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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #556

Vendread Edition

Previous Thread: >>93865493

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/
Manual Sims:

>TCG Event Streaming

>Alternative Formats
Time Wizard Formats Reference:https://www.formatlibrary.com/

>Useful Links
Current Official Rulebook:https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:https://yugioh.party/
Stock Market:https://yugiohprices.com/
For boomers:https://www.pojo.biz/board/forumdisplay.php?f=10

ALT: https://ygoprodeck.com/

>News Sites

>Upcoming Releases
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Speed Duel: Battle City Finals (Nov 22)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

What are your favorite and most hated card lores?

Create a level 11 monster card.
Laby is, sadly, leaps and bounds better than any other trap deck because it supports setting some of the most heinous normal traps in the game from deck. So expect a huge power gap.
It's *technically* a trap deck but ia so far removed from the expected playstyle that it might as well not be. However if you are just needing active trap counts for something then it does work.
Turns out being unaffected by monsters and being various types of removal is still strong to this day. Needs another archetype with it for offensive pressure though.
It's still playable but the age of it is showing at this point. It also is just another stun strategy so it's kind of boring.
>some new archetype I don't remember the name of
The decorate reveals only a week ago. It plays with the concept of trap monsters and being able to push them into the back row again. Nobody knows if it's going to be good or not yet but maybe keep your eyes on it.
I like how these have been stuff I was already making.
>Some Fusion Dragon
>Level 11
>"Some Light Dragon" + "Some Mirror"
>You can only use the (1) effect of "Some Fusion Dragon" once per turn.
>(1)If this card is Special Summoned, or at the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacks or is attacked: You can target 1 Ḻ̷̢̯͔̜̱̑͐̃͛̍̐̋̂̓̚e̷͔͎͈͕̥̳͚̖̳̎v̵̧͉͇̼̦̮̺̥̞̫̼̏̊̓͂̐͋͌̏́͋̚ė̷̢̗͎̯̩̝̝̘̘̙̮̉̈́͊ļ̷͇̪̩͓͚͖͗̂͜ 11 or lower monster you control; gain LP equal to its Ḻ̷̢̯͔̜̱̑͐̃͛̍̐̋̂̓̚e̷͔͎͈͕̥̳͚̖̳̎v̵̧͉͇̼̦̮̺̥̞̫̼̏̊̓͂̐͋͌̏́͋̚ė̷̢̗͎̯̩̝̝̘̘̙̮̉̈́͊ļ̷͇̪̩͓͚͖͗̂͜ x500.
Darklord Samyaza
DARK Level 11
Fairy / Ritual / Effect
While this card is face-up on the field, Fairy-type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effect. If this card is Ritual Summoned, return to the hand as many cards on your opponent's field, up to the number of "Darklord" cards in your GY. Once per turn, (Quick Effect): Pay 1000 LP, then Special Summon one "Darklord" monster in your GY or banishment.

Consummation of the Darklords
Spell | Ritual
This card can be used to Ritual Summon any Fairy-type Ritual Monster. You must tribute Fairy-type monsters from the hand or field whose Level equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster. If this card is in the GY, (Quick Effect): Banish this card; shuffle "Darklord" monsters from your GY into the Deck, and Ritual Summon one "Darklord" Ritual Monster from your GY. You can only use this effect of "Consummation of the Darklords" once per turn.
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Free him...
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CaC: no boards allowed
It's missing (your choice, if tied.)
It can't tie when it needs 5 right?
You right, I got stuck on it being Nibiru 2.
I mean I could change it 5+ to make it closer to Nib.
Nah, you're good, I got a big kick out of it.
3500 ATK / 3000 DEF on that card, whoops. And fuck it, you all are going to be subjected to even more of my shitty CaCs for Darklords since these threads are dead anyway.

Darklord Azazel
DARK Level 8
2800 ATK / 2400 DEF
Fairy / Ritual / Effect
While this card is face-up on the field, your "Darklord" Spells/Traps cannot be negated. You activate each of the following effects once per turn:
• During the Main Phase, you can Set one "Darklord" Spell or Trap from your deck. Card(s) Set by this effect can be activated on the same turn.
• Pay 1000 LP; Target up to two Darklord Spells/Traps in your GY, up to one each; apply those effects in order, and shuffle those card(s) into the Deck.

Imprisonment of the Darklords
Trap | Continuous
When this card is activated, target one Special Summoned monster your opponent controls and return it to the hand. Once per turn, you can banish one "Darklord" monster you control until the Standby Phase: Change two Special Summoned monsters your opponent controls into face-down Defense Position while that card is banished.

Darklord Retaliation
Spell | Continuous
Once per turn, you can Normal Summon one Fairy-type monster in addition to your Normal Summon/Set. If a "Darklord" monster is Special Summoned from the GY, gain 500 LP. You can Tribute Summon a "Darklord" monster by sending this face-up card to the GY (this is still treated as a Tribute Summon).
MTG player spotted.
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how would you guys fix this years mega tin?
Let's start with the obvious of making it only half as large as it was. Then, let's bump up the contents of the packs a bit: Four secret rares (split between 2/2 prismatic and regular secrets), six ultra rares, ten super rares, and ten commons per pack. Each pack has a 1:10 chance of replacing one secret or one ultra with a corresponding QCSR or ultimate rare version of the card its replacing, respectively. Bring back tin promos and make them either baller imports the TCG is lacking or alt arts of fan/collector favourites. DO NOT make the "tin promos" cards that take up slots in the main set's packs. Shortprint NOTHING; in fact, make the most sought-after cards easier to get by increasing their representation on the set's print sheets compared to the less-desirable cards. Maybe throw a pack of sleeves in with each tin as well. Fire Kevin Tewart. Seriously, fire Kevin Tewart. Blacklist Kevin Tewart so he can never get a job with any TCG company ever again. The Yu-gi-oh TCG will never improve as long as someone who hates their playerbase as much as Kevin Tewart does is allowed to continue running the show.
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Seperate all the boomer bait, 2022, and 2023/4 into 3 seperate packs based on each gen. Then include one of each of those "generation" packs in the tin in place of 3 packs of 1 stupid mega pool.
A problem people are having is that you're getting dupes of some of the cards per slot in the same tin. This makes it so each one is a seperate pool.
True randomization. People are pulling packs and seeing them be the exact same few cards like there's limited pack combinations. I get this is impractical from a production standpoint but we've waving a magic wand here.
Fixed name promos. Even if they're reprints that's fine. Maybe make it an alt art?
I miss having tins that having the little window to see a fixed card in them. Make the tin look semi generic but cool like a tablet, the xyz overlay network, synchro rings, etc.
I guess I should elaborate a little bit on my reasoning for #1.
I think would be neat if you have like a locals or group that you can talk amongst each other and trade the packs between each other. So if each of you buys 1 tin but your boomer friend wants only the stuff from the boomer pack they can give you their two more recent packs and they can get your to Boomer packs
I'd segregate them from the card pool in the main packs so that you're guaranteed to get one per tin. Make their own small booster as the case would be, albeit something microscopic with 3 or so cards at most.

A lot of stuff in the tins were printed with similar rarities as their initial prints, which ultimately defeats the purpose of the tins as a reprint set. Whether you're looking at it from the perspective of someone buying from the secondary market or buying sealed products directly, it doesn't really help you pull some of the stuff you'd want (in fact, the bloated pool makes it worse). To this end, I'd probably just invert the rarities in the set to a certain extent, where high-rarity stuff is printed in lower rarities, and low-rarity stuff gets upgraded.

>bloated card pool
Each pack is a bundle of cards from particular sets being reprinted. 1 is POTE, PHHY, and DABL, 1 is DUNE, AGOV, and MAME, 1 is AMDE, WISU, ~*and more!*~. If they're gonna include such a massive card pool, it's only logical in my eyes that they should chop it up within the product to guarantee that cards from those sets get in peoples' hands.

>fire and publicly humiliate Kevin Tewart
This is a bonus
What I was getting at was that negates obviously have a good reason to exist. Ideally a format should have a healthy mix of negation, destruction, non-destruction removal, and a little bit of non-negation "negation" (think Grapha changing the effect into something else) and maybe a little floodgating.

Summon negates can be a little bullshit though, and I'm not just saying that because I've gotten Solemned on Pendulum Summon more than once. But I've never seen them be common enough to really be a problem.
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where do i get cheap proxies? i want to build OG noble knights but cannot spend over 80$ on it
Printer or crayons
Depends on whether or not you want them to be passable proxies. You can probably just hit up some etsy karens to get them for cheap.
Duel terminal, the jurrac part to be specific.
>aliens invade and people have no choice but to join arms, even though some of them have hated each other for centuries
>eventually they weaken the aliens, but this leaves them crippled
>the fabled, a ancient race, decides to invade now that they're weak
>even though the 4 tribes are still recovering, they're not caught with their pants down
>another ancient race, the jurrac, decides to join because they're bros
>they're all a bunch of funny looking dinosaurs
>even though they're putting up a decent fight, their leader decides to McFucking kill himself by dropping from orbit, essentially nuking a huge chunk of the land
>they manage to purge the fabled, and from their ashes (literally) a new race is born
>...but this awakens another ancient tribe, which also awakens a ancient virus of sorts, which leads to the lswarm shit, sophia, the shaddolls, etc
I love how their new support reflects their little "arc", the deck's goal is nuking the board twice and then resummoning a dino that will let you rebuild. Too bad they don't really synergize with dinos, their field spell only protects jurracs so you have to use UCT's effect before meteor's, and the dino lock won't let you put up negates via the evolzars or varudras.
>Most Hated
Duel Terminal without a doubt. I like it up to the part where Trishula freezes the planet and I'd basically be satisfied with the story if it ended there, but then they had to do all that retarded shit with the Fabled since they wanted to milk the storyline dry.

It's probably a toss-up between the D.D. storyline (Dai Grepher, Gagagigo, etc) and the Goblin of Greed's misadventures.

I'll pass on this thread
As for the most hated one, probably branded, obvious race mixing propaganda aside (albaz is a literal double nigger, dark skin and dark scales because he's also a dragon) it's just boring, i liked the part where the loli catgirl led the giant robots to a crashed UFO (which got repurposed into a colosseum where robots fight to the death) to steal something, but their archetypes don't really synergize even though their arc ended with the leaders of the therion and the springans fusing into a bigger robot. They didn't really do anything in the war either, the catgirl killed 2 of the bigger threats with one of her creations and the depressed popsicle kept everyone else at bay while albaz tried to fuck ecclesia in midair so they could ejaculate on the dogmatika nation and purify it.
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Springans and Therions were definitely the best part of that series, yeah
Any good spellcaster archetypes that came out recently? I´m in the mood to collect and build a new deck after a few year break
>They didn't really do anything in the war either, the catgirl killed 2 of the bigger threats with one of her creations and the depressed popsicle kept everyone else at bay while albaz tried to fuck ecclesia in midair so they could ejaculate on the dogmatika nation and purify it.

What are you talking about? The Springans (or more specifically, the roided out Spright/Abyss-fueled Springans) are what tipped the scales in their favor during the Decisive Battle of Golgonda. It gave them the numbers that they needed to keep things at a deadlock and gave Albaz the mobility he needed to physically reach Ecclesia to fuse into Sanctifire, whose holy flames cured the people of Dogmatika. It's no exaggeration to say that they were one of the most important actors in the war since they came in at full power while everyone else was worn down.
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The cutest and funniest spellcaster archetype came out like 2 months ago, it's a half decent synchro engine that unfortunately came out in the TCG after baronne's ban. Pretty expensive though, each loli is $30+ and they're 3-ofs.
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>pic related
The good guys were getting crapped on before the Spright and Spriggans showed up and started murdering people left and right, and bragging while they were doing it. Without them, Albaz and his goon squad would've been toast.
magistus is getting two (and probably more since it's the subject of the OCG stories manga) very good cards
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Armor When?
White Forest would probably be the closest to a good one, but that's Spellcaster/Illusion rather than just pure Spellcaster. It's a synchro soup deck to put it simply.

Branded Chimera can kinda-sorta serve the niche if you're just looking for guys with funny hats since they're able to run Diabellze, Nightmare Magician, and Nightmare Apprentice. All of them are Illusion monsters rather than Spellcasters, and the bulk of your deck is gonna be dedicated to horrid beasts (complement) instead.

Also, Spoon is a generically good card and Chorozo's pretty okay as well. I'm hoping that some of the Magistus love is able to bridge Invoked, Endymion, and Witchcrafter so that we can mix and match them as needed. All of them could stand to have a little bit of 2024 support to round them out.
>each loli is $30+ and they're 3-ofs
Only elzette is. Astellar has been dipping to under $20 for a bit now.
can you use OCG cards the same as TCG? Was looking at starter decks and the OCG Try decks seem cool but I'm not sure if tournaments would allow it.
At a local maybe, anything past that nah. Otherwise I would have bought asia-english OCG copies for little knight back when it was $150.
you cannot per official policy, doesn't hurt to ask your locals but I've never played anywhere where you can.
OCG cards aren't TCG legal at all. It doesn't matter if they share a card pool because the back of their cards and card stock are different than TCG cards. Technically they count as marked cards.

The other anons said it best though. Ask at your locals, and see if they're okay with it.
Does this make the Springans the most American archetype? Or is that still Magical Muskets?
Ignoring Dinomorphia lmao
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behold! tragoedia... in space!
I'm well aware it exists but I don't think I can recommend it for official play due to time rules. It hopes to play a grindy game and can push some attack, but you're almost always losing your game 3s.
The deck is also extremely boring, besides taking some primordial soup techs to maybe try and make the evolzar xyzs it's a skill drain turbo deck.
wtf John Yugioh just made their own Nibiru 2
I was so disappointed when they made Rexterm and it was just a Skill Drain on legs
>favorite card lore
I'm glad Marron found a nice undead family in the end. Now if only they'd actually add him to the archetype.
I feel you. I really wanted to like the archetype but they made it at the time konami wanted to hand out "skill drain on legs" to a bunch of archetypes.
I wish that people irl were as retarded as people in sims so that they'd try to destroy my Geri with their Accesscode Talker 6 times in a single turn
IRL dueling is too high effort compared to MD to attract the online tards unfortunately
Pressure them with a per-turn time limit and that'll probably get them to stop reading cards.
It's a matter of feedback. IRL if your opponent tries that, you'll either tell them "Geri can't be destroyed by card effects" and then they'll know better than to try again, or you'll play dumb and say something like "Nothing happens" and you'll probably argue for a while because they think you're lying, until you either have to tell them "Geri can't be destroyed by card effects" after all or they just read the card. In a simulator, none of that happens, and nothing is explained. The rules are handled by a computer that doesn't explain itself but doesn't lie or make mistakes (usually, but they get fixed eventually when they do) instead of being handled manually by humans that can do those things.

Of course, they're still idiots for just trying again instead of reading the card. But most idiots still learn that the stove is hot after they touch it once or twice.
Do you guys think SP little knight will crash? Looks like a lot where pulled.
No because demand for this card is extremely high and nobody except vendors are going to be buying these tins, so once the initial stock is gone it's not coming back. See Pot of Prosperity from the 22 tins for a similar phenomenon.
what happens if i activate don thousand when both players have less than or 1000LP?
If the underlying question is "will it result in a tie?", the answer is yes.
Take your x-x-1.
We might see sales below 40 dollars soon. The price keeps creeping lower.
>One or both players have less than 1000 LP
There's no specific rulings on this as nobody plays the damn card, but it should be considered an illegal activation if both players don't have at least 1000 LP and 1 card to draw (no differently than how you can't activate One Day of Peace when one player has zero cards).

>One or both players have exactly 1000 LP
The effect will resolve normally, and both players will lose 1000 LP. A Win/Loss/Tie will subsequently occur.
Additionally; Because it's not considered damage, but a simple LP reduction, Don Thousand will work through effects like One Day of Peace that prevent damage.
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qcsr destiny board when
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Do you Maxx "C" the first activation or the second? Why?
The first because Agents are a deck that needs to do a lot of link climbing. They will summon all 3 shineballs, and probably summon them again.
Cut the size down significantly to 300, maybe even 250.
Have there be 4 Commons, 3 URs, 2 SCRs, and 2 QCRs.
Make more URs into Commons.
Make some of the nostalgia bait into URs instead.
Make more relevant cards QCRs, and add reprint more sought after cards into the UR and Common slots.
Make more meta sought after cards like SP, Chaos Angel, and Triple as both QCR and SCR you can get in the set.
>Kevin Tewart
Who is that? Is he the villain behind what happened?
>Who is that? Is he the villain behind what happened?
He's the guy that gets blamed because he's publically been in senior level positions for Yu-Gi-Oh distribution since the early 2000s Upper Deck Entertainment days and is currently the US Head of Development at Konami for the card game. And of the international Heads of Development and the general senior staff over the years, he's been the most public facing person.
He made Maxx "C"
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t. Kevin Tewart

He is the head of development in the TCG and directly responsible for the horrible rarity spreads in the TCG. He has nothing but disdain for the secondary market and believes that it is a fundamental sin that it exists. Every time there is a horrible rarity bump when importing a card from the OCG to the TCG, it is Kevin Tewart's fault.
>th-the secondary market is as wildly out of control because they decide the prices!
>you poor, stupid victims should be buying sealed instead! if you buy TEN tins ($200), you might be able to get a single S:P Little Knight this year ($40 because it got reprinted in the tins)!
Never ever
>Imagine I have a gas station and all of my gas pumps have clown designs all over them. And I charge $20 a gallon for gas.
>Meanwhile the regular gas station down the street is charging regular prices. But I've convinced a bunch of people that buying my clown gas is the only way to go, so they refuse to buy gas the regular way.
>Then they come to pojo and ask why clown gas is so expensive.

With other games, this would be a sound argument. Only problem is that Kevin Tewart isn't selling gas like the 7/11 down the road-- he's selling crude oil to the gas stations, and only one in every 20 barrels isn't watered down. He's basically complaining about other gas stations selling their gas for more since they waste a lot of money hoping that they don't get barrels of water instead.
He's literally gaslighting
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I would change the valueless common cards to into 2-3 low powered decks. Stuff like Blackwings, Six Sams and the like, stuff that are easy to play for new players. This way if you buy tins you can at least give away these decks to friends to have them start yugioh too and stores that are opening these tins for the singles can also sell these pre-made decks in their store for 10-15 dollars for extra profit.
>Thrust pre-ordering for $25
>it’s up to $40 now
I should have pre-ordered bros
if you had it would have turned out to be a $15 overprint
Ancient Gear Fortress reprint when?
I was looking into a few budget deck options. Is anyone here familiar with Dogmatika Fire Kings or Branded Chimeras?
>Dogmatika Fire Kings or Branded Chimeras
Are you suggesting these decks because you're interested in them or because they're ultra-budget? (you can get the entire FK or Branded core for $30 by buying 3 structures)
>Dogmatika Fire King
Doesn't really have a strong synergy outside of their Extra Deck reliance being optional. You could splash in Maximus and a little bit of extra deck tech (N'tss, Malong, etc) and MAYBE Fleurdelis if you're feeling frisky, but other than that you'd be better off just running pure Fire King.

>Branded Chimera
It's a bit pricey in terms of budget decks, but a good one nonetheless.
Nadir dump Garura, search Maximus, draw 1
SS Maximus by banishing Garura
Maximus eff, dump Shuraig + Ferrijit/something you need
Shuraig CL1, Ferrijit/whatever CL2 if applicable
Search Ponix with Shuraig
iirc Dogmatika Fire King is just the Dogmatika “engine” of 3 Nadir 1 Maximus, optionally 1 Fleurdelis if you’re putting in Titanklad
Gets you to Ponix, draws, a pop if you’re on N’tiss. Flexible and small, and only locks you out of the extra on a deck that doesn’t need it. Maximus is like $3 and the Nadirs are pennies
Did you guys know that plain "red" matte sleeves don't exist, at least when it comes to dragon shield? There's blood red (actually pink), crimson and ruby, i went with ruby because it has the most vivid shade of red amongst those 3. Speaking of sleeves, do you guys bother double sleeving your decks? I only have a few and 2 of them are just 3 structures plus some extra cards, i feel like sleeving those would be a waste. Even my most competitive deck gimmick puppet is 70% commons, it just doesn't feel worth it.
Branded chimera doesn't work anymore, the synergy it had previously was using branded fusion to dump gazelle, summon rindbrumm and add coatl, but if you opened any of your starters you could go for dragoon or mirrorjade instead, both immensely useful. With fusion limited it can no longer serve as another starter, iirc everyone went back to the frightfur engine.
It still works as another starter though. The only difference is that you need to lean a bit more heavily into the Branded engine in order to access it more consistently, or alternatively splash in a mini-Predaplant engine in order to search it (or as the case would be, one of the other three fusion spells that are implicit in Branded Chimera).
Prison Warden of Forbidden Realms
>Level 11
>If this card is flipped face-up: Banish all Special Summoned monsters on the field.
>Cannot be Special Summoned.
>Neither player can Special Summon monsters, or activate the effects of Special Summoned monsters.
>Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you may Set 1 "Solemn" Trap directly from your Deck.
>You do not pay Life Points to activate Trap Cards.
>Cannot be Special Summoned
might be a bit too restrictive, but it fits the theme and justifies the needlessly beefy stats. It's partly intended to spit in the face of Darklord Morningstar, but maybe that's overthinking things.
Shit, I messed up the FLIP/EFFECT PSCT:
>Prison Warden of Forbidden Realms
>Level 11
>FLIP: Banish all Special Summoned monsters on the field.
>Cannot be Special Summoned.
>Neither player can Special Summon monsters, or activate the effects of Special Summoned monsters.
>Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you may Set 1 "Solemn" Trap directly from your Deck.
>You do not pay Life Points to activate Trap Cards.

Bonus round:
>Gate Guard of Forbidden Realms
>Level 4
>This card is changed to Defense Position when it is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned successfully.
>When your opponent summons a Monster, toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, return that Monster to its opponent's hand. If you call it wrong, return this card to your hand.
I bought a discount official deck box and it smells horrible inside, how do I make the smell go away?
I assume it's that factory plastic smell. You can either try and wash it or "bake" it. Bake meaning to leave it somewhere slightly warmer like hot car temp. Don't leave it exposed to UV/sunlight if you plan to put it somewhere expoaed to light. A simple bit of foil could protect it though.
Try searching google for "how to remove factory plastic smell" for further instructions.
Yes? Sleeves are cheap, I prefer the feel of sleeved cards, and I still want to protect my commons from wear and tear
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>all things considered
Primarily the budget factor, and I already have the Branded core actually. They seem fun!


Thank you for the Dogmatika Fire King tips, bros. That seems similar to how I use my Bystial package in my RDA deck right now.


Is that Frightfur Chimera? I'm not familiar with that, how does it differ from Branded Chimera?
It's not full-on Frightfur. It's just splashing in Edge Imp Chain, Frightfur Patchwork, and Polymerization into the deck. Gives them the fusion spell and a free fusion material to go into your Chimera monsters.
Whats the weebiest deck you could run?
Shiranui, Mayakashi, Trickstars, Six Samurai
Depends on what you mean by "weebiest". Live Twin would probably be the best fit for the modern weeb.
that fits what I'm going for. By 'weebiest' I'm trying to find the most anime-ified or cringe archetype I can. Some friends and I are doing a get together after going on a nostalgia binge and building decks with dark magician, blue eyes etc players so I wanted to bring the most off-color thing I can presuming i can find the cards for it at my lgs
Super Quant
You should bring a Melffy deck if that's the case.
Why the fuck can't TCG get a banlist like this? Upcoming OCG October list.
It worse the TCG list. Ryzeal is the best deck and it only got a minor hit.
Maxx C to 2 is wild, I want to say it's because the nips got stomped at worlds two years in a row but more likely it's just that even KoJ can tell nine copies of the buge is too much.
Ryzeal has only just come out. There was no way it was ever getting hit on this list. The fact that it was affected at all was just because the deck coincidentally uses the same ROTA as the previous best deck, and it's not like Ryzeal is living or dying over one or two copies of Bonfire.
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I don't know what demented freak decided that Toons, Ghostrick and Kashtira should be rolled up into one archetype, but I'm all for it.
There was no reason to nerf older decks when they were already worse than Ryzeal. OCG has a habit of killing decks after they're no longer tier 1.
wait wtf why do none of the maindeck guys do anything face-up like the first wave?
It's because they're able to swarm the field to go into their Xyz monsters instead.
Ryzeal def looks like the best deck NOW but yesterday there wasn't enough data to say with certainty whether it was the best deck or just heavily represented.
Any tips for a modern Dragon Ruler deck?
>Boardwipe with layers of protection is just "eh, it's alright"
Super Quant D Ruler
Kashtira, Armed Dragon, or even both.
Returning player after a long time. I used to be the best in my friend group because while they still used structure decks or beatstick piles I developed a strategy.
I played Level Limit Area B and equipped my highest attack level 3 monsters until they could beat over my opponent's wall. Any decks for this kind of feel?
Depends how lost in the sauce you are with being a weeb.
Stuff like shiranui, mayakashi, mikanko, shinobird, and such that are DUDE SHINTO LMAO while suship and skystriker is obvious are some on the nose/tip of the iceberg.
Stuff like kaijus, super quant, inzektor, speedroid, PUNK, trickstar, and such are all subcultures of jap origin and are much deeper. Thus less obvious.
Live twins, spyral, argostars, and the like are all things we attribute to japan but are hardly culture. It's like saying eating fastfood is american culture, there's a lot of people who participate in it in the region but it's not considered a point of culture.
Turn your brain off and just ram low level beaters into your opponent's guys. It has equips too. They're damage mirrors so you actually want to keep them lower in atk (besides double edged sword sometimes).
It gets kinda boring quickly though as they're a one trick pony.
It can also result in some salt if you intend to bring it to a fairly casual group as the green one gives all mikanko cards targeting protection including the equip that turns that likely turns that on.

Some backup options are magistus and sky striker (non-floodgates build).
Magistus is an equips deck that buffs your guys and you sit on a big dude that locks down the opponent's ED monster effects.
Sky striker is a direct poke deck that intends to get in with moderate atk while trying to clear threats. Often times it's built to rely on floodgates but you can build it without itfor a more casual build.
>inb4 runick sky striker shill appears
It's a build for sure but I don't recommend it because you seem like you want a deck that swings and runick prevents that. And they have anti synergy because they both want the EMZ (extra monster zone).
>can also result in some salt if you intend to bring it to a fairly casual group
Oh I'm playing on Master Duel so I don't have to care how bad I kneecap my opponent to force them to play fair and honest Yugioh.
Live Twins are based on vtubers which were intertwined with japanese idol culture until HoloEN warped the scene into a variety actor type of beat. To say that it's not otaku weebshit is to ignore its roots and the parts of idolculture that still permeate the scene to this day.

Fuck you, faggot. I only recommend the deck to budget players that don't want to get crapped on. This anon was very clear about his intentions and skipping the BP wasn't part of it.
Case in point, let's actually analyze what they were describing here

>I played Level Limit Area B and equipped my highest attack level 3 monsters until they could beat over my opponent's wall. Any decks for this kind of feel?
Level Limit Area B (effectively) changes everything to Defense Position while you have the freedom to swing. To a tee that describes Scareclaw's playstyle since they put Tri-Heart on the field and swing with both himself and Kashtira Scareclaw (and any other monsters that you happen to put on the field). Aside from ScareKash, the other Scareclaw monsters will install effects onto Tri-Heart simply by existing on the field, from attack boosts to multiple attacks to piercing battle damage. It doesn't have a springtrap feeling to it, but it roughly does what he was describing.

It's a relatively weak deck that's typically mixed with other lore cards like Mannadium and Kashtira, but given that you're a Master Duel player, that shouldn't really matter since it's best of 1 format and you'll either win or won't.

To get a little less specific, you can pull off the same deal using Bagooska and any deck that's capable of summoning strong Link monsters, since Bagooska not only switches things to defense position but blanks the effects of monsters that were in defense position upon activation of their effects. Incidentally, you can run it in Scareclaw.
(One thing I neglected to mention is that Tri-Heart is basically Level Limit on Legs, since it forces everything on the field that can be put into Defense position, into Defense position)
>runick skystriker
The deck doesn't even work on paper. Yes in theory you set up the SS half with the runick half to get to the spell threshold. But both archetypes are competing for the EMZ and while it is possible to remove it and make space for the other side of the deck, your deck ever feeling at odds with itself means it's not a good deck.
And if you're tossing this at newer players then how well do you think they're going to appreciate that?
On top of that you would much prefer the card economy from poking with hayate to get to your spells than be under runick's restriction.
And if you're going for spell count then you never want to resolve runick's field.

I assume you read "loves spells" and "plays spells" and just assumed they worked together perfectly on paper with no extra thought to the theory of the deck.
Thanks for the word salad but that's besides the point
>oh man I better warn this guy that wants a stun/beatdown deck not to listen to the guy that's suggesting a pure control deck... completely unprovoked btw!
>so anyway, what I suggest is a blind going second OTK deck that doesn't actually do any of the things you requested...

Go fuck yourself, you know-it-all faggot. Think before you speak in the future.
They requested something that feels like attacking under level limit area B and have equips which is to say you're swinging pumped chumps and equips. The first two are that, the exact playstyle that they describe doesn't exist anymore so you have to bend it a little. Skystriker is the odd one out a little but it plays on the idea of being able to swing with pumped chumps. All 3 can incorperate floodgates if you want to.
If you don't update the playstyle a bit then what's stopping you from just saying to play the level limit and swing deck still? It's like they're asking for an update to the play style. Hell they could even play level limit in mikanko if that's what they want.
I didn't even suggest the deck. I wasn't part of this conversation until you(?) randomly called me out for no fucking reason.
We've seen how this plays out in past threads each time skystriker comes up. Don't play dumb.
What the fuck do you mean "play dumb?" Point to the part in this thread where I suggested a bloodless pure control strategy (Runick Sky Striker) to someone asking for a Stun/Beatdown equivalent (Level Limit Area B + Equip spells). You have an axe to grind and the obsession with the deck that I run is uncomfortable. Get over yourself.
They didn't give a specific playstyle, they said "decks with this feel?" I have recommended several decks that can even run their own stun cards like kaissers, village of the spell casters, and even level limit. And they run equip (save skystriker unless you want to count hurc base but lets be real, you shouldn't).
>the deck that I run
Oh so you're just recommending the shit deck you play each time.
>They didn't give a specific playstyle, they said "decks with this feel?
Yes, which implies that they're looking for a deck that has the same feel and functionality that they're describing. Scareclaw is the closest parallel to that since it's summoning one monster that effectively forces a board to its knees. Tri-Heart establishes a board presence when you've got four scareclaw monsters feeding him effects on the field the very same way that a Skull Servant with three axes of despair does-- not one that is indominable, but one that looks and feels imposing when you don't have an answer for it.

Mikano doesn't do that. It swarms the field with small monsters that have control/removal-based equip spells. Their presence on the field doesn't last for very long since they're either ending the game in a split second or fumble the ball and end up scooping.

>Oh so you're just recommending the shit deck you play each time.
Yes, I am recommending one of the many decks that I've played. Contextually it's almost always because they're asking non-specifically for a budget deck that's able to actually perform to some capacity, and Runick Sky Striker with a full side deck is a $50-60 deck. It's also a really easy to comprehend helmet deck for new players that nets them a kit that they can use to build something else in the future, since there's absolutely no shortage of Runick variants on the market.

Let's rewind for a second... are you telling me that you DON'T recommend people decks that you've personally played?
nta but recommending new players control decks is not a good idea, as the entire strategy hinges on knowing what your opponent's deck does and which cards are essential to interact with in order to shut down their gameplan. it's an ill suited playstyle for people without a breath of knowledge about the metagame (overall and in the context of their locals).
I personally disagree because it gives them a lot of breathing room to understand your opponent's decks and their strategies, though that boils down to whether or not a new player is actually analyzing the opponent's deck or just like maeking card go brrrrrrrr. I see where you're coming from though.

A lot of times I'll recommend pure Virtual World or Traptrix for the purposes of a newbie learning the game. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of teaching new players through those decks since in their pure forms they're pretty easy to grasp, and cover a wide range of gameplay mechanics out of the box (normal/tribute/special/xyz/synchro/link summoning). They're not too hard to upgrade into something that's somewhat worth playing too.
Oh, Tenyi/Swordsoul too. I don't really peg it as a budget deck so it doesn't come up often in those recommendations, however I haven't checked its pricing recently and it probably qualifies at this point.
>same feel
I agree scareclaw might be a good fit for them. No complaints here.
Lets be real here. Beat down as they used to play it isn't viable today, you're not getting by with equips on a level 3 guy hoping to get in over several turns, you need to kill them a lot faster than that. Even scareclaw aims to OTK or at worst get it in 2. If mikanko does it in 1 then that's fine IMO. That's the name of the game now.
>Budget and low barrier to entry
I have not much to say on that. It is indeed cheap and vomit your spells at the opponent. My issue is that 2nd point where you're recing it to new people and the deck has glaring anti-synergy points that can severely detract from the other half of the deck.
>do you recommend deck you haven't played?
I recommend people decks I have played, just not the same deck over and over everyone asks for a mid-range/control deck. Else I'd be saying "drytron running X" all the time and that's just be bland and uninspired.
>I recommend people decks I have played, just not the same deck over and over everyone asks for a mid-range/control deck.
And I don't recommend the same deck every time either. I've recommended people Branded Chimera, Branded Predaplant, Virtual World, Traptrix, (>>93981764) Swordsoul on one occasion when it was made clear that budget wasn't an issue (also I checked and it's a $60 deck on a budget now, cool to know), Tenpai, and a handful of others that I don't recall off the top of my head. As the case would be, I particularly like to dabble with cheap decks and have many responses for when someone asks for a budget deck, which includes a variable range of playstyles.

The fact that you are fixating on me recommending one deck in particular, more than a single time, is uncomfortable. You call me a shill because I recommended it more than once, and called me out completely unprovoked in a discussion that I was not taking part in and was about a completely incompatible deck with the initial request.

Also side note; the EMZ demand between Runick and Sky Striker can largely be settled through Sky Striker's kit. Linkage, Multirole, and Afterburners can free it up for you, and in the case of Afterburners, you can use it for S/T removal. It actually comes up a lot in my games since people don't really consider that as an option until it happens. There is a light anti-synergy between the two for sure, but not one that makes them impossible to mix together.
VW guy, what do you think about running some of the new Metalmorph stuff in the deck since they can easily make Coral Dragon?
I don't understand the timing ruling for Heavy Storm/Starlight Road/Torrential Tribute: It seems to me that the Chain goes:
>Player 1 activates Heavy Storm
>Player 2 chains Starlight Road
>Heavy Storm is Negated
>Heavy Storm is Destroyed
>Then, Stardust Dragon is summoned
>Finally, Torrential Tribute activates
Why is Stardust Dragon's summoning not the last thing to happen in the Chain prior to Torrential Tribute?
Chainlink 2 (Starlight Road) resolves
>Negation is applied to Heavy Storm (CL1)
>Stardust Dragon is summoned
Chainlink 1 (Heavy Storm) resolves
>Effect is negated, nothing happens

"when" effect misses the timing since the non-functional heavy storm was the most recent thing to happen. Anything chainlink 2 or higher will make when triggers miss timing as well as anything on a chain link 1 effect resolution before the text
>after that
if it appears during the resolution of the effect of whatever was in chain link 1.
All right. I was just uncertain whether there was a weird
>Resolves (No effect)
interaction. The ruling definitely makes the Chain less ambiguous to process, I just kept looking at it until I went cross-eyed.
Thanks, by the way. Especially
>as well as anything on a chain link 1 effect resolution before the text "then" or "after that"
because I think that's something I need to really drill into my brain.
Pre-PSCT cards with no modern prints that use weird wording that doesn't indicate if an action is simultaneous or sequential make me want to blow my brains out sometimes. Bonus points if the only applicable historic rulings are from the UDE era which are considered unofficial now.
t. judge
Small correction: this happens specifically because Starlight Road negates the *effect* of Heavy Storm. As such, the last thing to happen in the chain (CL1) consists of Heavy Storm resolving (negated) so "when" effects that would trigger when Stardust Dragon is summoned won't trigger.

Hypothetically, however, if the *activation* of Heavy Storm was negated by Starlight Road, then Torrential Tribute could be activated because, as far as the game state is concerned at the end of the chain's resolution, there was no CL1 and therefore the last thing to happen was Stardust Dragon being summoned.
Appreciate it, that's an important clarification.
I looked up what the original name for this actually was cause my whole childhood a wondered what a simochi was and this has got to be one of the worst localizations for any of the names
should have been just Asuka/Rei who the fuck wants to see Yubel
I am a perfectly fair card and should be put back to 3. On an unrelated note, please do not check my recent game history on Master Duel.
Make the expensive meta cards commons, and old commons that turned out to be meta get rarity bumped to be the secrets/ultras
On one hand, I like the card design circular and poplar have where they do everything for an archetype with basically no restriction. But at the same time we all know these cards are super busted and are primo ban targets. It's too much utility in one card.
I see it as a case of "it's cool when I get to use it, but bad when my opponent gets to" bias.
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Circular is only broken because Cyberse soup is inherently broken and the rest of the Mathmech toolbox allows you to eat multiple disruptions and still get where you want to go. There are archetypes where you could give them their own Circular and it wouldn't accomplish anything.
I agree that if you put in a dog shit archetype it probably won't be a problem, the results are only as good as the archetype it belongs to. But in the context of how modern archetypes are being designed there's room for concern with most.

I had to do a double take on that CaC you posted because it uses a flipped art of Magician's rod and it being a retrain of the effect to be a circular, I was experiencing mandela effect for sure. I could see this card seeing some abuse with Magician Souls and Soul Servant for fodder for links or a spellcaster pile but I'm not going to think too hard about hypothetical combo around a CaC. It's not like there's any real restriction on any of these cards.
Mathmechs not running Final Sigma make me sad
why would mathmech run a virtual world card?
towers are dumb and fun which is why they don't
Unfortunately, Cyberse makes Links so much easier than Synchros.
I know combining it with Utopia Beyond for big damage is the classic combo in VW, but does anyone know of other good ways to pull off something like that?
The Superfactorial line is just as capable of making Final Sigma as it is Laplacian, it's just that Laplacian having disruption makes it way better even if you ignore the fact that you're probably already using the EMZ.

I've tried running Final Sigma in standard MD Mathmech builds and there is just almost never a situation where you'd rather have him over anything else the deck can make, namely Teraherz or Accesscode.
Reading this, it's hilarious just how bad Magician's Rod is.
You ARE comparing a card from 2016 to a CaC inspired by a card from the Tearlaments set.
Fair, but counter point: Rod was released in the same set as Master Peace and Gofu.
Magic player here with a casual interest in ygo. Why should I play this game more and why should I forget it exists?
Imagine a game where every deck feels like Storming off.
Do you like legacy format cheese?
That could be fun but doesn't it get old after a while?
on occasion. My favorite magic archetype is slow, grindy control decks which afaik don't and can't exist in yugioh
Grindy control decks CAN work but they usually have an uphill struggle. Labrynth is a recent example, they're designed to add a snowballing advantage engine to 1-for-1 trap cards. They still usually end the game by their third turn, when most decks win on their first turn (going second) or second turn (going first).
I played magic for a deck, my last 4 or so years almost all legacy. Eventually I disliked the new cards they printed into the format. They individually weren't unplayable but overall they redefined the format too much for me. Uro, Teferi, Ragavan, the incarnations, etc.
I played some amount of modern Yugioh, some MD some in paper, throughout 2022-2023. It was fun, it was complicated, it was challenging, overall a good experience. But the constant meta changes and basically rotation can make it tough/expensive to keep up with.
Now I'm into retro formats. Edison, Tengu, HAT, DUEA/Nekroz, ABC, Zoo, and TOSS are all formats I've enjoyed. I like this because old formats can't be screwed with by new banlists or new cards.
In short, I'd check out retro formats to get a good picture of some of the best of Yugioh and the most variety.
Funnily enough anon im more interested in old-school yugioh than the modern cards. Goat format seems pretty fun, I like the longer length of games (No, turn 3 wins are not control decks. Im sorry) and the interaction seems actually meaningful
If you enjoy Goat, I think you're likely to enjoy Edison in my experience. The games often take quite a few turns in that format, and there are plenty of grindy decks.
There are plenty of other formats people play between 2005 and 2010, I don't know them as well.
Finally if you like slower games I'd watch some HAT format gameplay. It's a pretty slow format generally, but has much more combo potential than the previous 2.
>why should I play more
The lack of a resource system to dictate the pace of the game. Most people "5 monkies" (see pic if unfamiliar) that no mana system = bad game. Yes the cards are moving fairly fast and loose but that's the thrill of it, you get to play lots of cards from your deck in a CARD game. Pokemon and digimon TCG has a similar good feel.
Non-meta play does feel very shonen-like, you're gonna have to give a bit into the autism, but this is a game that's ment to be fun, not a business conference. You have to be a little bit of your own hype man.
>why should I forget it exists
Hands down JP card size and the cardstock. It's a massive shame that the 1st is basically unfixable without major uproar chance and the 2nd is just a lack of care.
People complain about font size and how shortening the effects is the only solution but they're thinking inside the box. By moving to a larger card size (us standard) they can then increase the font. Some redution in the card white space to make room for art/text would be great too. It's got a lot of padding.
>What are your favorite and most hated card lores?
Favorite: Marauding Captain. I have a weakness for Warriors, ad he's an iconic one.
On the other hand...
Least Favorite: Warrior of Zera. Why you gotta be like that, Zera?
>Why should I play this game
Let's go down the checklist

>Do you have friends that play the game?

>Is there anything that you know about the game that would have you interested in trying it?

>Have you ever watched a full 3-duel Match play out, either in person, streamed from an event, or via digital client (Master Duel, Edopro, etc)?
>If "Yes" to the above, did you like what you saw?

Hopefully this will assist you in making a decision as to whether or not you want to try the game
Guess the 1 week autosage is gone now
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new tins suck balls all my quarter centuries under a $1 if i didn't pull 2 of this guy i would have strangled a bitch
so why did people in MD not just move to playing kristya now that GPN is gone?
Add more boomer bait cards. Like where’s QCR mirror force at. Short print meta staples massively so more sheep cry.

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