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Previous Thread: >>93897979
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Harem for the lazy
Adventure for the not lazy

Time travel within a fictional universe means you can get any waifu.
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Are you ready to take the catpill /cyoag/?
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This mcyoag oc got an update.
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No one cares.
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What is a 'saber' in this context?
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Then go post it there. You're in the wrong general.
You already said this exact same thing and posted this exact same cyoa and got ignored. How about you get the message already and fuck off?
so, whats the difference in Adaptation between Duratio and Memory?
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>rewards from options are not made distinct
>art is all from the same pool of franchises - which is how I know that it's Cityfag back at work

>also note that despite being the school being founded to fight demons, there isn't any bestiary for the actual monsters they're being trained to fight, that's because schoolshit is just a vehicle for erotic fanfiction about your ideal childhood and is not actually about growing up in a dangerous world
Memory is better since its last one does the same as Everlasting, except it removes useless adaptations and is cheaper. This is obviously not intended. The cyoa is littered with mistakes like this.
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Adaptation costs so fucking much that it's not worth taking anyway.
absolute shit cyoa
chatgpt is getting smarter
This is just a character creator for an erotic roleplaying scenario. It has no depth to its world and no interesting aspects to it as a single player cyoa so why post it here?
Do you prefer companions keep a persistent theme / look for art or it can be whatever?
The latter protects our eyes from another porn-laden shopping list.
You create the companions first then look for art that fits them even if it's not coherent.
Settings: Persona, Mushoku Tensei, Exalted, Keyboard Immortal, Monstergirl Encyclopedia, Marvel, Girls' Frontline
New Setting T1x3 (6)
Real World Status T1 (0)
Time Dilation T3 (3)
Save Slots (T2) (1)
Insertion T3 (2)
Alternate Universes T1 (0)
Game Master T2 (3)
Mental Health T2 (1)
Console T2 (1)

I'll be honest, I mainly want to go to the Persona setting for Chie (and probably Motoha). Everything else is pretty much there to facilitate the experience.
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ESP: 5
Control: 2.4

High Life

>Super Perk:
Soul Transposition

Mentor, School Days, Maimed (taste), Ultimate (Acceptance)

All that my soul interacts with is assimilated.

Basic: Get Rage, Extra Ordinary (Acceptance), Berserker, Ghosts, Breadth, Clairvoyance, Catharsis, Familiarity, Mathematic, Starlight
Potential 1: Binge Eater, Acceptance

>Martial Style:
Mastery: 4
Stance: Power
Style: Esper Effects

>Esper Powers:
Type: Conventional
Feeding Habits: Ravenous
Bonuses: all
Duration: Everlasting
Bonuses: Demon of Blood, Hard to Kill

Premium Edibles x2

Eat them all to get 29 ESP. Everything else soon follows the fate of the Edibles.
building for this is kind of a pain in the ass. i can respect the effort that went into this but man, talk about bloat
You lost btw
You have that in reverse.
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this gives me a headache
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Malenia... what a beautiful dance...
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Best Aspect? I'm thinking Creation because it's the obvious "do everything" option.
Mind. The TRUE technologist option
Mind if you make custom family members. Creation if you don't.
Destruction, has the most raw power.
>Best Aspect?
Entropist Aspect
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Whichever one you'd identify with inside the original context.
Watch out, falling asleep before you finish posting an aro cyoa will earn you a janny.
Life because I can tailor my own garden of eden harem paradise.
How detailed does a good companion profile have to be? What makes you want to pick a companion? And how do you pick a companion if they were all females only?
They have to fit the story i want to tell, or they need to possess skills i lack. But often if one or two companions are smitten with you as the player? That alone often gives me pause.
I don't know My cyoas are gonna have more than just famle companions. for me I look for lonely companions. people who want friends and need t be helped. thats what I pick. Nobody deserves to be lonely.
>How detailed does a good companion profile have to be?
Clear descriptions of background, personality, and abilities.

>What makes you want to pick a companion?
Loyalty, desirable personality, usefulness, assets.

>And how do you pick a companion if they were all females only?
The fuck does this mean?
in terms of homestuck all of the aspects balance each other out and do things the other can't so it's hard to pick a good one however my aspect is rage so I would say that is the best one.
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Aro, please spare me!
The thinking mans aspect.
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>I don't know My cyoas are gonna have more than just famle companion
"are gonna"
So you never had a CYOA

>more than
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When Aromage updates this again I want her to add a line of text that officially supports making balanced builds for your pantheon/family. I want female author attentions because I never held hands with a girl before.
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wrong am making

>the first one is not gonna have any companions to oick from rather you pick monsters you hunt. the rest will have compaions though. so I'm making a onster hunting one called Danger chupacabra first that is about hunting cryptids, aliens, and supernatural shit with an okld man, the next is a no more heroes cyoa where youl will get to pick one companion. I have several other ideas that i will do but they allk have companions minus the first one. sorry for the spelling am drunk not gonna correct it rip
I typically avoid picking companions in cyoas. I always prefer forming relationships the natural way rather than just flat out purchasing loyalty with points. It's a two-fold benefit for me since I can dedicate those points to other things instead.
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>I always prefer forming relationships the natural way
I mean, presumably, that's what's happening in-universe when you pick a companion. You're just inventing a history for your character where you ran into them and clicked.
Creation because it probably has the highest chances of finding a way to avoid Falling.
You mean dark.
Dude, Darkness is like already half Fallen by default.
And they're also the ones least affected by falling and with the highest chances of having nothing bad happening.
I was talking about avoiding Falling, not mitigating its effects.
It's called dying. Also creation has no benefit over anything else, why creation?
There is literally a line in that section hinting about the possibility.
There's also an entire quest description about finding out you're in a cyoa. That doesn't make it true.
>why creation?
Creating a way. Or, if you think a way already exists and search for it, then Light would be the best.
>creating a way
>light to find a way
He's being dumb, ignore him. Companions have always been you forming in-universe bonds.
Sometimes they're an in-universe resource transacted by either money or abstract tokens of deific favor.
Bruh, name 5 CYOAs minimum where the tokens or money are real transactions in-universe to get a company and it can't be fucking porn or slavery.
Uhhhh, godly husbandry. And dragonfall.
In a Science-Fantasy like CYOA would you prefer adventuring with companions dressed close to modernity/more formal with uniforms or have them lean more into the fantasy-elements of the world?
I'd say less uniforms and more surreal, otherworldly choices of clothing.
Look up yuba_no_shirushi on your booru of choice, very underrated aesthetic.
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>all this sloppa with no oc
Who will save us?
I didn't say surreal.
I don't mean reality bending, I just mean that it's out of place with our world, like Dune y'know?
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Does anyone have Into The Cardboard Realm? I don't have a QQ account.
Is there an image version of it? Otherwise it might be too big for the character limit.
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Pdfs are magic. Pastebin might work too.
Does Godly Husbandry count?
If anything the currency is just the whims of a goddess.
I think Luminary seems to fit that description better you are investing your soul or something like that.
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It's best for you to pick whichever aspect you relate most to so you can bond with it easier. Powerwise though it would be Light.
Here's a screenshot of it. (A simple copypaste to pastebin or pdf would lose the black-vs-pink text formatting)
And fanmade appendix.

I haven't actually looked into either yet.
>Powerwise though it would be Light.
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Thank you.
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Savestate should write a book so it could get 1 star on amazon, that would at least tell that delusional hack how "good" his CYOAs are.
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I have 4 points left on my beri dungeon build and no idea what to spend them on. I've got most of the minions and commander. Give me ideas.
I liked Giantslayer, most of the rest are too wordy or abstract for me.
Giantslayer is the least bad, but even then
>Shadowrun CYOA
>"oh nice, I could choose some cool stuff from Shadowru-"
>it's some meta bullshit with oh so mysterious narration from a being of immense cosmic power
You just know that he's one of those guys who likes the smell of his own farts.
Some of us still can genuinely enjoy cyoas. When did you lose your way?
Skeletons - Strong - Sexy - Cultured
>you don't like that one shitty author's CYOAs, ERGO you dislike all CYOAs
Take Logic 101 next time instead of plumbing or whatever you specialize in, Pablo.
How does this work? Like liches I assume, so it just makes... zombies?
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>he doesn't know
after seeing that i know how it works even less
What, pretty skeletons don't give you a boner?
Savestate can write interesting worlds and mechanics but he is absurdly bad at characters and dialogues. As in, he's probably the worst author I have ever seen in that regard, which is probably why he rarely writes them. Which is ironic since women are usually the opposite, writing good characters but terrible at worldbuilding and mechanics. I guess you can't beat biology huh.
Based skeletonfucker.
vacation a cute
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I don't think that character is a great argument for a skeleton to be sexy. Considering that the story for her has a lot about changing her into anything else.
What? Serket's sight is really good.
If this had more/better images it would be the greatest cyoa of all time.



(there was also supposed to be another track in here, but it got wiped off the face of the internet or something, now it is only stored within my PC and the beginning of a random HoI4 Kaiserreich timelapse video)

Not entirely satisfied with how it worked out. When I looked back on the full work after finishing it, some part of me wanted to discard it all and start over. Of course, that part was retarded, which is why I am simply releasing it as it is. I can always come back and try to update it later instead of losing myself in never ending rewrites.

I don’t expect this one to be popular.

Surface overview of the text here might make a veteran think that the plot/lore is not at all that different from the previous version. It’s kind of true, but I think that’s mostly an illusion; there were enough small changes here and there adding up to cause the overall picture to be altered from what you remember. You’d only think otherwise because you rely on the knowledge you’ve gained on the previous run, which could taint your experience. So, throw out your prior experience instead. Consider that the previous version of the CYOA was just a drunken dog’s dream. That should make it better, I think.
1. CYOA pages are now 1600 pixels wide.
2. CYOA is now 12 (13) pages long, just like Blood Magic.
3. There’s a new background image with cool clouds and stars. Really happy with how this one turned out.
4. Improved overall graphical design.
5. Did my best to make the Purists stop being pure evil as they used to using small details rather than some huge sudden pivot.
6. Separated the old Mana resource into two separate ones: Mana Income and Mana Reserve. You spend the latter to buy most normal options, and do your best to reacquire the former to avoid game over.
7. There are now three advisors providing commentary throughout the CYOA and giving a more human face to the factions they represent.
8. Reworked the faction relations. Civil war now starts at -101 instead of -51 like it used to, making it much easier to avoid it. There are also new bonuses for the top relations with each faction. Added fluff for how each faction reacts for each individual level of their relations. Upper limit of the relations graph now goes to 150+ instead of just 100+, because when testing various builds it turned out that it is extremely easy to get factions to 200 relations and above, as well as having all factions be in love with you. Raising the ceiling in this lopsided way doesn’t fix the inherent problem, but it does alleviate it somewhat. I also don’t know how to rearrange it in any better way when there are this many options in policies affecting faction relations, so you’re going to have to deal with this inelegant solution for the time being.
9. Reworded some of the text in the Ideology section. In particular, the secret of Aeneas no longer states that Purists are destroying worlds solely because they want a bit of extra mana. Now they are destroying worlds because there is no other way it could go.
10. Relation values gained from picking your ideology were altered. Also, Dido now gives a weird yellow point, no idea what’s that all about.
Can I self insert myself into this (as in isekai) or is this for a character exclusively?
11. World draining procedure has been given a proper name – ‘exmanafication’ – so that I don’t have to say ‘world draining’ every time. I didn’t really care, but my second in command insisted I change it. And now that I had written this here, I suddenly realize that it sounds similar to ‘exterminatus’. Whoops.
12. Worlds on the Planar Chart were altered to better fit my current vision for when/if they get turned into proper CYOAs.
13. Worm CYOA #5 is no longer present on the Planar Chart due to it being there feeling as done in poor taste.
14. Planar Chart now has Missions integrated right into it. Some old missions were removed or reworked to better fit this arrangement. This integration into the Planar Chart also means that Missions no longer have names to make assigning Agents to worlds easier to understand, so the song reference convention is gone.
15. Picking Missions or draining individual worlds no longer has any impact on faction relations.
16. Followers were reworked into Agents. You now no longer pick them to be your companions, but assign them on missions established on the Planar Chart. There are also separate mechanics and unique bonuses in place for handling it.
17. The number of Policies was changed, and so were a lot of their contents. For example, you are no longer limiting the use of magic of all conventional spellcasters throughout the multiverse, but rather just the ones on Eden.
18. There are now sorceries for the other factions, not just neutral and pragmatist-aligned ones.
19. Sorceries can now be attached not just to you, but also to your Agents to help them handle their missions.
20. Units are now meant to be attached to Agents in the same vein as Sorceries. Use custom loadouts to solve every mission before you. Or, more likely, only most or some of the missions.
21. The Attributes section was removed. I wouldn’t miss it, and neither should you. This also serves to replace the hard-defined varying Omniarch power level with a more nebulous but consistent one. You are intended to be powerful, but it won’t be stated anywhere just how much.
22. Due to the above, Agents no longer have stats either. Actually, back in the day I originally even added them just because I wanted an arrangement where each Omniarch would have their set of 3 ‘S’ and 1 ‘A’ attributes (the only exception being Darius, who just had the Dido’s arrangement but ranked down due to age, which also didn’t really make sense), so it was just a gimmick that I didn’t even implement correctly from the start. Instead each Agent is shown which Spellcrafts they are proficient in, and a unique bonus to their effect on mission success chances.
23. Rearranged a bit the benefits each Class provides. You are no longer restricted from which Spellcraft pool you can make your choices (besides Blood magic).
24. Text which implied that ethereal cores fade over time is removed, because it wasn’t canon since the last update to Blood Magic CYOA.
25. Increased the number of available Sorcery options. Made it so that you get a certain stock of sorceries for free, you don’t have to waste as much Mana Reserve manufacturing them all. This is done so that you can equip your Agents more easily.
26. Changed how the Planar Split sorcery functions.
27. Overhauled the Spellcraft section.
28. You are no longer restricted to only Void tier spells in Blood magic section.
29. You no longer need Diabolism to qualify as a Blood mage.
30. Diabolism was tweaked and nerfed to a certain extent. It is no longer the perfect ‘I win’ button.
31. There is now 40 characters on the Agent list.
32. Changed the pictures for Cleo and Clovis to the more appropriate ones.
33. Nameless is no longer here to kill you.
34. And maybe some other things I forgot to mention.
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And here’s the secret page. You should only open it once you’ve done everything else in the CYOA.
Veterans of the CYOA will know the main twist and might be tempted to just look into it anyway (since they already know), which is why I put in some reveals to secrets I’ve kept in my sleeve since the original release all those years ago.
Man this is going to take weeks, and if i dont finish it, i will be spoiled.
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As always, here's the link to my google drive. You can find the rest of my CYOAs and their source files here.


Now, I gotta go.
I have a 24 hour shift tomorrow, and I'll be sleeping through most of the day after that, so it will be a while before I can come back to answer your questions (that is, if you have any). My apologies ahead of time.

It's not stated openly.
However, any CYOA is an isekai CYOA when you really get down to it.
I regularly visit this general and can wait out on the answers to these.
>Nameless Warrior does not clearly explain if it edits events that happened before the user casted their spell.
>How does Parallel Thesis choose a target for a spell when overwriting a spell that doesn't have targeted effects?
>At which end of a Wormhole (or other long ranged targeted spell) does it generate the associated reality-scar?
>You wrote recently that Raise Undead restores the original consciousness into the target if it's still present in the world by other magical means. If so, does that mean that the undead will be the original person if it was cast inside a world with an afterlife?
>How rare/irreplacable are equipments other than the artifacts?
>If I take No Man's Method, do I have to reinstall every program (spell) into my new account (discipline) while the originals lay intact inside the old account, or are they transferred between them? Or does that rule just add the 'log in screen' itself as its only change, where accounts still need to be created in the process of multiple years of installation?
>Do people with Traits count as mages for safety purposes even without knowing any spells themselves? I have a theory that traits accumulate among Blood mages as a way for fetuses to survive exposure to casting sites. Which also suggests that it's very difficult for new mages to stay fertile while practicing magic.
>Traits are embedded in the literal bloodstream of their mage, and are steal-able by transfusion, so would it be possible to benefit from Familial Business without being the progeny of the bearer in this way?
>>Or more reasonably, can transfusions be used to 'update' the genetic memory of a mage that already has this trait?
>Would preventing antibody rejection would also work as an unconventional use of the Stitch spell?
>What are the rules of capitalizing Blood magic/mages?
>The path system is based on the various ways that Anons respond to being empowered, and with that in mind, do pure Conventionalists really produce less Destroyers than their edgy cousins?
>Do very long ranged spells, such as Wormhole, create their reality scar at the original casting site or at the destination of the spell?
>With that said, a lot of Void spells become a lot more pathetic if I assume that the Voidout actually happens on the spot where they're being cast, which isn't supported on the narrative either.
>Could it be possible, in theory, that a crater in the Empyrean World is the result of a Voidout?
>If a non-sentient tree 'learned' Blood magic, could it sacrifice other trees or would it have to sacrifice sentient life like the rest of us?
>Can stored organs or blood be used as a Second Sin sacrifice? This is asked less to "cheat the chain" and more to store sacrificial energy for later.
>What buyer-end goods and services are equivalent to a soul for devil deals?
>Are the emotions and experiences simulated by Perception spells 'real', not just dense clusters of bodiless p-zombies?
>What references is each Omniarch making with their historical namesakes?
>Vampiric SUCKS but it should work with all the shortcomings of True Immortality, and yet the Omniarchs don't seem to bother with that. Is this another 'Tankista needs to retroactively add new technobabble to justify his plot points' episode, and is the new technobabble the Vampiric discipline designating the potential magical of the subject as the user's own, making it count as a self-sacrifice, but also needing it to completely replace theirs to work, and furthermore accidentally convincing True Immortality that every successful Vampiric sacrifice is a case of the user being injured?
>>Or, did Darius just hate Vampiriccucks that much?
>>>With the changelog in mind, I may find this irrelevant once I get rest myself.
>Did Saul dial the True Immortality back to stay unnecessarily elderly?
>Are spheres a political or an astrographical concept in Magocratic Convention?
>What was it supposed to mean when an MC V1 build had dedicated defensive/offensive spellcrafts with very low ranks of the associated attribute?
>What does the Convention do to people with Blood magical traits?
>In your previous conversation, you said that actual spirits don't have souls (evidently because Eclipse won't leave that kind of goody alone I must ssume), so should I assume that 'souls' don't matter except for some spell effects, and this is a magical appendix in the opinions of people like Orthodox Christians who'd believe that "you are the (theological) soul"?

>>the only country in this world to somewhat embrace magic and use it for their own ends
>My first action as Omniarch will be firing the scouts behind this report into the Sun.
>1. Mages have a "Gandalf, The Grey" naming scheme. 2. Nestor and Vladimir are the only knyazes that don't 'coincidentally' follow this scheme. 3. Oh no...
>What are the magic skills from Time of Troubles worth, in Blood Magic terms?
>Basilia's power is very easy to phrase as a Right to Rule Power concerning 'world generation parameters' or 'mod installation', and her character art has the same kind of eyes and hexagram imagery as Arianna's followers, so am I onto something about her origins?
>Arianna's whole situation reads very much like one of the magical events that Zenobia despises so much, as a case of a mass-scale Usurpation "loyalty only to me" spell spiralling out of control to set up all these anarcho-magocracies of various sophistication. This also goes a way towards explaining why the Immortal Coast is so much more interested in her body than her doctrine, because then they would hold a trump card over the entire religion, no matter what the existing establishments say.
>Is the dying deity a ptyranodon in the Federation of The Free's flag?
>Is it a silly assumption that Umbraism is the Iriy counterpart to Judaism?
>Is Bhal an example of how Destroyer-path blood mages would run a Covenant?
>How do Clerics have a single point of Melee?
>Crown Sorcerors subtly carry some abilities from the Priest units, meaning that they are ordained priests of their employer's religion (?), or just copying their miracles with entropic magic? The latter possibility doesn't seem so necessary given that the unit has entirely psychological benefits.
>Do mercenary units count as Sacramental units for the purpose of Firstborns?
>What's the name of fantasy Shinto?
>Supremacy and Eclipse both tout the arrival of blood-magi-tech but that's not really elaborated on, is Abaddon meant to expound on that end of the magiphysics?

>What does "turn [a Mentor] into a certain Companion" mean?
>Do mentors turned into Companions by perks still take Mentor space?
>What's the relationship between Sartre and dreams? I know that Outer Reincarnation has as much to do with JRPG Traitor as it has to do with Blood Magic, but its dream element made a quite overt reference to Sartre's concept of radical freedom as a third party in the conflict between fate (providence) and chance (causality), which raises my eyebrow when thinking about the prevalence of dreams as a psuedo-elemental concept in Outer Reincarnation. Does this actually draw anything from what he wrote?
>I caught 0^0's 'word of god' to be a direct lift from the /Kybalion/, so, is the rest of that book relevant to understanding her part of the universe?
>The description of 'One' reads like JNPL having a sentient moment about someone that she was personally fond of, and this makes me ask if it would be a crackship.
>We know why the Elder Gods all have names like that, but did the God-script initially have no vowel letters or something?
Looks gorgeous, Tankista. Can't wait to dig in to all the fine details, and I'm loving the color commentary from the advisors. Thanks for sharing.
>Additionally, given the taboo of the inspiration (not to mention that they are spells with physically dangerous weight in this universe), is it common to identify the goddesses by euphemisms or pseudonyms, similarly to Jewish and Christian practice?
>The Majin are named by combining three letters of the God-script, and they were a race created as perfectly loyal assets of warlords. In other words, they are three letter agents.
>Did the other outsiders have our semi-in-universe choice to leave the system, and did they come into 'Outerland' with initial consent?
>Is it true that Xi can't be fixed by additional letters because JNPL already fulfills the conditions of one or multiple of those?
>What kind of "death" did Zenia go through before being spawned?
>With One being an example of Zemlya, and Ota being Yee, does this show that "escape clause letters" always take effect on the terms of the Outsider system itself?
>Is Kilyn the Zhivete person?
>Character bios are written in third person imperfect, and I'm thinking that Keter's card still undersold her special because of this, and it's not just an overpriced alternative to Vedi, but actually a way that someone can grow from their letter in the span of one life - the whole concept of 'death letters' being a side effect between reconciling the Law of Fate with the certainty of death.
>So each unselectable location is meant to be some sort of boss arena or other endgame region; I understood the Underground to be related to nightmares, and the Moon to be about slaying one of the goddesses, but what was meant to lead the player to fighting in the Three Pillars?
>Was JNPL killed at the site of the three pillars?
>Is Caeda's power a dream thing?
>What happens to the Atman-soul of one hit by the the... 'soul ate' letter and other iotated ones, which I assume to only affect Ahamkara-souls, if you can grab what I mean.
Nudor is the most well mannered between the 3, not a surprise
>jealous author seething
TanKINO is undefeated. OR is the biggest cyoa of all time and this one will be for this year I can already tell.
nobody wants to be some wizard prime minister retard
Italicsisters? Our response? Magicratic convention is already destroying us and without arbitarily locking us out of other types of magic.
Where in the fuck is Fate / Another Pretender or Outer Reincarnation II or New Original Entry?

Nobody asked for this.
Italicsxisters aren't real. Italics literally goes out of his way to start a discussion around his CYOA.
Hey Tankista,

I've got two questions, and two suggestion , for Magocratuc Convention

1. Is Thoss nuts, or is her pen an artifact like Fein the blade?

2. Is Terminus Sargon? A fusion of Merovech and Clovis? Both? Or something else entirely?

As for the suggestions:

1. Putting the Final Mission in the Mystery Box seems odd, when it is referred to openly throughout the cyoa. It might make more sense to put it either at the end of the regular cyoa, or with the other missions.

2. As with the original Magocratic Convention, it's not clear who should open the Mystery Box. And I'd argue that it really should be two mystery boxes, one for quest rewards, and a second for the "secret" (carried over from the original Magocratic Convention's mystery box).

Overall, this is a great cyoa, and I'm glad you shared it with us. Thank you for all the hard work you put in.
Are you implying Italics multi-posted for a month about Magi Case after its release?
Yes, he samefags the same topics from Magi Case to keep the "discussion" alive and he's not particularly subtle about it.
I've been on the internet too long. Anon you better be meming me because you sound fucking retarded.
Theres one or two retards in thread who unironically believe it and see any denial or rejection of their ideas as just italics samefagging. They do the same to most other authors too.
Are you surprised? 4chan devolved into almost every general under the sun getting a schizo with noticeable patterns. One of those schizos is Italics wanting to attention whore about his shitty retro games or CYOAs, so he starts talking about irrelevant shit like his furry CYOAs or Magi Case clans, and it all reads and sounds very inorganic. It's manufactured bullshit.

Do you want examples of real discussions? Entropist, Demigod (lol), they all sound and look genuine, and they're not bolstered by shitposters most of the time.

Italics is the only one who does this. Other authors have their ways of sperging out and whoring for attention like Hyenanon sperging on reddit or the whole Discord simp debacle from earlier where janny was aggressively deleting posts attacking his kween.
I forgive Italics for it since he makes a ton of oc though it is true he samefags a lot. Tok samefags builds for his own cyoas so that's even worse and no one mentions it.
The changing facial expressions of the advisors are cute, good use of AI(?)
A literal obsessed retard. What the fuck.
You lack self-awareness.
>He didn't deny believing Italics was the only one posting about Magi Case after its release.
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There's always some fag who prompt posts about italics shit out of nowhere with very little variation, though I can't say if it's him. Considering how he drip feeds his wip advertisement to maximize attention, I wouldn't be surprised.
>there was also supposed to be another track in here, but it got wiped off the face of the internet or something, now it is only stored within my PC and the beginning of a random HoI4 Kaiserreich timelapse video
Back it up please. It needs to propagate.
Is there a limit to how many worlds we can sacrifice in the planar chart?
What is this and why am I supposed to care.
It's an update to Magocratic Convention, a cyoa by Tankista. It takes place in the same setting as Blood Magic and concerns some of the same events and people.
>OR is the biggest cyoa of all time
Shittiest cyoa of all time*
>He makes tons of oc
He hasn't released anything since that Jianghu Wuxian CYOA, the 2-pager. Compare that to other authors who often have faster release times and better schedules.

Look at the gap between his last CYOA and Magi Case and that is half a year. Now look at Magi and his latest major release? That is half a year without new contenr.
So its an update for shit by the same author that made shit beforehand. Got it. Time to filter all posts from it for a while.
>let the spamming of tons of shitty questions that don't matter commence
Are the like 3 fags that actually like tankista cyoas going to make the general unusable again. You have a slop general for this shit now.
>wanting to attention whore about retro games or CYOAs
>Talks about old games
>Talks about CYOAs
>Makes new content for the general.
Italics is based? What the fuck?
It looks absolutely incredible my man, but as always it will take me days to read all of it, and even more to make a full build.
You cooked up another masterpiece Tankista.
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Good. Arobitch can go back to her low power corner and watch what a real cyoa looks like
I would 1000% rather see aromage than tankfagsta
>CYOA is about being a ruler
>all the options are about combat and not about creating perfect org charts or being the greatest manager ever
why do so many authors have a caveman mindset? all they think about is physical power and not the power of being able to perfectly micromanage like 200 cities at once
they are both bad
I'm glad I finally get to play this after about 2 years of no treasured Tankista content.
I wish you luck on your next project :) plz don't be fate or worm plz don't be fate or worm plz don't be fate or worm
Not any of those anons but naw I vastly prefer aromage cyoas to tankista shit desu.
Not it will be forgotten in a thread or two outside of the few lurkers who only appear to suck off tankock.
Tankista is back!
I'm glad they didn't send you to the frontlines.
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On quick glance the Purists still hate literally everything I'd want to do. I sort of would have liked an option to limit exmanafication for irredeemable shit worlds only (though I realize that wouldn't limit it much here). Also I like how the advisor's have different reaction images and banter.
Boring cyoa where only 1 path is the correct one. Guess who it is? That is right, Tankshitsta
if you like aromage cyoas you must have an iq even lower than hers, you should probably go read troyx cyoas as well, they're exactly what you want
You must follow Tankista's meta narrative, chud.
>DUDE planetary wizarding infrastructure
That’s not magic that’s science fiction
Fuck off Tank you stupid retard
Magic doesn’t work as a true definition for anything
The arobitch brought a bunch of her discordfags into this general. Literally called them here. Some of them stayed and have been shitting up the place ever since.
Don't feed the tranny princess schitzo
we're used to random author defense forces, just remember the italics shitposting

shut the fuck up schnitzo
CHOOSE your own adventure? HELL NO! You better follow my meta narrative or else you are doing it WRONG!
Lmao I still remember when tankista came here asking why no one picked the other groups. Actually confused. Unable to understand why. How fucking retarded do you have to be? Authors really are so dense to their own shit.
>Aro asked one (1) thread regular to post his build in thread and he refused
>Schizo here continues to insist that dozens of redditors flooded into general and shat it up
Lmao at that absolute seethe for being correctly identified and called out
reminder that mentioning aro has a 50% chance of causing tranny janny meltdown
Why are hack authors threatened by Tankista so much?
It's plainly obvious that a certain melanin enriched shitposter is behind the seethe.
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Here it is. Just in time.
Sorry but this is too big brained for me, its different but I guess I'm not the target audience.
I know what you mean. Hard magic is an inherently (low IQ) take. It ignores all the psychological essences of what magic is.

This is also why Fate/SN has such awful magic too, by the way. Nasu is a dumby.
hot nickname
he's just technocracypilled and realizes that technology is just magic that has been sufficently explained
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Realignment is missing the reformist value
I know that redditors browse this place because I lurk in their subreddit, and I continue to find builds from that place here. Full-blown reposted builds. Invasion of discord doesn't surprise me.
NGL it makes sense in the setting.
Magic users are retards that are draining the life out of the multiverse for power.
>technology is just magic that has been sufficently explained
That’s the problem, though. If it were sufficiently explained, it wouldn’t be called magic and wizardry. Magic isn’t truly a hard definition. It just can’t be.
Considering husanon, aromage, suringical, and the xister entropist all post their shit there personally. It only makes sense.
wrong, i'm only making fun of your spelling
aieee no he is with the traditions
Now that Tankista new CYOA wasn't a great success, what do we have to look forward to?
Lol. Lmao
NEW cyoa? Is just an update, lmao.
This is also why magi-tech is a retarded saying. It’s magitech because it’s tech you don’t understand. Like a UFO.

It’s not magitech because “uhhh, it uses glowy blue shit, yeah…”, which is just like using fucking fossil fuels.

As soon as you call [insert fictional fossil fuel variant colored blue here] you’ve just isolated the magic.

Often magic isn’t even seen as magic to the true capital-w Wizard. They’re far too humble and transcendent.
>retard falls for the magiscience bait
learn to spell, schnitzo, i've seen you make the same mistake a bunch of times before
nta, are you just adding more letter now?
It's getting dangerously close to Schnitzel
In a science fiction setting magic survives as something to describe not something to define.

Visit a weird alien planet that has weird or fucked up biological shit? Magic.

A higher dimensional alien mind that trolls the federation of worlds? Magic.

A mad scientist making dangerous cutting edge science/technology? Magic.
yes, i did it twice because the schitzo misspelling makes me think exactly of schnitzel
Absolutely embarrassing
your bait is just boring magicsciencefag
yeah, for schnitzo
It really is. Then he has to reply to himself in an attempt to bait someone else.
not really, you seem to be getting BTFO
I hope she sees this bro
silly schnitzo, i'm the one who keeps calling her a brainlet and low iq
Sure thing lil buddy

I make a crystal ball and inscribe runes into it that let me converse with people far away, this is perfectly reproducible and works the same everytime.
this is seen as magic

I make a metal slab and inscribe arcane patterns into it so that when I infuse it with lightning I can talk with people on the other side of the planet, this is perfectly reproducible and works the same everytime.
this is seen as science

what is genuinely the difference between this two? why is the crystal ball magic but the phone is science?
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It’s not even bait. It’s just the truth. You fuckers hate being told. You’re no better than religious “it’s different, BECAUSE IT JUST IS, okay???” retards. Which is just another variant of “Well, in MY setting…” pizza faces like pic related.

You all screech about magic being some specific thing without realizing it’s all just in the fucking headspace department; it’s beautiful for that reason. Isolating magic is for arrogant faggots who don’t get how the human psyche works. They also don’t see how much of a religious behaviour it is; making fiction is just making religion.
TL;DR, but avatarfagging is against the rules
"because it just is" is how words are defined, anon, and since you're so autistic about only your favorite definitions of certain words being true, that's exactly what you're doing
Kingdom Builders always sucked ass.
do not argue with him he is the biggest retard on here
Tok? I mean he does it all the time to everything. At least he's not posting a retarded build to accompany his posting.
Luminary by Husanon.
Luminary by Italics.

The question is which one will win in a head on clash?
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Luminary by Husanon
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Luminary by Gil
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Birb got negative reception.
Um, “magic is just a word to describe” is a not isolating. It’s a universal. The same way you can call a tree a “god” if you go and worship it.

The alternative is trying to argue that magic is something definitive, which is an impossibility. It’s subjective. Is fire or air subjective?
deserved. She looks so ugly
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Luminary by Italics.

This is all we have to go on for it. No information on any of the girls, the world, our powers, strength. Nothing at all unlike Luminary by Husanon that sets us up as the God-King of our world with a loli harem and Queen by default.
>The alternative is trying to argue that magic is something definitive
this is a false dichotomy, and probably the source of your entire problem with this topic
>he actually likes tankistaslop
I would do some long winded comeback but reading his dogshit is punishment enough for midwits like you, so I just feel bad.
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>even tankista is shitposted to death
the death of cyoag...
why do you just assume something random like that? i don't even know a tankista cyoa off the top of my head
You don’t know what a false dichotomy is lmao
We do have something anon. The fact that the waifus are just bait in front of you to do the jobs for them. Good simp. Now keep doing those godly tasks and maybe mommy will give you some pity used goods pussy.
sure i do, it's when an autist like you is trying to present an issue as having two mutually exclusive sides or solutions, when in actuality there's no exclusivity and/or there's other options
>used goods
When were you under the impression they were used?
>someone else wrote her
she's already used just from that
He's just using normal seethespeak, he doesnt actually mean anything he says.
>lying about not liking the author, which is pathetic
>shilling for an author he's never read, which is pathetic
I swear tank has no actual fans the only people that shill him are like 3 illiterate homeless people that live next to an internet cafe near him he probably pays purely to shitpost in the thread when his stuff comes up.
I speak of Italics, The Lord of Lies, apprentice to Todd Howard, The King of Lies.
They are milfs and goddesses anon. It does not get more obvious than that.
Nope, you appear you be an idiot. I meet people like you on here all the time.
the fuck does me telling you aro is shit have to do with some other author i don't care about? take your meds
You clearly hate being here. Why are you here? Why not spend your time on something you don't hate?
Defense squad to the rescue! ASSEMBLEE!!
cute art
go ahead and keep rooting through the mud of your own ignorance
>They are MILFs
A woman is only a MILF if she gave birth to a child.

That doesn't make them used goods.
>Increases the chances of success by the amount of positive mana income you have AS LONG AS THE MISSION'S BASE ODDS ARE ABOVE 0%
This is so Sunspawn don't blow up the final mission, isn't it? Wew
>t. homeless
what are you trying to imply here? that aro is your home? do you live in a brothel?
>there's no exclusivity and/or there's other options
NTA, but that’s literally his point. “What is magic to one is not going to be magic to another” and all. I think this is more your inability to think numerous steps ahead in typical autistic fashion like him, probably because you’re not an autist like him. It’s already obvious that something can look 100% like magic and still not be seen as magic.

These arguments keep happening due to people not being able to keep up with his Asperger’s. Him citing Tolkien as siding with his logic pisses people off because it is seen as heresy to even disagree with Tolkien.

It’s a fool proof troll because you feel like your intelligence is under fire regardless.
but i was gonna wait for next thread...
Validating the illiterate accusation.
no, his point is that it can be either that or "arguing that magic is something definitive", which is a false dichotomy, magic can be on a spectrum between those two answer and it can also be something entirely different

so not only is he wrong within his false dichotomy, he's also wrong outside it because there are third options
Did you really go out of your way to compress these on your own? Why?
Wait, did you post the cyoa in discord or something and some fag is posting it beforehand?
it looks cheap, like it's trying to compensate for a lack of content with graphical design
This is an older test version that i posted in the discord for test builds.
What a faggot.
>Nameless can't come to the final mission
LMAO. Her simp ruining her attentionwhore plans. Now they are probably kneeling and apologizing on discord.
It was also uncompressed, so this guy had to compress all of the files just to post them here.
well yeah, he's posting an aro cyoa, that automatically makes him a faggot

you say that like it's hard, it's literally two clicks to shove it into your tg filesize preset
tf just happened?
Here it is. For those that say her discord simps are not here with us. Total cope.
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>You basically take on the role of a soul that was saved from non-existence by six passing goddesses who liked how you endured falling out of the sea.
>So instead of one of the goddesses taking you, they all agree to share your next incarnation which they raise by rotating you around.
>Your main antagonists lie in Labors, which are the main quests for your goddesses as it deals with the affairs of the Gods and their backstory and connections to other things in the CYOA.
>You don't have to do all the Labors and can just pick one to romance one specific goddess that raised you

Italics is legitmately not beating the allegations. Why do people liks his CYOAs. He openly admits to having you kek'd. Will this flop finally get him to leave the general for the better of it?
Okay, maybe he is right, and you ARE an idiot. I’m just explaining things to you. It’s not a false dichotomy in an existence of objective sets of truth. Everything else is not going to be of that.
>well yeah, he's posting an aro cyoa, that automatically makes him a faggot
Wish he had done it to tankfagsta so I wouldn't have to see the fags shit up the thread.
Aro's discord sissy posted the cyoa. Then deleted it when his queen told him that she is not going to get the attention she wants if he post it right now. She is waiting for the next thread to get maximum attention. The simp kneeled, apologized on discord, and deleted the cyoa here.
There technically isn’t a third option, as something is either true or it isn’t.
Weird, I thought it was the janny again.
You have screenshots?
it's a false dichotomy in the sense that everyone has their own definition which also disagrees with the boundaries he's trying to set on said definitions

that's exactly what you see in false dichotomies, there's technically only two options, except the options don't help anyone because the rules you used to get to them don't match reality
>t. leaking faggot mad he got called out
>magic is THIS
>not to these people it isn’t
>well they’re stupid
>they think you’re stupid too
>magic is THIS
>you keep saying that like it’s not an opinion
>it isn’t, magic is THIS
>what is magic to one is not magic to another
>so magic isn’t actually anything
>no, magic is THIS
>you appear to be an idiot

This is the current state of fantasists
Tolkien would be ashamed

“If you don’t treat nature as magic then you don’t truly appreciate it do you?” is a good way to piss off a physicist by the way
Tolkien knew this to be true
italicsisters! GET HIS ASS!!
Yea thats the funniest part of it. Its probably that nigger malding.
But why would they delete it if they were planning on leaking it? That makes no sense.
only scientism fandom faggots are actually pissed off by it
>it's a false dichotomy in the sense that everyone has their own definition
Yes, hence description. It’s not a true definition. It’s purely psychological and subject to semantics. He’s not wrong. You are just incapable of parsing the argument as something that isn’t opposed to your own notions. You are in full argumentative mode, due to anger or some other emotion.

All in all, >>93910837 is right, and you are threatened. Your intelligence is under fire.
read until the end, retard, lmao
>except the options don't help anyone because the rules you used to get to them don't match reality

But they DO match reality, as everyone could never agree on magic. It was never truly definable. Magic is ironic all around the globe. It’s called a “wandering word” for a reason. Almost like the word is itself a wandering hermit/wizard. It is different per time and place. To just say something is magic, is arrogant, and disrespectful to those who have their own opinions, or an appreciation for nature.

Magic is entirely personal.
It's somehow fitting that the thread with Magocratic Convention Redux start another tangent about magic and science.
>It was never truly definable.
clearly it was, or else you wouldn't have had the alternative to it from before, which is the other option in your dichotomy, except it's not a dichotomy at all
Not really. This is just every thread when someone falls for the old bait.
Why do some anons seem to hate Italics and his cyoas?
why are some anons concerned about some hack writer's cyoas and their popularity?
Now THIS is low tier bait. Posted on every thread.
I told you not argue with these retards, I hope you learn form this
The people who constantly post about him certainly seem concerned and care quite a bit.
Yeah, we should save these arguments for when arobrainlet posts her newest brainfart.
Why do you care so much about what other anons think?
Only Entropistanon, master of all CYOA, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished.
I'm not sure he even deleted it
Thread had never been worse under his reign.
But you are posting about him right now, anon. You seem a little... obsessed. Like you are taking it personal that other retards talk about him too.
Name 2 things people would be jealous about towards Italics. Lmao
He's fun to hate. There is always a retard coming to defend him.
His melanin, his rippling muscles, his gorgeous bald head, his towering height, his perfectly sculpted worlds, and the worst taste in anime waifus known to man.
Easiest way to get (You) is to say anything bad about italics. Then his defenders will run towards you. All so eager to defend him.
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All two of his fans get very angry about it, which is funny.
>and the worst taste in anime waifus known to man.
Reminder: Italics is a Washufag (Tenchi Muyo)

It's over.
He’s right you know. Magic is subject to subjectivism. Perception.

It’s also subject to being a blanketed term in face of something you don’t know.


It’s like a cloth you put over something. A veil. A curtain.

Either because of “I don’t know” (“I don’t like it” is a variant) or “it’s like magic!”.

Yeah, it’s a description all right. “Magic”.

Hard magic systems defeat the point of magic, and by that point (heh) magic is just a marketing label.

The essence has been lost, if you do any of that crap to be taken for granted.

Do you think the modern world is seen as magic by teenagers?

Where the fuck is the mystery—“I don’t know”—?
Where the fuck is the wonder—“it’s like magic”—?
Where the fuck is the horror—“this shit ain’t natural”—?
Where the fuck is the heresy—“it’s evil and he’s a witch”—?

I hate hard magic so fucking much. Hard magic is just science.

You fags need to realize that true magic is just stage magic. “Magic”.
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We are reaching critical levels of seething~
I think the issue is that they don’t care. They just want to have fun. Thinking hard isn’t fun.
This is definitely worse
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>Have an idea for a CINEMA CYOA based around outer space adventures and different planetary waifus.
>Cancels it because it would be too hard.
You now remember what Italics took from you, Anon.
>I hate hard magic so fucking much. Hard magic is just science.
>I hate science.
I'll take the bait - why? No, you can't use others to justify your distaste.
because "tee hee look how devilish i am" followed immediately by "oh shit she saw it now i regret doing it"
So magic isnt magic to wizards, got it
This but about tankistafags.
Italics resets entire finished cyoas just because his HRT dose was too high that week.
If it works...
he said he hates magic acting like science, not that he hates either science or magic themselves
That doesn't explain his impulse to rant here instead of going somewhere without "magic".
here we go again
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whoever mutilated that meme is a massive faggot
What? I don’t hate science. I hate magic that pretends it’s not just poorly defined science. Science is about defining shit.

The actual irony is that, if science is true, in theory, then how is it not true magic?

The “true magic” fags insist that magic is not possible to understand or that it goes against physics.

What they don’t realize, is that by saying this they are admitting magic to them is a form of stage magic.

Because something can’t truly be defiant in such a way. If defies our understanding purely. That’s stage magic.

Magic is about describing shit (as magic).
Remember he confirmed reset Magi Case multiple times.
So let me get this right. You are saying someone that disliked aro leaked the cyoa to fuck her over. Then deleted it because they felt bad that aro saw the cyoa got leaked just as they had planned?
Good, things were getting boring around here.
Thank god we're getting arokino next thread to save us from tankflopsta the slop masta.
no, i'm saying someone who at least somewhat likes aro leaked it and then regretted it

note how they'd need to be a moron to do this, exactly as expected of an aro fan, likes calls to like and all that
>t. discordtroon
>t. homelesstroon
WTF? Why is the suddenly thread drowning in shitposting? Did someone go off their meds? It's like they're trying to hit every shitposting topic from the last six months this morning. And right after a major update to Magocratic Convention, so there IS something to talk about.
Most of the time, it’s not, no. The wizard is too humble and transcendent to see it as some thing. They’d sooner show you the magic in all things.

Galadriel is genuinely confused by Sam’s insistence of the word “magic” to describe what she does, and Gandalf really isn’t a wizard back home in Valinor.

A wizard is just a sage, and sometimes a form of knowledge is powerful.

An alien crash landed is a veritable sage to those of a much more primitive world. The alien (I’m using this as an example because Gandalf is essentially an alien or angel) may not view themselves as some wizard (not unless they go out of their to put on this act, to guide and teach, like the five wizards are meant to do), but it can’t exactly be helped. A man working wonders a still a man working wonders.
So we just ignoring how our girly girl got an anon b& and deleted as soon as he started leaking her cyoa?
Someone fell for the magiscience bait. Another retard posted the usual italics bait and people fell for it too. Someone from aro's discord leaked the cyoa.
aro called in her discord simps to shit up the place

yes, that actually happened
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Nothing's happening chud

Yes, now go back
I'd talk about the update but I'm too shit at numbers to play it correctly, and without building my viewpoint won't be useful.

Having confirmation on Sargon and the advisors talking about how many aspects Blood Magic has was nice.
I'd rather have to deal with aromage simps than tankslopsta fans.
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You know the Magicsciencefag is a shitposter because he didn't say shit about Magi Case and the entire existence of pic related, their clan and Magic.
i didn't ask
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>drowning in shitposting
part and parcel
You didn't have too. I'm always happy to btfo slopsta fags.
>you can't talk about magic in general if you don't also mention magi cope
well good news, it's now mentioned, and it's still shit
That was sand.
What's the problem with materialization?
that's because he doesn't play cyoas
>italics craves attention so much that he even begs it from the schizo shitposter
I want a Tolkien CYOA now. Is there any?
Cool story, wrong thread
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How are the jannies not doing shit about this yet deleted all the brotherhood memes about a cyoa?
I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver

I know you're operating under the "Italics is bringing up Magi Case" but that wouldn't make sense.
It's the most laughed at Clan, even excluding the Hunde debacle. Why would he put a spotlight on it unprompted when he has Drac or Ostanes?
tolkien's work, while fine on its own, has been copied so much that it's a perfectly fine opinion to have that all of it and its overreaching genre is shit, regardless of anything else
Materialization is bullshit by default. Let's not even pretend how broken it is as a system of magic

Literal create anything from your mind.
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he spawned all of the modern fantasy slop
I have never read Tolkien nor do I care about his opinion settings that are not his own
There's no mechanic to ask a janitor to look at a thread, only a specific post. Nor is there a way to explain why you're reporting a post, except for broad categories. Unless one just happens to look in, the shitposters are going to get away with killing this thread.
>Ford is the most laughed at Clan.
Implying. Out of all the clans the FordGODS are basically the main characters of the CYOA and one of the most picked clans.
Just say your imagination skills are threatened.
Yet all the complaints I see floating around are about them.
Not all attention is good attention.
>Ring of Bronze
>Elvish Blade
>White Wizard's Staff
Gonna try and metagame by using the ring to attain elven levels of smithery, then craft my own Ring of Power and dominate people around me.
no I mean I have literally never read Tolkien you dingus lmfao
your appeal to authority is meaningless outside of his specific work
Haters are just being haters. The Clan leadership is pretty cool even though they are explictly cyberlunk with magic.
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stupid fucking bird.
Jian... my beloved birb...
i like this birb
Jester my beloved
Companion sheet when?
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>mixing franchises

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