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Favorite graveyard related mechanic?
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Delve obviously.
Make Delve great again WotC
Whichever one is both fun and balanced
so none of them
>Desparking a planeswalker kills them
>Except Nicol Bolas because Liliana really wanted him to live for some reason
>and everyone else survived because shut up
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so angels came back because amalia got banned and amalia players had nowhere to go, but angels is pretty damn linear (and boring, if you ask me)
I think gwenna ace is the way to go now that the MTGO bug is fixed (gwenna wasn't working properly with kinnan back when BRO came out)
>Desparking a planeswalker kills them
Who are you talking about?
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All those important unnamed planeswalkers Bolas desparked.
Okay maybe not 50 years. But even 5 years, which is 20 sets, would be enough to tell a rather rich story about planar wars. Like Duskmourn. Phyrexian, maybe a praetor, is there to try and convince Valgavoth to their side with the promise of helping to expand the house to other planes and for more people for the demon to feed on.

Or on thunder junction, why the Atiin nomadically traveled there? Phyrexians invaded there and so the Atiin were forced into doing a planar exodus.

Murder at karlov manor? Dryad sister still goes insane from seeing the suffering caused by phyrexians. The phyrexians are stopped on ravnica. Yet the dryad sister believes wrongly, because of paranoia, that everyone has turned into sleeper agents. So she begins brainwashing and murdering the innocent.
They died from getting stabbed, anon.
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That was because the Elderspell actively tore their soul out (with the spark in it). Bolas managed to retain enough of his soul via just... Sheer power, I guess. And the mass desparking didn't touch the soul, the sparks just sort of went away.
>But even 5 years, which is 20 sets, would be enough to tell a rather rich story about planar wars.
No, that's really boring. If everything was just "Phyrexia is doing shit again" it'd get real old real fast.
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Why are people shitting on the Japanese showcase cards?
These look great!
This was mentioned... where?
>5 years of the same shit over and over
lmao, it's like you want straight marvelslop
Well, you can infer from the fact that the Elderspell was lethal to everybody but Bolas and the post-invasion desparking wasn't.
You say it would be boring to have an overarching narrative, but I disagree. It would give structure to why we go to whatever plane we go to. Without structure, each and every new plane is just aimless slush.
You could string it along pretty tastefully in the background, just have it be a war going on somewhere, even if not the current setting. Put a Phyrexian scout in as a card every 1-2 sets, mention it in some flavor text on a bulk common. Easy. Every set from Antiquities to Tempest featured Phyrexians in the background somewhere, Urza's war with them went on for thousands of years, and it wasn't an issue.
Oh yeah as opposed to what? The current slop where the storytelling is so bad that anyone interested in the lore all collectively gave up on it? That slop?
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Didn't they say that all of the Duel of the Planewalkers avataras/portraits died during WAR?
So headcanon to fix a plot hole that WotC didn't think out. Got it.
>Without structure, each and every new plane is just aimless slush
Unless major sets and planes were based off per-existing IP's with established characters and storylines, they they wouldn't have to come up with anything, imagine all the writers and artists you could fire..
A part of me wishes these were the planeswalkers they were using instead, but in the end I know current WOTC could never do them justice.
The quality of writing is a separate issue from deciding between serialized or episodic. There's plenty of good media with shorter stories, not everything has to be one giant connected through line. Trying to copy Marvel with the BFZ jacestice league mess is arguably what kicked off this whole lore mess.
i miss bloodghast so much...
legacy is so kino its unreal
What are you playing
manaless dredge
I don't think they said that, no. One of them died to Garruk, though, and got his own story and later a card.
>so angels came back because amalia got banned and amalia players had nowhere to go, but angels is pretty damn linear (and boring, if you ask me)
>amalia players had nowhere to go
>Well, you can infer
Legacy would be even kinoer if they unbanned Astrolabe.
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Thanks to this EPIC, hilarious flavor text, we can confirm that
>Spark =/= Soul
>Soul Reaping = death

And thanks to Bontu + Oketra de-sparking (Not soul harvesting for some fucking reason?) Bolas at the end of WAR's story, prior to Bolas being succ'd into Ugin's butthole dimension, we can confirm that desparking =/= death.

Why the Eternals literally fucking killed everyone, but when it came to bolas they didn't? Fuck off, stop asking questions.
Ah, my mistake, i knew something happened with the Duels guys, just got it mixed up with Garruk/Bolas
greasefang isn't really the same thing, amalia was filled to the brim with small creatures that either synergized really well together or answered a specific problem until you could pull of the combo (or just beat them down with damage)

greasefang is more like transmogrify or creativity, where you're running a lot of card selection/noncreature interaction so you can setup the combo and virtually win in a single turn
How this wins and how it could get such score in the land of Red power decks?
>greasefang isn't really the same thing, amalia was filled to the brim with small creatures that either synergized really well together or answered a specific problem until you could pull of the combo
That's a weird way to spell "Degenerate garbage only in the deck to brute force the combo through interaction"
Yes yes, we already knew this. There haven't been any planeswalkers that died as a direct result of losing their spark afaik, the closest was Venser and even that was because he had fantasy radiation poisoning or something.

>Not soul harvesting for some fucking reason?
If I remember it right, Ugin intervened and told Jace to make an illusion to let everyone else think Bolas died, when in reality he got kidnapped to meditation plane. Very obviously a plot device to keep Bolas alive, but they did give a reason.
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>meditation plane.
*Butthole realm
Sorry, the canon name had slipped my mind.
>Utterly obliterates RX aggro in you're path
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>Activate this ability only once each turn
>This ability triggers only once each turn.
>Do this only once each turn.
>For the first time each turn.
for me, it's an overstatted creature that has a tap ability with vigilance added on so timmy doesn't get feelbads about having to choose between attacking and using their ability
My favorite Pioneer lock.
Staple an attack trigger to it too, just in case.
You can do it with Drannith Magistrate and Lavinia, Azorius Renegade too, except it only locks your opponents out.
I'm just saying that both decks do the degenerate thing in different ways, I know it doesn't matter for the opponent sitting on the other side of the table but if does matter for the combo player
What was the last decent set/block to come out? Khans of Tarkir?
so how do you win before it gets Boseijud
That's the trick,
you don't
If you're a good player, your opponent will simply never draw the Boseiju
if you know for a fact it's a boseiju matchup, you could just side in pithing needle and have it out before you get the lock going
the problem is if they have boseiju and otawara but I think only lotus runs both
Is this deck a real thing? Seems more like a meme Boros Midrange than an actual thing
it top8ed a challenge recently so people are talking about it
For me it's interesting too i really would like to try it, because seems fun.
That's how Bolas wasn't finished off. How he survived getting the Elderspell turned on him comes down to... I guess you really do just have to go "fuck it he was just that powerful".
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What Killed the Planeswalker?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8yw9CIWSb4

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>Zero (0) Skeletons in Duskmourn
>No, blue skeletons don't count you moron.

Much more testing is done.
Still floating around a mid-ish ~tier 2 deck.
Confirmed hilarious: Any Deathtouch anthem + Skeletal Swarming instantaneously ends every game where it lands. You can block, but it won't work. This is good.
Bow of Nylea is overperforming. As mentioned with the return of Death Baron, Deathtouch plows down pesky blockers. Having a non-creature source of it skirts around removal blanking the plan, but we don't want more than a 1-of partly because the anthem does nothing in multiples, and because the Bow is legendary.

But, the Bow is thick. 3 life a turn really lets you race, the counters grow our threats out of reach AND enable looping Moss-Pit skeletons even more, the anthem obliterates any hope they have of stabilizing with big blockers, and the random reshuffle shit.... I'unno, maybe it'll be relevant in some random matchup.

Oh, and the pings can kill Phoenixes trying to kill us on the crackback, and like half the creatures in Spirits. Very nice!

-1 Assassin's Trophy, +1 Bow of Nylea.

The deck remains very fun. When you get the nut curve and they keep a slow hand, you're laughin'. Pulling T1 Scrabbling Claws main deck into Phoenix G1 is also good, clean cheeky fun.
Deathtouch anthems are also hilarious with the Menace skeleton.

>Noooooo they have two Picklock Pranksters out I can't attack noooooo

>Lmao, block me bro.

All the pieces kind of just slot together cleanly to form a really brutal deck. It's VERY hard to stop once it gets ahead.
>What Killed the Planeswalker?
Remember when we solved this problem by having 'Walkers be such uber-powerful demigods that they simply could not appear in card form?
I wonder what happened to that...
Surely this isn't a whole problem created by some marketing ploy to create Magic's "Mickey Mouse" for branding purposes?????
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I'm happy to see the decades-long problem of Planeswalkers being solved.
I am sad to see that WotC's solution to the problem was "Just make everything worse!"

3-1 with this at Legacy Sunday FNM
2-1 RW Painter
0-2 4cc
2-0 UW Stiflenaught
2-1 Eldrazi Stompy
sweet, bombardiers continues to impress me as the best 3 they have printed for stompy in a while
Is this Chandra a trace of that pornstar?
So now that the dust has settled and Duskmourn is clearly a flop, what do we think of the death race set and why do we still have almost no info on it despite being in this era of nonstop spoiler season?
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How the FUCK to Wizards keep finding ways to make what was previously the gayest fucking thing in the universe EVEN MORE GAY?
>what do we think of the death race set

>Battles but they flip into Vehicles
>More Vehicles
>Some more Vehicles, except legendary and with "You may play ~ as your Commander" on them (In the main set)
>Pilots that crew Vehicles
>Random blatant power creep slop.

>What I wanted: Speed Racer meets Dredline
>What I got: Genetic, lowest common denominator, uncreative trash.

It's going to be shit.
>what do we think of the death race set
It's going to be another gay flop, like Duskmourn
>and why do we still have almost no info on it
Because it's a gay flop
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I have seen all i need to know
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Is that a Duskmourn car? Is death race a secret part 2?
Is this why Bolas is gay?
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i put atraxa into my cat oven deck xD
I can't sleep
I can't brew
I don't have anyone to test brews with
There's a hyperactive kitten and a noisy ceiling fan keeping me awake
The kitten won't test brews with me and the fan blows the cards off the table
Last round game 2 against Eldrazi; he has a bunch of scions, Herald, 2 devourers and a Mycospawn and is on 5 life. I start my turn at 5, with a bunch of mana but no board apart from ring, take 2 from ring down to 3. I draw 3 with ring with the third card being Broadside. Ring pushes it over the edge from shocks for board control or extra damage to double bolt and solving the issue of ring self damage.

Not defending the printing of MH/UB slop.
Remember,the whole new phyrexia thing started with Scar of mirrodins back in 2011, then they did fuck all with them untill 2021, 10 fucking years later, when we saw Vorinclex in Kaldheim. They had all the fucking time they needed to do a proper buildup. But since Wotc is incompetent, they probably didn't think about doing the new phyrexian invasion until Infinity wars was released in 2018.
dont forget Race subtype battle cards that are best contested with Vehicles
it's concept art, might not make it into the final product
The artists were encouraged to make the JP art look like something out of a JP Cardshop.
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so this will get a reprint, right?
last i followed lore was not avengers: endgame in ravnica. then i know tezeret has planar portal and phyrexia somehow invaded other realms. howd the gang get compleated? did wizards finally kill off jace and his faggot gang?
yes. you should totally jump back in
only if maro shoots up wizards hq
Everyone of note is still alive. Jace is being set up as new bad guy.
No they did the retarded thing and tied the name of a plane-generic card to a specific plane so it's never getting reprinted outside of COOMander and Kamigawa.
Before shooting himself
fuck. now liliana will remind him about all the times she pegged him and he will go back to being good goy
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>Ban Vein Ripper
>Turns out it was just holding back the floodgates of all the degenerate garbage they've printed in the sets since
>Somehow Pioneer gets EVEN WORSE after the bannings
holy fuck Wizards
how have you even managed to make a game so shit that it's basically unfixable?
there will be enough generic pilots and mech-like vehicles from kamigawa to justify throwing this in
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Planeswalkers are legendary creature now. Cos COMMANDER. *sigh*

Adriana Chechik?
ngl I'm going to die mad about jace getting his spark back. They actually tricked me into thinking that they were going to take the story in a slightly-new direction.
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>only creature that makes copy tokens is balloon blowing clown
>copy token art has nothing to do with balloons
They printed FIRE bullshit to counter FIRE bullshit to counter FIRE bullshit for year after year. It is like the blades wrought by the dwarves of old, folded ingeniously upon itself so that wear and use only make it sharper.
damn you're right flavor FAIL
The balloons aren't exact copies and I'm surprised they don't have their own token. You should hire a fetish artist to draw balloon versions of all your combo pieces and all your opponents' favorite creatures.
>Adriana Chechik
Yep, that's her. Spitting image of Chandra, Flame's Catalyst
>The balloons aren't exact copies and I'm surprised they don't have their own token.
The Balloons are, in fact, exact copies, they're literally the skinned heads of people the Balloon Man has... well, headskinned.
Yea but they're 1/1 red balloons with flying, I wouldn't use a generic copy token, I would use a dry erase token or a custom token
>Yea but they're 1/1 red balloons with flying, I wouldn't use a generic copy token,
>Use plot device to keep Ugin and Bolas alive
>Proceed to not use them at all
Remind me again why Rampant Growth is too strong for Standard when we now have a deck that kills you on that turn.
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>Rampant Growth
One is good enough.
They'll experiment in two years when glimpse the core rotates out.
Please tell me that flavour text is someone both sincerely surprised the poet opened the way to ass-loads of treasure and sarcastically referencing a past sentiment before this moment about how stupid it is to bring a poet on a dangerous expedition.
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Hello, based department? Yeah, you need to take a look at this
The poet was Huatli leader of the party to the core of the world.
So the flavour text is shit then. Because it's essentially someone saying "it's a good thing we brought a knife to a knife-fight."
It's saying "Wow, it's fucking beautiful" you dimwit.
>Bring poet
>Put flavor text exclaiming you brought a poet
>Instead of an actual fucking poem by said poet
Tartini Violin Sonata in G minor energy.
God forbid these fucking Magic writers put some effort into it
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>Turn 2 Morophon and a bunch of Slivers
Death Race will take place on three planes, but the racers are likely gonna be from all over (no way is Greasefang not showing up for examply). I like the idea of Val sending a random cultist in a tricked-out monster truck though.
I was thinking about getting back into legacy, but I've been out of the actual physical game for awhile. What is the recommended proxy retailer nowadays?
I remember this, people used to play Sorin Slivers before MH2 dropped it was funny as hell
If they don't make Tezzeret the PW of this set i'm officially considering it a giant shit.
He FEELS like the most appropriate I can think of. Saheeli being desparked makes him all the likelier, and he's been kind of absent for a while both in-story and cards. He COULD be desparked and another walker shows up, but he's still like 80% likely gonna be there in my mind.
He should be the Dick Dastardly equivalent.
>I COULD just win, but it's more important to prove the superiority of my artifice by destroying the other racer's vehicles first.
I mean if there was ever a scheming evil fuck whose entire thing is screwing himself over by being too evil to know when he's won it's Tezzeret.
Ron, BL and other china sellers all share the same stock. Usea has different stock and is apparently better. If you don't care about counterfeits and want actual proxies then MPCFill
Why did they never end up including a marketplace in MTG Arena and just slap a % commission on each sale to pocket for themselves? Would that just not make as much money as the current model? I just want them to actually make the videogame experience as close to the IRL experience as possible so some of the numbers bleed into the actual game and revive my LGS.
no, freemium makes them a lot more money than a marketplace comission ever would. The thing you're describing is called MTGO
Never even dabbled in MTGO because of the UI, but I knew it had a marketplace of some sort. Just couldn't understand how the trading part of the trading card game never made it into Arena.
because WoTC are publicly traded and line must go up, a freemium player-hostile economy designed to drain wallets and keep draining wallets is a lot better at that than MTGO at making money
Because nerds today have welcomed and embraced and pioneered some of the stupidest anti-consumer business practices into the culture and now that the common retard is discovering that nerd shit is actually pretty fucking good, it's possible to make a product that is objectively worse than a product from 2002 and have it make truckloads of money because as it turns out convenience far surpasses price which far surpasses quality in the rankings of consumer needs. Standards have actually fallen or were non-existent for a lot of people regardless of age. It's not just Magic, it's actually everywhere. And if you don't realize it's everywhere then you haven't been paying attention just like everyone else out there.
>they're literally the skinned heads of people the Balloon Man has... well, headskinned.
Since the copied creature isn't harmed in any way, I'm forced to assume balloon man is just making realistic looking copies of their heads, rather than actually skinning them.
I feel like the people here have put more thought into everything that's wrong about that card than Wizards put into making it.

There are fucking white cards in the set with "Fear" in the name. Nobody gives a fuck anymore.
>they will reprint this 10¢ right?
Should I build a mono u pauper deck? I want to play at my lgs but it's expensive
>mono u pauper is too expensive

go do your homework kid, you got school tomorrow
to be fair, everything in mtg is too expensive
Kid has a choice between buying a Pauper deck or a video game, that's Magic's problem.

>inb4 they need to buy a computer
Oh I'm sorry, they can buy a PC and video game or a Pauper and Modern deck.
why would anyone buy pc games
>Kid has a choice between buying a Pauper deck or a video game, that's Magic's problem.
I never even considered this before, but now you mention it it does seem really limiting for Magic's growth. I made a deck for my Store Championship to win that Urza's Saga and the deck's overall price was about $250. That same deck will be dead in about 2 weeks.
you built a deck for a rotating format and didn't stop to think that it would get rotated out? At least non rotating formats still keep their mana bases and key spells when modern horizons happens
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>There are fucking white cards in the set with "Fear" in the name. Nobody gives a fuck anymore.
The unapologetic laziness of the "Fear of..." creatures is just about the most pathetic thing the MTG designers have ever done. They didn't even try to do anything interesting with them it's just "We google searched phobias and those are the cards."

An entire tenth' of the creatures in the set are literal ZERO effort slop garbage. The second laziest fucking crap in MTG history, with pic related being THE laziest.

DSK as a whole is just fucking absolute rectal spew.
The cards aren't rotating out in 2 weeks dummy. They're just going to be made irrelevant by Duskmourne's powercreep. I got plenty of use out of the cards, made my money back and then some with the Urza's Saga and the cards will still be """""usable""""" for a while yet. But imagine being a fresh-faced 18 year old, maybe you've just got your first payday and you're considering getting into MTG and then seeing that the price of one singular off-meta deck is the same as like 8-12 on-sale videogames.

The bar for entry to MTG is too high.
meanwhile those kids actually just buy a commander precon and never look at shit like modern
this is why commander keeps growing and constructed 60 card formats are dying
>There are fucking white cards in the set with "Fear" in the name.
Why is this an issue? White often has elements of control, restriction, and other things that create fear.
>does seem really limiting for Magic's growth
There's nobody left in paper Magic except people who have money, gambling degenerates, people who can barely pay rent, and people who think they can buy respect. Not that this is new to Magic, but the normal well adjusted people (i.e. the adults/kids who can make an easy value judgment between an XBox or half a Standard deck) are almost completely absent.

It's just a true fact that in business that you can justify doubling the price and lose half your customers. It's the same income for half the work. Except with Magic you need bodies in chairs, there is a critical number of bodies a community needs to fire events reliably; fail to fire enough events reliably and people will find something else to reserve their time for on Friday. Nobody wants to drive/bus their ass to a store only to find at the last minute not enough people are there to do shit except play EDH, the format where everyone is slinging a $3000 mana base or whatever the fuck it costs now.

But Wizards has got it all figured out see, because you don't need asses in chairs because now there's a global online platform that connects all asses together, no need to have a store or bodies. So who cares if the cards still cost a fuckload of money if the whales keep buying it.
>flamethrowers are ok
>guns aren't
I haven't played in 10 years but I like manifest dread. It makes a mook monster while also foreboding weird shit, it makes sense according to horror movie logic. Go on, call me a fag.
why did you post a picture of great design?
unless you mean the flavor text, in which case I agree
Looks like digital bullshit
someone have the "blue player has this face" pic?
>>Instead of an actual fucking poem by said poet
for this wotc would have to contract tallented writers.
They've been doing flamethrowers for a long time, but to be fair they've also been doing guns for a long time, the modern anti-gun thing is kind of stupid. It's dumb to say "you should fight with magic not with (specific weapon)" when literally every other weapon exists as a manifestation of magic.
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It took me this long to realize manifest dread is literally just the manifest mechanic and "dread" just means you surveil in addition. I mean I knew that's what it was mechanically of course, but I didn't realize it was 1:1 with additional flavor.

Wonder if we'll see other variations like this in the future?
>Scry Fire 1 (scry rules text, then deal 1 damage to any target)
>Scry Frost 1 (scry rules text, then tap up to one target creature)
>Scry Loss 1 (scry rules text, then each opponent loses one life)
Stuff like that. Would be neat design space 2bh.
>most pathetic thing the MTG designers have ever done
For me it was Play Boosters. In hindsight there's been a lot of heinous shit I got angry about but that for me killed Limited. Power creep was already killing Limited but to nearly actually double the number of Rares in the draft pool is actual death; it's a death that even if they reduced the power creep to 2003 it would still be shit. Like what's the point if you or they are just going to slam value-dragons one after the other.

Like fucking Limited is dead man and the worst thing of all is that nobody's left to mourn its passing. The people playing Limited now, they're fingerbanging a corpse and paying more for the privilege of it.

I understand how you feel because I feel the same way. It's just that I feel that flavour was a fatality long ago before this point right like DSK is just I don't know like watching people try to make money off Ninja Turtles (or Ghostbusters...).
I genuinely do wonder what the fuck they'll do for Death Race's mechanics, actually. Vehicles are obviously a focal thing, but will they use other things related to Vehicles? Some sort of batching that includes Vehicles, maybe? Caring about artifact creatures? It's a weird thing to think about.
Not exactly, but close enough you get what I mean.
Yeah some sort of vehicle variations are a given. Maybe also some sort of "race" mechanic where you get rewarded by doing things first? I don't know how that would work, and would be a nightmare to track in paper, but would be really flavorful.
Yeah Play Boosters butchering limited is a big one. The whole saga of pretending to introduce Set Boosters as a gay scheme to Hegelian Dialactic a Draft booster price increase.

jk wotc is not that smart
I know people have said a Battle with the Race subtype might show up, but I can see Races more likely being some mechanic, not a card subtype. It's a very weird thing to think about what there will be involved mechanically besides the obvious. Artifact focus, probably, overall?
>It's saying "Wow, it's fucking beautiful" you dimwit.
Yea, the idea is that they're all standing there realizing that only a poet could put it into words, which is more evocative (as a bit of imagery from 1 line of text) than 4 lines of actual poem would be.
Not that simple poetry can't work as flavor text because of course it can.
It's actually kinda surprising how, I think, we've never seen any Huatli poetry in flavour text. Feels like they should've had at least one somewhere at some point.
That would require wotc to hire competent writers.
Why the fuck does one random card use the word "Already" instead of "other"?
Is it so that 10 angels can enter at the same time without giving 10 counters to each other?
Like I'm just thinking about it and I think Play Boosters is without question the worst thing that has ever happened to the game. Nothing comes close to this level of damage like to invalidate an entire reason to buy packs, to permanently damage an entire way to play the game across all platforms moving forward; perhaps even retroactively if they return to old formats in digital. They didn't just lower the skill ceiling they just burnt the house down.
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"Already" has only one rules function in MTG: To refer to an object previously chosen or action previously taken.

It is only ever used on extremely jank cards and has zero rules function when referring to cards on the battlefield.
Oh my god look at this thing. It has two blue effects and it's not blue. Why... why would a misanthrope in a horror situation be a guide?! Why would any Jund character help the weak?!
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I'm not talking about the Ward being Blue.
i have accepted the reason i dont play much anymore is simply because i dont have the bosh n roll or aspiring spike level of brew and play skill to cope with the higher turnover rate among meta strategies in the modern era
put that on a cracka dude
Because we had a deficit of jund commanders.
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>use the draftsim sealed simulator
>5 unplayable rares and 1 off color rare
>reset a few more times
>get 2 on color bomb mythics and 2 on color bomb rares
why do people play limited again
No one plays sealed outside of prerelease
>Why... why would a misanthrope in a horror situation be a guide?!
You can be a misanthrope without wanting humanity's extinction or wanting to actively kill people.
>Why would any Jund character help the weak?!
Because he isn't a Jund character from the plane of Jund, he's a Red/Green/Black character. Each individual color has several different ways they can be expressed and each color combination exponentially multiplies the number of ways they can be expressed, you are absolutely fucking retarded if you think any three color combination can only be expressed in a single way.
>ways they can be expressed
We're all waiting for your explanation about how a guy with two blue abilities with Red/Green/Black in their casting cost makes flavour sense. Be sure to mention that he hates humanity. Link Wizards' explanation if there is one.
I'm gonna wait for you to explain how these abilities are inherently blue abilities
He's probably just some retard who thinks only Blue should be allowed to draw cards.
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i tried playing mtg again after ~4 years because a nearby lgs started hosting legacy monthlies again
apparently events don't even need a judge anymore because our store basically had players policing each other with the owner making final judgment.
how the fuck did wizards let everything get so awful. create a new judge program already you fucking cunts
sealed is gay
is this discord?
All colors
>Each player draws cards
All colors, as even red and black and green can play the group hug game. It is not exclusive to blue and white.
>Reduce maximum hand size
Black and Blue. In fact for black, it's explicit purpose is to lower maximum hand size to act as a drawback.
Which one of the 4 duskmourn commander deck do you reccomend for a new player like me?
how about they just use their allowance to play draft every other week and trade their cards for a constructed deck slowly? that's how i did it as a teen
I'm trans, by the way
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This isn't correct. BL, Ron, VZ, Gail all used to have the same stock, but earlier this year (iirc) BL split off from the others. Now, newer sets post-split are unique to particular vendors, for example Ron, VZ and Gail all have BM Lands 1, but BL doesn't.

The general guide is
Cards printed by the proxy producer in the past ~1.5 years -> Usea
Cards printed prior to that -> BL, Ron, VZ, or Gail
Don't want to spend time looking over reviews, photos, scans -> Reseller (probably bootlegmage)

Obviously you should check each card individually if going with the former. For example Gaea's Cradle from Ron's BM Lands 1 is currently known to be the best, while Usea's Tabernacles are better than the other sellers. However, Usea doesn't have a good retro Karn TGC and while BL/Ron's isn't much better, it is more accurate as Usea's print run of it has several issues.

Also if you join a group buy you can get significantly discounted rattes; $1 per card from BL or $1/1.5 nonfoil/foil from Usea.

I should also mention BL is now doing uncut beta sheets at $50/$100 depending on size. Pic related, not my photo
why is there like 3 islands and no other basic land on the sheet
yes, webcam play paper server
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Legacy deserves to die, it's only being kept alive by the absolute dregs of society like BoshnRoll and ThrabenU
What kid is getting a $30 allowance?
why do they look like basedjacks
Legacy is the only format worth playing.
LMAO even.
All formats deserve to die.
Every single one.
WotC has not managed this game in a way that deserves to succeed.
Post a better format.
You can't.
Standard, Modern, Commander, Pauper
Be serious.
Completely serious, any fucking format in Magic is better than frogland.
>t. never played Legacy
frogland is better than theoneringland tho
picked up 4 BB play boosters.
Better get something cute
Fuck no. Just because the other formats are shit too doesn't mean Legacy is "worth playing".
Legacy is only playable if your local meta is full of old grogs who refuse to use new cards. Coincidentally, Modern and Pauper are also playable under such conditions.
>opponent plays a common that's also a legendary for some reason
>have to read 10 lines of text
>karakas doesnt exist in the format

>play inquisition of kozilek
>the entire store starts laughing at you


>make cool homebrew out of stuff i have laying around + some random commons i buy for cheap
>take it to event
>get demolished by cards printed in the m15 frame

I'm not going to pretend legacy and vintage haven't been massacred by supplemental set powercreep, but I can still show up at my LGS with an old deck and get results even through all the FIRE garbage going on
>t. nogames
>why would a misanthrope in a horror situation be a guide?! Why would any Jund character help the weak?!
I figured the idea is that he's a trickster type character who might help you, but ultimately for selfish reasons, and doesn't mind betraying you if it comes down to it.
Which makes sense with the effect of helping your opponent with a symetrical effect, and the second effect revealing the selfish trick.
Unbanning DRS would fix Legacy overnight
I don't disagree, but I'd like you to explain how
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Do brainlets actually have trouble killing the frog?
Frog players are all just really good at the game so their opponents never draw their removal
liliana wanted him dead, it was ugin and jace who fooled everyone with an illusion to spirit him away
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>create a new judge program already you fucking cunts
They did, except now if you want to be a judge YOU need to pay THEM money for the honor of "working" for them
>Thing, Japan
I used to love Legacy eight years ago. I tolerated Legacy four years ago. But when LOTR got dumped into format, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I can't even look at the format anymore. It's too painful remembering what it used to be. And the worst part is that there is NO way to fix it.
>eight years ago
Found the Miracle player
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Actually, I used to play Pox (Like, real Pox, with my Ice Age Poxes, I'm still convinced Smallpox is a trap card). I always was drawn to strategies that involved abusing symmetrically powerful cards. This strategy simply can't exist nowadays.
nigga pox literally makes top 8s in tournaments every single month

>Orcish Bowmasters.deck
thanks for proving my point
God, Legacy is such trash now.
Why LOTR? It's literally Orcish Bowmasters: The Set as far as the format is concerned. If they banned it plus the ring LOTR would be irrelevant aside from troll in reanimator.
orcish bowmasters could literally be from any mtg set, orcs exist both in mtg and lotr universe
but it's not now is it
man your post is some unfiltered copium
LOTR is THE generic fantasy setting it fits into MTG completely effortlessly
Come crying when they threaten to make Thanos, The Titan (tm) a Legacy staple
the only one coping here is you
Delighted Halfling, Orcish Bowmasters and probably a few other pushed cards from LTR all have clearly deliberately generic names to allow easy reprinting. The One Ring is an issue in that regard, for sure, but Bowmasters is not. I can easily see it being in the Special Guests for Return to Tarkir.
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We already have an Avengers set in the works. Iron Man/One Ring decks will dominate modern and Spiderman will be a legacy staple.
Yes, it's not like black Aragorn is the staple and we have to look at that shit all the time. I only despise Bowmasters because they made it too fucking good.
>Come crying when they threaten to make Thanos, The Titan (tm) a Legacy staple
Does he know?
so next year?
While I hate that universes beyond cards were dumped into legacy like toxic waste, that doesn't fix the fact that LOTR cards are all powercreeped cards that enforce braindead modern-esque play patterns and killed any semblance of Legacy's identity as a format. Now it's just "random new garbage plus reserved list lands."

I hate anyone still playing and supporting Legacy. I hate you. I wish you get your face caved in with a brick, as well as Hasbro's execs, and Mark Rosewater.
He'll be perfectly balanced
>LOTR cards are all powercreeped cards that enforce braindead modern-esque play patterns and killed any semblance of Legacy's identity as a format
All 5 of them?
Get out
you're clueless about the format if you think lotr is what's "killing its identity"
Reminder that this is still on the horizon.
>black Aragorn is the staple
People fail to appreciate the bullet we dodged there
is that official art? what's the point of that goblin behind the shield?
I can't be bothered to keep up with spoilers anymore, is anything in duskmorn looking cracked or retarded?
it's subtly suggesting you'll be able to equip lackey with it
It's all retarded, but none of it is particularly cracked
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>everyone draws cards
Red has wheels, black has stuff like Rankle and Seizan
>reduced hand size
Multiple black cards with that effect, forcing everyone to play off topdecks is pretty red, I think that's even one of those big dumb red enchantments.

He could drop admittedly drop green, but green (along with black) is secondary in card draw and delirium along with the whole "helping while hurting" is green enough that it's not really an issue.
There's cards that will fuck up Standard and Pioneer, certainly. As for Modern impact, it's hard to say right now.
greasefang died btw
There's a 1BB demon that makes your FoW's also deal 5 to your opponent's face. I think that might be eternal playable but I can't evaluate formats for shit given how quick they all rotate these days.
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this is insane
OK faggots check this out, this is my impression of a race subtyped battle. See, you throw it on the battlefield and you are trying to reduce its lifepoints as you would do a siege but a-ha the designer team is in charge and arena is the future of magic so tracking doesnt matter right yeah so what happens is the race switches sides (ie
in your opponents turn they are the ones attacking the race) whoever is the one that deals the killing blow to it gets the reward. (in commander it does a clockwise motion or something god wish they designed for 60card)
this is what will do mtg in finally cohesionwise and i will kill myself if i have to play against captain america on mtga
People would just wait until it's almost done and then swing in. Just make it so they're battles that swap sides once depleted.
How about battles that everyone can attack but the card gives the caster (owner) a tiny buff with the addition that they cannot attack the turn they cast it so they dont go unga on a tapped out or empty board?
thats the average american. WotC is an american company and Marvel is an american franchise
Very unlikely. Tezzeret's side-story in... I forget if it was ONE or MOM, either way, he killed SOME Reckoners who show up to help out Nashi when Nashi confronts him, but Greasefang isn't explicitly called out as among them.
but isn't it supposed to be captain america's shield. why does an average american have his shield
>solemnity+this utter house is 11 power over 3 bodies on turn 4
sign me the fuck up
That could also work. Another dumb idea would be that races make a copy on the opposing side, and whoever completes theirs first gets some reward.
because in mtg YOU can be captain america and by YOU i mean your COMMANDER
the average american weighs 3x that
it's an ad, the average american will be able to play with the avengers shield and other famous marvel items in the upcoming set
Americans don't look like that, despite what /pol/ tells you.
>a measly 11 for 7 mana
super mmeh
I don't think it works like that, the reminder text for impeding kinda implies that it if you cast it with impending, it's only a creature when the last time counter is removed, if it enters with no counters, there isn't anything to remove
You might as well just play the nine lives combo without messing around with shitty creatures.
but you are a powerful planeswalker and not the legendary creature tho. that is the sacred lore of MtG
what an insanely stupid way to look at it
judges gave a ruling
that's what i do and why i'm excited for it, no more messing around with memory deluge and approach
>judges gave a ruling
oh, in that case go nuts, I'm happy it works out
The release note rulings say the specific way impending works is:
>As long as this permanent has a time counter on it, if it was cast for its impending cost, it's not a creature.
>At the beginning of your end step, if this permanent was cast for its impending cost, remove a time counter from it. Then if it has no time counters on it, it loses impending.
Which makes me think that if you Solemnity with it out, yes, it'll enter as a creature. Technically if Solemnity was removed and a time counter was then somehow put ONTO it before your end-step, I think it'd go back to not being a creature, but once it gets to end step, the impending stuff stops mattering, even if it entered without counters.
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cute moth deck with flickerwisps
>enters or attacks
I'm tired of this.
It's just a boring design space for creatures to get even more valuable.
hey now. creatures HAVE TO be good nowadays because removal is just too efficient!
But you will scream bloody murder when "once each turn" appears on a card?
Combines the problem of creatures providing too much value when they ETB and too much value when they stick. It's double-dipping.
Maybe i'm being too hasty but for real i dont see Duskmourn having that much of an impact across all formats.
>thing happens with X enters or attacks
Lazy card design space to milk more value of creatures
>once per turn
Lazy design space because instead of thinking of a reasonable cost or activation, they just slap a yugioh once each turn and knock off for the rest of the work day
Got me.
reddit vocabulary kill yourself
every single standard set has at least a few impactful cards in it, it just takes some time for people to figure it out
>6 of the 10 first places are Rakdos
>3 of the first 5 places are Rakdos aggro
>Soon getting new pieces to be even more busted
When this will end? When will WotC stop this absolute shit?
Are you stupid?
are you going to address the other reply? >>93905187
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Are you not entertained?
>enters or attacks
>once per turn
hmm you know what this format really needs to shake things up? a one ring
what are you implying they should do? ban slickshot show-off? I win most of my rakdos aggro games without even drawing it
Sorin died for a reason. Now we have another insufferable deck in the same colours. Time for more bans.
Don't know and don't care. Ban mountains if necessary but this is not right.
i like rakdos
i like aggro
i like pioneer
0 problems here
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dragon company lookin good
>Ban mountains if necessary
This guy has the right attitude
dangerously based
How this wins against the Aggro decks?
this is an extremely shallow worldview
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My head is a-spinnin' round
My heart is in my shoes
I went and set the Thames on fire
Now I must come back down
She's laughing in her sleeve, boys
I can feel it in my bones
But anywhere, anywhere, anywhere I'm gonna lay my head
I will call my home

Well I see that the world is upside-down
Seems that my pockets were filled up with gold
Now the clouds went and covered everything o'er
And the wind is blowing cold
Well, I don't need anybody
Because I learned, I learned to be alone
And I say anywhere, anywhere, anywhere I lay my head, boys
I will call my home
should i quit arena and get on mtgo?
I really like this card and i'm sad Oven is just better despite needing another cat
>a third of the decks in the challenge are rakdos aggro
> the rest are either durdle piles like waste not or lotus field that lose to aggro
seems like an issue with mtg players rather than the deck being good
The answer to this question and any other starting with:"Should i quit arena?"
Is YES. Always yes.
if you're interested in formats outside of standard, then yes, mtgo will always be leagues ahead compared to arena
>Rakdos aggro
I see Pioneer's back to the "Take a Standard deck and brush it up a bit" stage. Or maybe it's more accurate to say Standard is currently at Pioneer power levels?

>When this will end? When will WotC stop this absolute shit?
They could ban SSS and maybe that'll help decrease the consistency a bit, but I don't know if it'd really be enough. WotC really screwed the pooch pushing aggro so hard so fast.
What counts as a durdle pile these days? Something that doesn't win on turn 2?
So the good and enjoyable decks that make the whole core of Pioneer as staples are now "durdle piles"? What should i play if i want to enjoy the format and win if the whole lot is playing "Hurr me cast creature! Me smash! Creature dies and hits face! Me gotcha Durr!"???
I don't know because no one plays aggro in tournament practice and I don't want to play a league until I can afford all the tidebinders I need. Theoretically, kitesail larcenist and dragon turtle alongside big blockers are the way to beat aggro
make more money
uhhhhh waste not and twiddle storm like i just said? some tard even brought yorion fires lmao

maybe commander would be more your speed if you don't want to play early creatures or early removal!!! just a thought :)))))))
Yeah, but you're acting like there's only aggro and durdle piles, but what about stuff like Phoenix and Nykthos?
plays a pile of removal and ledger shredder for early interaction and can also race with shredder, phoenix and proft and has spell pierce for interaction
cheese pile that also randomly wins on turn 3-4
>Play removal if you dont want to eat the slop the format has become :))))
Sounds like the same shit vampire faggots used to say. After DC people will see how fucked up this aggro piles are.
>play removal if you want to beat the 6 mana 6/5 that's immune to most removal and also burns you for a billion if the board gets swept oh and also beat the rest of their grindy midrange deck with your deck full of 1for1 removal
>kill the 2 health 2 drop that your opponent is pointing 3 pump spells at and make your opponent instantly concede
Your sentiment is wrong and you're being an annoying faggot on purpose.
seeing you retarded commander players getting blown the fuck out because you don't do anything except play 4+ mana threats is insanely funny lmao
decks for this feel?
Nope I've been grinding since theros and you're trying too hard to larp as le serious player. Wow bro you figured out that efficient threats and removal spells are good you're so smart for that only the top 10% know about that one
>theros block
>theros khans
>theros fate reforged
ah yes, the original grindpile formats. no wonder you love this shit
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So if I choose a Heartfire Hero with something like Pay No Heed and then it gets killed, is its death trigger considered a separate source?
That's not what grinding means why are you being a poser in a ded game lol
how the fuck are you confusing grindpiles with tourney grinder lmao
that's what you did retard
Which flavor of modern ruby storm is the most brain dead and idiotproof? I have all the cards necessary to put together any version but there seems to be 3 or 4 different versions and just want the simplest to play.
no that's what you thought i did dumbass, i was referring to fucking abzan and that stupid manifest enchantment deck
>Which flavor of modern ruby storm is the most brain dead and idiotproof?
mono red if you're too dumb for sideboard cards
boros if you want the bare minimum
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Phil is so fucking funny. I'll watch him do the deck tech on some deck he's hyping for content and trying to make sound like a legitimate threat in the format. Immediately skip to the end of each of his first three rounds and he's just dead to frog or grindstone or some shit. Without fail it's always
>I can't answer it we are dead gg
>I have no way out of this I am dead
>This [piece of shit meme card] doesn't get me out gee gees
It's so fucking funny.
Jesus fucking christ you are so fucking stupid how have you still not figured out your mistake, you have to be mexican or something
>Hearthfire hero
>Slickshot showoff
>Emberhearth challenger
>Monastery swiftspear
>Dreadhorde arcanist
Why they had to push aggro so much? This is ridiculous.
i am the one saying things you dumbass, you're the one misinterpreting me
>half of these are from 5 years ago
do grindpilers really???
r&d only "tests" commander because they're all retarded
you certainly are saying things
yes and you're misinterpreting them, that's what i said
Before Show and Tell was introduced into the format I ran an Oven and Anvil deck in Timeless that was surprisingly effective. So much fun to play too, I really miss it.
*grinds your pile*
I know it was between RG, RW and the one with Thassa's Oracle in the sideboard
what's even the point in testing edh? if people don't like an edh deck you play, they will just houserule it to neuter it or refuse to play with you at all
Surely Death Race can't be any dumber than
>New New Capenna
edh is what makes money these days, if they make an edh card that sucks to play with and against, they're leaving money on the table
it'll be good dumb instead of bad dumb
Is this anything at all?
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>Go second
Gee I wonder why this game died sure it can't be related to WotC's incompetence.
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People here will bitch no matter what the mechanics are or how good limited environment is because they don't like the pictures on the cards, as always. You show people a racecar in magic and they will cry wolf. It is a forgone conclusion that it will be bitched about.
>p-people might not bitch
Heard this about the last 20 sets or so and it's always wrong.
they should make sets that are good and people wont bitch as much
it is certainly a pile of legal cards
True. I'm gonna bitch even harder next set because I don't like vehicles.
i wonder if they will reprint Greasefang for deathrace or there will be a new incarnation that is 3 colors for some reason, also mech hangar...
will the return to tarkir/lorwyn/arcavios sets make up for the haunted house, wacky races, and star wars sets?
They're gonna pull a novice inspector and release "Rusted Garage" or something and it'll just be Mech Hangar with a different name
hoping greasefang and the other usual kamigawa characters don't show up and we get a different version of the azorious precon commander
greasefang died though

how are vehicles even going to play now as they typically need pilots and every colour is rocking massive amounts of removal , even green has all these tail swipe damage shit, they better have some mech hangar reprint or equivalent otherwise shits just going to sit on the battlefield with no creatures to crew it, lord help you if its a crew 3+
No, the ability, and thus the damage, is still from Heartfire Hero.
It'll be like equipment, where the good ones will have fuel counters or something that let you crew it for free a few times.
...Honestly, that makes me think a mechanic might be Vehicle Equipment. Is that Equipment that only goes on Vehicles? Is that Vehicles that are also Equipment? Yes.
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>people just LOOK for a reason to complain!
>people don't WANT it to be good!
And other such quotes by someone that probably frequents reddit. It's impossible that someone doesn't like the product, or even less likely, the company that makes the game isn't doing well lately with set ideas.
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auto...pilot..calling it now.
>*sigh* not this again. it's just a game FFS as sweety you do realize you're in the minority, right? Just talk about this game in peace.
I mean, Living Metal is probably gonna show up at least a couple times in the set as a 'proper' introduction for the mechanic, right?
>>people just LOOK for a reason to complain!
>>people don't WANT it to be good!
This but unironically. Can't count how many times I've talked with people who disliked a certain game or show or whatever, and it becomes very blatantly obvious they didn't even play/watch the thing, they got all of their info and opinions from memes or wikis or some retarded youtuber.
hope so
Probably. As I am just waiting for the moment they just pull the trigger, break down the wall, where in standard there will be a card that mentions something about the command zone. bunch of vehicles that can be your commander.
Wouldn't really make sense for a death race theme, would it? Usually the driver and crew is just as important as the vehicle in those. I could see it on a handful of cards, maybe a cycle max.
Then why do you care? If WotC releases another set that you find fun for limited or whatever, then why does someone else not liking it or even trying it matter?


I can see Kaladesh or Kamigawa sending some self-driving vehicles in.
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Finally getting around to resorting my binders. Both my value binder and my trader binder.
And I'm just so fucking sad that so many good cards... half of them are still good, just the format they use to live in has died. So not tradable and not valuable.

So sad...
Don't strawman me, I never said there can't be valid criticism. If people dislike things and want to be negative about it, that's perfectly fine. What I take issue with is when people shit up a forum or conversation with asinine or objectively untrue complaints. I could just as easily reverse your statement.
>why do you care if people enjoy it? If WotC releases another set that you hate, why does someone liking it matter?
If people want to gobble UB and commanderslop, good for them I guess. I don't want those things, and if Magic doesn't offer enough things that I do want, I'll move on.
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I too love Tom Waits anon. Have a card for your trouble.
>orcish bowmasters could literally be from any mtg set
They can be from Arcavios, Ixalan, Tarkir or Dominaria.
They could be from fucking Ravnica for all WotC cares.
The difference is that most people complaining remember when the game was good while you guys joined it during its downfall so your low is not as low as our low. Just accept that people may like things you don't and vice versa.

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