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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

House Steiner edition

Last Thread: >>93884647

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>tfw you realise the Steiners are the protagonists of BT history
>tfw you realize her tits aren't that big in real life
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Are you sure about that?
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They can look pretty big when properly supported.
Yeah when pushed up under her chin by a piece of vinyl.

The comment about Steiners made me want to post a picture of a Cobra Steiner, but there weren't any pictures...but I found that there was one who was abtakha to the Nova Cats, which led me to wonder - do we know what happens to blood legacies for Warriors in Abjured Clans? Like, let's say that you're a Wolf from House Devon (normally a Bear exclusive name), and then you join the Wolf exile. Do the Bears pretend that you've died and hold another Trial? Does everyone just not talk about and then when you die they'll hold a Trial on the downlow?
Six Posts in and my Butte is still unheld. Where did all the Butte Holders go?
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They seem to have swapped to caring about a pop musician.
they left on an exodus to flee the state of the threads, some day they will return as the butte clans
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>Offically reserved a date in November for our annual Urby Derby
>LGS Owner is pretty sure we won't be able to get Urbies from CGL
>We already had to push it back twice because of this
Can anyone recommend a good place online to get a mass of 3d printed Urbanmechs at good quality?
It'd be cheaper to get your own printer.
It is always cheaper to get your own printer, unless you have friend with one who will do it for just the cost of the resin.
Clan Windy Asses
If "Honor the Dragon" is ok then it would also be ok with /mydudes/ being called Ahnenerbe searching for the SL lostechs backed by the Himmler Foundation but guess not.
How many urbs do you need? You can straight up get those Urb packs of 4 for like 20 bucks. If you need 12 or less it seems it would be less hassle to just shell out for plastic if you can get good shipping.

Otherwise it depends strongly where your LGS is at. I've had zero luck finding printers in the states for what I want that aren't going to involve quoting for print on demand and providing your own STLs.
Do they not sell the Urbanmech company anymore?
I've *been* honoring the Dragon, a few times a day, but I'm honestly starting to get chafed and there's hair in my palms that wasn't there before.
Heil Steiner, Sieg Commonwealth!
Last year we bought 2 full Urby company boxes. Long story short, you show up, pay 10 bucks(charity event), get an Urby, then you have 2 hours to paint it up. Best painted(group vote, last year it was a clown Urby) gets another Urby to take home. After that, we have a free for all in the Solaris arena, and this year I plan to give everyone randomly generated custom parts like an extra round in the chamber or a one time MASC. The winner gets an Urbanmech Lance, and this year I plan to give the scrub who dies first the new Urbanmech LAM box.
They sell it but they're apparently out of stock because they're devoted all their production to the kickstarter stuff.
Mein Mech ist meine Treue!
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We're here and holding
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Speaking of Dragons. Which of the names for Arkab lance would be correctl "Bazouk OnI" or "Oni Bazouk"?
gonna play some battletech
In fine Drac tradition, you must pick the wrong one like Koryukai.
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My schizophrenia has proven once again correct and I'm really tired of this bullshit.
Timestamps dated in the past aren't particularly compelling.
I'm not sure you understand the point of a timestamp.
The point is that you could have written "9/13/24" right now and said you did it yesterday to make yourself seem visionary.
You mean instead of when I wrote it two threads ago when this shit started?
>Davion and Wolf
Anyone who thinks the ilClan is gonna collapse is a retard. It has the ultimate mary sue power.
>two threads ago
god you're overreacting. get some sleep
>decide to learn about aerospace fighters
>clan aerospace fighters have like 1/3 of the roster as 3k battle value abominations in a single unit

Jesus FUCK

How do these things even work that justifies the price tag? Like yeah I can see that they're all mounting clan assault-mech levels of guns, but surely they've got something else driving up the price tag. Skimming the rules in Total Warfare it looks like they cross entire map sheets in a single movement phase, how are ground forces even supposed to hit them?
>Voltigeurs, chasseurs, velites, jagers, rangers, tirailleurs...
Why the fuck are there dozen names for the slight variations of 'light infantry?'
There's this thing called "military history" which is full of varying names for light infantry
Because it's aesthetic as fuck.
light horse
heavy horse
simple as
Because their are more languages than English? Fucking burgers.
Hiatus over, back to the paint mines for me.
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>How are ground forces even supposed to hit them?

To shoot at a target they must pass over it, so that target can hit them at a range of 0. Everything else can shoot at the plane at the closest distance to the flight path that round. The plane must also be 5 or less hexes to ground attack, ideally 3 for good numbers. That plane must then make a piloting roll every round it is even hit and loses 1d6 altitude if it fails. That's why we call it a lawndart check. ASF's are valued in BV for when they are in space and can take a beating like they're a flying mech. Putting them in ground support and having them do anything but drop bombs is a fool's errand.
I'm also really pushing the conversions to see what I can get away with. What's on your desk this weekend?
Wait until you learn that five of those are essentially the same thing in terms of equipment and three come from the same country.
That Pixie repose is fucking excellent.
Is that an octopus?
Bud painted a Kraken on a Kraken.
Make your Rifleman turn its guns up.
Follow-up ASF question: if a House regiment has attached aerospace fighter support, do they paint their fighters in that regiment's colors or just wear the unit insignia?
I think it's a Kraken
I see.
Regimental colors if permanent aero lance, sometimes with sky bellies. The standard is 6 birds per 'Mech Regiment, or an Aero Lance per Batt. Anything on temp will be in the state fleet colors.
I finished painting up my 9th Ghost Regiment Company today. I've still got a few units I'm going to supplement it with- mostly stuff I'll need to pick up from the Mercs Kickstarter, but overall this is the core of the force.

Glory to the Dragon
Looking to do a new paint scheme, what's a faction that might (somewhat) reasonably have access to:
>Black Knight
>Catapult (PPC)
>Anything on temp will be in the state fleet colors.
I didn't know the fleets had state-specific colors for the ships. There a list of those colors somewhere? Sarna's not giving me love about it.
What are you needing out of the Merc Kickstarter?
Go to Camospecs and scroll all the way down to the bottom of a faction's list, there'll be fleet assets.
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Dracs in the 3060's would have all that reasonably available.

Make it
>Black Knight
Depending on model, either Robinson salvage from the invasion or Rosebud toy
Ancient Davion salvage.
Bought it from the Pidgeons
Make it
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I was afraid of that. Guess it's time to Honor the Dragon.
I'm planning to fill it out with some vehicle support units and a couple of chargers, specifically my plan right now is 2 chargers, 2 Von Luckner Tanks, and 2 Missile carriers. The Chargers are to go with the Urbies in the shitmech lance, with the plan being not to run all 4 urbies at once.
It is always time to honor the Dragon
I can see why that BV would be a waste if anything you shoot at can counterattack you at range 0 for a chance to instant-kill.
It's a welcome change from the old rules, as I understand it. I've heard grog horror stories of unkillable Mechbuster fighters trashing entire lances with impunity because no dedicated antiair mech was part of their formation.
>so that target can hit them at a range of 0
Not quite, every altitude the ASF is higher than the target is 2 hexes. 5 alt
itudes is the minimum to do a strike attack, so 10 hex range equivalent.
That is beautiful. Can't wait to get back to my Arkab Legion guys when I'm back at work Wednesday.
Always classy. What are they up to these days?
Was there any active ongoing resistance/armed independence movement within the Rasalhague Military District before 3034?
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They're actually on the shelf at the moment because my 1st Free Worlds Guard are the current campaign force. Felt like a change.

I did pick up a plastic Charger that'll be going to Naginata earlier today though
Yes, I should have said range 0 plus elevation.
from what I remember there have always been small scale resistance cells on a planetary level, the '34 movement was mostly just the first one to rally them all under one banner
Yeah, they tried to kill Takashi Kurita by sabotaging his DropShip during a state visit to Rasalhague to try and marry off Theodore in 3019.
Yes and they were a joke. Read Heir to the Dragon and you get the whole story.
How's the campaign progressing? I think you said the Combine's arrived on planet now?
>There's this thing called "military history"
boring and gay
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They have, they're the red here. We haven't had any games since then, but Monday is the next campaign meet.
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Should be some fun stuff going down in this area.
Is there a fight card for Monday or just whomever shows up gets to challenge?
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The Eagles of Atreus!

I just paint these and figured I'd share here since the Battletech community is kind of nice even if they make a lot of references to things I don't know about.

Do you have a favorite summary of the background I can read (I don't stand for ten minute plus YT videos that drone on)?
Buzz Lightyear
The purpose of that was to get nice preferential treatment for the hogs, not independence. That's why they wanted Teddy to have a hog wife and his dad to be dead.
Baby steps.
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So, see those flags? Each of them represents a lance, with a known composition. Players move in a Strategic Initiative order, claiming objectives. If your lance ends in the same hex as an enemy lance, those two forces fight. So for example, I'm purple. I plan on sending my Lance 1 into the city to fight the Kurita lance 1, because fighting in the city gets you lostech. However, the Kurita player has better strategic initiative than me, which means he'll get the chance to withdraw if he doesn't want to fight. Yellow or white, the Aurigans or Explorer Corps, could also send a force in to fight my lance 1.

So the fight card will depend on the larger scale strategy of the campaign. For example, the Kuritans might decide to face me, but might also send their lance 2 behind the city to capture my airfield and artillery base, cutting my lance 1 off from support before we engage. I might move my Lance 3 to the artillery base to defend it from that sort of raid.
And you still don't know the identity or composition of the Kurita force? Ouch if they come at you with 7th Sword of Light or 1st Ghost that specialize in urban combat.
nicely done were these a commission?
Why didn't you quote that post in the first place?
Almost all of those just mean "hunters" in their various languages.

"Voltigeurs" has a retarded origin.
The man's a bit of a solahma, not good with uploading stuff. I'll see his roster in person before the campaign. That said, my Force 1 is an Awesome, Stalker, Orion, and Thunderbolt, so I should be able to handle most threats.
my brain hurts
>"Voltigeurs" has a retarded origin.
Not every idea can be a winner. French derived forces could reasonably call light infantry mounted on fast, thin skinned vehicles voltigeurs if they felt like being different (which tracks with being French.)
Note that ASF do basically have total control over the terms of the engagement. In other words, if your fighter is doing a strike and isn't attacking in a mech's rear arc you're probably doing something wrong.
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Yeah, they were my second Battletech Commission. TTQ so just some base colors, a wash, sponge chipping, a little bit of airbrushed ink, and a little bit of weathering powder.
I remember reading a book way back when, it had Hanse Davion making peace with Morgan Hasek-Davion by giving him command of the 1st Kathil Uhlans, and having to go look up what the hell an Uhlan was.
I'm surprised they only ever used Reiver for a relatively obscure Clan Yiff formation. Fuckloads of units are functionally just reivers who sometimes have to defend against opposing reivers.
Because they used to think that slightly changing a units equipment would enable them to fight differently. Most of these units date to the Napoleonic Wars or slightly before, and you had some new technologies emerging. Carbine muskets were increasingly easy to make. Rifling was beginning to be implemented. Not unlike World War 1, though not to the same degree, obviously. It was a time when technology was propelling strategy, but so was simplicity. You had unit types that hadn't been effectively utilized for like 200 years, like Lancers, being implemented and widely adopted becahse they filled a void that wasn't being filled. Commanders were looking back in history, coming from the Age of Enlightenment , trying to apply some of those ancient tactics when they thought they would be effective. It's very interesting if you have the time to look into it.
I have literally never heard the term "reiver" outside of GW trying to replace all their words with copyrightable ones.
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>LT missile box
>LA, RA wrist guns and hands
>RT gun
Introtech mech with the loadout closest to this?
The full term is Border Reiver. On that list up there, I'm pretty sure "Borderers/Highlanders" is the same thing. Historically they were a bunch of clannish fuckers all around the England/Scotland border who raided up and down the line, rustling cattle, stealing shit, kidnapping people for ransom, and otherwise just being a bunch of bandits. They mostly didn't discriminate based on what side of the border their target was on, just whether they were not in the same clan and not protected too well. But because they had strongholds and lots of experience in light cavalry raids, they also sometimes let themselves be hired by the crowns to participate in wars.
In Battletech terms, the small time succession war raiders just trying to keep their world going could be reivers. On one side of the border, they're legitimate soldiers doing smash and grab raids. On the other side, they're pirates doing smash and grab raids. Either way, they've got a Spider rummaging around in your warehouse while your militia is tied up trying to pin down the rest of them.
Thunderbolt or Orion. Thud has hands, orion has the RT gun.
It's time.
I can post this song again.
Hey look at that, a 40kid broadcasting his ignorance, color me astonished.
What would you call a hypothetical Clan unit that was made up if 5 Stars/Novas?
>I'm pretty sure "Borderers/Highlanders

The Borderers were not Highlanders, since the Borders were in the Lowlands.
Tell that to whoever put them in the same entry on the list.
"A Trinary and a Binary together, probably as the result of bidding."
Quickdraw, Exterminator, Cyclops, and Archer technically qualify. Kintaro and Grasshopper come close.
There's the Riever F-100 that is a FWL aerospace fighter
Sensible, but that doesnt sound cool though.
it was this
A Cluster?
>constellation with five stars
Fuck it, quads. Task Force Cassiopeia?
Do clans use that nomenclature? It'd be weird if the SLDF exiles stopped calling things a task force.
>It'd be weird if the SLDF exiles stopped calling things a task force.
They stopped being that when Nicky K made them be his autist kids. They may have a different name for it.
Okay so what name do they use?
I was hoping you knew. I cannot recall any mention of the Clans naming expeditions anything.
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Seems like they don't have any ad-hoc formation names, they just assume they'll be deploying coherent Clusters
I mean, Clan Steel Viper does, but only for Star formations, not large-scale movements.
Riever, yes; but not reiver.
I think it's because Clusters are already pretty ad hoc.
I was thinking something like a Pulsar or Quasar or something, in keeping with the stellar object theming. I like Constellation quite a bit though.
Imagine if they called it a Singularity, and it got designated by the Bloodname of the mission commander, so you'd have things like Singularity Showers or Singularity Fetladral.
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Direct comparison of the classic 80s map style vs the new Map Pack Savannah. Notably, Savannah uses Depth 0 water to add a lot more space for ground units. It looks a little less natural with the clearly divided colors for depth and height, but it's much better for tactical purposes since you can tell your battlefield situation at a glance.
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>Drac patch spotted
I quite like the maps they gave us in this box.
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Another example. Once again, depth 0 water used to create paths for ground units so that you can actually play on this map without jump jets and hovercraft being the auto-take.

I still haven't gotten my mercs box, got the map pack from someone else since it wasn't in my kickstarter. Those two are also remakes of classic maps. Overall I think they're a big upgrade.

And yes, of course I'm here to honor the Dragon.
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Last one. I like how much clearer the elevation changes are on this one. And the river's edges look so much more natural
>that much magical death acid on the map
gg i commit seppuku already
Water is friend to PPC mechs, don't be frightened of its blessings.
You just need more HarJel to keep you safe and dry.
Remember, the depth 0 hexes are essentially ground. It's ankle deep water on a mech and has no special effect.
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Magical acid death is fun. Fun!
but serious, don't play this outside of a challenge/demo match
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Okay, actual last one: The map that started it all.
It's like Solaris VII meets Takeshi's Castle for obstacle complexity.
Riever and reiver are archaic forms of the word reaver. It wouldn't matter which spelling you use when they mean the same thing
One of these threads I'll bust out all the mapsheets for every box set I have and get pics of both sides of them all. I think I have something for every biome or environment except actual space.
Wow. That is much better.
what's this map's name again?
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I gotchu bro. Map Set 7 had 4 of these, and they're double sided.
Literally every faction during the late clan invasion has these.
Sounds like Kong Interstellar.
*double sized

Yeah, I like the new aesthetic a lot. I still feel like the old look had some charm, but the new maps are way easier to read. I'll be bringing these with me to the campaign meet on Monday.

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>average Panther and Jenner pilots
Guess I'm hitting up eBay for map group 7.
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It also has this, which is pretty cool.

>still confused about New Zealand being entirely absent
New Zealand nothing, where'd literally every Caribbean island go?
No islanders allowed (SEA gets a pass due to CGL's yellow bias)
Climate change really fucked Earth over in battletech I guess.
4 more Wobbies for the glory of Blake. Time for bed.
>Hawaii is still present.

I wonder who could be behind this.
If I have combat math's main box, should I go for alpha strike's box at some point? only the archer is a repeat and it seems like I should familiarize myself with the casual version since it's already hard enough to talk people into playing BT before they realize how autistic it is
Do whatever you want regarding models, I find even the Barnes & Nobles exclusives to be a good time, plus 3D printing on ebay. And do not be afraid of autism but embrace it. The sperg will know his own.
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Okay, show me a pic of your last game, here is mine from Monday.
Depends on what you're trying to do
Zeon missed, again
Doesn't Striking drop 1 from your elevation? So if I initiate a strike at altitude 5, does it mean I'm getting shot at as if I were 10 or 8 away?
Aw man, they're making some of these far too easy.
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no one cares if you're tired of it retard, it's more on topic than your endless whining.

talk about your favorite mech already.
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no, this is patrick!
Don't you have a batchall to be cowering in fear of?
>inb4 StOp BeInG oBsEsSeD wItH mE
Paintlords, I bring before you a question!

The so-called "Kurita red", aka "Sword of Light red": should it be, in your wisdom, a brighter red like crimson, or a darker red like blood?
It's almost as if there's 40 years of source material from which you could find out that it is a bright red.
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Consulting the great wisdom of tbe Dragon makes it clear that the final product should be a bright cherry red.
One would believe it to be that simple, but a quick browse of Camospecs suggests it's not a question with so definitive an answer. Hence, this line of questioning here. So brighter seems to be the running opinion here, it's safe to say?
Camo specs models are based on the painters' interpretation of the color schemes described in the books, and there's sometimes quite a lot of variation. Like there's one Hell's Horses galaxy that is described as using a dark gray and red color scheme, but the guy who painted most of the CSO models used a fairly light shade of gray.
It's not really wrong, but most art and all the Field Manual descriptions has SoL using a bright red livery.
I’ve seen it spelled reaver too
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Yo, speaking of which, do you think this could be interpreted as Sword of Light?
Kell Hounds is that you
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Why did McEvedy like this guy enough to found an entire clancult dedicated to him? And how did she convince Kerensky to let her break the furry mold everyone else was using?
Strong blowjob game, or blackmail. Take your pick.
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No. These are the Halifax Hotdogs. (Legally distinct)

Also, still WIP, but done enough for now.
fucks sakes man. these are excellent.
>Also, still WIP, but done enough for now.
Looking good!
He was already having some trouble convincing the Second Exodus to stick around. The first two Ghost Bear Khans fled when he tried to separate them, and were prepared to die rather than live apart from each other. He really couldn't risk killing them or removing them because he needed their leadership, so he compromised and let them stay together, and so created the conditions for the Ghost Bears strong family culture, and eventually a culture that would be fairly different, but similar to the rest of Clan culture. He probably saw the compormise with McEvedy as the same thing. A compromise to his vision of Clan culture that was neccessary to get people to go along with it. But unlike the Ghost Bears it backfired on him.
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Thank you! This model was infuriating to work on due to the muddy details in the CGL plastic, there were a few spots that had absolutely no coherent shape, like in the cavities on the kneepads. They _look_ they have the details but lolno.
i am looking at my pill of shame in despair. despair. i tell you. you bastards and your gorgeous paintjobs and cool reposes and kitbashings...

I fucking may as well go an hero. jesus christ.
Oh hey it's the better Griffin that somehow in lore is super rare and a failure despite just being an objectively better 'mech.
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CGL’s Union has a problem with wobbly legs shifting out of place if it’s even slightly jostled. I’m gonna try to take a hand drill and see if I can’t magnetize everything.
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NEVER GIVE UP! I believe in your potential anon!
Good to know in advance.
Firestarter A, S1, or P?
it's a failure because of Drac autism. First battle they got used in the Dracs got bodied so they said these were cursed. I agree it is basically the Griffins final form and it's crazy the Lyrans don't have anything similar. Never understood why the mediums are on the inner arm though.
for spider man wrist blasting and for better protection of the weapons when the robot fisticuffs inevitably happens.
>Enforcer level rear armor
>do I take the all energy or ones with ams bombs
The FS9-P doesn't have an AMS bomb retard. It has a CT SRM bomb
Showing your back to the enemy? Dishonouruburu!
The Firestarter P is listed incorrectly in some places. Are you talking about the rocket launcher Firestarter or the SRM Firestarter?
Holy based that fucking Phoenix Hawk (?) repose
It's a fair trade for having very slightly increased frontal armor.
>Do you have a favorite summary of the background I can read (I don't stand for ten minute plus YT videos that drone on)?
The Lore Primer from AGOAC.
It's quirks are pretty bad, but it is extremely silly that nobody ever took a look at it's loadout and said "Whoa, that's just a straight up upgrade on the Griffin."
>Ghost Bears strong family culture
That's kind of false.
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>he misgendered the heckin bomberino
0.003 > 0
What eras do you guys like to play? I like 3025 but it sometimes gets pretty grindy and devolves to kicking matches
>only 1:59
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It's just a newspeak for: "We don't approve of excessive backstabbing among sibko units and deployed personel 'round here."
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Also: "Don't question our love for family or we'll fucking burn down everything you've ever loved and piss on the ashes." Somehow, most people will still tell you they're the "good" Clan.
It's a pleasant contrast to the Snow Raven policy of "We on purpose don't have any seniority among our flag/general officers, because we think the in-fighting makes them stronger".
So how does the Ghost Bear Touman interact with the KungsArmé? Do they coordinate at all? Or are the regulars just treated like a huge enclave of solahma units?
I mean compared to the indecipherable autism of the Jade Falcons or slimy amorality of the Wolves and Sharks the Bears are still kinda the "good" ones.
It's all fine and dandy until the Bears find out that one memeber of your extended family from back on Terra became a Wolverine bloodname during the Exodus.
still don't get why the bears are so autistically obsessed about it
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Because they accidentally let some go when they were supposed to help Clan Wolf out with the Annihilation. Clan Wolf found out and raided them a bit, and ever since it's been like a point of honor/shame to eridicate anything even associated with the Wolverines. But they don't like Clan Wolf, and really never have, so it's never made much sense as to why they still hold that grudge/burden so dear. The Bears should be actively antigonistic against the Wolves, but whenever a faction makes an enemy of the Wolves, they tend to get wiped out, so I guess the "writers" feel the need to have the Bears continually ingratiate themselves to the Wolves, even though they don't like them.

They did it on purpose because they were pissy that the Wolves got the honor of the genocide.
What's a fairly common heavy and medium mech (reasonable to see in a merc company) with some or all of the following traits (in order of importance)?
>At least one hand
>Jump jets
>Arm cannon
>Shoulder cannon or rockets

I already like the wasp and stinger for lights and the victor is a good looking assault but the Shadow Hawk is so underwhelming with a pea shooter and some tiny excuses for missile pods that are closer to bottle rockets.
Check out the Wolverine, which is like a Shad but good.
Griffin, Wolverine, and Vindicator are staples for a reason.
As for heavies, the Merlin is common at least among Mercenary units.
Came to pass that they had to An Hero a couple Sibkos on account of the incomplete cleanup and the survivor's unwillingness to go gently into the night.
Looks more Ronin to me.
There was one guy who caught the wolverine remnants, and seeing them being all children he went "damnit i should kill you all here, but just go and never return"
I think it's because even if they don't like each other, both Clans share similar doctrines of being very conservative and methodical and so when it comes to council and inter-clan politics they're oftentimes valuable allies of convenience.
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the Rook NH2 is a decent medium that fits the bill, the other variants vary in effectiveness due to primitive components and or questionable design decisions
>55 tons
>two hands
>shoulder ER PPC
>5 medium lasers
>small pulse laser for infantry and people who don't understand personal space
biggest issue is that rooks don't show up until the Jihad, so if you're making a group pre 3070s it doesn't exist yet.
the Cronus is another good one
>55 tons
>L Laser arm canon
>two hands
>srm 4pack in cool hat
lineholder also gets a mention for being nearly identical, but replaces the SRM's for a pair of LRM5's but it doesn't roll out until clan invasion so it doesn't exist pre 3058
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It was 200 or 300 years ago in game time, but the writers basically set a clan or state or planet's culture in amber once it's written. Clan Wolf was pissy about the Bears looking the other way about the Wolverines, so the bears are looking to atone for it or something and that's that for all eternity. Yeah, both sides could pay it lip service and just go on about their current culture, but no, in BattleTech they mean it because they used to mean it and nothing ever changed and that's how it is forever.
Is that the chick from Magi?
Why do I keep forgetting the Vindicator exists when it's so perfect?
Don't worry. Capellan erasure is perfectly normal and desirable.
LRM5 is shit and useless prove me wrong
LRM5 is a smoke launcher that can fire explosive missiles if vaguely convenient.
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No idea.
LRM5s are for bullying vehicles.
>and seeing them being all children he went "damnit i should kill you all here, but just go and never return"

This is how we can tell that this was the first generation of the Clans.
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Today, I printed my first Battletech mini, a Marauder II.

Still needs a little cleanup where the supports connected to the "chin" area, but I think he turned out pretty well.
It's clearly good enough for a game piece, which should be plenty unless your hobby literally is getting better performance outta your printer setup.
Very clean print. Render looks like dog ass but very well done anon.
3D printing truly is a blessing. Here's some Yeoman's someone paid me to print.
Yeah it's easy to forget that by the time of Clan Wolverine being wiped out, it was still the first generation of the Exodus running things, which honestly makes it more horrifying desu, they really went full on Lord of The Flies relatively quickly.
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Yeomen are too silly for me, but I respect goofytech on principle.
How much did you charge him?
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This is now a House Kurita thread.
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Always has been, don't let fedcucks tell you otherwise
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All glory to the Dragon!
Hugh Jackman, how do you still not know Wolverines are real animals?
Based. Are these guys scaled to 28mm infantry?
Played my first game of alpha strike. It kicks ass. We used the hex rules and kept the pilot skills at 4. We didn't end up using most of the special rules like the airstrike cards. And we had some confusion abvout some speical rules on the mech cards, but they wernt that relivant. It was so fucking fun, like a big tank duel. I fucking loved how important movement was. Going in I wondered why you shouldn't just take stuff with the biggest numbers. But the locus fucks and I got a ton of value out it it for 19 points. My op spent three turns chasing it down and trying to kill it, while it kneecaped his dudes with back-arc crits. He just yeeted up the board for the +3 tmm. Im sure that shit changes a bit when you give piolets 2 or 3 skill instead of the default 4 but still shit was fun. I ended up losing, but it was a blast.
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Just about.
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Better picture. A normal human this time.
Nice use of the Locust. I love speedy 'mechs in Alpha Strike.
Bumping respectfully
I usually ask for around 5€ for a 'mech-sized model.
Of course they aren't real. It's like ROM or hyperspace elves or immortal belter wizards - they don't exist.
The Dragoons must have been very awkward dealing with the 'mech that should not be named' when they first got to the Inner Sphere
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>Render looks like dog ass
I dunno. It may not as soulful as the original "unseen" art, but the MWO-style Marauder II looks a hell of a lot better than the early-2000s abomination they use in the TROs these days.
The Shrike 3 is the best one
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Which Clan has the most Elementals? Which Clan has the least?
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>"We don't approve of excessive backstabbing among sibko units and deployed personel 'round here."
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Clan Hell's Horses created them and love infantry anyways, so they'd likely have the most. The Snow Ravens have the smallest Touman, so they'd probably have the least.
> Which Clan has the most Elementals?
Ghost Bears doctrine is built around elementals
Hell's Horses loves combined arms
Goliath Scorpions increase their touman size whenever they need (so they probably increased amount of elementals as their domain expanded)
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>TFW you will never have an Elemental gf
You will never Melt her heart of ice and slowly introduce her to romance.
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What the FUCK was his problem?
>The Snow Ravens have the smallest Touman,

Snow Raven Touman is normal-sized if you count naval assets (its actually on the larger side), and there's Marines on ships.
That's literally why Nicky did it.

Warriors of Kerensky speculates that Nicky may have Annihilated the Wolverines to unite and focus the early Clans, but Betrayal of Ideals shouts it out loud while riding a unicycle.
As i understand it, you're treated as being at 5 altitudes. At the end of the shooting phase, you drop to 4.
Never again.
t. Tex
>they really went full on Lord of The Flies relatively quickly.
They fought decades-long civil war acrossthe galaxy, then they had fuckjlong exodus (durring which Nicky tricked his brother to accidently inspire rebellion on several ships just so he can get father's approval to execute them and make a point for the rest of fleet) and then second exodus.
It's actually more surprisingly how many of Nicky's peers still managed to hold some dignity and create some less retarded clans
I'm sure Era Report 3145 and Dominions Divided discuss it.
I know I am six years old, but the fuck I am doing wrong in Battletech vidya? I've just liberated prison-planet and next contract pitched me against Marauder with 2 lances of medium and light mechs while I have only centurion to take a punch?
Also I'm pretty sure Ghost Bear is known for having a larger concentration of Elementals than most Clans.
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>175+ new metals added to collection in the last month
>plus mercs KS coming in
>more machines than I've added to the collection in the last 10 years

I'm drowning in the backlog, bros.
Is it not a glorious thing, to know you always have something to paint that you've not painted before?
Never use this woke shit for the thread image again.
>woke shit
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The KugsArme is no more, and fully integrated into the Touman of Clan Ghost Bear/Rasalhague Dominion.

By 3145 things were mostly settled. I'm pretty sure that ANY military division is open to Clanners or Spheroids, Freeborn or Trueborn, just so long as they passed the tests, completed the trials. Except for Elementals, I guess, but even then.
People who "tested out" aka failed their tests/trials could join lower prestige military divisions.

So that's how you get Polar Galaxy and Taiga Galaxy. Originally filled with former KungsArme and Rasalhague dudes and dudettes, they're the equivalant of second-line units in other Clans.

Well uh, things were going pretty well up until 3151. The Rasalhague Dominion entered into a massive internal conflict that divided their society everywhere, even in units and families that thought of themselves as fully united. By May 3152 the conflict was over, but at least 30% of the entire Touman were either dead or quit.

TO re-unite their people, the Rasalhague/Ghost Bear leadership decided that what they really needed was a short, victorious war. So they have a military campaign ready to launch in June 3152 against the Draconis Combine. There's no real big plan for the war, conquering and integrating new people would make their society even more divisive. Maybe they could try a strike on the capital world of Luthien. The Touman has no plans in case of defeat, they've never lost a war against the Draconis Dominion.

Nothing can go wrong here.

I really like the story direction with Rasalhague/Ghost Bear. I think they've been a teeny bit Mary Sue for a long while and are due for some real conflict. Exploring Clan society and culture is always neat.
You forgot the part about them rebuilding their shattered army back to full strength overnight. Even if they have the industrial capacity or money to buy all the machines on the open market from the Shark/Fox people, actually training and integrating the new recruits into their army will take time.

Oh who am I kidding, it's done overnight because the writers don't know a thing about how armies are actually build beyond pouring water on the magic seeds and reaping fully train and equipped units.
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>The Touman has no plans in case of defeat, they've never lost a war against the Draconis Dominion.
It will be a valuable lesson for them when defeat is gifted to them by the Dragon.
>Decades of goony trash for metal sculpts at premium prices.
>A sudden avalanche of decent plastic sculpts at very affordable prices.
Having a battletech backlog is both a miracle and a luxury.
That makes me wonder if Clan Wolf is going to hunt down and destroy all the actual wolverines on Terra just because it's the namesake of the Not-Named-Clan.
Except I got this sudden avalanche of metal at plastic prices and the sculptors for both have been the same the last decade...
>He think's there's any wild animals left on Terra
Really hope Yori get gangbanged in public by the GB elementals Kuroinu-style, but sadly it will never happen
Is there reason to suggest there aren't? Terra in BT isn't the hellscape it is in 40K, even after the Amaris Usurpation was put down.
I’ve always preferred clans that somehow integrate into the inner sphere and it makes it seem like there’s an actual plan for victory instead of
>Invade IS
>Conquer Terra
>Star League Reborn
The idea of Clans serving almost exclusively as a military caste for a civilian government is neat and the idea of integrating preexisting military forces seems like an interesting way to induce conflicts, clanners butthurt about soheroids being treated like trueborn clanners who are the product of generations of selective breeding or members of tje old army butthurt that they’re relegated to a third rate militia status unless they join the autistic clanners. Wolves and Jade Falcons by comparison are boring stupid.
It isn't written anywhere that the Clans got rid of the wolverines on Strana Mechty, so I assume they'd leave them alone on Terra too.
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Motherfuckers have an entire Galaxy of Elementals.
>I really like the story direction with Rasalhague/Ghost Bear. I think they've been a teeny bit Mary Sue for a long while and are due for some real conflict. Exploring Clan society and culture is always neat.

In theory, yes; in practice, they did it in a stupid and Mary Sue kind of way. Instead of the ilClan thing hammering on the still-existent Clan/IS divide, they decided to have their civil war just randomly be half of the Clanners and half of the Spheroids.

And we still don't know what happened to all of the former Combine folks in the Rasalhague Dominion.
I wish we'd seen more about how the Falcons, Wolves, and Horses had integrated their Civilians.
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>they don't exist.
Then what do you call THIS?!
>Black and white
Carnivorous pygmy panda
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teach me master
i want to a dynamic phoenix hawk with partial wing
Taylor has gone woke.
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For some reason their symbol doesn't really look like the animal wolverine
Strike is that you
Too bad we'll never get to see a reasonable Clan's policy be attempted to rez Star League.
Exactly! Except for how it looks exactly like a stylized wolverine's head.
I actually laughed out loud.
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Mercer's vision being betrayed doesn't mean it wouldn't have worked, no one tried the carrot instead of the stick.
The Steel Vipers truly are the Capellans of the Clans.
She already was buddy, Childless Cat Lady and all...
>he thinks this while Jade Falcons exist
lmao even
Jade Falcons are clearly the Kuritans of the clans.
They even have a fucking katana.
Didn't the original Jade Falcon khan go on a katana wielding rampage at one point?
Kuritans are competent.
With a sword she took off a dead Capellan.
>Falconfags putting on airs
Getting real comfy taking the knot, aren't we?
>And we still don't know what happened to all of the former Combine folks in the Rasalhague Dominion.
This was featured a bit in the Dominions Divided book. There's a range of opinions from former Draconis people, (including Draconis > Republic of the Sphere > Draconis
> Rasalhague planet of Vega) but a sizeable chunk were very pro-Joiner, wanting better status for themselves as a minority in the Rasalhague Dominion, improved status in the Star League, HONORABLE COMBAT to serve the ilKhan.

>they decided to have their civil war just randomly be half of the Clanners and half of the Spheroids.
One of the things I wasn't sure about was how quick everyone jumped to violence, but that's fairly standard for this setting.

I think this sourcebook was absolutely influenced by modern events and current day stuff, particularly the Brexit vote. Maybe I'm giving the writers too much credit, but it does make absolute sense that an absolute question of yes/no, blue/red, stay/go would always, be definition, divide a society. So us and the writers get to deep dive a bit into the people of Rasalhague, see how they respond to a question that carries mountains of baggage.

Also I'm pretty certain that this is pretty much what Alaric Ward intended by refusing the Rasalhague Dominion joining the new Star League. It makes sense in a twisted kind of logic.

Clan Wolf, the ilClan, the third Star League still needs time to stabilize itself, get factories online, rebuild itself. The Rasalhague Dominion was probably more powerful than Alaric Ward and his amazing super friends after the battle for Terra, this would give THEM the influence and power in the new Star League. The Inner Sphere should rely on the Star League, not the other way around.

So throw a grenade into Rasalhague. Even if it's just to buy time while Alaric Wolf rebuilds. As the situation gets worse for Rasalhague, the more reasons they have to bend the knee to Alaric Wolf.

Or maybe Alaric is just dumb.
>Or maybe Alaric is just dumb.
The idea of him is, so why wouldn't he be?
Still not sure taking Terra was worth it
Falcons don't have deep vaginas (like ducks). I don't think a knot would fit.
Just needs more practice.
Something something falcons aren't white women.
I mean, they're birthing pod horrors whelped from the stock of Nicky K's four most degenerate thralls' genetic sludge, but that doesn't necessarily disqualify them from maybe being white
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So the Falcons and the CapCon has a katana on their emblem. Do they use the swords at all though?
Human-scale swords in Battletech have four purposes
>Ceremonial badge of honor(most common in the Combine but found elsewhere)
>Only for formal, semi ritual combat like fencing duels and trials
>For use in spaceship boarding operations where you really don't want to breach the hull and know you'll be fighting in tight quarters
>Is actually a vibroblade
The Falcons and Cappies don't do this any more than anyone else.
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>Something something falcons aren't white women
>Looks at Malvina "Lilly White" Hazen
Are you sure about that?
how about as the mech weapon?
Combine uses swords, others use hatchets, Clanners hate melee.
Mech scale swords have the particular niche of letting a TSM-equipped 55 tonner headchop with a reasonable chance of success. Outside of that, a hatchet is usually better.
I think Alaric Wolf is GOOD the setting, with a really big asterisk around the word, "good." Actually, multiple big asterisks.

Battletech is a tabletop wargame setting. There should be conflict, lots of conflict. There should be space for players to fight wherever they want with whoever they want.

This is why Devlin Stone is BAD for Battletech. He CRUELY stopped large scale warfare across the Inner Sphere, birthed a terrible new age of peace and prosperity and made the post-Republic pre-Blackout era pretty much unplayable. A disaster for wargamers!

The Word of Blake is MIXED for Battletech. Huge warfare across the Inner Sphere, players get access to crazy new toys and tech and reasons to fight, but a lot of beloved characters die, the Blakists can pull new toys just out of their ass from nowhere. A bad thing is that players are not fighting with the same factions they have for decades, instead there is a new boogieman out of nowhere and a new pure good faction out of nowhere.

So let's take a look at Alaric Ward. (Uh, misnamed him as Alaric Wolf but it's the same thing.) Alaric is not a good person. He is a big new villain for the Inner Sphere, something not seen since Stefan Amaris. But unlike Amaris, Alaric is not obviously stupid evil, deploying WMDs and dropping warcrimes everywhere. In this way, Alaric is MORALLY AMBIGUOUS just enough for players. Everyone has a reason to fight against him, but everyone also has a reason to bend the knee, fight with him, get new toys and re-unite humanity.

I guess what I'm saying is that the ilClan era COULD be a great return to form. Constant unending small-scale warfare of the Succession Wars era, but also big coherent wars, coalitions and refused batchalls of the Clan Invasion era.

It all depends on how the writers treat him. I'd prefer if he was kept in the background, with the focus on the Inner Sphere around Terra. He feels like a Dark Messiah archtype.
>It all depends on how the writers treat him. I'd prefer if he was kept in the background, with the focus on the Inner Sphere around Terra. He feels like a Dark Messiah archtype.
Except he won't be. The hacks got addicted to VSD being in the middle of everything. They can't DO long-distance Big Name people anymore, because they wrongly assume those reading the little lore books care only about those names.
Claws are the best IMO but sadly only the Kontio uses it apparently
Yen-Lo-Wang did it first.
I meant the literal birds. I forgot that we were using them as an analogy.
>He CRUELY stopped large scale warfare across the Inner Sphere, birthed a terrible new age of peace and prosperity and made the post-Republic pre-Blackout era pretty much unplayable. A disaster for wargamers!

I mean, there's nothing wrong with a wargame that takes place in a universe where battle is mostly small-scale raids and formal challenges. Hell, it provides great justification for why battles are so small.
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>What the FUCK was his problem?
Mostly being entirely too based for this weak and pathetic game setting. Imagine being such a chad that you take a captured GDL aerospace pilot and raping her taut sweet body over and over and mindbreaking her into loving you so much that she gives you the plans to ambush your greatest enemy.
Claws, though the unit calls them "nails".
The Crael variant of the Crusader uses claws.
Thanks, but that only answers like half my question. How do they use infantry and armor? Are more traditional military units relagated to second line status while the Mechwarriors and Elementals and Aerospace warriors do all the real fighting, like a normal Clan? I assume they use them like solahma, except without the disgrace that comes with that.
Isn't it statted as a Hatchet, the first Yen Lo Wang at least
First, second, and third.
>claw-shaped hatchet
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Yeah whatever.
Thanks for the Warhawk and Ebon Jaguar
>last Warden clans cucks Crusader clans out of their signature mechs
>that pic

Sweet mother of Blake, what book is that from? It looks early, but the person depicted doesn't have 80s hair.
The Ravens stealing the Black Python and renaming it was pretty funny.

Don't forget that the Mad Dog and Dire Wolf were also Jaguar(TM) productions.
The idea of "signature" anything in a society where property is a concept dispelled by a Trial is a ludicrous concept to subscribe to, and you should feel stupid for having done so.
>The idea of "signature" anything in a society where property is a concept dispelled by a Trial is a ludicrous concept to subscribe to, and you should feel stupid for having done so.
>Fond of predatory birds, Suvorov would keep a jade falcon as her familiar, which has brought her the ire of that bird's namesake Clan.
I feel like some liberties have been taken in this retelling
Where is picrel from? Reverse search is giving me nothing
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NTA, but IIRC, no, not really. Anon is telling the events of Mercenary's Star, the second Grey Death Legion novel. One of the Grey Death ASF pilots gets her fighter shot up, and she's captured by Ricol's Dracs. She's repeatedly tortured, and then she is given good treatment and sympathy from one of the Dracs (maybe Ricol? I don't remember) until she lets him fuck her. He continues fucking her under the false pretense that he cares about her until she falls in love with him. At that point, he gets her to give him the info about the Legion that he wants, and then he immediately dumps her back into the torture prison. The info is used to basically annihilate most of the Verthandi rebellion, and Carlyle and friends only escape due to some luck.

Early books were a trip. It's too bad modern stuff is boring and sanitized to appease the woke mob. Dracs were better when they put a woman properly in her place. On the receiving end of Big Drac Cock.
OG House Davion handbook, IIRC. When the old Holloway era art was better than Shimmy's modern meth addicts, it was REALLY better.
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damn, I'm sorry for ever doubting
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>It's too bad modern stuff is boring and sanitized to appease the woke mob.
That book is 20 years old.
Considering the thing that btg tends to either exaggerate or focus on is rape dungeons, I'm not surprised you'd be dubious about it
It is a hard time to find real rape dungeons these days.
/tg/ in general has a love for rape dungeons. Probably has to do with how much overlap we have with /d/
I don't see why that is when i can just go downstairs
Are you hiding down there because you're afraid of NEA's batchall?
>maybe Ricol? I don't remember
IIRC it was the asshole merc leader working for the Dracs. Ricol himself barely appears in the book (he's the liege of the Drac governor and at one point appears to berate him for the shitty job he's doing, but otherwise doesn't really factor into the story), plus he's too classy of a villain to do something so pedestrian as directly sully himself like that.
Bitch, you ain't even got a root cellar.
He doesn't have a car either.
I can't throw shade at that, I got to skip owning a car for 8 years thanks to my then-locale's outstanding public transit. Having a car is like having a kid (albeit a useful one): once you have it, all you do is dump money into it.
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Dunno if you're in the US, but bussy is, and here it makes you essentially subhuman. All our infrastructure is structured around cars and public transit is more built around punishing people for not having cars than it is around getting people anywhere.

Photo from a game so that this is still on topic.
unless you live in a major city like NY, LA, Austism, etc.
then you are punished for having a car, punished for not having a car, just punished in general
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I'm in TX. Austin was where I was living back then, and never had issues getting anywhere with their bus system. Where I am now is devoid of such, so I own a vehicle these days.

Photo of minis so on-topic.
I love that structure terrain. That repurposed 40K stuff or another game's decor?
Hextech. It's designed for Battletech specifically. Can get STLs here. https://thunderhead-studio.com/products/hextech-industrial-fluidworks-core-bundle?_pos=1&_sid=52c89c7bb&_ss=r
No games, no car, no root cellar. Why even love at this point
>Absorbs Second Star League Defense by sending well groomed fuckboy to seduce CO
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It's like when Peter Gabriel quit Genesis.
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>I think this sourcebook was absolutely influenced by modern events and current day stuff, particularly the Brexit vote.
The Brexit vote very obviously was a legal coup the Uniparty performed at the behest of their financial backers after decades of message massaging got Uniparty representatives cocked and ready to not think about the loaded gun they were holding to everybody's heads.

It was the result of a specific phenomenon we saw during the outbreak of WW1 as well - that of british political power holders being creatures who no longer breath oxygen and instead exist in an atmosphere of their own and their financial backer's farts.
you are no longer talking about battletech and are bringing up a five hour hold topic to ramble about real life politics. i suggest killing yourself immediately
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Today I will remind them that Osama Bin Landen was not a chechz politician turned cyborg whose followers were mad about the fact that NATO only genocided post-second Chechnya war Chechnya rather than all of the Russian Federation.
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Logan, of course. Just like my original picture.
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Four doors for more whores!
Man fuck Golden Corral. How dare they discriminate against our boy!
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They're just being coy about the fact that he would put locations into the red when he hit the buffet.
>which has brought her the ire of that bird's namesake Clan.
Was there a single thing or entity in the universe which wasn't pissing off Jade Falcons by mere fact of it's existence?
To be completely fair, Battletech is fairly anti-Asian, or at least Asia-phobic. The vast overwhelming majority of Asian characters are either complete heels or are opportunistic manipulators that only help somebody out when they are promised what's left. So telling Anaris to fuck off is very on theme.

What's weird is how specific Battletech is in this racism. For a game from the 80s its surprisingly positive in its portrayal of Africans, Hispanics and Arabs. Even Jews are treated nicely. It was also a pretty egalitarian setting when it came to women.

But then on the Asians it goes in hard on the racism, with every Asian character being manipulative or psychotic. Which is odd, because Americans seem to get way more triggered over black people, hispanic immigrants and Arabs.
Theodore, Hirohito, Omi Kurita, hell even Takashi himself near the end of his arc. Shin the yakuza. Candice and Kai Liao. Also those drac guys who stood up for the Dragoons back when. Even Sun Tzu Liao is revealed to not have actually been crazy and just doing what he needed to survive his mother’s terror. These are all Asian characters who are portrayed reasonably.

Honestly the fact that in a setting where the majority of cultures are European dominated the fact that the only two non European states are based around the two most dominant Asian cultures strikes me as acknowledging their significance and value they bring to the setting.

It’s curious that we don’t see an endless cycle of complaints about anti Teutonic racism over the treachery and scheming and violence of the Steiners. Maybe people who identify with them don’t have a chip on their shoulder.
>Maybe people who identify with them don’t have a chip on their shoulder.
Because that’s not racist, it’s accurate, and the krauts know it.
Besides, I don’t think it’s actual Asians who complain about BT being ‘racist.’
They just followed the period standard for "hard" scifi literature in that regarding. Like there was a series that featured uplifted animals where they only made fun of the chimpanzee once in every novel.

>Even Jews are treated nicely.
The state of Israel would disagree, what with the nation being gone and an ethiopian Jew rather than a Pole/Russian being presented as the visual standard that one time somebody explicitly was trying to pass themselves off as Jewish.
>ethiopian Jew
Weren't they secretly sterilised by government in 70-80s?
the more I read the sourcebooks the more I'm convinced that kerensky was a fucking coward

I'd absolutely call Theodore and Candice manipulative, even if less on the evil scale.

I mean, it mentions Jews as being important contributing members of Society in the Lyran Commonwealth, Draconis March and, weirdly enough, the Trinity Worlds.
Every single house leader is manipulative. It’s inherent in the position of being a leader in a semi feudalistic society where great powers are constantly at various levels of unending conflict. Every. Single. Leader. The only reason one would feel like this is unjust portrayal when the Asians do it is misplaced white savior complex. Just another case of a white person feeling offended on behalf of other people.

>it’s not racist! I’m just telling it like it is!

The irony is delicious. To be clear I find neither the portrayal of the Steiner nor the Asians as racist, but obviously some people are willing to pick and choose where they want to feel offended on behalf of other peoples.
I can see where people who say that are coming from, but i would've left too.

You have to feel the contempt that he and other Star League officials/ officers had to have felt for the Great Houses. Petulant children that would destroy themselves and endanger the rest of humanity if left to their own devices. The Great Houses and their supporters barely qualify as human, they deserve to be kept in line, because they always act, almost without fail, like animals. If the SLDF hadn't taken enormous, catasteophic casualties winning the biggest war in human history, he probably would've stuck qround and proclaimed himself the new Star Lord and dared the Great Houses to tell him different. But faced with either losing the few humans he saw as worthwhile in a war against every Great House, or just leaving, you can see why he did what he did. And he wasn't the only one that felt like that because 5/6s of the SLDF(or what was left) went with him. And you can look at the Hidden Hope Doctrine to see that he always intended to return and conquer the Inner Sphere. That was always his intention. The Warden Clans were faggots and cowards and deserved everything that happened to them. Wolf hasn't got their's yet but they will, someday.
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>Because that’s not racist, it’s accurate, and the krauts know it.
I'm not sure how us germanics are supposed to be implicitly aware of whatever hang-ups you specifically have about our ethnicity. Especially when the Steiners are pretty far off from how any of the five (Germans, Swiss-Germans, Austrians, Alsaic-Lorraine Germans, Southern Tyrolians) national blocks would self-describe their ethno-national chracteristics.
Kerensky should have just supported John Davion's claim to the throne. He (and the SLDF) could have many any great house leader the first lord, and John Davion was the one Cameron.
Sure, but again, the Suns and an extremely depleted SLDF wouldn't have been enough to compell the other 4 houses to submit, they would've had to fight another IS-wide war, would've lost, and then you're back at square one. Remember he spent 2 full years going back and forth between the Great Houses trying to get them on board for rebuilding the Star League, but nobody wanted it. They wanted the Succession Wars. They wanted to set humanity back 300 years. Don't look at them like nation states, look at them like Chinese Warlords in the early 20s. Weak, shortsighted and arrogant. The Succession Wars were inevitable. He knew it and they knew it. Only difference is that they all thought they would come out on top, and he knew none of them would, ajd the Inner Sphere would wind up paying the price.
IMO the one thing Alex K is to be blaimed is having a son.
Anybody have recommended house rules to try to mitigate early knockouts? Heard about 'edge', where you can use an edge point to force an opponent to reroll. It sounds cheesy, but getting a mech knocked out super early from a headshot can badly unbalance what should have been a fun game.
No wonder House Lords chose him as regent, because he's too bitch made to wield power.
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>Anybody have recommended house rules to try to mitigate early knockouts?
My group does floating crit on 2, but then rolls positions again and THEN the crit chance. It's cause some INTERESTING moments before lol. We also don't do crit transfer, that shit kinda sucks.
Yeah, edge is the best thing we have for that at the moment
I'm pretty sure you're playing the way it supposed to be.
The thing that irks me is Amaris kills like 30 members of the Cameron family and everyone acts like the Cameron line is completely extinct, like there aren't any cadet branches out there, especially a scion out there serving with the SLDF or somewhere outside of the TH who could step in as First Lord when the war was over.
>My group does floating crit on 2, but then rolls positions again and THEN the crit chance

Isn’t that just the regular floating crit rules though?
It is
The Cameron armies literally packed up and left.
You're assuming anyone in that room but Kerensky would care. The First Lord isn't a hereditary position, the Camerons were just safe people the Houses voted in to fuck over their rivals.
>it mentions Jews as being important contributing members of Society in the Lyran Commonwealth
Yeah, the propaganda is obvious to anyone who looks at the house colors, manipulation and scheming are no surprise.
Power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Camerons didn’t have divine right to rule, they just had the largest industrial base and economy and were somewhat decent rulers, at least able to simultaneously intimidate and placate the other houses into not starting shit and accepting the Terran hegemony leadership of the star league.

After Kerensky had finished the Amaris war, the hegemony was in ruins and was no longer a military threat to the other houses. The cadet branches of the Camerons were “literally who?” Tier people with no track record or relationship with the other lords.
Kerensky could have installed one on the throne, but then his battered SLDF would have almost certainly had to wage the very war he was trying to avoid in order to make it stick. The ultimate outcome would have been almost the same as the first succession war, except the SLDF would have been reduced to a mere fragment, even if ultimately victorious. You have to remember that their largest material support came from the hegemony and the rest was essentially tithes from the houses. With the hegemony destroyed and open hostilities with the houses they would have been very hard pressed to sustain their forces.

Kerensky made the right decision for “his” people: the men and women of the SLDF.

He saw that the war was inevitable and decided not to participate.
The branch families gave up their right to the throne. Amaris would have killed them too if their claim was strong enough to matter. I'm pretty sure there were even Windsor-Camerons who were colluding with Amaris, and House Cameron-Jones would have been taken down as soon as they started their bullshit if their claim was actually better than House Marik.
If you spend your edge in a game does that mean you need to cum then and there?
When a group of guys edge for three hours, I would imagine that it's customary that they all cum together on the table at the end.
Reason enough right here not to use it, a game full of bad jokes. Reminds me of settlers of catan
> I have wood, would anybody like my wood?
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Iunno dude, people here aren't even calling Battletech overall racist. It's been pointed out it was surprisingly evenhanded for the time for most races mentioned in the books.

But trying to argue that OG Battletech wasn't explicitly racist against Asians in its portrayals of the Cappies and Dracs is a bit harder to argue. That's not any kind of a complex, that's reading the OG House Books.
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For it is right to do so.

>verification not required
Hating and fearing Asians was very much 80s.

Japan looked like it was surpassing the US economically and China was pulling itself up by its bootstraps and people were starting to say that in 20 years it would be challenging the US.
>and, weirdly enough, the Trinity Worlds.

That's just because Victor Milan thought it would be funny. I wouldn't read too much into it.

I also like the Drac March thing personally, because those aren't "Seinfeld Jews", they're very clearly Jews in the Israeli mold (as an Israeli-American, it's a pleasant change).
The "extremely depleted" SLDF was still larger and more advanced than any of the Successor States, and at that point had about ten times as much combat experience as the rest of them combined.

Their industrial base was damaged, but between the SLDF and the FedSuns they probably could have brought the rest of the Vulture Lords to heel. Especially because the LyrCom probably would have joined (Robert Steiner was luke-warm on the Star League but there was immense support for it in the Estates General and among the common people, to the point that there was large-scale civil unrest when Robert was among those who told Kerensky to get lost).

So we have the SLDF, the state with the best military among the other five, and the state with the best economy. And this is before centuries of war fuck up the Tamar Pact, so the Lyrans have industrial capacity that puts their 3050 state to shame.

It could have been done.
Exactly. He was a coward. If power is available to be seized, then power MUST be seized. Any other action or decision is cowardice. Rulership is a zero sum game.
>Kerensky made the right decision for “his” people: the men and women of the SLDF.
>He saw that the war was inevitable and decided not to participate.

Instead he led their on a years-long voyage to nowhere that saw immense hardship on the voyage, and then when they got to a collection of barely-inhabitable shitholes, it turned out he had absolutely no plan for how to demobilize the largest military in the history of humanity and turn it into a civilization.

I personally like the theory that Kerensky meant for them all to die.
>Kerensky made the right decision for “his” people: the men and women of the SLDF
He lead them on a death march.
Your argument would have been stronger if you hadn't attached the picture. Don't mistake shitty cheap art for racism, anon.
My group use floating TACs as well, but we just had a game last night where my single SRM TAC floated up to the head of a pristine Rifleman IIC, then got boxcars to confirm. So now players are saying floating TACs are too lethal, ignoring the vast majority of the times where TACs floated to arms and only took out a medium laser.
Last one to cum on the chewable plastic Urbammech has to eat it.
Better than that allowing them to be used to destroy whatever was left of human civilization. I can understand why this sort of typical sociopathy posts here can't comprehend why he did what he did, but Kerensky was absolutely operating in the best interests of humanity as a whole. He was faced with a no-win scenario, and so he took the path which caused the least amount of harm, for as far as he was capable of foreseeing. You cannot genuinely shit on someone for what happens 300 years after they die.
>So now players are saying floating TACs are too lethal,

This is a very common complaint.

Personally, I don't feel like taking out floating TACs ruins the game too much.

On the other hand, leaving them in is also fine. To play BattleTech, you should embrace "Your perfectly-fine Mech can blow up for no fucking reason".
If it was the quad-CLPL boat he deserved it
Your players are correct. No Mech should be able to die in a single hit like that. It's one of the big reasons why our group has switched over to Alpha Strike. Mechs behave like actual war machines and don't just die after a single hit for no good reason.

It's been fun being able to actually finish games too, more people should switch over. Alpha Strike is a more functional and flatly better rule set than grogtech.
Personally I find floating tacs are less impactful than normal, because they're less likely to score a gyro crit or something else that the whole game pivots on and more likely to take out an arm actuator.
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>It's been fun being able to actually finish games too, more people should switch over. Alpha Strike is a more functional and flatly better rule set than grogtech.
>SRM TAC floated up to the head of a pristine Rifleman IIC, then got boxcars to confirm
>So now players are saying floating TACs are too lethal

Have they also forgotten that boxcars on the CT is very likely going to triple-crit your engine or double-crit your gyro and still kill you right there? Head blown off from boxcars definitely happens less than engine or gyro destruction from boxcars. Did they fail high school math or something?
Is this a correct interpretation of the rules?

>40 ton 'mech Stands in depth 1 water
>Get forced to do a PSR and fail
>Falls over and takes 4 points of damage due to being in water when falling
>Rolls center torso
>Rolls 10 for flooding
>The engine shuts down and the 'mech counts as destroyed for the scenario

Why not play the objectively superior game, Battleforce?
Falling in water only deals 1/2 damage. You take 2 points, not 4. Otherwise yes.
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Why not play both?
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Why play either? Just play grogtech faster, doing math isn't hard.
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Grogtech is pedantic to the point of Asperger's, and life is too short to give a shit about where every single LRM lands
Yeah that's sick. The fact that a mech can Sprint, lose control and skid, fall, and then land on it's head and kill the pilot is hilarious. Especially when you remember that most IS pilots are dogshit that have never been trained properly. Each battletech battle is a bunch of amateurs larping as elite mechwarriors while they stumble around the battlefield. Its hilarious
If you don't care about where every LRM lands you can go play warhammer
>Mechs behave like actual war machines and don't just die after a single hit for no good reason.
Shit bait, but HMS Hood says "hi"
she took a quite literal one in a million hit that happened to hit the exact right spot at the dip in her bow wave at exactly the right angle to deflect in to hit the fuel store on the other side at exactly the right angle to deflect into the magazine. I suggest watching Drachinifels video on it, he went through everything in great detail

How can you not finish games of Battletech? It takes an hour or two for a lance/star aside game. Maybe 40K is more up your street?
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No thanks, I'll just play Alpha Strike, because I can
>and life is too short to give a shit about where every single LRM lands
Which is why they resolve in five point clusters.
They want to be able to play like 6 games in an afternoon. Same kind of people that try to end a game after the second round because they think they know who's going to win already.
He knows that feel.
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>They want to be able to play like 6 games in an afternoon
My rare time off is valuable, so yes
Because I can just play Battletech if the game is company-sized or smaller, and there's really no benefit to playing Battalion-sized Alpha Strike games.
Play a Regiment-sized game of regular BT. I dare you.
Isn't that kind of the point?
Weak bait.
...So? If you just want to cram games in, you can also play a game of "who rolls the highest number" and resolve each game in around three seconds. You can get hundreds, if not thousands, of games done in an afternoon like that!
That's what I try to tell them, that nearly every torso crit can be debilitating, so the chances of being crippled by a TAC go down when the pool of potential targets gets diluted with foot actuators and small lasers. Even if you're running an un-CASED suicide boat like a Crusader the hard math says overall kill rate goes down.
But people don't remember the boring TACs, they remember the 1-in-50,000 headshot.
I hear the new 40k Spearhead boxes are pretty good. They're even made for casuals like yourself!
He could just play dice poker instead.
Yeah, especially if you're playing Succession Wars, getting an early engine hit can mean that you're unable to pretty much fire your weapons with a 10-single sinking 'mech.

And if you play with the 4/5 pilots like Kerensky intended, that first Gyro hit is gonna keep you rolling around the floor for the better part of the game.
Except to field whole battalions, like how actual lore battles go.
So could you.
Not sure why you're so hung up on this except to collect (You)s.
Dice poker is ghetto.
>So could you.
But I don't need to speedrun as many games as possible, though? I'm fine spending six hours playing one game if it's a good time.
New thread

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>to field whole battalions
I want this, and I'm definitely not doing it with cock-and-ball-torture.
So don't get TACd.

Skill issue.
>Play a Regiment-sized game of regular BT. I dare you.
Okay, I'll just call 23 of my buddies and we'll run 8 mechs each with 6 mapsheets and 6 players per table across 4 tables and be done in 8 hours. Sounds like a great time.
I get one night off a week, I'm not spending six hours on one game when I could comfortably get 3 in instead. I have no beef with Battletech, I still play it at conventions when I can make it, but for regular play I don't have that kind of time anymore and Alpha Strike fits my life as it is more readily. This either/or stance is foolish debate, circumstances dictate the best way to play the game.
Then fix your life. You don't deserve to have hobbies if your life is that fucked up anyway.
He could have done that without leading them on a death march and lying to them for years. The post I responded to claimed he did it for the SLDF, you claim he did it for the sphere, and in the end, it ended up helping no one. I’ll certainly judge him for that.
Your post precludes the possibility of a no win scenario. Kerensky was in exactly that. Every choice he could have possibly made was bad, and every choice was morally indefensible to someone. He made the choice which did the least amount of harm to the least number of people, as far as he was able to tell at the time. So perhaps judge him for that.
Quality > quantity, and I suspect you greytide anyway since you sound exactly like the kind of person who "doesn't have time to paint" even though you have time to halfass half a dozen other hobbies and stare vacantly at a screen for four hours a day.
>ordered some Tamiya masking tape for painting
>can’t remember why I wanted it after it arrives

Well damn

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