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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
Could a non-Devil get involved to assist Rias in her engagement rating game against Riser? I know some fanfics do it and I really have nothing against Riser, he is alright as far as Devils go but I want that dumb redhead.
No, you have to be in her peerage. Your alternative is to wait until after and break up the engagement like Issei did.
Just have sex with her, that should get you involved.
Just curse riser with impotence. Easy fix.
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Assuming you wanted to cause a zombie apocalypse in a jump set on a mundane Earth any time after 1900 (anything from James Cameron's Titanic to Modern Geopolitics, in other words), what's the best place and time to deploy the plague? Specifically, assuming you want to kick it off by hitting, at most, one large city.
Not really, rating games need to be between devils and their peerages.
Have in mind that if you're really good at negotiation (and by that I mean not a complete retard) you can simply ask Grafia to let you join Rias for a bit to fill up numbers as long as you're a contracted mage or something like that.
However all the devil stuff for it is geared towards devils (duh) so you probably won't even to be properly teleported to the match unless you prepare or something.
>I mean not a complete retard
Jumper is the kind of retard who would probably think to key Rias or Akeno to his teleportation wards for SEXO but not Grayfia or others so they would get shunted to his depraved magical realm instead if they tried to barge into his house.
>hitting, at most, one large city
Even in the warly 1900s this will be difficult because large cities are large cities because of how easily accessible they are from roads, rivers, or sea. So any outbreak will spread fairly fast from one during the initial stages.
Hey Ric you mentioned last thread you wanted an updated HOTD jump. What is wrong with the one we got?
Now and again I see mentions of a generic merge jump by Gene but can't seem to find it on the drive. Is it under a different name or am I just blind?
That's the point of picking one as a starting point, yes. Which of them will be accessible enough to spread it quickly while also being slow-acting enough that they can't establish a quarantine? This is about choosing a single deployment site, not about trying to contain it. Sure, one could deploy multiple outbreaks simultaneously, but then you don't really get the mounting panic as the locals track the unhallowed dead and their movements.
Yes, that is up to you if you want the strict game version or not
Mew is 500 as he is available without any post credit cheat codes (although rare)
For Pokémon perks without a Pokémon form you'd need to fan wank (access to a few Pokémon moves, a superpower Ed form with a mega stone....) can be applied to other Pokémon altforms, yes

Don't plan to do any Pokémon romhack in the forseable future (lack of time)
The trenches of WW1 (just because it's "fun" thematically)
It's just called Merge IIRC.
Reposting Terra Hypnagogica 1.1.
Udraiken Primer 1.2.
Probably Hong Kong. It was one of the busiest ports in the world, had organized crime that would hamper 'official efforts' to stop it, and Kowloon Walled City which is basically a zombie's wet dream
Thanks anon.
Why not set it off during the start of the Spanish Flue pandemic?
Not directly. However, you can work in a bit of training, maybe give a few gifts of Items. No one will be against that. I would honestly focus on Issei as he is the weakest link at that point. Though if you can give Asia some defensive items that probably wouldn't hurt.
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[Jungle de Ikou!]

Human (+400, 1000)

Slapstick (Free)
Boys Will Be Boys (Free)
Inner Beauty (900)
What Am I, Chopped Liver? (800)
Material Affection (600)
Media Darling (300)
All in a Day's Work (0)
Voice of the People (Free)

I immediately took one look at the local spirit rom-com and backed away from it as far as possible, deciding to take over the world the longer, harder way rather than deal with that bullshit.

It's also right next to Macau, another historical port, and if you get lucky the plague can spread to China's mainland.
With all the historic smuggling that goes in and out of HK, add on top of that what happened during SARS and MERS, infecting HK guarantees a rapid spread across China.
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Key to Rias is saving her useless fat ass. Akeno is her relationship/trauma with baraquiel, and koneko/shirone the same for her sister. Just being with them and giving support is enough. Well being stronk and having a personality that mashes well with theirs is a plus.
It's the same for most of the haremnettes and some of the guys because of how the story was formated. It's kinda egregious for some, like koneko, whose opinion of Issei was "gross pervert and part of the same peerage/family that can sometimes not be complete trash" before her arc.
I was mostly memeing about replacing the mc and adding canon companion options
Is the scaling in locations just based on what someone should be at that stage of their journey, or will trainers and pokemon scale to god level power and beyond if you already have it?
Kowloon would be at its max in 1970s or 80s. I'd say 1970 since that is two years before Nixon's visit to China and a year before the Ping Pong team visited but a year after Soviet-Sino relations collapsed so as it spread over land in China they wouldn't likely spread information around giving it plenty of time to fester. Sea routes can be iffy depending on infection length but you might trigger small scale outbreaks in port cities with good timing, though how effective these are will largely depend on how on the ball people are. Lucky bites on plane passengers will probably be the #1 way to get into other countries.
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>>Errrr, do it yourself?
>Don't tempt me.
Be the hero we need.
>I was mostly memeing about replacing the mc and adding canon companion options
Yeah, there's a little more material in the manga that you could use if you made a new one, tho. As I remember the current jump is purely the anime.
Ngl I would find a nice defensible spot get a couple of waifus and be king of shit mountain for a decade.
Seems like kind of a design flaw to have things so big and vulnerable front and center like that.
I've always thought I'd do something similar. I either go with a mountain village or mountain estate / farm. Just depends on the power level of jumper and how many waifus I want.
I saw a quest where a group of students are trying to ride it out on a farm outside the city. Considering there seems to eventually be a military rescue inbound (the mall survivors who go to the roof are rescued in a flash forward) it doesn't seem like you need to survive that long.
>it doesn't seem like you need to survive that long
The world is still fucked though due to the US EMP being set off in high orbit.
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Probably but that's a talk for after I finish Toaru
Look at that faggot getting literally scared of a hot older woman that's totally down to fuck. Look at his face of fear, disgust and embarrassment over the prospect.
How did he manage to charm saeko is beyond me. But I can tell she will quickly fall out of love with such a loser
Not even the collapse of society managed to make him less pathetic
That's just over a specific part of Japan. The US navy shoots down all the other missiles, that one is just missed due to the crew of the ship assigned to it being zombified.
>But I can tell she will quickly fall out of love with such a loser
The girls deserve better. . . . but not the Roach.
You're probably a bugger bitch than most of the MCs you lambaste.
Either the World Fair (if that's still happening) or a major sporting event like the Super Bowl, World Cup or Olympics.
If there is a MC replacement option for such a theoretical jump it would be best for it before he fumbles with spear girl or being able to avert that issue yourself, a cannon companion option would be nice. DxD main girls are honestly all very simple to get I only have issues due to me picking the whole reincarnation of GOD perk, though that does make it vastly easier with the church girls, really in dxd just be there for them and don’t be a evil asshole and things will be fine for romance at least.
>spear girl
I mean I just pretend there is a canon companion option for 50cp, like there should be.
Even without that you can use early jumpchain stuff to get around it like our forefathers had to. Like using a Blue Feather.
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The range of a single emp isn't enough to destroy the whole country. At most it fucked the city, and probably only a few districts.
Insulting me doesn't make you any better, takashi. Hope you enjoy hirano fucking saya all night long while roach cheats on you with some random survivors.
Being a reincarnation of god does put a damper on that. On the other side, you can turn it around into an advantage if you do master your powers.
He may be a complete fumbler dumbass but sadly in comparison to other he is actually considered badass for the undead destroying and his general attitude when not fucking up or his actions in the story odd some of them are, it says a lot about current Japan and their abusive relationship with their own people and poor decisions they make affecting them.
The childhood friend he alienated and became the girlfriend of I think one of his school friends who was not a dumbass like the MC, the one with the kinda orange hair and typically uses a spear equivalent.
Man, I don't remember her at all.
Rolled 12, 9, 72, 134, 220 = 447 (5d300)

Testing the roller, to see if it goes high enough for my rollchain. If not I may need to use a different generator.
Rolled 17, 109, 114, 25, 75 = 340 (5d138)

Good, it does goes higher than I need it.
Well then, let's see what my first few Jumps will be
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He means roach. Also called Miyamoto rei
Her father was a police officer investigating the sex cult teacher's family for corruption and other stuff so the teacher made her repeat a year. At this point rei and takeshi were dating but a rift happens cause she can't tell him the whole story and he's too dumb to reach out properly to her. She ends up ditching him for their mutual friend hisashi who is on the same class and year as rei now. Takeshi gets emo about it for some reason and for long enough that hes still doing it by the start of the series.
She is the one Ric keeps calling roach.
Oh. Roach. Fuck that bitch.
>Dollmaker Poppet (400): Perhaps a prototype the Maker created of his Nowhere Alchemicals and not necessarily a failure but this beautiful if somewhat unnerving woman probably wasn’t entirely intended to turn out the way she did. At first glance her power is a striker/shaker power based on controlling purplish blue transparent slime either from her body or spread around the area; while tentacles formed from it are strong enough to throw a man across a room, they are just the main vector for her actual power. By assimilating people with her Shard Charm via invading their bodies with her slime, and potentially other methods currently locked behind inactive upgrades, she adds them to her power as loyal members of a hivemind, with the individual members being a mixture of their original personalities and Poppet herself. Should a member of her hive fall she can revive them in a new body formed within a cocoon of her slime over several hours, only one of any given member of her collection of hosts/dolls can be active at once however. Poppet seems rather odd in person and despite her enchanting appearance tends to prefer to interact with others through her dolls if she can help it, she’s rather attached to you and would be uncomfortable if she spends too much time without at least one of her selves seeing you. In fact she seems to find their appeal to you a major factor when choosing new potential dolls and doesn’t like to assimilate new ones if she thinks you wouldn’t be interested in them, though she is oddly confident one of the modules she’s yet to unlock will ‘fix’ that issue. Poppet has Modernized Form and [CONSUME][INTEGRATE] along with a few cute though unpowered dolls she’s managed to collect, though she finds such a collection deeply inadequate; she’ll likely pout at other Champions’ shaping defenses.
Being the reincarnation of DXD GOD is in my opinion the funniest option to grab just for what happens in other jumps when you show up especially ones like eclipse phase, hellboy, hellgate london, narnia, mass effect, fallen London, godbound, World of Darkness, and of course the Nasuverse.
Anon asked for a Dollmaker power early on when I started this jump, that didn't make it in but perhaps a dollmaker companion will be nice too?

Regardless I want to have some more Worm side OCs but I've been drawing a blank on that for a while so I'm going to call the companions secion done and focus on the drawbacks, perhaps I'll do an update if I can come up with more solid traumatized capes.
>Kubo and the twin strings
>Killing Slimes for 300 Years
>Familiar of Zero
>Plus Sized Elf
Well, that's certainly a chain. Hopefully I can find something in the first two to deal with the wind crystal issue in Zero
"Hi, I'm god reincarnated and this is jackass"
It would be hilarious in so many settings
How does the higher tier of TM Collection interact with discounts? Is it still a 400cp discount and the extra 200cp is undiscounted, is it treated as a 600cp discount, or something else?

I'm a bit confused on the wording of Growth. The whole effect applies both to you personally, as well as any Pokémon you are raising, correct?

Sorry for being a bother.
Kubo and the twin strings moon magic mixed with maxed level magic could do at least something to save lives and fix the issue but gaining divine power from killing slimes jump would most definitely be your best bet to certainly deal with it with no problems.
Is it acceptable to apply a Supplement to a Gauntlet?
Only if it's your bodymod and the gauntlet is your first jump.
It's never acceptable to use a gauntlet.
>>Kubo and the twin strings
Underrated jump.
Having the biblical accurate Angels show up and start beating the daylights out of reapers/demons/AGI/jackass space bats and then having a rainbow Eldritch light with someone/something human? talking in words about odd things like I told humanity to not create leviathans but they did and now look upon the mess that must be cleanse , why did you fallen fools think I would not answer and bring forth judgement for thy evil actions, why are you/us a lion again did I make myself forget as part of some plan?, that is not me but some daemon humanity gaslit into existence, stop blaming me for your own fallings Solomon and fix thy errors and other fun things to be done.
Okay but why are you bringing up DxD for that, God sure as fuck isn't biblically accurate there. For one thing, he died. For another, Great Red (who is canonically more powerful than him) got offscreened by the interdimensional space robots
Underrated movie in general
Agreed. Coraline gets talked about more, but I think Kubo is a better film.
Given time and effort such efforts should be possible with the power gained as and as for the Biblical Accurate Angels I obviously made them to look like that. As for why DxD there are not many options to be literally GOD from the Bible, the only other one that stands out in my mind is saint young man being like the Holy Spirit.
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what jumps have neat "video game logic" perks?
Are there any perks where you can just see a person's name above their head or just know their real name? I know you can do that in death note I just think my jumper would find the knowing when people would die kind of creepy and it's very expensive.
>or just know their real name
I think some of those isekai systems powers could do that for you depends on which one you want.
dead space has a universal ammo perk which makes it so all weapons you use take the same "ammo blocks" even if it makes no sense whatsoever. Earth Defense Force has a perk that makes it so you don't take fall damage ever, presumably based on how in the game there was no fall damage because the developers didn't program it in. QQ's Modded Skyrim jump has a perk where time doesn't really affect your stuff unless you'd want it to, like how you could leave a sweet roll on your dinner table and then come back to it months later and it would still be perfectly edible and even still warm. There's also a perk in Fallout New Vegas that lets you stretch out how long events take so that you've got time to get side quests and stuff done and the "main plot" will just go into a holding pattern while you do that. Iirc our Diablo jump, and also generic dungeon crawl, both have perks for getting loot and money from enemies even if they logically wouldn't have that stuff. I think our Path of Exile jump also has something like that, as well as Torchlight. Mother (complete w/ images folder) has Rolling Counter which causes any damage you take to be in the form of damage over time instead of immediate damage meaning if you can pull out a healing item or spell quickly enough you can avoid dying to otherwise lethal attacks.
underrated jump desu, even leaving aside rolling counter there's other great stuff there too.
Yes Telepathy can be used for that. Still my jumper would feel bad about poking around in people's minds without permission. They aren't a Marvel Telapth for crying out loud. Though I suppose you could use it to turn people gay. Not sure how that would be useful though.

Yeah it does seem like some Isekai power should let you do that.
Be a Heavenly Dragon or higher in power-levels and just kidnap her.
depends on the supplement and the gauntlet I'd think. Using generic space ship supplement with the Halo gauntlet is probably fine so long as the ship you build is reflective of what you could get in setting. By contrast the mecha supplement in mad max is probably a bit overboard even if it would be funny. Really though it's your chain and you can do whatever you want.
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>saint young m
I kinda want to companion Touma to take him there and see Jesus and Buddha reactions to his fate.
Hopefully better that the canon one in which he gets yeeted to hell
Wait Touma gets thrown into hell as his end fate in index? Does... his author just hate him or something? Its unnatural the sort of suffering I've heard that poor boys gone through.
Do we or any of the other drives have jumps for the Zero Escape series?
Saudi Arabia according to Plague Inc
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>Kamijou hadn’t actually been counting what level of hell they were on, but in this hell, tons of embers were pouring down on them like a blizzard. The embers were especially noticeable in the darkness and they continued burning without extinguishing even after falling onto the sand. He knew nothing good would come from having those land on his skin. He doubted any kind of unexpected romance would be starting here. The embers reminded him a lot of white phosphorous or napalm.
>The wind changed and the fiery snow blew this way.
>Kamijou froze in place.
>What was he supposed to do?
>There were no gaps in that. Was he supposed to play a real-life bullet hell game!?
>“Bwah, bwah, bwah!? Ah, no, it’s burning, it’s on fire, gya, gya, gya, gya, this old man’s beard is burning, bwah, bwah, bwah, bwah!?”
>Kamijou had hoped there was some kind of loophole or safe zone hidden away in this general area-of-effect attack, but that hope was dashed when he saw the person rolling on the ground and burning. The distribution was just too even. Unlike in a shmup, there were no gaps at all. And once one of those embers touched your skin, it apparently kept on burning. The fact that water was immune to fire and the human body was 60-70% water didn’t seem to matter. Kamijou Touma learned the all-too-unpleasant fact that humans really did dance when they were burned alive.
Give him a few days, he will crawl back from hell. Not even death can stop this madlad
Imagine breaker has taken away any fortune bestowed on him by God and has replaced it with honestly just misfortune, he has just been getting the short end of the stick again and again so much he has been thrown into hell even though the guy is basically a actual saint of a person who if he was a Christian people would make him one if imagine breaker didn’t mess that up too.
Probably one of the modern Olympics. They're typically set in larger cities, you have massive multi-national crowds, and they're transportation hubs.
Can't he just punch hell to negate it or explode into dragons or whatever else he can do this week?
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Imagine Breaker isn't an inherent soul-bound power, it's a thing that latched onto him from somewhere else.
Dragons and co are his power, probably, but it's bound to his body and not his soul.
It is your chain, you make the rules
Man... imagine breaker honestly sounds much more trouble then its worth. Though ESP in that setting does to admittedly.
Don't think so. Honestly it'd be hard to replace the characters in any of the games except the third, and if you aren't replacing them why even go? They are all specifically chosen for a purpose.
Imagine breaker is not an innate power of his, it latched/leech on him to suppress something else that involves dragons but due to said power suppression even if he still had it in hell he does not really know to use anything of said ability.
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Shocking pink straight up said Touma has several powers stuffed inside while IB is the lid and the inferior power.
Imagine Breaker is also a power that's completely useless by itself. Much like Deep Blood is ultra effective against vampires and useless for everything else, IB only works when there's tons of supernatural shit to negate, otherwise it's just a giant luck debuff and a negate of your own supernatural powers
Who is the girl on the right? She's hot.
If Imagine Breaker destroys illusions, does punching Gohan with it destroy the illusion he will ever improve as a fighter?
That's a delusion, not an illusion. Instead of being the intentional deception of the latter, it's just a mental illness.
No, because there's nothing there to punch.
Only way I could see this being allowed is if you are a familiar to one of the devils in her peerage or herself, but that would place limitations on how much direct fighting you are allowed to do(canonically familiar involvement is limited so that being a beast master doesn't become the rating game meta).
I would take version 1.
It's baffling the studio itself has such great talent employed, but is apparently run by a retarded nepo baby who just ran it into the ground after several solid films
Hey in type Moon/Tsukihime does anything fucked up happens if a Dead apostle feed their blood to a human? I know the curse is only usually contracted by them actually getting bit or dying but I'm wondering if their is some other nasty effect.
Chill, Drake.
According to the remake, putting Dead Apostle blood into a human turns them into a subordinate Dead Apostle too. Which is a tragic fate, because that human's life would have been much better spent as a snack for ORT instead.

I respect that Kendrick gets to mock his archnemesis for a living.
Now this is true horror.
not sure if it applies to dead apostle, but a True Ancestor feeding someone there blood partially turns them into an extension of them, making them easier to control and healing their wounds. In the Ciel Route Arcueid feeds Shiki some of her blood to heal him and help him supress Roa's influence, though the effect is proportional to the amount of blood drunk and she'd have prefered to give him more than drop. Which makes her command resistable with willpower.

I wouldn't be surprised if Dead Apostle could do something similar to initiate familiar bonds like that.
>According to the remake, putting Dead Apostle blood into a human turns them into a subordinate Dead Apostle too. Which is a tragic fate, because that human's life would have been much better spent as a snack for ORT instead.
Ah alright thats... maybe workable. Was thinking for a Tsukihime Jump 1 Jumper finds out that the doctor for the Tohnos in the remake is a dead apostle but... basically through some quick thinking gets away alive if he offers to work for her.
Honestly, at this point Imagine Breaker sounds more like a downgrade on Touma. Like Herpes, or an STD, only magical and shit.

Speaking of, are his dragons and what not his Esper Power? Or some sort of magic thing?
It's all a waste of time anyway, might as well just feed yourself directly to ORT.
>It's all a waste of time anyway, might as well just feed yourself directly to ORT.
Stop trying to get people to feed themselves to ORT, Gohanposter.
The Dragons are something Touma actually has, but we still don't know the full deal with them.
It is OBJECTIVELY a kinder fate than the fate of being tethered to the Jobber Order. To become one with ORT, is to become one with something greater than yourself. Eternal. Immutable. Instead of rolling the dice on whether your timeline will deviate too far from some arbitrary mean of civilisation progress, and get entirely retconned from space and time.

>B-but ORT gets timelocked too-
ORT exists BEYOND the retarded, cannibalistic, self-destructive Earth rules because ORT belongs to the Oort Cloud.
Eh Honestly getting eaten by ORT isn't even much worse a fate then the regular fate of people who die in type moon who just get faded away and there souls recycled for someone else. Though both are god danm existentially terrifying.

Of course the real strategy is to just not die if you can help it.
Things eaten by ORT aren't returned to the root. You won't get your soul reincarnated if you get eaten as long as ORT lives.
The fallen london jumpmaker is never around to answer questions so I'll ask you as the next best thing. Would you say that Material of the Immaterial would let you keep the things you excise with Chirurgical Touch?
Other than the Tech Jacket, are there any forms of power armor that Scale of the user’s base strength?
This, fuck the Root and fuck the so-called beauty of death
Since it appears to be based on the in-game inventory, yeah I mean. There are quite a few things in-game that are literally body parts of some eldritch lifeform or a trapped star's scream. Going by in-game adventures you can hold much weirder stuff than that in there.
Agreed with this anon desu. At least in the fuck the beauty of death bit.
I curse you both to live, age, suffer, and rot forevermore.
I was already doing that. Its why I'm salty anon.
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ORT is stronger than curses, cope.
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>start at +600
>origin pricing
From a design standpoint, that feels kinda... dishonest. When you consider that starting as a non-powered/baseline local and buying into more is the standard assumption of 'most' jumps, this feels less like a quirky design choice and more like an attempt to hide that the origin prices are actually like this by standard jump practices:
>Human (0)
>Vessel (400 / 500)
>Spirit (600 / 800)
And what sticks out to me with that layout is that Vessel (and maybe imp-mode Spirit) feel like they cost 100 more than they should. Though if you were going to change that origin's pricing, I'd argue for flipping which of the 2 modes is 'default', so you pay the higher price first, or get a rebate in exchange for having to put up with the conscious nature spirit's whims.
You're already immortal and eternally in pain?
Not strong enough to eat Camazotz's immortality, though.
Anyone know a combat perk that specifies being real good at leveraging anatomical knowledge? Like targeting specific muscle groups & tendons, nerves, etc.
Nah just localized for the setting
It's about the difficulty in Pokémon battles
Not about you duking it out with Lord Arceus (not just his avatar) personally
Could full power Imagine Breaker beat Alice?
Thanks. I also asked this >>93907252
>Imagine breaker has taken away any fortune bestowed on him by God and has replaced it with honestly just misfortune
If it destroys fortune then shouldn’t it also destroy misfortune?
TM collection with upgrade and discount us 400cp
Growth boosts your learning curve as that of your mons yes
Thanks again.
Could you make a jump?
>Sorry for being a bother.
Never a bother for just asking anon
Are you the same shitposter that spent like 3 months begging for it?
Styles or just perks?
Hokuto shin Ken?
Basically every style with pressure points
Origins are weird for 06. Sonic, Shadow and Silver campaign origins, but then also one for the villains and one for Elise? Or maybe Elise is in the Sonic one?
>>93908196 (Me)
Bleh, counted twice... Point still stands suggesting imp-mode's cost should be 100 less from 500 since the added time for rites or lack of a medium really does impact them a lot. Or that companion imports are actually really great here as a consequence of adjusting the point of reference for background costs.
Anyway, doing a build.

>Jungle de Ikou (1,600)

>Drawbacks (+600)
(+100) Prepubescent Problems
(+100) Token Pervert
(+200) In For A Penny
(+200) Worth It

>Identity (+400)
(+400) Human

>Perks (900)
(000) Slapstick
(000) Welcome to the Jungle
(000) Quiet Kid
(100) Inner Beauty
(100) This Belongs in My House
(200) Material Affection
(200) Shoddy Seal
(300) Multi-faceted

>Items (300)
(000) (x1) A Rare Delicacy
(100) (x1) Backup Dancers
(200) (x1) Spare Battery

>Companions (400)
(400) (x4) Must be a Foreigner (x8)

This is going to be a hot mess. If I had to guess, this is one of those situations where Jumper wants to be a hero (because chicks dig that), but invariably keeps fucking up due to an increasingly large pile of doomsday curios and everybody (especially Jumper) being way too damn horny to get things done right. Not sure who would be more interesting to have in the necklace, but part of me is leaning toward Mila from Fire Emblem, if just because there's a chance that comes with the Earth's Boon skill to beat food out of enemies - even monsters and undead.
That is because CHADmazotz is powered by the INDOMITABLE human spirit to LIVE, not the DOMITABLE human NEUROSIS of merely SURVIVING

Make Elise the Sonic one.
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Time for some fun facts about the Metroidverse:

>the federation has objectively caused more problems than it fixed
>Samus wouldn't need a metroid vaccine to save her from x infestation, if they didn't order the extermination of metroids in the first place
>the metroids wouldn't need to be exterminated if they were able to stop the space pirates from using them as weapons
>the feds didn't even want the metroids exterminated, they just wanted sole control over them, as the secret breeding facility in Fusion demonstrated
>the EMMIs (robots commissioned by the feds and built by Exelion) were designed specifically to extract DNA, and they just so happened to be immune to all of Samus' weapons. How convenient!
>Raven Beak more than likely saw the feds' plan to kill Samus and extract her DNA, and decided to take their idea for his own, which is why he didn't destroy all the EMMIs
>the corrupt groups behind the bottle ship and BSL incidents were never brought to justice, and Samus just forgot about them. They're still operating and controlling the federation

Do what you will with this information.
Thaaaaats governments for you.
Fate Legend God Save the Queen got two perks that involve this, one based on Jack the Ripper, the other on Florenece Nightingale.
One is called Doctor Jack. the other is Angel of the Battlefield
Im sure that if we give the government even more power they wont abuse it. Thats what twitter has been trying to convince me of for years at least.
Suddenly Samus being a "bounty hunter" in every game except Other M makes sense, even though Nintendo apparently doesn't know what a bounty hunter even is

Although desu more than anything, I'm confused that Raven Beak completely demystifies everything about the Chozo. Not only is he NOT a bird Jedi or anything, but he demonstrably can overpower and hold captive other non-psychopath Chozo. Some of whom are even infested by Metroids. It's almost like Chozo lore is overhyped in-universe because of Samus telling legends of her bird daddies with little reason or to be fair, actual capacity to fact check.
Don't forget that that BSL faction was likely the reason Nightmare exists in Other M and continued to exist in Fusion, and that their continued interference with Mother Brain may or may not be creating/drawing in Phantoon(s) - making them 2 for 2 on seeing a rogue Chozo living weapon and wanting to commandeer it rather than destroy it outright. Nearly 3 for 3 on attempts and subsequent failures if you consider their interactions with Samus and her track record for making rather explosive exits during her missions.
No of course not! Unless the wrong groups gets in power of course! But that'll never happen.
That's because raven beak is part of the warrior caste, not the spiritual nerd caste. So he can't do all the esoteric bullshit Chozo are allegedly able to do.
Right, but even still all the esoteric bullshit doesn't seem that great if Raven Beak can just unga bunga his way through it. Or frankly, the Metroids for that matter.
Are the chozo Namekians?
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The Federation niggers glow in the dark, you can see them if you're flying. You just run them over, that's what you do.
Have seen how Samus can beat space ghosts, eldritch abominations, and beings from another dimension? Well that's what the Mawkin tribe does. They're the chozo equivalent of man with a gun
>Bird Jedi
Yoda was a super powerful Jedi and he did cool flips with a lightsaber!
Whenever I go to Metroid I always marry the companion SA-X and teach her the meaning of love and justice, then we start a planet of kids just like her who worship the SA-X as their god and spread justice throughout the universe, ensuring that space will be safe forever.
That's silly.
I'm not even saying you're wrong, but that's silly.

Yoda also lifted a spaceship out of a swamp, deflected Force Lightning and in the animated series fended off Palpatine's Sith Alchemy gaslighting.
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Metroid is a silly universe.
JUMP #0222: Sins of a Solar Empire

Homeworld: Ferrous
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Origin: Advent Loyalist
>Psitech Powered Lasers (200)
>Pillar of Unity (free)
>Transcencia Star Base (800)
[Evangelization Nodes, Mass Disorientation, Meteoroid Control, Micro-Meteorite Manipulation, Heavy Laser Batteries, Punitive Measures, Enhanced Preservation, Drone Capacity]
Ships: +1000
>Coronata Titan (free)
>Acolyte Corvette (free)
>Seeker Vessel (free)
>Disciple Vessel (free)
>Aeria Drone Host (100)
>Iconus Guardian (100)
>Domina Subjugator (100)
>Destra Crusader (200)
>Solanus Adjudicator (200)
>Radiance Battleship (free)
>Revelation Battlecruiser (free)
>Discord Battleship (300)
>A wretched tide of scum and villany (+0)
Final reward:
>Advent - The Deliverance Engine
Total: 1000/1000

Commentary: A psionic collectivist empire in need of help? Why hello and let me introduce you to my insectoid hivemind from Stellaris. This seems like a tailormade union. And I bring plenty of useful gifts too. Sure, they don't really have a choice but choice wasn't big on the Advent's agenda to begin with.
>Yoda also lifted a spaceship out of a swamp, deflected Force Lightning and in the animated series fended off Palpatine's Sith Alchemy gaslighting.
I've never been a Star Wars fan so I have to ask, was Yoda doing all those cool flips and fighting with a lightsaber actually missing the point of the character?
Not really. The point of the character is that external appearance does not indicate how powerful they are, so a short old man doing crazy flips reinforces that if anything. OT diehards just didn't like how any of the mysteries of the OT were filled in.
I honestly wish we lived in the timeline where the Whills were canon, just to see the Star Wars fandom violently implode LONG before NuWars gave content farmers a whole career path built from pure spite.
Nah, the thing with George is that even when his stuff is bad, the concepts are good and the universe gains more elements people can cling onto. We would have had another PT tier era full of fun tie in content, instead of the ST where only one short series (Resistance) tied to it, and the only games that did were covering the entire series overall.
>Being a reincarnation of god does put a damper on that. On the other side, you can turn it around into an advantage if you do master your powers.
Aren't all your powers deadly to devils though? Makes going after any of them a tad difficult.

Still surprised you never made an OC of God regaining their power. Felt like something you'd do.
This. NuWars literally brought nothing new to the table. It's just the original trilogy but lame and gay.
Thinking I want to do a gu based xianxia cultivation for a while. Other than the generics what would be a good jump to pick up something where I can create xianxia bugs that grow stronger the more poisons, monsters, and critters I feed them? Maybe a way to get stronger by eating poisons? Or a cusyom cultivation technique that lets me link up and cultivate through a little bug buddy?

Im kind of thinking of copying shamans from the immortality starts with generosity series who gu jar and bind the best thing they get with rituals into their cultivation.
It's funny how it's realistic, by complete accident.

Namekians lay eggs too!

Well, George also had people reining him...
I remember when I was the only one suggesting this and people mocked me for it. How the tables turn.
>Endless Night Party (400cp)
>It’s finally your turn, your time to shine on the bright stage of the world. The wind is beginning to shift towards a new era. Never too late, as one can’t be expected to rely on old relics or the innate power of old bloodlines or Sacred Gears to do everything. You have become a formless master, a student warrior with a staunch body and spirit. To put it in other ways, you’re a genius, almost a savant when it comes to picking up fighting styles and mastering them with a little focus and time. Techniques are your game, where each practice, each fight, each hardship or even defeat does nothing but honing yourself even further and getting you closer to a perfected technique. Of course, this not only makes you the king of growth and turnaround in fighting, but in anything that can be said to be methodical or technique-based at its core.
>>in anything that can be said to be methodical or technique-based at its core.
So does this work on basically anything or am I being dumb? With that last sentence it sounds like it works on anything from martial arts, to spell casting, to professions or hobbies and in this post https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/82305053/#82311682 you mention it even helps improve your stats faster.
What what?
Ah a rare sight Ricarrrrrrrrrrdo.
Was there a new Metroid game?
Naruto, take the animal rearing perk at S-Rank, maybe with some super-science/body modification perk and breed yourself a bug race like that.
I know about that, i just thought there was new Metroid content causing people to bring it up.

Toriko probably has some, somewhere
People here don't need a reason to spergily bring up their hyper fixations.
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Delicious Candy enjoyers forever vindicated in creating, indulging, & messing with the CANDY despite our immeasurable failures. Everyone wants a piece of the pie but no one wants to completely stop it!
I will never understand why someone would hollow out chunks of their body and fill it with bugs. That cant feel good.

Awww adorable.
The hell? Xenomorphs can talk?
In fairness Samus likely already know a lot of this. The only reason she even supports the Federation is because they are still a force for Order in the galaxy in the broad sense. That is to say they don't raid planets, eat people, and it is technically a coalition of representatives from a vast collection of civilizations. Samus can't by herself do much about the organization as a whole considering how monolithic it is and she doesn't want to fight it because on some level it is still mostly a force for good and because being a nominal "ally" to the Federation lets her get first dibs on preventing them from getting shady shit.

Helps as well she has some friends and allies in the Federation from some of her adventures depending on how canon you believe some of them to be. Adam being the most canon one.
>The hell? Xenomorphs can talk?
It's a robot they made to infiltrate a hive IIRC.
another idea that not xianxia but would probably still help, in Fate Stay Night you could take the Worm that Walks perk to turn yourself into a collection of bugs and the Mystical Leech perk that lets you increase your energy reserves by consuming magical objects/beings. Since Magical energy in Fate is just life force it should translate to Qi well enough.
I mean, I wasn't recomending being an Aburame, being a regular bug user/summoner would work just fine
>I will never understand why someone would hollow out chunks of their body and fill it with bugs
I get it, the bugs they use feed on chakra, so keeping them inside yourself is not only a neat way to carry them around, but also a way to keep them fed and make them receptive t yoour command. Doing it to their kids soon after birth would probably also make their technique much more intuitive.
Personally I also imagined that you at the highest level could probably use it to keep a permanent sage mode going, by having the bugs inside you gather natural energy for you, like how Jiraiya does it ith toads on his shoulders.
They could likely also instantly dispell any genjutsu used on yourself.
>having the bugs inside you gather natural energy for you
That sounds like a good way for your bugs to turn themselves to stone, 'cause I doubt they have the skill to regulate their own chakra, and that'll probably cause problems.
well, when I used the concept I used the spirit of love companion, representing my jumper's swarm being infused with the spirit/chakra/will of a childhood friend he consumed in his time in the Root.
But outside of that I imagine it would be possible to use a Bug Clone for that purpose, by just copying your mind into your swarm, rather than having it also replicate your body.
>Adam being the most canon one.
And the most hurtful one for everyone.

Unless you ignore Other M, in which case, Adam is perfectly cool.
Raven Beak was head of the warrior caste of Chozo. He is not capable of the magic their spiritualists could do, which we directly see via Prime.

The Mawkin specifically exist to beat the freaky esoteric shit to death. The spirtiual caste existed to point them at the freaky esoteric shit to beat to death.
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Good morning everyone
Kanzaki Kaori
No, but DBS did show that ki enhanced the fighters, which means that g*han wouldn't be able to use ki or any ki based stuff while IB is touching him.
Damn son.
Dragon are a power of his, but he doesn't have any real control there. he has only used it like once on purpose and started doing a bunch of reality warping. He has something else, and probably another thing. But we don't know much about that, except the author said he didn't use those powers since it would break things up too much.
Dunno. Probably not. Alice herself said that Touma could kill her using that dragon king.
I only watched the anime and manga. Never touched the novels and don't even know if they're translated. I wouldn't mind trying a short jump for it tho.
Not necessarily. Holy powers fuck up devils by design cause Satan made the devil's using Lilith to be his little army to be as opposed as angels as possible. As God reincarnated you can simply say ain't so. Like, DxD god isnt super stronk but his absolutely control over stuff and ability to create is what made his faction the literal best even while destroying each other.
Anything that's a technique at it's base. Shit like luck or inherited powers aren't.
>Dragon are a power of his
Huh, so Touma has Multi Skill, neato.

Good morning Ric! Hope you doing well. Did the Misaki figure arrive yet?
>Kanzaki Kaori
Shoot the Moon made a lot od doujins about her too.
That's the opposite of his source of power. He forgot everything to keep surviving as an insane god with no memories and no subjects but the souls of the dead.
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Hey Lone Valkryie. Would Kachina's Turbo Twirly be something I get through A Familiar Power, a Favoured Weapon, or something I just have to make with magic?
Why is a girl lounging by a pool true horro?
What jump
Battle through the heavens, custom bloodline to absorb poisons and a custom cultivation to make gu. Or maybe journey to the west.
>Not necessarily. Holy powers fuck up devils by design cause Satan made the devil's using Lilith to be his little army to be as opposed as angels as possible. As God reincarnated you can simply say ain't so. Like, DxD god isnt super stronk but his absolutely control over stuff and ability to create is what made his faction the literal best even while destroying each other.
When you put it like that he really does seem like a big shot. Thanks for explaining. Maybe I should go god myself. Just need to figure out how to unfuck the angelic rules.
Oh the pic is hot.
Where it come from, Chivalry of a Failed Knight, isn't, Sweet Summer Child.
>make gu
Since when do we have Reverend Insanity?
What's wrong with it?
That may be workable

I dont think we do. The ones Im thinking of are basically a mix of weapon, pet, and cultivation. All the poisons and powers of the creatures in the pot are concentrated into one mega toxic bug. You thrn rat the bug and infect yourself with all its poisons and use your now mega toxic poison blood along with a ritual on a chosen insect or othr poionous creature such as a snake or spider or just about any bug to make a gu familiar. They can control other bugs and have a variety of powers and some can grow over time.
Oh dear. It should be easier to say what isn't wrong with it.
Morning, Ric. Hope you've been well.
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Again you can just edit it yourself. Everything god made in DxD was made by design and could have been changed easily. And with you around his system is back on full power which allows you to do really funny shit.
We don't know what the dragons are exactly. Going by railgun, they have AIM (meaning it's an esper thing, or a SC one) and each have their own will even if they're subordinate to Touma. At the end of OT the invisible thing comes out to make Fiamma piss himself and Touma uses another power to put it back in and regain IB. Going by SP raving rants, Touma is crippling himself by using IB. And GT confirms Touma has an AIM too, meaning he has an esper power.
Kaori the rapist. Doesn't she know Touma is only 15? He's underage.
It's not rape, it's just underage.
Which is legally rape.
Is Regalus around? I have a question about Digimon World 4's jump.
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WRONG, or at least extremely REDUCTIVE like saying Kiara is only a threat because she is a candidate for the seat of Beast 3-R, nevermind the FACT that she swallowed up the moon in Extra AND undertook a ritual in the Tsukihime REMAKE's backstory that A-FUARKING-AIK did NOT result her in becoming a Beast WHILE gaining hyperdimensional SENSES.

THE POINT IS if Camazotz ONLY obeyed his BEAST instincts, he would have just crawled into a hole somewhere to wait out ORT, begged Chaldea to kill Daybit first OR did it himself. Did he do those things? NO! Driven by the DUTY to make the sacrifices of his people be WORTH something he STOOD and FOUGHT like a man both against the STRONGEST harem protagonist of the present AND the strongest being of all time. FurtherFUCKINGmore Nasu himself SPECIFIED in a Famitsu interview Camazotz was only registered as a Beast AFTER the defeat of ORT, IM-FUCKING-PLYING the immortality-conferring sacrifice is STRICTLY a separate phenomena from his Beasthood, and that his ACTUAL weakness is that he refuses to lose against anything EXCEPT the humanity he loves. If anything, Beasthood was a NECESSARY DOWNGRADE for CHADmazotz's powers of Chadliness adopted ONLY to preserve the MEMORY of the Ka'an nation and their BASED antics like building attack airships and putting Xquic in one to give ORT it's GREATEST BATTLE IN HISTORY
Noooo it's fine. There's the sexual majority. Probably.
Wait nevermind I figured it out
>Again you can just edit it yourself. Everything god made in DxD was made by design and could have been changed easily. And with you around his system is back on full power which allows you to do really funny shit.
I get that. What I'm saying is that I'm not sure how far to go with the editing. Should I just remove all the rules and leave the angels without any worries of falling but still capable of being evil? Do I make it so it isn't as strict so they can reproduce on their own without danger of falling? Things like that. It has me worrying that they could end up worse than the devils, especially with their new god who wants a harem.
>which means that g*han wouldn't be able to use ki or any ki based stuff while IB is touching him.
HOLY BASED, Gohan better beware the purple nurple of DOOM
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Describe your jumper and main companions relationship/dynamic with an image.
Loosen the rules but don't get rid of them altogether, remember you only have yourself to blame if-and I'm just spitballing here-some angel starts getting cocky, decides he knows better than you and convinces a third of the angels in Heaven to rebel. Or a very clingy angel gets anxious if you leave Heaven for too long, and tries to steal some of artifacts to spoof being you out of sheer loneliness and cope.
Imagine breaker is kind of a shit and apparently in toaru all fortune is bestowed by God and without his blessing everything/everyone would only have misfortune, there may be something that involves imagine breaker role in the cosmos that God does not bless its bearer with luck/fortune. I think this is how it is but I could have misunderstood considering how toaru gets sometimes.
The solution to angels is to just eliminate their capacity to sin, that's all. If you don't want them to fall to lust don't give them sexual feelings, make them all asexual. If you don't want them to fall to any of the other sins give them all moderate personalities and self-awareness. The whole thing with Angels is that God halfassed their actual creation because he had to reuse templates for both angels and humans if he wanted to keep on schedule and had to band-aid everything to a barely functional state. Angels were God's Cyberpunk 2077 basically
Any place where you can enchant things just by enscribing them with special symbols like spell circles or runes without needing a special ability or resource?
Like I want something a robot/golem could do in a factory setting to mass produce magic items.
Lazy dungeon master
How the hell was Cleopatra so normal considering she was more inbred than the infamous habsburg specimen?
Magic items there need magic stone that need to be regularly replaced
Cause she was black
They can also be recharged, you can also have them suck up mana over time like how the mcs golems work.
>Frostpunk 2 is coming out in 4 days.
Should I just add it to my queue now, or wait for the inevitable updates and DLC?
The important context is that I am slow.
Nat 20 recessive genetics
Why not add it to your queue AND wait for the inevitable updates and DLC? As someone waiting on a thing to release before I post my jump, I've found reasons to tinker with things here and there along the way.
The MCs golem only work inside the dungeon which got mana in the enviroment, they stop working outside the dungeon after a few hours or something.
She had a club foot
Footfags BTFO
We dont know how inbred she was, since her mother and paternal grandmother aren't known. Her father and Grandfather were married to their sisters, but they did also have non-closely related concubines,
>puppet hierarchy meme.png
Fair enough. Though I'm putting it at the end of my /tg/ queue, so all the DLC and stuff may be out by the time I get to it.
Because inbreeding is a meme and magically summon genetic disorders
Repeated inbreeding in a small population doesnt summon disorders from nowhere, it exaggerates existing defects until they become a problem.
It doesn't exaggerate shit. It causes recessive defects to be more likely to be expressed than grabbing a spouse with a different set of recessive defects but it sharply increases the chance of having a child without recessive defects, not increases it.
Granted, Villain Jumper's other companion is a guy instead of another gal, but it's otherwise a pretty accurate summation of the relationship between Jumper, his foxfu, and his right-hand fire elemental.
>It's a Grumman made the E-2C, not Graman.
I was quoting the subtitles verbatim, so that one isn't on me.
>As for Multi-Faceted, I'm ambivalent on the mechanics. It's interesting, but the wording of the perk is not great. If you need a paragraph to explain a paragraph you should just rewrite the first paragraph.
Admittedly, I tend to make things way harder on myself by trying to keep the fluff size consistent for each tier. This definitely shouldn't have been a perk to begin with, but removing it entirely would bother me more than just leaving it in it's current form. I suppose I could just promote a 400 JP perk to a capstone and leave it as 4 400JP and 600JP perks. Not sure if it's worth the trouble.
>From a design standpoint, that feels kinda... dishonest.
Doing it this way just makes the most sense to me. If anything, I feel like my approach is more honest, albeit less intuitive. I can change it if it really bothers people that much.
>And what sticks out to me with that layout is that Vessel (and maybe imp-mode Spirit) feel like they cost 100 more than they should.
The thing is that the god powers in this series function on a ridiculous scale. Even as an imp, Ongo could cast spells that flood an entire city or swallow an entire school building in a tornado. Well, I'll try bringing the prices down and see how I feel about it.
I'll take half a dozen 5s, please.
Im not sure where you are getting this info but I said nothing about recessive defects. I said any defects, putting a bunch of people together all with the same set of problems and having them breed together has a terrible effect on the resulting children.
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Incest is bad
>I was quoting the subtitles verbatim, so that one isn't on me.
No worries, just wanted to give you a heads up.

>I suppose I could just promote a 400 JP perk to a capstone and leave it as 4 400JP and 600JP perks. Not sure if it's worth the trouble.
Honestly I think this is the better solution.
His immortality doesn't even allow him to remember his people. He didn't know about them when he fought ORT, the moment he remembers what he had lost, his immortality crumbles.
>>And what sticks out to me with that layout is that Vessel (and maybe imp-mode Spirit) feel like they cost 100 more than they should.
>The thing is that the god powers in this series function on a ridiculous scale. Even as an imp, Ongo could cast spells that flood an entire city or swallow an entire school building in a tornado. Well, I'll try bringing the prices down and see how I feel about it.
Granted, most of what I remember of the series is the goodfuel but I agree that the god powers aren't anything to shrug off. I think the pricing is fine.
Goonfuel. Did I mistype or is that censored now?
>Honestly I think this is the better solution.
Any suggestions on which perk to promote? I'm thinking either Two Good Reasons or Maternal Embrace.
>Disclosure (300CP) You can determine the name, job(s), and supported political positions of anyone by viewing them, This will identify affiliations with criminal groups or rebellions.
One of the Zelda jumps have a speed running glitch perk.
Gene's Minecraft jump has three separate capstones for glitches and exploits. Between them, you could pull off any exploit you can think of. Captain N also has a perk for bugs.
Two Good Reasons makes the most sense given the theme of the show. It could be a relatively small buff of removing the bit about how the effect wears off b/c of familiarity. Let it keep up its effect no matter how many times people see them, or it. If you feel it needs more umph and you want to buff it more, maybe let you choose whether it hypnotizes or intimidates or something. Titlet mogging or something similar.
He remembers they exist though, he knows who he's calling upon while he's fighting you and Nito, he specifically freaks out because Nito can remember names and faces while he's visibly upset he can't remember his own people as anything except the folk he used to rule in abstract.

If he didn't remember anything at all, he wouldn't have been so angry/sad.
Turbo Twirly was made by Xilonen.
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It helps when their family is in on the joke.
If bad then why hot?
The Jumper just wants to do nerdy multiversal political science stuff. Think about game theory and like civilizational cycles.

The companions will not permit this.
Question for fellow anons. I'm looking at the horror movie jump and pondering what sort of horror movie monsters should show up and I've got something of a conundrum. Would you anons consider the Predator from the first Predator movie, and the Terminator from the first Terminator movie, to be horror movie monsters? I feel like they'd both count but I'm not sure if they really fit the theme or aesthetic of a traditional "horror movie" experience which is presumably what the jump is about. What do you anons think? I pay in coin for thoughts.
Yes. They're obviously horror movie monsters, what sort of retarded question is this?
>Think about game theory
What does Matpat have to do with this?
nta but there's a strong argument to be made that both predator and terminator are action movies with horror elements, terminator more so than predator admittedly.
I'm not sure either, but leaning towards no. They could be, but they feature in action movies. Where they fight people in shootouts. I think the xenomorphs might fit better.
What is the best power system to use as a Power Armor user?
Horror movies aren't real therefore there should be no monsters. You should just be some retard afraid of shadows.
Rpg leveling that only applies to your armor
Souma. Only titcows can wear power armor because the armor needs to milk the pilot for fuel.
>writing my thesis about game theory and political cohesion
>i have to explain to people that it's not about video games
Even here, I can't escape...
Probably wouldn't consider it in this situation since they are not shown as horror monsters outside their first appearance and even in those movies it's more horror mixed with other genres.
that's your mistake, it should be about video games
It's a geo construct in gameplay
I'm just joking. I know what Game Theory is. Kinda.
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What did jumper do in Bronze Age Collapse?
>what is action-horror
I invented the AK-47, bringing a definitive end to the bronze age.
Skipping a few steps there. You would need to hand make each bullet.
Conquest, concubines, and cults.
>Not making an automated Factory-Cathedral that automatically produces firearms by channeling the energy from human prayers to the War Aspect of Jumper's divine self
The predator, yes. The first movie is basically a horror movie in the jungle. He's regularly featured in horror character crossover fanart and in discussions for horror game crossovers.
The terminator, no. His movie is a lot more sci-fi and action than horor and he rarely appears in horror fandom conversations.
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Nice to see you still making jumps.
Gene will be making jumps even when everyone else has stopped.
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Give me some suggestions for autistic waifus to pick up during a chain.
She's not autistic, you're just a shitty lay.
Finish your introduction with, "but that is merely a hypothesis.... A GAME hypothesis!"
Haven't gotten there yet, the plan is to amass treasure and preserve as much knowledge as possible. Also maybe introduce some magical corruption into the sources of various important rivers.
You don't want a waifu who has actual autism.
Started on kreta as a minoan king
Strengthened trade relations with the Greek islands and bribed the sea people so that they leave the hellenic people alone and instead invade the aegyptians

I realize that's a dangerous game, but it bought enough time to implement a pan hellenistic navy for protection of our precious trade routes

As the money flowed freely the hellens under minoan leadership basically could claim all of the mediterranan sea as their own as their navy was the only strong enough to protect important trade routes

Most dangerous were as always internal conflict. Only the navy was somewhat united as trade was in everyone's interest, but of course Greece was still divided
That earlier talk of God has me curious. Do we have any other options like the one in DxD that lets us be their reincarnation, successor, or something similar enough to cosplay as him? The closest I can recall is that one in Nobilis.
Kult, get the one prisoner capstone with WAKE UP to let you mantle gods. Mage the Ascension jump in the WoD folder has a perk that lets you fake your way into being a certain god if you act like them.
>something similar enough to cosplay as him
The Aken/titan of light perk in Scion.
You can also get His Chair in Godbound.
>bribing a warrior cult
Dude they don't give a shit about your money when they can kill you and take what they want.
Is there a Kite jump?

Yes I do, I want her to be like me.
No that shit actually works (for a time) until the bribes need to get bigger and bigger
I just needed to buy some time

Key component to such a strategy is not being a weak bitch in the first place. If you are generally weak then there's no reason for the other faction not to immediately rape and plunder you. If you are capable of defending yourself and the other faction sees that they would need lots of time, material and manpower to conquer you then they will gladly take a bribe to postpone something like that
They lose nothing by accepting the bribe
You however are marked as someone who can be extorted, so it will get worse in the future

It was a finely timed balancing act

but that's just a theory... A GAME THEORY
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Anon shush, don't make him feel any worse.
Autists hate other autists.
If you mean a power supply, something that can draw ambient esoteric energies that only exist because your OOC presence forces them to. You don't want to use the local system (or standard electrical relays) if at all possible since the former usually has some local countermeasures and the latter is easy enough to thwart in most modern settings or by freak natural anomalies anywhere atomic physics results in clouds/rain. If you mean a personal power, then ones that increase processing/reaction speeds, physical flexibility, and maybe a lower level strength/durability/regen power (suite) so you can survive closer to as long as your armor's material structure does; alternatively, a magic system you can use to compensate for or further bolster the armor's usual suite of features.
Dragon Ball is technically an Isekai.
Yet both of them are forever virgins
Girls sleeping on top of people always looks so uncomfortable. Like, it seems like their weight would cut off the blood flow to your limbs.
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Deku fans are weird.
This novel/manga is why japanese MCs don't have sex. Whenever author starts writing about it all he writes about is sex thereafter and everything else takes an insignifficant tertiary role.
So, does this count as enough of a fic to get an MHA mini in Protectors of the Plot Continuum?
So you've never read either is what I'm hearing, because labyrinth autism takes up far more space in the novel and while there's plenty of fanservice in the manga there's still more dungeon crawling and slice of life than sex.

You're a retard.
Its a whole ass fever dream of a fic where Bakugo cucks Deku so hard he becomes Gohan.
Most romance fiction focuses on getting to that, so showing it too early leaves them with no clue where to go. It does happen in western romance fiction like soap operas and telenovelas where a million dumb accidents get in the way of the obvious final relationship.
There are cases where the couple forms early and the plot is about what those two are together like Ore Monogatari or Tsurezure Children, but it's not the norm and especially rare in male oriented fiction.
I read it up until 60 chapters and got bored because labyrinth autism is like 1-2 chapter break between all the sexo. You're a liar.
nta, but I read the manga, and the Dungeon Crawling is mostly teased more than anything, like the setup of them is incredibly basic, the monsters have very basic abilities/drops and beyond their introduction them being fought is mostly skipped over to justify the results like leveling up classes or recharging his mana.
If anything the story focuses most on the stupid class system(got to be the worst I ever seen in an isekai), with the sex being pretty close.
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That Isekai one is sato, who has tons of sex , just that mostly one night stands or whores since he has some weird attachment issues.
Unironically you're too weak.
Decuck left the MHA fandom in shambles
Nope, nor do we have a Mezzo Forte or DSA jump
More muscles
>To weak to sleep with girls
>Get muscles
>This attracts more girls
>You now need more muscles
>Further muscles attracts more girls
>You now need more muscles
Where's the end point?
>Nope, nor do we have a Mezzo Forte or DSA jump
It's over
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#90 - D.Y.N. Freaks
>Drawbacks: The New God [1200]
>Age: 21
>Starting Location: School
>Background options: God [1100]
Custom: Darkness (600 CP level) [500]
Lovingly Crafted [Freebie]
Mad Scholar [400]
Wriggling Wrath [300]
Transition [0]
Faceless Killer [Freebie]

So, Jumper is most definitively stealing Azathoth's egg from Yog-Sothoth, since it seems to be a horrible job in raising it.
Might also go wrestle with D and choke it into submission.
See >>93911042
Actual autists would get triggered by someone who isn't doing what they want. It would take a lot of effort to align two different autists, and neither of them would be willing to actually spent the effort.
They also are probably not the best looking.
Become an ever growing planet of muscle, completely covered girls sleping on you, with human shaped growths they can cuddle, dick grass and hand shrubbery they can have sex with and head stalks they can talk to, cables of nerve that use your eletrical synapses to power eletronics and flesh trees that produce fruit like things that they can eat, and human form spores that you can send to other planets to seduce more women.
Gentlemen, I give you: Pornstar Remina.
Please never post something this horrifying again.
This thread really comes up with the best eldritch stuff
Seems like the standard Yozi.
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I we can be so back if someone makes a jump. Unfortunately I’m busy with a jump & I haven’t watched Mezzo Forte DSA in ages, so I can’t be the one.
>Seems like the standard Yozi.
If Exalted wasn't rated PG.
Or a Slaanesh greater daemon if Games Workshop had a single creative person in its employ.
Which one is it?
That's just Mr Huge from Buttlord GT
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Which god race options come with the coolest aesthetics?
Why does Goku look so fuckable in that pic?
Because you are gay.
Whats with faggot goku
You get a chain but you start in JJK as a cursed spirit and have to wipe out humanity.
Malfeas and demon books are pretty explict, not only with nude demon pics, but also detailed references to magical endless brothel streets, demon sex mechanics and whore demons for summon.
Those all look pretty interesting. Thanks for the help, dudes.
>You get a chain but you start in JJK as a cursed spirit

Well Okay I guess... I can try and be a helpful cursed spirit.

>and have to wipe out humanity.

Nah I'll pass.
That's like a vampire killing all the bloodbags anon.
Slave Harem
The absolute state of Superfags.
I've decided to play the long game. If I can't stop the thread from looking at other jumpmakers, then I will simply wait until I am the only jumpmaker left. Then thread will have no choice but to look at me and only me, for the rest of its life.
Counterpoint, if you carry on making jumps for shit nobody cares about nobody will care even if you're the only option.
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I saw picrel and it's got me in the mood to either make a Jumper or an OC companion inspired by it so give me some Jump suggestions on where I could make em.
Cursed spirits don't need humans to live, just to spawn more.
My hero academia, get wings and fiber control and maybe something else?
Existing Curses won't fade even if they wipe out humanity. The Disaster Curses wanted to do it. It would only stop the formation of new curses, and even then if the extermination is traumatic enough, the ambient curses would still produce new curses.
Not entirely correct, the cursed energy produced by humans are feeding into cursed spirits, that's why it's a bad idea to kill weak harmless cursed spirits; it will lead to the cursed energy they're eating up turning into a bigger more dangerous spirit instead.
Madness Combat. Feels like she'd fit in perfect there.
Maybe Dresden Files? Though the gun would have to be blessed or something to actually hurt demons there.
She might fit into the stupid that is Supernatural, but nobody deserves to suffer that universe for any reason.
>The spores spread like a virus and alter all biomass on a planet in preparation for your arrival
>All women are inducted into your harem, all other biomass is converted into protein that you consume to fuel your sick gains
Does it turn men into cute girls, or are they just added to the protein slurry?
As a vampire jumper I have hard specced into transmutation magic. Mainly to turn water into blood and transmute lead into gold and other such useful stuff. Any suggestions for good jumps to expand that specific magic type? How would you enhance transmutation based magics?
Full Metal Alchemist, get yourself some Philosopher's Stones so you can cheat the cost of transmutation.
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You’re already winning my attention with the jumps you have made in the past
Girls Frontline, would be the perfect place for gun girls although you’ll still need other jumps to pull some strings for possible holy infused attacks + Kevlar wings (if you don’t want to make them in jump)
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>tfw Yandere Gene
I always wondered why they usw souls for the stone. Its just a crystallized form of potential energy right? Souls used as fuel. Could you not transmute light into a different type of energy and store it in a crystallized state as well?
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X-men with an Archangel build
Love you too
Nta, but try looking into the calculations for transforming matter into energy and back again. They're insane and will give you a good idea why the ritual to pull it off would never exist.
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>Yandere Gene
Yes, this excites me greatly.
Shard is old and busted, you're my new target.
Ok fair but isnt that exactly what they do anyway? That and using energy from techtonic plates?
Didn't know that there's more than that one panel
Best perks for pulling off the wise old man type vibe?
The order of magnitude of power required isn't even in the same ballpark as the molecule moving alchemists from the series do.
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Generic Paranormal Romance, use the Investigator perk line with the Angel Race option.
or take the companion option who has all the items and perks from that line including a race of your choice
>100CP(Free for Prince) Submissive Bisexual Bodyguard- This beautiful but feared assassin is the scourge of the secret world and your right hand woman. Totally devoted to you, she mercilessly enforces your order and would jump in front of a silver bullet for you. Despite her claims that she's a strong independent woman who don't need no man, she seems to get off on being your servant and doesn't mind helping you with seducing other women who catch your eye, gladly coaxing them into bed with you (and her) to explore their repressed fantasies. She has Purple Prose Lovemaking and all Investigator Perks and Items as well as a 100CP race.
Nta but light is both particle and wave. I do not see why it couldn't be fucked around with using alchemy. We already know you can produce energy by breaking down matter which creates fucktons of energy irl. Sacrifice a nuke to your circle and have the energy fuel your normal alchemical shit.

>Cursed Spirit - 200

>Break it Down for me - 200
>Lone Ranger - 600

>Star Rage - 800

Drawbacks -
>Full Restriction +300
>Star Plasma Vessel +200
>Overtime +100

Binding Vow's include:
>Not being able to harm anyone with my body,
>Not being able to use Star Rage except through Garuda
>Not being able to use 99% of my cursed energy except for one minute after midnight.
I send Garuda left and then straight down into the dirt until he collapses.
I guess I just dont see how thats much different than how they already use souls.
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it's not just about the souls being the literal energy, it's about their metaphysical value being the cost for cheating the rules of reality.
Transmutation already got access to enormous amount of energy by tapping into the movement of the tectonic plates.
All alchemy is paid for using souls. They just don't realize that because the souls they are using are from world war 1 and 2.
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that is unique to the 2003 show, Canon and Brotherhood have the Alchemy fueled by the movement of tectonic plates(see pic here >>93912150
I wonder how that affects the movement if the plates.
Then how the hell do those alchemy enhancing drugs work? Like the red water stuff.
probably little at all, since alchemists are so few in number and use an overall minuscule amount of energy compared to what the planet generates. Especially since Father's philosophe's stone network nerfed the amount of energy Alchemists in Amestris could access at once.
I imagine that if anything did happen it would be a reduction in earthquakes and volcanic activity though.
Not a thing in canon, they're exclusive to the 2003 anime where Alchemy isn't fueled by tectonic plate energy, but rather the lives of those lost during the world wars on the paralel earth, accessed through the gates inside people.
Which childhood crush would you try and companion if you actually got a chain?
Why is the 2003 show so different?
Misty because misty
You mean like fictional characters or real people? Either way, it's kind of weird not to have moved on.
NTA but I think it followed a different plot after it ran out of manga story to use, then the manga story kept going and turned out to have a much better one.
the Manga was still being written while the show was filmed, so it had to diverge when it caught up to it. The OG author gave some ideas, but the story from then on was basically by other people.
Same actually happened to the Hellsing Anime too.
Because that's how the system works. You just need to go to another jump and find a perk that allows you to substitute one type of energy for another.
The princess from Disney's adventures of the gummi bears
It's called a Gecko ending. Happened decently often with ongoing manga getting an anime adaption. FMA, Soul Eater, Shaman King, Elfen Lied, the first Hellsing anime, the first Negima anime, R+V second season etc
I actually don't think I have one of those.
That Modding (Cheating) thing and Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest jump are in the uploads again
Werent they specifically told to fuck off with that?
They went to reddit to complain about how their thing kept getting deleted and were specifically told that it's because they're not supposed to put it in the uploads

Apparently they find the idea of people not letting them upload their crap anywhere they want without feedback to be unacceptable
Driveanons is empty, did it get sorted?
How does that wipe out humanity?
Yeah he sorted it earlier today
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I'm trying to come up with a powerset based on Lanterns, the idea being to be a "light in oppressive darkness" but not just be a stereotypical paladin. Any ideas?
Kingdom Death as a first jump is a terrible idea but fuck it we ball. Sink or swim.
Used the perk that makes you make a least 3x as much money + the perk that removes all issues with directly owning/managing the entire economy + IRL tech knowledge, to have my country become ridiculously wealthy and developed for the time period while building an empire that controls the whole world.
Auras that work on everything the light touches maybe? Could also do summoning stuff with light based creatures. Like when your critters not in full form it rests in your lantern and provides light. Thats just a idea though.

Green lantern style light constructs? Lasers? Lifedrain or energy storage device that works over a large area to be used later? Possibly some form of protective bubble?
Removed Multi-Faceted and buffed Two Good Reasons. How does the jump look now?
The summoning angle could work, the stone faces on the floor of the plane of faces getting up as misshapen light constructs is suitably freaky for this shithole. Danke.
I don't know anything about Kingdom of Death, but I've got a few ideas.

+ Specialize in barrier and cleansing/healing magic. This plays off the theme of Light holding back the Darkness and the general idea of flames as a cleansing force.
+ Minor specialty in divination. As in, being able to clear away the fog obscuring the future to see into it more clearly.
+ Guiding Bolt is a fun spell from D&D that I could see being especially useful for you. It causes some damage to enemies but allow helps your allies hit them more easily. So offensive spells like that which deal a little less damage but help your allies in the process.
+ If you want to play with a darker side of the Lanterns theme, you could go into working with Shadows. Since all light casts a shadow and they can be used for lots of things. Illusions, binding, nightmares, even summoning shades of powerful monsters to harass your foes while being partly incorporeal. The whole idea being that sometimes darkness can only be defeated by darkness. Not the theme you were going for, just a fun idea.
Weird question. If dogs/cats went extinct today, and in a hundred years someone made a perfectly lifelike dog android that responds and acts exactly like a dog used to, would humans still have the right instincts for caring for dogs (scratching their head/underneath the chin, playing tug, fetch, etc.)?
Yeah? Instincts don't go away and all of those instincts are also how you play with children

Plus humans would be doing all those things with other animals too.
Instincts kinda DO go away if they're left fallow for long enough-though it generally takes on the order of centuries or millennia for that to happen to a species. That said, was just wondering how deeply the "dog nurturing" instincts are imprinted in humanity.
That girl from Jurassic Park
Bulma & Android 18

Also, Castlevania.
I haven't taken my antidepressants in a week+ and I am crashing hard.
How are you today /jc/?
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>lasers or burning/sanctifying/purifying light
>warmth, healing
>dispelling of illusion, mind affecting magics, debuffs in general
>familiars/summons bound to the lantern
I almost did a chain inspired by the Watcher a year or two ago.
Tired, so very tired

first, it would take a lot longer than just centuries

second, dogs play into existing human interpersonal instincts, we don't have specific instincts for dealing with dogs

heck all interspecies relations are kind of like that, they're only properly possible if the animals are highly social critters in the first place, which is why almost all pets are naturally social animals, the only solitary ones are the really docile ones that just eat and shit like hamsters and goldfish
I mean, moneys super easy to get with transmutation
Not in a place you can sleep?
Work and a baby at home. Not much sleep. Im honestly thinking of parking at a grovery store and crashing for a couple hours.
nta, but housecats are solitary too, though their domestication is interesting as it was less a dedicated effort and more mutual benefit of them living near humans naturally resulting in them adapting towards it.
cats hunt alone but are a highly social species otherwise
Operating on...four hours of sleep, so just a little woobly.

Decided to sit down and fill in more of my chain, from Jumps 101-130. Right now I'm building for Chainsaw Man in Jump 126, and honestly can't think of a good fear to make my Jumper be.
Where can I design a custom power to replicate the effects of technology with magic/psionics/whatever? I wanted to do something like that with MHA but Quirks are generally too biological and Creation's limitations suck ass, Overhaul is over tuned for transfiguration of matter while at the same time not being good enough for what I really want, which is shit like summoning piles of M16s with my mind out of the materials of a full garbage can.
Fear of the unknown? You have any themes?
Most magic powers, unless they're video game logic, already allow that kind of stuff, don't they? Anyway you made me think of mind control university, though it's more about mixing technology and magic/psi/chi/etc together, until every mix had its own name.
Not really. Not sure what it says about me that most of my fictional crushes fall into one of two groups:
>So pure I'd rather leave them with a happy ending in their own world rather than risk them becoming jaded or traumatized over centuries of Jumps. (Yoko from Gurren Lagann, Hitomi from Escaflowne, etc.)
>So bat-shit insane that I probably couldn't stand being in the same room as them for an extended period unless my Jumper was an outright villain. (Medusa from Soul Eater, Gavril from Franken Fran, etc.)
Fine Structure has a perk that lets you use mental constructs in place of actual tech, and Evangelion has one that lets you use your soul to do that stuff
>Fine Structure - Mental Machination (600, Discount Scientist): Analyzed at a sufficiently high level, the Eka Script stops looking like the law of physics, and starts looking more like the law, period. Deliver an unambiguous enough statement to the Eka Script–to the universe, really–and it responds. Given a small, empty metal cube to use as a focus point, you may use your knowledge of Eka to set orders with which the universe will comply. Anything that is scientifically possible, you may make happen without the tools or machines you would normally need by constructing informational versions of the machinery required in your head instead. And as the Eka Script attests, ‘anything that is scientifically possible’ is a long list indeed.

>Evangelion - 400cp - High Energy Reaction (Discount Pattern Blue) You can harness your AT field to construct metaphysical structures that result in more ordinary physical phenomenon at an incredible scale. An inner torus reactor, for example, could be used to generate a positron beam and magnetic bottle field. Essentially, you can fabricate devices out of your soul that in turn interact with regular physical effects fission and fusion, the four forces, states of matter and so on. This improves the efficiency of any power use you use, creating ‘levers’ instead of brute forcing with a power cable or S2 engine.
Jennifer Connelly
>can't think of a good fear to make my Jumper be
Dementia/Alzheimer's devil. You can erase people's memories, including the memory of your existence.
I definitely have an overarching theme, but simultaneously have very, very little idea what my Jumper will look like by Jump 126. I've only written out to Jump 41 so far.
I do not want to be that fear because I am genuinely personally terrified of that. Any other suggestions?
Jumpmakers are truly a spectrum. We have enough to form the four corners now.
Needle devil? Malpractice devil? Going back to a dogshit fucking dentist as a kid was the only time in my life I've stress-vomited.
>Any other suggestions?
Bear devil.
I don't know anything about it but sure.
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Any weird abstract perks to take a persuasion skillset to the next level?
Both good ideas, though Needle Devil is already taken.
>Doctor chain
Illness Devil? Disabled Devil?
Maybe even Surgery Devil? Even though surgery is ultimately a good thing the idea of people cutting you open and messing around with your guts is still horrifying.
If you want to be a big dick devil, I'd imagine Pain or Death count among the primordial ones on the same tier as Darkness, and the connection to doctors is pretty justifiable.
Looks good to me
Death is the Great King of Terror, so he literally can't be that in-setting.
Death is a canon devil. We don't actually know anything about it besides that it's the said to be the strongest devil.
Surgery Devil sounds like it'd work, with maybe Pain if I'm going for Primordial Devil tier. Thanks guys.
Maybe check out Styles from Medaka Box?
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Fun fact: according to the author, humans used to have four other conclusions aside from death once they reached the end of their lifespan. And a sixth sense.
not really true, if they're feral they generally live alone, though the females can occasionally form groups together male cats pretty much always live solitary.
And that is only for domesticated housecats who developed to live together with humans and other housecats.
Among wild cats social groups are very rare with the exception of lions.
For JJK, would Cursed Spirit Manipulation but with a trade off of having only 6 Cursed Spirits but they can be trained and evolve(yes it's a pokemon rip off) make it stronger or weaker for price
Given the reveal that Devils eaten by Pochita still exist inside him and only have their concepts erased from reality with the risk of them escaping from inside him potentially, there's a non-zero chance Death might want to keep Pochita around to keep her rivals from being restored to power.
feral cats generally live in colonies, they can cope with being alone but most of them prefer not to be

regardless, the more important point is that they are very social animals by their behavior, they have an enormous amount of social interaction instinct that a truly solitary animal just doesn't have and will never be taught to have
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Is there a list of jumps with follower options?
There are way too many of them to count
Given the fact that the Chainsaw Devil ate every other ending aside from death, one has to wonder just how terrifying those other endings were...and how powerful their Devils were compared to Death, which was apparently the kindest and least terrifying ending.
Those colonies are typically families of a mother and her children. The don't seek out unrelated cats to form colonies with.
Maharu, but Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny would make a fun combo
>which was apparently the kindest and least terrifying ending.
Where are you getting that part from? Even things generally considered benign like Angels or Knowledge had devils, the other conclusions could just as well been better and less fearsome than death.
yeah they do, i've seen it happen, my favorite childhood cat that i only had for one year as a kid and my parents forced me to get rid of when we moved joined up with a bunch of other cats in a rural area, i saw her walking around with the other cats a few times like she was in charge

regardless, even if you were right, the types of colonies you talk about would still be stable groups built around social interaction, thus proving that cats are social animals
Remaining jumps on my backlog are Donut County, Karas, Mischief Makers, Oban Star-Racers, Singularity, and Touhou (PC-98)
No promises which one will be next or when.
I'm basing it off the logic that the Chainsaw Devil intentionally went and ate every other conclusion at the end of one's lifespan except Death for the sake of altruism-based on what sort of things it ate before, like AIDS, WWII, nukes, and the like. The idea is that the Chainsaw Devil was intentionally eating horrible things that make humanity suffer, but clearly left Death alone out of all possible conclusions to lifespan. Assuming that it wasn't a case of "it was just too strong"-because the Chainsaw Devil had a reputation for being utterly unbeatable back in Hell-this meant that it must have decided "death is probably the best conclusion" and left it alone while hunting down and eating the rest of the conclusions at the ends of one's lifespan.
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>Want to work on chain
>Don't actually remember my plans for the chain

So, what are you guys up to in your chains?
>No promises which one will be next or when
So jump tomorrow
NTA, interactions between related members of a species aren't social interactions. Families are not a legitimate social unit
Where's Slenderman?
was this wisdom revealed to you in a dream?
Maybe, maybe not. If I've discovered anything about myself during my time here, it's that I never know how long it'll take me to be ready until I'm ready. Sometimes I'll feel completely burnt out but be ready to start working the next day, other times it'll be weeks until I've worked up the time and motivation to start up again.
I've been doing one long ass one-off for JJK. I may subvert the non-existent audience's expectations by having Jumper kill 15f Sukuna in a suicide attack at Shibuya and ending the story early.
No, I read about it on Facebook
>I'm basing it off the logic that the Chainsaw Devil intentionally went and ate... for the sake of altruism
Why are you assuming that? I don't think there's a reason to assume that Makima knows all the devils Chainsaw Man ate, or even that she's listing all the ones she does know, so it's presumptive to assume he's choosing his targets to help humanity..
That's just a headcanon.
The Chainsaw Devil didn't intentionally hunt down 'bad' devils. He just went rampaging through Hell, tearing things apart and eating them willy-nilly.
I mean, look at how in the most recent chapters he was perfectly fine eating a bunch of neutral to arguably good devils (snow, mouths, ears, etc).
gib para-dice companion
Hm. Well, that puts a hole in my argument.

Ah well. Still curious what those other conclusions at the end of one's life were.
If Jumpers love saving little kids so much, how come they never save Sasuke?
Life and relationships are hard. Thankfully, cake is soft.

I hope you can hang in there until you get more or detox entirely. Whichever one you're going for.

I haven't gotten to do more than imagine things lately. I might try to do a little more writing tonight after dinner, but I'm sore. And that makes writing hard.

Owl Chain is currently in Fallout 4 where Owl, Doom Marine, Isabelle, and most of the kobold clans are clearing the park of raiders, ghouls, crazy robots, and bloodworms. Doom Marine is handling Safari World. Someone stocked that place with fucking legit monstrosities and he's basically the only one of the group who /can/ take them down without a lot of losses.

Priscilla and the nekolings are in charge of cleaning up the aftermath. Looting, clearing corpses, dismantling robots, saving intact magazines, and collecting every bottle of Nuka Cola they can find. Oh, and collecting toys to redistribute later. The commonwealth has a series need for a wandering toy salesman/Santa.

Owl is very shortly going to meet his new Companion, who I've slated to be the group's tech specialist. A Scottish Wildcat that someone from Big MT gave enhanced intelligence, several long mechanical tendrils tipped with multitools, and way too much knowledge about power armor.

Not sure about the name for the cat yet. Though I know in a future Jump she's getting mechanical legs with shotguns in them. Just because it's my chain and I want to.
Because figuring out how that'd change canon is too much work.
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What's your favorite/main element for combat?
Lightning. Fast, loud, and your average enemy is usually very conductive.
It's better if they're not.
Any reason I SHOULDN'T use Generic Post-Apocalypse to make my own hentai apocalypse scenario to jump into?
>Jump 126
You realize chains should only go on for about 100 jumps less than that?
You shouldn't tell people how to have fun.
Still working on my build for the ASoIaF fanfic jump so I can channel my inner Xaltotun.
>more than a hundred jumps in a chain
>meanwhile i'm lucky if 4 is possible
See >>93913733 if they're having fun who the fuck cares? Are you gonna bitch at shard next for using every jump that exists in his chain?
ADHD? Me too
Some people are wired differently. They might be few, but they definitely exist here.
God sees all your sins
no, i need them to make thematic sense together, just throwing random jumps into a blender is completely pointless to me
Wouldn't be surprising especially since shard will use jumps that people frown upon. There are people obsessed with discouraging fun for reasons only known to them.
My exhibitionism fetish only ensures that this makes me harder.
I always thought princess Peach was pretty, but there's no way I'm having that kidnapping magnet tag along with me
I decided to do a rollchain & try to finish some writefagging based on the 100k companions, no jumper chainbutt from last thread (AKA >>93897989). The first ten jumps rolled (though I've only planned up to the fifth jump) are, in order:
>Golden Sun
>Minecraft (the original, modded jump)
>C - Control & Soul
>Megaman - The Classic Series
>Animal Crossing
>Superman - The Animated Series
>Death Stranding
>Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
>Petals of Reincarnation
>Brutal Legend
Things start out pretty okay in Golden Sun (as normal as 100k people suddenly being part of the world can be) with the really low companion budget, but the original Minecraft jump made for a bit of a spike as everyone becomes a one-man industrial/magical revolution.
Then C & Megaman back to back would probably make things really fucking confusing as C literally has money that's the embodiment of one's future (and with the scenarios there's no way the Midas Bank doesn't latch onto the chain like a parasite) & Classic Megaman has a lot of time travel stuff. And Animal Crossing also has a perk that lets someone exchange regular money for future-altering Midas money at any time.
Though C does let everyone get a stock exchange-based familiar pseudo-companion since they're not actually considered proper companions, so that's cool.
If you're gonna write just write off the top of your head cuz it flows way better and is more fun.

If you're doing a more "collect stuff, build stuff, fulfill objectives" type chain then write out detailed logs of the stuff you have, the state and capabilities of your items/army/nation, experiments your Jumper is working on and so on.
After reworking some things, dragoness jumper and her rider/husband are hanging out in some worlds with dragon girls where they'll fit right in. Once they finish up in Breath of Fire 3, I'll roll for a series folder and see what they get up to from there.
Looks like I need a Sailor Moon jump that has harem perks.
Got one right here for ya.
You would basically have six cursed techniques. I think it would remain the same price tier.
Ten Shadows is basically TEN Cursed Techniques AND Shadow Manipulation in one. And it's 600 CP.
Alt-History, fantasy 1880's-1910's, pre-car for sure, era Civ building. Hitting big on Assassin's Creed, Soulsborne/FromSoft games, and LotR.
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>He thinks the big frog is worth a damn
The only good summons of ten shadows are Nue, Bull, Deer, Rabbits, and Big Raga. Everyone else is just a big animal.
Not every CT is good, mind you. But it's still ten (eleven if you count shadow manipulation, which I personally do) in one.
>Decuck left the MHA fandom in shambles
To be fair, when has it not?
True, still only one of the nine shadows can compare to having your own Jogo and Mahito
I’d rather go to Reddit then hangout with just you.
tbf Mahito is basically the Mew of Cursed Spirits. Jogo is a Charizard.
I have to concur, it's basically the same level. Quality is much better than quantity anyways considering Geto would've given up all his other curses at the drop of a hat if it meant gaining Rika.
In this comparison, is Sukuna Mega Rayquaza?
Jogo is stronger than Mahito
Next you're gonna say Jogo is stronger than Gojo.
When a yandere meets a tsundere. Classic. You don't need to worry in any case, there are multiple jumpmakers who will outlast Gene. Gene's autism power levels don't compare to the super autists out there.
I’m on three.five hours of sleep and I’m doing fine.
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Mahito: loses to Nanami/ loses to Yuji and Nanami/ loses to Shibuya Yuji and Todo.
Jogo:loses to Gojo (so does everyone), instakills 3 grade 1 sorcerers, loses to Sukuna but Sukuna says his maximum meteor attack would actually damage him if it hit, putting it above almost any attack besides Hollow Purple.
Why would anyone fear a sixth sense enough for there to be a Devil?
Wtf is this
Clearly what the 9 to 5 jump had in mind.
Tomatoes have a devil.
Doesn't seem like it takes all that much fear to manifest a devil, given there's devils for like basically everything, including shit like chickens and tomatoes (though both are really weak).
It might also include fears of bad things involving those senses. Like a fear of going deaf may contribute power to the hearing/ears devil, instead of just a deafness devil. The system isn't really explained in a ton of detail.
You get a chain but you are cursed and must always take a companion from each jump you visit. They must be canon characters, not OCs (in settings with no 'set' characters like Generics, you are allowed to make an OC). Yes, you still have to pay the price.
Does this impact the jumps you pick and the length of your chain?
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Would you happen to be a black(bird)?
Currently building a massive villain organization similar to a company or cult with minions I give such good terms and pay too that non minions are asking for jobs now too. I expect to employ most of the city I start in before moving to take everything over. I make money by owning massive mineral rights, supertech I dole out thats blackboxed so you cant replicate it gets leased or rented out, miracle cures for almost all illnesses are sold and I work with all insurance companies. Im like the amazon of diabolical slowly extending my reach and building my super army long term. Hell I even employ heros and villains provided they meet my standards and sign a contract.im currently on the lookout for a clone maker power, one of those duplication heroes or villains. Those make for very good soldiers and if I can get the rights to their powers I can add it to my elite forces. Even if I cap it to like 5 duplicates at once for a short time thats a massive boost in immediate firepower.
But that movie takes place after 5
To be fair he beats severed weakened grade 1 sorcerers, and just damaging Sukuna standing still is not that impressive, Kusakabe and Ino did it when he had 20 fingers.
>miracle cures for almost all illnesses are sold
Not miracle treatments so you can regularly milk people on the threat of death?
I legitimately went in as his brother last time I built for naruto. Sasuke working to help his little bro is a more mentally table sasuke.
I'll work night shift.
Earth. Just crack the eearth and drop your enemies into the chasm of death, slamming it shut atop them.
Not a woman, why bother if I can't groom her
>just damaging Sukuna standing still is not that impressive, Kusakabe and Ino did it when he had 20 fingers.
Sukuna was highly nerfed that whole fight from fighting Gojo and Yuji's soul punches plus he's holding back the entire Shinjuku showdown. Damaging a fresh Sukuna even at 15 fingers is insane because a 200% hollow purple could only take off Sukuna's hands.
Usually I start too late to do that unless its Genin Sasuke, then I will gladly disembowel Itachi and fold him into a skin hat to wear.
No Replication Shelf for me :(
I find that organically growing into a theme works best. I certainly didnt plan on Immortal Vampire Scientist chain but its been really fun.
A 'curse' like that would literally just make me harem jump even harder than I usually do.
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>mentally table sasuke
Dogs can track
What about jumps where canon companions aren't an option or there is no option to buy companions at all?
Sasuke can be a table if he wants.
Alchemical Solutions is now jumpable, I intend to add a few more drawbacks before calling it a finished 1.0 but this is pretty much the jump.

Please inform me of any typos, mistakes, or other such things as you find them.
Nah, that doesnt build as much good will with the average person. I make a lot of enemies in the established medical companies but garner a lot of good will with normal people in the process. Also my cures dont really cure injuries, they can close a wound and promote very fast healing but they wont bring back the dead or reverse aging or regrow a limb, I keep those and most of the best stuff for my people and their families. The plan is long term conquest via employment.
What is each companion based on?
Seraph of the End/Owari no Seraph - we even have a jump for it.
It was extremely unpleasant, serving a similar roll to pain, since it let you know something bad was going to happen and would stay active until you avoided that fate. Pre eraser a known torture method was locking someone in a situation where they were going to die to something the sense considered avoidable and letting their six sense get more and more unbearable in response trying to drive them to escape
Seraph of the End, a post biblical apocalyptic setting. The MC had the abilities of an angel implanted in him through human experimentation, which he awakened in the gif. Giving him the powers of the "King of Salt", based on how God in the old testatemnt turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt.
The monsters he fights were summoned by a different child who awakened the angel power, these kinds of monsters started roaming the earth as part of the apocalypse earlier and are known as "horsemen of the apocalypse".

Personally I just think turning others into salt is neat.
Awesome now which perks let me be a city?
>200% hollow purple could only take off Sukuna's hands.
It was fired from 4km away and ploughed through a city for a lot of that distance.
Do we have a jump for it?
Well fuck me. Alchemicals are awesome but Worm blows chunks and I'm not sure I want to read a Worm fanfic just to use this jump.
Funny story, I actually penned out an idea like this once. Basically the Jumper was exploring the omniverse for the Coordinator, who expected him to find people that would make worthwhile Jumpers themselves. After 8 Jumps, the oldest Companion would get sent off on their own Chain, leaving room for a new one without going over the limit of 8 most Jumps have on importing.

It was kind of nice to think about a continuous cycle of new characters to keep the story from going stagnant. But at the time I was very bad at writing dialog so I shelved the idea.

TLDR: No, it wouldn't affect which Jumps I pick or the length of my Chain. Though I would have to find some way to formally introduce people to the concept of the Chain. Because explaining all the same things once a decade would get old after a while.
We do.
Thank you; seems pretty interesting.
Her brand of oblivion and nihility is a bit too gay and anime for me, so no.
>Saw my life flash before my eyes
So that's an actual thing?
Depression Medley is entirely OC, based on a character idea posted by an anon.

God of a Fallen World is the same as above.

Wealth and Brooding is based on both the Mortal From Hell and Batman.

Clusterpuff Girls should be obscenely blatant and obvious.

Scarlet Survivor is the Scarlet Empress after her 'stay' with the Ebon Dragon.

Impeller is the Accelerator inspired power I passed on in favor of something else turned into an Accelerator inspired OC instead.

Monster Molder is based on Mahito because I've had trouble with ideas for this one and anons were posting a lot of fem mahito art while I was banging my head against it.

Industrious Guardian Dragon is Dragon turned into an alchemical, kind of. The maker cheated around the human requirement, I've got my own idea on how but it's left open ended for a reason.

Miracle of Black and Silver Abyssal OC and his damaged Lunar, idea came when I thought dealing with and trying to 'fix' a Chimaera or close to it in Worm would parallel Case 53s.

A Bird and her Shiny is an inversion of the usual situation where the lunar becomes the solar's pet because of a difference in age/essence rating.

A queen and her horse is a classic Solar hero character with a lunar who is an example of how the internet weirdos on the PRT exist even without the internet.

Enduring Assembly is the protagonist assembly, either the actual canon one with your choice of the candidates for the slots that weren't filled when the story died or whoever ends up in those slots given your interference/butterflying.

Envoy of the Ominous Path is a crazy sidereal of endings, he is an OC who is the martial arts equivalent of a mad scientist.

Firstborn Demiurges are jadeborn who can make alchemicals, not the ones who got executed for a security failure in the story. (unless you want them to be I suppose).

Dollmaker Poppet is based on a mix of Glastig and anon's request for a Dollmaker power.

The Viator of Nullspace is an entirely practical being who has the best ideas for how to solve problems and should be trusted to pursue your best interests without reservation.
Alchemicals is just a superhero setting?
Is this the one where Taylor went through a long time of being emotionless and when she finally fixed it people voted to go through it again but on purpose?
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>Thinking something is too gay and anime
>While on 4chan
An Omen/Prophecy devil might work.
You're probably not going to become an Elder in this world, but just the Alchemical origin would let you do so eventually if you don't take Modernized Form.

An entirely sensible reaction, more sane than mine of making a jump for the first wormfic anon suggested that I found entertaining enough to actually keep reading past the first chapter.
Why does the Alchemical origin cost cp who drop-in is free?
Is it morally wrong to train an army of adorable fruit bats into a swarm of vicious attack bats?
It's a WormxExalted crossover jump I made in response to my own bitching about SB making multiple generic worm fanfic jumps instead of making one for an actual fanfic.

That did in fact happen in the story, not sure about what autism was going on in the thread since I focused on the actual story.
Gotta use alternate methods of companioning.
The Alchemical origin comes with being an Exalt, the Drop-In origin while based heavily on Exalted style heroes does not make you an Exalt unless you buy an Exaltation in the powers section.
>anon works hard on jump for property they like
>all anyone remembers is one really good item and don't care about the setting itself
Tragic, anon. You are breaking the jumpmaker's heart.
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Shut up Nyarko.
>That did in fact happen in the story, not sure about what autism was going on in the thread since I focused on the actual story.
Rats. I was hoping I simply imagined that, but the fact it is real and it still haunts me is a bothersome fact. Maybe I will give it a try anyway since you went through the trouble of making the jump.
No more so than training any other adorable animal to attack people, but why fruit bats specifically?
Ah my bad. Still looks fun, Im really unsure if I want to make a custom power, take the power building power, or take the angel summon that evolves. The angel seems like a super good one for cheap and I like the idea of having some form of adaptive evolving assistant.
Only one that is legit is pods so that basically limits how many jumps you can choose since you have limited pods.
It's worth pointing out that other POV characters are introduced not too long after Taylor's naked robot phase and they do not go heavy on Clarity.
Oh, neat. All I have seen of it is that one girl fighting on the rooftop with the scythe made of black fire
Fruit bats are doglike, so I was infected by an alien brain worm to make them like wild cats.
CruelSpaceAnon, in the Cruel Space Jump, who's the flatty/tiddy monster black/white sisters based on?
Jedi and Sith, the Nerd squad recreate a Star Wars duel with axiom and home made lightsabers, it gave me the idea.
Unexpected but not unwelcome.

Will they Prequel Meme? This is a very important question.
Those cheaters use anti plasma brands to fight.
>Will they Prequel Meme?
Which one?
Both of them. Will they meme, and how much so?
It's more meant to put on a show than anything, and besides anyone who gets in a fight in that setting who doesn't cheat like hell is an idiot.
Well Satan given their personalities I could definitely see them recreating several memeable Star Wars moments but if it does happen and how much is really up to the story you want to tell.

Exactly how blatantly they parallel star wars is intentionally left up to interpretation, not for exactly this reason but still.
Get back to jumpmaking or trying to unshirt Shard faggot.
Will the black girl talk about Darth Plaguetits The Wide?

This is the most important question of all.
I don't care about shard anymore. Gene is the new hotness I'm going to undress.
So would a 500 tier power allow me to create loyal minions with super powers chosen by me? Im thinking of going gu bug master and making a ton of insects that do different things.
I feel like attempting a chain designed to be as shamelessly chuuni as possible. Any suggestions for a first jump? Alternatively, any ideas for what to name the generic evil organization the Jumper is chasing throughout the multiverse?
Naruto, any isekai, ps238
>Alternatively, any ideas for what to name the generic evil organization the Jumper is chasing throughout the multiverse?
how about "the company", like the Benefector of the Waifu Catalog CYOA which empowers people across the multiverse to enslave and sell all kinds of waifus.
And we have no idea what caused the death of creation in the context of the story, right?
But Gene is straight (I think).
>So would a 500 tier power allow me to create loyal minions with super powers chosen by me?
Potentially, but there would be a limit in terms of how powerful you can make them. How high that limit would be would depend on how fast you can make them and how many you can have at once. Perhaps think of it like a minion creating tinker specialty in terms of your output even if it's more of a direct master power in method?
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So it is spaghetti, until it gets wet and hot.
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>generic evil organization the Jumper is chasing throughout the multiverse?
Not really no, but I hold that the Ebon Dragon was likely at fault in some way.
This is an SB quest? The general perks make it sound pretty horny.
This would make for a good drawback in a horny jump, I'm not sure how it would work but it would.
To be fair, if you asked him if he did the thing, he'd probably gleefully claim the credit for doing so just to piss you off even if he wasn't actually responsible.
I am the feminizer in this image.
How does a man see this and doesn't throw acid at them?
the Megumi perks in Konosuba
Several perks in the Oreimo jump
>evil organization
Evil Science Empire Deathdark.
So one of the characters, Saki, is kind of a degenerate. She and a few other sources are the source of a fair bit of background perversion that never manages to take center stage except for the fact that it exists and is particularly prevelent in a central character who wants to ship people in real life and is disapponted by the fact that one of her friends is unlikely to go for the 'harem route'. Taylor has a squirt bottle for her.

The horny perks are largely based on her and people like her, and the fact that there is a lot of seemingly exalted related erotica lying around in this world.
You're a big titty anime girl who likes turning men into women but lose interest in them once they're no longer men?
Burned by an old flame who is a strange kind of dense about having burnt that bridge ages ago and not only acts like that was just friendzoning you for a little bit, but might end up doing something at least as bad the next time the idea of romance is floated in otherwise favorable circumstances. The kind of shit you can't really get over because that first letdown just kept festering rather than being reconciled, thus coloring perception later down the line.
By having the self-restraint necessary not to leap to permanently-scarring violence upon being offended by something. Also, who the hell just carries acid around at all times?
An archeologist.
What, are you fighting evil fruit?
I actually saw some hentai similar to this recently. Girl with mind control powers liked utterly humiliating guys so she took the big strong reliable senpai of the tennis club and just socially destroyed him and eventually forced him to mentally regress into a baby.
>laughs in Spell of Destruction
>Still better than the hundreds of jumps completely forgotten.
>Still better than the jumps only remembered for shitposting.
I don't like mental regression. I like corruption and feminization.
This, of course, means that it should turn out that Jumper was responsible.
Perhaps that maid automaton you made back in the first age decided to wipe everything clean?
>any ideas for what to name the generic evil organization the Jumper is chasing throughout the multiverse?
Assuming I'm not running a specific theme, water/ice.
Also suggesting Shocker.
It turns out that all the talk about Evil Forbidden Power might no be completely false.
Since you were the true Great Leader of the Evil Organization all along!
>what to name the generic evil organization the Jumper is chasing throughout the multiverse?

Give it an acronym like S.I.N. or E.V.I.L. or D.E.A.T.H. and then come up with whatever the hell it stands for as you go along.
Nice. Have a build.

>Origin: Drop-In/HERO!
>Marketable (Free)
>Sharing of True Justice (Free)
>Spiritual Persistency of Self (Free)
>Heroic Archetype Emulation (Free)
>Glorious Heroic Presentation! (Free)
>Mandate to Rule (100)
>Mortally Heroic (100)
>Secretive Cheating Retribution (200)
>Forgotten Unity of Purpose (200)
>World Slaying Hero (300)
>Favorable Interactions (200)
>Exaltation: Solar (400)
>Caped Costume (Free)
>Daiklaves and Broken Eggs (Free)
>A Humbled Panoply (100)
>Elsewhere Sanctuary (200)
>God of a Fallen World (50)
>Legacy of Salvation and Despair (+0)
>Case 53 (+100)
>Unintentional Nudity Instigation (+100)
>Slaughterhouse Target (+200)
>The Shadow of All Things (+400)

Many people think the times I’ve had my clothes destroyed must embarrass me, but the truth is it’s all a matter of having enough confidence to remain unbothered by such issues.
I like the Nimble origin more.
Jumper's main elements are Fire, Light, and Lightning; with fire being the most used in combat due to having the most perk support.
Arknights is a reddit jump, isn't it?
Someone please remind me what benefits one should expect from having multiple solar exaltations.
Earth Vulture Is Ligma.
You shine super, DUPER bright.
Get the benefits of multiple sets of caste abilities, meaning more things get the maximum learning speed boost would be the most certain, general exalted benefits might also stack but that's less certain.
That one? Yeah.
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Reminder that she is a member of a precusor race that built wish-granting clockwork stars and turned a planet-killing bio-horror into a science exhibit.
Besides making everyone involved very very VERY confused when you count as a Perfect Circle on your own? Multiple Anima Powers and Caste Abilities.
Five lunar fuckpoodles.
Do we know that for sure? Rather, do we know that the people of the Forgotten Land are the same as the Ancients, AND that they were humans? Do we even know for sure that Adeline is human? She LOOKS it well enough, but things are weird in the general vicinity of Pop Star.
"Kids these days dont know what it's like to live without metal" - Farmer born in 2530 BC
At least it isn't Dark Sun.
>Rather, do we know that the people of the Forgotten Land are the same as the Ancients
Look closely at the room Forgo is contained in when you first see it. Then consider what its power was used to do.
How awkward would a CruelSpace!Xenomorph feel if they encountered someone with a facehugger fetish (complete with wanting to have chestbursters laid in them)?
How many pre metal age jumps do we even have?
Prehistoric Earth and the Earth Girls jump from QQ are the only ones that spring to mind.
They would think it was gross.
There's also The Otaku in 10,000 BC also on QQ.
Extremely weirded out, all of the Dzedin shown the Aliens movies seem to really dislike the Xenomorphs.
>accidentally change default brightness on new computer
>don't know what it was originally
>this will bother me greatly
>all because windows 11 thinks you should bundle the battery icon, volume icon, and wi-fi icon into a bundle and also open up the display brightness
god damnit microsoft
I swear to Christ if I ever get a chain, right after I fulfill the pact the first thing I am gonna do is release a competing OS that is designed by someone who isn't a complete fucking retard.
I've read Circle of the Moon three times and the only perk that I remember is Chaos Navigation. It happens.
It's the only perk people talk about so I assume it was the most popular and/or only one they took.
They would think you're a fucking psychotic weirdo.
Try looking at some videos on how to change the default brightness, maybe they’ll start with the original default.
>Windows 11 Default Brightness
>The default brightness delta is 10 units, which can be adjusted using shortcut keys (e.g., F11 and F12) or the Action Center’s Brightness slider.
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>Any suggestions for a first jump?
OPUS. Hop in fictional media, pull them out to cause havoc onto the real world or escape your current layer of reality. While there are consequences, it’s perfect for the opportunities of trying to act chunni in a way that fucks with other people’s minds.
>Alternatively, any ideas for what to name the generic evil organization the Jumper is chasing throughout the multiverse?
Like others with taste Shocker or a variation of said name
That's like saying Satellite is the most popular thing in Digimon World 3. Technically it is, but that's more like have one dude that really likes that thing and focuses on it and nobody else ever talks about Half Minute or Digimon World 3.
Hello Mohammad.
You could always just make a new Linux distro and just use your tech perks to add new features you like. Saves a lot of time on the baseline coding.
Couldn't you just ditch the previous pod person to open up a slot? You only have to take a canon character from their own jump, but there's no stipulations about keeping them beyond that.
NTA but the perk that lets you condense training from that jump gets talked about more. It is talked about as one of the best training options out there.
They should have turned Gohan into a science exhibit
eh I can set it to something usable it just low key triggers me not to know the default
Wind is the best.
Is it morally wrong to look at people when you have eye lasers? It's similar to pointing a gun at someone whenever you start a conversation.
No and you're a twat.
Is it morally wrong to forcefully uplift entire civilizations to prep them to fight an incoming threat?
Used a couple of out of jump effects to kickstart the local gods into being real.
Depends and you're a twat.
No, fuck those little twats total fucking apocalypse now!
Post Fallen London builds, just reread Evolution and I've got the itch
Depends on the threat. Ramping up their tech before they're culturally ready for it can have some serious consequences, so make sure your uplift procedure is absolutely necessary.
Ok then time to set off yellowstone. I'll have to go all in on an earth manip technique but it should be doable in a couple hundred years.
Fallen London

Location: Fallen London (+100 Discipline CP)
Discounted: The Great Chain
Origin: Rattus Faber +200 CP
Discipline: Doctor -100 Discipline CP

>Boatman's Opponent -Free
>Chained Wanderer -Free
>Time, The Healer -Free
>Material Of The Immaterial -100 CP
>The Altar Of Ascendance -100 CP
>My Trove Of Passions -Free
>Sudden Insight -100 CP
>Experimental Object -600 CP
>A Courier For The Dead -200 CP
>Prismatic Inspiration -100 CP
>Captivating Fascination -600 CP
>The Edicts Of The Sky -Free
>Seeing Through The Eyes Of Icarus -Free
>Engraved Seal -Free
>The First Principles Of Language -100 CP
>Inks Of The Undernight -200 CP
>A Scholar Of Correspondence Maximized -400 CP
>The Forgery Of Law -300 CP
>To Find A Route -100 CP
>Dreamer Beware -100 CP
>The Answer To Nightmares -100 CP
>Something Changes -100 CP
>The Pilgrim's Path -400 CP
>Inerrant -100 CP
>Neathproof'd -100 CP
>St. Erzulie's Blessing -200 CP
>The Cedar's Edict -200 CP
>Steeped In Honey -200 CP
>Infernal Vinificator's Eye -400 CP
>It's A Rat! -Free
>Man Versus Rat -100 CP
>Ratwork Engineering -200 CP
>Listen To The Silence -100 CP
>Steward Of The Discordance -600 CP

Items (+300 Item CP, +100 Vehicle CP, +100 Lodging CP)
>That Curious Tree -100 Item CP
>Special Dispensation -100 Item CP
>Parabola-Linen Outfit -100 Item CP
>Ratwork Velocipede -100 Vehicle CP
>Warehouse Port -Free
>Zubmarine -100 CP
>Key To Your Rooms Above A Bookshop -100 Lodging CP

>Discordant Law: Someone Following You +600 CP
>Troubled By Vermin +100 CP
>Hell's Hounded Maximized +400 CP
>Struggling With That Artist +100 CP
>The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat! +100 CP
>Slandered! +200 CP
>Jack! Jack! +200 CP
>A Proposal From A Man Of Business: The Cheery Man +200 CP
>Orthos Is Coming! +200 CP
>Mr Transport +200 CP
>Blackglass +300 CP
>Ka-kaw! Ka-Kaw! +300 CP
>Besieged By Wax +300 CP
>Little Favors +400 CP
>Endebted +500 CP
>Serpent-Sought +400 CP
>Rule Brittania +600 CP
How are you supposed to deal with Someone Following You, anyway?
I get along well with myself and already have arrangements with independent engrams that I leave seeded in various settings. Just means I get to leave a much more powerful fork of myself in-setting.
Depends on what the uplifting entails. Dumping advanced tech on them is one thing, but reforming their biology and mentality isn't much different from just killing them.

At any rate, you could give them a choice, but it's not really a choice at all. Even if you remove the threat part it's practically impossible to refuse alien tech.
>power building
To be clear this is basically like a personally focused version of Dauntless' power? Or perhaps a really nerfed version of that power making power from the original Worm CYOA?
Seikaisuru Kado was damn good until it shit itself entirely.
>Or perhaps a really nerfed version of that power making power from the original Worm CYOA?
This one; I always wanted a less busted version of that to be available somewhere and then I found myself making a Worm jump, so it got the spot for the highest priced Trump power.
Name fell off.
Is it wrong to install Skyrim on a robo-waifu?
Yes and you're a twat.
You picked a bad time to get lost, friend!
Install DOOM instead, it'll take up less space. Do NOT install Crysis.
What will you do if she spends all her time with Todd's masterpiece?
Install Skyrim on Chen.
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You should have installed doom instead.
Are you working on any other jumps?
Technically yes but don't expect much soon, I will retain my policy of not sticking my name to projects until I've got something tangible enough that I will probably finish it.
Wood. It's very versatile. Great for various types of weapons, can be used offensively and defensively, both direct and asymmetrical combat, and a dozen uses outside of combat. Ans if you know enough botany you can take traditional weaknesses of the element and build contingencies or turn then into strength like using adaptations from serotinous species when dealing with fire, or use various sticky or caustic resins when dealing with metal. A proper mastery of wood means you can have useful tool for every non-esoteric problem you come across.
I like them all except for cluster puff girls
Something that occurs to me, would A Humbled Panoply and Elsewhere Sanctuary combo in any way? Maybe just in the sense of giving more notes and the like.
People are gonna make constant dick jokes though.
Reminder: FOMO and FOTM are entirely different and unrelated concepts. FOMO is "Fear Of Missing Out", which is a compulive anxiety caused by someone seeing a trend or limited time opportunity and becoming anxious because they may lose that opportunity, regardless of the actual quality of the event in question. FOTM is "Flavor Of The Month", which is a title granted to things which enjoy a short but powerful burst of popularity before losing interest afterwards.

For simplicity's sake: FOMO is gacha banners and limited time events that make you regret spending all your money.

FOTM is the cool new isekai that is just kinda meh once you reflect on it next month.
We should introduce FOMO jumps that can only be used for a week after being posted.
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It is when you can install the first 7 Final Fantasy games instead.
>not installing Final Fantasy X
What are you, gay?
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Based Farmerchad.
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Any chance I can bug you into adding a smidge of Fae support?
That doesn't sound like any reason why I shouldn't dominate people with my wood
Can i read Alchemical Solutions without knowing much abour Exalted? Also, it worth reading in the first place?
>get cucked by Cid
Idk, do you know worm?
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I couldn’t find any websites to do it for me without downloading anything…
>Something that occurs to me, would A Humbled Panoply and Elsewhere Sanctuary combo in any way?
Not really no.

>Maybe just in the sense of giving more notes and the like.
That said if the Manse at the center of the sanctuary was centered on something like training new essence users it would have copious notes on the subject as part of it's amenities independently of the notes in A Humbled Panoply.

I'll make a note that someone's interested but being a fae of any kind in this jump would suck on a special level unfamiliar even to how much they get the shaft normally. The Wyld is gone, the shit that sunk Creation into Oblivion took the Wyld with it.
Yes, I read and enjoyed it, but I dont really like most fanon takes on it, as in I dont enjoy worm fics based on other worm fanfics rather than canon.
How would Taylor in Alchemical Solutions handle becoming a teen mom?
Don't impregnate her, she's shit.
Hmm. My fae sidechain might be slightly fucked, then. Presumably between Rath (Mortal Heroes) and Freehold (The Wyld) I'm not entirely fucked out of hand, but a quick shift to being human might be in order.
>Two Good Reasons
Better than it was and it makes sense to be a 600 point perk, but I'm not sure it's worth 600 as written.
>Not really no.
Fair enough. On a different subject, Scarlet Survivor should be priced higher then 100, even if she’s just a Dragonblooded she’s still Essence 8.
Nice. Honestly it's hard to pick from the power section because there's lot of good options, though that optimization power paired with being an alchemical seems like it could get out of hand really quick if you took the modern alchemical perk and use your power on yourself.
Honestly, I absolutely do not understand the ending of that series. Really the last two episodes felt kinda incomprehensible in regards to the writing. Like, somehow the story got more convoluted the more the animation and fight scenes improved.
>Builds an evil castle funhouse with fun contraptions and undead workers to spook people as a tourist attraction
>Some weirdos with magic swords and whips keep entering without paying, breaking my furniture and attacking my workers.
Why does this keep happening?
All you need to know is: eldritch waifu hot mess express baka gamer girl.
Needs a few extra 50 cp perks/items.
>Spiritual Persistencey of Self
They're not technically from Creation, but do Drop-Ins have souls?
Maybe this wouldn't happen if you stopped hiding roast chicken in the walls.
>eldritch waifu
Nah. As far as Vickers girls are concerned by heart belongs to Cordie
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But Uzi is just a mess and a baka.
What don't you understand?
You haven't been stealing men's souls and making them your slaves, have you?
If my jumper had tried that on their's, she would have turned it in to a Porn game
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Pretty sure it’s just Shard being mad that Cyn didn’t blow up a planet onscreen despite the show showing us what she did to earth and was in the process of doing to copper 9.
For reference you can buy to custom companions who can both be Celestial Exalts for 100 and the Solaroid/Lunar pairs cost 100 for the same reason. So at 100 Her Redness is competing directly with pairs of Celestial Exalts one of which in each pair is a Solaroid.

While it wasn't intentional I've found that Progress & Optimization is universally top tier; many of the powers are at or near the top of the list in the short, medium, or long term but it feels like the Tinker 400 is near the top of the list no matter the context.

I'll make a note that they are desired.

Jumpers and companions might have a soul from another setting but as far as this setting is concerned Souls originate in Creation, so not by default but again getting one via that perk costs pain not CP.
Like, what the whole "eating the null" thing meant. And in general the overall chainnofnevents, because for some reason everything felt disjointed to me

I've never been called Shard before. Not sure whether I should be flattered by the comparison or not
build incoming

gender/age - male, 22
origin - drop-in / HERO!

perks -

marketable - free
sharing of true justice - free
spiritual persistency of self - free, mandatory

heroic archtype emulation - free
glorious heroic presentation - free
mandate to rule - 100
mortally heroic - 100
secretive cheating restitution - 200
forgotten unity of purpose - 200
world slaying hero - 300

Powers -

Exceeding Excellence - 400
Solaroid - 400 (a proper SOLAR HERO, dawn caste)

items -

caped costume - free (it's something suitably HEROIC)
daiklaves and broken eggs - Free

drawbacks -

distinguished lodge of one handed writers - +100
Case 53 - +100 (constantly active caste mark)
Obvious Signs Are Obvious - +100
Green Herring - +100
Priority Target - +300

Move over alchemicals, Big Dick Solar is back in town and he's here to show all these fucking soulless posers what a real and proper HERO looks like.
>For reference you can buy to custom companions who can both be Celestial Exalts for 100 and the Solaroid/Lunar pairs cost 100 for the same reason. So at 100 Her Redness is competing directly with pairs of Celestial Exalts one of which in each pair is a Solaroid.
And it’s going to be several hundred years before the Celestials can match her. Remember, the Scarlet Empress was able to beat the Ebon Dragon when the Exalted Devs ran the two against each other.
>Ebon Dragon
He really is a loser, damn.
>Exceeding Excellence - 400
>Solaroid - 400 (a proper SOLAR HERO, dawn caste)
I feel like this combination is going to cause things to escalate quickly.
It's still baffling to me how much he seemingly speedwatched or didn't understand. Like, did he miss the entire sequence in episode 7 showing that the whole reason Copper-9 is dead and has a ring system around it is because of single [null] from the Solver exploding it wide open? Or how the Solver ate Earth (and seemingly also deleted the sun)?

>Like, what the whole "eating the null" thing meant.
It was the only way to transfer the Solver to a new primary host, since the singularity inside of the Cyn-Walker was its main entry point into the universe.
Just the fact that Scarlet is Essence 8 says a lot about her, it’s stated in the books that Dragonblooded can’t get above Essence 7 without significant outside help. The only other Dragonblooded that is statted at Essence 8 is the oldest Dragonblooded ever.
Hate to break it to you anon, but you can only buy one thing from the powers section and Exaltations are part of it.
If I went to Pokerogue and gained the ability to summon Idea Construct Pokemon, then went to Worm where one of those pokemon kills Butcher, would the Pokemon inherit or would I? If the pokemon inherits, would Butcher die when the jump ends and the construct dissipates away?
>Remember, the Scarlet Empress was able to beat the Ebon Dragon when the Exalted Devs ran the two against each other.
I can only imagine this being a case of devs not knowing how to play their own system. Hell, with the very first Ebby charm in the book he can give her redness 10+ external penalty to practically everything for a scene.
Honestly even if she's essence 8 she's still a dragonblooded a essence 4 solar could probably take her if she doesn't have the element of surprise.
Hell even a essence 10 Deeb would only be as powerful roughly as a essence 4 or 5 celestial from the way they phrase things.
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Don’t forget the straight DBZ fight in the final episode that Shard somehow didn’t know is a DBZ fight.
The Ebon Dragon also completely sucks at anything in the same zip code as a fair fight.

I could reasonably see one of the Solaroid/Lunar pairs surpassing her within the jump.
Really? It only says you can buy one thing from the power section but the exaltations appear in their own section. If that's the case that you can't have a power and an exaltation (at least if not an alchemical) you may want to make that a bit clearer. If that is the case though I guess I'd swap out the exceeding excellence power for the Lasting Solutions perk.
I really like the perk from it that lets you draw out a symbol that represents the current reality you are in.
It is really useful for getting deep into magical reality engineering. I find it more useful in a number of settings than the shelf.
I guess I will grab those genderbend powers and harem perks earlier than originally planned
Actually, what are some good genderbender powers and perks?
>but the exaltations appear in their own section.
They are one of the power categories in the powers section. Similarly to Mover, Shaker, etc.
I am still trying to find a low level eye laser power that doesn't hit harder than a gun rather than one of the city busters that all the jumps with eye lasers have.
Then I will release an eye laser ritual on the internet in modern jumps. The political fallout of anybody being able to have a perfectly concealed gun that can be fired on a whim will surely have some fun cultural fallout.
I am still chewing through the jump so I will make a build for it sometime in the next week.
>Captain Amelia
>Cornelia li Britannia
>Gwen Tennyson
>Heather Poe
>Joo Dee
>Mitsuka Yoshimine
>Olivier Mira Armstrong
>Totally Spies
>Villetta Nu

Quicksilver start (Pokemon Trainer, InFamous, Mystery Dungeon, Mass Effect, DOOM 2016) with Nubee's Body Mod and Cosmic Backpack as supplements that I immediately gain. 0 companion slots, only followers allowed.
After those first 5 jumps I'll probably go on a very long and lewd vacation, interrupted by the occasional visit to a non-lewd jump to acquire waifus.
Might want to make that a bit clearer. Or put a note in the back about it to head off constant questions about that.
Consider putting the exaltations first, that way they're directly under the only one rule.
That's an idea, unfortunately it majorly screws up my highly autistic formatting and prevents it from being separated by the Custom Powers which is to prevent making it seem like you could use it to make custom Exaltations.
nta but I assumed exaltations were their own section as well that were limited to only the drop-in origin unless you took that one toggle to make exaltations start showing up.
Just put a sentence at the top that says "you may only purchase one power from this section, exaltations count as powers and are limited to the drop-in origin unless you take the legacy of despair and salvation toggle.
Weird, I thought it was pretty clear.
I really like Frostflame the weapon, and thus the corresponding element frostflame, from Hero BBS
bro I don't understand what the fuck it is saying half the time, and I thought savestate's cyoas were bad
>I thought savestate's cyoas were bad
>laughs in Dirge
>Exaltations are part of the powers section, with the exception of the Alchemicals origin Exaltations are mutually exclusive with other powers because of this.
A new bit for the notes section.

>Powers: You may purchase ONE power from the following categories. (Exaltations are a power category.)
A potential change to the one power line.
Started thinking about starting a Pokemon side chain. Just not sure if doing a nuzlocke is worth it. On the one hand it is a challenge, but on the other hand, Pokemon is bullshit and knowing a lot of the anime and such will see things that shouldn't kill my pokemon happen just because of someone else having better plot armor. Plus, I don't think I could be that heartless to my team.
Dirge did FFX right? That one wasn't so bad.
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Alchemical Solutions
Drop In / HERO
Sharing of True Justice
Spiritual Persistency of Self
Heroic Archetype Emulation
Glorious Heroic Presentation
Mandate to Rule 100
Secretive Cheating Retribution 200
Forgotten Unity of Purpose 200
A More Civilized Class of Criminal 100
Favorable Interactions 200
Progress & Optimization 400
Caped Costume
A Gift of Broken Toys 100
Daiklaves and Broken Eggs
Assembly Acquisition 300
Distinguished Lodge of One-Handed Writers +100
Unintentional Nudity Instigation +100
Slaughterhouse Target +200
Priority Target +300

Restrained Violence
Controlled Reputation
Heroes Never Die
Earth Jump
Robotics & Enhancement

Restrained Violence
Controlled Reputation
Lasting Solutions
Secretive Illuminati Method
World Spanning Conspiracy
Enhanced Inertia

A More Civilized Class of Criminal
Second Chances
Pulled Punches
Powers in a Vial
Knockout Touch

A More Civilized Class of Criminal
Second Chances
Smiling Jack
Factional Gang (Elite branch?)
Misty Mirage

Infinitely Sorrowful Sentinel
Transcendent Lotus Installation
Reference Gadgets
Foothold of Alchemical Progress

Alchemical Solutions - Faechain
Drop In / HERO
Sharing of True Justice
Spiritual Persistency of Self
Heroic Archetype Emulation
Glorious Heroic Presentation
Mortally Heroic 100
Secretive Cheating Retribution 200
World Slaying Hero 300
Gift of the Glenn 200
Criminal Mind 200
Arbitrarily Blameless 400
Caped Costume
Daiklaves and Broken Eggs
Wealth and Brooding 50
Scarlet Survivor 100
Distinguished Lodge of One-Handed Writers +100
Unintentional Nudity Instigation +100
Green Herring +100
Priority Target +300

Two builds, one for my primary chain and one for my fae sidechain. Notice how Faechain has 50 cp left over because I only wanted one of the 50 cp companions.
I'll try to make a build when I get off work tomorrow but looks neat for now. Will go over it with an eye towards corrections when I have time.
>Notice how Faechain has 50 cp left over because I only wanted one of the 50 cp companions.
A few more 50 CP options are on the to do list.
Well, he's an employer, so yes.
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And because I'm mildly inspired and have been planning this scene ever since you first mentioned the jump, have a smidge of writefagging.

>Truly, a tragedy had struck the world and all within it. The greatest story every told, that of CREATION, had finally come to it's end. The gates of hell opened wide and disgorged more demons than could be counted. The doors of death and shattered and allowed oblivion to seep into the world. Everyone who could fight back, did, but in time even they fell. Only a few of Creations souls escaped the shattering of their world, and not without cost.
>The children of metal, who had long since wandered into the nothingness were the first to discover the new world, but it was not long before others followed in their path. A small handful of exalts, a few spirits and gods, and a not insignificant number of peasants who were lucky enough to be nearby at the time. Their escape was an alliance with the creatures of the outside, the Wyld.
>And so, at the behest of the survivors, a ship was crafted. From hopes and dreams, from the desire to explore those great frontiers that existed beyond the boundaries of their world. Borne aloft upon a hope of a new home, they cast themselves into the vast.

"Is that the fucking Enterprise?
>The journey was perilous! Many men and women were lost along the way, mostly the peasants. While brave, they weren't the most hardy of souls. They were also wearing red shirts, which as we all know, is a very foolish thing to do. But, with time and no small amount of danger, a new world opened up before them. It was a shallow image of Creation, most likely made by some renegade primordial who didn't wish to bow to Theion and believed they could create an even better world.

"Oh shit why is it on fire? Is it crashing?!?"

>And of course, their entry into the new world was a turbulent and violent affair, the winds of Is and of Is Not tearing into them as the Wyld attempted to reject their very existence in the same breath the boundaries of the new world tried to refuse them passage. Their ship was irreparably damaged as it crossed the threshold, but none upon it were truly worried. After all, if the ship died now, at least they wouldn't be cast into the Wyld.

"What do you mean 'a tinker crashed the enterprise into San Francisco'?"

>I can only wonder at what kind of things we'll discover here. Surely, a new world must run on new rules! What kind of stories will the locals tell? As a world presumably created by the primordials, will they vilify the Exalted Host? Or do they know nothing of the place from whence the inspiration for their world came?

"Lady, why the hell are you naked?"

>Oh? My clothes caught on fire so I took them off of course!

"...Just. Put something on before you get arrested for public indecency!"

>I refuse! Tell me more about this indecency you speak of, I need to know more about it to judge whether it is something to be feared or not.
>As I was saying... These are the voyages of the starship Mary Sue. It's ten year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no Exalt had gone before!


>Stop interrupting my inner narration!
>Special Sense: Telepathy
“Why wouldn’t I interrupt it? It’s appallingly witless.”
Because Mary Sue is a massive egotist who genuinely can’t conceive a world where she isn’t the most important thing. And would absolutely kill a shitton of people in order to make her dramatic entrance. Or, if you prefer-

>Bit characters don’t get opinions!
This amuses me, do you have a PDF of your writefagging for this chain?
>Because Mary Sue is a massive egotist who genuinely can’t conceive a world where she isn’t the most important thing.
Yeah, which is what makes it fun to respond to her.

>Bit characters don’t get opinions!
“Then shut up.”
Technically, no. Faechain, while technically it's own disctinct thing that I will work on... eventually, largely falls under the category of reccuring character. This is technically the only other bit i've done from her perspective, though my main chain is much larger. I actually need to rejjiger the order of Mary's jumps, they need to be backwards for stylistic reasons.

>Don't be silly, I only shut up during training montages and timeskips. You can't talk during those or you won't be able to hear the music play!
You have inspired me to write a new item.
>Merchandizing (50/100): Every hero worth their salt shares one thing in common here, namely a great deal of crap with their name and cape persona on it. Every week you now receive a large box of assorted merchandise based on yourself and your companions; lunch boxes, action figures, the special edition t-shit, a cereal, novelty cups, plush toys, bed spreads, and more all of which are of significant quality despite often being rather cheesy. Of course there’s no reason to just keep this to yourself so for 100 you’ll find that as your group’s fame, celebrity status, and brand recognition grow in a world you’ll see your merch start appearing on store shelves with you receiving a rather nice cut of the sales revenue it produces.
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>Don't be silly, I only shut up during training montages and timeskips. You can't talk during those or you won't be able to hear the music play!
>Insuperable Clarity of Hearing
“Correction, you can’t talk without impairing your ability to hear music. Not all of us are so limited.”
All of them? That's pretty much one of the things that being a reincarnating demigod with harem perks allows you to do.
>Can be a Solar
>But no Eidolon
Nice. I mean, does me no good because obviously Mary Sue would buy it at the 100 cp level and thus still have 50 cp left over, but it's a start.

Is that an actual thing, or a custom charm?

>Eh? Oh, silly me, I mispoke. I don't mean you or me, I mean the audience! You know, the people sitting in the theaters, or on their big comfy chair, or at the computer desk. Although soundtracks in a text based medium has always been kind of akward...
>Now, enough of this, I have shippers to taunt online, and I need to convince Jumpy to let me recton my build to pick up the merchandise item so that everyone can have a tiny piece of me to take home with them. Toodles!
Why does GenericAnon call his jump Final Fantasy Dissidia when the game is called Dissidia Final Fantasy? Is he stupid?
>Is that an actual thing, or a custom charm?
Both, in a way. It’s from Hundredfold Facets of Enlightenment. Though I have tried making a few custom charms of my own, making Virile Bull Style and Quicksilver Body Style got me interested in writing up a few ideas.
It's just so tedious
She doesn't have enough of a personally for there to be any meaningful answers to this. She'd just do whatever was written and it would work as well as anything else she does. I've said it before but Wildbow writing an insect themed supervillainess protagonist and somehow making her the most boring, nothing character imaginable is honestly astounding. No one should be able to accomplish that.
Same, I'm so fucking tired of snake eyes Yubel. Mugga, stop superpoly'ng my stuff, I'm being serious. don't make me activate another gravedigger's trap hole on your gy nonsense. I swear I'll use shifter next turn you fucking bitch.
What do you think about the Blue-Eyes Xyz?
Damn good. A bit difficult to use in other decks unless its some weird variant of dragon link/pile or galaxy dragon, which works for me.
structure deck in the ocg also has most if not all the stuff you want in the deck proper.
If the tcg doesnt fuck it up then it will be one of the best structure decks in the recent years, alongside traptrix and albaz.
That would be good for the game, I feel. The other Blue-Eyes structure deck is still being sold because of Yugiboomers, so if the new one covers most modern staples it will be a good on-board for new players.
If I had anyone to play with a playable blue eyes structure deck might get me to try yugioh again.
The new structure has all summoning mechanics except Pendulum, so unironically it might be a good tutorial deck as well.
Is there an online format that lets you get structure decks?
One of the current big weaknesses to get new people into the game is the lack of a beginner friendly product to recommend, in the OCG you can just buy some of the deck building packs with your friends and make a literal draft version to play new stuff.
This doesn't happen in the TCG which means we have no good products to give the new players outside the structure decks, some are incredibly lackluster like the resonators. Others like traptrix were pretty good since you could just buy 3 copies, a pack of sleeves, plus some cheap tech XYZs and extenders like parallel exceed and start playing.

Making the TCG version of the blue eyes structure deck would be a good move since it not only brings back the yugiboomers, but its an actual good starting point for people that want to try.

The new structure is pretty well rounded in the OCG, it has everything you need for the deck to play, even some staples like veiler, except some of the weirder fusions.
I don't know what you mean. Master Duel has decks to buy, but they aren't the same decks as the physical product.
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Oh hey! I was just finishing up a Exalted mortals build and thinking about the possibility of having it end off with the return of the scarlet empress module because I enjoy suffering. So this could work as a jump 2! Have a build

Jumpers a survivor of creation after... well the return of the scarlet empress adventure ends horribly wrong because of course it does and the void just kept advancing , and with the handful of other... various remnants of creation he's going to try and get them to bury their differences, terrestrial, Godly, solar, celestial. Their really in the shit of it now and creation is dead.
How he became a Terrestial despite being a mortal? I like to think of it as a blessing a bit from one of the dying elemental Dragons as creations laws came undone as jumper and some other survivors passed by trying to make it to the entrance to the shelter in elsewhere. (Or at least its how Im justifying it)
So he and his newfound faction are gonna do there damndest to keep whats left of reality alive. Bury the past to save the future. Also therapy... something tells me everyone in this group is going to need lots and lots of therapy.

Jump 2:Alchemical solutions
>Heroic archetype emulation: Free
>Glorious heroic presenation:Free
>Mandate to rule:-100
>Mortally heroic:-100
>Forgotten unity of purpose:-200
>Exaltation (Terrestial):Free
>Daiklaves and broken eggs:Free
>Elsewhere sanctuary:-200
>God of a fallen world:-50
>Scarlet survivor:-100
>A bird and her shiny:-100
>A queen and her horse:-100
>Envoy of the ominous path:-200
>Distinguished lodge of one handed Writers:+100
>Green Herring:+100
No online sim gives you full structure decks. MD has packs which are close to the real products except with way better ratios.
How would would go about defeating an opponent in such a way as to show utter and complete disrespect. I am thinking maybe summoning an ordinary chicken, slapping an insane amount of buffs on it and letting it loose to beat the shit out of the target. That seems like a fun way to defeat someone and show them they are a piece of shit. Any better ideas? Pic just because she seems somehow appropriate when talking how to defeat someone in such a way as to utterly troll them.
Unleash a horde of despicable me style minions to drive them mad until they give up.
Gangrape by your lowest-rank goblin mooks.
The Curse of the Bird. Cause someone to perpetually hear the Bird is the Word at high volume. Permanently.
Luck manipulation to make them fail by (seemingly their own means and incompetence). Like they try to hit you but slip and knock themselves out. But subtle enough that they don't immediately guess it's fate manipulation.
I'm sorry, but I can't get over the idea of PHO and their tendency to shorten names having an aneurism over an Abyssal.
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[Alchemical Solutions]

Drawbacks: Distinguished Lodge of One-Handed Writers, Case 53, Unintentional Nudity Instigation, Metal Mind, Obvious Signs Are Obvious, Slaughterhouse Target, Priority Target, Engine of Extinction (2600)


Marketable (Free)
Sharing of True Justice (Free)
Spiritual Persistency of Self (Free)
Heroic Archetype Emulation (Free)
Glorious Heroic Presentation (Free)
Favourable Interactions (2400)
[Advance] [Improve] (2000)
Exaltation: Solaroid (Infernal, Cecelynean Defiler) (1000)
Custom Power: Sleeper (500)
Caped Costume (Free)
Daiklaves and Broken Eggs (Free)
Scarlet Survivor (+100, 500)
Miracle of Black and Silver (400)
Enduring Assembly (200)
Assembly AcquisitionX8 (0)
-Infernal, Unintentional Nudity Instigation (700), Distinguished Lodge of One-Handed Writers (800), Marketable (Free), Sharing oF true Justice (Free), Spiritual Persistency of Self (Free), Heroic Archetype Emulation (Free), Glorious Heroic Presentation (Free), Exaltation: Solaroid (Infernal, Malfean Defiler) (400), [Advance] [Improve] (0)

I crashed through Taylor Hebert’s roof, the sky transformed to varicolored eldritch sheens now rimmed with green hellfire and spherical crystals. Furious. Ablaze with anger at Creation’s ruin. And consequently, naked. "WHERE IS HE?! WHERE IS HE?!?!!!!?" I howled.

“Bwuh?!” said Taylor,

“Autochthon. The Great Maker, SLAUGHTERER OF MY KIN” I shouted. “I can feel the echoes of his artifice like hammer blows…in…this universe…” I said, my avatar taking a second glance at the planet beneath his feet. Oh. Well, this was going to be a problem.

Simultaneously eight Green Sun Princes fell from the howling void where once there was Creation, the Scarlet Empress triumphantly bust through from a separate space-time coordinate covered in the Ebon Dragon’s blood and an Abyssal clinging to a chimera stumbled out of an alley.

All of them homing in on my flaring anima

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I mentally recalculated. I had foreseen many bizarre, mostly doomed timelines in the Entities’ native multiverse-a world of biomechanical warfare, a demon-eaten void, even a perfectly ordinary world with no Shards only notable because the American government was imploding in it. This one where Autochthon’s voidcancer was in a terminal stage was, really, no worse than the others.

“Alright” I said, taking a deep breath, “alright, everyone just…calm down. We need to get into the Shard Dimension”

“The fucking WHAT?” everyone present asked, rapt with varying levels of panic and bewilderment as swirling silvery sands swallowed several supernal souls. I was reminded of a conversation I’d had with Cecelyne a long time ago, in which I’d pointed out that she clearly had tremendous power over spatial manipulation judging from her Charms like Swallowed In Eternity and Scorpion-Tailed Mirage Technique, to which she’d pointed out that she didn’t want to be the Space Yozi, but the Righteous Heresiarch Yozi.

The confused screaming of everyone in the Shard Dimension brought me back to reality. I quickly explained to Taylor the nuances of the Entity life cycle, the specifics of the Shard Dimension, the nature of her patron’s illness and likely consequences of his illness. To her credit, she took it relatively stride. It may or may not have been because of the Clarity flareups.

The other survivors of Creation, after some brief misunderstandings and flared tempers, quickly decided that with Creation totalled due to everyone’s plans operating at cross purposes and the will of the Yozis being a moot point when nobody was even sure if they’d survived that I was probably their best chance at surviving since I knew what was going on.

The Abyssal burst into happy tears when I showed Pattern-Reassertion Touch could, with a few upgrades, be used to heal even Chimerahood.

Stop being a cuck
Teleport them to Endor
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“…I can’t believe I’m saying this, but righteous Primordial justice is going to have to be put on hold” I said finally.

“We’re surrounded by non-euclidean monsters that appear to be the Shards’ guardians” pointed out the Scarlet Empress, as several Shards’ guardian avatars started lumbering towards us. “Can we talk about that?”

“Oh. Don’t worry about those” I said dismissively, “even a depowered teenage girl could brawl with one”

By way of demonstration, I used S-TMT and Mind-Hand Manipulation to pluck off one’s arbitrary limbs. It flopped around helplessly.

“…that is both underwhelming and hilarious” she said thoughtfully, using Shadow Slave Extraction to make clones of the Shard Guardians to battle each other.

Normally Holy Land Infliction and Dune-Drowned Oasis Ritual would take unfeasibly long amounts of time to set in motion, but unexpected synergy between Yozi power and the Shard I was attached to let me just spam them. In minutes, vast swathes of Zion’s network and Eden’s adrift remnants were saturated with Yozi energy. In hours, much of the Shard Network was suitable for development into Yozi-aspected manses (“Show of hands: Who here was smart enough to invest in Craft Charms?” The Empress and about 3 Infernals raised their hands. Oddly, one of them used Malfeas’ less-advertised ones).

In days, I had hijacked the Gray Boy Shard as well as my own. As I explained to Taylor, the Entities’ time-looping abilities could be used to fasttrack Essence maturity for those with the will to stay on the meditation grind.

In weeks, I and my Elder Essence comrades had managed to develop a Shard Akumatisation process that Essence-sensitive Shards could transmit to each other.

Throughout all this, the Slaughterhouse Nine were running in circles on Earth trying to track me through fanfiction reports and failing because they didn’t know about the Shard Dimension.

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We returned to a world where numerous parahumans were experiencing unprecedented and unpredictable Yozi mutations or thematics to their parahuman abilities. Due to Cecelyne Charms functioning off an Essence hierarchy I was able to cow a great many threats and organisations simply through Charm interaction precedence. The S9 zeroed in on me only to find themselves comically transformed into First Circle Demons because I’d used Gifts of Greater Glory to give myself Inner Devils Unchained, and then ordered to forge themselves into chalcanth. Cauldron got slapped with As You Wish, Killing Clause Largesse and Bestowal of Accursed Fortune so many times due to their desperation that they just woke up one day to find that I was the legal owner of all their assets, and any attempt to contest this resulted in inevitable Final Destination-level infrastructure collapses. Despite the Simurgh breaking Mach 114 racing around the planet-I simply used Noumena-Seizing Assimilation on key Entity infrastructure in the Shard Dimension to hijack her. Then subjugated the other Endbringers through her.

The result of endowing humanity with various Lintha-like powers and abilities, Alchemical-created infrastructure and more or less hollowing out Zion from the inside-out into a free-willed but inclined to be obedient Akuma on top of reviving Eden as one too then having both broadcast this potential solution to resource shortages to the other Entities was that with the help of my new allies, within half a decade I was able to mass produce enough God-Machine Protocols, thaumaturgical purification practices and artificial Primordial organs like that artificial moonsilver-orichalcum heart from the Gunstar timeline to save Auto where his own plan had failed.

The first thing Autochthon saw after opening his eyes was me smacking him upside the head, screaming “WAKE THE FUCK UP ASSHOLE, LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE” while a struggling Taylor Hebert tried to hold me back.

Please do not bully Auto-kun, that's how we got here in the first place.
>The first thing Autochthon saw after opening his eyes was me smacking him upside the head, screaming “WAKE THE FUCK UP ASSHOLE, LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE” while a struggling Taylor Hebert tried to hold me back.
I find it fucking hilarious that this alone told me you'd taken Alchemical Taylor as a companion, just because she's trying to keep you from going nuts on the latest subject of your incandescent fury like Elodie usually does. Actually, on that note, wonder how Elodie and Alchemical Taylor are getting along...
>Exaltation: Solaroid (Infernal, Cecelynean Defiler) (1000)
>Custom Power: Sleeper (500)
This is some fun stuff and I appreciate the writefagging but these are mutually exclusive, you can only buy one thing from the powers section and Exaltations are treated as powers.
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Conky and co aren’t around to bail his ass out, he’s got nobody left alive to protect him from the cosmic wedgies anymore (it’s like an atomic wedge but even harder).

Well. Except Taylor Hebert and co. Tbh I already have my hands full trying to implement my new hotfix to the Entity life cycle via Infernals jump-enabled free-willed Akumahood so I guess I’m stuck limiting my bullying to things like making friendly mini-Yozis and leaving them around Auto with signs reading THEY’RE ALL DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU or passive aggressively creating a green hellfire dance-powered calculation golem next to an actual supercomputer just to show Malfeas Charms can build calculation engines when applied properly too.

Oh shit, I’m fucking blind. Alright, as much as it kills me inside to do this I think I’ll have to drop the Infernal Exaltation simply because I have a whole bunch already. I’ll…figure out what to spend 400 CP on later.
Do the non-exalted powers for sale make you a parahuman with all the drawbacks and vulnerabilities that come with it?
Yes, do note however the Free* general perk for resisting the mind fuckery.
How do people handle the spiritual mechanics of multiple Exaltations of different types? Can you combo charms of different exaltations together? Is it multiple separate essence pools each with their own rating, take highest essence pool or each exaltation adds to the highest essence pool? Same for things for charms such as Ox-Body Technique.
Oh right also anima banners how do you handle those? One big Ur-Anima Banner, or is the Anima Banner based off of which Exalt's essence pool you are using the most of at any given time.
Actually thinking about it I'll axe the exaltation. That doesn't make any sense. Still gonna roll with the rest of it though him being a surviving mortal hero. Though probably plant the seeds of major survivors guilt and imposter syndrome a bit. Being a relative normie trying to be a hero for a decade on on the chain when your surrounded by exalts will probably do that a bit.
From memory, each exaltation has a small pool of essence within it, which is where the personal/peripheral divide comes from. So the anima banner that pops up will depend on which exaltation you're drawing power from the most. This also means that you take longer to hit that point, because you can cast charms from the essence of your Solar exaltation right up until you hit the threshold for the banner popping up, and then switch to a different one to prevent it from actually showing.

The charms shouldn't matter. As long as you qualify to learn them overall, you're good.

I'm not actually sure how you would handle the ratings of each exaltation, but iirc you need to be hundreds of years old to hit E6 to begin with, so it's generally not a problem you'll run into. Unless you're a lunar. In which case... eh, if you had one at E3, one at E5, and one at E7, I'd say you need to pay for the E3 up to E5, and then when you level up again it levels them both up. That's probably fair-ish.

It's worth noting that a relative normie mattering in any capacity amongst a group of exalts is in fact, grounds for exaltation.
Turn them into a flea, mail that flea to yourself, smash it with a hammer
>It's worth noting that a relative normie mattering in any capacity amongst a group of exalts is in fact, grounds for exaltation.
Yeah but theirs only so many exalted shards and the vast majority of them sure aren't on earth without the drawback in alchemical solutions. that and in exalted mortals its a hard guarantee you can't exalt even if you do heroic deeds. The odds just don't line up sadly.
I mean, I've seen at least one person go "and then the gauntlet ended and immediately led into Solars because I finally exalted from all that bullshit".
Does progress and optimisation work with biology & biosciences?
>Can you combo charms of different exaltations together?
Probably, though you’d have to figure out what you can do with that on your own.

>Same for things for charms such as Ox-Body Technique.
Ox-Body is a little odd, so maybe you could stack it.
I prefer to leave the Gauntlet on the verge of death and pick up with either Abyssals or Infernals, leaving Fair Eyes to think she let me die and setting her up to find out I'm alive only to see me as a twisted corruption of everything I tried helping her to be.
Neat. Thanks.
>I mean, I've seen at least one person go "and then the gauntlet ended and immediately led into Solars because I finally exalted from all that bullshit".
Yes but once the gauntlet ends your out of the world and thus still ineligible though if its a continuation of the same world. I suppose maybe theirs a chance he attracts a exaltation in the transition?
I'd assume they either stack anywhere that overlaps or act like Gestalt Classes where you get all features of each one and get the best version of whatever overlaps.
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I am sane and can be trusted with this information.
I'm sure Secrets will have a heart attack of she see's you show up as an abyssal.
Please don't do that to the poor woman. She worked so hard to redeem herself she doesn't deserve that. (Im actually the mortal anon guy. Jumpers first Jump kinda centered around him trying to redeem them for the first half of the Jump.)
Sure, you can be like that. OR you could traumatize everyone who loves you? Just a thought.
Oh hello Ebon dragon.
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Is it bad that I haven't worked on my chain in so long that I can look at it and think "man this is great, I wonder when the next update is? ...oh wait". Because I just discovered that I wrote a pho interlude and it's hilarious.

I went with Infernals personally, but that's technically a retcon because the Mortals gauntlet was never actually meant to be the first jump in my chain. Mechanically I got kidnapped by an Infernal on account of SWLIHN and then Isidoros basically went "I licked her she's mine now". Which is kinda sorta yet more retroactive justification because I'm having events that effected Exalted Vs take place in the jump after because Infernals is technically backstory for Vs even if it's taking place afterwards from my perspective.

It's complicated.

Okay, but considerthe following.

Do it anyways.

Don't be mean to secret, she gets enough shit from her sword she doesn't need you doing it too.
>Is it bad that I haven't worked on my chain in so long that I can look at it and think "man this is great, I wonder when the next update is? ...oh wait". Because I just discovered that I wrote a pho interlude and it's hilarious.
Yes. It is a sign you are reaching terminal levels of cancer.
>Okay, but considerthe following.
>Do it anyways.
...I wish I could and kinda do but I have a bad habit of being autistic in the non shard non fun way and get latched onto whats actually possible and makes sense a bit.
Realistically though, if you have an opportunity like that right in front of you why wouldn't you take it? It makes for such an interesting story compared to the alternative, and you have the best seat in the house as said house burns down. The dynamic wrenching of emotions, the twisting of fundamental truths, and the defilement of the most previously self-justified intimacies, and all of it would be written in their eyes for all to see. Legitimately stop and think of the narrative potential. It's tragic, but beautiful for it, and that's where the poetry in it lies. If you hurt the people who love you, you write a better story out of them. You make them more beautiful. They're just stories anyways.
I'm gonna muzzle you Ebon Dragon.
AHHHHH FUCK MY INSOMNIA I HAVE TO BE UP IN A FEW HOURS! Fuck it with all this Exalted talk I'll make a build for Alchemical Solutions and mess with my Mortal Heroes build.
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How do anons resist doing lewd things to literally every single Touhou when they jump the setting? These cute yokai are just too lewd.
>monster molder
Prime psychological manipulation and dependency bait, much appreciated.
I haven't slept in two days. I sure hope my new bed comes already because Its been impossible trying to sleep on a mat.
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[Alchemical Solutions redux]

Drawbacks: Distinguished Lodge of One-Handed Writers, Case 53, Unintentional Nudity Instigation, Metal Mind, Obvious Signs Are Obvious, Slaughterhouse Target, Priority Target, Engine of Extinction (2600)


Marketable (Free)
Sharing of True Justice (Free)
Spiritual Persistency of Self (Free)
Showmanship (Free)
A More Civilised Class of Criminal (Free)
Favourable Interactions (2400)
[Advance] [Improve] (2000)
Custom Power: Sleeper (900)
Second chances (800)
Smiling Jack (500)
Caped Costume (Free)
A Good Home (Free)
Scarlet Survivor (+100, 500)
Miracle of Black and Silver (400)
Enduring Assembly (200)
Assembly AcquisitionX8 (0)
-Infernal, Unintentional Nudity Instigation (700), Distinguished Lodge of One-Handed Writers (800), Marketable (Free), Sharing oF true Justice (Free), Spiritual Persistency of Self (Free), Heroic Archetype Emulation (Free), Glorious Heroic Presentation (Free), Exaltation: Solaroid (Infernal, Malfean Defiler) (400), [Advance] [Improve] (0)

And revisions done.

…if CruelSpaceAnon does end up ruling Sleeper’s power is in excess of Eidolon/Glastig Uaine, I will happily go back to figuring out a Cecelynian Defiler build with 500 extra CP. Oddly I…think it’s just about on the extreme borderline within those limits, despite the implied scope of what he can do /without interference/? I mean even after 2/3s of the Triumvirate are dead, Legend can still reliably deter Sleeper from expanding by blasting away vast swathes of terrain, it’s generally agreed Eidolon is the strongest member of the Triumvirate when he isn’t having trouble getting it up, and Glastig can potentially absorb a dead Eidolon’s power. It’s kinda funny. Despite being able to (apparently) incapacitate an Endbringer permanently, they treat Sleeper less like an Endbringer-level disaster and more like a regular tropical storm that’s expensive to deal with but predictable and reasonably survivable.
My grandmother died of cancer. Hope I don't get any, that would suck.

I can't help you then, if you're not willing to help yourself.
>I can't help you then, if you're not willing to help yourself.
Yeah... its a issue admittedly. Eh screw it. Lets try to do it anyway. The exaltation bit at least. if nothing else surviving the end of the world feels like it'd be worthy of a lunar exaltation putting aside all the things he did before that point.

>My grandmother died of cancer. Hope I don't get any, that would suck.
Also my condolences anon. Cancer is a true horror. I hope it never touches you.
God I wish we had a good jump for it.
>do it y-
>Sleeper’s power is in excess of Eidolon/Glastig Uaine
The 500 tier custom power is the same 'power level' as the 400 CP ones, so well below Eidolon/Glastig unless there is a great deal of build up/work required to reach that point.

That said nobody has any fucking clue what Sleeper's power actually is aside from being able to fuck up Ziz if she gets tossed into it. I don't think WB even knows.
I choose to believe that the Sleeper's aura is an aura of pure unrelenting Plot Armor.
Beware: Mew is in your walls.
it's pretty heavily implied that only Parahumans can inherit Butcher's power, so you'd probably get it.
...Again? God danm it. I'll get the pickaxe. I'm beginning to wonder if having a psychic floating cat is perhaps not the best idea.
The trickiest part is the fact that at any time it can Transform into a variety of creatures and slip right through any attempts to Mew-proof your house.
>Transform into Vaporeon and escape through the drains
>Transform into Gastly and just fly right through the walls
>Transform into Porygon and escape into the internet (your browser history is NOT SAFE)
And that's not mentioning the fact that it can just teleport at will.
Yeah it makes em a bit tricky. I love the little bastard but their trouble and still the problems getting them out of the walls if they get stuck. I already have one covered up by a poster from the last time they were playing around. You gotta be in our out mew! Not literally in the middle of the house looking at me like you want me to do something about it.
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Ah I see, fair enough. I guess I could try to swing a mini-Sleeper power, but at that point I might as well just bust out a custom Devil-Tiger Shintai combining Demon Emperor Shintai with the Greater Shintai of the Endless Desert.

[Alchemical Solutions redux]

Drawbacks: Green Herring, Distinguished Lodge of One-Handed Writers, Case 53, Unintentional Nudity Instigation, Metal Mind, Obvious Signs Are Obvious, Slaughterhouse Target, Priority Target, Engine of Extinction (2700)


Marketable (Free)
Sharing of True Justice (Free)
Spiritual Persistency of Self (Free)
Heroic Archetype Emulation (Free)
Glorious Heroic Presentation (Free)
Favourable Interactions (2500)
[Advance] [Improve] (2100)
Exaltation: Solaroid (Infernal, Cecelynean Defiler) (1100)
Smiling Jack (500)
Caped Costume (Free)
Daiklaves and Broken Eggs (Free)
Scarlet Survivor (+100, 500)
Miracle of Black and Silver (400)
Enduring Assembly (200)
Assembly AcquisitionX8 (0)
-Infernal, Unintentional Nudity Instigation (700), Distinguished Lodge of One-Handed Writers (800), Marketable (Free), Sharing oF true Justice (Free), Spiritual Persistency of Self (Free), Heroic Archetype Emulation (Free), Glorious Heroic Presentation (Free), Exaltation: Solaroid (Infernal, Malfean Defiler) (400), [Advance] [Improve] (0)

I think Wildbow actually shot that one down a while ago, in typical Wildbow fashion.

Well, at the very least it’s NOT an advanced Stranger power, and going by Wildbow’s comments it SEEMS to be something similar to ORT’s Crystal Valley, except presumably Sleeper IS the field effect and he’s…storm-themed.
I'm gonna do a Pokemon Arc in my chain. I'm thinking...ten jumps. Here's what I got on the docket so far.
>Magical Pokemon Journey
>Pokemon Anime
>Infinite Fusions
>Sword and Shield
>Tabletop United
Can't jump the original Pokemon Trainer, used it in another chain. Which four other PokeJumps should I toss in the PokeArc?
Being horny isn't the same thing as having a crush
So could I take power building and burn a few charges to expand on that power itself? Make it produce more charge or maybe gain a small amount of charge from different sources? Kind of thinking of somehow using other peoples powers as batteries for charges such that I could drain a targets powers and doing so would give me more power to play around with. Or maybe if I go as one of the exalted let me burn charm slots for more power builder charge.
As a child, I had a crush on Amy Rose.

As a teenager and onwards to adulthood, I became enlightened and fell in love with Rouge.

If given a chance, I'd be happy with Amy. But I still deeply prefer Rouge.
>maybe if I go as one of the exalted let me burn charm slots for more power builder charge.
I can just imagine a lunar burning their charms so they can buy the power to summon prefect grilled cheese sandwhiches at will.
>reading SCP by stupid dog
>trying to parse the difference between Anartists and Wondertainment perks
>Wondertainment's last perk is wrapped in whimsical prose
>Anartists perks are more understandable at face value
as much as I fucking love and adore Doctor Wondertainment, I guess I'm a dirty artist now.
Exaltations should be stripped of the Great Curse(not just in a drawback) and Resonance. They should also have their cosmetic alterations made toggle-able.
Be an anartist and make whimsical gadgets and items? Add nicer paint when done?
Bro, just don't exist.
My only childhood crushes where Samus and wasp from the avengers. I would go for samus in a heartbeat but Janet is unfortunately a married woman.
>Exaltations should be stripped of the Great Curse(not just in a drawback) and Resonance.
Nah. We're not on Cringebattles or cringeddit.
As if that's an obstacle in Marvel.
She's from an animated series. Marvel humans are more moral in those
>Janet is unfortunately a married woman.
she and her husband have marriage problems for like half the show, hell she literally tries to make him jealous at some point with Tony(only by verbal suggestions rather than actually cheating or anything).
it would take like a minor push here and there for them to get divorced and for her to move on.
The bar is set so low it’s long since set into Hell.
You cannot be divorced in the eyes of God
I'm pretty sure undergoing a mental break, calling yourself Yellowjacket, and basically deciding to be Man with a (shrink) gun is grounds for a divorce.
Shut up Ultron.
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Fine you've convinced me, I'll be a homewrecker.
At least from my point of view, since the whole Yellowjacket thing was never resolved in the show, I don't think there's much of a home left to wreck.
Didnt he slap her around a bunch in one version?
There's no point in even trying to stop it.
Based choice in Wasp.
there are far more grand displays of power, than a mere pattern of non-existence.
Ant man is (was) a notorious wife beater in the comics, yeah. EMH ant man never punched wasp as far as i remember.
Why would you make a superhero a wifebeater? Is literally any Marvel hero except Spider-Man an actual hero? Why is Marvel so ass?
I've got something of an idea for an overarching metaplot for my chain, but I need some help getting this thing working. The base idea is this: I want to make the Shifting Mound/whatever it was before it was split my Benefactor, but the lore of my chain establishes that my Jumper's current Benefactor is, in fact, dead. My Jumper's scheduled to meet an echo of their Benefactor's dying thoughts in Jump 50 (Hyperion Cantos), and in Jump 99 (Terra Hypnagogica) I'm gonna write things so that a rotting piece of their corpse is the fundamental origin/catalyst for the existence of Viralborgia.

How do I square the circle of having the Shifting Mound be my Benefactor while still maintaining the previous lore of "they're really fucking dead"?
They got shot by Soft and Wet Go Beyond
nta, but if I remember correctly he originally accidentally hit her while trying to shoo her away, but this just stuck to his image since Antman wasn't that popular to begin with, so marvel just leaned into it.
I am pretty sure other heroes had similar scenes throughout the years, but those were usually very small part of things people remember them by, so they're not part of the image.
It was a legitimate misdraw from the actual artist, who was overworked. It only got retconned into being wifebeating after the fact.
Also people should know that in the context of things, Ant-man was about use killer robots to stage a potentially lethal confrontation with the Avengers so he could swoop in at the last minute to look like a hero again, which is probably worse imo.
>which is probably worse imo.
Rape and wifebeating are worse crimes in current year. Especially from a "this is a character in a story" perspective. How many murderers have been redeemed in fiction vs rapists?
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>tfw no demon-cannibal sister-wife
nta, but drama/romance series aimed at women are actually full of rapists being redeemed.
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Not in my experience, but maybe I'm just malformed.
The Shifting Mound can outright die if The Long Quiet chooses to kill her core, and she accepts this as an outcome the same as any other. And given how you can still have individual parts of TLQ and TSM develop individuality of their own or even force themselves back into existing in certain situations (the Voice of the Hero), you can easily justify some lingering part of her continuing to be present even after TLQ chose to kill her and shape existence alone. Heck, maybe that lingering part of her is a part of TLQ to begin with, given the Narrator explains a part of her exists within him which is his justification for his eternal kingdom of stagnancy in its entirety.
Thank you; important clarification though. I intend to jump Slay the Princess as jump 200 of my chain, so the Shifting Mound will still be alive (if trapped) at this time while my Jumper finds remnants and chunks of whatever they were before they were the Shifting Mound. I think I'm starting to get a vague idea of how I can work this plotline though. The basic structure I'm thinking is "Benefactor exists as whatever it was before>Creates the Ascension Engine (thing which justifies my Jumper's jumpchain without a Benefactor) to create some sort of equal given enough time>gets sundered by the Narrator and dies>Shifting Mound is trapped in the box, but can't be killed because the parts that would've become the Long Quiet are scattered>Jumper enters picture>does Jumpchain for many, many jumps>gathers powers, mantles bits and pieces of Dead Benefactor>enters Slay the Princess and disparate parts align to become the Long Quiet>TLQ and Shifting Mound re-united at long last."

That make sense as a general metaplot?
Hey dumb ass question but for Alchemical solutions- Do you think you could be a alchemical while also being a survivor of creation? Odd to ask but I'm thinking if some slim possibility a surviving mortal of creation gets noticed by autocthon that'd probably pique his interest.
...Actually, now that I think about it-it'd make more sense that the Ascension Engine is, in fact, a creation of the Narrator; something to gather up the disparate pieces and chunks of The Long Quiet and forge them back into a coherent weapon that can be used to...Slay the Princess. Huh. Think I can work with that, actually.
Having a crush means someone gives you butterflies in your stomach and you wanna hold their hand and take them on a date and get married and live happily ever after.
Stab them and then walk away. Don't even give them the dignity of acknowledgement by confirming your kill.
In 1e and 2e all Alchemicals hail from the population upon him, period. 3e has Alchemicals in Creation though; I don’t remember much about how or why, or if there’s been elaboration on either.
Yeah I know that bit but alchemical solutions has Autocthon taking people on Earth and turning them into Alchemicals and thats the intended origin of the alchemicals.
I'm asking if say, You take the alchemical origin and other stuff necessary to be a survivor of creation. You could flavor it as being a mortal of survivor who got to creation before being noticed by the Big A and exalted.
Oh, fair enough. Yeah I got nothing if it’s about the quest specifically.
>Why is Marvel so ass?
It's a botched attempt at gritty realism relatability.
It's why Stark's an alcoholic and Banner is legitimately mentally ill ignoring UltraSatan or whatever the fuck is going on with Gamma radiation now.
Marvel wants people struggling to be heroes and never quite meeting the lofty goals they set for themselves.

Whereas DC heroes do in fact meet the standards that set for themselves, usually at some cost to their personal lives.
Basically, Spider-Man is DC hero trapped in Marvel. The Horror.
To be fair, DC sometimes goes overboard too with the grimdarkness but.
In a different way.

Put it this way: When Raven got all rapey with the Titans earlier in their publishing history, it was with the understanding she was LITERALLY the daughter of Trigon and the evil was in her genetics, or when Dream of the Endless was an asshole addressing him being an asshole turned out to be the entire plot of Sandman. There is also the extremely misguided portrayal of Superman during New 52, and even then it’s not like he was beating Wonder Woman when they were shipped together. He was just kind of a huge fratboy type insecure asshole. And while it took IRL years, the writers DID eventually in-universe retcon the poor bastard by having him and Rebirth Superman fuse into one guy during a timeline conjunction, Tuvix-style. As for Jean Loring, she has very consistently been treated like a mentally disturbed woman with genuine problems.

What I’m trying to say is that while DC has it’s fair share of issues and fuckups, when someone fucks up there is usually an attempt to actually address and follow through with it, instead of Tony perpetually being a drunk asshole and Banner’s mental issues advancing to the point where they now have discrete independent bodies when in The One Below All’s domain.


(To this day, Batman has not been held accountable for Brother Eye)
>(To this day, Batman has not been held accountable for Brother Eye)
Look, his other needlessly super strong robot beat him up at least.
>To be fair, DC sometimes goes overboard too with the grimdarkness but.
>In a different way.
Didn't the 90s have Doctor Fate melting the helmet down and turning it into a knife or something?
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>"Sir, a second Batman-created AI has hit the tower"
>It's a botched attempt at gritty realism relatability.
>It's why Stark's an alcoholic
People consider Demon in a Bottle a classic though.
The 90s were pretty weird for everyone.
the 90s are generally considered the worst era of comic books.
Second worst. The current era is also kinda garbage
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Is there any jump that i can use to go to Guilty Gear? I NEED the Valentines. I'll even take reddit i dont care
I would say they WERE considered the worst era of comic books prior to basically everything from 2017 and onwards, but to be fair comics also kind of nosedived in cultural relevancy sometime around...I wanna say 2010 to be safe, to the extent any readers who aren't either the kind of hardcore Spider-Man fans determined to see his sorry through after the Paul NTR is established to, like him selling his marriage to Mephisto, be A Thing they just have to deal with. Shills and the kind of people who can read Batkek with a big goofy smile. Or content farmers.

I guess it's hard to be considered the worst era of comic books if you publish at a time when most people have stopped caring anyway.

It was the era of Superman randomly getting electric powers from going through a forcefield, yeah. It was also a naive time when everyone assumed that WAS as bad as things could get, and Orion was still somewhat of a credible threat to Darkseid.

On a good day.
It was foretold, at least.

There was nothing in the 90s as bad as Paul or Batkek, and I will die on that hill.
>There was nothing in the 90s as bad as Paul or Batkek, and I will die on that hill.
Not even Boneverine and the Clone saga?
There are plenty of people who find goofiness and levity to be anathema, thus finding the Silver Age to be the worst though
>X is the worst time period for Y
>Except the modern day, which is even worse
>Every time
Progress is a myth
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Those people need to get the sticks removed from their asses.
>All the girls love him
>All the boys admire him
>All the villains respect him deeply while also hating him
The Ultimate Power Fantasy Hero: Jumper!
Boneverine and the Clone Saga was a mercy compared to the shit spiral that is Krakoa. A FUBAR that is entirely so, so, SO much the X-Men and everyone they saw fit to get in with's fault i.e. their own fucking supervillains that it's left the X-Men completely unsalvageable by association.

I mean strictly speaking, AFAIK technically all the X-Men you know and love are dead and replaced by identical clones. I dunno if the Phoenix Room shite retconned THAT, they always fuckin' use the Phoenix to handwave mutie problems.

Progress isn't entirely a myth, but it is for comics specifically because they are run by people who write comics the way the generic dream guy made his jump.

>"I get a warm happy feeling inside when I write X, therefore it's objectively good and everyone who disagrees is wrong"
>the generic dream guy
Eh screw it. I'll go lunar for this Jumper exaltation wise. Never done that before usually its just mortal or terrestial. Pretty sure with all the Jumps for exalted now you could make a pretty sick lunar anyway. Survival in general sorta falls under lunas umbrella right?
Wow anon, you know a LOT about comic books!
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>All the villains respect him deeply while also hating him
>Take “You Will Be Mine, Tail Red!” from “Gonna be the Twin Tail” jump
>That respect will snowball into a dangerous game of love or obsession
yes, it's in fact their corest of core themes, luna herself ate her sisters and incorporated their powers and shapes into herself to survive
Good enough I can do something with that then. Survive the end of creation and oddly enough keep picking up Redeemed abyssals between secret and the new solar in alchemical solutions.
the peak abyssal romance, or honestly any positive social interaction whatsoever for an abyssal, has always been with their lunar mate, because while the neverborn can punish the abyssal for any sin of life, the lunar mate is the eternal exception and sins of life just don't in any way register as long as it's with their bonded lunar, so maybe do something with that
We used to have an anon here who took personal offence to Luna for being an embarrassment to moon goddesses. I'm genuinely not sure if it was their own opinion, or just their Jumper. I'm the opposite either way, I like Luna. She is completely honest about being an insane shapeshifting predator goddess to the point of gleefully scaring the shit out of the other gods in Yu-Shan, who just happens to be on Creation's side because she is in love with one of it's principal architects and be the rival/childhood friend/fuckbuddy of the Incarnae's king.
Lunars arguably punch up heavily in a chain because you get access to creatures from across a chain you can transform into.
Maybe. Though Jumper met secrets/Knew her even as a mortal. Though their intitial reactions sure as hell weren't positive given she was trying to drag him back to the netherworld.
And the second one already has a lunar mate Would be oddly funny if Jumper ended up getting secrets bonded exaltation though of the pair.
the bond between solaroid and lunar isn't necessarily positive, it's just always somehow important to the lunar
I'd argue they definitely punch up. Creation generally limits what they can shapeshift into with Essence-gating (Behemoths) or supernatural template-gating. But like, in Worm for example Entities are strictly speaking as natural as river dragons and siakas. To use a less extreme example, there's all the whacky bullshit aliens that Visser 3 turns into in Animorphs like the tentacle monster, the giant burning thing and the Antarean Bogg (the huge orange thing he ate Elfangor with). Or hell. Howlers. All nominally evolved creatures, despite Crayak pulling the strings to get them there.
True though their is a lot of overlap with different animals over the chain. I wonder if a xenomorph would be a valid hunt target...
Oh yeah I know that. Just saying him and the abyssal have a relationship that already went beyond just default bond of somekind lunars and solars have on instinct.

Gotta think of a decent spirit animal. Mind went to raven but that may be to easy.
you forgot that she's also his mount, he literally has "ride (luna)" as a specialty on his stat sheet
>like the tentacle monster
If you're talking about the Lerdethak, I'm still fucking mad over that Altermorphs bad ending (because Animorphs had actual proper CYOA books) that has him somehow not die from ingesting poison dart frogs.
>I wonder if a xenomorph would be a valid hunt target...
anything is a valid hunt target, if it isn't immediately then it can become so with the right charm
>I wonder if a xenomorph would be a valid hunt target...
...Other thought as a add on to this? Would pokemon be valid to try and gain the forms of to you guys?
...actually that may be a moot point. I don't think Jumper could bring himself to eat the hearts of pokemon.
It's fine, they'll walk it off in a Pokemon centre.
The Lerdethak, yeah. And yeah, I remember the Animorphs actual CYOA books. I remember getting a sensible chuckle out of the Ellimist being absolutely assmad about you the reader throwing a monkey wrench into his intricate game against Crayak by running into the gang. I think he was the entire reason why you're allowed to retry too, like he is in-universe railroading you to an ideal ending.
yes, lunars can get the form of any creature, including far stranger things than pokemon and xenomorphs, even natively they can get the forms of incorporeal spirits, elementals, and strange demons that work by different laws of physics and stuff like that
That's only in the second book, where you're literally David. Well, not that literally since none of the bad ends involve Rachel forcing you into rat morph but still. The first one is kind of a fairly bog standard "what if (you) too where there with the Animorphs on the fateful first night Elfangor crashed."
And nah, there isn't really any justification for the retries, which is probably a good thing considering how absurd some of the bad endings could get.
Fair enough. Yeah, my brain's probably trying to make up reasons.
Oh thats really good then. Carries over into the chain well. Jumper can be his own pokemon once he hits pokemon then. That'd probably freak a good few people out.
Speaking of transforming into Pokémon, is there a Pokémon RéBURST jump?
Nope, wanna give it a go?
The fact that I read this and had to take a second to consider if that was actually possible says a lot about how retarded Pokemon's technology is.
>How do anons resist doing lewd things to literally every single Touhou when they jump the setting?
Think about ZUN's art.
also, i remember charms for changing the requirements of the hunt somewhere? it may be a third edition thing, but it would be a valid custom charm if you ask me

they were based on attributes, the wits one was i think about violating the privacy of the target somehow, i remember some guy's favorite example was shitting in the panty drawer of the scarlet empress to steal her form
There's canonically a character in Pokemon that got impaled and then hyperbeamed by Raquaza and their condition after that was "confined to a wheelchair, implied that they'll be able to walk again after a period of recovery."
Also the Arbok in pic related survived.
Those were present in 3e, yeah.
Jumper is Superman?
Lex doesn't respect Supes.
Pretty sure Metallo doesn't either. Nor Livewire, Braniac...
A lot of Superman's enemies just flat out fucking hate him. With the state DC is currently in, that description ironically fits the Joker better than anyone right now really. Hell, Lex himself has said at least once that he views the Joker as a kindred spirit deep down.

I mean, the Batfamily LITERALLY broke him out to fight Batkek twice.
No jump number?
Is using the custom power option at the 500cp level viable for getting something the equivalent to Dollmaker Poppet's power with maybe less hivemind or is that beyond its scope?
Red hood jason todd called batman out for being a fucking hypocritical piece of shit when it comes to the joker. He allows joker to kill hundreds and just keeps letting him go. And yes after a certain point it is batmans fault, he has multiple chances to stop him and he doesnt.
Red hood stopped more crime in a night by killing all the gangleaders than batman did in a decade.
>except presumably Sleeper IS the field effect and he’s…storm-themed.
So you're saying he is the storm that is approaching?
No one ever remembers the time Superman literally flew in to save Joker's life from Batman huh
That sounds like it's fine, yeah. It's basically just a really extended (or shortened depending on how many iterations of the Construct you think the Hero went through) version of the base game's plot.
Nta, but Red Hood didn't kill gang leaders, he executed their lieutenant and forced them into paying him tribute and making sure that they dont sell to kids. The only gang leaders he killed were those who did so anyway.
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I have kind of just given up on jump numbers because even aside from the counter function in Word just breaking, even without the metaplot hissy fit/soft reboot culminating in my Jumper trying to compress all of space and time into one reality, staring at the mess of my chain chronology has just made me realise how pointless everything is with how many .1, .2 and .5 jumps there are after folks started making more Type-Moon jumps for example. Myself included. For what it's worth this one was meant to take place after the other Worm jump, but for the life of me I cannot say with certainty if it's jump #300something or jump #400 something.

Things just kinda happen when I think they narratively fit, and I'm honestly no longer sure if that's an in-universe thing as well as an out of universe one as well because Jumpchain has gone on for longer than I predicted.

Based on evidence from Ward, yeah. I mean in Worm he was also briefly seen sitting on a comfy chair by Khephri before she decided he was too much trouble to fuck with.

Batman isn't just a hypocrite about the Joker, he's a hypocrite about his girlfriend Talia too. Frankly Batman is absolutely shit at separating his personal and professional lives, and the main reason he's never called on it is that the Justice League technically speaking has always tried to be something a little more informal and idealistic than a militia with a codified set of ethics more complex than "We fight for a better tomorrow!". Also he is editorially mandated to be friends with Superman.

Yes, I am saying Bruce Wayne has found more than one way to be a nepo baby.
It's not Batman's fault for the Justice system being ass, it's Bruce Wayne's fault for not building a more secure asylum with his Scrooge McDuck levels of money
I don't know how much longer I can do this.
It's not worth it, brother.
stop wanking and go to sleep anon. maybe eat some icecream
I've nowhere else to go.

My day is just starting. I'm on a train headed into work.
I thought it was because he pays for the justice league.
Bullshit. If that was ever true, they have enough big earners by now Bruce can't be the only one paying for everything by now.
I am not here very often yeah but if you want any questions answered I'm here for now.
>Would you say that Material of the Immaterial would let you keep the things you excise with Chirurgical Touch?
It probably would, yeah. Hell, I've got some of the things I based the perk around in my SSeas and FL inventory myself, why can't you keep someone's tendency for moodswings you excised out of them or something.
Batman pays for most of the justice league along with the united nations also giving funding. Both of them lable it as charitable donations and both get kickbacks for it. Theres also a lot of smaller donations from anonymous sources.
You could just start a new chain with a new gimmick
Roll on, buddy.
I like it when the justice league is financed by their own licensed merchandise, which was implied to be the case in the old animated movie universe.
They can go further then that.
>Moon And Earth Song
>This Knack allows the Lunar to pay 10m, 1wp to assume the form of a natural geographic feature—a cloud bank, a mountain, a forest, a stretch of river, a creeping fog. The Lunar must have within her heart’s blood library the form of a spirit corresponding to the feature she wishes to become—a river god, for example, if she wishes to become a river. The Lunar is only semi-mobile in this form, moving at most ten miles per day, and unable to directly act upon anything venturing within her boundaries, though she may observe the interior of her being from any point as though she were present, and adds three dice to all Perception rolls to notice intruders within her. While not immune to damage in landscape form, per se, the Lunar is formidably protected—destroying a Lunar wearing the form of a mountain, for example, would likely require Solar Circle sorcery or powerful artifacts of mass destruction.
>The Lunar may not destroy any existing landscape features by using this Knack; existing geography instead reconfigures itself to account for the new inclusion. For example, if the Lunar were to become a river winding its way through the middle of Whitewall, the city’s streets and roads would temporarily route themselves around it, span the Lunar with bridges, and so forth. A Lunar who became a forest in Nexus would briefly transform Nexus into a thriving trade city located in the heart of a forest. The Lunar also may not assume a geographic form in a place where it is impossible for that feature to exist (clouds, for example, are rarely found underwater, and mountains and rivers generally do not float two hundred feet above the ground), unless she is in the Wyld. Finally, the Lunar’s Tell extends to blanket her in a veil of normalcy; observers must pierce the Tell in order to realize there is anything unusual about a mountain suddenly springing up overnight.
I mean both Mr. T and Power Girl own cutting edge tech businesses (although I'm not sure DC remembers in Power Girl's case), logically even if everyone chipped in a little Batman shouldn't be the sole bankroller by far

>applying logic in comics
yeah yeah I know

What's so bad about the Prester that everyone in the thread seems to hate them so hard?
Huh... what books that from? I'm curious now that goes even further then I as hoping but it is interesting.
Dreams of the First Age Lords of Creation.
Going by the animated movies he's often just the first to offer to pay for stuff even when a lot of other members could cover it as well.
The Prester is the oppressive ruler of the Presbyterate and he hoards immortality, limiting the general populace to 1000 years of life (or 100 in the case of the families of political dissidents). I personally don't think the Prester is THAT bad when you compare him to the rest of the setting's ruling class, god knows the Masters would do worse if they were in the same position, but he's generally in a very antagonistic position wanting to obtain something the player also wants or wanting to destroy something the player wants to protect, so most of the fanbase who knows him has fomented a strong disdain by now.
To be fair, sometimes Wayne is portrayed as cartoonishly fucking rich to the point where the others would never be able to do a dent in the amount of money he can contribute.
Shard will NEVER do that. He's in full sunk-cost fallacy mode.
The difference is that the Masters are too retarded to ever acquire the same powerbase.
Him and many others here.
Is Squad Maker's equipment limited to just modern earth mundane stuff, or could I summon them with stuff that's mundane in other settings, like Fallout's Power Armour, if I learn how to make them?
>When created these soldiers may be equipped with any sort of mundane equipment you have a basic understanding of
Did any of the warhammer jumps give a perk to make servitors?
Why would you want lobotomized people pretending to be calculators and forklifts?
Because just making someone into a corpse would be too merciful for some.
Smuggling for fun and profit on DC's Earth-2. Using his Mother Box and Boom Tube access to build a trade network between Earth and various places out there in the galaxy. Because the whole Apokolips invasion the World Army is extremely pissy about freely flowing alien goods and is tearing their hair out trying to figure out how the network's moving and hasn't put together that it's Boom Tubes yet. At least one state has made a deal with him for protection from the World Army in exchange for access to alien weapons.
Generic upper tier human tech perks in Primarchs and Custodes. Tech marines in the Astartes jump probably know. Tech priest options in IG and Mechanicus jumps. Haemonculie in DEldar could absolutely do something like that. But if you're after a specific perk then no, the closest is the tech capstone in primarch, with a targeted choice for servitors.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell the class. A few days ago, the creator of Nobilis dropped a 160 page document about the native Strategist language. For those of you who do not play /tg/s it is...not normal to get documents this long that have absolutely nothing relevant for the purposes of jump balance for settings, that aren't novels.

But for those who are curious, it IS-as an afterthought-peppered with little trivia bits about Ninuanni ecology and society such as:

>Just as Cneph is apparently a Strategist name translating to "scholar of perseverance", Harumaph's name apparently translates to "the army's good"
>Sword-belts of the Not contain the potential for swords, rather than actual swords
>Some parts of the Not have something LIKE suns, such as the "fisher's star", a supposed blue-white blaze. However, it is widely believed by the Excrucians that the EARTH'S sun has corrupted the Ninuanni word for "fuzzy"
>The Ninuanni lands of the dead aren't proper afterlives, but jumbled heaps of fragmentary myths and concepts
>Faurja, or crownbloom, are a type of royal void-flower alleged to have a symbiotic relationship with fungal ecosystems and is associated with attaining or passing a crown
>While some of this was already all but confirmed, the Ninuanni belief in the void's holiness is elaborated on. The Excrucians see it as a field of possibility-a deep well of richness of experience, a generative force for un-beings, a progenitive/fruitful/life-giving power.
>Formlessness has similar connotations. The Ninuanni conception of it is progenitive and life-giving; the Ninuanni name that represents "formless house" is directly compared to the internal halls of spirit, the void itself, or an idealised school that cultivates the soul-coincidentally, the Headmaster of the Bleak Academy runs the latter


>The luthe (poetic meaning) associated with the Ninuanni word for "Precious" alludes to the Cintamani itself being a potential name for a Strategist
>The deeper meaning behind the Ninuanni word for "Unknown" appears to be some sort of cognitohazard even Strategists themselves struggle to uncover without failure or actual mental breakdowns. It's luthe alludes to endings and inevitable fruition beyond mortal reckoning
>The deeper meaning behind the Ninuanni word for "Void" is speculated to be deliberately obfuscrated by some unknown force
>Eides are associated with things that can conceal themselves like octopi, chameleons and apparently void-lions. Thse things are assumed to function like greek choruses in the Not. In particular there's a type of dream-ash that whispers all manner of stories


That's all. Do with this information what you will.
Thata an entire splat and the source is already dense and obtuse as all fuck
Which exalted jump was the one where exaltations were basically just people being really good at martial arts?
Burn Legend.

>Burn Legend.
Jenna what the fuck are you doing
>The Excrucians see it as a field of possibility-a deep well of richness of experience, a generative force for un-beings, a progenitive/fruitful/life-giving power.
>Gardener & Winnower: It's free real-estate
>Nobilis dropped a 160 page document about the native Strategist language
Where do I find this?
What's the best way to completely derail the plot of Forspoken? Is there some way to prevent sassy black girl from getting isekai'd in the first place? Or perhaps just taking and destroying the cuff before things start getting out of hand? I would pay in coin but we hit the image limit.
Steal the cuff just right after the girl just got it or lock her down in her burning apartment before she can escape.

I am as baffled as you are that I am getting 160-400 fucking page long documents for pocket change every few months.

This is not normal TTRPG creator behaviour. I mean, I'm not complaining but. This is NOT how this normally works.
In that case, the only fictional character I recall ever having a crush on is Heather Poe from VTMB.
Don't give up fren.
>Cursed Technique - Mammon
>The user can summon an incredibly powerful shikigami in exchange for wealth. The shikigami devours offerings for the user in exchange for its services, those offerings' value to the shikigami being determined by their monetary value. Summoning Mammon is extremely expensive as just getting it to appear costs the equivalent of $1,000,000 US and even then it will only fight for one minute with that bare minimum amount. It can also expect greater offerings depending on who it is expected to fight and can be paid to turn on its user if the opponent offers something more valuable than the user's offering. Mammon likes gold the best, so it converts to a somewhat higher value than its actual worth.

>Mammon is a tall golem made of gold and can burn its own internal store of wealth to increase its power or heal itself. It can turn anything it touches two times to gold. Any enemy caught in Mammon's domain is instantly turned to gold and devoured by Mammon.

I will take this with a construction waifu who has Sukuna level CE and body everyone.
Tell her to take her massive sack of money and inform her she can move to a different state with it.
On a siude note, I'm actually cautiously optimistic about the Transformers movie coming out.
Jumpers who have gone to Mortal Heroes how many Half-Castes did you make by the time the gauntlet was over?
I'm trying.
It's Jenna being Jenna. She is very skilled at harnessing her CHAOS autism and turning it into a convoluted spiral of worldbuilding, writing and fluff. Whether you agree or disagree with her whimsy purple prose approach to writing, no one can deny she never hesitates when it comes to doing what she wants.
Jumpers that visit multiple Pokemon settings. Do you import your team into new Pokemon types each time? If so, how do they react to their new pokebodies and powers?
Some of the Masters are considerably less retarded then the others, to be entirely fair, and those Masters HAVE a Prester-sized powerbase. Like, Veils has the authority to start WWI the moment it feels like it, because it, unlike the other masters, is merely pretending to be retarded in order to commit to a bit instead of actually being retarded.
I import them all as the same Pokemon species every time. Then laugh as trainers try to battle a triple Mawile as if she had the stats of a base model. It's actually really funny.
Wait, it acting like a feral disgusting animal is a bit?
Would that make Mawile x6 weak to fire?
The cuff did nothing wrong, reminder that we are never given a reason why Athia went to war with Rheddig or why they were so desperate to summon him the demon/angel. Their victory was named 'The Purge of Rheddig' so as far as we know the girl boss slay ruler nation are genocidal maniacs that deserves being destroyed.
Would the Justice League exist in the Teen Titans show universe?
What makes the Joker a threat?
Is it just a combination of plotting ability and plot armor?
He's a smart normal guy contending with another smart normal guy (Batman).

Outside of that it's the same BS that lets Batman contend with cosmic beings, which is just plot armor.
Plot armor and the fact that batman protects him up to and including after he murders people from batmans family. Or even further
God I hate capeshit.
personally I doubt it, since Robin would probably have known hero sidekicks like Kid Flash or Aqualad if their mentors were part of the same team.
Possibly, in the Static Shock episode where JL shows up Batman says Robin is in TT, so I assume it's referencing the cartoon.
Apparently there's 3 jokers(?). Also since he is popular DC editorial sucks him off, if they introduce a new villain they either make him connected to Joker or call him 'the anti-joker' or some dumb shit like that.
>'the anti-joker'
Am I supposed to cheer for the Joker because he dislikes Nazis? I think the Joker is worse than every Nazi put together if he was a real person.
I think that was meant to hint at a TT crossover that ended up never happening.
>The luthe (poetic meaning) associated with the Ninuanni word for "Precious" alludes to the Cintamani itself being a potential name for a Strategist
So basically there's potential for the murder rock to wake up one day and realize that it was a murder waifu all along?
EVERYTHING that Veils does is, in some way or another, a bit. From being a spymaster to LARPing as a god. It actively hates talking and finds it painful and yet it STILL goes through the trouble to do be extra dramatic and sultry with its speeches and get in a job that naturally requires a ton of talking. Veils possesses unheard of levels of commitment to the bit, it fucking DIED just because it committed THAT HARD to the Vake-Hunter narrative it had made up just to add that spice to its hunts. It did not have to go through the trouble of creating a mindlink between itself and its Hunter, it still did it- because it had commited to the bit of being an urban legend and it was going to do all the ritual that entails. Veils IS commitment to the bit.
Apparently Mr.Bloom, a Slenderman ripoff and Miracle Molly, someone who looks like a DeviantArt Cyberpunk OC. Anti-joker feels more like a serious meathead good guy that is powerful physically but also a jobber.
No, you're supposed to laugh at the absurdity of Joker being a patriot even if he's a psychopath who's committed more terrorism against the US then the CIA itself.
I'd be a patriot too if my country hasn't executed me even after commiting like 100 9/11s cumulatively.
Joker works with Bruno, a Nazi girl with swastikas covering her nipples.
Nope. Which was strange because I was expecting something like that to happen. But I'm guessing her defences kept up with the increasing weakness to make things balance back out again.
Wasn’t there at least one attempt to actually execute the Joker?
I remember there was one old comic where he confessed to every crime he ever committed, was executed for them, then his henchmen revived him afterwards.
For some reason, this meant his criminal record was wiped clean.
They also fucked. Mark Miller, the writer, is a strange creature, known for Batman's iconic line to Dick 'Are you dense? Are you retarded? I'm god damn Batman".
>want to watch a forspoken longplay so I have a better understanding of what to do with the jump in my chain
>dialogue is so cringe inducing that I'm having difficulty just getting through the first half hour
>not helped by the protag being both stupid and unlikable.
How did you do it hopscotch_anon? How did you manage to force yourself through the game in order to make a jump for it?
Not him, but honestly just watch the 2 hours summary from Storymode on YouTube, it's more doable.
Not an attempt. He pled guilty and was sentenced to death and then killed. His goons then snuck into the morgue and revived him using a special serum. Since he had legally been killed by execution from a legal standpoint he'd already been fully punished for his crimes and was thus off the hook for everything he'd done up to that point. It was earlier enough in comics that presumably the law hadn't yet caught up to the fact that death is basically a revolving door for super heroes and villains.
Even irl that does not work. If you are sentenced to death and come back or just dont die your sentence is to be carried out again. I hate comic logic.
>For some reason, this meant his criminal record was wiped clean.
From a legal standpoint once the punishment assigned for your crimes has been carried out in full you're free to go. Since death is the ultimate punishment by a strict reading of the law the Joker has been punished and absolved of his crimes and since he can't be tried twice for the same thing because of double jeopardy laws, and because he already pled guilty to all of his crimes he was punished for, then in theory he was a free man. In a sane world that sort of thing wouldn't fly but it's DC and also very technically correct by a strict legal reading of how the law works.
nta but you got an example of case law for that? I've never heard of an example irl where someone was set to be executed, was successfully killed, and then came back to life and was required to be killed again.
I'm rooting for you. Captcha SWAND. I suggest going to a park or a zoo to relax.
The problem is that I want to know what the power system is like and what it can do, that's not really possible by just watching a story summary.
Watch Oneyplays
The problem is that people don't come back from the dead. If the execution *fails to kill them* that's an entirely different matter, they weren't dealt their just punishment; in the Joker's case, he paid the price in full. It's like a guy being sentenced to some of those cartoonishly high sentences like 5.000 years and then just waiting all that long. Would you argue that he doesn't have the right to be released?
>The problem is that I want to know what the power system is like and what it can do,
Honestly, Kingdom Hearts magic does the same stuff but better, especially with Flowmotion stuff since Forspoken is just "elemental blasts with some parkour/free-running elements"
It would probably be a murder husbando instead. Excrucians usually default to horrifying beautiful men just going by the sheer number of dudes in the Host. That, and whatever the fuck Scelto is.
There are actually quite a few cases of the person being allowed to live after surviving their execution attempt.
And if you're using KH3 or BBS as the basis there is basically nothing that Forspokens system does that KH's system doesn't. You certainly aren't going to have a whip fight in mid air that transforms into a beam cannon before you transform it into a jet fighter and have a blaster duel in Forspoken.
In 2015 an iowa man was revived after being deemed dead and he tried to have it count as hi sentence being carried out. He tried with 3 different judges in appeals and all of them said it didnt matter.
I heard that he had Do Not Resuscitate on his file, but they resuscitated him anyway, so they basically just kept him alive to keep him in prison.
No Guilty Gear jump, unfortunately.
I'd just use a generic as a Guilty Gear stand-in.
No. Just make expys.
This is the answer. This is always the answer.
I think you mean
>Transform into Vaporeon and blend in with the harem
Mew is after all the progenitor to all Pokemon. Girl likes to get FUCKED.

You thought that horny ass lopunny of yours was bad? No.
You will not survive.
Shame she isn't fuckable. I have no idea how you'd find a Mew fuckable.
Would it be unreasonable to have a family that follows you into other worlds as an item, akin to certain businesses/organizations?

Essentially a group of followers who are your in setting family and appear as your family in future jumps unless it conflicts with your origin/options in those future jumps?
>I have no idea how you'd find a Mew fuckable.
That's because you're a basic bitch
It is your chain, do what you want.
I feel like I have seen that somewhere before.
>Would it be unreasonable to have a family that follows you into other worlds as an item, akin to certain businesses/organizations?
Not at all.
I'm talking about including one as a purchase in a jump.
Not unless the Jump doesen't put a notable focus on those kinds of family structures, like a noble family or ninja clan or whatever.
>Vaporeon and blend in with the harem
>you're a basic bitch
I'll be honest, you pokefuckers are a weird bunch. Likeable, but weird.
I can recall a few items similar to that.
Go for it anon.
Wouldn't be unreasonable, provided the source material has some focus on family.
One of the companions options in my Master PC jump is just that.
>Jumper tames Jogo like a Pokemon
>He breaks free through a stroke of luck and is now way stronger because Jumper trained the hell out of him
>He kidnaps Jumper's sister and forces Jumper into a binding vow to seal Gojo
And they say Jumper always wins...
#91 - Digimon Adventure (2020)
>Drawbacks: Words Like Plagues, Now in Technicolor, Broken Horn, The Forsaken Children, White Noise, Like Dandelions [2500]
>Starting Location: The Digital World
>Background options: Digimon: Mega: Lucemon Shadowlord Mode [1700]
Crystal Clear [Freebie]
Dazzling Gleam, Gloomy Dusk: Darkness [1400]
Torch Lit Anew [800]
Splinter System [500]
Web Warrior [200]
Data Cruncher [0]
Web Warrior
Honor before Business [Freebie]
Data Architect [Freebie]
No Deal [Freebie]

The drawbacks in here are really geared for the destined child background rather than a Darkness reincarnated Demon Lord.
Jumper has been missing a Pride power for his Deadly Sins package, so this seems like a fine place to add it.
Not sure how much of a boost from Web Warrior would Jumper get from hosting his data into things like Culture ships. Or a Darkness Pyramid. But it seems like it could be a fun power-up.
>I may be a mass murdering psychopath
>But at least I'm not racist
And this type of convoluted crap is exactly why I don't jump Nobilis
>He doesn't have a perk to guarantee the absolute loyalty of his minions
Look at this man. Look at this man and laugh.
That's not a man, that's a failure who couldn't tame his pet or protect his sister.
There are several points of focus on family, though they are mostly with secondary characters. More often there is a focus on missing or troublesome family, as in an actually good family situation is something you'd likely need to pay for.
How do you make some kind of divine artifact or growth-type equipment that isn't a simple weapon or armor? Like a spellbook that records your knowledge and acts as a phylactery for example.
>Master PC
I checked out the source material the other day and holy hell the writing was bad. I'm not a writer at all and I'm definitely not a good writer, but surely even I could write better. Despite all the frustrations local LLMs have given me, their smut output was way better, and their deficiency becomes more understandable seeing the kind of trash they have for that context in the training material. Yet apparently Master PC is considered decent as far as amateur erotica goes. I dare not even imagine the depths.
That seems more like something to add to a background cost, rather than an option that should carry over.
Some of the pokefuckers would stick their dick in a gelatin if someone put anime eyes on it.
What the lack of IRL pussy does to a motherfucker.
Slime Girls are popular for a reason, anon.
As opposed to virtual pussy?
... Gods I wish anonkun had a half-decent search function. Or at least one that'd search the story summaries so I'm not stuck just randomly typing in words in the hopes of getting lucky and finding whatever the fuck I'm looking for.
Could go the oldschool route and have it autoinscribe your spells for you by partially awakening it. Stick a chunk of soul in there.
I don't get waifutards, my first biological pregorative is to fight, sex is secondary.
I'm expanding the general part of the items section a bit before the final version of Alchemical Solutions. Does this seem too excessive?
>Healthy Stable Family (100/200): Something that few capes ever seem to have is good family lives, often the issues that led to their trigger involve their families and capes in generally just aren’t the most stable of individuals in general. But there are some who make it work either with each other or their non-powered partners, parents, or kids. . . even if time and parahuman issues can sour an otherwise healthy home. Spread across at most a dozen members and three households you have a healthy stable family where the relatives care about each other greatly as well as (mostly) getting along, conflicts and problems likely do still happen but rarely any serious ones and never any that don’t get patched up after they calm back down. Beyond this strength tends to be shared amongst family and if you’re a parahuman two or three of your family members might have gained shards budded off yours or each other’s, perhaps yours budded off theirs, and so can be parahumans of middling power themselves. If your abilities are something a bit more closely tied to the blood you could instead see a few members bearing the full gifts of that blood with any others having lesser gifts or just the potential to see it bloom in their progeny. For 200 your family might instead have gained more from their connection with each other, perhaps akin to New Wave each member has solid powers or a small close nit part of one of the well-bred houses of the Realm. This family will follow you to future worlds, remaining related to you in any where it does not highly conflict with your place within them, and retain any benefits from being so; though that does depend upon you having something that is shared via blood or other family ties.
Please don't punch prospective mates.
Lonely virgins who think waifus will fix the hole in their heart.
Looks great, so long as they dont get any extra cp or anything and are just companions/followers with background fluff to explain them each jump its awesome.
I'm always happy to have more loving family items
Looks good to me.
Now do one with an overly affectionate stepmom.
They do not get any CP in future jumps unless imported through an option in those jumps, just the expected benefits of being a family with someone like your origin in that jump as a member to a basic or exceptional degree depending on which tier.
I enjoy punching them in the stomache. Really stir up their insides. If there isnt a fist shaped bruise there then they arent a good waifu.
No, but they can empty my balls
This family can already have an overly affectionate stepmom if you'd like it to.
Just find a girl to fight and have sex with after you defeat them. Like Mirko or Juri
You're sitting on a Mongolian basket weaving website complaining about people having fun in a way different from you.

You would be beaten to death in any real fight and will be the first against the wall when the end times come.
>You would be beaten to death in any real fight and will be the first against the wall when the end times come.
So is the 500 tier of custom power supposed to be more powerful or roughly equal to the 400 tiers of the listed powers?
I can't find Shantae sexy, her face is too moe. What did you do in the shantae jump?

I think it's supposed to be on par with 400's at most since it mentions its still below the real strong capes.
>I can't find Shantae sexy
Sorry, anon, it's time to turn in your straight card.
Are you trying to set people up to say "Shantae?"
Sup Goku
Roughly equal, powers at the 400 (500 if custom) level be immediate power roughly in line with Legend or Alexandria or a power that's weaker in the short/mid term but could eventually compete with or surpass Eidolon or Glastig.
No, but it's not like i can stop anons from making the same burned out joke
>just the expected benefits of being a family with someone like your origin in that jump as a member to a basic or exceptional degree depending on which tier.
So if you took them to the Dragonblooded jump, they’d become Dragonblooded as well?
Not really Dollmaker Poppet is (in my mind at least) a sidegrade to Glastig; which is beyond the what 500 Custom powers can give, at least right away.

If you can come up with a suitable limitation or restriction that makes it a long term project to reach that level it would be workable however.
Modern scp sucks, I'm glad they will be finally be fraud checked
Don't jump Shantae, nobody's holding a gun to force you.
Kind of, it depends on the tier.

At 100 if you took them to Dragonblooded perhaps two or three would be dragonblooded with the rest being mortals with Breeding. If your origin is of particularly high breeding in that Dragonblooded jump they may have better odds.

The 200 version yes they would at least mostly be DBs.

In both cases these are normal DBs however, not PC terrestrials or companions with a bunch of perks on top of Being DB.

Taking them to a Celestial exalt based jump would obviously have far less results, with perhaps those among them who are your own kids being half caste (and/or beastmen for lunars) but that would only be for your actual kids since Celestial stuff doesn't share across family beyond that.
A real man kills his enemies in awesome battles AND loves his wife dearly.
I can jump Shantae without fucking Shantae, dude. It's not a requirement
>I can jump Shantae without fucking Shantae
I don't think that's possible without some really weird perk combos.
It was funny the first couple times. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Pounding her in time to the beat of Burning Town.

That's reasonable, I was thinking for mine I could axe most of its direct combat potential so no slime or tentacles to capture targets or subvert them, instead forcing jumper to build pods or some kind of infrastructure to do the job more slowly. Would that be more fitting?
>The 200 version yes they would at least mostly be DBs.
If you had the 200 version and Legendary Breeding they might all be Dragonblooded.

>In both cases these are normal DBs however, not PC terrestrials or companions with a bunch of perks on top of Being DB.
Really, just being a Dragonblooded is a decent enough perk.

As for the item, it seems fine. One thought that occurs to me is you might let people pay for them with the companion stipend, they feel like they’re as much a companion option as they are an item.
Is she that horny?
Based and true. Stack battle maniac perks.
t. Saiyan fucker
Thank you. It helps figure out if I want to take a custom power or the power builder power.
>axe most of its direct combat potential so no slime or tentacles to capture targets or subvert them, instead forcing jumper to build pods or some kind of infrastructure to do the job more slowly. Would that be more fitting?
Most likely yes, that sounds largely fine.
Who's stronger, Thragg from Invincible or the average mook tier Saiyan?
Alright cool, thanks for the jump!
Personally I like anons idea of using power builder to add a power to the main power that lets you drain your charms for more charges.
Mook saiyans lost to dudes with guns. Space guns but still guns. Also a rock.
Thragg would likely rip Radiz in half, Nappa would probably win but while not a truly impressive saiyan isn't actual fodder.
Saiyan, even Raditz would rape Thragg
Hey, so a while ago I asked Ricrod about a possible 'waifu summoning' Esper power and the answer I got was 'Espers don't really work like that', but I found a canon example of someone from Raildex with an Esper power that allows for the recreation of creatures including people and their Esper powers via the medium of an item.
Mook tier saiyans are just slightly stronger humans. Now tell me how OP would a Saiyan/Viltrumite hybrid be.
Nappa could have been a great warrior and protector of earth
>Mook saiyans lost to dudes with guns
When did this happen?
>not a truly impressive saiyan
I thought Nappa and Vegeta were both freakish outliers when compared to Saiyans who weren't Broly.
Get out of here, Salad Saiyan. Make 5,000 more what if videos
DB humans can blow up the moon
Nappa was just a normal elite soldier by Saiyan standards, from what I understand at least.
Pretty useless as Viltrumite DNA overwrites others overtime, best case scenario maybe they keep some Ki abilities.
What if Nappa unlocked the Super Saiyan 3 before going to earth?
Raditz was a low-class warrior and was already stronger than characters who were stronger than a guy who could blow up the moon. Viltrumites, even at peak performance, are not casually planet or even moonbusters. Do the math. Even fucking Saibamen would rape every single Viltrumite to death.
That requires vs battle scaling nonsense to justify though, from what's actually shown Omniman would curb stomp anything short of Nappa.
What? I mean literally he wanted to settle down and make hyvrids with humans and repopulate via half breeds, he would have done great as one of the z fighters. Too bad he didnt get the chance.
Invincible is cringe slop, btw.
A few hundred farmers with guns could destroy the moon if they all fired at once.
Viltrumite DNA wouldn't rewrite saiyan abilities, it might even make them stronger by removing their inherent weaknesses but it would never overwrite anything it deems superior. That's how every other generation of viltrumite get stronger.
Imagine Viltrumite DNA actually reducing your bloodline's overall power over time because it's so determined to overwrite everything back to crab. Meanwhile Saiyan's produce offspring that are like 1/16th and as the bloodline gets more diluted that tiny sliver of Saiyan DNA keeps capitalizing on the other 15 to turn each successive generation into more and more ridiculous planet busters.
He'd still be bald.
His power level in SS3 would be 1.6 million, so either he tried to kill Frieza already and succeeded then gets killed by King Cold or they let Frieza power up past his first form and die.
>That requires vs battle scaling nonsense to justify though
It really doesn't. Both Roshi and Piccolo could vaporize the moon with no apparent effort. Raditz is beyond both in every single way and he is nowhere near above average when it comes to Saiyans. You have been gaslit by these threads into thinking that basic powers along equals VSBW style "This character is obviously X amounts of hypoversal because character Y did a thing involving a dimension with constellations in it".
Nah, he shaved. Only bald character in dragon ball is Muten Roshi, and everyone else is an alien without hair.
*basic powerscaling
Viltrumite DNA overwrites 99,9% of any DNA it's crossed with. so most abilities would probably not carry over other than a talent for ki usage and martial arts, probably a really big appetite too.
Though I could see a Ki using Viltrumite being able to learn how to tap into the background energy of the univeres(which Vilturmites do for their powers to gain energy), to act as a source of Ki.
viltrumite dna overwrites everything, to turn them eventually intoa pure viltrumite, there is nothing said about it keeping trait it deems useful.
How did you account for Tales of the Shire while jumping LotR?
That's because it doesn't keep trashy weak dna around. Saiyans have a lot of useful abilities that the DNA would deem worthy I imagine. Not to mention in DB online where everyone has a 0.0001% of saiyan dna they're still capable of transforming into it so it presumably doesn't take much.
You dont. Just like you dont take into account the gollum game or that shit with sexy shelob. Its a continuity of its own.
>Just one drop is real for saiyans
It was super easy, actually! I don't know what that is. Therefore, it had no effect on the narrative.
I don't consider it canon to my chains like everything else I could do without.
You don't own the IP. You don't decide what's canon.
You don't own my chain. You don't decide what's canon to it.
Neither do you.
Unless you get the IP holder to post in the thread, there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Death of author
Tolkein says whats canon. That shit is not canon. Get over yourself.
The rights were sold. Cope.
So dumb question, was it obvious that Dollmaker Poppet is an Alchemical? I just realized that the only think that says she is would be the fact that she has an Alchemicals only perk for making her a Modern style Alchemical.
I meant the jumpchain, gooner
Find out then goobers
Name fell off again.
Is it wrong to use your hentai mind control powers to make a cute girl give you the last doughnut?
I also meant the jump, RETARD.
Yes and you're a twat.
You monster.
My favorite phase for these types of situations has always been "headcanons get the head cannon"
Your name must be an Axiom construct.
It's pretty clear just by reading the first sentence.
I'm gonna use hentai mind control powers to make cute girls addicted to eating far more donuts (and other desserts) than is healthy.
>Mind control powers
I mean...
It's kinda expect. Anon is probably ugly too.
Only if you don't then take that doughnut, then give it to a homeless person, then mind-control that homeless person to tear it up and throw it into the sewer.
If you give your toon waifu enough cocaine she'll eventually loop around and become normal.
She may even do this on purpose when she needs to get her taxes done.
>Is a hero
>Has green-black hair
>Is asian
>Is a teenager
>Is actually successful at being a hero
>Is loved and cared about by his peers
That's right, it's American dragon Jake Long!
Do we have a jump for that?
Actually no they werent, they can make stuff but they cant actually touch the canon.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

Rolling to seduce Shantae
Did he end up with the blonde racist white girl? Or with the dragon chick?
Season 1 > power gap > Season 2
It's over.
You got her to agree to a first date at least.
I thought it was Deku's mom.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Rolling to use hentai mind control powers to implant a fat fetish directly into Shantae's subconscious mind.
>"I would draw some of the great tales in fullness, and leave many only placed in the scheme, and sketched. The cycles should be linked to a majestic whole, and yet leave scope for other minds and hands, wielding paint and music and drama."
>–J.R.R. Tolkien, 1951
Cope. And Seethe.
Futafags should be locked up in slammas
Ah fuck.
Ah, you have become the infamous deviantart shantae artist.
They already had many bald people and Toriyama didn't want to draw even more in Goku's squad.
Plot twist, it manifests in her being attracted to fat bastards rather than getting fat herself.
Blobtae the half-american
>A few hundred
60 or less actually.
Feeder Shantae is hot too.
I... don't know enough about the item itself to answer. Very much depends on if its something that was made or something she formed with her geo powers.
A Shantae that tries to fatten you up seems like fun too
Suggest some low powered jumps with good regen perks and disease immunity.
Which waifu should I implant a fat fetish into next?
>He breaks free through a stroke of luck and is now way stronger because Jumper trained the hell out of him
What ability did he even use for that to happen?
I was controlling him with my cursed technique but if the technique is shut off for more than a few minutes I lose control of all my dudes. Kenjaku knocked me out and almost killed me.

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