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Angels of Blood edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
How are our no-codex-having anons holding up knowing that they're not getting anything before 2025?
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This is now the tank thread.
Send me a free Castigator please.
no ones playing this dogshit game mode as it is but thanks for the share.
Sweet mother Mary what a sexy machine
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That whole OP image just looks off.
Looks like AI
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Because of your grevious wounds we had to turn you into PRIMARIS™, so you crossed the RUBICON™ to become PRIMARIS™, now you are, as PRIMARIS™, faster, stronger and TALLER, yeah, because you are PRIMARIS™ now. Not some lowlife firstborn, but PRIMARIS™.
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>Those firstborns hanging around in the background
>Because of your grevious wounds
Meh, he probably just lost 1 heart and 1 lung when he got stabbed by the carnifex.
That's no biggie.
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You've been exposed to the warp! Roll for your mutation!
I think it's just blown up to a size it wasn't meant to be shown at.
got some tyranids coming

-1 neurotyrant
-1 winged warrior leader guy
-40 termagants
-20 hormagaunts
-2 screamer killers
-6 von ryans leapers
-1 norn emissary

i've got about $150 usd worth of funny money left. what should i get? i was kinda thinking hive tyrant and maybe a tyrranofex (weirdly cheap $$ for their size and profile) or some zoanthropes

i want to eventually get a bunch of lictors and genestealers but i feel like those will blow out my budget quickly without adding much value to the army.
Like everyone else in /40kg/, I don't play, and therefore don't care
>>Those firstborns hanging around in the background
Now that you mention it.
Did the artist just take the picture you posted, mirror it, put it far in the background and then paint over it?
That the point. But clearly the story was written when GW was pushing primaris™ lore hard, so they probably forced developer to turn Titus into primaris™ and underline it so fucking hard, it's unbearable.
>Firstbornfags are STILL seething about primaris 7 years later
>How are our no-codex-having anons holding up knowing that they're not getting anything before 2025?
Not playing games with my main army
Just collecting minis and painting them
Working on my terrain pieces

Making Warhammer miniatures is still cheaper than collecting a miniature train
But anon, the original story wouldn't have gotten off the ground because of THQ bankruptcy.
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So...Uh...Do tyranids grow giant teethed coochies with human skulls in place of clits or is it a dev weird fantasy? If so what purpose do they serve exactly?
GW push primaris because they are the new default.
>Secondary finds out what Tyranids are made of and why they need all the biomass
Post models
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>giant teethed coochies with human skulls in place of clits or is it a dev weird fantasy?
Rolled 71 (1d100)

yeah, about the story...

I know, but they don't do that so blatantly nowadays like they did few years ago.
why cant I get a symbiosis chaos demon gf that jerks my toe nails off? rolling either way.
Imagine if he had done a collab with GW for a new faction.
The whole thing was just a really good ad for primaris marines. The game itself was extremely mid but it was pretty and well written enough to make you "RAISE THE BANNER, SALUTE THE BATTLE BROTHERS, COURAGE AND HONOR" sperg at the hype moments which is pretty much exactly what I was hoping for.
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1/5 of my catgirl command squad done. Post models and WIPs
thats boring as hell.
You might want to reconsider that tail...
why she got a pretzel stickin up her bum?
I don't feel any forced about it tho?
Dante got wrecked the same manners by Swarmlord and Sanguinius himself has to bails him out.
Me vaguely reminded of Metal Slug.
what are these images for ants
Why even bother
>exposed buttcheeks

Still boring.
Still a downgrade.
Still ugly.
Still a money grab.
Cope more piggy.

He got his revenge.
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Tell me about the Codex Astartes
you can make the tail alot better by using a light brown color and just moving in swift strokes away from the base to make it look like fur
Reinstate Orks as the main Xenos threat. They're 10x more interesting and fun as villains than mindless bug species #32
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>go to prime model, fill cup with primer, airbrush spits out loads of water
>think it's weird but figure it must just be left over from cleaning
>primer flows but seems thin, should be covering better
>finish priming, go to clean out cup
>giant wad of dried varnish sitting in the cup
I've forgotten to clean out my airbrush after varnishing before, that I can understand, but I have no idea how I managed to miss the fact it was still full of varnish when I filled the cup. Benefit of a siphon feed is it's not fucked any of the airbrush mechanics up, pretty easy to just detach the cup and remove the dried varnish, which has also taken away the dried paint I couldn't shift before which is a silver lining, but this lot is going to need a second thin coat once its dry.
Looks like she is shitting when there is a hurricane raging
Wtf I had higher res ones.
The Rubicon surgery is just a fancy name for gender reassignment surgery, all Primaris marines are trans.
Looks like we marinesisters just keep winnning
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So, about brother Titus again... Now that events in Space Marine game are officialy canon, when exactly the Graia invasion took place? Titus met some Blood Ravens during the events of first game and mentions Aurelia campaign. So the whole DOW plot had to take place before Sicarius Cato became a captain of 2nd Company, correct? Is there anything that contradicts it? We know that events in Aurelia system took place after Leviathan popped in galaxy..

It specifically mentions Cato Sicarius in the lore supplement. After Titus was abducted by Inquisitor Thrax Cato Sicarius took Titus' command position. He was succeeded by the 2nd company captain that's in the game.
Titus honestly feels weaker after the becoming a PRIMARIS™, I get the first game wasn't anything unique and was just aping GoW style cover-shooters, but I much prefer that to the pseudo-souls-like shit we got in 2.
Lmao, enjoy playing npc to the npc factions
you own no models, your opinion is worth less than dirt
he literally is weaker, he's recovering from the rubicon surgery and a fatal wound, he's also got the gear of a lieutenant instead of a captain.
>but the chaplain said
the chaplain's job is to keep morale up, he's not going to tell titus that he's a weak lil pussyboy after the rubicon surgery.
also he's leandros the fucking dickhead anyway, probably encouraged titus to get back out there because he wants him dead.

I think showing off Space Marines aren't just strong but precise and well trained warriors isn't a bad thing. The problem is that the survivability is tied to executes and half the executes don't have iframes or not enough iframes so you can be killed for performing an execute kill on high difficulties. This leads to the optimal playstyle being dodge rolling backwards while popping shots off behind you which is really lame and gay. The game plays best on the lowest difficulty where you can just revel in a space marine being invincible and mulching hordes of nids.
And when Aurelia campaign of Blood Ravens takes place? Like I said - Titus mentions it in first game when he stumbles upon some Blood ravens on Graia.
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>Space Marines aren't just strong but precise and well trained warriors isn't a bad thing
We need more of this
>he's recovering from the rubicon surgery and a fatal wound
yeah but the two fuckknuckles aren't and aren't any stronger. Also I get "ludonarrative dissonance" but it doesn't exactly feel natural for a space marine to be dodge-rolling everywhere, especially if he's also meant to be recovering from surgery.
>he's also got the gear of a lieutenant instead of a captain
pretty sure we end up with access to way more guns than in the first game thanks to all the bolter variants, and then even the special weapons have easy to find heavy variants in most of the levels. Also I didn't like the game taking away the thunder hammer and plasma right before the last fight, that shit's lame.
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What's this art from? Looks real bad.
>GIANT fucking halo on the Sanguinor
>He looks like he's being carried by stage ropes, bad posing
>Shitty nuSanguinary Guard barely present in the background
That sounds so annoying, fucking around cleaning airbrush is the worst
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the later editions attempting to make tau more grimdark and evil was a mistake and missed the point of them.

they work best as an actually good and (for the setting) just but also profoundly naive civilization because it serves to further emphasize by contrast the horrors of the other civilizations like the imperium and the necrons. trying to turn them into just another different flavor of grimdark takes away from that. it enhances the rest of the setting by having a race that is horrified by what they encounter at every turn without engaging in that horror themselves
>fuckknuckles aren't and aren't any stronger.
Titus was capable of defeating warbosses, many CSM and more during 1. He's already way stronger than the rest before the surgery.
>big oily turd tail
There is a non zero percent chance that that entire comic is an incredibly elaborate 40k shitpost
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Space Marine 2 solidified Primaris are superior in every way.
I am angry.

Angry about 90% of Cultist models no longer being legal and their guns stripped away
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I want crusaders back
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Trying to figure out what paint scheme I want to use on the bombast artillery pieces inbetween applying some basecoats on guardsmen and playing videogames.
Uh ohh stinky poo
Well, since the Aurelian campaign came before the Graian campaign a time line would be something like this:

>First war of macragge (titus is offworld at the time)
>Titus returns to macragge to assist with rebuilding the ultramarines and clean up remnant broods on the planet.
>Titus is promoted to sargeant and serves in the command squad of 2nd company captain Lucian Trajan and serves in this capacity for "over a century"
>Titus is sole survivor of the command squad against some Biel-Tan Aeldari on Beta Arcturus and promoted over Cato Sicarius to 2nd company captain.
>10 years after this conflict the Graian campaign occurs and he is abducted by Inquisitor Thrax

The Aurelian campaign occurs in the late 41st millenium and the battle for macragge took place in the year 745.M41. I think it's reasonable depending on if that war took place around the timeline of graia it would have taken place between 745 and 900. Guilliman returns in the year 999.M41 which tracks with Titus being on Ice for "more than a century" in the Inquisitor's possession. So we have two "more than a century" occurring here. 745 + two periods of "more than a century" dates the campaign in SM2 well into M42. Titus likely only served with the deathwatch as Nullus for 5 or so decades before he returned to the Ultramarines.
>yeah but the two fuckknuckles aren't and aren't any stronger
one's a sarge and one's just a guy, both seem fairly fresh
>muh guns
yeah pretty sure an iron halo makes a much bigger difference as far as durability, og titus had a 4++
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why is she taking a dump upwards
>I think showing off Space Marines aren't just strong but precise and well trained warriors isn't a bad thing
I agree but space marine 2 is not the sort of game for that, it's meant to be the sort of game where you're mowing down enemies in their hundreds which it does well, but then something like a tyranid warrior should feel like an even match, not knock off half your health because you missed a single dodge or counter. It ends up feeling inconsistent where you go from wanton slaughter to suddenly rolling around for your life. I think something like a tactical shooter or stealth game where if exposed you're bogged down by strong enemies would be better for that.
> The problem is that the survivability is tied to executes and half the executes don't have iframes or not enough iframes so you can be killed for performing an execute kill
I found even worse than this was the AI stealing executes, so you can take a bunch of damage relying on the execute to regain your health as a high risk, high reward strategy, only for the AI to come along and do it for you, leaving you at a health deficit you can't restore aside from healing items because you only regen the damage you took recently.
>but it doesn't exactly feel natural for a space marine to be dodge-rolling everywhere

Why wouldn't it? Space marines aren't the biggest threat on the battlefield by any measure.

>pretty sure we end up with access to way more guns than in the first game thanks to all the bolter variants, and then even the special weapons have easy to find heavy variants in most of the levels.

The variety of weaponry isn't what is being referred to. Higher ranking space marines get access to higher quality arms and armour as well as relics that give them force fields and shit.
>simple and easy to learn
The average Marine name for anything besides Scout is some variant of
with little to no description from the name al9ne what they do besides
>Hurt the enemy
Is warhammer plus decent for the paint g tutorials? Thinking of getting it but only for the painting, lore and maybe animation
>I found even worse than this was the AI stealing executes, so you can take a bunch of damage relying on the execute to regain your health as a high risk, high reward strategy, only for the AI to come along and do it for you, leaving you at a health deficit you can't restore aside from healing items because you only regen the damage you took recently.
I had the opposite problem, where Im in the GAMER ZONE and at full HP and my AI team mates will NEVER execute enemies. I assumed the dev's did this to keep them stealing your executes and not being able to heal.
I can't imagine it's better than youtubers who
>use multiple paint brands
>have multiple techniques, tools
>paint non 40k models/use non GW products
>might slip you into the printing pipeline which is based
I feel like the health issue would be much more bearable if the contested health bar lasted more than half a second. It's virtually impossible to actually get any meaningful amount of health back with that system unless you have a execution right next to you. It should stay static for like 3 seconds and degrade much slower so you can actually take advantage of the system and potentially get most of your health back. Contested health is kind of a useless system right now.
>yeah but the two fuckknuckles aren't and aren't any stronger

They're pretty lacking in combat experience. From the dialogue it seems like both of them only really have experience fighting orks as they are naive to how chaos works and it directly states this is their first time fighting nids.
Unironic skill issue.
Space marines are like horses, if you approach them from behind you will regret it.
There's basically 3 names which reasonably describe what they do and, once you know them, you'll never forget or confuse them.
>Tactical, Assault, Devastator
Meanwhile, please tell me how any of these describe in any way what their role is.
>Intercessor, Incursor, Eliminator, Aggressor, Inceptor, Reiver, Eradicator, Hellblaster
A bunch of meaningless gobbledygook names that describe nothing and are easily confused
Use meltas/multimeltas and you will never take damage again. Chunked for 90% of your HP? one blast of a multi melta will heal you right up!
>but then something like a tyranid warrior should feel like an even match, not knock off half your health because you missed a single dodge or counter

Considering that on the tabletop a tyranid with bonesword that got a hit in had a pretty good chance of killing them outright while a space marine would require this seems pretty accurate.

>plays on hard
>why do the tyranids do so much damage :(((((
Any CSM players in here that can give me advice on painting?

>what do you paint?


I’m torn between black legion and word bearers but I don’t know if the BL are boring to paint, post models
Its done just to make them all trademarkable.
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By the Emperor what cope is this lmao
Both of these models are monopose. If anything, the one on the right is harder to customize.
People seem to forget that, outside of the Chaos Terminator Lord/Sorcerer and the Space Marine Commander, character models were pretty much all monopose and monobuild.
It wasn't too bad honestly, I was able to pull most of the gunk out with an xacto, then I blasted some cleaner fluid through and pushed the rest out with a pipe cleaner. Worst case I would have left the cup in some IPA overnight. Much worse I've had recently is losing two needles on another airbrush because the brush kept falling off my desk from its stand, which caused the needles to hook. The needles are replaceable, but not cheap.
>eliminator, eradicator, hellblaster

How are these any different than terminator or devestator?
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Remember, the real power is in the muscles.
I mean, probably. The best skill is of course to not get hit enough to lose your armor in the first place. But why have a system in place if it's barely usable in most situations? Even ripping apart enemies with a Power Fist barely gives any health back if it's not an execution.
The parry system is also pretty annoying since it feels very finnicky with when it will let you parry. And why are only some attacks marked blue?
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why is 40k only fun if I forget who owns it and the type of people who play it
How is "devastator" any more descriptive than "eradicator"?
True, but the game wasn't even preachy about it.
The chaplain just woke up Titus and says "Yeah, you took some bad damage while fighting the carnifex, but don't worry we fixed you and gave you some upgrades on top for free."
Because you care more about politics and "news" than your own life and being a leader who gets the people you like into the game that you like.
>a tactical shooter or stealth game
I need that Imperial Guard shooter NOW
In the spirit of Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, the Playstation 2 one.
You can command troop movements and use vehicles and when you die you just control another individual unit.
No shit. Doesn't change the fact that the names are stupid and easily confused.
turns out primaris are actually fine when their armor is decorated with lots of iconography and seals.

just the initial launch of primaris that sucked because everything was so bland and stripped down
>difficult to customize
you could've just said you're a hobbylet
Psst... marinefags.
The way that you see Primaris? As really boring and generic space soldiers with confusing and bloated unit variety? That's how non-marinefags see marines in general.
Firstborn can't meme.
>NPC factionfags think their opinions matter
Flexible for the situation
Gets up in the enemy's face
Devastates the enemy from range
And again there's only three. Versus a dozen+ TM names that functionally mean and describe nothing. Tell me what the fuck an "Incursor" is or does.
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Okay. We’re happy to finance your setting and rules anyway.
If you hate Primaris come to CSM we welcome you
>A bunch of meaningless gobbledygook names that describe nothing and are easily confused
You need to be special kind of stupid to not understand what terms:
could possibly mean.
He, uh, invades or attacks?
I fucking love dreadnoughts, I want to make a full dreadnought list but I think it would only work with space wolves, since they have the only dreadnought that can be a lord.
You're projecting
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How do I make my OC IG regiment not cringe
Thank you for your contribution, sallyfag. Primaris funded my sisters collection!
you don't, aisloppafag
It’s oc, you’re already cringe, try not to worry and just be earnest.
Have you ever wondered how the hell these guys wear capes, but at the same time have a backpack on top of the cape?

It's something that doesn't let me sleep.
That's the thing! You don't!

All of 40k is cringed until its 10 years old and then it becomes worshipped.
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I've been on the fence for starting a CSM army for a while, is there any way to make a force that makes heavy use of Chaos Terminators work?
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I think I'll start blood angels but play them as regular marines.
I need a gaming army.
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Run all bloodthirsters, got it
the cape clips at the back of the pauldrons and collar and drapes below the attach point for the powerpack
How does "assault" convey getting up into someone's face? If I throw a rock at a someone, I'll get charged with assault.
>Devastates the enemy from range
You can devastate someone with an up-close attack too.

Stop thinking in terms of WAAC faggotry, if you want heavy termies then do it brother
You need to be a special kind of autistic to remember what the difference between
this is true lmao, I automatically assume anyone that plays marines is an extremely boring person
Unfortunately Chaos termies are probably the worst out of every terminator type this edition. You can use them, you'll just be horrifically outclassed by any other terminator that gets sent against you.
>plays on hard
>why do the tyranids do so much damage :(((((
I've not even touched hard mode, literally the first warrior you fight in the first 5 minutes of the game that is meant to teach you the dodge and counter system will half your health for fucking up once, and require you to counter it several times. Part of the reason for this is because it stunlocks you so it gets a bunch of hits in where it probably shouldn't, the game is definitely sloppy in some areas but just hides it behind "muh difficulty" because soulsfags lack basic critical thinking skills.
>Considering that on the tabletop a tyranid with bonesword that got a hit in had a pretty good chance of killing them outright
considering titus is a lieutenant he should be able to tank more than a standard marine, and a single warrior isn't doing more than a couple wounds on average, conversely that should at best still mean an even fight, and you require a fair few more hits than the warrior does, even with a power sword.
Aren't they really good in the not-IW detachment?
There's a hole in the cape for the powerpack connectors.
Technically someone else did, I get a lot of my stuff secondhand to avoid GW’s insane price point.
3 names vs over a dozen.
You still have not refuted this. Once you KNOW what the firstborn ones are, you know them and probably won't forget. They're easily distinguished. Compare that to this shit.
3 of these are basically the same fucking unit.
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gonna need some context, what's the wider scene of what you are looking at in there?
okay, and? Everybody views you as sardonic boring contrarians
Someone who begins something.
Ie. them being orbital drop troops who start the engagement by slamming into the enemy positions
Just means raider

If you can't figure what these 2 above words mean you really are dumb.
idk man I can remember them just fine and I don't even play marines
you're just reminding me of the people who think I'm some kind of eidetic prodigy for being able to memorize song lyrics when the reality is that they're actually just stupid and sub-normal
Like the big armor guy who devastates the enemies?
Like the heavy weapons guy who terminates the enemies?

Tons of them can be arbitrarily swapped
>the later editions attempting to make tau more grimdark and evil was a mistake and missed the point of them
the mind control was in there since the fucking start, you gullible retard.
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Like espionage and stealth?
Do you have a problem with CSM names too? "Obliterator" and "Terminator" mean the same thing. "Defiler" is generic too. "Forgefiend" could be used for any of the daemon engines.
and nothing. It's just mindblowing to me you'd pick such a boring faction in an incredibly varied sci fi setting. The only worse choice is IG
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What's the most versatile faction in terms of units?
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This is how I Defiler.
>okay, and?
It's just an amusing observation.
uh oh exoditefag melty
Any kind anon who can share the epub/pdf for pic related book? Need more EC goodness to read
>no poisoned weapons
>can't crawl over friendly units, enemy units, or even walls
I've got it on my shelf. Honestly it's kind of mediocre, you're not missing out from not having read it.
Any decent Word Bearer books? Can be solely focused or featured at some point
I think we see SM as boring, simply because 40k is so incredibly popular
There really isn't anything like them elsewhere, except for a similar name or "big guy in armor"
This is how I Termina- I mean Devastator.
Nice assault marine anon!
obliterates things
Super tough like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Defiles stuff with it's crab claws
Has smokestacks and looks fiendish
It does WHAT for the emperor!?
>Has smokestacks and looks fiendish
Do you know how many Daemon Engines have smokestacks?
My father went to a Warhammer store while on vacation, he was a big Dawn of War fan but never got into the miniatures.
He said he bought two miniatures, one for my army and one for himself, which he wants me to paint for him.
He didn't tell me which one he got, he will be back next week, I am unironically hyped to make something for the old man.
I should buy him a black library book, which one should I get him? He always played Chaos in DoW.
I want to paint some crimson fists and i've got a lore question;
The ones who paint both their gloves red are the members of the first company. How often do marines get swapped around companies? If the army isn't the first company would there even be any marines with two red fists?
eavy metal style has gone too far
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New Space Marine unit. The Attacker Marine. He attacks you by hurling insults and offending you.
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that paintjob looks so god damn dumb, what the fuck
Storm of Iron
Ah, but how many look fiendish at the same time?
Uh, all of them?
New unit idea: Noosphere shitposter, no model, but you can pay 50 points to cause your enemy to remember such people exist, and make them slightly demotivated for life; debuff only last till end of turn
>Tell me what the fuck an "Incursor" is or does.

Someone who initiates an incursion.

If you don't know what an incursion is, is basically just a synonym for the an attack or an assualt
Isn't that the Perturabo book? I think he would be confused. Is there anything he could recognize from DoW?
Comfy wulfhall
>3 names vs over a dozen.
>3 names

Tactical, devestator, terminator, command, scout, assualt, vanguard veteran, sternguard veterancenturion.

And that's not even considering all the chapter specific ones like honor guard, death company, deathwatch, etc.

Never-ending that complaint about amount of names is retarded, space marines were going to get more units (which means more names) eventually regardless of primaris.
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This will be your new Terminator mark
Lmao at the tail
Damn the threads since femstodes confirmation are SLOW.

You know you fucked up when the autists don't shell out 5 threads a day for you anymore.
I think it has more to do with Gw announcing that there’s nothing for 40K till December.
>Isn't that the Perturabo book?
No. It's just a story about Iron Warriors CSM. It technically ties into the Uriel Ventris books, but it's a standalone story.
they have uses but the premise is about getting punched in the face first which isn't good

by the time you are actually playing the game things will have changed, take a small squad with a sorcerer and make it a cheeky curveball that you can throw somewhere the enemy is too lazy to fight you on
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Hello anons.
Assembling my first thousand-point army of imperial agents. Ordo hereticus.
I don't care about the meta. Picked them because I liked the minis. I have no idea how to balance the units. Does it even look playable?
What's your advice? Who to take, who to leave out?
Deathwatch and grey knights don't interest me.
Is anyone else actually relieved at that? Gives me time to paint stuff up.
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I admit I'm curious where is the tail attached.
and thank fucking god, I'd much rather have slower threads of slightly higher quality than 3 threads a day filled with autism posting
What name would you give to his chapter?
>he doesnt know
the closeteus homolegion
Lancers are cool but expensive, I'd take a Rogal Dorn tank and paint it in Black and Red if I was you.
Space Beavers
Green Morons
Thanks for the advice anon, but this particular knight was the main reason why I decided to build an army in the first place.
I plan on printing half of it anyway.
The Paladins of Dorn.

anon, check your eyes, there is no green.
Small heads
Red cloaks
>anon, check your eyes, there is no green.
Blue Morons then
it depends on the sculpt but the tails are attached to the legs and the jacket sits over top, so it kind of just goes up into a spot you can't see. On some of the more recent sculpts the back of the jacket is lifted and it's like your pic.
is this the shovelknight artist
Not to be rude, but are you color blind?
I see that he has rays as decoration, I will use that.
Paladins of Terra.
Why the fuck does the tail have spikes
I don't think the color matters as much as the existence of beavers, closeted gays, or paladins. It's just a retarded question, and I gave a retarded answer
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World Eaters eating good. Our detachment rule is plenty good, we just really need more units. I fear that our codex is going to go the way of Custodes and Orks and pee on everything we have going for us. Therefore, I'm happy to hear it's not coming anytime soon.
Super cute. I still need to paint mine and based on the other replies, I had better not paint the tail oily and brown. What's that on her hand though?
I like your bases but trim the fucking rim please, just paint a coat of black.
You sound upset.
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Is Vashtorr a good solution to the Perturabo problem?
How many units I'd have to buy to play WE considering I already play csm?
Yeah sure whatever
I mean... he is a god that uses daemons as tools.. but IW fanboy autism will make them screech if they ever officially work with him.
Anon, if you could actually hear me, you'd know I was laughing like an idiot. I'm having a laugh, and you're correcting my choice of color for the Morons. Would Chilly Retards be a better chapter name?
We only have like 10. If you have angron, a combat patrol, and as many eightbound as you can kitbash that's 90% of a list already. Just slot in whatever special units you prefer from there. This is my list
World Eaters Lord on Juggernaut (115pts): Exalted chainblade, Juggernaught's bladed horn, Plasma pistol, Battle-lust
World Eaters Master of Executions (125pts): Axe of dismemberment, Bolt pistol, Berzerker Glaive
Angron (415pts): Samni’arius and Spinegrinder, Warlord
Khârn the Betrayer (100pts): Gorechild, Khârn's plasma pistol
Lord Invocatus (140pts): Bolt pistol, Coward's Bane, Juggernaught's bladed horn

10x Jakhals (65pts)
5x Khorne Berserkers (90pts)
5x Khorne Berserkers (90pts)
3x Eightbound (140pts)

3x Exalted Eightbound (155pts)
3x Exalted Eightbound (155pts)
2x World Eaters Chaos Spawn (65pts)
World Eaters Helbrute (130pts): Close combat weapon, Missile launcher, Multi-melta
World Eaters Maulerfiend (140pts): Maulerfiend fists, Lasher tendrils
World Eaters Rhino (75pts): Armoured tracks, Combi-bolter
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Codex when?
Cool, I've already got all csm stuff from here and was planning to get some Eightbound kits for alternative possessed
>Has a giant sword on his back
>Fights in melee with his pistols
Hopefully not soon. I rather enjoy playing with free rules.
One of the first three of 2025, we already know that
>I don't care about the meta.
>Who to take, who to leave out?
Sounds like you care about meta

Looks like you have a Knight list with some chaff and an assassin to me
I think the parasyte is one of the coolest nid models.
The sword is only for foes worthy of its usage, and you're not worthy.
No gravity in space, silly
Yeah Eightbound and Possessed kitbash well together. You probably have enough just with Angron if you've already got them, some daemon engines and stuff. Lately there's been a lot of hype about World Eaters terminators
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Maybe there's a reason nobody uses that sword
Atleast we know that 10th edition will end when Guards get their codex
Nah this time you're getting the B team instead on an extended length Edition, so you get to enjoy it for longer
I just want to know if my army will be playable. I don't want to be super optimal, but I don't want to lose instantly because I have a bad army balance.
exclusively for killing the emperor
It will be playable on the basis that your opponent might not be properly tooled to deal with a melee knight at 1000pts, the Agents part of the army bar the assassin is almost immaterial, none of it will really do much of anything
Was it good?
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Yes. Until they're gone or the end of time, whichever comes first.
Should I get a "burn the heretic, kill the mutant, purge the unclean" aquila sweatshirt?
>i swear officer its not my sword
>i was just holding it for somebody
cut the sisters, add a chimera, double the henchman
Run Grayfax as a regular Inquisitor because I feel like its a better character, unless you really care about the anti-psyker. I have the model and just run her as an inquisitor.


You have no idea how fucking durable the a giant blob of breachers led by the Rogue Trader is. You can use the rejuvenant to respawn your 4++ invuln body guard every round and they can punch way above their weight class for 195 points. They are the kind of thing you need to soak up hoards of black templars and boyz. Get a chimera, the chimera might be the single best unit in the agents codex. A chimera with an inquisitor and multimelta combat servitor in it can annihilate almost anything, and can one round max size MEQ squads. Canis Rex is a far better include than the lancer but Im not going to stop you from picking your favorite knight.

An immolator lets you split the BSS into two sticky objective squads while being a good scrappy unit. The Ministorum Priest just isn't worth the points and I don't think he even looks cool.

Vindicare is great at 110 points, and if you add another assassin thats fantastic as well (eversor or culexus are both amazing and fun options).

The rogue trade box give you a voidsmen unit and the rogue trader entourage which you put on the breachers so thats 155 points in one 50 dollar box which isnt bad.
keep your shit opinion for /v/
should i just use regular csm models for alpha legion or would it be better to use loyalist marines with like custom shoulders
Up to you, personally I would use HH models because cheaper and cooler.
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>A new miracle from Mars? Praise be to the Omnissiah!
Some have it easier than others.

heresy era alpha legion just feels right. chaos marines with all the spikey trim and skulls and tongues and shit just doesnt feel alpha legion.
Thanks for the tip guys!
And big thanks to you for lengthy suggestion. Will consider.
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You forgot suppressors. To be fair, so did GW.
--> >>93904590
This. Also - buy some FW AL characters to add some flavor. Pic related.
actually forgot about heresy models, i wouldve assumed they would be more expensive then new shit
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Use HH models. Primaris aren't really supposed to be a CSM thing, even after they got corrupted by Khorne.

Not anymore. Given how GW has been increasing prices these recent years, plastic is becoming almost as expensive as resin is. Ebay tends to have the resin characters cheaper than msrp, so maybe try your luck there.
>One multi-melta annihilates anything
>14 x T3 chumps soaking Crusader/Boyz blobs
lol? What planet is this post from
Is still worth it getting on Warhammer in 2024?

What is a good starter set?

Is a 3d printer worth it?
Spiky Alpha legion should be the default in 40k. They're splintered as fuck and some are unironically open loyalists, but the majority of them look like pic related.
you specialize the chimera. if you take the 3 flamers and multilaser on the chimera, have the flamer from the generic inquisitor and take the multimelta because its generally the best option but if you want to mow through chaff even more you can take another heavy bolter.

Ive consistently one rounded Boyz and Kommandoz at my LGS much to the chagrin of my ork buddy Ive played agents against the most. Even better, if you go the AV loadout you can get reroll wound rolls of 1 from Navis Imperialis detachment to help out your shooting because the breachers dont need the invuln save to live on points. My Canis Rex and deathwatch thunder hammers are my dedicated antivehicle.
Stupid question.
You can start with Kill Team to try it before you invest more time and money into big 40k
>What is a good starter set?
Dark Vengeance
>Is still worth it getting on Warhammer in 2024?
If you're into building and painting miniatures and rolling dice, yes.
>What is a good starter set?
Whatever you find coolest, rules and the game change all the time, you will spend most of your time working on your miniatures, so buy something you actually enjoy crafting and looking at.
>Is a 3d printer worth it?
Yeah, but not for beginners, the process isn't easy, same as an air brush.
Also adding on I dont really like the Agents squad and am thinking of just running the generic Inquisitor in Chimera instead of paying 60 points for a single heavy weapon but its still kind of worth it if you can disembark and throw a grenade with a 50% chance of free mortal wounds.
Yea, the flanderization of Alpha legion is better than actual Alpha Legion. Actual Alphas in lore are sorcerers and fully chaos. If you want to lean into the clean renegade aspect use HH models.
>Is still worth it getting on Warhammer in 2024?
>What is a good starter set?
Look on ebay, marketplace or similar for half (Space Marines or Tyranids) of the Leviathan starter set, or buy a combat patrol from a faction you like the look of.
>Is a 3d printer worth it?
Do you plan on printing terrain or non Games Workshop models? If so, then yes. Otherwise, it depends.

>You can start with Kill Team to try it
I disagree with this approach. KT is such a different game that it doesn't quite convey the same feeling as 40k. I get the idea, but I'd say combat patrol is a better starting point, even if it does require building a few more models.
Do DA play as a different army from just regular marines?
You said one with a MM will annihilate anything, but what you actually meant was shit chaff. ok.

I still don't know what you think is durable about that entourage squad, a single unled Crusader MSU overkills it significantly by itself
That's very astute by Corax. If only he hadn't gotten so epically pwned.

I’m Interested in making 40K iron warriors but the CSM box is a bit too spikey for me, can I use 30k space marine armour and mix it with the 40K box and will it be ‘legal’ to use as chaos marines in tournaments and official stores? I heard you can’t use HH models in 40K but I don’t know

Any iron warriors chaos anons plz halp, the generic CSM don’t look iron warrior enough
You can't use units, not regular marines.
Just buy your nu mk3 boxes
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>Is still worth it getting on Warhammer in 2024?
Not really unless you want to get into one of the side games. Models have been garbage, 10th edition rules are frustratingly restrictive,, and 40k isn't getting anything else for the rest of the year. Releases for everything else look to be slowing down as well.

>What is a good starter set?
Christmas boxes are usually better than average, but who knows how cheap GW will be this year. They've been extra stingy lately, especially with bundle boxes like combat patrol.

>Is a 3d printer worth it?
3D printing is a hobby all on its own. It's less that you buy a 3D printer for 40k, and more that 40k is just a side project once you get a 3D printer.
Sure, its great fun.
So you can use mk3 marines as iron warriors in 40K ‘legally’?
>official stores
irrelevant, you shouldn't be playing there anyway
Depends how much creative liberties you're taking, things have to be clear.
Wait for battleforces this winter
Absolutely. I wish I had the space for one.
"legally"? yes, but faggy as fuck
What's wrong with that?
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2024 and Honsu still doesn't have a mini but Ventris does. Fucking loyalist bias...
honsu is such a boring donut steel-tier character
thats not what I read you dumbass. I said a chimera with an inquisitor and multimelta from the agents squad will annihilate almost anything, and specifically one round MEQs. which it will, and you would know if you played the game.
anon do you not know what the Firing Deck rule does?
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Fucking FINALLY,

damn thats a sexy looking box though.
>A chimera with an inquisitor and multimelta combat servitor in it can annihilate almost anything, and can one round max size MEQ squads.
"almost anything" = an MSU MEQ squad. Like I said. "ok".

Seem to still be backing off that other comment about the entourage, care to explain further on that or am I to assume you play at a retard-friendly daycare LGS and it seems durable because people are assaulting it with tactical marines?
15 model regenerating 4++ invuln is very bulky for the cost with lots of nifty little special rules and the navis detachment gives fall back and charge and reaction move strat
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I can't put my finger on the reason why, but for some reason GSC guardsmen are a lot more rad than their Chaos counterparts.
>15 model regenerating 4++ invuln is very bulky for the cost
The units you specifically mentioned - Boyz and Crusaders - on average kill it easily and trade upwards doing so..
the traitor ogryn is model of the decade. Its just an amazing sculpt that hits the perfect blend of detail and silhouette without being overloaded and perfectly captures its fantasy.
Best banner
the traitor guard killteam is just a worse version of the BSF blooded models
The Old World just got a 2k points army for 90 pounds. Bros... 40k is dead.
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Well shit like this is what should happen. They should be making better details on models while keeping to the original designs, not diluting and flanderizing with copy-paste garbage. CSM came out on top with their refreshes.
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I'm 100% with you on the ogryn, but i cannot stand monopose models. Pic related, i kitbashed the second one i got. Got inspired by that metal handed troll from hellboy 2.
After all, the more cheaply priced something is the more valuable and in-demand it is.

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If I wanted to expand this squad of chosen with 5 more guys dedicated to minor chaos deities, who should make the cut?

>power fist
Based ogryn, looks amazing.
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3DP DG land raider
might take awhile but i like it so far
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Fucking finally, god damn.
What if I don't thin my paints? What then?
Your models get -2" movement, +1 to saves
They'll look thick and could obscure details depending on how much you apply
I don't like the idea of rat, it's a distinctly AoS thing, like Vashtorr is 40k only
>8th ed. lord of contagion head
>Abby body
>disco lord spear
>NL banner
Anon that kitbash must have cost upwards of a hundo wtf?
you know bits sellers exist right
Never saw either of them listed in stock mate. You must be putting in alerts lmao. Still, great kitbash
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Recast LoC that i used for other stuff was about $5
Did think about using a disco lord chainglaive (its cool) but its just an Eightbound weapon on brass rod with some details. £2 bit
NL banner was free from a based edge marines player who had it spare. Otherwise would have been a pain to track down.
Do these four.
Can you point me towards that DG recast? Was it chinesium or the russian? Wanted that mini for a long time.
SPTKS, over on yoyhammer. Usually he doesn't deal with new customers but considering they're getting out of the GW casting side maybe he'll be open to it.
Or you could wait for one of the sales on there, then it'd be dirt cheap
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>painting my first miniatures
>follow step by step guides and take it slow so I don't completely muck everything up
>assemble everything, glue, base coat
>start actually painting and realize that I can't get to a lot of spots due to how the models are holding their guns
I really should have painted before assembling them, huh?
maybe some kind of chaos votann of hashut?

but im not a setting purist, so i really think its fine to bring over the aos/fantasy chaos gods and entities like horned rat and hashut, and GW seems to agree now that belakor is in both settings
Should have primed models black and left those spots as shadows
I don't think I would've been able to guess that was 3d printed, I don't even see any layer lines, did you have to sand it?
go from deep to high when applying basecoats, use a cheap small synthetic brush because you will fuck up your bristles when shoving into deep spaces, backtrack and correct happy little mistakes, the guides and videos never show this but it happens to everyone that you forget a little splosh
also, shading fixed alot of weird looking things while painting

sub assembly and painting is a thing hut I only do it for characters
there’s a difference between getting troops battle ready and making an eyecatcher
if you cannot physically reach a spot, noone will see it either

what miniatures are you painting anon?
if you print at .02mm layers with anti aliasing on resin prints will never have print lines, which is why it's so hilarious that GW masters are still having print lines
only fdm printers have the bad layer lines. actual 200-300 dollar models dont have the problem, the difference in price is resolution or size of the printing plate.
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vashtorr(/ashut) to represent malevolent artifice
belakor(/malal) to represent ravenous dissolution
morghur because he represents formless distortion, glorified spawnhood
rat because he holds dominion over desperation now

as for the final entry I'll suggest something unhortodox: nuffle, lord of the snake eyes and ultimate arbiter of fate, chaos god patron of blood bowl, who is canonically stronger than all of the gods, which is a fun little project to try your hand at a chaos god that represents "order" somewhat, the closest thing to a conventionally omnipotent almighty yahweh kind of figure if you squint hard enough.
il do some more digging but from an initial look i see lots of people selling already painted models and entire armies for high prices, hows the current recaster market for this stuff? or should i just keep looking to find OG heresy models
also seen a good bit of stuff on etsy for alpha legion parts and such
>chaos votann
Sorry anon, the budget cuts mean we can't give you sumo claps, fire breath, or any goblet spewing attacks.
It looks like she has living liquid shit coming out of her ass
i went all out on subassemblies on the first primaris squad i painted so i could reach the chest eagle. Plasma glow, fully highlighted aquila, every angle of every pouch highlighted and shaded etc.
The second squad i just stopped caring and it came out looking the same. I painted what i could reach so it ended up looking good lmao. The shadowy areas stayed black and it was entirely unnitoceable unless you zoom really in.
looks like wet shit anon
Is this what they mean by braap and pretzel game?
Found some leads, but i think i'll stick to BMM, thank you though <3
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>mfw this was the last expansion Lance saw
At least he went out knowing he did John Wick.
Ive played enough shin megami tensei games to know the most powerful being in the universe is a always a japenese teenager, YHVH be damned.
I know hes getting out of it and it makes me sad.
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How to find golden angle
How to put light from both sides

How to not see all the little mistakes from the too high resolution camera
The one miniature photography pro-tip I got from an old acquaintance was to take photos from a slightly raised angle instead of straight-on.
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>How to not see all the little mistakes from the too high resolution camera
Generally if you can reach it to paint, you can't see it.
Vashtorr (cybernetics)
Raptor God (take a guess)
Hashut (fire)
I always resized my pictures down to hide blemishes.
I'm not online enough to understand this post or what it has to do with hashut
dont give the schizo any attention
Are the nightlords solo release yet?
preorder next week
is that a schizo thing what he's posting? i literally dont frequent this thread often enough to even understand what it meant or what that purple guy has to do with it. i dont even know what that purple thing is from, it doesnt look like 40k, or at least not a 40k character im familiar with
don't give /v/otannposters any attention. they're the vanguard to the current /v/ invasion
all votann is schizoid
he's posting /v/otann
I wonder how easy itll be to buy just the upgrade sprues. I have like 20 legionnaires that I'd love to night-lordify.
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>i dont even know what that purple thing is from, it doesnt look like 40k, or at least not a 40k character im familiar with
Of course not, the Leagues are a new 40k army. They resemble Van Saar in many ways like that color but nothing like main 40k.
it's one retard and he's been here for years
Yes, it's you
nope, I don't acknowledge votann at all
Yeah, he also replies to others pretending not to be himself. He falseflags often when posting.
>not calling them the /v/otann
not buying your vidya
I for one, accept my /v/ overlords and their Leagues of Votann.
>/v/an saar
it was right in front of us all along
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This is how I C'tan.
If AdMech gets those STCs, would they be happy?
>they're the vanguard to the current /v/ invasion
How long have they prepared? I know SM2 is new but how long did they plan this?
anyone who posts /v/otann is a crossboarder trying to fill /tg/ with /v/.
I want to eat Orks
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>Leagues of Votann are literally just Van Saar but wider.
STCs have won.
Cyberdaemons when
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>more /v/
the /v/otann were only a start. you wanted a beachhead to legitimize yourself for more /v/ didn't you? im not buying your mmo
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>im not buying your mmo
Yes you are.
>schizoid /v/fag admits it
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Speaking of Kill team, I primed all my mandrakes today as well as some ghouls. I think Ill try out a mandrake colorscheme on one of those ghouls first too.
So are the wolves taxidermies or have they been trained to pose symmetrically?
statues I'd guess
if you say /v/ashtorr next I'm stealing something from your house
so its from a video game? i actually dont understand and your vague allusions arent helping
it's a /v/otann army gw ported from video game mmo shooters
It's concept art of a League of Votann Daemon Prince GW tried making.
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Do they really gatekeep in America?
I'm surprised to see this meme existing in more and more places
Why would someone who doesn't like 40K get worried some "sweaty neckbeard I think is beneath me" won't want them to play 40K?
>so its from a video game
Another property that games workshop owns. Now that it's dying, they're desperately trying to save whatever they can profit from & put it in 40k
the issue is people coming into the hobby hellbent on changing it for political brownie points. Sadly you can't gatekeep if the company itself sides with the political activists
Tourists everywhere. They try to use 40k in their culture war. One time I saw someone try to imply SM successor chapters don't exist or getting upset at that Cadian lady from Space Marine 2, calling her an Indian from her skin color. They need to gatekeeped into a rape dungeon where they will be violated until they learn better.
>calling her an Indian
is she not?
>or getting upset at that Cadian lady from Space Marine 2, calling her an Indian from her skin color.
it doesnt make sense for the empire to be in a constant state of technological decline, surely in some corner of the empire people have rediscovered old tech and are making good use of it.
someone on /v/ was shitposting a few days ago complaining about female cadians. No idea why >>93906207 is taking it seriously
>the empire
>technological decline
>everything about cawl
>obscure fluff points out some ship designs were invented in the 41st millennium (and said fluff was written during the perpetual minute-to-midnight time before the galaxy was split in two and the 42nd millennium started)
>that unaesthetic leman russ replacement tank that is ugly and not iconic at all
>STCs being recovered in general
>>that unaesthetic leman russ replacement tank that is ugly and not iconic at all
all of guards tanks are ugly except for the baneblade albiet.
The Tau Empire is constantly evolving their tech, I have no idea what your talking about
ah fuck you. imperium is cringe to write out.
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Finally finished a box of infiltrators and a chaplain that have been sitting in a drawer for 2 years
the martian cult hoards and monopolizes the fields of rediscovery, development, maintenance and production.

you don't get to do anything yourself without becoming the political enemy of a faction so powerful not even the emperor wanted to mess with.
>imperium is cringe
I think we need to keep a gate from you
You going for classic black skin and green glows or trying something fancy?
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I miss when Imperial Guard Platoons were a thing that actually mattered.
I asked about a week ago if the mandrakes had any alternative colorschemes to try out, but I didnt find any that looked as interesting as the classic black + green, so I think Ill just stick with that.
Good luck. I like the black skin look but I went for purple glow myself to fit my army color theme.
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If you use "firstborn" or "Primaris™" you are a giant faggot. They're Space Marines.
the orange/black/purple is cool.
I thought about purple glow, but I have a lot of green contrast paints (scorpion green, dangels green, tessaract glow) and not so many purples, so its also gonna make it a whole lot easier for me to paint them with green glow.
howd you make the base cracked texture?
>they're the vanguard to the current /v/ invasion
I don't know about you but if anything is to blame for that it's probably Baldur's Gate 3
Are you retarded or is this actual irony? The mind control thing came from the old xenology book, which was written from the in-universe perspective of an Imperial who suggested that, since the Tau follow the Ethereals, that they must be somehow influenced from the outside (i.e. the Ethereal caste). This has, predictably from retards who don't read the fluff, become memetic and repeated by others of that same ilk mentioned. It is gullible to think that, due to the Imperial perspective, it is the truth. This is why I want to believe your post is ironic. I doubt it, but I want to believe it. I couldn't imagine falling for in-universe propaganda.
>imperium is cringe to write out.
That's a you issue, there is nothing wrong with the word Imperium.
Is a romance language your first language?
I will never call primaris space marines "space marines". They must forever know their place as just a cheap fucking knock-offs, mere usurpers to the throne.
you own no models, your opinion holds no weight
>posts no models himself
It's your rules.
Sex with deamons
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>n-no you have to first!!!
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Fuck yourself. These are the real Iron Warriors.
When you cuddle a girl and then kiss and then fall asleep together
now that the thread is saging
Holy fuck did they drop the fucking ball on the jump pack+thunder hammer in SM2
In SM1 I was pissed when he discarded the pack, I wanted to keep it the entire rest of the game.
I was so relived in SM2 when he dropped the pack, and I was so disappointed with the Thunder Hammer that I went right back to the Combat Knife.
It's interesting the cadians in sm 2 still use kandraels instead of the new lasguns the updated models use.
>The mind control thing came from the old xenology book
No, it wasn't, read the fucking codex you faggot secondary.
Can't tell if he has purple eyes, or his ethnicity
there's still some old stuff in game. I noticed there were some rhinos in the hanger during the captains speech.
I'm waiting ;)
not him but which codex? 10th edition implies no one truly knows why the Tau worship the ethereals.
The first, it was right there since the start, the only people thinking it was added later are either parroting some youtuber or are literally too dumb to understand what they're reading.
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Now what?
>unpainted, undrilled squatty CSM
I don't believe these are yours for one second, and even if they are you should be ashamed
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>you don't own model
>your models are bad and I don't think they're yours
Ok, you post a timestamp and I'll post a timestamp. How about it, primarisfag?
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I don't have the 3rd edition codex but I do have the 4th edition and you're correct.

>It is speculated that they exert some kind of pheromone based or latent psychic control over the other castes, as loyalty to the Ethereals is absolute and unwavering
>they must've been pretending to be retarded
>also posting videos of themselves on youtube over that one black ultramarine in sm2
I want to put helmets on my space marine scouts, what will work best?
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OG Elysians used SM scouts as their base, so maybe Elysian heads?
Oh right, I remember Synthetic Man bitching about politics throughout his play https://x.com/LawJeannette/status/1834382067125117422
Blows my mind that scouts are 100% helmetless. You'd really think there's be some kind of option for them.
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I used dark angels hooded halfmasks
>10th edition tau codex omits the mind control stuff
So the Tau mind control is getting retconned?
I like this look
there is hardly any printed stuff for it either
this would be clean as fuck for a DA player's scouts, holy shit that looks good anon. trying to find more fullhelm looks for my BT boys though, but I might lift this idea anyways for a few of them. thanks anon.
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Okay I had to google search who the hell that is and he had an entire section to his review about "DEI". What the fuck is this man? I'm having a hard time containing my laughter. Please tell me this is a joke review.
Probably not, they probably just want to pussyfoot around it like they do everything. Even in the Farsight novels, it was never explicitly stated that it was mind control - GW probably doesn't want to commit to anything, so they're doing their classic 'ignore the lore until another edition' shtick.

The Ethereals haven't changed, Farsight is still renegade, and Shadowsun is still in the Empire (even though at the end of her book she should've been, at the very least, censured by the Ethereal Caste). Standard GW Xeno lore, check back later.
Are googles good enough or you want helmet-helmets?
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>be me new DG player
>want the plague marine sculpts from the First Strike box set
>box is going for like $60-70 on ebay
>fucking $40-50 for just the 3 plague marines
>not seeing any listings (current or sold) for the marine half
what in the fuck? DG bros, are we getting hosed?
There's also Palanite Enforcer heads, which might look fine on the new, larger scout bodies and fit with the style of MkX helmets on other primaris.
no, modern codexes are glorified products pamphlets and retard taxes, barely containing any information about the faction they're supposedly the ultimate guides for that isn't some vague superficial introduction paraphrased a dozen times over the span of different paragraphs.
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always have been hosed, we still don't have 8th starter Lord of Contagion
In which codex did they talk about the mind control stuff?
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4th edition is the one I own so it's the one I used
>It is speculated
Omoshiroii wording, that means it's not confirmed to happen and might be just the Inquisition just pulling ideas out of their ass.
From the newer books tau do go against the Ethereals while around them sometimes although all the examples I can think of were in some way warp touched so I can't really say either way.
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It is speculation on behalf of the Imperium, not hard confirmation.
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Is this true?
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Me question how many downed Space Marines are dead in vidya vs suspended animation geneseed waiting an Apothecary.
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>it's on the sprue with the monopose plague marines
>they really put the fucking Chosen of Mortarion dudes* on their own sprue, but lumped the Lord of Contagion in with the fucking monopose shit that will never ever get reprinted
>the intention is probably just to sell more Lord Felthus, who's imo the shittest model in the range (really the only DG model that I actually don't like)
*these are great models don't get me wrong, it was the blightbringer that first hooked me on DG
I was lucky enough to get a decent deal on an LoC new still on the sprue, but now I'm afraid to paint him cause I'll probably never get another (also mfw)
no, and go back
>reading the 3rd edition Tau codex
>it says Kroot don't poop or pee
interesting lore indeed
Man I want this model so bad.

How come death guard models are some of the most scalped out there?
Do they spit out waste then or does it pool up?
They emit a terrible smell commonly used to troll Tau
IIRC they sweat their waste out.
>instead of hunting, they just sleep until you die, and eat your corpse
kroot are actual ghouls confirmed
ye cheers, was happy with how their hoods fitted in the headslots
gonna shift em up the queue to run in some KT while I get the rest of my donutsteel bangels successors painted up
Need a kroot gf to lick her armpits after a long day of the greater good.
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Fuckin nice.
Ready for base coat touch ups and then shading as well as colouring all the little lenses. Man I fucking hate exposed tracks though.
now post the part about the tau having a nervous laugh when thinking about how kroots may control krootoxes
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oh the irony
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>How come death guard models are some of the most scalped out there?
Fuck if I know man, but being new to the hobby and seeing a single dude from the SM Heros 3 set going for more than a new box of fuckin Plague Marines makes my head hurt. They're cool, yea, but the sculpts aren't THAT good. Goddamn.
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>Post models and WIPs
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>Mandrakes are EIGHTY (80) USD for a box of 10 dudes

Everyone point and laugh at the Dark Eldar players
are you telling me the mandrakes I bought for 60 bucks from a scalper were cheaper than the official listing
are you for real? i just got my gf 40 termagants on ebay for 80 cad lmfao
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Painted a few lads today as part of the great repaint.
Probably going to do a Valkryie this week.
nice color scheme anon
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Second ever attempt glazing on a largeish piece of fabric, and I'm pretty happy with it. Definitely could be pushed way further, but the volumes are fairly well defined, I think?
what teal is that
They don't even look that good to warrant the cost. People are better off converting the aos models than buying the kill team box I think.
Auspex posted a video with prices for the new Killteam drops ($230 for the Hivestorm box, $65 for Jaegers, $75 for Night Lords, $65 for Brood Brothers, 4 older killteams repacked in new boxes with price hikes bringing them to around $65-75 each). $65 seems to be the new low-point for KT boxes versus the older $60 price for boxes.
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Blue Cosmos are some of the most vile villains I've ever seen. Their primary goal is to deprive humanity of tits and ass like this. I've never seen such a despicable goal.
we've got a lot of collectors honestly. it doesn't make the most sense but w/e
Say, would it be too NobleBright that my chapter's apothecarion could make vat-grown limbs? They'd still use prosthetics, but would try to graft a replacement limb when available.
Bay grown is actually more common than augmetics because of imperial schizo tech.
Seems totally fine to me
I'm really hoping he does similar videos on the Sanguinor and the Sanguinary Guard just to style on GW even harder.

Prime white -> lupercal green base coat -> Corelia greenshade wash -> first coat of Kaballite green -> Drybrush Whitescar Paint Or Ulthuan Gray (Ulthuan is my general favorite but I ran out) -> drybrush Kaballite over the green again with a light coating.
anon this is dangerously close to orange and teal
I've been doing it for a while.
I wanted to play with a teal color/sea green and copper.
So far its a scheme I've enjoyed and I've also begun playing with adding more metal to the power pack vents to break it up a little.
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Warbikers WIP. I wish I could snap the riders off of the other two, because holy shit they are a pain to paint around.
Makes me not want to paint warbikers, but I was able to remove all of my other riders from their bikes.
ah shit almost forgot to say

Day 5 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
Yeah definitely this. Basically as long as the injury doesn't affect some bits of the brain, downed marines are merely comatose.
Not to spoiler, but you know who gets impaled by a Carnifex and still survives. The Chaplain said the wound would've been fatal
it would be based if it was orange and teal
Post physique or you're just another daydreaming failure
maybe in a couple months I'll post a before and after
I'm afraid I'm going to have to not believe you until I see a before picture at the gym. Give us something to work with here.
Even letter anon posts his letters on the daily
So what's the story with von Ryan's leapers? They look like little lictors but looking at their rules they seem to just be big hormagaunts?

How do you use these guys? What's their preferred target? Chaff blender? Any combos?
My before picture is pretty bad, I'm not posting it until I've got an after picture so people can be like, "oh ok he's on his way to not looking like a trashbag full of suet"
Counter charge chaff killers. Free heroic intervention + fights first means that they give orks a really rough time. Park them next to a likely charge target and spring the trap when your opponent obliges.
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Speaking of mandrakes, earlier when I was priming I accidentally dropped the piece (left) and kinda messed it up a bit. Luckily i was able to clip off the duplicate from the sprue and prime that without issues (right)

What should I do with the extra? Matter of fact, what should I do with all the extra bits off the mandrake sprues? There's a lot of cool swords and sickles and such. I wonder if I should give them to some of my ghouls.
>tried painting a few IG boxes during covid (my intro to 40k)
>painted about thirteen guardsmen and a couple of Ogryn and then threw in the towel
>interest re-piqued due to obvious reasons
>say fuck it and buy the necron killteam box
Is killteam good? I got too distracted trying to amass an army of guardsmen so I figure I'll have better luck this time around.
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Testing a scheme, still wip. Does it look like bad moons? I've seen old bad moons be yellow and blue but I'm not sure about the look. Don't want them to look like swedish/ukraine orks.
What's a fun random unit to throw into a marine list? I'm thinking Navigator because I like the model
Definitely does not remind me of flags, your yellow is more orangey
you have less than a year to enjoy uoir necron killteam.
you know your doomposting image has been deboonked several times by now right?
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I dunno what you are on about but okay bruv.
the post about killteams getting squatted is only for official GW tourneys retard
thats all that matters.
not even worth a (you)
is the back banner on the sternguard kit an actual wargear choice or could I kitbash and make a bunch of them for all my veterans
They were my other choice
Im glad you agreed with me in the end.
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It's so fucking over.
New bread when
Please understand, there are 5 images left. There are starving children in Africa you could use those image posts, so we can not waste them.
Assassins will actually do something. A navigator is just a 12" no deep strike who does to a fart in his general direction.

Inquisitor is the fluffiest choice. They can actually lead a space marine battleline unit and give it 50% CP refund and you can make a up a little story for why your inquisitor is with your marines.
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I can't take this anymore. I need bread.
Post models.
Next thread
Anyone in north Toronto wanna do a game this week?
Nomodels secondary
I have way too many models. I have lost all control of my life
I don't dislike primaris marines. I realized I just dislike the trolls that escaped /b/ "shilling" them.
Its always the same as if they're bots.
>see someone with negative opinion on Primaris marines
>ask for models to be posted or call them a grog
>always and I mean ALWAYS the primaris-bot never posts a single model
No one asked you faggot
nope move to vancouver
too bad, stay mad.
the only space marines that should be on 40s are terminators. everybody else should be on 32s. god damn it pisses me off that half my fucking marine army is on 40s, they look absurd
I might go inquisitor then, i was hoping to bring something a bit more silly but looking over the unit list things seem pretty limited
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all space marines should be on 60s.
Characters should being on bigger bases.
what do my fellow canadians use for buying 40k? Ive been watching a lot of poorhammer videos trying to get into the hobby and they all state not to use MSRP or the games workshop site cause its too expensive but the options they suggest seem to not work or ship to Canada or shipping adds extra fees that make it more expensive
lmao they fucked it up, hes not a primaris deathwatch. looked so much better.
Where is this video from?

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