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Snot Edition

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:

What do you think of your factions littlest lads?

And someone post the WoC Arcane Journal already.
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Can a Steam Tank only shoot one gun at a time, like any other model? Are all the extra shooters for the driver a point-wasting noob-trap?
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Check the errata once in a while.
>What do you think of your factions littlest lads?
Taking into consideration my two armies are dwarfs and dogs of war, the smallest lads would be the former and halflings.

And I like both of them
But you still can't shoot both the cannon and the steam gun at the same time, right?
Perhaps? Do it anyway, and if someone questions you could cite the errata, and say that the tank crew is managing the cannon whilst the tank commander is using the steam gun.
As far as I'm aware it can. The Steam Gun has the Breath Weapon special rule and uses the Template, which always allows it to be fired once a turn (rulebook errata says it can't fire Breath Weapons after Marching which presumably includes the Steam Power roll since it's used instead of Marching).
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These fuckers are FINALLY releasing next month (Oct 21). Estalia/Tilea/Border Prince fags rejoice.
I'm glad the dogs come with both sets, but my slumber resumes until the warring state infantry releases.
Looking over the core rules, I don't think it actually accounts for the possibility of a model with multiple ranged weapons at all
As the errata says there's a crew operating the tank. The tank itself isn't doing shit, it's all the crew moving and shooting everything at the commander's order. I think it makes sense if it can fire both as it's being done by different crew men (especially if they aren't marching/steam powering)
How would you even fight with a mushroom?
It's deathly toxic to the touch/explodes into toxic spores I guess?
So they really need to be slapping a special rule about it down every time they write rules for a model with multiple pieces of dakka

Still its a clear oversight for the basic rules, generally when GW writes shooting rules for other games they have an explicit step about choosing what ranged weapon the model is using each time and stating wether they have to pick one or if they shoot everything they have
>warring state infantry
chinese infantry?
>someone post the WoC Arcane Journal already.
It's not released until tomorrow, broham.
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Perry Miniatures
>tow was done with little effort
hate gnoblars and dont run them. i play ogres for BIG BOYS
>not fielding at least 600 gnoblars
big fat fucks ONLY
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You've become your mother, Anon.
I love Peasant Bowmen
Not bad, proportions don't look too different from Warhams either. Just put them on rectangles, add some skulls and heraldry and they'll fit right in.
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What is the most fucked up paintjob you ever made?
Post pics if you can.
I've got an empire army for warmaster with a couple stanks that I started years ago. I really should go back and finish that, they're always pretty quick projects.
someone post a pic comparison when they come.
Is that Ukraine ? That’s so bad ass slava Ukraine !
Would Middenland/heimers carry any rune symbols with them? Skulls, either actual or skull symbols?
yes they still worship Morr after all
your point king?????
Nothing against them
Perrys sculpted a lot of great Warhammer miniatures, and I'm happy they were able to continue on their own in miniature business

Our distaste is for that one particular Anon, who is posting the same photos of his historical table with miniatures for War of Roses and tries to push them as somehow Empire relevant
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>carry any rune symbols with them?
in Warhammer terms norse runes would be of dwarven origin. Dwarves and Humans have formed an alliance when Human tribes united to form an Empire. Every Elector Count carries a magic weapon imbued with power from dwarven runes and the titular Warhammer Gal Maraz is a Dwarven artifact wielded by Sigmar/the Emperor as well. So yeah they could, but I don't know if that is how you meant that. There would be an even split of people worshipping Ulric and Sigmar, so if you were thinking about them using them as talismans or religious icons you would need to look into that a bit further. The RPGs have most information on the religious habits of the various cults surrounding human gods.
>Skulls, either actual or skull symbols?
all of the empire's soldiers would do that for all sorts of reasons. There is no taboo around that like in china. If you walk around in a european city with historical core you'll see skeletons and skulls all over the place as well. It's heightened a bit in Warhammer, but really not anything out of the ordinary for a european fantasy setting.
I don't paint jews. I tried painting a Bordelaux scheme

Personally: I just wish they were still selling their 5th edition Bret sculpts. The Perry Brets are my absolute favourites, but the older ones are somewaht hard to get.
>says 'TRANS' right across the front of the tank
We should have gatekept way harder
I fielded my gnoblar in your mums arse
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>he only has a single gnoblar
Right, I was meaning the more Norscan runes and actual trophy skulls, but maybe Nordland or Kislev is more into that being closer to those sorts. I do know a wolf skull is a symbol of Ulric that is used for something, a badge of the Teutogen Guard?
I personally enjoy his pics. I don't mind he posts them here, it's better than nothing considering how few people ever post their games/models any more
They're not even his models. It's the same pic everytime. He's a nomodels secondary and he knows it. I hope he chokes on his tears tonight.
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>Norscan runes
Oh, right. The dwarven ones are actually different than norse runes. I'm not sure how much eyebrows it would raise further down in the south, but Nordland or Kislev are the closest neighbors to Norsca and there are a couple of tribes that are just regular people and not frothing at the mouth crazy chaos worshippers. Those just don't get a lot of attention from GW. So I suppose in those areas it might be more acceptable, even sensible from a pragmatic standpoint. Not sure if there is any trading between the tribes and the northern provinces of the Empire. Closer to the heartland of the Empire this might make people a bit suspicious of you though, I imagine.
Trophy skulls are a pretty common thing. There are probably a ton of Empire standards adorned with skulls of beastmen, orcs and the like (I know there are at least a couple of official miniatures and pieces of art that depict Empire champions showing them standing victorious over beheaded foes with such trophies).

The Teutogen Guard is the personal body guard of Ar-Ulric. I think the cult of Ulric all use the white wolf as symbol. Maybe there is variant symbol with a wolf skull. I'm not familiar with that though.
>and there are a couple of tribes that are just regular people and not frothing at the mouth crazy chaos worshippers
Anon those arent two distinct groups. The tribes that are willing to trade furs with the southerners and the tribes that sail down to build a nice skull pile are the same tribes.

>Not sure if there is any trading between the tribes and the northern provinces of the Empire
Go re-read the were of firjard or however its spelled. The merchants from the empire sailed up north to some random norse village where they were trading furs and amber and stuff, and that random village happened to have a designated cave for chaos spawn/forsaken/"were" which were failed chaos champions from the village who are now kept there with ritual appeasement and used to defend the village in times of war.

There isnt two clean groups of "nice norse who are actually totally nice and hate chaos and are just normal dudes" and "diablo villains". The norse are generally mercantile and adventurous and are common mercenaries in many parts of the world, they are ALSO chaos worshippers who ideologically believe that the people sailing down to kill people in the name of dark gods are entirely in the right and that its a glorious and good thing. Sven the norse bodyguard in marineburg probably worships khorne, or more likely worships some local tribal deity like "the wolf of blades" or "the axefather" who is khorne with some of the numbers filed off and filtered through his local tribal culture. He might keep more or less quiet about his faith in more polite company because Sven likes getting paid and piles of skulls wont let him bring the wife back all those nice furs she likes, but fundamentally the only difference between Sven and a chaos warrior is that the chaos warrior is a more devout or braver individual who has experienced great success with his faith.

Just look at skeggi, its the biggest old world outpost in lustria and its just openly ran by chaos worshippers.
>in Warhammer terms norse runes would be of dwarven origin
Its far more likely that theyre descended from the primordial dark-tongue of chaos.
Basically, much like with the historical norse irl, relations arent simple "they like us and trade" or "theyre our enemies and raid us", its all very fluid and dependent on anything from the season to the mood of particular individuals.
Olaf the marauder might sail down and sack a town in nordland, drag its people as captives to be sacrificed as slaves in norsca and then sail down to marineburg to sell the loot for some spices and silks which he will then go and sell to a different town in the empire in the spring. And if a mighty champion of the gods comes knocking Olaf might then happily massacre the people he traded with because the gods clearly want it and hes not going to argue with the divine.
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my recaster just got this in
says its a custom kholek suneater he sculpted himself years ago and decided to recast it

any good? I think its got a bit of that cheesy 90s-early 2000s charm to it
Dragon ogres were a conceptual failure.
Thats fucking hideous, also pretty clearly based on a mierce model he went and ruined
Why wouldn't they be his?
>model stank interior
>don't model operational equipment or crew
>doesn't even have the space for a non-halfling crew
My favourite kit but such a miss
Meh, but if you like it go for it
We had a game posted about last thread, and another the thread before. It's sad that more people don't post, but better for such posts to be rare and unique than common and re-posted endlessly in an attempt to shit up the thread.
In other words, contribute or die.
>model stank interior
surmise the stank
rocks make it gay, but yeah it's pretty mid. I think you can take it home with some greenstuff and effort but at that point just buy a nice mini.
That gives me a funny idea for a WHFRP scenario. Some Norse mercenary living in Middenland becomes a local legend for his equal love of fighting and feasting. He gets extra drunk one night and starts talking about his worship of the Wolf Father or whatever and instead of a Witch Hunter hearing it, Ulricans do and they love it. They think he's one of them and invite him to the temple to share his faith. Accidental Khorne cult springs up.
very amateur, going to need a good paint job to truly shine
>any good? I think its got a bit of that cheesy 90s-early 2000s charm to it
it's your hobby, your money, your time you'll be spending on it etc. Your opinion is the only one that matters. If you like it, you like it.
Does this extend to the war machines as well? Because I find the little shits do great work speeding around the table drive-bying their catapult before running headlong into a flank.
You see, if you like the big boys you gotta have some of the small boys to drive home how big the big boys actually are. It's all a balance.
I'm thinking of playing Night Goblins, I'd have around three large mobs of Ngoblins as the core.
If you had a unit of 40, how large would you make the frontage?
I am new to rank and flank games and don't really know what the best number of models and why
Something off because of template shenanigans
So 7*5 wouldn't be bad. 8 wide gets a bit awkward to move as well
what game/edition?
>If you had a unit of 40, how large would you make the frontage?
old world
I was thinking something around this but I wouldn't want to be caught by any weird large unit moving rules I didn't know about or something
Don't underestimate the 10x4 formation of eld.
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I’ve chosen Bordeleaux as well for my Bretonnians. The yellow isn’t as bad as I thought it would be but I am going three layers from a darker yellow to the lightest yellow. I’ve only painted one MAA so far and I need to buy the Tamiya modelling tape so I can get clean straight lines on the shields. I can do the peasant color lines clean enough but the shields are too big.
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very pretty!
Thanks! My first model painted in almost 5 years, ToW got me back into the hobby.
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By the time the High Elves book drops in 2025, I might have a whole army ready
I find it funny how the industry used to use toxic lead, moved past it with non toxic metal and plastic, and then went right back to toxic resin.
What's to enjoy if those are few same pics?
It looks like a minotaur with lizard's ass
He's always posting new pics
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State of my cavalry corps
I also found my mounted warrior priest who was MIA for last 11 years
>onions wars
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Baza, jaka jest scena Old World w Polsce? Przeprowadzam sie z Kanady w lecie. Uzylem super glue na swoje Bretonnians bo slyszalem ze w Polsce graja starsze edicje WHFB jak bym musial zmienic bases na mniejsze. Mysle ze w Krakowie bede mieszkal ale nie jestem jeszcze 100%. Jestem otwarty na cala Polske poza Warszawa bo tam mi sie nie podobalo.
holy cow go plumb a German toilet or something anon, post in English please
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wfrp 2nd edition be like
>I roll to collect the D U N G
I am Canadian I learned Polish because I want to move there and also fuck you I was replying in Polish because from that photo the guy is clearly Polish.
nie tamtem anon ale polecam Wrocław, ładniej i mniej turystycznie niż w Krakowie. WHFB to obecnie mniejszość i trudno trafić
Mniejszosc w Krakowie? Ale Old World jest grany w Polscie nie?
Patrząc po grupach na facebooku, mniejszość ogólnie. Ja dopiero zaczynam The Old World ale widzę, że są organizowane turnieje i luźne gry w lokalnych sklepach a we wrocławiu masz nawet oficjalny sklep warhammer
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Since 1991, when I first saw a Star Destroyer on a 14" TV from pirated VHS tape
What are you gonna do about, you sad, pitiful poser?
It's a job that needs doing and a payment that needs collecting.
Laugh. At you primarily.
This thread is a dump. Perry anon needs to come rescue it
when will 4e add the Dung collector career?
It's best to use old bases with adapters or adapter trays, since there are quite few people playing IX Age or 6th edition
I can't tell you about the current scene, since I paint mostly for my enjoyment at the moment, but you should be able to find games or tournaments in most big cities like Katowice, Kraków, Wrocław or Poznań
You should search for groups from local game stores or clubs, I know there are some in Kraków and Silesia, so I assume this is a case also in other parts of Poland

I wouldn't put too much faith in official Warhammer stores and playing Old World, unless GW REALLY starts to change it's policy towards the game
Polish looks the most gibberish out of any language honestly
laugh at you lmao
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Go ahead
I'm way too old and confident in my hobby to really care, and laugh might be good therapeutically for you, considering your behaviour
If you were actually confident you wouldn't have replied to onions wars at all dude. Loser.
Will we get them in digital? I *need* them in digital, so I can scale them to be proportional with GW models, pls add a little Warhammer spice to them.
Cool dudes. That X-Wing box got my nostalgic. I miss it.
some norscans do worship ulric though
Said the guy trying to flex on the Cambodian baked weaving forum
Cry more
Portuguese sounds like Spanish spoken by a drunk Russian
It actually sounds a lot like Polish, Russians don't have those rustling leafs sounds like "sz" or "rz"
Russian married to Portuguese woman. Our languages sound nothing alike.
Actual Russian speaker. Polish sounds good and old. Polish people speak/sound like characters in our fairy tales.
Portuguese who has a couple of Ukrainian (Russian speaking) frens. Some sounds do seem similar, in spite of both languages being utterly different.
WoC dice back in stock f at GW webstore for the people that wanted those I guess
So are beastmen the fastest faction in the game? I personally would not like to pussyfoot my shit.
Define fastest?
There are options now for all cav/chariot lists which would be faster in movement
Faction that plays the game overall quicker, as in game time.
You could just fold, turn one. That's a quick game.
Nope, I need quick wins to boost my mmr.
What are some good bases for converting up Gigantic Chaos Spawns?
I reckon I'll roll them up using the rules for instant spawn in the Realm of Chaos books but good bases are still vital to the idea-stage.
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With current day technology and a blank check could a team of engineers make this style of steam tank work in real life?
Keep the oversized centerpiece model shit in AoS
okay poorfag.
nah, its an osha violation made manifest.
Steam gun implies a boiler in a fully metal tight space, you'd have to do it in India where workers rights aren't a thing.
Maybe this sounds odd but is it possible to make a Beastman list that leans heavily into killing the enemy with magic instead of the more conventional method? I quite like how magic works in The Old World and I'm curious if Bray-Shaman are good at blasting stuff. At the very least the Doombolt signature spell looks quite tasty.
Bray Shamans are amazing spellcasters. Viletide+Hag Tree Fetish+Magic Carpet lets you have a wizard that can zip around the battlefield and dumpster heavy cav and heavy infantry.
How do I make an Ellyrian Reaver a musician if they are all monopose? Glue a horn to ones side?
Sure, just spam wizards on chariot and run around shooting viletide at people. Viletide is possibly the best spell in the game, add the hagtree fetish and it can 1shot knight units.

Even dragons dont want to be hit by that shit.
stick a cock up one of their asses so that they can sing the way elves usually do.
Where is the best place to buy plastic bases that aren't directly from GW? Cobalt Keep?
Depends on what you roll doesent it? If you want a generic baseline then the mutalith/slaughterbrute are very "nondescript monster" looking
Well, excellent? Nice. I look forward to painting my next set of dudes.
I was thinking about my second army eventually being Beastmen, and I thought about going a mix of heavy ranged and chariots. Ungors have chariot runners so giving them bows gives you a very cheap screening unit for chariots that can do a little damage with their bows and are too much effort to kill off for their points and their skirmishing.
Well, the whole idea of a STEAM Tank implies a boiler.
Maybe? I dont think a steam engine is realistically going to work for a tank, especially if you use "old time" methods and materials but maybe if you use modern innovations on steam engines and shit. The steam cannon is 100% not going to work as an actual cannon though, maybe rifle of sorts.
Thats a very powerful way of playing them.
They have a higher than average baseline movement if that's what you're looking for
You could but it would be unsafe and uncomfortable as hell. It's just a steam car (which has been around for 100+ years) but with an armoured hull after all.
>Depends on what you roll doesent it?
True, what I not very well tried to say with my original post was that I'd want to look into some availible bases first to get the creative juices flowing when rolling the monsters up.
>If you want a generic baseline
I'm rather looking for suggestions a bit out of the ordinary. Even so I reckon the mutalith would be a very nice base even if not necessarily my cup of coffee.
Given my major love for Giants I should really consider if I couldn't do a Spawny take on one.
I've been thinking about something like that aswell. Add a Shaman with the Hunters Spear on the chariot and you got yourself quite the mobile shooting platform.
No, the fastest faction would be either elves or bretonnia.
Beastmen are fast in that their units often have above average M and they have lots of moves through cover and skirmishers, but in terms of maximum speed theyre mostly capped at m7 and lack almost any sort of swiftstride.

WoC are also worth mentioning as very fast, especially since they can spam flying monsters,
Can a character leave its unit while the unit is in combat but the character is not, they are in the back of the unit.
My current army is Orcs & Goblins and apart from some warmachines and spells I have zero ranged capability. Now I quite like Beastmen visually so I was hoping that I could do something shooty with them.

Here's a question: how do you guys kit your Wizard models with mounts / chariots? Do you keep the Wizard separate on its own base and just put it on top of the chariot?
Kind of depends if you'd ever run it on foot
He is still in combat, he is just not part of the fighting rank.
I just realised that I've been planning to make a couple of razorgors themed around being the offspring of the 'The Great Sow'. Maybe said piggy could work as one of my Giant Chaos Spawns, leading her brood up a flank?
That would be cool
Combine it with the mutated giant idea and have a giant pregnant lady crawling on all fours
kromlech does pretty good gw style bases. Not as cheap as buying some chinese knockoffs though. You can get anything on aliexpress or ebay.
Get that big pig from AoS for your giga spawn
if you need a big beastie you could just go to a dollar store and pick up a toy dinosaur or something like that. Get two and give your spawn an extra ass. You'll cover it in putty and whatnot anyway.

Another option might be big reaper bones monsters. You can get dragon sized models for about 20 bucks from them. As a basis for a conversion they are good enough.
That could be really cool, thanks for the suggestion. I'll see what I can do in order to achieve a pig-lady.
Was considering it but yeah, no. The armour is part of the body bits and even though I know pigs quickly regain their natural pelt in the wild I feel that it's much creepier to have the psuedo-god of the forest be naked.
NTA but thats a fun idea. It can be my 2nd big spawn alongside the sludgeraker/dragon conversion.
>I'll see what I can do in order to achieve a pig-lady.
Anime figurines might be a good start, you can probably find a girl on all fours there, then just add bits on as desired
>if you need a big beastie you could just go to a dollar store and pick up a toy dinosaur or something like that
That's exactly my thought for The Great Sow. I might even already have bought a suitable pig model, since the one I got originally for a Razor turned out far too big.
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Oh yeah, this could work out nicely. Just need to come up with ways to add some eery human traits to it. The obvious thing would likely be to turn the legs into human arms and legs which could also help to give it more monstrous proportions. The head might possibly also come off.
Im sorry anon, that thing is too cute looking to be a gigantic chaos spawn, babe the pig looking ass
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Idk you could do a wood burning one def, pic related.
Depending on how far you want to go with "steam" power and modern tech you definitely could. Technically nuclear aircraft carriers and nuclear subs are steam powered.
Wood burning steam engine might be hard though. I'm not sure part ratio is there. Maybe with lots of Titanium and aluminum.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Dunno if I would but having the option would be nice.
Whatever chaos champion model has failed you too many times.
So you're telling me that the head definitely got to go?
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Naw just means more effort.
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>Just need to come up with ways to add some eery human traits to it.
dollar store action figure?
reminds me of kingdom death. Also the whole discussion about pregnant ladies. I think some mods got their panties in a twist before and banned people for posting the wetnurse. lel
Furthermore, I don't know why but I'm thinking maybe a mass of eyestalks jutting out of the gaps left behind from where her eyes should be.
Just make it the pig from bloodborne, mass of eyes, weak to rectal fisting
That's a cool lookin', mammerjammer. Could perhaps be one of her brood.
Forgot the pic.
Should probably paus my ass now if I want to actually roll up some stuff for her.
Just one last thing; I reckon a sow-version of this abomination is what I should aim for.
>assembling pegasus knights
>no banner or horn in the box
Thank you GW very cool
was there supposed to be one?
Not familiar with the kit, but if there are parts missing on the sprue complain to customer service.
nta but I don't think there is any Horn or Banner
I guess you could use some of the newer kits for bits like the Foots Knights for the musician and the Banner Bearer on pegasus models
Be honest, do i even need the command squad on slayers?
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Yeah, there is none on the sprue. But looking through the old collector's guide hurt a little bit. You could just order a metal banner and musician you like for a couple of quid back then. Ah, better days...for warhammer anyway
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Should have gone with Fireforge.
Nah they don't come with them. I guess you're supposed to use the KOTR banner+horn for them. Ive found at least 1 extra banner from the first 12 knights ive assembled so I should be okay as I still have a box of 12 knights to assemble.
I don't see banners or horns on your picture either
Use a spare set from the KotR kit, since you should get 3 sets of Command sprues, and you would only use 2 if you make a pair of 6 man units.
Aye, thank goodness I have 2x worth of KOTR boxes with 2x worth of Peg knights.
Look closer there's a horn.
Fair point on the banner, but those are easy to convert.
Are dragon ogres still being sold in kits of 3 or are they doubling that too
>This multipart plastic kit builds three Dragon Ogres,
for £40
Beastbros, how does this 500 point list look?
>Gorebull General
>3 Minotaurs with dual weapons
>5 Gors (I hate how I am forced to take these)
>Tuskgor Chariot
>5 Centigores with cav spear
Why even make a 500 point list? Escalation league?
>Escalation league?
Is that more or less than they costed back when they were in aos? Actually where can I find how much beastmen costed before the split?
Aren't minos better off with shields rather than dual wielding so they can benefit off of foe seeker or whatever that one passive was?
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Looks fast and easy to paint, have fun anon.

Here’s pistoliers zooming around failing their impetuous every round.
Captcha: S00m jr - how apt
>WoC are also worth mentioning as very fast, especially since they can spam flying monsters,

You're forgetting that beastmen also get flying monsters with swiftstride
If they want to spam cockatrices then thats on them.
You may however notice that chaos warriors can field two m10 swiftstride flyers in their characters, beastmen cannot.
Whoever You're fighting in your escalation league is going to hate you
This anon is correct >>93889955

Taking dual weapons is trading off +1 to your save and chance to get ap 2 for just one extra attack, which minos get plenty of already.
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Amazing looking game. First game pic posted here in a very very long that that has earned my Seal of Approval. Good job anon!!
I mean yeah I guess you can put characters on a manticores but they're kind of outshined by dragons.

You're also forgetting about jaberslythes and harpies in addition to the cockatrice.
Thinking of Wood Elves
I like the wheat terrain
>I mean yeah I guess you can put characters on a manticores but they're kind of outshined by dragons.
Garlauch and a chaos lord on dragon fit in a 2K game. You then also add a warpfire dragon.
chaos really does make this look like a aos game.
welcome to 6e and its derivatives
This list isn't for me it is for someone else who is learning and wanted Minotaurs with two weapons and a chariot, I'll be facing them but wanted to make sure the list was functional so I wasn't sabotaging them in list making. If I get stomped by them I don't mind losing and can always tweak things as points increase.
Thanks but this list is not for me, although I also have monstrous infantry so I don't think it will be a stomp one way or another.
TK have an AoS army of all monsters
Never, the 4e team is kinda dog
Anyone know a guide to making paper flags for their minis? I am way too shit to paint the Marienburg standard by hand
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It's not hard.
>Download a pic of the flag
>Put it in software to make it mirrored (idk how to do this part, I make my wife do it. She uses Adobe or Microsoft paint or something, idk)
>print it out
>cut it out from the paper
>rub the back side of the two mirrored sides with PVA glue
>fold them together over a flag pole
>while.the glue is wet you can bend the flag to be wavy and when it dries it will keep it's shape
>the end
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primed these duders in a metallic aluminum primer. going to nuln oil them, dry brush with stormhost silver then paint the heraldry colors and all. this is either going to be quick and easy or a massive mistake lel
>infantry unit of 24
3x8 or 6x4?
What looks cooler?
Let us know how it goes. I've never used a metallic primer before.
Depends. Does the 2 more models attacking have a good chance of gettinng you more CR than the extra rank? Then go wide.
Is it really so complicated to Google it? Or taking a few seconds to just think about it, I'm sure youre capable of figuring it out
6x4 because linehammer is gay. Also it’s better unless you’re doing elite infantry, but you’re probably not because 24 elite infantry is massive overkill
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Similar to how I paint my knights, but I prime in white and then cover in Vallejo Oily Steel, wash, then dry brush with Vallejo silver
I’m sober but these bretonnian mould lines make me want to drink again.
I should add, I only do this for knights, my metal recipe is slightly different for mooks to get a darker metal since I expect them to not have highly polished armor like noblemen would
Literally just don't bother taking them off. You don't even notice it in real life, only in close up pictures. Anyone who says otherwise is a nogames redditor
Begone demon
Wonder if they will update the wardancer models. Old ones are kinda ass.
Just ordered a shit ton of Cobalt Keep magnetic bases, has anyone here used them before? Seemed like the only plastic square bases being sold online and the easy magnetizing is a bonus.
Will let you all know if they are ass when they arrive and I get them glued
This edition? I doubt it, but Empire is getting at least one new kit so and so did Bretonnia so it isn't out of the question.
I'd like new a few Forest Dragon and Ariel as well.
why dont people use mantic skeletons for vampire counts? Are they a pain to assemble?
Ugly as fuck and oversized
3 ranks deep looks pretty retarded even on elites
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we must go wider
this some gay ass shit. Where are the elephants? Or guns? Or anything even mildly interesting?
>seething over perryfag is spreading to other threads
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Restock the Green Knight you fucking cowards.
Its a green knight you can just pick some random knight from perry minatures, color him green, and boom you have your gay waac shit.
As ive told you before, I don't want historical minis. I want Bretonnians.
Anon, you should put more effort into your bases. Your terrain looks pretty good, but those flat brown bases are so jarring against it. Something like this >>93890259 looks miles better where yours seem unfinished.
The green knight is a cool model and character. Choosing to just paint a random knight green is the attitude of a waacfag. At least put in some effort to convert him
It's a pretty cool mini, but fuck paying $40 for it.
If he finished it, you wouldn't be able to tell they were on rounds as easily, and it wouldn't work as well as bait.
Why wood? Use coal.
The gamers CRAVE the carcinogens!
>the chaos batallion isnt sold out yet
This is the end bros the game is dead
Is the vampire count dragon the weakest dragon in the game?
Im waiting for it to drop to the orc and goblin price on ebay before I pick it up.
>Im waiting for it to drop to the orc and goblin price on ebay before I pick it up.
How much is the Orc and Goblin price? I would love some stuff for my Chaos army.
$100 last I checked.
The US made a knock-off Mark IV tank run on steam during WW1. Just shy of 51 tons heavy while doing 6km an hour. Current engineers would be able to whip up an Empire-style Steam Tank easily if they had the time and money to do so.
>Fighting over Perry minis again
How many people are seriously going to insist that their opponent use GW models?
Damn tempting. Thanks, Anon.
That's a HISTORICAL image. History was never interesting. All those things you are talking about were added in later because historians were afraid nobody would read their shit.
>Green Knight
>the most heroic and powerful being in Bretonnia
>looks like a girl in cosplay riding on a My Little Pony, because anon used perrys
>solo cien varos
Temptation is powerful.
Just for that I'm painting my green knight in a different color, fuck you.
As long as they are properly based according to the rules and painted in the correct heraldry of the faction they are supposed to represent I don't mind.

>inb4 perryfag posts his "rules as written" basedjack because I mentioned square bases
you just described marvel shit.
Who was fighting over perrys
Compared to what?
Current GW skeletons are uglier and even bigger
I like that you specified current, but Mantic's have that weird angry evil skeleton look with eyeballs, that style ain't my thing.
is anyone going to bother getting the WoC MTOs?
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I'm entertaining the idea of getting Chaos Trolls, because they are tremendously ugly in a good way, and I can see them also used in other things than just TOW
seems people agreed with you as I think those are the only models that sold out for WoC
Anyone got a warriors of chaos arcane journal pdf yet? Seems the PDFs are out/available
Kek, I guess great minds think alike.
One can certainly hope that it's gonna get posted today!
Could be that they underproduced for the trolls and overproduced for the boxes, an online store I use had like 50 OnG battalions ordered and have only gone through about 12 of them. They learned their lesson for the Dwarf and WoC boxes.
I was considering getting them as bases for some funky DPs/Spawns.
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If it's a perry then pastel pink and cream yellow would work great. Remember to add a star on the horse's butt.
What Bolgorg do?
fucks your mum
Being forced.
>correct heraldry
Fake grog, true chads use /yourdudes/
Hopefully my metal recaster will
This doesn't has to be mutually exclusive, ya know?
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God I love Chaos Trolls. I have this OG one which I need to re-base
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I liked them as a small flanking unit of 2x2 back in 8th. Are they still good in TOW?

Is that the German fella, or someone else? I'm looking to get some fifth edition Bret Knights (And sixth edition metals too, I suppose.) I've been collecting a bunch of perry heroics (Not Warhammer, I think... But they're warhammer scaled and not historicals) that I'm using as Unit Champions. Not really sure what the latter ARE exactly, though.
Never seen anyone actually use them (or chaos ogres).
I'm gonna pick up another 3 and proxy them as K'Daii Fireborn for my Chaos Dwarfs.
No one has insisted that perryfag use GW models, just that he stop pretending to be playing warhammer fantasy when he clearly isn't.
stupidity with ld 4, no way to improve it unless you waste the general on them.
They can be used as a distraction a single time by opponent, they won't even look at them the next time.
Nah, there isn't really anything I want going on MTO. If they did some of the really old champions from 1988 and 1990, maybe. But I've already got all the character models I'm ever going to need and then some.
LGSes are going to be getting the chaos model boxes today, right?
I was going to convert some before they were announced, I had assumed they would be an mto release and much more expensive...

It's weird how shit the chaos mto is.
Pricing of the new metals make no sense; why are the chaos trolls so much cheaper than the Orc Big uns?
I used a small unit of 3 Chaos Ogres in a game against a friend recently. They did better than I'd thought they would.

Somehow, they ended up on the receiving end of a Necrosphinx charge. Also somehow, they actually killed said Necrosphinx without incurring any losses. Dice were on my side.

My personal assessment of Chaos Ogres is... objectively speaking, the WoC list has superior options for most roles. My intent was to use them as can openers vs cavalry and other monstrous infantry, and they're probably pretty good at that with Great Weapons, but I think Chosen/Chosen Knights are the better pick all around. Especially as those can nullify the drawback of Great Weapons by just sticking a cheap character with Enchanting Aura in the unit.

If I wasn't going for flavour, the only reason I'd pick Ogres in my list would be if I'm playing a large game (2500pts+) and I need more can openers than the 0-1 each of Chosen/Chosen Knights.

I've never used trolls, but my take on them is that they're a riskier pick - significantly stronger once in combat, but getting them there is rough thanks to lol stupidity. Even if you keep your general nearby, one bad roll can fuck up your entire battle plan with them.
Problem with Chaos Ogres and Trolls is that Drogres totally overshadow both in every single way. They're tougher, hit harder, faster, and yeah sure you pay for it but it's worth it all day long.
I find it hilarious that the OnG box was a total flop, I knew it would be, called it as soon as I saw it, 40 awful goblins that look bad and are bad, 2 chariots with those old ass boar sculpts and 30 Boyz which is alright tbf, it's the worst regiment box by far, it needed either boar boyz or blorcs.
The fact that a 75ish point model can go toe to toe with a 200+ point monster is absurd
It compares really well for the price when fighting most things. But going up against monsters the Shartak will struggle considering it’ll be striking last and only has a toughness and ws of 4
Tourneyshitting really does warp your brain I guess, because I played regularly from 4th through early 7th and I encountered the kinds of armies you all act as if were the default of the 6th era maybe three times, and literally everyone thought those guys were twats and never played with them again. Normal players used to think of tournaments as containment events for the dregs of the playerbase who had alienated everyone else in their local area by being beardy cunts, not the standard by which an edition was judged.

I'm not sure whether to resent your ilk or pity you, but you certainly shouldn't be indulged; all human structures have flaws that allow for outlier outcomes and it's taboos and shame that keep those undesireable results in check. If you want less dragonfagging, stop acting like the rules are to blame for the actions of the MTG-reject brigade and make the effort to treat them like pariahs as we used to when they weren't a serious problem.
Chaos Ogres are groovy and fun even if they're not the best tool in the toolkit. I've used them in the two games of TOW I've managed to get in and wasn't disappointed even though they got shot to shit in game1 and didn't do much in game2. But yeah, as far as I understand it you'd want them as an inexpensive unit of fairly quick can openers that you can drop Steed of Shadows on.
looks pretty rad to me, I don't get the other anons seething. I say grab it.
? What monster are you comparing it to because dogre isn't going to solo any 200+ pt melee monsters
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2 2K point armies in the cabinet. Phew.

Soon I won’t be a nogames asshole
have any of your opponent you played against complained about the basing of your giant?
I’m a nogames asshole. But when the time comes If we need to we can throw down a blank 50x50. The giant is fucking awesome and I don’t care about his feet poking off the side of the base a bit.
Good news, the Shartak CANT beat monsters that cost 200+pts. Three dragon ogres can fight monsters, but three dragon ogres will cost like a monster.
why didn't you just increase the base to 75x50 then?
Because I like it on the 50x50. Makes me giggle
How much is that in proonts? Also that giant looks pretty cool.
I could maybe see it winning out vs like a cockatrice or something, since the latter is only s4 and low Ap iirc

Thank you re the giant. Love the way he came out.
Both armies are a little north of 2k. I have 2k lists out of each, with a couple of extra models.

Now I can start playing the game (no players in my area).
With degrees low initiative tho they could very well get got by the breath weapon and stony stare. Also the cockatrice isn't 200+ pts
>Oh, the old chaos warrior models are back
>I don't play any Warhammer anymore but that one mounted sorceror would be nice as a generic evil dude
>Check the prices
>lol how about no
It baffles me GW manages to sell anything anymore these days.
and TOW minis are considered cheap in comparison to other GW games except the on foot Chaos Lord who is more expensive in TOW due to coming with a square base
GW's target audience are people with jobs.
I mean money cost. Is that giant no longer offered by the guy who made it? All I see are topless ladies and one Jesus.
Oh, gotcha. It probably ran me about 250 in resin and STL file costs for both armies combined.

I can’t recall where I got the giant. I buy most of my files on cults3d so try there and search Warhammer giant or something
Nice armies Shaun
>why are the chaos trolls so much cheaper than the Orc Big uns?
probably because people barely bought chaos trolls even when they were around the first time. But everybody loves Big 'Uns.
Love the Chaos Troll miniatures though
I'm not gonna knock you for it. Just saying they were never really super popular. Maybe GW didn't expect people to buy them at their usual premium prices - there are a ton of other miniature companies on the market selling nice troll sculpts as well these days after all.
did poeple love the old big'un models?
every just made for of them when there were released for O&G for TOW
>did poeple love the old big'un models?
The big uns are a special unit of orcs for your army. You get have one unit of big uns. They are thoughest of the boys. It's kind of like a battlewagon for 40k orks. Every self-respecting orc player has to at least have them. They're an iconic unit choice. I'm sure a lot of people also converted their own special take on big 'uns, but there certainly is some nostaliga for those models for O&G players I suspect. Personally I bought the odd old sculpt here and there to use as unit champions at least.
>2023 MTO: mounted Chaos Sorcerer 26GBP
>2024 MTO: mounted Chaos Sorcerer 18,75GPB

The model got cheaper, bro
>mounted Chaos Sorcerer 18,75GPB
Thats not even an insane price desu, pretty sure he was around £20 towards the end of WHFB and like £15 before that
It's because the Big 'uns contain plastic shields which for some reason jack up the price, anything featuring metal AND plastic like shields or mounts is more expensive than plain metal.
Well yeah you need an extra mould and machine if you're making a kit out of two seperate materials
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Huh. I guess that makes sense if they had to swap out tools on plastic injection molding machines to specifically make those parts. The interesting part is that GW is selling them with the regular warrior shields though which should be in production anyway. The Big Uns were originally sold with the basic rounds shields, so they are not even making any changes to produce those either. Another thing is that GW had a metal shield bitspack for O&G at some point, I wonder if using that would have made it any cheaper.
That would explain why the regular mounted chaos sorcerer is $37 CAD. His horse is plastic, but the sorcerer himself is metal. Neat.
I'm really jonesing here.
Why are Orcs in the bad guy army book?
They light fighting more than getting along and eat people. Guess that qualifies them.
Why are Tomb Kings in the bad guy army book?
They torture people to death for the lulz and eat them
They're spooky
there are undead and TOW lacks Vampire counts as the "evil" undead faction
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Haven’t posted in a while but finally finished the empire ogres. Feels good to have the project 100% completed
>still no warriors arcane journal
Is the internet throwing?
it's going to be worse when new WFRP/TOWRPG books start coming out
Really sweet army, broham!
Those are some beautiful models.
Thanks bros I really enjoyed them
>>still no warriors arcane journal
Speak for yourself, I have mine right here with me.
Because TK are evil?
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Look at this guy and tell me he's not evil
what the difference between the Chaos Waste and the Shadowlands?
Because they have historically always been classified as evil (see 6th edition shit). In addition, we as living beings, generally find it bad when the undead rise and kill the living, no matter how sentient and rational their leader is.
Was them being considered Neutral an 8th ED only thing?
thats a cyoag meme isnt it

The thing with TK is that they would probably be evil if they werent undead anyways, theyre a bunch of megalomaniacal tyrants who want to conquer and make everyone their slaves
the issue isnt that theyre zonbies, its that theyre massive dicks

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The shadow lands are the term for the border region between the chaos wastes and everywhere else, its possible we havent heard it before because by the time period we know the chaos wastes have expanded to the point they encompass all of the shadowlands
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Pretty much yea. Allegiance wise they are neutral, but undead conquerors with egos that would put an elf to shame arnt necessarily good. The only true neutral faction is ogres, with a possible honorable mention to the "we will do anything to get you off our lawn" wood elves
Finished assembling my mage/arch mage! My high elves have begun their mustering for war. working on his mounted counterpart and Jesus Christ is this one a nightmare to assemble.
>Was them being considered Neutral an 8th ED only thing?
Well...there were two ways to look at it, iirc: Basically they only mess with people who intrude on their territory and they go after thieves. Of course if a single coin from a tomb ends up in some Empire village every single person there would be slaughtered for that transgression. But technically not going out of their way to be dicks. Just dicks to everyone getting caught in the crossfire.
Then Settra woke up and there was some kind of grudge he had to settle iirc. So from then on they would be undead aggressors you could consider evil, because they terrorize people that don't even know what Settra was upset about, since it was so long ago it's completely forgotten by anyone but him.

Something along those lines. It's kind of like asking if a wasp is evil. Technically no, but actually kind of yes. Just a force of nature.
Fimir and Manaans blades both mentioned in the WoC AJ, although given the latter got murdered they probably arent showing up for empire
Why is nothing selling out anymore, exactly? Did the hype just die? Is it sabotage?
My guess is they made more in preparation then they usually do, so they can get more constant sales.
The market was already filled with chaos warriors of 3 different generations. You could easily pick up 24 warriors for a few bucks on ebay. No one wants a battalion with even more of them, especially when they are so "bad" in ToW.
Marauders are the new hot thing and GW isn't even selling them.
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Who the fuck is Shaun?
I'm waiting to buy that big box of 32 warriors at my LGS. They don't have any of the chaos stuff yet. I'm also waiting for the big box of marauders too.
I think my final, 3000 point list is going to have 4 regiments of 15 chaos warriors (1 for each mark), 1 regiment of 20 undivided warriors (1997 ones) and one big block of marauders.
They are going to send the chaos warrior boxes to local stores, right? I don't like buying online.
Shadowlands sound like REH poem Cimmeria which makes sense considering WoC aesthetic and origin
ToW chaos overlaps heavily with AoS chaos models, so there is less demand as well as more things available to buy.
if we go by these chucklefucks then yes the hype is dead and TOW will follow shortly after
yeah well I think these guys are wrong
there are plenty of people at my lgs, including myself, who are playing TOW. And they're buying models too.
if GW would hurry up with their releases and actually send products to the stores, maybe more people would be able to buy them
there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to buy a product in a store instead of from GW directly
ok I actually watched the video and A) they're not saying that the game is going to die, they're saying it's a smaller game and it's doing well on that scale
B) you are a faggot
Different anon;
I bought it last time he was on mto.
I'm a bit annoyed. The pricing logic seems slightly erratic.
Not enough grey factions for a Forces of Neutrality book
Hmmm who will I believe about The Old Worlds financial success randoms on the internet or Games Workshop...
It won't happen but if it did, how would you want Nippon implemented?
I think an evil society that has incorporated Chaos into their culture would be cool, like a Japanese Norsca.
on the one hand you've got people who profit from pretending there's controversy, on the other you've got people who profit from pretending there's success.

you can trust neither.
Make them all black
I don't trust GWs words but I do trust their actions.
The reliable leaks that claim they are already working on 2e for The Old World is evidence that they are seeing the game as a success at least.
As a mirror to Cathay? Yeah, that would be neat. I always liked the idea of mirroring the east with the west, so in this example Cathay is the Empire, and Nippon is Bretonnia, and the northern wastes are the baddies. Plus, gotta have that Mongolians attacking the Great Wall vibe come on now.
Yeah basically, although I don't know if GW would go for it simply because the China vs Japan history is probably not something they are brave enough to even allude to.
Cathay needs more wuxia and less boring ass empire stuff. Atleast make it like three kingdoms period stuff instead of the horrible designs they have now.
going for late Ming, early Qing designs for the armour of basic infantry isn't a terrible idea I just kinda hate all the dragons
It’s me. I posted the same image in a Facebook old world group and he’s being cute calling me out by name here on an anonymous forum.
A lot of people here were arguing that AoS was failing because their boxes wasn't selling out, now the same logic is suddenly being applied against TOW because it's boxes are no longer selling out. Quite literally this general stabbing itself in the foot.
I headcanoned mine as japanese bretonnia with a few themepark regions
>northernmost region is a chaos kingdom full of japanese demons and onis
>inbetween the demon lord's kingdom and the civilised lands there's a no man's land stalked by honorabru (but still fucking evil) undead samurai, who fend off most of the demons
>civilised lands are inhabited by normal human shogunates who consider themselves proud monster slayers
>one of the children of the dragon emperor fled to nippon out of idealism and rebellious spirit and became a close friend to an ancient hero of the land once and periodically resurfaces to honor that alliance by letting the occasional current hero of noble heart to ride atop him
>the nipponese have close ties to the original clan eshin who established itself in the land and learned to live in harmony with the men who taught them their arts, but as of late there's a brewing underground conflict between the sects of eshin most faithful to nippon and the ones most faithful to the council of 13 which may or may end up pushing the other nipponese against the noble skaven via falseflags
>the land of nippon has a number of torii gates and shrines haunted by fox spirits which the nipponese consider sacred and are sworn to protect
>the nipponese will occasionally aid the armies of cathay if it means protecting one of the torii gates of the mainland continent, at times glory-seeking samurai get hired as mercenaries by cathay instead, otherwise the two nations are at odds
I was not joking by calling it japanese bretonnia, the fox spirits are just the eastern version of the forest spirits of athel loren, the torii gates and their holy trees are intrinsically connected to the worldroots and the entire culture of nippon was shaped in the same exact way as the one of bretonnia and by the same fucking entity to boot, just going by a different name there
The sales figures show Old World as the 6th best seller in the USA. AoS as 4th for relativity. This is before empire or any elves too. Considering it’s nipping at AoS heels with 4 factions available I would say that it eclipsing and overtaking smegmar in the coming years is possible.
>TOW selling out everything, but only 6th place
>TOW no longer selling out, but will btfo AoS when doing worse somehow
Make this make sense. WoC was the most popular WHFB faction. If it didn't sell out, why would Empire or High Elves? The issue seems more intrinsic.
Add a bit of suikoden for fluff.
>WoC was the most popular WHFB faction
Kek the issue is your question revolves around a false premise. Also if it were true you could say they increased print volume for WoC relative to other factions in anticipation of demand. You could also say Sigmar has been doing more poorly recently than when the sales figures were taken. As we all know the Skaventide box is Selling Fast! But it’s still available everywhere.
That's my point anon. 3 starter boxes have been Selling Fast! and can be found everywhere. TOW was only able to close the gap because it wasn't Selling Fast!, but now it got dragged to AoS' level. So idk where your confidence comes from. Do you think AoS sold less than before it's new edition, maybe?
You're being retarded. I agree that TOW prolly isn't gonna reach AoS levels but it also doesn't have to reach it.
GW is literally reusing sculpts that it was going to throw away anyway - its profit margin from this simple fact means that TOW is fine. Even if it loses its top 10 spot.
Anon you’re aware we are multiple restocks of all starters save for orcs and WoC in so far right? Or are you just completely uninformed? ToW was able to close in within 2 spots of AoS on best selling product ranges with Bretonnia, Tomb Kings, Dwarfs and Orcs n Gobbos out. It’s over for AoS long term.
No your entire point was based around warriors being the most popular faction. Which is just blatantly untrue. His point was that the most popular factions have yet to be released yet and smegmar is already threatened in sales.
What's the best food an ogre ever made?
NTA but everything gets restocked.
But the fact that these boxes did not sell out immediately before the restock means that they aren't selling as well the Bretonnians and Tomb Kings. Its obvious that TOW isn't selling as much as its start.
Worse yet, AoS was at 4th at the end of its previous edition, so the new ICv2 will compare a slowing down TOW to a new edition of AoS. Yeah, no shot TOW is comparable to AoS for Fall.
That's not a bad thing, retards. TOW doesn't need to sell better, it just needs to do well enough to justify its existence.
Time will tell but I agree that it doesn’t need to sell as well as AoS. In fact I would go further and say I hope it never matches or exceeds AoS because that’s how you end up with corporate meddling and the ensuing sigmarines and all black named women leading your faction.
Uh, if TOW continues after it gets all of its old factions back then its definitely going to get more DEI. Its lore is already adding them. That's just a fact you're going to have to accept.
Its a matter of when, not if.
Not if it stays a specialist game. You don’t have any DEI corporate poison in necromunda, HH or MESBG. That’s why I hope it stays smaller. Let AoS be the containment game for people who are into DEI fantasy, let 40k be the containment game for the scum of the earth and let everyone else enjoy their systems.
Greenskins, tomb kings, vampire counts, lizard men, ogres.
>You don’t have any DEI corporate poison in necromunda,
>He doesnt play necromunda.
They advanced the setting to have a girlboss at the head of necromunda.
That's not exactly accurate, people were making fun of the fact that the limited-run starter boxes weren't selling out. If something is limited it will eventually sell out and if it takes longer than it should to do so, than that must mean demand is lower than GW thought.

ToW hasn't got any limited run stuff beyond the MtO which aren't ever "in-stock" to begin with. ToW models aren't supposed to sell out because they aren't ending their production for the foreseeable future. If they sell out than demand must be much, much higher than GW expected and overtime that demand will be met as GW better understands it.
>NTA but everything gets restocked.

Skaventide isn't which is the whole point
The majority of those are legacy and are only supported as Seraphon, Soulblight Gravelords and Ogors ( these are all real age of sigmar army names and not me shitposting trying to make them look retarded )
Lizard men are firmly good, they're the most anti-chaos out of any faction
You do realize the they gave us bataillon with completely out of meta armies?
I want boar boyz, none in the orc box.
iron drake are a staple, none in the box
chaos Warrior are the worst thing in tow chaos, box is them, and ONLY them.
Worse, the 2nd hand market is saturated with those specific kit they choose, it almost feels like self sabotage.
Anyone mind posting a screen shot of the Skin Wolves page? Trying to figure out if they're actually on 40s or on 50s.
Dwarf box is great if you’re getting into them. Gyros are meta, warriors can be warriors or long beards and you can make the thunderers into rangers. The only real stinker box is orcs and gobbos. WoC aren’t meta but they are the soul of the faction.
>WoC aren’t meta but they are the soul of the faction.
In the tow timeline, marauder are. Warrior should have been written as rare to make it make sense.
Marauder minis are awful though...They were already considered ugly at release.
Bruh, what are you talking about? Leviathan was sold out and got more restocks. Everything gets restocks.
Do it as a land awash with chaos, with weird local minor daemons. Local shoguns can rule their domains as a holdout against the chaos or make pacts for power. Basically as the other Anon said, a mirror of Bretonnia.

Unit wise samurai and ashigaru are a given, but I'd like ninjas, oni, and gunpowder kamikaze.

Honestly though Nippon would be better as a regiment of renown than as a whole army.
All that is cool but to make them historically more accurate than usual and not just a lazy fantasy Japan I would have them use gunpowder very heavily. Matchlock samurai, Estalian cannons etc. lore wise have the justification be constant warring with Cathay+ an island off the mainland given to Estalia that serves as a trade hub.
What gyros are meta, copters bombers or both?
Copters. If you aren’t aware of that maybe you shouldn’t be passing judgement on how good the boxes are.
No im a different guy i was just wondering since i have the dwarf box myself
wow vampires are genuine ass to try and make use of. I guess the thralls are okay at best but they still feel awkward to include in a list.
Dumbass what do you think "available while stocks last" means

Also leviathan didn't sell out and get restocked, they canceled scalper's orders and resold them.
>Also leviathan didn't sell out and get restocked, they canceled scalper's orders and resold them.
The only thing GW does to combat scalpers is try and overproduce so that people can actually buy the box.
Some scalpers got got by one of GW's edition release, might be thinking of indomitus tho. Either way leviathan was never restocked by GW, neither was Indomitus or skaventide or dominion. Yet the AoS boxes are the ones that never sold out lol.
What makes them so anti chaos?
>Dumbass what do you think "available while stocks last" means
You're the dumbass here, you mongoloid. "available whie stocks last" just means that its in limited production. Not that its not making more. The last thing GW wants is to maintain those good quality boxes when they can compete with future edition boxes.
GW fights against scalpers only slowed down the first set of Leviathan Boxes selling out. They returned throughout the next few weeks and can now be found everywhere.
>GW fights against scalpers only slowed down the first set of Leviathan Boxes selling out.

There was only one set of leviathan boxes you mogoloid, you can literally look back and check this. You can can't utilize fomo if there isn't an actual chance of missing out. These boxes are sold at a steep discount and if they kept making more while selling their contents individually (at higher prices) they'd just be shooting themselves in the foot.
It's literally their only purpose, they were created by the old ones to clean up their mess
Fresh Bread

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