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Strength 8 Explosions edition

Previous thread: >>93927563

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>Thread demand:
Post your favorite dreadnought.
Chaos "gods" and their "daemons" are just xeno of the warp and i refuse to believe otherwise. The Emperor was right.
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There is only one acceptable answer.
dubs confirm, dreads should have never had mobile heads
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They called me mad, they called me a fool, they told me to delete this,
I kinds feel like I missed out on the cool weapon options so I might get another pack and fiddle with those
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>Aussie is a looney
No surprise there. Also nice slaanesh trips.
>forfeited trips because he was embarrassed he's australian
many such cases
Yes, hello, I'd like to fuck slaaneshi emperor class titan.
So I'm at an impasse. I'm playing World Eaters, which means vexillas are very helpful for morale, and I need a standard bearer for each of my two command squads anyway (terminator and regular). This is fine. The problem: I hate banners. With a passion. Back banners, handheld vexillas, banners on spear hafts, you name it. If it has a pole and a floppy cloth bit I hate it and do not want it on my models.
What can I use instead to mark out the vexilla and standard bearers? I considered trophy racks but so far lack the parts.
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Who asked
Sounds like you need to get the parts.
Sounds like it, but I was hoping to hear any other ideas before I buy anything.
>Plays WE
>Didn't collect an abundance of skull bits in preparation
You had one job
I have the skulls (and helmets, and bare heads) - I lack convincing spears/pikes to stick them on. I suppose brass rod would do if I mask the lack of a spear end.
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nullificators did pretty well in their first couple of games and killed a pretty decent list of units
>2 contemptors
>10 reavers
>10 justaerin
>some speeders
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You could have some helmets on chains held aloft, or just get some thin brass rod and use that as a spike for a helemtbor a skull, or even just shave down a toothpick and use that as a spike.
God I wish Word bearers could get gravis warpfire Cannons for their dreadnoughts
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Warpfire plasma sicarans.
Warpfire plasma carronade for the deredeo.
>"daemons" are just xeno of the warp
That doesn't make them any less magical, which is an actual, measurable thing in the setting. They are governed by a different set of physics that happened to be codified in ancient texts as "ritual".
The only issue I see is that he's trying to put his forward grip hand on a rotating set of barrels.
The grip is offset.
Nisu. Looking forward to seeing it
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pic related

In terms of named, in-fluff dreadnoughts, my favorite is Hawk Talon from Deathwing. In no small part because the story he's introduced in features the Dark Angels retreating from a Hive World using small passages that were never meant for a space marine to use, and this crazy redskin somehow got his dreadnought ass off that planet. And also because 'Living Dreadnought' is top tier descriptor and should have been used more.
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where did the flare shield go gw??
I guess it flared out of existence
Good job, Anon. How many gets hot deaths?
Speaking of, when you have a unit like that do you pass all the gets hot onto one sod or would individual models takw wounds?
i never said they weren't magical. them being magical doesn't change them being extradimensional xeno.
Gets Hot is on a model by model basis so you technically need to roll each one individually.
Eh, I'm fine with it.
Is this one of the few instances where you don’t have to apply wounds to models that already have them from multiple Gets Hot failed saves? So a multiple wound unit that has 2 wounds per model with gets hot rolls…you can have multiple models with one wound remaining without having to kill models like in combat or result of shooting? Do I understand that right?
It also leads to cheesy bullshit like a Squad of myrmidons being all injured from plasma gets hot so you can distribute wounds willy nilly.
I have a new idea for multi wound Salamanders with It Will Not Die, gets hot weapons, and a Centurion Medicae to reroll the failed saves and failed IWND rolls. SICK
firedrakes can't even take combi-plas
What is he wearing? Bricks?
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So happy this mini got released, it's so kino
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It's gotta be the box. I get that the contemptor is closer to the Rogue Trader original, but it's just not as aesthetic. It still looks good, but it doesn't look right.
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Bros does it really matter if the claws are uneven, I like it
It can work
I find terminator fists to be a bit too big for PA models.
Salamander Nullificators to name one. Combi plasma as well for any elite troops. I’m liking the Salamanders Nullificators though.
Yeah, Nullificators can't take combi weapons, sorry dude.
Regular terminators and vets can.
...but Disintegrators are Gets Hot, anon
ERA(explosive reactive armor), bricks of explosive that are added on tank to protect it from enemy fire by means of explosion, mostly from HEAT rounds but better ones work even against APFSDS, idea is explosion will damage/disrupt enemy missle, and it works. It's popular in eastern europe and all late cold war soviet tanks have it as standard, US have variants of it too. Currently ukrainians are putting kontakt-1(super old soviet ERA that protect against non tandem heat rounds like rpg-7) on everything including leopard 2 and challenger 2 and it became meme.

It's weird to be honest that 40k don't have ERA equivalent, because gluing explosives to tank for additional protection is very 40k. 40k writters military knowledge ended with WW2 I guess.
Bro, Nullificators can take Disintegrators. Wtf are you smoking?
Ah, true. Disintegrators are so fucking expensive though. My bad.
Wish I was smoking something ...
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I should have used dual cataphractii claws however it still looks okay
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Do you still get the bonus from having 2 close combat weapons if you don't use those close combat weapons? A champion gets a paragon blade for free so you retain the bolt pistol and chainsword, but if you fight with the paragon blade do you keep that +1 attack? If you gave it 2 lightning claws could the paragon blade get +2 attacks?
FW makes twin finger claws for MkIII.
You get the bonus for the weapons you use when fighting, not for ones in your infentory.
Those arms are too thin for even the regular mkIV much less the nu scale.
Ah I didn't even realise
Also I IRL pirate all of my warhammer, dont think I can irl pirate the FW shit
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Trying to bling out my despoilers
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So no blade juggling champion then
Banner pole >>>>>>> backpack banner
Nice work.
They expensive but oh lord will they fuck things up. Throw in a medicae and warmonger. Deep strike assault the. shoot and fuck.
grenades hanging from a chain or a harness is kino, well done, Anon.
For a World Eater's maul I've always thought since I had the idea two hours ago that a haft with some loyalist's helmet on the end would make for a funny kitbash.
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Stop it Anon you're tempting me.
Does anyone even use hand flamers?
Warmonger bestows Deep Strike on one other unit, not two.
Death Guard
2 warmongers then
I said hand flamers not jizz throwers
Of all my fancy dreads this guy is actually probably my favorite. I just kinda like the idea of some poor sod who fucked up so bad they get interred in a dreadnought so they can keep being in a destroyer company. If fact I like it so much I did it twice
Are nullifactors supposed to be anti-demon? Why would traitors have them?
Tell me more about them. I'm more of a combi-melta guy. I know they are 2 Instant Death shots, and get I look at their AP2 with disdain
They are Destroyers of the Soul. And Traitors aren't always friendly to one another
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The Warmaster may be aligned with the dark powers, but even the traitors are going to need some measure of insurance against fickle daemons.
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>oh yeh dude plastic kits are so much better resin is so shitty haha
Yes I love having to carve out and position individual bolter shells to fix the huge fucking gaps in these shitty clamshell weapons.
Jesus fucking christ why did I fall for this meme.
Just to say something different, I love the chunky leviathans.
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finished up the chap in the middle for a chaplain last night

what are you anons working on?
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10 nullifactors with disintegrators and 1 grenade harness is 680 points
Nullifactor consul with disintegrator is 150
Mortitat with 2 disintegration pistols, combi-disintegrator, and a power weapon is 170
1000 points, 1 unit, legal list for Pride is Our Armor Blackshields
The unit entry for nullifactors says you MAY select them as troops not that you have to
My preferred loadout is 10 with disintegrators, cata Warmonger with thunder hammer and Grenade Harness, and cata Librarian with divination personally
Post examples.
>dont think I can irl pirate the FW shit
Is this negro being resolute?
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Im not flying to the UK to flog some britbong in the snout to steal some FW, do they even sell FW in the stores over in ingerland?
>The Emperor doesn't want you to know, but skulls are free and you can take them home. I have claimed 128,983 skulls
my fluff is that one of the praetor level commanders in the triumvirate dabbles in sorcery
the nullificators are his personal guard but wind up having to fight off the things he summons because the commander is horribly inept
>pirate = physical steal them from stores and people
Post skin colour.
>think of really funny blackshields Pride list involving 3 warmongers
>remember my recent reserves luck
>quietly shelves idea
I really should build that Master of Signals man
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>get into your armor so you can get into your armor

Soon enough it'll turn into Black Reaving except without being associated with the armless man.
>even in his prison of a country an Ozzie can't help but to steal
Does anyone run Outriders? I want to run a bike heavy as Word Bearers to do something different but they just seem so weak.

My experience so far is one team with twin melta doesn't actually do anything because the smurfs just save their movement phase reaction to move their Spartan out of melta range every time. Multiple squads of 3 perhaps to stop the reaction limit and eliminate the target? They're a good fire magnet at least.

The metal Khorne rune dripping with blood from the Bloodletter box might be up your alley. If you're a traitor chad, of course.
>be traitor alligned to chaos, loyal to Horus, daemons are your allies
>same daemons that are unreliable ally at best and backstabbers at most
>they like fucking you over as much as killing civilians
>in faction that is mostly known for infigting
>nobody hates chaos followers and daemons more than chaos followers and daemons in diferent colour
>daemons will do everything to not be banished, including turning on eachother and their allies
>why on Terra would you even consider having specialised anti-daemon tools?
I don't know anon but I don't like my cool aid turning into blood, walls screaming in pain and my nightmare given flesh to ruin my day because some Word Bearer threw a tantrum.
>t they just seem so weak
They are. You're paying twice the cost of a tactical marine for a fast marine with a TL bolter and a chainsword.
I wanted to try and make a armored column work without having to dip out of blsckshields, rate the list.

Legion: Blackshields
Oaths of Vengeance and Wrath: The Flesh is Weak, Only in Death Does Duty End
Primary Detachment - 3000
HQ - 220
Consul, Chaplain, Master Crafted Power Axe - 110
Consul, Chaplain, Master Crafted Power Axe - 110

Troops - 560
10x Tacticals, 10x Bolter - 100
- Rhino, Twin Bolter, Dozer Blade - 40
10x Tacticals, 10x Bolter - 100
- Rhino, Twin Bolter, Dozer Blade - 40
10x Tacticals, 10x Bolter - 100
- Rhino, Twin Bolter, Dozer Blade - 40
10x Tacticals, 10x Bolter - 100
- Rhino, Twin Bolter, Dozer Blade - 40

Elites - 650
10x Veterans, 9x Power Maul, Thunder Hammer, 10x Bolter, Legion Vexilla - 285
- Rhino, Twin Bolter, Dozer Blade - 40
10x Veterans, 9x Power Maul, Thunder Hammer, 10x Bolter, Legion Vexilla - 285
- Rhino, Twin Bolter, Dozer Blade - 40

Fast Attack - 270
3x Outriders, 3x Twin Plasma Gun, 2x Chainsword, Power Fist - 135
3x Outriders, 3x Twin Plasma Gun, 2x Chainsword, Power Fist - 135

Heavy Support - 1200
3x Predators, 3x Predator Autocannon, 6x Sponson Lascannon, 3x Dozer Blade - 375
3x Predators, 3x Predator Autocannon, 6x Sponson Lascannon, 3x Dozer Blade - 375
Kratos, Melta Blastgun, Coaxial Autocannon, 2x Hull Lascannon, 2x Sponson Lascannon, Hunter-Killer Missile, Flare Shield, Decurion Locus, Searchlights, Nuncio Vox, Dozer Blade - 450
Isn't it strange that solar auxilia and imperialis militia can't take the marauder planes but on the webstore their listed under both factions? I wonder why that is... very sad I can't take a beeg bomber plane
Tortuga bay sells lightling claws
It's simple, keep one hand open to the alliance with the warp daemons and the other a clenched fist ready to strike.
>horribly inept
Legion? NL?
Dogshit nu-mk3 aside, very nice touches especially the bare head with the butchers nails.
Not gonna post pics because I've been accused of spamming before, but I've varnished my Thallax after doing some battle damage and decals, but I do need to wait a few days to stick the oil wash on. Feeling like I've got back into it a little bit.
This may be me beating a horse that’s well and truly dead, but any word on a…let’s call it “liberated” PDF copy of The Martian Civil War in the works? I mean, true, it’s been roughly a week since it dropped if Google is anything to go off of, so it might still be too soon, but someone’s GOT to have one that they’re willing to share…
Question, what is the point of an Arvus lighter in the Solar Aux list? I'm thinking of putting a veletaris tercio in the things but outside of using them as a Solar Aux drop pod I don't see much use for it, and drop pods already suck thanks to intercept, and since the axe guys can't charge out of the Arvus the best use would be giving everyone volkite chargers and shoot after they land. I was gonna proxy Arvus lighters with 40k Valkyries cuz I just like the look better and remove all the weapons, IK they aren't the same size I just prefer the look of Valkyries more.
How about using them as a Drop Pod for Volkite Chargers? Interceptor hits vehicles before disembarks happen, so your dudes will always make it onto the field alive (you can Deepstrike as a Hover flyer, which removes Crash & Burn)
And if they survive, it's now basically a jump/flying Rhino
Yeah they should totally use Valkyries.
And Dreadclaws. Some guy told me that mortals could use Dreadclaws in BattleFleet Gothic
Why were Marauders removed from Blackshields? It was their thing, and it could lead to varied squads and not involve "Weapons of Desperation" but just be a standard option.
>Some guy told me that mortals could use Dreadclaws in BattleFleet Gothic
I'm like 90% sure that's true, so consider me the second guy
>How about using them as a Drop Pod for Volkite Chargers?
I'm retarded and tunnel visioned myself into thinking "only melee units need transports"
>Yeah they should totally use Valkyries.
Dreadclaw in 40k(dunno how since 8th ed) could carry 10 models, it could be DT for CSM, choosen and dreadnoughts but you could carry cultists in it if you really wanted, same with Kharybdis just 20 instead of 10.
In BFG it was stated that fluffwise it caries cultists or CSM. Not to mention dreadclaw is just spaceship, mostly designed for boarding enemy spaceships so it's kinda safe unless machine spirit decide it want to kill it's crew(reason it was pulled out of service with loyalists).
So yeah it's possible. And to be fair I didn't find anything that prevent normal humans from using drop pods, most likely only fact that marines have their own ship to lauch them from instead of relying on navy for transport, and marines make their own expensive shit(like drop pod machine spirit) they need instead of getting some charity equipment from munitorum.
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The same place where the arvus options, the militia power armour, the tarantula things, etc.. went, behind the shed because they didn't want to balance them. People have praised the team for removing things which are now slowly being added back for a price.
They can...in 1.0, now look at the carnodon and tell me if you notice anything similar. I'll save you the effort, it's a militia model, with fluff that states that it got replaced during the great crusade but was kept in armouries on conquered worlds to be used in defences and counterattacks but isn't part of the militia list anymore.
>They can...in 1.0
Killing myself it's OVER
>I'll save you the effort
You kind soul, thank you
>but isn't part of the militia list anymore.
I also noticed that. When I saw it wasn't in the Solar Aux list I assumed it would be in the militia list... nope. It's in the marine legacies PDF though...
It's in the legacies doc for aux. I doubt anyone would have any problem with running it in militia considering they could before.
>It's in the legacies doc for aux
Is it? I have the 1.1 version of the PDF and it's not there
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Are there other models that GW/FW sells that have a faction before their name that can't run the unit?
Page 4
Oh sorry I thought you meant the Marauder, yeah IK the Carnodon is in the legacies PDF
I've checked everything and they can't field them, never could, which is a bit weird. The closest things would be the liber imperatus 2.0 homebrew which has it and the mournival 1.0 militia homebrew from which you can create a bomber.
Let's be clear, it is literally always OK to steal from GW
They're literally just drop pods, mainly for Solar Pattern. Ten deep striking BS4 volkite chargers is 165 points and one troops slot. Compare that to the legion list, where it's 180 points and a troop slot plus an all-in deep strike rite of war, or 260 points and both a troop and fast attack slot without the rite of war.
Amazing, thank you
>I didn't find anything that prevent normal humans from using drop pods
I am of the belief that Dreadclaws have more powerful retros than regular drop pods, and can have a more gradual, softer landing (or not land at all).
Meanwhile, drop pods decelerate only the bare minimum, meaning they crash with a force that would be lethal to normal humans.
I have no proof but also no doubts.
Mechanicum count as augmented humans, so they too would be able to survive a drop pod descent
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Got my tech thralls finally built, goodness me were they a bit of a nuisance to put together. Despite my slight annoyance with their assembly though, I must say that I appreciate the amount of customisation and spare bits the little shamblers leave you with. I’ll have to do a second 20-man squad of them at some point but I need to get back to painting my WE’s.

Yours are looking very nice btw anon, love that brass and blue.
>Are nullifactors supposed to be anti-demon?
You sure as fuck don't get that impression from their rules
>You sure as fuck don't get that impression from their rules
Theyre good vs force weapons, have powerful but only AP3 melee weapons and guns good for killing high wound count models.

They seem pretty good for going through demonbrutes or whatever.
That’s why you just put all your characters in one unit.
What’s the best way to get a box naught these days?
Those plus power fists and even the mauls are cool too. Drop them in the middle of your opponents stuff and watch the chaos
Did GW remove the ordinatii from their store?
That's not how it works.
If you attach Warmonger to a Praetor / Delegatus and their Command Squad, which count as ONE unit, sure, no problem.
A unit of Nullificators plus another attached character (before the Warmonger) is still considered TWO units for deep strike purposes. Everything else is wishful thinking.
Picked up a MkIII battle force, probably putting the land raider together tonight since it's the only thing not dependent on missing parts for at least some of the models. Now I just need anything to go in the land raider (have a single cataphractii character and no cataphractii).
Holy shit that's cool.
I assume that's a kitbash? Do you have more pics?
>A model with an Aetheric Juncture Splicer, and all models in any unit it joins (including during or prior to deployment) gains the Deep Strike special rule
-Legacies of The Age of Darkness - Legiones Astartes, pg. 10
>An Independent Character can begin the game already with a unit, either by being deployed in unit coherency with it or, if the unit is in Reserve, by you informing your opponent which unit it has joined.
>While an Independent Character is part of a unit, they count as part of the unit for all rules purposes, though they still follow the rules for Characters.
-The Horus Heresy - Age of Darkness Rulebook, pg. 241
NTA, but not a kitbash, limited edition model sold by an ex FW sculptor, same guy who made the old generic praetors
>I assume that's a kitbash?
3D print of Ireton MaSade by the guy who made the SA range:
did someone ever post the martian civil war book?
Martian civil war? More like martian civil BORE!
I got to my cabinate where I hold the ETB old dreadnoughts from when I was building a march of the ancients trait space marine army, pick one of the ones I didn't us. I think most people sit on multiple of those, the boxes were sold a lot and ork players and terminator army users were gobbling those up.
I've posted it on the ebook thread on /lit/
mind reposting it?

That’s SO badass. Where’d you find it?
Instagram, some guy called burdonite.

Noice! Will have to check them out sometime!


Echoing >>93944675 ‘s request for a repost of your copy.
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It's KC
Needs more crayon drawings of winged craniums.
I hate how GW's solution to SA having very little fluff was just to do a bunch of paint schemes that made them subservient to the Legions.
whats even the appeal of solar auxilla?
Still I found no proof that anything bad would happen to normal human during drop pod landing, not to mention lexi have human drop pods in some obscure books, I don't count eversor drop pods as humans since eversors are even more modded than marines.
>Still I found no proof that anything bad would happen
>Didn't do even the most basic research, as evidenced here >>93945186

Sad. Hate to see it.
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>ebook thread on lit
I've browsed the whole catalogue, but nothing
Must be old af or trolling. If only the Archive4Plebs had a /lit/ archive but alas

I hope this reprint fiasco won't affect the Mechanicum support long-term, cuz that Macroarid needs to come back one way or another
Couldn't find any upload of the book via /lit/
A guardsman with a fuck ass big axe cutting off a space monsters head is rad as fuck
What rite of war should I use for my Thousand Sons? A bit tempted by pride of the legion. The buffs TS give to termis seem pretty decent.
>elite of the elite space/drop troops wielding both the relics of the dark age of technology pilfered from the survivors and the innovations brought by the great crusade
>the imperial army/guard at the height of it's power
The fluff that appeared in the black books about them was fun and interesting like their tanks being grey because they are covered by the same coating that the imperial ships have or MaSade's coup. They essentially are marines -1 meaning that if you like marines you would probably like them too. They were pretty popular back then but they were a horde resin faction with all that entails so most interest people had dwindled away. Now that they are available in plastic they have started to retcon so many normal army regiments or militia into being SA ones plus the general drop in fluff quality in my opinion and the main guy leaving there isn't a lot going on for them. They even rewrote the tercio system into the basic imperial guard platoon systems plus they gave them the most boring and generic doctrines one could come up with. It ends up being a schizophrenic faction and not of the warhammer kind but one where they can't make up what they want to be.
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Yeah, regular drop pods have always been for Marines and other such units. Dreadclaws, on the other hand, were and are used by humans, so limiting them to Marines is just pure, unfiltered autism. Even if one makes the claim that such uses are only for boarding action and for planetary landings they behave just like regular pods and would hurt non-marine users (despite cultists being able to use them in 40k without problems), what about stuff like Deathstorm pods which are just turrets? Surely the ships can deploy those to support ground troops, even if they're not Marines?
Legion Recon Company with Amon
>the imperial army/guard at the height of it's power
Minus all the cool stuff they couldn't get, because of reasons, and the stuff they got makes them look like feudal world conscripts next to basic IG.
Damm after reading multiple imperial armor and even sm codex never bothered to read Heresy entry about it. I stand corrected.
Guard of the Crimson King is better if you wanna go terminators with TS. All your infantry gains deep-strike for free, causes Fear in the turn they arrive, Sehkmet can be taken as troops, and almost no limitations.
Pride of the Legion only makes 2 terminator/veteran squads scoring, and being limited to only 1 FA and (even worse) only 1 HS slot just isn't worth it, specially with how many of the best marine units are in Heavy Support.
Just take a terminator command squad or two for scoring terminators in Guard of the Crimson King.
For me SA plays different from my SM legion so a refreshing change, more difficult to play so I enjoy the challenge, and new plastic tanks are great kits.
low effort bait
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What's a worthwhile unit to include in an Archimandrite list? I feel like I should be including some kind of automata I can boost to BS5 with my archmagos but there isn't really a wide array of things to capitalise on other than maybe a chunky squad of souped up castellax

Also should I include another mechanicum allied detachment just so I can have another archmagos with a different techno-arcana that can do some shennanigans?
He was 100% trolling you, come on guys
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Wait you anons seriously fell for it? It was obvious.
The only point of archimandrite is the allied detachment, even for fluff there isn't much point to choosing it over another arcana.
Is taking 6 vultarax a dick move? One of my archmagos is themed around flight so my 30 thallax and Paragon of Steel artalax are going to be painted in his scheme, but I wanted to expand it out into a full list but the only other themed options are ursarax (who even if they weren't shit look derpy) and vultarax.
>people bitch years about how IG tanks are terrible because of all the rivets
>now people praise SA tanks for having even more rivets
Your Marines -1 couldn't even get proper Rhinos, they had to be given shitty knock-off Rhinos. They make heavy use of third-tier tanks that got replaced by the superior Leman Russ. Where are the Land Raiders that were used by everyone until the Emperor ordered them to be for Marines? Why don't your elite space troopers get any flyers to transport them, outside of light cargo hauler with no guns? If you bother scratch beneath the surface of the hype they're feeding you, you'd see that what they're telling you and what they're giving you don't exactly add up.
Guard of the Crimson King
6 deepstriking 20 man asphyx bolter tactical squads and 1 praetor
recaster or trawl ebay for months on end.
If GW ever puts that guy up for Made to Order it's gonna crash their entire manufacturing process.
Fair fair, maybe I'll grab a Lacyraemata archmagos to push some dudes around or a Cybernetica archmagos to get some line robos
Still listbuilding and a no games, but looking at the profile they don't seem that bad so I think it'd be fine? 30 thallax is pretty fucking wild though anon
I'm not interested in a dick measuring contest about who is the strongest faction in a game. I'll however tell you that
>they have russes
>dracosans are better
>they are usually carried by shark attack boats which are 56 meters long and the arvus had guns before GW removed them
>the basic lasgun has a setting which is discount plasma
>the basic elite units have massed volkite and power weapons which is something 40k marines don't even get
>every co above a sarge has at minimum refractor fields, power armour or even iron halos which in 40k are relics that only the most deserving marine veterans get
>they can, like the rest of the 30k factions, field a multitude of relics like grey goo guns, the book that summons daemons, etc...
I could go on and on but I'll cut this short.
>you see they do what the space marines do but lamer, I’ll let YOU think of the rest ;)
>the basic elite units have massed volkite and power weapons which is something 40k marines don't even get
Veterans can do literally both these things.
Fairly certain that the guard doesn't even do that.
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I'm past the theory crafting stage already, I've got 27 of the thallax already and 9 built, although I need to get another 3-6 off ebay because I got jewed by an ebay auction and now all the split up mechsnocum boxes have mysteriously disappeared from Ebay. I'm just deciding on whether I want to go full fliers or commit on the other direction of reductor and take some Artillery as well.
The guard has volkite now?
>counter lore arguments with crunch
>If you bother scratch beneath the surface of the hype they're feeding you
What do you think scratching below the hype would mean then?
>they have russes
I give them that, still SM have dreadnoughts, predators, sicarians, kratoses, speeders and jetbikes
>dracosans are better
SM have spartans, land raiders, rhinos and drop pods
>they are usually carried by shark attack boats which are 56 meters long and the arvus had guns before GW removed them
Pointless argument since marines have thunderhawks even bigger stormbirds etc that can serve both as drop ship, gunship and space bomber
>the basic lasgun has a setting which is discount plasma
AP4, you know what's better? Real plasma.
>the basic elite units have massed volkite and power weapons which is something 40k marines don't even get
Anon you can have 10 volkites on non compulsory troops, and they can have plasma instead. SM elites have 2W and can take power weapon and combi weapon or nemesis bolters. Best veletaris can do is to exchange volkite for power axe.
>every co above a sarge has at minimum refractor fields, power armour or even iron halos which in 40k are relics that only the most deserving marine veterans get
Anon every marine officer that is above sarge get protective fields, sergants can take artificers, anon old Imperial Army was using land raiders as standard, you know legendary super durable tanks with super loyal machine spirit.
>they can, like the rest of the 30k factions
So not an argument
>power swords lose breaching (6+) gains “bladebreaker” special rule
>add “power” type to all power weapons (thunder hammer, lightning claws etc for the purpose of interacting with this rule)
>bladebreaker: When a model using a weapon without the Power Type attacks this model decrease the attacks made by that model by 1 to a minimum of 1. In the case a model attacking with only 1 attack using a non Power Type weapon that model reroll successful hit rolls.
>Power swords gain a niche as useful against non-terminator armoured units not using power weapons
>this is since power swords are maneuverable weapons able to parry the attacks of non power weapons.
Would this fix power swords or just make them OP?
>sm, sm, sm
This was a discussion about 30k SA and 40K IG. I literally called them marines -1, so I must assume you aren't the anon I replied to moving goalposts and just someone that can't read that has jumped in.
Looks like a fun list. Good all rounder.
Just give them duellists aegis.
i wouldnt say its a dick move at all. IIrc this edition they can just be charged by any old infantry because of the removal of flying monstrous creatures.
Magnus won’t stop trying to psychically attack me in my dreams. How do I make him stop?
Anon who you were replying to called them marines-1 not you.
No one was comparing them to guard. Only thing that was compared was rivet count on same tanks.
But if you want to compare.
>wow sameish imperial faction that exist in 40k
>somehow in times when Imperium was at it's highest said faction is better
like it's not entire point of 40k that old=good new=bad -little primaris incident.
Just kerk off russ.
Vultarax aren't useful once the enemy runs out of vehicles, swap some for arlatax which also aren't great but at least are a bit better against infantry.
Molest him, Primarchs with exception of Fulgrim are weak to sexual assault.
>Anon who you were replying to called them marines-1 not you.
>>93945276 (me)
>No one was comparing them to guard.
>like it's not entire point of 40k that old=good new=bad -little primaris incident.
Shocking revelation that people that like playing the hh game might like that certain factions are more advanced. Mind=blown.
>anon who can't read accuses others of not being able to read
You do realize in the lore SA are said to be second only to marines, right? They're the cream of the crop when it comes to the Imperial Army. Some individual regiments can be better, but as an organization, SA are the best, most successful regiment type in the Army. Yet, despite all this, they dress in bolted together diving suits with chain drives, drive into war in tanks that look cruder than IG ones and are, in lore, third tier, and use inferior versions of vehicles that were already simple and rugged. Not to forget that they don't use equipment befitting their rule as void troopers.

If you want to start talking about crunch, then GSC got better weapons than space marines and IG are the only ones who thought to bring radios into battle. Crunch comes and goes from edition to edition and balances out factions.
Obviously wet dreams involving Russ. I suppose Jagatai or Sangui might work as well, if need be.
Is it easy to make ERA by cutting sprues?
NTA but looking at the profile 4 S6 shredding shots and two s5 small blasts doesn't seem to terrible for the cost? You still plink off a Tactical or two per vultarax, and with 6 that adds up.
You do realize that -1 one doesn't mean equal or even similar but a step below?
>Vehicles that are third tier and inferior versions
Read this.
>reading comprehension: 0
>Crunch comes and goes from edition to edition and balances out factions
NTA but so is the fluff.
One edition necrons are undead terminators in service of space gods of death next they are discount robotic undead egyptians with pokemons. 40k is universe build upon rectons and fluff is as changing as are the rules. 6 months ago you would laught off idea of female custodes yet here we are.
I plan on buying all the old black books. So much juicy stuff. Just plain old fun.
And the moment they make SA into Militia tier mass hazmat troopers using third tier tanks, I'll stop stop my autistic complaining every other thread.
Spamming Athanaen nemesis bolters in a recon company is a quick and dirty way to lose friends if thats your goal
GotCK is fun if you want to go with an "eggs in a basket" kinda build
Sky hunters phalanx can be cute if you spam MM jetbikes with Corvidae
Not if you want it to not look like crap. Just use plasticard or make something in like 2 minutes in blender.
>>reading comprehension: 0
I gave you the fluff from which all the liber things are derived from which would be in my opinion a required reading to understand the faction. Do give them a read because even at a glance you can tell that
>Yet, despite all this, they dress in bolted together diving suits with chain drives, drive into war in tanks that look cruder than IG ones and are, in lore, third tier, and use inferior versions of vehicles that were already simple and rugged. Not to forget that they don't use equipment befitting their rule as void troopers.
is wrong. Read page 80 (near the end there is written in no uncertain terms that everything is usable in the void and hazardous scenarios), page 83 at the start goes more in depth about the armour and other things like dracosans being more protected than the rhino against those two things again or basiliks being part-automata, page 88 states that the vehicles are produced from the best materials and are always kept mantained, page 89 also mentions the same thing about the russ.
Then you will be here for while, non marine factions are rarely touched, since they don't matter that much after initial release.
era looks like crap anyways so who gives a shit
It's a shame the price they go for these days.
*about the russ being voidproof
Hey, it was worth a shot. It doesn't take that long if you just scrape the keywords.
Macroarid my beloved
>Where are the Land Raiders that were used by everyone until the Emperor ordered them to be for Marines?
that is some really old lore you dug there. I like to imagine that in the 40k millennium, it has become Land Raider apocrypha that the guard had them, even if wasn't the case
The lore from the new book seems like they were unused from the Black Books. There are mentions to the ordinatus Saggitar, which is OOP, among other things.

It also had "Siege of Cthonia" vibes, with recurring characters like the darkmagos Lukas Chrom and the Custodian captain appearing in all the stories.
I was talking with a buddy whos a big heresy nerd (goes to all the open days and the such) he suspects a lot of it was borrowed from what would've been done in 1.0.

He pointed out a footer was old art
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>Do give them a read
I literally quoted this in the very first sentence and you interpreted it as meaning SA are equal or similar to Marines.
>is wrong.
Are their suits and vehicles not bolted together with literal chain driven gears on their backpack? Are Auroxes not literally cheaper versions of the already simple and rugged Rhinos? What about how the Malcador (which the Draconsan is built on) being a third tier tank by the time of the Heresy, surplanted by the better Leman Russ and mainly used by local forces and as a testbed for experimental equipment? Outside of a civilian cargo freighter, where are the transports for your elite space mans? How is it that PDF tier Militia is able to use Land Raiders, but the elite of the Army is not? No amount of "but their lasguns go up to 11" is going to change this.
If im picking a legion and allegiance what would be the smallest fraction of a legion? (no shattered legions)
Plastic sagitar confirmed.
>How is it that PDF tier Militia is able to use Land Raiders, but the elite of the Army is not?

Because you need to spend 50% of you militia backstory rules on granting them vintage Land Raiders and Rhinos. Same as the "forge remnants" granting Triaros.

No one gave them to the militia. They had it from the very beginning and leverage that asset in what haphazard way they can
Loyalist Word Bearers (0%)
Next question
To be fair in Heresy 1.0 Militia could run Land Raiders and Rhinos, alongside 3+ grenadiers.
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From the old GW site:
>At that time, the Land Raider was used by almost every human force, including the Space Marines and the Imperial army. There was not a battlefield in the first 200 years of the Imperium that had not tested the mettle of this awesome war engine. Then the Warmaster Horus virus bombed Istvaan V and the Great Heresy engulfed the galaxy. Anvilus 9 was overrun by renegade Tech-Priests at the outset of the heresy, and production of the Land Raider was suddenly reduced to a trickle from a handful of forge worlds still loyal to the Emperor's rule (many forge worlds opted to secede from the Imperium at this point, rather than joining one side or the other). With the Warmaster's forces threatening to overrun Terra, the Emperor decreed that all Land Raiders still in loyalist service were to be recalled for exclusive use by the Legionnes Astartes, who were at the forefront of the fighting. The Land Raider proved to be essential for both sides during the bitter fighting that would decide the fate of the Imperium. It was one of the few vehicles that could, when used in sufficient numbers, hold off and even destroy the massive Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus, while its ability to fight in almost any imaginable warzone, including sea beds and in highly corrosive atmospheres, caused it to see more service than any other machine of war. The Heresy was eventually crushed by the sacrifice of the Emperor, but with the Emperor's ascension to the Golden Throne, none dared countermand his order that Land Raiders were for the exclusive use of the Space Marines. Thus has it remained for the last 10,000 years.
And pic from IA vol. 2 (2nd edition).
really, they didn't have any loyalists?
Someone who wants a model to look like it's covered in ERA, rather than bits of sprue.
I'd much rather have plastic Myrmidons (lot of action with them in the book)
I don't care how shit the rules were. The Lore for these Martian battles was GOATed. Standouts were the Jovian Solar Auxilia (sad we did not get a color scheme), Lukas Chrom, and the Custodes tension.
NTA, I'd really like one of the warp magos (there's three different kinds named in lore) with a cryptek style wargear table
Noy saying the lore isn't great. It is.
>From the old GW site
>IA vol. 2 (2nd edition)
But these sources are relics in their own right
It's weird to me that there is no ERA in 30/40k.
Like using explosives as armor sounds like something 40k would do, especially when tank is in close proximity to infantyr.
That's sad.
A single dreadnought (Anochrite) had an epiphany on calth and pledged himself to the emperor again, other than him there are no known loyalists after they purged their legion before Istvaan 3
NTA but IA2(2ed) isn't that old, and it's lore wasn't contradicted yet.
The second edition IA vol. 2 is from 2013. It's not like we're talking about RT/2e lore here. Book 1 came out in 2012.
It is ludicrous that they crammed the Necromunda 8-hauler, but left out the Aurox, despite it having militia lore in its description
There was The Anchorite, but generally speaking almost the entire legion effectively became super mega ultra traitors. And their rules ultimately revel in being peak heretics.
WB got 50 years to purge themselves of loyalists so no known loyalist WB. They went into heresy balls deep in chaos and warp corruption with multiple chaos cult militias they formed since days of crusade. Horus got 1 year to prepare start of Heresy and Istvaan III, get all Primarchs to him, Lorgar was secret chaos worshiper for 50 years.
This is getting grating, you are wrong on every point but continue to post.
>I literally quoted this in the very first sentence and you interpreted it as meaning SA are equal or similar to Marines.
I didn't, read this >>93945882
>You do realize that -1 one doesn't mean equal or even similar but a step below?
Does this read to you as the opposite? Are you that retarded?
>bolted together
What point even is that? Marine tanks have bolts and rivets too.
>Are Auroxes not literally cheaper versions of the already simple and rugged Rhinos?
Again, another dumb point. No they aren't base auroxes or even carnodons, their versions are protected against hazards/void like the rest of their vehicles.
>What about the malcador
Your own question has the answer, who do you think is replacing the malcador with what? I'll answer you , the SA along with the rest of the army with the russ and the marines with the predator and before the heresy the sicaran.
>Outside of a civilian cargo freighter, where are the transports for your elite space mans?
Ignoring the ground ones the smallest transport is the shark assault boat which according to bfg is 55 meters long which at 28mm is just shy of a meter, they have more transports than that like landers, which appear in fluff pieces like bodt as an example.
>inb4 Why aren't they in the game?
The same reason why anything that size isn't coupled with the reason on why deepstriking isn't as widespread.
>How is it that PDF tier Militia is able to use Land Raiders, but the elite of the Army is not?
You don't play, that much is clear and you do lack reading comprehension like you accuse me of, the only militia provenance that has access to that is the daot remnants which in 1.0 had access to rhinos, power armour and lasguns that go +1S which is incredibly ironic considering you last phrase. If you need to compare a huge chunk of the army to literal civilizations that didn't collapse during the daot you have lost.
mucho texto

It's "fluff," faggots.
I havent gotten to the word bearers books yet (reading in release order at descent of angels) but I assume they did the warrior lodge shit first and quickly purged the loyalists
Also this.
But the black books came after that, and made Land Raiders an Astartes-only thing.
If the Solar Auxilia had dracosans instead of LRs, the Excertus didn't have it. Simple as.

Even in Black Library HH books, where guards ride Chimeras all the time, there is no mention of guardsmen on Land Raiders.

Face it. It's Rover.
You fluff me to get me ready to bang pornstars heheheheheh
Don't titans have ability (in lore, at least) to strap frag mines on their feet to blast infantry trying to disable them? Or am I thinking of Battletech? I thought there was something in the old Armoured Company rules, but it just had spaced armour, zimmerit, and armoured ceramite, no ERA.
STFU, would would you have us do instead of discussing this BS? Rizz your crush?
The militia (which, granted, isn't part of the Excertus) has it and the black books did no such thing.
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god anything above Zone Mortalis is unsightly.
That devaluates Duellist Aegis
>When a model using a weapon without the Power Type attacks this model
Power weapons can parry other power weapons. So give them parry: Select ONE hit against the wielder model, roll to hit. If you hit, that hit you selected earlier is discounted.
So this can be combined with a Combat Shield's Block, which would force the reroll of a single successful hit.

I know that hit allocation doesn't technically work like that, but write it in a manner that works. "For every 1 sword, you get to do one of these" yadda yadda.

That way it would make sense for a character to be armed with sword and combat shield, instead of "Thunder Hammer every time"
t. retarded skirmish game kid
Continue the discussion but it's "fluff" and not """"""""""""""""lore"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" as it has been for decades. Lore lore lore. Shut the fuck up, you Redditor tier queers. It's fluff.
>Literally forced to take scouts/infiltrators because he ran out of room in his DZ
Holy kino
There's no point in arguing of you're just going to do it in bad faith over and over again.
Everything Word Bearers is Based: Chaos, Lorgar, Erebus, Lectitio Divinitatus, Argel Tal, Anchorite, Barthusa Narek, etc... Everytime they show up, it's time for some deep lore that defines the setting.

The virtual opposite to when sons of Dorn of any stripe show up: you know the story you are reading is not gonna be very philosophical.
>Muh bad faith
You've shown your hand, you are an outsider that came in here to stir shit and farm (you)s.
Extremely high energy army
Power swords should have parry.
GW's fault that the new militia rules are so shit he has to do that. It fits the fluff I suppose.
>Or am I thinking of Battletech?
I think it's from battletech, at least I don't remember anything like that on titans, maybe in OG titanicus when titans could just get jump pack. Tho there were assault lauchers working like that on 40k land raider redeemer or crusader.
>That devaluates Duellist Aegis
Because there is currently an option with duellists aegis available? Oh wait no there isnt.

Its a very rarely used rule which fits precisely the "duellist" niche anon intends to give power swords above mauls or spears (or axes I guess). It doesent get devalued because there currently is no "value" assigned to it because it isnt an option. At worst some faggy special character becomes a bit less special.
>It's weird to me that there is no ERA in 30/40k.

What the hell do you think the bumps are on the SM armor are anon?
>Goes to all the open days
Really now? Then does he know what was going to be in the lore of Fires of Cyraxus?
If you actually read what was written and didn't keep missing the point intentionally, this wouldn't be so grating.
Closest thing I can think of is the anbaric claw that the krios could take, I'm sure there must have been some titans out there that had something similar.
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>OG titanicus
Titan purity seals when?
Shattered Legions leans pretty heavily into loyalist WB since they didn't get a chance to drink the koolaid when they were off with expeditionary fleets, but any with Legion support would be full traitor and any who were loyalist would probably not be calling themselves Word Bearers.
Honestly the only thing is just having a big enough board. Not that big a deal. Just put it in the garage or if you have a decent spare room. Barbecue mid day and game from dusk to dawn. That’s the good times.
Etheric beam locators.
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You are wrong, retarded and have shown that you know the bare minimum about the game (the name of the factions) and nothing more and instead of just letting this go, on an anonymous forum which wouldn't give you any shit because the moment you leave you go back into the shadow of anonymity, you choose to be a redditor to try to fish in a last insult from me.
it's in Legacies, but it's just a shit Predator

it's a 150 point tank with a gun that fucks, why are mechfags so goddamned insufferable

if it's not this it's bitching that your artillery has to roll dice and doesn't let you just take a hammer to the other guy's army for 30 seconds every round
Not the imperials militia one.
Duellist's aegis is unique to Nineteen, isn't it? I can't find it in the universal special rules, only under Nineteen's profile
let's be honest, you need a 12x6 table for 3000 points to look 'right'
>daemonettes riding a khornate titan spewing blood from it's assault head
Old school art was insanely metal
A problem solved with big tanks
It probably is yea. Although it feels like it was supposed to be a counterpart to duelists finesse or something.
>pointing to visual design is wrong
>pointing to given lore is wrong
>pointing to lore that existed before the game was made is wrong
>pointing to lore that existed while the game was made is wrong
>only thing that matters is one (1) pdf to hype up the faction, but if you try to quote it, you're wrong
If you love SA, more power to you, but you'll have a hard time convincing anyone that the next step down from Marines is that.
Frag assault launchers are a thing on the land raider crusader and ironclad dreadnought. Obviously they're not ERA, but they're bolted on explosives.
*made worse
Has anyone got thr picture of tge reaver titan shopping for zoo animals?
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Well, here's what we do to keep Nineteen's gimmick special. Instead of giving power swords duellist's aegis, we instead make them better by giving them murderous strike(6+). Now you may be finkin' that makes phoenix power rapiers completely redundant, and you'd be right. How do we solve this problem? I dunno give em brutal 2 or something lol
I liked dorn when he appeared at the end of the eisenstien
>phoenix power pickaxe
>murderous strike 6+ thunder hammer
Seconding this, also the RT space marines shaking down a hive ganger is funny as fuck
Heres how you balance power swords, are you ready? All power weapons are made S-user Ap2. Bam, done, easy.
would this change include legion specific power weapons?
Too easy. The bigger the board the better.
Say, I've heard this one before...
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Can't have shit in Eye of Terror.
Here's how you fix power swords: roll sixes.
You must have been dropped repeately on the head as a child before getting a lobotomy because I can't explain how does someone turn out to be like this without severe and debilitating mental disorders.
>visual design
Which isn't even consistent in the same range, bolts, rivets and similar exist in ranges one would consider to be the most advanced in 30k like marines, mech and custodes. The exposed chain isn't even a thing anymore and is a great example of inconsistency.
Fluff which as I pointed out contradicted you, no point can be argued if your basis are wrong.
>before the game was made
What? Where in our conversation did you quote it?
>during the game was made
>one (1) pdf to hype up the faction
Again, showing that you are an outsider. That pdf is part of the 4th black book which introduced the SA to the setting. It isn't a pdf made to hype them up, it's me cutting the sa bits from the book to avoid making a collage in paint. Why? Because now you can't argue that they are out of context and I can show you are the one that lacks reading comprehension.
>next step down from Marines is that.
I don't have to because book 4 says it and I'm partial to SA.
All power swords, axes, mauls and spears.
Are we doing the "calling mechfag tanks waac while pretending the scorpius isn't literally better" song and dance again?

Y'all both guns can be undercosted as shit, just don't take either.
Let Lucius' sword Nineteen be unique, anon. Not to mention Duellist's Aegis would only work in challenges, and you want an improvement to power swords in the broad, general way.
Please do consider Parry.
Remember to report and hide Reddit posts
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>Plastic Myrmidons
I really want more Myrmidons ever since I found this absolute unit of a 3D sculpt, the perfect Myrmidax Archmagos
>glasses on the servo skull
How do these play in Zone Mortalis? Only full grenadier armies can play it, right? Since all other units have starting sizes greater than 15
Of course you can field them, they're Lords of War - just take them from the Astartes Legacies list.
That one or the ogryn provenance. They play alright.
There is literally nothing wrong with Power Swords.

It truly is a kino sculpt, in my opinion
Aye, but the army is clearly not intended for ZM, unlike Solar Auxilia, who does have a ton of options. Their rules do reflect the theme of them being the dedicated ZM assault force of the Excertus
Are non-melee ogryns playable? Or is it a waste of points. I wanna use big'uns with ripper guns but not if its a complete point sink
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they lose those.
You don't really have a choice anymore (unless you also take feral and give them chainaxes), the only one that gets decent melee options is the leader and you should always give him one. As for ranged sure, they are hit hard enough for their price but the best thing they have is their statline.
>no actions detailed in the black books
>no cameo in exemplary battles
>no appearances in campaign supps
>no mention whatsoever across all the siege of terra miniseries
When will he get his time to shine? The model slaps hard and makes me want to see more of the character.
Technically yes, practically no.
I think they just put him in since all the other god's champions had rules and models. His 40k book was pretty good but I too would like to see him get up to shenanigans in 30k beyond just losing all the time. He's an amusing chap.
It's a given that they'll move on to a broad-scope series covering the Scouring to wrap up all of the post-heresy story lines. The big event is the Legion War in the Eye of Terror, with the EC being the main aggressors. Lucius will obviously get some love to show him transforming in to the Eternal.

I also can't wait for Skalathrax to finally get something other than just a few fluff blurbs. It's such a pivotal event in the setting. Maybe Lucius will show up there, too?
>When will he get his time to shine? The model slaps hard and makes me want to see more of the character.
The day he submits to the Warmaster's grand strategy instead of fucking around trying to fulfil his every whim as it arises. His greatest feat in BL short stories is... killing a Thousand Sons blademaster for the flex.

But he should get something, I agree.
>RT space marines shaking down a hive ganger is funny as fuck
Modern space marines wish they had nearly as much aura as this
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>Modern space marines wish they had nearly as much aura as this
>When will he get his time to shine?
Never, his rules are laughable for a supposed great duellist. But then again thats just traitor tax, not everyone can get fellatio like corswain or sigismund.
L take
This anon has the right idea. The lore is recycled, but it is recycled from original Bligh Kino, so it reads like that good old vintage HH black
Great to know we have a few Mechbook enjoyers, despite the dismal rules
>This anon has the right idea. The lore is recycled, but it is recycled from original Bligh Kino, so it reads like that good old vintage HH black
Wouldn't hold my breath. Crusade was also recycled Bligh notes, problem with notes is that only author knows full context and missing pieces, rest of writting team were headless monkeys and that's how we got abortion known as Crusade. 100 pages less than typical black book, rules only for 1 faction and reprint of NL rules just to take some space and fluff that was BL bullshit patched on Alan's notes.
So far Mechanicum civil war is about marines.
Lucy should get a book where he spends 300 pages pushing loyalists down stairs, to represent this feat in game he will get the following rule:
Stair-pusher: in a challenge Lucius may give up one of his attacks to perform an initiative test. If he succeeds, every weapon the model he is engaged in a challenge against gets cumbersome and unwieldy, because Lucius has pushed them down the stairs
Hey, the night lords got to enjoy having 5 Rites of War for like 5 months before 2.0 dropped. And all it took was cucking the Dark Angels with a design philosophy that cripples them even to this day.
>with a design philosophy that cripples them even to this day.
oh yea, da are very crippled, so weak
The game is greatest when played with a fusion of 1.0 and 2.0 rulesets. Reminder to work with your boys so you can run flavorful and fun armies. Allows for more conversions as well. This way you can take advantage of the new plastic kits to the fullest.
>The game is greatest when played with a fusion of 1.0 and 2.0 rulesets.
The game is greatest when not played, complaining about rules and lore rectons is best thing in entire game.
>Verification not required.
You’re a cheeky git, you know that right?

>verification ALSO not required
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Remember when Black Book scanning days were exciting periods when raw scans were posted directly into these threads and people could take requests? I miss those days.
wish i was dumb enough to like the numk3
With a head swap I find them tolerable. I don't love them, but they're better. Either the old MkIII heads, or specific legion heads, fit well enough.
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When are we getting heresy Thursday again? I need to feel the false hope of getting iron warrior characters again.
Back then we got scans of super overpiced books right after it came out, now we can't get epub of didgital book. Trully dark times, but not as bad as perioid after crusade when /atg/ kept heresy general alive.
Forgot how much I do not like the smell of paint thinner. What are you working on anons?
Huffing paint thinner
>t. Barbaran scum
It was meant to be this month but considering there's only only one Thursday left it's not looking good senpai
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>Allegiance: Fedelitas Tenebrae
Fuck's sake guys just be normal.
Though I prefer the old Mk3 heavy look, I think the nu-Mk3 may be objectively better as it is more in line with classic artwork like the dudes in the cover of Vengeful Spirit

The correct lore summary for the First Legion's observed strategical tendencis, from before the Hexagrammaton Wingslop took over.
Nah I huff that on weekends
I wish Angelus didn't come out in pieces scattered across different books and pdfs. I wish he didn't die.
>Fedelitas Tenebrae
How do I read that? They're "darkly loyal"?
You know. He who rises with the tides, master of all things small and insignificant.
>the waves were battles and the battles were waves
very gay
Fuck, someone else remembers Pathways Into Darkness? Where did the years go?
>The Siege of Baal
Why would anyone care about sieging Baal? There's fucking nothing there.
>There's fucking nothing there
There are Blood Angels there, you don't wan them acting up behind your lines.
>There's fucking nothing there.
There was a bunch of loyalist marines and all the logistics they need to wage war on the scale of the Great Crusade. It was the main loyalist stronghold in the galactic north that was west of the ruinstorm. Space that was almost entirely traitor held except for a loyalist chapter homeworld.
>There are Blood Angels there
How many are we talking? Two thousand? Five thousand? A drop in the bucket either way. Do they even have any ships left after Sanguinius took the whole fleet with him to Signus?
Militia gun clanner sentinel. Still wip.
Much like the dead nazis you too stop losing count after some time.
I won't tell him your name, don't worry.
This 2 thousands can turn quickly ino 10 thousands, it's legion homeworld, beside BA recruiting other loyalists will muster there.
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>The lore is recycled, but it is recycled from original Bligh Kino
Gee if only we had crunch to go with it. Lukas Krom created a sentient Kaban Machine and martian Ambassador Melgator sent tech-assassin Sister Sydonia Remiare to attack the loyalist Mistress of Magma City Koriel Zeth??
It used to be a fucking joke. Now it's an insult.
Could be blindly loyal, unclear loyality, sad loyality, loyal to the brothel...
Yes. As in, "allegedly loyal" instead of VEHEMENTLY LOYAL like the Fists were. They were loyal, it's just that the fan memes demand it didn't show.
The Lion was the one who torched more than half of the traitors' homeworlds, yet it is Guilliman the one who is known as The Avenging Son.
Yeah what the fuck did he do, huh? Write a book, then not follow it and order one entire legion behind everyone's backs? Oof yeah I feel so avenged bro
there's a couple of possibilities, "darkly loyal" as in they do bad shit with banned weapons because they're told to? sure

"constant shadow" is one, "loyalty overshadowed (by implication of other things)" is another; this is likely intentional

on the other hand "fedelitas" is a thoroughbred racehorse from the 80s, so "dark horse" might be an intentional pun here, with "fidelitas" deliberately misspelled to highlight the joke, and carried all the way from Betrayal specifically for this purpose

but that would make these guys total horseshit (as opposed to the Thousand Sons whose panel said they were just shit)

you wanna go back to them having universal Deathwing benefits and Stubborn on Regroup tests?
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>piss drop on the pauldron
>you wanna go back to them having universal Deathwing benefits and Stubborn on Regroup tests?
I would take that if I got back stasis grenade launchers and Poison 2+ APd6 Heavy Bolters
Nice sentinel, what’s it made out of?
>you wanna go back to them having universal Deathwing benefits and Stubborn on Regroup tests?
>you wanna go back to them having universal Deathwing benefits and Stubborn on Regroup tests?
i wanna go to a timeline where the Hexagrammaton was never part of the legion trait.

The Wings are formations (rites of war) the whole wings thing should stay inside the rites of war. Not be rules that apply to the individual marines in different ways to every squad
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Thanks, it's a mak kit that came out some weeks ago, it's a bit bigger than the 40k ones but it fit the advanced and unmanned look that I was looking for. I have 3 more which will get more 30kish weapons but I'm not in a hurry to build them.
I think this is an unfortunate side effect of the Black Books "ye olde chronicle" style. The tales are clearly meant to be narrated from a non-mech perspective (as evidenced by the recurring Custodian character). The mechanicum character that shows up the most is Lukas Chrom, and he's portrayed as a distant antagonist.

This book truly reads from the Bligh-era, and I believe this is where Kaedes Nex and Asther Chrone were truly meant to be introduced, not in Retribution, which at the time felt like Black Book filler.
Very rad very nice, thank you for sharing. I’m personally debating whether or not to use real life plane and helicopter model kits for my planned solar aux army, but I feel that would look best with a militia army, but I have no idea what look i’d go for a militia force… shame! Also I don’t think they have anything I can proxy as a helicopter
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The best aesthetic of any army in all of Citadel. It was even better in resin.
This very interesting
>Signus Prime
>Siege of Baal
These belong to the Blood Angels

>Thramas Crusade
>Passage of the Angel of Death
These are campaigns of the First Legion

>The Persecution of Sarum
Who carried out this one? It must've been a fumble, cuz that hellforge is still alive and kicking in 40k
Probably darkmech related
> I have no idea what look i’d go for a militia force… shame!
Just go for what you like the most, flip through book 5, the new pdf and the various homebrews to get a vague idea of what you are looking for, scour every bit of fluff to see if it was ever done and build from there. If there are too many differences between what exists and what you want you would split off the two but by now you would already have something to build off of otherwise you have the added bonus that someone might have read that fluff and might get the reference. As for helis the arvus had weapons along with other gunship-y things in 1.0 and just running those in 2.0 as houserules is an option, militia gets away with a lot.
>you wanna go back to them having universal Deathwing benefits and Stubborn on Regroup tests?
Maybe not this, but the general idea of a single rule for the whole legion would be good. Something themed after being knights of caliban.

(Also holy fuck HH: Legions is a treasure trove of art. I didn't have DAngles pics, but I had saved this Nemean)
No shit
Look for featured minis of militia collections to get inspired. Or search for a rules combination that you like, and build an aesthetic that reflects them.
I despise how they got rid of most transports, but shat that Necromunda rig thing into the PDF at the expense of the Carnodon, the Aurox, and who knows what else...
What can you expect of the team that put Moirax Knights exclusively as mechanicum Heavy Support?
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Whatever it is it's early in crusade. Dark Angels vs Dark Mech maybe? Or just some small force of loyalist IF(?) and Auxillia getting rekt by dark mech. Anyway it won't happen cuz Bligh died and book was downgrades into malevolence and crusade.
I always wanted to do an Adeptus Arbites force… that would be rad to do, have my grenadiers and command cadre be arbites… that’ll be rad but idk what the rest should be
The ones I always prefer are chaos ones but I’d like to do arbites which would not be chaos-y
It's not even the cool version with the threads
Then maybe a punitive action carried against deviant Forge Worlds, like Whao-Arkkad who had just defended the Thousand Sons.
the new mech book has lore indicating that Cyclothrante was about to be censured as well, probably due to Draykavac's shenanigans
>i wanna go to a timeline where the Hexagrammaton was never part of the legion trait.
I swear in earlier Black books the rules said "If your legion doesn't yet have rules, simply use either Stubborn or Outflank as their LA trait" and I took it that meant DA and SW. Can't find that bit lol.
So what would be the DA's trait. Deathwing for all?
John French is the Matt Ward of Imperial Fists, change my mind
>Lukas Chrom, and he's portrayed as a distant antagonist.
BOOOO boooo! How dare they put Chrom, Melgator and Remiare so far from our level when we have rules for the Archmagister of Xana itself (Scoria), the Fleshless Lord of Incaladion (Satarael) and the Master of Cyclothrate AND House Atrax both (Draykavac)
At least have the Kaban Machine be the Nemesis the protagonists keep running from.
It is never actually confirmed destroyed, merely lost from sight.
Like a spider in your closet.
Mutants, abhumans, traitors, human bombs, etc... you might be interested in reading about penal units.
Why not mix the two, there are blurbs here and there about the traitors forcing entire populations to fight for them.
I'll be frank, I lost any expectation when the mech liber released in that state after half a year of delays. Militia and daemons were the final nail in the coffin but the bodt pdf did give me back a hint of hope that we might get to see more added to the Sarum storyline. Instead we get Mars which could have been cool if they tried but they didn't. Speaking of

Does Sarum play any part in the Mars book? They originated from there but for all intents and purposes were shunned and they weren't too interested in being at the center of the attention after the redjak cult became a thing so it's pretty weird their engines and the warlord trait are on Mars.
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That's not the Nemean. The Nemean is a giant 3 meters tall, his face a lion's skull, his breath embers and his eyes burning coals
Human Bmnbs… sounds good, might go with a penal legion then, thanks
Not true, Matt Ward didn't wank Ultramarines, he wanked every faction he wrote codex for, GK were bestest, BA while being best somehow weren't that controversial outside deep strike land raiders maybe because they had to compete with UM and GK, Necrons could destroy galaxy with snap of fingers but they won't and space marines are best and best of them all are Ultramarines as it was since 2nd ed when SM codex was Codex Ultramarines. It's GW who was wanking Ultramarines into oblivion, Ward was just working with established lore.
On other hand French wank everything IF on his own accord.
You could give militia explosive collars too back in 1.0 along with frenzon dispensers both of which were from the RT rules for penal regiments. If you want actual human bomb rules you can either ally in or just lift off the aux cyclops. They had rules in rt but they don't translate well into 30k.
+WS skill is not a bad idea to build a legion rule around.
How would it compare to the other melee legion?
The EC have bonus to initiative.
The WE get extra attacks.
The BA get attacks that wound harder.
The SW are about getting into combat faster.
Weapon Skill could be the Dark Angels niche.

If the "knights of caliban" buff to medieval weapons it proves insufficient, they could also get a buff akin to the "exterminators" bonus that they used to get in the old Ironwing RoW. Something where they'd gain +1BS upon disembarking or short range or something like that, meant to synergize with that other "dark technology" flavor of theirs.
>they could also get a buff akin to the "exterminators" bonus
SW makes a distinction between those who can run and those who cannot. I suppose the DA could do a similar distinction: those who have swords (+1 to hit), and those who don't have swords (+1 to hit with bolters & bolt pistols within 12").
I mean Firewing this, Dreadwing that, what we're saying is "Bolter & Blade". It makes sense that The First are the most trained with the astartes weapons.

That being said, I'd be sad to see all the X-wing rules disappear
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I think it's because he, like kelbor-hal didn't travel around the galaxy to have the plausible deniabilty of joining YourDudes on their epic battle for the (allegedly) crucial system of bumfucknowhere in your tabletop

It was a trend with characters in the old black books, I think:
>Khyr valen
>Cassian Dracos & Xiaphas Jurr
>Autek Mor
>Castrmen Orth from the IH
>Zardu Layak (who teleported away from Black Book Calth and appeared in Black Library canon next)

They all travelled around, or dissapeared offscreen, ending with whereabouts unkown.

It was only until Siege of Cthonia that a character who squatted on a single planet without making sorties got a model: Evander Garrius. Note that Ashurhaddon is a character in the old style, as he is part of the host of Horus and show up in Beta-garmon's new book.
I would be very much cool if someone wanted to use this as a proxy. Holy shit I like this thing
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>It was only until Siege of Cthonia that a character who squatted on a single planet without making sorties got a model
You do remember this lad died day one, right? One of a handful to die earlier than Ferrus
After, I think, completing my infantry section collection, now I am turning to tanks and other vehicles. But I am not sure what is needed first. I have 3 Land Raiders, a Spartan, a Rhino and 4 contemptor dreadnoughts. I was thinking about maybe buying another rhino, but after that I have no idea what is needed. I like predators and vindicators, but are they good? And how about the huge tanks like the siccarians or the lords of war. People around them seem to not be using much of them, but then again the cost of the models astronomical.

So, besides a rhino, what vehicles should be bought for HH ?
>SW makes a distinction between those who can run and those who cannot
Yea and thats dumb and gay. Do the word bearers/EC make a distinction between those who charge and those who shoot? Do night lords get a distinction for units that cant outnumber the enemy like dreadnoughts?

All the good legion rules are simple and universal.

>So what would be the DA's trait
Stubborn/inexorable when fighting an enemy with higher WS or that outnumbers them.

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