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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Minnesota Tribe edition

Last Thread: >>93922999

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I like the concept of the Minnesota Tribe. Hope the writers never do anything with them.
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Other than making a baby with his gene, is there any other evidence that Kat had feelings/lust for Vic?
Not really. There's some stuff that you can read as hate-attraction, and a couple things you can read as Electra Complex (which could have been redirected at Victor).

But honestly, is making a secret invest baby not enough?

>kathy should be taller than Vic; she's tall for a woman, while Victor is an imposing 160cm - dead average for an American woman in Blake's Year MMXXIV
How the fuck you are supposed to track mechs spare parts and their rotation among planets market?

Killing Omi def seems like she was getting the competition out of the way.
When I made this report, I didn't think about printing it so the black and red made sense and looked good on a screen. Now that I wanted this printed out, it turned out to be a huge mistake on a home printer.
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Hector supremacy.
I've been in a coma since 2015. Please explain why everyone started saying Sigma
I don't get how you're having your friends play, are you having them control one full lance each? Or control like half a lance?
You remember when people were about being "alpha"? Sigma is like that but more unhinged or self destructive. It's mostly a joke.
Sigma is like an edgy lone wolf that follows nobody, so everybody uses it in different contexts.
I can't wait until we start becoming Zeta and Upsilon
"What's Upsilon?"
"Not much, what's Upsilon with you"
Wings of fire rise,
Draconis heart beats with pride,
Honor never dies.
I hate you fucking niggers more than you can believe
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I swear that about half the people on this fucking website are false-flaggers trying to get me to hate something, and it’s fucking working because I hate Kuritans.

I’m pretty sure this faggot also hates Kuritans and is just doing it to make people mad, nobody is this obnoxious by accident.
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That's a sharp looking Hunch
Basically, each friend had one mech from each weight class, while I played the Clan star.
But that's know how the lances are set up. Did you have each player control one mech from each lance?
Can I apply the iron-on patches from the kickstarter to my feldherr bag, or will that ruin/melt it?
Is there a list that shows what packs a mech appears in? I know that there is some overlap, but idk.
>feldherr bag
Are those straight fabric, or do they have a coating on the top layer? Fabric sticks nicer, but coated fabric also works. Look up a video online, you don't want to apply the iron directly to the patch, or set the heat too high.
Exactly what I was looking for brother, thanks!
Thanks for the info. I assume the fabric is coated, but I guess I could email their customer service to make sure.
No need really, just touch it. If it feels a bit waxy or plastic-y, then it's coated. If it feels like fabric, then it's not. This matters because you have to set your iron so that it's safe for the substrate fabric the patch is getting mounted on. Plastic fibers, like the one your bag is made out of, need lower temps. A coated one even lower.

Keep in mind that you'd typically want to iron both sides of the patch, but the bag might be too thick/have stiffening layers that make that ineffective. The patch might not be as glued down as well as it could be, but it should be fine. If you can't get to the back side, just do another ~30sec of pressure from the front, but letting it cool a bit from the first. Worst case, just buy a study needle and sew it on.
Folks, I need your idea. With the models below, help me coming up with:
>SoL Kuritan lance
>Scandinavian People's Army/Tyr Resistance Movement (Rasalhague) demi-company; with Lyran and Kuritan mechs mixed, mostly Mediums
>A theme/faction for a lance I could make with the rest of the mechs

Catapult (C1 model)
Catapult (K2 model)
Gladiator (Prolification Cycle one)
Almost. Like I said, one 'mech for every weight class. That's why the Assault lance has 3 assaults and a heavy, battle lance is two heavies and two mediums, and scout lance is one medium and three lights. I wrote the lances the way they are for the Battle report because it makes more narrative sense for the Mercenary command.
Any anons here still awaiting their kickstarter order?
I am. I am awaiting it so hard I actually got CGL to change some of the rules on their Discord.
>A theme/faction for a lance I could make with the rest of the mechs
Marik Militia Fire Lance featuring Stalker, Archer, Trebuchet, Centurion
How big is your order? i had ordered a regimental set plus some other shit and i got my stuff in the middle of august. it's crazy to me that they were shipping shit to retailers while they had a confirmed shortage of product to send to backers.
I had one 100 dollar order with about 150 buckazoids of extras and another 300 dollar order. I'm also in the Periphery of Northern Europe.
oh you're shit out of luck then. you might actually have to wait til 2025 by the time qml gets around to people out of the country.
I got mine two weeks ago so I was actually surprised to find out there was a shitstorm going on.
i mean it's just another day ending in Y when it comes to cgl and fucking up.
I was a $150 dollar order for perspective. It instantly propelled me from alpha box owning secondary to "I guess I have my own mercenary company"
Unfortunately I discovered the mercenaries box doesn't have the base rules so I gotta make one more purchase for the Game of Armored combat and then I think I'm satisfied. (after I buy the comstar command so I can get my beloved black knight)
>t. Vidya emigrant
>Game of Armored combat
Doesn't have vehicle or infantry rules so you'll need to buy Total Warfare too, then BattleMech Manual when you get frustrated by how much of a mess TW is and just want to smash some 'mechs together :^)
>so you'll need to buy Total Warfare
that one isn't part of a box set so I'll probably just pirate it. I need figurines to sit in my drawers.
The Mercenaries box does though. Also TW really isn't that hard to understand unless you're literally a kid or modern 40k player.
>QML lies about how they are going to handle logistics
>this must be CGLs fault
Look, I don't like CGL either, but come on. Hold QML responsible for lying to Catalyst like everyone else does. It's ok for something to not be CGLs fault just this once.
Reminder that rule PDFs are freely available, check the links at the top
>PDF Folders
Huh. Not how I would've done it but okay. Still a good battle report, and you don't take 17 posts talking about it.
>you don't take 17 posts talking about it.
Kill yourself
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I figured I might as well work on some general shape of a MAD II that's based on a Gunhed body (which has the surfarce to carry all those rocket launchers somewhere) the Japtech limbs and that ridic ass jet of the Unseen model. I might have to refer to some Gungriffon for the winglets.
The cockpit's a T29E3 Commander's Cupola with the rangefinder and all, but there will naturally be little sensor faces on the very front of the machine as well. I'm going for a simple, rather thight shaft because it's a mech that's been made to order for a buncha Clanners and because I'm likely going to use Gundam00 Tieren High Mobility elements on the JJ designs, if I feel that they'd end up a better fit that the Project Phoenix ones.
You about to tell us about your faggot battleship game?
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>Hold QML responsible for lying to Catalyst like everyone else does. It's ok for something to not be CGLs fault just this once.
CGL hired QML. Therefore, it's CGL's fault.

It was literally the second game of Battletech for all three of them. Giving them all one of each class made more sense than giving them heavily varying weights of 'mechs.

And now, as per your request, I'll post 'The Ghost Bear Spear' as single .png images instead of a single .pdf file.
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Funny story about this page, actually, I had to go through three different AI image generators to be able to create this, because apparently, "spear" is a concept that is against the safe AI code of conduct or whatever.
The problem is that QML has lied to CGL before. Fool CGL once, shame on whoever, fool CGL twice, shame on CGL.
And frankly, I suspect that they knew people would remember, because originally they didn't want to say who their fulfillment partner was, just that it was expensive because the service would be good. And then it was QML again.
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Honestly, having all of these map images on Sarna is also a blessing.
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My opponent's force selection was basically "what 'mechs do I have painted in this theme".
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I was at the family's summer cottage, and hadn't brought my 'mechs, when I learned that my opponent lived in a nearby town, which is the reason this game was played at all.
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So basically, I chose what 'mechs he had painted up in a simple merc color scheme.
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...And used the mapsheets he had available.
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I also decided that when using Instant Action, I'd copypaste the rules for the mission into the report for those who might not be aware of it.
Organizing mechs into TOE is a massive pain in the ass.
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Didn't bring my camera along, either, but the light was okay for taking pictures.
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I still don't know WHAT I was thinking when I moved that Griffin first to a position where the Kodiak could just one-shot it on turn 1.
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This was also a case of "bring jumpjets to win" and why the mission has been altered in later versions of Instant Action.
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Not MCA. If you can't deal with posts talking about playing the game you aren't welcome here. Pick up a shotgun and suckstart it.
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Failing to get the Falcon here was a big problem for me.
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I rolled afterwards to see if I would have won. The Mercury would have legged the Falcon, and the game would have been a draw, but goddamn pilots can't stay standing when rushing into water. Seems to be a theme for me.
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Still, I took solace in the grievous injuries I dealt to the other 'mechs. It was a costly victory, for sure.
>CGL hired QML. Therefore, it's CGL's fault.
>TCI lied to FASA that they had the license for the unseen. Therefore, it's FASAs fault.
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All in all, it was a fun game and it was nice to meet another fan of Battletech for a game. I know he appreciated the match report too.
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And thus ends the tale of the Ghost Bear Spear. Hope you enjoyed it.
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Organizational autism is just one of the many fun side features of Battletech.
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agreed. (possible support was just any of my vehicles that go faster than the slowest mech in my recon lance)
Speadsheets, friend. They make visualizing your units and arranging them much less of a chore.
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Honest question anons- I have an idea for a fanon RecGuide that includes the Hedgehog, the Ragnarok, and the mediumweight Word of Blake drone that was hinted at with the Lich and Revenant. I want to add more interesting ideas to that, but I'm running out of wild ones. Got any goofball ideas offcuff you'd like to see in an actual TRO?

Regardless of iron, you're gonna need to do some degree of stitching into the patch to make it hold properly. Fabric glue is NEVER enough- thankfully, doing simple hand stiching you can literally learn in a few minutes with a youtube video and a basic kit will run you $5 bucks.

>I've been in a coma since 2015. Please explain why everyone started saying Sigma
It's a meme of a meme. Basically, start with the "Alpha male" concept and recognize, that eventually all kinds of dudes who are bad at talking to girls are calling themselves "alpha", and you want to stand out from the pack as your own individual. Thus dudes on youtube needed new greek letters to make up new "types" of men, and eventually some dude made the "Sigma male"- it got clowned on relentlessly, went viral, and with the rise of Gen Alpha on the internet became common meme parlance.
It doesn't really *mean* anything, and it's purpose is mostly to make older people confused.
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If you're pulling stuff from the old magazines, then Ambassador is a top meme mech. Its only purpose is to allow hoity toity snobs to pretend they're real mechwarriors as they walk into formal functions in their luxury icebox mechlet.
I first saw "Sigma" memes in the context of guys who didn't have friends (a pack) coping that they were just as good as "Alphas" (confident guys with friends) and they just chose to be loners (weird, friendless losers.)
>(weird, friendless losers.)
They used to call themselves "Ninjas".
>Victor is as short as a girl
Built to become a clan bondsman
I think his tag would be "short dom", or something to that effect.
Saturday's game.
Thanks for the unreadable jpeg. Appreciate it.
Stop being a subhuman phoneposter. It's a perfectly readable PNG file on desktop.
Okay boomer. You're too old to post here. Go post on facebook with the other olds. If something can't be read on a phone then it shouldn't be posted. Smartphones are the only way anyone should be using this site anymore.
Wait, so that's supposes to be Hanse and Takash?
That's each of the 3025 successor lords. I agree it's strange that Hanse looks more asian than Takashi when usually he looks more like whichever the latest captain kirk is.
>WTF is Magneto doing there
Being poorly drawn.

God, artists fucking suck. I can't wait till AI takes their jobs.
Being cartoonishly evil.
Sure, sure, until such time that bringing back the Wolverines would serve the plotline.
>retard gets filtered by your own mobile device, bitches about desktop users
Shame he's too stupid to make a PDF.
It's not artists, it's companies being too stupid/cheap to hire the good artists.
We fewer PDFs posted here, not more.
So it's not enough for him to be a namefag attention whore, you want him to derail the thread with 25 posts describing in minute detail how stupid his opponent was? You want to suck his dick to? You want him to fuck your girlfriend?
Those are images from like 1985, CGL a just too cheap to have new art made.
it makes sense, with some of the knuckledragging retards that have written for BT they'd all probably be tripping over each other with such cool original ideas as
>what if dey cum back and fite da clans with tech they made in hiding
>what if wob 2.0
>what if ilclan punished wolf's dragoons 2.0
>what if they fite a trial of fuck you guys we're in charge now and win
etc. all executed as poorly as possible
it's for the best that the clans failed in nick's butthurt keikaku and the survivors had the last laugh, sailing into the sunset, and that's that
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In all fairness, that WAS "good art" by the standards of pre-White Wolf RPGs.
I wouldn't say they got the last laugh, they still hot buttfucked. But otherwise yes you're completely right.
First, who are you even talking about? No one is dropping 2 dozen post batreps. I think the longest I've ever seen was about 10 total posts.

Second, given the choice between someone posting 25 posts of a batrep of the game actually being played, and you posting even one time and forever tainting the thread with your incessant retardation, I absolutely choose the batreps.

In conclusion, kill yourself.
Can I get some cheap Periphery modification ideas for a Hatchetman?
>one of my players is going to take partake in an arena fight during the next session
>the adventure calls for a modded Crusader but I don't have the model yet and don't want to have his medium fight a heavy
>but I have a Hatchetman and his mech is modded for close combat already so they're a perfect match
I'm considering just ripping out the AC/10 and putting some rocket launchers in it's place. It's supposed to be near factory new (stolen from some unit after seeing some minimal fighting and then sold in the Periphery) so I'm not going hardcore with it but I want to give it a bit of Periphery-ish personality.
So is that a yes or...?
Replace AC10 with large laser, and armor and rocket launcher
Second this idea.
This going to be a one map fight?
Are you trying to make something good or a periphery shitbox?
If it's supposed to be Crael, then Crael it up. SRMs under decorative spikes and a pair of claws.
that's 14 tons to take up, you could have a stupid amount of rocket launchers with that. or you use SRM's and make it use inferno ammo to inhibit its opponents
That artist kinda makes everyone look vaguely Asian. It's the eyes and cheekbones. This is what Hanse is supposed to look like.
Are the Crescent Hawks featured in any novels?
Why do you go straight to a discussion board instead of google or, heaven forbid, the battletech wiki?
Maybe because both want to know and I'd like to engender a discussion somewhere instead of just watching the thread dissolve into shittiness and complains about battle reports, of all things, being spammy and off topic.

Couldn't possibly be a genuine question, could it?
>Couldn't possibly be a genuine question, could it?
I understand it's a genuine question, I just don't understand why people like you don't look it up first. Treating a forum like a search engine is not a good way to create discussion. Try something like, "hey, I just saw that the Crescent Hawks only got one novella, and I think that's a shame because I enjoyed them in the game/I like their paint scheme/whatever."
>If you're pulling stuff from the old magazines, then Ambassador is a top meme mech. Its only purpose is to allow hoity toity snobs to pretend they're real mechwarriors as they walk into formal functions in their luxury icebox mechlet.

That could be a Good idea; it'll also allow for an ultralight in there. Any other ideas? I'm wondering about maybe a LAM who's entire purpose is just carrying nukes dropped from warships outside of orbit, and one where it's retrofitted -1A1 Chargers with Industrial TSM to make them into handheld carriers.

Oh damn, this takes me back to the "Ask a Ninja" days.
>Any other ideas?
Quad built for marine operations. The Sea Scorpion.
I don't think the large laser is it, maybe some rocket launchers, mgs and small lasers?
Yes, a small arena.
An in-between? I don't want it to be too silly nor too strong to potentially kill the player.
It is, but I'm keeping the hatchet. Might put spikes over the rocket launchers.
Inferno would be pretty RP, I tend to fight them in unoptimized ways outside of serious stuff - enemies let themselves be provoked, make errors in panic or try weird maneuvers.
Maybe it's the nostalgia glasses talking, but ask a ninja and all that orther drek seem a lot better than the shit we get nowadays.
Fuck reason. Do not put in any replacement weapons. Upgrade the engine and slap on more jumpjets and make it into a 6/9/5. Use all tonnage in order to get in their face and smack them with the hatchet.
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>Can I get some cheap Periphery modification ideas for a Hatchetman?
Twin Large Lasers for the AC/10, 14 SHS, an SRM4, and up armor. Ditch the mediums. Allows the hatchetman to actually maintain itself in battle. >>93942300 This comment also isn't wrong either, you could fluff it as being half HCT and half Phoenix Hawk.

>Quad built for marine operations. The Sea Scorpion.
Could be good to have a marine ops 'mech that isn't a complete joke, like all the others have been.

>Maybe it's the nostalgia glasses talking, but ask a ninja and all that orther drek seem a lot better than the shit we get nowadays.
I've never seen the skibidi series so I can't say, but frankly I blame the short form medium- Tiktok and Youtube shorts demand a specific editing "style" and enunciation in videos that gives them all a similar look and feel with larger channels, so they call kind of meld together in the same way to appease the algorithm.
Unless he's got a spare 270 engine lying around that's not a cheap mod.
Just remember that Crael is explicitly aggressive to a fault. He fights straight on until one mech is downed, and if it's not him, then he keeps hitting until the enemy is in little pieces. That's why he only had SRMs and claws in his original configuration. Any turn where he's not alpha striking at range 1 is a wasted turn for Crael. The crowd demands blood, and the champ delivers.
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Did anyone buy a copy of https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E6%B8%85%E6%9D%BE-%E3%81%BF%E3%82%86%E3%81%8D/dp/4829142677/ref=sr_1_1?crid=T7KWJ0V3II9P&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xRgO9G0qfP86tiAg1CmHUHFX1Pnp6WthcW1OJ-hP4YrGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.NKKV3WhEQFzeGRilfftc99qYmFgb_fkCxYckZuYQ6Vo&dib_tag=se&keywords=battletech+dragon&qid=1726651791&sprefix=battletech+dragon,aps,82&sr=8-1 for scanning?
The Dragoon BA has been out for a while, how have people been liking it? I got some proxies from DRD, but it's looking like it's just for urban anti-infantry work.
>Great Gaffa's Ghost
A Highlander with PPC instrad of gauss in the OG SLDF era...?
Mary Sue bullshit. I won't allow it at my table.
From the record sheet that's basically what I concluded, it mostly wants to punch down on conventional infantry.
No-one's gotten it yet, brought it up in thread about two months ago when I first saw information about it.
So how are the Smoke Jaguars goong to rebuild? Where did their genetic legacy go? How are they going to rebuild their touman without generous donations from Clan Wolf?
For 2 other mechs, should I go with
>HGN-733 + JVN-10F
>HGN-733P + FS9-A?
Fiat, fiat, and fiat, respectively.
They won't. The only reason that Ward brought them back at all was to eventually have an extra "clan" under his thumb to pad the Council with votes he controls.
So who actually is in his version of the Star League?
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Wolves, Jags, and Falcons...or at least the part of the Falcons that survived going to Terra.
>So who actually is in his version of the Star League?
Wolf Empire
Clan protectorate (questionably, they didn't officially left FWL, but Seafox and Spirit Cats helped to defend Wolf Empire while entire Touman is still on Terra)
Smoke Jaguar
Terran Jade Falcon
Raven Alliance (at least nominally)
Rasalhague Dominion (asked to join but denied because Alaric wasn't pleased with referendum)

Sounds pretty based except that Wolves are in charge.
At the moment it's just Earth and the worlds in the immediate vicinity he's managed to get on board by offering protection from the Capellans. Of the Clans, he controls Wolf-on-Terra but not necessarily the Wolf Empire. The Hell's Horses told Ward to fuck off, he told the Bears to fuck off, the Sharks see Ward as just another customer to gouge, and no one's quite sure what the Ravens are up to, but it seems like they're vaguely supportive of Ward. Othar, who Ward left in charge of the Wolf Empire, hates Ward but hasnt moved against him yet. The Capellans are actively at war with Wolf on Terra, the Free Worlds League are invading the Wolf Empire with the Dragoons as their spearhead. The Lyrans are irrelevant since they've been turned into the Hinterlands. The Kuritans are about to be at war with the Bears, and the Davions are trying to rebuild after taking New Avalon back from the Kuritans.

So, at the moment, Ward's "third star league" is just a few planets with several enemies and only one distant ally.
I sincerely hope it all falls apart as everyone either gives it meaningless lip service or outright ignores it. The image of the Wolves on Terra whinging and stamping their feet amuses me. I can dream, but I'm not holding my breath

They have Smoke Jaguar though. Victory over all Inner Sphere surats is assured.
soon to join: Capellans as they're going to be winning land like it's the 4th succession war all over again.
I think the biggest issues are in details
One actual clan, two rump clans, and theoretically maybe a couple other clans assuming Alaric isn't successful in driving them away. Only the Wolves have avoided some gross insult from Alaric, and I suspect once he settles in to being "The Ilkhan" rather than "The Khan of Clan Wolf" he'll figure out a way.
Even the Clan Protectorate forces who went rogue to defend the wolf empire are kinda pissed about him deliberately ignoring them and their efforts.
>it's the 4th succession war all over again.
Part of my hope for the Wolves is they're going to come to understand that the Great Houses have been doing this shit for centuries and instead of the IS being a prize it's just a viciously sticky tar baby.
About that. Picrel is Othar, the guy in charge of the Wolf Empire in Ward's absence. So yes, Ward has actually managed to piss off the Wolf whose allegiance he needs the most.
It honestly doesn't sound like he has long to live. He sounds like Alexander in Babylon, except everybody hates Alaric even more than Alexander's guys hated him.
like that's gonna matter. 90% of jade falcons have been severely wounded or killed in the ilclan trial. 6 months later, they can claim multiple planets from the capellans. (granted thats the results of the last world wide event but to pull a second ass pull to explain the first ass pull is just stupidity)
Honest opinion:

What’s a good filler mech?

If you don’t know what I mean, it’s when you’ve basically built the lance/Star you want but are still coming up short on BV, so you throw in some cheap-ass mech to fill it out.

So what do you guys usually reach for in that instance?

I mean sure an urbanmech is dirt cheap, but it’s also an urbanmech, I may not have the highest expectations of a filler mech, but I do kinda want it to do something more substantial than fall over and die pitifully.
The funniest part of the Goon-FWL alliance is that the goons actually paid the FWL for the privilege, giving them a full company of Ares (and maybe the blueprints since the FWL has deployed more than a whole company of fresh units) in exchange for their own private staging jump point. They're not coordinating at all, the goons are just crushing garrisons and informing the nearest FWL unit that there's free pickings on the table.
It sure SEEMS like they're building Ward up as a heel to be torn down so the question of "who is the real ilClan" defines the ilClan era. Whether that's the goal is an open question. IKEO will finally provide some info.

I personally like the idea of the Third Star League as an ineffectual North Korea-esque microstate no one listens to.
Filler mech for what kind of unit, from what faction, in what era?
I've filled slots with Hermes II, Whitworths, Centurions, Javelins, Cicadas, and Shadow Hawks.
Yeah it's basically "give us this station we want and underwrite our expenses while we liberate planets for you", which is a sweet deal for the FWL and fulfills the goons' need for vengeance.
Dunno if you can call it Filler but in my experience there's very few sets of three mechs that won't be happy with a Wolverine as the fourth.
>has a bunch of ineffectual puppet states that only exist on google maps
>the only clan nearby that doesn't have a touman that's been fucked to shit he tells to fuck off
>the other one is too far away to do anything and it probably helping his enemies anyway
Battletech has had some stupid heels, but he might be the stupidest.

Stinger if you're Inner Sphere. Mist Lynx B if you're a Clanner.
The Clan Protectorate forces that had "invaded" the Wolf Empire were actually there to "defend" it which in turn was just a gambit started by Petr Kalasa to gain control of the Wolf Empires HPG network. It's up in the air whether Othar will agree to it or if the Protectorate "invasion" will continue.
At least some of them were there on their own terms since they've ditched out in the wake of Alaric's defeaning silence. One went back to the protectorate and another has jumped away and not been spotted since, both citing disgust at the way they've been treated after taking treasonous actions for his benefit.
>as an ineffectual North Korea-esque microstate no one listens to.
More like Palaiologos Byzantine (which sacraficed all their western Anatolia (including defense grid from turks) for Constantinople)
Yeah, it's also mostly been Nova Cats that either jumped ship or were too overeager to impress the ilclan
The initial invasion was just the Silver Hawk Irregulars acting on their own and daring the federal government to say something about it, and then clan protectorate forces also jumped in to get in the way. This was all equally illegal, none of them were authorized to be there anyway so one side cockblocking the other hasn't been that big of a problem.
But after all the successes, the federal government threw up their hands and said fuck it, let's grab the dog by the nuts and see where a fully sanctioned invasion takes us and that's where the book left off. We don't know what the protectorate's response will be, although they also have a full regiment of the FWLM's heaviest seige troops stationed directly on their capital world "in case Alaric attacks you for siding with us". They've put themselves in a precarious position.
Damn, I was hoping Alaric to be at least smart and competent bad guy, but I guess Kat's gene was dominant in him
Any chance of a battrep, my man?
Please batrep. That'd be the most on topic thing ever.
Qualitywise, do the miniatures in the 40th anni Beginner/AGoAC box better than the older Beginner/AGoAC box?
They're the same.
Yes. The UK backers still havn't got anything.
He'd better not if he knows what's good for him. Spam posts aren't welcome anymore.
They're the same, there was a small bump in quality somewhere after the original run of AGOAC, but it was years ago at this point.
I just spent $4000 on Battletech. What am I in for?
Yeah but if Alaric fails drastically it all will make sense
What all did you buy?
I saw some guys in these threads run a 30-32mm infantry scale game with properly upscaled mechs a while ago. How'd that turn out?
If it's a fight between the mechs with roughly equal bv/role, how much advantage does the one with jjs have over the one without?
For that much? A patio, porches are out of your reach.
Depends entirely on the map. Also what kind of movement profile we're taking for the mechs in question. A 5/8/5 makes much better use of jumpjets than a 4/6/4 for example.
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It's something I've been contemplating
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For those in the last thread inquiring about the MASH truck, I'm going to post pics of the cards that pertain to it. First up is the standard MASH truck.
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This is the version with the AMS.
dude you gotta try sanding down that line on the marauder body and leg, and filling the gap on the cock pit rim with putty or something. your paint jobs are too good to leave that glaring out.
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Alpha Strike standard MASH.
Are these for the Alpha Strike? Or the new vehicle rule or whatever that's in the Merc box booklet?
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And Alpha Strike AMS MASH.
Locust has said she's considering remaking the Marauder, so I might just wait till there's a new design
The first two are from the Merc box. It comes with a big fat wad of cards representing everything from foot infantry to Behemoth heavy tanks.
CASE for... what?
For the AMS ammo, I'd imagine.
For some reason these reminds me a lot of HBStech. Is it the font? The armor on the top left? Weird
cellular ambulance storage equipment
jettisons individual patients to save the vehicle
Yeah the black with gold look is the Mercs Asset cards.
So they're just as gay as the support vehicle rules in Tukayyid. Got it.
Basically a more detailed version of that. But yeah, much better just to use Total Warfare rules.
Now I hope he posts 20 times over it, just so we can all drink your bitch tears
Why do you post this bait? Is it to farm (You)s? It's getting kinda stale.
I’m always told that Sarna isn’t reliable, so I thought I’d ask here too in case it missed something
Going to run a campaign in the Free Worlds League. Due to the sheer diversity of the League, share some options for unique one-off planetary cultures or ones that haven't been seen in BT already.
Here are some of ones I've thought of:
>Mormon planet where they've returned to classic Mormonism with polygamy, they annoy their neighbors by sending missionaries for new converts
>a mountainous planet settled by Peruvian Inca larpers, they love to build buildings as tall as possible
The only thing Sarna is reliable with is the works cited part. Sarna fucks up a lot of details when it comes to more specific minutia, like production numbers, availabilities, and the occasional speed/armor/canon loadout variants.
Space Quakers
Planet of vegans
Isolated backwater planet that worships an inert, broken Atlas as an idol/machine god's avatar. People start to lose their faith as they see the mechs you guys brought, and then some calamity happens.
At the end, the Atlas that shouldn't be able to move, (possibly even without a proper mechwarrior piloting - maybe just a kid who believed inside the cockpit), gets activated again and saves the people then get shattered for a good
And the people worshipping the 'mech could even be called an alien race called the Tetatae!
Excellent idea, the people can be the neopithecanthropus on Campoleone
>The neopithecanthropus, or “new ape-man,” is a highly intelligent hominid species that seems to be well on its way to human-like sapience (an exceedingly rare trait, recognized in only seventy or so extraterrestrial creatures discovered to date—though many scientists have argued for the inclusion of hundreds more). Though the term has been borrowed to describe similar creatures found elsewhere (much like how “megasaur” now broadly defines a class of creature rather than any one particular animal), the species actually known as neopithecanthropus is native to Campoleone. There, the creatures live in extended family groups that survive by hunting and gathering. Neopithecanthropus groups shun human contact, and thus little is known about the reclusive species. Observations of neopithecanthropus groups have confirmed that these creatures use a primitive language and possess the ability to fashion crude tools and weapons, and have even developed a kind of rudimentary art form similar to the cave paintings of humanity’s ancient ancestors.
Planet that was structured on a rose tinted view of ancient Athens and runs on electronic-facilitated direct democracy. New immigrants are required to take a very thorough course on the virtues of democracy and not voting is penalized.
Yeah ok I'll take a stab at that, if a bit late to the party:
I'll start with the Tyr since it's known to be an assault force initially equipped by the Lyrans.

-Atlas (standard D, or another appropriate flavor like the RS)
-Firestarter (not an ideal mech but it's some mobility)

The Sword of Light lance. Well equipped, but they supposedly didn't get as much of the Comstar goodies as newer units did.

-Catapult K2
-Trebuchet (K)

You could go for a Davion'ish lance with
-Catapult C1

That leaves the Hunchback, Hatchetman, and Gladiator, neither by any means bad designs but the HB will easily find a future home, the Hatchetman likely in with a Steiner-aligned unit (A bit late for equipping the Tyr imo) and the Gladiator DESU I don't buy into the whole retconning it into the late succession wars. I'd save it as either a Jihad period design or maybe even for a comstar force.
>CGL a just too cheap to have new art made
Eh, it was part of the whole "retro art printing" for the core books, but I agree that recycling old art feels more cheap than nostalgic. An homage is one thing but straight cut-pasting old art is unfit for a cover, especially when you're trying to shake off the whole "Old game with old minis" image.
Gladiator can be a cosplaying Wolverine 6M
Have the devs been putting a mech backward in time? like, suppose that there's a mech called 4chan;
>4CH-N came out in 3150, but the devs go 'actually there was a prototype 4CH-X developed in 3050; Here's a record sheet'
>4CH-A came out in 3025, and then there were -C (3075), -E (3100), -K (3150) and such. Then the devs add 4CH-B (3052) out of nowhere
>And now, as per your request, I'll post 'The Ghost Bear Spear' as single .png images instead of a single .pdf file.

Just wanted to say that I usually ignore the mechs/batreps that are posted as PDFs, so now I'll actually read this one.
They started doing that in like the third ever TRO. There has always been a tension between wanting to give hard availability dates and wanting people to be able to use the sheets/models in more era specific games.
For me it’s the spider, the best light mech
the Illuminati conspiracy exists in Battletech
>As their influence spread, they permitted more members to join, allowing for a rotating headship normally held by the most influential member at the time. Rulers of nations, mob bosses and prominent international bankers all held this leadership position, though the group never went too long without a Rothschild at its helm until the “fall” of the Star League. The Illuminati have played a patient game, buying time and influence with their incredibly vast wealth. Influencing elec-tions, the media and justice systems, their long-term plan was to create apathy among the masses. Through exhausting wars and visible corruption of governments, they intended to disenfranchise people and make them so tired of the status quo that after one last apocalyptic war, the Illuminati could sweep in and be welcomed with open arms
My local players almost always use a Locust, but unless I expressly need a scout mech I'll tend towards bringing some sort of cheap tank or infantry instead. Elementals when clan. I really need to get around to trying out a Warrior VTOL one day.
One time I tried bringing VTOLs to a breakthrough scenario. Opponent brought a mech with two LBX-AC10s, so to avoid the birdshot I had my VTOLs skim very low in the canyon to stay out of LOS from the mech on top.

Ended up forgetting how flank movement turns for VTOLs work and slamming Mt helicopter into the canyon wall at 150 km/h.

To win the scenario I had to cross the board with four units, and I totaled three.
I have read it and appreciate the work you put into this Batrep. Please continue to present them in this manner.
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That poor helicopter pilot
The first time I take one I don't doubt the opfor's going to bring nothing but scissors to fight a tiny bit of paper via LB-X spamming, but once that cherry's popped it'll be fair game to take one without warning, and I think against the usual PPC/Gauss/LRM spam it shouldn't be especially handicapped.

At this time though I don't have anything like Yellowjackets or Yashas that are truly threatening, but they might make ok spotters or harassers, no matter what Hitler has to say about it.
define filler a bit better
but i like to put hunchback in pretty much every composition
they cost 1050-1150 bv and are good medium to close option
One of my friends likes using VTOLs and it has made me value LBX-10 even more. I already liked it previously because it's got great utility (decent range, decent damage, and ability to swap to cluster shots once the enemy has been stripped of armor), but now if I'm building an all-rounder list I try to always include one mech with LBX-10, preferably arm-mounted.
Post minis, or game experience, or anything related. But we know you cant, you should run crying back to r/40k, where you belong
Just for you I'm going to post as many battreps as I can
After what they did to my man Tetsuhara, I wouldn't trust modern artists with anything.
>Mormon planet where they've returned to classic Mormonism with polygamy,
Are they classic Smith Mormons or Brigham Young? Because there's a few differences between the two that may create; difficulties.
Cargo Cult Atlas vs The Black Marauder
I would think there would be new age Battletech Momonism where they believe the Combine is satanic and a new angel named Fettuccine came to them and told them to marry even more women. Like all women should be married to the same 6 guys.
>they believe the Combine is satanic
Do Mormons think Islam is Satanic? Because there's a sizeable chunk of Islam in the Combine mixed up with that state Shintoism and legacy Buddhism.
UAC/10 or RAC/5? Which do you prefer?
Cheap mediums are my bread and butter: Vindicator, Enforcer, Centurion, Pixie, Blackjack, etc.
I don't know about Mormon theology, I'm a yuropoor. All I know about the Mormons is that they were banned from the Midwest and moved to Utah away from prosecution. They then had to ban polygamy for Utah to join the USA as a state and a splinter Mormon branch went to Mexico to continue having multiple wives
Thoughts on the Hollander? I think the original is a bit too slow and fragile for a single gauss rifle, but the G1 seems quite good, like a lyran panther.
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>the Commando she tells you not to worry about
salvaged a grasshopper 5N and uhhh, what the fuck do I do with this thing? I love the 5h for getting in there and beating shit up but the PPC on the 5N makes me feel like it's supposed to stay midrange but that kinda feels wasteful of it's mobility and melee potential
walking gun funny
me like walking gun
>They then had to ban polygamy for Utah to join the USA
I mean damn, how can pious Mormons be considered free to practice their faith under US and State law if they only gets to marry one of the many little girls in the community they could potentially rape on any given day?
I guess it depends on how much BV I'm filling. I would prefer to pick something that can contribute something to the lance but that really depends on what else I've picked. If I can't think of a good fit, a Wolverine is my first choice if I can afford it. Anything you might call a generalist gets a honorable mention. Vindicators, Centurions, Enforcers. If the BV is much lower than that I'd rather give it a Stinger as an initiative sink and bump up the pilot skills on whatever else.
Was meant for
How can I use a Vindicator and an Enforcer with being a shithead or doing mercs?
Play as Fedsuns or Cappies in the capellan march border area.
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You can't, because you're the only one who cares in the first place.
What's a good 4th mech for this lance? I'm thinking a Victor.
>No LRM but another medium laser
Soften them up while advancing with the PPC then fucking blast them when you get close?
sounds about right, very cappy
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Going larger never was the correct answer in the first place.
Take Charger 1A5, it's tougher than Victor and has more weapons.
Dark age mechs look terrible
Isn't that exactly the mechs in one of IWM's Capellan lance packs?
Not big enough. My friends and I go to a blacktop parking lot to chalk out a humansized hexgrid and then get dressed in our mech costumes to duke it out.
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Its a Gauss Rifle. On legs. Tell me why you would need anything else?

No, the Raven and Victor come from the Urban Lance, the Cataphract from the Heavy Battle Lance, and the Vindicator from the Beginners Box.
Is ATOW any good as an RPG? I've had it sitting on my shelf for a decade now and never played it. I'm trying to go through my backlog of unplayed systems.
You have the worst reading comprehension I've seen in this thread.
The only issue I see is that one tree is way too fucking big.
DA remakes of classic mechs do look bad
But I like some of the new ones
It's only around White Oak size.
I say Victor for no other reason but my Capellan lance being identical but with a Highlander in place of the Victor so that way you will not be copying me.
i'd go with either a hunchback, catapult, or the ac20 urbie.
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forgive me /btg/ for I have sinned.

I always thought the Bushwacker X1 was garbage because of the weak weapons, but I just finished a game where it took multiple turns of getting smacked by 2-3 assaults and it held the line. It lost both arms and 1 leg was internal, but it held the fucking line.

i might need to reevalute the bushwacker.
Run it again. One time's got no case.
He told us about his feelings and here you are, being rude to him.
Feelings are for faggots and pussies.
Science doesn't give a fuck about feels. Testing is required to answer the veracity of the hypothesis. Bushwacker coming through like a boss once is insufficient evidence, more uses is required to warrant reevaluation. Anon might be on to something with it, or it might have been a fluke of dice, or it might have been an extrasolar conjunction tilting the skeins of fate in anon's favor. Run the numbers, see what falls out the bottom.
What's with this sudden run-off from atheist youtube comments?
Science is man's way of understanding just a fraction of God's creation, you simpleton.
Papism is a christian heresy, FYI. The King James Bible is god's only relevation to his faithful.
KJV is peasant translation. The true glory of God is only evident when the Bible is presented to the eye in its purest language: German.
>>a mountainous planet settled by Peruvian Inca larpers, they love to build buildings as tall as possible
A planet full of Moners and they have mechs?

Count me in.
Bitch please. Wotan Thurr and Tiw also say a real man don't give a fuck about your twatty little fee-fee's.
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Dragon status: Honoured.
The Jenner has got to be my least favorite "common" mech. It is literally a sprinting toilet.
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Very honorable indeed, Chu-sa.
I'm not really a fan of its design either, but it's a Kurita staple and it does its job.
I really didn’t enjoy painting it, but it’s an iconic part of a DC lance, so the Dragon’s will be done.
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Are they fuckable?
The important distinction between Joseph Smith and Brigham Young is as follows;
Joe had a White Man's Burden view of the world, except he missed the memo about it being a pretext for abuse, rape, violence and exploitation.
He didn't want to kill indians and supported black people becoming bishops and church leaders. In the 1800s. While he had a number of other faults (using "God says so" as a Pick up line) for the era he was a pretty progressive guy who had a general love for all mankind.
Conversely Brigham Young, who took over shortly after Smith died; was your average 4chan poster.
Depends on how brave you are.
>Third Star League as an ineffectual North Korea-esque microstate no one listens to
Doesn't work when in 3251 the IlClan is strong enough to dictate basic industry to the Great Houses and send clusters around to hunt out unauthorized weapon manufacturing in the Great House territory and the periphery.

My angle is that Alaric was retarded enough to kill his khan in the throne room on Tharkad and that there was some small, unnoticed camera that recorded the whole thing. That gets out, and then the Anastasia Kerensky leads the bulk of the Wolves in revolt against the IlKhan. Alaric tries to run to the Empire and gets stonewalled and ends up captured. Steph Chistu and Tara Campbell organize a general peace conference that hammers out the 3rd Star League for real.
It's really telling that Campoleone has stone age Man-Apes and the highest native life form is still listed as "plant". Don't go lumberjacking alone.
Even the Clans respected the Jenner enough to IIC it, and it was a DCMS 'mech from the SLDF's greatest House rival.
It is important to note that most of the 3250 stuff is only implied. Just because there is such a thing as unauthorized manufacturing and auditors out looking for it doesn't mean the limits are actually that strict or the enforcement is that effective. In fact we know it isn't since whoever they're trying to suppress keep having mechs. Those blurbs could very well be a yes man trying to not be killed for delivering bad news to a manbaby dictator. Your empire is good and all of your things are in order! Your new imperial clothing looks... great. Yeah, really great.
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Based. I built one of his descendants recently, the IIC 2 version. He go fast and do the zappy zaps.
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Oh hell yeah. With Blake as my witness, my first time masturbating was to Ika from Quest for Fire.
>the Clans respected the Jenner
No they didn't. The Dragoons brought it back to the homeworlds on their first resupply run and the Nova Cat khan got stupid high and thought that the Jenner, wwhich nobody else gave a fuck about, was the key to their destiny.
>Doesn't work when in 3251 the IlClan is strong enough to dictate basic industry to the Great Houses and send clusters around to hunt out unauthorized weapon manufacturing in the Great House territory and the periphery.
I think they walked back some of that because of how loathed it was by the community for being so retarded. Or at least I hope they did. Honestly since they've abandoned the timeskip and are now advancing to 3250 at a snails pace they should just scrap the whole IlClan shit. At least with the timeskip it would have skipped straight to when it all falls apart so we could have started moving on from stupid Clan shit.

3025 was the best setting era.
In wave 2 purgatory.
It is kinda wild that their plan was to dig themselves out of the first timeskip only to go directly into another one.
They'll backfill later.

Time skips are for when you know where you want to go but have no idea how to get there.
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Am I wrong for thinking every clanner has sameface and needless manjaw? Even among the men? It's like they all have chadface light with lip filler.

Like, I'm willing to believe all clanners have bogdonov genetics, but holy shit is it distracting to see everyone in permanent zoolander face.
>3025 was the best setting era
Everything from the 3rd Succession War through the Jihad is fine, minus anything to do with the Republic of the Sphere. Everything about the RotS is fucking stupid, and this ilClan era is shaping up to be just as stupid. It will only be acceptable if the ilClan/3rd Star League fails spectacularly, otherwise they're just writing their setting into a corner again.
>started moving on from stupid Clan shit.
if you think one of the next big eras won't be clan invasion 2 now that the home systems are cut off allowing writers to make up whatever shit they need to (new mechs, new motivations, new clans a la stone lion, whatever) then I wish I shared your optimism
They just finished scrambling to backfill and they didn't like it at all. The entire Jihad all the way up through the start of the blackout was backfill.
Well, in a way he was right. The jenner represented the combine, which was the key to their destiny of getting utterly skullfucked by Toranaga for siding with the Black Dragon Society.
The entire Jihad was also backfill, fren.

Anyway, they'll tell themselves that they aren't going to, but their autism will force it in a few years.
>it's not real bro!
>it's just one guy on earth lying to another guy
>totally isn't their honest roadmap for the next century of the game
This is cope. Not hating you or anything, but what you posted is just pure copium.

Please imagine a monke putin huffing copium casks, but he has enhanced imaging tattoos and the casks are labeled CJF and SLDF.
>Everything from the 3rd Succession War through the Jihad is fine, minus anything to do with the Republic of the Sphere.
FedCom civil was shit because of how badly written it was
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Is there a way to do DCMS that isn't mega cringe? Are there any units that aren't buttfuck retarded?
>FedCom civil was shit because of how badly written it was
I honestly don't know a lot of the details, but broadly speaking the concept of a FedCom breakup makes sense and restores the detante that allows the game setting to work.

Legion of Vega
The concept makes sense, the details were all incredibly stupid.
There isn't anything more mega cringe than posting furry shit.
Night Stalkers, bro
Go reread the blurbs again, they're not objective truths stated by a neutral narrator. They're a yes-man telling his boss that everything's fine, there's no war other than those rebels who will definitely be crushed any day now, just as soon as their very competent and special auditors figure out where all the rebel war machines are coming from. It reads like a peon sucking up to a man who shoots messengers.
>the details were all incredibly stupid
I'll take your word for it, as that is a safe bet.
That's what I said. Everything from the Jihad through the blackout is backfill.
The concept makes no sense. The lure of being the unquestionably most powerful nation in known space should have outweighed nearly any amount of cultural differences or court politics.
Does it outweigh the niggling feeling that the other side is just using you so they can be the most powerful nation in known space while you bear the brunt of the consequences for little gain?
Instant Action v 4.1 is coming in the next few days. A few tweaks to scenarios, and you can't carry objectives while jumping anymore.
You are mixed up, If anyone was a black dragon it was Toranaga. The Cats attempted to restore the rightful coordinator after she got usurped by Yori, who is a branch member at best.
It's ugly as hell but the more I look at it the more it grows on me. It's my favorite ugly mech. It doesn't hurt that it's good at what it does.
Funny you mention him, "if only the tsar knew!" is exactly the kind of situation I'm imagining. The Khan (Tsar) doesn't know, because all the yes men jockeying for position so they can grift their way into a new space yacht keep telling him what he wants to hear. It's a classic trope, even if the reality is often more "willfully ignorant" than just plain old "ignorant".
>If anyone was a black dragon it was Toranaga
Dude, you're completely retarded
That's not how the clans roll though. They're entirely on the "suicidal last stand" side of things and not the "tepid and meek existence" side.
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Lol, lmao even.

What's fun is that both sides can say that.
They've been getting Sphere'd for a century now. They use BattleMechs in first-line formations. They use melee weapons. They barely use zellbrigen, and they crash WarShips onto planets for no real reason.
Sure, when they're able to fight it out as a clan. The ilclan is supposed to be untouchable. Game over, someone won, no trials, no arguing, big king on the big throne is boss now and forever. A hundred years after the big king sat in the Terran throne, whoever's whispering in his ear is not going to be some openly ambitious khan or loremaster.
I don't read dark age novels but can you explain why you think a warlord assassinating the sitting coordinator and installing a bastard he personally groomed so he can go on more interesting conquests isn't black dragon stuff?
One key thing about brexit is that french and german troops and the related industrial base wasn't vital to holding back the alien invasion that was stopped at Hadrian's wall.
Right, which is why the details were retarded.

But for the FedSuns to secede would have made perfect sense.

Also, Kat shoved up Lyran nationalism enough when she was pulling the LyrCom out that the Lyrans were too fired up to remember that it was Fedrat blood that saved them.

History shows people being that stupid for sure.
Or as suicide bombers, like that one twisted metal car.
Wonder if the player can install the EI as well
>hate Smoke Jags
>see this pic
>Oh no he's hot
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Working on an axe murderers lance for my 11th Lyran Guards.
If they had 90s CGI EI mode, I'd buy the game.
>Do Mormons think Islam is Satanic?
Do you not?
I'm hoping to get some hex maps printed, and when I do, I'm thinking of making them twice as big for convenience of putting multiple models on a hex.
>sibko Kin saying "I challange you to Circle of Equals"
>the challanged woman's expression
Can a Clanner challange someone 3~4 ranks higher than herself?
I despise all Abrahamic desert religions, for they are anathema to the designs of my exquisite Mistress, from whom the greatest of delights is subjugation beneath the feet of, but I merely inquire whether or not Mormonism specifically believes Islam to be.
Does anyone sell mech-scale maps?
In theory yes, but I don't think an individual basic mechwarrior can challenge anyone above the rank of Star Colonel, else high commanders would be spending all their time fighting duels instead of commanding troops.
So the MC's Star is in the Beta Galaxy. How fucked are they then?
Where are you getting them printed? I have a bunch of map files but Staples is asking $16.50 for a single-sided print on poster paper. I've been looking for a print shop in the U.S. or that ships to the U.S. and won't charge me an arm and a leg.
I loved that shit in MW2.
Beta's perfect. Still high enough to be considered top-tier, not elite enough to be tryhards like Alpha, plenty of room for notable gloryhounding and potential advancement, and you still get to press the flesh with the Khans from time to time. Beta Galaxies really seem to be the sweet spot in the touman if you just want to be good without having to constantly show off for it.
There's a 3D printing business in my town that can print in resin and filament. Was going to get them to print modified heroscape tiles for me(at twice or thrice the size, as mentioned) because I always find it annoying when I'm melee or charging someone and we push each other out of our hexes.because the arms are poking out or something.
It shouldn't be too much bigger nor take up much more table space I think. Plus I always have a problem remembering levels so I think that if I had the visual assistance of seeing a model physically higher or lower than another I'd do better.
Not generally.
Look into places that print blueprints. They can often do printing cheap.
You probably have to duel your way up the chain to get the chance to duel them unless you're within 1 rank or equal to them already.
You talk like a retard.
Not an answer to the question, but thanks for the (You).
>Not an answer to the question
You didn't ask one.
>but thanks for the (You).
Oh grow up.
The question was in the OP.
>Do Mormons think Islam is Satanic?
Is there anywhere where I can get a timeline in a nutshell of the entire setting because my brain is still firmly lodged in like Clan Invasion era/Mechwarrior 2 and 3 from the 90's storywise.
>Can a Clanner challange someone 3~4 ranks higher than herself?
Technically yes.
But it's rather a question of circumstances (Operation Icestorm novell about Hellion Tantrum 2.0 have a good insight on it)
The only thing that has happened since then is a civil war between fedsuns and lyrans, after they united as one house briefly following the end of the invasion.
That is the last update the game's creators made.
Why would they?
And frankly I'm not sure why a theoretical planet of space Mormons from the FWL would despise the DC in particular over the Lyrans of the Cappies.
I suppose this works but I was really looking more for some quick short video by some Battletech autist or something.
Videos are all bad. Reading is the only good way to learn information.
At least Rem, Bryon Young and CGL wont get his hands on the Wolverines for awhile then.

Zoroastrian world that worships stars as eternal flame
From that angle any visible jawbone will look like manjaw
But yeah, Clans euginic programms probably caused something like that
Normally i'd agree but I just need a quick rundown fast to write up a scenario for some friends who want to get into the setting with a game.

Thanks this will help immensely!
Hand of Allah be my witness: heretics, apostates, and recidivists are less bothersome than having to deal with Procurement.
They can challenge, but it brings no dishonor to the higher ranking person to tell them to fuck off. The number of legitimate grievances some dumb fuck grunt could have to challenge a Star Colonel is exceptionally small.

A challenge of grievance only goes forward when the dispute can't be settled by a the superior officer to both. Doubt a galaxy commander is going to even give the time of day to some still wet from the decanting FNG over the commander of his cluster. After that, the dispute has to go before a clan council. Again, why the fuck would the council side with mechwarrior kitten who doesn't even have a bloodname?

Really, the only situation that some brand new mechwarrior could challenge over would be a really blatant and uncalled for insult.
>What was the Redemption and Malice?
So, this guy >>93950588
is fucking with you, but for understandable reasons.

When FASA (the original BT company) collapsed in the late 90s they left a lot of plot lines unfinished, which had been built up for years. The franchise changed hands several times over the next two decades and each owner decided to drastically change things and advance the timeline in order to make the setting their own. Almost all of this is garbage and most people prefer to pretend it didn’t happen.
Can't believe she actually agreed to fistfight
She's a Jaguar.

Victor killed Lincoln Osis with a fucking sword.
95% of all plot points in this franchise are garbage and always have been. Huge portions of the plots of the first books fall apart on the slightest examination. We all must develop a zen like acceptance of bad writing.
I'd call it an assisted suicide
Yet all IP's owners always kept main selling points of the setting
There are only two selling points.

Human far future politics and big stompy robots.
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Base and washes applied. I'm too tired to keep going, and my brush is thrashed. Need to buy a fresh one before I do highlights and details.
The white stripe on the Lyran Guards is kind of pain in the ass.
I'm not fucking with anybody, I clearly stated "the game's creators"
No contribution by any following "ip owner" is any more canon than any random fanfiction or homebrew.
Lol, fair enough.
Isn't it the same people the whole time just under different company names?
Also scale. Unlike 40k or SW BT never narrows setting to the selected few worlds, Deep Periphery and Periphery still gets some attention from time to time
A lot of shared people, but not exactly the same.
Much more interesting timeline to track the real names that have changed and stayed the same over the course of the last 40ish years.
So if the Alpha and Beta Galaxies are more prestigious, what should their skill level be? What should it be for solahma units?
Usually the skill level of front line clusters is given as elite, with per pilot lists scattering in some veteran ratings. The 13th wolf guards are a scratch built misfit unit that has people as low as regular in it's 3051 lineup.

Whether elite means an average of 0/1 or 2/3 is the subject of some conflict.
Should I add a captured Hauptmann to my Kuritan Omni Company? I want a decent Assault for them besides the Sunder and Tenshi
Per the Wolf Clan source book, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma are all almost entirely Elite (1/2), Delta is a combo of Elite and Veteran (2/3), and Epsilon Garrison Galaxy is mostly Regular, with some Veteran and some Elite.

Jade Falcons don't have an Alpha Galaxy. For them, Jade Falcon Galaxy is a combo of Elite and Veteran (maybe 3/4 Elite, while Wolf Alpha was 90%), Gyrfalcon Galaxy is about the same. Those are the only two listed. Note that the Falcons attach Eyrie Clusters (training units) and solahma to all Galaxies, including those.
Is the Stalker one of the better/viable assaults in 3025?
With quirks, it's busted.
Without quirks, it's still very good depending on the variant.
I do wonder where it could have gone after the Civil war if FASA was still around. I know of the broad strokes of the overall story, but which plotlines were unfinished?
It's the most common IS Assault for a reason.
The Jihad was being set up, or clearly something to finish the Comstar/WoB conflict, probably with the Goons and Fochstar coming out on top, fitting their role as Protagonist Factions. The WoBbies going apeshit was a necessity to justify the Dark Ages retooling.
I'm torn between -3F and -3H
-3FK is beast
In terms of scale/height, Dogwood and occasional Sassafras for Light Woods; pin oak and occasional Ponderosa pine for Heavy Woods, with thinner tree line for former and thicker tree line for latter.
I prefer the 3F, the two LLs give holepunching options and heat curve versatility that I miss in the 3H. The extra LRM tubes are nice but I feel don't make up for this lack of versatility.

(Side note I wish the 3Fs launchers were swapped: srms in the arms and lrms in the torsos. That way it can arm flip and fire it's entire short range compliment at any would be backstabbers. Also srms benefit more from the bigger weapon archs regardless)
>Instant Action v 4.1 is coming in the next few days. A few tweaks to scenarios, and you can't carry objectives while jumping anymore.
how is this going to interact with rivers?
Hope you pass your PSRs!
I think it's an error eliminating jumping with objectives altogether, but the choice is ultimately yours. When's the next fight?
What if there was a game where you had to manage a periphery nation AND raise the heir to the throne?
I've got a campaign game to arrange sometime in the next week, my FWL against Wolf's Dragoons. There's a few other campaign battles to be played, and then we start turn 4 on the 30th.
Can't you do that in Mechwarrior: Destiny?
Fuck those traitorous rats up.
It would only be based on the IP of BT, but not the mechanics of the board game (one would hope).

Also I will disdain anybody who doesn't raise their daughter to be a lewd cyborg shrew.
>raise their daughter to be a lewd cyborg shrew.
Yeah sure what could possibly go wro....
>Nasty K Khanship
>Current state of Lyran Commonwealth
>Collapse of Aurigan Coalition
Why couldn't you just translate TW one-to-one for the battles, and then a system for basic resource management along with a system for scheduling and parenting the princess?
Literally all the calculations are there.for the game, you just have to figure out the non battle stuff.
But consider what could go right.
Wouldn't be fun if it doesn't use the Princess AI for auto-battle resolution and you're left to clean up the mess afterwards.
>FPG doesn't have Pleiades Hussar decals
>hit up eBay
>find a seller, 10 sheets in stock, just need 1
>seller is in Estonia
>$25.50 for 1 sheet after shipping
Why must I be tormented so?
It's all so that Western Taiwan can be re-united with the Chinese Republic eventually.
Fuck off we are complaining about Estonia not some made up place in the Orient.
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On the other hand, the Purple Phoenix has risen.
Can you set Princess to play against herself?
Yes, you can, just start a game with two bots.
Oh man, I was actually looking at printing mapsheets this week so I have some suggestions. Look into Short Run Posters, they can do 18x24 posters for 5 bucks each. If you just leave 2 inches of empty space and make the actual image take up 18x22 inches, you’d have a poster scaled to match exactly with Catalyst paper mapsheets.

Unfortunately, the Catalyst paper mapsheets still come out ahead price-wise, at 30 bucks for a pack of 6 double-sided maps, they’re averaging about $2.50 per sheet. So the poster printing, even with the best deal I’ve been able to find so far, only manages to be half as cost-effective. On the other hand:

>it doesn’t give money to Catalyst
>you can print any custom map you want

So depending on how important those things are, it might be worth it. Right now it’s probably not worth for me.
Not him but I've been wanting to scan and copy the Ishiyama Cavern mapsheets, since they're designed to be cut up and connected in whatever arrangement.
There is no question in the opening post (OP). Please learn your lingo before you use it. Also, I did answer that question, here >>93950298
Do Elementals paints their armor in the colours of Galaxy?
Also, is there any tutorials with tips on how to paint those little fuckers?
ESL please don't use curse words. You immediately out yourself with your inability to use them correctly.
Whatever, any advices, please?
not sure how to paint them less painfully, but art is a mix of generic clan schemes and galaxy colors, so I guess it's up to you
if it's not a complex scheme you could hit them with a basecoat+wash combo to get it the right overall color then dab on any simple details at the end I think, or those contrast paints GW shills but I've never touched them
also ignore speds weakly baiting, it's like random fucking ecounters around here
>Do Elementals paints their armor in the colours of Galaxy?
The models are small enough that details don't show very well anyway, so I just basecoat, was, and drybrush mine, and then do any minor detailing like pains some areas of the armor yellow for Falcons delta galaxy or paint the area below the waist very dark grey for Wolves beta galaxy.
Answering a question with a question is not an answer.
yo dis nigga don't know what a rhetorical question is, laugh at he GED flunkin ass
A rhetorical question is also not an answer.
Britbong here.
I can just confirm I'd call some things "little fuckers". Elementals certainly count as little fuckers if you ask me. Fuck is a versatile word, and ESL or not that poster has nailed the use of it.
It's currently still euro time, so you're likely to hit one of us ESLs no matter which way you swing this cat.
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Boys, I need some help. Can anyone tell me sculpt year on the Mastodon? I can't find it online and the gates are all blank in the blister. Pretty sure it's 2022 or 2023 but like I said, no data.
IWM's? 2023
Hauptmann mogs on most IS assaults you should always run it
New thread: >>93954328

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