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Previous Thread: >>93839601

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (August 2024)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

>General 40kRPG Encyclopedia

>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)

>Make your maps look just like FFGs

>40k Music

>40k Art

>Rogue Trader Shipbuilder

Thread Question: 40k is bloody hilarious some times. What's the funniest thing you've experienced while playing?
Why would a Astartes Chapter recruit from a planet that's extremely far away? Especially when said planet is across the great rift, has a another Chapter closer to it, or requires crossing through alien territory?
>"Hey has anyone used a S/-/- weapon"
>"I have"
>"Nuh-uh that doesn't count for my arbitrary criteria"
This is why the general discussion suffers
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Anyone draw epic OCs of their party members/squad?
Has anyone brewed up a longlas/hellgun fusion so you get the good damage and high pen, but also accurate? accurate fucks.
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What would happen if/why doesn't Cawl just establish a secret society somewhere populated by an ever-increasing number of vat-born clones implanted with his cognitive engrams?
I'm thinking of making a SM chapter that punishes its members / do penance by having them do tours of service in the Imperial Guard regiment of its recruiting sector
it's mostly for making some bro moments between astartes and your average guardsman and so I can mix armies and experiment with some mixed unit tactics.
can't decide if they should be an Imperial Fist offshoot or maybe one of the more "tactical" chapters lie the Raven Guard
The Guard Regiment is one of the ones that are better about how they use their guardsmen (as in they skimmed through a basic tactics manual one time), and if nothing else, Space Marines are present so they try to impress them by not being retarded.

Still in the early concept stage
haven't even got a color scheme picked out
Because that's stupid.
too many Cawls in the kitchen

counter question: Why doesn't Perturabo make his own Men of Iron?
Horatio is such a cool concept.
>Why would a Astartes Chapter recruit from a planet that's extremely far away?
political fuckery seems like a good justification.
Dragging topics across threads is why general discussion suffers.
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Stop being primaris shills guys
I made this weapon trait for my Only War game, mostly for Bolters and a few of the higher calibre autoguns. What do you guys think?

I also have bolt gun talents which have strength requirements to make it less punishing (I want every weapon class to have different talents specialising in different characteristics)
can someone explain why you would play or run only war compared to deathwatch. are they not both just combat-focused games but deathwatch gives you more variance and fun toys?
I argue the opposite. Deathwatch locks your characters into being Space Marines (which is already far more restrictive than being human). There is also far less progression in terms of equipment as you start with Bolters and Power Armour and things can't get much better than that. There is less weapon variety and less RP variety, playing Space Marines is a very specific type of gameplay for a very specific kind of game.
The hellgun should be nerfed in base rules, having as much penetration as a Plasma gun is just stupid. Accurate is one of the most powerful traits in the game, you should be very careful with what you allow to have it.

I have a BS-70 requirement talent that lets a player have accurate quality for any single shot basic/pistol weapon, but thats as endgame as it gets.
in dark heresy I once was out numbered 10 to 1 by a mob of peasants and instead of backing down my nobleman just told them that for 1000s of years his family has cowed these people and he wasn't going to be the one to end that. He told them that nothing will ever change for any of them or their children ever and none of them had the nuts to change shit because if they did they would have done it years ago. He then just started laughing at them as some broke down in the moment.

The crowd dispersed and later I raised the taxes on them for shits and giggles.
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Based. Does he participate in the peasant hunts and skinning?
>The hellgun should be nerfed in base rules, having as much penetration as a Plasma gun is just stupid.
They were AP3 on tabletop, they were meant to take on space marines. So it fits fine.
So the value is going to be something like -10 or -20?
Is Wrath and Glory a good ruleset? I'm trying to get a group together.
Now that is one resilient hymen
A few
A PC using his whole grenade belt to kill 3-4 ganger punk who cornered him in a bar.

Assassin PC going into a dark room wihtout telling the tohers, ended up almost bleeding ot death when he got silently cut apart by Dark Eldar.
-The others decided to use melta paste to make a door rather than risking using the one already there and end up like the assassin.
-A guardsmen striking on metal pipes to scare away crazy chaos zombies (the rest of us hid ino the shadows)
When I played only war with my one fate point I felt every combat was going to kill me.
>In deathwatch, on your first game you're trying to play your chapter as best as you can. By session three you're trying to recreate your favorite Fatality from Mortal Kombat on the Ork warboss.
I'm paraphrasing from Mr. Welch's video but this is how it went for me as well.
If that worries you I would just revert full-auto into a full action.
>having as much penetration as a Plasma gun is just stupid.
How so? One fires a powerful shot of plasma that burns with force through armour while the other shoots a tight, powerful beam focused on a small point to burn through armour.
Bolters are mostly -20 yeah, some autoguns range from 0 to -10

in my game, bolters are also far more powerful and are kinda meant for a "stand and shoot" style of gameplay, the recoil trait is meant to encourage against run and gunning with them
What are the requirements for something actually being a servitor?

Would a small platform with wheels, a gun and a head that operates on command technically be a servitor as opposed to abominable intelligence?

Other than mechanicus autism, is there a reason a lot more militant branches don't use servitors?
The human brain
Horus is full of retarded man children that need to have sex
How is Imperium maledictum? Im looking through the book now and I looks fun.
The same reason why men were able to defeat the Men of Iron in the first place

Abominable Intelligences are in-fighting drama queens
How few can a Space Marine Chapter be reduced to whilst still being “salvagable”, so to speak. Writing up a Chapter that’s horribly understrength thanks to some grim battles and Warp accidents that’s still struggling onwards as a now fleet-based Chapter.
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Probably down to 2 companys. A battle Company and a trainee Company. Below that you will need to get a shit load of support.
my headcanon is that the machine rebellion was largely an AI vs AI conflict with humans just being caught inbetween, finally being settled when the Aeldari decided to get involved because it was spilling into their backyard.
Try Leddit or Discord, not even trolling. Most folk here stick to the FFG systems, some play IM and no one really touches WANG.

As someone who has played all, WANG truly is the worst. If you want to run/play something none of the other systems do then sure, give it a crack, otherwise you should just use the system that does the thing you want. I've only played a oneshot of it though, so take my opinion with a hefty grain of salt.
NTA but I'm curious what makes WANG so bad, especially compared to the other 40k RPGs.
It's just a really dumbed down system, the FFG games for all their faults (bad balancing, poorly edited rulebooks etc) are very tactically nuanced and crunchy, with lots of gameplay variety and cool mechanics. WANG is just babiesfirstRPG but with a 40k coat
These are some dumb questions my mang that could be answered with some wiki reading and critical thinking, but I'll bite.

>something actually being a servitor
A servitor is very specifically a lobotomised human with augmentations. The rest of the body could be completely replaced with metal, so long as there's an ice-picked human brain in there it's a servitor. That should also answer your second question.

>is there a reason a lot more militant branches don't use servitors?
Do you want the job done? Take a look at the servitor statblocks and have a bit of a think. Again, they're lobotomised, they don't do much thinking - whilst they are beefcakes touting heavy weaponry they struggle to hit the broad side of a barn, can't give educated responses/tactical reports, etc. Not even the mechanicus use them as a primary fighting force, they have the skitarii for that.
It has a lot of pseudo-currency bs, keeping track of shit like wrath points, wrath die, pointless bloat where they're just trying to inject fresh RPG ideas but failing because why fix what isn't really broken. It also very clearly just exists for little Johnny to use his 40K models in an RPG, it's a wide but shallow approach where you can take any figurine and have it as a playable character but it doesn't let you do anything particularly interesting.
Are you planning on running or playing?
>A servitor is very specifically a lobotomised human with augmentations.
I've seen it getting a bit lax on the lobotomy in different media.
Oh, care to share these examples with the class?
>only war campaign
>GM has the idea to recreate blackadder with a bunch of hapless Highborn recruits
>falls apart after first session because he can't think of any jokes and we're all fighting over who had the richest mommy and daddy
It's a modernised 40K RPG. Plays pretty well and smooth, much quicker to run, but it's only a core book at the moment so lacking in content. Inquisition book soon(tm).
Bit game gets what it fucking deserves
It is weird to me that Space Marines are like peak human geno-modification but the Imperial Assassins all look super sleek and spindly and wear latex instead. They sent that one assassin to kill Konrad Curze but I'm wondering how often do the assassins go after Space Marines and whats tehri normal inteded targets? Those anti-psyker ones or the ones they turn insane and let loose, are they meant to just destroy cultists and rebel guardsmen or are they dropping them in to murder Chaos Sorcerers and Space Marines?
Yeah, go play Darktide or Space Marine 2.
Space Marines are inhuman, legal mutants made to fight and die. The peak of humanity would be the Custodes. All the assassins specialize in one thing or another and so they are only ever intended to be used for the highest value missions. For instance, the Vindicare is an unparalleled sniper who is sent to take out leaders of whichever enemy the temple currently hates. Each assassin is very expensive to create and maintain, so they must be used with great purpose and losing even one is a massive blow to the Imperium. Compare to SMs, assassins are a scalpel.
Yea, I just kinda figured those were all a bit basic bitch queries. But It's also a strange area since servitors seem to vary so much in design that I'm not sure how far it can go exactly.

>Do you want the job done? Take a look at the servitor statblocks and have a bit of a think.
The rogue trader book has a ship component that are what I assume is boarding action assault specialized servitors. Which would logically seem like a stupid idea given the fact that in fact they are very dumb and navigating an unknown ship would be complex.
Servitors are great for checking rooms, being unleashed as a long term fuck you to the enemy crew, and a genuine great tool for eating bullets for your voidsmen.
>It is weird to me that Space Marines are like peak human geno-modification
They aren't, but they are something that can be mass produced without as many drawbacks.
>sent to take out leaders of whichever enemy the temple currently hates.
Read: are given verified authorisation to assassinate. Neither the assassins nor the temples choose targets.
That's like saying humans are insanely unfit for combat, because you know a barista and an IT guy so you can extrapolate to the performance of a soldier. Murder servitors and monotask repair servitors are different things.
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How much XP would a Psychic power that gives the user the Undying be worth? I was thinking about 400 like Iron Arm
How are you this oblivious to the concept of providing context?
Fine, I am playing a Biomancer in Only War game where chemical and biological weapons will used very heavily later on. I am working on a power that would allow me to better resist this type of stuff and I wanted to make it worthwhile in other context like naval combat and exploration where the gear might fail.
It ended valiant... ish? It primarily ended due to scheduling conflicts, but our impromptu finale saw the White Scar using the Imperial Fist as a ramp to launch himself over a ravine and run over some Tau. I personally didn't get to do much, but the bolter I brought for the mission got thrown into a ravine pretty early on, so I just had a heavy flamer to work with.
no his dad was a lib and trying to improve things for his lessers and then my character got exiled(sent to a penal legion to die) after he killed his father in an honor duel after he lost.
Then I had to leave the game for school and he was captured by d.eldar while I was gone and fought in the slave pits until a space marine raid freed him. After being checked for corruption he had forced character development being attached to a hive world undercity kill squad. Huh I guess he did take part in peasant hunts! He served with non nobles who were as cool as the other PC's and he came to terms with not only nobles should be considered people.
>Neither the assassins nor the temples choose targets.
I'd expect Callidus assassins at least to have more discretion here. They're the ones you send when you need to take out the key leader(s) of an organization but also need to infiltrate that organization to learn who is in charge. They may not always have actual names when they get sent in.
>Inquisition book soon(tm).
The game seems to have a lot of potential with the supplements especially if they give more classes and mechanics for each faction. Maybe planetary management for Rogue Traders and we basically have a new edition of the FFG systems.
>The hellgun should be nerfed in base rules, having as much penetration as a Plasma gun is just stupid.
Hellgun stats seem to match tabletop behavior well. Plasma seems underpowered - especially the plasma cannon. It falls into a middle ground that makes it seem like you should always choose some other weapon for any given task if you have a choice, and it had too many downsides (overheats, expensive, small ammo capacity, extremely long reloads). I think they need bigger blast radii or something.
Tabletop has nothing to do with the RPGS, they're two separate universes.
while hellguns do have the same pen as a plasma gun, a plasma gun has 1d10+7 damage vs just 1d10+3. the higher guaranteed damage is quite important for cutting through tougher enemies. plasma weapons also have maximal mode to do 2d10+7 damage and 9 pen.
reloading has never been a problem for me when playing at least DH. a plasma gun has 40 shots in a flask and even using maximal it would take 26 rounds to empty it (due to recharge)
Ironically, I'm pretty sure Necromunda uses this as a feature. In Necromunda, babby mode plasma is S4, but in overcharge mode, plasma is S7. This ties to standard/maximal in the RPG, where standard damage matches the S4 expectation, while maximal is a tiny bit on the low side. I might be misremembering though.
Anon, the base numbers and expectations were clearly based on TT.
It's only when they leave TT expectations that shit gets goofy, as homebrewers like >>93910971 and others can attest to.
When you have a warrior psyker with a 1d10+23 pen 12 force weapon (which is not even in the higher reaches), the system shows it's faults.
Shas, my GM wants to homebrew knights.
How can I get him to look at your work before he creates some absolute dumb shit?
show him the knights stuff shas made and be like "hey, i made your life easier"
Try telling him the work is already done? I want to do a re-pass on some knight weapons in TFiY eventually, later editions have reigned them in heavily, which TFiY doesn't reflect yet.
>Given the sheer potential political power of this adepta and the fact that its operatives are known to have been used against rival High Lords of Terra in the past, the authorisation to assassinate a target must come from the very highest echelons of Imperial command. For this reason, Assassins are watched very closely to make sure that they are always under the control of the Imperium and serving the will of the Emperor.
The ability to send a temple assassin is kept under some of the most tight-fisted controls in the imperium. They fucked it up before. The result was Goge Vandire and the Age of Apostasy.
How well can IM scale down to a party of one or two player characters?
They already are?
Name a military branch of the Imperium that doesn't use combat servitors of some kind.
Have played Darktide, don't recall any mentions of servitors not being lobotomised. Waiting for SM2 to go on sale. Are you going to actually back up your claim or just talk vaguely?
different anon. the servitors in SM2 are a bit more chatty than a lobotomite might suggest. it might just be partial successes but theres one that stands out in the battle barge, mission 2 post mission state? where it's complaining about it's back.

it's not exactly a bastion of conversation but it's more than just a drooling fleshtech puppet.
Don't some medical servitors in the walls complain about being lonely in darktide? I ended up not playing it much on launch cause it ran like shit and was just a worse vermintide.
>not sure how far it can go exactly
As far as you want, you could have a door with a human head instead of a knob that you have to talk to for it to open up, that's a servitor. Servitors just exist as something of a loophole to have semi intelligent robots without AI, which is of course completely outlawed.

>navigating an unknown ship would be complex
I mean just going room to room and slaughtering anything they find isn't that complex. Boarding actions are actually a great use for murder servitors since they're fairly expendable, can survive much harsh conditions, and have the tools and tard strength to bash through bulkheads and the like.
That's what I'm holding out hope for. For the =I= splatbook I really want to see some talents to expand on Blank, other willpower based talents since the ones in the core book are pretty rad and interesting, and off we should get sanctic powers and shit too. Would also love to see an RT book with all the ship combat and management stuff to play RT, and a traitor/renegades book to play BC though.
We'll on doing some quick googling, IRL there are a few different methods of performing lobotomies and there seems to be differing amounts of cognition and speech retained depending. In 40K lore, servs are known to be mind wiped and lobotomised, but can obviously be programmed. So until there's a solid piece of info stating that's no longer the case...
Are there any homebrew stats for a Battle Barge I can try to find?

Also, for a Conquest-class Star Galleon, any suggestions for what would be good escort vessels for it?
I want a more fleshed out Admech book with rules for xeno tech creation & other tech heresy
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A battle barge is the SM equivalent to a battleship, which RT tends to discourage the acquisition or other use of.

That being said.

Speed 4, Maneuverability at or below +0, Detection roughly in the ballpark of +10, Hull 120, Armor 24, Turrets 3. Space is going to be around 110-120. 2 Port/Starboard filled with Mars or Sunsear broadsides. 2 Dorsal filled with BQ Bombardment cannons at +1 Str and whatever other bonus you want. I'd go range or crit rating, you do whatever. 2 Prow filled with one Mars pattern torpedo tubes and one custom Spehss Muhreen landing bay that gets three squadrons, probably put its cost at 1 power 8 space to match the pattern of the Jovian bays.

You're going to need a battleship-sized reactor, so let's build one. Power to space ratios for warship drives hew from 1:5 to 1:6.4 (thanks, BC drive, very cool) with a distinct holding pattern of roughly 1:5.3, trending downward by 0.09 for every size larger than a baseline cruiser. Using this knowledge and knowing that the Ork battleship 'Da Wurldbreaka' found in Edge of the Abyss has 120 Power to work with, we can arrive at the conclusion that our Battleship drive should be roughly 23 Space for 120 Power. If that's not enough juice, you can scale up auxiliary plasma banks to 12 power and 7 space.

You're going to want battleship-grade shields, so extrapolating from the clear step-up pattern of +2 Power +1 Space, we arrive at 11 Power 4 Space for a quadruple-layered void shield.

Everything else can be slotted in as cruiser parts. Consider allowing battleships to equip two bridges - they certainly have the space for it, and if any ship deserves a redundant command center it's a battleship equivalent.

A Retribution is the same except shave the armor down to 22, consider bumping the turrets up to 4, and it's 1 Prow 1 Dorsal 3 Port/Starboard. Equip to taste.
Ah fuck, the battle barge doesn't get battleship-grade shields. Whatever, put GC shields on it and call it a day.
You went after me thinking I meant what you meant, and tried to get me to find that. I wasn't talking about lobotomy vs no lobotomy, so you can go be a prick elsewhere. The depictions of lobotomised servitors varies.
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Oh shit, I was just wondering where they were, I didn't expect one to be made from scratch right here.

You're fucking cool, anon.
I think the description of the murder servitors are that they are agile, hunting monstrosities. I will have to look at them again though.
Solo Rogue Trader campaign player here. I have been listening to a lot of reggae lately and I want to create a rastafarian Imperial Guard unit. I'm thinking that they worship the Emperor as Jah on Earth and they were the result of a Long March generational ark from the earliest wave of Terran colonisation.

I'm not sure what their combat specilization would be though. Maybe just a lot of Psykers and being led by their High Priests?
>Designed to intimidate as much as to kill, murder servitors are consummate hunters, stalking their prey and moving with inhuman speed. If not ordered otherwise, they spend hours hunting any living creature not programmed into their spoor-targeters, undeterred by any obstruction and unhindered by fear or humanity. Their nature is intended to inspire dread, from their chrome skull-masks, to long, razor sharp talons and steel weapon-limbs, to the electronic howls and moans of their vox-boosted throats.
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Yeah that's it. Looks like they are essentially running around the enemy vessel playing Jason Vorhees, but with scary shouting.
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My bad homie.

Praise Jah
As a self-proclaimed ship autist, this has been a personal project of mine for a while. Statting a battle barge instead of a battleship crossed a wire or two at first, but I got there.
I may release a proper brew for them, but frankly it's hard to look at RT's ship combat and not want to rewrite some of it from scratch, so if I do it'll likely be the kind of giant extensive project that looks very impressive but nobody actually plays.
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Just saw that the Custodes have women amongst them. I kind of like it. I don't think they can be Space Marines but Custodes doesn't really bother me.
Show character sheets.
>longlas/hellgun fusion so you get the good damage and high pen, but also accurate?
Long-las can already be stupid, no need to make it worse.
I wish my GM was so reasonable, but he gets a bug about creating things, especially when he has little hands on knowledge of what he is designing.
>wonder if I'm banned yet
>accurate fucks.
At some point you have to accept fucking around with Accurate bonus d10s is just that, and heavy weapons exist. Switch to lascannon, autocannon, etc.
Any easy method for making DH2 NPCs? Preferably something able to make anything from goons to beasts to bosses? A lot of GMs just seem to grab the blocks from either DH1 or the corebook, change the name and the weapon, but I’d like to at least try making some custom bad guys.
I think Only War would be your best option in terms of quick characters. I think Hammer of Faith had rules for creating random mounts and creatures.
Can a human conscious exist inside an empty Eldar spiritstone? Is there any lore where that's happened? Can a human psyker create something approximate to an eldar spiritstone even if it's heresy?
Anon, problems are good for an RPG. it being such a chore, dangerous and possibly stepping on someone's toes gives you a great hook for stories.
Look into Badab's Tyrant's Legion for some inspo if you haven't yet.
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>Chaos stole the planet.
>As in the Chapter loaded up their Battle Barges, drove off for milk & when they returned the planet was GONE
>Chapter is phenomenally PISSED OFF
>Chapter created a new fortress on a barren world
>Chapter started crusading to find & reclaim their stolen world
>They find it
>They reclaim it
>The fortress they built in the meantime is way better than what they reclaimed so they still set up on that planet but every so often they make a pilgrimage in honor of their first crusade, back to their planet.
>Also, the clerks in the imperium won't allow them to collect aspirants from anywhere else even if it's inconvenient
Are there rules for taming animals in the FFG games?
>Can a human conscious exist inside an empty Eldar spiritstone?
To the best of my knowledge, yes but there aren't any examples of that.
Bald, short and autistic?
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Speaking of soul stone fuckery, are there rules for them? I'm working on a DH plot involving radical trying to become immortal by possessing people while in a soul stone. I know I could probably just rule that as a contested WP roll but odds are a more fleshed out things would be better.
Has anyone here ever played/ran a game about rebelling against the IOM? One without chaos bullshit.
I watched a few videos about the hunger games a while ago and the idea of 40k version seemed interesting.
>Are there any homebrew stats for a Battle Barge I can try to find?
GBAL has all the marine ships up to Gloriana, I think.
The Eldar have a parallel technology called the Phoenix Armor that stores the original Phoenix Lords, and this technology is also used by the Minotaurs Chapter Master, Asterion Moloc, allowing him to resurrect by possessing another marine after death.
>me wanting for the Tau codex to come.out so I can 3d print a triple stormsurge army
Will the storm surge ever be good? I like it's looks.
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>I like big ships and I cannot lie
>You battle-brothers can't deny
>That when a ship warps in with an itty-bitty waist
>And a wide prow in your face you get SPRUNG
As a BFG tabletop player from way back when, I love starship combat but I just can't take Rogue Trader's ridiculous crew numbers seriously.
The crew numbers are low for the big ships if you take the stated lengths seriously.
>40k numbers make no sense
I remember reading Andy Chambers mentioning that when he was designing BFG the crew sizes were much smaller and reasonable (IIRC frigates would have 1,000 crew in those numbers). But it's not just the warships, even basic sodding cargo ships have crews in the tens of thousands. I get it that it's the "Imperium is retarded and doesn't know how to build autoloaders, oh except the Ad Mech ships and the Astartes ships" and need for grimderp impressment of hive populations and prison planets but there's a bloody limit for everything.
I figure most ships don't have evenly distributed crew, with large areas that are basically always empty save pests and mutants between decks.
>That's what I'm holding out hope for.
They said they might do a Space Marine supplement in the future, so there is a good chance they will go down this road.
Vestiges may remain in the locked parts of a servitor's mind, but overall any flickers of humanity are momentary lapses. Chaos, corrupted servitors can form a malignance of their own however.
Rouge trader has the "colonist" block which is a good starting point before you dump advances, skills, and other greebles onto them. most monsters have an equivalent or something close enough to be shifted towards what you want somewhere in the books.
So what horrifying and completely unnecessary rules in the Imperium exist? I know there one where they force peasants and people to live horribly lives so that they can serve as strong soldiers but what else is there?
No. Sounds like your guy is trying to be a not-daemon weapon with its posession rules.
Make shit up. Consistency is a suggestion in an empire of a million worlds.
Sounds about right.
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>Badab's Tyrant's Legion
will look into it, thanks.
also, I got color concept. decided on IG colors as a baseline
Old laws made up by Chinese Emperor's, medieval nobles, Arabian rulers etc,

Like no one is allowed to wear Yellow.

Works best if you add an actual reason too. Like maybe the color yellow was a prominent thing with a Chaos cult from years ago
It raises the possibility of the Emperor's superhuman creations being able to reproduce as an independent subspecies. This appears to be something he wanted very much to avoid. I guess you could argue they're sterile or that he wanted a personal amazon harem, but it seems like just more stupid newlore retcons driven by culture war idiocy. I think the worse thing, though, is that the Custodes are now being portrayed as having individual initiative, the lack of which was the justification for them mostly just sitting around guarding things while the Imperium turned into something the Emperor obviously didn't want.
custodes do have some free will though. isn't that the entire point of the eyes of the emperor? where they fuck off and do their own thing to spy in general keep tabs on the imperium?

I guess there is a difference between that and true free will though - being directed to use your own initiative in X task isn't quite the same as being given the greenlight to use your own initiative flat.
I seem to remember a time when they were just a powerful but narrowly focused bodyguard force and didn't have dozens of types of specialists that do every kind of military, political, and espionage thing you can imagine. The way they're portrayed now, the Emperor should have just left them in charge of everything and never bothered to make the Primarchs or appoint the High Lords since the Custodes could have done those jobs better and more faithfully.
It pisses me off to no end that two things have never been addressed in 40k. Admech Psykers, & why the admech have never fucked around more with wraithbone. Wraithbone is literally thought made manifest & should be seen as a magnum opus of the Omnissiah being dirtied by the filthy xenos. The second is that a soulstone should be a great way for an ancient Magos to store knowledge over time since servers break down & brains fill up. Soulstones don't have RAM. It's your consciousness in a rock that is finally beyond all material matters but also you could theoretically plug into a cybernetic body like some sort of Imperial wraithguard.

This is why I'm homebrewing all of this shit. Psybernetics. Wraithtech, etc. I'm even making some AI based stuff as well as Necron. I'll probably eventually expand the notes to a little bit of every "heretekal" avenue except chaos.
Castellax-Achea Class Battle-Automata
>Can a human conscious exist inside an empty Eldar spiritstone?
I don't think you should expect it to work for others the same way it does for Eldar. Even the Eldar have a much-reduced presence once they are disembodied (hence Wraithlords and Wraithguards spending most of their time zoning out). Humans might just not be able to maintain a coherent persona even if caught in one. Spirit Stones also have some connection to the Fall of the Eldar and their old galaxy-spanning empire (and implicitly perhaps the Old Ones). Their utility in ghost catching may be very specific to the Eldar themselves for the same reason that Slannesh is able to consume them if they are unprotected.
That's a totally valid theory. Yet there should be no reason that a human psyker can't create something similar that may be more human attuned. Or even a lesser version like some kind of brain-box that uses some wraithbone elements that alleviate some of the problems aging Magos have with memory & such like Cawl having an entire ship dedicated to storing his brain on punchcards. Even if there was no way to have something like a Soulstone, there are plenty of benefits to be had with wraithbone. It's living "plastic" stone that can repair itself, carry an animating force, & more important than everything else, it's resistant to chaos.
Did he stutter?
They are the reason the admech is forbidden from fucking around more with wraithbone. They stuck wraithbone in battle automata and made psychic killbots.
Hey, are Squats in Wrath and Glory or did that game come out too early to include them? I only heard about playable Eldars and Orks but there's no harm in asking to make sure.
Someone mentioned Pontius Glaw a thread or two ago. There are definitely ways that (corrupted) humans have figured out for pulling similar soul-in-a-box immortality tricks. They might even make use of some Eldar trinkets, just probably not in the same way the Eldar do. I'd definitely expect humans to make use of Wraithbone as a pschically-active material when they can get it for things like Force Weapons, psy focii, psychic hoods, and other psyker tech. I'm not sure they'd be able to manufacture it or shape it like the Eldar, though (that's a specialized skill even for them - just being psyker probably isn't enough).

>more important than everything else, it's resistant to chaos.
When used correctly, maybe. Plenty of the Webway is infected. Humans with access to psychic mcguffins tend to find ways to corrupt themselves and the mcguffins.
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Must be hard to meet a cute AdMech girl knowing she'll replace it all with robot bits when she can
Oh shit, where can I learn more about that?>>93924153
Yeah, I imagine human wraithbone would be far less effective & generally unpolished but still very useful
Biologis girls stay human
Horus Heresy Book 7 Inferno, they're a Thousand Sons thing. They're also in GBAL as a usable option for Thousand Sons Legionaries..
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Of all the various chapters with "Eagle" in their name, which is the coolest? Has won the most battles, has the most accolades, and even has the most lore?
>Admech psykers
In all due respect, because it it fundamentally dumb for the machine cult to study the warp. The warp is
>Incomprehensible, illogical and inconsistent
>Fueled by and manifested through emotions (which tech priests abandon on their ascendancy)
The quest for knowledge says the machine god left them everything they need scattered around the galaxy, to the point invention is looked down upon but tolerated when successful. Some tech priests take it a bit too far and also study alien designs for mankind's use or to destroy them more efficiently.
Nothing can be gained by studying the warp. Only blind faith can make it work. We can argue how much unquestioned tradition counts as faith, but Admech doesn't have saints, does it?
>Using xeno-tech
Tech priests can't even question why the Omnissiah is also the God-Emperor. Can you imagine if the Inquisition learned that a forge world used alien devices that connect to the warp because it is superior to human technology? Casting doubt on the Imperium's infallible might?

Fucked up machine people is cool enough for me.
Who makes & maintains all the psyker tech in the imperium? There are plenty of warp & other psychic phenomenon research stations. Much can be gained by studying the warp.

>Using Xeno tech

It's not exactly xenos tech if I strap a bunch of wyrdvane psykers to some kind of torturous crucible designed to harvest psychic energies into a wonder material is it?
Slop and Faggery more like
There is an ebook called "The Memory of Flesh" and it is about a servitor who's original consciousness wakes up and freaks the fuck out.
Blackadder could be good inspiration for a game.
The unit is delighted to learn their skills in art & performance are being called on to create a work of propaganda, not realizing the Commissar suspects them of heresy and is going to use their creation as evidence against them.
After starving for two weeks due to a logistical fuckup, a plump and docile grox comes wandering up to the trenches. Unfortunately, it is the Sacred Grox of Kallista, and should any harm come to it, it will cause a major religious schism in a nearby unit of Feral Worlders.
The Lord General's heir visits the trenches at the same time as the unit is putting on "the Passion of St. Walpurgia" with the role of the beautiful Slattern played humorously by their mutant manservant in drag. The heir is smitten with the mutant. Should he discover "her" true identity, he's likely to have the whole unit executed, and should his new lady love disappear or die, the unit's fate will be even worse.
A dashing Navy pilot convinces the team to join him on a special mission that he implies will involve "inspecting" a brothel far behind the lines. It actually consists of a Grav Chute drop into the fortress of the savage heretic known as the Crimson Castrator (who turns out to be a rather charming fellow, once you get him talking).
An agent of the Sisters Famulous has arrived to "collect genetic samples" and ensure the purity of the unit's line. The Sister is actually an Inquisitorial Agent planning to use the unit as bait to draw out a dangerous heretic.
Excitement spreads through the ranks at a rumor the Astartes have arrived, which quickly turns to the bitter realization that their presence means the grand assault is about to begin. Naturally, the Space Marines will be nowhere near the unit's section of the battlefield; they're far too valuable. The unit's job is to advance, and draw as much fire as they can.
This is, as they say, "it".
Good luck, everyone.
>This is why I'm homebrewing all of this shit. Psybernetics. Wraithtech, etc. I'm even making some AI based stuff as well as Necron. I'll probably eventually expand the notes to a little bit of every "heretekal" avenue except chaos.
Yo, post that shit when you do. I'd love to use it in a game.
Well, a huge amount of how they treat mutants probably qualifies. Most mutants *aren't* chaos-related, they're just the result of thousands of years of exposure to weird radiation and left over biological weapons. Mutants are regularly shown to be just people who happen to look like freaks, not actual monsters. Chattel slavery with the occasional pogrom is considered *indulgent* in the Imperium.
Besides that, one of the Hives on Scintilla has a custom in which factory workers cut off one finger upon marriage and present it to their overseer, as a sign of their continued commitment to producing the Imperium's goods.
Being taken hostage is a sin and a serious breach of Imperial Law. Exceptions only for extremely vital personnel, and even then under duress. Also, so is failure to conspicuously carry a sidearm in certain areasbased.
YMMV, but the Arbites are instructed to publicly torture to death the families of traitors, including those removed by several generations. So if the distant cousin you never met joins a cult, you can be flayed in the town square for it.
Oh, and on Necromunda young nobles come of age by LARPing as the Predator and hunting poor people for sport in their advanced suits of combat armor. It serves no real purpose other than assuring that the ruling caste is a bunch of battle-hardened, sadistic sociopaths, and that the underclass fears and hates them.
Literally not Admech. It's explicitly said so in the lore. Only source I can reliably point to (i.e remember) is Battlefleet Koronus. Navigator spire is up to any Navis Nobilites and the astropathic choir and minor Psyker charms are up to the Astra Telepathica and scholastia psykana
>Ignoring Dominus Kryptaestrex
>Ignoring the Acolytes of Abraxas
>Ignoring the Empyric Engineers
Yeah, I'm thinking you need to catch up on some reading.
>I may release a proper brew for them, but frankly it's hard to look at RT's ship combat and not want to rewrite some of it from scratch, so if I do it'll likely be the kind of giant extensive project that looks very impressive but nobody actually plays.
Same, friendo, same...

What'd you change if you could? Personally, I'd rip out most of the maneuver rules and write something new from scratch, because as it stands, two ships circling each other actually shoot at each other's rear every turn instead of broadsiding.

and that's dumb
Question in the Rogue Trader rules can you upgrade the Hull capacity of your void ship or do you just have to buy a new larger void ship? In the RT video game you can upgrade the Hull damage capacity but I don't think you could do that in the RPG but I'm not sure if I have missed something?
You get better craftsmanship ship components or acquire more ships.
is this nigga still playing rogue trader by himself
Who is going to stop them?
At bare minimum, crew rating needs to change - NPC ships are almost incapable of meaningfully damaging anything with a shield and 20 armor unless you're abusing the salvo optional rule (thus utterly invalidating the purpose of lances) or using macrobatteries to fish for lance strikes to deal chip damage. I considered scrapping both crew rating and all the fiddly little actions various crew can perform and replacing them with a sort of Leadership analogue from BFG, presumably inheriting a value from a given character's command modifier, and vastly simplified maneuvers as well. BFG only had six special orders, and one of them was for reloading torpedoes (and nova cannons, and attack craft).

The fact that light cruisers are squished poorly between vastly upgunned frigates and proper cruisers is a pain in the ass, and the fact that frigates are so ridiculously upgunned in the first place is an annoyance, no matter how much I enjoy kicking ass in an archeotech-laden firestorm. I'm of two minds on that matter - it could be fixed by slashing escorts to half to a third their hull value and rewriting rules to treat them as expendable chaff, bought and sold by the squadron, or it could be patched by multiplying capital ship hull values by 3-4x (likely alongside a damage upgrade so as to prevent combats from being week-long slugging matches). I would need to thoroughly explore both ideas to see what they get me. Either way, SP values would need an update.

Transports are quite frankly a red-headed stepchild so far as hull classifications go; you can't power a Universe-class with their shitty 40 power engines and expect to get anything useful out of it. iirc I statted one out filled with basic cargo holds and it needed multiple auxiliary plasma banks just to feed them.

I hypothesized a potential full rewrite dividing hulls between Escort, Cruiser, and Battleship, then further subdividing them by Civilian and Military, but that's a good bit more complexity just to be able to fit a LC drive into a Universe but disallow it from equipping cruiser-grade weapons, such as lances or nova cannons.

Multiple ship's statlines are in desperate need of a fix - the Lathe class LC is dogshit bad and doesn't even get a bonus to exploration to compensate. No detection buff, no bonus to scanning planets, no multiplier to time before resupply. The Goliath's plasma refinery does fuckall, when one would THINK you'd be able to use it to help refine high quality starship fuel, or manufacture spare parts for your starships, speed up hull repair, or equip a small army.

I still need to get to writing actual rules for starship detection, seeing as the only way you can see a ship RAW is by succeeding on a detection test; there's no passive detection system at all, not even a loose one. Writing out something that's both competent and concise will probably be a bitch and a half, it'll likely involve spotting drive cones within X radius then performing a scan to figure out what the hell you're looking at, likely with the basic information of escort/cruiser/battleship already known to you, because you can see the drive cone and those would damned well have significantly different characteristics. I also need to write real rules for acquiring ships, including but not limited to derelicts, severely damaged hulls that are being sold off to generate funds, and ships in mothball. I need to write rules for mothballing ships, and for taking ships out of mothballs, including getting them fitted for components, acquiring and training a crew, and performing a shakedown cruise. I should probably quantify rules for salvaging derelict hulls as well, while I'm at it.

So, like I said, giant extensive project, will look quite impressive, will probably not be used.
>Can you upgrade hull capacity
You upgrade Space by either taking out components you're not using, getting Good or Best quality components to reduce the amount of space taken up by them, or buying a bigger ship.
You upgrade Hull by equipping reinforced bulkheads and/or field bracings, depending on whether you have a glut of power or space to spend on it. Or by buying a bigger ship.
I'd still be interested, honestly. I'm also working on some RT homebrew designed to make fleet management more interesting, but more on the economics side of things.

>The fact that light cruisers are squished poorly between vastly upgunned frigates and proper cruisers is a pain in the ass, and the fact that frigates are so ridiculously upgunned in the first place is an annoyance, no matter how much I enjoy kicking ass in an archeotech-laden firestorm.
This has always stuck out to me when building RT ships. The biggest 'change' in a ship's characteristics to me always seems to be the jump from Raider to Frigate. Cruisers and Grand Cruisers always feel bizarrely light on space, they fill up in seconds just trying to fully gun them, so you're obligated to bring logistics ships, but the logistics ship always winds up being either a Universe or something else you can just slam whatever secondary parts you need into it.

It just winds up feeling like a lot of the shipbuilding gameplay goes out the window the second you hit Cruisers, because now you're obligated to build a fleet.
Will do. I gotta learn how to format it in a nice way, right now it's just a Google document & I dont know how to securely share those
Started prep work on an Only War game where the players are part of a Logistics Corps for an armored regiment.

Its been a minute since i've ran anything like this before. So if anyone's got any tips or suggestions.

So far the idea is that the planet is a realative backwater that's only good as a pitstop for longer journeys (and a safe harbor, very anchored in realspace.) There might be a narrow corridor through The Great Rift nearby, so there's renewed interest in it. But there's an Ork Waagh! to contend with, and only similar backwater regiments are available to defend it.
The opposite of what those retards said. Rule it as a daemonhost or daemon weapon but fluff it so the soul feeds the mechanism rather than the entity inside
>two outlawed and persecuted groups
>guy from the fucking painting guide (who also had to put up with forge worlds opposing him)
I like the dominus guy but he studies eldar to kill them as much as to use their portas. You got me on warp drive and Geller fields. Those are Admech out of necessity.
It's fine if you wanna do your own thing but it's not irrationally unexplored. It's just not what the machine cult is about.
>Multiple ship's statlines are in desperate need of a fix - the Lathe class LC is dogshit bad and doesn't even get a bonus to exploration to compensate. No detection buff, no bonus to scanning planets, no multiplier to time before resupply.
The Lathe definitely needs work - it's just a worse Secutor RAW. I like the idea of a detection buff and maybe built-in long duration journey components. I'd give it Extended Supply Vaults, Arboretum, and maybe Ship's Stores without Space cost. Also, I think Mechanicus hulls should get the option to purchase an extra piece of Archeotech at game start. The Exorcist needs similar changes (probably with built-in Small Craft Repair Decks and Pilot's Chambers, plus Extended Supply Vaults).
>The Goliath's plasma refinery does fuckall, when one would THINK you'd be able to use it to help refine high quality starship fuel, or manufacture spare parts for your starships, speed up hull repair, or equip a small army.
The Goliath can be built as a very powerful Achievement Point genetating support ship as it is. A refueling mechanic that lets it lengthen other ships' supply duration might be interesting.
>[machines are] just not what the machine cult is about
What’s the most advanced way the imperium stores large amount of data? I’ve only ever seen admin planets with a bunch of poor people or servitor recording information. Is there no digital systems?
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most advanced? probably something on or in the ark explorators like the Speranza from the priests of mars novel.

most common? just rows on rows of data banks with a servitor interface or vellum libraries. in the grim darkness of 40k, there is only stinky stinky flesh books being inked upon by underpaid zealots or that one episode of doctor who. Individually, I think cawl and presumably most other high ranking tech priests have internal databases or cogitators that handle the bulk of their info storage and in cawls case, indiviudal definitely-not-artificial intelligence-cubes that also store memories and various other bits he accesses at whim.
The noospheres tech priests and skitarii have is probably the most commonly advanced one. The highest form would be like that Anon said, full on independent repositories of stored organic knowledge. I don’t think most administrations have the resources or connections with the tech priests to install their own cogitator servers to form a noosphere and get Google. But I don’t doubt it happens
"Cogitator" is the grimdark 40K word for "computer". They can have whatever capabilities you might imagine a real or sci-fi computer to have, short of AI (at least that's recognizable as such). Just keep in mind thay they're considered hard to use for 40K people who aren't techpriests. 40K tech isbpowerful, but inconvenient. There's no single described storage technology. They might use combinations of magnetic storage, some kind of sci fi quantum optical crystals, and printouts bound into books or shoves in file cabinets.
Ever hear of data-crypts?
>vellum libraries
Vellum isn't common, it's a rare extravagance and status symbol. All but the most primitive (and irrelevant) of worlds use data slates the same way Kids These Days use phones - natively, but with no understanding.
For any individual, perhaps, but not as you increase the scale of administration. Imperial bureaucracy's purpose is to house data until it is lost to entropy rather than utilise it in any meaningful way, and they will move worlds to ensure it moulders in some data vault in the proper ignored format.
Any homebrews for abhumans in DH2? I could port the Only War stuff over, but this is our first time running the game, so I’d rather not mess with it too much, and the group bitchass wants to play a ”funny” redditling. I’m already going to treat him as a gypsy but I’d also want to make his character a tiny different statwise.
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Ogryns for Dark Heresy 2e

Ogryn Homeworld
Characteristic Modifiers: +10 base Strength and toughness, -10 base Intelligence, -10 Agility. || +Strength, +Toughness, -Influence
Fate Threshold: 2 (emperor's blessing 6+)
Homeworld Bonus:
---ABHUMAN; Gains Sturdy, Size (5), Autostabilized, Unnatural strength (2), Unnatural Toughness (2). Clumsy and Claustrophobia/It Dark In Dere
--Clumsy: Ogryns cannot use weapons that aren't built for them without damaging them due to their oversized strong hands. Weapons without the Ogyrn-Proof Trait have a chance to be irreparably damaged upon use. (GMs discretion).
Slow Learner: due to their simple minds, Ogryns Have a -300 XP debt that must be paid off before they can purchase anything. All Skills and talents that have an Intelligence Aptitude cost double. [up to GM's Discretion and how uptight you are about lore]
Homeworld Aptitude: Toughness
Wounds: 20+1d5
Recommended Backgrounds: Adeptus Arbites, Imperial Guard, Outcast

Ogryn Elite Advance:
>BONE'ead. Cost 300xp
>Requirements: Access to a Churigeon w/ cerebral implants, and sponsorship to pay for it. 15+ Intelligence.
>Instant Changes: Receives Good Quality Cerebral Implant [Unnatural Intelligence(2), +20 Lore and Logic Tests.] Intelligence Aptitude skills and talents no longer cost double, and all previously purchased Talents and skills have extra cost refunded.
>Gain access BONE'head advances.

Ogryn Elite Talents:
Improved Dexterity (Ogryn): Basic Ranged, thrown, and Melee weapons can be used without the Ogryn-proof Traits. Ogryns are big enough to use these weapons one handed. (Dual wielding Storm Bolters 'ere we go.)

Talk Fancy Like(ogryn): The ogryn through observation or practice can now string together words and concepts that make people doubt he's actually an ogryn. Any penalties the ogryn might receive based on preconceptions of their lack of intelligence can waived after a few minutes conversation. And can reroll at one charm test per session
ur mom is Slop and Faggery
Don't do this. Just give them Bulging Biceps ffs.
>XP debt
Likewise not good. Just limit their degrees of success / increase their degrees of failure in appropriate tests.
>Claustrophobia/It Dark In Dere
Only make this a test when the ogryn is alone / lacks an authority figure to lead them through. Then make it Fear. Noncombat Fear is a -10 to all tests. Combat Fear works as normal.
>Receives Good Quality Cerebral Implant
Even worse. Ogryn with a BONE implant should be less Clumsy and reduce degrees of success penalties.
>Talk Fancy Like
Loyal Demeanour sets better expectations.
>This character never suffers penalties to Fellowship Tests for not being taken seriously or due to being an Ogryn, and may re-roll one failed Charm Test per game session.
Isn’t Paper Terra’s biggest import vaguely recall reading that in one of the vaults of Terra
>my friend has a 3d printer
Guess I really am going triple stormsurge Tau after all
I personally, being a massive ship autist, enjoy the concept of fleetbuilding. I am also aware of how much of a colossal pain in the ass it is, seeing as without GM fiat all you can do is buy an empty hull, and then you have to purchase all the various separate components for them one by one, and install them all one by one, so unless your GM is particularly generous with acquisitions you're going to need an entire campaign arc just to outfit a wolfpack of cobras. Except no, actually, without GM fiat you can't buy ships at all. There's fuckall rules for that other than 'roll the ship points against your profit factor', and I'm quite certain that's a houserule. This game was designed around having a single ship and then sticking with it, and I loathe that.

I have yet to find a game or meet a GM who uses achievement points. They're an exceedingly poor attempt to codify narrative into numbers. That being said, I have broken it over my knees via something I like to affectionately refer to as the Polaris-class megayacht. It's a Universe packed with thirty luxury passenger quarters and every morale-boosting component in the game. It sits at a steady 50% morale, and grants 3500 achievement points to Trade endeavors, 2800 to Creed, and 2550 to Crime. Given the 100 AP = 1 PF conversion, you're going to make at minimum 30 PF from a single Trade endeavor, and you need a maximum of three to become king shit of fuck mountain, even assuming the lowest possible starting PF.

It is my glorious son, and it will never, ever, EVER see play, because the fraction of a fraction of GMs who actually use the endeavor system will very promptly stop before this nonsense gets off the ground.
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How does one play a Hospitaller with a Meltagun?
Not entirely sure how this works in canon: what happens to candidates for the SoBs that don't make the cut? Just servitorization like half the other factions in the Imperium? Working on an NPC.
You don't need to treat wounds if the cause of said wounds are ashes/puddles
>Unnatural strength (2), Unnatural Toughness (2)
Absolutely not, it was wrong in Only War and wrong here, Ogryns should have like +6. If a Space Marine has +4, have you fucking seen an Ogryn?
I would assume it depends on how they fail, and at what stage. If they're clearly unsuitable, they don't get chosen from among the schola students in the first place and just don't end up with the Sisters in the first place. If they turn out to be unsuitable for combat roles, well, the Adepta Sororitas aren't just Sisters of Battle and even among the orders militant they need clerks, menials, etc. many of whom are probably drawn from failed candidates like with Astartes.
Game balance takes precedence. No player should be allowed to have anything with Unnaturals.
Utter wank.
Well you don't write the official material so your opinion means literally nothing. Seethe with your norealgames.
>There's fuckall rules for that other than 'roll the ship points against your profit factor', and I'm quite certain that's a houserule
There are specific rules in RT for buying ships. If I remember correctly, you get the Essential Components with the Hull (adding to Hulk cost and extra for Essential Components that cost SP). The way I like to handle ships is that adding a ship to your Dynasty is an Endeavor where you get the ship instead of PF (Endeavor size based on Hull category). This may or may not involve Acquisition Tests for the Hull or parts (you might salvage or seize a ship instead). This does take play time, which limits fleet size.

>I have yet to find a game or meet a GM who uses achievement points. They're an exceedingly poor attempt to codify narrative into numbers.
I do, but not quite the way described in the Core rules. I use those rules to determine AP required and base PF reward (base rewards and AP tend to match RAW for Endeavor size pretty closely). I deviate in how Objectives work. Each Objective is a goal that needs to be completed for the Endeavor to be a success. Players complete those goals however they can. If you complete an Objective, you automatically get some AP for that. Guaranteed AP for all Objectives combined is always significantly less than required AP for the Endeavor, but winning all Objectives will get you the base PF reward no matter what. You can also stack extra AP to increase the PF reward if you exceed the total required by enough (100AP=1PF, max PF reward is double base reward). You can get extra AP by taking advantage of side opportunities, doing very well on certain tasks (especially negotiations), or using ship Components that grant AP in furtherrance of the effort (Must help with the Objective, once per Objective at most, but Themes are irrelevant - if you put it to good use, you get points). There are also ways to lose AP, of course.

This system has worked pretty well so far.
Then it's perfectly fine to call what anon (You) were saying utter wank. Seethe on this.
No matter how much you cry and whine, Ogryns will always only be Unnatural +2...and there's nothing you can do about it. Go on, homebrew it. Force people to play your game to make a point. If you ask anyone with a real game what an Ogryn's Unnatural level is, they will now and forever say +2, and nothing you say or do can change the official rule.
>Game balance takes precedence
No it doesn't, the mechanics accurately reflecting the world and being internally consistent does, D&D brainrot ass bitch
>No player should be allowed to have anything with Unnaturals
If they're playing something that would have an Unnatural Characteristic, of which several game lines provide, they certainly should, retard-kun

>Seethe with your norealgames.
I'm confident I've ran more games than you have or will

What is actually wrong with you?
>Go on, homebrew it
I will
>Force people to play your game
This may be an alien concept to you but I don't have to particularly convince my players to play my games
>to make a point
I run games because they're fun and my players have a good time, silly
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Hell yeah brother! I find that I'm both an awesome GM and Player. Solo games are the way to go.
Post the homebrew. we're waiting.
ur image in OP gave me a boner
How are the Sororitas careers in Blood of Martyrs, balance-wise? I can pretty clearly see that your standard Battle Sister and variants are a bit much, but stuff like Famulous, Dialogus and Hospitaller seem more sane. Can they mix properly with a more normal band of Acolytes or will they end up outshining them?
I still don't get how a human brain is somehow able to substitute for an AI, it just makes no sense.
That's just as stupid as making a computer or AI out of fungi.
>build hospitaller char
>acquire melta
What exactly is the concern/question here?
Hush papaya. Your bitching means nothing.
Take a look at the faith powers and consider.
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Why'd the artist even bother?
How do you not get it? They are simply using the human brain as an organic computer. The trick is that we don't have the technology now to do that but to be honest I expect people are working on developing organic computers because the human brain has a lot to recommend it as a computing system
>title: 4chan doxes primaris haters
>body: guy who shit on primaris doxed
>Then I had to leave the game for school
they don't use A.I. because last time they used it caused a ruckus and fucked them out of galactic domination for a good while there. "Men Of Iron." they use lobotomized brains as a substitute because it gets around the artificial aspect of A.I while also allowing the freeform use of it fucking everywhere.
The rules for buying ships boil down to 'roll a flat acquisition test against your PF minus the SP of the ship', and end there. That is the vaguest, most barebones possible way to manage things, and utterly fails to answer the question of what components if any are pre-installed on the ship. Nowhere is it stated they have even essential components. It is GM fiat to allow anyone to acquisition a ship with components in it at all.

A generous interpretation of the rules is that a player can purchase a ship filled with whatever they want as long as they succeed on the acquisition vs the combined SP, and this is supported by how it works in the initial ship creation, but it is stated exactly nowhere, and it brings with it issues regarding the economy of ship components as well - one may try to bypass the acquisition system for ship weapons by purchasing a transport equipped with a dragon's breath lance for a total of -23 to acquire, entirely avoiding the combined -50 due to rarity and type.

Inversely, if one is disallowed from lumping weaponry in with the hull's base SP cost, one is then required to purchase each weapon individually, in which case one suffers anywhere from a -40 to a -60 on a per-weapon basis - utterly impossible for a poor dynasty to manage, extremely difficult and time-consuming for a middlingly wealthy dynasty, and only moderately possible for a particularly rich dynasty. That's before even touching on good or best quality weapon components. You'd need to minmax the peer talent with the navy to make it even approach doable, in which case you could shave off -30 to the acquisition rolls - presuming you have both Peer and Good Reputation, and are making the acquisition from a navy port.

So you can see why I would want to nail things out in a more competent, less wishy-washy manner.
how do NPC conversations go?
I'm rebalancing my OW homebrew, how would you guys go about differentiating Solid Projectile vs Las weapons. Right now i've got it that Lasguns tend to have higher range (no bullet drop), do more damage but have less AP (due to the heat quickly dissipating). While SP guns have kinetic force so have slightly higher AP, and also tend to have higher rates of fire for equivalent weapons (several SP guns have the Storm quality). Also lasguns can never be silenced and sometimes will have their damage effected by cold weather or enviromental conditions, anything else I should cover or how do you go about it in your own /head40k/
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>circuitry that does something useful
Cogitator, Data-Engine or whatever name you want to use that isn't as boring as "Computer".
>lobotomised cyborg
>sapient self-modifying software
Abominable Intelligence.

A gun you give voice commands to is not smart even if it can tell the difference between a human and an ork.
However in the Imperium you're going to be giving voice commands to a man with a gun. He's cheaper.
In which lore?
Abominable Intelligence causes problems. Orthodox techpriests are sworn to REEE if they see anyone making or using these.
Cogitators, that is computers, are "dumb" but serve better than our 21st century computers and some might as well be magical already, even before a daemon gets inside one.
Servitors are just slaves turned into robots, or golems if that is a better word. Their least expensive part is the human, or animal. They do 1 thing well, and don't need to sleep or socialise, at the cost of everything else.

You could call Robocop a high functioning servitor - he's lobotomised (but not to the same degree), he's really good at *physical* police work, he can't do forensic evidence gathering but he can record a video, he can't do paperwork, he's incapable of not heavy-handedly brutalising criminals, he knows the law, his circuitry records who's wanted, he's incapable of relationships or empathy or human contact, he eats baby food through a tube, he can measure how to ricochet bullets, he walks at people with guns and is saved only by his armour, he shows no awareness or reasoning or cunning in response to any problem or predicament, he's a slave to his laws and his masters.
>we don't have the technology now
>I expect people are working on developing organic computers
>Scientists have been trying to build computers based on advanced biological systems for decades.
There is a book or something on a Heretek Magos or someone making fully lobotomised servitors in the terms of "We took out the soul!" though I don't recall it functionally being different to a servitor, the main issue for the Mechanicus was the soul being taken out.
I don't think the point is the human brain otherwise I'd expect to see a Forge World growing a mass of grey matter in a vat. I think the point is that it's a human, or was a human.
Generally however I want them to go. I can use AI to generate them but usually I just use my imagination to come up with something that fits the bill.
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Haven't played Only War.
I would recommend considering rules complexity.
The Space Marine system feels like a heavily homebrewed Dark Heresy.
The book is a mess with both important and unimportant rules spread across too many pages. That you start with something like 20 skills and talents is frustrating even if half the point is to make it easier (you don't have to brace, you can dodge, you're ambidextrous)... because the other half are not only confusing, they're rewrites of rules elsewhere. And that's before you remember there's an errata.

No-one has time to learn about Solo or Squad mode. My players are dumb marine enjoyers, they don't want to think, or read, and 9 times out of 10 rolling to hit with their astartes boltgun solves the problem that would have been more elegantly handled if they used a squad mode ability... if each time it didn't involve bickering for 5 minutes if they should enter squad mode, who, why, where, and then another 5 minutes of bickering over if it really is worth spending squad cohesion to deal with that big mek when they could save it for the warboss.
It's very unbecoming for a Marine... even if it's typical for a GW game.

I also had to make some difficult rulings when my marine players started to look at things like power fists, claws, and arm attached guns. Because I couldn't find anything in the book quite explaining how a marine, who already struggles with fine motor control, deals with mission circumstances. I can't remember if the rules as written say you cannot use a power fist with a two handed gun or if it forgot.
Stupid question in this subject: The benefit for multiple ships into battle is for extra combat options/utility functions, yes. But how viable would it really be to have a ship or two that has zero weapons at all (being filled with transport/utility functions) and has to be defended by other ships?
I would love to be a fly on the wall during one of these games, I wasn't trying to make fun of you for it earlier it just feels like such a foreign and weird concept to me to play a TTRPG by myself.
Extremely viable within the confines of the system, this is essentially what transports are for. You're going to have an utter bitch of a time packing an adequate weapons loadout into the same ship you have full of utility functions, there's no sense in trying to do both at once. Just be wary of your GM sneaking escorts around your formation to hit your more vulnerable ships.

You can fairly adequately kit out a Universe with all of the noncombat functions you could desire. However, if a single cruiser gets within broadside range of it, it's going to explode. So don't let them do that, and probably abuse the squadron rules in BFK to make it untargetable behind a wall of ablative frigates.

Except ablative frigates are fuckloads more expensive than they should be. So maybe buy Carracks for a cheaper equivalent, and just call it a merchant fleet.
Interesting. So theoretically, just loading up a Conquest-class Star Galleon without weapons and simply having a load of utility stuff on it while having a few Frigates/Raiders around it would be a viable tactic. Or barring that, just have the Conquest armed a bit while having a few purely utility escorts and some Frigate bodyguards.

So here's the next question: How would you propose balancing out supplies to make sure each of them could stay around the transport for as long as needed? If some of them have Arboretums/Extended Supply Vaults while others don't, some of those ships are pretty fucked if it's a true exploration mission.
Not him, but I don't see why so many people find it weird. You've presumably at least heard of GMs having NPCs talk and fight amongst themselves, use random tables to create characters, locations, situations, and the like. Add controlling a PC and you're basically there.
Depending on the person it can vary a lot from, "basically writing a novel with dice rolls" to "basically playing a dungeon crawl video game manually". But so can group games.
explain thousand sons to me, whats their life like, what do tehy feel, being giant dust beings, do tehy still have emotion? Honestly outside of Death Guard, Emperor's Children, Word Bearers, and World Eaters the rest of Chaos seem to be begrudgingly serving. Magnus is listed as a tragic figure or the thousand sons are tragic but they seem to jus tbe dusty marines warping aruond, what do they get up to and what are their motives?
college I didn't have internet for a while.
I don't mind fleetbuilding either, I suppose what I meant was that the fleetbuilding gameplay there is just boils down to a single logistics ship that's just for buffs and then loads of combat vessels.

>There's fuckall rules for that other than 'roll the ship points against your profit factor', and I'm quite certain that's a houserule.
Nah, it's really not a houserule, it's on Page 274 of Core.
The whole idea dies to the GM nudging it with any requirements, or the inherent nature of the vessel you've created - a ship full of nobleborn vendettas that need more management than a herd of cats that explode when excited. Natural that you think it's something worth parading instead of picking apart.
Do you think the setting would be better if they took out the xenos? The xenos make for fun losers, but they don't really contribute anything to the setting since the galaxy is fundamentally dominated and owned by humans, and the primary conflict is, essentially, a human civil war. The xenos are mostly there to die and feel sad, but they take away time and energy better spent on the Imperium and Chaos in the process.
Definitely not. The xenos add a touch of unpredictability and they are fun as heck to fight. A stripped down WH40K to only humans would be gay as fuck.
>Do you think the setting would be better if they took out the xenos?
They already made a setting like that, it's called Dune.
Eh, the problem with xenos is that they're too predictable. Chaos actually taking Cadia was unexpected and a genuine victory. But xenos? We already know how every story with them goes. They strut around acting all smug and overconfident, and then the Imperium punches their face in and they limp home crying.
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Does that dude's sword say
>P R I M E B E E F
Imagine how much more annoying Imperial Guard fanboys would be
What about Pariah Nexus or the whole situation in Pacificus? Necrons and Tyranids seem to be doing pretty decent right now. Orks and Eldar live to be jobber though.
Ammunition. Lasguns just have a power setting (if that) whereas for solid projectiles you can have all kinds of fun stuff: armor piercing (which in a military setting is probably the default), tracers, hollow points, match-grade ammo, hot loads (which may or may not risk damaging your gun), explosive bullets, etc.

And if you're autistic enough to consider damage in cold weather, you should probably also consider the respective maintenance requirements.
>What about Pariah Nexus
Their pathetic attempt at recovering some dignity after they got bitch slapped by Chaos

>or the whole situation in Pacificus?
Same deal as above, pretty much just xenos trying to pretend that they're doing okay and aren't totally freaking out over how fucked they are.
When I run my games I make xenos a genuinely alien feeling threat that don't play by the same rules as humans.

When my party of jarheads comes up against a single Eldar warrior the eldar will have 2 turns in the initiative cycle, almost always acting first and then having another turn in the middle, to simulate their species just having insane reflexes compared to people. They have insane levels of dodge and the only way to really kill them is to focus fire on them or use a lot of spray/blast weapons to get around their agility bonus.

Orks are genuine monsters capable of shrugging off huge amounts of damage, they don't act wacky or speak in le grimdank cockney voice to humans. Getting a critical roll on an Orks arm and blowing it off does not stop them, you need to pump their body full of lead or lasbolts to put them down and their strength bonus means even a lowly boy will tear apart a human in close combat.

The Tau are the closest to feeling like your fighting random cultists or rebels, but their weapons are several times more powerful than your own and they will switch between Kauyon and Monktka tactics (often retreating just to lead the party into a worse position to get ambushed, then calling in the heavy guns and air support to crush them). They don't hold ground or use attrition warfare, the party has to adapt to fighting an enemy that is better armed and more tactically complex.

When my party makes the mistake of following my necron thread, they are going to find out.
>The Tau are the closest to feeling like your fighting random cultists or rebels, but their weapons are several times more powerful than your own and they will switch between Kauyon and Monktka tactics (often retreating just to lead the party into a worse position to get ambushed, then calling in the heavy guns and air support to crush them). They don't hold ground or use attrition warfare, the party has to adapt to fighting an enemy that is better armed and more tactically complex.
If you make the Tau anything other than retards who only survive because of plot armor and have lost every war they've ever fought with the Imperium then you're doing it wrong.
This is literally every non-Imperial faction in the setting
>If you make the Tau anything other than retards who only survive because of plot armor
That's space marines
Space Marines are the creations of a living god and the largest empire that has ever existed. The Tau are commie fish people that got ripped off by dwarves and routinely get their shit kicked in.
You've made like ten fucking threads give it a rest jesus christ
I've made 10 threads before and no one ever calls me out :(((
Not really, no. Chaos and the Imperium is necessarily shallower than you think. They sell more models, so they get more official writefaggotry, so they end up disappearing up their own assholes because their lore isn't all that deep and cannot ever be all that deep. Reducing or removing xenos would make everything worse.
>largest empire that ever existed
Bro doesn't know about the Necrons
Has the latest Tithes episode release yet?
l wonder how the factions rank by sales
I imagine that Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines are 1st and 2nd, but who places 3rd? I feel like it might be Nids.
The necrons are bitch-tier, they lost an entire World Engine to a single Space Marine chapter.
go back to r/grimdank. When is the cringe LE COMMIE TAU meme ever going to end
When they get squatted. They don't even fill a niche in the setting. The Imperium has bigger and better mechs.
Probably Imperial Guard, who are a cool faction but have the absolute worst and most annoying faggots in their corner
Honestly I wish the Tau didn't try to fill the mecha niche (though it makes sense why GW wanted to enter that market). My desired Tau are the covenant of the setting, with more of a focus on the mixture of species and how they work together. But alas all we get is 90% mecha models, 9% tau and like 1 kroot shaper.
How do you feel about the Vespids?
The Imperium of Man is a plot of Tzeentch.
The Imperium does that better too.
>self-defeating backwards shithole that still progresses by some miracle
checks out
Very classic but always cool flying bugman design, wish they got more love other than a single unit.

I wish the Q'orl became an actual faction but will never happen
Don't they have a whole killteam?
Listen faggot. We get it, you hate all the sci fi elements of 40k and wish it was just a LE HIGH IMPERIUM fanwank. Fucking hell I hate people like you, go back to the comments section of the latest Majorkill video
Same, the Q’Orl are actually almost kinda a threat unlike the Tau and at least they’re mildly intimidating. The problem with the Tau is that they went and made them an authoritarian shithole but they’re not even like…a threatening one. They’re just so weak, like a little North Korea.
My problem with Tau is that their small size unironically irritates my autism about making /yourguys/ for them. With SM or CSM or whatever it feels easier to justify them. The Tau need a size increase.
I think the setting would be absolutely better if there was more "local threat/NPC" factions, they don't have to be major intergalactic players to be interesting. The Tau are there to mirror the early rise of humanity, if the Tau Empire was around 5000 years ago they would probably have been in a position to conquer the Galaxy with their own Men of Iron, but sadly they got warp travel just in time to see the galaxy as a rotting carcass about to be swallowed whole by nids, crons and chaos.
I did think it was kind of retarded when the Tau take over a single hive city and it's like "this one city has more people living in it than our entire empire". They have advanced cloning and hundreds of planets (they *should* have hundreds anyway). Their population should be atleast a trillion.
This supports the general idea that life in the Imperium is much cheaper than life in the Tau empire.
Of course. Life in the Imperium is unironically the cheapest resource in the universe. Fucking lasguns are probably more expensive overall.
lol yea.
You probably agree with me, but what I'm trying to say is that the Tau can be accustomed to the idea of drastically-lower population numbers and that doesn't count as a plot hole, it counts as an example of how the Tau have a different and arguably-better worldview.
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Humanity likes to breed.

I'm definitely keen on creating a planet of clones that are just one guy who millenia ago decided that he was the pinnacle of humanity and so created his version of the perfect society. No women just clones. They would be chemgelded and just focused on developing some great design.
Hello, Horatio.
God no. I think the setting would be better with more xenos and far less chaos. It makes no sense for there to be a "primary conflict" at all given the size of the galaxy. And "chaos" shouldn't b e a faction, but something that can affect and infect anyone.
But I'm already well into, "just make your own setting because no one cares about your fanfiction" territory.
I'd recommend a Goliath, Universe, or other similar transport for the purpose rather than a proper cruiser (insofar as a Conquest can be considered a proper cruiser), but yes. As far as supplies go, I'd probably either just straight up allow any flagship to provide supply multipliers to any smaller vessel squadroned with it, or brew up a ship trait that grants a supply multiplier to any fleet the ship travels with. Unfortunately there's no decent way to do it without homebrewing or houseruling, if you want to use the core rules for it each ship needs supplies. I mean, you COULD just let them eat the morale penalty, but your mileage may vary.
You are correct, but as I complained at length about a bit earlier, it's such a barebones bit of text that it feels more like a houserule than proper RAW.
It is technically possible to manage a non-disastrous voyage if you surround it with ablative escorts and guard it jealously against morale penalties. For a somewhat less ludicrous variant, shave it down to twenty passenger quarters to sit at 80% morale, while still retaining 2500 AP to Trade. Yes, it would be a hotbed of egotistical dick-measuring and quite probably a good many plots and schemes, but not only does that make for fun plot points a la Murder on the Orient Express, you can sell the fact of those plot points to your customer base. Come live on the giant floating hotel for a while, includes live murder mysteries every month or so! Try your hand at detective work, or hatch a scheme of your own if you dare! Access to the hidden maintenance corridors could be yours, for just a small fee! Courses on how to assemble an ironclad alibi are freely available to Rubidium-level passengers and greater.

Embrace the spirit of J. Bruce Ismay, and build the unsinkable liner. Just... maybe watch out for asteroids.
>it's such a barebones bit of text that it feels more like a houserule than proper RAW.
Oh, not disagreeing there, just wanted to give you a source, since you made it sound like you hadn't been able to find it in the books.

>It is technically possible to manage a non-disastrous voyage if you surround it with ablative escorts and guard it jealously against morale penalties.
You could also just take a hit to the versatility by not using luxury quarters and mounting holds instead. Lot more boring and less interesting, but I'd argue that Trade objectives are generally more common than Criminal and Creed ones.
>It is technically possible to manage a non-disastrous voyage
However you justify and hedge, the result of the first endeavour with this ship won't be what you said above. Not unless the group and GM gave up dealing and let it slide so the game can end faster.
>he's incapable of not heavy-handedly brutalising criminals
Objection! The whole point of Robo in the first film is that he's a one-man armed response (or SCO19 in case of that city hall hostage taker situation) and not a common plod who tickets speeders or wrestles with lagered-up idiots after the pubs close. Those three directives would make him no different from an ordinary copper in a situation that didn't call for armed response. I also object to that bit about him not capable of reasoning or responding with ingenuity: see, shooting a hostage taker through the hostage's skirt, grabbing the city hall Uzi guy through the wall instead of walking in and trusting in his armour and Lucky Luke aiming skills, doing that snooker wall shot to lull a dangerous armed perp to a false sense of security, etc.
>A stripped down WH40K to only humans would be gay as fuck
It is already gay as fuck. The Elves and British People don't make it any less gay.
I imagine the Irish concept of "getting notions" is strong within the average Hiveworld serf.
>You stupid fucking idiot, do you actually think you have the power to change shit? Who do you think you are, Guilliman?
where can I meet friends who like chaos gods in real life?

I'm a devoute follower of nurgle, but I'd love to make Daemonette friends, ever chaos undivided centrists could become my friends

pls answer me, I am so lonely, no chaos frens
>should we get rid of literally everyone but MY faction?

I vote we get rid of all space marines and just make it a setting of doomed legions of Imperial Guard against ridiculously overpowered aliens races. Shrink those over-fed fucks down to human size and make astartes armor and weapons something that normal-sized human special operatives wear. Still powerful, still has the firepower, but fuck your "AND HE HAS SEVEN STOMACHS AND SUPER SPEED AND SUPER STRENGTH AND HE CAN FLY AND HAS LASER EYES" shit. That shit is what lead to the Primaris problem.

The seeds of it are all the way back in the Horus Heresy, when they describe this Great Crusade as mostly fighting other Space Marines, except the non-Emp marines are physically fucking smaller. Hmmm. HMMMM, I wonder what that could portend?
>That shit is what lead to the Primaris problem
Primaris were introduced as an excuse to make an entirely new range of models. Everything else is just your imagination.
go to a con in your area. go to the RP area and do your best RP in some live games. Be well groomed and funny. QT Daemonettes will invite you to secret post con cult meetings where they "pray" to Slannesh. 50/50 on becoming a sacrifice to their dark god. The black pill is if you're 6ft+ your more likely to be chosen as a sacrifice. I have dark skin so it only helps me when the daemonettes want to piss off their dad. who in this would be slannesh I guess.
>nurglite thinking anyone wants to hang with him
Go to the glueeaters table with the khornflakes
Roger then. In such a situation would you say selling the Conquest would be a wise choice? Or just keep it and find some use for it?
When is a space marine outside their standard armor?
I imagine when they eventually sleep while within the safety of a voidship but are there other mundane instances where this is the case?
>And "chaos" shouldn't b e a faction, but something that can affect and infect anyone
That's already the case. The thing is that Chaos Xenos are fucking boring in most iterations. If you want a psychic alien threat you are better off creating weird and niche powers to difference them from other factions.
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I love all the Mad Max Genestealer conversions and people that play them as hit and run suicide bombers on bikes and trucks
>That's already the case
Not in any remotely meaningful sense.
Chaos can infect pretty much anything but we only see Humans deal with it because no one gives a shit about both Xenos and Chaos.
If anything the Tau need to shrink. They’ve lost 5 wars against the Imperium in a row now, and yet they keep growing bigger.
They don't sleep. They just switch off part of their brain but they don't actually fall asleep. I think they just cycle through rest periods
Eldar as imperial citizen anon again
How would some ranking necron react to find some embedded eldar within a human scouting party
|Particuarly if the eldar dont read anything about ancient enemy of the stars, i am born to defeat you, for the masters of the realm made me a weapon
And instead just start brandishing an eviscerator, pours holy oil on it, sets it on fire and just starts running up yelling about purge the xenos in the name of the emperor?
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Like this I am thinking
They can do this as needed for weeks at a time, but it's burning the candle at both ends to not sleep at all.
Luxury quarters are more efficient per unit of power and space, though you can get up to around 1750 with good quality holds, possibly more - the build I workshopped that on has salvage systems, an asteroid mining facility, and both an arboretum and supply vaults. It's a very 'fuck off into space and don't come back until your holds are packed with exotic elements' build, not terribly suited for flagship duties but a solid economic backbone for a dynasty.
I love the idea of a giant fucking cruise liner that's an affront to reason and sensibility, though. Ismay is me.
If the Conquest is what you have, then it's what you have, though from what I recall it suffers from both the relative fragility of a transport and the unforgiving space allocation of a cruiser. I believe the best I managed to do with one involved mounting hecutor macrobatteries - high energy, but very low space comparatively. Note that that's single batteries, not broadsides. I would propose a carrier build paired with an energistic conversion matrix for playing keep-away, but fitting four landing bays is barely possible.

Hypothetically, if one had more archeotech than sense one could kit out an adequate starting cruiser with the aforementioned hecutors and have 15 space left over, enough for salvage systems, an asteroid mining facility, and possibly an arboretum if you squeeze. Using the same build but with landing bays instead, one could fit the salvage systems and use a good quality component to mount the conversion matrix as well, feeding it a glut of 37 power - plenty to fully power it and have enough for a better auspex to boot.

In order to give you more decent advice, I'd like to ask what your fleet situation is and whether you're before game start and building things out or after game start and making use of what you have. What hulls do you have, equipped how, and are there any outliers among them, that sort of thing.
>no short animation about a relatively human looking genestealer cultist and his freakish mutant brother
>genuinely supporting and working together to bring about the Age of The Four-Armed God
>story ends with the first spores making planet-fall and the mutant attacking the less pure "brother" as the hive mind asserts itself
>In order to give you more decent advice, I'd like to ask what your fleet situation is and whether you're before game start and building things out or after game start and making use of what you have.
The Conquest is all we got right now. Game started, trying to make use of what we have and what could be utilized.
We do have two Hecutors, but two Jovian missile batteries as well. Arboretum, Extended Supply Vaults, along with things like a Medicae Deck, Laboratorium, and dice rolls gave us a Runecaster. Opted to get a Markov 1 Warp Engine as a result, to go super fast.

Been pondering getting a couple of Frigates as escorts while ripping out the weapons and making the Conquest a roaming operations base, but the real problem is making sure the other ships can not only keep up in the Warp but also not run out of supplies before we do.
then why are you here nigger? Why are you taking the effort to make all these posts if you don't even fundamentally like the setting, go fucking do something with your life you mongo faggot.
Why not put the endurance Components on a Frigate and have it scout ahead? The scout would find resupply points like habitable worlds and create warp route charts. After that you can bring up the other ships for support components and firepower without them having to go unpredictable lengths between stops.
Hrm. Possible. But since we need to find ships first, gotta work with what we have.

I'm admittedly pondering dropping the two Jovian batteries, keeping the Hecutors and adding the salvage systems/mining facility to make the Conquest the exploration/primary ship (with possibly Astropathic Choir-chambers). Venture into the unknown, find a neat place, then set up shop. Especially since we already have most of the components needed and a Laboratorium/Pharmacia anyway.

On getting more ships and outfitting them, we could call them in as needed. Just making sure to have 1-2 frigates with us at all times.
Markovs are LC and smaller, did you mean Miroslav? And yeah, nothing's going to keep up with that thing on a strategic scale unless you can convince your GM to allow its escorts to ride its 'wake' in the warp. If that's not possible, you're either going to be limited by the speed of your slowest ship or you can forget the fleet until you can afford more runecasters. If it is possible, there are two ways you could go about this. One, acquire a wolfpack of some cheap escort, or two, invest in carracks, which are essentially baby Conquests. They're cheap to boot, only 25 SP base. That would help with getting a merchant fleet off the ground, and if you can find good trade routes or a planet to exploit you could get the capital for an upgrade or two, perhaps even grab a Secutor to defend your squishier ships. That said, by the time you can afford a Secutor you can also afford a Lunar or Tyrant, and by the time you can afford a Tyrant you can also afford an Armageddon. It's a five point difference between them. I loathe the SP squish, it's moronic.

Jovian missiles are... well, they're mediocre, but you get what you pay for. Excellent alpha strike (presuming your gunnery officer has decently high BS), terrible in protracted combat. Nice 'go away' button for a merchant ship, especially in groups. I've seen a lot of folks houserule them to strength 3 with storm, I saw one houserule that turned them into VLS, allowing them to fire omnidirectionally. Both of those combined turn them into something fucking terrifying, but the latter is very likely a bridge too far, given the whole 'two broadsides focusing their firepower on the same spot' thing.

>>93940593 has a point, a scout may well be a wise decision. You just have to hope it doesn't wander into a xeno stronghold and get blown to shrapnel. Assuming it's a Viper with an empyrean mantle, it should be able to see everything before it is in turn seen, and escaping ambushes is much easier when your base speed is 11.
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Would it be lore-breaking for a custom band of Khorne cult marine berzerkers to be... BLUE?
Nah, remember that Conquest-class Star Galleons can take Transport parts as well (since you can choose between Transport parts or Cruiser parts, but must choose Cruiser if available... but Markovs don't have a Cruiser variant so there you go), so we grabbed the Markov 1 in order to yeet that shit through the Warp as fast as possible. Between that and the Runecaster, it goes fast. Actually a bit of a risk of time travel depending on the rolls.

No idea if the 'following in the wake' thing is allowed, will have to get info on that. A scout is sounding more and more appealing, but that unfortunately still leaves the Conquest itself. I might just make sure it can act as a mobile base while everything else gets specialized.
>Red Khorni
>Blue Khorni
Call them blue bloods & have them be crazy nobility who hunt their lesser for sport
>No idea if the 'following in the wake' thing is allowed, will have to get info on that.
I don't remember there being any actual rules for convoys traveling through the Warp together. I usually allow this with a -10 penalty per ship, with the caveats that navigators can provide Assistance to each other up to the normal limits, and that the worst relevant penalties and bonuses from any ship apply to the trip. If your GM allows something similar, then Runecaster seems like it might reasonably apply its halved duration if it's on the ship of the navigator who makes the test, since the bonus is about the route taken rather than the ship's capabilities. I'd expect the Overcharged rule from the Markov 1 to only apply if all ships have it, though, since it's about the engine.
That... is clever. Well played.

Frankly I have no idea how to competently outfit a Conquest as a capital ship, they're very mediocre so I didn't really bother trying. The trade fleet idea is the best I've got. If you go all in on the Jovians you should have roughly 16 space left, which may be enough to fit in everything you want. That's with a commerce bridge, M-1.r Life Sustainer, and regular Voidsmen Quarters. Of course it comes with the issue of utterly lacking any real combat power, so I'd probably grab three to six carracks outfitted similarly first, such that any attackers will get a facefull of 'get fucked'. You may additionally want a trio of cobras, so anything that tries to pick you off from a distance can be made to eat a faceful of 12 torps.
the more I thought about it, the more I like the idea of zerkers who purposefully hunt down other zerkers
Chaos can technically be any color, can't they? Tzeentch has pink blobs.
Doesn't nurgle like hate the color blue or something? Or am I imagining that I read that somewhere?
Honestly, one idea I had was 2-3 Tempests or Meritechs outfitted with everything possible to do Hit-and-Run attacks (Storm Troopers, Teleportariums, as many social skill improvements as possible) along with Gyro-stabilization matrixes that just circle an enemy vessel in areas they can't reach well and drench them in promethium. Some Disruption macrocannons too if I really wanted to be a fucking asshole.

Having a few Carracks and Cobras around for long-range antics I could easily see, and maybe dragging around a Goliath or two (along with a Universe mass conveyor) lined with Cloudmining facilities meant to help supply the rest of the fleet.

As for turning the Conquest into a capital ship, I'll probably have to be very lucky and try to get a ton of best-quality stuff or some archaeotech just to cut down on space/power requirements too. But this gives me a direction. Thanks a bunch, folks.
>then why are you here nigger?
Just because I don't like parts of the setting doesn't mean I don't enjoy others.
>I think the setting would be better with more xenos and far less chaos
If only the xeno factions were good :)
Since rotted flesh can turn blueish if he did that would be silly and whoever wrote that should be reprimanded. I don't remember seeing it anywhere though.
Note the Compact archeotech upgrade from Stars of Inequity, which is a flat -4 space to a minimum of 1 if internal, 0 if external. Great for slapping onto your warp drive, and any other bulky components. Unsure if you can stack Compact and Modified for a total of -8 space, Ask Your GM.
>circle an enemy vessel in areas they can't reach well
This doesn't really work in Rogue Trader. Even the slowest ships can turn 45 degrees, which is enough to put anything into a side arc. Especially where big slow ships are concerned, most of the time anything you get a shot at will get to shoot back on its next move if it wants. There are some exceptions for very fast ships with forward-arc-focused weaponry, which can end up kind of dogfighting each other under some circumstances (not necessarily common circumstances).

A look at the Conquest makes me think it's best suited to being a carrier (though not great for that). You could theoretically give it five bays if you convert a cargo hold. Add Empyrean Mantle and you can sneak up on things to swarm them with bombers. If you want it to be a gunship, then filling it with small long-range gun batteries like those Hecutors or Sunsears seems like the only real option given its poor speed. I did look a bit at a hybrid that had 2x Sunsear Broadsides, 3x Landing Bay (1 Hold), but it relies on that Transport drive trick you mentioned (Strelov 1 in this case), is really tight on space, will force some sub-optimal choices on things like crew quarters, and mostly excludes utility components (though the remaining Hold helps and the Landing bays can equip aeronautica).
Aren't those a dice roll? I wasn't aware you were even allowed to just up and choose what you wanted.
>anon only just learned about the World Eaters
the chaos gods having favourite colours is retarded they should be so beyond that shit lmao
Ah, so it sounds like a pack of teleporter ships with Disruptors wouldn't really work. Ah well.

It's sounding like we're better off using Hecutors and/or Sunsears with a preference for Sunsears would be best, before loading the damn thing up with as many utility options as possible while getting a merchant fleet situated. A Goliath or two for harvesting/extending time for the fleet to be out there, and escorts of raiders/frigates.

Would it be worth it to try and get an Orion or two meant to do solo runs for profit factor? Or is that more of a handwave sort of thing with RAW?
>These aliens... their blood is... blue?
Generating them to find later is a dice roll, but you can get archeotech ship parts at Extremely Rare per the core book, so I see no reason why it would be specifically disallowed. Surely someone, somewhere has found some before, and is willing to sell for the right price. You'll need to check with your GM, of course, but I can't see them saying no unless they're really anal about things, in which case they should run something other than Rogue Trader.
>Ah, so it sounds like a pack of teleporter ships with Disruptors wouldn't really work. Ah well.
That isn't necessarily a bad idea. Just don't expect to repeatedly hit enemies while hiding in their stern arc - they will get to turn and shoot back in most cases. Outranging enemies may work better, and powerful first-round sneak attacks from Silent Running are always a good choice. Disruption weapons are kind of gimmicky (you can't choose what gets disabled), but using them en mass is probably the best way to go if you're going to use them at all.

You're talking about fairly large fleets of ships. That's not impossible to do, depending on the GM, but RT is mostly oriented toward small ship counts (generally the game assumes the PCs will have just one). Ships are mechanically complicated, and big battles involving tons of them can be a slog to run. It's based off of BFG, but isn't quite the same sort of game. This will vary from one group to the next, of course. Some may decide to run huge fleet battles despite that. I wouldn't plan fleets beyond two or three ships until you get a good sense of how the game is going to be. There may even be GMs who really want you to stick to one.

>Would it be worth it to try and get an Orion or two meant to do solo runs for profit factor? Or is that more of a handwave sort of thing with RAW?
PF mostly comes from completing Endeavors. Having extra ships doing side missions on their own may or may not be beneficial depending on how your GM handles things. Things like that may be useful for sending to deal with Misfortunes, but it's not necessarily critical to have a whole ship specifically for that purpose. Orions are neat ships, though.
Maybe if they made enough of them some would fit your specific shitty idea of "good".
Aaah, all noted. So it looks like a 'base' ship, a pure utility ship, and then a gunner ship until we figure out what will happen. All noted.

Thanks a bunch!
If memory serves, there are no official rules for a gang warp jump AT ALL. That one station clamp part implies that if two ships can be physically joined, it's fine, though the other might need to have power for it's own gellar, and maybe you put a penalty on the navigate test.
Are you legit suggesting that all it takes is the main ship having Grapple Cannons and it drags everyone through the Warp like dragging children on leashes?
Sounds dodgy AF to me.
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They never said anything about a physical chain like they normally use to tow things, so clearly you just rule that a target that isn't trying to evade just counts as automatically losing and getting dragged...

...okay, as funny as that sounds, no there's a different part. It's called something like Stationmaking Clamps?

>well that's an ominous captcha
Salvage Systems in Battlefleet Koronus. But that doesn't protect whatever's between the two gellar fields from the warp.
I was actually thinking about Spacedock Pliers, but that's probably a better system. I'd probably require a towed ship to be a size class smaller than the towing ship and require a tech-use check to competently hook them up so the chain doesn't get severed in the Warp.
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>tfw a Universe-class Mass Conveyer or two being loaded up with 4 Spacedock Piers each, attaching multiple Frigates or Raiders to it before making a single Warp Jump before it detaches them all
>overlapping multiple Gellar Fields and even rigging the Pier systems so each ship contributes Warp Drive energy for the purpose of not losing any speed in the warp
This is absolutely disgusting and feels like tech-heresy. But I'm also kind of down for it.
Sadly spacedock piers are only allowed one per ship, and only allow docking when stationary. But rule of cool says fuck that, go on and assemble your fleet-in-a-box. Load it up with all the Cobras known to the God-Emperor and deliver an alpha strike the likes of which none can withstand straight after dropping out of warp. If my math is correct, that's sixteen cobras shooting four torpedoes in a single volley, so your theoretical alpha strike is sixty four of the fucking things per combat round, for up to seven rounds. I'd like to see ANYTHING withstand that.
Oh yeah. Derp. That does sort of put a hole in the idea.
That assumes you're even on target enough when you're exiting the warp to immediately be in combat.
I thought for a second Witch Augers could be used for that but turns out it's the other way around.
Strictly speaking by the rules, it says only ships SMALLER than it, not of a specific class. So, theoretically, on your 12km Universe, and just using some basic logic, four docks means two docks on either side of the ship, or one on all sides except prow and stern. If two on port/starboard, that means the ships can be a max of 6km each, so you can tow anything that isn't a grand cruiser into battle, why bother limiting yourself to just raiders?
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can i give the nurgling a piece of slami? as a treat?
Mostly just that I was taking their mention of raiders to their logical extent. Though I really should've used system monitors for that - they're armed and armored like a light cruiser in the package of a frigate.
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What type of archeo-tech would be worth not bombarding a rebellious world? I want to make an Only War game about a planet wide siege but I can't think of a "good enough" cause for it.
Some High Lord personally intervened because his favorite wife is on that planet or some shit.
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do you have any open cuts on your fingers?
Do you mean orbital bombardment in support of a landing? Simple, have the assault force land in a non-hot zone, regroup and move to objectives from there and use bombardments only on targets that directly threaten the landing. Have a Lord General who realises that "we had to destroy the planet to save it" is a stupid way to approach things because it harms the Imperium in the whole.
Kek sounds good.
You could just steal the Brothers Adelier plot from Unsounded and make it the High Lord's son, who he doesn't like, that's on the planet, as a drummer boy for some doomed guard regiment. The High Lord found out about some dalliance on the mother's part, and sent the boy to die in war as a way of punishing her. The Wife, however, has money and connections from her own noble family, and was able to halt the bombardment. It would be a nice showcase of the kind of stupid shit that happens in the Imperium: and Ork infestation that could have been stopped with a single exterminatus is allowed to swallow a system because on rich cunt blocked the SOP for her baby bow.
wow my spelling just fell apart at the end there. I need to proof read my posts.
Sounds good to me. I'm changing the xeno species because fuck having to voice Orcs.
Shield genny or fuck off tier cannon
Anything like an asteroid would take time to get to the planet so as to impact said cannon
You could also have it be more mundane
Some heretek left it as a riddler type trap
He doesnt mind you getting the tech, but you must play his game
Could even just be someone set up like a test for the most wise in the past, like that death planet that turned out to be a nature preserve with many warnoings as such
Could even have it so a referee of some sort exists where they can attempt to negotiate certain terms or explain things
Like a dreadnaught is still a human piloted vehicle and its just life support, so its permitted
How does IM's psyker system stack up? The idea of 'storing' charge seems a little odd to me. Any interesting house rules?
Salvage Systems are for pulling parts out of other ships and attaching them to your own. It's good for taking Component loot from wrecks in the field, but isn't a towing system. Towing is another thing that really should have rules, but doesn't. Hombrew some rules if you need to do it (If you do any significant amount of ship combat, you will.).

My recommendation for rules is as follows. All human (and many other) ships carry tow chains by default. Tow chains take a few days of EVA work by the crew and a Piloting test to attach. Chains are Exposed - destroyed by any damage past shields. Towing imposes Pilot penalties and towing bigger ships hurts speed and maueverability a lot. You can enter the Warp while towing, but if the chain breaks due to a Warp encounter the towed ship is lost. Towed ships take morale hits when entering the Warp if crewed (fear of getting getting lost). Gellar fields are separate - an uncrewed towed ship may not need one, but any stragglers or stow aways aboard will be in big trouble if in the Warp with the field working. Chains can be deliberately detached by either side at any time (assuming both ships have crew).
>Ships fitted with massive Salvage Clamps can anchor to the wreckage
It's sufficient to anchor two ships together. Removal of armour and parts happens after and separate to that.
Warp travel towing is some bs, and I think the only reason anyone thinks it works is so they can create more money while white rooming their hypothetical rogue trader.
But we already have the luxury quarters voidship to prove that.
Warp Jump
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Got myself a (possible) game and I did step one.
Now i gotta progress til step two, thanks for the tip anon.
maybe becaue they're in the sector, they have to replenish their forces and they are too far away to make it back to their homeworld or they're on a crusade and the stock of recruits on the planet is of particular good quality.
there's many reasons, most of them is for pragmatic/utilitarian ones.
i find it funn she's firebreathing at a Salamanders. this could almost pass as flirting if Astartes had any drive.
>if Astartes had any drive.
They have drives; most reroute into 'kill'.
>Warp travel towing is some bs, and I think the only reason anyone thinks it works is
Ramilles is an obvious and well-known example. Stryxis ship trains also use tow chains.
The point is to burn the nurgle rot anyway and at least a salamander wont instantly kill her for calling him a mutant to his face
In the source story the rich kid ends up in the mouth of a giant lizard, losing an arm in the process. He saves the day by stabbing it in the eyes (which are in the back of its throat because it's a weird monster lizard) with silver knitting needles his mother gave him. He'd been using them as his drum-sticks in the battalion the whole time. The kid grows up to be a suave little ass-kicker with a silver prosthetic arm.

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