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Wee Babbies Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>93874505

Have any of your characters ever had children, /5eg/? Have you played a child of a former PC before?
is there any action-less/bonus action-less ability checks you can make, need to find a way to dump the advantage from tides of chaos for guaranteed surge.
Falling Damage? Walking into Hazards?
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I mean damage wise, it's big-ass dice at decent range.
But without specifically either TCE gunner or MPMM giff race, they're... difficult to synergize with.

>loading, so only 1 attack per action, no extra attack.
>crossbow expert doesn't work anymore either.
>way too expensive for low levels where you don't have extra attack yet, literally the price of a +1 weapon.
>Martial proficiency required, with race or 2024 feats to acquire those, so without a 1 level martial dup, the two main single attack weapon users, rogue or true strike (i.e. weapon but not thirsting/devouring blade) warlock, can't use them.

I think it's pretty much exclusively only good for clerics and druids that go the martial weapon option.

possibly valor bards, depending on if true strike lets you load.
performance perhaps? Tell knock knock jokes while you fight?
some white people complained that 5e had too many abilities, and it made the game really spicy.

So they removed a lot of the weaker flavor abilities like song of rest, lands stride, tongue of sun and moon etc.
Just juggle the guns:

>Level 20 Fighter
>Wielding Musket and carrying three more
>Attack 1: Attack with Musket #1, at the end of this attack sheath Musket
>Attack 2: Draw Musket #2, attack with Musket #2
>Item Interaction Sheathe Musket #2
>Attack 3: Draw Musket #3, attack with Musket #3
>Attack 4: Sheathe Musket #3... but no way to draw Musket #4 so punch the ground in anger for last attack
>level 20
also just drop musket 3 instead of sheathing it
IS DANCING A FREE ACTION?? Its actually optimal for my build DM-Sama.
Dropping a weapon is now classified as 'Unequipig' a weapon so it's no different than sheathing.
you can just carry multiple firearms pre-loaded.

>that's even more expensive
fine, save money by having a hireling load for you. Or a monkey familiar or an unseen servant.
>you can just carry multiple firearms pre-loaded.
Where does this whole "Pre-Loaded" thing come from? As far as I'm aware you cannot pre-load any weapon in the game.
Page number?
Page number?
one of those is sarcastic and the other is genuine, I'll leave it to (You) two to figure out who is the retard
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I wanna tweak this spell so that it does special damage to some creature like blight does to plants
I was thinking maybe creatures with a fly speed roll with disadvantage and take max damage? or is that too OP? what would you do? id probably also make deep sea creatures immune or something

party is exploring not-atlantis and the wizard is gonna come accross ancient aboleth magic (aka water based homebrew spells he cant get normally).
Sort of? Otto's Irresistible Dance does consume all of your movement, though, so there's evidently some cost, albeit not an action cost.
Page 361 of the 2024 PHB
>Equipping and Unequipping Weapons. You can either equip or unequip one weapon when you make an attack as part of this action. You do so either before or after the attack. If you equip a weapon before an attack, you don't need to use it for that attack. Equipping a weapon includes drawing it from a sheath or picking it up. Unequipping a weapon includes sheathing, stowing, or dropping it.

Page 213 of the 2024 PHB
>AMMUNITION. You can use a weapon that has the Ammunition property to make a ranged attack only if you have ammunition to fire from it. The type of ammunition required is specified with the weapon's range. Each attack expends one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition is part of the attack (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). After a fight, you can spend 1 minute to recover half the ammunition (round down) you used in the fight; the rest is lost.
Preloading doesn't have any rules just regular reloading a weapon with the ammunition property.
Oh weird, it's a half retard
>dropping is unequipping
gay and retarded, and will be ignored
anon, what is the difference between preloading and loading?
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is it me or is 2024 just like... OBJECTIVELY item edition?

>thief rogue can Utilize as a bonus action. Monk can utilize as an action, then still flurry.

>manacles and rope and chain and net are all excellent CC to permanently lock down a temporarily incapacitated enemy.
>hunting trap is great with push effects.
>ball bearings upgraded to 10ft square
>all the thrown vial weapons jive with extra attack now, and oil is on the list. tinderbox is a bonus action.
>books give a +5 to knowledge skills.
>maps give +5 to navigation
>perfume gives an hour worth of advantage on persuasion.
>costumes give advantage to impersonation
>crowbars give advantage to str checks
>pole gives advantage to jumping
>portable ram gives +4 and advantage to busting doors
>magnifying glass gives advantage to appraisal and investigations about fine details
>tools all are vs set DCs now
>bedroll and blanket climber kits grappling hook actually have concrete use
>poisoner DC scales.
>potions and antitoxin are a bonus action
>you can just make a fuck ton of potions instantly with a spell
>common spell scrolls are on the basic shopping list now
>party is exploring not-atlantis and the wizard is gonna come accross ancient aboleth magic

Ah, R'lyeh.
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it was always a 10ft squre, caltrops was a 5ft square.
>crowbars give advantage to str checks

that was always a thing.
>manacles and rope and chain and net are all excellent CC to permanently lock down a temporarily incapacitated enemy.
So nothing has changed. I think you just weren't that familiar woth the base 5e rules
Finished Dming my campaign for now. Reached level 10, pausing campaign on a highnote/cliff hanger of plot.

My friend and first DM is starting his campaign.

Talk me out of playing a Monk. I want to but I am pretty sure they are the worst class.
Last time I was a player I was a sword Bard. Was fun but I want to play a Monk for some reason.

If I wanted ""strength"" probably just be a braindead Fireball wizard but are monks playable at all in 5e.
I know they are getting buffs in 5.5 but pretty sure we are sticking with 5e.
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Ooohh, the things I do fah love.
Monks are fine, monks are fun. Enjoy zooming around the battlefield at twice everyone else's speed, running up walls/large enemies, and walking on water.
Are you at least gonna be using the extra stuff from Tasha's? That buffs 'em a little.

what this
a retard filter
Are you showing the druid in your party the love she deserves?
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>Go rogue
>Take on Conjuration Wizard
>Take Conjure Woodland beings
>Conjure Darklings and or Elder Darklings
>Always have an extra rogue to help Rogue at every opportunity

How far do I get with this before it stops being completely viable
What's the word for stone decoration in walls which are carved to be like a "bump" in the wall - so not free statues or a flat surface but scenes which have texture and depth
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What makes you think they're female?
2024 rules, they're legit good.

2014 rules, mercy is good especially as an efficient healer, sharpshooter kensei is good with fighter 1 dip, ki fueled strike is guaranteed 3rd attack and archery style+focused aim fixes the SS penalty, for everything else I wouldn't call them good but unarmed style from feat is nice and once it's redundant the feat lets you swap it to a different style, probably either blind sight or superior technique for a maneuver. Long Death can be very hard to kill and just spam frighten aura. Sun Soul can be relatively hard to kill and spam fireball-sized 2d8 cantrip. Drunken Master can redirect enemy attacks that miss, which can often do as much as your entire flurry, so maybe just dodge instead.
It's very much a "identify 1 broken feature/combo you can cheaply spam then do that" type thing.

2014 rules, no tashas... big ouch.
best recommendations:
shadow for out of combat utility and denying mages area. Don't focus on damage you're not good at it so only get in what you can, just focus on staying alive and making the enemy never get a fair fight.

open hand for the meme amount of tripping, again ignore your damage numbers entirely, just focus on staying alive and being a chronic nuisance that makes the party's paladin or champion fighter incredibly dangerous.
4 elements, spend ki like water spamming the biggest blasts you can afford hitting as many targets as possible, then once you're out of ki just martial arts until you're dead. If they focus you, you're dropping like a stone but it's too late all of your damage was in the first 1-3 turns everything you're doing now is just gravy, it doesn't matter if you stay conscious anymore the only tactically worse target they could be wasting attacks on killing would be a summon. If they don't retaliate, then you just get to chip away at them with mediocre but free damage, no longer a priority target worth attacking but unfortunately for them still punishing to ignore.
For something like alduins wall?
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Clerics are better healers
Engravings? Glyphs? Carvings? Etchings?
Looking at that I'd say it was carved into the wall so it's actually deeper into the stone than the surrounding wall. I suppose that's how it would have to happen, but I was thinking of the stone decoration actually coming out of the wall
Either way it's called a relief
1. just because you can punch good doesn't mean weapons aren't useful.
q-staff/spear (d8 melee) and like 10 daggers/light hammers (dual wield thrown) or javelins (single hand thrown), and a shortbow (80/320 range) should be on your person at all times.

2. Remember that you're a Ninja/Ty Lee, not Goku.
Chase down caster nerds and bully them, so they have to focus on staying alive and can't do horrible things to your party or help their own. If he's concentrating on Levitate and not Cloudkill, Confusion or Banishment is a win, even if all you can do is huck knives.

Do NOT run up to the big guy in full plate whose pecs are each the size of a car door and spam flurry trying to play footsie with him. If you MUST attack something with a con score over 12, then make sure you're not ending your turn within its reach, you have 40-70 movespeed, use it. As a last resort take an opportunity attack, it's still better than getting hit with a full multiattack once it's his turn.

You have D8 HD, and AC equivalent to Mage Armor for most of your career. That means unless you BA dodges that turn, you belong in linebacker duke-it-out melee as much as a non-hexblade bladelock.
This is how Thief Rogue always worked, they're just more explicit about it in 2024.
There's basically no enemy your party would fight at level 10 with a con score below 12.
>the meta for making certain builds viable is having like 10 weapons and you drop them after each strike
>This is considered fine and not retarded
Elf Works realy Nice for cleric in DnD 2024. I can get true strike cantrip (that works with divine strike) and misty step by going high elf.
>he gives a shit about dnd "meta"
yeah, I had this argument a million times with shitters on /bgg/ and /v/ that even if trickery is a shit domain in bg3 due to being not implemented properly and due to being nerfed and having the worst resourceless combat since it was the only 5e cleric with no heavy armor and no potent spellcasting, cleric with no subclass is still based as fuck and more powerful than a lot of other subclasses. Life domain is just more generic cleric. I'm sure all the healing features are going to continue to be shit but other than spirit guardians you got most of your important spells prepared for free.
I think it is mega gay as well, but at least you don't have to use it
>>all the thrown vial weapons jive with extra attack now, and oil is on the list. tinderbox is a bonus action.
they also made them easier to use without tavern brawler. they changed from range attack to dex dc 8 + dex + proficiency. also made it more explicit you can't add your dex mod to the damage.
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Did they change holy symbols? the new book says amulets can be worn which in theory means you don't need to hold them when casting an M spell. though I think the new pull out/stow weapons rules make the nonwarcaster hokeypokey less of a thing anyway
actually replying to myself, for clerics the only spells that have M but no S are word of radiance, guidance and tongues. so this gives no benefits and is worse than shield holy symbol
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Reposting since I posted it on a dying thread like a retard
Is flamming sphere a meme or can you make it work?
Making it only deal its AoE damage when enemies end their turn inside is a bitch
I can't imagine a scenario where it shines unless someone else is locking down enemies and even then grease will probably outclass it.
Is it only usefull if your party has sentinel?
>books give a +5 to knowledge skills.
Does it have to be relevant to the check?
Like carrying around a book about dragons for a a knowledge check about dragons or will any book about magic stuff work?
Do tables usually care about this?
We just handwave that and let you use your spellcasting focus hand for both requirements
the phb says accurate nonfiction book about the subject. and the 2 examples are a history book for sages and a philosophy book for hermits. so its DM fiat if the book is accurate and has what you want in it.
it basically only matters for opportunity attacks and only matters if you are holding a shield and one handed weapon, since 2 handed weapons can all be held with 1 hand when you aren't attacking
>Is Flaming Sphere a meme
Yes. It's use-case is for level 3-4. I tried Flaming Sphere with Booming Blade on a Bladesinger. Neat idea, but the math doesn't favor it. I was better off not casting Flaming Sphere on 3 round combat, and there isn't a lot of mileage doing 5-7 avg. damage on a bonus action. The stars need to align for the AOE to work/matter. You are better off trying to restrain enemies yourself with Web or Binding Ice if the situation calls for it.
What are the best adventures, whether official or from a 3rd party, whose themes are exploration and discovery? Something like exploring new lands, or old temples. I need to find new sources of inspiration for an upcoming session.
That's the only official adventure with a decent amount of exploration I could think of too.
Anything else you may have in mind? It doesn't have to be a whole continent, small temples work too.
Give me some alternative ideas for dwarven stonecunning.
We're continuing our campaign that was on a summer hiatus tomorrow, we're going to be playing with the old core rules but we switched to the new classes and racials.
So now my level 5 Dwarf Fighter has Tremorsense from stone cunning which seems odd both to me and my DM. Yes it might be possible to flavor it so that all the experience from touch stones finally allows my character to "feel" the stones, but our campaign is kinda low magic so tremorsense just seems unnatural.
TL;DR alternative rulings and uses for dwarven stonecunning?
Flintknapping could be a start. Maybe your character can fashion stone blades, arrowheads, hammers, etc. given some rocks and an afternoon.
If you've never read the old Kingmaker campaign from Paizo, it's a good template to design a hexcrawl adventure off of. As the other anon said though, Tomb of Annihilation is probably the best published 5e adventure for it right now.
Elf Clerics?
Will do, thanks. What about unofficial works? I know nothing at all, despite being such theme a quite popular one in theory, especially after the invention of west marches.
This is just a livestream of people explaining how they were hired at Wizards.
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So how much AI is WotC using to write their books for them now?
The new book was obviously written by AI to some capacity, there are so many oddities and straight out holes in the rules.
You know that story about a lawyer presenting a filing that included citations from cases that didn't actually exist, simply because he thought AI was a magic "do my job for me" machine? Imagine something on par with that, but with Wizards' new anemic three-part boxed sets.
It could still give better rulings than crawford.
This picture hit me like a sack of bricks. When was the last time we saw a cute family drawn for 5e?
That is a painfully low bar, considering Crawford's unflinching dedication to ruling in favor of the most boring and unfun interpretation of the rules. Machine randomness would eventually result in at least one fun or interesting ruling. However, its inability to remain internally consistent even among its own user-defined limitations would make every book seem like it was written by a schizophrenic.
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DMs here, when you've got a new player who's super excited to try the game and realize they can make virtually anything they want- what do YOU do to help them through the whole character creation experience? What about in the game itself? What do you do to keep that player keep that excitement and passion for their character and hopefully your game?
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>DM always tells me I can't make insight checks
>finally ask him why he's so annoying and stupid
>says to me "well it wouldn't make sense for you to have insight into complete strangers, it's a dumb stat"
Give them a pregen or make them roll with the group, tell them it's just a test and to play the stereotype to get things rolling. People are easily confused by posibilities and default to whatever they feel like at the moment like a sandbox vidja, they need training wheels.

Alternatively, let them have a murderhobo sandbox and try to show them the things they're missign by not focusing on a clear collaborative archetype. But that has a high risk of having them burn their interest without getting anything from the game.
Tell them what sort of game it is we're playing, float a few vague campaign-related concepts they might find interesting, and recommend character options based on the idea they've decided upon.
>DM has autism
>Forces everyone's characters to be autistic as well
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Introduce yourself to people wherever you go and ask about other people they know. That way, you won't be strangers.
>realize they can make virtually anything they want
they can't. they can only make characters that fit within the setting and the rules. this is your first big mistake.

sounds like he's a neurodivergent that doesn't know normal people can read each other's emotions without years of context to consciously logically analyze.
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First I see if they have any concepts they're really interested in trying to play, we take that concept and hone it down to something that can both fit in the context of the setting AND is reasonable to play for their character. From there we work on building the character itself as close as we can get them without making them not work mechanically for the type of game we're playing in.
As far as keeping their excitement going- I'm a fan of simply asking the player post a few sessions- how they are feeling about the game, what they like, what they love, and what they want to see or would like to see changed. I usually do this separately and with the group and begin to adjust from there.

The key is to remember the main goal of everyone at the table having fun and telling a story together.
Virtually anything is not anything. Some stuff you won't be able to make- like if you want to play a 30-foot Dragon with an army on call, you couldn't do that. But that could be a goal your character has and can be worked towards.
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Relief carving, or bas relief.
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Letting players make active insight checks is lame, he should silently make the checks himself and inform the player(s) if they succeed in noticing something untoward.
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i mean, they've been using AI art for over a year, and golden vault feels SUPER ai written then polished by a human editor.
genuine autists are actually so funny to talk to they genuinely believe body language isn't real and that it's impossible to analyze people's behaviors because "uwu everyone is soooo unique" when in actuality their lies beam right through the cracks of their fake ass smiles and everybody who wasn't dropped on their head as a baby can tell
How scary an enemy would a Troll equipped with a Headband of Intellect be?
Not particularly. Smart people burn just as easily as dumb people.
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Wish they'd used AI for the art in Golden Vault, instead of whatever 3D porn software they decided to use.
Mobile feat is really nice.
Thank you for the input

Yeah, Tashas allowed. Homebrew is also being allowed for the most part but not sure where to go from there
Can I get a list of which classes won and lost with the 2024 edition? Is sharpshooter dual hand crossbows still the best option for reliable dpr?
>is a slightly worse Fighter with a tiny bit of healing at 1
>gets fighting style, spellcasting and SCHMOITE at 2
>subclass at 3, like most other classes, gives it two ways to channel divinity and two oath spells which may or may not be hard to get for most Paladins and/or useful

Which other classes change the most in how they play during the first few levels?
technically true, but the issue is most items were't explicit about being utilize actions. like rope.
>anon actually reads the adventuring gear section for the first time
most people never use gear in 5e because everyone's a superhero at level plus nobody uses 5e to run dungeoncrawls anymore but instead "collaborative storytelling"
That's stupid. The most important question an adventure can ask himself when facing peril is "what have I got in my pocket?"
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>My Favorite Ranger Spells
Commune With Nature
Conjure Animals (C)
Conjure Barrage
Conjure Volley
Conjure Woodland Beings (C)
Cure Wounds
Dispel Magic
Entangle (C)
Fog Cloud (C)
Lesser Restoration
Locate Creature (C)
Locate Object (C)
Pass Without Trace (C)
Plant Growth
Silence (C)
Speak With Animals
Speak With Plants
Steel Wind Strike
Summon Beast (C)
Summon Elemental (C)
Summon Fey (C)
Swift Quiver (C)

>My Favorite Paladin Spells
Bless (C)
Cure Wounds
Compelled Duel (C)
Divine Favor
Divine Smite
Searing Smite
Shield of Faith (C)
Thunderous Smite
Wrathful Smite
Find Steed
Lesser Restoration
Locate Object
Prayer of Healing
Shining Smite (C)
Zone of Truth
Blinding Smite
Dispel Magic
Remove Curse
Banishment (C)
Death Ward
Locate Creature (C)
Circle of Power (C)
Destructive Wave
Greater Restoration
Summon Celestial (C)
dont ask them what class or race
just tell them "you're in a dungeon/whatever, what do you do? are you skulking around looking for traps, are you inspecting the ancient stone carvings trying to decipher them, are you looking nervously at the corridor, gripping your weapon, are you whispering a prayer while clutching a holy symbol around your neck?

I find this is a much better way of arriving at a character concept than starting with mechanical definitions
Warlock is completely defined by getting invocations at 2
>DM is an autist that can't read body language or social cues
well, at level 12 your save DC starts going up because you can start investing in wis. So that's fine.
However, I was being slightly exaggeratory. The point was, don't win initiative then immediately rush ahead of the party to pump 5 ki worth of stun flurry into a hill giant or balor who you're likely not stunning, guaranteed not for more than 1 turn even if you spend your entire ki pool, and definitely not dropping them, or even worse something that has legendary resistances and you don't even have a debuff caster in the party that that's helping you're just risking your neck for nothing and wasting ki getting stonewalled, then parking your ass there in front of him like a sitting duck ready for a massive crackback.

that said, a mindflayer (cr7) with a mind controlled Giant Ape (cr7) would be a Hard encounter for lvl10, and the mind flayer literally has 12 con, and between the two, the monk should definitely be headed for the mindflayer not the ape.
>the bigger danger (mind blast can take out half to all of the party for an entire minute, plus make them susceptible to brain munchies)
>more likely to get successfully stunned with your mid DC (+1 vs +4)
>more likely to die from getting focus fired after a single turn of stun or even just getting punched a lot as he fails to run away (literally less than half the HP)
>more likely to auto-drop concentration on something important from being stunned or being force to swap to a defensive concentration spell instead (ape can't cast at all. mindflayer has dominate monster, breaking it turns the giant ape from devout enemy to freaked-out wild animal, which might keep attacking you but might turn on the mind flayer or just leave.)
are "neurodivergents" the most insufferable people on the planet?
dropping counts as unequipping now, you might as well sheath them properly.
Yes this is technically a nerf to EK, who could just leave their weapons around wherever to free their hand to cast and summon them at will with a bonus action.

you can only weapon juggle when taking the attack action specifically, and not even when doing EK/Valor bar truestrikes. Otherwise it's just 1 a turn. so no, it's still just as much a problem.
That said, it's always been a solved problem if you use a component pouch or other worn focus instead of a held focus.

>Making it only deal its AoE damage when enemies end their turn inside is a bitch
i think that rule changed in 2024. pretty much everything is when they enter or start now.
Only the self-diagnosed ones, in my experience. Garden-variety neurodivergents tend to be awkward, but apologetic.
no, but there's a significant demographic overlap for all the ones who are.
considering giving character who's been wearing cursed eldritch bracers a "slayer form"-like where he turns into aberration
but not at will the player can abuse, just something that happens on specific triggers

anyone have experience doing something like this? pros/cons? not so much mechanics but more about imposing a mechanic on a player. Of course he'd have saves to avoid it but still
you get incovations at 1 now.

also, since paladins get casting at 1 now, and it's a spell, they can just hard prep smite at level 1 before they get it for free at 2.
just kind of sounds like lycanthropy.
That's a really weird interaction, and makes me wonder why they didn't just move it to level 1.

Especially since rangers get proficiency free hunter's marks at 1.
>just kind of sounds like lycanthropy.
I guess I'll balance it similarly then
okay but like they're broken even compared to your superhero abilities.

charm person? nah bud i've got 5gp to do it the legal way that angers nobody and targets everyone within smell distance.
Just checked it and its unchanged
Level 2 Conjuration (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)
Casting Time: Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a ball of wax)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You create a 5-foot-diameter sphere of fire in an unoccupied space on the ground within range. It lasts for the duration. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the sphere makes a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 Fire damage on a failed save or
half as much damage on a successful one. As a Bonus Action, you can move the sphere up to 30 feet, rolling it along the ground. If you move the sphere into a creature's space, that creature makes the save against the sphere, and the sphere stops
moving for the turn. When you move the sphere, you can direct it over
barriers up to 5 feet tall and jump it across pits up to 10 feet wide. Flammable objects that aren't being worn or carried start burning if touched by the
sphere, and it sheds Bright Light in a 20-foot radius and Dim Light for an additional 20 feet.
Using a Higher-Level Spell Slot. The damage increases
by ld6 for each spell slot level above 2.

Copied from a dirty pdf
statistically even normies are only accurate 50% of the time at reading the mental states of others.

they are, however, exceptionally more confident in their abilities to do so than autists.
So it's really just a Dunning-Kruger thing.

sharpshooter no longer adds damage. only heavy weapons get the bonus damage now. so if you want that for ranged, that's heavy crossbow or longbow.
people say that the feat sucks because it has a str requirement, but forget that all heavy weapons have a stat prerequisite now too instead of banning them from small races.

all crossbow feat does is let you TWF with stat handcrossbows without the style, so you can take archery instead.
but you could also just take two style feats, one free one from class feature, one at ASI instead of taking crossbow expert.
You'd lose +1 dex, but gain the ability to also swap to melee if trapped or thrown melee for mastery effects.

Most damage is making a million attacks with conjure minor elementals up. period. slot to slot, it out-damages meteor swarm, albeit only single target.

most damage usable over multiple fights but without likely soon to be errataed cheese would probably be an EK with GWM and Fey-touched Hunter's Mark or Hex, doing Halberd, Halberd (if the halberd hit), Greatsword, Scimitar, Shortsword, Greatsword, BA Halberd pommel or greatsword again if you killed something or crit.
>If you move the sphere into a creature's space, that creature makes the save against the sphere, and the sphere stops moving for the turn.
this is basically an enters effect.
good posts
>14th Level Moon Druid vs The Gauntlet
Turns out being able to Wildshape into an Owl with 42 Temp HP, Flyby, Defensive Duelist, and Conjure Woodland Beings AOE is pretty damn crazy.
>He beat the gauntlet by only burning 6 Spell Slots total and neither of his Sidekicks died.
>improvised melee attacks made using ranged weapons get Int and Proficiency when made using True Strike
>same for throwing non-thrown melee weapons.

>>Martial proficiency required, with race or 2024 feats to acquire those, so without a 1 level martial dip, the two main single attack weapon users, rogue or true strike (i.e. weapon but not thirsting/devouring blade) warlock, can't use them.

What warlock patron matches beating someone to death with the butt of an always empty gun?
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Clearly, you need to make sure your characters settle down and have families so there's something to draw, anon.
Only a fool would have his character settle down and start a family. Everyone knows that's just ammo for the DM.
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So wait until the end of the campaign, then.
That does not change what I said.
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Elves and humans are a dangerous combination because if you mix the two you get these
>you get these
Cute potatoes?
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Yes, but it at least limits the DM's opportunities to fuck with the character's family. So unless he's the kind of colossal faggot who arbitrarily declares that a character's life is ruined in an epilogue or some shit, there's not much room to fit in a dead family subplot.
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That looks nothing like a potato, anon.
>Is sharpshooter dual hand crossbows still the best option for reliable dpr?
according to that one yuro autist who is a kobald furry on youtube heavy crossbows outpace hand crossbows at like level 8
the book is pretty explicit that the weird changes for levels 1 and 2 don't matter because you aren't supposed to play below level 3
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>Have any of your characters ever had children, /5eg/? Have you played a child of a former PC before?
My PC got engaged to one of his troupe mates, got her pregnant, but the baby was not born mid-campaign. However, my PC did adopt a child mid-campaign and was very active in his extended family life when he could be. So he got to interact with his sister in laws and brother in laws, he also had brothers and sisters of his own to see and chat with. I made it a point to buy gifts and souvenirs for them throughout the adventure. One that was fairly prominent- was one of the sister in laws was an Aasimar who didn't have perfect control of her Radiant Consumption ability yet and needed a mask, so in every town, my PC went to he'd look around for masks to bring back to her, got her some cool magic ones.
I've never played a former PC's child because I haven't had the opportunity to.

>Everyone knows that's just ammo for the DM.
This happened to my PC above, DM decided to kill all of them. Like all of them extended family and regular family (Except his wife and daughter) via mass assassination to send a message to the party to not mess with some crime gang or organization that we ran into in some dungeon. OOG it was shocking- not to mention the assassins were brutal in their methods. They strung a baby up by their entrails on a tree and put bodies into ceramic plates... So it wasn't pleasant. In game, my PC had enough connections, magic, and time to revive all of them but that required him to be written out of the story to go revive his family cause it would take months and thousands of GP to revive like 14+ people.

To this day I don't fully understand the choice to do this or what was gained from it, coincidentally I had to leave the game for life reasons a little while later but they didn't know that at the time. The party got revenge while my PC started reviving his people. I question what it added in the end...
>you can only weapon juggle when taking the attack action specifically, and not even when doing EK/Valor bar truestrikes. Otherwise it's just 1 a turn. so no, it's still just as much a problem.
>That said, it's always been a solved problem if you use a component pouch or other worn focus instead of a held focus.
you still need a free hand. the spell juggle thing was only ever a paladin/cleric problem because they are the only ones who cast and use shields
don't use the N word. that was a word given to them by normies. the correct term is autist
paladin, rogue, ranger
everyone else

Ranger is over all strong, but boring. Paladin is better in most ways except nova and bonus action economy. Rogue got more options, but their options (mostly) gi e them less damage, and they already had poor damage
Why not just have all subclasses at 1 then? Retarded design choice.
buff wizards clerics and nerf rogues and rangers, truly what 5e needed
It finally got rid of the bullshit attendant on Berserker, though.
there's not a lot of aquatic monsters huh
so new players don't need to worry about subclass choices. Levels 1 and 2 are tutorial levels for new players and modules for levels 1 and 2 tend to be really rail roaded and have nothing to do with the plot of the full adventure. I know the fat wizard with the tranny wife on jewtube bitched about that when he played decent into avernus
Okay so the "environment" category is apparently useless only used by half the books or something.
Pickings are still slim, but not as slim
Still is.
Which book? Certainly not the Player's Handbook.
the PHB says to start at level 3
to answer the question if if a character of mine has ever had a child, yes. my high elf wizard has an infant daughter, a half elf tiefling child. she was conceived, carried, and born during the course of the campaign.
page 43, retardo
>Your DM might start your group's characters at a
level higher than 1. It is particularly recommended
to start at level 3 if your group is composed of seasoned D&D players.
>It is particularly recommended
to start at level 3 if your group is composed of seasoned D&D players
>particularly recommended
to start at level 3
load MM extended 1-3 as well as tome ofbeasts 1-3 + creature codex into 5etools then filter by having a swim speed
Wrong, pages 42 and 43 are about tieflings.
are you looking at the 2014 book or the 2024 book? the 2024 book says on page 43 its recommended to start at level 3. I think you may have mental retardation and homosexuality
Guaranteed that anon knows 2024 PHB exists and is just refusing to acknowledge its existence
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This is the 5e thread, not the retard thread. Whatever you choose to call the 2024 rules, it's not 5e.
Feel free to create a new general that talks exclusively 2014.
good call
ok retard
Is there any way to get Divine Smite from a feat (or anything less than a level in Pal) in 2024?
Feel free to make a new general that discusses the new rules exclusively.
No, I think I'll stay in this general that allows discussion of both instead :^)
Do you truly prefer the 5.5e rules?
Even as an experienced player i still like starting at lv1, and as a DM i like trying to create interesting encounters for lv1 parties. It's a challenge, one that the game quickly loses as PCs become demigods that cannot fail
>demigods that cannot fail
Sounds very much like a DM issue.
nah, I will use this general for that purpose
We're talking about its the damage twice per round, otherwise its a waste like this guy said >>93892677
It wouldn't be so bad if it was a bonus action to cast
>most damage usable over multiple fights but without likely soon to be errataed cheese would probably be an EK with GWM and Fey-touched Hunter's Mark or Hex, doing Halberd, Halberd (if the halberd hit), Greatsword, Scimitar, Shortsword, Greatsword, BA Halberd pommel or greatsword again if you killed something or crit.
What the fuck did I just read? How the hell does this work?
>Battle Master
>any Warlock
>any Monk

What's the best short rest enjoyer?
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the homebrew race that has a sleep cycle so fucked it long rests in an hour, but most roll a CON check or suffer a heart attack after every rest
I hate the death save system. Knock a player down and now it's either leave them to easily be picked up by allies or execute them which feels unfair.
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Can expend Hit Dice to heal themselves.

You regain one expended Rage and Relentless Rage (Level 11) resets back to DC 10.

You regain all expended Bardic Inspirations, Glamour Bard’s Unbreakable Majesty (Level 14) recharges.

You regain one expended Channel Divinity, Light Cleric’s regain all expended Warding Flares, War Cleric regains all expended War Priests uses.

You regain one expended Wild Shape, Land Druid’s can use Natural Recovery.

You regain one expended Second Wind, you regain all expended Action Surges, Battle Masters regain all expended Superiority Dice, Psi Warrior regains one expended Psionic Energy Dice and regains use of Telekinetic Movement and Psi Powered Leap

You regain all expended Focus Points.

You regain one expended Channel Divinity.

Your exhaustion level is reduced by one, Hunter Ranger’s Hunter Prey and Defensive Tactics can be changed.

Stroke of Luck (20th Level) recharges, Soulknife regains one expended Psionic Energy Dice.

Can use Sorcerous Restoration.

Regain all expended Pact Slots, can change their Book of Shadows/Pact of the Tome spells, Celestial Warlock’s Celestial Resilience triggers, Fiend Warlock’s Fiendish Resilience triggers, Great Old One Warlock’s Clairvoyant Combatant recharges.

Can use Arcane Recovery, Memorize Spell triggers, Signature Spells (20th Level) recharges, Diviner Wizard’s Third Eye triggers, Illusionist Wizard’s Illusory Self recharges.

Orc’s Adrenaline Rush regains all uses.

Musician’s Encouraging Song triggers, Mage Slayer’s Guarded Mind recharges, Boon of Fate’s Improve Fate recharges, and Inspiring Leader triggers.

I vote Warlock.
>or execute them which feels unfair
Would you rather they die the moment they hit 0 HP?
What are you alternative ideas?
There's a lot wrong with this list, like the Barbarian getting one rage back on a short rest, but I agree with your conclusion. In particular, Warlock with Inspiring Leader seems like the short rest king.
damn Barbarian rage is partially regained after a short rest??? Barbarogue 2024 living the multiclass dream
>There's a lot wrong with this list, like the Barbarian getting one rage back on a short rest
Nowhere in the PHB does it say so. It's not even an optional rule from Tasha's.
My bad I thought you were asking about 2024 5e.
Apology accepted. 5e means 5e, not 5.5e.
>he's STILL at it
this man rounds his 0.5s into 1s. glass half full kinda deal
Nowhere did the question being asked specify 5e.
We round down in 5e so RAW 5.5e is still 5e
This is the 5e thread.
Which is for the discussion of both 5e and 5.5e, we've LITERALLY. LITERALLY. Just been over this.
And when "2024" or "new rules" isn't specified, one can readily assume the core 5e rules are being discussed.
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Yep! Also good to keep that knowledge in your back pocket as a 10th level Cleric. Divine Intervention for an action cast time Prayer of Healing means you can clutch heal 5 Allies and give them all a short rest 1/Day.
5.5 is core, you use them instead of the old rules
5.5 is not core. It is not even backwards compatible.
Redpill me on the Rune Knight. I don't even care if it's 2014 or 2024 rules.
I've been dming for a couple years for coworkers and Ive been frustrated by their casualness. They're good players to have and I wanna keep playing with them, but I wanna play more often and find people who are as invested into the game as I am, rather than treating is as a minor hobby. Is it a good idea to look online? I'm worried about only finding toxic people, or autistic minmaxers. For me the joy of the game is in the emergent cooperative story building and the creativity, not so much the simplistic mechanical aspects
Where do you live?
>the spell juggle thing was only ever a paladin/cleric problem because they are the only ones who cast and use shields
Eldritch Knight.
Some rangers.
You'll absolutely find toxic people and autistic minmaxers, and the occasional toxic autistic minmaxer, but if you're lucky, you'll find some people who actually give an nth of a fuck about the game.
>Duergar Rune Knight
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Yes the PHB. It's only for newbie players to learn the ropes.

Which is also why warlocks don't even know who their patron is yet, levels 1 and 2 are old level 0.
weird how much WotC doesn't want people playing evil clerics
Not my PHB.
>Extra Attack (4 attacks)
>Nick twf attack from scimitar.
>Cleave attack to adjacent creature from halberd hitting.
Bonus Action
>GWM Hew if you crit or killed, or Polearm Master smack if you didn't.
>one can readily assume the core 5e rules are being discussed.
2024 ARE the new core rules, superceding the old.

If anything you should be specifying that you mean a legacy version of 5e.
CA but I play online
You fucking retard, the 2014 rules are still the standard.
And yet leave animate dead on their list.

Then again, there's nothing about it being an explicitly evil act anymore.
I think you can't read.
>the 2014 rules are still the standard.
You really think so? Go ask WotC.

Beyond doesn't even support the old 2014 rules properly anymore. Until people threw a massive bitchfit you had to re-add everything as homebrew, and even now things like nets ONLY have the 2024 version.
lmao no
>Buyond is the standard

Try again. The Player's Handbook from 2014 is 5e, and the book from this year is something else.
>he thinks 2014 being tagged legacy by WotC means 2014 is still core
fucking lmao
how delusional are you?
I was just going with
>AL bans evil characters
>bg3 doesn't have death cleric even though they have oathbreaker and deah cleric would 100% make total sense for durge background
>inflict wounds nerf/rebalance that seems like it was based on enemies casting it to kill low level PCs
>Champion, 170 words.
>Rune Knight, 1300 words.
I wonder which one is better.

It's the "updated" (read: dumbed down for dumb people) version that Hasbro shoves in your face because they want to sell more things. That doesn't make it the "standard". These are very different things.
So 4 polerarm attacks, then another attack from scimitar than a bonus action attack? How the hell are you using a scimitar for nick?
Unless one of the 4 original attacks is made with a Light attack, you're not getting anything from Nick.
*light weapon obvious
Buddy this is like saying the VGM Kobold with the -2 str and sunlight sensitivity is the "standard" kobold and MPMM is some some fake 3rd party version.

>How the hell are you using a scimitar for nick?
It has the nick property????

>4 polerarm attacks
no, only one normal halberd attack is part of the attack action.

That's what the shortsword attack is for.

1. Halberd
-> Halberd Cleave (free)
2. Greatsword
3. Scimitar
-> Shortsword Nick (free)
4. Greatsword

BA Halberd or Greatsword
No, 4 polearm attacks plus pam, because mastery properties and weapon juggling aren't in 5e.
>>inflict wounds nerf/rebalance that seems like it was based on enemies casting it to kill low level PCs
Shame, cult fanatics using hold person and inflict wounds are a fantastic way to terrify the party
The cope is fucking palpable.
I'm having some trouble understanding
>Attack 1: Attack with Halberd
>Cleave: Trigger Halberd Cleave, sheath Halberd
Attack 2: Draw Greatsword, Attack with Greatsword
Attack 3: Sheathe Greatsword, Item Interaction draw Scimitar, Attack with Scimitar
>Light/Nick: No Idea how you're drawing the Shortsword-> Shortsword Nick (free)
Goofy shit yo.
It's still 5e, but to be blunt what they've done it in a way that every option from 2014 is Strictly Worse so that people will want to buy in to moving up to 5.24. Look at Warlock, Pact of the Blade is what it should have been from the start, and Archfey is now legitimately cool with free Misty Step casts instead of a purely Flavor option. Sorcerers get more learned spells and 10 free spells on top of that.
in theory nuInflict wounds does more damage if upcast to 3rd or 4th level, but I think that the math for that doesn't involve crits and no one would ever cast inflict wounds above 2nd level because spirit guardians exists.
the only explanations I've seen online are they wanted it to mirror heal, not compete with chill touch/guiding bolt and/or that one of the writers saw someone hit a crit with it once and was freaked out so they nerfed it so it wouldn't crit but nerfed it too hard.
Its 2d10 con save half on a save +1d10 per upcast. does guaranteed damage work as well if you are the DM?
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Half on a success is nice.
You asked and they have the math to back it up- generally though its better on AOE stuff than a single target.
that's spirit guardians which is an AOE. Inflict wounds isn't an AOE and its a con save. even if you ignore crits 65% hit vs 50% save success or 60% hit vs 60% save success both result in level 1 and 2 inflict wounds doing more damage
Hmmm. I almost certainly have it out of order.
The bonus action, cleave, and nick attacks don't actually have to be where I put them in the order, they just have to be after their triggering attack.

I just put them in that order because >>93897433 is how I remember what is causing what and what all attacks are in the combo total.
I'm not sure why you'd need to go through all the trouble when you could just make 6 attacks while dual-wielding shortswords (or Shortsword + Scimitar if Nick isn't 'passive' at your table).
>every option from 2014 is Strictly Worse
*Cries in paladin*
This was similar to my take. They just power crept the players up and made every single class objectively stronger so players can annoy their DM to let them play the new sorclock that can do 40d8 damage with conjure minor elementals.
I love the lie that 2024 PCs are "backwards compatible" with existing modules and such.
Because that's 7 attacks not 6, and also most of them are made with dice bigger than 1d6.
>Yes I'd like 3 passive buffs for free, with several optional active buffs to give me advantage on checks thank you
Right forgot about cleave- I will say while its one less attack and a few of them are without a d6, you could use a shield with that, unlike the two-handers.
It's some Diablo IV shit is what it is.
Other than Ancients, Paladin is also a strictly better class in 5.5.
My group's current thing is that we discovered a demon created a powerful spell that drastically changed the lives of everyone in the region and turned a united kingdom into a balkanized region constantly at war. Breaking the spell means we return to our true selves as 2024 rebuilds.
>Be a level 20 Champion Fighter
>Wielding Shortsword, equipped with Shield, and carrying Scimitar.
>Has Dueling and Two-Weapon Fighting Styles and Dual Wielder Feat
>Attack 1 with Shortsword (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
>Attack 2 with Shortsword (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
>Attack 3 with Shortsword (1d6+Mod+Dueling), Sheathe Shortsword
>Attack 4 Draw Scimitar, attack with Scimitar (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
>Light + Nick Attack with Scimitar (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
>Bonus Action - Enhanced Dual Wield, Attack Scimitar (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
All that and you keep the shield on! That's gotta count for something here.

If you can figure out the order to make that happen I'd be happy to hear. Cause as far as I can see you only switch between three weapons on your person meaning you could do it with the Scimitar + Shortsword + Halberd but idk how the Greatsword fits yet.
>Paladin is also a strictly better class in 5.5.
Have you not read the new smite?
SPELL, as in counterspell-able and AMF negated
BONUS ACTION, as in only 1 per turn and conflicts with dual wielding, polearm master, and moving hunters mark.
Yeah, Smite is worse now. Paladin is still stronger in 5.5e than 5e.
Divine Smite is worse but the other smites are better.
>Waterdeep Dragon Heist
>We hit level 4 before the fireball incident
>Our DM told us that he won't end on level 5
Are Dragon Heist or Keys from the Golden Vault actually good resources for designing a heist adventure? I've heard most anons say they kind of suck.
Any suggestions where I actually could get some good ideas for how to structure a game around a heist or series of heists?
nothing in keys is even actually a heist afaik.
Are you joking? What is the book actually about then? It's just a collection of short adventures like Candlekeep/Yawning Portal, right?
The "heists" are basically just generic dungeons, nothing special or particularly thief-coded about any of them. One of the reasons why the book is so disliked, the bizarrely low-quality art being another.
the 'so you want to be a game master' book has a section on heists. haven't tried using it personally but there's no way it could be worse than the official """heists"""
Dungeons & Dragons isn't actually a very good system for running heists in it. You would be better served looking at something like blades in the dark or even Shadowrun and seeing how they design their missions. Then you could backport what you learn to here, but it would probably require extensive homebrew.
Dragon Heist does not include any heists.
Don't listen to >>93898558, the idea they're not "thief" coded is stupid. The second heist is a fucking casino for christ's sake. They vary in quality, but the best thing you can do for heist stuff is to understand what makes a heist good and taking some of the tips in Keys about understanding the major players, response teams, and their underlying security measures. Moreso than just that, the key to a good heist (and any scenario where players make plans) is that the players need information to make plans. It can't just be show up like with a normal dungeon and fight room to room, there needs to be an overarching reason why subterfuge is necessary and preferable to brute force and the PCs should have the ability to prepare for their score ahead of time. A few twists here and there as it goes down is fine but should be limited, otherwise their planning is wasted.
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>The epic level empowered lightning bolt would deliver about 120 TJ, or two Fatboys worth of energy. To put it another way, it could support the US's electricity consumption for 5 minutes. The bolt would only have a diameter of 6m, or around the size of the center circle of a basketball court, but would leave a crater the size of the entire court. Inside the channel, the air would turn to high energy plasma. The light and heat would spontaneously ignite surfaces and the shockwave would flatten trees and demolish buildings kilometers away.
Do you prefer lighter hearted or more heroic fantasy adventures or darker more horror tinged fantasy adventures, I prefer the latter by far but I'm curious as to what others think
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Start with first, end on the second.
That picture does make me wish Lightning Bolt had a slightly wider range or had an upcast option that gave it a little more range. 10 Foot wide 100-foot line would've been nice.

>Lightning Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales lightning in a 120-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 (16d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Just an Ancient Blue Dragon beam/blast/bolt.
Reading through the new version of the GOOlock and some of the revised invocations has inspired me to want to play a warlock who is convinced that the reality they exist in is an illusion, and have found ways through their pact to begin to bend the rules of that reality to their own ends (telepathic speech, gaze of two minds, etc.) Are there any Great Old Ones in DnD lore or similar beings who would allign with awakening a potential warlock like this? Are there any whose goals would even be tangently related to convincing people to escape the reality they inhabit?
shouldn't you ask the dm of your game? what the fuck is dnd lore?
>he doesn't come up with his own patrons and gives the DM a jumping off point for the pacts
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>my son tells me, the selunites, you know my son Thisobald Thorm he runs the best bar, the waning moon, I say it should be the waxing moon because of how big he has gotten but he calls it the waning moon, anyway Thisobald tells me the selunites in reithwin town the selunites they are eating the dogs, they are eating the cats
I don't know what the fuck you're on about, but you're in the wrong thread for whatever it is.
Seems to be a variant on the Haitians-eating-pets bit viewed through the lens of degenerate Myrkul worshipers.
don't you need to change the encounters no matter what anyway since your individual party and player skill will be different than the combat encounters written into the module?
Feedback on my WIP melee light cleric build for 5.24. Stats were rolled.
>Not putting True Strike in the attack list
>Not taking shillelagh into account in the attack list
Shaking my BAKA my head
Haven't started on the attacks yet.
Why did nobody tell me Web was stronk as hell? Literally just spiderman’d an entire combat and took no damage. I really need to up my save DC soon as I get another ASI level.
Well come to 10 years ago.
Control's always been powerful: Hypnotic Pattern, Slow, Wall of Force, Web, Binding Ice, Entangle, Sleep, Plant Growth- even a spell-like Command is pretty good control. If you're taking someone out of the fight for a round or more that's good stuff.
>multi classing into palidin
>having all those thrown weapons when you have sacred flame
>one handed pole arm
>somehow true strike and shillelagh
>fucking bothering with true strike and shillelagh when you have 15 str
why the fuck do you have 8 god damn cantrips, did you somehow take wizard and druid initiate?
>10 years
Web's been strong since AD&D
Once someone was complaining to me that Paladin had no good 3rd level spells, and I could visibly see a lightbulb turn on in their head when I told them to just upcast command.
>why the fuck do you have 8 god damn cantrips, did you somehow take wizard and druid initiate?
Somehow? Yes.
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Can you believe Command got stronger in 2024?
>Command can now be directly harmful (Tell your target to approach you through the path of lava or Spike Growth)
>It works on ALL creatures now and has no language restriction
>The text 'The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.' for the upcast is gone so it just works on any Spell Level number of creatures within 60 feet of you
I don't even think they need to hear you, as it doesn't say they need to. The only nerf is that you are locked into the five listed options so we can't make up new commands.
bg3, cast command flee and make sure all your guys are next to the target before his or her turn so your guys get opportunity attacks
Such an underrated spell, one save and you can ruin their next turn, possibly their next 2 turns without concentration.
Tell an ranged to approach so they have to run through your frontline
Tell a melee bruiser to run making him dash as an action and trigger AOs on his turn and waste his next dashing back.
This works in 5e/2024 DnD as well. I've used this strategy a few times.
only thing gay is you can't use it out of combat to interrogate anymore
>multi classing into palidin
Light cleric has fuck all to do with its bonus action, so Paladin 1 is for smites and topple, and to open up thaumaturge, Paladin 1 also doesn't delay spell slot progression.
>having all those thrown weapons when you have sacred flame
>one handed pole arm
Actually, I probably won't bother with the javelins, but the trident is versatile btw, and can be thrown with true strike to apply topple and smite.
>somehow true strike and shillelagh
>fucking bothering with true strike and shillelagh when you have 15 str
Human Magic initiate druid and wizard. 15str is needed for heavy armor. Ideally, I'd run medium armor, but I don't have the right stats rolled to have 14 dex with 13 cha and 13str.

The idea is to run around with spirit guardians, and whack enemies with melee cantrips/smites. Might not be as effective sitting in the back spamming sacred flame, I guess, but I think it will be more fun.
A side effect of using AI to reduce the word count on their spells which removed superfluous text, which was usually flavor.

But in this instance, it removed a key component of the spell. You can have someone approach or flee straight into a fucking bear trap. Hilarious.

Lmao, you can actually cause people to autodefenestrate out a window in a two+ story building when you previously couldn't before (because jumping out a window with a 10ft drop was directly harmful)
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A classic trick.
>Light cleric has fuck all to do with its bonus action, so Paladin 1 is for smites
wasting a whole level of paladin for 9 fucking damage when you have burning hands. literally hitting on enemy with burning hands is 10.5 damage and its AoE. Plus you could use those spell slots on shit like command or bless. hell guiding bolt is ranged and averages 14 damage and gives advantage on the next attack
>and topple,
could have just taken weapon master as a feat at level 4 since you have 18 wis and you could have used the +1 str to set your str to 15 or 16 (based on your con stat) since you are wearing chainmail anyway
> and to open up thaumaturge,
muh +1 cantrip when you have fucking 8
> Paladin 1 also doesn't delay spell slot progression.
page 44 and 45. by taking a level in paladin your spell slots don't take a hit, but you cannot prepare cleric spells above your cleric level so you won't get level 3 cleric spells until you are level 6
>Actually, I probably won't bother with the javelins, but the trident is versatile btw, and can be thrown with true strike to apply topple and smite.
this seams like a retarded amount of set up for a caster who has command
>Ideally, I'd run medium armor
>The idea is to run around with spirit guardians, and whack enemies with melee cantrips/smites. Might not be as effective sitting in the back spamming sacred flame, I guess, but I think it will be more fun.
you could already do that with clerics using divine strike
I also want to point out, if you want to play this style of play, the war cleric literally gets a second attack on a bonus action at level 3.
Grand Wizards of the Coast can suck my dick, I hate how they removed the individual purchases for spells and races and shit, it was so much easier that way
I was wondering if they could use Feather Fall to slow their fall or would that break the whole "Move away from you by the fastest available means." part? Cause you normally fall 500 ft instantly.
>wasting a whole level of paladin for 9 fucking damage when you have burning hands. literally hitting on enemy with burning hands is 10.5 damage and its AoE. Plus you could use those spell slots on shit like command or bless. hell guiding bolt is ranged and averages 14 damage and gives advantage on the next attack
You do have a point, but I also didn't take DS, I took wrathful and searing. Smite is burst damage on top of the damage of your weapon action and burning hands is just an action, so they can't be compared one to one.
>muh +1 cantrip when you have fucking 8
It's more for the +arcana, but sure, it isn't much.
>could have just taken weapon master as a feat at level 4 since you have 18 wis and you could have used the +1 str to set your str to 15 or 16 (based on your con stat) since you are wearing chainmail anyway
So my spread is 17, 15, 13, 12, 12, 11. My planned feats are War caster at 4 and fey touched at 8 for 20 wis. Optimally, I should just go 19 wis, 15 con, 14 dex medium armor, and I might still do that, but I like the Paladin flavor.
>this seams like a retarded amount of set up for a caster who has command
Yeah, probably, but I doubt my DM will leave command alone.
>Ideally, I'd run medium armor
So I could dip the paladin after 5, though, I suppose I could give up on the arcana/religion and run the protector.
>you could already do that with clerics using divine strike
And I will do that with divine strike as well.

Thanks for the feedback, though. I nearly convinced to drop the Paladin dip, but I would like something cool to do with my bonus action.
By a direct reading of the words, no, because you're right. it would slow them down
Yeah, War Cleric is cool. I just really like radiance of dawn and warding flare, and light cleric is thematic with the campaign it will be in. With War Cleric, I'd really want to take fighter 1, though. I don't know whether that will annoy you or not.
>15 con
That was supposed to be 16 con.
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What is the best polearm build as of now?
Depends on the target level range, innit?
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>What is the best polearm build.
Alright, I'll bite.
PAMlock. Warlock 17 / Echo Knight 3. Go either Undead, Genie, or Hexblade. You could multiclass sorcerer after 2 to 6 levels of warlock, which is better at tier 3 - arguably worse in tier 4. This isn't really a polearm build. More abusing Warcaster, Eldritch Blast, and opportunity attacks given by PAM. It still works with polearms though, if you focus on bladelock.
Alternatively: Paladin 5-6 / Echo Knight 3 / Sorcerer 11-12. Better for nova rounds. Action Surge, Smites, and a host of spells to suit your needs. It's good for damage, but doesn't get to do the high level spellcaster shenanigans.
Why isn't Web a druid spell?
How are guns in 2024 edition? Are they viable without repeating shot?
They have entangle
Guys, help
If the best polearm build doesn't begin with 'Fighter' and end with '20', then… then this game is not for me, i suppose.
afaik ToA is the big exploration/ trailblazing/ temple combo all in one. other adventures might work in the sense that the party is uncovering old places/ areas once lost or corrupted.

-latter part of Phandelver & Below gets more explore-y and dungeon-delvery
-Kobold Press made Scarlet Citadel, which is a mega-dungeon campaign
-there's a 5e release of the mega-dungeon campaign Abomination Vaults (Paizo)
-Goodman games has a 5e release of Temple of Elemental Evil
-Goodman games also has a 5e release of Dark Tower
-OSR publishing's Dwarrowdeep is fucking massive and basically Moria: The Campaign
-stretching here: Dungeons of Drakkenheim, Rime of the Frostmaiden, and Out of the Abyss might sort of fit? not so much in the sense of "this is uncharted territory" or "ruins lost to time" but more so just that the areas are likely unfamiliar to the party and bad shit lurks there.

kinda just tossing stuff out there at this point. keep in mind a good chunk of these are heavily dungeon-focused (or even functionally: oops - all dungeon), including ToA, especially at the end.
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aside from dndbeyond, where do you guys digitally make your character sheets?
Thank you for your titles. I agree that ToA is easily the most fitting title out of them all.
Are most oneshots on DMSGuild or other sites that bad? I hardly ever see people recommending them.
Very few people will have played any given one of them, let alone even know what they are about, so most will not have any opinions on any of them.
>aside from dndbeyond
Do shills, really?
5e character sheet is a postit note, two if you're a caster
Who the fuck would use a fillable form digital character sheet wtf
Excel, as God intended
Someone who actually plays the game and has constant character developments and equipment changes?
That's what I was saying: I would expect people to look for premade adventures and oneshots more often than what it seems. Do you all just create your own stuff from scratches?
Has anyone ever played with a divination wizard before? Kind of spooks me that portent can be used on any rolls they can see including my own.
Idk I'm not basic enough to run modules
>Do you all just create your own stuff from scratches?
For the most part, yes.
Uh, yes? Who the fuck plays modules?
I didn't say to play modules, but to use pre-written material (not necessarily official things, but stuff from dmsguild or even reddit for all it matters) as a source of inspiration for something.
>join a online oneshot to give them a try
>nobody shows on time
>3 hours later 3 out of 5 listed players are online so we decide to give it a try anyway
>dm has to read the module as we go along
>apparently the pdf he downloaded is not in our language so he has to translate on the fly
>the other players take 5/10 seconds to reply to anything

What a waste of time.
How do you filter games? Do I have to suffer through this shit until I find a decent table and pray it sticks together?
Luck out and have friends who are also interested in TTG.
I had fun running, "A Little Bit of Thievery
by From Ten Red Crows Press"

But it's a oneshot basically but used it as a foundation for a session for my campaign in the beginning. May give you some ideas
>Fighter isn't the best at anything
That's more a quirk of 5e optimization. The system favors spells by a ton, so much so that the tier list is determined by what level of spells a class can cast. You can still play Fighter, and do 9 attacks at level 20 with a polearm, that's not bad at all. It's just that throughout most of the campaign, multiclassing is going to be instrumentally better.
>light cleric
What does a heavy cleric look like?

They locked the options so you can't do things like Power Word Fellate anymore.
Nah this is trash bud. There's no CME.
This, but Google Sheets, because cloud access and mobile device compatible.
Turns out being a full caster was the answer all along. Should've been a 2024 bard or wizard.
I went to public games then after 6 months invited everyone who wasn't a shitter to play a real game
>dm lets up pick one uncommon magic item to start
>i pick adamantine scale mail
>group tells me its a bad choice
crits are nasty and are the reason i go down the most though, what would you pick?
It's a good choice but you may as well have picked half-plate
There are a hundred things I'd rather have, but those are the things I like.

If your character is going to be THE frontliner, and having the most attacks rolled against them, it's a solid choice.

That being said, scale mail is garbage, pick a better armor.
Adamantine armor is really good, Crawford's bullshit about anti-magic fields notwithstanding, but why scale mail of all things?
Well no, because the wizard doesn't get extra attack.

For CME you want as big a max slot size as possible, while still getting as making as many attacks as possible.

Valor bard with a warlock dip for EB and weapon master for scimitar nick works though.
4 attacks from nick+dual wielder extra attack combo, + trading #2 for 4 attacks from EB = total of 7 attacks, same as >>93897478 except you've got 12d8 bonus damage on each attack, for a total of 84d8 (avg 378) from CME, plus the original normal weapon/EB damage.
One of my players has an edgelord character

I intended to have them given a title from a paladin. Which name fits better?
>The Dauntless
>The Devil

I feel like the Devil would suit the edgelord aesthetic more but the Dauntless sounds more like something a Paladin would dub someone
I didn't want to pick half-plate since I couldn't afford half-plate on it's own, and my lad's a smith so eventually I want him to strip the adamantine from the scale mail and forge his own half-plate with it.
>Winged Boots.
>Plate of Knight's Fellowship.
>Staff of the Python.
>Gloves of Thievery.
>Cloak of Elvenkind.

Depends on my class.
See, that's not so bad. Adamantine is a fine pick, anon.
crits are a joke. they only happen 1/20. divide it out and you'll see it's totally negligible.
crits only exist to make Timmys happy. Mechanically they serve no purpose.

>apparently the pdf he downloaded is not in our language so he has to translate on the fly
why wouldn't you machine translate the entire thing ahead of time?
>dm has to read the module as we go along
oh so he's just EXTREMELY unprepared then.

Campaign length adventures are by their nature atrocious because they're campaign length.
And oneshots are easily made. So there's a million of them on the marketplace if you do choose to buy and play a premade one, so few people will have played any given one, AND there's a million big name ones from yesteryear back when they were still a D&D brand product before the OGL said "okay you guys handle all that we'll focus on the big books that are actually profitable", AND you can find them for free online or in magazines AND it's easy to just slap one together yourself either hand-crafted or using the DMG random generation tables, heck there's even javascripted website tools to do all the rolling for you, heck I personally made one in google sheets very early into 5e's life before all the proper codemonkeys got on board, the hardest part of any of it was just trying to get it to combine duplicate loot rolls.
>Crits are a joke.
That's a gross oversimplification. Not all crits are created equal. Just stay in the back.
I'd have gone with adamantine weapon instead. probably a Maul.

It's good on constructs sure, but more than that, it breaks shit like nobody's business. Who needs Passwall, i have a 20 str score and 30lb sledgehammer that could dent god. The wall IS getting passed, and it's going to last a lot longer than 1 hour.
>crits are a joke.
Some crits are a joke. Taking an extra 2d6 damage from a greatsword- meh not that big a deal. Taking an extra 5d10 or 8d12 damage from an enemy Spell Attack that critically hit you- is fucking devastating.
Critical Hit immunity does come up quite often the more attacks are launched at you, I had a ranged fighter in my last group he wore this armor and the crit immunity came up so much towards the end of the campaign. I pulled out loads of spell attackers and creatures with high damage attack rolls (which are very common around level 10+) and I can assure you this crit immunity saved him several times over.
>Well no, because the wizard doesn't get extra attack.
Bladesinger? And you cast Scorching Ray anyway. Don't "well no" me.
how would you word/balance a weapon that can cast heat metal 3/day
is there any vanilla language for "you can cast this spell when hitting a creature with an attack"

it's gonna be a maul they find in a volcano
5etools items page isnt loading
Why specifically the spell?
You could use "When you hit a creature with this weapon, as a reaction ..." and then apply just the effect of Heat Metal to the head of the maul rather than casting a spell.
Spellcasting follows casting rules and I doubt someone wielding a maul has the materials or free hand for the somatic portion.
>Campaign length adventures are by their nature atrocious because they're campaign length.
Not necessarily true.
A sandbox campaign works just as good as n small adventures and, at the same time, creates a cohesive plot rather than an incoherent mess.
You are just thinking of bad railroaded campaigns.
I'd have gone with Deck of Wonder, then the next time I had a day off, stripped nude aside from an industrial size giant box of chalk (Vulture), then done "draw 22" every turn for 16 hours.

>Resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, force, necrotic, poison, psychic, and radiant for the next 12 days
>a truly ludicrous amount of jewelry or gemstones
>Friends cantrip, permanently
>Death Ward (indefinite duration, 1 use since identical magical effects don't stack.)
>a ludicrous amount of uncommon magic weapons (dm chosen, so probably all blowguns once he catches on to the cheese after your 2nd or third go around, assuming he doesn't just kick you or alter the item)
>a ludicrous amount of uncommon magic wondrous items, so probably all emerald pens and circlets of human perfection after the 2nd or 3rd, for the exact same reason.
>proficiency with all 3 mental saves, permanently
>one absolute hell of a hangover to sleep off, but otherwise be fine
A sandbox is not a campaign length adventure (singular).

it's a collection of oneshots, which may or may not share a theme or causal narrative.
why not just play paladin if you want to go full retard?
that probably means it's under maintenance to finally include 5.5
Which also means no more needing to search and screencap pdfs, and my hyperlinking work will finally be basically obsolete and i can stop. Which is good, because ever since my laptop fucked progress has been super slow.
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>Uncommon Magic Item
>Can create infinite money
>Can give the entire party proficiency in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
>Can generate infinite uncommon tier magic weapons
>Can generate infinite uncommon wondrous items
>Can grant a ton of 8 hour benefits!
>All of the downsides can be removed with Remove Curse or Lesser Restoration.

The most powerful item ever published.
Why is magical ammunition so absolutely atrocious?

even at half price because it's consumable (except the unbreakable arrows, which aren't and need full cost. so you pay (20d6+20)+10 = avg 900 for an entire quiver worth which still might not last you a whole fight and whose only purpose is so you don't run out of arrows from them all breaking. Or you could just buy 18,000 arrows with that same money and never worry about them breaking) they're still poison-tier overpriced.

Walloping ammunition, dc 10 vs prone, 1d6+1 x 5, per arrow. Literally no use case other than you need to piss away gold in a plausible manner, kind of like buying a warhorse.

Dried leach does 10 damage total, DRAWN OUT OVER MULTIPLE TURNS, it's not even frontloaded. It costs 1d6 x 50gp. 175gp maybe as much as 300gp... for 10 damage over 3-4 turns.

Winged ammunition, same price, all it does is give you the forgettable parts of the sharp shooter feat for that one shot.

For the price of two shots, a caster gets to buy a whole-ass pearl of power.

you're right though i completely forgot about passing it around the party in my description here >>93903442

And since remove curse hits ALL curses on the target, i suppose 4-5 3rd level slots one for each member isn't a bad cost for that many temp benefits either.
Then even a railroaded campaign is a collection of oneshots with fixed order. Every single so-called campaign length adventure (singular) can be divided into many sub-adventures.
Your definition is just deliberately argumentative, and Matt is just full of wise hot takes because he must sound like a rpg guru.
What do you anons use to design town maps, if anything? I'm getting ready to run a campaign, and a town's going to be serving as the hub for future quests going forward.

basic hex maps should be fine, but I'd love to see my options.
Looking for some suggestions
>party is doing a heist
>player is about to open a safe containing the McGuffin,
>Safe is alarmed and will alert the dozens of gaurds in the facility who will overwhelm the party.
how can the player crack the safe without triggering the alarm spell?
Dispel Magic.
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>run game
>it turns into picrel
>alignment questions come up
Damn, how could this have happened to me?
Normally people don't run games where the murder of children is involved, anon.
is there a more "preserved" low to medium fantasy setting compatible with 5E you enjoy playing?

i'm so done with Forgotten Realms setting. i hate kitchen sink settings, it feels like GTA Online server with ridiculous skins running around.
If the pic is the character, then I recommend "An Abomination"
I know; I added a world building element to my setting without fully grasping what would actually happen if the party had to fight a gang of brainwashed street urchins.
Adamantine weapons aren't magic items.
I think I'll go with Dauntless for a bit of affectionate inconsistency. Like the big dude being named Tiny
Guard is probably the best background for a war cleric right? It gives you str, wis, alert, athletics and perception proficiency
more like jersey devil.
why would the material be magical when made into an armor but not when made into a weapon?
Why would a steel be magical when you make magical armor with it and not when you make normal weapon with it?

Without the magic, armor made out of adamantine doesn't do anything the same armor made of steel wouldn't. Well, it's harder to destroy, but that doesn't help the wearer.
>Like the big dude being named Tiny
lol, I've played one of those.

At one point in his life, it was indeed applicable. But since he couldn't get by on brute strength, that just made him cunning. And then the success from being cunning, working smarter not harder, gave him the chance to get big, cause crocodiles do that when they're fed.

So once he started dealing with smoothskins, what you get is a 7ft+ ex-pirate crocodile man that everyone assumes is the parties literally illiterate big dumb muscle, that they rapidly discover is tactically more like a very very messy (very hungry) assassin that's also a bitch to escape from and a bitch to kill because of magics and psionics, not to mention markedly the most learned person in the party when it comes to anything arcane or historical, especially ancient evil wizard ruins.
>fellow player starts describing how a former DM left his marriage to fuck an 18 year old
>everyone is horrified
>realize I must pretend to be horrified too

Anyways how did your weekend sessions go?
Mine had loads of child slaves, is that frowned upon?
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DM was randomly generating a dungeon as we went. Still had a good time with fiends.
Can I join? I want an edgy game.
I miss when we just called people assholes. It was before pharma companies realized they could purchase medical schools and invent new diseases to sell more pills.
Sorry only one slot left and I'm trying to get this girl that is easily traumatized to join.
Seems risky
NTA, but I have no problem with child slavery/harm/death.

But I do have a problem with children going hungry, oddly enough.
Are you fat?
He could eat the children. Appears to have no problem with that.
Being nuerodivergent isn't an excuse for being an asshole. I mean, you manage that on your own perfectly fine without a diagnosis.

>Autism does not have any current chemical interventions that can make you "not" autistic
>ADD/ADHD sees genuine, life-changing results in executive function with controlled doses of specialized stimulants
I guess when I hear "adventure" I tend to think of something that spans at least a few levels. iirc there's quite a few well-reviewed one-shots out there, but I can't think of any that fit your original conditions very well. exploration stuff tends to fit better in longer term adventures since it can naturally be time-consuming - plus I prefer longer adventures for the character evolution, myself, so I haven't looked into oneshots as much.

if you're leaning more towards one-shots (or even a series of them), you could always read through the official adventure collections (read reviews or 5etools) and steal what you want for your group and do the same for any unofficial collections. though the latter you'll have to hunt a bit more for.
Use it on the initiative roll
They can pass an Investigation check to recognize the safe is magically alarm warded and make an Arcana check to try and fudge the warding runes, assuming there are glyphs and this isn't just an Alarm spell
Yes it's called Homebrew
>isn't just an Alarm spell
I was planning on it just being this. Any reason why I shouldn't do this?
I bet you think men can get pregnant too.
So you're just a complete dickbag who learns about medicine from Stormfront, then?
Because alarm would only alert either the caster or make a hand-chime sound near the safe. Meaning you would need to have an alarm caster on site in the guard room at all times, and since the mental pings can't differentiate which alarm has gone off if you've cast alarm multiple time, you would therefore need to have multiple alarm casters in the room, one per alarmed area. Also more importantly, it's a spell and can therefore be removed only by the dispel magic spell, which doesn't allow a lot of player agency.
The caster is a vampire and would be alerted mentally. I suppose this does remove agency, so it could be better to do the runes method.
Okay, so I think the only case where you'd want to run a PC that uses Rapier (or other non-light weapons) + Dagger with the Dual Wielder feat is specifically if you don't have Weapon Mastery. I could see a Valor Bard or Swords Bard maybe Bladesinger do this but everyone else would be using Shortsword + Dagger to meet this flavor image.
In real life is there a name for a Shortsword that looks very similar to Rapiers?
talwar? Shamshir? cutlass?
A "small sword" or "court sword" is a light one-handed sword designed for thrusting which evolved out of the longer and heavier rapier. Pic Rel: The sword on top is a 17th-century Rapier and the last two on the bottom are 18th-century Smallswords.
So reflavor your Shortswords into Smallswords.
A smallsword is similar in function to a rapier but a lot smaller, I wouldn't say it looks similar though. An arming sword with an enclosed hilt, often referred to as a "sidesword," would be shorter than a rapier and much more visually similar, but wouldn't exactly be a stabbing weapon primarily.

Good video on the topic of defining rapiers:
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Folks I'd like your help here
Help me make this picture into a good boss monster for a Tibetan style Yak-Folk temple dungeon
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I'd call all of those weapons 'Sabers', which are slashing-focused weapons not stabbing. In my campaigns, I stat the Saber/Talwar/Cutlass/Shamshir like so:
>Martial Melee Weapon
>Saber | 1d8 Slashing | Finesse | Slow | 3 lb. | 25 GP

If you don't want to make a new weapon- those are all closest to Scimitars.
most of the names of weapons are retarded. A maul was a wooden hammer used to drive wooden stakes into the ground to stop cavalry and would have been a simple weapon
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The mace is the best weapon.
Why not shortsword + scimitar? Did I misread something?
The visual flare of dagger + rapier? The ability to throw the dagger?
Nentir Vale is pretty low magic.
Someone on the Discord mentioned it somehow being an issue with one of the homebrew options that were enabled, going to Utilities -> Homebrew Manager and clicking update on all of the ones there fixed it for me.
I'm making another halfling thread if someone doesn't make another
still not loading for me
I guess I have to go through all my homebrew and disable them, cause it works on incognito...
It's probably just playing Witchlight. Skabatha has child slaves working her toy factory.

Also a bed in her room, even though she sleeps in a doll house on the bedside table.
You really don't want to think about that one too hard.
>>Autism does not have any current chemical interventions that can make you "not" autistic
Fixing your gut flora has actually been found to help significantly.


So swap to a diet of roasted chicken with cruciferous vegetable sides dashed with mustard powder for extra potency, plus a raw potato once a day. No coffee, no alcohol, no stomach irritating spices.
Then once all the bad shit's dead hit it with some probiotic foods.
In addition to food probiotics, there's also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-_HeYdCWP0

Of course, the simplest way to get a comprehensive dose of all relevant species would be to find someone actually healthy and happy and well-adjusted and allistic and eat their ass.
I just use essential oils to fight autism. Far more effective .
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>Gunner [Homebrew]
>General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Dexterity 13+)
>You gain the following benefits.
>Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
>Firearm Savant. You gain proficiency with Pistols, Muskets (both called firearms elsewhere in this feat) and Tinker's Tools.
>Ignore Loading. You ignore the Loading property of firearms. If you're holding one of them, you can load a piece of ammunition into it even if you lack a free hand.
>Firing in Melee. Being within 5 feet of an enemy doesn't impose Disadvantage on your attack rolls with firearms.

What do you guys think? I was considering adding Smith's Tools as well since to make Firearm Bullets you need Smith's Tools and to make Firearms you use Tinker's Tools. Anything to give it some differences from Crossbow Expert.
>reloading a gun with no hands
Yes! Just as you can reload a crossbow with no hand, so can you a gun.
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