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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

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>3e Resource Index Version 2024-04-17

Previous thread: >>93841710
Thread Question: What's a prestige class you think should be base?
I kinda feel like Loremaster could be spun into a "freeform" base class replacing either wizard or sorcerer's mostly dead levels with some class customization outside of the realm of metered feats.

Beyond that, a question: I'm currently digging through Dungeon magazine to index what little adventure-agnostic content there is to be had and I came across "pulp character origins" in #90's Polyhedron insert (which also means I need to backtrack Polyhedron pre-merger as it also seems to include classes and character options, fml). I've seen origins used in the PC games, and I know (very well as I exclusively run) the Forgotten Realms has its own character region system and Eberron has the basics of a region system, but for the life of me I can't find the rules for a generic origin system in 3.5.

Was this in 3E and lost in the transition to 3.5 and I'm forgetting it?
There's a few PRCs I think could have been a part of Fighter's basic kit, like Dread Commando, War Hulk, and Exotic Weapon Master.
EWM feels like it either should remain a PRC or become open feats. Feels too much like something fun to staple on a couple builds.
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im starving for some meaty dungeon discussion
I never get my fix from /tg/ or giantitp or wherever

>What's a prestige class you think should be base?
I'll flip that around; I think bard, ranger, and paladin make more sense as prestige classes than base classes, though Id let them have very early entries (like 3rd level)
Duelist. It kinda is, since Swashbuckler ate its lunch, but they both suck.
>Thread Question
Blackguard. It's already worse than paladin in 99% of campaigns, why do I have to jump through hoops to be one?
>What's a prestige class you think should be base?
Hellfire Warlock should've been a Warlock ACF, or even just a Warlock class option. It has no business being a discrete Prestige Class.

There are several like this, like Assassin, or Red Wizard, and Soulbow, etc. It's not exactly the same as making prestige classes into base classes, but I definitely think that these should've been folded into existing base classes as options.

In general I hate what PF1 did to Prestige Classes and Base Classes (multiclassing in general), but the formalization of Archetypes was a great idea.

I'll give you Paladin, but I really think that Bards and Rangers are fairly iconic low-level (or even pre-level) archetypes. I can see both Bards and Rangers without class levels, easily, but Paladins are invariably Knights/Fighters/etc. before becoming Paladins, so they would make sense as a prestige class.
Blackguard should just be an Evil type of Paladin, with its own class chassis, yeah.
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>What's a prestige class you think should be base?
Tempest. It forces you to overly specialize a character to get it early so you can be useful. I think it would be better idea to stretch it out a bit and make it a base class so people can branch out in it depending on if they wanna focus on dualthrow or wield different combination/types of weapons (like rangers fighting styles but throughout the whole class)
More than that, there's a bunch of classes that could be consolidated/merged together.
I also agree with the other anon that said that Rangers and Paladins could be prestige classes (hence the UA).
That way you could go from either a cleric or fighter base for paladin and from either a druid, fighter, or rogue base for ranger.
Bards too due to flavor than anything, since they are canonically sorcerers but different (dragon heritage etc), although in that case I'd also have a feat you'd need to get at level 1 that gave you a limited form of bardic music so that you can feel like a bard from the get go.
Man, I might write that homebrew one day. Go through every class (lord help me) and see what makes sense to merge, to make a base class and vice versa.
Whole class no, more like an ACF package for multiple classes (Ranged, Swashbuckler, Fighter).
Careful tho, you have werd entries for Tempest, even Barbs.
Any feat or mechanics for battle cries of some sort? Either "debuffs" like Kiai Shout, or something instead buffing your allies, not dissimilar from the bardic Inspire Courage.
I am already aware of the Marshal class and of White Raven in ToB, of course.
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I think a lot of partial progression PRCs would play more sensibly if there was something like speciality sorcerer with full martial progression. If a PRC has partial progression then it doesn't mesh with stuff like paladin that has it's own chart and if it has it's own chart it doesn't mesh with stuff like paladin that has it's own chart, so anyone who wants to be a partial caster ends up needing fullcaster levels.
Our table has solved this kind of thing in the past with gestalt levels for levels up to 3 or 5 in the past, basically.

PHBII has the fluff
Mechanics are just tied to taking feats, for the most part.

>I'll flip that around; I think bard, ranger, and paladin make more sense as prestige classes than base classes, though Id let them have very early entries (like 3rd level)
Anon, they are prestige classes.
Personally, I would just remove dead levels from PrCs. Since they're a kind of specialist training, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me that you aren't actually learning anything from them, and it makes it so all the shitty half-casting PrCs are actually usable and worth looking at instead of page filler nobody actually touches.
How would you enter the bard one core?
Rogue2/Fighter2/Wizard1 for evasion?
Fighter2/Wizard2? Hard to rank those Perform to 8
Core? I'd find a new table. The prestige class isn't in a core book, anyway.
>Hard to rank those Perform to 8
Of the remaining core classes only rogue and monk have perform as a class skill, so you need a level in one of those if you want to take Bard at 6 rather than 14.
Rogue 4/Wizard 1 is more or less a purely DEX/INT character. Any variation of rogue 1-4 + wizard 1-2 + fighter 1-2 works well.
You need three sorcerer levels to qualify with sorc due to spells known, so you can't do it within five levels.
>Anon, they are prestige classes.
yes but those are shit
it needs to be mechanically better
Prestige Paladin is actually pretty good, depending on your class. Clerics get so much from it, that it's frightening.
Adventures of the Were-elf Lord!
>return to birth town
>questioned by fucking human guards like they don't know who the fuck I am
>give them a piece of my mind, put them in their place like the pathetic human trash they are
>gnome paladin cleric smooths out the situation, humans get to keep their lives today
>approach the council, inform them of what I am, and ask for summary judgment
>am remanded in to custody to await judgment
>gnome paladin cleric vouches for me like the bro he is
>council decides to spare my life, such as it is, so long as I continue to serve the Purpose
>no problem, that was the plan
>wizard goes to his temple, tells them about the Long Winter and beseeches a remedy
>a week later, a plan is hatched
>we must approach one of the Archomentals and beg their favor to clear the skies of the earth from the Meteo Fall that blighted the sky
>of course we will accept
Not as dramatic as some sessions, but we are making progress to help the world, like proper Good Guys.
Not sure how The Trove works, but I do have a request for a 3rd party supplement (pic very related) called Player's Companion: Getting More Out of Your PHB. It's sold out on Amazon, and I can't find a site to download a copy from. Do any of you have a copy of it for me to have?

Whatever the Prestige Class, it has to be able to stand on its own.

The Necrocarnate from Magic of Incarnum ought to have its own meldshaping list if it becomes a stand-alone class.

Maybe the Inquisitor from the Dragonlance Campaign Setting? Lots of base classes in that, that I think cover a lot of the absent bases (Mystic for a Philosophy based Divine Spellcasting, Noble (A PC Aristocrat), Mariner (Keeps me from saying Dread Pirate), Master (A PC Expert)

I can see the Blackguard being one, but one can always tweak the Paladin to do evil shit.
Really good resource for any DM.
>Inquisitor from the Dragonlance Campaign Setting?
While I never understood this sentiment, you could look at the Investigator in PF1e and how they handled it.
(I don't understand it because I think this is a Rogue niche, which should be an excuse to expand the scope of the Rogue class but I digress).
>Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Since, this has been named, is this one a good 9th level spell?

Level: Sorcerer 9, Wizard 9, Liberation (Domain) 9,
Components: V, S, M, DF,
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: 180 ft.
Area: 180-ft. radius burst, centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

When you cast an unbinding spell, a burst of energy erupts from your body and magically destroys any spell that contain, constrain, or seal, with the exceptions noted below.

The unbinding negates charm and hold spell of all types (like hold person), arcane locks and similar closures, spells with a duration longer than instantaneous that create physical or magical barriers (wall of fire, wall of force), guards and wards, temporal stasis, and slow spells, among others. The effect of a statue spell is ended. A magic jar is shattered – forever destroyed – and the life force within snuffed out. In addition, any spell that holds magical effects, including other spells, immediately releases them at a range of 0 ft. (including magic mouth, imbue with spell ability, and so on).

Protective spells such as protection from evil, shield, globe of invulnerability, and similar spells are not affected by an unbinding. Petrified creatures are neither revealed nor restored. Individuals bound to service are not freed (including creatures such as familiars, invisible stalkers, genies, and planar allied). An antimagic field is not affected, nor will the effect of unbinding penetrate one. A magic circle against evil (or another alignment) that currently holds a creature imprisoned is dispelled.

(Unbinding 2/2)
Curses and geas/quest spells are negated only if the caster is of a level equal to or greater than that of the original caster.

All these effects ovvur without regard to the caster's wishes. Spell effects on the person of the caster or being carried or worn by the caster remain undisturbed, but any others within the burst are effected, including those of allies. The opening of locks or other closures triggers any alarms or traps attached to them. Any released creature may or may not be friendly to the caster.

Material Component: A lodestone and a pinch of salpeter.
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>To fulfill your vow, you must abstain from any sexual contact with any other creature. If you intentionally break your vow, you immediately and irrevocably lose the benefit of this feat. You may not take another feat to replace it. If you break your vow as a result of magical compulsion, you lose the benefit of this feat until you perform a suitable penance and receive an atonement spell.
It doesn't say what happens if you rape the bitch without magical compulsion.

>When you cast an unbinding spell
Dragonlancefags in charge of wording
>is this one a good 9th level spell?
Well it's a real spell because it made it in to SpC, shit wording and all. What do you mean by "good"?
Speaking of PrCs, I've always been on the opinion that they should be pseudo-gestalt. As in, they shouldn't really be classes at all, but a separate thing that are attached to you.

I shouldn't stop gaining Rogue levels just because I become a Shadow Thief, and a high-level Shadow Thief shouldn't be a remarkably worse Rogue than someone that stayed as a Rogue their entire career, for example.
What do you think of the mystic theurge prestige class? I’m looking at it through the lens of a cleric/wizard combination and it seems pretty strong. Both of those classes don’t get much outside of spells, so in respect to features you’re only missing out on some bonus feats and your familiar and undead turning will be much weaker. Your spell list will have nearly twice the variety since you get two of them, and if I’m interpreting it correctly you’ll get nearly double the spells per day, all in exchange for your most powerful ones being a few levels behind. Anyone here play it?
>It doesn't say what happens if you rape the bitch without magical compulsion.
I do believe that qualifies as "intentionally break your vow", losing the benefit of the feat immediately and irrevocably.

Legacy Champion and Uncanny Trickster exist, and "pure" spellcasters get similar effect from commonplace progression. But having them ALL be this way leaves limited room for trading off one area for another, which is a major part of how specializing has worked since the moment D&D started supporting it.
I mean you're a full caster, so giving up even one casting level is usually a bigger ask than getting twice as many spells per day.
>Anyone here play it?
Yeah. MT is surprisingly a full progression theurge so it's pretty good. Combining it with PrCs with their own progression is what it's strongest for and what I was doing it with.
Cleric can cast 2nd level arcane spells at level 5 with the Spell domain, btw

>I shouldn't stop gaining Rogue levels just because I become a Shadow Thief, and a high-level Shadow Thief shouldn't be a remarkably worse Rogue than someone that stayed as a Rogue their entire career, for example.
That's exactly what they should be, because the other person chose to spend all their levels on a class that would make them better at those things as opposed to a different class that would make them better at different things. If Shadow Thief was supposed to make you 'just as good a rogue' as regular rogue it'd progress you through rogue features. Classes like abjurant champion already do this.
It's on Anna's Archive. But I wouldn't say it's worth much. It feels very "I'mma collect my house rules and print them."
You're describing 4E
With early entry and synergized casting stat? Pretty good, but worse than taking a straight class and taking PrCs to support. As intended, Wiz 3/Cleric 3 or Sorc 4/Cleric 3? Awful and a way to blow your entire character up.
Are there any known/popular conversion guides for 4e>3.5e?
Not as far as I know, no.
4e had TONS of great ideas in the worst framework possible.
If wotc just amended broken spells, merged a few feats, optionally merged the maneuver system into the core classes, then used core classes and prestige classes in the 5-10 levels increment, they would have made bank with 4e in a 3.75 framework.
In the beginning was kinda meh. I think with splats and 3pp you have so many small level buff spells that you can just count on them and support the party if you accept that you should never fucking ever attempt to cast an offensive spell counting on DC saves etc.
Just pump a bit more the divine stat and get Forge Rings, so you double your arcane slots with Rings of Wizardry.
>Cleric can cast 2nd level arcane spells at level 5 with the Spell domain, btw
If they use a spell domain, I doubt those count as arcane spells, could you please elaborate?
>you must abstain from any sexual contact
Kinda covers it.
Even better in a 2e framework, which was actually functional, required less system mastery to operate, and didn't have fucked math because the devs had no idea what they were doing.
When sizing up a creature due to hg advancement, do you add the stat bonuses for size increases?
Making a few custom enemies by the book, and I'm not sure if I'm missing this.
Nevermind, found it.
I choose the route that hurts my players the most, they can take it.
Does one of the tools in the OP post include a bunch of monsters or, better yet, npc statblocks?
I'm looking for a few things
-goblinoid spellcasters
They'll all be appearing in my next campaign and I'm stumbling on buildup them all out. Especially with what spells the casters should have.
If only the dude making the online companion hadn't gone batshit and if only wizards had branded it as "D&D Tactics" or something rather than 4e. So many fascinating ideas that just got utterly discarded, even if everything outside the combat sucked ass.
Nah, there are deep issue in the way the game and its interaction with the gameworld is conceived that are incompatible with the preferences of many, me included.
But there is a lot to love and save, from the elegant simplicity of "[w]" to powers auto-scaling without the need to take multiple fucking power ups, and the modularity of such power selection (which one can notice was then partially introduced in PF1e and embraced in PF2e while 5e took the worst, immersion breaking parts of 4e).
Oh I didn't say I liked the damn thing, I just think it's an interesting toolkit. At this point I'm hoping ICON salvages the parts I thought were cool without me having to say "I use Sly Flourish and end my turn" for 10 levels
>Oh I didn't say I liked the damn thing,
Even if you liked it, so what? It's a matter of preferences.
And I agree on the toolkit part. There is a lot to take from anywhere, as an example i am intrigued by the rarity system in PF2e.
Is the Sanctified Template the only Template that can change a creature's Alignment from Evil to Good?
Oh, and the good lycanthropes, I suppose.

Downloading it now, and thanks for the info! I still want to salvage it for parts, though.
>What do you mean by "good"?
Should it be level 8th or 7th instead?
This is the level with Time Stop and Disjunciton.
Then again, it also has meteor swarm.
Seeing as the basis for the thread is the Complete Warrior, the Occult Slayer prestige class. It's only 5 levels, but those 5 levels have a lot of potential if they were expanded into a full class.
This makes me think.
Aren't 3e lycanthropes kinda shit? They don't even regenerate non-silver weapon wounds.
Is there some "greater lycanthrope" template somewhere?
Does anyone remember the rules for what happens if you have more than one source of regeneration? Do you get fucked because the phrasing is "XYZ does normal damage to you" so each one has an independent list of damages that fully bypass all your regenerations?

>Then again, it also has meteor swarm.
I mean, I don't think the game is going to break if you bring it's level down? If you mean is it "good" as in "powerful" and we're going to put it up against such heavy hitters as fucking Gate, Shapechange or Wish then yeah, it's not a strong level 9 spell. It being level 9 is just nice themeatically, y'know, as the ultimate freedom spell. Like if you made utterdark not level 9 I would want to make a different level 9 darkness spell.
Personally I'd approach homebrew from the perspective of buffing unbinding's effect rather lowering it's level. And honestly, such a buff would almost be straight up god of the gaps fiat, since most of the questions about what can it or can't it break are strictly unanswered and it has a fairly permissive wording.

>If they use a spell domain, I doubt those count as arcane spells
Pretty sure you'd be wrong.
>could you please elaborate?
It says that they count as arcane spells, so they count as arcane spells.
>Anyspell allows you to read and prepare any arcane spell of up to 2nd level.
>When you cast the arcane spell, it works just as though cast by a wizard of your cleric level except that your Wisdom score sets the save DC (if applicable). You must have a Wisdom of at least 10 + the arcane spell’s level to prepare and cast it.
I think it's even been clarified that Anyspell having ASF chance is intended.

Even ravenloft's more-werewolf-than-werewolf dire wolf werewolves are just regular lycanthropes.
There's a prestige class for malarites but it's dogshit (heh) and forever lives in the shadow of the other malar-associated "Black Blood Foo" PrC.
>it works just as though cast by a wizard
That would mean just for the sake of caster level etc - observe how they write you still use Wis instead of Int, as to prepare you for this exception.
I think as for most of the "wow" effects in this edition, people go too often for the most charitable and favorable interpretation.
A deity grants it - it's a divine spell.
I mean
> Your holy symbol substitutes for any noncostly material component.
Come on.
I see people inventing restrictions that don't exist a lot more than I see people being too lenient.
>A deity grants it - it's a divine spell.
You can get it without a deity just fine.
In order to be put on a scroll or so it must still originate from a deity or being divine in general.
I see rules written like shit and ambiguous, being interpreted in the most game-breaking way possible.
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A recent play through of Neverwinter Nights has made me start thinking of 3.5 again, and by the same token, a (somewhat) popular homebrew class, the Overdrive Knight (Overdrive Master in the original thread). Unfortunately, with the end of WotC’s forums came the end of its easy-finding, but I figured it was worth a shot in the dark to see if anyone still has the PDF version of it- or at least knows where I can find it. I checked through the Wayback Machine and did my due diligence otherwise.

Pic unrelated.
Is this Google Doc right?

Found it by searching "Overdrive Knight" (quotation marks important) on GiantITP which led to this thread:
It is! Thank you very much! I kept finding the tier thread, and I guess I missed it somewhere in there. Much obliged!
Swashbuckler should have been designed around feinting and had sneak attack.
Let you add Intelligence modifier to Bluff checks to feint.
Let you feint as a swift action by level 5.
Let you add half your base attack on checks to feint.
Let you feint against undead and such by level 7 or 8.
Let you add Intelligence to Armor Class
Escalating dodge bonus like monk.
Etc etc.
Posted this a while back, but here's my BBEG! I statted her out in two level ranges, so the party can fight her multiple times.
She's a gish cleric, focused around self-buffs
Oh, forgot to mention, someone suggested her using her poison on her arrows in her CR8 build, and I like that a lot.
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You know how people use the cloistered cleric as a base then throw several prestige classes on top to so that what it loses in comparison to base cleric doesn't matter?
Would an archivist make an even better divine gish in that case?
No turn undead = no divine metamagic for persist shenanigans
Generally no, archivist makes a better outright caster
Archivist is MAD without a feat and it has actual scaling features. It works for that, but it's not as good as Cleric and you have to headhunt your spells. PrCs also don't give you spells known so they're much harsher on Archivist than they are Cleric.
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>throw several prestige classes on top to so that what it loses in comparison to base cleric doesn't matter?
Not sure what you mean by this. Getting proficiencies? Most clerics are dipping PrCs for bonus domains.
>Would an archivist make an even better divine gish in that case?
Sure? It really depends on what you're doing. What makes archivist better is having every spell in the game at it's lowest level on any class or domain or PrC, including shit like paladin spells that you aren't normally really able to get. If you're doing low power 'just walking around with my buffs on' cleric is obviously better, in no small part just because it's simpler and automatic and you don't need to ask. Archivist has more robust access to TO combos, not sure if you consider that being a gish. It's only a better class RAW for the most part.

One nice thing about FR is that it heavily encourages (very) strong good spellcaster NPCs to use as antagonists.

Have you had any sessions since we last talked about snaketits?
>SR 18 (25 against good spells and spells cast by good creatures)
Why the SR against non-good is much lower? It should be adjusted to the CR In my opinion.
>It should be adjusted to the CR In my opinion.
That's not how SR works
>Why the SR against non-good is much lower?
Unholy aura etc.
I did not realize they nerfed thousand faces. Why?
>That's not how SR works
That's often how it works, in fact, but I admit it's full of exceptions.
Sometimes, especially due to items, it's fixed and slightly below average.
Sometimes, specific monsters have it higher.
But eyeballing it should be 10 + CR.
Not this is a boss so the players are lower level, therefore it's probably ok as-is.
> they nerfed thousand faces
be more specific anon. How and when?
3.0 to 3.5 I presume
3.5 errata, which is why I didn't know about it offhand.
It got changed from alter self to disguise self
I am building a Ninja homebrew class.
Sudden strike was ass on the 3.5 chassis, but I noticed that the PF1e Ninja version kind of supplanted the Rogue.
My idea was to give the class way more supernatural abilities (kind of all the ACFs at once, obviously distributed across levels). THEN, I would give the Ninja IUS like the monk with a weaker progression (the same progression of Superior Unarmed Strike for those familiar with it).
One could also use the Ki to gain an additional strike while full attacking or while using a "standard action" attack.

My aim is to make the Ninja more playable (I don't need CoDzilla level, we don't play like that) but maintain a playstyle with a different "feel".
Anything more I could add?
For me personally I've always toyed with the idea of letting a Ninja regain ki on a successful sudden strike. This lets them use ki to get into position, do heavy damage, and then do it again. Using your cool tools rewards you with getting to use your cool tools, but failure is similarly exponential. That feels more like a ninja to me than just being a rogue variant.
>For me personally I've always toyed with the idea of letting a Ninja regain ki on a successful sudden strike.
This is neat. Thank you, anon.
You know what I can do? One of these two things.
1) I make it a rule of SS inherently - personally preferred but a few people could oppose this
2) In that case, consider that the ACF powers are element based (the base one are considered "air" in fact).
I could make them modular and selectable every other level (think about PF1e Rogue, Magus etc) and assign this type of "meta" powers, so to speak, to a missing element - Void.
>Have you had any sessions since we last talked about snaketits?
Yes! The players are currently exploring a jungle temple, and I plan to introduce her soon.
I think the first is best, it's much cleaner. Making it an ACF just makes it so you'd never use the others.
Best mundane items to use with Shapesand.
The kind of thing that you don't really think of carrying randomly but might be useful once in a blue moon.
They're so fucking handy
Shit, that's actually useful right fucking now.
Not that I couldn't just destroy the cell door with just brute force, but that's actually pretty nice.
Fellow Seghulerak enjoyer I see. She's a cool villain, I just wish they did more with her in the book.
Bolt cutters have the advantage of being a hell of a lot more subtle.
>More playable ninja
Did you look at the Eclipse deconstructions of the class progressions for all four ninja classes? EVen if you're not giving your players access to point buy, it's a pretty decent setup for eyeballing what makes a reasonable class chassis.


And if you want a bit more adventurous material, these are in a vaguely related martial arts vein.

I've had good luck converting 5e babbies to 3.5. I just pick up forever DMs or LFG players and offer to teach them.
Thank you for telling me not to give up, /tg/
Rereading the 3.5 wealth by level rules, I'm struck that there actually seems to be nothing excluding wizard spellbooks, not even the couple of spells they get as they level up. Not sure if I'm missing something, but otherwise it is crazy that all the numerous complaints about wizards being the most OP core class is in largely based on a unmentioned house rule (at least for low levels).
>not even the couple of spells they get as they level up

>Note that a wizard does not have to pay these costs in time or gold for the spells she gains for free at each new level.

It's also incredibly laughable to say this is interpretation is intended when the minimum starting spellbook is 2,215 GP of "wealth", increasing dramatically with Intelligence and sourcebook cantrips. WBL is explained as an expected-loot benchmark, not a net worth benchmark, and a LOT of things get very obviously screwy when you use it that way. You might as well neuter the already-impotent Soulknife by counting their most expensive Mind Blade mode against WBL.

Does work for a logistical back-end explanation of why few settings end up with omnipresent low-level magic, because "apprentice" Wizards are very expensive.
Did you actually play with these guys?
How was it?
Apparently one of my 5e friends is joining my 3.5e group, so that's really cool to see.
Just getting something for free does not mean that it isn't part of your total wealth, so I don't think that rule quote contradicts it.

Many things in 3.5 does not work as intended, but it seems to be the RAW. I don't think a soulknife can sell their mind blade.
Yeah I play with them. They're having fun, but scheduling continues to be a bitch
>but scheduling continues to be a bitch
The eternal struggle.
My group just has tons of players, and if the DM can make it, there's usually enough players to have a session.
Ambiguous rules text I've never seen actually come up.

>Level Loss
>Any creature brought back to life usually loses one level of experience. The character’s new XP total is midway between the minimum needed for his or her new (reduced) level and the minimum needed for the next one. If the character was 1st level at the time of death, he or she loses 2 points of Constitution instead of losing a level.
>This level loss or Constitution loss cannot be repaired by any mortal means, even wish or miracle. A revived character can regain a lost level by earning XP through further adventuring. A revived character who was 1st level at the time of death can regain lost points of Constitution by improving his or her Constitution score when he or she attains a level that allows an ability score increase.

A level 1 character dies, and is resurrected. They lose 2 Constitution.
>A revived character who was 1st level at the time of death can regain lost points of Constitution by improving his or her Constitution score when he or she attains a level that allows an ability score increase.
They reach level 4 and put a point in Constitution.
Do they regain the 2 Constitution they lost at that time? That's how I'm reading it RAW.
That's my reading as well, otherwise it seems unnecessarily spiteful to say "you can get your constitution back up by raising it"
I think the reading is the "spiteful" one.
Otherwise it would say
>next time the character improves an ability score when he or she attains a level that allows an ability score increase, that character also gets these 2 point of lost Con back
The intended reading is most definitely the "spiteful" one.

Dying at level 1 or level 20 doesn't change anything. The loss is lost. The meaning of RAW is that you have the ability to assign level up stat points into CON to mitigate the loss the same way a character losing a level can "regain" their lost level by gaining a level to replace it. Death is supposed to suck, but if a player's dying at level 1 either they're running "fastest pissed off DM any%" or their DM is incompetent and/or an asshole: deaths during "level suck" are either going to lead to a new character or an empty seat at the table going forward.
Making a new thread.
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