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Trying to Sneak Into a Rated Primaris Movie Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
Do you play an established faction or /your/ dudes? Tell us why about them or why you like them. Either way, I want to see pictures.
is 11e happening in the summer of 2025?
The past few editions have been on a three year cycle, so if that continues then it'll be summer 2026.

but they have slowed the fuck down on releases for 40k, so it seems possible that they've pushed it back to summer 2027
I'll be 26 when 11e hits, Im gonna lose all interest in 40k by then.
haha yeah 26 is way too old to be playing with toy armies
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I have been hindered on cutting down my backlog all year by tearing my back to shreds while lifting, but I've been working on a vaguely OC World Eaters warband that's loosely based on the Hounds of Abbadon when I'm able to stomach hunching over a painting table without pain. I don't have much background for them yet, but my favorite model I own and have painted is Be'lakor so they might end up being a thrall band in his service even if they can't be fielded together in the same game without ally shenanigans.

Almost certainly no due to half the armies still not having a codex and no new ones for the next 3 months at least. It would also be incredibly shitty to cram them into 6 or 7 months and then turning around invalidating them with a new edition. Pic related, that's exactly what happened to World Eaters last edition.
Yeah, anon should probably be saving for his 2nd vacation house and getting ready for his 3rd kid to be born by age 26. If he isn't running his own company yet with a seven figure salary (embarrassing) he can probably just use some of the money he earned from his crypto side-hustle to buy a single box of Intercessors.
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I play Deffskullz but that doesn't mean they're not /mydudes/. Say hello to the Deffwaaaaghh!!.

If you have army photos of /yourdudes/ post them here. I want to see your armies.
10th edition has actually killed my local game store group, i've never seen people so disinterested in playing an edition of 40k as this one
what the fuck went so wrong man?
>If you have army photos of /yourdudes/ post them here. I want to find out where you live
Fuck off creep
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I'm thinking of making a Drukhari Kabal with this color scheme. Any lore ideas?
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This is your hobby now.
the kabal has an unusual culture where they thank their haemonculus before every raid
Why not just play [edition where your army was the most overpowered] instead?
yeah I mean that is kinda what I've done? I figure if I do go for the repaint I'll just do one model at a time, paint random stuff red/black however I'm feeling. something a dude I showed them to said:
>they're space pirates, who says they have to be uniform?
hooded heads on Custodes? I don't care for that.
I want an achilles dreadnought but I don't want it to die on the first turn.
>thought about collecting SM recently
>don't really like any of the founding chapters
>do like Exorcists
>the colour scheme is just kinda boring and chapter iconography looks like a pain in the ass to do
was that exorcist book that just came out any good?
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What's your preferred shade of green for ork skin? Darker or lighter? Yellowy green, olive green, forest green, pastel green, electric green, greyish green or what? I'm not 100% set on how I want to paint mine.
I like some blue and purple mixed in there so I can give a tribute to the doc.
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paint OG exorcists
>bonus points if you use era appropriate models
I like Evil Sunz so I like a bright yellowy green that pops with their reds and checks.
pop it in an orion along with six terminators and drop it in your opponent's deployment zone then have it die on the second turn
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I decided after playing SM2 to get back into the hobby (I was last played 4th ed as a kid). I'm a fan of Salamanders and Night Lords. Here is my first miniature (took me 4 hours haha)
I like the hoods more than the banana helmets. Is that too heretical to say?
looks good for your first attempt in 20 years
that said, thin your paints
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>buying bladeguard vets for dark angels
>chvds and original lore is saying only termis should be deathwing so bladeguards should be greenwing
>nulore and redditors are saying deathwing blade guard are cannon
I can't decide bladeguards are supposed to be painted bone or green.
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Just finished up this guy. One more model to finish then I'll do a full legion photo.
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Pictured: Left is the first model I ever purchased back in 5th or 6th edition. A friend gave me a defiler helmet and helped (sloppily) green stuff it so it fit his head better. Right is the demon prince I finished last December. I'm currently working on a new tzeentch demon prince which would be a more fitting comparison, but he's not in a state yet fit to be seen by the masses.
How come you dont throw any shades on that purple? Some magos purp contrast and then a relayer would make it look amazing.
can a demon get pregnant? I wanna see what comes out of a pink horror or a blood letter.
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Last Terminator in the squad done, glad I got some use form those tabards in the old upgrade kit
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/mydudes/ are called Explorator Flotilla Fenestrati-XCVIII. Sometimes I feel a twinge of regret for not making up my own color scheme for them, but at the end of the day, the traditional Admech color scheme is a huge part of what appealed to me. I've been throwing in some kitbashes and 30k models more recently.
I should on these bigger models. I might test some things on my next model. I normally paint infantry and they don't have a lot of armor to paint.
I love your work. Post the whole gang together.
is all of that still just shy of 1600 points?
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That's a good one.
WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE SO MANY TINY PEICES FOR THE FUCKING IMPULSER? It's a fucking box it should come mostly assembled Holy shit I'm tired of huffing glue and plastic particles
Appreciate it fren, will do
At the very least they should have been pointed hoods.
Why is ork winrate so shit?
Painted white?
With dark skin underneath.
for some reason this makes me think of this clip


Ork players are retarded and Orks are shit anyway
>hoard army in a game with enough anti infantry units to fill an entire codex on their own
Gee anon it's a mystery
When a human dies and his soul goes to the warp, does the Emperor save it or does it just get destroyed and eaten by the chaos gods?
It goes to the warp but not necessarily eaten by the chaos gods though they or demons could later eat it. If Big E were to ascend to true God he would take the human souls.
GW went a little overboard with their post codex nerfs on them.
Are they going to bounce back up eventually? They must have realized that
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KEK but no, all of that plus the archaeopter that doesn't fit on that shelf comes out to 3640pts. The 4 Kastelans and 12 kataphrons boost those numbers up

I'm always glad when someone gets it, lol.
>a little over 3 hours and only 51 posts
Is there "Warhammer fatigue" setting in these parts of the internet?
Or did GW do something egregious like WOTC Pinkertons that made people here suddenly not want to deal with GW stuff?
Human souls dissolve into the Warp. It takes unspecific time for a human soul to fully dissolve into the Warp so daemons can sweep in and devour souls.

There are scenes in the Warp in a few novels like Darkness in the Blood where we see schools of human souls fleeing from chasing daemons.
It’s late in the US and really early in Europe. Things will pick up once the Euros are awake and ready to shit up the thread. It’s normally slower at this time of day.
Remember if you see unnecessary U leters and bri'ish spelling, it's a smelly Euro.
I see. I was under the impression that something big was happening in the tabletop wargaming community because my local game store's wargaming community separate from the trading card gaming community is suddenly have significant numbers switch to historicals and significant numbers of Warhammer Fantasy gamers are looking for alternative games.
I guess it is all just a coincidence of timing then.

The Warhammer 40k players are actually reverting back to previous editions. I might be able to get a game of 5th edition or even second edition in.
GW showed them off as Deathwing. Are you really complaining about 'nulore' while painting primaris marines? You already forfeited your right to appease the grogs that live in your head.
they have terminator honors
My local friends and I play at my house and we usually set up a very non-symmetrical board. I’ve got internally-lit LED Necron terrain (stuff like half buried obelisks jutting out from foam board canyons etc) and then more urban areas with your ruined buildings and concrete barriers. Despite a lack of pure symmetry there’s cover abounds and we’ve never had issues. I’m a late comer to 40k myself having started at the tail end of 9nth despite being in my 30’s and I’m continuously surprised by how many players swear by tournament terrain setups. What’s the deal? Has the game always been like this? As long as everyone has cover why care so much about mirrored terrain? It makes the initial roll off more exciting when your choice of deployment zone really does affect your starting environment too, at least imo.
They look great. I would love to see a picture of them more spread out on a table so they have room to breath.
it's surprisingly easy to make a horribly unbalanced setup wrt terrain. tourny/mirrored layouts take away that layer so you can focus on other things.
if you play with the same people all the time then it's not a big deal, no single game is.
magical girl sisters of battle.
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Played a really fun game today. Posting the battle report.

Tyranid Incursion vs Space Marines

Game info
>Vanguard Strike, Mission Type: Flag Capture (pickup and return flag objectives to your home base).
Tyranid Forces:
>Hive tyrant, 3 Zoanthropes, 6 Warriors, Carnifex, 32 termagaunts, 16 Hormagaunts, 6 Ripper Swarms.
>Space Marine Forces
Librarian in terminator armour, 3 Terminators, 10 tactical, 5 Veteran tacticals, 5 Assault Veterans, 5 Devastator Veterans, Predator Annihilator.
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>Turn 1
Tyranids win the deployment roll off and choose the far side to deny my devastators the more optimally positioned far-side bastion, and that side started with more flags on it (flags are placed before you roll for table direction and sides). Tyranids also won the first turn roll off. It's always scary to watch a wall of nids just get closer.

Not much happened on the first turn of the tyranids. All the units ran except the left most Zoanthrope who brain blasted a tactical marine who was just not quite in cover.
great class in pve, sucks ass in pvp
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Space marines had a killer first turn, Tacticals moved up into the bastion and with aid from the 2 plasma cannons and a missile launcher shots from the devastators were able to kill a warrior and half the hormagaunts as they pushed through the chokepoint of these buildings. 2 Lascannons and heavy bolters managed to put 3 wounds on the hive tyrant who wasn't careful enough to hide in cover.
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>Turn 2:
Regeneration pulling in clutch here restoring the hive tyrant a bit while he scores an objective. The carnifex draws closer and a huge direct hit brain blast from a zoanthrope kills 2 devastators putting a scary hole in my AT capabilities. The other zoanthrope got a direct hit as well upon the marines atop the bastion, but they must have grow up in the cold war era for they knew how to duck and cover, passing all 5 4+ cover saves!

Off on the right flank the tactical veterans disintegrate a gaunt squad with their volkites before being charged by warriors, who then sat there punching each other pitifully for 3 rounds of combat, eventually 1 warrior survived with 1 wound.

Terminators put some bullet holes into the carnifex with their assault cannon.
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>Turn 3:
The Zoanthropes continue to take out key targets with their brain blasts, down to 2 devastators now, one las cannon and one plasma cannon. The middle zoanthrope scores another flag for Tyranids, leading 2 to 0.
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Any tips for someone starting Death Guard? Are there any auto-includes or weak/overcosted units I should stay away from?

I really like plague marines. I hear they're better with melee weapons.
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Hormagaunts and ripper swarms threaten to overwhelm the left flank of the space marines, but the tactical marines have a special surprise for these ripper swarms, dropping 4 of the bases to 1 wound each before blasting them to bits with their bolt guns. The Assault marines pounce on the hormagaunts and crush 4 under foot from hammer of wrath, and axe the rest while taking 0 casualties.
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Terminators Make a valiant charge against the carnifex and hive tyrant, an unlucky man unfortunately impales himself on the carnifex's thornback dealing 2 wounds to the captain before the fight starts. The hive tyrant dealt 4 wounds but I saved all of them, and luckily I was able to get 2 lucky wounds with lightning claws, so I killed the carnifex before it could retaliate.
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>Turn 4
Its the top of turn 4 now, and those warriors on the left are about to move up and charge into those tacticals to fight along side the remaining ripper swarm. The left most Zoanthrope brain blasts an assault veteran.

The Hive Tyrant finishes off the terminator captain and almost kills the librarian too before he was slain, but stands long enough for 16 termagants to tie up the terminators. Assault marines take out the left most zoanthrope, and score a flag (my base is on the top of the close side bastion).

>Turn 5
Stuck only a few inches outside of being able to steal back some flags from the tyranids base, (the large green half-gear right behind the Hive Tyrant in the picture. Another zoanthrope scores a flag, bringing the tyranids 4 to 1 objectives.

The devastators make a mad dash to bring the flag that they have been sitting on all game to the base, and the assault marines go grab one more dropped by the tacticals, bringing the game to Tyranids in the lead with 4 flags to 3.
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>Turn 6
With the termagaunts finally eliminated the last 2 remaining Tyranids, the two mvp zoanthropes body block the objective. The Assault marines fail their run roll by 1 inch trying to reach the enemy base in time to steal their flags, the game ending with a roll of a 2 means no 7th turn is played.
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The game ends 8 to 8 in a tie, with the tyranids almost eliminated and maybe 300 points or so of marines left and 100 points of zoanthropes.
Marines: 8 points, first blood, slay the warlord, and 6 points from 3 flags captured.
Tyranids: 8 points from 4 flags.
-100VP for unpainted models.
ngl guys I'm super fucking excited for the new edition of kill team, if only for the solo/coop mode. GW needs to do something similar for the main game.
>THE CUSTODIAN IS A W- *imperial church bells*
"What did he say?"
"I think he said the Custodian is a Warden!"
is 28 too old to still be playing 40k? people my age are all focusing on families, homes and careers
Glad you had fun anon.
Theres a few painted, so only -96vp.
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There are far better games to play with if you are incapable of interacting with another human bean.
>do like Exorcists
>the colour scheme is just kinda boring and chapter iconography looks like a pain in the ass to do
It sounds like you dont really like exorcists
Skill issue
28 is way too old to still give a fuck what others think about your hobbies
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i have finished my bloodthirster
Turned out alright anon, the eye glow is really simple but effective
It's just 10 VP retard-kun.
The whites are all a bit different, I like the one with the assault cannon the best
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>not a single painted mini
>no battlemat/board, or literally anything aside from bare table
Truly foul
It's-10VP combined with the shame and disappointment of everyone they share that picture with
if you have at least 2 those other 3 it's absolutely fine
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Currently making a /mydudes/ Necron dynasty for a narrative campaign. Just primed everyone else today since the weather finally decided to cooperate. Thankfully there’s absolutely no pesky admech around to interfere with Jawharathep’s reanimating (and painting) the rest of his frozen entourage. One of his skorpekh warriors is sadly handicapped due to his legs being irreparably damaged by the ravages of time (and GW shipping)
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Um, space marine bros? I don’t think that’s a very kosher symbol you’re wearing.
Ya man he looks great. They all look really good. I like the stripes on the chain first.
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>Thread question:Do you play an established faction or /your/ dudes? Tell us why about them or why you like them. Either way, I want to see pictures
I play lamenters but my headcanon for them is that they're a small fireteam on crusade to reclaim lost wargear. I like them cause they're yellow and have checks on them, and get access to bangles stuff
Okay considering it's been a "few" years and all since prospero got shitcanned have the TS seriously never gotten the full rundown on what happened? I mean It wouldn't do much at this point but you would think that SOMEONE in the past sevral thousand years would have gotten the full story.
I dunno ask /hhg/
is this a list a good upgrade from the GSC Combat Patrol?

Jackal Alphus (75pts): Autopistol, Close Combat Weapon, Cult Sniper Rifle, Serpentine Tactics
Kelermorph (60pts): Close Combat Weapon, Liberator Autostubs
Patriarch (85pts): Patriarch's Claws, Warlord

10x Acolyte Hybrids with Hand Flamers (150pts)
20x Neophyte Hybrids (140pts)

10x Hybrid Metamorphs (160pts)
5x Atalan Jackals (90pts)
Achilles Ridgerunners (75pts)
Achilles Ridgerunners (75pts)
Goliath Truck (85pts): Demolition Charge Cache, Goliath Wheels, Heavy Stubber, Twin Autocannon

I'd run them as outlander Claw
My dreadnaught build is turning into a disaster, only being saved by putty
Dios mio, mucho waacfag texto
What did you do to fuck it up so bad that you need putty. Post pics or we can't help you
Thanks anon, may you roll many 6s in your next game.

Right now I'm focusing on having enough dudes to play without proxies (you can see a few shorty marines mixed here and there), but ill keep at painting them!

Yes these are my totally-not-sons-of-horus marines.
oh hey this comic. When is it ever going to get finished, and the mc better turn back to a human.
What? Didnt the space wolves kill it? I thought that was made pretty clear.
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The leg joints got glued in place in a position that prevented the cock guard from going where is should. Had to cut them (1/2)
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When I pushed the button thing into the leg/hip it dried immediately and got stuck halfway out. Had to cut, file, and putty it. Gonna paint it like a bullet hole
Big E didn't order them to burn the planet it was Horus
Okay you really need to start dry fitting things before you glue them anon
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It has a long way to go before its done but it's still updating regularly. Been a good source of reaction images.
I thought it was cause emps was mad that the red boy had telepa-phoned him trying to warn emps that horus was going to attack, but emps wouldnt listen?
Maybe you should ask /hhg/
>Hey guys, is this army building on my current combat patrol at least viable
Maybe you should stfu
iirc Emperor wanted Magnus's shit pushed in because he accidentally the entire webway project that was being built.
All armies are viable when playing with friends, the only time an army isn't viable is if you're a friendless metacuck who relies on pickup games and tournaments to get a game
>expecting the fags who shit themselves and piss blood over the idea of someone actually playing the game to give build advice
They're going to bounce back with a new box set and/or new edition of the game 2 or 3 years down the road. Then you'll have the privilege of buying some "new" ork unit with a copyrightable name that looks like a slightly-bigger and lamer version of something you already have. Until then, orks are going to suck, and the orks that you already own will always suck. Welcome to the game.
I'll shut up when you lorefaggots find a new place to shit up and every 5th post isn't some sperg asking why CumSkarl ThunderBrapp was able to defeat Faghotep TootinCummin when Cumskarl had all 5 of the Chodestones and was more powerful than ever before.
uh oh melty
I play with the local gamegroup which is full of guys who actually want to win. They don't purchase the current meta, but they absolutely at least read the fucking rules and possible combinations of their current armies to play as efficient as possible.
>5th post isn't some sperg asking why CumSkarl ThunderBrapp was able to defeat Faghotep TootinCummin when Cumskarl had all 5 of the Chodestones and was more powerful than ever before
This gave me nostalgia.
Emps wanted magus arrested but horus convinced Russ to glass the planet and kill magnus because he wanted to push big red over the edge.
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I prefer the one where Russ convinced the Emperor.
>russ so retarded he actively makes the heresy worse
that tracks
In both russ is a dick but in pretty sure the Horus one is considered the "main source"
the only dark eldar cabal to wear socks.
I'll take it over "Russ was merely pretending to be retarded while also being so retarded he was fooled into contradicting the Emperor's orders by the person accused of being a traitor, got a chance to kill this dude but didn't, etc."
Russ is a retard in both versions, because even if it was Horus message, he actively wanted to believe it, and ignored the Emperors orders in favour of the version which he liked better (i.e. kill Magnus).
Valdor being a dick did not help either.
>Russ was merely pretending to be retarded

This fits with his entire character tho.
I do think he admits he was manipulated over a chess game later on.
>he actively wanted to believe it, and ignored the Emperors orders in favour of the version which he liked better (i.e. kill Magnus).
And nobody stopped him, he was not excommunicated for it, etc. At least when it's the Emperor's order, we don't have the entire universe's IQs drop to the negative to abide by the established events while adding prequel twists into the mix.
Im honestly surprised no one's done any warhammer art with those little monsters given the overlap with the xeno fucker audience.
I wonder how normal working class eats in hive.
Probably well enough to keep them working until they drop dead somewhere around 50.
Bread, lots of it.
Small beer around a clock.
Mashed mystery roots and potato.
Little bit of mystery meat.
Not too different from modern food but everything is dried and pulverized before being thrown on to a ship.
Corpse starch, hash, pulver whatever is just a cheap addition to lowest class food or brought back to agriworlds to be used as fertilizer.
Guard gets the best food.
Just my thought.
>English and nordic quisine
>But everything is mashed or ground
What kind of hats would fit the Tau?
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No, they're mutant abominations like all transhumans.
You know, you can stop an opinion from making you mad by realizing that not all of them have equal validity or merit.
short answer is yes but the people will hate me because im right.

they all get their pps removed and go on testosterone
He does, but it does not change the fact that he let himself get manipulated and acted out of hate for magnus.
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SoB crotches
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>And nobody stopped him, he was not excommunicated for it, etc.

Quite logical.. If half your Legions turn traitor, its not a smart move to excommunicate yet another one. We dont know what the Emperor would have done with Russ after the Heresy if he had survived uninjured. The other Primarchs did not know about what happened on Prospero and that Russ was acting on behalf of Horus there.
The big worms are basically just talking Jokaeros
Those big Asian shade hats obviously
>not shaming people for their bad opinions
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No ears
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Yeah, transhuman.
>validating a bad opinion by engaging with it
virtue signaling and outrage farming are basically two ends of the same horseshoe at this point
There was time between Prospero and Isstvan III, yet Russ wasn't even slapped with a citation. Valdor was there, but could barely muster an impotent "the codex astartes does not support this action" while watching Russ bumble his way through the incident, let alone tattle to daddy about it. Everyone just sort of forgot about it so the timeline would remain intact, but they could add that little master manipulation into the mix for Horus.
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Congrats, you've just made Neimoidians.
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Implying it is a bad thing.
Really neat highlights dude, nice work
Why does he have a brown paper lunchbag on his head
China thing
To represent his status as chinese chef
He turned out very nice for first dude back in like 20 years. Just watch out when doing your white coats. It looks like you either didn't thin quite enough or possibly painted your second layer too soon and tore up some of the underlying layer. That said you're mogging a lot of beginners already so be proud of your dude and have fun with it
Looking at pictures it seems to be dinner plate with radio antenna or nothing.
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I wonder if something like this would work given that the Imperium already has a monopoly on peaked caps.
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Wait no, how could I have forgotten about the space pope
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Entire thread has now been dedicated to hats
>average gue'vesa of the Net'flix sept
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very round hats
or very long hats
or very tall hats
no in-betweens
no half measures
this is not negotiable
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Good sunday morning /40kg/
I wish everyone a beautiful modelpainting day
I like your basing scheme a lot anon, what's the recipe of secret herbs and spices you used
thanks I hate it
Post hats
Looks sick. Impressively neat base too.
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This guard fanart has a hat.
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I hate salamander flanderisation
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The flanderization of Alpha Legion and Salamanders is better than the actual GW writing.
I don't like salamanders, their skin condition is lame, their colour scheme and symbolism uninteresting and on par with the awfulness of the space wolves, and the idea that they're nice guys is distilled reddit.
The space wolves are fucking based, light blue fucking rocks, snow bases fucking rock, the wolfs head fucking rocks, you're a certified cat person if you hate space wolves.

Their minis suck tho
>Valdor was there, but could barely muster an impotent "the codex astartes does not support this action

Because Valdor is a traitor. Did you forget about the King in Yellow?
Post tonks
>Because Valdor is a traitor
Should've never trusted custodes.
Emperor unironically made the Ultramarines his personal bodyguard instead of custodes.
Custodes all failed at their 1 job while Ultramarines have always stayed loyal and never faltered in their service.
Salamanders being the reddit wholesome chungus chapter is cringe. Salamander morality and humanity is better when it has to contrast with other marines or confronted with the fucked up shit they NEED to do, not being retarded and killing themselves for fucking nothing (same goes for Krieg, they are not suicidal retards)
AL should just be "keikaku doori" up everyone's ass and be cool saboteurs, assassins and like that, not just "I de-cloak at the last second and reveal myself" and that's it.
I'm not going to pretend drawing a wolf 16 times on a model is a good way to decorate a marine

but I won't shy away from conceding that the space wolves are better than salamanders by virtue of their ideal light grey being less obnoxious than the green and the fact they at least try to be somewhat viking themed on top of the barebone [element+animal] theme that the salamanders stop at

they're still the worst out of the important chapters though
Are you a smurf apologist?
Guys. I'm ready to stop coping, and I admit I was wrong.
10th edition is just fucking terrible. It is completely irredeemable and anti fun.
GW needs to start again, and do a half competent job with 11th edition.
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>points and wargear options back
>every unit built for 10th is now useless
>except for primaris of course
Maybe the Emperor shouldn't have hired women on his security detail?
Do you guys think they'll update XV8 battlesuits anytime soon?
Since the Tau fire cast doesn't kill children, what do they do when they encounter nurglings and Fulgrim's legion?
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>allow us to introduce ourselves
I don't care how they do it. I just want 40k to be fun again.
i’m a newfag how do i get rid of sprue marks
plottwist in abnetts final bequin book:
>valdor became king in yellow because some female custodes cucked him with malcador
hobby knife
cut and scratch with the dull side
back of hobby knife
Use your brain
Cut off as much as you can with a knoife and then smooth it out with the back of it. Apply a file if you have to but usually it's fine.
You'll get the hang of it.
>Delorean in the left
>Doc Brown and Marty shitting bricks after setting the time machine to 40,000 AD by mistake
>chased by an Admech horde trying to catch them
>Maybe the Emperor shouldn't have hired women on his security detail?
Unironically women weren't the problem.
The one who was the captain general, therefore was in charge of the custodes, and then went traitor was Valdor who is a man.
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Hello boyz

I got unbelievably drunk last night and thought it would be a good idea to paint (please never do this), and decided to coat a power klaw in a home made rust mix. Is it worth saving it? I was just gonns dry brush a black metallic across it but from experience it comes out looking fairly ordinary
The 40k TS and the SW know full well that it was Horus who pushed Leman Russ to raze the planet instead of sticking to the letter of the orders to bring back Magnus to Terra.
It has been covered in several books, but it doesn't change anything because they're both idiots that believe they were still 100% justified in their actions.
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even their most obnoxious depiction is better than the best salamanders or yffs have to offer
nah, they've been updated fairly recently already
Skill issue. Use the sharp side. How else do you get between cable joints and other tight spots.
Did he ask about moldlines, dummy?
Thankfully I'm high IQ enough to read between the lines. Unlike you.
But not high IQ enough to just slap extra thin cement on plasma coils apparently
Sorry I like to preserve my models' fidelity. A kick in the balls to be made aware your standards are not optimal huh.
Try hitting up the edges of the claw with a silver to make it look like they sharpened some chunks of rusty metal.
Why are you posting pictures of this and putting so much effort into the pictures?

It looks like fucking dog shit dude.
Why do the Dark Angels care if people find out about The Fallen? Don't most chapters have defectors to chaos?
Trying way too hard.
Oh god. I hadn't even considered the repercussions of cuntodes on that trilogy.
God willing Abnett is not that much of a retard to include them or have a fucking twist with them. Although my hopes are very low.
>implying I don't do all these things
And yes I do try hard, because I am fastidious about my models
Shitposting meltdown after being shown to be wrong. Tale as old as time.
Hilarious cope. Do you think golden demon winners use tamiya extra thin because they can't trim away tight mould lines? Stop now and save face.
Anon, after TEATD there's no way Abnett delivers a good ending to the Bequin series. He's another JJ Abrams with his mystery boxes full of shit
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Started reading it now. Seems fun.
I'm amazed someone made this unironically.
I know...
Come to think of it it only makes sense that Sisters Hospitaller should be included in the IG army list just like Tech-Priest Enginseers are. There's no good reason why they should be omitted.
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Iberian and eastern euro Catholic male brotherhoods are pure kino, and a great source of w40k stuff.
Sounds like a plan, I don't mind the rust look but I went a little overboard with this hah
I suppose it depends on how you define 'battlefield conditions'; is it the SM Apothecary idea, or M*A*S*H*?
>Since the Tau fire cast doesn't kill children
>Believing tau propaganda
>Do you guys think they'll update XV8 battlesuits anytime soon?
No one wants your ghey gundams, Taufag.
Sorry but pointy hats are problematic. You can have another strong black woman instead.
Don't think so, desu I'm not even a tau player but I do like their look
>is 28 too old to still be playing 40k?
has the tabletop wargaming community really changed that much that this is a normal concern? i havent been inside a games workshop in well over a decade, maybe even two, but back when i actually played the tabletop it was pretty much all 35+ year old men. i played at the same store for years from when i was 9 until about 17 and never saw anyone even remotely close to my age actually come in and play the game.
I'm 33 and just getting back into the hobby, age is arbitrary when it comes to 40k
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I always play /mydudes/ but also don't care enough to make any lore.

Pic related, it's my current project Hive fleet AirMax.
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But what if there is a black woman under this hood?
eshay lad

How it usually goes is thusly:
Fall in love with warhammer, play and paint badly but have fun
>20s-mid 30s
Other priorities
Return to the hobby and get real serious about it.
Can the IG win war campaigns without marine support against serious threats like tyranid splinter fleets, chaos marine invasions etc?
ahhhh definitely a penriff supporter here, surprised theres no nangs on the table behind you
Yes. They do so on the regular. There are way too few marines for the defense against every major threat to the Imperium.
If they couldn't, the Imperium would have lastede about a 100 years, not 10.000.
Yes if command is competent and the munitorum didn't deploy retarded choices of regiments.
It will be at GREAT cost and probably will need navy support, but it's doable.
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Why would 1KSons get MoI?
>Can the IG win war campaigns without marine support against serious threats like tyranid splinter fleets, chaos marine invasions etc?
Yes, but many people don't realize that many of the alien incursions and chaos invasions in the fluff are much rarer than people think.
Like planets can go on relatively peacefully for centuries if not thousands of years without ever seeing xenos or chaos.
There's actual planets within the Imperium who believe that shit like xenos don't exist and all the stories about them are just fisherman's tales from spaceship sailors/crew.

Most battles that the Imperial Guard take part in is in the suppression of planetary rebellions or cult uprisings. It's the reason why the main gun they are equipped with, is the lasgun and why they have just flak armor, usually that is enough to handle any rebelling populace.
Of couse IG do get deployed against xenos when they arrive for the IG is the first line of defence, but if the xenos problem is too severe or the IG only mamnage to fight them to a stalemate, Imperium will then deploy marines to handle it and/or break the stalemate into the Imperium's favor.
You don't deploy marines for some random dipshit cultist chaff.
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Very well. I choose this for Kyoko's future.
For me its armpits.
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People your age have retarded hobbies or interests on top of that
I have 50+ old fucks in my club with wife and kids, do whatever you like and don't let normalfags dictate your life
They'll push it back to the release year of Total Warhammer 40K
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If you want an actual answer, its because
>WAAGH is a mechanically dogshit rule
>AP1 melee does not work into a lot of what is currently meta
>Secret missions significantly nerf pressure/jail lists, which which the playstyle of the faction

Cheap as shit impossible to kill Boyz / Manz blobs was a complete crutch for a shit codex
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Progress is slow, but I finished a few heavy gun nuns. Except their bases.
Do all Genestealers have claws that can destroy Terminator armor?
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Heavy Bolters, too.
Yeah, that's pretty close to my personal experience too if slightly younger on the return to the hobby.
>new person showed up at 40k night
>another space marine player
>but his army is all fucking infantry
>1 captain
>1 chaplain
>3 ancients, lieutenants, librarians
>6 intercessor squads, 6 tactical squads
>default fucking loadout of boltguns, bolt rifles and bolt pistols on every single one
>fucking gets trounced because he's running the most default of default of armies
>seemed to enjoy the match anyway, left with a smile
What the fuck did I just witness
>Cheap as shit impossible to kill Boyz / Manz blobs was a complete crutch for a shit codex
Someone finally posts some truth around here.
A man who plays the army he truly wants to play can never have his smile taken away.
Wtf why are we being bullied ork bros? What did we do wrong?
>What the fuck did I just witness
Sounds like a cool guy. When new, it's easy to expect space marines to perform the way they do in other media.
I still have fun losing games for some reason, I'm not too fussed, I just wanna be around people and talk shit desu
>What the fuck did I just witness
A dude who just enjoy playing the game for entertainment with his dudes. Imagine losing that joy because you get too focused on winning.
I lose most of my games but I still enjoy it alot, because I am playing a cool as fuck army I build myself.
Someone who wants to have fun, why is this such a foreign concept to this general?
Aren't orks everywhere
Probably exaggerations from Cain being scared
But their talons are indeed bullshit strong and they probably target armor joints and some might actually be able to rend terminator armour outright
A person free from the curse of WAACfagging and metafags, just having fun
what does waac mean
winter apple air cocks.
win at all costs
Metachasing + cheating faggots that forgot that the game is about narrative and having fun and insert their egaming faggotry
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>What the fuck did I just witness
A true 40k enjoyer.
>"Special weapons? assault squads? Vehicles?"
>"No thanks bro. Default marines are all I need."
Pic related is probably him.
They are present in all sectors but they are not present on every planet or in every planetary system.
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Painted my first ever fully 3D printed squad, starting off a steel legion army since I found STLs of all Guard vehicles. Pretty happy with the detail the saturn 4 can put out.

James Workshop on suicide watch these cost $6 of resin for 20 men (so $6AUD vs $200AUD for official models) and took less than 2 hours to print.
Do you want the actual definition or the /40kg/ "angry shitter" definition
Looking really good anon, can you show the vehicles next?
The steel legion Basilisk is especially sexy.
> What the fuck did I just witness
Probably close to a full company of marines advancing and firing their bolters. Majestic.
whats the story behind the steel legion? do they wear those masks because the planet they are on is fucked?
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We need to learn how to cook Xenos. If Orks can be made into delicious food, then morale and logistics would be eased.
Their jackets look a bit bulky but overall pretty good.
>Saturn 4
What layer height? My Saturn 3 ultra can do 0.01mm but I usually do 0.02mm
>What the fuck did I just witness
Fun. Recently, it seems like a lot of us have forgotten that this is what it's all about. I know I'm guilty of this.
as much as I hate to admit it it's human nature to want to win when presented with a challenge of any form. Give that guy a bit of time to get comfortable with the rules and he'll probably become just much of a waacfag as everyone else
what model is the mechanicus knight?
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What if we're Slaanesh and enjoy being defeated?
what the fuck is this from.
any recommendations for a shard of the nightbringer proxy?
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Yeah I'm printing either the steel legion basilisk or a chimera next. I'll post here when it's done.

Sad to see the war for Armageddon forgotten, while the filthy xenos Ghaz lives on. Yarrick is rolling in his grave.
I just did 0.05mm I couldn't be fucked changing the settings. The saturn 4 ultra is honestly the most amazing machine I've seen in a long time. It's like magic. It prints so fast. Pic related, it did the astreaus in like 4 prints, mostly 2 hour prints and one 4 hour.
CSM Master of Executions
Sexy paintwork. Can you see print lines under magnification? I might move to 0.05. Having to wait 4 hours for a 30mm print is getting tiresome.
Also what resin? I originally used purely ABS-like, then moved to standard 2.0. But it’s brittle as fuck. I think a 40/60 mix may be ideal.
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I'm using standard 2.0 too. I don't mind it.

I can pick print lines out under the right lighting but only in certain spots. Like the front of the astraeus or the top of some of the helmets. I suppose you'll just have to try and see what you are ok with.
You seem to have IG and PDF confused/conflated
IG are all basically 80s action heros to the man
What matt sealer are you using? All your stuff looks mint.
Is there a chaos warband creator/ help tool online? I’m struggling, I like the Black Legion but their colour scheme seems very boring.

Any CSM players in?
God, I really need to upgrade my old printer. I've been using an OG photon for years now and have mostly shelved it due to IRL stuff and the quality/print time ratio being a little too skewed for my liking. Glad to see what newer machines can pump out though.
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NTA but Slow Damage, a BL VN.
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There's some shitty marine scheme websites out there like the bolter & chainsword tool but those are usually geared towards loyalists, not that there's a massive difference. Here, have a pic with a list of all known warband color schemes.
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Damn, not my kinda vn then. Thanks for the reply either way.
>The Pyre
That’s some awesome inspiration thank you anon!
good job brother
PDF is worse version of the IG. And PDF are usually even worse equipped than the IG and they aren't as numerous.
Fact is however that if a rebelling populace appears PDF will start fighting them tooth and nail, but in the meantime the IG will be contacted and order to get to the planet as fast possible to put a permanent end to the rebellion.
If there is a rebelling populace you rarely if ever use marines for it, too costly and inefficient.
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Do you think 40k will go back to having more involved army building or is shrimp here for good?
while i do miss ppm and wargear options i also just like how much easier it is to just pick the game up and play so i dont really mind either way
Do these guys know that the Tau are going to exterminate them when they no longer need them?
I mean, I think at this point some of them should already know or at least suspect it.
How does this work?
E.g. Ripping nails were originally part of EC but splintered off into their own warband - analagous to successor chapters?
And say, flawless host originated from which legion exactly? or were they various or unknown renegades who banded together and pledged allegiance to Slaanesh?
Does he really not like the other traitor marines I thought they were buddies.
are we getting anything for 40k today or am I going to be forced to buy the new golden marines.
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Thinking about starting a retro ork army with RT-2E stuff. Which clan should I pick? Maybe dubs could decide?
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nope, you're getting shrimp fried to hell and back.

one day your list will be fixed to the currently available patrol box or fomo armybox, and any additional unit will cost exactly the same and will be interchangeable, except for big centerpieces, and for heroes who will be necessary in order to bring along units.

and all your army and scenario rules will be tied to seasonal battledecks only sold together with an associated mat+scenery pack
>forced to buy
I thought you guys being paypiggies was a meme...
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Who was the artist of the OP image a couple of threads ago?
honestly fixed lists would be more tolerable if they were played under dynamic settings.
>flawless host originated from which legion exactly?
They splintered off from EC
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It's Miracle Girl, heretic.
How are deathwatch at the present time?
Why do you lie?
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>Do you play an established faction or /your/ dudes? Tell us why about them or why you like them. Either way, I want to see pictures.
Your dudes. They are basically marine templars in complete service to the inquisition. I like them because I like knights in space, painting red, and I'm a resident inquisition simp. I'm in the slow process of going back and adding decals to them. Basically templar decal with inquisition decal on top.
>And say, flawless host originated from which legion exactly?
They were loyalists called Shining Blades before falling to Slaanesh, iirc. Who the Shining Blades came from, I don't think that's known.
I don't use sealers but I use matte varnish by vallejo quite often.

For decals use decal softener, then once that's try and the melting is done use matte varnish.
Interestingly I also moved from the OG photon to this.
Stop deadnaming them. They're Agents of the Imperium now.
And Agents are shit as an army. They can flood the board but have absolute fuck all for anti-tank unless they ally in some.
Info blurbs from the 4th ed codex :
>Sons of Vengence (and Silver Guard)
Were sent to Obscurus to end some local uprisings, quickly rebelled and started sacking the sector under the pretense of punitive action against the officials and forces that overthrew the local governor. The Sons of Vengence first stopped claiming punitive action and simply acted on its own, not answering to anyone anymore.
Current location : Cadia

>Angels of Ecstay
Formerl Sons of Ulthunas, joined the enemy during the Ganymethian Treason.

>Bleak Brotherhood
Possible faction of the Warp Ghosts, last appeared on the Cadian Gate.

>Claws of Lorek
Confirmed sighting in the Malestrom, possible faction of the Astral Claws

>Death Shadows
Specializes in sabotage, psychological warfare and terrorism.

>The Flawless Host (Sublime Host)
Autopsy report indicates heavy usage of combat drugs and genetic lineage to the Emperor's Children

>Dragon Warriors
Specialize in close quarters combat, mass usage of fusion weapons and flame throwers.

>Knights of Blood
Frenzied warriors. See : massacres on Cadon, Obsus Prima and Helka II

>Lords of Decay
See : Monolith of Woe Space Hulk, wanted in the Mentieth sector.

>Oracles of Change
Under the commande of sorcerer Amadeus Volkstein (formerly Vanneus)

>The Sanctified
See : Word Bearers. Confirmed sightings : siege of the Tasselia hive, Hancock's Landing

>The Reborn
Corroded armours, antique weaponry. First sighting : 795.M40

>The Purge
Participated in the Vaxhallian genocides, responsible for the death of over 14 000 000 000

>Skyrar's Dark Wolves
First sighting in the Fenris sector. Close combat specialists.

>Steel Bretheren
Intensive use of transports and landing pods

>The Cleaved (all purple-ish beige with green and brown pus leaking from all armour openings)
The first report on these mysterious warriors was established during a raid on Magma Cordalian. Their armours exhude a strange greasy fluid. They are said to be able to withstand unbelievable levels of pain and survive deadly wounds. No one knows what remains of the noble Space Marines once in these forever sealed armours.

>Hakanor's Reavers
Their armours burn with a supernatural internal fire and sometimes crack, leaking out a form of lava

>Night Stalkers
These sinister warriors originate from the daemon world of Cthonis Ultra. They are masters of ambush.

>Beasts of Anihilation (World Eaters colour scheme)
Deformed beyond imagination, they have sworn alliegence to the Dark Gods and gladly allow daemonic entities to take possession of their bodies

>Blood Disciples (brass and black)
Former members of the 8th company of the Emperor's Wolves, they became lost in the Warp for decades.

>Purificators (scheme identical to The Purge on the pic, since the Purge in that codex have a much brighter green)
The members of this chapter hade life in all its forms. They fight mankind and xenos alike and have done so for three millenia in their long crusade of extermination of all life. Famine and illness walk in their steps.
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Anyone have a link to Badab War IA pdfs? The has only has the first few volumes
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Blow me, chump
Gay whoreshit dragged them behind the shed, shot out all their joints and left them to bleed to death
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It's using the carapace, crotch plate, and shoulder plates of a 30k Knight (Magaera/Styrix, got them from a recaster), the gear hanging from the crotch and the Lance bits I ended up using are from Taro Modelmaker.

I just built whatever looked cool to me, I have all the other weapons assembled and magnetized but unpainted, since I don't currently run more than 1 knight (so there's never any question what Knight has what weapon)

Doc and Marry end up pursued by Orikan because they're inadvertently messing up his plans, until eventually the Delorean is seen depicted on a big mural inside a necron tomb.
The baxxid would make fun imperial auxiliary units
I also remember reading that the Damned Company were sort of similar to the Red Corsairs in that they are traitors more than chaos worshippers.
For the Red Corsairs, they turned to chaos when Huron started worshipping the gods to gain their powers. For the Damned Company, they were falsly declared heretics by an overzealous inquisitor and turned to the chaos gods for protection and it's unclear whether or not they engage in worship.
I don't remember the source though so take it with a grain of salt.
On that Badab note, is there any info on rank and company markings withing the carcharodons that isn't just volume of exile markings?
so is that female custodes canon now

this is so gay, americans are very gay
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Nothing is canon until I allow it to be
Is this plus another 10 assault Intercessors a decent starter force for Death Company/BAngels army?

Undecided if I want them all to be Death Company or not yet.
The best freind an inquisitor could have
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>>Lords of Decay
>See : Monolith of Woe Space Hulk, wanted in the Mentieth sector.
Space Marine Warbands can be wanted like its the wild west?
>>Night Stalkers
>These sinister warriors originate from the daemon world of Cthonis Ultra. They are masters of ambush.
A daemon world not only having a stable population to recruit from but enough industiry to build and support an astartes warband?
huh cool
Deamon world's can basically be anything their owners want them to be.
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Anon, having EC Geneseed markers doesn't mean they came from that. It means they've at least incorporated EC stock into their warband. Given one of them had several squads of EC termies under their command, that's not a surprise.
I just remember anons argueing aganist me in these threads that daemon worlds would even have people at all Lots of anons seemed convince that daemon worlds are only when an imperial world falls to chaos its population is consumed in industry/destroyed/killed in a matter of weeks/months and then only daemons live there.
I have a small handful of lore questions, largely regarding the two different flavors of sisters.
How common are sisters of battle? In particular how common are they compared to Tempestus Scions (lets just say Scions only, leaving out the regimental knockoffs such as the kasrkins)?
Lore wise how does a Scion measure up to a Sister of Battle? (Lets say a regular sister not a novitate). I'm sure they're suited for very different tasks but lets say they're both deployed on a mission type that's somewhere at the theoretical halfway point between their skill sets.

How common are Sisters of Silence? I figure rare as hell but also there's enough to put them onto the black ships (of which I assume there's a few thousand) so I feel like they're maybe only a little less common than space marines? Or is that still too many?
Lore wise, where do Sisters of Silence stand in competency? I figure they'd stand up to a regular space marine fine, but how far up the SM ranks could a rank and file SoS kill their number in space marines?

Lastly, if say 100 SoS got together and say, killed Angron (if that number is still too small lets say they got really lucky) would he still recorporate and come back?
British company anon
>Space Marine Warbands can be wanted like its the wild west?
I dunno, I have a french copy of the codex because hon hon hon and it uses the term we use to translate these posters so there you go.
>A daemon world not only having a stable population to recruit from but enough industiry to build and support an astartes warband?
Might be, or maybe that's where they turned to chaos, or maybe it's where the original chapter was from which then turned into a daemon world.
Vague stuff like this opens up a lot of room for interpretations and implications, which is cool.
>if say 100 SoS got together and say, killed Angron (if that number is still too small lets say they got really lucky) would he still recorporate and come back?
Yes without a doubt
>How common are SoBs
As common as the plot wants them to be. Every world has got at least 1 guarding a shrine/church etc. They the armed wing of the state reilgion of the Imperium. They're not rare.
Tempestus Scions are IG and therefore can be spent in the hundreds of millions without issue
>How common are Sisters of Silence?
As common as the plot wants them to be, all black ships have them and theres a lot of black ships since they visit most impeiral worlds at least once every 200 years.
>Lore wise, where do Sisters of Silence stand in competency? I figure they'd stand up to a regular space marine fine, but how far up the SM ranks could a rank and file SoS kill their number in space marines?
Astartes plot armour means they kill any SoS, they're not super elite fighters and not made for it like astartes
What army box is that on the top left?
At that point go play chess or some generic boardgames.
Astra Militarum: Bastion Platoon battleforce.
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Maybe they were made from EC genestock originally, like how Minotaurs are supposed to be from Iron warriors stock. Novel enough concept, to have a loyalist chapter from a traitor legion turn traitor again, maybe gives a reason for your special traitor stock loyalist custom chapter to have an actual reason to keep it secret because of fear of the high lords or whatever. Personally as someone who plays them, I prefer the idea of them just being an EC warband, cause that was what I started them originally as. So I think I'll just keep playing them as Emperor's children.
Sisters of Battle are somewhat common, and can be found in basically any world with a strong Ecclesiarchy presence along Arbites and other Adeptus Terra forces. Your typical hiveworlder will never likely never see their militant orders in power armour except in big public holy days (Sanguinala, etc) or if there's a rebellion.
They more elite than Scions, but are shock troops like Marines, no commandos. They don't do sneaky stuff like Scions, they're in your face and loud.

Sisters of Silence are super rare. Rarer than psykers, and worked mostly in the Black Ships until the Wi
> where do Sisters of Silence stand in competency?
They're as well trained and equipped as a base human can be (only below transhumans), but it also depends of the strenght of their null aura. Many can focus it to stun enemies or make themselves invisible to the minds of others. They're also inmune to the fear and mindfuckery of the warp and daemons, which they see as just mud monsters without their glamour.
The founder of the SoS in 30k was a pariah so strong that she alone could slew dozens of marines in melee, and it took Kharn and blind luck to kill her.
bro why do they look like you dipped them in dough

man, that and the cadian defense force box were really good, meanwhile, the shitty cadia stands box is basically the combat patrol + the late released 9th codex lol
>so I feel like they're maybe only a little less common than space marines? Or is that still too many?
It is.
Blanks/nulls appearance rate among humanity is only about 1:1 billion individuals.
And seeing how an average hivecity alone contains at the low end 10 billion humans and the high end 100 billion humans.
You're looking at around at best 50 people who have the attributes of a Blank.
Most likely even less, because Blanks are intentionally ostracized by others for the sheer fact that just standing around them makes you feel physically ill and in general makes you feel awful.
Because of this many get either exiled from their communities or blamed for something and then killed because of it.
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>Astartes plot armour means they kill any SoS, they're not super elite fighters and not made for it like astartes
marines only have plot armour if they're named characters, otherwise they're killed by SoS like pic related unless they met another named SM
Why the long face?
Because I'm not a good painter. So I just paint to a level that looks OK on the table.
>otherwise they're killed by SoS like pic related
Named characters always overpower mooks.
Named SoS vs unnamed/random dipshit marine, will always result in the SoS winning.

If both are unnamed then marines win 9/10 times for plain fact that they are genetically modified super soldiers, while SoS are just generic basic bitch humans, with basic bitch human durability and survivability. Whose super power is to make you feel uncomfortable if you stand around them.
But that's what 40k has always been.
Did you even prime them? I think I can see some plastic, also why does it look like there's chunks on them
Trained SoS can use their null aura as a weapon to stun enemies or make themselves difficult to see/track, specially in melee, which offsets the transhuman senses and speed of marines.
Add to that their boltguns and power weapons, and they're not an easy enemy for Astartes.
Marines specifically are trained not to be tricked or afflicted by shit like that.
Only reason why TSons suffered so badly is because they are all psykers, which already puts you at a disadvantage compared to Blanks.
Normal marines don't have that problem.
>NOoooOOOOoooo my toys would never loooooose!
Wrong. Marines do not train to deal with nulls, they're just indifferent to the disconfort they cause to normies. But a SoS focusing their null power is a different thing. Even a typical SoS like Aleya in Watchers of the Throne could go toe to toe against Black Legion marines.
SoS like SoB are base humans and just not as resilient against trauma as Astartes, but they're still very dangeous. They're just glass cannons like Eldar Aspects
If they went to 5-year editions like D&D then we'd be golden. Hell, if they became like 5e and went 10 years between even better. Give me more time to save up for hormagaunts + pyrovores
My custom space marine chapter the Fillum Libertas. They fight to free humanity from any and all Xenos.
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These abominable xenos scums are so cute ong
28 is too old for focusing so much on any hibby that it negatively impacts your life. But if you have your shit in order you can do anything financially reasonable (so no warhams) it'll be fine. Don't expect anyone to give a shit about the game or lore, but if you do a good job with modelling and converting you might even get some genuine interest out of normalfags. Women in particular enjoy the arts & craft aspect of the hobby, although obviously bigger models will always be more appreciated than vast armies of little dudes.

>families, homes and careers
Having stable housing and income is baseline for being a functioning adult. I won't ask anyone on /tg/ about their love life and damily perspectives, but nowadays it's not something people obssess over as much as in the past. Unless you're a total sperg talking to people nobody will actually care about you not having a family, maybe a little weird, but the weird thing won't be (you), it'll be that you don't have a stable relationship.
They vote for the opposite candidates that you vote for.
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>These abominable xenos scums are so cute ong
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>These abominable xenos scums are so cute ong
but anon voting doesn't do anything anyway
I honestly don't get why an Eldar x Humanity alliance wouldn't be beneficial. You can always pretend that the Eldar are just sanctioned mutants.
Because Eldar are also xenophobic bastards who regularly attack and torture humanity. If anything, the Exodites are a perfect example since they have literally slaughtered entire colonies who didn't have the technology to defend themselves.
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It depends on the craftworld.
>tfw no eldar cutie to call you monk'e
Eldar are no WHFB Elves. They're much less competent and they're unwilling to ally.
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Could he beat Titus?
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Inquisition is sort of yourdudes by default but I just like being able to pick whatever colours I like, I’m trying to have the different subfactions stick to a colour scheme each. Picrel are my voidsmen
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I’m 28, have a house, career and baby on the way and just got back into the hobby. I’ve loved 40K since I was 7 and tried tons of physical and non-physical hobbies, nothing makes me as happy as 40K

If you let age or what others think dictate your fun or hobbies then what’s the point of having a hobby?
Depends on who's the protagonist in the situation
could he? yes
would he? no
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me on the right
Eldar hags kidnapping monkeigh shotas
For me it's the Rogue Trader Entourage, I think it'd be really fun for GW to recognize custom 3d printable Traders to make them literally /yourdude/
Mid-diff, but he no sells anything Titus can do if he gets his topknot squig back
Dark Eldar unironically work better with the Imperium than the Craftworld Eldar because neither side tries to disguise their mutual contempt for each other.
>inb4 there will be another human civil war with Robutto Girlyman allying himself with the Eldari and the Mechanicum allying themselves with the Necrons
Why did GW never bring out the Dawn of War buildings as plastic kits?
They would have sold like hot cakes, even at a premium price.
What would they provide to the game?
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You know, if you think about it, an autarch is basically a glorified cheerleader. They just stand or bounce around in the back generating CP's for the rest of the army.
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Aren't Eldar one of the most inhumane xeno species in the galaxy? Their resemblance to humans is only superficial, their mind is just as alien to humanity as Tyranids', hell, they even walk differently.
Terrain pieces, like the other terrain pieces they sell, could have thrown in some optional special rules too, like the Aegis defense line for the Guard and the Hammerfall bunker for the marines etc
I feel like the necrons proven anti warp tech is a better bet than the Eldars latest edition of "this new prophecy will totally let us beat chaos for real this time we promise"
Honestly still workable, you get some really good wargear for 20ppm in kill teams which are also battleline, also watchmasters would be absolutely cracked if they could lead regular space marine units, but are still plenty good with deathwatch kill teams. You can still make a functional army in agents of the imperium with them, but they're totally different to how they were as an actual space marine army. Also you don't want to use the actual deathwatch/ordo xenos detachment, the imperialis fleet is the only detachment worth running out of that book.
Cawl x Trazyn OTP
its orikan and trazyn
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The dark eldars need more characters and more units
The rule hasn’t changed. You can do that but you have to model your own in CAD.
Are there any astronomy anons here right now? I’m trying to make a home planet for my special snowflake successor chapter. I’m wondering if a gas giant the size of jupiter could hold two earth-sized moons, or at the very least, 2 planets capable of life and having earth-like conditions.

The thing I’m sort of going for is that the administratum is incompetent and didn’t pay attention when scanning this system. They saw one planet with relatively earth-like conditions and saw it orbit the planet quite often, figuring it had an unusually fast velocity. They then gave my chapter this planet. When the chapter arrived, they did some digging and realized this gas giant has dozens of smaller moons, and there are two of these planets. So, technically can have both, since the administratum didn’t realize that the two very similar planets are actually not the same.

Is this astronomically possible? I understand that Earth’s weather depends on having a moon and a tilted axis, so I’m wondering how common those traits are and whether it’s even possible to find two of those in one system orbiting the same gas giant.
I mean for tournaments and the like.
Yes, I’m certain you can use your own sculpted models at warhammer world and in tourneys if you personally sculpted them by hand or by CAD. They still need reviewing to make sure the silhouette won’t affect gameplay.
Remember that DAOK humanity, peak eldar, and peak necrons were all capable of doing terraforming just for laughs. you don't need a reason for the planets to be like that; maybe the climate itself is anomalous
maybe the climate is maintained by archaeotech in the planets core, or maybe it's that way due to it secretly being a tomb world. roll with it
>genetically modified super soldiers
They're pretty super but not that super lol
We have accounts of fucking ogryn taking out muhreens
And a purestrain being able to take out a termie on a sneaky ambush is a setting staple since Space Hulk
How long before this gets replaced with some schizo killteam
My bad, it seems the base model must be citadel/FW.
To what extent is unclear.
I thought that Eldari were pretty aggressive in reclaiming the planets they seeded? Also settling on a tomb world seems like a really bad idea but the administratum is super incompetent so I can see them not detecting a fucking necron tomb lol VARV0
GW is incredibly inconsistent when it comes to how alien and/or the amount of uncanny valley Eldar are supposed to evoke in humans. Their own artists can't even make up their minds on whether to depict them as just elves IN SPAAAAACEEE, or basically tall "grey aliens" with noses, pointy ears, and hair.
Stormboyz are the new kill team for Orks silly
yeah but thats only for GW events/warhammer world. every other event in the universe pretty much doesn't care.
Should've been stormboyz vs vespids
>But if you have your shit in order you can do anything financially reasonable (so no warhams)
I pity you
Shouldn't Elves be also very alien to humans? I mean, an elf isn't just a human with pointy ears, no?
Every 28 year old has something else that they do with their free time. I work in finance and all of these fuckers play golf. I fucking hate golf.
Do your thing.
It's funny because UM gloating via paperwork is meta.
This reads like virgin fanfiction.
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Jupiter's largest moon is bigger than Mercury, so it's not like size itself is a huge hurdle. Something as big as earth might have some gravitational complications, but nothing that would impact the chapter over the course of irs existence, these gravitational diatuebances are things rhatbplay out over hundreds of thousanda to millions of years. If the orbits arw stable now they'll remain stable enough for the time-frame /yourdudes/ exist in. If you were playing Necrons or maybe Eldar it could be a problem, but for SMs it just doesn't matter.

Largest problem Something like thia faces would be tidal waves, your planets would likely have absurdly violent seismic and volcanic activity from the Gas Giant' gravity stretching out and compressing the planet on a daily basis, but that can be mitigated by having the more habitable moons be under Tidal Lock. Tidal Locking is only really bad if you're licked to a star so only one side ever get heat, but that's literally what Mordia is and it's still habitable-ish in-universe. If you're locked to a planet only the portion directly facing the planet wouldn't get direct sunlight throughout the day, and even then it'd still be lit through light diffusing into the atmosphere or bouncing off the Gas Giant. This refkected light would likely give the sky a very different hue from the rest of the moon since reflected light always loses some frequencies, so whereas most of the moon has a nlue or grey atmosphere that patch of the world could have a green, yellow, purple, etc. Sky, depending on the color of the Gas Giant.

If those moons are inhabited that phenomena could've been part of the local primitive culture and influence certain chapter beliefs, like the Salamanders having a hard-on for Nocturne's radiation.
Sure, but anon wants his felinid, transflag, wheelchair rogue trader recognised by GW.
He 1vs1 tanks, dreadnoughts, titans and gargants. Scratch that, his enemies had reinforcements.
>employment and housing are virgin fanfics
>or basically tall "grey aliens" with noses, pointy ears, and hair.
Eldar as elfish greys is the best take on them honestly
No you idiot. This
>Women in particular enjoy the arts & craft aspect of the hobby, although obviously bigger models will always be more appreciated than vast armies of little dudes.
They absolutely don’t.
>Its a people talking about WHW rules like they fucking matter episode
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So ladz, boars or squighogs?
idk bro, the best miniature painter I know is my sister and she is obsessed with tyranids, 38 years old and a mother of two, her husband is a banker and the nerdiest shit he does is playing Zelda
>an elf isn't just a human with pointy ears, no?
99% of the time they are just pointy eared humans.
And that is pretty much the current cultural view point of elves. They are just Human+ essentially.
Snaggas exist soley to say fuck you to the 3 dudes that actually wanted snakebite
Uh oh giga-rare snakebite meltie.
Do you have many female friends? I do, they like anything artsy.
Not in Warhammer FB they aren't.
hard for this board to accept but it's true
there've been several studies and the top two things women find unattractive in men is collecting figurines and playing video games
As a snakebite player (that has original boar boyz models) I was happy hogs popped in. I use their rules for my boars.
Should Dark Eldar have flying saucers for abductions and probing then?
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Even in that they are just Human+.
Fucking Kerillian is pretty normal looking minus the black eyes.
Hell, even the WHFB is inconsistent how it depicts its elves since not all of them have fully black eyes either.
Pic related is an example of them just being tall, pointy eared humas.
Source specifically is WD 369 page 45.
So are we forever doomed to have to deal with 3" deepstrike cancer and/or having to bring 2-3 useless units with denial?
A twitter poll is not a study. And none of that matters if you're not poor, short, and ugly anyways.
I mean, how many armies can realistically do a 3" deepstrike now? And how many of those are popular in your local meta?
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Here's another image from WD 210 page 11.
Again, just pointy eared humans.

And it is clear it's how they started off and are meant to be.
Even Eldar during like RT and 2nd edition era were just pointy eared humans, with the only real "alien" look to them being that one black and white image of some eldar wearing the wraithbone armor.
And even that image is a one off.

Rate my list

1x Wolf lord on thunderwolf with the pelt of the balewolf leading 3 thunderwolf cavalry
1x Wolf pack battle leader on thunder wolf leading 3 thunderwolf cavalry
1x Wolf guard pack leader in terminator armor leading 5 long fangs
2x Wolf guard pack leader with jump pack leading 5 skyclaws
3x Cyber wolf leading 5 fenrisian wolves
Almost all of them and all of them, because it's absurdly effective.

Keep in mind, having access to a 3" deepstrike doesn't mean you need to actually use it, so it's literally never a downside to have. But if you manage to blow up something like a Solar command blob or some other force multiplier, it's literally always worth it.
I will never play this fucking game so long as marines are in it.
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When women say they're turned off by collecting figures, 90% of them are thinking about Guys Like This
arent wood elves the ones that have funky physical appearances aside from the standard twink physique.
yeah they even poop differently
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You'll miss it when it's gone
not a twitter poll, and those three descriptors apply to everybody in this thread
nope, they specifically mention miniatures like "board games and train sets"
>but they have slowed the fuck down on releases for 40k, so it seems possible that they've pushed it back to summer 2027
GW did the same during 9th, which launched in summer of 2020.
GW slowed down with 40k around 2021 and first half of 2022, but then ramped back up again in the latter half of 2022 and when year turned around into 2023, during winter they did the Arks of Omen stuff which brought back Lion.
And in the spring is when we started to see all the 10th edition teasers, new terminators, all the rules shit, until GW then released 10th edition in June of 2023.
nobody will, kill yourself
>You'll miss it when it's gone
No, I don't think I will.
Never owned any of those and I'm not in any sort of hurry to buy any seeing what kind of dogshit fineshart is.
Is there a gameplay reason the havoc champion has a melee and a pistol not another heavy weapon?
Ill miss metal minis before I miss anything resin related.
it's crazy how forgeworld and finecast managed to be so godawful they've convinced multiple generations of hobbyfags that resin is inherently a bad material
>how many armies can realistically do a 3" deepstrike now?
All Space Marines
(and I guess The Yncarne, sort of)
>they've convinced multiple generations of hobbyfags that resin is inherently a bad material
Because it is worse.
It being toxic is already enough for me to not touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.
Nope. Wargaming gets lumped in with toys.
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Ultramarines are unironically the best chapter, and no amount of cope from lessers are going to change that
>Because it is worse.
it isn't, you're a retard
>Ultramarines are unironically the best chapter
Nuh uh, /mydudes/ are better.
True and based

They're the imperial guard among the space marines, in the sense that they're the only ones that keep the train going, while the other chapters dick around doing whatever.
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But muh gunpla!
they're the poor man's crimson fists and only got pushed because ward wanked them so hard
Yeah, sure.
Go ahead and breath in that resin dust if you believe so.
Have a look at Impcat anon, I use it a lot myself
yourdudes color scheme is awful
Miss metal? Metal's coming back into fashion with old minis, chum. The old world's got minis that had been recast from metal in resin and minis that were originally resin, but now they're in metal! Rejoice! Why? Cause finecast gives you cancer
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*steals your gear*
Anything is better than blue.
Blue sucks.
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Heard some troubling rumors about your geneseed
Pretty much most of the metal minis that GW "made" for TOW, is just old surpluss from 10+ years ago.
It's quite literally GW just offloading their stock and freeing up warehouse space.
But you're correct about remaking some of the finecast into metal as well.
>It being toxic is already enough for me to not touch that shit
Do you not use any thinner or retarder? No glue?
Fuck you blueberry.
*steals your geneseed*
Cause it was fun for me to do and I enjoy reading other anons battle reports.
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in case anyone wanted to know, kroot aren't sexually dimorphic
I'm a Crimson Fists enjoyer
Still a blueberry.
There are no Kroot women.
They just rape the females of other enemy species and get personal water caste concubines from the tau empire to refill their ranks.
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Take as much as you like, sir
>Apartment is full of gunpla
>Spends all day playing games or building gunpla
>Gets paid to do this
>Also gets to regularly molest JAV stars and gravure models
Life really is different for girls...
Metal models are really fun so it doesn't bother me at all
I fail to see how this is really an issue.
You kinda wanna date your soulmate and, essentially, your best friend. Settling for anything less is IMO a loss, I can't imagine living with someone for life who is less of a friend to me than, say, Bob who collects Necrons & plays Monster Hunter with me.
It makes me cry inside every time I see a fine cast model get translated into plastic only for it to get worse somehow.
Killing off Forgeworld makes me even sadder. All those cool models all throughout middle and highschool that I could only look at pictures of, and now I finally have money to buy them and I can’t cause they are all gone.
You joke but of my past years warhammer budget, maybe 10% was spent on plastic from my lgs while the rest was hunting down scalped Forgeworld stuff. It fucking sucks man.
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*eats your gene-seed*
Honestly true.
I really enjoyed the vibe of FW nids. They look more fleshy and brutal than some of the new models (which i also like desu)
Harridan being a giant space dragon with horsecock tiger guns is awesome, it's sad knowing that it will be squatted soon and as such I don't see myself getting one unless I somehow stumble into a scene where ppl play older editions & houserule stuff
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I already have
Is that from the doujin that turned that one anon bisexual lol
No one is arguing that. Read the comment chain.
Who said I was joking? I wanted metal raptors once, so I scoured Ebay until I found some. You gotta be patient, it might cost you and you won't always win but you can almost always find what you want if you're dedicated enough.
Thanks for the write up. I appreciate it
I mean you should really just be finding a good recaster
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>there are anons in this thread defending finecast
no surer sign of a larper
You know, it's sad how GW purposely ignored the thieving side of the Blood Ravens in DoW, and make them bland as fuck in the offcial Indexes and rules.
Are old timey bad moons supposed to be just yellow or yellow and blue?
So if a Chapter sends their gene-seed tithe, and it gets lost, do they first blame whoever sent it or the transporter before assuming someone ate it?
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Noblest of the noble
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But who would eat geneseed?!(Me, I would, gimme)
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>DA Fallen Traitors have been sabotaging Imperial supply lines by eating Gene-seed meant for a new Founding
Explain to me why I can't just paint a few intercessor squads green and call them orks?
Worst Primaris range update, if not the worst range update in a long time
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Because the stealthiest of Orks are purple.
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>Holy shit, the ground is Slaanesh!
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Because it's way better to slap marine pauldrons on Orks and call them Intercessors
Who's stopping you?
I want a good cast of the FW hive tyrant so badly.
Yup thats me. I check ebay for my oop models every morning for like a year now.
Yes please give me your good recasters contact info if you will. I have used 6 different recasteres now and the only good one sadly went awol.
Holy shit they even drew the sanguinary guard fat in the art lmao. Look at the size of those lads.
Its a cute comic but updates too slow.
I can't really place it but somehow this shit looks like AI generated it.
Like they used some AI and then touched it up a bit.
3 pages a month isn't great but it isn't horrible either

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