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Previously: >>93887372

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

Where do you stand on the old good/new bad spectrum?
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>le old better than new discussion desu
older than most users in this thread
I wish UB didn't exist, but other than that I'm fine.
>Where do you stand on the old good/new bad spectrum?
New is usually gooder than old
You would have to be a complete lobotomite to think the putrescent poz ooze that is nu-magic is better than Ye Olde Magick.
Oh Jesus, I didn't even notice the fat fuck at first glance.
What the fuck is with the art in this set, this is absolute shit
Old wins
>story, lore, flavour
Old wins
Somewhere between old and new
>price, value
I honestly can't think of a single thing that new Magic has got going for it. I guess if you're a millennial leftist woman who doesn't even play the game you'd be pretty happy with it?
The era of sets with hats. Mark Nosewater already stated that they changed course after the MKM debacle, but Duskburrow is already done, so this is what we get.
What was the MKM debacle?
Usually old is better because they don't do, or rarely do, today what they would have casually done before. While quality is all over the place for old and for new alike, there was a lot more of an appealing vision with what was old, where as with what is new feels more generic and consistent than it would have before.
the entire set of murder at markov manor being hated by every part of the community
It's the curse of tribe. If any card has a popular tribe, regardless of mechanics, every single retard immediately ignores everything about it, laser focuses on the tribe, and crams in all the bullshit they can fit.
Fallen Empires almost killed the game.
Urza and Mirrodin blocks killed constructed.
Can't remember any recent sets to accomplish this.
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Ironically, my favorite old character only got his first card in MH2.
That's because you dont play any other formats. Before the most recent banlist, every single format was in arguably the worst shape they've ever been.
>comparing Nadu to Memory Jar, Skullclamp, Artifact Lands and Ravager
its good to be young.
Those two depictions of Ethereal Armor are so demonstrative of the libtard's view of fantasy. To the libtard fantasy is not about the creation of an internally consistent and aspirational speculative world but rather simple self-insertion--cosplay.
I loved mkm in fact most people I've talked to enjoyed it. Why do 4channelers love to assume their retarded echo chamber is how everyone thinks
No, I'm comparing the one-two punch of rescaminator and eldrazi in legacy prebanlist to combo winter. Nadu is only obnoxious because it's nondeterministic.
Ikoria was running roughshod over most formats. Because companions in their original state forced most decks into running them, as companions, before errata'd, would just put onto the battlefield after paying their cost. Which the most notable three were Lurrus (vintage), Gyruda (legacy and modern and standard), Yorion (legacy and modern and standard). Only after they got errata'd where you paid 3 colorless to put them into your hand then later you can cast them once in hand did it settle down. But not entirely, as many decks in modern run Jegantha even with the 3 mana tax. Companions were so abundant and common before getting errrata'd it was more rare to see a deck that was not running them.
It wasn't my cup of tea, but what made MKM hated by the "community"? I enjoy vampires.
I want to build Tariel, but I'm the exact kind of retard who forgets he stole a bunch of shit and just shuffles it into his deck. Life is pain.
set had no soul. people with hats was the theme.
the mechanics sucked ass. morph was killed for a reason but the new game designers thought they knew better.
power level was super weak.
everyone was on cloud nine from nu-ixalan.
What exactly does a Grist deck do? I want a golgari deck and scary bug-skeleton thing looks neat
You're a 4channeler
God automatons are retarded not a single unique thought going on up there
Because his name sounds similar. It doesn't sound like a real name a major character should have, it sounds like a background alien from Star Wars made by combining random noises together.
>Low value set.
>Story that felt like a rehash of the original ravnica novel trilogy with a few aspects shuffled around
>Vein Ripper
>The Detective Hats, detective agencies, scooby doo references, and the train feeling out of place in Ravnica and more of a New Capenna thing.
>Collect Evidence being viewed as a boring mechanic.
Literally who
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>Revisionists crawling out of their holes just to be contrarian.
This board never changes.
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Who are you quoting?
MKM was ok to me, surveil lands were such a monumental addition that it elevated the set from being shit.
Insect Tribal/Self-mill, include cards like Footbottom Feast and Forever Young so you can stack the deck for a massive +1 for Grist
This. The lore and art are bad, but they always are. I could give a fuck about pioneer or vampires. Surveil lands? That shit was a game changer.
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it took the community months to get over their hatred of the set. you could get any surveil land for a few bucks, except the dimir one. now the lands are soaking up the entire price of the box. I didn't see the value either until someone played them against me.
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>built 3 commanders from MKM
>Constantly get "wow so unique"
>Anon don't you know everyone hates mkm?
Idk I liked it, it was goofy but I like that in magic.
Gotta say though I hate duskmourn, the DEI is off the charts
>Protagonist is involved with law enforcement, is white-aligned, and tries to solve a case. (MKM and OG Trilogy)
>High ranking simic scientist who is performing science experiment gets killed by a black-aligned person who is not in control of their actions by the will of a white-aligned person. (MKM and OG Trilogy.)
>Selesnya literally brainwashing people to do their dirty work as their own private mercenarys. (OG and MKM)
>Selesnya getting raided with some of their members getting murdered. (OG and MKM)
Cool mystery bro.
I'm just happy dsk has some playable cards.
Can you name one besides the black enchantment removal?
>let's do a murder mystery
>using one of magic's most iconic settings
>you know, the one with the whole city of ghosts
Oh no, it's retarded.
this but love duskmourn, hate mkm
Yup. The enchantment land. One sided show and tell dog. That fuck busted should never have been printed miracle lifelink reanimator card. Big vagina moth demon as a one of.
No. There are plenty I don't care if you want to be a cynical faggot
>whole city of ghosts
>oh no its retarded
Yep. Oh, and almost forgot that plot point.
>white-aligned character who was murdered early on, comes back as ghost to help solve their own murder. (OG Trilogy and MKM)

And as bonus thing I forgot to mention:
>White-aligned character forces dimir character to go murder someone. (MKM and OG Trilogy)
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If I take control of my opponent's commander for a turn, put this on it, and then give it back, they can't play anymore creatures unless they destroy their commander right? The equipment goes with the creature when it's returned to its owner?
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post decks: r8, h8, db8
That's not a legal commander anon
anon, I...
Walkers require additional rules text to be commanders
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Why wouldn't they be able to play creatures?
Yes. And Grist, when not in play, is a creature. Ergo, can be your commander.
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Slowly getting more of my Moxfield lists into physical decks. I think I'm going to do Velomachus and Kosei next.
Read the first sentence of this>>93894236
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>5481 decks (0.122%)
>Rank #215

I see no planeswalker. Only a 1/1 Legendary Insect
That's fine I didn't really want to talk to a duskmourn apologist either
Do you genuinely not see a use for any cards in the set? Be honest
I can count them on one hand
Which ones, for which decks?
>name a good card and it can't be that one
>ermmm okay well there are good cards but I much prefer being a massive whiny niggerfaggot
Such a weird flex. Who are you hoping to impress anon? This is why no woman has ever loved you
Nowhere does it say it applies during deck building. Cards that do that, state it.

I think whoever puts obese people in card art at WotC should be shoved in front of a trolley to save five people.
It applies at all times. Unless grist is on the board, she's a creature card and therefore a legal commander. None of this matters because grist could not have that line of text and STILL be a legal commander just cause wotc says so, which they have.

Look, the way it's worded is dumb as hell, but it LITERALLY works like that and you can check on MODO. Grist's type-changing ability works at all times including during deckbuilding.
So for bloomburrow are the "regular" lands going to end up more expensive in the long run?

Because it seems like you only get full art lands in packs and the typical ones only come in the bundle and precons.
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>ban every mox
>ban every 1 life fetch
>ban mana crypt
There I just made everyone's deck $500-$1000 cheaper
Brudda, go to The Gathering, find the card and look up the rulings. Re-read the first sentence and think about how it applys
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i have proxies of all those cards already so deckbuilding costs are basically nothing on my end
And the game worse. Fast mana is good and fun. Casting spells is fun. Interaction is fun. Being able to progress your gameplan and still have mana for interaction is fun! Fast mana is a good thing and should be reprinted into the ground
I literally don't care about your headcanon
Imagine being able to run your decks without resorting to bootlegs
Or you could just play lands instead of those jew rocks like a normal person
Bait, or continue to be objectively wrong. Go look up the ruling, them come back and apologize. Answer this- why would the first sentence even be there, what purpose does it serve? Again, either willful ignorance or bait
>Imagine being able to run your decks without resorting to bootlegs
No? Why would I do that?
So you can gsz and reanimate it. There's nothing on the card that indicates it can be a commander.
>Grist, the Hunger Tide can be your commander as its first ability works before the game begins during deck construction.

Straight from the Oracle. Information illiterate people are wastes of oxygen desu.
Because you don't want to argue about proxies every time you play the damn game
That's never happened to me though
yeah theyre pretty cool bootlegs some of them even have anime titty art
I dont argue with women though
I couldn't help but notice that after all that projection you still haven't named a good card from the set
So your reanimating a creature, right? Creatures can be Commanders if there legendary, right? Do you follow? Either way im done with your obviously bait, see>>93894740 and stop being a retard
Mind sharing your Velomachus list? I've been toying with building him for a while now
And yet another case in this general of a retard thinking he figured out something opposite of a well established ruling and interpretation.
Yes or no
Is casting spells fun
Is progressing your game plan fun
Is interacting with your opponents game plan fun
If you answered yes to any of these then you like fast mana! Because it allows for more of all these fun things to happen and makes more dynamic games
Yes there is anon, the condition that makes her a creature everywhere, and every legendary creature can be a commander, which she is.
It's another "argument that doesn't need to happen because anon doesn't know how to use Google/scryfall thread"
Its gotta be bait at this point
>Is casting spells fun
Depends on spell
>Is progressing your game plan fun
You don't need rocks to progress your game plan
Progressing your game plan while nobody else progresses due to not having a gold ingot in the deck isn't fun
>Is interacting with your opponents game plan fun
What does this have to do with anything

>Because it allows for more of all these fun things to happen and makes more dynamic games
And it leads to more games where somebody draws fast mana and the others are left in the dust. Again, just play lands like a normal person
Do the people you play with really field all these cards in every deck or are you a nocards?
Either way I feel sorry for you.
Use my words to kindly ask what the fuck is their problem, then ask them to relax. Or just ignore it, but probably ask them to relax. Its a casual game and we all have the same interests, no need to stress. Why, what did you do?
>muh special snowflake rules
Sorry, but I wouldn't allow that shit at my table.
Do you have anyone to play with if you don't abide by the rules of the game?
Yes or no questions anon lmao. The answer is, yes yes and yes, or else you wouldn't like magic.
>leads to games where.... bad draws
Bad draws happen without mana rocks as well lmao what a terrible argument.
No one plays with you anon.
most edh players nowadays dont even know most of the rules of the game lmao. that anon will be fine
At least try to make the bait good anon
>Implying I even tell people
Old art is objectively better for the original intent, being powerful wizards casting cool spells to win wizard fights. Modern art tries way too hard to sell you on a product, so they make it as flashy and forced-inclusive as they can, but that just means they're actively holding their society back in-universe for some unknown reason. They want fights, but they don't want conflict.
Cap life gain to 60.
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So I am still a fairly new player, having only just started playing Magic/Commander this year.
What are some of the better sets I've missed out on? Ixalan was my first set so anything before that is what I'm looking for.
March Of The Machines was pretty good to me. Every pack has a guaranteed Legendary, with some of them being damn good>>93894964
They already know anon, they are just playing the role of a dumbfuck
How do Izzet decks win that doesn't involve a Niv-Mizzet infinite combo?
some other infinite combo
Literally every non-slasher villain human looks like shit, it's amazing how awful every survivor looks, meanwhile the monsters are at worst mid to okay.
There have been some examples of poor card design due to there being too many sets coming too fast (nadu most recently) but overall I haven’t been disappointed with the content being produced.

Wotc has done a solid job creating interesting new mechanics and I genuinely like a lot of the newer sets/art/etc (with some exceptions of course). I’ve never been someone who feels like I need to engage with or buy every new thing so I just get to pick and choose what I want.

There have been eras of magic way way less interesting than today.
Copy a damage multiplier several times then copy bolt several times and dome everyone for 50000 damage
Best advice you can get: don't waste time and money on past sets, better cards and also reprints are getting printed every month now. Track some of the evergreen staples for your deck if you need, but just keep up with the upcoming sets and don't look back. Some commander precons will also get you going.
The libtard doesn't understand "diversity" even if they preach it day in day out, they cannot comprehend things that aren't a mushy grey sludge devoid of any edges.
>Ghyrson Starn
>Copy Enchantment
Agreed, but people here love to bitch and moan so it is what it is.
It's literally not a planeswalker before it hits the board, this includes deck construction.
You've skipped the part where your deckbuilding becomes much more interesting after you have up to 10 free slots that were obligatorily crowded with manarock staples
A promo copy of Colossal Dreadmaw has been deposited into your account
Modern proxies are basically indistinguishable from real cards unless you're annoying enough to make people actually look at them closely.
I know. Thats why I told anon to read it. I think you either misquoted or misunderstood
All good
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>tap 1 take 6
>cast picrel
Gay Bolas
>lets make some new mechanics!
>how about... kicker again
>or morph, but like manifest
>what about split cards, but they're enchantments
>and how about suspend, but it enters as an enchantment first to give you value
Sure is creative.
It's not properly complete as you might guess from the 101 cards, but the main idea is multiple combats and cast mass creature destruction with a potential bit of land destruction as well, whilst protecting at least Velomachus if not my whole board depending on what protection I have in my hand
Nicol Bolas was a hero for trying to kill all planeswalkers.
If only he succeeded, we could have been rid of so many design mistakes...
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>half the cast desparked
>one planeswalker per set
Nicole was irrelevant. What killed planeswalkers was them being bad in commander. People want Legendary Creatures not Planeswalkers.
>One design mistake per set instead of zero
According to the retards in this thread any planeswalker can be your commander
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But that "combo" doesnt work silly anon.
Same energy.
Anon don't you know extra turn spells are high salt
It doesn't?
Those exact three by themselves? No.
Those three + plus X number of any undisclosed artifacts? Yes.
Maybe I'm completely out of the loop.
What does Rule Zero have to do with the Dramatic Scepter combo?

Nothing, anon is just being silly.
i just googled rule zero and this video was an early result.
>Nicol Bolas tries to kill all planeswalker
>WotC kills all planeswalkers anyways with the heckin desparking
If I ever got my hand on the physical Alpha Oracle. I'd really like to make a "Conjure old school" EDH deck with Garth here.

I'm certainly not the greatest fan of alchemy, I don't even play arena, but if I somehow got one from a MB2- which I also can't get, i'd use it.
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Miku, Miku, you can call me Miku.. blue hair blue tie hiding in your wifi..

Also, anyone with more brain than me wanna help me out? I wanna add Fallen Shinobi, possibly Thundering Raiju to my new weeb deck but I can't figure out what to take out for it.
ib4 your deck sucks
I know, I only play casual. I just like the artworks.
Retard take, a faster game is a game that only benefits non-interaction and agro
This is commander so it only benefits non-interaction
Wizard punch
Back in the before times the guy at our store that had been playing since alpha had a niv deck whos plan was the combo but plan b was using utility dudes and tickling you to death
I thought it was pretty cool
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Factually untrue. It actually promotes more interaction.
WotC has decided that YOU are going to be design lead on a radical new top-down deck strategy campaign. They’ve come up with the names for the play style and YOU have to decide what they do and what cards are going into the pre-con
Your prompts are:
>pillow fart
>land splatters
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so is anyone talking about green yawg's will?
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We got that except it's free off beseech.
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White should have additional combat phases
>Group shrug
Use this as an excuse to print 22 pieces of spot removal in Common rarity that bypasses ward costs, targeting triggers, and hexproof. Justify it by saying you're shrugging off everyone's ward costs.
Apparently Yawg's Will had a green version as far back as its intro. Mark Rosewater and another designer, I forget who, designed basically the same card, but one was green and one was black, Maro's was green, but the black one was done by the design lead for the set and that one got in as Yawg's Will.
It's really bad
>five mana, one use
There are means to unlock, and relock doors for cheap, but I feel as though the opportunity cost incurred by needing to rely on those cards makes it a bit eh..
It slots into green decks that want crucible with no downside though.
doesn't it also being a crucible of worlds on the other side make it really nice in a landfall deck?
lol you only need one use, that's like complaining that Yawgmoth's Will exiles itself.
No, conduit of worlds is just a better card 2bh. Maybe if you wanted multiples of that effect and preferred enchantments or something.
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oo - ee - oo
This is gonna be the artwork for my new deck.
Well no, Conduit comes with explicitly:
>T, choose target nonland permanent card in your graveyard. If you haven’t cast a spell this turn, you may cast that card. If you do, you can’t cast additional spells this turn. Activate only as a sorcery.
While Forgotten Cellar has
>When you unlock this door, you may cast spells from your graveyard this turn, and if a card would be put into your graveyard from anywhere this turn, exile it instead.
So they both have their pros and cons. Conduit is a hard once per turn but it doesn't exile the card for that turn. While Cellar doesn't have a hard limit but it will exile. Conduit is for the long game, cellar is for the short term. They fundamentally do different yet similar things.
Unless you're storm you're going to prefer conduit
Thats not true either. If you have the mana and you want to cast more than one spell a turn for a big play, Cellar beats Conduit every time.
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>I'm not going to let a technicality stop me
Speed increases the chances of getting in under interaction especially considering the density of fast mana is low enough that it cant be relied on every game, a good amount of games you have fast mana your opponents will not
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>when I tap my Gandalf I activate my tardis, when I do that will enter the dungeon, which causes me to commit a crime, then when my Optimus prime attacks I will choose a prime number, draw that many cards, then I will make my Ultramarines Honour Guard my ring bearer which will manifest dread when it enters
it's the least i could do for some of you making me read a shakesperean sonnet's worth of card text everytime you play a card
>Bartimaeus reference
Patrician taste
needs more "hmmmm.... uhhh let's see" "ummm.... *tsk* i could... no... hmmmm"
that's has been mtg's art direction for a while, realistic relatable people wearing clean brightly coloured plastic costumes with fuckhuge glowing effects around them (otherwise how do you tell it's magic?)
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>special snowflake
>is the first gatherer ruling
Okay illiterate retard
How on earth do you come to such a wrong conclusion. Fast mana doesn't mean a faster game, it means you can all start playing and interacting sooner. Cedh games are filled with interaction there is no world where your view is right
ah the miku 4chan pass faggot
>anyone with more brain than me
>wanna help me out?
Lightning bolt your face. Take 3. Pass turn
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You could have just not replied to me like the other anons...
I just like making fun themed decks with miku cards.
>no day/night
>no monarch
ew, are you feeling submissive today?
Don't tempt me, I'm a raging faggot
okay but do you pay the 1?
shes always submissive and often breedable
i refuse to believe someone with a 4chan pass and miku foil proxies that uses weeb reaction images could be such a thing
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when i first started playing i marked my decks retardedly as to not mix them up cause i only had black sleeves, it was nbd cause i didnt really ever pay any mind to the paint but i could see how it could become adventageous since its not marked equally and even tho at home among my family we didnt care, if i play with people outside my pod they will definitely be bothered so how can i easily remove it? nothing too harsh, i was also thinking i could just paint black over them but idk if that'd still bother other ppl.

inb4 buy new sleeves
i don't want to waste 200 sleeves or resleeves 200 cards when i could just rub some paint remover on em

anyone paint 40k minatures?
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Did you worthless cunt just say Proxies? I paid 150 bucks for all my Mikus. They are all real.
If I had to pick anything i'd probably take out Ajani's welcome and probably Takeno? Though i'm not sure how to evaluate lifegain in such a casual meta
Should I turn my Yawgmoth deck into a Mazirek deck?
even worse
>current yawgmoth ex maz player
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Whole secret lair packages, real foil, real cards with Wizards of the Coast TM tags
They are ALL REAL
Anon didn't you know, with enough Lifegain you can by proxy create extra turns!!!!!!!!!
get that cringe mtg mechanic outtahere
I already took 1 lifegain enchant out as my mate suggested. He said to take out Konda next and maybe throw some more unblockables in.
On our tables, it's easy to reach turn 20-30. So life gain is useful unless someone plays 1hit commander/poison
trampled by miku.........
Just assure the people you play with that you're a retard. No normal person is going to memorize the slight variance between all these "marks" like these are marked in the most useless way imaginable
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Yeah I mean this is literally true unless you think every game should end by combo
Holy shit, now I realize why swords to plowshares is so good, why is time walk banned but this isn't????
Fair I suppose, I do have to ask why you went with the commanders you chose, seems you could've gone 5 color to go all in on every weeb card, or just played isshin make even the jankiest of samurai a little more decent.
No I just inflict 21 commander damage
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From the last thread, picrel encapsulates the decline. The difference 30 years can make. The old ice set had spookier art than the new spooky set.
Well the answer is rather simple.. the green cards in Kamigawa NEo are all.. really boring. Also, I didn't find a good 5 color commander that was cheap and works with my deck.
Bruse is just always great, especially since I play a wide board with this deck. Silar is.. very specific, I expect to not play him very much or not at all but he could bring me valuable stuff back.
I just needed 4 colors to make a samurai and ninja deck. The 5th colors not needed at all.
There is so much and every single one is overpriced.
What are the only valid commander protection permanents?
Agreed, I like the ethereal nature of the old DB - a strange, lanky creature with glowing eyes, lurking outside of a frosted over window, and with a winter landscape backdrop
it's is far more engaging than...
the fat black chick from Peacemaker going to put on a silly horned helmet.. while jawbones fly around her???? also an utterly uninteresting foggy background
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Oh, also.. Silas has the benefit of deathtouch but only has 2 power. Since commander damage is per commander, people usually wouldn't wanna block him, especially when I don't have any artifacts to return from the graveyard. That means I can easily attack, people won't block cause they don't wanna lose their fat stuff and then Ninjutsu him for a ninja that does actual damage. Like
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analog vs digital
also artists in the 90s still had to get their inspiration the old school way. go outside and look at shit or buy art mags instead of googling "top 10 things that are scary".
Why is everyone in duskmourn ugly and black?
>also an utterly uninteresting foggy background
Looking at this artist's other work, they sure do like their anti-soul fog. Guess they could work on a Silent Hill Universes Beyond
>the two or three times they drew actual backgrounds it looks decent
This art always takes my breath away.... ToT
That's what makes it scary.
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Good nuMagic art of old cards does exist. It's just rare. My fav Demonic Tutor is picrel, for example.
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make it happen wotc
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That is not best demonic tutor. Top three? Perhaps.
I cannot wait to play 20 minute zubera storm turns.
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Before the Donato one came out, this was my fav.
would this work with strionic resonator?
well some of the paint got on a couple of the card backs but other than that yeah the paint side often isnt even visible frommy angle so it's not a big deal, it was never meant for that, just to keep these two decks from getting mixed up cause
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That's second worst demonic tutor. The list goes:
>2008 Judge Foil
>Strixhaven Japanese
>OG black border with pentagram
>Duel Decks
>Judge foil with Dolls
>OG white border no pentagram
Aurelia the law Above with Life of the Party and other cards that give people tokens to throw at each other
>pillow fart
Pramikon with all propaganda effects, suppressor skyguard as a reprint for that one anon, and defender creatures. Wins via combat damage with High Alert effects
Surrak Dragonclaw that's all ramp, single target protection, and beefy/hasty creatures to throw out
>land splatters
Raggadragga manland stompy with mana barbs effects too
Karona, False God with no other creatures, have to use instants and other effects to convince other players to beat face

All these decks in a pod would probably make for a slow game, especially if there are any board wipes
I forgot regular strixhaven, which is second worst. Doll is third worst, I lied.
It's so you don't feel bad for them once they inevitably get slaughtered.
Anon they're token sacrifices for the demons living there isn't that what racists want?
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>brutal moggings
What's a good wincon for bant pod that's not deadeye navigator combos?
Commander is Rubinia
Tell us about your deck.
Rhystic Study
I steal creatures with Rubinia or Callous Oppressor and either sac them for value or bounce them so they stay under my control
The best sac outlets in Bant are mostly birthing pod effects, so I have a pod shell. The deck is pretty good at controlling the board and building up resources, but struggles to win except by going infinite with Deadeye Navigator which I think is boring
Rhystic Study
Ashnods, greater good, and umbral mantle? You could also triumph of the hordes.
is that the equivalent of Mage Armour, or Shield of Faith, or what?
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I've been thinking of broadening out from Mono Black where I've been jamming in as many Archon of Cruelty/Rottenmouth Viper/Dusk Mangler/Fleshbag/Etc effects as I can. I figure it's either Mardu or Abzan to facilitate getting the triggers for cheap through reanimation. I can't really see a good fit anywhere in Abzan, Karador is good fun but the way I've played him is usually low CMC ETB creatures with the goal of making some sort of looping combo and the rest have weird hoops to jump through like Nethroi and Tayam. In Mardu I'm considering Malik.
Any idea for a better commander than these? If I went Rakdos I guess I could red nuChainer but I kind of want white for stuff like Ashen Rider/Angel of Despair/Sun Titan/all the other good ETB and reanimation targets it has.
malik is good because you also get treasures from the sacs, and malik is just a lot of fun to play. white gives you access to blink so you can blink fleshbags and similar shit. white also has a bunch of "sacrifice everything but 1 of each permanent type" effects as well. the problem with malik is that you require consistent draw effects, you'll have a lot of treasures if you can consistently have the enemy sacrificing their creatures.
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>getting drunk
>waiting for taco bell
>watching friday the 13th
Anyone need deck advice?
I would rather play Craterhoof than Triumph of the Hordes
Umbral Mantle is neat though, can spend extra mana on additional Rubinia activations or go infinite with Faeburrow Elder
Me like funny cat man but no like politics how me build to be independent winner? Stax? Counters?
Rhystic Study
>Your commander gets removed 2 times
>My angels gain me 150 life

Enjoy getting assblasted as I play a dozen more turns after you are out of the game. Have fun with your meme retard.
Funny cat man bad. Why would you want to put shield counters on your opponent's creatures? It doesnt even have black for yawg and his whithery boys. But, gun to my head, I'd build stasis. Also animate all the lands. Animate all the lands, tap them under stasis, and also root maze.
Can you teach me how to play green white flicker without running gay horse Emiel at the helm?
Oh oh oh I forgot. Play life from the limb. And also blue blood magus. And also yavimaya. Make nerds cry AND learn layers.
Sure. Build yasharn. Put ephemerate on isochron sceptre, build immense profits. Also flickerwisp and resto angel. Flicker parallax wave and permanently exile your opponents creatures, but also flicker your charming prince and thraben inspector. Win by flickering avenger of zendikar.
I'm relatively new, but I can tell that some old sets are made of soul and there's a higher concentration of soulessness in recent years.
Because when you put the counter they're goaded so they can't attack you, therefore their big stompy is a big stumpy now, you don't need to worry about killing the creature if they can't attack with it
And if they do you just push it back to their hand with cyclonic rift or another mass return spell
Also he's a Lynx and I like Lynxes
Do you think there would be room for a little astral slide/drift shenanigans in there?
Absolutely, but Zur is the premier astral slide commander.

They can attack you if they cant attack anyone else, why not crawlspace and portculis? But lynxes are cool, I love big cats.
I need to cut 3 cards from my Xenagos deck and I've been doing the cuts myself so I would appreciate an outsider's perspective:
Currently thinking cutting:
- Halana and Alena
- Domri, Chaos Bringer
- Garruk's Packleader

If I'm missing funky pieces also do tell.
I've already ordered a Zopandrel and Seize the Day. Contemplating Sneak Attack, but I don't really do much with deaths and I fear I'll chew too quickly through my hand before I can empty enemy lifepools.

>Friday the 13th with drink and taco bell
Enjoy anon. Sounds like a good time
Mkm was fine it was mom and aftermath that sucked. Mkm should not have been on ravnica and proft is a literal criminal
Want to build a low to the ground combat focused lifegain deck. Trying to decide on one of these three.

Basic plan is using lots of smaller often evasive creatures to gain life and if possible benefit from or damage opponents with the lifegain.
Thanks buddy! I tried looking at your deck but I'm old and autismal. How do I get rid of your custom categories and see your main deck sorted by type on my phone?
wizard of the coast official tm proxies
lol @ your life
don't remember his name, but don't forget about the guy who gets +1/+1 counters when you gain life, and removing 6 counters lets you exile a target
Go with Lurrus, you can get your small body dudes and the things to buff them with whenever they head to the graveyard.
I haven't the foggiest. Exclusively use archidekt on desktop. Maybe there's a way to only show cards that are in deck or something. At least, on the default view you can ignore everything from Sideboard and onwards. I think out of deck categories get put last by default.
Fair enough, I'll brute force it. Give me a sec. Did you really trim this deck down from almost 500 cards?
Not quite. It's the first deck I made myself, so I started by making Xenagos the commander and looked through every gruul commanders and added what seemed fun. Trimmed it a bit. Repeated the process a few times with different objectives until I arrived here.
Everything on my sideboard I already own next to the cards already in the deck. The only ones I never considered actually putting in were cards for Anzrag, Goreclaw and Atarka, which totals about 100-150 cards I think.

A lot did get trimmed but that was only natural. Trimming from such a large pool taught me a lot about what cards I should actually consider and which might sound good on paper but are bad in practice. It sure hurt a little to cut the final Radha out when the deck used to have three, but it is what it is
>local commander nights don't line up with my work schedule
>friends and I never have time where we're available at the same time
>nearly all of the commander I've played in the past year has been against bots on Forge
Thoughts on my extra combats deck?
I know it's the name of the theme but I wonder if I don't have too many combat triggers. I know it's more realistic to expect to wear them down with multiple 2nds rather than one huge war turn.
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For years I been wanting to make a mono-white deck that I feel comfortable with. I done plenty of other mono-colored decks. Yet I always felt something was missing with white and never could stick long on one. With Beza I want to try and make it work but I am not exactly sure what direction to take it aside from running plains that match the flowers in Beza's artwork.
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Posted earlier but the thread died. Are these secret lair bonus cards typically a steady fall in price?
im making a zoraline deck rn dont steal my ideas
Well I have good news and I have bad news. In good news, you have a lot of cool big boys and avatar of slaughter is one of my favorite cards. In terms of bad news, you've fallen for the classic deck building trap of having a massively high curve and all of your card draw and most of your ramp gated behind casting big lads. The cuts you picked are fine, but since a lot of your cards occupy similar design space, it's hard to improve your deck by lowering the curve and simplifying your devotion to compensate for your fixing. If this deck would be viable in your meta, I'd recommend playing it, figuring out what works and what doesnt, and slowly improve it over time. If not, I'm happy to give you some tips, but it will involve a bit of a rework.
Pay the $300 or shut up
I'd go Linden if it has to be one of those three.
Otherwise, Heliod, Sun-Crowned, Sorin of House Markov, Karlov of the Ghost Council, or Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant.
Necrobloom can give you plenty of fodder for sacrifice.
I already sort of assumed there were too many big guys. I've picked up by osmosis to keep anything above cmc5 limited to 10-15 in a deck. I've had quite some trouble closing out games for a while until I put in extra combat finishers. Usually, my boards get too big so things like the Skullspore Nexus and Asceticism are there to mend the issue a little when wipes & removal inevitably come my way.

It's been performing alright and next to wins, there have been a few "if the person before me in turn order didn't win, I most likely would've"
But I'm definitely open to any tips and/or a direction for a rework or 2.

During the cutting I've seen there was some interrsting discard synergy and that + graveyard fetching sort of sounds feasible.
Or not building even a remotely wide board, have Xenagos sit as an enchant and then whipping out a Malignus and oneshotting people.
Since we're talking about lifegain, are there any fun tech options for a Liesa, Shroud of Dusk deck?
>work 6 days a week
>have money from working
>buy cards
>make decks
>no time to play
I haven't played in months.
I should just sell my cards.
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>I already sort of assumed there were too many big guys. I've picked up by osmosis to keep anything above cmc5 limited to 10-15 in a deck
Yup, you nailed it. If you're struggling to win games I have two suggestions: the normal one, and the batshit insane one. The normal one? Run malignus, swing with him, then fling him at someone else. The insane one? Well boy oh boy do I have a sadistic and fucked up card for you. You can just play it on a blocker, but you can also dualcast/reiterate it and create a nightmare from which there is no escape.
Boots, Whispersilk cloak . At least that's what I think you mean. There's enchantment Auras that also give shroud
Mother of runes is still good
Sounds miserable
the only thing I hated about MKM was that I bought a box of it and only pulled 4 Slime Against Humanity, which is a fucking common. had to trade/buy the other 21 I needed.
Arcbond already makes my head spin with it's potential for boardwiping and playerwiping. I love it. Reïterate and Dualcast on it sounds fun, but the "each player" part doesn't quite work out for me because there is a lifegain deck in my pod so they'll survive. Besides, if I manage to cross the threshold to killing everyone including myself, I'm not too fond of draws. But you do remind me I ordered a Chandra's Ignition too to finish out games if I pump a creature high enough with Xenagos. Can even then use the fling in the form of Kazuul's Fury (already in the deck) to the finish off the lifegain player.

Thanks anon! I'll brew up a new version of the deck with a lower curve during breakfast and test that out. Avatar of Slaughter is staying even if it ends up being bad, because every time it hits the field it leada to memorable games.
Enjoy the movie & food
You picked a card that requires you to be behind in order to get any effect. Seems like a trap anon. The plains is cool, among the finest ever printed, but you wont have fun with that commander. Try 8 and a half tails, teshar, or myrel.
Try this on for size
you could use bounce lands or lotus field to help get the treasures more reliably, and the fish are easy if you have a way to sac them for value. seems like a fun puzzle.
Only if they ever get a reprint. Since you don't always get the bonus it's even worse
Hmm thank ya anons, will think on it as I start trying to brew.
You'll want things that give everyone creatures and lands and life while having sac effects for lands and creatures. It's a fun idea though. Flicker will be your friend
Will consider that.
Sounds like you don't have a life

Run Teleportation Circle and Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd so you can keep getting those ETB effects off of Beza with blink effects. Also, I recommend you check out my Giada mono-white angels decklist. It's very strong: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/giadas-angelic-host/
I don't. Labor Day was the first time this year that I had two consecutive days off. I didn't even know what to do with myself. I slept most of the day.
I'd just quit that job then
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>7 months old
>all that elaborate write up and justification and bible quotes
>for a middling ramp-into-fatties deck with absolutely nothing spicy about it whatsoever
Neat, that's a first.
More effort than you ever put in anything, I'd expect lmao
>Terraria gets a UB
What would be the precons?
NTA, but If you don't end your posts in "lmao", you'd seem less mad

I bet you actually think the "competitive meter" on TappedOut is accurate too. Go be a sperg somewhere else and let people help others with their decks.
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>I'd expect
You'd be wrong, I'm incredibly autistic about various things. But that's beside the point, you effectively spent $1k on painting your house beige. You went out and bought yourself the nicest 2002 toyota camry in the world. There's a certain beauty to it: the way you defied all convention and logic; the hubris and pride of bragging about its strength; the simplicity of the concept. In a strange way I admire you for it. I cant imagine being so uninhibited.
But that anon doesnt want help. He was bragging. If he wanted help I'd help him.
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If you think that's cool, check out my $2k decks and spew more of your autism. How do those chicken nuggies your mommy cooked taste? Enjoying Thomas the Tank Engine these days?
I dont eat nuggies. Trains arent my kink either. But if you post your deck I'll tell you if it's cool or not.
>walked into my lgs
>the usual suspects are there discussing cedh combos
>walk by them to some fellow 30 ye old boomers
>its battlecruiser time
>actually have fun
Daily reminder nerds belong in lockers

new anon here.

angelanon is bad at game but he is trying. saltyanon is unimpressed and so am i.
>I'm the arbiter of cool
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Remember, it's cool to play whatever you want, but if you dont enjoy playing your goofy meme deck, dont complain about how other people are having fun.
Still NTA but I can tell this was very personal for you. I also have a Giada deck and she does have a tendency to push towards, as anon said, ramping into big fatties. Just because be finds that boring doesn't mean you need to validate his opinion by taking it so offensively.
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>"check out my $2k decks and weep autism-sama"
>sure, post them
>"a-actually who are you to tell me what's cool?"
I just wanted to see your deck, it might have been cool, but now I'm skeptical.
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I really like this card. It's not good, but I really like it. Would be sweet if it cost 4WB and was a 6/6.
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I like this card, but it is very bad.
I am also NTA whose deck this guy hates. I just replied to him knowing he would turn it into a shitfest I wouldn't care about, and it would amuse me.
But that never happened and I dont hate the deck? I said it was neat.
What a bullshit image
>t. has never once surpassed his limits, especially not right now
If I tell you you need to git gud it's because you suck. Not because of some gay shit where I want to lift you up to le surpass le limits
I don't know, but I've been designing a CAC UB for my favorite media franchise over the past years.
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>Go to LGS
>Precons with random TOR or Rhystic slammed in
It's honestly not fun.

Literally how hard is it for you to click my username on TappedOut and look up my other decks. God almighty...
>"Your right, I do suck, I should surpass my limits and not suck. Thanks man."
So you're just a faggot? Step it up, do you even guren lagen?

How was I suppossed to know the random anonymous poster acting like a fag was the same poster as the guy I insulted in the first place? Well maybe it was obvious and I am retarded, but give me a second and I'll take a look.
Is this the guy everyone see's in their sleep?
>you dont enjoy playing your goofy meme deck
What kind of a retard plays a deck they don't enjoy? Are you ok anon?
I hope I develop a ceasars crown, i always thought it looked good on my grandpa
Tons of people. Have you ever been in one of these threads? They never admit it, but they always complain and it boils down to "this guy always does this thing and instead of adapting I came here to post about it"
t. Belongs in a locker
If you erased the humans, the art would suddenly jump in quality
Which could be said for most cards after 2020.
>I hope I develop a ceasars crown, i always thought it looked good on my grandpa
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>Daily reminder nerds belong in lockers
It must be *relatable* anon
>squirrel tribal
The jokes write themselves.

>elf tribal with craterhoof
Not bad, at least you're trying.

This is actually co-
>"updated from some guy's list"

It's weird seeing a deck with all those good and expensive cards try so hard not to combo out, but still manage it anyways. And yes goth girls are hot, so I can support that.

Overall? 3/10. You lack the spirit and the drive. Your decks ruminate with angst but you lack the commitment to fully realize your ambitions without a lot of work. Everything is nestled in this purgatory where nothing is exceptional, but everything is stronger than average. It's a little like the kid with the thesaurus; you aspire to greatness and think highly of your abilities, but you arent there yet. It may come with time and hardwork, but you need to apply yourself to develop and evolve into a better version of yourself.
Do my cookie cutter pile next!
>that simple manabase
>fulminator mage
>grafted exoskeleton
Add a bloodmoon, a bitter blossom, and a contamination and I would be honored to call you my nigga. It's everything I expected, but I'm a bit more of a combo faggot and would probably go more that direction.
>looking forward to duskmourn because I love 70's, 80's, and 90's horror
>0 legendary creatures in the set look like they'd be fun to build
>set focused on enchantments, which I hate as a deck type, and face down cards, one of my most hated mechanics
Fuckin monkey paw set.
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>Think EDH is stupid
>Dumb rule 0 and people making up rules for their scene
>Someone makes me make an EDH deck
>Sit in on a pod
>Everyone laughing and having fun
>Someone board wipes 3 times so we target him
>I win just because I wasn't a threat until the end and pulled out 13 tokens to survive

I get now.
I get it.
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Hugs my badger husband... I wish you had actual support
Hopefully Return to Bloomburrow has more shroom scavenging friends
Yeah shave that cope tuft though
Embrace the crown
What a cunt
The equipment stays attached, but the legend rule requires TWO legendary creatures with the same name. If only one is legendary it doesn't care.
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Why is Mana Crypt considered superior to Sol Ring?
It's not. It will absolutely lose you a game. But it's expensive and people get all weird about zero cost artifacts. Sol ring is probably the best legal fast mana, followed by ancient tomb, crypt, opal, diamond, and chrome mox. Vault is basically a ritual and monolith is even more niche.
It absolutely is not.
Because you play it for absolutely free meaning you can turn 0 any 3 cost with a basic land out in your hand versus paying the basic land for sol ring and having a fucked up mana curve if you don't have another 2 mana cost rock in your hand to bounce off of
Also 3 life on a coin flip is nothing because you'll be too busy winning the game to care about -3
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>t. Anon who doesnt own a mana crypt
I bet you like coffers and cradle too.
It's amazing in my Bart Lurrus deck
>why is instantly being two turns ahead in a game that rewards fast play good
What was the point of having "alt arts" where the alteration is that they just removed or added a character to the art? This card looks retarded without the monster there, but looks spooky with it there. A lot of these are also such small changes that most won't even realize they opened the "other" version
He said the line! It only took 3 posts, but he finally said it.
>no answer
>people want guns in magic
>but also get upset by modern things in magic like flashlights and chainsaws
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>>people want guns in magic
Those are ghostbuster guns
Do you want my answer? I'm happy to explain it to you, but I just find it more fun to mock you first.
Generally people mean real world guns. But we also already have that
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Always have
Homelander lookin bitch
Best lifegain that is combat focused. Should include even as the 99.
Your lack of skill in the game doesn't make good cards bad retard
I'm building my first deck from scratch. its knights. I don't really know what's good and what's not. I just know that if its a knight or it makes knights its in.
>Gun from the 1300s continent.
>"Muh immersion broken"
>A literal jackhammer from the 1920s plane
>"Yes this makes perfect logic."
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I didnt say they were bad, I just said you'd think they're good, which you do. How did I know that?
Do mine
Anon don't build from scratch just buy the Calvary Charge precon online trust me it has EVERYTHING you need because it's a top 10 precon of all time
Go for it.
Anon, as someone who plays Mono-White like no other colors exist, I think you are doing a deservice to yourself by not playing to MonoW's strengths and running crutch cards like Ancient Tomb and Mana Crypt to make your concept work.
its too late. i've already made my own bad decisions.
Mana has never equaled turns. Not from alpha. Sure, you can only play a single land each turn, but ramp has always been a thing, be it dorks, artifacts, untappers, rituals ect. In fact, the vast majority of decks ever built focus on playing something ahead of curve, whether you're ramping into multiple spells or reanimating a fatty. The idea that mana equals turns is relatively recent and usually something new players believe. In general the idea is to be able to play all the cards in your deck and to have a minimum threshold to accomplish that before your available mana exceeds your draw capacity. Is crypt good? Yup. Is crypt an unbeatable ban worthy card that accelerates you two turns ahead of people without it as a one-of in a singleton deck? Absolutely not. Most vintage lists dont even play it, though it's been a while since I checked.
>People are starting to run boardwipes in the place of spot removal because it's less devastating than the ward cost
This whole mechanic needs to be taken out back.
Things that never happened
Isn't the idea of being "ahead of curve" based around gaining one mana per turn by default?
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Because it's restricted in vintage.
Depends on the deck. Traditionally? Yes, but there are curves that are essentially all zero and one cost cards (eggs, delver to some extent), curves that start at 3 and go up from there ("stompy" and crashing footfalls) and curves that start at 5cmc (creative technique).
This all sounds like semantics to claim that 2 colorless for 0 is somehow worse than the same 2 colorless for 1 just because of a minor drawback.
It literally is. The drawback absolutely isnt minor in any sense. But I'm mostly arguing that mana doesnt equal turns.
>The drawback absolutely isnt minor in any sense
I play it alongside Sol Ring and have no issues. How is it not minor?
When your life total is 40 the drawback is incredibly minor.
This is where 30 starting life is NOT superior to 40 starting life

Ive only played it once, might need some more protection for the cat and maybe propaganda/ghostly prison
We got a psychic here lmao
I thought it was 1WWBB when skimming past it, Jesus, this thing isn't worth 7 mana in 2025.
it's a limited card bro

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