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What are your go-to spaceship battle rules-sets? Dropfleet 2.0 is around the corner, will we ever see a new 40k game, and is anyone not playing Full Thrust?
2nd edition D&D Spelljammer. Not because they're particularly great rules, but just because we've been playing spelljammer. If use movement, maneuverability and all the upgrade options from the core and the war-captains journal, it makes for fun space combat that incorporates individual player action.
I do not play Full Thrust.
I do play Battlefleet Gothic and Noble Armada.
...with a rare side of SFB.
played a bit of xwing when it was popular and tried armada as well, the latter never clicked. Would like to play a star wars themed fleet combat game though
Uhm chud... This is /tg/-worldbuilding, art posting and imaginary scenarios. We do not play games here. Do better.
I really want to get into an armada scale game, love the look of these on the table. any good recs?
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Did you check that Mike Hutchinson game? A billion suns, something like that?
Engage!, is a neat notStarTrek game.
Full Thrust
Battlefleet Gothic (oop, use Battlefleet Galaxy)
Dropfleet Commander
A Billion Suns
Firestorm Armada
>Battlefleet Galaxy
Neat. Thanks anon.

That exists.... well, it used to. It's dead now.
Full Thrust and Starmada are probably the best out there currently
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Play Gothic, it's fucking excellent. But don't expect to see it again from GW, if they do bring it back it will be a specialist game on a hex grid.
Is there a low model count ruleset with super chunky rules, like diverting reactor power to weapons, shields, torpedoes needing time to arm, etc?
Gothic is trash the second you play literally any other fleet game. Much like all GW games
Firestorm Armada 2nd Ed. It's just perfect in every way. Shame that the company performed sudoku. There seems to be some fan based attempt at a 3rd Ed, but I haven't kept up with it.
>Muh anti GW nonsense
Gothic is commonly regarded as one of, if not THE, best game GW has ever put out. Grow up.
any of you mob played A Billion Suns? looks interesting, and perhaps suited to playing when I have several wargaming mates around
Not really. It’s pretty stock. Not saying it’s total dogshit, but also not zomg the greatest thing ever.

Mordheim, Adeptus Titanicus, Warmaster, blood bowl all off the top of my head are better games.
And dropfleet fixed it to be even better.
>regarded as one of, if not THE, best game GW has ever put out
Hardly an achievement.
Attack Vector Tactical. Not my thing but if you want a lot of fiddly rules its got that.
Is there a decent space dog fight game that isn't X-Wing?
I was into Firestorm Armada until the company that produced it went full ADHD into bankruptcy.
I hope the new edition of dropfleet is good but I know deep in my heart that it won't be.
False premise, X-Wing is dogshit.
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Question, is this strictly SPACE fleet combat games, or will any flying fleet game qualify? I ask because I got to play Leviathans at Gencon this year, and it's by far my favorite "big ships shooting at other big ships" ruleset. Basically, WW1-era flying battleships and fleet actions.
>I hope that Catalyst does some sort of space version of the core rules, because they're really good. They strike a good balance between quick playing and detailed enough to handle "you lost X system, now cope" issues.
Interesting. How does it handle fighter/bomber rules?
We didn't have any fighter/bombers in the scenario I got to play, but I've got a copy of the rulebook from one of my locals, and they seem fairly simple. Similar to BFG, actually. Move bomber token to enemy ship. Enemy ship makes AAA roll. If the bomber gets through, make attack. Fighters intercept bombers, and can also intercept ship mounted torpedoes, but can't actually damage the ships.

From what I understand, they want the focus to remain on the giant ship minis and not clouds of tiny craft like IRL or Star Wars, so I'm ok with that. I can understand that some people may differ.
>rules followup coming
I have to wake up for work, so I'll drop a combat summary. Each location on the ship (aft, bow, port) is divided into 6 or more slots, where each slot is a black box that contains a ship system, like extra armor or a gun. The combat is all about matching up colors. So when the Anfield here shoots at itself (say it's shooting its bow 3IN gun into the port side of the target Anfield), it starts off with a white d6, to tell you which of the 6 slots in the port side gets hit. You then look at the 3 inch gun in the bow. If you're at 4 hexes or less, you grab a Blue die, and if you're between 5-8 hexes you grab a Green die.
>the game has proprietary colored dice in the box that are all d12s, but they map to polyhedrals, so the Blue die the game comes with can be substituted for a Blue d6 you buy from your LGS, which is the same thing. Green = d4, Blue = d6, Yellow = d8, Red = d10, Black = d12.

So you're shooting a White d6 for Slot determination, a Blue die for the gun. You have a Crew slot in your Bow that adds a Green die to all shots fired from the Bow, so you add that. Finally, you look at your TARGET'S ship card. Since you're shooting at the Port side, and the target ship moved, you look at the die code on the green ribbon in the port location. If it didn't move, you'd look at the red ribbon in that location. The green ribbon has a yellow dot, so you add a Yellow die. Roll the Slot die, gun die, crew die, and movement die, and sum up the result of the colored dice. Blue = 5, Green = 3, Yellow = 7, and you roll a 2 on the Slot die. That's a check of 15 (5+3+7), against the white number listed in Slot 2, which is a 9. You meet or beat the white number, you blow up that slot. So the target Anfield loses its port side 3 inch gun. All fire is simultaneous, so it can still shoot back at you that turn with that gun. That's the ENTIRE gun combat system. Grab colored dice, roll and sum them up meet or beat white target number on the slot you hit.
That sounds delightful. One of the things that drove me berserk in Babylon 5 Wars were fighters shredding the shit out of capital ships.
Speak for yourself Mr Nogames Killjoy.
Nah, I think the best they ever did was Gorkamorka. You could use any figure as long as it was an orc, and you were actively encouraged to kitbash insane vehicles for them. The vehicles held exactly as many troops as you could fit on top of them. Gameplay was fun, frantic, silly and chaotic, as everyone just tore across the table racing to get scrap without rolling, exploding, or getting shot by the competition.

More generally, though - 40K, AoS, that's for cashed up tourists and private school boys. True patrician taste is going for ANY of the specialist games they dropped between major editions.

The foolish will mock me as they pat their $120,000 pile of unpainted miniatures about to be nerfed by the 38th reprint of a codex. The wise will understand, merely nodding and glancing at the small, self-contained collection they have of all they need.
>Your engine is off, so your ship stops!
It's 18th century sea combat game with the wooden sailships replaced with spaceships. It's fucking retarded, for people who can't imagine what space combat might be like.
LMAO I played for 4 hours yesterday with 5 friends. Don't project your lack of social graces and hygiene on the rest of us, Noo sard piftic winker.
The best game GW put out =/= better than literally any other fleet game. Read what the guy said before you reply
>It's 18th century sea combat game with the wooden sailships replaced with spaceships. It's fucking retarded
Sounds kino to me but I acknowledge that not everyone has good taste like I do.
Best part of a dungheap is still shit, anon
>sounds like
Why do you portray your uninformed opinion as something valuable?
Is there a timeline for release on this game?
why do you?
>no u
Doesn't work as I didn't posit an opinion.
what's this then?
>It's fucking retarded, for people who can't imagine what space combat might be like.
Notthe guy you're fighting with, the game looks cool and all, but I just prefer a little bit more suspension of disbelief. Yes, I understand that most space combat games play like the battle of jutland, but I don't need to be taken so out of the game and the world.

I've play AV:T and enjoyed it a lot, but I can easily see it doesn't work for many reasons. I'd like to see a game that takes a lot of AV:T and streamlines it to like, Full Thrust levels.
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Starmada. You can easily set up anything. For example, see the pic.
A Sky Full of Ships. Pretty good, with enough detail and ship building built into the design. Also works on Neutonian physics, which tickles my velocity/thrust space combat autism itch.
>has never heard of Epic Armageddon
Fucking zoomoids.
My brother. Loved me Mordhiem and Necromunda, still have my massive Gothic fleet, and a Man 'O War chaos fleet. All fun games, and Mordhiem/WHFB Skirmish/Necromunda/old Killteam are almost mini agnostic, you can grab any minis that look the part and plug them in.
>gw shill so retarded he can't properly read
quite unfortunate

as the post said battle fleet gothic isn't nearly as good as other fleet games, especially the generic ones. just because its the least smelly shit in GW's lineup doesn't mean it isn't shit.
to me gothic just relies on too many fiddly little tokens and specialist dice to work. I hate games than give you nice spaceship models then 75% of the game actually revolves around moving tiny paper tokens around.
Retail release is confirmed for Adepticon 2025. So March.
You cant stop in Gothic without counter thrust. In space you dont standstill either.
Okay. Any decent space dog fight game at all you suggest?
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>Nova Cannon
>Tyranids can grab ships
You mean WW2 sea combat at least.
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>It's 18th century sea combat game with the wooden sailships replaced with spaceships. It's fucking retarded, for people who can't imagine what space combat might be like.

Space warfare is idiotic in the first place at concept my dude
All of this board is fantasy
But you're the biggest idiot here if you didn't realize that yet at this point
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NTA, obviously, but if you haven't tried it before, and are a fighter combat fan of fine culture and breeding, I suggest you look for a copy of Silent Death. It's the best hex-based fighter-scale space combat game I've ever played. Plenty of fun autism, but smoother, faster playing, and with less annoying tokenspam than Xwing, and with minimal rules jank, and one of the single most elegant dice-rolling mechanics I've ever encountered in a fighter game.

The Silent Death: Next Millennium boxed set is the one you want, and - when they are in stock - EM4 carries plastic Silent Death minis for incredibly cheap. ~$7 for 12 ships and bases, picrel.

>Adepticon 2025.

That is the sincere hope.
Is that the one that was mostly big mechs, and tiny, tiny little space marines? ...it's okay, I guess. The mechs are kinda cool but these days you'd need STLs and a shitload of time on a 3D printer to get that game running for "le groupe de jeu moyen" - with factors like line of sight and terrain, there's no room for proxies. You've got to have something with height and heft.

I prefer the games that are easy to recreate. Man O War was a good one - I've seen people build little boats out of wood and craft glue. Mordheim and Necromunda, also good, there's about a million proxy options. Gorkamorka as mentioned above, you could use any orc figure you wanted and any model vehicle. One blogger described someone putting wheels on a model sailboat!

So, yeah, I can respect that you like the big Titans and shit, they do look cool... But there's only a limited number of those models in the wild, and recreating the game is just too resource intensive.

LMAO, dude, I'm old enough to have fingerbanged your mum behind the bike sheds.
Not my opinion
Found the flerf
Huh. Thought that one died a decade ago when their Chinese manufacturer stole their molds. Wonder if they ended up selling them as dollar store toys like the ones who did that with Warmahordes did.
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No, they brought it back with a Kickstarter. Funded with a couple million when they asked for 75k or something, and the manufacturing for the backers and the first wave of retail sales is supposed to be done by the end of September. You'd have to ask NEA over in the battletech general threads for more info, he was a dev the first time around, and he's the playtest and demo coordinator now, so he'll know more than I do, but from what I understand, Catalyst finally bothered to put a manadrin speaking employee in China full time to ride herd on their manufacturing processes. Thats how Battletech has had their huge renaissance lately with plastic minis. If you don't have someone in person who can speak the language there on site, the Chinese will steal everything, but if you do, they play relatively nice.

They had the first wave of prototypes at Gencon to use in the games, which is what's pictured up in >>93907560. Except the big floating fortress thing, that was an actual surprise debut at the game. It wasn't in the kickstarter, it's not in the rulebook, and it was explained as being a prototype mini that NEA was given to paint up at the convention. I only have 1 more pic of it since I wasn't on that end of the table much.
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Post ships
>Silent Death
Neat, thanks.
>Silent Death
What is? I've never heard of it.
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Anyone got more Dropfleet ship pics?
Both art and models are welcome.
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It's not much but I was going to start a PHR fleet a while ago, painted a test model for the scheme.
Gonna wait and see how the new edition is before going back to it
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Older space fighter game. Haven't had a chance to look into it but seems promising. I haven't tried Renegade Legion: Interceptor except the PC version, which was neat but seems very FASA clunky to do irl.
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I prefer Halo Fleet Battles. Very asymmetric and enjoyable.
>neon green space candyfloss
There's a reason why everyone but star corsairs avoid the Cotton Candy Nebula.
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Firestorm Armada 2E is great, check the rules out here: https://blog.warcradle.com/spartan-games-archive
Pic related is my uneasy coalition of evil corporatist fleet and art deco space mafia prizing doing the impossible and prizing an the dreadnought of an alliance of fish people, the Aquans. Straight forward rules but with plenty of complexity in play, some cool features to remind you you're supposed to be fighting in 3D space.

I played a lot of Firestorm Armada back 2015-2015 time. Fuck Spartan Neil for running a good company into the ground as his personal toy shop. As much as I wish FA would come back, Warcradle rereleased Dystopian Wars with different models, fluff and rules. That's no longer the same game, even if it is reportedly OK.

Not that anon but Epic Armageddon is really not strict on proxies, having played at a bunch of EpicUK tournies using entirely Brigade Models or Ground Zero Games proxies. Infantry are done purely off of base size, an titans etc, so long as the proxy seems right anything goes.

Seriously, give Armageddon a try, it's a very good rules system.

Scratchbuilt with lighters as the body? They look ace!
I really want a Dropfleet set but can't be assed to paint that many minis.
Nebulas mane
I thought nebula was that blue lady from those marvel movies
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>I am forgotten
Remind me
Firestorm Armada; an admittedly pretty mid game published by Spartan Games before they ran themselves into the ground. It did have a lot of cool models, though. Warcradle picked the IP up but I think it's been ages since anyone's heard about their re-release of the game with updated rules.

Every once in a while I think of adapting the rules for Dropfleet Commander so I can actually use all these chunks of resin I have stored away, but FA is full on space combat while DFC is more about covering planetary landing operations.

I have concerns, but we'll have to see. I'm not a fan about how they made the Fighter system identical to everyone elses.

The 2.0 ruleset was a vast improvement over the original. I think they'd have been much more successful if they'd reduced the size of the models to like half of what they were. I've never seen a hunk of resin so heavy it actually bent the plastic struts of it's base before FSA.
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> Anon greedily slobbers on GW cock
> removes penis for the briefed second to make this post
Worst part is, you are still wrong. Epic Armageddon is the best game they ever released, probably because it was mostly community led.
> but Blood Bowl
That's a board game I'm talking war games.
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I remember thinking the Gen 1 models looked great, especially the blue team? But the other teams especially your pic just didnt do it for me.
For those anons interested, this is an original model for BFG, then a Scourge Scenics one, then Battlefleet Galaxy.

Scourge are good for smaller things like transports or asteroids and things like that, I don't really rate their capital ships. And you will only have a few capital ships ideally so spend big on those.

Dropfleet is probably my go to but it plays so slowly its like playing Tom Clancys Harpoon.
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forgot pic
not a shill by the way, I just like these models.
anyone? after some opinions on A Billion Suns
where should I get some cheap models?
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I've played and its deceent, depends where you are, although I'm not a huge fan of the "corporations" thing they hae going on.

Try Brigade models for pic.
Or Ground Zero Games.

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WGA is making The Expanse -licenced space ships for another company, something to keep an eye out when they release.
Neat, got any links or more pics?
The Expanse RPG book has some extremely basic rules for spaceship combat, mainly focused on the crew making skill rolls at various points in a one on one engagement. But I'd love to see someone try to take on Expanse style combat in a tabletop setting.

Attack Vector comes close but is way too bloated, on purpose basically. It's enjoyable but only maybe 15 people on the face of the Earth can even play it
Oh fuck. Is this what the secretive Huns have been building this entire time? I still want payoff for that nugget the gazette had about Roentgen's accidental publication that needed to be retracted.
I always liked that Halo had the smaller ships like Corvettes and such be multiple ships to a single base. Really made the fleets feel impressive without needing to move around a ton of stuff.

I loved playing Firestorm Armada. Solid and fun ruleset with some nice shi designs. I do agree with >>93936703 that the models could have been a tad smaller, though.

OG Relthoza ate still some of my favorite ship designs in all of gaming. Give me Homeworld vibes, and I'm here for it.
Fleet games are a joke. None of them ever last. Why do even waste your time with this shit genre? Just play 40k like the rest of us and give up on ships.
>Full Thrust and Starmada
First time I hear about Starmada.
I see it's a setting agnostic game, that's great. How does the rules compare with Full Thrust? What are the assumptions of the mechanics? (For example, Full Thrust as I recall, is all about: facing of the weapons and where is the energy output of the game spread)
Does Battlefleet Gothic have any planetary defense rules like Dropfleet? Or is there any fan work that translates Dropfleet's gameplay style to BFG? I want to have space battles out in the stars, but I also want to defend my Imperial world from the Tyranid threat as it's dropping into the planet.

There's literally a scenario about it in the core rulebook.
Thre's a particular scenario that plays over two maps, where ships on the "space" map get close enough to a planet to enter the "planet" map, which integrates airfields, planetary defense batteries and silos, and it plays like, side on with ships appearing at high altitude and getting low enough to score points (drop troops). The points tally up at the end overr the whole game to determine victory or draw.

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