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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93891362
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You couldn't have opened up with a worse CYOA
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The CYOA that I'm working on is getting too large, but I'm going to take Tok's advice and continue as-planned instead of slimming it down. Better it be too big than a promising bummer that could have been better.
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But Tok has never made a good cyoa despite spending years and thousands of hours in them so I would take his advice with a grain of salt.
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The setting of this cyoa would go really well with this one: >>93892472
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Amnopolis + Mind Major vs Deepwood + Conflict Major?
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>amazing OC comes out
>no one cares but me

All of you are lost.
cry about it
I will, continuously.
post your build if it's so great
Wdym I love beri's new OC.
He is means to the capeshit SLOPPA that he LOVES so much
If it is so great then post it!
I fucking hate power sections that have Fire, Earth, Air, Ice, Lightning, etc... counting as different forms of magic where they can all be summed up as "magical projectile of different flavours and colors".
Just put all these elements under one "Elemental Attack" magic, another one as "Elemental Construct", and that's it, and make more diverse and interesting spells for the rest rather than "I shoot a cold explosive ball instead of a hot one".
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Truth and factful!
Nah I prefer them separated. I like thematics better than slop.
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>Making everything into a single thing just to be more powerful
boring. So bad that even the shitter tok agrees
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I will.

This man speaks the truth. Listen to him. Also I hate it when "use a sword, use a shield, use a dagger, use a bow, punch really hard, wipe your own ass" are split into a dozen different areas of martial combat proficiency. Like I can see making horsemanship its own specialized skill since not every soldier would get the opportunity to ride horses but who the fuck wouldn't know how to swing an axe and grapple at the same time after spending years training how to fight?
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Amnopolis + Mind Major puts you in a huge city and all its Nemeses are well know figures with huge influence. The moment you spawn, you're already hunted and geographically surrounded by a fucking army. Frankly, Amnopolis is a huge trap. Any semi decent build is better than being in Amnopolis.
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So retarded. One could go all their life mastering a sword and never know how to use a bow. What the fuck are you talking about?
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Yeah, I think that Blademaster cyoa has it right when it comes to martial section. Better to have to choose what you're better at between guarding, deflecting and repositioning yourself quickly, moving in a flash, striking super accurately, analyzing and exploiting the weaknesses of your opponent, using dirty tactics, etc. rather than picking weapons you're good at.
Gives much more depth and personality to a build.
this but only because I spend too much time choosing an element in cyoas
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What do you think of dragonfalls elemental breaths?
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The only good thing about magi case
Entropist didn't even bother telling you what they did just what other effects you could with them which I think is the correct way to do it.
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also refer to this post as to why this is such a great CYOA >>93891962

Anyone who ever actually trained in swordsmanship would have also hunted for sport, if not warfare.
It's ok imo because the different dragons of different folklores breathing different stuff is kinda core to the idea of dragons, and it's more associated to their species and their biology.
Not the same thing as a wizard having to spend power points in different magic disciplines that do the exact same thing but one does it in blue, another does it in red, another does it in brown, etc.
er, trained in archery for hunting/warfare rather
>Anyone who ever actually trained in swordsmanship would have also hunted for sport, if not warfare.
What a stupid generalization. Even more so when you are applying this to all cyoas which have different settings. Fitting for an absolute retarded argument.
They're shit. Only Ur Breath is remotely interesting and only because it's funny to imagine it having infinite output. Breath attacks are ass in Dragonfall because of how poorly balanced it is.
Careful, italics will make them used goods in the redux if you say you like them.
are you going to post your build for this "amazing OC" now?
This cyoa is ass no wonder it didn't get any builds (not even yours lmao).
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Dragons breathing ice/lighting/whatever is the dumbest shit ever. In real myths and fables dragons either breathed FIRE or were super venomous, or both.
ITALIIICS, You would not ruin her in redux... right?
>In real myths and fables
Forgot the part where that matters for a cyoa.
He did evocofag dirty, I wouldn't trust him with any of the other characters. The only ones safe are the auctors (at least the ones who weren't already trannies).
It matters in CYOA's and TRPG's and wargames and video games because the alternative is FUCKING STUPID. How does anything "breathe" lightning or ice? A living thing's breath is hot, that's why monsters could breathe fire. And snakes are venomous so dragons are too. It makes sense.
>making sense
Forgot the part where that matters for a cyoa.
>His imagination is limited
skill issue
>How does anything "breathe" lightning or ice?
You could breath ice by having a two sacs in your body that sprays a chemical compound that when it mixes with each other it turns into something resembling liquid hydrogen. That way you could breath ice.
As expected from retarded poster that fills the thread with slop no one cares about that got 0 builds
my dragons breathe corn syrup and microplastics
United States Dragon...
Fucking kek
Great so make an alien that breathes ice that way but fantasy settings shouldn't have hydrogen. They should all be like Glorantha where atoms aren't real and all matter is comprised of earth/water/fire/air/darkness or something. Once you start going in the opposite direction nothing's mythical anymore it's mundane and sucks.
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They made game of thrones dragons have flamethrower mechanics in their mouth, why can't we have icethrower dragons?
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>fantasy settings shouldn't have hydrogen
Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical element, estimated to contribute 75% of the mass of the universe.
fantasy ≠ real life
He want's fantasy to be more mythical than realistic. read past the first period.
Fantasy “Anything can happen in fiction!” fags are fucking retarded anon
They seriously think they can invent a world where math doesn’t exist
>Outer Reincarnation
>JRPG Traitor
>that one low powered necromancer CYOA where all processes of normal life were powered by a variety of different souls
What else?
>They should all be like Glorantha where atoms aren't real and all matter is comprised of earth/water/fire/air/darkness or something. Once you start going in the opposite direction nothing's mythical anymore it's mundane and sucks.
Strongly agreed. I'm quite annoyed when I see people talk about using their magic powers to refine uranium and that sort of thing.
>he thinks the modern world isn’t fantastical as fuck
>he thinks scientists aren’t all insane schizos akin to mages
Science is magic, magic is science!
Reddit please go. I'm begging you
>setting where math doesn't exist
Trivially done, simply add a randomizer to every possible value until it's being actively taken advantage of. There are simultaneously no and hundreds of swords until someone grabs at the mass, but then there's a random amount of arms holding a random amount of them. A setting without math isn't logical but logic means nothing about its existence or lack thereof. Look at the early AI portrait sloppa for an example of it. Intricate, detailed, arguably beautiful paintings of human anatomy that make no sense whatsoever and aggressively reject sane notions of biology. That's a setting without math. It makes perfect sense if you accept that it doesn't, but you never would, you're one of those popsci associate's degree fags with a stick up his ass.
Ok so how would magic and science interact i a multiverse setting?

Would there even be a difference?

What if you had tobe born special in some way to use magic in the classic magician way but can still build or develop magitech?
I had a nightmare today that the laws of mathematics were slightly different in the past and it lead to my father morning his child of an integer that no longer existed.
No one said anything about math you disingenuous rat. In fantasy alchemy should take the place of real chemistry and physics. Likewise with medicine, diseases should actually be caused by miasma and evil spirits not microscopic organisms and viruses.
>Temple Mount


>Martial Arts


>Battle Drone
>Data Pad

>Long Blade

>The Ronin
>The Brothers

>Dungeon Run
>The Sphere
>Cyber Goddess

>Utility Rig
>Divine Favour

the other anon is right, it is retarded to claim that those skills are either interchangeable or typically come as a bundle deal. There are plenty of examples of specialized soldiers/fighters that wouldn't be able to just take up each others' roles even if they have received years of training. That being said thanks for advocating for this CYOA, I think it is good although I disagree with your hate for A Life Chronicle. Here's two more builds
>Ranger Keep

>Health Care



>Medical Bag

>Filter Mask
>Aqua Purifier
>Hunting Bow

>CBRN Gear

>The Deserter

>Deadly Cargo

That doesn’t exactly remove the concept of quantity/quantification, though, which is essentially what math is. Wobbly quantity is still quantity.
>In fantasy alchemy should take the place of real chemistry and physics
You’re just swapping words for the exact same thing lmao
“That glowy goopy blue liquid shit out of the ground that gives me glowing eyes and super powers? Magic. Not physics”
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time for some real shit... soak it in boys
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all time great
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just truly excellent
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Is Source not automatically the best option here? If you're a good enough biomancer you can get a lot of what Mutant and Witcher gets.
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>or typically come as a bundle deal

They do. You may as well make a CYOA about modern warfare that makes you spend different points for knowing how to shoot a machine gun versus a rifle or know how to set explosives and throw grenades, like those basics wouldn't all be covered for any standard infantryman's training. But oh wait there are CYOA's that do exactly that because all of you will seize any opportunity to add unnecessary padding.
Is this a new page?
No it got updated a while back
You were just too stupid to notice
your stupid
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challenge: build for both Pioneer and Small Town Hero, the town originating in the efforts of the pioneers
The standards of training for a modern soldier are completely apart from those that could be expected in most CYOA settings, especially those that are focused on swords and shields and whatnot. it is pretty disingenuous to act like that is not the case. I think you're just groping for a reason to shit on things - ultimately it seems to me that your criticisms would lead to a way less varied CYOA experience, which I guess shouldn't be surprising since you are so big on one-pagers. I prefer the maximum quantity of choices available to me, unless it's something ridiculously arbitrary like splitting chewing and swallowing
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Major: Conflict
Minor: Mind

I'll mostly obtain physical powers in The Deepwood, so I'm taking Minor Mind to have a mind that can keep up with my physical prowess.

The Deepwood



Forest Dragon, Native Understanding

Heart of the Jungle

This and the entity from Prey seem to be unable or unwilling to personally make a move, only sending armies of fodder, which is perfect for my growth method.

Enchanted Canteen

>Path of Victory:
The Path of Conquest

By far the easiest. Enemies can hide the objectives of the other two, which is bullshit and forces those Paths of Victory to take long as fuck. No need to find anything for The Path of Conquest, just have to be powerful enough that the majority revere and fear my supreme might. Very simple and quick.


Breeding dens for monsters and grand academies will be built for the sole purpose of creating powerful beings for me to absorb power from. Except for this, I'll rule justly and peacefully.
Are you seriously arguing that any warrior or peasant militaman wouldn't be as equally capable killing someone with a spear as an axe or dagger, all of which were extremely common weapons/tools, or know something about wrestling? You think that, unlike a modern soldier being drilled in shooting different guns AND grenade throwing, any premodern person would uniquely specialize in one area of combat proficiency, like real life is fucking Fire Emblem or something? Fencing and horseback riding make sense as unique skills, and archery to a lesser extent although that was still practiced generally by the upper and lower classes. Anyone else who'd spent any time learning to fight would know the basics of pretty much everything else. Dividing it all up is stupid.
Can someone post the beri cyoa to free us from this deluge of absolute shit.
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This seems to be the build I see most often
Power absorption is very attractive, after all.
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I wuv giw he is my favowite authorwu uwu~
Sharingan, Cells, Byakugan

I am the nepotism ninga.
Conflict and deepwood is just too good
>think back on every major western RPG and CRPG release
>almost no virgin female romance options
Only this god forsaken place throws a hissy fit when it comes to female companions having experience. Pathfinder has a literal Succubus as its most popular romance. Morrigan, Miranda shit every BG3 female companion. I don't know why only here no one picks women with actual development. Cyrus made literal christian trad waifus and people here were complaining about them (even the virgin one!).
Nice shitposting bro
My first waifu was Aouda from Around The World in 80 Days who was posthumously NTR'd from a dead Pajeet.
>Aspect of Night
>-Aspect of Majesty

>The Free Cities
>-Celestial Navigator
>-Slaver's Guild
>-Hidden Cove
>-Vice Admiral Holloway
>-Enchanted Charts

>Beloved (Naiad, Shadow Hounds)


>The Path of Blood

>Aspect of the Wild
>-Aspect of Conflict

>The Wasteland
>-Caravan Society
>-The Warlord
>-Euclid's Saddlebags

>Arsenal (Hometree, Compass and Spyglass Set)


>The Path of Conquest

>Aspect of Mind
>-Aspect of the Wild

>The Catacombs
>-Tunnel Sense
>-Motion Sickness
>-The Deep Gnomes
>-The Miners' Union
>-Tunnel Wyrms
>-Occult Tome

>Corruptor (Hunters of Champions)

>Crumbling Psyche

>The Path of Enlightenment

I am seriously arguing that. In my view choices in a CYOA are usually about being above the norm. I'm not saying some guy who can swing an axe can't swing a sword, but as far as real combat with an opponent, those two things are very different - and that's not even close to the gulf between axe and spear, for example. The more you collapse these pretty diverse skills, the more you limit meaningful difference in builds. I just make shopping lists though, so it's more important to me that the choices are specific/speak for themselves than it might be to others
I wanted to expand on Liqiu's role in the Meirin Clan by bringing in more of the Ancestors (Immortal Martial Artists), Censorate members, remnants of the Dark Heavens as companions (and one of your 30+ Impact Events), and Demonic Cult sect shenanigans.

But since you guys are saying I'm ruining things and are expecting me to ruin the character. I guess you guys don't want all the previously described above and for me to ruin the character to meet your expectations. Damn, I can't believe you guy would do this. I wanted more and all you want is "Italics ruins X, he's going to do it. He needs to do it so we can be right."

I'm fucking with you original poster. You need to ignore the "he ruined" evoco reposter/spammer, though.
Cyoa in OP is a trap

There is no reason not to take Entrapped when your goal is already insurmountable

Your soul is forfeit from the very get go
t. Demon
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Get rid of Bow and replace it with AIRrifles—those guns were widespread back then. It is easy to make ammo, easy to use, and pretty deadly, BUT it's harder to fix, and pumping the air takes some time.
Why is sand called the boysmell inhaler
It is a very easy and obvious build. Powerful, immediate results, simple strategy, and beeline to Path of Conquest (or you can even brute force the other ones). Can't go wrong with it.

Another good build is Mind + Catacombs + Prophet + The Warlock + The Hidden Library + Forgotten Altar. It instantly gives access to very valuable subordinates, magic, knowledge, and rituals. The only problems with it is that it is not particularly good for any of the Paths to Victory and powerful being will soon knock on your door, which is a test of luck on what comes.
Oh, my air rifles.
Because he's a pedo who sniffs boys.
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those were the days
why is shadow clone jutsu one dollar. it's busted as hell if you have alot of chakra.
>fantasy setting shouldn't have hydrogen.

CLEARLY you have never played Might and Magic before
Because it is a relatively easy technique and you don't have a lot of chakra.

Better question is why is the Byakugan only $2.
I'm a girl can I still be a Witcher in this cyoa?
I didn't even notice Byakugan being only 2 dollars and also eight gates is 2 dollars as well. the guy who made this is retarded 8 gates was enough to bring madara to his knees. Man I'm really feel nostalgic for Naruto now. I might play the naruto cyoa and make a build
>Sharingan 9
>Sage mode 5
>Byakugan 2
>Shadow clone jutsu
So I have the rinnegan are a sage and can make clones with my same powers.
And can still fuck.
I think I could conquer the world alone.


Shrewd Bookkeepers
Faithful Housemaid
Vigilant Guard

Tengu Informant
Marchant's League
Labour Guilds
Oblivious Scholar
Mercenary Company

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>I might play the naruto cyoa and make a build
Picrel is the latest version by Apotheosis.

>I have the rinnegan
...no you don't?
Sharingan+Byakugan= Rinnegan.
Fromwhat I remember.
I haven't rad naruto since hig school. but I thought the Rinnegan was just a hella upgraded sharingan.
It is. According to https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Rinnegan
>It is possible for a Sharingan wielder to awaken a new Rinnegan by obtaining Hagoromo's chakra, either by combining the chakra of his sons, Indra and Asura, to recreate his own, or by directly receiving it from Hagoromo himself.
>Sharingan can be evolved into the Rinnegan by combining Uchiha and Senju DNA
so I'm right it is just a supped up sharingan. desu. sharingans are cool and all but unless you can make it an eternal mongykyo sharingan than it doesn't seem worth it. If you can't make it eternal you will go blind

You are a strong warrior who has spent a lifetime training to fight under the tutelage of your father and the village elders. You have honed your skills over countless hours spent sparring with your brothers and the other youths in your village. Your dedication to years of martial study has granted you FIVE (5) warrior points to spend:

Use a sword: enables you to use a sword. 2 points

Use a katana: enables you to use a katana, which is different from a sword for some reason. 2 points

Use a big sword: enable you to use a big sword in both hands. 2 points

Use an axe: enables you to use an axe. Also useful for cutting wood! 2 points

Use a big axe: enable you to use a big axe in both hands. 2 points

Use a dagger: enables you to use a dagger. Also a useful tool. 2 points

Use a spear: enables you to use a spear. 2 points

Use a big spear: enables you to use a big spear in both hands. 2 points

Throw a spear: enables you to throw lighter spears. 2 points

Use a club: enables you to use a club. 2 points

Use a big club: enable you to use a big club in both hands. 2 points

Use a shield: enables you to use a shield. 2 points

Bash with a shield: enables you to use a shield offensively! 1 point

Block arrows: enables you to block arrows with your shield too. 1 points

Dual wielding: enables you to hold things in BOTH hands. Necessary to use a shield and a weapon. 2 points

Armor training: enables you to use armour like a maille shirt or something. 2 points

Helmet training: enables you to cover your head with a helmet. 1 point

Wrassling: enables you to wrestle. 2 points

Punching: enables you to punch. 1 point

Kicking: enables you to kick. 1 point

Dueling: enables you to fight 1v1. 2 points

Stand in formation: enables you to fight with a group. Important for fighting other groups. 2 points

Use a bow: enables you to use a bow. 2 points

Skill mastery: makes you better at your skills. 1 point per skill
Making a mangekyo sharingan eternal isn't actually difficult, you just need to steal and transplant a Uchiha's sharingan. The actually difficult part is getting the mangekyo sharingan in the first place since it requires a traumatic enough experience, which basically means you need to be dicked over (maybe literally) to get it.
I want to analyze these anons ideas on a relationship
Don't get me excited for oc and do this
Yes. Unless you are aro or princess
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I'm making a build for apos naruto cyoa. I really kinda wanna see if it will let me be a punch kick merchant like the shoenen paladin one.Having cooll powers and being able to fling fireballs is cool and all but like. speed and punch

Welp too bad. I'm gonna a girl witcher in the manticore school so happy people arn't confusing me with her now.
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>Helmet Training
>-Skill Mastery x2
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Jesus Christ, Empty Heart is op.
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My Alta won so it's a moot point.
Anime is so fucking cringe holy shit
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>he said on an anime website
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>> "Look at me guys. I'm different"
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Wrong, my alta won uncontested.
I think Tok should suck-start a shotgun
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Skill Mastery x5, become a military strategist, catch the eye of the prince/king/emperor, become a general, lead kingdom's/empire's armies, gain loyalty of troops, raise my own army, start revolution, overthrow government, create super peaceful republic
>start revolution, overthrow government, create super peaceful republic
reminds of that retarded dragon riding bitch from isekai bounty hunter

You have to choose a skill first, and I never said mastery stacks.
i master the skill of rape the skill of knife the skill of chloroform the skill of hiding the evidence and the skill of persuasion and i rape and kill you monkeyman
You didn't say it DOESN'T stack either
Should have specified it didn't stack then.
>Nendoatama, No surname
>Shinobi World War Era
I am electing to John Paul Sartre this to reincarnate into the world, being born in Iwa.
Deep Reserves (45)
Tough (50)
Unbreakable Will (55)
Long-Lived (60)
Clone ^^ (55)
Substitution ^^ (50)
Body Flicker ^^ (45)
Weapon Art [Kanabo] ^^ (40)

Summoning [FOUR ONIS] ^^^ (30)
Who says animals are the only spirits in the lands beyond, the third hokage straight up summoned a death god, My contract is with mah boys Ongyoki, Suiki, Kinki, and Fuuki

Earth Nature

FATED RIVAL (37) (+Genius, second upgrade for Summoning)

Believe It!
Rival's Radical Reveal
The King and the Knight
Moon Landing
Paying Homage
Common Enemy

Custom Companion x4 (22)

Companions to follow in next post, also, I didn't realize there was an updated version, I'll be taking a look at that as well.

Jonin Sensei, middling member of a Clan's side family. Shows a lot of promise for clan techniques, but lacks ambition. Doesn't much care to be teaching a genin team, but takes the duties seriously.
(33) (+3 investment)
Noble Clan

Clone ^
Transformation ^
Substitution ^^ (28)
Body Flicker ^
Hell Viewing ^ (24)

Barrier Arts ^^ (14)

Chakra Golem ^

Custom Hidden: Perfect Wall no Jutsu ^^ (7)
Chikata's unnamed non-canon clan are real good at barriers. so good, they can transmute a chakra barrier into an actual, physical substance (usually some sort of homogenous stone, or metal). Better nin from his caln than chikata can even do the opposite, taking surfaces or piles of hemogenous material, turning it into a chakra barrier, then releasing it explosively.

Custom Hidden: Earth-Sky no Jutsu ^^ (0)
Chikata's own, personal take on his family's Jutsu, he can transmute his barriers into matter without losing certain traits of chakra barriers. That is to say, they remain floating in the air as long as he can maintain a little chakra to keep them there. Not the most ground breaking technique, but a battle field can quickly turn into a maze of razor thin sheets of ceramic or steel.

Earth Nature

>Tomo-o ki

Second Member of Team Chikata, Genin, class Chad, very strong.
Deep Reserves (35)
Tough (40)

Clone ^^ (35)
Transformation ^^ (30)
Weapon Art (Katana) ^^ (25)
Hell Viewing ^^ (20)

Chakra Flow ^^ (10)
Medical Arts ^^ (0)

Wind Nature, weirdly enough

Last companions in post to follow

Third Genin on Team Chikata, Stick thin, pallid looking skin, stringy hair, and some unfortunately apt buck teeth, most people consider her to look creepy and gross. Best Girl.

Clone ^^ (30)
Substition ^^ (25)
Body Flicker ^^ (20)
Hell Viewing ^^ (15)

Summoning (RATS) ^^
Sealing Arts ^^ (5)

Man-Beast Transformation (RAAATS) ^ (0)

Earth Nature


Not to be met until near the end of the Second Shinobi World War, Fujiko is the orphaned daughter of civilians from kumo. Left with little chance of survival and far from the land she grew up in, I have agreed to prepare her for the academy, so she can become a nin. Or something, it's three in the morning
(49) (+19 Investment)
Unbreakable Will (54)

Clone ^^ (49)
Transformation ^^ (44)
Substitution ^^ (39)
Body FLicker ^^ (34)
Hell Viewing ^^ (26)

Chakra Flow ^^ (20)
Medical Arts ^^ (10)
Illusory Arts (Eyecontact) ^^ (0)

Lightning Nature
ok but let me rape her first, you can have her after
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Who keeps spamming out all these dogshit cyoas, and why is nobody else willing to post good ones?
>living dungeon
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You aren't fooling anyone, shitposter.
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cope harder
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Seethe harder.
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Catfag i've seen what you consider good, I don't care about your opinion.
have sex discordtranny
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>out of nowhere
Ok schitzo...?
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>xhe spams the same dogshit over and over
>thinks no one can tell xhe's a discordtranny
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Catfag is a discordtranny? That kinda makes sense.
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>more schitzoposting
>describing themself
Ok schitzo...?
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why do we always make new threads when only like 25% of the old thread's lifetime is spent?
>projecting this hard
okay monkey, but YWNBAW and your cyoas will never be good
Thank god.
>your cyoas will never be good
Way better than the absolute garbage posted earlier.
>absolutely assmad
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Very few people make new threads between 1 am and 6 am, Eastern standard time. Better to make the thread a little early, than let it drop off the board without a replacement.
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So many choose your own adventures and yet I still am unable to choose to be happy
You're building wrong. I have trouble deciding what I like better in cyoas too.
You need religion. Find one that's convincing and jerk yourself off with it. I'm not joking.
Happiness is overrated.
Ive been making a second build for this and i'm not sure whether I like my orginal build or my new one better desu.
>submit to my brainwashing goyim
nothing from outside yourself will let you be happy, not a cyoa and not religion
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Anyone know of one I am thinking of? It had Divine Breath or something like that as a power system. I just can't remember the name of it.
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Just finished going through the 2024 09 12 allsync update (except for fan DLC and crowd contributed) and want to let know whoever put it up that the "Welcome to My Hero Academia! CYOA Interactive.zip" is fucked up and needs a reupload. Thank you and keep up the good work
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Whats with all the superslop posting lately, just one fag or is there multiple of you retards spamming this shit?
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Better than anything you've ever made Tok
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World: Ye Olde Worlde (+15)
Origin: Symbiote (+15)
Job: School (+2)
Strength (15)
Aura (5)
Intelligence (20)
Speed (10)
Durability (10)
Healing Factor (10)
Portals (10)
Flight (5)
Tech Genius (10)
Hidden Blade (5)
Low Sustenance (5)
6th Sense (10)
Enhanced Senses (5)
Combat Training (5)
AI (free)
Mind Reading (10)
Tentacles (6)
Disease Immunity (4)
Uniform (2)

I'm nominally a villain but I job a lot so they don't treat me as more than a D-Lister. As a supergenius my schtick is to work on ways to mind break and enslave the hot women around me, including superheroines. I won't let age stop me either, but the number of lolis who are actually attractive to me are very few. With my Intelligence I'll study/develop brainwashing/hypnotic techniques and with my Tech Genius I'll develop devices to suppress and contain hero powers. My slaves for the most part are normal girls whom I kidnap and brainwash to the point where they're normal enough but who will respond to posthypnotic suggestions, including servicing me sexually and sending their money to a bank account where I reinvest it and pay out the principal.

Since I care for my slaves in a twisted way, I won't do anything which would ruin their lives forever, so no Onlyfools, drug/organ trafficking or whatnot. I WILL impregnate them once it's expedient, making them give up the baby for adoption and ensuring my neighbors take them in so I can keep an eye on them.

Any superheroine slaves I get will be full time slaves, unlike the temps. They'll live a stealth lifestyle dedicated to keeping themselves attractive for me and serving me any way I want.

So why do I have all the physical powers when I'm mainly a mindrapist? Because of emergencies! If some young buck decides to throw a Hyperbeam my way, I intend to survive it and turn his mom and sister into sex slaves. Plus villains might end up trying to assassinate me too. Also, it's always cool to be able to do the whole Prototype thing.
>You can only use your breath attack this exact amount of times as if we were on fucking DnD
>You have for some reason to pay to be able to turn your head fast while using arcane breath and you get only that on that tier
>can't into D&D
leave the board retard
There is better games than DnD
>neither beam nor cone disintegration breaths
Justice for my boy pyroclastic.
Shin Gorjirra beam 3 is obviously overpowered anyway.
I refuse to take tier 3 spirit breath because of the absolutely retarded connotations. Tok, like many things, did not think when writing this.
>It is also able to revive the dead as long as there is anything left of their bodies like bones or a strand of hair
>this has no limit
>breath tier 3 spirit breath
>it hits an adventurer
>suddenly several animals spawn from all the leather and animal products that goes into making leather armor and gear
>god forbid he have any significant amount of food on him
>this is even worse if you use this in a forested or populated environment of any kind
there's other scenarios as well but this is the most retarded imo.
Additionally, for maximum fuckery, combine it with tier 1 smoke breath to get a rolling cloud of 'holy shit why did all of the animal products/remains just revive'.
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reminder that arthas did nothing wrong
I see nothing wrong with this because it is hilarious
Generic Werewolf Build. Edgelord villain killer. Makes high school bitches cream their jeans.
World: Lost World
Origin: Second Form
Secret Identity: School
Powers: Strength, Speed, Durability, Hidden Blade, Enhanced Senses, Combat Training, Berserker, Adapting, Healing Factor, 6th Sense, Low Sustenance, Disease Immunity
we should post image builds
too much effort.
Can you change Pact stars with New Moon?

It lets dead souls leave stars and intermingle but I thought living people who pact with a star are still stuck with their pact star.

I guess recycling a star could feasibly let you redistribute pacts though...
My take on this is entirely contextual. Sometimes I'm all in the mood for an intricate breakdown of the differing elements, othertimes it is just needless bloat.

These are my deadly sins of elemental magic systems:

1) Treating Fire as the opposite of Water and Air as the opposite of Earth

2) Spell lores that are identical except for a single adjective - these should be simplied into one lore with a seperate substrate applied

3) Treating "Space" and "Time" as a singular element, and not as an entirely seperate tree of magic with many branches

4) No weird or interesting elements like salt, oil, acid or magnet/ferro/iron

5) Treating life as an element, and not something which is the culmination of many elements in one
So authors can fill the slots with gay conditional meme powers? No thanks.
But Water and Earth vs Fire and Air ARE opposing elements
Imagine a spirit dragon going around razing groceries and bazaars, letting the revived menagerie of animals and monsters unleash chaos.
Kek, what a faggot.
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yeah, as i understand it the location where your moon avatar is that's what powers you get as your primary pact
>Is this fish fresh? it doesn't look fresh asks the peasant at the fish merchant
>IT IS NOW! roars the dragon in the sky interjecting in the conversation
>Suddenly all the goods in the entire market come back to life and chaos ensures
What the fuck is this balancing? Tier 3 fire breath "makes metal too hot to wear" and can melt it with repeated exposure
Tier 3 lava breath can just "easily melt castles", tier 3 mana breath instantly beats any wizard it hits and tier 3 arcane breath is an infinite range death ray with theoretically infinite power...

And they cost the exact fucking same
Oh, and then you also have water breath, which at tier 3 can "cause superificial damage like cutting the sails on a boat or the string on a bow"

This cyoa was written by a troglodyte
>B-But you have infinite use by consuming water
Yes and if you pay for tier three you should get into water cutter tier.
Also WHY THE FUCK you can't do the same with other elemental breaths? Why can't you eat rocks just so you can make more lava? Or recharge mana breath with your mana?
You FOOL! while the magma breath dude just turned that squad of archers into ash you used your water breath to carefully cut their individual bowstrings and only got shot 20 times!
It's funny you mention that because it's not even the most egregious instance of Tok being a retard unable to balance for jack shit. You had like 3 types of builds in Dragonfall all taking the op powers and the rest for flavor. But this isn't surprising as Tok has never made a remotely balanced cyoa in his life.
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But think of all the utility purposes you could use it for! You help could quell riots, play with kids, or even be a janitor dragon capable of cleaning up even the most stubborn dirt.
>even the most stubborn dirt.
That might end up a bit beyond your capabilities. Mildly stubborn dirt? That you could do.
>Mr Clean
I remember that being a power in some cyoa lol
Recruiter is almost perfect but monsters being unable to conjure others ruins it.
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I found it!
The cat is UNDER the papers! You have to look under the papers!
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For once your image selection is not filled with inflated bimbos, good work tok.
I'll go with Alexandra.
A lot of words for only 3 choices. Failed novelist slop
Enchanting objects is BY FAR the best option in the entire cyoa and anyone with a brain should understand it.
Here is objective best build:

>Conflict (Minor)
>Mind (Major)
Mind Major basically opens your mind to every scool of magic and Mind Minor allows you to learn those, as well as any other intellectuel topic, way faster. This is invaluable. Conflict Minor just make you way less likely to die in about every situation, and truly you don't need more.

>The Wasteland
>Mind -> Imbue objects with supernatural properties
Boom, that's it, you're now a full wizard with the most enormously versatile skillset. Just take a few weeks or months to build your toolset and with a bit of creativity, no one can fuck with you anymore.

>Perks & Flaws: Smith (synergize perfectly with the enchantment of objects) / Foreigner (being underestimated is actually a blessing if you're smart enough to leverage it, allows you to lay low and appear harmless for a while until you've completed your toolset of magical objects)

>Allies and Pacts: Caravan Society (safe hidden shelters to start with and they even double up as trading hubs for you to get access to a ton of trinkets, weapons, objects and crafting material. This build relies on that.) + Wandering Nomad (perfect bodyguard for starting this journey, and he's only going to get stronger over time as I'm going to equip him with magic weapons too. Plus, he doesn't talk, which is perfect)
>Nemesis: Warlord
I'm honestly not scared of him. The size of his army will make extremely hard for him to follow me in other territories (which have their own rulers and nemeses) once I leave the wastelands (which I will do immediately once I've completed my toolset)

>Item: Euclid's Saddlebags
Perfect synergy with an artificer build, allows me to store all my magical trinkets and weapons. I should easily turn it into a normal looking satchel to carry with me without a horse.

>Path of Victory: Enlightment
Goes well with my objective of becoming a full fledged wizard with proficiency in every magical school.

>Rewards: Conjunction

Roadmap -> Stay hidden and safe in one of the caravan society trading hub for a couple of weeks / months, appearing harmless and innocuous, while building myself a ton of various magical trinkets that empower me and protect me from about anything, mostly focused on making me stealthy and hard to kill.
-> Build a few additionnal weapons and items for my Nomad bodyguard. -> Fuck off to the Free Cities beyond the sea, leaving the Warlord and his army behind with almost no option to follow me easily -> Get my own ship and crew, change identity, etc, and do seafaring across the world to search for the 13 caches of Abyssal lore, all the while I continue to pile up new magical items on me, my bodyguard and my crew, basically turning the all team into a small army of magic users + I keep learning new spells with Mind Major, from mastering the elements, telekinesis, necromancy, blood magic, etc.

This is objectively the best build.
Please don't take Tok's advice to keep the CYOA big. Instead take someone else's advice to keep the CYOA big.
Cyoas with cute and molestable boys ??
I’m going to start shutting up your threads if you fuckers don’t making make something at least decent in quality.
You’re putting grandmas to sleep with this crap.
The problem is you; you're choosing to not enjoy cyoas because you like being upset.
if you have that power there are a few more threads on /tg/ that need to be shut up first
>you're choosing to not enjoy garbage because you like being upset.
Wow. What a great argument. Do you also work at a triple AAA games studio as well, perhaps in the management position???
Those can wait. This is more urgent.
>t. gatofaggoto seething again
Literally who.
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Oh nooo, anon is angery?! What is your nefarious plan to ruin the thread? Are you going to fill the thread with shitposting? Or perhaps start long-winded offtopic arguments?
>Are you going to fill the thread with shitposting? Or perhaps start long-winded offtopic arguments?
You said the same thing twice.
No catposter. You don't understand the extent of his power!
>Or perhaps start long-winded offtopic arguments?
Are you implying this wouldn't work?
Oh no. Guys he shut the thread up!
there was never really a thread, we just posted here at the same time by chance
the silence is deafening
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Good CYOAs are just beyond the horizon.
fuck this I'm not playing alot with some dick head rping that we are in some sort of quiet hour
post it (if it exist)
It’s at least descent. It passes. Not quite what I seek, but it’s engrossing enough.
You just did.
Has an Idea like this been done before. I mean I know catbox kind and this is inspired by that.
I don't think so. The closest we have to that is "Passenger", because it's centered around a train ride too.
post it
Yeah I've never seen Passenger
Haven’t quite seen something like this. It could work, but I think it should have a destination board to narrow the scope just a little.
It's gonna. It's gonna be like fictional places though. Not places that are in other media, like maybe making up a really cozy warm snowy town, or a beach town, or like cabin in the woods.
>Not places that are in other media, like maybe making up a really cozy warm snowy town, or a beach town, or like cabin in the woods.

Very nice
stop picking options that will make you a powerful combatant and start focusing on the stuff that has day-to-day uses that will directly benefit your life
it would work in the sense it would happen, but it wouldn't work in the sense that anyone would notice a change
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Here. I think the author talked about a V3 a while ago.
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What do you look for anon?
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>"just beyond the horizon"
weeks passed without an update on the progress of the cyoa.....
stop teasing me with it
Do not care for your manjaw manly 'waifus', aroSLUT
Do not care for your forced parenthood, entroPISSanon
Do not care for your lore, SHITalics
Do not care for your disgusting bimbos, tokmaBALLS
Do not care for your children, husPEDO
Do not care for your giantess fetish, beriSHITTER
Do not care for your AI, SLOPingical
I think Husanon's vacations ended
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>filter himself out of the general entirely
Bravo anon. You sure showed them.
The art to Key to the Kingdom might be a little over-faded. I see what you're trying to do visually, but it's so pale compared to the other three, it almost looks like the art is missing outright.

Not sure if I have any better suggestions, though. Good luck!
Hmm, maybe something like a bunker management, or something trippy and weird. Maybe both.
>Bunker manager.
That doesn't sound interesting.
>>Forced parenthood
Nobody is forcing you to be a dad bro.
I will never understand the appeal of cyoas that are manager sims
owari da, bro favorite cyoa is reddit's pill picker....
Peak waifu according to anons taste.
Reddit pill cyoas be like
>green pill that lets you projetile vomit on command (this still feels just as painful as normal vomiting)
>brown pill that lets you deduce someones exact physical stats by eating their poopoo
>black pill that just makes you into a gazilionaire with a huge cock and infinite bitches
What do you care for? Come on now, you can tell us. I'm sure it won't be something laughably bad.
the asukafag was better
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shes so hot bros
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Now look all I'm saying is. I could fix him
Malos was such a retard. Should have just killed the jobber rex when he had the chance instead of going easy on him all game.
if he resonated with me instead of the stupid fish guy I could fix him. he would become my cute husband but I could fix him.
99% of jap plots wouldn't happen if the villains weren't stupid.
He's a man.
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... shes so hot bros
He has a peepee
Vomiting hurts?
I like you bacheposter smugposting is so nostalgic.
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>he has a peepee

... she. has a huge veiny cock that I want up my bussy.
it looks fine to me (not husanon)
Arobitch, I know you are here. I know you played space marine 2. Now make a cyoa about 40k.
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>carry Thieves Dreams into a sleeping household at night
>kidnap sleeping child from that household, blowing Death's Breath into their face to ensure they remain unconscious for a few hours
>take to secluded location, proceed to gut their unconscious form and take their entrails
>at dawn, at a place consecrated to the relevant divines, use Shroud of Kemosiri to revive them and restore their entrails
>blow Death's Breath into their face again before they properly gain consciousness
>bring the unconscious child back their house, tuck them in bed, and take your Thieves Dreams charm from the household
>everyone awakens as normal, maybe remarks that they slept for longer than usual, and gets on with their day
Is this the most moral method for a black magician to gain child entrails? You cause no disruption in the childs/parents lives, no lasting trauma or physical damage, and best of all next to no traces besides weird powder.
The profit is saving time and resources, you moron.
I bought it but haven't played it yet. I'm playing through Age of Mythology Retold right now.
Didn't read. I choose to be a necromancer.
How long until oc release?
Uhh i'm pretty much done, i'm just putting the final touches on it and getting some test builds. Either tonight or tomorrow will be the initial release.
Did you put info about Ivory's powers, forces, and resources?
Its over
Yeye, i left it mostly ambiguous but i made sure to specify that she has every planeswalker power and can easily summon earth-sized black holes and create pocket dimensions.
You said the same for Magi Case and I'll once again trust the plan.
and it was so shit not even the author could handle it for more than 2 days before they announce they are remaking the entire thing, lmao
>earth-sized black holes
I'm not sure since I'm only an amateur in physics, but I don't think size particularly matters, only mass (or at least I haven't found a black hole calculator that has size as an input). So, in light of that, how big is the Schwarzschild/event horizon radius?
Right sorry, i meant roughly the radius of Earth, but probably can create/summon black holes of a few times that number. I'd say around 100,000 solar masses on average?
Would putting Transmute (Glittergold) on Skeletons make Liches summon Glittergold variants?

Could Glittergold Skeletons be consumed by Dragons to fuel Greed?
>every planeswalker power
>easily summon earth-sized black holes
>around 100,000 solar masses
casually range from star level to large star level attack potency with light speed reaction time.
doesn't matter what build you got, it would one shot you regardless.

better fix this unless the point is that you can't beat this cyoa lol.
>100,000 solar masses on average
>Schwarzschild radius is 2,953,255 km
>the sun's radius is 696,340 km
>she can basically instantly destroy 4 suns at will

Boys, violence is not a viable strategy. We should study philosophy and argumentation theory to find the best way to beg for mercy.
There are three paths to dealing with her at the end of the CYOA, none of them involve you fighting her alone or even with your allies lmao.
fair enough.
>violence is not a viable strategy
It is totally viable. You only have to:
>worship an Ancient One
>blood sacrifice worlds

You only have to survive until you gain enough favor to be able to ask the Ancient One to crush her for you.
Actually, you just need galadriel or the star bitch. Pretty much everyone else seems to be useless now.
>none of them involve you fighting her alone or even with your allies lmao.
Wtf was the point of the allies then. What are the carcherodons or whatever the fuck else even doing here if this is the case?
Just because she's the Big Bad, doesn't mean there aren't others after you that your allies and minions will be essential for. These are your Pursuers, and you choose which ones are hunting you.
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Quality post. Quality poster.
Aromage while you are here, what is the big bad in demigod? We only hear of the forces of darkness and ragnarok. But is it the ultimate god or?
>Do not care for your cats, sandNIGGER
Is any of the hundreds of nuclear bombs governments have that not only no diff the shitty durability of demigods, but can also easily kill real gods that operate on level 3 which is still not enough durability.
Based human technologies, go to town on the stupid postmodern tulpas.
>>easily kill real gods that operate on level 3 which is still not enough durability.
It's mostly the inevitable apocalypse coming, but there are a few main actors you can point to. Lucifer, Kronos, Loki, Surtr, Apophis, Set, Ahriman, etc.
>beastlings have furry arms and legs like mge beastmen and cant be full kemono or just barely kemono
>hmmm well frostfoxes with sexy could make grest kitsunes
>ancient growth makes them humongous
>start out as lolis but turn into humongous giants
>tiny can fix this, but when starting and slain they turn into pixie sized foxgirls
This will be difficult.
I've been trying to figure out how to make douji equivalents for a while now and cant think of it. Ogres with sexy probably look like monster masume tionishia rather than tensura ogres so it wont work.
Just use Diminish Curse to achieve what you want or buy a Faeva.
Yes, Liches will summon whatever kind of skeleton you have, with all the same modifiers - but really impressive ones, like Gigantic skeletons will be a more costly spell - while liches have infinite mana, more potent spells could still take additional time.
And yes, Glittergold skeletons are 100% make of precious material, so dragons could eat them for the bonus.

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