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Previous >>93887741

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven

>TQ: How much does theme matter to you in a game? Are there any games you'd like to see rethemed, but with most of the original mechanics intact?
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>cattastic edition
Oh meow :3
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Kitty friends make GREAT gaming company
I played MLEM last night and I missed that unused expedition tokens carry over between runs. It actually would have come up at one point during the game.
Which one should I get:
Mage Wars
Summoner Wars
Mage Knight
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are you referencing this paragraph? i believe this only applies to when the commander exits the rocket early - the new commander can still use the exploration tile. where does it say they carry over?
>TQ: How much does theme matter to you in a game?
It's gone from very important to almost irrelevant back to important again. Mostly because I have realized I derive a lot of fun when theme and mechanics go well with each other. That said, mechanics are still the major reason why I like/dislike games. Thematic inclusion is cool and all, but if the game itself isn't good it doesn't really matter like in Nemesis
Do you want
>A great, deep but long card dueller
>A great snappy and quick card dueller
>A great game that is strangely best played cooperatively or solo and is VERY long
>Don't know that one
>where does it say they carry over?
It doesn't explicitly say that, but the only instruction to get rid of the token is
>Discard the expedition token back into the box after using the ability.
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this user appears to work for the game's publisher
Which games would you say do a good job of tying in its mechanics with the theme?
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Reminder than Scythe is still 17th greatest game ever created by humanity according to boardgamegulag. You just have to live with that.
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Im gunna die.
But it will be in debaucherous glory.
>this user appears to [...]
That user appears to be the game's artist.
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I suppose it's a good thing this was clarified, but it would have been nicer if the rulebook was correct. >:(
That post is 190 days old and we were playing with a copy from the print run that hit shelves 70 days ago.
Theme execution matters a lot to me but it can only ever be a suppliment to the core mechanics and if the theme is over the mechanics its very flawed. Im trying to develop a Solo PnP on the side with that in mind that I hope i can show off one day.
Why don't devs invest more in tabletop simulator demos? So many games that look mildly interesting but come with a $200 price tag. Do these retards think I'm going to shell out if I can't try it first?
I take it as a sign that the company doesn't have faith in the longevity of their game, or that they think people will be satisfied after playing it 4-5 times.
Almost no board game is worth the 200 dollar price tag.

If you played it on TTS, you'd realize most of them have mid and forgettable gameplay. they want to sell you on FOMO and 'what could be'
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This. Besides the occassional super-premium editions of a tried-and-true game, like the collector's editions for War of the Ring or Castles of Burgundy, when has a game more expensive than TI4 been any good?
>You just have to live with that.
You can't make me.
>when has a game more expensive than TI4 been any good?
Eclipse Second Edition
>didnt die
>in fact, dove into the Outhouse, came out in Hell, removed Heart of Darkness
>mage friend tagged along, Im sure he contributed
Corrosion is nasty. Removing up to 3 shields and handing out an exposure per token removed, and adding an extra exposure on top, and holding two charges meant that demonic shitter's "start of round, gain 6 defense" was really an 8 exposure penalty. Receiving 4 exposure for venturing into his realm when amassing exposure is all a good noblewoman wants to do for a brawl was also juicy.
great time, look forward ro rhe next session where we will use Terrain proper and not just because boss fight says so.
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Forgot pic like a drunk dumbass
Assault on Doomrock
Anybody play Kingdom Death: Monster, or Aeon Trespass: Odyssey?

My group is almost done with Gloomhaven, and I wanted to pick up another board game and Odyssey looked good, although I just found out I completely missed that second printing they did a month ago.

Was wondering what you guys thought of them if you played them.
Dwellings of Everdale actually and probably Androameda's Edge too but I haven't played it.

I'm waiting for a 'not premium' version to drop because as much as I love Everdale, I'm not spending 200 dollars on its sequel
it's such a good sales tool too, I imagine it converts a lot more than are put off. who hasn't bought a game after playing it a few times on BGA and realizing it's better than the first impression it gave?
Eclipse retails for $160, doesn't TI4 retail for $165? At least, that's the assumption I made when writing that question. It's what it cost at several shops I've seen it at.
Yeah the drunkard is a fun character to play. Is Poland full of alcoholics or something?
Nice, I haven't encountered this boss yet but it sounds like it's tons of fun.
>we will use Terrain
I think that at lower player counts it makes the game harder, you should try it at 3 or 4 players.
>Dwellings of Eldervale
You can't be serious? It is unironically one of the worst designed games I've ever touched. Or at least the one with the most baffling design choices. It's like they tacked on the most basic, dysfunctional combat onto a midweight euro. It could have been a good game, but these two elements are so clearly at odds with each other.

You don't really want to target the sceptic and critical crowd that will rate your game 7/10 because some cards seem imbalanced after 100 plays. You want the paypiggies that spread the fomo and hype and never really play your game at all. Plus it's a bunch of work and some games just don't translate well to digital
Sometimes you can find it cheaper (I bought mine for 115 bucks) but the MSRP is 185.
Oh damn, it went up. Well in that case when is a game with a higher retail than Eclipse good, special editions of good games and/or expansion content notwithstanding
Cthulhu Wars
I've always thought of Ti/Eclipse as the magical price cap. I have yet to encounter a game that is >€ 100 and isn't just bloated trash/meh.
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I'm thinking about creating high octane dune variant. In this mode factions get homeworld advantages & nexus card cunning effects as extended factions advantages that are constantly in effect & can't be lost except shut down with karama card. So atraides being able see 2 parts of battle plan, emperor having 5 sardaukar every fight, guild being able to ship 2 times, harkonen being able to draw new traitors. Sounds cool & very thematic to me. But I'm afraid some factions like emperor will get out of hand quick
What's the goal of the variant? Doesn't seem that "on steroids" or faster to me and the balance was already whacky with the og rules
Goal is to have fun/high power mode. As factions have all potential power ups from the start
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>Almost no board game is worth the 200 dollar price tag
I assume you mean core games, then I agree.

For me, TI4 and Europa Universalis are the only ones so far if we think $200 for the core game alone.
Me and a couple of other anons seem to have played it. You can read the (short) comment chain in the last thread.


I think the game is excellent in many ways, but ultimately the design philosophy is too far up its own ass with the "it's a brutal world where you can and will die". Almost everything involves dice rolls, though in most cases a bad roll won't outright kill you or can be mitigated against or played around, but the boss fights themselves contain trap cards, which basically cancel all your actions and hit you like a truck. There is no guarantee about where the trap cards are allowed in the hit location deck, so you can have it start at the top few cards, activate almost immediately, then shuffle back to the top, etc., making some fights literally impossible to beat simply due to bad card shuffles.

This to me is straight up bad game design. Make the game as hard as you want, but there have to be ways to play around bad luck. There is no way to play around this.
Good . War of the Ring is superb at this, as is Dune. Though the latter has some abstractions I willingly ignore because it's dune
Alchemists also does this very well, but I will shill that game until I die so there's a bit of bias in it. Oh and how could I forget Mage Wars. Motherfucking mage wars is the definition of marrying mechanics with theme. Churchill also does a phenomenal job of theme informing mechanics and everything still coming together as a great, balanced boardgame whilst not losing itself in wargamey granularity (here's 3 pages of rules to simulate a mechanically pretty inconsequential historical event) There's a boatload of lesser examples which probably can be viewed either way; I would argue eg Agricola or galaxy trucker are pretty thematic.
Snappy it is, thanks for the rundown.
>Dune, War of Arrakis, War of the Ring, Star Wars rebellion
They try to emulate theyre source material to a fault. it can get annoying sometimes if you haven't read books or watched sw OT movies, but if you did and you're fan, it all makes sense and they are A+ effort to transcribe experience to boardgame format.
>Aliens Another glorious day in a corp with all expansions
similar thing. they emulate Aliens movie great.
it guess its other way around, as i feel that game's arguably vast lore is built in to accommodate games mechanics at first, but game franchise grown so vast over years that established lore had some influence on race designs and etc.
>arguable cases that i think did great job at tying in its mechanics with the theme
Firefly (game really nailed spirit of tv show)
Sons of Anarchy (game is basically, season 1 in box)
i guess root, but im not fully convinced. factions lore is fully felt per faction's mechanics, but i feel that theme was slapped on to accommodate mechanics.
SW outer rim: bit streamlined firefly with sw reskin but game is fun. there are no force users (apart of ashoka) so game gives good experience as playing merc in outer rim. flavor text on every card is good bonus as it creates emerging story for me.
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Should I?
We mostly play at 2 but sometimes at 3 or 4
I'm thinking g the same thing. This at KS price or Thunder Road Vendetta Max Chrome at 200 usd. Which one, if you can only have one.
>200 dollars
Just get ra secondhand and buy 3 other great games. Also I don't think you can play ra at 2
Has anyone played Hamlet? I like the city-building, but the pieces look tiny. I need a game to wean a group member off of Roads & Boats, and the resource delivery system reminded me of it.
I watch the local groups daily and there has been 0 pharaoh edition in the past year, nor has it been available for retail
I don't think you can play at 2, but is it nice for the occasional play at 3/4?
>Also I don't think you can play ra at 2
The rules support it but I wouldn't want to do it.
I've played 2 campaigns of KDM and the first three cycles of ATO.
Even though the combat system is definitely similar, the two games have a quite different feelings: KDM is a monster hunter-like sandbox with emergent narrative, while ATO has an intricate plot and better guidance.
ATO's battle system is a bit more polished at times, and the escalation mechanic works better than traps, but it also feels fiddlier and with more mental upkeep. Well, at least during Cycle 2-3, the first one is quite light. Therefore, your enjoyment depends on how much you are willing to tolerate on that regard. Maybe the sequel will be more streamlined, who knows. Still, each monster is a nice puzzle, and discovering a good strategy and build to counter each of them was satisfying. The plot is really good for boardgames' standards. Like, much better than GH's. If you have specific questions just ask.

If I were you, I would just wait for BF and check whether there's a good deal for KDM+GC. It's gonna be expensive, but I imagine you know that already.

Cat Eye's Circlet, Necromancer's Eye, Spear proficiency, low speed weapons and so on are all there for a reason.
If you blindly attack with nothing to mitigate the outcome, that's nota bug in the system, but poor planning. Besides, not all the traps are so devastating, and if they are, stop using high speed weapons that will often reveal them... there's a reason Zanbato is so good.
So I don't really understand your last line, when the game does give you way to play around it.
Oh, I was talking about other editions. Got the first one for €10. It is admittedly ugly as sin, but even that has its charm and I see no reason to upgrade.
I would argue that 3 might be the best or at least most competitive playercount for Ra. Sure, you don't get as many wild shenanigans, but you have a lot more control over the auction.

As an aside, I am pretty confident that the reason there's little to no talk about Ra & write and the expansion is because they aren't good. I am not one to doubt knizia-sama but what the fuck was he thinking when he decided diluting the tile pool is a good idea, ra is so perfectly balanced around the ra tile draw chance, it's insane to change that if you ask me
I don't think combat is THAT BAD in the game but it's definitely the weakest element, when you have a Euro game where everything is basically calculated for you and combat is actually fucking dice rolling it's just goofy.

I still enjoy playing it everytime, and I hear Andromeda's Edge fixed combat to make it less random because Eldervale's biggest criticism was dice rolling combat
>So I don't really understand your last line
Yeah, okay, you can theoretically avoid traps if you have two characters doing nothing but scouting the hit location deck and the other two only rolling one 2-dice attack per turn max. I have overstated the extent of my issue that much. The problem is, nobody actually plays like that, nor is it optimal, and the game is DESIGNED around you drawing trap cards from time to time, and it is DESIGNED as a fuck you to the player because it cancels your attack and rams a fat barbed cock in your ass. The issue compounds due to the extreme variance of trap card locations. It can sit below 15 other cards, letting you nearly kill a boss before reaching it, or it can be in the top 3.

This is a core game mechanic. I would tolerate it if an occasional boss had it, but it accompanies every single deformed prick you encounter.

>stop using high speed weapons
I don't like entire character archetypes being invalidated by core game mechanics. And besides that, having higher speed is already penalised by the fact that you'll be drawing more cards while increasing less wounds per card than a heavy weapon. More cards means more reactions and reflexes from the monster. They can be dangerous, they can also cancel your attack, but that part to me is perfectly acceptable because you can at least (generally) choose the order you engage each hit location, which actually gives you room to maneuver. Maybe there are a couple of reactions which will cut off your head and one will allow you to disengage - you can take the risk or just nope out of it.

As a point of comparison, something like Gloomhaven is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. If you lost a scenario, you feel like you fucked up somewhere. If you lose in KDM, it's generally because of the randomness once you know what you're doing (and the game isn't that complicated). Traps push the game over a threshold that only some form of masochist can tolerate.
Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. It's not like I need a PVRE EVRO, but as you said; the game is suprisingly challenging to play well, and the placement rules, socketing and spells make for interesting decisions you can sink your teeth into. And then someone stumbles with his basic worker into your dragon and 2 dudes because he wants his worker killed and get a sword but whoops, he won combat because you rolled 4 fives and he lucked a 6. My issue is not the possibility of this happening but the frequency at which it occurs. The odds are never THAT much in your favor no matter the overwhelming force you bring. I get that they wanted combat to be snappy because the rest of the game is already a bit fiddly, but it really felt halfbaked and out of place to me.

For the anons reading this and wondering, combat is unit strength = # of dice. Then both roll dice. Highest single dice wins, when equal you look at the second highest etc. Meaning you get all sorts of shit like the above example
I think he picked combat like that because he didn't want the game to be PURELY deterministic, which would knock out players who aren't as experienced in the game system.

Like Scythe for example, similar ideas (worse game overall ofc) but combat in that is basically over before it ever started because it's based around Euro elements and if you're not gaming your euro elements you'll just auto lose fights.

Fighting in Euros is something I'd like to look into more, are there any Euro games that do fighting without dice and are still great at it? I mean direct fighting too, not just blocking people off from building, etc.
>How much does theme matter to you in a game?
a lot, cute animals/nature theme is instant skip
BGGulag is wrong all the time so I don't mind them being wrong one time more.
Ra at 2 is a mess but a fun one, though 4 is the sweet spot
No opinion on the rest of that bundle though, so my rec is try to get the Ra box alone or see if you can sell the rest of the bundle on secondhand markets to recoup the losses.
Great game, but impressive something with art even uglier than Klemen Franz stuff got published in the 2010s. If that special edition of Dune is a real thing they better hire new artists
I love my pharoah edition copy and people have been scalping/hoarding them like crazy, I'd go for it. It's worth it.
>Yeah, okay, you can theoretically avoid traps if you have two characters doing nothing but scouting the hit location deck and the other two only rolling one 2-dice attack per turn max.
Not really, you are overly exaggerating the situation.
>The problem is, nobody actually plays like that, nor is it optimal
I think you may want to lurk the strategy section of the official KDM, because you sound confused.
>I don't like entire character archetypes being invalidated by core game mechanics
Except they are not. Again, it depends on the monster you're fighting. You make it sound like drawing a trap is an insta-loss.
>If you lose in KDM, it's generally because of the randomness once you know what you're doing (and the game isn't that complicated)
Considering how you play, I'd say it's because you are approaching the game the wrong way.
Rio Grande added 2p rules in 2008. The 1999 Ravensburger version supports 3-5p.
Maracaibo left me cold. This game feels both too much and not enough at the same time. There's a million moving parts but they're all identical:
>GET $
usually in a vomiting fashion of giving you a bit of everthing at the same time. I wasn't prepared for how abstract it all felt, you do "quests" and "fighting" and "exploration" and upgrade your "ship" but its all just three aforementioned actions. The actions you take seem obvious but also meaningless cause once again, all you go is shit vps and doubloons. And then in the end of the game you randomly gets zillion more VP and someone from the last place wins. I really liked the hand management aspect, the planning and juggling multiuse cards, but the board is lacking. I wish you could actually sail your ship anywhere instead of being a glorified NASCAR where the most autistic player ruins everyone's fun time by speedrunning the entire trip in 3 turns.
>own ATO
>friends who would play it all move away
>devs refuse to allow the game onto TTS
>rots in my closet
Yeah I'm super bummed I missed out on the ATO printing. Really looked good too. I hope they'll do a third.

KDM looks good, but I wanted to avoid buying it since I only ever play sporadically with my friends, and didn't want another board game that will take years to play through without it being the best, you know?

What do you mean by "BF" btw? I'm googling it right now and all I'm getting is results of boardgames to play when you are in a relationship lmao. ...And I just realised you're talking about Black Friday. Yeah. sounds good. I know I can definitely save up enough for it by then.
You need to find one person, I probably wouldn't bother with more than 2 players. Well, 3 should be fine, but the narrative bits are easier to handle with just 2 players.
Black Friday. They always do great discounts during that period. Like, last year you could get both KDM and GC for half their price.
> I wanted to avoid buying it since I only ever play sporadically with my friends, and didn't want another board game that will take years to play through without it being the best, you know?
That's the biggest issue in this hobby, I can feel you. Still, among all the narrative games I've tried, KDM is easily the one I'd always play, and if you are into painting the models are just that good.
>Is Poland full of alcoholics or something?
It was a soviet satellite state.
I honestly think it's based. If I recall correctly they used fan art some russian did for the original dune
The most popular vodka in the world is polish
Nu twilight struggle edition just dropped. It got the tigris & euphrates treatment... hoard your deluxe edition copies forever. You have been warned.
>It got the tigris & euphrates treatment
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>no sovl
Pshawww, it cant be that ba-
Oh no.
is this a soul for ants?
you mean the collectors edition with wooden counters and a mini-tank for milops track?
first unboxing video of it i see and both tanks have had their guns fall off lmao, so much for "premium collector-only" crap
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Any of you guys created a Kickstarter or whatever for a game you've been developing? Mine is getting pretty close mechanically, so debating whether to basically self publish through small production means like Chits, or leach money off rubes for fancy plastic models.
Anon is talking about the 20th anniversary edition announced today.
Ah I see. Yeah I did dislike the ffg plastic as well. I just thought there was a version released I was not aware of
>You make it sound like drawing a trap is an insta-loss.
This is the only part where you've addressed directly anything I wrote. And sorry, but I specifically said you can get fucked several times in quick auccession, and that's the part that bothers me. Similarly to having a shit card distribution in Pandemic, where there are literally unsolvable scenarios, even if the game itself is easy to the point of triviality.

Glad you like the game, but maybe it's because I only played the free TTS mod, I don't have to justify my purchase.
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oh god that is so much worse
even the noseless tank version had a map that was just the old map but with different color choices

what the fuck why would they turn a country into a circle, no seriously who asked for the map to be made this ugly?
the only thing i agree with is the VP track straightened into a line on the bottom of the map but that was in the collectors' edition and the map there wasn't uglified as much as this one is, and the rest of the tracks were sensible too.
cropped the relevant part because holy shit the pic on the GMT site is humungous
>This is the only part where you've addressed directly anything I wrote
What do you want me to write? Try making builds that can control the HL deck and see that the gameplay will still not be what you described. If you don't trust my words, go ask in the official forum and you will get a similar answer.
>Work in progress map sample (not final artwork)
If you think it's bad, contact them.
Well. That appears to be practically exactly the info I need.
Thanks dude
lmao whats with cartoony ass zelda map design?
Since you are into boss battlers, have you also played Primal The Awakening? Thoughts?
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you guys are overreacting, how is it any worse than any other GMT game
OG TS had sovl. this looks like slop.
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it just looks slightly less like a power point presentation now
Will GMT ever have a competent art director? The world wonders.
Played it a couple of times on TTS cause a friend of mine is a huge MH fan, and I found it quite lame.
The miniatures are useless as fuck; you could argue that even KDM would be fine with standees, but in Primals their purpose is even less tangible.
The gameplay is nothing like the other boss battlers, and it's basically a hand management.
I can see it becoming stale after few games to be honest.
I understood that reference.
Looks terrible. I do like the victory point tracker at the bottom of the board though. I'm of the opinion that all trackers should be in one area and not scattered all over. I would have rather seen a larger board with both sides carved off for how-tos and tracking like they did with Red Sea.
If it doesn't have a giant red polar bear taking up 30% of the board for absolutely no reason I don't want it.
the design and colors make it look like the propaganda they give to kids to convince them to cut their dicks off
Yeah, not great, there's a lot going on that just clutters the board unnecessarily.
Space race track has no business being a circle.
The event reminder is OK, I guess.
VP track I like.
Map key is larger than necessary.
Card pile spaces? Why?
Defcon and MilOps track are soulless.
Pastel palette is just as bad as euroslop beige.
Smaller sequence of play frame is good.
Japan adjacency arrows with flags are nice, but it still needs the text.
I kinda like the power's shields displayed, but I miss the large US and USSR flags.
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Did you people doomposting about the new map art for Twilight Struggle even read the damn P500 page for it? It says right in the description
>A double sided map with a new Terry Leeds map on the front and the familiar Deluxe Edition Mark Simonitch map on the back
It's the same exact thing as the Day/Night maps in brass Birmingham. The reading comprehension here is so bad it's unreal
we're just sad they're wasting time and money into an inferior thing
At least the box art on the new version doesn't make me want to puke when I see it. What were they THINKING with the original art
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That's just MacGowan's special touch.
I have wondered in the past if he is an art teacher that has his students do collages of this and that war.
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Dixit Revelations came out in 2016. I just got this shit today, new, from a major retailer (so I'm fairly confident it's not a counterfeit). How in the love of fuck do they still have a misprint this obvious on their fucking box?

Is this some sort of inside joke to reference Resident Evil: Revelaitons?
I'm more upset about the different fonts between Asmodee, Lillebub and Esdevium, and yet all three still have the same box format
I hate the inconsistent presence of numbering. Only 2 of the Asmodee boxes have expansion numbers.
>Do these retards think I'm going to shell out if I can't try it first?
Literally the whole Kickstarter/crowdfunding model.
I work full time, that's my excuse for not putting together a TTS version.
But I do my testing at the local university and a bunch of the computer programming and science guys need experience in programming for credit so I might shortly have a version.
"Go on the forums" is not an argument. What "control" is available requires one character to stand around doing nothing in order for another to be able to take a single "safe" swing. May be worth it from time to time, but it's not optimal to do it every single turn because you'll get mauled in the mean time, and it does nothing to take away from the fact that we're talking about a core, everpresent game mechanic, not just some tertiary tidbit.

I don't quite get your conceit, even fans of the game will generally admit that the game has wild swings purely due to luck and (try to) sell it as a feature. Embrace it, don't pretend it's some kind of deterministic strategic brain burner because it's not. You get your gear and then you run around positioning yourself in front of the monster's anus hoping you'll get some good dice rolls, and some loot once the anus is thoroughly penetrated, hoping not to get your own anus blasted by the dice rolls the monster uses. That's the game.
Literally every single thing about this sucks. Why the fuck are the countries' borders not even drawn?
I guess it's so the countries' borders don't get confused with the adjacency lines between the influence token slots.
It was not meant to be an argument, I just don't want to waste time explaining something to someone whose opinion ultimately does not involve me. I never said kdm is deterministic, but it's not as chaotic as you seem to suggest, and your perception is most likely due to your poor experience with the game. The hardest part is the beginning due to the scarcity of gears, but past that point It's quite easy to create broken builds. It's the same as people getting rekt'd by kingsman and malding on reddit.
Yes yes, yet you still write paragraph upon paragraph without saying anything of substance or addressing any single point honestly. How much cash did you sink into the game?

>it's not chaotic
This is just stupid. Every single aspect of the game is chaotic, especially the fights, that's why people talk about "emergent narratives".
Summoner Wars 1000 times.
Get SW2, if you just want to dip toes, buy the starter set festuring Tundra Orcs vs Phoenix Elves.
Whichever starting box you get, if it hooks you, get a faction pack or two.
I'd recommend Cloaks or Storm Goblins for shenanigans, Mountain Vargath or Skyspear Avians for more squad based play, Shadow Elves or Sand Goblins if you like to live dangerously.
Nothing, I played it on tts for free, like most people. Nice argument though, try again.
I legit replied to your stupid claims in my first post, but it's obvious you wont change your mind, so why should I bother?
>"the game offers no way to counter traps, literally unplayable!!!"
>Get told what gears and skills you could use, for instance
>"Yes, buuuuut"
Why even bother when it's obvious you won't listen either way.
Also the game is not chaotic for the reasons you state (which are wrong) and that has nothing to do with the emergent narrative elements.
Good for you though: today you learnt about the existence of cat eye's circlet, so you can start playing the game for real.
Tl;dr Git gud
I watched dunc part 2 and which dunc game portrays Paul's power as Mahdi best?
I have dune imperium, but he is downright worst leader in that game.
a TTS version needs 0 programming, unless you want fancy scripting but most can live without scripting
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Dune (2019) or it's previous editions if you can find them for cheaper
That wasn't the question - it was whether you thought the map bad. But I do agree that the reading comprehension here is bad.
Dune 2019 Paul has prescience letting you look into auction, spice cards and 1 element of battle plans, in addition to keep written notes, so if you're diligently follow game, you know 90% of information regarding games state, who has what cards, who has what amount of spice, used traitors, how many leaders and reserves they have. So in skilled hands, Paul is very powerful as you basically play hidden information game in which you know almost everything.
Dune war for arrakis. Paul muadib is one of strongest leaders, and you can summon worms with him. While he isn't omnipresent game changer, he can really do damage in long-term.
Dune imperium. Maybe weakest overall as he is portrayed at start of story where his prescience only starts to wake up. Extra draw and ability to know if extra draw is useful in first place can be useful sometimes. But you need to be somewhat experienced with game to make full use of him.
Dune imperium uprising. I didn't played that game but after seeing few screenshots, I'd say this Paul is stronger. His bonuses are more direct, but I dunno how well that plays into whole 'prewcience theme'
Dune betrayal. I dunno if he's in game, but iirc atraides nobles have no advantages whatsoever so if he's in game, he would be weakest Paul.
2d20 dune rpg. Paul stats reflect him at start of story, so while he is somewhat skilled duellist with few bene geserit talents, his other powers are left for dm discretion, which I think is ok as he's npc.
Thing with Paul is that he's hard to portray in games without making him too broken, as he has training of noble, ginaz swordsman, mentat, bene geserit & has special talents (prescience) of guilds steersman. All while most people struggle just to master 1 career.
I didn't say it's unplayable you stupid fucking shitstain, I said I hate a mechanic which takes away control from the player and can show up 1 time or 5 during the same fight simply due to card shuffles, especially when it's stacked on top of multiple layers of randomness already.

>git gud
Should've started and ended with that, would've known not to respond.
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Cat's eye circlet
Rawhide headband
>yes but you'll have to have one player stand around an...
Surge. Just surge. You should know that since you're making such a big deal of it.
(I actually play the scrying character in our groups. I bring instruments, medkits, bandages and other utility items and throw the odd stab or dart from the backline.)
It really is that simple.
The game has randomness but it absolutely isn't in the actual fights where it can be heavily mitigated and as you fight the monsters you learn what you should and should not be doing relative to their attack behavior.
The randomness emerges from the story events where often, aside from a lifetime reroll per character (when using the Survival of the Fittest principle), there are far fewer options for mitigation and characters get fucked.
Yes that can get frustrating, especially if you're the kind of person who identifies heavily with a particular character, rather than thinking of the settlement as a whole. I understand completely when people say they don't care for that Mechanic, but at least attack the actual problem rather than a figmentary one about the monster fights.
you'd have a point if you were complaining about a very specific fight, pic rel. But you're not, and in any case that fight is for a limited 5 year campaign and you won't meet that monster unless you specifically pick that mini campaign.
Read your first post >>93934799 to realize how stupid you are.
>This to me is straight up bad game design. Make the game as hard as you want, but there have to be ways to play around bad luck. There is no way to play around this.
It turns out there are ways to play around them, but you are too stupid to admit it.
Oh, if that's the case for most people, I could probably bang that out in a day or two.
I was under impression people only wanted script versions.
Hello, friends. I'm looking for scans or something of the Exceed Fighting System's cards because i want to edit the images to change the language of the cards so i can play with my non-english-understanding friends, but i don't know where to start looking (or how to edit text on an image very well but i'll manage somehow), any help is appreciated. I prefer the first sets since they have actual commissioned art unlike the crossovers which are just screenshots, but i'll take anything i can get
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>Gets forgotten
So much so for "the greatest ludonarrative space opera experience in the entire gaming world"
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this is all you need
great news, i'll see if i can extract the images from it or something, and play online a bit too, why not. Thanks
Marketing campaign ended. Please understand.
Good maybe i can finally get a copy.
you can, i did it myself.
Not that hard to get the assests, but there's some labor in the process.

Long version:
Find the mod ID number, there should be a (number).json file in your TTS folder, which you can open with the notepad. Copy the text, create a new file, paste the text and change the file extension to .html. Open the file on a browser and use an auto downloader extension to find all image links and save the images wherever you want em.

Short version:
Load the TTS mod, lay all the assets on the table, open all the decks, all the pouches and everything you can click on to save the images to your steam save folder. Then just find the folder.

I prefer the long way because some assets will not load unless you access them in TTS and you may miss some files that way, but I'm just anally retentive, you should find what you need the easy way.
This cover was expertly designed by a master craftsman for the express purpose of filtering people who care about stupid shit.
I'm pretty much computer illiterate, though, so I have no clue what to make of that information.
If it helps, and you can use it, then fuck yeah, man, big ups.
I'd call it based, but I have come to a point where I no longer can pretend aesthetics are irrelevant. They surely are not everything, but it matters.
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Guys, I'm getting WotR because of you. Wish me luck on getting it to the table
Every Wehrleslop except Root is like that
Cute animals win again
Pax Pamir. 'Nuf said.
You don't need luck, just a good grasp of the rules. Also a bigger table, lest you want the problem to literally be getting it to the table
I haven't played first edition so I can't really tell, but I've always wondered if he's rightfully getting this much credit for refining an existing system
Well, then Awaken Realms has a stack of games to sell you
Bigger than what I posted? Geefuck.
I think it was one of the best games of the year and I'm not a die-hard 'giger - I only liked Pax Pamir. I don't think it was forgotten, either. I've seen it played at my meetup every week since it was released.
Apparently I need to spell out that is a massive difference between *only* caring about asthetics and caring about them. It is almost impossible not to. Do you need to pretend I am consoomer scum so it fits your narrative?
It's 2024, you're allowed to enjoy Nemesis in the privacy of your own home, Anon.
the campaign is really good, i've been playin
I've read that 1e and 2e are wildly different games, so much so that they can be considered entirely different things.
people are too busy playing it to spoonfeed you battle reports and what you should feel about it
i like when i roll an actual bucket's worth of dice in a game about rolling dice
but for some reason i don't like rolling dice in every game
This is the biggest cope ever. When a game is good people can't stop themselves from talking and gushing about it.
I see reasonable discussion is wasted on you. There was no need to hurl comments this insulting my way
Doesn't even feel like actual shilling anymore, there are just a group of people who get themselves into an emotional frenzy at this stuff and I'm tired of reviewers focusing so much on their extreme feelings to the detriment of actually playing the game and talking about that experience.
Anyone tried the new Undaunted yet?
i will once it's on TTS, though i'm not too big on the only 8 maps thing
Got my copy this week and it's pretty good. If you've played North Africa, you're pretty much 80% the way their on rules. Definitely easier to get this game to the table than the WWII ones.

I still think Normandy and Stalingrad are better games. The deck building is better and neither use the "remove your supply" kill rule of NA that takes some catch up strategy out of the game.
for me I never post about what I'm playing unless it's to answer questions. I don't like blogposting about all my Arcs campaigns or Flick Fleet hijinks or Space Lion or Aegean Sea. I do gush about Blighted Reach to friends though
>denying us FlickFleet hijinks.
How. Dare. You.
Nta, but board games are more niche than a lot to stuff and what kind of metric of "still talking about it" is even proof? I mean it's third on the hotness of the gulag I guess. Is that proof people are still talking about it? Or do we need constant conversations? Most of these threads don't really go into a lot of game talk anyway.
I fucked your mom
how bad is set up time for Fields of Fire?
thinking about the deluxe version, but I usually play small box solo games and may not be interested if it's too involved to table often
>Space Lion
I remember you being excited about that ages ago lol
How does it hold up?
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I think Last Night On Earth is the best horror survival game going and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
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Cat proves you wrong
I steel myself for a fierce debate
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there's a lot that i love about it. simple rules, lots of mind games, variety in your starting Lion choice, great balance. even the production quality is quite good. I find it a bit chaotic at 5p, but enjoy 3p and 4p a lot
my biggest issue is that the rules can be less clear than i'd like. a lot is decided by resolution order, which just isn't my favorite strategic consideration
my rating is three stars out of four
Nta, Scripting for me is extra QOL stuff that's nice to have, the only thing I really care about is having the rulebook and the assets to help learn and try out the game
I remember my first time using tts and trying out the mage knight mod, I was horrifically confused by all the scripts and the buttons, I'm pretty sure most tts don't even bother with tutorials
>The deck is will be called 'The Echoes'.
>Tom Lehmann has a new game
>it's set in China
>all the characters are asians
For the cunt who freaked out about Alma Mater not having any darkies he doesn't seem to appreciate diversity that much
>No coffee stain
Anyone happen to have high quality scans of the 2 player norwegians for AFFO? I want to make my own playmat
Imagine not understanding that "diversity" means replacing white people with black people
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>ha! ha! Im in danger!
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Anyone tried printing ascension cards?

I can't find a place with all the cards files and don't want to pay for cardboard.
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Nigger I directed you to the images when you asked in /acg/
After all those strokes, I am surprised you can still type full sentences.
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Danger of falling asleep because of playing the most boring game in existence?
>a-at least the gameplay is good
"No!" The gameplay is dreadful; the game was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time a minor power was played, the player did it for the symbols instead of an interesting effect.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a card was played for symbols only. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Reuss' mind is so governed by bland effects and thinly veiled set collection that he has no other style of gameplay. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Spirit Island by the same Kenneth Johnson. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these manchildren are playing Spirit Island at 31 or 32, then when they get older they will go on to play Phase 10." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Spirit Island" you are, in fact, trained to play Phase 10.
Now THIS is an epic meme. QUALITY POST BRAVO
He really is a faggot. But man, the game looks so godawful and I could not exactly tell you why. Idk if it's the asians but the art feels so devoid of soul. The box art isn't bad or anything, it just seems fundamentally uninteresting to me
>be chinese
>the literal names for biggest genres people know is Ameritrash and Eurogames
>in a huge surprise, these games feature mostly races and topics from america and euros
>chinatown is like the biggest "asian" game people know, which is a western name for asians living in the west, apart from fucking wingspan: asia edition if i go by gulag ratings
>mfw i see retards talking about diversity because one game doesn't have white people in it
i mean the darkies don't have shit either since nobody is going to be based enough to make a slavery board game and even less people give a shit about actual African culture compared to asians, but there isn't much asian shit ive seen. Eukland even does a mini derogatory rant on Chinese people in the footnotes of pax renaissance, I aint got shit apart from some niche games.
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ello /bgg/, I am once again shilling for Civ: Terra Incognita (expansion for A New Dawn). Here's the play report from me demolishing my opponents last night.
>5p game
>America (me) v Rome v Ottomans v Dutch v Egypt
>Two city states and one natural wonder revealed
>America special ability lets me use natural wonders as trade tokens
>Go first, so I place my fort and capital tile within reach of the natural wonder
>Romans post next to Geneva
>Egyptians post next to Antananarivo
>I'm between the Dutch and Ottomans, across the map from the Romans and wayyy across the map from the Egyptians
>Water barriers and mountain barriers really isolate me, the Ottomans, and the Romans
Victory conditions - to win the game, you must fulfill 4 of 5 victory conditions listed on the cards below.
Standard victory condition cards - once conditions are met, you get a permanent VP
>[Civilized/Money Grubber], [Explorer/Aesthetic], [Populous/Preservationist]
>See picrel for explanations of these
Fort victory condition cards - these are dependent on maintaining control of a fort, and if lost, the VP is also lost
>[Control one fort], [Control two forts]
Early game
>Initial round of exploration nets me only a natural resource, Romans find barbs and more city-states. Egypt find lots of barbs.
>No one is able to establish a district for its first activation
>Egypt upgrades combat, but gets absolutely bullied by two barbarians
>I, Teddy Roosevelt, prayed to the one true god Jesus H Christ to destroy the Egyptian pagans
>He rolled a 1 against a 6, three times in a row. Would have beaten them had either of them rolled anything else.
>First set of wonders goes by without any being bought
>Myself and the Dutch expand toward each other
>I rush the diamond natural wonder near my capital
>Immediately after taking it, the barbs steal it back
>Rome and Dutch quietly deal with their barbs. Rome trades with the city state that allows them to move barbs.
Gotta apologize to you. After arguing with you a bunch, I had the opportunity to play it again. This saw me drastically reevaluate things; like how you must genuinely be suffering from autism to put >1000 hours into this godawful mess. So, apologies for insulting you
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Mid game
>Rome moves a barb near the Ottomans and he loses one of his cities to them
>Combat card is sitting in my 5 slot, don't want to use it because it's going to push out a card I wanted for a different government
>Reluctantly move the army to fight the nearby fort with no combat bonuses
>Manage to beat its defense by 1. Incredibly lucky, Uncle Teddy Roosevelt would be proud. [Temporary VP achieved - control one fort]
>Districts finally get established
>Ottomans clear the barbs with their encampment
>I immediately use culture district to expand and remove the barb spawn near my natural wonder
>Retake the natural wonder that same turn
>Run on yellow and purple wonders begins
>I missed out on the great lighthouse (lets you build cities anywhere on edge of map), which I wanted as I was targeting the explorer card
>Colossus comes up next and I'm able to grab that, which adds 6 total movement among my caravans
>Establish a campus district on a 3 mountain area under my control, which allows max bonus on my science focus card
>With my natural wonder, I'm able to turn a 9 point science boost in one turn
>Decide to upgrade my caravans to level 2 and I'd already upgraded my level 2 culture to level 3.
>Rome gets traders to multiple city-states
>Rome and Ottomans manage to trade (Gives trade tokens that can power up focus bar and a permanent diplomacy bonus)
>Dutch and Egyptians trade
>Egypt finally clears out one barb, they explore and find a natural wonder
>Ottomans give me the Ibrahim card (Gives bonuses for trading to both players and a combat bonus for Ottomans over the player holding the card)
>I'm uncertain if he wants to trade with me, but I do have a caravan planted on his fort. My control tokens have him boxed in, so there's motivation for combat too.
>I convince him that I'm going to trade with him, but that I needed to build a city prior to doing this, forcing him to wait a turn.
>I use my Colossus and Murica natural wonder powered traders to move a few spots to Ottoman capital, and my other trader moves 11 spots across the map to trade with Egypt.
>I was hoping to get joint war from both of them (+2 to combat power), but they were already taken, so I took defensive pact (+2 defense to each)
>Since I held the Ottoman's Ibrahim card, I got 3 trade tokens for trading with him and standard 2 tokens for trading with Egypt
>I use it to build my second yellow wonder, Machu Picchu. [Money Grubber achieved, this one is permanent, total of 2 VP]
>Rome manages to take his second purple wonder, putting him on the VP board
>Ottomans attack and take the fort my caravan move off of to get their first VP, and they launch a failed attack one of my reinforced tokens to try and break out of their corner of the map
>Dutch take their fort, to put them on the VP board
>Egypt clears out the barbs and manages to take the fort near their capital as well. Everyone now has 1VP.
>I explore and very luckily get a natural wonder tile that I place right next to my border city
End game
>My caravans now have given me a superpowered science boost of 9 in one turn, allowing me to upgrade to level 4 culture card, America's special, Radio (allows me to steal other players cities that are close to mine)
>I also upgrade my army to level 3, giving me two with a movement of 5
>Use my boosted growth card and theater square district to mature a city nearest to the only empty fort left, which happens to be within 5 spaces.
>On that same turn, I also take control of the newly revealed world wonder [Preservationist achieved - 3 total VP now]
>Everyone realizes at this point that they have to stop me
>At this point, I'm snowballing, and no one is in position to take the last fort before I do [Two forts controlled - 4 VP, end of game]
My thoughts on the game. Absolutely my favorite 4x. It's 100% a racing game - five plays into it, every single turn needs to contribute toward achieving one of the five victory conditions or else you're going to lose. Being able to chain Ottoman's Ibrahim card bonus and my American natural wonder bonus (kind of OP to get an extra trade token every turn) made me unstoppable. Granted, RNG was very kind to me. I had one neutral exploration and one with a natural wonder. My combat rolls were all wins, especially the unlikely one to take the fort. I think if anyone had tried to challenge me on the natural wonder in the middle of the map, I'd not have been nearly as successful.
>Mfw i see retards talking about diversity because one game doesn't have white people in it
Did I misunderstand your post? The thing with chinatown was how it supposedly included asian stereotypes because how the cover looks and there's a car crash on the map. Which is why it got its shitty redesign in the recent reprint
you're right sorry I mischaracterized your post and your intentions, ill edit it for you
>mfw I see retards talking about diversity
if you want, ill characterize retard as an individual with exceedingly low intelligence, not the actual clinical definition of retard, I wouldn't want to offend you
You shitflinging retard, admit you lost with your under-thought opinions
I don't want to read this argument throughout the entire thread.
"Hardly anyone plays this way"
You're a complete mental mong, go back to drooling and smelling of cum.
Your mom regrets having you, and your father thought of suffocating you as a baby often.
just because you don't see it talked about in your tiny insular bubble, doesn't mean people are talking about it

are you autistic? you are. neurodivergents should get the rope, you first.
I wouldn't say I'm burned out, I just don't care about new releases.
I guess that's healthy?
>Revenant is a standalone, competitive worker placement game of shifting allegiances, set in the Voidfall universe.
Wait, back up.
Are people still playing Voidfall?
Did it perform well enough that its setting can be considered a draw?
I cant help but feels theres been a complete void around it once it came out and reviews were finished.
Or is this solely riding on the O'Toole art?
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Content is content.
I have a game on the backburner that I was excited to teach, but after a few months of either no time or playing my groups favorites from my shelves instead, that spark is gone and theres no rush to get to it.
Someday, but rn playing Bullet, Spirit Island, TGZ, Sakura Arms, Ra, and Hansa is making me more than happy.
Leviathan Wilds and March of the Ants caught my attention, but then after a week the moment had passed and I dont feel like Im missing out on all that much.
>nobody is going to be based enough to make a slavery board game
Technically speaking they have

I'm asian but not Chinese but there I do get where you are going about asian board games but there are a lot of them. They just happen to be really limited in theme or setting. It's always either:

>Ancient Imperial China game Euro
>Japan related game whether it's feudal Japan fantasy wargame or Japanese folklore themed game
>Random martial art themed game
>GMT board game about a less publicly known conflict or war set in asia unless you're a serious historic/war autist/asian

That's mostly it really. You do get the odd outliers like Hanabi or something which is nice. Honestly i'm just happy that my people somehow got representation in an Age of Empires 2 expansion.
>Honestly i'm just happy that my people somehow got representation in an Age of Empires 2 expansion.
Vietnamese or Cambodian?
Seriously tho how has the Treasure Cruise expeditions not been used to theme a deckbuilder or rondel euro game?
I also like Tokaido using a lesser known (to the west) aspect of japanese history and culture and does it without conflict or worker placement/engine building stuff.
It's a cycle anon. I've had these phases where I felt like game night didn't really bring me much joy and I distinctly remember thinking "this must be what it's like to be depressed only all the fucking time".
Point being, sooner than later you'll be interested in new stuff again. THe alternative is that you reached boardgame zen, which I can only admire from a distance.
>why would they turn a country into a circle,
SPHERES of influence, also differentiates them from actual playable areas.
Real close but incorrect though your guesses are literally right on the border. It's Burma
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Well i hope you at least got OUT
Oh I've been out since i was 4 years old, so 36 years by now.
You're right, and I apologize for my inflammatory remarks. I'm sure somewhere there's a game so ugly I would refuse to play it, maybe that binding of Isaac shit, but people who think T&T is too ugly are big dummies.
they were already differentiated by not having a space for influence tokens
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There's no reason to be so upset about a game as mid as Twilight Struggle.
This, as long as 1989 Dawn of Freedom looks fine I'm not bothered.
>First they came for the socialists.txt
will people who dislike root like arcs?
I thought people liked Voidfall but only autists could understand the mechanics
Depends on what they dislike about Root. They're not very similar, really.
in Arcs everyone is fighting for the same things that score points so denying someone a win is a natural consequence of going for the win yourself, rather than in Root where "i need to do things A B C to win but to stop my opponent win i need to do X Y and Z so i need to balance attacking him to stop him from winning and trying to win myself"

the action selection is also more interesting than 'on your turn you do all of your turn, then if you're vagabond you fuck off into the woods to not get slapped on all the other opponent turns"
The more I play Root, the more I think I like it less.

Oath and Pax Pamir are just better experiences altogether, I think the asymmetry in Root just leads to longer game times than it should
>they came for the socialists
Good. All fucking socialists must fucking hang.
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>You're not an Ultra-Liberal, Harry, getthefuckoutofhere.
My boss had family in Burma when the coup happened, I remember it basically getting no time on the news because some Israel shit was happening at that time, and meanwhile my boss was showing me videos her family took off the army enforcing daytime curfews and raiding shit looking for protesters. Hope the people you know are alright, that shit is wild
Take your bing bing wahoos back to >>>/v/.
>ello /bgg/, I am once again shilling for Civ: Terra Incognita (expansion for A New Dawn)
maybe its more effective if the game is actually available to purchase
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Bought blue moon for 2 euros. Grats to you people for memeing it here
Thats just the base set with fire ppl vs the grey bureaucrats?
>How much does theme matter to you in a game? Are there any games you'd like to see rethemed, but with most of the original mechanics intact?
I think it's the most important unessential feature. A game with no theme is still a game, but a game needs harmony with its theme to be a real masterpiece.

I think Nightfall has the worst theme/mechanics mismatch I've ever seen: it's about vampires battling each other for control of the underworld but mechanically has almost no allusions to vampires, and the combo system uses this abstract color matching mechanic to play long combos on your turn. This game would be significantly better reskinned as, like, an abstract color war strategy game instead of Vampires.
I'm smarter than you so just keep crying
Seeing people baghold and trying to sell their 800 dollar all in kickstarter bundles is insanity

How can anyone think ANY board game is worth that much money just because it has a ton of boxes and minis?

How did they ever think they'd play that?
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You found the root of the problem. They're blinded by the shiny minis and go all in. Later they realize they have 5 boxes of minis with garbage rules coming in, no friends, a wife that doesnt care for boardgames, and a space problem. Then sunk cost set in and the only way they can convince themselves to part with the crap is if they can at least recoup the cost.
Can't remember the name of a game. Help me find it!!

Kind of losing my mind over this lol

So its a competitive horror game where your character takes damage to the limbs, torso, and head.
Two damage and you lose that part.
If you lose your head or torso you're out and become a ghost with an alternative objective.
Each character and profession has its own traits and goals.
You go from room to room and read off a card. Sometimes the group needs to come to decisions together.
Very narrative-driven.
The writing is supposed to be good.
the art is a bit cartoony
best way i can describe the setting/theme from memory is that its like a campy b list horror film.

I've never played the game, just know about it. So hopefully my memory is accurate.

I'm seriously getting so frustrated trying to find this. I have googled it and used chatgpt. if anybody has other suggestions to find it or might know what the game is please save me from this heck

I'll try my best to answer questions about it
its grind house
The base game is fine. Add on one expansion and that's it. Any more than that turns it into a slog
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You sound like you're talking from experience
I recently saw someone upset that a new cyberpunk board game on crowdfunding had some extra exclusive for getting two lots of the all in pledge.

And this person's first thought was to get upset because they'd have to do it to get that thing.
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He knows what he gort.
Pull up your cargo shorts retard.
for kickstarter? No. Dont have a credit card so the few times I felt the itch I couldnt pledge anyway. Let alone that I cant stand waiting.

I just looked at a few kickstarters and realized that years after I never heard of them again. From that it's easy to deduce the people that pledged realized years later (when the package actually arrived) they got a game based on hype and retardation rather than critically evaluating the situation. From browsing second hand markets for regular games it is easy to deduce why they're trying to sell their game for full price. They paid 800 bucks for it, they didnt even touch it (except maybe get the high of unboxing), of course someone else would take it from them for the same price. Hell, they odnt have to wait 3 years for it. It's the "I know what I got" mentality final stop.

Im not pretending Im not a retard that suffers from hype and sales pressure. But in hindsight I realize I fucked up, and it is easy to see that kickstarter retards have the same experience, but theyre stuck with a box full of minis.
If the gameplay is good theme or lack thereof doesn't matter. However, some kind of theme is nearly a must for any game with weight of 3.00+. Themeless abstract games are a bitch to learn without thematic concepts helping you internalize the rules. Terra Mystica is a great example, it's a pure abstract competely disconnected from its theme, so while the game is logically consistent and interesting it feels more complex than it needs to be. Tigris and Euphrates and Ingenious is another good example, its the same game essentially but Ingenious is more elegant because it has no false pretentions of being about something.
Based. Remember the real game only starts when you roughly know each others deck.
Before that, it can feel a bit arbitary
based "it gets good 100 plays in" anon here to justify kniziaslop
Ra is good in 1 play.
>he needs 100 plays to know what cards are in the game
The cards are simple enough that could could probably write an entire deck on to a player aid.
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These people deserve that shit.
>(Oh I also just realised there's $75 add on which they didn't even include so there might even be a nother "All -In")
Kek, comedy gold

Did anyone played this before?

after staring at this for a few minutes the thing I hate the most isn't any of the obvious things

what REALLY flips my angry autist neurons into overdrive is the seemingly arbitrary babies-1st-turbocad "elevation" effect of southerly coastlines above "sea level"
>4chan keeps eating my posts
Fucking hell hiroshimoot really wants to get rid of all the remainint based pc users. Web 2.0 and its consequences were a desaster for the human race
Even if you are a faggot, you do have a point. The game's quick and all, but it does want a bit of repeated play to reach its full potential.
In effect I just want to prevent anon to not do the same as I did, which is play every people once and then go huh this feels a bit arbitary.
I thought we were talking real money not monopoly bucks.
$410 USD
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>Gets mass advertised by sending review copies to board game channels in order to shill this board game
>Most of the backers are insufferable morons with too much money who never pledged a kickstarter before
>The comments are filled with wannabe cheerleaders for Go On Board, or trolls getting angry at the bootlickers
>Not even three days passed and pricegouging hashtag becomes trendy
>"Oh, you went All-In? Do you know there is another All-In with this amazing Diorama?? No you cannot buy this separately. "
>$9 for a cheap looking dice tray with recycled artwork
You want me to feel sorry about these poor bastards, yet these mindless consumers will treat their brand like a gospel, or this company as a religion even.
>You want me to feel sorry about these poor bastards
I feel sorry for some of them. It is a lot like gambling or free to play game models. It is all built on whales and a large amount of them are psychologically susceptible to this shit because of mental illness.
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Guys, we got another one!
Setup time isn't long at all (not counting initially punching the counters, of course). You fill out a sheet, slap down some cards, put your dudes in starting position, and there you go.
The rest of the play area gets added as you go along (direction of fire markers, liter teams, etc.).
I am comparing setup time to hex-and-counter games and not small box solo games, though.
I haven't, but
>Mark McLaughlin
isn't encouraging.
Boo hoo, bitch
You bloody bastard. I haven't bought it yet. So I'm in for a shitty meme? No, thanks, you guys already got me on Dungeon Petz
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>he fell for the meme
>he doesn't even have a table
Dungeon Petz is great, though.
I do though. I got 4 for playing
I don't like vp races. It was good for some laughs tho
Played a game someone else bought at GenCon a few years back and trying to remember the name. Dungeon themed dice game with a dexterity element. You'd dump the treasure and monster dice onto a fenced board and then players would take turns dropping their hero dice onto the board and capturing or fighting dice by drawing lines between their hero dice and the walls.
What is even the point of a boardgame when the RPG, Netrunner, and skirmish game all exist? It's not like there's a shortage of cyberpunk themed boardgames.
I would never play WotR above 2 players

There's just no reason to
>skirmish game
Which skirmish game is that?
Popular IP + miniatures + FOMO + marketing push = money
i like cyberpunk the anime and the game, but the kickstarter looks like utter minitaure bait
>I remember it basically getting no time on the news because some Israel shit was happening at that time, and meanwhile my boss was showing me videos her family took off the army enforcing daytime curfews and raiding shit looking for protesters.

Happens all the time for us, some shit happens in Burma, gets a little bit of attention for a while and then the media focus elsewhere and forget about it. The current civil war has been happening since 2021 and frankly the western media aren't too concerned with reporting on what is going on there. There's also a lot of ignorant online activists who live in what I call the "Twitter Cinematic Universe" who don't understand the dynamics of the politics at play going on in the country and they like to give Aung San Suu Kyi a lot of shit about the Rohingya issue but at the same time many of the people criticizing her have never even been to the country nor could they even point on the map where the Rohingya live and know jack shit about the history of the country or the politics. She has been put in the unfortunate position of either playing a politician or the humanitarian and she went down the path of the politician which apparently made some people upset because she didn't say the things they wanted to hear not knowing just how dangerous the political game is in that country.

>Hope the people you know are alright, that shit is wild
So far our families and friends are okay, some of them have fled the country to the US, Australia, Singapore and Japan while others are still there. We're definitely luckier than most, our families there aren't like wealthy elites but they're also not struggling hard either because we can send them money and supplies and we do know *some* people higher up that lets us be privy to more information.
It's not a race, though.

That's the thing. If you want miniatures just get the skirmish game. If you're the type of person who freaks out at assembly then why do you want miniatures. (And now I'm reminded of all the bitching to this day on the Shadows of Brimstone kickstarter pages.)
Why is Frosthaven so fucking terrible?
>useless "outpost phase" minutiae that wastes time
>classes with cringe overcomplicated design
>every scenario tries to have a gimmick, when the ruleset is basically just designed for combat and nothing else
And my friends love this terrible boring game so I'm stuck with it.
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What's the verdict?
>It's black
I've never touched that game in my life but the game it's re-implementing blows ass.
Im looking for soundtrack album for Bullet Heart, could you help me where to find in downloadable form?
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Is Kill Team a board game? Or a specialist game?
Kind of makes me wonder why it's always greek-nordic-egyptian mythology. Not that I necessarily want african ooga boogas, but roman mythology seems woefully underused
ANon... the ROmans stole Greek mythology whole-cloth and changed the names.
Obviously. So?
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I have full confidence in the good doctor's design skills. I already own plenty of his games and know you have to play a few times to really appreciate his designs.

Even if it sucks its 2 bucks so I can always just toss it in the bin without feeling like i wasted a bunch of money
So why aren't you championing the cause of Germanic mythology? Woden is criminally under represented. It's gotten so bad that Wednesday is commonly misattributed to Odin.
themes I don't enjoy:
that's it. I'd rather play a game without any theme at all than have to read about some archbishop's hidden desires and how the duke get's a VP for every maiden he bonks.
I would consider racing though, how is heat?
Why is all kikestarter trash exactly the same?
>generic fantasy theme
>childish name like Gigakings of Darkrealm Revengeance
>AIslop looking artwork
>you're mom's sized box to contain 999 miniatures
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Finally got a chance to really dig in to Sakura Arms yesterday. Normally we'd swap characters after each match and not learn very much but this time we decided to stick to our picks until we'd actually learned what the heck we were doing. I think the game is starting to click with us now, this is fun.
I love Himika, felt almost untouchable with backstep and vermillion field while I burst my opponent down from afar.
Are you a disenfrenchised germanic deity, anon? You seem weirdly offended by the idea of using roman mythology as theme

But yeah germanic is cool, too. I just find it weird for how commonplace roman themes are, I can't think of a single game that does something with their mythology. Maybe Concordia, but that one's so dissociated from its theme it might as well say random words
Welcome to the club brother.
Roman mythology = renamed Greek gods + appropriated Etruscan rituals
I am a huge hypocrite when it comes to theme. I will champion different and new themes, but when I sit before two games I will very likely be more interested in [game with generic space theme] than more niche stuff like bycicle racing, working cloth for the fashion industry or designing the perfect floral arrangement.
Doesn't mean I will not ultimately prefer the better game, but I feel a much weaker pull towards these niche themes. Not by their nature, though. If it was about learning an alien language, trading with organs or curating a library or similar I'd be all over it
Are you me? Saw a game about managing a car workshop and I wouldn't play it even if it was hailed as the greatest game ever.
That said I'm thinking about creating a restaurant themed game.
On the official soundcloud page.
Also in the files for the TTS mod
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Is it just me or does Matt have 'has an ugly girlfriend' energy?
Years ago he gave me the failed teacher gone failed content creator who through luck found a host niche he can attach to until it no longer makes money vibes. I'd say he lost his passion but he never had any to begin with. Pretty sure his dream job would be writing lists which boardgames you are morally allowed to like.

Sorry about the eceleb rant. It did annoy me for a long time that this talentless faggot managed to work fulltime in the bg industry.
quinns hard carries shut up and sit down
would you play a historical sports game
Is baseball highlights considered one?
Most racing games tend to be pretty good for what it's worth.
>Tigris and Euphrates and Ingenious is another good example, its the same game essentially
Meds, now
You don't know what this word means.
That was Paul, but then he moved to Canadia and he couldn't make the log-distance relationship with his fucboi work.

The "best score is low score" comparison again? Yea, Ingenious doesn't pretend to have a theme, and I guess I would like T&E better if it also didn't, but saying they're the same game because of a shared scoring mechanic is dumb.
It means McDonalds took away his business license because of sanitary violations.
>Dont have a credit card
Underage ban.
Dungeon drop?
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american moment.
I think outside of boomers and the us in general, credit cards are not as widespread as you might think.
I have no idea why you would need one. Or is this a terminology thing because somewheree debit cards are called credit cards?
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>Are there any games you'd like to see rethemed,
When I was taught to play Pueblo the explanation I was given was
>we're building a pueblo and an inspector is patrolling the site to make sure we're doing a good job, but we don't have enough plaster so we need to hide exposed brick from the inspector
I read the rulebook afterwords and the theme is actually
>we're building a pueblo and the chief wants it to look dull but we don't have the self-control to not make it bright colors, so instead of building it correctly we're hiding our colorful work

What the fuck.
>somewheree debit cards are called credit cards
Swing and miss.
He did until he too lost all of his passion as well. If it's depression, getting cucked by his gamergategirlfriend or just burning out is anyones guess.
Honestly, I would wager this is most peoples fate when their hobby becomes their job. You truly gotta admire Vasel, he's kept it up for +20 years now
I thought it fitting but you aren't wrong.
>he's kept it up
a man that has 5 kids has stamina, thats for sure
I get some strong suicide cult leader vibes from Vasel.
I'd expect him recruiting more women for the dicetower if he was some kind of cultleader.
You think he'd expose his personal breeding stock to the internet, so they can signal outsiders? Those are not for show.
>vasel is out there hoarding board-gamergirls while im without a boardgame gf.
>I have no idea why you would need one.
Issuing a charge-back when you get scammed is dramatically easier with a credit card than getting a refund with a debit card. I mostly use debit with trusted vendors, but when I'm buying shit off Amazon or Alibaba, I use my credit card because I do not have the time nor energy for the fight to get a refund when some chink sells you a faulty product or simply doesn't ever send you the product in the first place.
Does anyone get a certain thrill, ig, I didn't know what else to call it, about reading the rulebook? What about being the first person at the table to read it? Is there a name for that feeling lol
Quinn's quit SUSD a while ago. He did some videos about video games or board games in a more "video essayist" aka breadtube style on another channel.

Then he made an TTRPG channel but I can't take it seriously. Many years ago he admitted in a video about collecting RPGs but never playing them and being enamoured with the lifestyle more than able to play it and enjoy it. So now he has an RPG channel I take all his opinions from that position of, aesthetic more than actual practical experience.
The game I'm developing will use folklore from Gaelic, Haida Gwaii, Olmec, naranya, Polynesian, and at least one more culture which I haven't settled on (maybe china, Mongolia, japan, or Russian folklore).
I would recommend Mongolia, it fits in well with the other, more obscure folklore you have chosen and add some Eastern representation. Also Mongolian Death Worms are cool.
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finally got all the .pdfs

shit looks great, although I have to hope there's enough crisis cards
Yeah they are, but that's kind of the problem. Every culture has at least some cool ass shit. They are top of the list mentioned, but I gotta do a bit more research about the myths to be sure.

Anyone know a good ancient/non-modern culture from Africa to look into? The game is based around having 4 major folklore entities and 2 "spells" for the cultures, as well as terrain they tend to do better in.
Is Drumpf a playable character?
Yes, but only if you're the one playing it.
If you use credit cards responsibly you make money using them. You're honestly an idiot if you pay for everything with your debit card. I get 3% cashback, travel miles, and don't pay any interest because I zero out my balance every month. I've easily paid for over 6k in vacation flights/hotels with points over the course of 4 years. I feel bad if nobody sat you down in life and told you how to responsibly use credit cards.
I've been thinking, the boardgame designer scene is actually damn respectful of each other. I know of few examples where people have outright """""stolen""""" mechanics from one another, and mostly because the original game started an entire subgenre. I might also be incorrect because I didn't remember.

Point being, how the fuck has noone designed a wp game where the game itself will punish you harshly if you get too greedy (aka agricola) in almost 20 years?
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make a new bread
Not everyone lives in a country where you can get credit cards like that, burger.
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Here's some spicy opinions while we wait.
>Spicy opinions
>Literally a bunch of who cares opinions
Start the damn thread before I shit my cargo pants
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Oops, let's try again...
You can shit your cargo pants several times if you move the shit from the pants to your cargo pockets. It's easier to reach up the pant legs for this if your pants are shorts.
>BGG is just board games reddit
lets not turn into them okay?
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Too late
>lets not turn into them okay?
We already are them.
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New thread:
Sucks to be poor. Stop enjoying a rich man's hobby.
Have you heard of Lewis and Clark?

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