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decepticons edition

Previous thread: >>93877106

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
What units do you believe your faction is entitled to that it cannot access?
so.....did anyone get the martian civil war book?

anything in it that wasnt leaked early?
No scans yet, and any good shit would've been revealed in the reviews 2 weeks back.
good night-lords terminators

also would a unit of 10 terror squad with chainglaives for all and death guard Champion and Biomancy librarian attached be a good idea for a melee unit?
If I don't want a thunder hammer or falax blades specifically on a World Eaters Chaplain, what are the most fun options to take?
Darkwing pattern storm eagle.
I don't think many if any other units were out and out removed, without so much as a legacies entry. And it's not like we're spoiled for choice.
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chainfist+combi grenade launcher or paired lightning claws on a tartaros chaplain
Leman Russes with sponsons.
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>>Thread question:
>What units do you believe your faction is entitled to that it cannot access?
Hmm, that's a very good question. Couldn't say I'm very familiar with this particular issue honestly.
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Meteor hammer for the Reach 1 and Breaching 5+
>What units do you believe your faction is entitled to that it cannot access?
Pic related. Id love to have access to all or most the wild Skitarii shit. It would be nice to have a infantry thats not dogshit tarpits or Thallax.

None that ive heard of or seen. Id like to hold out hope but >>93897868
is most likely correct.
anything with Infiltrate and/or Scout also gets Outflank, so Vigilators, Pathfinders and Moritats

Moritat in a spear Aquilae unit is very strong - replicates the effect of Murderous Strike but also makes all Wounds ID, not just the AP2 ones, so those 1s start to hurt TEQ a lot more

plus your HoW attacks wound on 3s
>FAQ all 0-1 units to have the Unique Sub-type
>AL players become IF players rather than give up their Huscarl squad
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More progress on WB inductii. Do you go out of your way to distinguish your inductii mooks from regular troops? Share your ideas
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SOH Cerberus WIP
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Cool like the fresh taste of menthol cigarettes.
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>I never kept any of the multilasers I got in the sentinel kits I bought six years ago
>how it feels to chew 5 gum
Outside of the simpler colorscheme differences, I can think of a few ways:
>Inductii get equipped with refurbished or not fully repaired armors as the good stuff goes to the proper legionaries, so they use dull/tarnished/badly painted/cracked armor plates more often, or possibly omitting some parts altogether like having bare arms between the gauntlets and pauldrons.
>Often unhelmeted, and have extensive head scarring or implants from the flash-indoctrination that looks poorly stitched up/recovered. If helmeted, have detailing that makes it look like they're 'crowned' by such implants.
>specific ports in the armor for quick access to the geneseed when they die.
>Squads always led by apothecaries to ensure maximum recovery of geneseed.
>For melee squads, suicide explosives on their armor.
>Bonding studs or numeral hashmarks indicating number of battles each one has survived.
>If traitor, always having the eye of horus on one shoulderpad regardless of legion.
>Using lasguns, stubbers, or more obviously primitive equipment as the legion-grade weaponry is kept with actual veterans.
Anon please if you want anti infantry thallax take the irad Cleanser don't torture yourself with multi lasers.
But what if he just wants to have a rave?
Snipers shouldn't melee
A scout in melee?
Attaching a Moritat to a unit without Bitter Duty is like not returning the shopping cart. Not illegal, but objectively morally wrong. Even if they are your sole source of rad grenades.
Plus they want to shoot their pistols, which prevents charging.

A bit sad that Maru Skara has you bring a Praetor and a Champion/Warden, and then prevents you from outflanking the very models it had you bring.
Not outflanking anything so you keep the +1" is, you know it, also morally reprehensible.
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>Snipers shouldn't melee
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>>AL players become IF players rather than give up their Huscarl squad
Guess we going yellow on this one, Alpharii
With plastic robots finally out what units should I take with a praevian for my thousand sons and world eaters
>Thousand Sons
just stick him in a unit of castellax-achea
>World Eaters
take a brass scorpion instead of robots
All great ideas except that apothecaries cannot join their squad
>Thousand Sons
5 castellax with 3 darkfire cannons (unit cost is divisible by 9)
>World Eaters
Vorax with irad cleansers (it's cool)
I don't remember what the rules were for inductii, but I suppose one workaround is if they can have a squad sergeant equivalent, then that one can be dressed up as an apothecary - you can fluff it as an apothecary assigned just to get the geneseed out and not waste meds on the meat, or just have the basic sergeant have the reductor kit and some container vials, nothing else.
Yeah that makes sense. An inductii sarge could take upgrades to reasonably approximate an apothecary, albeit one with little interest in patching anyone up
I mean yeah but you're already using a Legacies unit so

break it a little, it's not like you're using 1.0 Fulmentarii
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2 or 3 20man tac squads stuffed into 3 land raider spartans and party bus'ing right into the enemy; thoughts and opinions?
2 tactical squads and 1 despoiler squad
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Access to regular vanguard and ranger skitarii as troops choices, especially for darkmech given their control of Mars. Not asking for the silly cavalry or stiltman stuff, just the regular infantry units. Bodging over-costed and line-lacking vanguard units using secutarii in a weird titan detachment is a stupid hoop to jump through that paradoxically proves there's no solid reason against it, since you can use it to make units that should obviously be represented using the vanguard models.
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what color should the loin cloth be?
inb4 skin
>Tightest arse cheeks
The Emperor reserves His greatest gifts for his most powerful warriors
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Would it be too evil, though, to give the Maru Skare Praetor and tax Champ/Warden Outflank, so that they can join the outflankers should they wish to?
What do you think, anons. Would it be an unfair advantage?
Does the brass scorp gain the benefits of legiones astartes (world eaters)? I was also considering a Kytan in the LoW slot since i'm leaning heavy into mid to late heresy for my eaters as my current project so they're a little spikey.
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Would a Titan Legion have their own automata or are those strictly in the vein of their parent forge world and the legion only gets the secutarii? For my robutts I don't want to do the prospero forge-fane color because the titans were deployed from Zhao Arkhad itself.
Which Black Library books should I skip if any?
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yes according to Exemplary battles, unknown if new book changed it
sexy dog doodoo welds delicouse color
All of them
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>TQ: the canonical one.
I continue to slowly work on one of my several faggy fan rules projects.

Sherdenan Cohort, 300 points/5, 40 points each extra <=10, all characters, heavy support + retinue
- Tartaros termis, same options as Sekhmet, no ability to purchase a discapline for the inceptor, but get buffed cult arcana.
- All models in the squad must choose the same cult arcana, and only one model in the unit may cast a cult arcana power per turn
- In a game turn where any Sherden warrior has manifested a cult arcana power, all Sherden Warriors in the casting model’s unit gain an additional bonus:
- Raptora: Kine shield barricade: no enemy model may draw line of sight through or over the Sherdenan squad as long as kine shields is active. Additionally, the Sherendan squad may cast kine shields at the end of any move regardless of the distance to an enemy unit.
- Pyrae: blazing blow: all models in the unit make an additional special attack at initiative step 1 using their unmodified strength and AP-. This attack automatically hits all enemy models in base contact with the Sherden warrior, or a model in base contact with another model in base contact with the Sherden warrior. These attacks count as “flame” attacks and have the “deflagrate” special rule. (Maybe too weak for marines, maybe too strong for militia)
- Pavoni: Quickblood frenzy: all Sherden Warriors in the unit gain +1 initiative until the start of the controlling player’s next turn. (Maybe OP as fuck, alternative, can run and charge; potentially opens options other than axes/fists)
- Corvidae: Precognitive beacon: all subsequent shooting attacks made against the same unit as the Sherdenan gain the Percision Shots (6+) special rule.
- Athanean: Mental Domination: all Sherden Warriors in the unit gain the “fearless”, “adamantium will”, and “fear” special rules
- Storm eagle DT
Ya don't read any of the books. Just read the wiki and then act like you have encyclopedic lore knowledge like everyone else here.
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Noble Princeps, I come to you with a Titanicus battle-report.

Legios present: Laniskara vs Vulturum

Two traitor maniples come to blows when they both set their sights on a long defunct manufacturum complex. Critical materials valuable for resupply are the prize of the day (both legios rolled retrieval for primary objective)

Maniple strengths are reported as follows
Laniskara: Four warhounds escorted by a small outrider detachment of knight lancers
Vulturum: One warlord and two reaver bodyguards

Battle result: Vulturum Victorus
++++++++Pict Captures++++++++
++++Incident Report Begins+++++
I played Vulturum, deploying in the shadow of this large rock face that concealed the opponents objectives. One warlord with a shooting reaver as a screen. Turn 1 my opponent smoke barrages the choke point cutting line of sight, moving his lancers closer, and moves to cutoff the melee reaver with three warhounds in a pincer formation as he moved to collect my objective.
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the BL books are an entirely fictive account of events for the sake of spinning a story
black books and campaign books are at best unreliable with insane and/or less-than-objective authors
artwork was rendered by remembrancers and represents the most truthful depiction of things outright in many instances
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After the smoke barrage dissipates the lancers find themselves in open ground, caught in the open after failing a full stride order. The reaver titan Aegypius and the warlord Gypatus Barbatus make quick work of the smaller machines, leaving the choke held only by the Laniskara Princeps Seniores.
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While the warlord and reaver contest Laniskara’s objective, Ossifrage the melee reaver full strides to the supply cache Vulturum seeks. He is flanked and caught in a pincer maneuver as his skitarii forces work to load the vital cargo. Before the jaws of this trap can close, he warp displaces, the mighty brawler shunting himself 11 inches away to the position we see here. Leaving the Laniskara hunting pack woefully out of position.
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Enraged at being outmaneuvered, the Laniskara princeps makes a suicide charge. Angling under the reavers voids, the nimble killer tears into the larger machine, plasma blasts presaging a deafening smash. Sadly, it is too little too late. As the reaver stumbles back, he is caught in a crossfire, void shields fall and plasma washes away any trace of the hound.
were you using the open war cards or a book scenario?
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Evading the brunt of the hunting pack, Ossifrage is cornered by a stalking hound and both of his weapons are disabled. It matters not, hurling its bulk into the smaller machine, it disappears in a fireball. Striding out of the wreckage, warhorns blaring to the triumph of “Engine Kill”
At most they could both hail from the same forgeworld. But you can totally paint the Titans different from the automata, as Principes of the Colegia Titanica have more autonomy than Knights
I only ask because I heard Abnett is the gold standard and the rest are either massive hits or terrible misses and I want to make sure I'm getting the absolute best
The remaining two warhounds with voids fully depleted are cut down as the warlord and ranged reaver intercept them. Vulturum strides victorious. Thanks for reading.
We rolled for objectives and deployments from the matched play book
Know No Fear
Prospero Burns
also Legion if you like AL but it didn't resonate with me as particularly gnarly astartes bolter porn as does know no fear or prospero burns or the end and the death
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Read Black Books
Disregard BL
Much appreciated
I can vouch for Mechanicum and Flight of the Eisenstien
Looks like the same torso design but with a reinforced plate infront of the cables with the aquila.
Fucking hate doing hazards, but at least they're currently passable. Obviously need to weather them out and blend them a bit more but it's a start.
Abnett is, contrary to popular belief, not a very good writer. This should be obvious by the nonsense he includes in his books such as perpertuals, enuncia, ancient space aliens who assassinated MLK and Erda. Somehow he has managed to avoid people recognising this.
He made his name back when BL was considered a side project not to be taken too seriously, not the word of God. I always found his stories to be way more generic scifi than 40k. Doesn't help that he writes literal capeshit.
drill your barrels
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Do you guys think the Mechanicus have ISO standards galaxy-wide?
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You mean the Black Books that tell you to read BL, those Black Books? The unfinished series that barely covers the first couple years of the HH and which have also lots of fanfiction-tier writing and OC donut steel self inserts?
Legion simultaneously has some of the worst and best shit put on paper in the HH series
Alpha legion infiltration and fuckery is cool, and the Lucifer blacks are massive legends, but fuck me reading through the cabal and John grammaticus/perpetual shit makes me want to kill myself
>the Mechanicus
And the worst part is that Abnett is a coward that in TEATD ended the Perpetual plot line in an irrelevant nothingburguer, making all their chapters in the series just annoying filler.
>John grammaticus
always remember that this is Abnett's self insert
>which have also lots of fanfiction-tier writing and OC donut steel self inserts?
As opposed to the BL books, which have none of those things
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Will Sisters of Silence be the next battle group box?
Will they get some new units and become a fully fledged army?
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Still needs cleanup but ended up deciding on the "boring" answer.
no need
they have female custards now
squatted instead
>Doesn't even fit around waist
God I hate this hobby enabling these fat fucks
>Lightning claw thunder hammer
Ugh, laaaaame.
Yeah, it's the boring answer. But I checked through my bits box *and* consulted with local folks, and nobody had a single power lance or anything I could reasonably turn into one, so my original plan of lance + fist got shot down. He's likely not to be my only chaplain so I'll still get to do some funny stuff later on.
If you check the art section at the back of Liber Mechanicum there is a Stratos-Automata in full colours & markings of the Knight House Malinax, if I Knight House can do it I don't see why a Titan Legion couldn't as well.
>also would a unit of 10 terror squad with chainglaives for all and death guard Champion and Biomancy librarian attached be a good idea for a melee unit

No. You can have raptors for that price because Bulky, and you're better off using chainblades since +1A +1S is almost always better than +2S when we also get +1 to wound. However, if you want to use chainglaives, there is a nasty trick you can do: attach a Moriat. They come stocked with Rad grenades, so now your S6 chainglaives ID T4 units. The downside to throwing a Moriat into the squad is that you lose Skirmish, which is nice for getting more models into combat. The one advantage terror squads have over raptors is they get Precision Strikes and Preferred Enemy, but are also only WS4 instead of 5.

Based hover tank OP.

I've had a conversion for land speeder mini deodorant tanks for a while now.

Thank you kindly.
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Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolling to see what marines I have for my primary detachment along with a mechanicum allied detachment
>1 = IF
>2 = BA
>3 = UM
>4 = RG
>5 = Blackshields
>6 = Loyalist IW
Rolled 2 (1d3)

And so it shall be that the 13th shall be the legion that joins forces with the mechanicum. The question now becomes what kind of archmagos aids them?
>1 = Cybernetica
>2 = Macrotek
>3 = Reductor
Oh fuck off.
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Ah a macrotek archmagos, makes sense...Perhaps the Ultramarines came to aid a forge world with structures and facilities deemed far too important to lose, or perhaps it is the mechanicum who have come to the aid of the 13th who are in dire need of fortifications and defenses!

Time to write a list
UM have Konor and Gantz as pretty significant forgeworlds in Ultramar so maybe you can go with that theme. Iirc they are UM domains not ruled by the mecanicum so maybe it'd be fun to work something out for that
Cybernetica cohorts are the ones supporting titans fielding automata along with the secutarii. Titan legions have them as auxilliaries but they aren't part of the legio just like the army regiments or mechanicum taghmata aren't part of the marine legions.
SoS SHOULD be the next army release

but we know fully well it'll be custodes
So Kharn comes with two bases. His "gameplay" base is 25mm, which is definitely too small in light of every other model not chained to a diorama base being upped to a 32mm base. His "scenic" base is a 50mm base, which would make him... I'm pretty sure the largest base out of any of the non-Primarch characters? Maybe other scenic bases are 50mm too? But both of them are legal for the tabletop on account of being the bases he comes with, covering the 25-50mm range.
Would it break anything if I used a 40mm base for a Kharn conversion? I have a model in mind that comes on one and takes up most of the base width. Not sure if I'm going to go with it, but checking opinions before I make any decisions. I've seen various conversions for him done on both 32 and 40, but a lot of those were more display than game piece.
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Good suggestion anon, I might do something along those lines then; a sneaky archmagos trying to garner favour by supporting the UM during the shadow crusade in hopes of elavating Konor's status and establishing themselves as a key component to the Ultramar empire sounds like a plausible enough reason to busy themselves with coming to the aid of the 13th instead of bunkering down and doing very little.

That or just the WB's and WE's came knock-knocking a bit too close to home and the mechanicum got the UM on speed dial to come deal with the issue whilst providing a modicum of assistance to have some kind of rapport and standing in the long term.
Brass rod, deathwatch power sword. It's short enough to pass for a spearhead.
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Can I get any gunfags to tell me If this looks convincing like a three point sling?
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I'll keep it in mind for the future.
A dread with a sling is stupid
The chain you use doesn't look like a real big chain scaled down, but just a jewelry chain.
My Inductii are in mostly plain grey ceramite to denote their not having earned full Legionnaire status yet, bar the veteran sergeant leading them..
Not a gunfag but it looks good for the most part (chain seems in scale, looks like it's secured to appropriate positions on the weapon) but I think the problem you have is that the chain doesn't seem taut/tense enough on the back, which gives it the impression that it's glued onto his back as opposed to being secured by the chain. I think either doing small loops on the anchor points where the chain meets the weapon or re-adjusting the chain so it has more tension would help. Still cool looking though anon
>A dread with a sling is stupid
Why not? He's on a probing mission on the frontlines and will need to swap between his plasma and the chaingun.
It literally is an old jewellery chain
You need techmarines or techpriest to swap dread weapons, anon. Not to mention the dread doesn't have the dexterity to even reload its own weapons in normal use.
>It literally is an old jewellery chain
use a proper hobby/military scale models chain like pic related. The jewellery chain looks like a jewellery chain, and not a miniature version of a big ass chain
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Had a chill 1k match today against my buddy's clan morragul boys.

His predator made me realize that I need some long ranged AT shooting. Maybe a krios venator.

Also I had a total of 7 phased plasma fussils, rolled around 100 dice for them over the course of the game and only took two wounds from gets hot. Oh, and my HQ died to cybertheurgic feedback while his HQ died to a random ass precision shot missile from my paragon of metal domitar.
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You see, the Emperor's biggest mistake wasn't making Horus bald, it was naming him Horus. Because Horus, if you can understand these references, starts with an "H". Heresy, too, starts with an "H". He was doomed because it's alliterative making "Horus Heresy" a fun title. If Horus was named Joe and wasn't bald, he would have been a life-long loyal servant of the Imperium.
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pretty sure i have more tanks than infantry at this point.
but the infantry box is so fucking boring.
not to mention you have to buy a gazillion to fill transports or make a terminator/assault squad heavy army
>The Joe Jackanapery
The Rogal Rebellion
The Guilliman Genocide
The Sanguinius Slaughter
The Lion Loyalty™
>The Lion Loyalty™
Based and Dark Angelpilled
The Khans Knell
The Corvus Culling
The Emperors Exterminatus
Konrads Karnage
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>No one has done The Vulkan Vulgarity yet
Predators are so solid this edition, it's surprising how often people under-estimate them still.
The Dorn Devastation
The Magnus Massacres
The Perturabo Perversion
The Corax Cataclysm

Well, Corax Crisis sounds catchier, but more like an anime.
agreed, but vehicule detachement are so fucking ass.
give us tank commander or moving separately.
actually give both.
>not pictured : john french foaming at the mouth when he's told tanks have radio and did not need to stand 10m apart since ww2
I did end up wrecking it in round 3 with my pair of outflanking vorax well, one vorax, because the other one dies to interceptor fire, but its three turns of shooting were quite painful. Yeah, predators are pretty good value.
The Ferrus Fisting.
You mean vehicles squadron rules? I think they're neat, means your tanks don't block each other's line of sight, and 4" unit coherency is plenty with how crowded the board is with 3000 points on each side.
The Alpharius Annihilation.
Fulgrim Foolhardy Fratricidal Failure
More like Fulgrim Faggotry
shooting at the same target for anything s7 really stink tho
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a predator melta cannon is better than the mastodon's melta... ;_;
damn it, i spend 200€ on a glorified paperweight
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Could be worse, Chum! Could have bought it last week.
You can split fire real easy with sponson weapons, those are allowed to pick a different target if they got no LOS to the same target as the main gun. And how often do you really need to split fire? Even with 2 predators with lascannon sponsons and magna-melta cannons you need to focus everything to kill a dreadnought.
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oh fuck, holy hell. they charge that much for that godforsaken kit ?
never put together a fire raptor, but how the fuck is a reaver titan easier to put together than that abomination despite the titan being way older.
to whoever designer the bottom plates of the mastodon : fuck you, never touch a resin model again.
A predator magna melta cannon is arguably even better than the melta cannon on a kratos. The kratos melta has merely 1 more shot, and only becomes twin-linked if the co-axial autocannon hits first.
oh the sponsor rule override the defense weapon rule ? shit i missed that all the time
Yea Idk what the fuck is the rules writers problem with the mastodon. It has 6 fucking meltas and then a giant melta cannon on top. At the very least it should be 3 twinlinked meltagun shots and then a magna melta cannon on top if not a large template melta shot like the ones knights get
It's a 700p model ffs
NTA but if you are talking about reaction, no, they don't. In the FAQ it says sponsons can't target a different unit in a reaction and being sponson doesn't make S7+ weapons defensive. That's what being pintle mounted does
>never put together a fire raptor, but how the fuck is a reaver titan easier to put together than that abomination despite the titan being way older.
I'd guess more people bought them over a reaver? Ergo the moulds would be used more and thus more deteriorated or something. I dunno, my Fellblade was such a shit cast I had to ask my more experienced friend to put it together, but my decimator was mostly fine other than the connection points being a bit wide, and every character from FW I bought have only really had bending problems with swords and stuff.
Defensive weapons (strength 6 and lower) are always allowed to target the nearest infantry unit, I think anon was talking about that and not reactions.
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that anon is talking about this rule, I think
pg 206 of the aod rulesbook
magna-meltas are for a different job, significantly worse at fuck this tank in particular jobs than siege meltas, can be knocked out by a dude with a volkite serpenta standing behind them, don't follow up with 40 ragin' Despoilers etc etc

the real mystery of the Mastodon is how come nobody's novel features a dude riding his bike straight through one to do something even cooler, there are over 300 novels now
>in hopes of elavating Konor's status
Konor is ruled by one of the tetrarchs. It is one of the 4 most important worlds of Ultramar
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>significantly worse at fuck this tank in particular jobs than siege meltas
Dunno about that one chief. I think I'd rather have armourbane melta at 18" than two more shots and 12" max range.
so that's 3 sponsor weapon shooting at something else in a full tank squadron.

i'm sorry anons, pretty sure i have brain damage, got way worse in the last month.
alcohol is a lie, that destroyed me. the quick rush is not worth the end.
12" could be fine if it absolutely dumpstered whatever foolish enough to come in 12" in this really small cone.
and killing a unit this close often mean whatever's inside won't charge
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I think there could even be 5 sponsons if you position your tanks in such a way that they block the LOS of each other's sponsons to the main target. Behold my paint skills.

Sorry about your condition, frien. Hang in there and keep working on yourself!
>Being content with being the 4th most important world in the empire
Lower tech priest thinking, elavate and strive to be the top dog
You always ignore models in your unit for LOS.
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Here’s your daily reminder that 2.0 rules writers are morons.
just checked and >>93902866 is right
disregard >>93902759, am retarded
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Seeing how there's female Custodes, why are there no male SoS?
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Saturnite pattern termis WHEN
He looks like he's a middle aged women with her handbag going shopping
Same reason there's nobody complaining about the under-representation of men in nail salons.
Let blind spots exist. Positioning is a fun game by itself :D
I hope soon, and I hope that the DA ones are going to have cool special rules.
god he's so cute
Irdk about nail salons. But every Hair Salon does have their designated femboy
Male blanks are almost always killed often by their own parents, girls have a higher surive ratio.
7th edition was never good

any alternative fanmade rules that the connoisseurs amongst you use?
D'ya think the EC have nail-slaves who spend hours doing their master's nails under threat of excruciation
7th ed becames instantly good, with removal of 2 things. Specific gaming breaking psychic powers and eldar.
With those two gone, the game is suddenly fun and the whole "detachment" and ally stuff just to have a small % chance at having fun, is suddenly not needed.
I'm not interested in what you have to say.
While we're at it let's get some RT style (Lucifer pattern?) dreads
And yes, I want the choice between short legs and normal legs
Doesn't make it any less true. 7th was the edition where GW in order to fix the "eldar problem" decided to go ape shit with ally, free detachments and it still wasn't working, especialy after Ynari got added.
The scary part is that I remember a GW guy saying in one of their streams that their based their primaris dreadnoughts on those.
>Imperial Army gets rules and a full plastic release for HH
>It includes dreadnoughts piloted by humans that look like the RT style dreadnoughts
Good thing GW will never do something this cool, because I'd go bankrupt.
Still in awe that you discovered the perfect shade that matches unpainted gray plastic
The RT dreads would be the original Furibundus pattern. The Lucifer was something between the Castraferrum and the Contemptor
>Rolls a 6 for knight stop attack
>Whoops, primarch gone. No you don't get saves
There was a lot more wrong with 7th than just Eldar. No, I'm not going to dig up the list with every single issue, in a vain attempt to change the mind of some retard on the internet.

>The Angron Apocalypse
>The Magnus Malevolence
>The Russ Revenge
>The Mortarian Malediction
>The Perturabo Punishment

And then in absolute last place

>The Dorn Domination
yes, and all the wrong in 7th was being done (the push to super friends, the insanity of tzeench demons, Riptide in every army etc. "free" transports and formations) was done only so that the eldar player wouldn't blow up someone off the table turn 1. And even all of those insane things ment nothing, after GW decided to add Ynari, because suddenly eldar armies were having multiple turns per turn.

There are still YT battle reports with the eldar player giving up first turn, or doing wacky stuff like starting his whole army turned back wards and the end game being the opponent blow up by turn 3. Lets not blame 7th (an edition that almost killed GW dominance) bads on secondary thing. It is like saying that guns where the reason why goldrush was a crazy bad time in US history.

Eldar always are special and till 10th they never had anything similar , and before to see something kin to 7th ed you have to go back to 2ed (where an avarge exarch with wing, lance and power generator, fast shot could solo a 2000pts marine army) to have similar stuff in the past.
Because the Emperor is compensating because someone called him gay during the 13th century.
He made the Thunder Warriors and Custodes all men and he realised people would call him fruity for having armies of roided out guys, so he made 300 Custodes women and made them his personal body guard. But then he noticed that he sucked at sculpting female faces, so people would think he was still gay.
So he made the Primarchs and the Space marines his sons, so his sub-par face sculpting didn't matter, and since they would all be family it was not gay. But he then he saw those weird people who think incest is hot, and he realised some people would still call him gay.
So when he finally when he needed a force of anti-psykers, he thought "fuck it" and just recruited women into it, so people would see a bunch of hot menacing women walking around the Imperial palace and not think he was gay.

The truly sad thing is, everyone still thinks he's gay.
Would it be worth it at all to take a forgelord or praevian to include some thallax or castellax with iron hands?
But if the 300 were women, then why is the greek name of the companions one representing an all male group?
Because he didn't think that retcon through very well.
As the other anons said, the chain scale seems off, but the placement is about right for a three point.
Entirely intentionally. GW have had a few articles and interviews over the years where they’ve said that unpolished, unpainted, fresh off the manufactorum floor ceramite is the same shade of grey in the fluff as unpainted plastic models, as a meta joke.
Strictly speaking, a grey tide army would just need their weapons and eyelenses painted to be acceptable as a ‘painted’ force, if you were running them as blackshields that had stripped off their previous livery.
thallax, yes
castellax, no
years ago
yeah if you had AV13 maximum and no Reinforced or a guttyworks filled with raging morons I'm sure you would
allegedly the stores of power armor sigismund, kane and diaz were sent to mars to secure were retconned to mkVII in the new campaign book
also alpha legion were able to steal the blueprints for it
meaning that mkVII existed prior to istvaan 5
that explains production MkV

anyway armour autism anon must be pleased, since Rick Priestly's exact original timing from WD (as reprinted in the Compilation) is

>While the final battle for Mars was underway


>The armour development teams from Mars were transferred wholesale to continue the development program and incorporate their latest work into a new armour type.
>As Horus's forces finally overcame the defenders of Mars new Mark 7 armoured suits started to reach the Space Marines on Earth and the Moon. Mark 7 represents the fulfilment of the new design program which was really only half complete in the Mark 6.


>Improvements were made to the knee joint articulation, but this modification had already been incorporated into many of the later Mark 6 suits.

(the final battle for Mars is 006.M31 and the planet thereafter remains blockaded until after Horus is dead and the traitors retreat)

I'm actually more interested in the Custodes portion of the book, ancient evil sounds cool don't tell me it's some shit robot from one of the novels
>rules are supposed to represent a slow tide of heavy weapons moving across the battlefield
>Rules end up allowing them to zoom vindicators around the make like something out of gup.
Wew lad
GW finalised all new designs for marks 2 to 7 at the same time and are simply staggering production. I'd expect them to bring out mk4 for the next release some time next year, then mk5 the next, then finally mk2. They're either saving mk7 for when when they're in a very rough patch, or 10 years after primaris originally took over to cash in on nostalgia.
No new armour next year. Just Tanks!
MkIV for sure has to exist. There's too many bits of it in the recent kits, like the elbows of nuMkVI or several of the new resin heads sold as MkVi
>Source: My ass

I'll believe it when I read it
I'm looking forward to how they handle making nu, bootleg looking mk7.
Because it's been done so much I'd be amazed if they don't end up copying someone else's design
You can field predators for half as much points as a mastodon, and destroy the mastodon without losing even one predator 10 times out of 10 - and that is not even considering the points spend on unit being transported. As long as it is fucking 700 points, the mastodon will never be even remotely decent.
Wasn't it always that Mk7 was the armours Sigismund and Diaz recovered from Mars?
no it was mkIV
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>Still have 2k points of traitor dudes to paint up for my first army
>Just impulse bought some tech thralls and an Archmagos for a future loyalist army
I feel so delightfully devilish and retarded it’s fantastic
I think it was originally MKVII, got retconned to MKVI, now has been returned to being MKVII, presumably with an eye to a further retcon down the road to allow adding MKVII to the HH game.
Which you know, fuck it, MKVII rules, if 40K wants to throw it away for the Primaris paypig slop, why shouldn’t we get to use it instead?
Mkvii without the aquila will be nice
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it was mkIV
source: Mechanicum 3.04
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I'll be moving from eastern euro county to nyc soon, I have huge 30k army which I have been collecting for years but have played only 3 games (and never with full army)
How can I find a community? Is there a discord server for it or something?
I'll be moving to different state later
Sorry for blogpost but I have been craving it. I'm more into narrative play as well
Older lore had it be Mark 7. It was retconned in that book and then supposedly retconned again.
That sounds and looks retarded.
Anon asked a few threads ago and everyone told him the same thing, but it looks like he's done it anyway, no point trying to convince him otherwise
got a source for that?
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it's not a pile of shame, it's your mountain of plastic/resin/pewter crack to climb/smoke
so no:)
Honestly wouldn't be apposed to a proto mkvII set
Now that manlets are squatted in 40k it's more likely
I'd like it to be more obviously prototype than the old mkvii though
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You can cut away a thallax's bulv and stick a skull in there once you've filed off enough plastic to make room. It's a bit too chaotic for my dudes though.
Spooky as fuck I'd be too scared to play you
Needs more tubes attached to the skull
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Do you think mixing these with the plastic mkIv kit and some appropriate weapons and backpacks could make for good veterans?
Some 28 gague wire out of the sides of the mouth and tiny ball bearings in the eye sockets and it would be perfect.
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It was MkVI since RT. MkVII was finished on Terra.
That's like saying MkVI without the beak is nice.
Wait until AoD 3rd edition, which will be set during the scouring, and will have Mk VII tactical marines in a boxset.
By 4th edition, the game will just be 40k Historical and will have Chapter and Chaos Warband armies alongside the Legion armies, and will focus on the Gothic War, Badab, the age of apostasy and the wars for Armageddon.
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>That's like saying MkVI without the beak is nice
Well you see Khornite...
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Technically they are suppose to be in 30k era equipment, since they were put into production during the Siege and were in a time bubble till the 2nd Founding. The helmet is suppose to be MkIII style reinforced plate and the armour itself looks very much like MkVI (which at the time was the latest suit in mass production), like the Knight-Errants.
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They called me mad, they called me a fool,
How do I delete someone else's post?
ask them nicely
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Castellax don't do anything. They're just expensive lumps of wounds with fearless, and they constantly need to be babysat or they misbehave, they don't even have line.
he might just like their look and feel anon
which is the only valid reason to be including a unit in your force anyways
How can anybody who is into warhammer be scared of skulls?
skulls are rendered symbols or dead things in heaps most often in scifi warhammer
a thallax is an interesting case of it still well and being alive
>he might just like their look and feel anon
No shit Sherlock, that's presumably why he's asking if they are "worth it", AKA: do they have value equivalent to their cost.

Or do you think he was asking to be told whether or not the aesthetic of something is valuable to him personally, or if the monetary cost of those items is within his means?
because we're the ones who know what the skulls are truly capable of.
What would a proto-MkVII even look like for the Traitors? The Eye of Horus in place of the Aquilla?
It needs little beads of green stuff as eyeballs.
Are there any shooty units worth stealing for AL? I imagine better termies or veteran equivalents are a better use than something like havocs
Castellax always strike at Initiative (because they don't get Unwieldy weapons or care about terrain); mauler cannons are about 2/11 to take a wound from MEQ and 1/11 to take a wound from TEQ, but you get four shots plus you've usually got another bolter

they are extremely hard for normal melee units to kill and quite hard for heavy melee units (hammers) to kill quickly, despite having WS3 a Castellax with a siege wrecker will kill anything WS4 without an invul about 1/4 attacks and anything WS5 about 1/7 attacks; even with the invul they still have Brutal (2) to deal with, and they're doing that before the hammer terminators get to swing so they'll take proportionally fewer losses than hammer on hammer action

as is tradition the thread will now talk about fishing for 6s as though a D6 has eighty sides and only one of them is a 6, all while ignoring the fact that 1/7 is significantly more likely than rolling two 6s

just build what you enjoy, with robots you have to think about positioning and maybe babysit them with a cortex controller, but you actually have a rite to saturate the field with those if you want it (two, in fact)

pretty sure there's a troll build with a 5 Castellax siege wrecker maniple and a Praevian who keeps refusing Challenges
>they are extremely hard for normal melee units to kill
go read the rules for krak grenades
>DA interemptors, plasma flamers are nasty
>EC sunkillers
>IW siege tyrant terminators. Iron Havocs are too costly for what they bring in my opinion
>UM fulmentaris used to be the go-to before the nerf
>BA angel's tears with assault cannons can be fun
>Sal pyroclasts are a bit of a sleeper
>RG mor deythan with combi-volkites are hilarious when they pop their 4+ rending
>IH morlocks with a graviton gun each count as a shooty unit right?
Just what do you want to shoot at, anon? Maybe you could use Mor'Deythan, give them combi-volkite and get 4 Rending (4+) shots?
>IW siege tyrant terminators
Tyrants are good because they are effectively S9 when used by IW. AL Tyrants' Krak is S8. I wouldn't use that if I wasn't IW
I endorse Pyroclasts, same as Mor'Deythan
somebody told me that the edict of Nikae is still imperial lore in the modern setting how the hell does that work?
Best way I've found is find a GW, hang around for a bit, ask if they have any heresy regulars or a heresy night. Usually that'll get you started. If there's none around, trying letting marine, mech, and guard peeps that are disgruntled (from the grumblings I've seen there's plenty of that in 10th these days) play with 40k era proxies to get a feel and try to get them to bite the hook.
Sorcery is still banned
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The warhammer hobby shop in the village has no heresy scene. Barely anyone even collects it. I and a couple guys have Titanicus stuff but they're busy with other stuff and haven't played outside of our tutorials. There is a local discord but you'll need to get it there. There's a couple stores in Brooklyn I haven't been to that might have scenes going on.
I've realized I've got a shit ton of volkite Chargers, calivers, and culverins lying around as left overs from special/Heavy weapon sets. What's a good Legion for a small PotL Allied Detachment with Volkite vets, volkite TSS, and a volkite culverin HSS?
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Just rebrand it.
Hudson Valley Heresy discord is the local discord server. They're mainly based along the NY/NJ border, and I'm a bit too far north to really join in their brouhaha, but it seems like they've got a pretty solid community going.
Breachers can also take chargers. Thematically I find IH could probably go heavy on volkites, thanks to their Mechanicum connections. But IF can make Breachers better, if you want to load on those instead of vets.
>AoD 3rd ed will be set in the scouring
Honestly I hope so. It's still part of the same war, and considering the heresy finished after Terra is retarded. It's like saying WWII ended as soon as the Germans started losing in Russia
How do you keep calling it the Horus Heresy when Horus is dead?
Even if he's dead, he still orchestrated it.
Besides, you just call it the Age of Darkness.
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Naw mate. Psychic powers need you to be a psyker, but anyone can grab a daemon book, read a forbidden spell, sell your soul, make a sacrifice and bam! Sorcery.
Sorcery needs ritual, but doesn't actually need psychic genes.
The rituals are a way for those born without a natural gift to access the same sorcerous powers
This 100%
I'm tired of people saying he's a good writer just because they see people on reddit or something saying that so they just mimic the same opinion.
Abnett has created some of the worst lore concepts and fanfic tier stories in Warhammer, yet people always act like he's this kino god of writing 40k. Eisenhorn was literally just only good novel. Gaunt's Ghosts was just Abnett wanking off his original characters and how they're able to btfo everyone in the setting, and all his 30k books are incredibly derailed from the main plot and feel like he is wanting to write his own series instead of actually writing 30k
Gotta level with you anon… never stop trying weird ideas, but this one neither looks good nor makes sense. He’d have to take off his entire arm to attach a new gun, and his one hand doesn’t even reach across his torso.

If you’re dead set on this idea of swapable weapons you’ll need to build some sort of mechanical system to eject the old arm and attach the new one. Maybe a mortificator with a little hover sled carrying the weapon.
>perpertuals, enuncia, ancient space aliens who assassinated MLK and Erda.
But does any of that actually affect the Horus Heresy? I mean Istvaans still happens, but now it's all wrong because MLK was killed by the wrong guy??
I fucking agree so much. I’m tired of these people who bitch and complain that HH is too complicated and should be a strategic level game. HH was always about overly detailed big ass games, if you’re a wingey fuck who can’t focus for more than two hours to play a game you need to gtfo.
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Nah, that scheme is mechanicus standard grey into two thin coats of dawnstone.
>He’d have to take off his entire arm to attach a new gun
That's 100% what he's doing
Anon it looks bad.
We are going to give it to you straight because the fags at your local group are going to lie to your face and talk shit behind your back.
I think his writing is solidly okay, but my main grippe is his pacing. Most of his books feel like the reach the halfway point 2/3rds of the way through then he sloppily railroads to the ending he wants in a rushed mess in the last 1/3rd he has left.
NTA but changing motives and driving events very much changes narrative.

The more centralized (character-wise) you make a story, the less believable it becomes, especially when every single event is unintentionally stumbled into by your main characters and they all want nothing to do with it. Imagine how shitty the die hard sequels would be if they tried to keep it all serious. If the entire universe hinges on one (or a small group) of people, then there’s no story of any consequence besides their own.

A big part of the appeal of HH, particularly under the IA team, was that it was written in the style of historical no -fiction. Suddenly you had thousands or millions of characters that felt like their story mattered because it all fed back into the big thing, but with all the perpetual etc. BS none of these little guy’s stories matter because it’s all destined to go a single way based on some shitty self insert characters’ will.
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Except he can’t. There’s no way he could conceivably attach that arm in the field.

On top of that, >>93907368
it looks bad, man. Just plain bad. Some ideas just don’t play out see pic related for a herald I tried to convert years ago. I spent time to get it nice, but it just looked bad, and that’s fine. We can always try again.
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very helpful thank you
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Just make another attachment point and slap that sucker where you can fit it.
Oh i'm not him. I think it's wack, but I guess he's just playing SillyHammer. You know, "having fun"?
Very good
Find your closest gaming store. Ask the owner about it and they will for sure have a Facebook and or discord to setup with people that play.
Opinions on Leviathan's ranged weapon options?
Take a storm Cannon if you want to be relevant. Take a cyclonic melta Lance if you want to be funny with a drop pod. Don't take the grav.
they are strictly kept by the SoS in the dungeons for breeding stock only, a fate worse than death
What if I want to, say, infiltrate one of them onto the battlefield.
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Does using psybolts or psyk-out grenades make you a psyker or is it just using a medium? Just because you ask a daemon to cast the spell for you doesn't make it any different.
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I like him bros, I just headslapped a 40k night lord onto a recast traitor champion and it works
I'm using those helmets for my Imperial Fists, seem like a good fit imo
Ideally we’d get flat chest plates with an an optional Eye of Horus and Aquila for the Sergeants.
I’m just wondering how they’d justify them being available for every legion.
Presumably like the MKVI, they’d retcon it to Alpha Legion fuckery, distributing it to the traitors while also allowing loyalist forces to capture suits and the schematics for it. Because the AL are GW’s get out of jail free card for any old bullshit they want added to the setting.
I’d buy some in a heartbeat though. Probably make another 10 Inductii with them to get these guys up to full strength >>93901967 then do a TSS and HSS with them to represent the old neophytes moving up through the ranks codex compliant reserve companies used.
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Probably like one of the CSM torsos without cabling.
The idea I'm going for is that the dreadnought would be used to lug all the gear to a new deployment point. He's carrying it on his back so the new arm can be attached by the techmarine once deployed
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sexo model
this is the basis of my rampager champion
Why did you put a 40K Chaos Space Marine helmet and backpack on that third-party Praetor body?
because anvilus backpacks and ornate helmets both existed during 30k
Indeed they did.
And yet...
>the backpack meant for zero-g manouvers using stabilizers
yeah and guess what else edna he's going to have a mk.4 wine cask jump pack interchangeable with it on magnets to serve as a lesser delegatus in a pinch
this is an eater, and one that likes his swag. sensibility is no dissuasion.
Nta but it's fine, don't worry about it. Rule of cool reigns supreme, even if the helmet doesn't fit.
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tactical baby blanket
GW is such a schizo company. They hit it out of the park with their EC sculpts, yet use 3d printing for their masters - leaving print lines on the finished products even though the figures are cast in molds.
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What are you talking about? GW would never use 3d prints as maste- OH MY GOODNESS!
the horror...
Is that a pube?
it's cobweb, he hasn't touched that miniature since it came out
More likely to be a regular head hair if it is one, I shed like a motherfucker
How does one even remove things like this? On the flat of the pauldron seems easy enough with some sandpaper, but what about on the details? On heads? Won't it just mar all of the delicate finer points when you remove them?
You can smooth out these lines by carefully putting a thin layer of resin over them and curing it
You can also separate the print into a lot more parts and orient them so the layer lines don't show this badly.
Or you can use precision tools to smooth it out
It's a fair amount of extra work compared to just printing a miniature but it makes sense to do if you are going to use it to cast a master mold for mass production
GW just can't be fucking bothered because no matter how shit the thing they make are, people still buy them so why even care?
So what you're saying is that we should punish them.
>and will have Mk VII tactical marines in a boxset.
and we'll still be waiting on breachers.
RG can infiltrate the TSS, which makes them a little more usable.
3rd edition going into the Scouring would be awesome and I hope they give us rules to make our own second founding chapters and chaos warbands using any Legion.
>release a new edition of one of your most fan-favoured wargames
>don't release the figures for it
Any other company would be laughed out of business.
>PotL Allied Detachment
You can't take allies with PotL and you have to use it in the main detachment
I don't think Vets can take volkites either
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>eastern europeans currently being invaded by another nation, enduring artillery fire and rationing electricity is putting out better quality items at a significantly higher rate than the peaceful economic powerhouse with strong ties to every large potential market-nation in the entire world and a large-scale production facility

Tortuga bay miniatures look like they have an inflation fetish
>better quality
Tell that to the cast resin models covered in print lines that I've gotten on every body I got from them. At least FW limits the print lines to a couple small spots.
UM for +1 to hit, RG for infiltrating, DG for firing calivers on the move, IW for S7 shooting if your opponent has lots of AV13 you want to glance to death, IH for being harder to remove with -1S to incoming fire. Lots of good options for an allied volkite detachment.
>At least FW limits the print lines to a couple small spots.
This is a lie.
Post pics? I've deliberated on whether or not to buy a few bits from them, but I'm also a lazy git.
Personally, I've only bought some shoulder pads and they were perfectly fine. Slight cleaning, but no problems. Bigger hassle was getting them through customs, as all imports from Ukraine were restricted. So might wanna check what your local customs says about it.
Literal shitpost, Tortuga has less prominent print lines than FW.
Played a game vs Custodes this Saturday with a buddy, I didn’t realize how strong a single vindicator would be against them. Brutal 3 ain’t nothin to fuck with.
Wrong. Some people are just naturally talented at sorcery, those people are called psykers by the Imperium.
HH -> 88 -> horus heresy but also heil hitler
Not a coincidence, they made the bbeg a H named guy.
I haven't had any issues getting my Ukrainian recasts through customs. At least to the US. Last time I ordered was near the beginning of the invasion and it was stuck in the Kyiv post office for about 4 weeks and I was ready to write it off as bombed by the orcs. But then the tracking showed it was in Poland and it was at my door less than a week later.
Do ya'll fuckers got a pdf yet?
I like the idea of UM for an allied detachment.

>master of signals - 95
>10x tacs in rhino - 135
>10x tac supports w/ calivers in rhino w/ heavy bolter - 290
>10x heavy supports w/ culverins - 225

MoS and the HSS sit in the back with BS5, TSS use their rhino's heavy bolter to claim +1 to hit, tacs contest an objective somewhere. 745 points.
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You can see the surface here, for example. Metallics highlight the surface lines.
pre internet the only people who knew that were saddos who hung around drinking tennants outside the local synnagogue because they lived off maggie's dole
>vertical print lines
Yeah, okay bro.
yeah gonna have to agree. im not even trying to be a lit snob because i've made it thru the majority of the HH books and the Siege of Terra series has been below the standards of the larger HH series. i am barely able to stand TEATD vol II. like i am feeling it is going to be such a slog to get vol III read.

the strange thing is - it is such a odd combo of long drawn out stretched thin narrative (Dorn in the desert, the actual fight between Emps and Horus) and chopped rushed ends (perpetuals, remembrancers, Loken). i get that some of the tension of the moment is taken away by knowing how it all plays out, but i feel like these should have been two books instead of three.
DA Inductii for chargers
SW TSS for calivers (can run and shoot, lots of shots, decent range, good harassment unit)
I see, but why didn't you remove them then?
If they're not print lines, they're still noticeable surface defects that were on every body I received in two separate orders. It's worth the warning.
They didn't show up very well until I had paint on the model. I did sand them off on the next squad I did as well as possible.
these ones?

>, inflict one automatic Str 6, AP 3 Hit on the target in Initiative Step 1

you'd need 12 krak grenades for each 4W Castellax to get enough Wounds and get past the 5++, meanwhile they're hitting at I3 with siege wreckers or, given you're sending krak grenades at them, even with shock chargers, that is not going to go in your favour even without Techno-arcana or other buffs

20 dudes with krak = 20A but only if they're still alive by I1

think before you speak
Let's see your next squad then, to see how smooth they came out once you removed the defects. I'm curious about the scale of them stood next to nu-beakies.
I think most people would agree that Eidolon is kind of a retard.
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Redemption arc soon (TBD).
how many points are these castellax?
and how many tacticals can you get with that many points?
I hope you understand the idea of point efficiency :)
Is there any way you can run demons in a mechanicum detachement?
Like with the Marine esoterist.
Has anyone tried playing with small armies?
Like ~6 units?
With the malefic supplicant wlt. It's not good because the mech wlts are one of the bandaids they put to not fuck you over too hard when playing 2.0 mech.
Nvm, you mean as part of the detachment. No.
Welp, there goes that idea for running (not) demon engines i guess…
You're stuck with 1.0 or homebrew if you want daemon allies. That or the bound daemon "list" which is brutes and some characters.
For some reason the old Tredecimmia download got bumped up to today's date. I reckon it was updated in some way to reflect the Martian Civil War contents.
They removed the daemon engines - it's just the mission now.
It was. They removed the rules outside of the breach the command center mission. Something, something, greed.
They've also pulled the EBs that were reprinted in Vol 1.
Jesus, they're scummy fucks.
They must have seen the majority of the discussions online about the mars book have been
>eh, seems like the new books is shit so me and my group will just keep using the pdf
so they gutted it.
Surprised the felweather keep hasn't been gutted too.
I don't think daemon engines should be praevian restricted in the legions and I think they should just be treated as native to the army for all intents and purposes
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Damn, now I really want to use this.
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Shine on, you crazy diamond.
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>the mars book
Oh right was there any heraldry in there? That's one angle of the Mechanicum that always felt like it could benefit from more exploration.
That's a very handsome looking IH
Someone with the book said there were some new ones but the majority were reprints.
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I believe that's a Sorrgolfriend, like Meduson.
Yeah that looks way better than just the skull
Maybe put some battle damage on the rest of it so it looks like a thallax that's been through some shit?
Considering their scale, do you guys just use Tortuga stuff for specific squads in your army or make it entirely composed of them?
I just say they're Alpha Legion operatives
I only use tortuga for my Cataphractii, got 7 characters, 28 regular Terminators, 5 Command Squad, and a separate 5 Nullificators made from a different 3d print planned. I'm the type that prefers Terminators being a head taller than other Marines is all. Also Tartaros is for fags.
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I just fill the many, many gaps that GW has left or done too poorly.
no pdf of the martial civil war book?
What's that thing on the praetor's back?
A vent
It's obviously a knee
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What was the point of this book and why are there approximately four hundred prequel stories for it? It doesn't even seem to tie into 40k's Pandorax Campaign despite being set on the same planet.
So, how do you feel about HH getting neutered with next edition?
>It doesn't even seem to tie into 40k's Pandorax Campaign
It does somewhat. At least it was BL's intention. At the time there was some interview or a WD article where some BL dude went on about how they wanted to tie more stories from 40k to the HH series. The experiment didn't last long.
There is no next edition.
I feel like your posting about a made up next edition is bordering in obsessive compulsive behavior at this point
>/tg/ is one person
It was that weeks ago when I pointed it out. The fact it's still going on shows we can't do shit about this asshole.
It's only me, you, and fucking Pete who post here.
t. schizo
>The one person that constantly brings up the same shit is actually many!
I will refrain from making an alpha legion joke
>everyone who brings up major rumors is the same person!!!
It was never a major rumour. One dude with three brain cells decided to spam it for a week. There was never any substance to it, y'all just couldn't resist the bait.
NTA but so far all the rumours have been based on nothing. It's all been nothing but 'Trust me bro'
They 'updated' the Legacies of the Legiones Astartes pdf as well, removing Nex and Crohne. No other updates.
They've got so little content that repackaging is all we're gonna get. Sad.
I mostly play 1000 point ZM games which is normally about 4 unit and some charachers
I'll go through the entire thing comparing it to the previous version soon, GW forgot to put changes in magenta before.
Ffs i hate GW so much.
I find it odd that Word Bearers don't have any Terminator units while some legions get multiple.
Just pure sloth and greed, they couldn’t even do something as basic as letting us make the robots and units corrupted anymore or add any other fun and interesting things like giving back reanimation protocols for techthralls, all we got were shitty pseudo versions of major things locked exclusively behind certain techno arcanas when they should have been universally available for Dark mech.
Do they just like spitting in our faces?
Were there any specialised Terminator Squads that the WB used?
I had the idea of a unique Terminator unit that physically isn't any better than a normal command squad, but any character that joins it, gets all their special rules broadcasted around the whole unit, like they're preachers more than actual warriors.
e.g. A Chaplain joins it the unit, and Hatred and Stubborn that he gives to the unit is broadcast 12" around the unit so other units gain it while near them.
>Were there any specialised Terminator Squads that the WB used?
Not as such, there are a few references that the Anointed, otherwise a 40k termiantor formation, might have been around during the heresy, but otherwise it's just regular plain terminators, as usual mirroring Ultramarines in having supercharged PA marines instead. (Fulmentari aside, obviously)
That would be very strong, and not all legion termies are even as strong as the generic terminator command squad.
I don't. WB aren't know for having specialist terminators.
Maybe if it was like, only 3". The idea of a support terminator squad is interesting, although everyone would probably treat it like ass because it's not WS5 hammernators.
>forge world product
>next edition
Lmao. They're going to keep putting out low effort supplements for this edition for the next 5 years.
God the Solar Auxilla are so fucking cool, I wish we had a book on them
I think they're the only faction in the Horus Heresy to not officially show up in any Black Library novel or have their own books.
Simultaneously a blessing and a curse
>Ravening madmen
why is that Aux pistol firing? the trigger isn't even pulled.
Anointed terminators were a thing since the Great Crusade iirc. I'm surprised they don't have rules. Just throw them into Cataphractii armor and give them additional abilities depending on allegiance.
Anon necromunda went 6 years between editions and the 2023 rulebook isn't even officially a new edition. That's the kind of time frame we're looking at.
But the shittuber who just makes things up for content said he was 100% sure his rumors were true and displayed no evidence.

This is an air tight prediction!
What gw should say that It's not a 3d print line, it's an STC machines manufacture print line. It's actually quite fluffy if you think about it.
>So, how do you feel about HH getting neutered with next edition?
2.0 is already out anon.
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what are you working on anons ?
Are IW nullificators a meme or potentially really nasty? Add a warlord with the extra shots trait and that seems like a horrendously brutal reaction unit. Imagine charging at all those S5 Ap2 instant death shots.
tyrant of the lyssatra and IW reaction mean 5 shot per guy in ideal circumstance.
find a way to add a cognis and yeah you're going to fuck shit up
>tyrant of the lyssatra and IW reaction mean 5 shot per guy in ideal circumstance.
Isnt it 6? 2 normal (rapid fire) doubled for the reaction, +1 for lussatra normal bonus and +1 for the special reaction bonus.

>find a way to add a cognis
That unit would be a legitimate war crime.
>we have plasma myrmidons at home
>it is a war crime
very much in theme with IW. siege tyrants with a forge lord and that WT are the bane of my existence
the myrmidons would get fucked up hard in a duel
Cognis signum only works in your own shooting phase iirc
I dont think theres going to be anything left of either side after they shoot at each other, between all the gets hot and the firepower going either way its just going to be two piles of very angry slag.
nope, it's used instead of shooting, never say in your shooting phase
FAQed, can't replace shooting attacks during reactions
nah it's 5, WT when used with the reaction just give one more attack
How would that even work with the bitter fury reaction? If you hit on 2+ but gets hot on 1s and 2s then what the fuck happens?
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ah shit.
i don't want to break the news to my IW pal. he's going to be sad
Ah, thats worded a bit awkwardly then
you still hit with the 2's but you also suffer a wound
New Thread!
New Thread!
They’re mentioned in the Siege a few times, and one of the activated AL assets (during praetorian of dorn iirc) is a Saturnine Ram cohort.
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Liquid green stuff/mr surfacer/vallejo smooth model putty/THICC coat of primer.
Liquid green stuff is literal trash compared to the other options mentioned

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