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"One & Done" Edition
Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93883233
>Thread Question: What say you?
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Hidden Hog Edition?
what has happened to this general it seems like it died this week?
We are in an OC drought.
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SHUT your mouth, that is completely untrue. There have been a bunch in the last few weeks
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We got amazing OC from one of our best authors just last week but none of you care because it's not 30+ pages of slop you can post "builds" for, since the CYOA is less focused on point buy bullshit than actually coming up with your own adventures. You people prefer to be railroaded by storyshitters as long as you can be autistic bean counters too. You don't want to use your imaginations. You want to be told what your adventure is while you add up the superpowers you want. All of you disgust me.
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THIS is good OC. Do you see? Do you see?
>We are in an OC drought
A BRAND SPANKING NEW be-the-dungeon CYOA from an ancient author was released only five days ago. You're a madman, anon.
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Look at how this CYOA actually asks you to come up with your own solutions to the given conflicts based on what you chose. You're not bound to certain outcomes depending on what you selected to your character. You don't have to "Sartre" your ending. You are encouraged you to tell your own story. And you could, but you people would rather tally off what points you spent than do any of your own thinking.

Contrast this with that awful "choose your fantasy life" CYOA that, for all its content and choices, imposes a blue/green/red ME3 ending on you regarding whether your family is dead or how much they hate you.
My God I'm trying to help you people and you all just think I'm a shitter for it. This ABSOLUTE GEM was dumped right into your midst and you all just blew right past it while waiting for the next entropiss.
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Controls: Lunette v13.0 (8)
Chassis: Huge Cylinder (14)
Mobility: Grasshopper (1), Beetle Wheels (11)
Armor: Chrysalis (10)
Weapon: Full Body Spinner (17)
Mountings: Lunette Nano 2.3 (10), Overdrive Module (8), B-DYN Force Shielding (14)
Options: Convenience (2), Team Leader (3) Cosmetics 1, Personality - Tomboy (1)

I've seen Robot Wars before and the one that stuck with me was the Son of Whyachi. Bolide will charge straight at the enemy with Grasshopper/Overdrive, trusting to its huge armor and deadly spinner to wreck its opponent in one pass. Force Shielding should keep it from being disabled by ranged attacks while Lunette Nano lets it recover from incidental damage
Why would you care if this cyoa doesn't get any builds? you HATE builds.
This CYOA reminds me of Exanima, I like it.

>Forge of the Final Battle
Plenty of slave fodder and useful items here. I'll come back to learn the demons powerful magic when I have the power to make them give it up, until then I do everything I can to avoid them.
Honestly in this scenario being a necromancer sounds like one of the most useful paths. You're constantly fighting an uphill battle against the dungeons inhabitants, with you almost always being outskilled or outnumbered. Things that let you even the scales (illusions, sneaking, minions, traps, ambushes, etc.) are all superior to just taking things head-on. A Necromancer can stay out of danger debuffing opponents while their undead take the bulk of the aggro. And while the undead may be weak individually, they can be outfitted with gear from the Forge of the Final Battle to "cheaply" increase their power. Plus they wouldn't be affected by stuff like psychic echoes or aboleth mind manipulation or mind-controlling spores. And while threats like the Stalkers can replicate your power, they can't easily replicate the squad of superpowered undead you can swarm them with.
>Bonfires, Backpack
Safe rest spots and means to carry shit around. Honestly if you don't pick Bonfires or House you're probably retarded, and the dungeon is big enough for House to have limited utility unless you also pick Waystones.
>Shopkeepers, Anchorites
Shopkeepers may be interested in Forge magical items and through them I can get all the shit I need to explore the dungeon without dying instantly. Anchorites are one of the only non-item means of healing in the dungeon, and their other magical services could prove useful (like, say, identifying the effects of an item).
>Terror Beasts
Their very nature ensures they won't bother me much until I become powerful, and unlike other threats they don't rely on numbers or guile or skill, just power and adaptation. Fodder for my undead, in other words.
>Honestly in this scenario being a necromancer sounds like one of the most useful paths. You're constantly fighting an uphill battle against the dungeons inhabitants, with you almost always being outskilled or outnumbered. Things that let you even the scales (illusions, sneaking, minions, traps, ambushes, etc.) are all superior to just taking things head-on. A Necromancer can stay out of danger debuffing opponents while their undead take the bulk of the aggro. And while the undead may be weak individually, they can be outfitted with gear from the Forge of the Final Battle to "cheaply" increase their power. Plus they wouldn't be affected by stuff like psychic echoes or aboleth mind manipulation or mind-controlling spores. And while threats like the Stalkers can replicate your power, they can't easily replicate the squad of superpowered undead you can swarm them with.
Necromancers in general are really good if you can get the skellies you need since they turn the enemy into your forces, and as mentioned earlier, you can gear them with stuff from the Forge. That said, with minions a lot of the "shelter" picks become less important since your minions can watch over you while you rest.
Is it a bad time to post my update?
I hate builds that amount to nothing more than "I spend X points here so I can have these capeshit abilities which beat all of you guys". An actual build for Inheritors of Old would require some creativity from you people and I'd be interested in seeing your stories. Otherwise I don't give a FUCK about your character sheet shopping lists.
>calling Peil kino awful
im not falling for this attempt to slander nothyme's good name
He's not wrong though, the fantasy life one lets you do whatever you want but the only metric is how long you spent on the road before coming home. Doesn't matter if you became a general or a pirate or a fucking prime minister who could have turned your family's life around.
You know what, I actually agree with you on this.
I already made a build for this. Post something I haven't made a build for and I'll decide if I'll make one.
I wish truly wish for that guy who spams cat images all day to be unable to afford the internet. I do not wish ill on anyone often, but I can't stand this shitposter.
I would post beri's dungeon kino but i'm not sure if beri is still updating it. I thought the last update was the final one but apparently not.
Yawn. Boring sci fi slop. Good cyoas get builds like Beri KINO. This one didn't get any because it's boring and ugly.
Entropist won.
Sorcerer King updated.
Rest in Peace, James Earl Jones. Thanks for showing us how to be a true immortal sorcerer.

I'll look at it in a few minutes. Based, I've been waiting on this.
Nice update but
>celebrity shit
Rest in piss. All hollywood actors deserve a horrid death.
Beast Master
Lore of Mind 3
Lore of Shadow 3
Scrying 3
Devour Essence
Mutants x2
Wyvern x2
Royal Assassin

As the Master of Shadows, this is but the start of my new empire. In time I will learn more magicks, and my armies will grow to fruition. I will breed my black wyverns, and use them alongside the other minions, each of which I intend to try and grow. Most of my magick would be kept up through effigies, but in a pinch I can use devour essence. I do not intend to be cruel to my subjects, but I am aware that the more base creatures like wretches require some to keep in line. Word spreads of the magician king who betters the lives of those under his command, yet those who garner his ire mysteriously kill themselves, or perhaps worse, are dragged screaming into the night by shadowy creatures...

Not much has changed about my build, not much has changed about the cyoa in general. The increase to wretches and troglodytes was good, but harpies still being butt ugly massively detracts from their potential value. The new look for the old sorcerer is better imo, but the new picture for mind magic is worse. Overall, net positive change, but some bad. A proof reader would also be good, as there's still a lot of weird text and spelling errors. I think I'm still happy with the cyoa overall, good job.
Show some respect for a great artist you immature faggot. You'll never be a tenth as good at anything as James Earl Jones was at acting.
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You liked big black man because of his voice and because he was in all the sloppa you like. People can reach theater level acting skills with a week of practice so that's not impressive in the least no matter what the fags in Hollywood told you. Fact is he wouldn't have given a shit if you died, and he was more than happy to serve his pedo masters. Getting angry on behalf of a man who wouldn't even piss on your grave is the gayest shit you could even dream of. I have no respect for him, he was a clown and an entertainer at best.
Rolled 26 (1d50)

NTA but
>You liked big black man because of his voice and because he was in all the sloppa you like.
Only movie I remember him from was conan, which is good.
>People can reach theater level acting skills with a week of practice
Lol, no.
>Fact is he wouldn't have given a shit if you died
That's like you saying that about me, I know nothing about you other than your shitty take, why should I care about some random person I don't know?
>I have no respect for him
This could have been the entire post
>he was an entertainer at best.
Glad you know what an actor is.

TLDR its catfag being retarded again he just forgot to put an image.
Meh, True Fate it is.
Rolled 37 (1d50)

Forgot roll
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Don't feed the troll anon.
Rolled 48 (1d50)

Sidekick power
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>Super Squad: The Homeworlders
Power Level: City
Organization: Traditional Heroes
>Starseeker: Me In Another Life
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Powers: Flight & Gravity Control
Origin: Cosmic Radiation
Costume: Cape, Emblem, Armor, Sci-fi Detailing (Gold and White Hooded Flak Robes, Emblem is Two Bonded Stars)
>Starseer: Waifu and Inseparable Partner
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Powers: Danger Sense & Prophecy
Origin: Cosmic Radiation
Costume: Cape, Emblem, Armor, Sci-fi Detailing (Gold and White Hooded Flak Robes, Emblem is Two Bonded Stars)
>Upkeep: Humble Support
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Power: Animate Items
Technology: Utility Belt, Training Program (Mechanics), Vehicle
Origin: Magical Artifact
Costume: Extra Pouches, Plainclothes (Workman's Clothes)
>Militia Man: Manpower
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Power: Clone
Bio-Modification: Standard Super Serum
Origin: Genetic Awakening
Costume: Mask, Emblem, Armor, Extra Pouches (Tacticool Soldier with various country flag patches)
>Lightbreaker: Cocky Little Shit
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Power: Phasing
Magick: Tome of Chromomancy
Origin: Cosmic Radiation
Costume: Cape, Spandex, Emblem (Generic Black and Yellow Capeshit Outfit, Emblem is a broken lightbulb with a lightning bolt going thorough it)
>Dangerous Game: Edgelord Overwatch
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Power: Blink
Origin: Genetic Awakening
Technology: Power Weapon (Phaser-Like Scoped Rifle), Exoskeleton, Cybernetics (Eye)
Costume: Mask, Armor, Sci-fi detailing, Edgy detailing (Typical space bounty hunter armor, but spiky, jagged, and black)
Rolled 41, 35 = 76 (2d50)

I seek POWER
Not le heckin chungus actorinos!
I'm sorry, but the genre dictates that monsters are ugly. Or they are shapeshifters who pretend they are not ugly. Either way, it is why god gave us slaves and concubines. I'm glad it was a net positive though, thanks for playing.
>Show some respect for a great author you immature faggot. You'll never be a tenth as good at anything as Tok is at making CYOAs.
Power: 26 - Gravomancy
Modification: True Fate (37 - Lay On Hands)
Origin: Genetic Awakening
Organizations: Government Agency
Relationship: Sidekick (48 - Jester)
Costume: Plainclothes

So, it seems I am a gravity controller who also has the ability to lay on hands and heal people of disease. But how the hell did that happen? My guess is that the gravity-controlling powers I have can literally pull the sickness and diseases out of people (they accumulate as a weird goop on the outside of their skin) while realigning their flesh and bones in the case of trauma. Does it make any sense? Fuck no, but that's how it works.

Being able to fuck with gravity is pretty much winning the power lottery, which is why the government scouted me. I signed on for a steady paycheck and my needs met. Specifically, I'm an emergency rescuer. You'd be surprised how useful gravity control can be for industrial accidents or to keep gases from spreading. I also help with construction since I can lift kiloton-weight concrete segments like nothing. Sometimes rogue supers come after me but it's a bit hard to attack when their local gravity is suddenly the surface of the sun. I don't mind being forceful either since I can heal them up after crushing them down.

My sidekick is a lame-looking fat kid with horrible self-esteem. Everyone laughs at him, and his power is to make others laugh even harder, but I'm probably the only guy who takes him seriously and sees his true potential. I've been trying to help train him up, condition him to be able to respond to emergencies even when his powers aren't helpful. He's not a bad guy and he's kind deep down, so I want to keep him from going the path of evil; I can think of a lot of horrible things you could do with that power of his and if he can use it to bring joy into others' lives, so much the better.
>I seek POWER
You have obtained the POWER of cuteness.
You can now shift into tiny versions of big animals.
Girls will swoon over you and want to cuddle you like a teddy bear in your various smol animal forms.
>Girls will swoon over you and want to cuddle you
>letting girls touch you
Rolled 39 (1d50)

>You can be a friendly neighborhood hero or a demi-god, just follow your heart.
My heart tells me my power should be at cosmic level.
could you post the image used for uhl-yazal queen of the wind?
Getting surrounded by powerful waifus is a valid path to power. Remember Entropist.
NTA but just reverse image search it next time bro.
Here you g...

Anon got you covered. It's a guild wars 2 art piece.
>Your Power
Bullet Time. I can stop time. In my heart I feel I'm a Cosmic Super-God, so anything shorter than a century is a brief time that I can stop.
>Your Modifications
Magick - Tome of Blood. I stop time to cull all the hunters, then I'm not hunted anymore.
>Your Story
Cosmic Radiation. Cosmic radiation made me into a Cosmic Super-God that can stop time.
Villains of Greed. I deserve all things.
Lone Wolf.
Plainclothes. To keep warm.
>Power: 21 Geomancy
>Modification: Magick (Tome of Blood)
Origin: Magical Artifact
Geomancy & necromancy. You know, "dust to dust". It's a bit lame that liches are universally vilified. My approach really depends on whether it comes with some obvious sign that can't be concealed. If it's just about being and looking undead or such, then I'd go ahead and just hide it with right getup. However, if it comes with a metaphysical "lich right here!" signs, I'll need to prepare the field a bit before going through with it.

>Costume: Mask, Fantasy Detailing
Pitch black mask concealing the whole face and dark monk robes with cowl, giving the effect that there's nothing but darkness underneath.

>Organizations: Villains of a Cause
>Relationships: Lone Wolf
>Name: "Brother Dust"
Let's join... eco-fascist villains. Like the "humanity is a cancer" type who want to cull humanity to save the world. I'll lean into the monkish doomsayer persona, they'll love it, I'm sure. If they succeed and manage to make a world with lots of corpses and very few remaining powered people, well, they're in for a nasty surprise since that's just perfect for a lich. If they fail, well, there are always others.
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>where to begin
ahhhh the Goblin sewers they remind me of the secret tunnels of New York so I'll start there besides I heard there be shekels down there...

>path & specialty
I prefer to be called a Banker but sure you can call me a miser even if that sounds like a slur it's fine bro we cool... oh my golems? made of pure burgerium and corn syrup

I'll take the map so I know where I am and the book so I know what I am up against because as they say knowledge is power and besides my golems can both protect me and carry my stuff

ah of course I will be friends with my fellow merchants! and I suppose the occasional stay at the faerie hotel wouldn't be so bad. don't need any shopkeepers however since I can simply set up a factory for my less educated golems to work at
The lore feels both minimalistic and overwrought at the same time. It doesn't grip the interest very well.
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no, shut up shut the fuck up no one cares it's pointless STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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at least i'm not mentally ill like you
>samefag losing their mind
lmao couldn't be me
This is now a capeshit thread.
see i fuckign TOLD YOU he was real AND YOU DINT BELIEVE ME WELL now there's proof SO WHO'S THE IDIOT NOW
we need oc to stop the madness
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NO PLEASE GOD WHY GET THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the end of cyoag...
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Let's go!
>captcha: g0ym
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What is your hero title going to be? Captain Virgin Islands?
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>Your World is Now Marvelous
made a lewd OC with some worldbuilding i enjoyed writing and some 4th wall breaking context that was also fun to write
a few other people seemed to like the worldbuilding
don't want to get into specifics
but my issue (grab yourself a tissue) is a part of me wants to adapt some of it into a non-lewd version or even an alternate setting and fully develop the fiction
but i find it hard to find motivation to write stuff that isn't lewd/to my lewd tastes
Literally nobody liked the worldbuilding
What sort of wackass distortion is going on inside your head lmao
You don't know what you're talking about.
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I always liked this one. I like to imagine harbingers are kinda like symbiotes and have some sort of society, and therefore archons are like the "nobility/royalty" of harbingers. My goal is to use my harbinger to take over Earth and create a new, sublime world that is peaceful and where all humans are truly free and equal.
>Decay, Luck, Reflexes, +3 Strength
As long as we share the same ideology/goal, it's worth it
>Perk: Sleepless, Flaw: Needy
>Style: Alloy, Themed, Tactical, Mask
I can't really be stealthy anyway; archons are too powerful to conceal, and doing so wouldn't facilitate my goals anyway - I need to inspire trust to motivate people to help me create a better world
>Additions: Self-repair, Electronic
>Milestones: Royal Blood, Teamfight, Billionaire
Strength and knowledge are the most useful stats for my build because decay is slow to activate and spread, but strength lets you use powers faster and increase their range, while knowledge improves my hand-to-hand fighting which allows me to decay enemies that can't be indirectly targeted and thus will provide the most bonus fighting ability
>Missions: Year 1 (I must act quickly but judiciously to prevent war while keeping the power balance in my favor), Year 2 (I will sabotage this corrupt summit), Year 10 (If I make it this far and I'm on the confirmed pathway to achieving my goal, this information will benefit me greatly)
Final Stats: 21 Strength, 13 Control, 16 Knowledge
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The superior marvel cyoa.
Yes it's interactive, but it's one of the few good ones imo
intro the trash it goes
Name the cyoa
why are you so heavily biased against interactive cyoas?
I haven't shared it publicly. And I'm not willing to give much more detail than it's your basic tentacle hentai in a sword and sorcery setting.
I'm looking for advice on finding motivation to write stuff that isn't lewd. Because it's fun to write the non-lewd stuff: I just can't seem to find a way to write anything that doesn't eventually lead to tentacles.
then you die, monkey
Don't be bitchy.
>some 4th wall breaking
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>make a whole cyoa
>don't post it anywhere
wtf, are you aware that there's a whole cyoa general for coomer perverts
Make it have lewd themes but not nsfw.
You could imply that the tentacle shit happens in the dark corners of the world without it turning it into a porn game.
I am so mad he’s dead
Also the mods are fags for deleting Thulsa threads
>Magi Redux
Will never come out.
>Exalted Conquest
Will be forgotten in less than a week.
Lol. Lmao.

Face it, it's over.
tentacles and mind-rape go hand in hand
Well, no. But even if you told me idk if I'd post it since I want to develop it into something non-lewd.
Where to find the lewd general?
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I can no longer enjoy superhero/capeshit cyoas because I’m over the age of 25 and I’m not a s0ilenial manchild over the age of 35
my knife, your throat, your corpse, my organs
That's like being proud that you don't watch spongebob anymore despite being a young teenager.
My organs are like very nearly defective and probably funny shaped sorry
I'm sorry anon, but he was 93, not exactly immortal, but still pretty high.
The alien powers that be should have let him see 100
I can no longer enjoy anime cyoas
I can no longer enjoy rape
I can no longer enjoy tok cyoas
I can no longer enjoy /cyoag/ cyoas
I can no longer enjoy
So you are looking for motivation to write a non-lewd CYOA which you won't upload and share just like the NSFW CYOa which you didn't share publicly?

If you aren't giving me any CYOAs, I'm not gonna give you any fucking motivation, authors who really on other for motivations are weak, and those who produce art and does not share it with others to appreciate are pathetic. If any artist spends time working on something that isn't worth shining a light on, then they should not work on it to begin with. I am sick and tired of little shits like you, your imperfections and shortcomings as an CYOA author sickens me.
I can no longer enjoy Italics cyoas
Reminder that Too is a pure and precious and tender hearted virgin.

He’s been lying to you.
he raped a little girl at gunpoint in 2017 and was arrested but only released because the witness wouldn't testify, look it up
i think this is kind of how i was able to write the non-lewd stuff. Started with my tentacle fetish and worked backwards building a world that supported it.
The problem is if you just remove the overtly lewd stuff I'm left with a world that's very obviously fetishy with none of the overt fetish shit.
And the whole motivation problem I'm trying to solve is I find it hard to want to write stuff that's not related to my fetishes.

Not just because it's not fun, but because people can sense the lack of energy and passion when I write intentinally normalfag stuff.
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Do you mean cyoas with anime art or cyoas with anime settings?
No I *will* upload a non-lewd version here, if I can manage to solve the problem of figuring out how to be motivated to write interesting wholly non-fetish content.
Isekais are far older than anime
Alice in Wonderland
The Wizard of Oz

Remember when isekai protags were girls and not boys?
Self insert fags ruined everything
No you won't your lack of discipline, creativity and willpower betrays you.
Self-inserting isn't even the problem, its when the author creates a world to bend around the self-insert, rather than creating the world first and having the self-insert participate in it, that it becomes a problem. The former will always be contrived because it doesn't exist independently, and thus isn't organic.
John Carter is a male isekai tho
On the contrary; you're just a bitchy crab-in-a-bucket unable to bring yourself to say anything interesting or positive, because you're fundamentally broken on a spiritual level, and are openly seething at the prospect that anybody might be more creative than (You).
Fuck. You. Apologize. RIGHT. NOW.
THEN DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm good.
Gil is a tender virgin, like Shirou.
he has AIDS, dumbass
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>On the contrary; you're just a bitchy crab-in-a-bucket unable to bring yourself to say anything interesting or positive
I say positive things to authors that I respect all the time. I just recently complimented Berri and before that I said a lot of positive things to Aro. Do you know what those have in common? They never bitch and whine about motivation, they just make the shit they want to make. They don't ask others to motivate them by feeding then unearned attention, they fucking deliver the CYOA and get what they deserve based on the quality of their works. They continually pump out high quality OC for this general and we are a much better place because we have authors like them. They are to be treasured and respected. But shitstains like you don't deserve shit. Show me 1 good CYOA that you have made, show me just one, you can't fucking do it.
>You're fundamentally broken on a spiritual level
Spirits don't exist idiot, in my experience anyone who talks about spiritual things are either a bullshido martial artists who can't fight to save their lives or a loser with no real tangible talents who uses this bullshit word in a desperate attempt to try and put some value into their own sad existance
>and are openly seething at the prospect that anybody might be more creative than (You).
I don't resent anyone for being more creative than me. When Sylen made his lewd World of Warcraft CYOA which was based on my Whorecraft CYOA I said he was a real fucking good author and I said I would now expect great things from him because I could see the creativity in his work. However, I constantly shit on those who lack creativity, those who edit other authors works are fucking worms. Creative people create which I respect, uncreative people steal and edit. Which is why starwars is the way it is right now.
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Tok are you actually a virgin. How many times have you done the deed?
Oh wow. A popular thread author reveals himself to be a total fucking faggot.
Didn't read btw.
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Very good, but I have a few questions:
1) Can I learn other magic disciplines over time or is my build here reflecting my skills for the rest of my life?
2) With Enchantement, can I imbue items with magic powers belonging to spells and magic disciplines I haven't bought?
3) Do I have to take minions or henchmen? I like the idea of the lone, wandering sorcerer. If I do not take minions or henchmen, do I get a bonus, like more points to spend on personal magic (like when you don't take a Patron)?
4) Can I learn even more powerful magic than what is described in the cyoa?

Awaiting your answers to make my build.
Very cool cyoa.
Oh and also, that cyoa would greatly benefits from a worldbuilding section, like presenting us a few regions of the world and maybe some other powerful sorcerers.
Why does the dog faced drawing represent jannies, is it some preexisting character?
>Mr. Morris is the janitor of Lakewood Elementary School.
Well, I wasn't planning on adding extra materials - but there was room for it, at least. If nothing else, I'm not doing any sort of full-on update for a few days, if I do end up having one.
>REEEEEE RETARRD WHY Havent you watched my favorite cartoon for small children
stupid fucking monkey, this is your last chance
Where is this trap?
The only cartoon I genuinely like is one I forget the name of. The villain was a loli who hated dancing cats or something.
I’m making another elden ring build for the dlc
what should I make?
Also what cyoa is the closest to elden ring?

Tok, have you been keeping up your kicking skills since this video?
>Tok are you actually a virgin. How many times have you done the deed?
Do you count every time that you eat pistachio icecream (which is the best icecream there is)? I sure don't and I don't count how many times I have sex either. Counting how many times you have sex is realtionshipless behavior, as long as you are in a relation with someone you basically have a sex dispenser at your disposal. It's like having an pistachio icecream tap at your fucking house. Why would you count how many times you eat pistachio icecream then?

If you are creative like me you can achieve whatever you want, since you can always come up with a solution to your problems. No matter how fucked up it is it is still a solution and thus I would not be a virgin. But you sound pretty virgin to me, no offense, so I will give you some creative tips on how to get laid. Works 100% all the time and 100% every time.

For example, let's say you look like a perfect average Joe and if u walk up to 1000 girls and ask them straight up if they want to have sex how many will say yes? Maybe 10? Maybe more? Surly not less than 2? So that means you can get laid by asking 1000 women. Problem solved. But let's say u look bellow average and u have 0 social skills, how will u do it then? You will check if prostitution is leagal in your country, u roll a 1D20 and get 1, it's illegal. But u are able bodied and can work. You work, get money and then go on a vacation to a country where prostitution is legal, bam, sex. Easy.
didnt you see him so confident that with his weak stats and weak shiled he could kill sons and gifts? he improved his kicking skills and now he is the one kick xister
Do a Comet (either one) spamming mage summoner build that trivializes every fight in the base game, and the DLC.

> Also what cyoa is the closest to elden ring?
The Wilds Outside by OnionBreadsticks for that bright and colorful and cartoonish type appearance. Dark Metropolis by the New and Old Observers for that “eldritch powers and their factions are competing for control of some artificial world” type of vibe.
dumb newfag you should thank him for spoon feeding your bitch ass
What makes it good?
it big
I looked it over briefly and it seems crap.
>Tok, have you been keeping up your kicking skills since this video?
Martial arts is something I have always been passionate about. My kicking skills are even better now since I have invested some time into looking into modern research into training. I used to do a lot of flexibility training, flexibility is basically the limits of your range of motions of your limbs. For example, good flexibility will allow for higher kicks and are required for extreme kicks like axe kicks. But I have now started to do a lot of mobility training and that was something I lacked before. Mobility is how well you can manipulate your limbs within your range of motion. For example, if I throw a teep (thai boxing word for front kick) and my opponent catches my leg then I can resist him and turn my held leg into a side kick, damaging him and potentially pushing him away from me and freeing my leg.
>How Did This Happen?:
Living Under a Rock


Good Rules

>Power Level:

>Origin Story:

Fighting Family

Boons: Thought-Reading, Precognition, Technopathy, Enhanced Mind, Telekinetics, Lightning Control, Doppelganger, Null

Doppelganger op.

Fitness, Parkour, Investigation, Stealth, Disguise, Tactics, Hacker, Arcana, Willpower, Glibness, Business

Endgame, Loco

Try to befriend Varicell.

Bitter Enemies x10 (all except Endgame), Conspiracy

I and Endgame can scheme them to death or Loco can just straight up massacre them by herself.
haha,,, yeah...
Filthy Apollonian.
Why are they all shit?
because nobody posted power creator
>I’m making another elden ring build for the dlc
>what should I make?
I threw together a throwing bonk build. Probably isn't very optimized. https://eip.gg/elden-ring/build-planner/?buildId=cm129l6fl0680d4prqnqwo4q8

>Also what cyoa is the closest to elden ring?
I think there is a bloodborne cyoa somewhere if you search for it. Also a small dark souls one.
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Let's cleanse our palate with a good cyoa.
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you were born wrong
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I don't even know what that means
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I like it but there are some things that needs improvment:

1. Pictures for every option
2. One art style
3. Better formatting
Any thoughts for a potential Dragonfall 2.0, Tok? It's always been my guilty pleasure.
None of that really matters. The Acheld PDF pseudo-CYOA doesn't have any of those either, but that doesn't stop you from posting it all the time.
>Any thoughts for a potential Dragonfall 2.0, Tok?
I have been thinking about the setting and I feel like it would be fun to add some new companions to flesh out the world some more, but I'm already past 10 pages and whenever I think about adding more I get this sense that I shouldn't. Like the things I like about manga are that they are short and sweet to read. They have these limitations which are part of their art form and CYOAs are just the same. Sure there exists manga like One Piece which goes on forever and ever, but I dropped out on that, it's too fucking long. I don't want Dragonfall to become One Piece. I like Dragonfall just they way it is right now. It's defiantly one of the larger CYOAs but it doesn't outstay it's welcome and I think it is important for CYOAs to not do that. CYOAs should be short and sweet like manga. Easy to pick up and easy to drop down. If I want to read a novel I will read a novel and not a CYOA.
Three Sparks of Light would benefit greatly from having more images as would Altering History. I even told him so myself. They are great as they are but they would be even greater with more images.
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Good question anon. Why are all these shit? All I’m seeing here is slop slapped together in the most uninteresting and unappealing way possible.
This will never be good no matter how many times it’s post. All this effort for something worse than a pill cyoa. Embarrassing.
Post good cyoas. We're looking at you anon.
When is druid releasing? Will you play Magi Redux or Exalted Conquest? They are two authors you hate so I doubt you'll make an image build since you didn't make one for Beri.
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I know i probably should not ask, but is it possible to enter a dimension that exists above that of the gods? You know those you said keep tabs on time travel and such? And has there ever been a case of a mage managing to time travel and not get shunted to an alternate timeline?
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You know you build a coya, and you think you got your bases covered. Until someone asks something obvious, and you think to yourself "why didn't I include that?"
>1) Can I learn other magic disciplines over time
As in life you constantly learn new skills, so it is with sorcery. Accumulation of more power is after all why one chooses this path.
>2)With Enchantement, can I imbue items with magic powers belonging to spells and magic disciplines I haven't bought?
The magic has to be worked into the item, so proficiency is necessary. It is best if you know it yourself, but someone else can aid you too. Though that also looks like a prime opportunity for betrayal.
>3) Do I have to take minions or henchmen?
Usually it is the lot of young apprentices, to be vagabonds and seek forbidden knowledge. But why be a sorcerer if one cannot take their fate into their own hands? You are right, I should have added an independence option like with Patrons.
>4) You can also gain new heights in your chosen field, that is not available from the get-go. Or ascend into indestructibility like your master.

I considered making a map, but then I would need to name some kingdoms and territories for politicking, making them somewhat different. Then I get into the idea of their relationships, and it only ends with a headache. I'd like to move on to something else now.
>The magic has to be worked into the item, so proficiency is necessary
Doesn't it make pretty much useless then? Since all your items can only do stuff that you're already able to do... but weaker and for higher energy consumption?
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Action advantage, you can give them to people.
As the other anon says. You were never going to use a hundred flaming swords yourself.
>the only good cyoa we got as of late is the mcyoag one
That's fair. I do agree that some additional companions might be a good idea, though, but I also agree that it feels complete enough as it is, otherwise.
I agree. That being said. Capeshit was always shit. It is impossible to make it good.
>Counting how many times you have sex is relationshipless behavior, as long as you are in a relation with someone you basically have a sex dispenser at your disposal.
Are YOU in a relationship, Tok? I thought you fucked hookers exclusively.
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>When is druid releasing?
I don't know. But I do know that my next CYOA will be a lewd isekai CYOA, it will be a hardcore sub be the girl experience, pic realted
>Will you play Magi Redux or Exalted Conquest?
I will update my image build for Magi Case and I will play Exalted Conquest if it is good and I will make a image build if I like it enough.
>They are two authors you hate so I doubt you'll make an image build since you didn't make one for Beri
I don't hate Italics. While I do think he has a bad image to text ratio I don't even dislike him. I do dislike some things that he likes like furrfaggotry. But I don't dislike the man himself. On a serious note he is an author which I respect, I do like to poke fun at him (see the Tok vs Italics CYOA) but that doesn't mean I don't respect his work as an author. I don't hate Entropist, but I do strongly dislike him. The sole reason for me disliking him is that he lied in his own CYOA. Walk Blessing was written as a option that would grant you a unique custom written power by the author of the CYOA which represented the Fathers earnest wish for your happiness and his blessing. The Blessing I received was a complete mockery of that, it was written with ill intent. It went against the RAW (RULES AS WRITTEN) of the CYOA and by violating his own rules he laid out in his CYOA I could do nothing but dislike him as both a CYOA author and as a person. If the description of the option: Walk Blessing was more like: "The Father will judge your character and based on his judgment you will receive what he sees fit for you" then I would not dislike him as that would not break his own rules. However, I'm someone who does not give a fuck which artist made what art, the quality of the art is the only thing that is important. But I doubt that Exalted Conquest will be good since the best things in Entropist are the waifus and the unqiue mechanic of Walk Blessing. I said that CYOA would die the moment he stopped writing blessings.
Alright then.

>Rituals: Effigies + Meditation
>Patrons: None (+3 points, +1 skill)
>Minions & Henchmen: None. I'm going to interpret it as the same bonus as taking no Patrons, so +3 points and +1 skill
>Skills: Astrologer, Infiltrator, Taster, Hunter, Sharpshooter
>Initiation: Lore of Mind (All), Lore of Shadow (1+2), Lore of Scrying (All), Lore of Illusions (1+2), Lore of Wind (1+2)

Going for the stealthy wizard build who's going to travel the world and explore old ruins, secret mage libraries and forbidden temples in order to accumulate knowledge and gain new spells while never engaging in a single fight before I've basically completed all the Lore options in the cyoa, if not even more.
I'll remain hidden with Illusions + Infiltration and protected from attacks with Wind. I'll communicate and mind control people from a distance with Wind + Mind, and my main attack option when I truly need it will be Scrying my target from miles away and then summoning a blade of solid shadow directly at their throat.
As I'll be avoiding civilization as much as possible with my real body, only exploring and acting in cities from afar with Scrying + casting or Wind + Mind orders, Taster will make me immune from diseases and Hunter + Sharpshooter will basically ensure that I'll always have food.
And Astrologer is basically the cherry on top, boosting every magic-related action I take.
Since I ran out of text on my previous post I want to explain why I didn't make 1 for Berri's CYOA. I do like Berri and have done image builds for some of his pervious CYOAs. The thing about the dungeon CYOA was that you were forced to become a dungeon. I don't like that at all, I'm someone who likes to move and do stuff, being stuck in a place or being that place is a nightmare for someone like me. Then the CYOA was updated and you could have an avatar inside yourself and even be a moving dudgeon or monster or human dungeon in disguise. This made the CYOA playable for me so I gave it a second look and decided that I want to be a kaiju like monster like Gaismagorm that vore people into my hentai dungeon. Sounds really fun, I look at the monster section and most monsters are monster girls. I want tentacle monsters and buglike tyranid or zerg like monsters. Does not exist and that's the reason why I didn't play it. Sure I could be a Dragon and I like dragons, but being a dragon with dragons inside me is absurde to me like those russian dolls with smaller dolls inside them.
yesterday reading this i realized that Senris can shapeshift into a woman so i can fuck her.
This is why Fleshcrafitng is S tier, you can turn every companion into a woman with it
maybe the real you was inside you all along
>puts rogue in cell
>lets them keep all their bags and equipment and dagger
What kind of bullshit is this
I've been looking for a cyoa for a while and I can't fucking find it anywhere. You have several possible regions in a Conan-like world and depending on which region you pick, you have three region-related antagonists to choose from and special magic abilities related to that region (for example the pirate region offers you water magic, the arid plains region gives you artifice magic, etc).
Anyone knows what I'm talking about?
even if i really like how the companions are written i don't really think any male companion beside Senris and maybe Oloric would be worth turning into a girl
what's the appeal of Kyrstelle?
I can respect that unless you guys are orient fags. Way too many chinese and korean infiltrators in the general these days.
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A mix of jealousy and curiosity. She started her planeswalking career alongside friends and the lot of them decided to use their powers in a similar vein to a d&d adventure. Whereas you start out alone and have to figure things out on your own. She is also my antithesis, as she likes to meet danger face on and is a physical fighter. Whereas i am a neet who likes to observe from afar and is more of a wizard. I like the idea of two vastly different people finding their common ground anyways, in this it might be their fascination with the unknown.
Continuing my rant about Entropist. Entropist as a CYOA is only good because of Walk Blessing and writing custom made powers for each build is exhausting as an author. Something that the author would eventually have to stop doing. But now when he stopped writing blessings it is essentially a dead CYOA. When I think of great CYOAs I think of the timeless classics which can be replayed again and again. Entropist is not that, Entropist was a CYOA with an expiration date and that date has passed. Sure not every CYOA needs replayablitity, but it need to at least be playable and there are lots of good CYOAs that new CYOA enjoyers will find and fall in love with, but Entropist is not that either. Since its enjoyment is wholly dependent on Walk Blessing which is not a option which is no longer available. Entropist realized this and tried to make a create your own walk blessing page but that is not the same thing as having a real person write a unquiqe power based on your build. I don't see how Entropist could make a very good CYOA when he relied on the novelty of this unique mechanic. Like the setting is not the most intressting nor are the lore or world building. I hope that I am wrong since I would rather enjoy a good CYOA than see someone I dislike fail miserly
>tok pretending he doesn't constantly shitpost about everything Italics and Entropist related
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I don't shitpost even half as much about Italics as you think I am. Most of that is your own head messing with you. But I do shitpost a lot about Entropist because I dislike him and don't respect him as an author, unlike Italics.
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Have a compiled CYOA
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I was very excited for cape shit because I love DC but Now I see there is an answer to my question "are there any good superhero cyoas?" hopefully this one does not speak for the others. I didn't like it. The princess disaproves and gives this cyoa two thumbs down.
I'm glad I'm here to see the downfall of seethefag who was mean to me last week. bye bye sctitzoid
>Mysterious Waif
>Lantern that Lights the Way
The Waif is "key" to solving the mysteries of the world, and the Lantern always points me in the "right" direction. Seems like the best combo if I want to find out what's going on.
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Should I continue this WIP? I usually prefer specific rather than generalized choices, but I tried out the latter here for a simple minion cyoa.
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Higher res.
I'm working on oc rn but here are some ideas I have for other oc. what do you think subjects?
>TLDR its catfag being retarded again he just forgot to put an image.

How dare you. THIS post >>93892843 was by catfag. I know because it's my post and I'm catfag.
The BBEG enjoys juxtaposing the potential for risk with the promise of reward. The element of danger makes it hotter. Imagine going to sleep knowing that there's a very small yet very real chance you could wake up with your throat slit by the buxom assassin you have chained in your basement... then keeping her there like that anyway. What a rush that has got to be.
sorry for the grammer you guys know I don't proof read
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Zerker is the only one that is not immensely uninteresting.
I'll say it, all possible 'classes' - fighter, gunner, thief, cleric, - reward the same basic virtues of strength, acuteness, mental sharpness, and agility, WITH the exception of wizard. Everyone knows that you've found the wizard when you spot a dysgenical bitch in the fighting group.
Do we even have a decent persona cyoa?
Zerker, I don't care less about about meme CYOAs
so you care about them the same as zerker?
I rolled 24 and 7 on random.org and its a pretty great powerset I just dont care about the rest. probably villian and just walk into banks at night and grab a couple stacks.
No, I want Zerker, that one sounds like a fun fantasy CYOA
Zerker sounds cool, I'd like to see your approach to that.
I don't think so thats why I wanna make one
Then I suggest persona. Cool setting and I love tarot.
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Here's my build, as I promised. Didn't come quite as I had in mind desu, sorry 'bout that.
>Dungeon Name: Antinomy, Accursed Land of Bliss; (True Name)Malebolge of Endless Sin
>Ruler: Arlecchino, The Melancholic Harlequin
>Archetype: Human
>Maximum Size (40): Expansive (40)
>Material (10): Hexslate (10)
Danger: (Further investigation needed)
Pleasantness: (It was stated to be Heavenly by a Sinner1)
Investigator Notes: An elusive "Dungeon" whose existence has only been proven recently. It's first "Appearance" was recorded to be 108 years ago in a nameless village on the outskirts of a now fallen kingdom.
1Sinner: An individual who was "Rejected" by Antinomy.
*Addendum: "Pure Land of Bliss," an old Eastern folktale about a slave who stumbled upon massive wealth to buy his own independence, might be originally a story about this dungeon.

>Perfections (109): Phasic Material (Glittergold, 25), Outer Shell (Elderflesh, Free), Quick Repair (10), Immutable (15), Sealing Pact (10), Cursing Pact (Free), Secrecy Pact (10), Mobile (Free), Humanoid Form (Free), Bigger Inside (Free), Subspace (Free), Avatar (Free), Expert Training (5) Tradeshop (10), Luxuries (5), Private Chambers (5), Signature Monster (Tulpa, 14)
*Notes on dungeon form: As those who enters Antinomy has their memories sealed, it is quite difficult to determine the dungeon's exact material, form, inhabitants, etc. However, the thick scent of curses on its Sinners might imply that this dungeon uses Hex as a means of attack. Also, due to its elusiveness, this dungeon is theorized to be of the [Spatial], [Mental], or [Illusion] attribute.
I'm also thinking about a xenoblade 2 one but that would be a bit later down the line. I want to make all of these but I still need to finish the one I am working on and then I already know which one I am making after that.
>Challenges (20): Puzzles (5), Illusions (5), Arena (10)
>Bounties (60): Riches (5), Material (5), Relics (10), Knowledge (10), Monsters (10), >Blessings (10), Wish (20)
>Curses (45): Emotion 3 (15), Enervation 1 (10), Mindmire 1 (5), Misfortune 3 (15)
*Notes on dungeon capture: The dungeon sends out "Invitation Letters" to its would-be adventurers, and they would be instantly "Spirited Away" upon accepting. It is random in nature, or rather, it is wholly indiscriminate. Recent findings show that it would take children, the elderly, criminals, saints, slaves, and even regents if they were to accept the invitation. As a side note, our neighboring country is currently in a state of disarray due to their missing crown prince.

>Monsters (7): Tulpa (7)
>Evolutions (9): Sexy (Tulpa, 3), Smart (Tulpa, 3), Cultured (Charming Tulpa, 3)
>Purposes : Economy (Casino), Resort, Venue; (Hidden/Actual) Ascending, Vault, Worldshaker
>Requests : Get in the guild, Annihilate an army, Curse a cretin
*Meta-Commentary: My dungeon revolves around the theme of "Depravity," "Sins," and "Control." It has exactly 0 offensive power, but is otherwise pretty much indestructible. The main idea of this dungeon is to emulate the "Behavourial Sink" experiment on humans but with some twists here and there. Those who enters Malebolge are cursed with Emotion 1 to amplify their desires, then were given "money"/DP to use, which can be increased by gambling or via tradeshop (by cursing themselves, etc.). They'll be immediately evicted if they go bankrupt, but is pretty much a king as long as they have even 1 DP left, with imagination being their real limit.
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cont. it's longer than I thought, sorry again.
To "Win," you just have to go to the tradeshop and pay an exorbitant sum of DP to flee (with all your items, etc.). To actually "Clear" the dungeon however, you gotta be an actual paragon of virtue. Which means you must take all curses permanently, use all of the best facilities offered by the dungeon (then you must only choose the worst facilities after that), obtain a shitton amount of money, then make a wish to destroy the core. What's the justification? Simple, that's the "obstacle" of the puzzle challenge.

If left uncleared, the world will either be filled with egoistical psychopaths, or be devoid of humans due to all of them being "trapped" in the dungeon. Win/win either way.
Forgot these two my bad
Why xeno 2 specifically? Why not just the franchise as a whole?
which one of these have waifu
Ketrolhof, the Maker.
arcane bolt 1
shield 1
basic telepathy 1
knowledge extraction 1
impulse 1
jump 1
matter generation 1
complexity 1
Charmweaving all 4
summoning 1
higher spirit 1
telekinesis 1
lichhood 1
servant 1
Self biokinesis 1
danger sense 1
lightbending 1
time distortion 1
spell creation 2
omnimancy 2
planeswalking all 4
miscellaneous 1
>Aetheric Consortium
Acquisition 40%, Luxury 45%, intelligence 15%.
Alredh, Nera, Ozuh, Vangorn, K, Senris.
Alright, my build, I chosen the contacts at random, since fate is blind, I've ignored the familiar, cause I don't really like it.
Personally I intend to use my powers to obtain knowledge and know-how, use it to build objects and structures, use my charmweaving for artifact creation and more generalized usage of my powers, I plan to use my zombies as good workforce, to have some spirits to cover for my fighting side weakness as a sort of bodyguard. This is all to fuel my own industries and allow me to have a good working Factorio like planet that can work as a engine for further work, I intend to work well with the Consortuiom for a lot, then when I have money and contacts start working some with the Foundation, personally I'll prefer to remain netural and at worst give away territory or other stuff, as an immortal it is unwise to make other immortal enemies.
Personally I like this kind of build, even if it is kind of non optimized or random. Opinions on the powerlevel by the author?
Nah, give me Sky and Blue
because 2 is my favorite. I had the comfiest setting In my opinion. A world where land is an issue, the only land is atop the backs as giant monsters that roam the earth in a sea of clouds. Not to mention the mystery involved in the game as well. Whats beneath the cloud sea? theremants of earth everyone caught in it transformed into mutations. it unveiled the aiges siblings, the creation of the xenoblade verse as a whole. Why does this girl want to go to a place that might not even exist? so she can as her creature to kill her. Malos and Mythra being two sides of the same coin each one having the idea to die but each one having different ways they wish to go about it. It has best music of the series on my opinion. I'm a huge Mythra fan girl. I just think xenoblade 2 is the best one. I love 1 and 3 alot but 2 is the best one hands down.
again uh proof reading my bad. and yeah i noticed you guy's arn't keen on the roll aspect so how about this, No rolling for the xenoblade cyoa.
is there any loli blades
In the actual game I think there is but they sucked. In the cyoa. I'm not sure because this is a few oc's down the line but I don't think there will be sorry.
Well, gacha mechanics really don't translate well into cyoas so good for you. Who knows. If it works. Maybe you can do one for 1 and 3? Though I guess 3 would be really hard to translate into a cyoa.
as much as I liked 3 it is the only one I finished and never picked up again.
You have this... thing.
>I'm not sure because this is a few oc's down the line but I don't think there will be sorry.
Pls. Just one.
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Gimme tarot cyoas.
And also this one.
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I think there are a couple more. There is the girl with the polar bear, the bird if you are a furry, one of the twins, both if you follow some definition.
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orginal anon here. Vale was my favorite blade >>93895999
and why?
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>Xeno 2 cyoa
>For some reason not including all blades
Okay? This is a giant why moment? The only reason I see is so that you can post it on reddit safely.
shitty kinda lewd CYOA

you are being reincarnated into one of the following people: pick 1
>Meerlinda Gzregzorzcscezc
+your last name causes lethal psychic damage to those who aren't of not!polish descent
+you are disgusting, stinky femcel that no man will ever willingly sleep with
-no one wants to marry you
+no one wants to marry you so they won't think it's weird you are out adventuring instead of raising your kids at home
>Chad McThundercock
+7 ft tall
+90% muscle mass
+incredible stamina
+massive (thunder)cock
-IQ of 70
-the villains himbo sidekick, will have to fight some OP harem protag at some point and likely die an extremly painful death
>Cecilia Roselily
+very cute
+very smart
+will be rich
-/+will be married to some ugly bastard (he genuinely loves and cherishes you)
>generic nihongo isekaiman #1234265356
+super overpowered
+has harem
-can't fuck the harem
-has to kill Chad
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What is the best custom Star you can craft for yourself with New Moon? Or stars with Literally You since you double up and can pact twice with both copies of yourself getting one and sharing it.

I assume you want it to be the center piece for a constellation with other custom stars you craft to synergize with it.
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I was actually thinking about making my own blades because there is only one blade in the game that lets you have a giant scythe and it doesn't even look that cool. But again this is all later down the line How about I add in 20 of my own blades and include every blade as well?
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I just like lolis so it would be nice to have one
That was the twin I was talking about. Also how could we forget Poppy, the base form id definitely a loli, the middle is a bit too big for that and the last one is pretty much a milf but the base form still counts.
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You are finally talking kino
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the princess always talks kino and listens to her subjects my friend.
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>I was talking to this shizo the whole time
it's not that bad. You had good input and I listened right? The cyoa will be better now because of this conversation.
huh neat
I don't think she's that bad anon. Annoying yes but she wants to make oc and it's not like she provokes and trolls people in thread.
>trolls and provokes
A capitalist lich. Sometimes keeping the cog turning is the best approach. Cool build, gives me the whole gangster vibe.
Guilty gear has too much gay tranny shit recently, go qith zerker.
The crowd aro drug in with her is an all-time low for the general
well buddy I'm doing em all eventually as for the tranny shit. I don't..... plan on including that? it's supposed to be about guilty gear why would I do that???
Because the gay tranny shit is from the game and you are a gay tranny.
>tells him i wont include any trans stuff in cyoa

>"no it's just you will because I think so thats why and like yeah."

take your meds scitzoid
>t. princess larper
>letting her bother you this much

I can see why she keeps coming back
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>go to bed with the thread being ok
>wake up
>it was overrun by capeshit
>tok is monologuing and outing himself as more of a fag
>princessfag is attentionwhore baiting anons with oc that will never come out
We have one thread where nobody posted beri dungeon and it immediately went to shit. The horror...
Dont talk shit about harbinger.
No it's gonna come put eventually I just need to figure out gimp real quick, desu I havn't taken a good look at it but I do want to make oc. I have for a while.
sorry I wasn't trying to attentionwhore I just wanted feedback and I got some good feedback the anon who was so distraught over who I was wanted me to include all of the blades into my xenoblade cyoa so I am and I think it's a good idea
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I will free us.
you know scitzoid isn't the same as schizo right?
The best pact would be with a modular Star that's only ability is to enhance the other stars in the same Constellation with a negligible drawback if you have Trade Well Made.

Another pact can be either the same thing or a meta one meant to directly mess with Starlight/Astral Essence.
..... no I didn't
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well, they do sound pretty similar so I guess it's an easy mistake to make
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yeah I thought it was just more creative than scitzo. At least you were nice about it.
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Both thundersprites and sunmotes have abilities that dont transfer to other elements, and thats kinda sad.
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Bonus page
Menagerie is pretty good bang for your buck if you want the descendant family.
Menagerie is bad because its the only archetype that nerfs your own specialization. You pick menagerie to get a bunch of monsters and so it... nerfs your monsters.
It's a basic quality over quantity choice.
I am going to lodge a complaint, since I am poking at an image build. This complaint is that in many cases, certainly my own, 'phasic material' is unreasonably expensive. I wanted to swap to ironwall for general appropriateness and utility, and then just add on the effect of glittergold, but it costs 25(!) flux for phasic material glittergold, just to get the 'doubled rewards for adventurers.' That's tied for 'most expensive single choice' alongside conversion.

Strongly considering fudging the numbers on that one, because it just seems absurdly overpriced for what I'm getting.
Yea and quantity sucks because it nerfs you and isn't worth as many points as the other archetypes. Imagine if cursed instead gave you its benefit and then said you can't get the third tier of curses. Or if monoculture said that you couldn't get signature monster/evolution on your monoculture. Menagerie is the only one like this, it should prevent you choosing all of the traps except for like arena or something.
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It appears that somehow the curse page didn't post so it goes between these two.
Honestly pretty much anyone whose going to pick menagerie is going to go commander now. That's not saying commander needs to be nerfed, commander is great for monsterfags. It's moreso menagerie has always been dooky and should probably be changed to something completely different.
Rolled 6, 31 = 37 (2d50)

ok well slow long range teleportation and scrying. Seem useful together.
but oh well I don't particularly find them interesting and I was in the middle of a mood swing so I lost interest in doing a cyoa now.
so plainclothes, and the rest whatever
I rolled 11 then I chose true fate and rolled 12. Danger Sense + Luck = a pretty boring plot armor. I'm Steve the Accountant who always appears to work in buildings to be destroyed by aliens/dinosaurs/meteors but survives somehow.
Berserker with the option to obtain a rage from power that turns into you into large humanoid wolf that wields massive bladed weapons that can cleave a man in two

Can you just have distracting tier curses be a constant effect throughout your dungeon, or do curses always have to be activated by something? Like, if I wanted Emotion (despair) they'd either have to be aware its going to affect them through cursing pact or have trap or something activate on them, or can it just be a pervasive effect in my dungeon?
>Can you just have distracting tier curses be a constant effect throughout your dungeon, or do curses always have to be activated by something? Like, if I wanted Emotion (despair) they'd either have to be aware its going to affect them through cursing pact or have trap or something activate on them, or can it just be a pervasive effect in my dungeon?
RAW, it seems like curses are intended to be pretty limited in that way. They have to do something 'wrong' to get cursed, or else deliberately accept it - the former is the cursed traps, curse catch, and cursed loot (skill issue & shouldn't have picked it up, respectively), and the latter is cursed puzzles, tradeshop, and cursing pact.

It does seem restrictive; I played a little fast and loose with that conceptually myself, not really adhering entirely to the intended limitations.
Hypothetically, does magiskull material transmuted evolution make monsters undead? If the answer is yes, my followup question is would sexy on the transmuted monster then give them back full flesh and then make them look like undead versions of themselves, just not skeletal versions?

At this point, I'm just coping trying to figure out how to make undead lamia and stuff that aren't literal skeletons.
>Hypothetically, does magiskull material transmuted evolution make monsters undead? If the answer is yes, my followup question is would sexy on the transmuted monster then give them back full flesh and then make them look like undead versions of themselves, just not skeletal versions?

In a previous thread, he answered a question about sexy liches:
>Sexy liches can be fleshy if you want, albeit with pale flesh and a cold touch. Or, if you're into skeletons, they can be, er... sexy skeletons, however that works.
Yea but that only answers it for Liches. Does magiskull transmutation make them undead, and if so, does it work the same as liches regarding sexy.
>does it work the same as liches regarding sexy.
If it works for liches, I'm sure the same logic applies to other skeletal creatures.
Would magiskull make them skeletal undead and not like, a weird golem or something?
Again if you pick descendant you save 30 points with that alone so no matter what you are getting good point value.
>Would magiskull make them skeletal undead and not like, a weird golem or something?
I haven't seen an answer that would directly apply to that, but I personally would feel that that's a very valid application.
I would too, I agree with your interpretation but I would rather not make the build and then be told it doesn't work like that, so I ask just in case.
It doesn't need saving, and he couldn't even if he wanted too now.
>t. failed author
>the same attempted insult every time
>instantly seethes
You're not very good at this are you.
Any good cyoas?
lmao you are so angry at getting called out
>still doubling down instead of coming up with something original or good
Boring, (you).
It's Tok who admitted to constantly shitpost about entropist.
That would explain why these shitposts are very low quality and he couldn't come up with something original. Funny if true because tok is THE failed author and he's calling others failed authors.
Shitalics remains THE failed author.
>it was, in fact, tok
Which is why he responds immediately when called out. Using Shitalics and Entropiss should clue you in when it's him.
Clearly not boring enough for you to stop replying in rage~
Don't worry, my perfect CYOA kino will be ready before 2026. It will get at least 20 builds, possibly even 30. It will revive the /cyoag/, no matter the condition It was in.
>It will get at least 20 builds, possibly even 30
Less than beri's new oc.
That's how BTG wrote Animus (and where the Project A-ko and Queen's Blade anime came from).

However, if this is the cyoa I suspect -Tentacle Realm - it'll be easier and harder than that. Really, as long as there's no nudity or sex acts in the art, it's probably okay for a blue board like /tg. That's the easy part.

(Lavender is a blue board cyoa, after all.)

Getting Tentacle Realm all the way to worksafe would be harder. You've built the whole ecosystem around tentacle sex . . .and I don't know that you can remove that without radically changing the tone and dynamics.

There is a lot of worksafe material in it, though. A smaller, more focused cyoa set in one of the uncorrupted areas might be worth exploring.
I like what's there. Good luck!
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If I had to guess, that's Realms of the Vixen Queen, a NSFW cyoa very much in the Conan vibe.
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if you're planning on using many different stellar pact powers, the best primary pact you can get is for doing so, obviously, so some kind of diplomacy and trade afterlife that translates to abilities that let you arrange for and trade astral essence the best

however, new moon makes your specific primary pact irrelevant since you can just walk out on your star and find another at any time, therefore the only reason you'd worry about it early on is if you had something telling you how to find the best star for a specific purpose immediately for your particular current circumstances, such as the unraveled mind bonus effect

if you don't have new moon but still want to make heavy use of stellar pacts, having the unraveled mind bonus before you sign up for an afterlife is even more important, in fact in such a case the unraveled mind bonus is more crucial than in any other build in the cyoa
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First roll 16
True Fate roll 24
Puppeteering + Darkness
This power lets the user merge with shadows they're touching (except for their own). They can reappear as themselves at any location within their shadow self. This extends to merging with darkness once the lighting is sufficiently low. If the user chooses to merge with someone's shadow, they can control them as long as they remain affixed to them but they lose control if the target ends up in darkness deep enough for the shadow to lose substance.

Your story: Cosmic Radiation. I found a strange jet black rock in the middle of the crater. When It exploded when I tried to take it, vaporizing my body and turning it into a shadow. I was able to turn back after some time and I had this power.

Organization: Radical Heroes. I started to use this power to go after criminal networks and corrupt individuals but an arrest warrant was issued against me. A team of vigilantes reached out to me on the run.

Relationships: Super Squad. We're called the Unveiling, a team composed of supers who all wish to put an end to criminal activities but who don't hesitate to punish the legally grey but morally corrupt.

Costume: Mask, Emblem, Spandex, Edgy Detailing. A shadow themed costume, good at remaining unnoticed in the dark when I'm not using my power.

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