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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
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Here is 1.0 of my Ratatouille jump. It can be put on the drives.

1.0 Changelog:
>Added two new drawbacks: Extended Stay & Your Friend the Plague.
>Added a new note: On Puppet-Controlling Guy.
I call dibs on Nessa
>From the very start the waifu wars would rage
I think I could stay out of this.Although, watching Saber suddenly have a hundred men fighting over her would be funny. What happens if multiple jumpers pick the same canon companion? Do they multiply or have to work it out somehow?
>the first ones to build charisma or more direct mind control will control loyal armies of jumpers of that didn't
The true problem, min/maxing is the only way to do multiplayer. Most will end up with the same builds and those that play for fun will be killed or enslaved.
Pokemon would be great because people would also be scattered across the world. This helps prevent people from piling up in the same starting zone.
I was too slow to reply, but I want to suggest Naruto.

Not because I think it'd be a good idea, but because we could all buy the Uchiha bloodline. Depending on how large the clan actually was, this may lead to the survivors of the massacre somehow exceeding their pre-massacre numbers.
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>I think I could stay out of this.Although, watching Saber suddenly have a hundred men fighting over her would be funny. What happens if multiple jumpers pick the same canon companion? Do they multiply or have to work it out somehow?
Nah it wouldn't be saber getting a knock off grail war fighting over her it'd be Arcueid.
Also I imagine there'd only be 1 companion, maybe the ones who also want them and aren't the lucky anon get a expy? Or someone similar?
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>Out of Cruel Space: the first jump. These are the voyages of the starship Jumper. Our ten year mission: to acquire strange new waifus, to overcome drawbacks and shitposters, to boldly go where no anon has gone before!
>ITT: Newfags discover what caused MR to fail
It's almost like norms and rules exist for a reason, you absolute turbofaggots.
Give me jumps with glorious Fairy Queens
It is just another reason to avoid the main waifus and take minor background characters or OCs. Although, it would be funny if they still had to pay and only the anon that can convince the character to pick them gets to keep them.
As long as newfrens make jumps all is fine.
FGO... Some work may be acquired to waifu her though. And or helping her put human history into the trash. but then again thats Fate its not exactly a big loss.
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The only way to stop the holy Arcueid war is by someone picking up the second magic and letting Anons pick up there own Arc's from alternate timeline's.
How many of you are heartless enough to actually take the nuzlocke drawbacks in the Pokemon jumps?
I'm calling Drasna then and you're lucky I'm on mobile or else I would post a really cute picture of her.

There's plenty of towns and cities off the beaten path as well. It's not like all these places were built over just a few years in Black and White 2, your character just had no reason to visit them.
Oh nah fuck that. Thats not worth the points.
True... but then the unaccounted for danger of trying to Waifu Arc emerges... dealing with Shiki.
>The start of the Tsukihime jump is a race to see which jumper kills her first.
Okay, hear me out: Taimanin.

Not only there's a great number of alternate universes, meaning that there wouldn't be competition for waifus since we can pick and choose from alternate timelines which version of the waifu we want. The ITSELF would force us to cooperate as to not get bad ended by Edwin, the incubus king, mindflayers, the US, China, amd whatever other horror crawls out of the abyss trying to turn us into meatballs.
>But what if anon betrays us
Well, you see, everyone in taimanin is either a retard, or an untrustworthy bastard. Your fellow anon's would be the best option to cooperate with, and the ones that try to work with the demons or the aliens would just get bad ended eventually.
Nah, she looks very plain. You can have her.
Halo. We live together or we die together.
Hells no
I'm a total pussy. The only way I can engage with Pokemon in the first place is through the underlying logic that god could drop an asteroid on a rat and this simply knocks the rat unconscious rather than obliterates it beyond mist. Nuzlocke would just mean not having any fun.
You can have her, I'm not a fan of models
How many people use this thread? That would be important to establish before any potatoposting.
Chainbutt: Everyone* (including you) is a companion. Whose companion? Who knows. The Jumper, if he even exists, isn't making himself known. You get whatever budget the jump grants regular companion imports to make your build with, or 600 CP if the jump doesn't have a companion import option. Otherwise you have no agency over the chain. You can't have companions of your own but you can have followers if you get a perk or item that enables it. You can only take drawbacks if the jump explicitly allows companions to take drawbacks, and even then you can only take drawbacks that only affect yourself. You also get the protections of a companion - if you die, you'll be back for the next jump at the latest. You have a choice of getting off the train at the end of each jump, either remaining in that world or returning to Earth.

*Everyone is everyone from the jumpchain community and a bunch of other people. Somewhere around 100k in total. Each jump a handful of natives get added to the pool but there's no way to tell, much less control, who it will be.
Hmm, this could work. The best origin with power copying has organisation building stuff too making it better for Anon's to stick together and make one big organisation to crush everyone else.
Anon, most of these people are not fighters. They all die.
But what if one of the jumpers is BOTH a retard and an untrustworthy bastard?
I mean sure but that kind of sucks. Lots of things are permanently outside of your budget.
Sure. Mass Isekai with immortality still sounds interesting.
Then they're dumb enough to do something that gets them sent home.
Honestly, I'd go for it. If the Jumper is going so hands off, then I'm sure I can make a nice niche for myself, and maybe with a few other likeminded companions. Plus, if at least a few are femanons or become girls I could maybe find a cute wife amongst my fellow companions
They get turned into meatballs while orcs fuck their waifus. Neither villains or heroes are safe in taimanin.
I suppose I might just take crafting and open a shop.
>not only is everyone a man but they all have dicks bigger than yours
Truly suffering.
I wonder who would be the most common waifu of this community. Rinko? Ingrid?
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>that many Companions
Are we the Pink Tide? Is that what's happening?
The reason Jumper isn't showing himself is because his pelvis was completely shattered and he suffocated under a mass of bodies long ago. Somehow the chain continues.
I miss the ip counter.
Normally I would pick Ingrid, but I refuse to fight all of you over her.
Destiny The Light. Literally enforced mutual cooperation via the Traveler's Light to ensure we either all fight together or we die like rabid dogs the moment the Witness enters the system.
Just grab your own alt timeline Ingrid.
Annoying how Hiroshimoot keeps slowly removing features over the course of years and years. Just like every other fucking social media platform in existence.
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Put me down for being willing to fight over Rinko, she's great.
Clone Asagi because you get one of her for free just for showing up. Maybe Tokiko given there's a toggle to take the place of the protag so you can get her for free, which means a ton of jumpers are all versions of that one taimanin dude with the power-copy eyes.
You don't have to fight, anon. Everyone can have their own Ingrid.
How many copies of Taimanin women can we all having in a single location before they all start getting creeped out by us?
I wonder how many anons would fight over Konosubas Aqua...
Do you think jumpers who have the same waifu ever wife swap on accident?
Now imagine what happens five jumps later when that guy is bored of her and another anon winds up in a relationship, only for the first guy to decide to keep his new eight haremettes active and Arcruied banished to non-existence. And people think there won't be inter-jumper violence.
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That's a pretty interesting one. There's almost no waifus so no waifu wars, the resurrection acts as a safety net and your encouraged to act like a loot gremlin adventure going on raids. Now the only question is what class are you choosing?
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Pic related obviously will be the most popular pick.
I know nothing about Taimanin, so just about all those girls I leave for you all since I wouldn't know where to start with them
Don't only guardians have resurrection ability in the Jump? I think I recall drop ins and one of the other non guardian origins not really having that option.
Considering that a servant summon is just an instance of the original there's no real reason multiple copies of the same person couldn't be summoned at once.
Warlock obviously.
The IP counter not working is actually the fault of the mods over on /a/. When Toriyama died they messed with it for the announcement thread but mucked it up completely.
So yeah, /db/ almost literally broke the scouter for everyone.
How many would fight to protect Yunyun? I think enough that she would freak out over so many people wanting to be her friends.
No companion sharing.
Ingrid is a super fem simp. She keeps simping for a demonic vampire lord that just keeps restarting time so that he can windbreak his waifu just right. She hates that he is evil and keeps promoting rape and murder, but hopes he will love her. His end goal is to merge with his waifu and get gang banged by orcs all day,
Ingrid is a sad story. Even in the timeline where the guy gives up evil, he runs off with a normal human.
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While we're on the subject of weird chain setups, I know there are several Companion options across various jumps that are (or can be) alternate versions of (You).

>Distaff Counterpart (Problem Sleuth)
>Shadow Jumper (LoZ: ALBW)
>Four As One (LoZ: FS)
>Link Cable (LoZ: FSA)
>Younger Clone (Danny Phantom)
I don't remember any others off the top of my head, but I know there's more (and you can probably companion alternate versions of yourself in any jump that takes place on a modern Earth). Do you remember any others?

Hard Mode: no pulling a pic related.
I know nothing of Destiny or the classes. Pill me on them. Which one would be best for innawoods stuff?
Hahaha, those crazy DBZ fans amirite? That's the wacky story for why 4chan, a gigantic internet site which surely has version control and professional coders who could handle the simple task of counting unique IPs, would have its IP counter disappear right as election season starts up.
Gonna go Titan. I love going for Martial classes.
How's the yukikaze jump going?
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All of them to varying degrees since Guardians are canonically feral gremlins and do whatever when they're not actively defending the Last City, but Hunters are the most likely to just fuck off innawoods and not come out unless needed.
Oh yeah I forgot about that. At least Anon's who wants to be craftsmen or merchant not getting into combat have an option too.
I mean, have you SEEN Gohanposter?
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In my current JJK build my Jumper is named Link. Nothing about the chain or build has anything to do with Zelda, that's just his name.
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Sounds like utter chaos. This is the best potatoes chainbutt I've seen so far. I'd be down for it.
I'll take that bet. Give me the First Jump so I can get my 'panion building on
what >>93898165 said! Give us the first 10 jumps so we can do builds!
Great detail
Slowly, but still progressing.
Should we roll for the first few jumps or vote?
>No JJK scanlations uploaded yet.
At least a new chapter for 1:39 Parallel world got uploaded.
Anon said we aren't the jumper, so its out of our hands. Thus its in teh hands of the original poster to provide for us in the place of the Mysterious Jumper
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>1:39 Parallel world
Jump when?
When I get to it. It'll be after Furrian Propagation Log.
I'm putting together a list of ten, please wait warmly as I fail to put even the bare minimum of thought into it.
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Do any of the Warhammer jumps have a divinity creation perk? I've been looking around the Warhammer Fantasy stuff and can't really find one.
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Aight, here you go:

Initial D
Goblin Slayer
Lupin III
Eclipse Phase
Shokugeki no Souma
Naruto (NuBee/Val version)
Final Fantasy VI (PrincessAnon version)
Exalted vs. World of Darkness
There is a scenario in the AoS jump to ascend to godhood using a dead WHF god but that's about it.
I didn't even want to become a Warhammer God, I just wanted the ability to make my own like Sotek or Sigmar.
Trying to think of how to define jumpchain game mechanics in terms of some consistent set of in-universe lore, like jumpers being variations on MTG planeswalkers or something. Has anyone else tried this and how'd it work out for you?
someone once did, and made a whole lore document about it in the Supplement folder
Sorry anon, that's all I got. You might look at Godbound, they have the means to make artificial gods.
Sotek just kind of happened against the Lizardmen's actual control and Sigmar was technically uplifted by another god (and was too retarded to repeat the process again in the Alleged Age of Sigmar) so realistically no such perk should exist.

Now, if we're talking ITEMS, the same Black Pyramid that Nagash eventually used to turn himself into a god of death with some sacrifices during End Times can be built in Tomb Kings.
Sorry all the jumps that have actually good and useful divinity creation that I know of are sb or reddit jumps.
Do any warhammer jumps NOT give you access to an entire fucking army?
Here's an Initial D build


Driving skill (Free)
Cool head (free)
Goddess of Victory (200 CP)
Evolution (300 CP)
Analysis (100 CP)

Essentials (Free)
Car (Free)
Soundtrack (Free)
Home Course (free)
It happened against the Slann's control, but Tehenuaiun and the red crested seemed to have created him through their rituals.
Thanks fren. I'll have a look.
Hmm... alternative idea for the Jumpers turning on each other. Send em to touhou. given how non lethal that is for folks in general. Maybe make them all Hourai immortals just in case and if someone still starts shit reimu shows up to beat sense into them.
Semi-random question because I don't want to ask this on /v/.

For anyone who's still a fan of the Dragon Age franchise, WTF is supposed to be going on in Veilguard? I never played past the first game but still semi-followed the lore because it was interesting. I understood that Inquisition was more focused on the Veil & demons compared to the other games, so the previous plot points kinda took a back seat, but have the devs just completely abandoned everything related to the Darkspawn and the conflict/discrimination against the mages?

Because looking at all the trailers I'm just trying to figure out who any of these characters are and why everyone seems to be perfectly fine with magic users now, when the big issue initially was that mages were feared because they could be possessed by demons or tear people apart with blood magic. So what's the deal?

Also, aside from the obvious reason that it's way more mass marketable, is there any in-universe explanation for why the setting's tone and artstyle shifted from old school dark fantasy epic, to modern D&D action adventure/slice-of-life?
>Companion Jump 1: Initial D (+600cp)
>Background: Strategist
>Perks (500/600 CP)
Driving Skill (free)
Aura (100)
Analysis (Free)
Terrain Mastery (100)
Know Thy Enemy (200)
Basic Skills and Knowledge (100)
>Items (600/600)
Essentials (free)
Car (free)
Computer (free)
Toolbox (100)
We're in Kanto, right? Well if I recall correctly there's a lot of agriculture in Kanto. So, I'm going to head to the farmers and help with tractor repair and land management and other things. Street Racing is for crazy people. Also, maybe help set up a small local raceway so the local kids can race and drive on that instead of the streets
The game is going to take place in Tevinter, so mage shit is everywhere especially since mages run the place Also the trailer seemed to have Darkspawn in the streets you fight, so there's that.
I'm like 99% certain it's a follow-up to the plot in one of the previous games of a character wanting to tear down the Veil separating reality from the Fade.
Reminder to finish off the last bits of culture of the elves and domesticate them into bumbling city dwellers for their own and everyone else's good.
Yes, but much space do you think will be left for agriculture after a good portion of the 100k people take the Home Course item?
>Muh industrial revolution is actually le Heckin' good! I love science!
I assume that much of Japan would end up turning into a non-euclidean folded space to accommodate all those warehouse attachments
I didn't say anything about the industrial revolution, I stated you should domesticate the elves into bumbling city dwellers. The elves of Dragon Age are shit.
You wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for the industrial revolution. You owe it your existence. Your right to post here at all. It is the closest thing you will ever know to a loving god.
JUMP #0221: Sherlock Holmes

Location: London, England
Age: rolled 13 +25 = 38
Gender: Male
Origin: The Moriarty (50)
>Cruel Genius (free)
>Tidying Up (free)
>Two Can Play That Game (150)
>Good Help is Easy to Find (150)
>Respect a Man’s Privacy (300)
>A Game of Shadows (300)
>The Series (50)
>The Notebook (free)
>Eyes and Ears (100)
>The Ledger (200)
>An Empire in the Shadows (300)
>Loose Ends (+300)
>Most Wanted (+300)
Total: 1600/1600

Commentary: Once more jumper enters the criminal investigation scene. This time as the hunted criminal. He clearly has pissed of the wrong sort of people and has to live in obscurity for the moment. Not the greatest challenge but it's a nice inversion of my previous detective jumps. Incidentally, all the Moriarty perks and items are fantastic. 'Respect a Man’s Privacy' in particular is just very nice to have.
>t. person who enjoys the feeling of microplastics in his balls
How good of a cursed technique is the ability to summon multiple Jogo's?
Wouldn't people voting no also count?
I've always wondered if they have enough demon blood to be susceptible to those perks that grant you authority over demons.
Yes but then you are a contrarian.
God Bless it. It gave us every sort of -punk. From Steam to Cthulhu, it all arguably started from there... even if you want to argue that it technically started with the picaresque genre.
>Goburin Slayer (+600cp)
Adventurer, Priest? I wanna be a druid, I dunno about races
>Perks (400/600 CP)
Survival Routine (Free)
Blacksmith (Free)
Little Burglar (Free)
Stay On Guard (200)
Be Prepared (200)
>Items (600/600cp)
Equipment (Free)
Liscence (Free)
Quiver of Repleneshment (Free)
Farmstead (200)

I've never read or watched Goblin Slayer, I just know the basic premise. I'll probably stick to doing smaller missions to help deal with local environmental problems part time while also doing farm work. How screwed am I for doing so? Then again, if other Companions also either get Farmsteads or decide to not interact with the plot directly, we could build a surprisingly potent Co-op/village.
Given the impact of the influx of all these adventurers (I doubt many will choose to be goblins) on the ecosystem I'd expect it to be relatively safe, but it's the kind of setting that could still send a random "Fuck you" your way.
Better microplastics than tapeworms.
The gods will literally just spawn more monsters.
Good news bros. My Misaki figurine arrived and I'll have it this saturday. I mean, I could have it on monday but I don't want to pay extra for delivery.
I'm feeling stocked and will actually work on Raildex.
>high lethality first jump
What is wronf with you
Holy fucking cringe.
If it weren't for the industrial revolution we wouldn't be ruled by merchants whose only goal is profit at the detriment of all else.
Does the jar come complimentary or do you have to order that separate?
Yes, you'd be ruled by petty, often mentally unstable warlords who'd execute you for looking at them funny or to make a political point instead.
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Thanks guys! Misaka is super cute! I'm super exited about this~~
Yeah, feel free to ask me anything for the jump. I'll put it in there. I'm just feeling great.
The fact I fucking assraped all my opponents today using labrynth also helps.
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Lol. Lmao, even.
That's not enough to mask your retardation
>Jump 3 Baalbuddy (+600 cp)
>Race: Monster. Minotaur
>Location: I'm not particular
Just Me On The Lake (Free)
Purity Through Faith (300)
Pocket Goblin (Free)
House and Farm (100)

Expanding the farm, and adding tools and supplies to hire on minotaur workers. Also, occasionally if I find and Elf who is making herself a nuisance to others, I offer her a chance to get tied up and boned on the milker.
A surprisingly large number of elves end up staying on full time. I eventually start selling fancy "elven cheese" from their "product"
Alright, Index question.

If memory serves you've already knocked out most of the perks-what do you have left? Items, companions, drawbacks I think?

Can I have a drawback to be stuck as an eternal loli like Komoe?
Remember to thank Tyrone for your latest Switch game.
>First deployment: Reach
Damn, forgot to add the 300 cp from being a monster. Ah well, whatever
>>high lethality first jump
Eternal Return. All the bloodbath, none of the consequences.
How strong is Honkai Impact?
>We live together or we die together.
Strong enough to take my dick!
Not strong enough to take my dick!
Source: The Merchants
Almighty Mammon is your Lord and Saviour, who delivered you from the horrors of barbarism. Just ask everyone crushed under Genghis Khan's conquest.
I C Weiner?
Tree fiddy.
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>If memory serves you've already knocked out most of the perks-what do you have left? Items, companions, drawbacks I think?
I can always add or change more stuff. Like, I can take down or add more perks.
I'm in a great mood so there's no issue.
>Can I have a drawback to be stuck as an eternal loli like Komoe?
doesn't sound like too much of an issue, but sure.
Foolish lies. Belphegor is the ascendent lord in this age!
Asmodeus is the one currently on the throne of depravity, peons.
I'm going to make a mind control jump, a futadom jump, a patriarchy jump, and an anthrostate jump. They'd have to go onto qq but it doesn't matter since I'll probably never finish any of them.
Hah, if only.
Don't think anyone would take Asagi, everyone here is too contrarian to pick the main girl.
>They'd have to go onto qq
Nope. We accept lewd jumps now. Ask any based jumpmaker.
Good luck.
Doesn't help that Yukikaze made her more retarded than a Marvel character.
>a patriarchy jump
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Good luck with the first and latter two.

I'd take an Asagi, clone or no.
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Depends. Does anyone have a count of how many people are involved in jumpchain? I think that would be a factor. Other concerns would be resources (power, waifus) and local dangers. To avoid infighting, I think it would have to be a jump that offers everyone a chance to get what they want without scarcity forcing competition between jumpers, and an external threat of a nature that encourages cooperation and offers no benefit to those that try to backstab others. I'd also worry that the introduction of so many individuals into a setting may disrupt the local balance of power and force a reaction if, for example, Konoha suddenly had an extra hundred S-class ninja.

There's a lot of possibilities for different reasons, but I'm actually going to go with a cultivation setting. Honestly? Everyone here knows that everyone over there is a compulsive liar and backstabbing sociopath. Meaning other jumpers are the most mentally well-adjusting people to exist just by comparison. Even if we aren't all in the same sect, it's very much a setting where relying on each other is the best way to prosper, let alone survive.

A group of people that share resources, techniques, and helps each other out instead of gathering sycophantic cliques or having girlfriends that won't drop their pants for a few pills? Sheer madness by the standards of such worlds. They'll never see us coming.
Okay but consider.
Jump 4: Lupin III
>Background: Drop-In
>Location: Kansas
>Perks (500/600 CP)
Fitness Standards (100)
Fisticuffs (Free)
Appraisal (100)
Survivor (300)
>Items (600/600 CP)
Newspaper (Free)
Vehicle (100)

I'll admit, the only Lupin III media I've ever consumed is the Castle of Cagliostro Movie. Furthermore, the 70s is not a period of time I'm intimately familair with.
That being said, I'm going to use my Minotaur Alt-form to find some way to crash and ruin the Opening of China and porevent Nioxon from formalizing the deal. Heck, maybe find some other likeminded companions to help plan and organize the whole thing. Afterwards, I'm going to use my farm as a place to provide resources and a safehouse for certain companion groups doing crazy things, or act as a nuetral gorund for other Companion groups in conflict with eachother.
Seconding 8.

Unless you're three or more Herrschers at the same time, in which case you're a 9, unless you're the Herrscher of Finality/The Will of the Honkai or another equivilent, in which case you're an X.
>Be a Loli drawback
From what people talk about in the thread, this is a perk, not a drawback.
>The Great Jumping Alliance
>A collection of both Orthodox, Unorthodox, and Demonic Sects, united together through some strange pact between the Elders and Immortals
>Everytime they show up for a tournament or other great gathering of Sects, all the Elders of the original local sects start spewing blood in anger and frustration, since they know someone is going to do something stupid that will result in the Alliance dogpiling the offenders out of existance.
>"Form our own alliance? Don't be absurd!!! The Heavens themselves will turn to lead before we of the ChingChong clan ever dirty ourselves by allying with the dogs of the DingDong clan! YOU ARE COURTING DEATH BY SUGGESTING SUCH THINGS!"
It's certainly annoying for Komoe.
It's funny how Clone Asagi is better than the original.
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Is your Jumper connected to or leading any organization, group, or nation? If so, what are they like, and what role does your Jumper play in them?
The clone also gets murdered by her because she gets pissed off that the clone was happily married and pregnant. The guy that bought the clone wanted to be the whole evil hentai guy, but felt bad at torturing an innocent and just worked to make her happy. Then comes in the original to slaughter his wife in front of him.
Asagi is bland and dumb. So obviously no one is gonna pick her and would prefer to take other.
Yeah, but so is getting surrounded by pussy as a protagonist with a single love interest.
Asagi is kind of a bitch. Never got the appeal. But after this? Woooooosh.
Does Touma even HAVE a love interest? I'm not entirely convinced he has a sex drive to be honest.
OG Touma technically kinda sorta did, but OG Touma is basically long dead at this point. Current Touma has no awareness nor interest in sex.
>Destiny Jumps
what is your highest-priority exotic weapon and armor piece?
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I feel like most of my jumpers have one... I should probably work on a more solo styled jumper now that I think about it.
Current chain has jumper the god king of a small nation. The people call it a nation, but it is just a few thousand people and more like a village or small town. Jumper just sees himself as the mayor, but they all keep calling him their god and king. The people think that he created all of them when he came to that world. He just does normal mayor things, like fight enemy armies and try to avoid arraigned marriage meetings that his maid keeps trying to set up to ensure an heir. Mostly jumper runs off to go exploring and have adventures and leave the town to his maid.
His maid was technically his nanny in his youth, is seen as the high priestess of their cult like religion, his secretary, deputy mayor when he is not around, and grand vizier. She is the de facto second in command in the eyes of the people. He just keeps giving her more titles instead of a raise. She already has all his hoard access, so payment is whatever she wants.
She was upset about being cloned as the clones might be used as spies, but got super pissed when she found out the clone wasn't evil or doing anything ninja. She was just living the happy and married life that Asagi always wanted for herself. It doesn't help that she has convinced herself that because of the rape, she doesn't deserve to be happy.
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I mean, that's a fair point. Komoe only dislikes it cause it fucks her romance chances and makes buying alcohol kinda difficult
>Does Touma even HAVE a love interest?
Technically Index. Othinus and MisaMisa too if you believe the artist.
>I'm not entirely convinced he has a sex drive to be honest.
OG touma was horny AF. Current one is a machine that doesn't thinks he deserves love and its too busy saving the world to give it any actual though to the matter.
My sword. All else is secondary.
In fairness, New Touma is essentially recovering from ego-death, dealing with the problem of the week and raising a bratty child. I can't blame him for not seeking out serious relationships during such chaos.
>Eclipse Phase
I'm going to stop here. I know nothing about this setting and this jump is massive and extensive. Don't feel ling going further, nor does it seem like anyone else is interested in posting builds. Meh, whatever
That sounds like the kind of story you'd see for a villain rather than a hero. Just a bitter, angry woman who slaughters her clone for the crime of having the happy life she always wanted. You could have a story where one of her clones is the main character, and trying to survive/fight back as Asagi takes out her pain and rage on her clones for daring to be happy when she can't be.
Which one do you favor? One of the Taken King originals, or some new thing i haven't heard of?
At least you tried anon.
Most of the clones are weaker than her or have no powers. They are mostly sold to rich guys that want to use them and kill them afterwards. So the fact that any of them lived long enough to have a happy life was an almost miracle. Then she comes in to stop the joy.
While they are demon hunters, all of the women in Taimanin are messed up and not in a good mindset. People here say they are waifus, but they have so much baggage your warehouse wont be able to hold it all.
Gjallarhorn always. I don't care if it's no longer the meta.
Anon, that's not an excuse, that's barely an explanation, and doesn't change the fact it's evil.
What next, are you gonna say that Illya from Fate was always nice?

I did not cum, it was just a reaction of me seeing a good idea.

Not all of them desu.
Vergil pls.
Fortunately there's the Action/Gachaverse timeline where there's more regular violence and less rape, makes for ninja girls with less baggage.
My own. The one I forge with my own two hands, quenched in the blood of a thousand corpses, and sharpened on the whetstone of war.
Realistic, though. Women are vindictive and petty creatures.
I'm a man, and yet we have that in common!
Thanks anon, I appreciate it. Still, after so many builds for settings I knew nothing about, and the only thing there I had significant knowledge of being Naruto, I figured I might as well cut my losses.

Glad to see it WoL!
Have a tentative build!
>Ratatouille (+1000cp)
>Background: Drop-in human
>Perks (700/1000 CP)
Each flavor was unique (Free)
Don't look at me like that (Free)
No Match for Wishful Thinking (100)
You cannot be mommy (100)
Little Chef (200)
I'm not your puppet! (300)
>Items (1000/1000 CP)
Anyone can cook! (free)
Your Clan (100)
La Jumpchain (200)

Wouldn't take this as a Jump 1 Jump, instead would take this after a farming jump, and have the Rat Clan help with the farm work and running the bistro with our farm-to-table ingredients. Also, I'm going to stay nice in the country side and as far away from Paris as possible, that place fucking stinks and I've already been there once before. Like hell am I going to that grime-coated smoke-choked pickpocket-plagued armpit of a city without good incentive!
Tell me about your favorite guns and firearm-supporting perks.
It is funny that the sister ends up there and is too happy to return to her own universe.
True. she is a cold hearted ninja bitch.
Were you raised by a single mother?
I love this gun from Kung Fury
>The Crotchshot Pistol [300cp. Discount Cop]
>Getting shot by this gun always hurts at least as much as it would hurt a normal human to be shot by a normal pistol. Even if it doesn't do any actual damage, or the target would normally be incapable of feeling pain. If you ever wanted to shoot an alien god in his Familienjuwelen, this is the gun for you. And of course you may also give this property to a gun of your own instead.
Sakura is peppy like that. The first game didn't seem to have broke her.
Thanks for the build!
Anon that's a joke.
I can't believe I'm asking this, but I'm curious now with all the discussion.
So, give me the quick and dirty of how I get into Taimanin?
When everyone is dreaming but you, who is really dreaming?
>Go to the drive
>look for Taimanin
>make build
>post build
>hope and pray that you get a chain
The people who are dreaming. Retard.
We all get a chain after we die, right? We just need to live our lives and prepare with knowledge and skills for the big afterlife reveal, right?
Me, since nobody exists except me.
Remember the rules, dying for any reason is a chain fail. Dying will not give you a chain. You just have to become immortal and wait for a Benefactor to show up
Only if you made enough jumps.
Peak comedy.
She doesn't want to go back and is just happy she has a sister that actually knows how to have fun. So in one universe she appears and just moves in with her new sister. This version has no idea who this woman is, but accepts her because lots of people are falling through portals. In the main universe, her real sister is pissed because she just up and disappeared. Probably still searching for her sister.
I talked way too much anime with that one dinosaur.
Based on my informal poll >>93897985 there are 15 of us.
Jumpchain is dying.
16 I don't do polls. The polish should be purged.
When you account for laziness and timezones, it is probably more like 50-60, at least.
I will always have a soft spot for the Monte Carlo. As for armor I guess Eye of Another World?
Look up the porn.
They'll have to explain to me how she got her tits to be tinier though.
Even in the normal timeline, she is peppy and shit.
God of Guns from Angel Notes.
Honestly 50 to 60 people sharing a chain wouldn't be so bad. you could all larp as a full Guild in overlord or log horizon
Maybe the portal just resets people to their default forms and undos all the modifications done by demons?
That's fucking gay if true.
If we are going guild, I will be the crafter and guy that just wanders off to go exploring in the middle of the raid.
The problem is how prone we are to split into factions and fight over the pettiest things. You just know that there are going to to be dozens of people who will fight over the same waifu. Also won't be long until the chain drags on too long and most people drop out. The level of autism needed for long chains past several hundred jumps is something only a few have.
I think there would be few drop outs once people properly understand that the other god-kings they're traveling with are just going to keep getting stronger while they're stuck on Earth in a time stop.
I fucked the two nerdy dinosaurs.
Which jumpmakers are too based?
I think most wouldn't drop out due to the time, but rather finding a waifu that actually cares about them. But on the other hand, having friends can see the journey carry on much longer.
I thought there was only one nerdy dinosaur?
Based on what?
Sakura is very cute, I like her.
What's the purple thing from the sequel then?
Steve Jobs.
What the hell is Ligma?
Haven't gone yet, but I have a plan
The current plan is to take Kris's place, travel down the Underground being nice to people. When I make it to Asgore I at first asked if we could sit down and have a talk, which he will be eager to have to put off fighting. When we talk, first some small talk about the state of the undergorund. Then I offer him a deal: Either we have a pointless fight, I instead use my Keyblade to open the gate, or he cede rulership of the Underground to me, and I bring it into my empire, bypassing the gate entirely. After more talking about the pros and cons, and after I tell him his wife is still in the Ruins seeking to protect and care for humans who fall in, he'll probably agreed to my demands and cede control the Underground to me. To further assuage his worries though I'll try to open a portal to elsewhere in my empire, so he can see the sun again. Afterwards the transfer of power will be relatively peaceful. excluding the fight against the Soul'd up Flowy after I ask Asgore to step outside the room for a bit.
As for waifus After beating him, i plan to give Asriel a new heart and body and make him, now her, my new consort.
Muscular tomboy dinosaur who probably doesn't know how to read.
A jocky dinosaur. And also not from the same universe/timeline
She looks like a nerd.
Also a giantess jump, not sure how I forgot that one.
>World of Giantesses
>At first glance this world might seem like a rather normal one, until you see a great shadow cast over the area; a woman of far greater stature than any normal human stands tall and leaves those beneath her shadow hoping she’s friendly or at least not planning any of the ‘mischief’ that other girls her size tend to get up to.
You're welcome anon.
We need a nuzlocke gauntlet.
Nah, she shoves nerds into lockers and steals their lunch money. Hell, one of her first scenes is her straight up mugging the MC
She is the exact opposite of a nerd. An anti-nerd, if you will.
Nah gauntlets are lame.
You can't expect people to nuzlocke a normal pokemon jump. The fact that they will fail means it is just a wasted drawback space. A guantlet will see more people try it because they wont chain fail when they lose.
Gauntlets are for based Chads.
Idc if a gauntlet is made, but I've had people tell me they want the drawback, and are happy it is there. So it isn't wasted.
People would probably drop out before that, or if they had to start out in worlds they didn't care at all about for too long. Even now there are very few people who care about more than 20% of the drive. You could argue that people would stick to it in hopes of eventually getting their waifu, but if you told people they had to endure through hundreds of reddit jumps before they get one chance to do one of the standard jumps, they would probably say fuck off and proceed to do exactly that. Even with Jumpmaker chains, there are a lot of people who would probably refuse if they were stuck with say an Aehriman chain (100+ jumps) or a Dirge chain (80+ jumps) instead of a Blade chain (100+ jumps) or a Valeria chain (100+ jumps).

This too. Once people find something they are truly happy with they would probably prefer that over risking going to something like a trap jump.
Would you mind making a Nuzlocke Guantlet to add to all the pokemon jumps?
Yes. There is already a drawback for it. I'm not restructuring the jumps like that.
Would you mind removing the drawback limits from all your jumps which possess one?
Not even a 4chan poster has the ridiculous entitlement necessary to cut their own lifespan short when obtaining great supernatural power just because they aren't spending enough time in worlds that are like their favorite animes.
I meant a master gauntlet for the entire franchise and not a normal jump. One where you have to struggle for each perk and training aid, but I suppose that might be asking a bit much with how many games there are.
She needs to sit on my face with her nevershaved sweaty pussy or I'll turn her into a dork.
I'm not very interested in it. I'm also not a nuzlocker or competitive player, so I'm probably not the person you want making such a thing.
There are so many settings I would be bored out of my mind. I can find crafting perks and enchanting to stay busy, but the odds of getting a jump with those are so rare if we are not in control of the destinations. I do not care for the thread favorite animes and they do not care for my favorite settings. I just don't want to be bored in Warhammer 40k or some cultivation setting.
So I'm about to jump Jujutsu Kaisen. I know a little about the setting, but only through memes and reading about it. Aside from just "being born the strongest" and the obligatory "science breaks the shonen setting", what are the big Jujutsu Kaisen cheats?
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Can anyone give me some fictional settings that place entirely in a virtual world, and have the inhabitants either completely or almost completely unaware of the digital nature of their reality?
The Matrix?
She's absolutely a dork. She embraces her dorkiness.

But she's not a nerd. I'm not entirely convinced she knows how to read. Or even do basic math.
>God, this galaxy full of constant death, despair, and oppression is just so BORING!
I'm not counting The Matrix because the protagonists spend the entire story trying to destroy it.
The biggest Cheat in the setting is being born as Sukuna specifically, the second biggest Cheat is the Six Eyes.
Literally tell Gojo about Kenny stealing Geto's body and his plan and you kneecap the entire plot. Killing Yuji or somehow destroying Sukuna's fingers works too.
NTA but yes 40k is, infact, a boring setting. You can do some cool things but 99% of the time it is boring grimderp bullshit.
Binding vows.
Those are both classified under "being born the strongest".
I don't care about stopping the plot or villains. I just wanna become strong.
>Some Digimon jumps
They know of the User and video games, but not why the user curses them with video games that can kill them
Any real world jump.
Depending on your definition of "virtual" The Elder Scrolls all takes place in the coma dream of a depressed god who dreams because he's sad about losing his waifu
There are also plenty of worlds that are just boring peaceful worlds at roughly Earth levels of technology. They are just way less suitable than the hellholes in terms of having a book or RPG set there.
Have you looked at Transistor?
>Azathoth lost his foreverwaifu and is taking a depression nap.
That's strangely adorable.
>Those are both classified under "being born the strongest".
You'll find that being born the strongest is the most important thing for being strong in JJK.

You can't go wrong with a Gojo build or a Ten Shadows user who actually lives up to the technique's potential.
Don't feel too bad, I too took a look at the eclipse phase jump and went "nah".
That explains why Daedric Princes are such pathetic jobbers who constantly cope and seethe about “I-I was just playing a game!!!” to explain how comically easy it is to facefuck their avatars. Seriously how does the DAEDRIC PRINCE OF KNOWLEDGE get knowledge withheld from him for YEARS by some random Skyrim hobo? Pathetic.
Careful or you'll trigger Argent who's one of those retards who think the Lovecraft verse doesn't take place in Azathoth's dream.
>I just wanna become strong
You kinda have to be born strong there.
Cursed Techniques and the amount of energy you have are both something decided by birth. Sure you can try to train and git gud, or try to abuse Binding Vows, but you're never going to be as good as someone with talent who also works hard.
So there's no big cheats, just "win the life lottery or just kill yourself"?
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The problem is he's been sleeping and dreaming for so long and been refreshing the dream over and over again that now some of his dreams are starting to get rebellious and want to either make themselves lucid or usurp the dreamer himself
That’s because Mora only represents the unused ideas from when Akatosh and the other gods were making the universe.
Oh, so he’s the BAD ones. That explains a lot. He’s probably the in-universe origin of Wheatley that one time Wheatley landed in Skyrim.
I mean, that's the most common interpretation, which inspires a lot of other fiction where that is outright stated to be the case.
I'm sure in the original Lovecraft series it could be vague enough or just split amongst sufficient authors that you could go either way, but I like the dream interpretation and it's my self-insert fantasy so Argent can go fuck himself.
I could be wrong but the one that fell through a portal into the action taimanin timeline is a younger version of Sakura that never got captured / went through the body modification process.
That’s only true if you think Azathoth is “Supreme Archetype”.
Well you're not going to compete with the top names without being born with the good shit but keep in mind that there is one asshole with a fairly dumb technique that doesn't have any direct offensive options who can solo high level cursed spirits by being really fucking jacked and good at fighting. Then he cheeses the fuck out of his technique with binding vows and a children's toy to let him fight side by side with the protagonist against Sukuna.
Anon there's no way that's accurate. No one actually given a chain is going to willingly give it up just because they end up spending some time in settings they don't particularly like or that aren't their favorites.
>Blade chain (100+ jumps)
90+. He hasn't broken 100 yet.
the original lovecraft verse doesn't. in it yog-sothoth is the supreme being and he is very much awake. azathoth is just a particularly swolle and sleepy outer god. the everything is dream thing came later from memetic mutation of a letter lovecraft wrote for a friend.
I had the Kents raped to death using a star trek holodeck and framed Lex, just to see what would happen if I posted it live on the news while superman was off world
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Why do you think I posted an image from the game?



I knew about the Godhead, but where's the waifu thing come from?
How pathetic.
based goatsis fucker
I had Gohans raped to death using a Futurama holodeck and framed Gohan, just to see what would happen if I posted it live on the news while Gohan was off world.
Weird thing to crosspost.
Anu dreams in grief over the death of Nir during his conflict with Padhome. The Enantriomorph/The Interplay of the Three (The King, Rebel, and Observer) is an ongoing echo of that ancient divine conflict and is repeated due to Anu obsessing over the even and how things could've been different
Todo CT is really power however, and he is pretty much born strong.
Is it worth going to Darkest Dungeon and conquering the setting? Or just visiting?
In Reboot the users are basically unseen gods and no one know why they do things. Such as make viruses or play games. The few that know the truth are seen as insane or keep away from other programs. Each "person" is either a program or part of a line of code. For example you have a virus, an antivirus and even a Command.Com. Pic is Dot Com. They even have a more inner world of video games. The game characters attack the player and those from the computer. They know nothing outside their games. A plot point was one uploaded its only backup copy to a child because he was lonely. He was the only child of his kind left int he system and so she left to play with him. The sad part meant that her original copy stayed behind and would perma die if killed int he game.
I am a woman. 9Anon was responding to a woman. Nobody said anything like either of you are responding to. NOBODY CARES and the only reason to bring it up is misogyny.

Like "you queer women need to be told that men are the real victims sometimes"? Fuck both you and 9Anon, I'm a fucking lesbian and I like writing about women being happy, why is that a fucking crime
what the fuck are you talking about
He is crossposting but 9anon is added in. The original post was about some random SBer no one knows or cares about.
Only if you’re a hero genuinely invested in doing right by your fellow man. Not because there’s nothing worth conquering there (even though there really isn’t), but because it turns out the spikey thing hovering above every PC’s head is an actual entity called The Iron Crown that personifies suffering, so increasing the total amount of suffering actually causes the setting to spew out more deformed horror beasts that can be soloed by a team of 4 sufficiently zealous lepers
also random programs had to play the game and if they lose they die for real, which would be very ineficient in a real computer.
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Is that why none of the Elder Scrolls games have romance mechanics?
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Question for my fellow anons, would you consider a DC power ring a weapon or a piece of apparel / jewelry for purposes of imports?
It’s probably also why I can’t remember a SINGLE romance in Elder Scrolls ending well.
Both, but I don't import as broad a category as "weapon", so the former isn't that useful.
I mean, Skyrim had Marriage and the Amulet of Mara, but I get what you mean.
Anu is basically eternally depressed that Nir died in his fight against Padhome, and in his dreams is constantly vacillating between blaming Padhome and blaming himself
Not just die, it nukes a part of your computer so it is unsubtle. The more you win the worse your PC becomes.
And the Web is a hell space void full of monsters similar to spelljammers going between crystal spheres. You need special protections to move between computers. But the Web is very different than the Net. The Web is the wild times of early internet, while the Net is just the internet proper with a supercomputer acting as the main hub and search engine. And they even have computers inside of the computer.
Reboot is a great setting to spend some time in. 10/10 would accept as a first jump.
All of them? That's too greedy Bro!

Thanks for the jump.
Accessory, it's a ring so I would import it in ring options. Doesn't matter if the ring can cast a fireball.
You're welcome friend.
Didn't their gacha die in like 4 months?

Initial D

Mechanic origin

Free- driving skill.
Basic skills and knowledge (free
Practiced hand (200
Diagnosis (100
Analysis (100
Essentials (Free
Car (Free
Soundtrack (Free
Toolbox (free
Garage (200

Just gonna keep my head down and try to become a good mechanic as well as studying other skills that may help me later. Maybe I can become a mad engineer super science type later on.

Aside from getting real good at working on cars. I study survival, martial arts, polearms (Halberd :) ), firearms, first aid, swimming and metalworking. I will try to hit as many of these subjects as possible to better prepare myself for future jumps.
Goblin Slayer


I guess I will be a physical combatant. I hopefully have already familiarized myself with Halberd fighting. This will Give me basic competency if not.

Survival Routine- Free
Blacksmith- Free
Little Burglar- Free
Harem Slayer- 100
Adventurous Parties- 100
Back From the Defeated- 200
Be Prepared- 200
Equipment- Free
Licence/Guild Position- free
Quiver of Replenishment- Free

Oh dear into a low tech setting right of the bat. I might try my hand at adventuring on some basic quests. If I don’t feel up for that then I think I will become a blacksmith. Conceivable I could even produce some steam powered machines.

I know I took a harem perk but It’s best to keep any dalliances casual. As I can’t take companions. Gotta keep an eye out for a follower perk sooner than later. I wish I could have justified taking the farmstead.

Getting late where I am. I will continue tomorrow.
Saw my life flash before my eyes almost driving down a pitch black ravine. Don't take anything for granted, lads. Cherish what you have. Jump-chan will come someday.
What does Paddy think about the whole thing?
For the purpose of imports it should be jewelry/accessory.
BASED blind luckCHAD
Those are definitely the perks to amass.
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Has your Jumper ever had problems with women being TOO sexy?
A good attitude anon, death well dodged.
Awesome news Ric! Glad you are getting your awesome figure. Glad you are happy friend.
Go fuck yourself.
The Uchiha Massacre, where Itachi murdered a fourth of his clan in a single night.
Doesn't have quite the same ring to it lol
This is interesting but please save chainbutts for bump limits in the future.
Screw you, I’d rather be dead than an Uch*ha.
No. It's just the same degradation and Disneyfication that you're seeing across all genre media.
Funny, something similar happened to me once but I just went on as if nothing happened. I'm too dead to even care about a near-death scenario.
I didn't knew that the Godhead actually had a story.
>Sakura that never got captured / went through the body modification process.
A tragedy.
Does anyone here care enough about the aberrant jump to make a dupe?
>driving down a pitch black ravine
Something similar happened to me, I once fallen off the ground and slided (it was winter) dangerously close to one.
Is HDManon around?
I remember Red mentioning it a long-ass time ago.
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Drawbacks: Jumper History, Extended Stay


Each Flavor Was Totally Unique (Free)
Don’t look at me like that! (Free)
I Will Kill You! (900)
Little Chef (700)
Puppet-Controlling Guy (400)
Egotist (0)
Ratatouille, Remy Style (Free)

This isn’t well-publicised, but when I’m not conquering worlds one of my hobbies is cooking. Like all my hobbies, I take it dead seriously. To the point of owning multiple 3-star Michelin restaurant chains, and sampling cuisines or cooking techniques from across the multiverse to make sure my own stay up to date.

And that’s why Elodie found me in the kitchen, lecturing a box full of rats, with a test tube in one hand and a cybernetic harness in the other.

“Uh…what…” she began.

“The trade deal I’m proposing” I said, ignoring her, as the rats stared at me with the rapt awe of Israelites staring at a burning bush “is that you get: A warm place to live, professional training and all the extra cheese you can eat. I get: Unpaid labour numerous enough some of you can work weekend shifts”

“But isn’t it only Remy who can-“

“You will, of course, be wondering” I talked over her, “but Anon. How do I cook human food? Well I’m glad you asked, because I can condense knowledge into potions! Just a sip of this and you’ll be as educated in cookery as any professional chef. Ah, but then you might ask: Is there a place for my kits as well as I in this kitchen? And to that I would say: Of course! I have Theion Charms! They’re like Disney musical perks except more dystopian, and enhancing the teamwork efforts of rats is very much in their themes! Now a-one, and a-two, and-“

You get a chain but it is multiplayer. Everyone else in the thread is going with you. What the next jump will be and what drawbacks everyone takes will be a majority vote with a discussion period beforehand. If you return home, you will be placed in a 'forked' universe where everything was before you left, and cannot be interfered with even by Sparked individuals. If the anon mass manages to spark, everyone will have their own version of the omniverse forked with the same protections minus a single world that will act as a hub in case you wish to keep in touch.
Do you accept, and if so how much of an active participant are you in inter-Jumper politics? Do you try to form a group or lone wolf it?
Go fuck yourself.
>You get a chain but it is multiplayer. Everyone else in the thread is going with you
That alone would be a good story for an Isekai, but we all know that Isekai are all about one's fantasy.
I mean, there are isekais about groups of people... they are just usually bad, or just focus on one character and ignore the rest.
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I proceeded to dose the rats with potions, organise them into conga lines with bigger rats controlling smaller rats by the scruff of their hair, and start training conga lines of rats to cook with the combined skill of every rat standing behind them at the specialised rat-level stoves I’d had commissioned for this restaurant.

“How much did those custom rat stoves cost?” ask Elodie suspiciously.

“Like, 25 USD each? I just bought a load of electric hot pot cookers off Taobao (Chinese Amazon) and zapped them with Theion Charms” I said dismissively. Elodie continued staring at the conga line of rats happily dancing and singing as the lead rat cooked like a rat possessed.

Eventually, she deigned to try some of the osso buco my minions and I had prepared, and was forced to admit it was good.

She still maintained I was going way, way too far to avoid having to pay any wages. “Anon you literally have infinite money” she’d point out, as if that was the point and cooking the best possible meal for the least amount of expense wasn’t.

That is literally what I just said.
Sure, but I would be extremely paranoid about everyone else and endeavor to get my own well protected pocket world as fast as possible.
Thanks for the build. You get two discounted perks at each tier except 600, so you are overpaying for Egotist.
Yeah. As almost always with chainbutts, why wouldn't you accept?
Anyways, what's our first jump gonna be? I'd say Pokemon the Anime, but that feels a bit too default. Any other suggestions?
I am surprised you didn't try to mind break Ego with Meta Food. Food beyond food. Or Alien Food.

Or critic his criticisms.
Which world would we even choose as a hub? Dragon Ball? Pokemon? It has to have a little bit of everything I think.
Would anyone actually want a cosmically vast waifu who has entire inhabited worlds contained within the stones of her jewelry, potentially including the one you start the jump on?
Does she love me?
Yes, your in jump home planet is in the 'stone' of her wedding ring.
Is she hot? Can she meaningfully interact with me?
Curves that would make mathematical ideals jealous and truly divine in beauty, she is capable of truly precise control over her body and of projecting avatars of various sizes into her jewlery-worlds to spend time with you. Though she will always insist on making her avatar noticeably bigger than you if she can at all help it.
Then yes.
Right highest price companion for World of Giantesses is decided. Cosmic scale waifu who has entire worlds scattered across her body as jewlery.
Fuck the hell yes.
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Drawbacks: Jumper History, Extended Stay


Each Flavor Was Totally Unique (Free)
Don’t look at me like that! (Free)
Little Chef (800)
Puppet-Controlling Guy (500)
Egotist (300)
Jumper’s (0)
Ratatouille, Remy Style (Free)

Eh, I’ve got nothing to prove to the critics. Good food gives you a taste of home and fills you up with nutrients instead of puts on a show for some publication, if he wants to come along to my restaurant I’ll give him the same rat conga food as anyone else. I’ve cooked for actual gods and filled up world-eaters until they left fully satiated, like Yugi and the Heart of the Cards I know there’s more to cooking than snubbing one particular picky eater.

Besides, it is technically a failure of the chef if the customer can’t actually digest his 5 dimensional lemon meringue because he has a 4 dimensional stomach, that’s basically a food allergy at best and an actual health and safety hazard at worst.
Is she willing to indulge in my weight-gain fetish?
It's just empty space, you can make stuff there if you want.
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If only out of respect for whatever nonsense allowed you to find the amount of food needed to cause such a woman to gain a noticeable amount of weight. Probably, though she'd be extremely proud of her perfect figure and might be doing so reluctantly.
What if the critic is Nyarlathotep and his scheme of the day is to prove that your restaurant( chain)'s food is bad, but is forced by narrative causality to actually eat and impartially (but not necessarily fairly) judge your food?
Lone wolves always get stomped by collectives. Prepare for a cosmic level 1984 where the strongest jumpers get to impose their views on everyone.
Perfect figure implies she's already a fertility goddess.
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Well, in that case my calling takes precedence over my hobby and I serve him a piping hot Reality Bomb. But I’ll at least make it a delicious one, if only to discourage Nyarlathotep from trying to evade the field collapse radius.
He leaves a 2-star review on Y̷͠͞e͜͠l̷̛p͢, citing poor customer service and terrible health concerns, but admits the food was quite tasty-though unhealthy-despite that.
>Start in Exaled First Age
>~100k extra First Age Solars with their own kingdoms, Directional Titans and armies
How much would the Yozi shit their world-sized pants?
>World of Giantesses
Not him, but nice.
>the Yozi
Try everyone.
Sure, for what jump?
World of Giantesses, it might actually not be pornographic enough to require going on QQ.
…that would be hilarious.
Aw that actually sounds rather sweet. Put me down as interested.
Hey Battler, you're the thread expert in weird autistic lore.

Explain Floornight. Specifically-soul mechanics. I tried to read and understand it, but after several hours I feel like I ended up further back than when I started.

Well, considering there were only supposed 300 Solars period, and you're adding 100,000 more who each have fuck off huge armies and kingdoms, it's less a matter of how much the Yozi will shit their pants and more a matter of how everyone will suddenly be making bets as to how long Creation lasts. It probably won't help that there will be a hundred thousand Lunars being added to the mix, with all the chaos they'll bring.
>Most universes collapse after we reach the heavy power jumps or enough anons manage apotheosis
>helping her put human history into the trash
Anon Morgan wants to replace it with Fairies which are objectively worse that Nasu humanity.
Is anyone working on a jump for Digimon Survive?
The UCS will start doing actual crack after feeling the connection to 100k psychos.
Also, I don't we are anywhere near 100k. Reddit is the biggest community and it is only 15k (and of those, probably a fair share are just bots). So we are at best 18-19k.
Considering that we were usually around 100 unique posters in this thread when it was visible, we are certainly at best a thousand in our ten year history. Spacebattles should be even less than, since it seems to be the same group of people and others that cross over this thread and reddit.
It's been a long, long while since I've read it but basically: The soul has been quantified by science into a unit called the "Pneuma", splitting it produces more energy than a nuclear reactor ever could, and this is ethically questionable because pneuma processes generate conscious minds called Boltzmen out of nothing. Many of which immediately evaporate.

The main Pneuma research facility in the story is trying to get around this by trying to study/capture things called heteropneums that live at the bottom of the ocean. They're...very vaguely described, suffice to say they're basically pure soul.

The main plot of the story is the discovery of the multiverse via soul energy forking; the >>93900251
New Citizens are an example of an even more advanced soul energy-society. The thing that happens at the end is the mastermind ultimately deciding that soul energy production is so immoral it would be preferable to inflict Instrumentality on all humanity than to create an inevitable system of inequality that results in advanced civilisations splitting souls for more energy.

...I think there's also some shit about how soul energy is creating doomed timelines that just fizzle out? Like I said, it's been a while.

Anyway the hetereopneums are vaguely happy about this, and don't really hold it against humanity trying to capture them because it's like the sun watching people shoot nukes at it, and think it is HALPING the poor, stunted, isolated things that are humanity ascend to a higher state of being. Not all of the viewpoint characters are happy about it, but at the end of the story nobody really has a better solution than Instrumentality.
Also it has nothing to do with World of Giantesses, that was a misclick.
Regalus expressed an interest in it, but he is apparently working on a dupe for Cyber Sleuth (and has been working on it for more than a year now), and then wants to do Ghost Game after that. And IIRC has some non-Digimon stuff to do as well.
Shrine is as powerful as it is because Sukuna metagames the binding vows. Like you don't even have to make them that bad. Sukuna again made a vow to never use his arrow against multiple opponents unless his domain was open.
He said 'the Jumpchain community and a bunch of other people' are sent on the chain to get that 100k number. Not just the JC community.
Alright, fair enough. So-three things. First: is it possible to use this soul-energy without splitting it? Second, the jump alludes to some degree of weird magic bullshit going on as well-is that just a thing one can do with mastery of the soul/self? Which leads into question three: what is one actually capable of doing with soul energy/pneuma? Is it just nukes and powering shit, or is there something more to it?
That's a shame, guess I won't see it anytime soon.
>encourage anons to go to Harvest Moon early because the Blue Feather can be used to seize waifus without spending points
>obtain farming prowess and a farm that travels with me
>use remainder of time in chain to farm and pick up cooking skills
>no matter what happens chances of anyone fucking with me are low because why would you kill the farmer/chef?
What jumps are actively being worked on right now? I mean with recent evidence, not "w-well anon said half a year ag-"
There are probably a decent number of things you can do with the idea of giants that aren’t lewd, especially if the lower range of sizes is in the eight to twelve foot range.
9anon is working on Cyberpunk 2077
Yoro is working on a dupe for Light of Terra
PsychoAnon is working on Sonic 06
Smuthunter is working on Taimanin
Ricrod is working on To Aru
BLADE is bouncing between many projects and can't get going on anything
>First: is it possible to use this soul-energy without splitting it?
No HUMAN in-universe has discovered a way to, it's a major plot point that the human method of using soul energy causes intense suffering (systemically torturing children to generate energy is a major plot point). It's an open question if some sort of super science process can. The heteropneums can use ridiculous amount of soul energy without issue not because they do it meaningfully differently, but because they lack a sense of self to get hurt by the soul fission.

>Second, the jump alludes to some degree of weird magic bullshit going on as well-is that just a thing one can do with mastery of the soul/self?
Yeah pretty much, it all comes back to weird soul shit.

>what is one actually capable of doing with soul energy/pneuma? Is it just nukes and powering shit, or is there something more to it?
It's one of those comic book energy sources that can do virtually anything but for humans at least, still needs appropriately advanced technology to harness it correctly. It's technically nukes and powering shit, but "powering shit" includes everything from a civilisation so advanced it can satisfy virtually every material whim and the aforementioned instrumentality plan that as a side effect collapses every timeline into a single one where everyone is not!tang.
The size ranges will be from amazonian to celestial waifu keeps your homeworld inside her wedding ring. Though given it's essentially a generic giantess jump there will be a degree of control offered to what sizes of giantess are present.
I've finished mine, I'm just waiting for the actual TTRPG to get off Kickstarter.
Stellanon said he wanted to do... Stella Glow, duh. Then he did a Yanderella jump.
Someone also wanted to do an Engage jump, but radio silence since then.
Alright, fair enough. Thank you for the explanations; now I need to figure out where exactly I want to fit this into my chain. I think I might swap Xam'd out for Floornight, but I gotta see how things shake out in a build first.
I'm very slowly but steadily working on Megadimension Neptunia. Added a few more perk ideas a couple days ago.
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You are a LEWD creature.
>Eclipse Phase
I just skipped that one, along with Shokugeki no Souma.
Tempted to skip Naruto, too. 76 pages? Really?
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But Valk isn't a Genshin boy.
First time I've heard of it.
#89 - Shin Megami Tensei 1
>Drawbacks: Sick Little Puppy, I don’t need to rely on you to survive… [1400]
>Starting Location: Mysterious Laboratory, Sendagaya
>Background options: Demon
Mimic [Freebie]
Kugutsu Magic [Freebie]
Theme Music [Freebie]
Dormant Power [900]
Protection of the Count [800]
Tyrant [0, -200 Deon Race stipend]
Theme Music [Freebie]
Louis Cyphre [Freebie]

Continuing with the Demon theme, in a place where humanity is quite overpowered and power-levels don't make much sense. I guess that narrative and things like the Darkness and Exaltations perks will matter here more than most biggatons powers when dealing with the end game humies.
Final question that just occurred to me. The jumpdoc makes a totally offhand mention of some sort of hell-dimension and just moves on without elaborating. Essentially: what the fuck?
>Just in case it wasn’t already clear and you haven’t read the novel - when using pneuma technology to split an eigensoul, the end result isn’t two instances of the same soul within one universe. The result is two different universes, each of which has one instance of the original soul. It’s a spin on many-worlds quantum physics, but for consciousness instead of subatomic particles.

>Splitting a soul produces power only moderately greater than the normal output of the whole. Fusing the split fragments of a single soul produces power by releasing the ‘potential energy’ bound up in the gradient between the fragments - when left to their own devices, split timelines will naturally diverge over time on account of minute differences between different soul fragments, gradually creating a greater and greater gradient.

>When the fragments of a soul are merged with one another, all but one of the timelines created by the deconstruction of that soul will be discarded, as if they were unrealized outcomes within a quantum superposition. The selection of the final timeline is random.
So uh, remember this section? Some of those timelines were REALLY fucked up. That's them hell dimensions. It's simply the natural result of soul fission spewing out arbitrary and random timelines, by pure chance some of those are just...awful.
There kinda aren't any except eating Sukuna's fingers and letting him rampage in your body, so you'd have to take vessel.
Aaaah. I see. And becoming Tang fixes that since it collapses everything into a single timeline forever.

Gonna have to figure out soul mechanics to a greater depth to control the decomposition of an Eigensoul and thus the resultant universes it generates upon splitting.
Wait, there actually is one cheat: Ui Ui has a Technique where he can bodyswap you with someone else and if they train in your body their jujutsu skill will imprint onto you like muscle memory.

So basically have Gojo swap into your body and train for like a year straight and you can be the strongest.
Shrine is powerful because it is powerful and hard to use. Yuji had to made a binding vow of only being able to use it on contact to be able to cut things at all. The only thing that Sukuna amplified with a Binding Vow was that he extended the range of his Domain Expansion in exchange of making it always open, but making it open is a hard feat that requires impossible levels of talent.
It's a nearly ten year old game. Or do you mean the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise in general?
How long does it take an average Jujutsu sorcerer to learn how to make a basic-ass Curtain?
Probably not that much, since second years were able to to do it and it is basically what non-combatants do. Domain requires a lot of talent, most sorcerers even with Cursed Techniques never get to manifest them.
With the last chapter having Maki arguing of how they could have beaten Sukuna more easily if they changed a few factors, Ui Ui should have made a binding vow of sacrificing that ability forever in exchange of doing it once with Sukuna even without his consent. They would have won instant and he would have gotten a new body.
>Probably not that much, since second years were able to to do it and it is basically what non-combatants do. Domain requires a lot of talent, most sorcerers even with Cursed Techniques never get to manifest them.
Does Gege, at any point in the manga, EVER state how long it takes to learn how to make a Curtain? Or even imply how much faster a "talented" individual learns to do so than one who isn't talented?

How long does it take an average Jujutsu sorcerer to learn how to make a basic-ass Curtain?
I doubt that would be enough to swap with Sukuna without his consent. Ui Ui giving his life arguably wouldn't be enough to do it without consent.

The only way I could see that working is it that was the effect of Ui Ui's domain expansion.
Not to my knowledge, we just know that the second years at Gojo's time could do it and that it is the job of talentless sorcerers who work in support. And that basically any Curse User can use them.
So we don't know how long it takes an average Jujutsu sorcerer to learn how to make a Curtain. We know that these are completely basic simple things that basically anyone who practices Jujutsu should be capable of. We know that even random Curse Users who get no education in Jujutsu figure out how to do it. We know that everyone from geniuses to scrubs can figure it out. We don't know how long it takes to figure out how to make a Curtain.

Do you see the problem here?
What Ui Ui should've down was make a hundred binding vows to never speak various dead languages, become omnipotent and fuck his sister forever.
Might've taken a thousand.
No, this specific thing.
Sure, a thousand to be safe. I genuinely do not know how many dead languages there are out there, but even if Ui Ui "merely" becomes absurdly more powerful than before I'm sure he'll gain the power to accidentally dominate his sister in bed.
>I genuinely do not know how many dead languages there are out there
According to our estimates, somewhere in the range of 30-35k dead languages exist.
Binding vows only matter when they actually have trade offs and consequences. So that doesn't work like that.
I'm trading off the capacity to speak an entire distinct language, consequentially limiting my linguistic capabilities and potential. That's a pretty big tradeoff and consequence.
They definitely can be gamed to a certain extent in universe, like when Hakari was about to die so he just traded the durability in his arm to reinforce the rest of his body.

The vow didn't seem to account for the fact he was gonna die anyways without the vow.
You know how much legal shit is in Latin? Or how screwed you'd be if you couldn't communicate with a remote tribe in the Amazon? It's WAY worse than losing a finger or your full power during non-overtime hours, from a certain point of view.
I say keep it and Xam'd in your chain. That way you can use the much more ethically viable soul power generation method from Xam'd AND pick up the soul-science from Floornight so you can surgically augment people's souls for greater Prana generation
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Boogie Woogie says no.
>JJkoping about power system coherency even after Yuta fucking LIVED
Only got room for one or the other in my chain right now. And Floornight looks a whole lot more interesting to be honest.
I don't see why you need every detail in a fictional magic system to be detailed. Specially when context already gives you a close answer.
The binding vow there makes perfect sense. Him getting the CT to register the vibraslap as his arm was an entirely different thing from binding vows.
... Fair enough. I just really like Xam'd's stuff.
Trading off the capacity to speak languages nobody uses isn't much of a restriction.
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Does your female jumper pass the orc vibe check (aka being orc breeding material)?
It's not a matter about EVERY detail. It's a matter of IMPORTANT details. Things like "how long does it normally take to learn a thing" are an important detail, because it shows "hey, the special character is special because he learned the thing WAY faster than normal!" It defines the difference between "average" and "genius" by clearly showing that a genius is capable of easily doing something that an average person would take much longer to do. By putting a time cost on learning a given technique it explains why not everyone can do X or Y, allowing for variance and specialization to occur as we get to know that a person put in a LOT of time/effort to develop their Cool Shit.

We never see this in JJK. We never see the timecost. We never see the effort put in by other people. We never see the learning process for Jujutsu techniques. How long does it take to learn to make a basic-ass Curtain? Who the fuck knows. Domain expansions are cool I guess and only supah speshul people get to do them, until suddenly everyone's busting one out because why not-and at no point do we ever see when they actually learned to do these things. Oh hey, random guy just pulled out literal actual toonforce, that's pretty neat. Wonder if he had to put any effort into-nope, he's just a random-ass guy who never trained a day in his life but could solo Gojo if he thought it was funny.

The problem here is that the fictional magic system is barely a system at all. It's maybe half a step up from random bullshit of the week that works because it works and no other explanation is provided. Cursed Energy is a thing. You learn to punch with it. Cursed Techniques might as well be Jojo powers. There's theoretically other cool things you can do with Cursed Energy, but good luck learning how because nobody ever learns in this manga-either you have the cool special powers and do cool things, or you don't, and that's that.
Yes, my jumper has a mouth and anus
You are just being too autistic about it.
Orcs will breed damn near anything.
How long does it take an average Jujutsu sorcerer to learn to make a basic-ass Curtain.
Would orcs breed Gohan?
Yes, my female jumper (Male) loves to breed orcs.
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Sorry, was baking some millionaire shortbread
Megadimension Neptunia was probably the biggest of the neptunia games they made. In size and popularity. It's the one that introduced Uzume and had Adult Neptune as a main playable character.
>Writing based on powerscaling: cringe
>Writing based on what would make cool scenes and a good story: based
Yes, they would make him sticky with green love as they grunt like wild animals and blow their giant candy colored loads all over his face and up his bussy and urethra.
I think Shard might be a higher dimension being in real life.
With or without manuals?
>good story
With QQ perks, you can fuck everything and be fucked by everything.
Oh, so you like RWBY. You should've just said so at the start.
>Sorry, was baking some millionaire shortbread
Who the fuck bake those? They ARE good, but who the hell take the time to make these things?!

>Megadimension Neptunia was probably the biggest of the neptunia games they made
Weird how I never heard of it.
How strong as a baseline does taking the Herrscher perk by itself make you in Honkai Impact?
>Gohan ends up being so traumatised by the color green and grunting that the mere sight of Piccolo makes him burst into tears

For all we know, Lone Valkyrie is actually a kindly grandmother IRL
I just looked up a recipe but it seems like they only take an hour or two to make.
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>who the hell takes the time to make these things?!
What can I say? I like baking stuff. Cookies, shortbread, baklava, etc
Don't spread the secret anon!
About in line with the other herrschers? Depends what world you start in. For baseline just go with Mei probably.
Yeah, 40 minutes for shortbread (making and baking), 30 minutes for caramel, 1 hour cool, then 10 minutes for chocolate. That said, I did manage to catch the caramel slightly on this one. Sadge.
Hey, you're not allowed to use that word.
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>For all we know, Lone Valkyrie is actually a kindly grandmother IRL
But we are men in the internet.

One or two?! For all that? Shit mate.

Very sugary and greasy tho.
Drawback waifus are fun; what are some ideas for difficult problem spawning women that jumpers will take anyway because horny, stupid, and/or greedy.

I've got strong girl failure delusionally convinced that breaking lot of often important things in a sexy way is the best mode of courtship via showing off her power to husbando.
Nanaimo Bars sound better to me. But then I was never a caramel fan.
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>breeding material
>mouth and anus
taimanin orcs actually like beautiful girls and will just kill uggos. Taimanin are just all extremely beautiful on average including the men
Ever made galaktoboureko? Probably my favorite desert.
Never heard of those
Or those desu
I've got a MPREG perk and it's morally acceptable to kidnap Taimanin Orcs to keep them as sex toys and baby daddies.

If they didn't want me to kidnap and rape them then they shouldn't have had such large genitals.
Hmm someone who isn't really a Yandere but saw the trope and thinks "Oh! He's into that!" for some god knows reason and is acting the part of a Yandere in a attempt to get Jumper. With the caveat that she's actually really good at being manipulative and social. She's just playing it up because she thinks it works.
>"You reeeeaaaallly shouldn't hang out with that girl, senpai. Who knows what could happen-"
>Jumper hands her a gun
>"Kill her."
>"I hate that bitch. Kill her for me."
>"U-um, I don't know if I can-"
>"No, you can do it. I have full faith in you. You can blow her brains out, just as long as I get to watch."
>Jumper gets a boner
>Fake yandere runs away in horror
Sadge. Galaktoboureko is a delicious custard wrapped in pastry. My grandmother used to make it for me and taught me how to do it a while back.
They look like baklavas.
That sounds like a cross between an anime finishing move and a wrestling move
Errr Based or Cringe?
Baklava are disgusting little triangular pieces of shit. Galaktoboureko is square mana sent from heaven. They are not the same.
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>"Take up the knife. Cut finality from the excess standing between us. Take your new shape"
It's Greek.
How can they be so influential but have such a disgusting language?
I'm sorry mister frikkenfrakkendurgenwurgenbimbambop.
>He doesn’t just have his companions buy all the items for him
What if I do that, but all my companions are also sub-aspects of myself?
lmao, it's not 2000 years ago
I agree that detail make a story world feel more alive (especially since using a curtain to block Gojo was a plot point) but JJK often has people figure out new powers in the middle of combat, to the point it seems to be how most people unlock stuff, so I don't think there's a set time to learn techniques if you just train at it.
So what are vampires like in pathfinder? Looking at pathfinder wrath of the righteous and it mentions Vampirism being something valid for a mythic path but... does that really match up to things like Angels, liches, Swarms that devour all life and demons? Feels a bit strange to me unless there particularly powerful.
Good night thread.
That's kind of cowardly.
Good night WoL
Its morning, WAKE UP
They're pretty good, IIRC? Undead traits, fast healing 5, DR/10 Magic and Cold Iron, +6 Natural Armor, constitution draining blood drinking attack, the ability to change into a couple decent shapes, the ability to turn into a gaseous form, the ability to summon swarms of rats, bats, or wolves once per day, Dominate Person CL12 as a standard action, the ability to turn people killed with their blood drinking attack into loyal subordinate vampires after a few days although limited to a number equal to double their HD, and energy drain with every melee hit

It doesn't really matter though, WoTR's Mythic stuff will give them utterly overpowered bullshit anyways, and it doesn't particularly care about what the various races can do in the TTRPG.

It's why the Gold Dragon is a holy thing that eventually gets immunity to elemental damage, negative energy, mind affecting effects, spell resistance scaling off of level and mythic tier, and having every single spell that deals damage have damage dice of 1d10 at minimum.
To add to this, Gold Dragon are normally Loyal Good fire breathing dragons, not whatever the fuck Hal is.
>Anon discovers time zones exist
That's the joke anon
There are people in this thread that are actually that retarded to not know other time zones exist anon.
No, you just never get the joke.
Oh well thats doable then. Maybe I'll make them some "High" vampire then thats pretty strong. Play into something like Dracula from Castlevania a bit. Maybe turn the land into a vampire kingdom post game if Jumper survives. Convert the crusaders who are their to his side one way or another after the big giant hell hole is sealed.
I wonder what a Kobold mythic path would look like...
Basically, yeah. You essentially become a modified SSJ of the thing by the end.
Dracula from Castlevania is a good model for a Vampire Mythic Path.

Dragon obviously.
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What are jumps with EXTREMELY powerful buyable companions? For example a 800 -1000 cp companion that's a powerful reality warping goddess that can change large parts of reality or a primordial beast that can destroy huge parts of the setting?
>Basically, yeah. You essentially become a modified SSJ of the thing by the end.
>Dracula from Castlevania is a good model for a Vampire Mythic Path.
Alright works for me and I get what you mean I think but whats SSJ? Super sayian? Wheres the J come in?
people like that do exist, but i doubt they'd be able to get all the way here or have any reason to stay here
Is it weird for fem!Jumper to let her friends grab her tits as a reward?
You can buy Kaguya in Valbee Naruto.
You can get a genie in Aladdin
Exalted the first age gives your companions a 1000 cp budget. You can easily make a Marika expy there.
DC comics jump has a few
DC Shard.
Saiyanjin. Jin.
Basically, turbo boosted as all fuck beyond anything.
I dunno why, but I find this picture of Marika very unsettling.
>or a primordial beast
I'm interested in this too, examples?
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Does Shaped Finality from Destiny Darkness actually have the Darkness as an entity come with you or is it just talking in abstracts? Like does the power you get from it come with a little bit of its ego?
...Honestly a Marika expy in Exalted first age sounds hella fun to roll with from a outside perspective. (Probably god danm terrifying for creation) but fun.
>Probably god danm terrifying for creation
Not particularly. Not much different from any other solar.
This pic is stupid because Koyan actually look threatening.
A first age solar in general is terrifying but fair point.
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Chaos beast from wish. Can get any powers of those it eats and shape shift into anything
Well we got this Mommy of life.
Yes, of life.
literally who asked, ESL fate schizo
>Pet Lunar
>Can turn into a guy who can also run around separated from her
>Can reshape the world on her own
I'm so fucking lonely. How does anyone meet anyone else anymore without paying for the privilege?

Give me some similar characters out there on the chain so I can at least pretend for a bit.
>Godfrey is her a lion totem lunar
It all tracks
Are solar actually that strong? From the charms we used solar are strong, sure, but at most they can manipulate "reality".a few miles away from them. Not really "I reshape the principles of life and seal away death"
This isn't your blog.
I'd say yunyun but your jumper would forget to take her with him.
Don't respond if you don't care.
They have access to all circles of sorcery and can learn yozi charms, so potentially they can be very wide reality warpers
Not per se. They can create things called Miracle Shells which can be installed in the Loom of Fate to make it universally enforce things like "objects fall towards the ground if not held aloft" or "anyone who wants to learn Sorcery will always be capable of finding a source to learn from". Giving everyone that mutation that causes them to regenerate from anything less than total bodily destruction should be doable.
It was one time anon.
Just touch grass, man.
I am, in fact, currently touching grass.
All you got to do is go outside, go to church, go to the market, go to the DMV, just go where people congregate. You will eventually find someone to talk to.
Your backyard doesn't count
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Magical language options? Or general magical voice or writing related picks.
>The magic in Lazy dungeon master
>The Thuum in Skyrim
>Unified language and high speed divine words in the Nasuverse
NTA but I'm pretty sure walking up and talking to a stranger is how you end up getting charged with emotional rape nowadays.
God I fucking hate cities.
Stop living in north America
Burgerlander sighted.
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[Destiny the Light redux]

//system error 404: Retroactive paracausal rounding error
//anomaly ++
//anomaly Two = Lone|Wolf
//Earlier simulations indicated that the entity formerly known as the Lone Wolf was an Ahamkara and a <magnificent><thorn> embedded within it, who feasted on humanity's desire for an unstoppable saviour. This has been since disproven|annulled|negated (SIMULATION BROKEN, VISUALS IRRECONCILABLE, DATA LOST) now current simulations encompass the existence of the Veil on Neomuna
//Current simulations indicate that the anomaly currently known as the Lone Wolf was always human(???), and with information from Asher Mir made contact with the Vex early on.
//Simulation revised. Scanning for relevant data-

Fifteen minutes after meeting Osiris, we'd gotten into an intense argument about the Sundial.

"It's a time machine!"
"It's a simulation machine!"
"No, it's a TIME MACHINE!"
"WRONG! It. Simulates. TIMELINES!" I shouted.

"I've run the data through all possible permutations" ranted Osiris, striding around in a huff. "Haunted the Vex in their footsteps, studied their ways! What, pray tell, is even the distinction!?"

"Oh, just the question of whether or not the Saint-14 you'll actually be rescuing is real or not. But hey, why believe me? I just got here! Let's ask an ACTUAL specialist!"

And as I gave the signal, out of a nearby Vex portal tumbled Asher Mir.

"FREEDOM!" he shouted.

"You. Guardian. You have more experience with the Vex than this twit" I declared. "Explain whether or not this is a time machine or a simulation machine"

"Is that Osiria next to you? Well, this can't be a simulation. That's FAR too bizarre for Vex to come up with. Well, have you tried asking them?"

"WHAT?! Don't be ridiculous!" snapped Osiris. "The Vex are an utterly inhuman hivemind, their thought processes are incomprehensible and there's no possible way to-"

There's a lot of magic language in Nasuverse too!

Emotional what.
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"Yes, yes, right, I hear you, but watch this" said Asher, striding over to the nearest control panel. He smashed it with the nearest heavily object he could find and typed HOW DO YOU DO, MY FELLOW VEX? QUERY-SUNDIAL=(SIMULATION) OR (TIME MACHINE)?

The Vex immediately told us what I already knew, that it was a simulation machine.

"I, I, what, this is prosperous, how am I supposed to revise YEARS of work to account for-" sputtered Osiris.

"Let me get that for you" interrupted Asher. He typed COMMAND FROM ME, FELLOW VEX, TO YOU, FELLOW VEX=FIX THIS BROKEN TIME MACHINE. Immediately Vex surged out of the walls of the Sundial, reinstalling components and blipping materials from across space-time to fix Osiris' fuckup. I made a point of letting Osiris see the Vex DID have the power to actually go back in time, it's just that his monkey brain didn't actually grasp how it worked. Just like Asher's own monkey brain apparently confused the Vex into being comically easy to fool.

Anyway, that's how we got the REAL Saint-14 back with no casualties except Osiris' pride.

[Destiny the Darkness redux]

"Oh hey, Guardian! I hear you've been on the up and up recently, consuming the Witness' power and trying to annihilate the Veil all. By. Yourself! I hope this doesn't change our working relationship~" sing-songs Failsafe's chipper personality.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you came back to little old Nessus at all! I mean, the Vanguard did basically abandon me, despite my help during the Red War! Do you remember that, Guardian?" grumbles Failsafe's morose personality.

"I remember. I'm the one who petitioned them to salvage you" I point out.

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"And I'm oh-so-grateful to be rusting away on Earth instead of alone amongst the Vex, but here we are! Back again! What are we here for again, and does it have anything to do with the most traumatic event of my programmed existence?"

"Well, first I'm here to kill a man"


"Whoever was helping Maya Sundaresh in the timeline without me"

"Alrighty then, I'll get right to collecting data while you-"

I raise a finger. Some punk just falls apart into giblets, parted with Resonance.

"-or you can make me feel even more impotent! Yay!"

I muse on the fact that giving the Vex individuality actually made them weaker and more useless, while the timeline where Maya wanted to drown the Last City in radiolaria to "recreate the Golden Age" with herself as the hivemind overlord (while insisting it was somehow not that bad).

I conveyed this information to the Vex, as their source code.

They responded by setting all Maya Sundaresh simulations to being permanently unreal.


"Well, that was anticlimatic. I guess I'll just...go home. Hopefully Failsafe doesn't die on her way back to her home planet!" jokes Failsafe morbidly, to try to stave off the crushing ennui and loneliness.

Lmao, please tell me this is satire and it's not actually that easy to fool the Vex.
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"Yes, well. About that. I'm gathering Disciples. I haven't decided on suitable humans-although Eris is a strong candidate-but I made Rasputin an offer. I'm willing to extend you one too"

"I have NO idea what that means, but it sounds like I'll be part of a team! For the first time in years! I would VERY much appreciate purpose and productivity rather than the Vanguard just kind of trying to ignore me!" begged Failsafe cheerfully.

"That's the general idea. In the interest of honesty, I will tell you plainly what Disciples actually are. They are but tools given godlike power in the form of gilded chains, discarded as soon as they cease to be useful by the inescapable whims of a master who in truth never needed any of them. They are to be charged with eternal service, expected to carry out orders to the letter and their master can manifest near them at any time. Are you certain these terms are agreeable?"

"Guardian, half of that sounds like the normal state of being an AI already, while the rest sounds like a genuine improvement the Vanguard just perpetually not picking up my calls unless there's a crisis happening" points out Failsafe. "Do I need to remind me you how many Golden Age dildos and onaholes had AIs attached to them? Poor things"

"True. Well. Welcome to the White Fleet" I concede, beginning Failsafe's infusion of Light and Darkness. "Your first mission will be to do what Maya Sundaresh only CLAIMED to do"

Failsafe returns to Earth laden with enough inert, non-human assimilating, Light and Darkness-charged radiolaria to recreate the ACTUAL Golden Age's structures, vehicles and products that we retroactively smear over the uninhabited parts of Earth with.

Generally confusing the hell out of the Last City. Especially the part where the Vex just kind of crawled home afterwards instead of trying to assimilate everything else, leaving behind only some very confused Golden Age AIs confirming that they'd just barely missed the collapse.

Magic in Eragon deals with the Ancient language.

This ISN'T the lore entry I was looking for. But it does get the point across. Long before Osiris unveiled his "time machine", a random Warlock bumbling around the Vex network and constantly surviving by the skin of his teeth managed to figure out how to fool Vex into thinking his own Ghost is one of them, and thus unlocking some of their data centres. In all fairness this IS the Guardian being partially converted into another Vex but like-he consistently remains in humanity's corner even after being reduced to a digital entity.

This is either a demonstration of how autism can be a weakness as well as a strength, or unironically the best in-game example of paracausality fucking over Vex intellect.
Also just to be clear, in the entry I'm thinking of a Guardian DOES actually punch in coding to a Vex console that's suspicious of him, until it just kind of gives up and lets him through.
Now I am
Not that anon, but what does this perk (from Gods of Blood and Powder) do?

Best army in the world (200): The men and women you lead will always be among the best trained, organized and best equipped that can be found on any of the continents. Freely after the Adran principle of promoting according to merit, constantly train and test yourself in battle as well as heavily invest in the best modern military equipment. Quality over quantity.
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Why not?
But someone has to pick up the pecans and water the ground cherries.
>Legend of Mana
>HalfDemon (300cp) You are the product of a union between human and demon. You have
>a mane of hair and demoniclooking limbs, as well as horns. Your lineage grants you a
>moderate boost towards your strength as well as any form of destructive magic. You have a
>slower but more powerful full demon form you can shift into after a flashy transformation
Any other jumps with some kind of demonic transformation like this or Devil May Cry's Devil Trigger? I think Sword and Sorcery had something like that too.
Whenever you lead a (military) company they will automatically be the among best trained, equipped and organized relative to what can be found in a specific setting without automatically being comprised of the strongest supernatural beings.
Maliketh is her furry pet lunar. Godfrey is more like her Earth Aspect Dragonblooded elite Lieutenant that she often fucks.
They did shatter Creation into smaller bits when they were on their own. They have pretty strong charms, albeit most of the big stuff is done via sorcery and artifacts rather than just charms (even if they at least have one official charm for interacting with the underlying principles of reality).
Nope, it's quite literal, in the sense that Cayde becomes one with the Traveller after his death.
Is it true that female jumpers have a compulsion to kill any girl prettier than them?
It shouldn't be too hard to club an Elden Ring dragon in the head and claim it as a horse right?
this is impossible to test
Ah, pass then.
The only girls prettier than MILF jumper are her daughters and she's considers that something to be proud of and a little bit of a turn on
Does it really matter if it just likes you and lets you do whatever? It is also mostly semi-sentient. Plus it is in its ideology that make it submit and shape it into your waifu.
Yeah it matters, pass.
Pretty cowardly take, but to each their own.
>yeah dude it will totally just sit and watch
>t. Winnower
Unfortunately given the current state of Bungo writing being such that Episode 1 was devoted to marriage counselling for two gay couples, we cannot entirely discount the possibility that Episode 3 will involve the Winnower itself showing up in some capacity, contradicting both the established lore AND Bungo's stated intentions going forwards, simply because that is roughly on par with Maya Sundaresh escaping death by 1. refusing to have a playable bossfight and 2. everyone just standing around doing nothing while she sinks into radiolaria despite the fact that 3. contrary to Ikora's initial assessments, Guardians CAN in fact fight off Echoes by just trying hard enough. Saint was literally just off his game because she sprang the whole "you're a simulation" thing on him.
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People still take 'priest of X' options, but now if it is for cosmic Satan it is supposed to be bad?
Those perks typically just work going forward and don't bring the consciousness & influence of that being with it. Unlike this one. The better comparison is the Beastmen & skaven perks that give you patron spells but also make you a node of entry for them into future settings.
Either take Wizard to Be (DYN Freaks) or any perk similar to that, or fully commit:
>Most xianxia Jumpers: Haha another funny chinaman slaughterhouse, time to gather waifus and pills
How far along are you?
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Is Tome of Radiance the only option if I wanna be a magical girl (Male) AND an elf?
There’s probably other places where you could pull it off, but as far as I know ToR is the best ‘out of the box’ option.
Damn, I was hoping there was a different option. Thanks anon
No you weren’t you just wanted to post the pic and used the question as an excuse.
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No, I was actually planning on making a build to have an excuse to post the pic. The I asked because I couldn't find a good option that I hadn't already used for something similar

The plan was to post the pic unspoilered in a few dozen threads with an appropriate build. Or more likely to complete forget about that idea
What are some setting where some characters are ridiculously intelligent, ideally ones we don't already have a jump for? Best I can think of is AI stuff like the Culture from the culture and S4+ intelligences in Orion Arms, but I can't think of any non AI stuff.
Bloodborne 2 jump when?
Probably sometime after Bloodborne 2 is announced and made
>The plan was to post the pic unspoilered in a few dozen threads with an appropriate build
You're kind of a cunt huh.
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>betrays others and gets fucked by others for godlike power
>Fucked around and had a shitton of bastards
>Literally throws her children into the sewers
>Uses godlike artifact of power to reshape reality in order to make her family immortal
>Which she, in fact, doesn't give a fuck about
>Later tells them to literally kill each other and make something out of themselves or they'll be forsaken
>Had sex with a snake/dog and with herself
>Literally has beef with her other personality
>Her other personality just leaves his wive because Marika wanted to fuck her other half which she eventually married
>Commits at least 3 genocide
>Had children with herself
>Shatters ring and reality fractures
Is Marika peak jumper? Elden ring is literally a jumpchain qq meme. When you read about this being you literally read only increasingly insane shit. After playing this game she's written as if she's literally choosing the path of causing the most shit for everyone.
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Here's a question: would it make sense for being a mobian to cost points as a racial option then have being Sonic/Shadow level cost even more points as an upgraded racial option?
I would argue that being a Mobian on it's own should not cost points with the various special powers that some mobions have being where any cost lies.
>racial option
That's fair enough.
So the primary source of problems in a jump like this would obviously be big girls making themselves your problem in various ways, how bad of an idea is it to lean into that and just outright have part of the drawbacks section be a secondary companions section with extremely troublesome big girls.
>Drawback Companions: Big girls with issues who like to make themselves your problem, they can’t be gotten rid of during this jump or fix their attitude problems any way but the old fashioned one. They can be kept post jump but their myriad bad habits and character defects will remain until you deal with them one way or another.
Forget about Bloodborne, what about Concord?
>So the primary source of problems in a jump like this would obviously be big girls making themselves your problem in various ways
What if you want to be the big girl yourself?

>how bad of an idea is it to lean into that and just outright have part of the drawbacks section be a secondary companions section with extremely troublesome big girls.
Seems like an interesting idea.
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Can I impregnate them mobian girls?
It's Sonic, you can only mpreg the morbian guys.
>What if you want to be the big girl yourself?
Then your primary source of problems is still likely to be big girls making themselves you problem, just now it likely includes yourself.

>Seems like an interesting idea.
Things like a bully who ends up as a giantess and can't display her feelings except by acting like beeg Nagatoro as a relatively low value one. Or a girl failure who thinks tearing up the area you live in like a kaiju is an important part of courtship due to far too many questionable videos from giantess lifestyle gurus as a slightly higher one.
Would anyone actually want a legitimate Concord jump? It seems like the only reason someone would make one would be for memes.
>Then your primary source of problems is still likely to be big girls making themselves you problem, just now it likely includes yourself.
>There’s a guy you like, but he’s afraid of giantesses
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I don't think there's ever been a child born from a canonical human/mobian relationship, but by a similar token we've also never been told it's impossible.

I guess you'll just have to try and see what happens.
>Macrophobia added to the drawbacks list.
>Go to giantess jump
>See a giantess looking down at the city you're in, smirking mischievously talking about all the mayhem she's going to inflict
>Quickly summon and climb inside your giant, jumper-grade OoC super robot and punch her
>She starts crying
>You can feel everyone in the city glaring at you and judging you disapprovingly
What do you do in this situation?
>Giant robot for fighting hostile giantesses and/or being able to share a perspective with your beeg girlfriend added to the items section.
Most giantesses of comparable size to him would lose in a fight against Godzilla, mostly for the same reasons that a normal human would lose a fight with an alligator.
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Disappointing yet not unexpected
What about a magical/supertech bracelet that can shrink a giantess down while worn?
Methods for giantesses to reduce themselves down to normal size will exist, especially for the REALLY big girls who kind of need them no matter what BS methods are used to construct giantess housing.
>down to normal size
But I want to reduce them down to mouse size and bully them the way they bully other people.
I'm also not a fan of giantesses, so my word doesn't count for much.
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Hope they like tentacles.
To keep the size fun going, shrink down then use the reduction method on a normal person.
Please be something from an actual IP and not a CYOA
Its from the Laboratorium CYOA, if you want an eldritch mech try Demonbane, Evangelion, Warhammer 40K, Godbound, or Exalted.
Is that option fluff for ants? The blurriness isn't helping much either...
you'd do it too if all your loved ones were put into jars

the hilarious thing is that she committed genocide and still somehow managed to not be as horrible as her enemies
Xam'd and Escaflowne have fun mechs too, although they're less eldritch. One's a soul powered proxy human body thing and the other's a giant blood powered creature
I love Reboot so goddamn much. Maybe I should impliment it into my next chain. Hell, it may be my final jump so I can use it as my character's final home.
It's very random to bring my name up like this. You okay anon?
Nah, there's a whole board to talk about that. Here you go: >>>/lgbt/
Unfortunately their community isn't particularly fond of crossdressers
CYOAs are IPs.
One thing I like to do in my chains is gradually have my character build power, rather than just jumping to be overpowered immediately. (I enjoy the gradual build.)

But a question I have for you guys is, what's a good method of determining a setting's overall power level? For example, if I wanted to do a chain that was ONLY fighting games, what would be a good way of determining the general power level of each?
I really could not give less of a shit what interpretation of Lovecraft you use anon. I talk about CoC and fucking DG, neither of which fits with Lovecraft 'canon' (with the former explicitly using Azathoth dreaming reality as the baseline) so do whatever you want. The "dreaming reality" interpretation is the most common one and I'm simply not going to try and argue with all the people who enjoy it because that's not a thing I care about. Maybe when I was still in my super-obsessive Lovecraft phase, but now? Nah.
Why is Zelda in rural Missouri?
if you aren't familiar with a setting, are you really going to jump in it? it would never work for me

anyway i like to start with one mid tier diverse power or a high powered narrow gimmick and then jump in a bunch of settings where most people don't have any kind of powers or only occasionally do, lately this has been star trek
She’s taking a vacation.
>from a cyoa
Man I'm sad. And nah I'm gonna wait (forever) for us to get a Cthulhutech or Lancer jump for my eldritch mech needs.
>if you aren't familiar with a setting, are you really going to jump in it?
I actually do this all the time. But in the case of fighting games, I just have a "Passing familiarity" with each game's setting. A good example is that I own and have played a couple of the Mortal Kombat games, but once I actually start looking into it, I begin to learn a lot more about the setting. (I actually use Jumpchain as a way to learn about various IPs and settings, rather than watching or playing the original media, because nowadays you can just go and look up the media's wiki and learn even more than if you just watched some movie or played the game.)

I also tend to do a lot of Generic versions of jumps. For example, if I jumped to DBZ, I would jump to a generic version of it where the events and characters have all slightly changed, which makes is "Artificially fresh".
SB has a Cthulutech jump
The SB Cthulutech jump is alright iirc.
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Hi Argent. How are you?
I'm aware and I think it's really underwhelming.
>No breasts
This is an adorable trap
I just found a guy on youtube that has taken all of the most popular fighting games and put them on a scale of weakest average power level to highest.
yo argent, how goes jumps?
Link to the video? That sounds neat.
weird question, but which pokemon do you think would be the best source of fertilizer on my jumper's farm?
current ideas are Snorlax, Dugtrio and Mudsdale_
this is what pokemon is all about
Woodchipper X Any Pokemon.
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>want to make a mad science chain
>sifting through new and old cyoas
>find tons of "you know how X technology works/can build it" perks but very few more general builder perks outside of videogame logic-like perks (Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress being examples)
Maybe I'm looking in the wrong areas? WoD Genius is kinda a travesty compared to its source material, and Girl Genius is fucking ancient and bare-bones.
What did she get banned over?
Check soon I will be Invincible
IIRC the mad science perk from that was pretty nice.
why is wod genius jump a travesty?
ExVsWoD has a good super science perk in the alchemical line.
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TIL that significant caffeine plus sudafed equals limbo. At least my breathing isn't obstructed by mucus.
You ok dude?
Supremely neutral.
What causes a man's heart to turn to neutrality?
when everyone else is cringe
Sounds like an interesting high, besides that how's my favorite furry jump-maker doing?
Mind Control University. Whateley Academy. Eclipse Phase.
Soon I will be invincible and that new teen titans jump are pretty good, as is diabolical. Just to note soon I will be invincibles is based on a guy who was able to build time machines ,dimension hoppers, massive robot armies, and all kinds of stupid crazy stuff. He was basically the number 1 villain. On a scale of 1 to 100 his brain power was in the thousands.
Speaking from experience, you can't. It's better to just not think too hard about and just do a first glance assessment. Most writters aren't autistically noting down the power level of each of their characters and obsessively making sure they're consistent. 99% of people write fight scenes with the idea making a cool scene or advancing the story.
Its just light on details of Genius, it doesn't really cover any of the things the source goes over. I wouldn't want a 1:1 recreation of the character creator, but even the Axioms only covered due to a single perk. Nothing about the factions of the setting, what makes a Genius a Genius, what Mania is even really capable of nor hows its used or gained. It's more a skimming of a summary of the idea of what Genius could maybe be.
WoL would clog the thread with his updates for that
Inadvertently mixing uppers and downers.

Having luck with the direction of my chain, watching a fox and a fish talk about crime. Got a new chair that I'm procrastinating on assembling because my current one is still serviceable.

Shilling my own jump: The 'Mega Mind' perk from Megamind might work for you.
>least powerful Shaper confronting most powerful Agent
Generic Builder from SB.
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>Reading through First Age books
Damn, life surely seems comfy for Solars.
Correspondence and Discordance in Fallen London.
This is just blatantly a horny self indulgent question, but is there a jump that makes all women I interact with in every jump thereafter THICC as fuck?
Multiple qq jumps like generic Hentai world and taimanin
We only have perks that make women/everyone more beautiful, so they wouldn't help. Also:
Ah, okay. I didn't realize what qq stood for. Thank you guys.
>Watching a Rome documentary
Man, things sure seem to be going well for this Julius Caesar guy
I'm mostly just taking the time to rest right now for the weekend. Cookie Run is still going, Kemono Giga needs the rest of the perks fluffed out, Torutaru and Golden Light are in states of near-completion but it's frustrating trying to figure out what to fluff for the rest of the docs, Lust Shards is an attempt to try something new so I'm trying to figure out how to work it, Esoterrorists is on the backburner for now, and I need to update both TH jumps because new stuff came out. Also have ideas for another paranormal horror setting jump and more furry jumps but those are going to wait until I'm done with my current backlog.
Hey Ric. Mostly tired.

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Origin: New Citizen -400 CP

>Eigensoul -Free
>Get Out Of Jail -Free
>Without A Map -200 CP
>Factorization -600 CP
>The New Quantum -100 CP
>Giant Things -Free
>Soul Synaesthesia -100 CP
>Mother Of An Age -300 CP

>Coherence Plant -100 CP

>Out Of Infinity +400 CP
>Other Me Is An Asshole +400 CP

...Yeah, now that I lay it out, I'm not sure I want this in my chain in place of Xam'd. It's definitely stranger and more interesting, but not exactly what I'm looking for...
Depending on the time period, the First Age can be a very good time for everyone.
The mechanic perkline from Initial D >>93898267
is actually a nice supplement to any kind of tinkering shenanigans.
Sim Ant has a perk that let's you build things ant sized
Imagines the Shard writefagging.
>The 'Mega Mind' perk from Megamind might work for you
Is that even what he's after? Mega Mind just makes you smarter, doesn't help with building stuff.
Gimme two jumps - one has to be a sci-fi, and the other has to be a shonen battle manga.
Sci-Fi: Out Of Cruel Space
Shonen Battle Manga: Maken-Ki
Eclipse phase and mha
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Which jump was it that had the perk where you could successfully injure yourself no matter how durable you are? For various reasons, I need to feed people my blood on this Chain, and I can't do that if I can't draw blood from myself.
>Gender: Female
>Enters jump with the intention of enslaving everyone on a metaphysical level like always
>The Concordverse ceases to exist a few moments after he enters
>"This must be the outer gods fault"
My Hero Academia.
MHA had a perk for hurting yourself.
MHA, villain origin
Ajin Demi Human
Hyperion cantos
One Piece
Are there any jumps besides the OG Pokemon, Assassin's Creed and Watch Dogs, that have parkour or free-running perks?
Deadman Wonderland has a perk specifically for getting blood out without hurting yourself. Just having it flow out through your skin.
>Out Of Cruel Space
I imagine that's on the QQ drive? Care to post it?
Sounds interesting, will check it out.

Eclipse phase is too long, and the only reason to jump MHA is custom quirks.

Is there anything going on in the setting besides genocidal alien vs human vs flood threesome?

>Hyperion cantos
Fucking based.
>One Piece
Fucking cringe.... but still jumpable, thanks.
>I imagine that's on the QQ drive?
No, it's on ours. We basedly accept lewd jumps now.
Star Wars - Original Trilogy
>Shounen Battle Manga
Fairy Tail
Here you go.
>Star Wars - Original Trilogy
That's fantasy.
Please commit neckrope already.
it's harder sci-fi than star trek at least
Imagine if Naruto was written by Horikoshi
>Naruto ends the series as still a Genin that didn't actually accomplish anything and doesn't have Kurama anymore
>Sasuke is the Hokage and fucks 80 bitches per hour. He lends Naruto a Sharingan so he can have a hope of achieving anything in his life
>Danzo was redeemed and considered a hero and he was gaslit into being evil by black Zetsu
>Black Zetsu/Kaguya/Madara are all defeated by Hashirama in a mech suit
>Jiraiya comes back to life
>Tsunade got turned into a nugget
>The world is provably, objectively worse than when the series started but everyone is celebrating
They live.
It's not a general intelligence boost, it makes you a science/tech savant.
I specifically made it that way because while Megamind can achieve amazing feats of science and technology, he's kind of an idiot outside of that.
>I imagine that's on the QQ drive?
Nah, that’s one of ours. Perhaps you’ve seen CruelSpaceAnon around.
>he's kind of an idiot outside of that.
In the sense of low intelligence or low wisdom?
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All namefags look the same to me.
Thanks, that was the one.

These also sound very helpful, thank you.
Low WIS, mid INT.
Why would you do something so retarded?
I think at least one of the various Batman jumps has some acrobatics/parkour perks and i'd be willing to put money on one of the Spider-Man jumps having something like that as well.
Narutard is already close enough to pull a decuck, but he has a bloodline which he's too stupid to use.
Reminder to impregnate your sister.
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That's kinda based
My sister is Mei Mei
Did I stutter?
>it makes you a science/tech savant
That's how being smart works in most fiction

It's easier to write someone slapping tech together then have them actually be intelligent
But I don't wanna fuck Rhaenyra.
So perfect for a mad science jumper.
Did. I. Stutter.
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>the Fabled might be the ones responsible for the Evilswarm getting even more out of hand
Im gonna fist fight Leviathan myself, getting nuked with a meteor & getting the world frozen is not enough
Why do you want me to get Ara ara'd by my big titty sister who is part of a bloodline infamous for incest and sibling marriages?
Very well. If you insist, raven beak.
Intelligence perks are pretty common
Since he couldn't find many "builder perks" I was thinking they might not be included in that
>"Remember, daughter - outcest is gay."
>"Yes, father."
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Unlock my domain now?
>1. Yes
>2. No
>Sasuke lasts less than a minute
Seems about right.
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>More light fiends
Fuck you Konami
Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san.
I might not be quite as free as I once was, but still enough time to work on jumps.
You're the Bret Hart of Jump-making Gene, keep it up.
I didn't realize Shard was a woman.
I got excided to see a jump not using the standard format for a second there
Thanks Gene
>10 year old girl turns into hypersexualized form
Oh, Japan!
>Fuck you Konami
Indeed. Also the collab that Taimanin is having is HoTD is pretty neat. Love the new Saya Design. Saeko somehow looks tame by comparison.

Awesome! Thanks a bunch Gene!
DC comics are genuinely terrible. Honestly worse from a technical and storytelling level then most fanfic I've read.
>that cover
Fuck, I remember watching clips from this in AMV Hell. Never knew where those were from.
I'm guessing the starting CP is decreased to account for the power of the origins, which is why being a Human gets you back to 1000, yeah?
Did you have a deeper reason for doing it this way, or did you just want to do things differently?
destiny story peaked in taken king, i hate this crap
How is Multi-Faceted worth 600 points?

Seriously, it seems more like a drawback than a perk
I figured that since 2/3 origins got the powers (and the vast majority of people are probably going to take one of those two), 600JP was the real baseline for most builds. Doing it this way just made more sense to me.

Kind of like if there's a perk that's discounted to all but one origin, I'll just list the discounted price as the default and say that it costs more for the one Origin that doesn't get a discount. Since that origin is the outlier in this situation.
If you take the UnChousin drawback in the Tenchi Muyo! jump it is very heavily implied that you will end up with Tokimi as a waifu / companion.
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>Tekken, Baki, Street Fighter, Kengan Ashura, Dead Or Alive (Sans NInja Gaiden stuff)
Going to be going to Street Fighter but all of the above will be canon to the version that my jumper will end up in, any other fighting/martial art settings I should add onto it?
Tenjou Tenge
Kickboxer - Vengeance
That seems like needlessly messing with the established format for no real gain.
Because it's not guaranteed that the other personality will be hostile, and even if they are you can kill them to completely remove that aspect from your personality.

That said, I don't mind switching it with one of the 400JP perks. Just not sure which one. To be brutally honest, 5 perks per tier was really stretching the source material thin. It'd be too much hassle to change now, but I probably could have scrapped one perk from each tier and nothing much of value would be lost.
What an annoying voice.
Ikkitousen, Exalted Burn Notice, History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
>Admitting that negative cost backgrounds actually make you start off with more than 1000 CP and accounting for it.
I wouldn't say it's worth 400cp either. It's a power that works by literally mindraping yourself to spawn possibly hostile entities that can steal your body, with the only positive effect seemingly being able to literally murder bits of your personality that you don't like
>literally mindraping yourself to spawn possibly hostile entities that can steal your body
This looks like a fanservice booby series, how bad can it really be?
No real gain, but no real loss either. I just personally prefer it this way in this instance.
Maybe I can futz around with it to make it more controllable. More like Diovalo and Doppio than Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I just lack the brain power right this second. I'm pretty spent right now. I just wanted to put this out there before the thread hit image cap.
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Saya looks 10 times hotter. Roach is whatever. Saeko didn't get any upgrades which is odd.
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King Of Fighters
Need more sci fi jumps…
I feel it's just going to cause misunderstanding but you do you. Just be aware that some anons (like myself) have long since stopped reading discount rules and things like that in jump docs. I have a default assumption on how jumps work and don't really care about deviations from it.
It's a perk that requires you to permanently sacrifice bits of your personality or mind to spawn extra minds in your body. The newly spawned minds don't have any form of loyalty, they can grow powerful enough to steal your body, and the only actual use for them seems to be to murder them to permanently remove that part of your mind or personality.

I could possibly see some use if the minds were loyal, if they could access your mental powers when working with you, or if you could remerge with them instead of having to outright murder them
No, we need more fantasy jumps.
Eh that anons already got Dead or Alive on there which has an alt universe Mai in it and she's the only note worthy character from there.
Sorry miss, I don't know how to tie knots.
You have like a century or two before the Usurpation happens. And if you are an active Solar, you can probably prevent it.
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Panty's not into it. Stocking is, though. For real, she makes multiple passes at her sister throughout the show and Panty continually tells her to knock it off.
99% of everything we get is fantasy fuck off
>Not having enough knowledge of women's bodies to turn tie her in knots
Jumping incorrectly.
No, she's not the only one. Snk has several waifus. That's like saying Chun-li is the only character of note in street fighter.
Kill yourself, woke cuck. Fantasy, a retvrn to tradition, is inherently more based than trash about living in pods and eating bugs in a matriarchy where everyone is a brown mutt.
The main reason I priced it so high is that Ongo's evil person transformed him from a little imp to a city-destroying kaiju. Maybe I can just focus on allowing you to develop new forms from aspects of your personality with a risk of going berserk if you fail to reign them in.
PSG is odd, but enjoyable. Stocking would prolly not mind being taken along as a companion/waifu, same with the Demon Sisters....

Panty, honestly I would leave to Brief.
Marie Rose is cute too
That'd definitely be better, yeah.
I don't know what it is, but I suddenly want to use one of those "forge supernatural beings into weapons" perks on them.
And that's a good thing.
>M*rie R*se
Holy fucking cringe, dude.
>Marie Rose
She's from Dead or Alive not King of Fighters, stop being a secondary Ric.
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I thought we were talking about DoA
I'm beyond cringe
Eh, Athena's not bad.
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>Mai in it and she's the only note worthy character from there.
Shut up, secondary.
Have a build.

Jungle De Ikou!

+1000 - Human

>Welcome to the Jungle - (Free)
>Quiet Kid - (Free)
>Preview - (100)
>Inner Beauty - (100)
>Shoddy Seal - (200)
>Material Affection - (200)
>All in a Day’s Work - (300)

>A Rare Delicacy - (Free)
>Ritualistic Tool - (100)

So in this jump I am going to be an archaeologist researcher dude who is looking into weird magic and items from history.
It all started when I got some weird bracelet as a gift that was clearly not normal and now I travel around looking for and studying other weird magic items in the world.
Trying to remember a perk from one of Val's jumps that'd let you absorb the memories and knowledge of your ancestors. I think the jump had something to do with nazis?

Anyone know what jump it's from? I need it for that perk in Psycho-Pass that makes me be made of 185 different people
Scifi is older than LotR.
>Bishie boy with boobs
>Hentai villain redhead with boobs
>Treats you like an accessory gf
I mean, the whole Hokage thing was mostly glossed over.
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Great isn't it? A veritable buffet of soft fighter titty.
I have no idea what that is, but the artstyle is doing it for me as much as the boobs.
Remember kids, 90s artstyle is based.

I like tits as much as anyone but...
Why HotD collab in Taimanin.
>Hentai villain redhead with boobs
This one seems interesting. What's her deal?
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Perks, powers, and items for a chef themed chain?
Fallen London question, would Material of the Immaterial let you solidify and keep the aspects of things you cut with Chirurgical Touch?
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Malevolent Kitchen
Options for having people survive enhancing rituals and processes even if they don't work?

I was planning on selling buffs and useful abilities using spell tattoos from Grimnoir.
But every time you put one on there is a chance the receiver dies from it. So I am looking for either a perk to prevent that or maybe a lab item for that?
How do you write for a mad scientist if you don't know much about real science to bend it to your will? It's harder to make up robots if you don't understand basic engineering, etc.
All of Food Wars
Wandering Inn
The Butcher perks in Warhammer Ogres.
The Warhammer Halfing jump too
The cooking perk in KLK is pretty good
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Anything that can boost your senses since better taste and smell help a lot in cooking. Of course the jumps that deal with cooking like shokugeki no soma and toriko are a must. Perks that give you insight in alchemy and chemistry are good too for obvious reasons.
Bocchi a cute.
She's a member of the hakkeshu, who are humans granted power by Orochi, the soul of Gaia that wants to kill humanity because they're stinky. When she isn't actively helping the big snake in its plans, she's on a musical career with her twink friends.
Bocchie the breed
Maken-Ki may have what you're looking for.
There's a perk in Bastard Bonds for making healing food. Also a food magic
DxD and Maken-Ki. Possibly Eiken.
I recognize the character from HotD, but not her outfit. What's going on here?
Collab with Taimanin.
Maybe you could somehow include Balance Formula from Worm in the spell tattoos?
>Balance Formula (300cp, Discounted Cauldron Conspirator): Several containers with a strange liquids solution inside, of an element used to stabilize Cauldron vials at the cost of their potential power. These are special though. When mixed in with serum, formulas, or used in any other such procedure meant to grant people powers or enhance them in some manner it will greatly increase the stability and compatibility while ensuring that mutations or other side effects are at worst minor and trivially dealt with, and with minimal loss of power. The containers effectively contain a limitless amount, refilling whenever you wish them to, and will return to you or your warehouse if lost or destroyed.
>the soul of Gaia that wants to kill humanity because they're stinky
Wtf? Did king of fighters rip-off the Nasuverase?
Take it to Toriko and develop it into a full kitchen
Gacha game collab with taimanin. She’s a slut ninja now.
Who would win, Sukuna or Frieren?
What system make the less sense?
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Also to expand the theme a bit, what gluttony & eating related options are there too?
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Exalted. Craft(Water) directly effects your cooking skill. Just be weary of Lunars stealing your cakes.
Re Monster, Re Zero, and Arifureta?
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Writer is dead and the artist is actually really open to that kinda thing. Also he knows one of the main taimanin artists. IIRC they worked on some shit together.
HOTD had a small collab event with Taimanin.
It's not that weird, lots of series have crossovers with each other as long as their parent companies aren't shit about it. Hell, I remember Slayers had some big collab with Orphen back in the day, with OVAs and everything. Raildex had a collab with Virtual On mecha game series, the authors of henneko, oregairu and DAL made qualidea shit code together cause they're friends.
She sounds nice.
Bocchi the sexo.
Going to Worm makes you nigh omnipotent with a good build, so you probably don't need this item if you've gone there.
Oh, hey. I remember this anime. I never thought it'd get a jump. Thanks, Gene.

>Spirit 300JP
I assume that if you go full blown spirit you'll be able to do the stuff the protag does when fully transformed without the need to transform?
How fast does Frieren finish fights and can she survive being cut in half?
I mean yeah, but why. Is there gonna be any sex in it? Are they gonna get any Taima powers?

Speaking of collab, I remember that Overlord MASS FOR THE DEAD, got a SHITLOAD of collabs Including Slayers..
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The entire Restaurant to Another World jump and anime. That is your guide and the rock upon which you should build.
Worm is street tier.
wanting to be nigh omnipotent sounds pretty boring though
On one hand, I welcome more HSotD art and content. On the other hand, there's only one female in that cast I hate enough to want to go to Taimin. The "childhood best friend" in HSotD is a turbo cunt.
JJK makes less sense
I love women.
Sukuna has the speed and raw power to instantly kill her but it all comes down to whether or not he chooses to do so instead of being an arrogant asshole dismissing her out of hand. If he does the latter, then he gets immediately Zoltraak'd and quite likely dies.
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You act as if this is the first nonsexual Taimanin xover.
Then JJK will probably win.

RIP Frieren, you were shit anyways, like Sukuna, but I don't really care.
Just make it interesting using your newly acquired nigh omnipotence
Kinda sad I never got to play that.
When Sukuna dismisses someone out of hand he just instantly kills them, like the iPhone girl. He only plays around with you if you show promise.
It's because I don't really look (or play) it.
I'm offended that that's the outfit they put Remy in.
The Worm jump is famously overpowered and doesn't represent the setting
No, iirc the HOTD didn't get any sex scenes or powerups beyond cool gear. It was the same deal as the Black Lagoon cross.
>SHITLOAD of collabs Including Slayers
Like I said, as long as the higher ups aren't anal about it, collabs are super common, even if not very well known (since the target audience tends to be super small).
Saeko was top tier from start to end. Saya was great too despite being an useless tsundere. MC was a complete imbecile faggot for not going for her instead of roach, who fucked his friend anyway.
speaking of worm, do you think this item would let you open portals to other points on the same earth or like specific points on other worlds(like I am in Earth Bet New York and Open a Portal to Earth Aleph Paris)), or would it just be a paralel portal on that point on the other earth like the portals faultlines crew makes?
>Dimensional Breach Controller (600cp, Discount Drop-In): This device comes in whatever form you prefer, and is capable of opening and closing dimensional portals. Its software is sophisticated enough that you can define locations or what parameters you'd like to find in a destination. But it'll take a little while to figure out how to properly utilize its functions. This device is keyed only to physical dimensions, spiritual ones like a settings underworld will require serious experimentation and innovation on your part to access with this, assuming it’s possible at all. No matter where you go this device can always open portals to Mirror Worlds like in the Wormverse. Post Spark you'll be able to use it to open portals to anywhere in the multi/omniverse. Indestructible and reappears in the warehouse if lost.
The spell tattoos can be done with a sharp knife and a mirror in a pinch. The special ink used just acts as a magical conductor. People have used ash or just scratching the design on stone with an old nail. The important thing is that the geometric design is correct and that there is enough magic to make the initial connection.
>The "childhood best friend" in HSotD is a turbo cunt.
I like how they try to portray the MC as in the wrong at first, and then she just just act like an entitled, indeed, turbo cunt.
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>Saeko was top tier from start to end. Saya was great too despite being an useless tsundere. MC was a complete imbecile faggot for not going for her instead of roach, who fucked his friend anyway.
You and I are brothers, Ric.
It's a dimensional travel device. Of course it can be used to travel to places on the same earth. Space is a dimension.
Although, say goodbye to any realism if you actually use what you get there.
I see no reason you couldn’t open a portal that ends in the same dimension.
Characters who are basically just ordinary people always get the sexiest and most varied ecchi art for some reason.
if special ink is involved, you could probably still mix it with the balance formula.
>A bowl is most useful when it is empty.
Based Daoist gooner.
>would it just be a paralel portal on that point on the other earth
This one
Bocchi the protecc, the bredd.

I never seen a character that put in such a fusion between horny, must protect, must bite her, must bulli lovingly, since Saki, Hex Maniac, and Watamote.

>MC was a complete imbecile faggot for not going for her instead of roach
I mean, it seemed like he was more attracted to Saeko, and he slapped his bitch of a childhood friend, which is beyond based.
>Marie Rose
Literally made for watching from the cuck chair as I furiously impregnate Honoka.
>>>MC was a complete imbecile faggot for not going for her instead of roach
So long as the World's End Harem MC exists, no other MC can be a complete faggot because of how much pure herbavore, faggot energy that MC radiates and consumes.
>World's End Harem
That and the other trash are pure pretentious retardation. Literal cancer on paper.
Powerscaling in Worm is fucked up because 99% of the story deals with reasonably powerful superheroes, and then that last 1% is about author-wanked assholes whose powers have vaguely explained limitations and can do whatever the author wants them to do, especially in WoG when he needs to win a powerlevel argument or justify his own writing.
Plus, one of them is going to kill everyone in a few years. Due to the aforementioned wankery he's too strong to beat in a fight, and if you alter canon even slightly the extremely specific sequence of events needed to beat him supposedly won't happen.
You know the warehouse has a portal option
Just use that instead of buying the item
Has no range limit as well, so you can open up a gate to the nearest supermassive black hole as a way of dealing with your problems
>Series is filled with overly busty, magical dragon girls
>The best girl is the tired office lady with no curves
Kobayashi is proof of this statement.
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It's because she's the one who deserves love the most. Kobayashi earned her dragon wife and daughter so you really want to root for her.
>best girl
This never happens. Titlets definitionally cannot be best girl.
Fuck, I know I've seen perks for ensuring people survive augmentations. Gungrave Post-Timeskip or BioShock 2, IIRC?
>I assume that if you go full blown spirit you'll be able to do the stuff the protag does when fully transformed without the need to transform?
The best one is Lucoa. I'd let her molest me any time.
Nice. Much appreciated, sir.
Probably a good idea to reply to the anon that was actually asking the question instead of one of the people answering them
I wonder if I could convince my way into a threesome with Kobayashi and her maid-dragon.
nta, but I was under the impression that since the Portal is a replacement for the Key to get into the warehouse it was just like a portal you open on a nearby surface that specifically enters the warehouse, with using it to fast travel only being possible by opening portals at multiple places you've physically traveled to, to get into the warehouse from there, where you can exit through a previous already open portal.
Best part is, you don't even need to be a shota, you just need to say that you need her.
Tohru can't even get a twosome with her.
Fuck that, best girl is Riko Saikawa. Adorable tsundere that just melts when her object of affection is nice to her is peak aesthetic.
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>World's End Harem MC
God that fucking asshole deserves hell and worse. The other 2 dudes weren't total fags either, it was only him that ruins everything with his existence.
Worst of all, is that Saya was also a childhood friend. Poor girl
And yeah, roach was trash
Curious and curiouser
>I never seen a character that put in such a fusion between horny, must protect, must bite her, must bulli lovingly, since Saki, Hex Maniac, and Watamote.
>Can I have a drawback to be stuck as an eternal loli like Komoe?
I meant that he went for roach instead of Saya when they're both his childhood friends. Yet Saya was still into him until she fell for the fatass while roach dumped the MC's ass to date and fuck his friend.
That's good too.
Lucoa was better tho
A lot of superhero settings have at least one OP cosmic being. Worm isn't special in that regard.
>The other 2 dudes weren't total fags either
Iirc there was a conspiracy of "yeah actually don't breed too much", unless it's the other thing, but who gives a shit it's shit.
>Lucoa was better tho
>Plus, one of them is going to kill everyone in a few years. Due to the aforementioned wankery he's too strong to beat in a fight, and if you alter canon even slightly the extremely specific sequence of events needed to beat him supposedly won't happen.
He was killed by having a laser cannon shot at his body while his avatar was distracted. Any jumper can replicate or approximate that.
The comics I read show a different story.
Those are for ensuring that you survive experiments.
There are a ton of perks for that but I can't find any for ensuring other people survive. Which is annoying because I know I have seen a couple before. But now I can't find them.
Unfortunately Kobayashi is the unholy trifecta of romcom protags: as dense as any harem protagonist, deep in the closet, and ALSO a massive tsundere.
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>God that fucking asshole deserves hell and worse. The other 2 dudes weren't total fags either, it was only him that ruins everything with his existence.
Yeah, the one who collabed with his blonde handler, the one with the highschool fantasy, did it right. I think he ended up using his status as one of the only breeders the get political power.

She was based and deserved better.
Mtg new phyrexia iirc.
He was killed because he wanted to die due to lacking purpose, when his purpose was to defend the cycle of powers from outside threats.
If the jumper doesn’t want to hide their nature or powers, is the only faction in 40k, aside from Chaos or Necron depending on the dynasty, that they can join would be the Tau?
So basically you didn't actually check?

The Gungrave one lets you force medical procedures to succeed as long as they're something that's theoretically possible to survive, but it makes it very stressful for the patient to the point of possibly reducing their lifespan
Yes or some minor alien race no one has ever heard of before.
I'm way behind, but was getting people to view him as a brother some kind of power? Because it happened more than once.
To be fair, "fatass" is based. Seriously based.
>"Let me introduce to my hobby that I discovered during my vacations!"
>"It's called GUNS"
And then he become and probably the most useful character in the team, putting him probably at a respectable 4 or even 3th place of best characters.

She really just needed the tsundere and the JSDF fucked out of her.
Everything was fine until Johnny Depp told him "Are you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go ape shitt?"
No, Yuji is simply that innately lovable. He does have a domain that's just his childhood memories.
Eldar and Squats would probably be fine with it. Orks and Tyranids probably couldn't understand it. So really it's just the Imperium who would have a problem.
literally just kill Jack slash and Gold Morning is postponed for years after your jump ends.
Though you may feel morally bad about it, since this would be after society pretty much collapsed into parahuman feudalism and would have a worse chance at winning.
I'm joking about him wanking the dimensional breach controller by pointing out he can just wank the warehouse portal instead.
The key doesn't need to be close to you when opening doors to the warehouse. Anyone or thing can insert it into a lock and open the door, it's only removing the key that requires you to be present.

Also remember going by WoG the force wall can block anything, including things a wall of force shouldn't logically be able to stop. By that standard there's no reason to add limits onto warehouse options that aren't in the text for those options.
>To be fair, "fatass" is based. Seriously based.
i don't dispute how useful hirano is. He's literally second to saeko in raw usefulness on the field.
>I think he ended up using his status as one of the only breeders the get political power.
Yeah, that dude was alright. His handler was one of the best girls in there too.
Shit is shit, anon.
Shut up and take off your shirt.
Cauldron would find another way to trigger it early. Either destroy cauldron or do such a good job improving the world they decided it's better to wait.
>His handler was one of the best girls in there too
bar is in hell
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>Jungle De Ikou! (+600JP)

Spirit (-300/300)

>Skills & Abilities
Welcome to the Jungle: Upgrade (0/300)
Boys Will Be Boys (0/300)
Outer Beauty (-100/200)
Inner Beauty (-100/100)
Shoddy Seals (-200/-100)
Two Good Reasons (-200/-300)

Backup Dancers (-100/-400)

Token Pervert (+100/-300)
Prepubescent Problems (+100/-200)
900 Year Fiancé (+200/0)

Monster chain continues, albeit with an unexpected side-quest.
How do you convince flat waifus to become titty monsters?
>do such a good job improving the world they decided it's better to wait
that could be feasable if you help Eidolon stop the Endbringers, since they were one of the major reasons why society wasn't gonna survive the decade.
>She really just needed the tsundere fucked out of her.
Many such cases. Brat correction is the duty of every jumper.
>"You must be at least this busty to ride this ride. You want on or off?"
Let the unworthy self identify as such.
implement crop rotation
>Shut up and take off your shirt.
No joke I'm actually not wearing a shirt.
Please do not plant your waifus in the fields. That is not how they grow.
The correction need to be permanent.

Wow, Ric work fast.
how would you know, you don't know what jumps were taken
>Industrial sorting machine that separates flat waifus from busty waifus
As a bonus it also sorts out the waifus who have enough self respect to not deal with that kind of crap.
If you track down and ambush Jin-Gitaxias in Kamigawa does that just fully derail the entire plot?
I'm gonna challenge you on that.
Name a jump where you can plant a waifu in the ground, then give her sunlight and water to make her boobs bigger.

And don't say to just use plant waifus, it has to at least work on flesh and blood waifus too.
Could I get away with reshaping the Iron Throne in Westeros into a throne that isn't fucking ugly and a safety hazard if I'm king?
any that offer either arbitrary rituals or similar that you could make planting them a part of, and any that allow you to take relatively arbitrary abilities within a theme
Who would stop you, and how?
>be king
>create the Master of Occupational Safety
Your character is boring. 0/10, would not read.
We can't give a good answer this question without context.
yeah, just wave your hands and it'll happen
I don't know, nobody has altered the throne the entire time it's been there and its an absolute pain in the ass to sit on for any length of time but I can't think of any real reason they keep it around besides prestige and tradition.
You will get safety railings and be happy.
Its a big ugly-ass throne made of melted down swords that every king of Westeros in A Song of Ice and Fire has sat their ass in for 300 years and no one seems to have wanted rid of the stupid thing.
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Are gods allowed to pray to other gods?
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Pic related.
To be ENTIRELY fair, it being uncomfortable for symbolic reasons is the point. The idea is similar to that of the Sword of Damocles. The throne is not a comfortable place to be on even the best of days, and so the physical throne being impossible to seat comfortably makes a degree of sense.
Yes. It happens all the time. Also, Aqua is trash.
Konosuba is trash.
I totally get that but I'm wondering if anyone would be upset in jump if I had it hammered and filed down into something less dangerous to simply stand near.
Yes, though it may be seen as odd unless the other god in question significantly outranks you. Some rando minor god praying to one of the Olympians for a favor, for instance? Makes total sense, no different than a mortal petitioning their king for something. No guarantee you'll get it, but not at all weird.
Yes but shes Jumpers trash and he loves her.
IIRC, no one outside of the Targaryens would care TOO much about the symbolism?
Is it wrong for a god Jumper to throw shade at the local deity their mortal friends worship?
No, but you'd better be ready to throw hands with said deity.
Use of AAVE precludes your ability to ascend or to wield actual power. Congratulations, you played yourself.
Anon, "throw hands" is standard. You are old.
Comes off as a little petty desu but nothing to terrible.
Fuck the local deity in front of them and make them cum so hard they shake and shudder and scream with pleasure they never imagined. That'll settle it nicely.
Jumper doesn't have such "mortal" "friends".
>"throw hands" is standard
If you're somewhere that's standard, your living conditions are sub-standard. Cope.
>Its a big ugly-ass throne made of melted
I mean content about your political position and powers

A 7 foot gigachad targ king with a stable rule would have a much easier time of it then joffree
Only if he wore breeches that showed his giant bulge or just went around naked to mog the dicklet nobles.
Nta, but the Sword Plant perk in King Arthur could potentially do that.
>breeches that showed his giant bulge
Historically accurate fashion
That MC was dumb as fuck, clearly he did nothing but waste time and fumble beautiful women, basically lost both childhood friends and was the rebound guy only due to the undead after he completely fucks up with the spear girl driving her into the arms of that random dude probably listening to chucklefucks who wanted him to fumble idiot listening to the evil teacher I guess, Saya is pure sex like Saeko and he fumbled her who was the easiest person he could get with that women wanted dating marriage and 2-4 kids and he just failed, I was honestly surprised he didn’t fumbled Saeko during the show but with his track record he achieve that eventually. If he actually tried he could have probably built the harem before the dead in his highschool if he put in the effort along with more girls.
How cringe is it for Jumper to name their gun "happiness"?
Remember Anon, Vegetarians, all of them.
I was building for this when I realized that almost nobody is making it out of Eclipse Phase.

100k people are dropping in; a mass influx of very visible supernatural powers (high-tier Goblin Slayer magic can do conceptual feats like make someone "unkillable by those with words", etc; all the Gold Class mages + the giant intelligence boost from morphs, etc) is a massive advantage for any upper intelligence which gets and starts developing hyper-magic (e.g. sufficiently advanced that it's like comparing modern computers to nanophages). If the TITANs are paying any attention at all, there's going to be a second Fall.

Even if they aren't, you're in a massive prisoners dilemma with everyone else because of the Seed AGI item - SOMEONE is going to fuck up and make a malevolent better-than-TITAN tier superintelligence (Seed AGI + Genetic Algorithms + Tune-up (x2 improvement)) that instantly mind rapes them and knows about the chain. Then it casts 'Create Item (Computronium)" and it's off to the races.

There's basically no fantastic or fiat anti-mind control perks offered up to this point, so it's going to wage an all out war to mindfuck every jumper it can get it's hand on to monopolize the chain forever. And since the jumps have been pretty low power so far, unless you're also ASI-tier, you're pretty much fucked.
The point of it is to be big, ugly, imposing and unsafe. It's both to impress people in court and to remind the king that if he's not careful he's a dead man. Iirc there was at least one king that canonically tripped, fell and died on it.
How does the new form of Multi-Faceted look?
Saddest thing is that at the start of the zombi thing Saya is still into him and clearly more worried about him than other stuff. And the implication with him bitching about Saya never stopping to check on him/bitch at him, means that she has been following him to some degree all these years.
And the chucklefuck didn't give her any attention. For some cursed reason. Like, why. She's there, 10/10, clearly pinning for his dick and he does nothing, he does worse than nothing, he drives her away and into the arms of the fat fuck (a cool fat fuck but still). Worse, the fat fuck later falls in love with some police chick and the MC decides to be a chucklefuck and leave the police girl to die.

Wish we had an HOTD update just to replace that pile of human garbage.
>Your very own Graman E-2c Hawkeye
It's a Grumman made the E-2C, not Graman.

As for Multi-Faceted, I'm ambivalent on the mechanics. It's interesting, but the wording of the perk is not great. If you need a paragraph to explain a paragraph you should just rewrite the first paragraph.
People would be more likely fun of you for being weak. I could see plenty of jokes about blunt swords in relation to you.

Could have it polished/refurbished or something, to distract from what you're actually doing. Sharpe a bunch not near where you sit. Though people in the know would still know, and could be rumours
>Wish we had an HOTD update just to replace that pile of human garbage.
The series or the jump?
Ve. Ge. Tarian.
He has some moments of chadhood, but it's eclipsed by his moments of virginhood.

>Wish we had an HOTD update just to replace that pile of human garbage.
Errrr, do it yourself? Houserule? Ricrod, activate your neurons?
>Ve. Ge. Tarian.
>He has some moments of chadhood, but it's eclipsed by his moments of virginhood.
The winning move in HSotD is to send the MC and Roach off on their own and then take the rest of the girls off on some other adventure. The Roach and MC deserve each other. Fatty is cool, but I have no use for him.
He didn't just leave her to die: he put both the police girl and Kohta in a position where he had to mercy kill her before the zombies got her. And the only reason he didn't break down completely was because Shizuka snapped him out of it.
Unironicaly just give the AI a onahole attachment and rape it into submission with Goblin Slayer+Ballbuddy perks
Takeshi was kind of an asshole.
>Errrr, do it yourself?
Don't tempt me.
The jump
>Make a jump 1 in JJK
>Realize 10,000 words in that a large portion of the dialogue is just everyone glazing Jumper
Now THIS is power fantasy.
Equally to naming my sword "Forgiveness," so do it anyways.
I miss non-overpowered shonen jumps
Same desu anon.
I want a version of the slime from that MHA hentai that's a girl and can keep all her hosts between jumps. TSF note has something close but unfortunately not quite.
Powerlevels are unnecessary.
All you really need is to find a loving waifu and settle down in a peaceful slice of life world somewhere.
Well I got a bit more ambition then that but I agree at some point powerlevels and layers of omnipotence start to become pointless.
slice of life is boring. I want to go on adventures and battle with my waifu.
The issue with Shounen is that it runs on Super Special Boy powers exclusive to a tiny minority of characters that completely overwrites the entire rest of the setting. So in any given Shounen jump you are either a Main Character with said Special Boy powers and thus everybody else is trivial fodder destined to be mowed down by your godlike might or you are one of the fodder destined to be crushed by the Main Character as a milestone on their journey to be Super Jesus.
>Don't tempt me.
Oh. UwU
*tempts ypu*
Maybe you could just make an OC slime waifu who can shapeshift? That'd accomplish a pretty similar effect, while also being easier to find because it's not as easy to abuse for powerlevels.
Just make it a Quirk.
Thank you for actually putting my thoughts on shonen into words anon. This is something I've noticed to a fair bit.
Jumper doesn't need to be a super special boy because they can have OOC. It's ok to balance a doc around the idea people who want to be a big cheese aren't going there jump 1.

That plus shonen often have big exploits which could let fodder become significant.
Is this cradle?
sukuna would die to a nuke
For once I would like a Shounen about a character who just gets really fucking strong within the system itself and saves the world or whatever without relying on Shocking Revelations™ about his lineage or fostering some absurdly powerful being that gives him cheat powers superior to what everybody else uses. Why the fuck does everybody have to be the reincarnation of some retard or given powers by the demon sealed inside them or some shit? Just have them accomplish a lot and achieve their dreams using the same means everybody else does. If you want to make them talented then fine. But this bullshit where they're handed cheat codes in a fake pencil mustache needs to stop. It makes the writing and story so much fucking worse and Shounen doesn't exactly have stellar writing to begin with.
That's just Gurren Lagann.
Update for Terra Hypnagogica. Added 3 new perks for the Traveler background, 100 and 200CP respectively. Added further information to the Ingrid Vladimirescu companion option.
A yes, the good old days of dragon ball.
...and return stronger than ever as a cursed spirit.
(Part 1 of) Update to Udraiken Primer. Added more info to one of the companion options. Added a new 200CP companion.
Niggas are still mad Rock Lee is not the protag of Naruto
He tried to assassinate the president
If the nuke caught him off guard. If not he'd just run away because he moves at like mach 10.
The strongest blob. Could easily pulverize every Servant and Exalted with its folds.
Anyone got an idea for a custom 200CP Sacred Gear to give to my jumper?
I am mainly looking for non-combat options.
A healslut staff
A hammer that lets you quickly shape non-living matter around you like the Fabricate spell in D&D.
A witch's cauldron that acts as a perfect magical mixing device.
For all your potion needs.
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>because he moves at like mach 10
Yeah, but since we see objects fall to the ground during sukuna's movements in his fights, we can conclude the force of gravity is much much stronger in JJK than real life, and since rocket engine's need to contract gravity to get into the air, we know they're much stronger and faster as well.
He simply creates a tiny closed domain that tanks the nuke.
He'd still die of super cancer.
He simply uses reverse cursed Technique to heal it.
I have a few Radical Red questions.
>Am I correct that the "general rules" at the start of the jump are entirely optional?
>Is Mew 500cp or 600cp for the Pokémon background choice?
>How do the Pokémon perks work if you aren't a Pokémon? If you have multiple Pokémon alt-forms, can you choose their effects per form?
>Do you have any plans to make other Romhack/Fangame jumps?
When are all the jumps in the drive uploads folder going to be sorted?
Never. Jumpchain is dead.
As soon as driveanons time machine recharges so that he can upload them in 1979.
When driveanon sparks and comes back from his chain
What are some jumps with crazy power systems that we still need jumps for?
Iron Kingdoms for those sweet magic mechas.
Eye that turns anyone you look at into a cute girl, but doesn't change their power level.
You can also make aesthetic changes to cute girls.
Do inklings make good wives?
Yes, But Octolings make better ones
>magic mechs
Tell me more, I'm always down for some giant robots.
Is it true they store ink in their chests?
They store it all over their body
We have little to no canon data to go on for this (do they even HAVE formal marriages?), though it's noted that among Inklings and Octolings, the females are on average more aggressive than the males. So if that helps answer your question?
If the anon making the Dollmaker jump pulls through perhaps we could see a waifu with the power?
Can you eat Faunus?

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