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Red Chrome Legion edition
>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

>RED Easy Mode is available for FREE.

>Errata Pages

>Character Sheets

>Last thread
>> 93731420

> Thread Question
What DLC made you go "fucking finally"? What are you still waiting for?
Artist didn't catch memo Solo was supposed to be Asian.
someone posted this in the thread about the board game.

i'm GMing my first session (first time ever GMing actually) and this is my exact party. whats wrong with it? not enough combat guys? my corpo's henchman is a solo if that helps.
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It's party that is suited to very different game that "standard" Cyberpunk. It could be more "social-focused" only if you had fixer instead of netrunner. Unless they have good combat skill, they will have to do most gigs via stealth and talking or suffer immensely.
And that's before they realize that if you are Media/Rocker on rank 7 you can twist the game's plot by the balls.
There's nothing wrong with it, don't let other people's presumptions colour your game. Cyberpunk Red, moreso than other RPGs, has a scathe of people who think they've "solved" it and that their theorycrafting is universally true. They think the game is played entirely at character creation. They're what we call 'nogames'.
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So for my first session next week ~(I'm gm) I've got
>a large printed out map of the city
>Battle maps printed on A3
>Tokens for NPCs, Players
>Printed off the players character sheets
>My notes
>A screamsheet for each player
>Some random images that are relevant to the story
>GM screen
>A wound tracker sheet (as well as other things I find useful to track like eddies and items they pick up,buy, make, luck they spend etc

Is there anything else anyone recommends I get?
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>players don't like rolling for random stats
>take fucking forever to create custom characters
There's gotta be an easier way.
Background Music
>There's gotta be an easier way.

Ask them what kind of character they want, once you have that, tell them they have until (whatever deadline you decide) to get you their finalized character or you are going to make one for them.
This might just be me being a retard but does anyone have a "true" campaign book for Red ala curse of strahd for DND? Ik the whole point is that its meant to be jim and steve fuckface poor people trying to make rent, but I think that a campaign book could at least give some continuation outside of "I need to not get shot by a gangoon."
Doing this right now, forgot that one! Cheers bud
>>take fucking forever to create custom characters
that's not your problem, you just need to review and approve or deny the end result
Give them the street rat template for session 1, and then they can switch stuff around after the session is over (like if the tech realizes they like handguns more than rifles).
Point buy?
>Tales of the RED
>The upcoming Forlorn Hope in OP's pic
>campaigns in 2020 edition can be easily transferred to RED too, especially Land of the Free if you're looking for adventuring through most of the world
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Designing a boss for RED and need help for this. ROF can't be touched, but the boss has four arms. Action economy is also king here.
Would I break anything if I just separate his parts mechanic-wise? The man himself gets 1 or 2 ROF depending on what he does, his extra arms get 1 or 2 too for what they want to do too. His arms have their own HP and SP pool so he won't be a terrifying meat blender when they get destroyed.
"Session is on the 10th, have your character sheet ready."
Do it and have the crew figure it out. If your players complain you can say the arms are tied to a NET with a demon (+14 combat number is insane) and that's where the extra attacks come from. The arms having their own hp pools isn't bad, just make it obvious this is a special fight gimmick so they don't try to blow apart everyone's arms moving forward (or allow for it and use it against them). The only thing I'd be aware of is that a shoulder-mounted shotgun with +14 combat number is roughly equal to a hardened lieutenant in skill, so your boss shouldn't need henchmen for the fight (but also consider that real hardened lieutenants probably have far more hp and armor, maybe the demon arms get a penalty to be hit since they're much smaller than a typical man-size target?). If you do this, the boss should be able to do whatever he likes during his turn and the demon will act in his best interest. If +14 is too high you could use +10 like what the Doberman drone has (some kind of poor quality demon). It only has to beat Dv13 and maybe DV15.
Make them start at 6 at all stats then add or subtract the remaining whatever (if memory serves well it's 2 with sum being 62).
OR ALTERNATIVELY make them use the app.

I'm the guy that posted the bruh mickey. It was supposed to be a joke that the party is combined of all roles that are more difficult to play than the basic ones. Executive drags 3 NPCs around anywhere, Rockers rarely can use their power properly, almost nobody can play media, and netrunner slows the combat by adding their own "minigame".
Now, for a fact - executive is not about NPCs, but they come with shitload of other benefits that make them incomprehensively rich compared to other roles (free home, free trauma, biggest hustle, money sink into their NPC, and miniboss-tier NPC of wide variety to fill the what party lacks).
Rockers and medias are INCREDIBLY powerfull with weird powercurve where they double their power per level around rank 6 or 8 (memory loss problems, and I aint gonna check the book, it's like 3AM here) - but they have the power to literally shape the world of the game.
And netrunners aint shit in RED - they are enclosed to their round, which they make like stat based rock-paper-scissors (but with 5 or 6 choices instead of 3) and if you know your mechanics by book (and they should do too) it's possible to enclose entire 4 NET actions inside like 30 seconds (I have a fucking SOLO that takes about 30 seconds to make a fucking aimed shot each round - for comparison).

These roles are good for roleplay (everyone is, but they are less cliche), and this party could resolve their problems and wack situations by using their "social" or "not exactly combat" skills instead of shooting their way out like a braindead classic party of double Solo, Tech and Nomad.

It's all about the players. Good luck!
ALRIGHT, it's time to shill my content!
New drones supplement with changes so big, it deserves a 2.0 version.

>Entire idea of weapon mounts is reworked.
Now you got basic mount, that you can either upgrade for a popup (free conceal), or reinforce it to use weapons with BODY requirement, which are (you've guessed it) Borg Weapons. Borg weapons require additional upgrades to work however.
>New way to plating
not require previous tiers now, each is it's tier separate upgrade. Heavier limit MOVE.
>combat AI now stacks
I mean, you need a previous tier to install the better one. On the bright side possible choices include Combat Number of 10/14/18 so pretty high after big investment.
>battery management
Added battery swap rules
>SDP reworked
Drones now have 20SDP regardless of their Core (formerly Frame) then add 10 if they move on ground, or subtract 5 if they fly. Heavy Duty (think heavy frame) adds 15.
Maximum SDP for a Drone is 60. With possible 15SP it should make for a good fire support.
>Installing the upgrades is simplified
Not much
>Roboticist (formerly Machinist) is buffed
They now can explicitly use a single NET action to control drones. If they do so with their BFF they may use split action if they want to.
Also their BFF gain +1 upgrade slot on ranks 6 and 10.
Maybe I'll change it to some kind of SDP/SP boost at rank 10, not sure.

>many new upgrades
The list is three times its former size now. I'll go in the detail in further post because longpost.
List of new upgrades:
Ride your drone lol
Now it's one arm instead of 2. Balance reasons. Now can hold specified weight and extend to 2m
>Hidden Stash
Smuggler upgrade from nomad with a makeup
>Silent Treatment
More stealthier, +2 against auditory perception
>Holographic projector
Severely stronger than palm projector - bigger image, bigger possibilities. Get creative and figure out something other than titanfall holo, would you
>Animalistic form
drone will resemble a animal.
>Mimic form
drone can transform in a minute to become indistinguishable from something else
>swarm form
hard to kill outside of explosives, cannot attack in range, infinite contortionist skill
NOTE: all "form" upgrades cannot be removed
>Specialized manipulators
gain a 1K piece for your arm
>Boosted dash
will need a rework. It allows for evasion (which should be already enabled if drone is controlled, or have a combat number). So idk, evasion boost? Making it a reflex co-processor seem stupid.
>self security
Harder to be disabled, and can zap someone in self defence
>Internal Engine
Swap battery for a diesel
>Smart programming
Read it, I'm proud of it :)
>AI Protocols
Same mechanic, new description. Thanks to the Beyond the Blackwall server, and their Anon.
+1 is always a desired upgrade
>Particle dome
best shield ever - on one hand 30HP is excessive, on the other would you pay 5K for a shield with 15HP that's very likely to evaporate after seeing a grenade for a first time?
>Smart Design
Bonus upgrade slot for 5K

All catalogue is updated to match new rules.
>animal form
Synthetic animals are back, once again doing more for this game than the fucking devs. Now we can have cowboys riding drone steeds that can pop-out turrets.
Anyone know if or when the Clade Vanus Infocyte is going to come back in stock?
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>Looking for Cyberpunk pics of my city (Moscow)
>It looks nicer, cleaner, and better maintained than actual Moscow
Europe and Soviet Union are doing much better than America. Cyberpunk America is like equal to Serbia in economic and world power status today
Cyberpunk California looks better than real California too.
Nothing wrong at all.
Aim for intrigue rather than action.
How well borged out and well-equipped is the average corporate security goon or soldier next to an edgerunner?
southerner detected
About as much but the quality and uniformity of chrome is much higher.
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Better quality version of the cover
Tales of the RED: new hope
It is a period of crime waves in the world. A brave alliance of underground entrepreneurs has challenged the tyranny of the corporatised DARK FUTURE.

Striking from night clubs and warehouses hidden among the million buildings of the cityscape, edgerunners have earned their first payday in a battle with the powerful capitalistic forces. The CORPORATIONS fear that another incursion could embolden more raids on corporate property, and impact their bottom line forever.

To crush the privatised property reallocation sector once and for all, the CORPORATIONS are constructing a sinister new social model. Powerful enough to assimilate public interests into a privatised army of independent contractors, its completion spells certain doom for the champions of anarchy.
This is hilarious
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I can't believe the owner of the Forlorn Hope let his daughter do renovations...
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Reading this manga helped my worldbuilding by illustrating the bugpod life.
Name of the manga?
So I made up a gig where the group has to rescue a wild drone. In case they try to fight it to knock it out since there's no netrunner on the team, the drone has a unorthodox breakdance-esque fighting style, the drone will not fight like a human. Should I give penalties whenever people melee fight it to show my players' characters are getting confused by it or something?
If nobody has breakdancing in their backstory, they suffer a -2 (first time penalty) for the entire encounter. Sorry guys, it's in the book.
Yeah, a drone that's doing the windmill at someone is probably more difficult to engage in melee with than an ordinary human.
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Do you find that you manage to convey the particular Cyberpunk aesthetic in your games? I realize that might sound odd, but I've tried to run both Stars Without Number and Cities Without Number. The feedback from my players was essentially: in these games, our characters travel places, meet NPCs, shoot/melee, and explore. In SWN, there are more places to travel, way more NPC variety (because aliens), and the same (or more) types of weapons and enhancements. They said, basically, that fighting a street gang or fighting elite cops is still just fighting humans, whereas SWN affords more variety and even has spaceship combat.

I really love the cyberpunk genre, but I found myself having a difficult time disagreeing too much. The cool stuff from the CWN book, including hacking and cyberware, is easily ported to SWN. I fully acknowledge that I may just be bad at running cyberpunk, or that they may just not be as much into the genre as me, but it was still overall a disheartening experience.
>In SWN, there are more places to travel
You are viewing the game as having geographical destinations, try to engage with cultural destinations. Why you are fighting corporate soldiers is more interesting than fighting corporate soldiers.
I don't have any experience with the Numbers franchise but CPR doesn't help at all with running cyberpunk. They went so generic they explain what cliffhangers are but don't explain how gangs operate or interact. I learned more from Augmented Reality.

If you want to get better at cyberpunk, unironically I recommend watching anime. Ghost in the Shell obviously, but even stuff like AD Police, Dirty Pair, Golgo 13, No Guns Life, Angel Cop, and City Hunter all have the right vibe. Take notes on interesting fights and NPC's and use them on your players. As for locations, read 2020 books especially locations from 3rd parties like Night's Edge and Night City Stories. One of my favorite 2020 locales I gush over is the animateonic rock and roll hall of fame from NCS. It's just so clever (and would probably be called a fazbear ripoff these days). The rock halls are soundproofed, so local fixers use it for covert meetings. That kind of lore is cool. NC45 will wish it was that good.
>What DLC made you go "fucking finally"?
The one that had full conversion bodies.
The difference is one of scale and detail. In a cyberpunk game set entirely in one city, the little things matter more. If you want an example from outside TTRPGs, look at open-world games. Compare Starfield with, like, a Yakuza game. Or Judgment. Let's use Judgment as the counter-example. Starfield has a bunch of different planets, sure, but how much of any of them do you actually get to take in? How much of the surface area of any one planet actually matters? In Judgment, Kamurocho's all you get, and it's just a few city blocks, but every little street or back alley has its own character and feel. The brightly-lit, wide-open Theatre Square near the Kamuro Theater and across from the Club SEGA and next to where all of the pachinko parlors were back in the early aughts is completely different compared to the cramped, neon-saturated roads on Pink Street next to the sex-shops, strip clubs and hostess bars.

In one, you get to explore a vast space and travel a great distance. In the other, you get to really know a place and its people in close, intimate detail.
>Cyberpunk America is like equal to Serbia in economic and world power status today

Cyberpunk America is more like Russia

>Technically relevant only because it still has lots of strategic nuclear weapons
>Incredibly broke but somehow still has a space program
>Large military that can't into force projection, spends most of its time doing internal policing
>Indications that underneath the oligarchy is a stratocracy that plans to restore the "rightful place" of the nation as a global power
>Repeated attempts to reclaim lost territory, will never stop until whole again
>Most powerful ally is an Asiatic power that was once the junior in the relationship, economically surpassed them and has designs on their territory
>Totally legitimate and popular forever President with no checks on their power other than the influence of corporations and oligarchs
>Most powerful native corporation is functionally a part of the government
>Government is extremely corrupt and mostly disfunctional
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>hope reborn
I don't fucking like this. I was sorta ambivalent at first but now iI just outright hate it the more I think about it. It's playing right into that sappy cartoony saturday morning superhero shit they did with characters in DGD.

And I say this as someone who likes power of friendship boyscout goody two shoes shit. Why does it feel so forced in RED?
Dude, the bar they campaign is centered on is called Forlorn Hope.
Please rate my idea for double-wielding

>Double-wielding weapons, guns akimbo, or bringing a knife to a gunfight are all now an additional feature of Solo's Combat Awareness that can be bought with CA points.
>For 4 points, you can make a single additional attack with an off-hand weapon of RoF 2;
>For 8 points, you can make either a single additional attack with an off-hand weapon of RoF 1, or two additional attacks with an off-hand weapon of RoF 2.
Penalties and restrictions.
>Attacking this way incurs -2 "Complex Task" penalty to all the attacks made that turn. This can be negated by slotting in the Ambidextrous Chip [1000 €$ (V. Exp.), 7(2d6) HL].
>You cannot make an Aimed Attack or Autofire attack the turn you make additional attacks.
>You need to have enough hands to properly wield both weapons. As a reminder, two-handed Melee Weapons can be wielded in one hand by characters with BODY 8 or higher.

I thought that making it cost Solo points would introduce opportunity cost as balancing measure and gatekeeping it to characters that are combat-focused.
I chose 4 and 8 points as the threshold so a fresh new Solo PC already has some goodies, but still has something to look forward to.
Yeah but doesn't the phrase Forlorn Hope refer to doomed soldiers marching off to die?
Yes. Take it as a morbid joke then.
Tho let's be real, the only reason why they changed the name it's because having book "Tales from the Forlorn Hope" and "Tales of the RED Forlorn Hope" both commonly abbreviated to just "Forlorn Hope" would be so-so
It's not like it ruined my day or anything, but it kinda bugs me. But, i'll drop it. I am a power of friendship loving purity fag so I can't stay mad. I just find some of the writing for RED to be a little too goody two shoes and that name just made me sperg.
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Hopefully we can at least get some useful ideas and tech out of it.
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So someone shared a bunch of books for a 90s system called Cyberspace. Is it any good? Cyberpunk and Shadowrun are the big names so I've never heard of this one.
I'll check this out, never heard of it either. At least it's more ideas to steal.
What do regular people do in cyberpunk? Maybe it's just me, but I always imagined jobs like truck driving, or retail and fast food waging to be automated in the dark future. And it's not like a corp is going to let in any random guy off the street to start in the sales department. So what does the average non-edgerunner do to get by?
Started watching votoms and now I want to run an ACPA mercenaries game. It wouldn't be *that* hard would it?
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I think I asked this about 2 threads (so maybe 3 weeks ago) but what would be the best way to run this game for anons?
My guy, you are channeling the spirit of Mike himself right now. I've been meaning to help playtest homebrewanon's ACPA stuff (I've even got a good excuse to let the crew try it without actually giving it to them) but whoever I'm free nobody else is, hence why I want to recruit anon's.
Do you mean in RED or 2020? I think both would still have factory jobs, delivery drivers, cooks, private instructors, low-level programming, etc. For degree jobs, corporates heavily sponsor universities and schools so if you get into a prestigious one you probably signed away your privacy somewhere so the Corp investigates you thoroughly and sees if you're up to par or not. If you're documented and have a state identification number that helps too. Speaking of signing away privacy, I'm sure that box stackers in warehouses get spied on too so a Corp might see a devoted fanatic they can bring up to the next level but I'm sure 9/10 times that's just to make them a patsy.

Augmented Reality put out a little 10 page bonus book (I think you can get it as a free sample on their drivethrurpg page) which had some goofy but good job ideas like walking sign flipper, rat microwaver, pressure hose grime blaster, etc.

As for what these jobs pay, no idea. The bare minimum in RED seems to be 30€$ for kibble and a coffin. So 30€$ a day. I could have sworn they recently released an in-universe app that let you do random jobs and get about 5€$/hour (must have been a dlc) so that kinda fits.
It's ICEs foray into the genre. If you like the Chart Master games, Rolemaster, Space Master etc. you will like the mechanics. Personally I'm not a fan of the mechanics but the source materials are always great to steal for campaigns.
Uhh... It's kinda same, looking at street photos, isn't it?
>play CP2077
>want to get into tabletop
>no friends and nobody's interested
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>>93866712 (me)
Actually I should probably elaborate. Human labor works best for non-corps because it's cheap & adaptable. Militech probably has special demons that only know how to assemble Ronin assault rifles and was programmed back in the 2020's. But a local factory making parts for the community might be making screws one week, then corrogated steel siding, then cancel the steel siding because the client got shot (maybe we should have finished sooner) so now they are making pipes for the water purifier. When you're poor you gotta chase money no matter what, which means being adaptable to never refuse a job. Also, at least according to CPR demons can only really learn one or two lines of instructions, and the whole set-up (4,000€$ for the cheapest NET, 1,000€$ for the imp, and I think 1,000€$ for a manipulator arm) is less than an annual 7,200€$ salary but would only be profitable if production goes beyond a year.

Human delivery men could be valuable if silence is required, and maybe someone would think twice about shooting a delivery human. As for long-range transport I know cyberpunk has maglev trains and trucks, but I think the issue is that moving outside of the Blackwall is dangerous so a Corp will want one or two humans present to deal with issues.

Cooking could be an excellent way for a group of people to eek out a living, making their own food and selling whatever excess they have. They start with a cooking pot, move up to food truck, and if they're lucky get an actual residence.

In 2045, people born in the 80's will be old as hell and appreciate having human caretakers instead of a roomba.

We might get future AI/human legal battles where two competing AI compare decades of established case law, only to have their human lawyer companions weigh in on the ethics of these comparisons or decisions. Although I vote for Judge GPT.

As for AI replacing office drones, modern LLMs just flat-out make up results. With humans you have accountability.
sperg gf
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I think that gating it behind Solo is a great idea, and honestly the best iteration I’ve seen so far. I mean… folks made it a few times but always turned out as an either ridiculously good damage boost or ridiculously bad penalty.
As for balance I’d drop the two attacks with a ROF2 weapon because this would mean you can spray and pray 4 shotguns slugs or 4 grenades…
Actually, you know what? Fuck it. These rules are fucking based and if you somehow manage to get 4 arms and sooo rank 8 you deserve to lay down mayhem like there’s now tomorrow.
Ambidextrous chip should be 4d6 HL
Other than that it’s pretty balanced.
How’s this sound for a oneshot for a first run of 2020?

Pretty decently statted and geared Solo/ Tech/ medtech/ Netrunner are a trauma team squad. Call comes in, gotta get a platinum member outta some shit. The place is a mansion doing an “eyes wide shut” type party. Philharmonic vamps crashed it. At first it was tame (there will be a couple mooks for the players to roll over. But the head honcho went bananas (Borged out psycho that looks like nosferatu). The lieutenants (Bella Lugosi, Edward Cullen, Count Chocula) are trying to scav the client. Team need to extract the client while nosferatu hunts them and probably flatline the expendable vampire larpers in the process.
It wasn't really directed at any specific system, just as a genre in general. Most of the cyberpunk media out there tends to focus on the edgerunners and criminals of these worlds and I've got to thinking recently how the rest of the 99% would get by
Thanks for the feedback!
I agree that the best idea here is tying the ability to the Solo points. The numbers could be fixed after some playtests, but I think it's balance-able more than other people's ideas for double-wielding.
Sounds good.
My group played a TT one-shot in RED, so it's not the same but the premise works very well and you don't have to think of the reasons why the PCs work together.
How is 2077? I've been considering getting it but hesitant to spend the cash
Cities Without Number is better, particularly for hacking, cybergear/enhancements, and general combat rules.
firestorm is the only first party campaign book in cyberpunk, everything else is a collection of oneshots or short adventures. there are a few morbillion 3rd party campaign books for 2020
If you're talking about the game CDPR game, it's good! It's what got me into Cyberpunk and has some fantastic writing. The gameplay can get kind of repetitive but overall a pleasurable experience.
>paying for things in Anno Floydus 5
really great game world, best mobility in any game I've ever played, pretty okay base game writing, which shoots up to great for phantom liberty. the side quests in Dogtown are A+ writing for any sort of cyberpunk setting desu, they're basically exactly what you'd want
Glorified Ubigame with better than average writing.
If that phrase didn't cause a fear response you might have standards low enough to like it.
>best mobility in any game I've ever played
Look into this obscure video game series called "Mario"
bro is mad
It's fine. Game's not really about cyberpunk shit; it's mostly about coping with a terminal illness. Game's also piss-easy no matter what kind of character you build, which is a bit underwhelming, except for the secret ending, which fully plays into the power fantasy in a way that's actually engaging because it still makes you do the work. Phantom Liberty has considerably better writing and quest design than the main game.
>best mobility
Nigga play Titanfall
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Are there any places one could find 3rd party or homebrewed screamsheets/adventures etc. for red? I've spent a couple days looking around but I haven't been able to find any. In lieu of these existing, is there a good method for converting NPC's from 2020's system into red?
>Some grammar/formatting changes
the rules are more comprehensible.
>Drone blank sheet is moved to the end of creation section
As it was supposed to be
>New items: Ordnance
>Double barrelled shotgun
Yes, it also comes as a saw-off
>Smartgun Co-processor
+2 instead of +1. Uses 2 slots, so you gotta tech upgrade your weapon to use it.
>Homing tracer ammo
One can trace the target before they heal themselves
Area denial EMP. DV13 (instead of 15) but it holds 20 rounds.
>Tranquillizer ammo
Sleeper ammo with DV15. It retains the 500eb price, but is sold in clips of 5 instead of 10.
>Thermite incendiary ammo
Incendiary ammo with 6 damage per round instead of just 2.

Had to call off the last session due to fucking covid. On the flipside I got one more week to polish my craft.
I'm thinking on expanding the drone catalogue to get a boost of creativity.
Problem is - it's honestly hard to come up with another 10. Well, the number isnt the exact problem. Real deal is to keep them UNIQUE and somehow keep them 2 per drone core.

Here's what I got already
Hoverboard: guards your property (hard to make it interesting with just 2 slots)
Hornet: Weapon Mount + Popup upgrade
Dartgun with neurotoxin of choice :)

I honestly got next to nothing, just MIlitech Wyvern and Griffin are two hardcore flying motherfuckers with smart HSMG and smart GL

More slots = more fun
Wagie: 2x AI protocols for 6 INT. Chipset for Bureaoucracy/Bussiness/Accounting - all EQ chips for 1K each. Overclocked + self security to avoid getting molested at deskjob and a Holoprojector to display documents. Total skillbase of 11. Pretty good for a drone.
Eel: Spying animal of unknown party. 2x Bonus movement (got all 3), animal form (eel, duh) advanced sensors x2 (6 options) optical camo. Since it's autonomous it can spy acting on good orders, return, drop the info unseen etc. I'll have to climb to my very best writing to make it menacing.
that's fair, Titanfall is really good, but the flow in 2077 is just so incredibly satisfying, especially once you turn the air dashing into I frames. and you don't have a sword in Titanfall or slowmo. but I don't disagree, Titanfall probably wins out here
>Phantom Liberty has considerably better writing and quest design than the main game.
Really? I saw people complaining it leaved even further into the moviegame thing than the base game(which had a total of 1 quests that didn't have boring design).
It's weird there are no community submitted gigs. I think in 4 years I saw the first one ever published on preddit just 3 days ago. It'll be ugly as sin but I could try and get some of my Microsoft word notes together.

However, turning 2020's treasure trove of content into RED content is a great idea. Converting NPC's isn't too difficult, just use the mook templates in Danger Gal (personally I use hardened as the baseline) then add depending on how flavored the NPC was. Some gear might not be available, such as how everyone in 2020 apparently had arm-mounted rocket launchers and micro grenades, but you should be able to get most gear. For difficulty value translation remember that DV 13-17 is most common but there are tons of ways to add penalties. My personal favorite is the generic 'complex task -2' because it could be anything, but there is also stress -2 (contrary to popular belief, concentration does not cancel stress penalties), being subtle -4, nighttime/slight darkness -1 and total obscured vision -4, and first time penalty (you can be extremely cruel with this, like if the crew is in a new neighborhood being chased give the nomad -2 for a few rolls unless they mentioned in mission prep that they are going to use a map to scout the area before you go). You can use higher DV's like 21 or 24 sparingly. Remember that players get 'three strikes' to beat some DV's (unmodified roll, roll+complimentary, roll x4 time+complimentary) so giving some really juicy reward with a high DV is fair.
Have them use the app.
You know what, as a late night project ~(I have a new born so lots of late nights up with the baby while the girlfriend catches up on sleep) I'll write my stories up as the only 2020 campaign book style (mines for red but guess the adventure itself can be set anywhere although I do use a lot of lore and references in my games to help ground the players and let them search stuff themselves).

Why not, bet I could do one every couple of weeks or so for you guys, I'll see what you think after the first one. Mine are not like RTal stories though, I prefer grim, darker stories where you get fucked over, the NPCs die and the city usually wins.
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Do you prefer cybernetics, cyborgs, and robots to be ubiquitous or looked down upon and scorned in Cyberpunk societies?
I like them being a normal part of life. Actually it kinda irks me that ai is so taboo in the future timeline of Cyberpunk. Playing a full robotic ai like that would be cool.

I had an idea to use an ai npc for a plot hook/job thing but never got to run my game. She was going to be an ai with a Gemini body hiding out as a normal human. Full robot ai.
Personally I think that NPCs can have a wide range of acceptance for heavily borg'd characters, but I a majority of people (especially 'ganics and lightly-chromed) should distrust them, especially in settings where more steel = less sanity. It's just common sense. If you see a guy chrome'd to the gills with a linear frame to get BOD 12+, has all limbs replaced, neural implants for smartlink, etc, his remaining humanity is probably in the gutter unless he has had extensive therapy. I would just avoid that person or tell them to get the hell away from me. Have MAX-TAC on speed dial.

Eh, fuck RED's lore. They can't even keep stuff from 2020 straight (the Tsunami Arms Helix transforming from a shotgun to an assault rifle) or even lore from 2 years ago (Digital Divas being an all women band in the Data Pack now just being a whoever the fuck band in DGD). Maximum Mike predicted a lot of stuff correctly but completely underestimated drones. If you want more AI hijinks check out 2020 books. My favorite is Necrology 1 (from Altered Reality) where an AI designed to study death decides to build malfunctioning tanning beds that randomly kill people so it can better understand death.
>an AI designed to study death
Who thought this was a good idea?
>Necrology Studies Institute (NSI)
Not the brightest dudes around I guess. Especially when they don't tell their AI to not cause more death to study it in real time. The actual plot was pretty cool. They made VR experiences where you could experience death but be totally safe, like bungie-jumping. But there was a 1% chance you might be selected to actually die so the AI could get some real data. They even had rules for suffering oxygen deprivation that dealt permanent stat loss.
In most cyberpunk media and tabletop games, the protagonist (or player) would just shoot through the kid to kill the enemy.
My players would’ve came at her with at least a shotgun or assault rifle and a grenade launcher per player.
Sigh, only reason they’re alive is that they’re extremely good at killing.
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That anime had a good example of what shooting a highly augmented merc with a small arm would feel like.
If we want to appeal to realism, you know what most cyberpunk media doesn't deal with?
The fact that every cybered up goon is functionally a paraplegic or one of those gimps with no limbs.
Their cyber arm is a prosthesis attached to their body, even in the best of cases. Forget sensation, just the pure physiology of it is never explored. At best you get a nod to immune suppressing drugs.
But the nitty gritty of even basic logistics is out the window. Like take a sinple problem like skin breaking down at the site of attachment, and the extensive amount of care stumps have to get done to avoid skin breaks, something we've only recently begun even working on "fixing" in a way that isn't just softer attachment points (And the current imagined solution involves extensive cell therapy and auto-transplants). That's a problem NOW with simple prosthetics, imagine how that'll be affected by a cyberpunk arm.
Or just the mechanics of keeping such a thing powered. Do you need to plug it in? Do you have a charger in your house directly connected to the power main? If its surgically attached you obviously can't take it off to power it, which means you need to plug yourself in overnight.
And all of this could be seeds for cyberpunk storytelling.
"Runners" having to run because their various implants necessitate a heavy amount of therapy and infrastructure to maintain.
Stories about retired runners having to replace their cybernetics with simple prostheses and going from superhuman to disabled.
The cyber spine that's letting you see everything in slowmotion is giving you fuckong hyper ptsd from always being in fight and flight mode, or just making it impossible to sleep without drugs.
Your fucking eye subscription ran out.
But instead it's just "Oh no, cybernetics are gonna make you crazy or eat your soul"
Coward shit.
I need to watch this, I like the idea of a sweet wholesome girl realizing she's a killing machine and trying to save people.
I have a setting i'm working on with four protagonists for each story and one of the protags is an android and the villain is a cyborg who pretty much goes full borg. At the end when he's defeated and arrested they pretty much take his head and whatever is left of him and remove it from his enhanced super cyborg killing machine body and put him in a weak cyborg body that's basically a sickly cripple so he can serve a prison sentence.

Basically the body he gets in prison is such a pushover he can't even strangle anyone or barely lift heavy stuff. Just enough for him to get around and not fight back while in prison.
Anon whos first time running cyberpunk here, I did the Night at the Opera mission that a few anons here helped me grimdarkify up.

Had the session today, played from 11am until 7pm (in person) and we still didnt finish the mission.

I extended the investigation portion considerable, threw in NPCs related to the players for a kidnap victim,had a whole tongue in cheek student club called the Crypt where they spent way to much time.

I do feel deflated however. For the level of effort you put in as a GM, you get very little back from the (6) players.

>Printed 6 large A3 fully coloured maps for each possible fight
>Custom made about 36 NPCs to fight, each with unique AI art
>Printed icons of these off and stuck them to warhammer bases to visual the fights easier
>Custom made about 50 Cyberpunk advertisement posters to decorate myt living room
>Bought pink, blue and purple LED lights for my living room
>Sprayed my hair green and gave myself a mohawk with cyber glasses things
>Made a detailed screamsheet with fun lore from session 0 and the upcoming session
>Planned about 14 pages of notes with twists and turns so depending what they'd decided to do had detailed notes and conversations and planned bits so I wouldnt be stumped
>Music appropriate for each scene

Yeah feel a bit deflated after that, dunno if thats the norm for this
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My friend, you have my full sympathy. Throughout the years, I've done all kinds of insane shit as a GM. The amount of hours I've spent prepping things that players care as much about as a fart in the wind is fucking crazy. I bought custom-made terrain for a Dark Sun game, I printed all sections of a big dungeon that I could reveal section by section, I've bought and painted untold miniatures, I've read big rule books, read lots of adventures, lots of advice threads, I bought a massively expensive prop set for a famous Call of Cthulhu campaign, and so on.

Players generally speaking don't care. At least they don't care enough that it is worth the effort and money. I applaud that you did all that printing shit but it's just so massively unnecessary, especially for a new group and especially for 6 players which is too many. (Although the LED lights you mention sound cool as fuck, especially for a Cyberpunk game).

My advice is to just keep it simple so that you don't drown in prep and burn out. Regardless of system, all you need is NPC names, motivations/hooks, and some compelling locations.
My guy you jumped the shark. Start with a lower level of investment before going whole hog. Save that for a dedicated group that appreciates it
Have you actually tried reading some cyberpunk instead of memes?
What were you expecting, fucking handstands? You have so much ancillary shit but are you a good GM?
When I do shit like this I do it because it's fun for me and sets the mood for the players. I don't expect them to suck my fucking cock because I put on a costume or something. I seriously don't know what you were expecting from the six (6) players at your table. Personally I love it when players or GMs do all this extra shit too but seriously you sound like you autistically sperged about the extra shit so much more than you were looking forward to the actual game that playing itself disappoints you
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Stat it.
You can use venom glands as a base
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Being the GM is a thankless job, but somebody's gotta do it.
I think you might have gone overboard but you set up the atmosphere right and a lot of 2020 books talk about that heavily so you have the right mindset. Hopefully the crew appreciated it. I certainly appreciate the mohawk. Also I really like your screamsheet idea. I have a wix website set-up to show lore for several groups I have playing in my Night City. They all see different news articles being posted and don't know if it's random news as the city moves forward or other real people running ops, so it's always fun.

Always remember the golden rule of GMing; if you had a cool idea that didn't get used for this session, you can always bring it back later on. The players will never know!
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>fucked up the age of a still-alive NPC in Red where hes born in the early 1800s because I didn't want to do math
>so he is somehow 140+
Nigga, the time of Red is in the 2040s, he's 240+ years old.
Time to crack open Night's Edge anon, we WoD now.
you have the perfect recipe to make a hilarious conspiracy
What anime?
Terminator Zero, I think.
I have, unlike you.
That's pretty novel.
>Six (6) players
Here’s your problem right there
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Are there any cyberpunk systems that, lore-wise, is similar to Pondsmith's particular blend off cyberpunk tropes and the like? I love me some media that just files off the serial numbers of from other works, like how Runners in the Shadow is just Shadowrun in the Blades in the Dark system.
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Just remembered that I should have noted that i'm not looking for just system conversions but TTRPGs that "files off the serial numbers off" of stuff from Pondsmiths stuff.
I fat fingered the 1.

Is it possible to make a secret society conspiracy from how far back this NPC is from?
are they gonna print more books for the rules or what?
Recommendations for large, inclosed, mapped spaces to use as fodder for a cyberpunk megadungeon?
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Check out Renraku Arcology.
Yes. Use CoC for inspiration of how to do it in ttrpg
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I want to use vtubers somehow but with a Cyberpunk twist. They'd be perfect Rockerboys but i'm trying to figure out how they'd work in a Cyberpunk setting.

For instance, do they use virtual avatars while broadcasting? Do they get chromed to look like their avatars? How would vtubing look in the future? Perhaps a holographic stream where she appears right in your home or some kind of virtual experience where you're present with her somehow is a virtual space?

Obviously a vtuber who is an Edgerunner would get chromed so what would be the difference between her physical self and virtual self?
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livestream bodycam footage, with either customized facemasks or so much chrome their face is the mask
strict policy on never announcing the next run up front (neither time, nor location), partially to prevent alerting the security, partially encouraging fomo in the followers
The 3rd edition one, Renraku Arcology shutdown? Skimming through it i am not seeing any maps, or is there another one I should be looking at?
You must take correction on fact that both entertainment and net evolved differently in Cyberpunk. Streamers let alone vtubers if they would exist would look completely different.
Exotic Bodysculpt is cheap enough if you are popular enough entertainer let alone edgerunner.
The Streamer from Va11HallA is good inspiration. And Pippa is unhinged enough to base PC on.
"Chat, do I snipe this gonk in the head or go for a legshot? Leg? Ok"
True, however 2DQT>3DPD would still be a thing. People won't stop liking anime girls. That's the whole appeal of vtubers which is why i'm trying to figure out how to make one an Edgerunner. People don't like anime girls and vtubers because they're flesh and blood.
My gyaru throwback Rockerboy(female) scrolls her gunfights and shit during gigs (also fucking people while high as shit on combat drugs) and edits filters and shit over the BD footage so it looks like a hyper-stylized 3DCG anime. Naturally, she includes a bunch of dronecam footage of herself so the fans know what they're getting.
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I'm absorbing the other anons advice as well as this.
I had an idea for a vtuber idol group (not that creative I know) but they're all netrunners and remotely operate humanoid drones that have pop-up displays like Cain did in Robocop 2. So you just have this massive warmachine with a tiny tablet face of a giggling anime girl as it shoots you with a chaingun. Obviously that doesn't work with RED's current net but I still liked it.
I don't have any maps but the Sears tower in Chicago would be a very good setting for a megadungeon since it's full of old world tech and is apparently still occupied because survey teams keep being killed.
Well there's this, not sure if it helps >>93879300

I kinda like your concept. If I run anything with vtubers it'll be in the 2070's because that's what my players want. I dunno when i'll get to play CPR myself.
Also, if you wanted to decide that, in your game, you could livestream BDs as you scroll them, you could probably set up some software to do the anime filter in real time. 2077 already shows that, in BD editor mode, you can shift the camera view to outside of the person doing the scrolling. Everything looks kind of washed-out and shitty in editor mode, but an overlay filter could easily solve that.
>Play RED
>Tank boss encounter (they're fighting actual tank)
>One of PC gets shelled and fucking dies
>Fast Forward 5 minutes
>Tank is exploded, fight is over
>Hey GM, I loot the (PC Name) body for chrome
>Like, I gut his cyberware with my katana for profit.
>He was vaporised
>What, but he's dead. Why cant I scavv him?
>There's no body ya gonk, he was hit for 14d6 damage. End of discussion.
>From this point, up untill the end they were rude and uninterested because I guess they really wanted that tech upgraded kereznikov.
Why are zoomers like this? I'm 23 btw.
I don’t like using the 2077 map. Where’s Night City University supposed to be here for this thing? My party made a few contacts at NCU after running Night at the Opera and I’d like the university to be a greater part of the world.
I think the best way to deal with that guy would be to let him scav, but make him roll to see what's salvageable. If he's not a medtech or doesn't have cybertech skills, then obviously he's gonna have a hard time and probably.

At the very least give him a broken piece of cyberware as a consolidation prize.
Oh the drone wasn't the issue (and dronebro's stuff is top-notch). I mean the RED net not being set-up for long-range drone piloting. At least no specifics for how far drone's can operate away from their netarch are ever given. The all about drones dlc mentions how the observer drone can't move more than 6m from the paired agent, but Tracer's observer can travel all across night city in his Tales of the RED job while he has a broken arm because who cares about consistency? But 2077's net should be fine.

Unrelated but I saw this article this morning and it made me think of how everything is airgapped in red.

I'm still seething that the core rulebook fans the flames of player loot goblinism with shit like 'sell stuff for full price because everything is used at this point anyway' and 'you can repair almost everything, yeah destroyed beyond repair is a thing but your referee is a meanie poopie pants if they use it' and then you read tales of the RED and everything gets destroyed beyond repair so the players only get the set rewards (which are already very high, like 2,000€$ for 3 fights and 2 investigations). People praise CRPG's like BG3 which I'm sure don't let you loot everything but when a referee gets annoyed that the players are trying to steal gold fillings from the NPC's suddenly they're a bad ref.
So, one hand you're right, but on the other, the spectre of Maximum Mike emerges laughing from the bottle when you rub it. FAQ tells you not to give a sucker an even break and have Fixers haggle them down or sell on consignment, both of which operates under the assumption whatever they grab the Fixer is willing to take.

I'm personally a fan of "rewarding" loot goblin behavior with reinforcement waves. Unless you've successfully drilled every possible enemy in the immediate neighborhood or stealthed the whole business people heard what you're doing and you have only so much time to take anything until somebody shows up. Could be more gangsters, could be scavs that want the free ware you're chasing after. In any case; apply Payday logic and players have to start getting creative or picky or both.

They wanna scav some guy's internal frame? There's no fucking time to take it out, you need to throw a 400lb man in the trunk and hope to not hit an NCPD checkpoint. "Sir, open the trunk" can and should provoke flight or fight responses.

It also lets you dictate rewards a little by their convenience. Pulling chips from slots and taking guns and grenades is much more manageable economically without removing the value of picking over the battlefield.
Semi related but I need advice with dealing with my players.

For the last 2 or sessions 2 players just chat during the whole game, about golf, girlfriends and life. I don't mind when it's not their turn in combat but it's also during dialogue and other bits of the game. I've brought it up a few times and it gets dismissed as just "banter" and ensures me he is interested and not bored.

At first I thought oh I must be a bad GM let me double down next game. So I went overboard with voices, music, level design, all the shit to keep them interested yet it happened again yesterday and now I don't know what to do. My other 3 players are fine, if a little quiet and unsure but they've only played 3 or 4 cyberpunk sessions so that's fine. But the other 2 are just pissing me off now. They also dismiss some encounters like a NPC may attack a character and one of the bad players will say "I just don't care enough to help". That would be fine if it's their character but it isn't really.

Ever dealt with this before?
Why not just a life support system of some kind? Why give them mobility?
If he's going to "regular" prison, in so far as he isn't getting wild and special accommodations it makes sense to make sure he can meet the expectations of a prisoner; being able to walk unassisted from his cell to holding areas or the yard, handle paperwork, feed himself (whatever his nutrition requirements may be as an FBC) and so on.
Well at first I thought of having his head and upper torso be hung from machines but it felt too dark, my setting is a little more light hearted so I thought i'd have it so he gets a different body it's just weak as shit. It's more like a Saturday morning superhero setting or light hearted shonen adventure.

I don't do edgy so it felt out of character. This ain't Robocop.
It's not you. Some people just are like this. It makes players on their phones during games look like saints in comparison because at least the distraction isn't infectious. The best advice is the same as all interplayer drama. Try to talk to the players separately (public callouts aren't going to make things better) and explain their conversations make it hard for you as the ref to run the games. Especially make them aware that it's been an issue for the last two sessions (and probably longer tbqh). If they admit it, give them another chance. If they are indignant let them know you're out of patience and will drop them. If they're still indignant... Just cut them. Just out of curiosity we're these players friends before, or are they strangers? 'Friend group' players are the worst because they act like the whole game is their casual hangout like they're playing Overwatch or TF2.

I got an idea for you. Since the whole world runs on €$ I bet the EU could pass a lot of international treaties that everyone must adhere to, and ethical treatment of criminals could be one. So even the biggest borg who is just a brain in a jar still needs to have at least a Gemini, otherwise it's cruel and unusual punishment. Perhaps the cyberware is medical grade (i.e, no upgrade potential and very spindly) but still human-shaped.
The Transporter drone from Drone DLC "can travel to any location with access to the CitiNet it and its linked Agent are connected to" so maybe it's not specific but it is there.
You got memed, from what I remember skimming it it's more of a cool ideas book than a game module book.
Yeah, these players are childhood friends. But so is one of the other players but he was fine desu.
That's probably it and the drone is tech-upgraded to operate anywhere on the citinet. I tried looking up some real-world examples and if I'm reading correctly there are drones that can transmit high quality live footage to a phone 300m away (could be a luxury version). I'm glad the books add onto the core rules like with all of the tech-upgrades in TotR, I just wish they were clearly documented.
Hopefully the banter players will be reasonable and can get their ooc out of their system before the games. Maybe even have a quick 15 minutes where they can banter while you help other players spend IP/loot. Wishing you luck.
Cheers anon, I'll give it a go next session
I think this is the best solution to scav players. Let them have their loot but introduce time constraints so they can't loot everything.
You know at first I thought 'what are shitty scav's with +10 combat rolls gonna do?' but then I remembered that unless a player agrees to be lookout I can hit multiple players with un-dodgable rifle rounds when the scav's start sniping. I could even give them those bolt-action excellent rifles from Toggle's Temple.
My strategy is to kinda "pause" the game and just keep quiet until they're the only people talking. If your other players are engaged they'll likely pipe up and ask them to "lock in" or whatever. If they don't you could kindly ask them to focus, however you'd like to word it. Might not work for you, I find it's most effective when the other players are the ones pulling the offending players back in. if that doesn;t work just try talking to them (in front of everyone not alone) like other anons ahve suggested >>93910031
I'm pretty unfamiliar with the overall Cyberpunk lore, but a friend is hosting a 1shot that might turn into a more fully fledged campaign. Kinda related to the vtuber question earlier, is "streaming" a thing in lore? Was going to make a live streaming hypebeast media (some combo of Andrew Callaghan and Logan Paul/a similar obnoxious content creator), but don't know if I should retool it as more vlog based or something.
Finally read the timeline of this. I guess its main unique selling points are being set in 2090, lunar and martian colonies, robots, and possible aliens. And a New Hitler Youth sprawlgang. Lots of spooky unexplained shit happens in the timeline. Megacorp control sits at an interesting middlepoint between Cyberpunk and Shadowrun too. Shadowrun has all powerful omnipresent corps above any nation, while Cyberpunk 2020 has the corps exerting soft control over the still existing and still weapons-of-mass destruction equipped and army having governments. Cyberspace has the corps being de facto rulers but the governments still exist even though they are dependent on the corps for their security and armies.
I suspect there's nothing that keeps you from doing livestreaming; but depending on the time period you're in your reach could be limited (it would likely be expensive to the point of impossibility to stream live beyond the citinet). The other thing is you'll be competing with braindances, where people with a wreath could be "living" curated experiences rather than just watching what you're doing.

You could split the difference, scroll BD footage on the job alongside traditional recording as a preview or a demo, so people will buy BDs of your 'adventures' when you release them on to chips. The point is that the BD is going to be the real money-maker because just watching what you're doing isn't going to compare to lying down on your couch and BEING you during your wildest moments.
Gentelmen I require your opinion, not because I'm indecisive, or unmotivated, but because I value your opinion.

See the attached picture for context.
Which form of presenting information do you find more easy to read/comprehend? The black one where there's a quick context and then straight to the ruleset list, or the white one where everything is presented in a single block of text? Ignore the fact that the white has more context, that is irrelevant because I can add it to the black one as well.

PS: Campaign is nearing the end, and in about half a year or maybe more time (adulting is wack, yo) we will end with RED and skip on to the next system/campaign. So as my parting gift I'll leave the GM's handbook or whatever I'll call it if I (or one of you) find a better name for it.
Also I will repost this as thread will autosage in hours.

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