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Previously: >>93899876

Grammatical errors edition.

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What color identity do women (female) play?
Oh look another garbage TQ!
Just stop doing TQs
whatever the fuck cat and dog tribal is in - monowhite or some shit.
>What color identity do women (female) play?
All of them going by the 500+ commander shows out there. What a dumb fucking question.
Nah that's women (male)
You could make a thread at any point after 300, bitchboy. Why cry about it?
That already exists, and WotC's official word is Naya.
Better thread question. Name one thing you'd like to improve at in mtg, and provide one piece of advice.
You could also just not bake if you have no TQ in mind
Alternative TQ

For each of these, explain what you assume about a person when they say it is their favorite color identity.
That's a shit question.
I baked specifically with that question in mind.
increase individual set sizes, reduce amount of sets and special edition stuff released, pare down the power creep we're seeing
Of the women I know Blue is underrepresented except for Simic. Rakdos is notably common. Selesnya is also common. Orzhov as well. White and black just seem favored.

But the sample is so small that it ain't representative.

also 5 color seems really favored among trans women i noticed for some reason
Cap life gain to 60.
So are you retarded? Obviously women play all color identities so, are you retarded?
Riiiiight so the problem isn't actually the question, it's how the question made you feel.
Sounds like a you problem.
hey I looked at the archives and couldn't find it on google so does anyone have that "blue player's face when it's your turn" with the guy just smiling with bright blue eyes?
Retard shitposter.
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>does anyone have
Yeah, I do thanks.
you are welcome
So you're not only a shitposting retard, but a malicious one. What decks do you play?
So do you have a vagina, wish you did, or just act like you do?
Whenever someone is thinking about who or what to target, I always start acting like I am not paying any attention and barely in the game, hoping they'll ignore me because I don't seem to care about what is happening.
>5 player game
>2 real women
>both playing orzhov
Neither was vampires, which would be the obvious explanation.
Autisima, Weaver of Mana
Legendary creature - Elf Druid

Before the game, if Autisima is your commander, you may reorder your deck by placing every land card between your choice of any number of nonland cards. If two lands would be put together, they are placed at the bottom of your library.

If for any reason your opponent would cut your deck or shuffle your library, instead they do not.

Haste, trample, vigilance

[i]the historic practices of mana weaving cause joy to several, but grief to a few. The weavers continue regardless, as they have for centuries. [/i]
Gay Bolas
Stair Bolas
Bay Golas
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Can't believe they made a card based on this ritual poster.
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Can't believe they made a card based on this ritual poster.
>this fag is back
Colour me surprised.
I don't think they play consistent color identities, but they do commit to board state more. Tokens, fatties, enchantments, artifacts, whatever. I've never played with a woman who plays spellslinger, burn, or combo outside of Arisrocrats shenanigans.
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i want to do some dumb shit with these two, what should i include? im already looking at classics like past in flames / open the vaults. the idea is to keep lumra as the only creature in the deck then just dumb a shitload of land onto the field and start doing stupid stuff with it. commander is irrelevant, but im leaning towards 5-color just for maximum wack factor
I bought these cards, I want them on the field.
why the fuck is mkm not listing the rest of the new commander cards
That's too much card text, I'm not reading it
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The fuck are you trying to do? Who told you this was a good idea?
>he doesnt know what oath of druids does
Embarassing new friend.
im trying to play dumb recursion combos for no other reason than i can
Wasted image because now I can't use it this thread.
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We will depart when /ccg/ is brought back.
duration is just another word for charge counter but more thematic
Instead, why dont you run the bear as your commander, basalt orb your library into your yard, run a single eldrazi to reshuffle, repeat until every land is in your yard but the eldrazi, cast the bear, get all your lands, sac them to zuran orb, flicker the bear, get all your lands back, do it again, and eventually aetherflux people with your absurdly high life total?
Why do my friends get mad when I focus one person at the table? I usually just focus down whoever is doing the best.

They always tell me to "share the love" but that concept has never made sense to me. Why slowly whittle down everyone when you can deal with people individually?
You have the power to bring it back, you narcissistic troglodyte. Put in the effort to foster a community rather than shitposting in this one.
Buddy, I asked to be reminded what Smothering Tithe does last week even though I'm very familiar with it.
I'm not dedicating brain-space to memorizing the text on premium cardboard, no matter how overused it is. I have better things to be doing in life, I'll read it when I need to.
The girls I've played with play mono green stompy, selesnia life gain, and rakdos vampires. I haven't seen a woman touch the color blue desu. Blue is too nerdy.
You're wrong, because blue is where the faeries are
>does your opponent control more creatures?
>if yes, reveal cards until you hit a creature
>if no, lol
>but also it's symeterical so be careful
There you go, you now cant remember your childhood best friend.
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>Zimone is just another landfall flavor of the month that focuses on generic goodstuff creatures
Im just going to rebuild Kadena
Oh shit, you're right, I have played a girl with a barely modified fairy precon.
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>dies to Doom Blade
Was it me?
I appreciate your effort in replying to this, anon
I will never not be mad that they made the disguise creatures differ from manifests so you can tell them apart
manifest dread is the correct way to go
Competitive EDH players are smelly, should be laughed at and pushed out of EDH circles
ok that got me
Probably not but do you have a boyfriend who plays Esper eminence Knights?
Because if one guy gets hard focused he dies early and has to wait for a long time until the rest of the players finish up the game, which feels bad.
he was surprisingly accurate too. all the colors I play I pretty much am even if just really generic descriptions. all but punching the wall part tho
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Same energy.
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Dont make me tap the sign.
99.9% of people don't give a fuck.
No, but weirdly someone was playing knights last week. Don't think it was Esper. He's not my boyfriend, and I wasn't playing faeries then, but I do have a modified faerie pre-con where I just added more faeries.
because they are always focusing me when the combo player gets to sit in the corner untouched
>I'm the cool guy who says cool guy things!
You're a fucking dork taking a casual format way too seriously. Get out of this small pond, big fish.
Nah it means the first thing.
If you think zimone compares unfavourably to kadena you got filtered
It doesn't matter because according to the rules you have to track every single one and you have to be able to answer which one came in first if your opponent asks
Yeah, the girl I played with seemed a little young and naive to be on 4chan. Also, mandatory tits or gtfo retard
Your fingernails will split before tapping the sign means anything.
Why do anything if you arent going to try your best? Ennui is only cool when you're already attractive and accomplished.

Never has, never will.
Fuck you. You don't get to tell me what I mean when I say git gud. It sure as fuck isn't "LE BELIEVE IN THE YOU THAT BELIEGVES IN THE ME THAT BELIEVES IN YOU" shit. It's me saying you suck. Anything else is you coping.
>seemed a little young and naive to be on 4chan.
I could be young and naive, you don't know
well yes but they don't know what is under there unless they saw it revealed. now that some have ward 2 they can deduce what it atleast is not
>"Fuck you. You don't get to tell me what I mean when I say git gud. It sure as fuck isn't "LE BELIEVE IN THE YOU THAT BELIEGVES IN THE ME THAT BELIEVES IN YOU" shit. It's me saying you suck. Anything else is you coping"
>Oh I suck? Maybe I should work harder and to not suck, thanks for helping anon!
git gud at understanding things
>Why do anything if you arent going to try your best?
Yeah buddy you're doing your best at all times and this totally isn't a cope.
I'd caution you on needing to learn that games are for fun and that you don't always have to tryhard, but its clear this is some weird anime-inspired LARP you do where you tell yourself that you're tryharding because you want to be your best self, when in reality you don't apply this mind-set to anything else you do and are just trying to justify wanting to feel like a big fish in a small pond.
If you wanted to improve and challenge yourself, you'd play in an actual competitive format and not in the kiddy pool literally designed to make competition less consistent.
Who the hell do you think I am?
What is your heaven pod and nightmare pod? Can be either types of players or types of decks.
I do play other formats. How else would I know what tin fins or dead guy ale is? Fun is trying hard, applying yourself, suprassing your limits, and becoming a better version of yourself. Apply this concept to your shitposting and deck building. Believe in yourself! And if you cant believe in yourself believe in the me that believes in you!
>Fun is trying hard, applying yourself, suprassing your limits, and becoming a better version of yourself.
Nigga you're not in an anime. BFSP.
Should I play Nadu? I want to punish my pod.
I don't think being petty will solve whatever issues you are currently having.
beat Nadu with my meme rat deck, he's not that scary
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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>he's mad enough to make an entirely new meme to insult someone
Based kamina anon, he helped you surpass your limits of shitposting and you made the board better as a result.
>talking about yourself in the 3rd person
Also, why do you think the only reason to do something is anger?
if you take git gud as an insult, then this is on (you), anon
you are blinded by your own rage. you unironically need to git gid, so you can love yourself again.
trying to punish a pod with Nadu is like setting yourself on fire because you want to help muslims
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>Trying to rework 7 of my decks to have a bit more land and card draw because I'm always mana screwed and out of cards
>Can't figure out what the fuck to cut without just snipping out all my pet cards
Man I suck at this.
You’re too big for this pond
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Step it up senpai.
>Also, why do you think the only reason to do something is anger?
Inspiration or compulsion are the only reasons anyone does anything.
In future always put in your lands and utility artifacts before allowing yourself to put in the cards you actually want
>replying to him
are you mad?
Did you get that from a fortune cookie?
I have another question, why is it so important to your ego to be perceived as wise or enlightened?
Yeah I've been doing that with my newer decks and it's precisely why I'm revisiting my old ones for streamlining. I want them to run better but I'm bad at working backwards via cutting cards.
The official guide to cuts:
>cut your pet cards, if they were good you wouldnt need to cut them
>cut the highest cmc card on the chopping block
>if that fails, cut the card with the most complex devotion
>if that fails, cut the card with worse art
I will tell you the one advice a fellow anon once gave me
>that card is cute, but we don't do cute when optimizing decks
I know it hurts, I know it sucks the soul out of the deck, but in the end, you want a deck that you enjoy for the fun to use mechanics, and not because you want to relieve your past memories every time you play oldfart the pet card.
No, I'm autistic and compelled to do it.

Who are you talking about? I just got here.
>Inspiration or compulsion are the only reasons anyone does anything.
You forgot giggles and whims.
Those are great reasons to do something but I'd lump them in inspiration, unless you are a chaos elemental, then I'd put it in compulsion.
I think not being able to play Three Card Monty with your face down creatures is the dumbest shit there is. The entire point is subterfuge and trickery, isn't it?
Then you're just redefining "inspiration" and "compulsion" so that they encompass any reason one could have for doing anything, at which case the statement is so tautological as to be meaningless.
>Reasons for doing things are the only reasons anyone ever does anything.
No fucking shit.
Cup size is one of the letter codes for mana but I won't say which.
This is the most boring and pseud a semantic conversation has ever been. Fuck you both.
Yeah I agree. Somewhat takes the fun out of it
Goddamn milk truck over here. That was not as clever as you think and you should still post tits

Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.
>this entire post
Jesus christ anon, if you spent half the time building your decks that you do bitching about things you dont understand you'd be much more interesting.
>Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
I play selesnya.
I have a really specific fetish for exotic taxonomy.
My favorite living animal is stygiomedusa gigantea
Anon, I've spent hundreds of hours on five decks. Don't think that my autism is limited to a single sphere.
Oh fuck yeah that's cool as shit. I'm a big Grimpoteuthis abyssicola guy,
Can you post them, so we can study them for science?
Looks like a digimon
Peeped this in my LGS. I'm into dumb plays that go for a "DEI" vibe (I run Zimone also).
Is there anything fun I could do with this?
>keeping the meme alive
Bless you anon
I've posted them before and I'll post them again, but only a fool posts his decks mid-argument.
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W-who's arguing?
seems like the only fun commander of the set
I listened to the New Capenna soundtrack and now I want to build Raffine.
Is this trend because genius asian kid is over done?
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Raffine's great. Flexible and gets new tech all the time. Jobs absolutely brutally to Notion Thief if you don't have an immediate answer though since connive X will still dump your hand.
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If I wanted to make an EDH deck using only cards from the various Ravnica sets, what would be my best bet? Any particular guild that stands out as having a lot of good options?
Yeah, they hired a bunch of Youtuber musicians and suchlike to do soundtracks for New Capenna and Neon Dynasty both, and then they just gave up on doing marketing like that I guess.
Some absolute bangers here. There's one for NEO too, I'm planning to listen to it tomorrow.
Why the fuck didnt they tell people? That seems cool, unlike basically everything they do now. I'm watching football, but I'll listen later tonight while I'm grinding.
They did tell people I'm pretty sure, but only when the sets were being marketed. And then they just stopped talking about it entirely.
Asians are now "white coded" so they can't be depicted in a positive light anymore
>Group plays
>Am usually there, but absent this time
>Play midrange stompy, so by design start attacking the decks that will spin out of control the hardest & fastest first to keep 'em on their toes
>Chatter with the group later in the evening and ask how it went
>The Eldrazi deck and the golgari deck had free reign since no-one hit them early and they got to duke it out once they removed the other players
>If the other 2 decks weren't both careful and deliberate with their removal, they'd get outvalue'd quick
>Prosper player sweating treasures most of the game until they just seemingly randomly squeeze out a win
>Golgari player was bored because games ended up mostly being a 1v1 with 2 playerd also there doing their own thing, without me there to keep the pressure up
If I didn't actually like playing magic, I might've been tempted to not join for a few sessions so they can grow more as players.
Here's to hoping their threat assessment has gotten better and not blindly removing the creatures I'm attacking the most dangerous player(s) with because "it could be coming their way too!!"

Anyone have similar experiences?
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for fucks sake, wizards stOP FORCING ME TO RUN FAREWELL!
The women I know all prefer Green. Simic and Naya seem to be the most common two and three color combinations. I've never seen a biological woman run Gruul though, they only seem to do Red and Green together if they've got a third color in the mix.
Swords to Plowshares... Path to Exile... Dispatch (in an artifact heavy deck), just fucking killing it in combat, bite spells, fight spells, regular removal because it's fucking 2 cost and requires multiple instances of life gain to even do anything, reality shift, or even just play one of those many cards that say people can't gain life
this is a shitpost right?
just play Kalitas or Liesa or Dauthi Voidwalker
Oh no, a sometimes flying vigilance guy, whatever will we do?
No its because leftoids genuinely believe that there are no genius black women in real life because they don’t depict enough female black geniuses to inspire little black girls.
They think if they just put role models into media they’ll basically meme it into reality.
A couple of these characters have been around almost 10 years already, results are inconclusive.

Bonus fact: did you know there has never been a black female chess grand master?
Okay so your response to "I'm sick of running white exiles" is "Bro just run more white exiles. :)"

> requires multiple instances of life gain to even do anything
It's white. The only thing white does other than exile is lifegain. That shit becomes a 6/5 by turn 3 if you don't remove it the instance it hits the field, and God forbid it's not an exile because you know it's already coming into the field with counters
Swords to plowshares :)
You did not say you were sick of running white exile, just sick of running Farewell. If your response to a single barely above functional creature is to Farewell, you're bad at the game.
How about we try
Doom Blade?
>Oh no, he moved 1 +1/+1 counter onto another creature how will i survive!!!!?!?!?
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>this mad at a 6/5 french vanilla turn 3
Lol. Lmao even.
>You did not say you were sick of running white exile,
I said I was sick of exiling everything and their mother.

>Doom Blade?
2 mana for a 2 mana, congrats, you not only went card for card but now one of their other creatures gets counters. How did you get any advantage in this exchange?
>their creature that scales counters is gone
>a creature you're throwing a fit about is gone
>b-but another creature gets a +1/+1 counter
you're unsalvageably retarded
>retard who doesnt understand card advantage talking about equity of mana in trades
Nigga you that special kind of retard.
>you're unsalvageably retarded
You're the one saying it's a bad card but you're still recognizing that you got forced to use removal on it.
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Trying to decide if this is worth it for acererak

He doesn’t lower the cost of the zombie itself, but I reliably have a few other ways to lower his cost, and the whole strategy is to play him over and over. I

>>retard who doesnt understand card advantage
What card advantage?
They advanced their board state and you're down a kill spell.
Seems winmore in that context.
If you cast Acererak a million times in a turn you already won with or without this card.
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>forced to use removal
>on a turn 3 6/5
You really want to dig this stupid hole it seems
Do you really need me to explain why this is dumb? I will, but personally I find it more fun to chide and insult you first.
It’s hard to decide since this guys mana cost is so low too. He can be out quickly and reliably either way.

It’s such a tough decision
You know, if you run a normal destruction-based boardwipe, they won't have anything to put the counters on.
Does the foundations set have new cards? What is it?
It does. Basically it's a core set that sticks around in standard longer (sort of like hearthstone's classic set if you ever played.) Probably pretty simple designs and staple reprints.
That’s pretty cool. Thanks anon.
>azorius: wimpy nerd
>boros: chad
>dimir: creep
>golgari: goth
>gruul: retard
>izzet: autism
>orzhov: goth nerd
>rakdos: edgelord
>selesnya: boring
>simic: pervert
i choose to interpret naya as the CHAD RETARD
You might be able to cause some life loss with it, about -2 per cast, but that seems to be about it.
NAYA doesn't seem like it'd be a math major. So that checks out
>autistic goth creep
Tell me something I don't know
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Anyone build this guy? I'm planning to do a land-centric build around him but I've never built lands and i'm not sure how fun it'd be to actually play. Maybe kura is a better fit.
I only like commanders that don't have 800 deck tech youtube videos before the card even comes out, thank you
Cycling lands where the cost is {2}.
Hedge Shredder

Necrobloom with cycling and Fluctuator is very capable of emptying your whole library in one turn. With the new Hedge Shredder, you put any milled cards from dredging back on the board.

Other things about Necrobloom is that it can run lands that are a pain in the ass for others like Boseiju Who Endures or Strip Mine.
Simple but evocative is probably the idea. Like this is a relatively mechanically convoluted card but in practice it's simple to use and the flavour makes it obvious what the deal is.
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Can he keep up with the new powercreep legendaries?
Toski or Mulldrifter for a bit of extra card draw? I have minimal synergy with both.
>selesnya: boring
>implying sissylessnya isn't made to be bullied
>Scarab god
>Not able to keep up with the new power creep legendaries
I hate that that's a distinct possibility. What was once absurd is now shit.
uhh, do you go wide or have a way to blink Mulldrifter/have panharmonicon effects?
Scarab god will never not be powerful.
Nothing over 4 mana can.
Nope, and I also don't go wide.
I saw all the toy cards from Duskmourn and now desperately wanna make a toy tribal deck. What are some cards to push this new tribe into being a bit better?
The thing you're going to have to come to terms with is
>4 mana to hold up every turn
stacks up over time. I had to begrudgingly take him out of my Sidisi deck because other options cost less and he became winmore.

That said, he's not bad. He is slower than some options and tutoring for Training Grounds will make your life significantly easier, but his effect is still powerful. Just don't fall into the Zombie tribal meme and use him as a means to deny opponents creatures or double up on your value creatures.
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What's a good commander for this?
Tayam, Karador, Tormod+Sidar Kondo
It's kindred, my dude. People of color might be here, please be respectful.
If Be'lakor is equipped with Blade of Selves giving him myriad.
Will the tokens see each other enter causing his war storm surge ability to trigger 4 or will it just trigger 2 times as they won't see each other?
Trying to improve my demon deck but need to know how to abuse Be'l
The FIRE is real. This frog is insanely pushed
Its literally a balanced version of Chulane.
>desperately wanna make a toy tribal deck.
Oh you mean a changeling deck
This isn't your nightly D&D table. Leave the RP there.
>comes down two turns sooner
>taps for big amounts of mana
It's just as good as Chulane in practice
At the cost of putting big creatures. I've played with and against Chulane, he has the luxary of using smaller value creatures, making himself the top end of his own curve, and draw way more cards. Helga, while having more scaling power, is limited to bigger cmc creatures which at best can set up a Deadeye+Mystic Snake engine if the stars align.
>t. Noob

Morphoon, obviously.
It's good, but not nearly as good. The 4 power restriction is real man I've played against it. The value is real, but not nearly as sweaty as Chulane. Cute with Umbra Mantle and team though.
I love how Greaves keeps getting reprinted but just stays at fucking $5.
it doesn't get reprinted often enough.
Anon, how many universe beyond commanders do you run?
Over 9000
I mean, it's been printed in every single commander product and every supplemental product the past three years at least, along with various alternate art printings. I think it has been printed plenty, but that price memory is just too sticky. It's preordering for $5 in the current commander decks lmao.
No it hasn't.
Anyone try to build this guy yet? I know it's not the best colors for enchantments, but I like the effects
Cringe or kino as a commander nowadays?
it's a 10 year old card
Not entirely sure why, at least on tcgplayer, this is the most expensive version of lightning greaves from commander precons.
>double masters
>adventures in the forgotten realms
>streets of new capenna
>baldur's gate
>commander masters
>dr who
>lost caverns of ixalan
>thunder junction
>modern horizons 3
>mystery booster
>multiple secret lairs
ok not every one, but enough that the price shouldn't be perpetually $5
Oh noooooo, $5?! That's like almost a quarter of a combo at a fast food place.

69. 42069 to be precise.
Is anyone actually excited for the Archenemy cards coming back?
I've never played with them.
>Oh noooooo, $5?! That's like almost a quarter of a combo at a fast food place.
Dumb post
>goyslop brain
many such cases
Maybe if it was possible to get people to play it.
>two chatterfang players in the game
>neither know how to use his ability to remove problematic creatures
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I'm not the one complaining about a $5 magic card that isnt very good
>neither Chitterfang player can read
It's almost like people just look at pictures on cards then buy deck lists using EDHRec.
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>t. doesn't run removal
I like that the archenemy is back even if only for the art, card names, and flavor text. As I played with the original ones when they were first released with friends. Even if not directly playing with the cards it was fun to recite the names and flavor text.
That would be a cool as shit card
I run both creature and noncreature removal, I'm just not delusional enough to require my commander to sit around for more than a turn to win the game.
Original Archenemy was for 60 card formats and barely anyone liked it. Now put that in Commander, and it's going to be a slog.
Scorn is a very based card and I commend you for playing it, but not every deck should be combo time. That's boring dude. Some commanders really benefit from the shroud and the forgotten half: haste.
can you lock the room if you pay the same value to open it?
Aurelia The Warleader comes to mind
No one complained, retard. They made an observation. Stop being so combative that you have to be argumentive with everything you see.
The card names are pretty metal.
Terrible templating
Should say
>If a card you doesn't control would be put into...
Boros aggro with Aurelia 1
Golgari dredge with Jarad
Izzet spellslinger with Niv 3
Azorius pillowfort with Augustin IV
Gruul stompy with Ruric Thar
>Autistic (izzet) goth pervert creep (sultai)
>a card you doesn't
Anon pls
so you be sayin...
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What's a good home for this funny fella?
Cheers anons. I did think of Ruric Thar, though I wasn't at all sure about what else might be viable. I'm pleasantly surprised that Aurelia would be a good choice.
The garbage bin
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I play Simic and there's nothing you nerds can do to stop me!
>Rubbing vaseline on your cards
He's cool but should be 4CMC or have a way to return it to hand
I'm not interested in any set until Return to Tarkir
The big question though is, will they fuck it up?
I can see the next return to Tarkir being a big multiverse slop set where all of the interesting aesthetics of Tarkir are stripped away in favor of random characters riding around on dragons and quipping up a storm.
This is not in precons, it drops from packs despite having that symbol.
That's exactly what I'm afraid of
Omenpaths were a mistake
Aurelia is great because she has haste and the extra combat step allows you to trigger "battalion" and "mentor" effects twice per turn
Boros also gets to use Sunforger which is pretty strong even with the reduced card pool
What's a good Izzet commander for a homosexual woman? I'm trying to build my friend her first edh deck.
River Song im a lesbian man and I lov her
Seems based and unorthodox, she'll love it. Thanks anon
>wotc says they care about representing other cultures in mtg
>turn their best non-western fantasy setting into "dragons: the plane"
Very meta. Nice. Well done. Good job.
Selesnya Warrior tribal with stax and combat focus/control
Mirri as the commander
Yay or nay?
Is the rakdos precon the most fun?
Consider Sigarda with Mirri in the 99. Once Sigarda is out it will be really really hard for others to interact with your stax pieces or warrior army especially if you can greaves or boot her. Mirri in the deck isn't really much of a problem since green has a lot of tutor to bring her into the game.
God I wish that would probably be more interesting than what they're going to do.
As long as you remember that you can't use Helga's own mana to untap herself.
You have to stop saying shit like this, it’s making me want to play selesnya
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>the tranny is playing simic
That concludes it, both for simic and cedh.
Aren't all on that channel trannies?
commander already is archenemy like over half the time so I'd much rather play something like planechase
also the new ones are way too powercrept. like one of them is straight up ruinous ultimatum
Asmira could be cool
Looks like the tranny is also playing kenrith
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is there a good fling legend besides pic related that can hit any type of permanent/player? I hate myself and want to build a battle deck
>>the tranny is playing simic
Many such cases! And never fun simic like copy madness, always gay simic like counter spam and control
You think Kastral reanimator/cheat into play with arcane adaptation would be a fun deck to play against?? Considering you basically have a 3x reanimator spell per combat step the second she comes into play.
Bosh gives you style points
They are playing cedh. No chance there's a straight person there
unfortunately this limits you to less battles to blow up
I used to play cedh....in standard.
I'm pretty sure these dudes suck each other's cocks.
When will the tranny fad end?
Oh that's neat, I'm digging that
When the obsessed people stop bringing it up in every single topic
>into arena
>friends convince me to buy an edh precon
>decide on the bloomburrow group hug precon
>I want to be the nice guy at the table and not cause disputes
>by night 3 I realize the only way to win with the deck is via rat table politics and goading people into killing one another while ignoring me

The deck is literally called "peace offering" so I understood on some level what I was getting in to with trading resources for my own safety. But I didn't realize how fucking evil I would feel by trying to utilize the concept effectively.
You've got the causality backwards
Literally how do you play group hug decks when nobody at the table gives a shit?
>one player wants to swing at me
>offer him resources like card draw to swing at someone else or just simply not swing at me
>"no :)"
>offer other people resources to help me
>"no :)"
>lose because its hard to build a defense when my shit keeps helping others and they don't give enough of a shit to keep that gravy train going
nah I wouldn't know anything about it if it werent for obsessed retards talking about them constantly in random hobby threads.
>things exist because people talk about them
You've got the causality backwards
So basically you just ran into people who know how to play against grouphug?
Bumbleflower is not group hug you retards. It's closer to a bant group slug than it is group hug. Group hug implies you're benefitting all players. Bumbleflower benefits themselves and one other individual. Additionally you are creating scaling beaters which is the opposite of group hug and her most common win lines are going to be swinging for lethal with your massive creatures. And to the second guy I'm not sure what you expect lol. Even if this was a group hug deck the way it plays out in your mind is.... not how group hug works.
Trannyism DEFINITELY exists because of how much it's talked about. There were pockets of trannies in modern prehistory but the proliferation of it aligns with the conversations about it. Stop talking about trannies and they will revert to their subterranean lifestyles
He understands this, anon. He's just hoping to shift blame and divert animosity towards you and people who share your opinion.
>Trannyism DEFINITELY exists because of how much it's talked about.
No, obviously certain social conditions must obtain before it can be "talked about". In Aristotelian terms, you're conflating material and effective causes.
*efficient causes
Well guys, i finally got me a job so on my next payday ill finally be able to buy the cards to finish 4 of my in the works deck projects and halfway through another 2.
Thanks for the blog update
>Bumbleflower is not group hug you retards
read the box retard
>Group Hug
>+1/+1 Counters
You can try like pillowfort make sure they cant attack or interact with you. Always have removal in hand.
Anon did you read my post? Trannies always existed yes. But talking about trannies makes more exist, also yes. This is undeniable you can literally plot the rise of trannyism alongside how much they're talked about. Aristotle would agree with me not you.
There is a certain level of intelligence required to be told something and then be able to figure out the thing isn't entirely true. Sadly you will never reach that level anon
>Trannies always existed yes
I never claimed this.
>But talking about trannies makes more exist
Certain social conditions must obtain before this becomes a possibility.
>Aristotle would agree with me not you
No, he wouldn't. The primum mobile here are the aforementioned social conditions.
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>get into a fun new hobby
>go to a new 4chan board to talk about
>look inside the thread about my cool new hobby
>off topic about girls with dongs

Every fucking time with you obsessed fat retards.
>certain blah blah
No literally thats not how people work lol. The very fact of hearing about the thing more and more makes it more likely because more people's minds will be toying with it full stop. Bringing up Aristotle and throwing around fancy terms isn't an argument anon.
>>go to a new 4chan board to talk about
Why come to the one place on the internet where you can shitpost about these things without getting auto-perma-banned? Go to one of the million other places on the internet if you don't want to be subject to it
>What color identity do women (female) play?
The one girl I know who plays has mostly tribal decks and almost all of them are UGx
She recently built a big mana Roxanne goodstuff deck and I think after almost a decade she actually likes a deck that isnt atraxa or tribal although a few insects made their way into the deck and I have a sinking suspicion more are coming
Her decks are
>og atraxa ThatGoesInAtraxa.dek
>nu traxa angel tribal
>simic merfolk
>simic everything tribal
>simic clone tribal
>bug morphs
>boros angels
>mono green hydra fight club
>jund insects
>roxanne goodstuff
Why shitpost about irrelevant shit in the card game thread? Go to one of the million other places that are built for shitposting about the the thing you want to shitpost about?
Lol btfo
go back to your containment board faggot.
>this dipshit again
And this doesn't explain the heterogeneous receptivity to transgender-related talk across the ages. What does, however, are varying social conditions.
>fancy terms
You're just dumb.
>Why shitpost about irrelevant shit in the card game thread?
Site culture
Go back to the silly orange alien website
this >>93909406, always have that "fuck around and find out" energy at the table
Run an infinite combo where you can repeatedly cast a spell and force your opponents to deck out from bumbleflower's trigger. Kill them with kindness.
>falls for media rage bait and psy ops on honeypot boards
>shits up boards with off topic posting because he thinks he fits in
>claims others are from reddit
I officially apologize for all the retards in this thread. Welcome to MTG- What decks are you playing, any favorite cards yet? Hated cards? I hate that these threads are full of dumbfucks, just know not all of us are. Also- fuck this>>93909474 dumbfuck
I've been away since about 2018 Dominaria, are there any cool big multicolor creatures that would make good rite of rep targets that have been released recently? I made a cursory glance and saw pic related but not much else.
You're just mad because you're uncomfortable with the political positions involved. Sorry, but 4chan is a countercultural space, so you're going to have to put up with this sort of discourse as long as it's pushed out of the mainstream
I never said I don't understand the terms anon lol. I said they are fancy and I will add, unnecessary. You have literally not made a single argument or even brought up a single point.
Protip: talking about trannies is a social condition
Protip2: you missed one of the words but I'm not telling which one lol
No you don't.
Fuck you.
WotC is Gayfags
Be'lakor straight up wins the game.
Stop saying "lol" at the end of every other sentence
>You have literally not made a single argument or even brought up a single point.
Your poor reading comprehension and analytical faculties are not my problem. Again: you're just not a very smart person—sorry.
Im planning on building her as a +1+1 counter deck full of draw with lots of no max hand size, so I can hopefully have pleanty answers in my 15+card hand. Play stuff like Psychosis Crawler, etc. No idea if its gonna actually work thou, but I got the deck for free 50 so I figured why not try
Site culture was posting gifs of anime girls and images of bananas in the correct on topic threads before tourists like you moved in and gentrified my website. Please do me a favor and kill yourself so we can go back.
Holy cringe
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What decks?
Anon repeating social conditions without actually talking about social conditions is not an argument.

And again, talking about trannies IS a social condition. You are welcome to actually make a positive statement but I don't believe you have the ability to do so, lol. My iq is 143 the chances you are smarter than me are pretty much 0
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What are some good budget upgrade options?
What the fuck are you talking about? No I dont what?
I was really hoping for non-legends but I guess that works
Seconding running Sunforger, absolute must have if you are in Boros colors
Why are you even bothering continuing this farce? You have claimed simple primary school Latin to be "fancy" and have confessed that you don't actually understand my arguments—you have all but admitted that you're not a very smart person. Respond to my initial argument if you want to redeem yourself.
Just ignore them anon, there here just to argue about dumb shit and are likely no games. No point in talking to them
>my arguments
no idea what this discussion is about but you have autism and probably are wrong
Anon for the last time, repeating "social conditions" is not an argument. It's a nebulous reference to an argument, but it itself is not
Yes, Latin is objectively fancy lol
>initial argument
You have not made a single one bud
Soul of emancipation or order of Sacred dusk maybe? There arent many pricy multicolor non legends now that im looking and thinking back anymore.
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Crabomination is one of my favorites. Then there's Railway Brawler, which just gets insane and a bit math intensive. Rottenmouth Viper is also great, as is Sunspine Lynx. Terror of the peaks also got a reprint, so that's great too.
I really should.
>no idea what this discussion is about
Another self-admitted dumb person.
>You have not made a single one
Continued self-admission of dumbness. Just end this farce for the sake of your dignity.
Why are you like this. Talk about the card game in the card game thread or fuck off, you are so cringe it actually hurts reading your diarrhea infused posts
Somehow I missed the multicolour part. Most good multicolour creatures are legendaries unfortunately.
roiling vortex, Sulfuric Vortex, Manabarbs, you know, the usual group hug stuff. Honestly, that precon is so bad you might as well just pick valgavoth and build him from the ground up
Wew he just keeps going
I think rite of replication niv mizzet reborn seems like a neat playline
I liked it but it was rare to find someone willing. I don't like that they changed it so some of the cards don't work, fuck that.
The brawler looks fun enough to make an exception
I wouldnt mind swinging in with a 12/12 child of alara
Just kys, please, for all of us
Pestilence and pyrohemia to trigger every turn.
Repeat your argument for the class anon ^.^ all you've said is social conditions lol
It would be if the two color charms were better
I play mostly the 3 color ones
Speaking of two color charms though, fucking simic charm just gets better every time I play it
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lord of penis seems fun, it's a better vial smasher and could go alongsode valgavoth in the 99 of VS+something else
you are playing with too good players. bribery only works on fools or those who are in desperate position
Talk about the card game or fuck off, you braindead sperg
You really should, because at this point you are just making a fool of yourself. Just being here for the sake of arguing about pointless shit really speaks to your character. What decks are you working on? See>>93909822
My favorite thing about commander is I can see some deck in another format and some cool interaction or play patterned and smash it into some shitbox of a deck and it doesnt matter if its super efficient or if it makes sense at all because for the most part everyone else is also trying to put 10 pounds of shit into a 5 pound bag with their decks.
it does not work because combat damage is on your turn
You're embarrassing
>fool of yourself
nta but you look a lot worse than he does
This is not a better vial smasher
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I build him as a card draw hate deck.
If it's for Child, then Brash Taunter and Barbed Servitor could also be something I can recommend. Be'lakor doesn't have any function in a deck in which he's a commander for, he's kind of narrow.
No he doesn't. You're probably this sperg >>93909796
>>falls for media rage bait

>You're only mad about something because the media told you to be!!!!
Is possibly one of my favorite memes. I don't listen to the media and I'm mad about verifiable reality
How so? Im just a random anon telling him to talk about MTG or fuck off. Do you disagree about that statement?
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I'm seeing a 4/4 Flying who gets 4 +1/+1 counter per turn cycle.
1. I don't believe you.
2. Trannies infest this hobby, so obviously people are going to talk about them.
3. Sounds like you're a trannychaser, because sane people understand why they get the hate they do.
>can't hit walkers
>can't hit the player who cast the spell
>also hits you when you're in 1v1
>better than Vial Smasher
>building selesyna deck
>cards arrived
>forgot the fucking Rampant Growth
I think my LGS has some copies but theyre below near mint.
Life is suffering bros.
it says during each of THEIR turns, not during each turn
they would need to lose life by other means outside your commander
Kinda odd you dont have dozens just laying around
just proxy it in the meantime
Ive taken to proxying everything these days and only buying copies of cards that end up staying in the deck for over a year
guess I'm replacing all of my panoramas
fair enough I misread the "another player" part, he's still pretty good until you get to 1v1. and I guess vial smasher could add another 1/2 colors via partner
>can't put them in 1/2 colored decks
I hate it
Green is my 2nd least favorite color, and I've never pulled one. Idk what to tell you
I prefer owning the cardboard. I know it's dumb but I feel the same way about Warhammer. You could proxy a whole army or a deck but at that point why not play something else? There's something I find enjoyable about knowing all players have the same tools available to them
I also prefer owning the cardboard, so I understand.
The panoramas look better though, which is worth considering.
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I always put eggs in my deck if they fit
Had to be done
damn you are right though
I'm printing this out as we speak
Well done anon
>deck builders default to latest printing
>shit makes me want to fucking vomit
plz default to oldest printing
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This, but also panoramas are bad even for budget builds and shouldn't be played. There are typed duals at common now.
>panoramas are bad even for budget builds and shouldn't be played
hard disagree they come into play untapped, any deck that is stooping low enough to play evolving wilds and terramorphic would be better served with panoramas
Saruman of many colours mill/spellcaster
Zask skittering swarm insects
Whick whorled mind rats
Magda hoardmaster treasures

with the later being massacre girl weakening and Arna Kennerud. However for Arna kennerud i don't know if i want to focus on artifacts or enchantments or try and do a mix. I feel like if i try to mix itll just weaken the deck verall and with duskmorun getting lots of enchantment support i feel like going that way will make her more effective.
Put it in a nice sleeve
I'm trying to but it's a bit tricky
In the old days panoramas were fine. The game was slower back then and panoramas were innovative for their time. Yet that extra 1 mana payment to retrieve a basic is a bit too slow for the game of today. Nothing stops you running from say, Seething Landscape, Maestros Theater, and Grixis Panorama together as they are budget friendly. But Panorama would be the slower of the three if you are actively trying to mana fix.
Nice, post lists when you get em up and running. There's anons here that would be happy to give suggestions, just ignore the inevitable assholes when they chime in
Vial Smasher excels at having multiple colors and the randomness is f*n, especially when you tilt someone by hardcasting a Draco.
>got a probably underpaid wageslaving position
>immediately spends it on goyslop
We're doomed. Not that I can judge you, I wageslave too, but have some sense.
>works deck projects
you did proxy and test them though right? nothing is worse than buying a bunch of cards for a deck that ends up being kinda boring or bad
The designers of the game literally said that trannies and exposing them to children are a core aspect of mtg. So it's as normal for people to talk about that as it is to talk about burn decks, for example.
>trannies and exposing them to children
The point is you get Val big with his ability and then when you hit one opponent with him you damage them all.
it was in an article when they introduced Niko. Aight I'll look it up for you
Val looks decent enough as is but I can see a lot of retards >>93909866 failing to read it and building it incorrectly
Redundancy is powerful
https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/duskmourn-house-of-horror-vision-design-handoff-part-1 Vision Design Handoff Document for Duskmourn.
Manifest Dread used to be Manifest Evil and was looking at the top three, one becomes a 2/2, the rest go on the bottom of your library.
A completely scrapped mechanic was Possess, whereupon a creature, upon death, would come back as an Aura enchanting another creature and giving it the abilities the creature has, sort of a Backup style approach, but the mechanic felt too narrow and ended up being turned into the Enduring Glimmer cycle.
You guys will never guess what types of people I hate :)))
This isn't drawn art, right? This is a photo of aa miniature model, yes?
>several hundred dollars
how important is removal and board wipes in an aggro deck.
i figure removal might be best, but one sided boardwipes are fine too. Any suggestions for a white/red/black deck.
I have none. Just shut up.
Why would you ever come to 4chan for discussion? I'll never understand you types
You need to be genuinely mentally ill to believe this. Rarely does the site discuss anything that isn't politics. This general isn't even that bad compared to most, which is sad.
Depends how fast you're looking to win. If you're some RDW style "I kill everyone by turn 5 or have to scoop" then probably not.
i'm building a knight tribal deck and i haven't played with it yet. but i feel like it might have problems punching through. so I wanted to give it some ways of removing big threats, or wide boards so that my knights can get in to attack. just looking for ideas.
4chan is the only place to discuss a lot of things, shut your disrespectful mouth.
It's not even the biggest or best place for it anymore. That's twitter.
there is no aggro in edh, stop this meme. Combo can kill 3 players in 3-7 turns
Go talk about it there.
I unironically believe this, it's just a matter of wading through the shitposts. I find it worth while.
this is me, LMAOing till I die.
I'm looking at building Marina Vendrell for casual fun, but I've never actually built 5-color before. Can I get advice for a good manabase/fixing that I can build the deck on top of?
If you lean into green you can just fix with ramp
I play a 5 color deck that plays almost all basics and have no issues
aside from that, shocks, fetches and checklands baby then get blown out by ruination.
But that's true.
IMO it is best to go for a 3 color shell and then splash the other colors.
I feel it gets less ugly when you realize it's that and not some weird digital art
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Yeah, that entire Secret Lair was done with diorama art.
cool idea, it's a shame they sucked at the execution
Expert judges, do the enchantment tokens produced by Yenna Redtooth Regent get to choose new targets or no?
Buying the bundle of all of Commander 2019 is better value than just the Dockside
You will choose what the aura attaches to as it enters, but it won't target. So it gets around shroud and hexproof.
>but it won't target. So it gets around shroud and hexproof.
Explain please, I thought auras always targeted.

>303.4f If an Aura is entering the battlefield under a player’s control by any means other than by resolving as an Aura spell, and the effect putting it onto the battlefield doesn’t specify the object or player the Aura will enchant, that player chooses what it will enchant as the Aura enters the battlefield. The player must choose a legal object or player according to the Aura’s enchant ability and any other applicable effects.
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Why is this card still unbanned? There is undeniable proof of its damage to the format because of the ubiquity of being slammed into any deck running red at any capacity whatsoever
>explain please
>posts the relevant rules part
I'm confused
Because it's bad in casual? Even in top end it's rather middling and there is a lot of counterplay.
How can a single card be chosen to be enchanted without that being targeting?
idk man I play pretty casually and it regularly turns into a prophet or kruphix situation where the tables starts cloning, reanimating and otherwise interacting with it.
>t. has never played with prophet
When I first started, I ran the kruphix with prophet of kruphix list filled with eldrazi and big hydras and whatnot. My curve was around 4.5, I ran 26 lands, basically zero card draw, but I would worldly tutor for prophet and it would single handedly swing the entire game by itself. Dockside, by himself depends on a lot of factors. Not only that, but you can interact with him fairly easily.
Because it says "choose" instead of "target." The two are separate terms. Magic is a very literal game, it's why reading the card explains the cards.
Because that rules text you posted doesn't have the word "target" in it so it technically doesn't "target". It's like how, for example, Nadu's effect doesn't "draw" cards, it adds them to your hand, allowing Nadu to ignore things like Sheoldred.
Everyone is using Talisman/Signet ramp. Generates 10 treasures on first play. Wins the game. Game-warping card.
Multiple players are relying on treasures and some amount of utility artifacts/enchantments. Immediately deletes all enemy treasures and makes 5 treasures. Goes mana-positive and delivers a devastating blow to opposing manabases. Game-warping card.
Play Dockside. Flicker Dockside. Steal Dockside. Counter Dockside. Go infinite off Dockside. Game-warping card.
You play with weird people.
But there's a shitload of enchantments that just say "enchant creature" yet those effects target
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>Sol Ring
Yes. When you cast an Aura, it targets. When an Aura ends up on the field without being cast, it attaches to something without targeting. I don't know why it's like that, it just is.
and that's a good thing. it keeps it out of casual tables!
no need to ban expensive cards : )
fuck enchantress and fuck this commander in particular
Yes, you dont like dockside, we get it. Prepare for it if you're likely to see it. Run dorks and land ramp. Use null rod or ouphe. Tap them down with root maze. There are lots of options that arent complain until a card gets banned.
I am BEGGING you to look at precons. Even green precons include Talisman/Signet ramp, and precons are predominantly the basis of low-power decks. By the time they've disappeared, people have usually figured out that utility artifacts/enchantments are kinda good because they don't explode to a wrath, which guess what, means Dockside value. Dockside making 3 treasures already makes it an utterly insane card, being a Pyretic Ritual you can now bank for later that gives any color.
If you have to start building your deck around the threat of one card in a 99-card singleton game, you have proven why it is game-warping.
this. every time I've seen this hit the table it's been the sylvan primordial equalent of yesteryear
people who pretend players don't use a whole one third of permanent types are crazy. especially today where artifact tokens are out of control. and many of them you cannot sac outta the way for free either
What's your boggle, friend?
I mean, yes, they are supposed to have the signet and sol ring and mana rock.. it's fun to play those cards.
Thing is just.. if someone at our tables would play dockside, he'd play either completely passive or just discard the thing.
My mate loves playing his 10k dollar ur dragon deck with us just cause he loves the cards in there but he for example never casts his commanders, doesn't attack anyone for the first 15 turns.. purposefully starts with a 1 land hand.. that kinda stuff.
Casual is not a play to win, it's play to have fun.
what the other anon said and also
>I always have it
aside from silver bullets what we need is more incidental artifact hate. a lot more so you can play the card for it's other effects and still punish treasure niggers. there's been some printed out recently and that's a start
ok YOU play with weird people. very anecdotal too and I'd argue in the very minority, even for casual
We are a group of 9 dudes and everyone plays fair and fun.
Why would you ever even care to play with sweatlords in casual?
so dockside is a sweaty card then, huh
No, I never said that. I said people playing to win are sweaty.
Most of the time we even roll dice to choose targets to attack. I mean it's a social game. Even if I wanted to kill someone, the other dude would bash my life counter to 0 as fast as they could because I'm ruining the fun for one of the frens at the table
>t. Retard
Use a counter spell, like it's not hard. Use a tax effect. Apply yourself. Coincidentally, a lot of the hate for dockside is very good against a lot of decks in the format. It's not like you're running sadistic sacrament for a single card.

There is a metric fuckton of very potent artifact hate, I'm not sure where you're getting that idea from.
If nobody at the table is even remotely trying to win then the banlist is almost entirely irrelevant. You would probably be more impacted by manabase destruction and stax pieces, but nobody is running those either because again, nobody is trying to win, so the thought of slowing down other players isn't a factor.
You are not a table where the banlist matters, because functionally any text on your cardboard is irrelevant. WotC printing Omniscience + Enter the Infinite at 0 mana would not have a meaningful impact on your table despite being a card that would get instabanned from all formats including Vintage. You are the outlier.
>Most of the time we even roll dice to choose targets to attack.
Of all the dumb things in the thread, this is the dumbest.
signets have been a staple in every non-green deck in the format since at least 2010
don't act like you know what shit is
OFc nobody cares for banlists. One of the mates often plays his silver border decks... a couple bring their pauper decks.. one dude plays ur dragon.. it's completely random.
Anon, meds, please.. you are embarrassing yourself.
Well otherwise you make yourself enemies. Can't just bash down the same dude over and over. He'll have it out for you. Then he makes pacts with the others and now you are playing a 1v3
if a "friend" can't take an early loss in a card game for kids, is he really a friend
>Uh just counter it LOL
Okay and they counter back.
>Uh just use the bad Boseiju to make it uncounterable
Okay and they Mindbreak Trap you because we're in a "just have it" scenario.
>Uh just Trickbind his etb
Okay and he flips up Stratus Dancer

Congratulations a 2 mana card started a counterspell war in a format where even cEDH wincons can cost 6+ mana. with no setup because it's totally not game-warping.
>both fragile and retarded

Anon I dont play games of gay hypotheticals. You have solutions to your problem, use them or fuck off.
just draw ur outs
imagine naming yourself queerphyrexia holy shit haha
>bad Boseiju
shelters all is not a bad card
I never said that. You people are all just a bunch of grumpy nerds who can't enjoy a casual game.
again, I'm talking about silver bullets. if you play an ouphe (and expect it to stick) in all of your decks for example then not only is the meta warped like the other anon said but also you are diluding your deck with cards that don't also benefit you
and like I also said, they have been printing ones with incidental hate which is good but yeah, a counterspell is a better solution
Compared to Endures it's not nearly as good (yes I know, really unfair comparison because Endures is one of the best lands ever). It's not spectacular, but it's passable if you have the space open. In comparison to each other though Shelters All is clearly the worse one.
aight guys this guy has ascended but you fucked up when you said WE were playing with the odd ones
I only play with friends and at anime conventions and the people are always nice. The only exception is a 1on1. Any group match is super friendly.
You have at least 20 solutions to your problem. Use them or fuck off. You being bad and pretending to be retarded isnt my problem.
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*fingers asshole*
>Uhh an out to it exists in theory so it's fine
>Yeah I'll always have it in a 99-card singleton format because I'm running 20 cards to deal with one card
>btfos Docksideiggers
Heh, nothing personal bro
then you were writing a whole lot to say nothing at all
I played the shit out of POK, don't you hit me with that bullshit. If they were going to ban Dockside it will be for the same reasons
I was going to put the exact wording here but as it turns out the RC nuked the forums at some point and along with it anything from before 2019? holy shit why would they do that? are they retarded?
>3 toughness trying to answer a deck with red access
>dockside is now as good as tinker
Go home anon, you're drunk.
Prophet's main sin was that it was $5.
Yeah. Dockside is better because it's harder to counter and costs less mana and has no deckbuilding cost.
they are not simply good enough and I'm right since dockside is still playable, name calling won't change that
don't forget easier to recur even accidentally with decks that don't intend going infinite
Now EDHRec has it's own biasing but it's clear that signets are run in the majority of decks where they are legal
53% (rakdos players are catagorically retarded so this makes sense)
you can look the rest up on your own, but this is how people play edh and frankly have been for over a decade.
Not according to the people who banned it.
>dies to removal
Ofc everyone has those artifacts. No idea what you are trying to tell me. Even if they were banned everyone would play it cause who gives a fuck about banned stuff.
>rolling dice to choose attacks

Players should take responsibility for their actions by not rolling dice. If they do roll, make it clear you are treating the attack as intentional regardless, and you'll be retaliating in kind when the time is right or defending yourself with removal as needed. There are tons of ways to do chip damage without starting a war with another player, train your pods to use those.

>"Just taking a little off the top"
>"You're using your life total as a resource, just attacking that a bit"
>"I'm going around the table"
>"Game has to end sometime"
>"Just making sure everyone's not at 40 the whole game"
>"I respect your Commander the most and you're harder to deal with at a high life total"
>"You're the only one open and I want my (ubiquitous attack damage trigger)
>"I know you're going to make a bunch of blockers so I'm attacking you while I can"

It's not rocket surgery. You'll notice "you have the highest life total" isn't on there because it's a pet peeve of mine to attack that way. Usually the one at the lowest life total Black Market Connections Steve, is the one actually using their life as a resource and is prepared for future attacks. Soul Warden Joe is just buffering himself a bit but can be easily attacked down at any time. Attacking Soul Warden Joe accomplishes nothing, attacking Black Market Connections Steve makes him think twice about going all in.
They're putting glistening oil in the hrt to turn the queers phyrexian.
>I'm right because I say so
>and you're wrong because I say so
Cool, so no reason to talk to you anymore.

Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded.
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So the secret lair for ghost busters really does more or less confirm there was some kind of tie in to explain all the goofy ass out of place survivors looking the way they do?
4chan is indeed the best place to discuss. You think of free speech as a great forum of enlightened exchange, but that is stagnant and prone to oligarchy, and can become plastic and fake. Free speech is a barren wasteland, 99% filled with retards and bad faith. But creativity and good intentions are not lost in the mud. Actually, it may be there where such things are found. Amid the shitstorm, in the 1%, the radiant light of truth can emerge. That is what 4chan is about.
>>"Just taking a little off the top"
>>"You're using your life total as a resource, just attacking that a bit"
>>"I'm going around the table"
>>"Game has to end sometime"
>>"Just making sure everyone's not at 40 the whole game"
>>"I respect your Commander the most and you're harder to deal with at a high life total"
>>"You're the only one open and I want my (ubiquitous attack damage trigger)
>>"I know you're going to make a bunch of blockers so I'm attacking you while I can"
I think I would spit venom in the face of anyone who said any of this shit. Reeks of tubby beta people pleasing.
If you're going to attack me, acknowledge it is an act of aggression.
why kek? turn 1 land into sol ring into arcane signet is mega hype
Autoinclude in Myrkul and I don’t think anywhere else.
and it shows. now stop generalising your very curated pool of player's meta on others
go to the video and listen to his voice, I guarantee a good laugh
No, I won't. The people you play with are trash.
bad troll. you are not even quoting correctly
>No idea what you are trying to tell me
Let me help you
>Everyone is using Talisman/Signet ramp. Generates 10 treasures on first play. Wins the game. Game-warping card.
>you play with weird people
>signets have been a staple in every non-green deck in the format since at least 2010
don't act like you know what shit is
hope this helps, though I doubt it.
what other jokes you got, these actually make me smile
Fucking faggot. It's a game about attacking your opponent. You don't have to justify yourself for shit. If you play with spastic söis who cry at the sight of a 2/2 coming their way (I know them) let them bawl
like it or not but it's the majority
Which one are you? The retard who thinks dockside is better than tinker, or the retard who thinks you cant answer it? Probably both if I had to guess.
I love coming to /edhg/ because you guys always have the most ridiculously insane and terrible takes. I swear, half the time it feels like people who've only played around the kitchen table are arguing with people who've never played at all. I think this entire Dockside argument captures it perfectly.
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Hullbreacher objectively should not be banned because it wins even faster than dockside due to nobody being able to answer your board afterwards if we are not banning dockside because it makes the game go quick
We're here to entertain!
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I was never talking about the signet, I was talking about making that many tokens or going infinite.
The thing is I don't have to like it.. I have fun playing my card game.
I usually just lurk the thread to look at card art but I have not seen once thread that didn't have complaining and bitching about sol rings, signet, farseek, infinites etc. etc. in it.
Like.. find more casual people to play with?
>I was never talking about the signet,
well you made that as clear as mud, so that's still on you.
My mate once played an infinite by accident.. an interaction he never encountered before and he decided just not to use it.
Like, that's why I said u guys play with weird people. After all, it's called "casual"
My favorite part is when the shitters get slapped by someone who plays magic and doesnt take the bait, they just move on to a new and even more retarded topic.
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Why isn't this card typed as a curse? Is WotC stupid?
>Play a giant stompy fighty deck with Goreclaw
>Aggressively murder anything that looks like it might become a problem, artifact, enchantment, creature, commander, whatever, if I don't like it, it goes away. If they keep trying to bring it back, they get trampled
>Everyone always bitches that I don't let things play out
>One day, sit back and hoard cards. Spit out monsters. Don't do anything but defend myself against the one or two creatures people would throw at me every five turns or so
>Offspring deck shits out sixty or so tokens, each one triggering off the last.
>Inkling deck cranks out even more Inklings, slapping all kinds of counters on everyone
>Sliver dude becomes Shrouded, Uncounterable, Indestructible, Double Striking Tramplers with protection from White (lol)
>I get nibbled to death by hordes of flyers, use my last few turns to throw literally everything at the Offspring deck and destroy his defenses because FUCK Offspring as a mechanic
>Is WotC stupid
I just realized how stupid my post was after reading it out.
>also in a group with a few players rotating
>one guy plays Brudiclad
>if im around, i keep this bitch in check left right and center, he wont win, like ever
>cant play one night
>Brudiclad wins
the core of the Group are 3 players, including me, and we played for about 6 years now. we have about 5 others, fairly new ones and they still cant assess Threats, and recognizes them pretty much only if they are on board - they dont care about how much mana one has avaiable or how many cards the same player has in hand.
They are seemingly unable to learn this
I like this idea but 1) less words more good 2) hate elves

Is picrel gonna be allowed at my LGS? More importantly, will he be allowed back after I do the thing?
Captcha SHAT
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>a new friend turned me on to an old favorite
>equal to
So you spend 3 turns building charge to hit my commander/whatever the most common CMC on the field is, and then I play 1 proliferate card and you miss?
or spend 2 mana to kill all tokens
like treasures
it's 0
Treasure does not have CMC
anon sacrificing is part of the cost, there's nothing left to proliferate
he's so close to understanding, nobody spoil it for him the answer is literally in his reply.
I'm not taking the bait
It's an instant speed effect, not a split second. If I put an instant on the stack that proliferates, that resolves, you now how 1 more counter on the bomb when the sack resolves, the sack checks the number of charge counters on it to determine what CMC to destroy.
>Treasure does not have CMC

Here we go again with the next retard. Can we have a new thread please?
it's not bait, you just don't know what shit is.
If you tap for an effect, I can respond at instant speed before the card is actually sacrificed. If it was sacked, it would be in the grave and there would be nothing to respond to. But that isn't the case. It's an activated ability like any other.
>the number of charge counters on it
which is unchanged because its been sacrificed and is no longer on the field, how long have you been playing and how long do you intend to keep playing without learning how the rules work?
>anon sacrificing is part of the cost
Sack does not resolve first.
oh I get it, it's a samefag. all of them are at least a minute apart
it does not need to resolve, it is a cost. Like tapping or paying mana.
try naturalizing an untapped nev's disc and see what happens
Take your meds
If I counter an activated ability that has the cost of tapping, the card is not tapped
actually that's not a great example
my bad
>If I counter an activated ability that has the cost of tapping, the card is not tapped
if a spell gets countered, do you get your mana back?
you can't counter mana abilities, they don't use the stack. So no, you can't stifle artifacts, lands or even mana dorks
Casting a spell is not an activated ability
he's talking about abilities like Mom
man just when you think you have met the dumbest person around, someone else pipes in
I don't even know who is trolling who anymore
so in your mind these things are different?
like if you stifle a fetchland it remains untapped and unsacrificed?
Literally yes
Objectively wrong, but I really like the confident idiot energy you're putting on for this conversation
well I am here to tell you that's not how that works. thanks for playing though.
don't you have a better use of your time than acting retarded on a taiwanese soap carving forum's thread for a game for transvestites? Are you the guy who routinely does this? Why?
aw fuck the tripfag is here, cya
no, he isn't you lying faggot, kill yourself he's talking about stifling treasures WHICH YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO
same, it was good while it lasted.
INB4 the whole next thread is fucked up because he cannot exist in an environment where people talk about casual magic
were talking about ratchet bomb, any other references are incidental.
he's a literal anti-cedh leftoid of course he can talk about casual magic it's all he knowns
he plays a high power urza deck and can't fathom any other way to play
wrong, you cannot react to someone tapping, that is a game action and does not pass priority. When you do not have priority you cannot play cards
ratchet bomb is tapped and sacrificed, its ability to destroy nonland permanents, now paid for is on the stack. Ratchet bomb is in the graveyard. Now you can play cards and react.
Has a card ever had a sequel before?
theres like 50 copies of jace
I'm baking
The art in Duskmorne is downright incredible. How'd they do it?
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retarded and wrong he plays a shit tier Coram deck not Urza
what set is that?
please PLEASE post this in the new thread too
Dominaria United, the fall 2022 set
It's up

oh man that's old
It has never been anything but used derogatory like left.
>the sequel underdelivers
lets be real for a sec, would there be this much of a hype if there wasnt Meathook Massacre in the name?
I'm sorry for your loss
R u singl
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I'm a fucking MAN

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