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Cold edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Armies that pull of ice theam best? (Fat guys disqualified)
Are they ever going to release those underworlds teams individually? Or are they just permanently gone now?
was kind of hoping for a re-do of the gryph hounds.
They always did, it just takes absurdly long time.
Recently they've been re-releasign 1st edition teams though
Nighthuant with frozen ice spirits, stormcast with a silver/ blue scheme, soulblight with a nazi zombie theme like that nazi zombie movie
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>Armies that pull of ice theam best?
>t. Khar-Kharanadon worshiper
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I like that this is real.
>Armies that pull of ice theam best?
Frozen Maggotkin of Nurgle
>(Fat guys disqualified)
Not fair...
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Ironjawz work fantastic as Icy the chunky Iron they use is super easy to turn icy.
>Armies that pull of ice theam best?
He looks like he's about to blow up Helm's Deep sewer grate
Is a russ too big to proxy as a steam tank?
yes, it is about 3 times as big iirc
Shit. Wanted to try different rules for my cities to see what units I like
He's a real trooper that one
>got my buddy into Spearhead
>lost interest in the game now that he bought his first box
*I lost interest, not him
Probably because it's just an overpriced dogshit boardgame pretending to be a miniatures game.
You’re a scholar and gentleman for posting these. Thank you.
gw won
The game itself is okay but the miniature painting and collecting is what will sustain a hobbyist. If you don't enjoy the modeling and painting, I would either stick to absolute bare minimum formats like spearhead or killteam, or just get out of the hobby now before you sink $500 trying to find that spark only to realize it's just not for you

If you can't enjoy a single spearhead, this hobby probably just isn't for you
It might be a few years too late for vampirate anon or maybe not, I've no idea and can't recall his @, but WD went and published a whole ass Warcry supplement just for seadogs like his dudes >>93878267
Anon, my firend is the one starting, i have like 3 armies. I just don't feel like playing spearhead now
Shit man I've been buying and painting minia for years and have yet to play anything but side games.

Though finally did bite the bullet thanks to cursed city and some choice purchases to have a couple full armys now.
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I demand a morathi sculpt with exposed nipple again. Sick of PG AoS sculpts.
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Safe gives more money, consider alternative manufacturers that don't give a shit.
Sylvaneth seem like an obvious one, any season-themed scheme can work for them.
Thinking on it, I bet an ice theme could be pretty sweet for SBGL too if you lean into the vaguely Slavic models.
Abraxia solo release when
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Big ups to 3d printing from saving us from modern GW slop
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Can't decide on armour trim. Left has leadbelcher but it doesn't really stand out with the bone and purple. Right is grey seer, was thinking of doing a green contrast like with the weapon. Any suggestions?
the grey is definitely better. its either that or a darker bone colour like aggaros dunes
I wish too
You'll get her barechested son Malerion and be thankful for it.
Never forget that a male elf has a whole book dedicated to his search for his dead barren human wife, while the DoK that openly and actively hate men keep them fat and half naked around them and can't help but pump put half-human children with them. And they are insane religious fanatics that kill each other all the time but are somehow less violently stupid than stormcast.
The whole faction is incredibly comical and perverse; truly magical. Now if only current day Warhammer novels were written with actual language instead of gibberish.
I think its funny the original short stories that got collected together to make the novel are mostly unchanged other than to increase their interconnectivity, except for everything surrounding his dead human wife.

In the original stories he was shunned by his clan because their union couldn't produce new life, and they believed this was against their worship of Alarielle, implying they believe Alarielle is also homophobic. In the novel its changed so they're just straight up racist and his exile is over their disdain for marrying another species, maybe because it came out after the DoK one that established half-aelves or maybe just to avoid the homophobia thing.
>implying they believe Alarielle is also homophobic
This would make sense, except the border of Ghyran(it was Ghyran right?) allows even men to get pregnant and give birth. So some wacky anime shit is more than possible.
I guess that's true, but the unstable magics at the edge of each realm are also deadly if you get too close, it's like a radiation thing. Like you get too close to the edge of hysh and you start unravelling into light and raw concepts, but you can also just start to crystalize before you get that far. Even assuming you have a way to cross the insane distance to get to ghyran's edge (decades, on foot) you might overshoot the pregnancy zone, accidentally ending up too close where shit starts getting Annihilation(2018) and you start shifting the boundaries between animal and plant.

Changing your gender is also as easy as drinking a potion that permanently changes your features to whatever you focus on while its in your bloodstream though, so weird wizard shit enabling standard mpreg isn't too hard to believe
>Armies that pull of ice theme best?
man I wish IDK could but they have nothing
fucking nothing
forgotten, shitty army
Can a beginner get some basic concepts explained real quick.
Like what do people mean when they call units (specifically heroes) 'drops'?
2 drops, 3 drops, etc
"Drops" are groups of units that you set up all at once. Referring to heroes as "Drops" pertains to the listbuilding system, where it's a hero and some number of units associated with that hero that are all deployed at once.
Thank you, appreciate it
As far as 4e goes drops are basically synonymous with regiments, I guess except for each individual auxilary unit being a drop of their own
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>Armies that pull of ice theam best? (Fat guys disqualified)
Slaves to Darkness. A lot of their models are literally based on vikings, and even the ones that aren't seem to incorporate armor and fur.
I guess the vyrkos, viking werewolves are a thing right?
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Alright dudes I am fucking stupid. I tried to read the lore in the 3E Cities of Sigmar codex and I felt like my brain was leaking out of my ears. So they never stop marching and fighting, they go from one battle to another. So are all the realms infinite and filled with motherfuckers to fight then? Is there an edge and if so what happens when they get to it? Aren't the realmgates inside the city? Wouldn't they just go through the gates? They fight chaos and Orks and stuff, what happens when they clear a realm? Can they stick it to another realm? Is Order's end goal to put all the realms back together?
>The whole faction is incredibly comical and perverse; truly magical.

That's Warhammer
Also so like, after the old world broke, there's three whole fucking ages of shit that happened. How long ago were the end times?
>So they never stop marching and fighting, they go from one battle to another.

No, they March until they get to where they want to form a new city

>So are all the realms infinite and filled with motherfuckers to fight then?

Effectively yes. There are limits but the scales are too vast. Almost like the almost infinite worlds of the 41st millenium

>Is there an edge and if so what happens when they get to it?

Yes. When you get closer to the edge the realm magic gets strong and pretty much kills you. If you somehow survived, say you're a god. You can jump off the edge

>Aren't the realmgates inside the city?

Some are, some aren't.

>Wouldn't they just go through the gates?

Depends on if they can. Think of them like airports, you fly to the closest airport, then take alternative transportation the rest of the way

>They fight chaos and Orks and stuff, what happens when they clear a realm?

They never do. Like 40k, there is only war

>Can they stick it to another realm? Is Order's end goal to put all the realms back together?

Yes. But it will never happen as it's a story and it won't end. Theoretically, Order or death should win as they can form a unified alliance, then build proper fortifications.
But, it's a setting for war games so they never will. It's pretty much using a lot from 40k to make it something more expansive than WFB
I don't think they've specified exactly but at least hundreds of not thousands of years
I can tell there's a lot from 40k, the age of myth echoes the DAoT from reading about it. Thanks for clearing that up.
It's like they borrowed a lot from fantasy when creating 40k
Lol, it comes full circle.
Are they gonna squat the luminarks and griffons? They look so fucking cool but it'd really be a kick in the dick if they went away
Am I the only one who sees a Turaga in the bottom left of the pic?
Its worth noting that some realmgates are corrupted and send you straight to the realm of chaos, and some are only SLIGHTLY corrupted and will SOMETIMES send you to the realm of chaos.
Also Dawnbringer crusades don't always form cities around realmgates, they can found them at strategic points, in areas of high magic, old ruins or just... places that feel right more or less
And if you're mainly a 40k player, The chaos gods in AoS are the same as the ones in 40k. Not like, same set of gods, they're LITERALLY the same entities (Other than the rat). Gorkamorka also falls under this banner but he's... weird.
I did notice on Lexicanum that the Slann... created or were called Old Ones. Did the lizard ark go to 40kland?
Frogs were made by the Old Ones.
And in older editions of 40k/fantasy, yeah, the Old ones in 40k were the same Old Ones in Fantasy. Now it's a bit more nebulous. The only explicit connections are the big four and Gorkamorka. And obviously all the named daemons that show up in both settings. Though I am unsure about Be'lakor specifically.
On that subject, one of the newer slaanesh models (esske, the big lad in the Syll'Esske model, Syll is the daemonette) is explicitly from a universe that is neither 40k nor Fantasy/AoS.
there's maps of the realms, the functional space they actually operate in isn't that big.
>Are they gonna squat the luminarks and griffons?
We don't know, probably? Maybe? Stormcast were removed but fucking nightrunners weren't, so anything is anyone's guess.
Mantic even had their not-chaos army (Varangur) be an offshoot list of their Nordic army. Officially that means you paint their armor black but if you read between the lines it's for proxying Slaves to Darkness minis into KoW.
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Old Ones were dimnsion hopping super aliens that went around creating sentient life in 40k, fantasy, bloodbow and god knows where else.
The created Slann as essentially much weaker clones of themselves to help them do the dirty work of terraforming planets and teach elfs how to read.
Genuinely don't really understand how you got this out of CoS' 3e battletome, the whole fucking thing is just going over the anatomy of how the dawnbringer crusades go out and set up new frontier towns & why they're doing it. You literally have to stop at page 2 of the battletome to be assuming this stuff
>Is Order's end goal to put all the realms back together?
Order's end goal is not having Chaos around. They already found a way around autisms of greenskins and undead in the past, so they're a non-issue once reality bending cancers are gone
>How long ago were the end times?
It's kept vague. When old world was blown up, Sigmar clang to the its core for a while.
This was before the age of myth
It was hundreds of thousands of thousands, maybe even a million years ago. The mortal realms slowly coalesced, expanded and had a whole prehistory with races like Kragnos’ and the Draconith rising and falling before the incarnates arrived and started the age of myth.

It’s a lot less than that for a lot of the returning characters who either existed in a space where time is meaningless like the realm of chaos, or who woke up there with no time experienced between, though
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>How long ago were the end times?
Kroak is literally the only caracter conscioulsy present from ET to now and he never said how long ago things were.
I doubt even Chaos gods know, since they fucked off after too many sentient beings died.
We know it's been several 1000s of years since Sigmar awoke
Even kroak wasn’t consciously present, while the Slann were more or less cognizant the whole perilous trip across space, kroak got vaporized alongside lustria and clan pestilence shortly after willing his body back to life in the end times, saving the planet in the process.

He just started manifesting in the mortal realms at some point after the Slann arrived, mysteriously appearing to assist them when they needed most and vanishing afterwards. It wasn’t until the necroquake fucked things up that he stuck around full time and took control of the Itza ship as his own. The Slann think he ascended to wherever the old ones are now, and just takes the form of a corpse when he reaches into material reality to interact with them.
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It stinks.
Then replace Kroak with Slann#34. I'm sure he didn't fall asleep on the ship
They're more Syberian than Viking, but that's just a different hat
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Oh right it's Friday the 13th
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>While no Stormcast would shed tears for those who had knowingly embraced the Ruinous Powers, the Astral Templars agreed that even the Darkoath clans deserved clean deaths rather than the fate the Skaven had in store for them.
>the fate the Skaven had in store for them.
like what?
Nothing sanitary.
Organ/blood farm for the mutants, petri dish for pestilance, quad amputated blind fucknugget
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Is he Sylvaneth or CoS?
Same as the Cursed City Wanderer: not even legends
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Cursed city character was a kurnothi, we’ll never see her again on the tabletop but she’s heralding something coming
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me orks
Bookfags get rules
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After painting most of their spearhead I've come to the conclusion that I hate painting Khorne.

They not only have trim everywhere but also have a real lack of coherency, Blood Warriors and Bloodreavers may all seem similar at a glance but they are all wearing different outfits and armor designs, weapons and tat.
This may seem like a good thing but in practice it prevents me from getting into a good batch paint groove and I have to treat each model as I would a foot hero.

Pic related, this was supposed to be a quick project but I'm losing interest because it's taking too long just to get them to a decent tabletop level.
That male elf isn't DoK related at all. He worships Alarielle.
I would love to see this actual reference about DoK keeping fat men around and pumping out half elf children (besides your schizo rambling). Like, a screenshot.
You're not supposed to engage with that guy. Nothing good may come of it.
To answer your questions in order. You clearly didn't read the 3rd edition book, which answers most of the questions, or you are mentally retarded. The remaining answers are in any core rulebook fluff section from 2nd edition onward.
> keep marching and fight?
No. Each dawnbringer crusade has an objective location. If they get there they fortify it and try to make it eventually become a city.
> are the realms infinite?
> filled with things to fight?
Yeah it's warhammer
> is there an edge?
Towards the edges of the realms (or center in Shyish) the magic of each realm gets so concentrated it kills you. You have to be extremely magic resistant to survive. There are hard edges though.
> aren't realmgates in cities?
No, but cities like to be built around realmgates to other strategically important places.
> won't they just go through the gate?
If it took them nearer to their destination why not. But gate travel isn't perfect and you can still die
> what happens when they clear a realm
The only clear realm is Azyr (and skaven still have a way in). Presumably at that point they colonize the entire thing, before chaos and destruction inevitably invade from another realm.
> is orders end goal to out the realms back together
A short story in the 3rd edition book has a stormcast theorize that control of the realmgate could possibly help 'bind' the realms closer together but it's never taken beyond that point. It's not an explicit goal of the Order grand alliance, which can't even agree on a single goal beyond general shit like 'kill chaos' anyway
yeah, honestly I just knew painting stuff that small with the details being so compacted was a tell tale sign that its not a very fun army to paint.
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More of a "Sons of Northern Darkness" theme than an ice theme, but I'm very happy with my Blackoath (and will take any opportunity to post them)
Love these guys. I dunno why but most people only paint skin and don't add any flair in terms of tribal tattoos or face paint. It's always nice to see it.
These guys look so fucking good.
You should be proud anon.
Really good work
The novel covens of blood has a DoK with a half-aelf son, but it doesn’t say what the other half is and he doesn’t show up because she faked his stillbirth so she could smuggle him out of the cult and give him a real life rather than being part of the male slave caste. That he’s not fully aelf isn’t even really the relevant thing, it wasn’t more embarassing than him being born male, she just gets blackmailed into helping the protagonist over the secret of her deceit. The dude you’re replying to is just schizo rambling about something vaguely interesting from one story three years ago
My very cheap Skaventide arrived today and I am having fun assembling the Skaven half. I will be playing using them and my Seraphon with a friend next week. Pushing some of the parts together has been a little bit annoying, almost resorted to cutting off the plug and using glue.
best darkoath on /tg/ desu

>almost resorted to cutting off the plug and using glue

I do that with all pushfit minis, you never know if they are going to leave gaps until after you put them together and by then it's often too late to take them apart again.

better to just glue them all and save the hassle.
Oh yeah, where's his model?
Not out yet. But when he will he will get rules
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Should i go rummage my bits box to shodily greenstuff together a 4th copy of a hero you shouldn't run more than 1 anyway?
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It would be... Excessive
Is it just me or are these guys really fucking bad??
It's tradition at this point
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>literal Fridey the 13th
>ratfags aren't posting
Looks like they lost so hard all their fans died too
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What did you paint today, /aosg/?
They have a weak point that everyone hits for massive damage
Haven't painted anything since April. Just didn't felt like spending money
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Today? Nothing. I did finish my first squad of Sentinels the other day, though.
very clean. i like them. good job.
every time I see a slaanesh model I want to buy them
but I have a rule against collecting armies where you can’t use the same wash over the whole model
all that clean shiny metal and jewels next to flesh and leather
can’t just slap fleshshade on them like my maggotkin
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Keep your paints slightly moist and closed
I hate Liberator Gold with a passion. Finally swore it off after my 3rd pot did the same thing the last 2 did and turned into a chunky mess before I even used a quarter of it.
Anyone buy new Stormvermin that would be able to a side by side of them with the older plastic ones tomorrow?
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the website minicompare is a thing
Isn't it way off on many models?
Just checked, it says old school primaris are twice as tall as an old stormvermin
I can say that is not the case
oldschool tactical*
>old school primaris
2017 isn't old school
It is grandpa
Is there a Differenzen between blades of khorne and slaves of darkness besides the gods they worship?
Sorry for the missclick. Just got off the clock
Slaves to darkness worship whole bunch of gods, including Khorne.
Blades of Khorne is just a super dedicated sect of khorne with his demons included.
It's like StD are USA with a bunch of religions and Blades of Khorne are Vatican, Catholic dictatorship
Weirdly restrictive rule for yourself. What armies do you paint that way?
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I know that OBR weapons are forged from nadirite, but what do they make their armour/helmets/shields out of? Decorative trim aside, it's clearly a metallic non-bone material.
I think I read that it's lacquered bone.
The blue shit is also worn by Nagahs and Arkhan, so it either has to be blue bone or some fairly generic metal.

STD (specifically Darkoath) represent most of the humans in the mortal realms, they worship the dark gods often out of necessity though there are true believers as well.
They follow the path to glory where great deeds will grant them power and sweet black armor and maybe eventually immortality and demonhood (but probably not).

Blades of Khorne are a cult of violence and death, they have specced into rage, cannibalism and murder for the sake of it, gaining size and muscle (and various mutations) as they gain Khorne's favor.
>I hate painting Khorne
Yep. Play them since 1.0 and still didn't even managed to come up with a usable color sheme. I love the models but getting them done is suffering.

Good description here. I recall some BoK lore in which they fed slaves they captured the flesh of their fallen co-villagers. Some denied and starved, others became to buffed by this diet that they joined in the ranks of the bloodreivers.
Pretty sure the OBR designers were having a competition to see who could design the ugliest models in Warhammer history
Besides them being totally visually distinct, the fact that the blue plates are all riveted together indicates it's not bone. If it's just generic metal then why use it when their "osseus exoskeletons" are just as strong?
And then the fucker that ruined Lord Inquistor Torquemada Coteaz steps out of the shadows.
A lot of thier stuff is purely decorative, so maybe they don't want to feel naked.
There is 0 practical reason for all the spikes and irregularities on OBR outside of them wanting it there.
dirty boys like maggotkin skaven etc where dulling the shiny bits with a non-metallic wash is ok
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Alright gonna say I finished Ushorann. That was pretty fun, minus all the stupid little faces crammed into nooks and crannies.
This model is absolutely incredible.
Looks like it came out well.
I have this guy sitting on my shelf - any painting tips?
Nah, that was Lumineth.
I hope you didn't pre-assemble. Paint cloak and body seperate. Also, there's like 19 heads/skulls in his cloak. Other than that he was not that bad, all his little crevices help with detailing and drybrushing.
I already assembled...oh well.
I managed to do mine pre-assembled it's just slightly more annoying, and its not like anyones gonna be doing nipple inspections on Ush.
NTA, but out of principle I refuse to paint in assembly. If I can't get a paint brush to it nobody is going to see it on the tabletop.
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Can you belive this was made by the same guy who did the nu sanguinary guard
I don't know that for a fact but sure, I could believe it.
I mean, og chaos warriors are literally vikings from a place called fucking Norska, thats definetly not Scandinavian peninsula, would be weird if they didnt pull it off
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Should BoK have more chain axes?
Has anybody headswapped belladamma?

It would be pretty difficult I think, also why would you want to? She's great.
I dont like her open mouth. I really wish for each vampire model they had an extra head that didn't showcase their fangs.
I'm not sure what I'd head swap her for to be honest, she's meant to be an old gross babushka vampire right? I did a bit of a swap with her, the 2nd wolf under the rock was missing from my model so I put a little dude chained up bleeding from the neck under the rock.
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It's like a Myrmidesh Painbringer, but blue and birdy.
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My 90s toy Kruleboyz spearhead is getting there, some details and highlights missing but they are ready for the table I'd say
so now that the dust has settled, why did 4e flop?

Did it? I'm certainly enjoying it more than 3rd.
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I forgot the murknob and it was a bad photo so let's try again.
This one is marginally better.
i fucking hate them

It's always nice to elicit a reaction :)
What exactly happened in your head the moment you decided that this is the style you want your army to be? Is the goal to distract the opponent if they start reminiscing about their 1990s toys, or to just make him vomit?
least garish aos army

>have Dominion
>don't like kruleboyz
>leave kbz unpainted for 3 years
>spearhead is a thing, I only need to buy the big bow and I've got the KBz one
>since I don't like KBz turn them into something I do like, something reminiscent of my favorite toys growing up.
Interesting, thank you. Although in your position I would just sell them instead of paying more for another model to play, and instead put money into a spearhead box for an army I do like.
I love them
They're about 50 points more than their stats are worth. Then if Myrmidesh were 100 like they actually should be you then still wouldn't take slaangor in comparison.
Are there any Hobgrots on any models or in any units in KB outside of their actual kit? Could they just have Chorfs easily steal them?
AoSbros we are never beating the kids board game allegations.
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>actual soul
Small wonder the reaction was negative.

Hah! I forgot about that one.
>making your models look like toys
anon minis are essentially toys, I hope you realize that
Whether your army looks like some angsty mudcore display or something from teenage mutant ninja turtles, neither are going to aquire you some bitches on their own.
Kek are you both mandchildren
It's a more interesting idea for an army than your nonexistent models use
What is Warhammer if not angsty
Obnoxious and fat as I came to discover.
anybody got a pdf for hamilcar champion of the gods? or other aos pdfs with skaven
Always a pleasure to see your work, 80sanon.
How are you guys dealing with Disciples of Tzeentch right now? I cannot figure out how to beat that army, at all. It feels like the army can damn near just cheat.
The implication of violence if he powergames.
>all that clean shiny metal and jewels next to flesh and leather
>can’t just slap fleshshade on them like my maggotkin
Fleshshade works excellently on golds and other warm metallics. You absolutely could do a Slaaneshi paint scheme that's washable with one shade paint, you're just unimaginative.
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R8 my first "kitbash"

I put it in quotes because this was, obviously, just mixing a dual-unit box.

I think it's cool, but I feel like the Champion (far-left model) doesn't stand out enough to be identified as such. The guy next to him has a way nicer pose.
I like flails.

Flails and fist weapons are absolute peak. I wish I had the means/bits to give them more flagellant-adjacent stuff like cat o'nine tails.
Depends on what kind of Tzeentch list you're up against, but the answer is probably positioning and screens. If you're getting shredded by Skyfires, you need to have some screens or throw-away units to eat up your opponent's off-turn shooting (cover fire has to target closest). If you're up against Tzaangor and your opponent still has destiny dice, assume he's making the charge and screen or position accordingly. Getting stuck on Horrors can be a slog, avoid them or Power Through to avoid getting pinned and counter charged.

Not much you can do about Kairos, though, and he's just free VP for Tzeentch
Is the rat book-tome online yet? Or better luck-try in like 12 hours?
a couple more hours until I can be disgusting at how overcosted the brood terror ends up being.
Just one in Da Kunnin Krew. None of the grot helpers on any of the KB models are hobgrots.
A lot!
Some of my Necromunda gangers and more of my Spearhead
He-Man colour scheme is based.

I remember seeing someone who has their DoK in a similar theme, was yellow, pink and blue IIRC.
Hope they're doing good too
Finished Ush from above! Now debating on what I wanna start: I got direwolves or some cryptguard to assemble and paint.
some leaks about there being a death hero being released in ocotober. half king something or some such.
Perhaps… the half-aelf king?
Good, that reputation will continue to filter all the chuds, waacfags, secondaries and grognards and we can keep enjoying our comfy high fantasy he man clash of the titans krull nonsense
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I think mutations and friedns make it a Twinsoul
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where the hell did he get that spine from
Career politician
Hope this is the case. Serious-fags os why 40k is such unbearable cringe with an audiance of manbaby secondaries that demand you take it as some profound sci-fi classic.
NIghthaunt mogs everything else in warhammer
AoS is good, 40k is good, and Old World is good anon.
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you cannot mog that which cannot be mogged.
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ah yes the deviantart aesthetic
the best part about Nighthaunt is its lack of aged gross human models
the OSL is cool
but I don’t get the appeal of NMM
nmm often makes it look too busy.
True metallics photograph like shit and it drives artists crazy to have their hard work be unable to show properly online outside of video. It's also just a skillfully intensive technique and gives a lot of opportunities to add definition to a piece to create different aesthetics and moods that normal lighting kind of obliterates on TMM.
NMM look great in photography, it's on the tabletop that they look weird next to true metals and uncontrolled lighting
Yeah, it's definitely way more beneficial for studio pieces and not really going to be appreciated on table top. Especially if it's mixed in with an otherwise battle ready army That uses different techniques
"true" TMM as in NMM painted with matallics still looks great in pictures though
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I agree that champion dosn't look championy.
If anything the only guy wearing a real helmet would be my guess for who's in charge.
Good otherwise
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>Armies that pull of ice theam best?
Say I have an army of wood elves from old FB, and want to play Age of Sigmar. Just plain elves, Eternal Wards and such. Which faction do they belong to? Not tryin to stir the pot or anything, but I've talked to my brother about Stormcast being removed en masse, and could not recall that causing much of a backlash. Are they safe and sound now, and models still used as they are or included as other units, not in terms of "I proxy X as Y", but as in "GW said these units now belong in new unit despite slight visual differences"?
>not in terms of "I proxy X as Y"
With respect to the old Wood Elves models specifically, they used to have rules in Cities of Sigmar until they didn't. However, when they lost their rules, GW said you could proxy those models to play other roughly analogous units in Cities of Sigmar. So basically that's what you're supposed to do.
Does GW have an official list of what models are supposed to be proxied as like they do for 40K?
> so badly received he is now written out of the story
Lol what a loser
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Anyone got PDFs of the Dawnbringer series?
Just finished War for the Mortal Realms and want to catch up with the rest of the recent lore.
Thats great. So what about Stormcasts that are gone? Are they in the same position - proxy as anything?
Proxy them logically or just explain things to your opponent and try not to be a dick
There's no suggested mapping of x to y
Sure, he got told to do some BA upgrades in in the 10 minutes before lunch.
Yeah, as expected, thanks. Glad for sigmarines players, even if not a fan of old sculpts myself.
>So what about Stormcasts that are gone?
The discontinued SCE models have gotten free rules online that will remain legal for matched play until next summer. For the time being they can be run as what they are, no proxying necessary.
Normal dude with dull wepaon and shield can be other dude with dull wepaon and shield.
Guy on gryph can be guy on gryph.
Elite guys that were mistakenlu packed as 3/5 in the starter can be proxied as the guys intentionally packed as 3 in the starter.
Guys with ranged wepaons can be guys with ranged weapons.
Caster hero on foot can be caster hero on foot.

Balista is literally the only problematic one
Dawnbringer 1-6

unknown if it the Soulblight Gravelord Othar the Half-King models that LGS are putting premtavly up or not
That's a very obvious Nighthaunt.
its really not their design language.
little guy is basically a blade revenant but it's a merging of the two. Looks like a kitbash of NH and wight king models so either way
Look at bottom half of the model
I've assembled a whole army of NH.
I'm going to guess that's the updated wight king and we're losing the current one, but the little guy makes me think this is a limited release
nighthaunts are hunched, are usually covered in chains and signs that they're in a punishment of sorts and their armour is way less elaborate
This guy is fucking flying. He's not a skeleton, he's a ghost.
Skull faces are old news for NH.
He even has a fucking Knifeghast Revenant
>He's not a skeleton, he's a ghost.
Are you surprised that gw might take the term wight king slightly more literally for once?
When there's a whole ghost army? No i don't think they would
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You're retarded if you think that's a NH.
gunna look pretty stupid if it turns out to be nighthaunt anon
imagine how stupid you're looking right now!
I knew I had seen a similarly crude crown somewhere
what if he is both SBGL and NH because he is half-half
Notice how Wight King has the litle thing called LEGS
but they don't define it
>sbgl gets unique foot hero #560 they don't want or need
>obr gets alt concept sculpted boneshaper since 2019, and a off theme extra chromosome centaur

Why is gw such shit
Pls no, thats one of best GW models ever.
>worst death getting nothing
sounds fine to me.
But lack of them is a defining design feature of Nighthaunt.
If you see a model covered in Chaos stars would you argue it's Seraphonstar because the 8 pointed design doesn't mean anything?
clearly this is a gloomspite model.
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>But lack of them is a defining design feature of Nighthaunt.
not really, hexwraiths have them, nighthaunt as a range are defined by other features, that's a passing commonality at best.

even a blind man could see this fucker >>93894665 would look like a fish out of water in a nighthaunt army while it's perfectly at home alongside sbgl skeletons
It's heavily criticised for being too close to Gloomspite, but it was made for a new faction that just so hapeenes to have slave grots, not an addition to one of the two established factions
>hexwraiths have them
Hexwraith are not a fucking Nighthaunt model. They have a NH warscroll, but they don' have a model made for Nigthhaunt.
If you're only argumetn is that it doesn't look like a Vampire Counts model twice as old as Nighthaunt then it's a rather weak argument
>It's heavily criticised for being too close to Gloomspite
>some dude said
irrelevant argument
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>imagine *still* getting asspounded by OBR after they removed all the healing
>this model cannot possibly be an updated version of this model because it lacks legs!

>this model cannot possibly get used as indication because it's obvious an update would remove the legs!
Yes it it obvious, because they already did Nightuant horsman model 3 times
tankx brah
>removed all the healing
>except the 540 points of summoning
sure chief
>I am forgotten
Don’t worry you’ll get a shitty chariot or something
He was featured in Dawnbringer quite a bit and that's 2024
>Vandus has forgotten
The dracoth certainly was
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if anything it's one of those few times I remember about him

I'm still not over the blueballing of dawnbringers
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I will not forget.
the current wight king is a aos original innit?
No, i think it was 8e/end times model.
he was an 8th ed release

leftover 6th ed plastics
>gluttons, ironguts, leadbelchers, gnoblars
>night runners, plague monks
leftover 7th ed plastics
>saurus guards, stegadon
>bloodletters, daemonettes, pink horrors, seekers of slaanesh, soulgrinder
>chaos spawns
>grave guards, corpse cart
>crypt ghouls
>night goblins, spider riders, river trolls
>screaming bell, doomwheel
>steam tank, flagellants, collegiate wizards
>black arc corsairs, drakespawn knights
leftover 8th ed plastics
>carnosaur, bastiladon, terradons, skink priest, saurus oldblood
>gorebeast chariot, chaos altar, chaos lord, mutalith
>skullcrushers, bloodcrushers, skullcannon
>lord of plagues, plaguebearers, nurglings, plague drones, poxbringer
>screamers, flamers, burning chariot, magister
>hellstriders, seeker chariots
>mortis engine, crypt horrors, terrorgheist, wight king, necromancer, black knights, cairn wraith, tomb banshee
>scraplauncher, mournfangs, stonehorn
>griffon, hurricanum
>hellpit abomination, lightning cannon
>witch elves, cauldron of blood, doomfire warlocks
>bleakswords, black guard, drakespawn chariot, hydra, black dragon, sorceress, assassin
leftover end times plastics
>bloodthirster, skullreapers, skarr bloodwrath
>glottkin, maggoth lords, gutrot spume, blightkings
>verminlord, thanquol, grey seer, clawlord, stormfiends
>nagash, mortarchs, morghasts, spirit hosts
I might remember something wrong about demons, but this should be it
Is there no metal left anymore?
metal? I don't know, but resin definitely, I just don't bother keeping track because resin has its days numbered regardless
out of curiosity, I checked
leftover 6th ed resins
>maneaters, yetis, frost saber, hunter, butcher, slaughtermaster
leftover 7th ed resins
>skullmaster, lord of khorne on juggernaut
leftover 8th ed resins
>festus the leechlord
>maneaters (golgfag, bragg), firebelly

less than I was thinking
Yetis are rumoured and seam like a rather obviosu thing.
Festus will likely be squated. Weird they haven't shadow squated him with other demon shit that left 40k/AoS recently
he's already legends.
So virtually just Ogres who are still carrying resin.
>Weird they haven't shadow squated him with other demon shit that left 40k/AoS recently
GW wanted some residual sales from TWW player buying his model after his DLC came out maybe
practically, yeah, they're also the ones with the most 6th ed plastic kits
either their range refresh happens in this edition or we lose them in the jump to 5th
gorgers make me confident they're getting refreshed
we know now the tow line-up was telling whats staying, whats getting introduced, and what was leaving.
not too sure about that
for example I do not expect the normal dark elves to stay here for long still
So i'm fucking around with the little ghoul that comes with the terrorgheist kit I need an anon's opinion. My friend is giving me some bits from some stormcast stuff he scraped, I've got celestant primes warhammer. Would "Ghoul-Maraz" be a bit too on the nose
They have one of largest, newest fantasy ranges. If they didn't have plans for them in aos they'd absolutely be in core.
I'm now annoyed from 2000 miles away from you so I'm sure its fine.
Why is there an inverse relation to how good the daemons of a faction look and how cool the god's theme is? Shittiest models/best theme = Slaanesh > Tzeentch > Nurgle > Khorne = Best models/shittiest theme.
I love it and I hate it.
they haven't had plans for them for 10 years straight, what makes you think they suddenly have one and aren't just on borrowed time until tow goes into its second phase and turns legacy factions into core factions?
they made dok so that isn't true.
I think it's a funny bit, but it's hard to say whether you'll feel the same way after committing to painting and modeling it
It's not too bad so far, I got him posed semi dramatically and managed to get him a little weapon, just gotta swap the weapon head with good ol' ghal maraz.
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I wish the different stormhosts were better characterized
this but for soulblight gravelords.
Honestly I think James should have played a bit into the Sigmarine joke and given the Stormhosts primarch-styled leaders. Space Marine legions are largely characterized by their primarchs, so Stormhosts would have more there-there if Sigmar could somehow tie each host with an Old World hero. Like, give Gelt a somewhat magical stormhost, give Felix a graceful sword-focused stormhost, etc.
Wait felix is alive...?
For Ultramar!
Not confirmed but there are people still holding out hope. Gotrek is though.
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More like, UltraSigmar
A bunch of them are
The fuck are you talking about?
I'd love to see him come back but I feel like that's a "break glass in case of lack of sigmarine purchases" But I mean, stormcasts get like 5 million character releases I imagine felix would be an easy one. I'd love that or maybe a re-release of the Gotrek and Felix crew model set with Ulrika, Maxwell, and everyone's favorite Vodka chugger. Maybe around the same time GW finally puts out a little Vermintide mini collection... They won't, but I'd love to see it.
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They tried having big important characters and not a single human being cared
Literally who cares who isn't over the age of 45
Bu-but I'm only 29....
That's not how stormcast work.
Why doesn't Sigmar just find more better souls
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Why are zoomer souls so much worse than people's from 300 years ago?
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natural selection
people with good souls get drafted in wars or eaten by the gods so all that's left to reproduce are shitters with terrible souls leading to new generations of shitters with terrible souls
it's also why the elven gods went to fish the souls out of slaanesh instead of working with the actual leftover elves because the elves that haven't been eaten by slaanesh are the ones with terribly weak souls, basically humans with pointy ears
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>Othar the Half-King
judging by the pricetag it can't be him, unless it's an error or it's way bigger than he looks, but that can't possibly be anything bigger than a 40mm base
I would cum buckets if legions of nagash came back as a combined force
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It has Mediterranean nipples?
They have
Not a stormhost leader unlike Bastian, Gardus and Ionus ig
gardus should get turned into the lord commander of the halloween knights
SCE go up for preorder next Saturday, right?
We'll know later
After SCE it's STD, a narrative book and the battleforces so quite a lot for two and a half months for AoS alone
Is here a source of this other than Youtube comments?
>a narrative book
When was that announced?
alongside the roadmap reveal "like a GHB for narrative rules"
Blood Angels and/or kill team first then SCE with Slaves to Darkness in November
I would be shocked if it's not Kill Team today, they've stopped posting about anything else on warhammer community
Cities bros, how do you cope with there not being enough transfers to make Cavaliers mono-city? I get that they want you to use feudal heraldry ones, but they seem out of place when the herald carries the city flag, the cav marshall has a city emblem and all the steelhelms and fusils also have the city emblem. And yea, I can scavange enough bigger decals for horse side armors, but the shields are too small and you get only 1 small city transfer per-sheet.

I tried painting the cavaliers with slightly different shades of the city color, but it looks not as good as monocolor. I guess I can say fuck it and repaint them as different city knights, but it feels wrong.
Just buy more sheets if you're autistic
how are new lizardmen. Are they good? are they fun?
Searphon are one of those huge armies that has so many units in so many niches that they are always going to be at least good
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I wish plaguebearers looked more menacing
The index really changed them. They lost most of their tricks and buffs, a lot of their sustained presence through summoning, a significant amount of range and durability for their casters, and a significant amount of durability for their saurus and kroxigor units. Also their monsters, almost without exception, are all WILDLY overcosted right now amd have quite unimpressive warscrolls

It's become a very simple army for the most part that will either be trying to alpha charge with hyper fast skink cavalry or charge and fight with aggradons and kroxigor, and those are kind of their only 2 plays right now. Saurus warriors lack buffs and support, and without the damage reduction die in droves and have a passive that makes large squads worse (unless they faqd it and I missed it). Saurus guard are slightly better but no longer provide the "get down Mr president" level of protection they used to. The astrolith bearer no longer provides spell range buffs so you must get your casters much closer to the action to cast their spells, which are pretty mediocre anyways as they managed to give the army 2 lores and both are unimpressive so you will probably just be casting manifestations on repeat.

Kroxigor and aggradons can both fight very well but are also kinda squishy with 4+ save, no ward, no damage reduction, and no defensive buffs to really speak of. Skink raptadon chargers and ripperdactyl riders are faster high damage per cost alpha charging units but will die like flies and nothing in the army can keep up with them so they are impossible to support, basically just fire and forget missiles

The bastilladons and stegadons provide absolutely terrible damage and utility for their high cost currently, and I would need to see each come down 100pts before I even look at them.

Hunters of huanchi are good and cheap battle tactic scoring units. Auto includes in almost every list

Slann is mediocre. Great casting but mediocre lores means his casts will almost always just be manifestations. He has coin flip recursion that is unreliable and will cost you games if you bank on it. He has become MUCH harder to protect and dies instantly, combined with his shorter range means he is significantly harder to use than he used to be. Cheap but will struggle to find use beyond manifestation spam

Kroak is a slightly different story. More expensive but significantly more durable even with the durability nerfs, he can actually kinda throw down and be played aggressively, and also brings an actually useful spell unlike the slann, though he lacks the recursion.

Skink priest and star seers are probably our best heroes. Cheap casts, very cheap in the case of the star seer, and star seer also provides powerful utility.

Carnosaur heroes are both mediocre. So so damage profiles, lackluster durability, and really poor utility and support for big mounted generals, basically good as artifact caddies and I would save yourself the points and just take the cheaper scar vet version. The gauntlet and a 1 point conditional charge bonus aren't worth almost a whimole units worth of points increase

The new army traits provide a bit of flexibility which is nice but I wouldn't count on ever getting the second trait mid game. It's very difficult. The subfactions have a very clear and obvious winner you will almost always take unless you just refuse to use skink units.

Oh and also regular old skinks have lost pretty much every buff. They are no longer able to kill anything, and kind of expensive for screens, so I've honestly just been skipping them.
I blame you for jinxing it.

I forgot that half those kill teams never got separate releases
if you want blightkings get blightkings
Is it legal to use Judicators as Vigilors and Paladins as Anihilators?
yeah, pretty much. i dont think there's a specific ruling on it one way or the other, but its official GW plastic, wearing the same wargear for wysiwyg, and everyone knows those older units are getting squatted so everyones going to be using their judicators, paladins, sequitors, evocators, etc as counts as for newer units anyways.

so yeah, go for it.
No, GW has deathsquads going around for that specific reason

Well I am asking, because I am new and I don't find the idea of death squads as fun as you do, because I had to actualy see them in action.

Do you actually want the Stormcast tome? if the skaven one is anything to go by all it means is the rules will cease to be free while they add next to nothing and nerf some stuff.
>the rules will cease to be free
I think not.
place your bets!

Will warscrolls continue to be available for free in the app after the Skaven battletome is out, like in the AoS3 app, or will they lock them behind the tome codes like in the 40k app?
GW will fuck us
The monsters are fine except for the carnosaurs. I wouldn't say krox lost any durability either. You sound mad they're 50% now instead of fucking broken.
depends, do you have warhammer++ premium subscription license?
I don't think delaying it a week will change that anon.
GW will absolutely fuck us. It's not like the tomes have anything going for them except trying to force you to pay for slight rules revisions.
the carnosaurs are the only ones close to fine, the bastilladons and stegadons have some of the worst damage to points ratios in the game and dubious utility.

also kroxigor are literally taking twice as much damage from D2 weapons now, one of the most common weapon profiles in the game, so to say havent lost any durability shows you have zero idea what you're talking about.

your takes are all 100% opposite of the truth
qq bitch.
>wrong takes
>shitpost replies

lol. 4chan quality at its best
>stegadons have some of the worst damage to points ratios in the game
>Stegadon Chief 260
>13 v 4+, charge, tamer 20 points per damage
qq more you gigantic fag

Might make the difference in my longstrikes being nerfed before I finish my local league season or after.
lancers do a better job for 50 less points than any of the monsters
>waah cav unit outdamages a monster
oh so like literally every single fucking monster in every faction in the entire game.
most monsters worth taking though are providing actually good utility though like mawgruntas strikes last or ushorans nonsense or a GUO or keeper which are practically invincible and grant army recursion, a snatcha boss which doubles the damage of their infantry, leviadons which grants an aura of 5+ ward to any unit in their army next to it, the nonsense that is sevireth, avalenor or their non named counterparts, etc.

seraphon monsters provide crap utility, middling to poor damage, low durability with almost no wards, damage reduction, or regeneration, and just very few reasons to actually take any of them apart from being a harder to kill artifact and trait bearer.
Snatcha box is a tax, the rest of them cost 200+ points more. Sotek and Troglodon are easily better than any pigs.
Didnt cities of sigmar also have dwarf units? I cant find them anywhere

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