a gun." Boring players are simply the worst thing when you're the GM. The best I've had was from another GM in a game of RT who made a psyker born in the underhull of a derelict raider. The gist is that their powers of creating fire (warmth, light, proof of the Emperor, etc) in the dying underhull caused the character's parent (father, of I recall) to use them as a prop and gain a cult following. They were liberated by the RT buying and cracking the old ship open, but it left them a little confused about having the gift.
I'd rule that you can tow with one ship, but it's slow and dangerous. Towing something bigger than your ship imposes big maneuverability and speed penalties. Tow chains are Exposed, so any damage past shields severs them. If the chains are broken in a Warp Encounter, you just lost the towed fort unless there are other towing ships for redundancy.
fucking lmao
reminds me of my old man
I need help. In the original FFG run of books, which ones had stats for stuff like chaos cultists and plague zombies?
PCs or NPCs? Black Crusade for the former, fucken everything for the latter.
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>Best backstory you've seen for a character?
I don't usually require backstories for peeps, or limit them to two sentences tops, but one time I forgot to say this. The guy made a guardsman who was part of a group of soldiers for hire who did something absolutely terrible. He decided to dip, found a wife, had kids, but then his past...caught up to him. Now he fights again as a mercenary, sending money back home to a wife and children who are long dead. Ended up working it into the series, and in the end he was caught hook, line, and sinker by the House of Korst'la. It's amazing how much a man will bend when love is on the line, and how profitable you can make him as a result.
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Would it be fair to say each Segmentum of the Imperium has it's own "shtick?" Like:
>Segmentum Solar is the most richest, well developed, fortified and connected
>Segmentum Tempestus is plagued by warp storms, unstable routes and pirates
>Segmentum Pacificus is the most rebellious and separatist
>Segmentum Obscurus is the frontline of the Great War against Chaos
>Ultima Segmentum is the most vast and the least centrally governed, with the most autonomies
Any resource that has a more up to date collection of W&G books? Or deos someone at least have a copy of Aeldari: Inheritance of Embers?
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>I want to know more about the wood and the bones
On Athelai, an old slann fond of jokes made the trees sapient. The wood harvested is from the Treemen of Athelai, and they're pretty sure it's dead.
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And regarding the bones, they're the remnants of warp creatures who could twist fate and reality to grant desires. They were all killed. This doesn't stop them from still granting wishes.
How do I get into the mindset of a Rogue Trader PC when it comes to Imperium Maledictum? I'm not a full RT, but like a cadet member of the dynasty or something, right?
Is abaddon stronger than Angron?
some are in resources known to the pirate thread, embers is on zlibrary, but I am too lazy to figure out which one is the real one, and don't like making accounts

You can play it anyway you and the GM agree to, but basically you are a guy who works for a Dynasty, and (maybe) has the potential to work your way higher up the foodchain. You could be a distant relative, close relative, or just a competent dude, depending on how the Dynasty you work for promotes people
>You have a claim to one of these lineages, though likely as a footnote in the roots of some tall family tree.
>Though you have suffered greatly and likely lacked even the meagre privileges you were born to, all of this effort has been towards the higher purpose of securing a destiny of your own.
>For now you remain fettered to your Dynasty, obliged to act according to your highborn status and fulfil your duties.
You're the guy who gets to use the name, but has none of the money, power, or prestige, and no honest hope of ever achieving such.
got some spare time today, took longer than expected screenshotting and fitting it back together. It does have some minor visual errors and weird looking bits but im no photo editor sadly, i'll upload more as I get time.

Struggling to get a decent google search because of the video game, but can I play the rogue trader ttrpg by myself?
New to ttrpgs and this is something that interests me as I dont have a group but im not sure if ive understood correctly
you can play any TTRPG by yourself but it kinda sucks, you should join the Ordo Discordia discord group they always have people posting for new groups.
Thank you ill have a look. Im a complete newbie and relatively new to 40k so I didnt want to anchor a group down straight away if there was a decent way of doing solo to begin
If you're willing to learn the parts of the system you'll need to know consistently (and act on getting to a point where you don't need to figure it out again every session or ask for help each combat), no one will give more than half a shit you're new.
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Quick question: in Deathwatch, the PC Marines begin at 12,000xp plus 1,000xp. However, if I read correctly, they're already considered to be combat vets before their secondment. How would you go building just a regular Marine just out of Scout Company, or even a Scout for a non-kill team campaign?
I wouldn't. The conceit of character creation in Deathwatch doesn't create veterans. It creates baseline spacemarines who will still regularly come across situations where their skills are inadequate or absent.
Use it as-is and ignore the incongruity.
Cheers brother. I'll suggest that to the players then.
If you wanted to, you could consider dropping base characteristics to 2d10+25 instead of 2d10+30, and let them get their choice of +5 to a new characteristic at each rank.
Or limit their use of squad mode abilities, restrict Cohesion restoration, force them to plonk down and take a break to restore 'once per game session' uses of abilities, etc.
But again; don't think you need to.
You might look at Black Crusade CSM creation instead (around 8K XP total), at least for stats and XP. On the other hand, it alwsys felt weird that ancient CSM from the Great Crusade have less veterancy than the relative newcomers of the Deathwatch. I assume this was to bring them down closer to parity with mortal BC characters, but it still seemed wrong. Maybe they're assumed to have degraded somehow due to corruption, but it doesn't fit 40K well for Chaos guys to be less scary than loyalists.
I believe you get to make PCs of the type that have been screwed by warp time bs and barely have more experience than when they fled into The Eye, or just plain aren't vets and more than modern space marines. You do get the option of taking Ancient Warrior or not with some.
>barely have more experience than when they fled into The Eye
This should still be huge (Great Crusade + Horus Heresy + maybe Scouring) compared to 40K-era Marines. They must have Space Alzheimers to justify BC stats.
There's no era entirely without new recruits. And go read the 2e tabletop wargear book. Just flip straight to the back, or pdf equivalent. Repeated millennia of insanity covers a lot.
Is black crusade any good? I have heard it's the least polished of the FFG titles but I've been feeling the pull of chaos and want to give the evil route a trey
It has a bunch of editing issues, but otherwise has less polish compared to the other FFG releases.
It's missing a lot of stuff that you probably need for it to be acceptable for most campaigns. Notably voidship and vehicle rules, which you'll probably want to draw from other lines. Character advancement is kind of messed up due to the choice to tie options to alignment (all of the original FFG systems have issues with advancement schemes, but I BC's seems like the most convoluted). There is also poor balance between marine and other builds. Also, certain rules (Glorifying Acts) encourage PC infighting excessively with large and potentially frequent mechanical rewards. You'll probably want to tone that down some.
It is the game that most says 'Fuckit, you want power fantasy, earn it with your blood and it is yours.'
The only ones that come close are DW and Ascension.
It's good in the same way a Pathfinder game ran and played by buildfags is 'good'. If you love becoming retardedly powerful while you try to gain enough glory that the gods don't turn you into a gibbering worthless slug, then yes it is good.
Though as >>93854674 has noted, you are quite literally told that infighting is good because Chaos is truly about freedom in that 'fuck yours got mine' sense. You are only teamed up in such a way that it benefits you at the moment.
It wears the 'this is an evil campaign of scum, villainy and backstabbing dickery' on its sleeve.
Also it's probably the absolute worse FFG 40k game when it comes to psyker-wank.
Making a game and my IG Combat Medic class needs 1 more ability/talent, any help?
>that traced art
jesus christ
Good to keep in mind. I settled on being a distant cousin of the main family, acting as a "knight" of sorts in fealty to my liege
Somewhat related to that, can Rogue Trader Dynasties, or the planets they conquered that are still loyal to the Dynasty, raise and employ their own Imperial Guard regiment?
I was just thinking about this after Space Marine 2 but what are the implications for the Imperium inventing whole new armories for the Space Marines/Primaris? Should we expect better and more efficient industry for the AdMech or carapace armor to replace flak for normal humans? What happens when starships no longer need 10s of thousands of crew?
>Also it's probably the absolute worse FFG 40k game when it comes to psyker-wank.
As in psykers are stupidly good or dogshit?
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Post whatever you've been working on this month.

pic related is the sisters my wife and I did for the joint sister army we are doing as a break from our main ones.
I think you can do it with 3
It depends on where the writers want to go with it. The IoM might get back to Great Crusade levels of tech development but I am not sure.
The problem with psykers in these games (especially black crusade) is they very quickly outpace every other class in terms of what they do. The psyker can become the party healer with a better heal than a trained doctor, they can completely skip 90% of social checks simply by reading minds, they do the most damage in combat with even tier 1 spells like Psychic Scream completely avoiding armour, not to mention the game breaking tzeentch shit where you literally have meta-gaming spells where the GM has to tell you about anything bad that could happen to you. I think it can be kinda fixed by forcing the psyker player to pick a single school of spells and stick with that, if they want to learn another school they have to actually learn from a NPC or go on some gruelling quest to activate those powers or something. Honestly, a lot of games are improved by just not having a psyker around.
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I believe that they can but it depends on whether or not they have been absorbed into the Imperium officially or not. If they have been officially drawn into the Imperium then I think the Rogue Trader House loses absolute control over the planet but it gets all the benefits of becoming an Imperial Planet, including being tithed for Imperial Guard regiments.

If it is not officially absorbed into the Imperium then it would be able to raise Planetary Defense Regiments but they wouldn't be supported by the Imperium so the Rogue Trader House would have to supply the equipment. This does mean your Rogue Trader House can have a fully tau supplied regiment under your control, right up until the Inquisition got a whiff of it.
>and vehicle rules
BC has vehicle and mount rules.
Outside imperial space, RT dynasties can do whatever they want. Within the imperium they can do whatever they want until someone starts gunning for them, at minimum.
>BC has vehicle and mount rules.
If I recall correctly it had a simplified version of vehicle and living mount rules that treated them the same and gave stats for no vehicles except bikes. I think there were also rules for Daemon Engines, but those were more like big creatures than vehicles. Using rules and stats for that stuff from one (or all) of the other games is worthwhile, especially if you want to have Marines and (relatively) normal humans working alongside each other - vehicles can be a good equalizer for PCs who aren't superhuman. Some Voidship rules from RT are worthwhile too if you aren't going to handwave interplanetary travel, especially given that at least one PC class starts with a ship.
Marine and human games suck. You have to make it so combat can't be lethal enough to threaten astartes because you have the humans around, and you can't have too much social/infiltration RP because it needs to be fixed around the Astartes.
>You have to make it so combat can't be lethal enough to threaten astartes because you have the humans around
This is the part the vehicles are supposed to help with. Putting your squishy humans in a Chimera or something helps with this.
>can't have too much social/infiltration RP because it needs to be fixed around the Astartes
Unfortunately tanks don't help with this problem as much, so that's still a good point.
Vehicles can be a fun addition but obviously don't work in every situation, also vehicles bring up the other issue that now your characters don't get to use their combat skills and talents, they are just stuck manning a turret (im sorry but being the turret guy SUCKS the 33rd time you do it).
It's pre Only War and Dark Heresy 2e, where more detailed rules exist. The latter is also where the Only War rules for aeronautica finally came out.
Daemon Engines are their own other thing.
Use hordes. Hordes attack marines, and individuals peel off to fight humans.
Hordes aren't terrible but can be rather janky and have their own issues, I just think the combat can be a lot more balanced, fun and fluid with a party of either humans or Astartes. That being said I might be biased towards humans, I think CSM are far less interesting to play and have far less progression (they basically start with the best equipment the game can offer).
>Vehicles can be a fun addition but obviously don't work in every situation
I agree here. There are definitely times you can't take a lot of vehicles where you need to go. They're pretty useful in more open battlefields where you're likely to encounter things like Hordes, though.
>your characters don't get to use their combat skills and talents, they are just stuck manning a turret
Chimeras and Rhinos should have plenty of firing ports for personal weapons (at least the big hatch on top in both cases). I guess human characters who are melee specialists would still be an issue.
Generally my issue with APC combat is its fun for sequences but eventually gets pretty tired when you reduce it to "well you just don't get to move anymore". It's a lot better if you just give the character their own vehicle and crew (whether with minions or by using comrades from Only War), that way the player still gets to use all the mechanics in the game while in their vehicle.
I remember those being in RT and DW, but I don't recall any flyers in OW (Skimmers maybe, but not things you'd expect like Valkyries or Lightnings). I also remember the flyer rules being kind of clunky to actually run battles with.
My OW party is gonna enter a death world jungle next session, what are some interesting animal enemies I could come up with? Stuff that forces the party to engage with the game in a way more than just "roll to hit/shoot". Some of my current ideas are

>A giant centipede made up of segments dozens of metres in length, each segment has its own health and whenever they kill one it breaks the centipede in two and forms two smaller ones. If they kill the head another one forms on the next segment, they have to either burn the entire thing, waste a ALOT of ammo destroying each segment or try to get it trapped somehow.

>Packs of bats with the swarm trait, simple but challenging enough (the party has mostly single shot weapons besides a single flamethrower).

>A worm that travels underground and pops up to try eating the PCs, they can use awareness or survival to try and predict where it is travelling underground.
just let everyone have two characters, one combat focused, one not
This is honestly the best way to do it yeah
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Does the Imperium have flight suits that can match the ability of Eldar Swooping Hawks?
>I don't recall any flyers in OW
Exactly. Promised, but never happened. That's why it was released in DH2.
Astartes relics, for sure.
what book is this from?
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I've been rereading 30k lore and I can't figure out who was actually responsible for taking out Vandire, the Sisters or the Custodes?
Rate my scrap-APC's i'm making for my OW players
Some noble houses have flying power armor suits in necromunda but besides that there's a space marine jet pack that just gives them actual wings on top of the usual bullshit.
From what I remember the sisters killed him on behalf of the custodes. Take this with a grain of salt.
Looks good but not particularly 40k ish. Have a good time.
I do agree with the HEMTT truck but was the only half decent army truck asset I could find with a top down view
Eh, it's not worth the effort to make a new asset. I doubt anyone will care.
Are there any fan made psychic disciplines for the FFG lines?
I was working on a tzeentchian "chronomancy" tree at some point but stopped since my BC game ended, it was gonna involve weird support spells like shifting around initiatives, giving bonuses to reaction moves, undoing an enemies turn and debuffing people by rapidly ageing them
Neat stuff, did you get to use some of it?
sadly not, but i'll try and find the document I made for it somewhere, might be on my old laptop
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Damn I forgot about the Spyrers! I remember seeing some stuff about them being supplied with their kits from the Tau. I think that's the way I'm going to go, securing some of those flight rigs for my personal guard.
Did those ever get a stat block?
I don't remember the two guys up top centre and top right.
You can be basically Indiana Jones. Not the biggest fish in the ocean as you still have superiors (university and Allied military/espionage) but enjoy quite free reign to fly around the world (practically impossible for the regular folks of the 1930s) in search of treasure and nazis to kill.
>That's why it was released in DH2
All I see in DH2 are flyer rules that are mostly the same (perhaps a little simplified) as the ones from RT and DW, and still no actual vehicle stats. Am I missing something?
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>We have located a system that is in an ongoing conflict with a warp based swarm invasion. It appears the government has been reduced to a permanent wartime state relying on adolescent clones who are intergrated into a form of power armor that isn't part of any known technological database but it appears none of them even have the dignity of wearing clothes inside the armor. We will begin supporting the Glamoth forces in a bid to integrate them but what should we do the so called Iron Cavalry?

The IoM finds the Republic of Glamoth from Star Rail. What measures would they go to make them more efficient at killing and would they be civilized to learn the ways of the Imperium or be reduced to slave clone soldiers sent from warzone to warzone?
>be reduced to slave clone soldiers sent from warzone to warzone?
That *is* civilized by the standards of the Imperium. Just bring them up to speed on the basic tenets of the Creed and they're ready to go.
Exterminatus for tech heresy.
On a less intrusive note they would probably get incorporated eventually by the IoM in the usual ways.
On a similar note, are there any guidelines on how to translate shit from Warhammer Fantasy to the FFG version?
Still, are there regiments whos guardsmen troops are exclusively use power armor/carapace. Sure the idea of clone troopers comes from DKoK. But the Iron Calvary feels like they are on par with Astartes without geneseeds
Matriarch and Patriarch, basically super HQs
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Anarchy in the Galaxy. It's still being written.

I think it's cool how they shifted the Spyrer suits from hinted T'au origins to hinted Necron origins, it ties into the Horus Heresy now.
Inquisition don't care about tech heresy, and Admech don't get to declare exterminatus.
Your word is your honor and it has been proven resolute. Thank you, brother.
Seriously though, making good encounter maps is the toughest part of crafting adventures for me. This (and any others you can send) are Throne-given blessings for me.
are there any systems that let u play as xenos? or is it all imperiumslop
>given that at least one PC class starts with a ship
The Pirate Prince from the Tome of Excess. It's mentioned in the details of the class's special rules and rather heavily abstracted (just that the character can use his own ship instead of buying passage and also gets bonuses while on board). If you use Rogue Trader ship rules to implement this, there will be a lot of GM calls to make about options and usage (what sort of ship, how does Warp navigation work in the Virtex, etc).
Rogue Trader has some. I think they allow you too play as Eldar, Ork and Kroot. There are also books in the homebrew section which let's you play Squats (League of Votann)
Good luck finding a game with a xenos pc. Most people play real 40k.
>are there any systems that let u play as xenos?
There is an official Tau supplement for Only War and I'm pretty sure that there are fan made rules for other races if you can't figure out a satisfying rule of 3. As >>93864511 points out you would probably need to run a game or two before people are interested in it.
>There is an official Tau supplement for Only War
Incorrect; it's for RT.
To add to the offerings, there's WanG (not exactly a good system even by the admittedly low standards of 40k games of role).
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For the FFG games? I don't think so. They do have a data slate for Necromunda I think.
thats probably enough to convert them. I just have no idea of the how to do it.
im a lore tourist so excuse me if im wrong but tyranids operate based on a psychic connection with the hivemind, correct? Does that mean nulls/blanks could disrupt or move undetected amongst a tyranid group/swarm?
>Does that mean nulls/blanks could disrupt or move undetected amongst a tyranid group/swarm?
Not unless they have the right power for that type of shit. I never quite got why Pariahs can cast invisibility.
Same reason they can cast laser beam.
Is that one of those "advanced classes" then? How does that work in the game? Because I looked through tome of blood for berserkers and book mentions these careers aren't exactly balanced compared to the ones from core.
But sailing around the maelstrom in an iconoclast with the boys does sound fun. If I ever get time to GM again I may just start up a game like that
>How does that work in the game?
>book mentions these careers aren't exactly balanced compared to the ones from core
The same black box text about this you saw in the Tome of Blood is present in the Tome of Excess, so you'd probably either want to have everyone use these "super" classes or give core characters an XP adjustment as recommended. I think balancing BC classes against each other seems like kind of a joke, though, especially if ships get thrown into the mix (one character can now kill all the others at once with bombardments or drown them in armsmen, but would probably get destroyed in one-on-one combat). Ignoring the Pirate Prince, you can always just provide the group with a ship (or a bunch of them) based on Rogue Trader shipbuilding rules. I think BC isn't as well suited to acting as the command crew of a ship or leaders of an organization since its PF equivalent, Infamy, is an individual character stat rather than a group one (and the game explicitly encourages backstabbing other PCs to improve Infamy). Also, a lot of Components in RT that mostly boost Achievement Points might not be very useful in BC.
>Most people play real 40k
The fuck does this even mean, retard?
Also extremely strange because every single RT group I see has someone playing a kroot or something lol
So you just stole the Ahamkara from Destiny?
Honestly they are my favourite part, if you want I could probably make some for you if you give me an idea of what you want. I have LOTS of modular space ship hallways and shit.
tfw my best player and party straight man has to leave cos their work got moved around. Feelsbadman
Are there any conversion guides between the various games?
How much bonus XP would be appropriate? The books I think mention too that you shouldn't give the super classes much or any starting XP
There's a sidebar covering this in each of the four 'Tome of [X]' books that explains how much extra xp advanced archetypes are worth, which is the same amount you should give base archetypes when used in the same game. Starting XP is always the same.
In just about every core book after Dark Heresy. Just look for where it mentions the other games.
I would be very careful allowing the advanced archetypes in a game, the amount of XP they start invested in them puts them fairly lategame and honestly does not leave much room for growth. Or I would allow them but heavily nerf what skills and talents they start with. Also the Techpriest/Psyker one from Tome of Fate is absurdly busted.
Does it cover converting stuff from the wargame to RPG? Some gear from Necromunda would be neat to add.
>the Techpriest/Psyker one from Tome of Fate is absurdly busted.
It's not Thousand Sons or Q'Sal, so it doesn't get a lookin at the absurdly busted party.
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>Best backstory you've seen for a character?
Sigmar Unberogen
No, but there are a ton of homebrew items, both in OP scroll and online elsewhere.
Other wise, you can do it yourself fairly easily.
I know, I just prefer to have pre generated items to avoid mid game changes.
I pretty much hate the lore of tzeentch in BC, it has one spell where the GM basically has to tell you whatever you want about anything. Literal meta-game magic, really dumb.
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Was thinking of trying to Run an Only War game again.

Been fascinated with back line/irregular troops. And wondering what sort of regiment would "Technically" be backline or support but would still get stuck in the action.

I'm thinking Salvage and Recovery Regiment.
In my OW game one of my players is a vox warfare unit which has been pretty interesting, they also drive all the trucks and have been outfitting them as technicals.
Off the top of my head, artillery (both regular and AA), plus any logistics types would be good choices. Artillery lines can and do get threatened or swarmed by an enemy breathrough; the chances multiply if the enemy is something like a tyranid force dropping on you. And Emperor help you if you're an A2 Echelon unit running ammo and food for the fighty types in your lorries and some traitor Guard armoured force catches you on the road.
I think a Navy Galley and Forage unit that gets sent down to random planets to replenish supplies by whatever means necessary would make for some fun gimmick games.
You could honestly make some really fun mission premises out of being a salvage regiment. Getting sent in AFTER the big battle has already taken place and trying to find Tanks that can be re-used and scavenging plasma guns, all the while taking sporadic fire from surviving bad guys and dealing with unexploded ordinance. Could definenetly rock with that

Campaign nemesis is an Ork Mek trying to loot stuff for his battlewagons and trukks. And you just fight him for salvage rights.
>wondering what sort of regiment would "Technically" be backline or support but would still get stuck in the action.
Ones with the Sabre Battery special equipment doctrine.
Tough and highly caustic cob web-like structures that aren't made by spiders, but formed from an organism similar to slime mold. These web-forming organisms live in symbiosis with the swarms of bats you mentioned, who happen to be resistant to the webs and pick them clean of foreign bodies. The bats employ the webs when hunting larger prey, by goading and chasing prey into the slime webs, since the caustic damage causes the prey to become more easily defestable and digestible by the bats.

Threw this together.

The 66th Galvana Armored Regiment Recovery Battalion
“Vrolek’s Vultures”
Regiment options
Starting World: Imperial World(1)
Commander: Sanguine (2)
Regiment Type: Salvage and Recovery (3)
Doctrines: Scavengers(3), Defenders of the Omnissiah (2)
Drawback: Mistrusted(+3)

Character Creation Modifiers
Aptitudes: Tech
Characteristics: +3 Willpower, +3 Intelligence, +3 Any, -3 strength
Talents: Hatred (Mutant), Die Hard, Nerves of Steel *Or* Battlefield Tech-Wright,
Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate (Surface),
Special Rules: Blessed Ignorance (-5 Forbidden Lore checks), Scavengers (Optional +10 to any logistics, rolling doubles alerts authorities.) Bad Reputation: (-10 Fellowship Tests vs Other Imperial Forces, +1d5 degrees of failure to logistics and commerce)
Favored weapons: Meltagun, Autocannon
Standard Regimental Kit:
• Lascarbine w/2 charge packs
• One Mono Bayonet (Turns into Melee Attachment Upgrade w/full rnd action)
• One standard knife
• One Anointed Maintenance Toolkit
• Magnocluars
• One Munitorium Manual
• One Uplifting Primer
• One Respirator mask
• One Chrono
• One Flak Vest
• One Uniform
• One Rucksack
• One set of basic tools
• One Mess Kit and Canteen
• One Sleep Bag
• One Rechargeable Lamp Pak
• One Grooming Kit
• Combat Rations, 2 weeks
Squad vehicle
Atlas Recovery Tank
It would be even funnier if the rival was just a different salvage regiment
cool idea, I like environmental hazards in my games but its hard to use them without it feeling cheap (getting blown up by a landmine has NEVER felt good).

Having the party get tricked into cornering themselves in a web cave would be fun though
>Scavengers, Mistrusted, Bad Rep
"Staff, where do you want this Hydra we recovered from the Fifteenth Bellonan?" - "Put it in Bay 3 with the command Chimera and the Hellhound. And pop down to the stores for some paint, we need to put on our unit insignia."
A large carnivorous plant whose main mass takes up the bottom of a ravine or fissure and has its tall-reaching vines "symbiotically" interact with a rope bridge at the top - such as by flipping it while someone's trying to pass.
>Created a galactic empire powerful enough to wage war against literal gods
>Couldn't discover chemotherapy nor genetic engineering
The Necrontyr had it coming to be frank.
Would a world Eater that took an emp grenade to the face, frying his butcher's nails, going on a one man redemption by trying to emrace being a healer/therapist again and hiding from his past again work?
I'm seeing as like he has that seconds of clear thought and just 540s out of there to some place that he feels both needs him and is far enough out that noone will question his suprising medical capacity
I'm under the impression it'd be more likely to kill them from what I remember what the nails do to get them like that.
>Would a world Eater that took an emp grenade to the face, frying his butcher's nails, going on a one man redemption by trying to emrace being a healer/therapist again and hiding from his past again work?
This. The nails aren't that simple to overcome. If you want a plausible scenario, maybe say that his was possessed or mutated by one of the other Ruinous Powers to push him away from Khorne. Options include a subtle Slanny follower who treats hurting people by getting them hooked on drugs, a Nurgle guy set on keeping people alive so they can get sick instead of hurt, or just someone who Tzeentch has persuaded to do the exact opposite of what he did before as part of some grand scheme (last probably works best if he has delusions of redeeming his Legion and Primarch).
I was looking at it more as an exploration into a former chaos marine who is trying to return to the emporer or at least stop being a chaos dick
Part of it being to throw a conumdrum at players in a trolley sense
Do you take that someone can recover when they demonstrate pentience
hold that the idea that the emporer can even forgive fallen marines is too dangerous to the status quo
Last thing I want is the empoerer forgives bolter to the face philosophy answer
its short, simple and works, but that's just up there with solving the lying door problem with a drone
And lokey for the GM reason, I need to push an alpha legion spy into shenanigans involving summoning a chaos warband and whatever they end up doing, the dudes armor is going to end up being used to summon the warband for havoc
You'll probably be able to get it from iron warriors, alpha legion, night lords or the like since they have less chaos corruption on average compared to other traitor legions. There are also renegade and solo traitors who recently turned you could use.
40K is the setting of shooting first and not asking questions at all unless you really, really need to for some reason (and you should still probably shoot first even then). If you want a moral dilemma in 40K you can't simply put a reformed bad guy in front of the players and ask them whether it's just to punish him for his previous foul deeds or not. They'll kill him every time and (reasonably) expect to receive praise from everyone who knows about it. If you want an actual dilemma, give them a large and immediate negative side effect they have to deal with if they stop him from doing whatever "good" thing it is he's doing now. Justly punishing this reformed heretic will cause serious damage to the Imperium's interests and/or will also create trouble for the players or get in the way of their other goals. Now you have a real 40K dilemma that they will angst about the way you want.
Example Template:
>Reformed Bad Guy is now critical to the fight against a Big Threat (not the only way to do it, but a generally workable one):
>PCs discover that Reformed Bad Guy is/was a big old heretic in the middle of working against Big Threat
>PCs aren't sure Big Threat can be beaten without Reformed Bad Guy, and/or are pretty sure Reformed Bad Guy will get away if Big Threat is beaten first
They tried, you dumbfuck, but the C'tan-powered radiation literally rewrote their DNA to the point it was impossible to fix.
This. There's actually a reformed heretic in one of the books, but everyone is still trying to kill him. Even the girl he was fucking tried to kill him when she found out. He's part of an inquisitorial warband, and the only reason THEY didn't kill him was the Inquisitor was a radical and he put a psychic geas on his warband preventing them from killing him. When you have to go through THAT much effort, it's just not worth it.
I just like my healer done with everyones shit boys
I think the aspect that they can be healers or that theyre supposed to be so deep into khorne they regrow their limbs from blood is forgotten
Im also a sucker for"dark and tragic backstory that drives me to be a bette4r person by coming to terms and seeking atonement for it" character over, batmans, dark and edgy, straight up team 4star alucard vampires, and furries who are into denial (every last kobold that has yipped around me)
Oh the immediate killing part is what summons the chaos warband, I will be telling the alpha legion infiltrator directly that its an alternate method when he realizes he cant approach the suit and use it for the summonging
IE, the alpha guy can use the suit directly in a sorcerous summoning and bring some demons for the ride, or kill this guy and trigger the beacon in the suit that just brings a normal war band
he rest of the players have to put together that the chirugeon is not some ad mech or hospitaler and that his seeming holiness out the ass is actually the clue he's trying to suppress/stop chaos from snagging him back
Basically one player gets the meta knowledge to shoot the guy on the spot, everyone else has to realize that the intense chaos taint theyre searching for is hiding in the holy surgery room
Oh he's gonna die
The warband will see that he has gone soft and brings no honor, that he's a wretch a coward, a shame
The players are going to very quickly on working it out every reason to go for the emperor's mercy
The only question will be if he can stall them long enough to point about the fail safe summoning or not
>Oh the immediate killing part is what summons the chaos warband, I will be telling the alpha legion infiltrator directly that its an alternate method when he realizes he cant approach the suit and use it for the summonging
>IE, the alpha guy can use the suit directly in a sorcerous summoning and bring some demons for the ride, or kill this guy and trigger the beacon in the suit that just brings a normal war band
>he rest of the players have to put together that the chirugeon is not some ad mech or hospitaler and that his seeming holiness out the ass is actually the clue he's trying to suppress/stop chaos from snagging him back
>Basically one player gets the meta knowledge to shoot the guy on the spot, everyone else has to realize that the intense chaos taint theyre searching for is hiding in the holy surgery room
This sounds like it will produce a very predictable outcome where the "werewolf" guy automatically wins by prompting the others to kill the reformed bad guy immediately. I'm not sure I understand the goal here. I'd expect this storyline to last about conversation and one fight with whatever gets summoned when this character dies, and no one will learn this character's backstory unless the infiltrator decides to do a villainous monologue for some reason.
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Yes! A few of my players play or once played Destiny, and you should have heard them hoot and holler when they found they had to fight Riven Legit within an Inquisitorial reliquarium a month or so ago. But there are many places I stole things from, and many things I think are cool.
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I messed up didnt I
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>showed a female coworker my space Marines today and she didn't laugh
I hope I don't end up regretting that later
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment
Running werewolf scenarios in TTRPGs is hard. It adds a lot of game-theoretic complexity to keep track of on top of an already complex game, and lends itself more to comedic results than dramatic ones even when done right due to all the mistakes and misunderstandings it can produce. It generally isn't a good idea in a game already this complex, and works better for short-form repetitive gameplay loops (SS13 being an extreme example, the party game being a simple one).
Hoy hoy, back with an update to the Trisdekan Primer; 3.2 is mostly a patch update, fixing some player-submitted balance issues and rules inconsistencies, as well as applying a bit of a facelift to some older stuff. It also has a redo of the Blackpowder weapons list to bring it more in line with the kind of Early Modern warfare the book focuses on.


I just wanna make a healer world eater showup
Guess the best answer is to simply have the alpha dude work out that the suit can be triggered by killing its owner and hope they graps the 8 foot healer and the abandoned and purity sealed armor are connected
Hmm, that could work
Make him have to remeber the actual lore
I want to be Jon so bad
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Looks good bro
>a healer world eater
It's so great when this kind of forced differentiation doesn't happen.
What computer program are you using to create the PDF? Your stuff is excellent, and in fact the quality of most homebrew stuff for WH40K RPGs is generally pretty high.
As I understand that was supposed to be their gene thing
Or does aangron taking away the pit fighters pain mean something else?
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How many void ships can a planetary system turn out every year? Obviously Terra and the Solar system can churn out hundreds or maybe thousands every year but a small out of the way system should be able to produce at least two or three system ships per year right?

I remember reading that you can actually build a frigate on a planet so that must mean you can build warp capable vessels even on the most primitive of worlds right?
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Me too. But I did find a homebrew pdf some anon made for Spyrer stats for Necromunda. Not sure how to convert it though
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Shas what's the best way of converting stuff from the war games into the FFG game rules?
if ork belief can change reality, if they think an enemy commander is stupid or incompetent can that actually effect the commander? like if Abbadon attacked an Orc Waagh! and they thought he was a weak idiot would he actually falter?
>if ork belief can change reality
Its effects are vastly overstated by memes and hearsay; techpriests not understanding why ork guns work says more about techpriests and their (in)competence than ork belief.
>How many void ships can a planetary system turn out every year?
As many as the plot needs. Just copy paste the numbers of a age of sail guesstimate and it should feel about right for 40k.
Thank you very much.
To be fair to the memes Yarick did ride that wave for god knows how long.

I used to use Libreoffice but found it to be kind of clunky for the PDF exporting I was doing, then switched to cracked MS Word. I suspect fancy formatting is made easier by how simple it is to rip stuff like background formatting from the FFG and newer official PDFs, and how many of their fonts, or things analogous to their fonts, are easy to freely acquire.
so ork engineering is an actual thing? I thought the meme was always that the scrap guns and ships they make shouldnt work but do
Orks don't need to learn; it's all encoded into them, albeit a bit scrambled now.
I think even this stuff is dumb, Ork guns are fully functional firearms they are just made in a scrappy fashion. Basic ork technology isn't magical or breaking the laws of physics. I kinda just hate how orks are treated as a joke in the setting, they should be terrifying monsters
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I think orks making shit work by believing it works is just exaggerated as a meme. 1e Dark Heresy worked around this by making ork shootas and sluggas unreliable when not used by an ork ("for an unknown reason", but my group always reasoned humans would be jumpy about using xenos guns that look like rejects from Scrapheap Challenge). In that Ciaphas Cain book where he tells of his misadventures on Perlia humies can use ork guns and vehicles just fine, but they're really uncomfortable and... orky. Guns have huge recoil and are really noisy, vehicles have limited or no suspension and are of course really noisy, etc.
>kinda just hate how orks are treated as a joke in the setting, they should be terrifying monsters
They talk like green, giant football hooligans. I just can't them seriously the second they speak.
>my group always reasoned humans would be jumpy about using xenos guns
I figure you need the strength and endurance of an ork to literally hold it in place for correct tolerances, while it's trying to shake apart in subtle (and obvious) ways.
im a lore tourist but if Lucius the Eternal is slain by a Null like a sisters of silence can he still come back?
Yes because slannesh is just petty and isn't going to follow her own little rules. Personally I don't see the appeal of the fucker but you do you.
Yeah, that's our groups reasoning too: when the basic pistol looks like it's held together by duct tape and wire, uses cartridges as big as your thumb and is meant to be used by a big bastard with muscles on muscles normal humans would flinch and struggle with even holding it properly. Similarly we reasoned that the "red ones go faster" thing is because the red vehicles are typically owned by the ork version of the boy racer who starts by painting his ride red, removes the silencer for proper orky noise and adds a giant spoiler, then graduates into the type of petrolhead who orders tuning parts from the mekboyz as they grow old enough to have the teef for it.
>Personally I don't see the appeal of the fucker but you do you.
Lorelet thinks they're hot shit for finding a gotcha but scream when they get gotcha'd in return.
>you can build warp capable vessels even on the most primitive of worlds
The most primitive worlds will struggle to make wheels. The only way you're making a "warp capable ship" there is ramming a canoe into a psyker with a headache.
Even the most extreme examples of this are along the lines of a cartoon character running off a cliff and not falling until they notice the ground missing. Even if taken seriously (which it shouldn't be) it just means they can sustain their momentum for war despite physical limitations like ammo of fuel or legs.
I tend to run with it as Orks improve their technology because they think that's how it works, but the technology itself is still functionally sound. Sort of a mirror to how sometimes the rule of symbolism kicks in with certain Imperial relics and gives them functions beyond what they're supposed to have. Ork guns still work fine, but they work even better when held by an Ork, hence gaining Reliable.
>The most primitive worlds will struggle to make wheels. The only way you're making a "warp capable ship" there is ramming a canoe into a psyker with a headache
There was an instance of a feral world building a cruiser in the original BFG books, they all mobilized to make it as a sacrifice to the Emperor and built one in a decade or so.

That article says they mined raw material. That is not remotely the same thing as building a starship.
I'd have to get back to you later down the road. Now my work is picking up and I'll be busy for a while. (I also need to sit down and read the system more thoroughly sometime so I can know what I want to run in my future one shot.)
In the meantime, I'm curious how you make these maps. What program are you using?
Also, do you run games on Roll20 or something?
Why does john get to live the life while my scum struggles for scraps
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>go innawoods
>bother nobody
>IRS still hunts you down
Imperium jetpacks outmatching Eldar.
is introducing a custom chapter to a story cringe or based
Based . You should only used named chapters if you need their specific flavor. It's also based to use named chapters that get no limelight like Firebreathers or Forlorn Sons or whatever
Depends on if they're introduced organically or in the background in a way that's not forced, or iff the story just grinds to a halt as you info-dump about who they are and how speshul and cool they are.
What changes or rule adjustments have long time DH1 GMs been useing? Personally, I'm looking at moving the newer fatigue and rate of fire rules from DH2E into 1E. However, I know there are a lot of other Jank rules that haven't crept up on me yet.
Do you have a reason for not just playing DH2?
where does it say that?
The progression, some mechanics like pure faith, and I just wanted to give it a run.
my friend is actually doing a 1e campaign for us. he's done a couple things but not much. 1 is that lasguns can have their settings changed like in dh2 (or only war I forget where its from)
i actually can't remember anything but that but we haven't ran into any issues related to the system. a few skills (like sleight of hand for gambling) are extremely simplistic and could work to be beefed up
i'm not sure if its part of the system or not, but we also got our fellowship bonus in Scarce (or more common) items for some more starting equipment, but that could be due to starting at decent rank.

DH1e seems a lot cooler in general, though. there's so much stuff to read about. i think any DM would be squishing systems together.
Solo anon is winning me over, and my Deathwatch campaign just ended, I think I'll try solo Rogue Trader and do it my way, dammit.

Quick, what are some artifacts I could use to do transformation plotlines.
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It depends on what you want to do in your game. Obviously if you want a Chaos heavy game you can make it about a Tzeentch artifact, possibly disguised as something else. Maybe some kind of warp obelisk that is found on an Ork planet and has made the Orks stronger and it seems like it is beneficial.

One idea that I liked from the Eisenhorn novels was the demon prince's spaceship. It was a powerful Chaos artifact but it seemed to also be based in the material plane. Maybe finding something like that and getting slowly subsumed into the ship itself?
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>"What does a daemon prince need with a starship?"
Halo artefacts.
From what I remember the daemons existed within the prime material plane after having fled the warp and so needed vehicles to travel the void. Apparently the vessel was pretty powerful. I think the last battle between Eisenhorn and the main bad guy was on the vessel itself.
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I put the tables I use for conversion in The Fringe is Yours. You start with the tabletop strength, range, etc. They're a bit outdated now since 8th edition separated damage from strength, and added penetration modifiers, but they still work mostly. Converted Damage just needs eyeballing based on strength/damage, and AP is now AP0 = Pen 0-4, AP-1 = Pen 5-6, AP -2 = Pen 7-8, and so on.
Orks make proper weapons, and the waagh makes them work better
So like if you ahnd them an l86, it will never stovepipe
But if you hand them a prop gun, its not gonna go bang and they'll be confused in the, wait why wouldnt you hand me a real gun
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I've been struck with an idea. I think i wanna make a Blood Pact / Moebian 6th Style Heretic army based off of Slaanesh.

Maybe some emphasis on the artistry and craft in warfare, Perfectionism in maneuvers and strategies, and the dedication to inflicting and receiving pain efficiently.

Also my brain conjures images of them going to war in parade dress w/ armor cuz if you're gonna be waging war in the name of She Who Thirsts, you better look good doing it.
Hey guys I just thought about something, would it make sense for the imperial currency to be base off of spaceship lift capacity?

Like 1 credit would be worth the current price of sending 100kg up to orbit or vice verse

It would create an incentive for planets brought to compliance in modernise to imperial standards, and incentiveises imperial planets to export and import stuff

Does this make any sense or would this cause too much inflation?
It doesn't make sense because the imperium doesn't have a common currency across a million planets. They use bartering.
Or oaths, favors, are told to give x to y, etc.
To add, each individual nation on each planet is likely to develop their own economy with their own money. You could easily, and often should, have at least a dozen currencies in circulation. Of course, the Imperial Tithe converts all things into Throne Gelt from whatever the planet may have to offer. I don't know of it care to attempt to convert any of it, just leave it kind of loose for your players to use.
Orks should never speak to your PC's. Ork language is just growling and roars. The way they speak to each other as football hooligans or whatever should never be translated, it turns them into a dumb joke.
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Question for the thread:
Let us presume some Necrons take control of a world and decide to rule over the human population as kings/nobility instead of exterminate them because they feel like having a mortal fleshbag slave population (aka go full space Egyptians)
Let us also presume this society matured for 200 or so years before the Imperium got back around to the planet in question.
What would the human society look like when living in the shadow of what would be by all standards one of the most benign Necron dynasties?
There are dynasties that do this. They keep the living as slaves to support the dynastic war machine. The lives of the living would be akin to bronze age egypt - mud huts, short lives, no hope of advancement against your immortal android superiors, and even then they are worth less than canopteks. They are purely kept around with the bare minimum needs as ornamentation, an appeal to the Necron fundamental value of having other beings below you, an ego that can't be assuaged by warriors or canopteks.
and yet, they still sound better off than how they were living in the Imperium
They're the same, except the Imperium promises you an afterlife and the Necrons don't.
Are there any guidelines of how to build your psychic powers and gear?
>What would the human society look like when living in the shadow of what would be by all standards one of the most benign Necron dynasties?
It depends on what the fuck they are doing.
r8 my kabal homebrew.

Rape and pillage crew named 'The Kabal of the Sunken Crescent.' They've got a pocket dimension in Commorragh, in which they operate out of a seabase setup that's at the bottom of a (stolen) abyssal deathworld ocean filled with leviathans, hyper-rape dolphins and the like that they happily introduce to every ecosystem they visit because 'fuck you.'

Ships/skiffs/etc are a gnarled vaguely WWII submarine in hullform, personal armor and weapons based on abominable creatures of the deep sea and bodies modified to be a bit fishy and sometimes translucent (seen as admirable). As you'd expect, preferred prey is ocean worlds, though anywhere with a coastline will do. One of their favorite hobbies is isekai-ing ships, aircraft, towns, and cities to their seemingly endless private ocean overnight without any explanation and spending as long as they can preying on them before they inevitably collapse and die out, at which point they gently sink the artificial islands they were placed on, leaving a massive graveyard on the bottom for later perusal.

More patient than your average Kabal, they're more than happy to take their time on things even outside of the webway, partially due to retreating to the depths always being an option, partially because they sorta get off on the weird tentacle-y nightmares that Slaanesh sends their way, or at the very least their newer crewmates unused to them being utterly terrified by it.

Final thing would be that ship captains and admiralty of any stripe or species they capture are treated to extravagant conditions. Luxurious quarters, amazing meals seated alongside the Archon themself, general wonders beyond their wildest imagining. It's somewhere in between a professional courtesy between sailors thing and a kobe beef thing. Give them a taste of the highest life before you bestow upon them the gift of suffering in great excess of what their crews experienced. It's only right a captain be the last man out.
In which game
Any sort of ork PC supplement for any of the games? I think I could finangle something, but I'd bet there's some fan books out there. Thinking Only War but Orks would be a fun time, especially as a game to play between campaigns or when too many people can't come to a session.
Rogue Trader
Only War, I want to make a power that allows someone to telekinetically disassemble things. something along these lines.
>Thinking Only War
There's homebrew for Only Waaagh.
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Cheers bro. You're a peach and a cobber.
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Something like Pic related? I like it but I would definitely camp it up but then again I'm all about homosexuality.
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I like it. I give it a 7, enough fluff to make them different from your average Kabal but they are still a bunch of bastards in all the right ways. I think there needs to be a definite bad ending of some type for the admiralty types. Maybe they are murder raped by the rape dolphins when they have worn out their welcome? Or perhaps they are transformed into rape dolphins? Or maybe they are surgically connected to some kind of octoform and can only eat things anally? Something like that anyway, a really nasty twist.
That's a really good idea. Could turn them into some sort of biologically immortal deep sea Innsmouth-y fishmen that can't survive above a certain depth without exploding, and then let them loose to survive in the pitch black sea floor against the wildlife, others like them, and some fun deldar 'fishing trips' among the centuries of ruins of those that came before. I'd bet they have the one chief hamonculus they get their fishmods from that really gets off on that kind of thing.
I think I want to do more xenos, though I'm gonna yoink that for a rival of some kind since I can't get up to stupid nonsense if I'm too busy tearing my eyes out as I see beyond worlds and all that.
Getting fused with the ship is another good one, maybe I'll have some kind of biotech plague running wild onboard

Untapped potential now that I think about it, I'll take that and run with it
Just don't come back to say you're playing RT and the bridge crew are all accidental cannibals, or that you have an urge to reword questions slightly differently until you get the answer you want.
Do people here appreciate custom Astartes chapters? I've been working on one for a while. It'd be neat to get some new ideas or help structuring what I already have
So retarded question.
Can I have an Imperial Guard Regiment that is basically yee haw cowboys and cowgirls?
Like they'd still be BRI*ISH but they'd be hooting and hollering and firing lever actions at the Xenos because their Commanding General is insane and donated the lasguns to another regiment.
Lever action lasguns are fine
you can argue its a means of cooling the arrays to allow for a higher shot power
Ditto for laser revolvers
And stub also exists
In Eisenhorn, there's a point where they're attacking the stronghold of a tainted Inquisitor, and he's building some psionic megastructure. A character yells, "What could he be doing!?"

Eisenhorn replies, "Something we have to stop."

Everyone nods because they know that's the right answer.

It turns out the guy was trying to blow up the Eye of Terror somehow, but because of the Warp taint his plan was insane and it was just as likely his scheme would succeed in summoning a greater deamon or blowing up the sector. Even when the heretic is trying to help, they should always still be stopped.

There are no "reformed heretics". You reform by letting an Inquisitor annihilate your soul so the dark gods can't claim it. Once you entertain heresy your brain is fucked by pure evil and you can no longer make fully rational choices. That's the setting, that's how it works, that's why they shoot first and ask questions never.
>That's the setting, that's how it works, that's why they shoot first and ask questions never.
And that's why we have to gatekeep real 40k from retards who think the phrase "In MY headcanon / In MY 40k" absolves any type of deviancy. Otherwise we get
If Aspects Warriors are singular ASPECTS of the path of the warrior representing specific ways of warring, do other paths also have specific "subpaths" representig aspects of, for exampe, crafting?
They do. One eldar novel had a character on the Path of Service and they were a professional funeral mourner.
>they were a professional funeral mourner
What the fuck does that entail?
So what happens when Orkz don't believe in female custodian? Would those custodian get powered down? Though i heard the orkz believe system was nerfed or removed or something along the line.
Someone on /40krpg/ gets told to fuck off.
You join the crowd, you show appropriate emotion at the right times, and you follow the rituals.
Someone had a meme where he posted that he had a 'funeral package' and it was something like
$50, show up and pay respects.
$100, ugly cry
$200, cry and jump on the casket as they try to lower it
Or some shit like that.
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>firing lever actions
Use the shape of the Winchester 95 ("musket stock" version). Regular charge packs fit in where the 95's fixed box magazine goes. I'd make the lever part just a grip rather than making it a single shot only weapon, but it could also be used for changing the power output settings or changing charge packs or something.
yup add in grox hides and a rough rider squadron and you've got a frontier world regiment alright.
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Or the Savage Musketoon, we likely would've adopted it over the Krag, were it not for a poorly timed political scandal.
Holy shit shut the fuck up archwarhammer, no one cares about this culture war faggotry
I know some GMs can get up their own ass with things but what the actual shit.
Not gonna lie, a shit fest like this is more interesting than most Warhammer discussion.
Imma be honest with you man, if you are someone who finds culture war shit interesting you are ngmi, go retrieve your brain from 2016 where it got stuck like half the other brainrotted out population.

I for one actually enjoy sincere and genuine warhammer discussion, without stupid 1d4chan/reddit tier memes and without the cringefest of talking-head political sloptubers. If it isn't interesting to you go to any other thread
It's just that there is almost to discuss or cover.
We have literally been discussing stuff on this thread since it was created, and the last one before that, and the last one before that. Wtf do you mean lmao
>Wtf do you mean lmao
It is a weird sentiment I have where most of the stuff feels ''done''.
I think part of the issue is groups like the limurians or the various groups about possesion and excorsism show that isnt the case
Chaos isnt an end of the road thing, its very much a recoverable posistion
Its the subaru encountering the dirt track of life
Most 4x4s will die, but the subaru will just keep looking for this supposed climbing hill

To me the difference is, my fantastic special snowflake marine is worse than mat ward and kaldor drago vs Hey lets focus on the mission and then kill each other later
Given that radical inqisitors are common, I find the latter a perfectly viable idea
Particuarly as the heresies are as simple as using a xenos weapon
Rogue Traders a re a perfectly good example of where the line is, somewhere beyond them
Particuarly as they have xenos and sorcerous agents without themselves getting capped by the dark gods or some dark eldar entertaining their sit on me mommy by using them as the living toilet seat cover
>guy with a demonhost is very reputable on how chaos must be purged before you realize its there
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I think most people don't give a crap about custom Astartes chapters. But if you post it I will give you feedback, and a bunch of other anons will likely take a crap on your stuff but at least you can just dismiss the stuff that doesn't help you.

Honestly I have been trying to find a Primaris Chapter that I can use in the Macharian Sector. If your one is good I will add it into my solo campaign.
No one asked
NTA, but how would workshopping my eldar minis go alongside space marines.
My current narrative is they were in system on their "craftworld, pls halp I dont think its the correct term for what amounts to a village sized ship over the actual world ships" when the administatium said congrats, youre all citizens now
They rolled with it being a minority group and thought it funny, like a cat offering a mouse
Then leaned much more into it when the actual space marines came knocking on their door for being in their recruitment system.
So now theyre being treated as very sus abhumans, but so far the Eldar have little interest in trying anything to overt given the large number of guns pointed at their very vulnerable ship and the general fact that some of them seem to have actually been protected by the emperor vs she who thirsts
They are forced into the worship of the emperor like all good citizens, and have more than few choice words to say on the events, much like Edward of twilight might on the influenza of 1912

Basically, Eldar who got forcefully registered as imperial citizens and arent quite laughing about it anymore, but also are also kind of curious to see where things are going
The FFG game IS done. All that's left is people talking about homebrews, and nobody uses that stuff in real games. And nobody talks about Imperium Maledictum because nobody bought it and its release schedule is terrible.
Has anyone ever tried to use the rogue trader RPG system generator on 1d6 chan? I’m having trouble understanding it, specifically the difference between terrain and territories. I’m wondering if the contributor didn’t copy some material over

is this the thread where i can ask about female space marines and if they've made the move to make them canon for the sake of american diversity?
How the fuck do you run the enigma decoder? I'm putting in the base string and the string for what book I'm trying for, but it shits out gibberish even when I put in the right settings
female space marines existed originally and were then de-canonized and now people are mad that female space marines might be re-canonized.
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Honestly that probably wouldn't work in Canon WH40K because someone would have gene tested the Eldar and it would have been obvious that they are Xenos. However if they were protected by an Imperial faction with enough authority it might work, say for instance if an Inquisitor Lord or Chapter Master took a hand in things. Of course you would have to figure out why that person or group was doing it and what they were getting out of it.

Possibly they might be holding them for negotiations with a Craft world.
weren't they a third party thing? early marines were basically thunder warriors so I guess they didn't want to make woman like that.
Later versions just didn't include them because they liked the emperor not wanting a potential race of marines substituting baseline humans and there weren't enough woman that cared about the hobby.
there was another thread about making a sub sector.
when exactly were female space marines canon
They weren't, the daughters of the emperor were a third party thing from the rouge trader era or something along those lines.
The Daughters of the Empire are the Sisters of Battle aren't they?
What kinds of jury rigged food would IG make on alien planets? i'd be looking for something other than Corpse Starch all day.
if its edible, they'll eat it
if its not edible, put it into a stew until it is
if it still ain't, give it to the other guys and trade for real food before they notice
Honestly i just kinda want to see what roasted squig tasted like.
like ork lung
>The Daughters of the Empire are the Sisters of Battle aren't they?
No, no. There was a third party magazine article about a chapter of female SM in the Rouge Trader era, they were called the Daughters of the Emperor.
so even then, it was an all female unit

what amazon and other ass faggots want is mixed diversity and troons everywhere
nigga no one cares go back to /pol/. This is the RPG thread, you know that as a GM you can just choose what canon you want and which to ignore right??? Do you actually give a fuck what GW says is "official" or not, 40k is an aesthetic sandbox setting meant for /yourguys/, literally just believe whatever is fun for you. This is such a gay place to argue about this culture war faggotry
im looking for that thread on tg, couldn't find
My plan was that they had simply been given citizenship in an accidental blanket act upon the system
They were there and handed their IDs, as the administration hadn't considered any need to be overly specific due to the original survey
The marines accepting it in a sort of extortion bearing idea, that its only being done as the eldar are making thmselves useful
Less likely the backstab will be from the eldar and more some deathwatch or inquistor deciding shenanigans are over.
The only fascinating part is to the the ecclesiarchy watching over things as they kind of like seeing some xenos acting proper for once
That is, theyre putt their hand under the scale so things arent falling apart to much
Low key, the cardinal wants to admonish the marines that arent worshiping the Emporer properly by pointing even the xenos witches can do it
I would say the eldar are about as well treated as Palistinians in their home
THeres no love, and they are doomed to die in some fashion, primarily as safely controlled psychic meat walls
The only thing is that noone who actually heard the history wants to be the one trying to pull the trigger as everything is technically as it should be
Particuarly since the Eldar can point to some of the other Imperial xenos protectorates to the point of actually being there
Not that some puritan couldnt come in and trash them, but since its a marine world, they arent hankering to show up to start.
Someone is going to kill the Eldar I would say, just not in the timeframe that Im playing in
>void ships
>Obviously Terra can churn out thousands every year
>small systems should be able to produce 3 per year
>you can build frigates on a planet
>primitive worlds can make warp ships
Is this one of those say the wrong thing so someone corrects you posts?
What would be some good concept for cryogenic powers? I'm working on a homebrew discipline for an only war campaign.
Rogue Trader navis primer voidfrost
I mean ... they're straight up asking, you muppet. How does that one work in your world?
I fucking hate how this board has become full of snarky, irony poisoned turbofaggots. The guy literally asked a question. Also the lore is all over the place in numbers and its really not that crazy to assume that the Sol System could churn out thousands of ships per year (probably not battleships, but still)
Question I have gained Saint Blessed Carapace Armour as a result of the choice in Character Creation. Can I upgrade it during the game or am I stuck with it as is?

Essentially I want to add a void seal and an exo suit element to it. Plus whatever else upgrades I can afford for it. However would I be censured by the Adeptus Ministorum for sacrilege?
Time to talk with your GM.
you should be able to upgrade it but it should have IC consequences
>it should have IC consequences
Weird to me that both of you think the Ecclesiarchy doesn't embellish or upgrade their wargear after blessing.
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I like that idea. Having the Ecclaisarchy trying to reclaim the blessed Armour of Saint Gregors holy bodyguard because I upgraded it works for me. I think I will try and get Loud Hailers installed on the shoulder pauldrons so I can blast devotional hymns as I cut my way through xenos, mutants and heretics
Yes. But I'd say you'll need to find a tech priest good enough to do it. Working of sacred stuff is gonna be harder than on run of the mill stuff

Found this on the old FFG forums

>Nephas pattern las rifles
>The Nephas pattern las rifle is a lever action single shot energy weapon Developed on the planet of Nephas, Commonly used by the regiments and PDF of this world it’s quality design and good accuracy have seen it’s way into a support marksmen’s rifle for a spotter in some sniper teams with in other regiments. While this rifle is more powerful then the standard issue lasgun , it has a sizable smaller magazine . Though the philosophy of use for this weapon is if you cannot take and ork down with a few shots, maybe you need a auto cannon.
>The barrel and actions of the weapon are often made from the finest materials on the planet, though lower quality versions are available for mass production. Wood is commonly used for the stock and hand guard. With the receiver of the weapon is often engraved with the respected houses or regiments. It comes in ever a long barreled , standard, carbine, or a sawn off version, just a bit bigger than a pistol. After ever shot, the lever must be racket, as a charge pack is used up, on the final shot it is ejected from the bottom to the receiver, anther is then placed into it and firing carries on, after racking the lever again. A bonnet can be fixed to the end of the barrel and scopes are common. But iron sights are the as standard.

>The Nephas pattern las rifle Basic 100 s/-/- 1d10+4E 1 12 Reliable 7kg Common

>Carbine Basic 75 s/-/- 1d10+4E 1 12 Reliable 6kg Common

>Long Basic 150 s/-/- 1d10+4E 1 12 Accurate, Reliable 7.5kg scarce

>Pistol Basic 40 s/-/- 1d10+4E 1 12 Reliable 5.5kg Common
>A bonnet can be fixed to the end of the barrel
Do people actually use s/-/- basic weapons for regimental mains? Seems punitive for actually doing combat.
I do, because I made a custom lagun pattern for my group with the burst quality from MNW
>I do
>except for how I don't
They're good if they have the Accurate quality
>My Deathwatch campaign ended
How'd it go? Hopefully it ended valiantly?
They're S/-/- weapons. They fit the criteria.
Based retard.
Nice goalpost moving faggot
Superb doubling down. Extra ordinary moron.
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I want to DM Dark Heresy 2e but it's my first time learning to DM. What's a good way to go about it? Should I just read the core rulebook and kinda wing it?

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