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"Beetlejuice is getting Standard banned in December" Edition

▶Bans (NOW)

The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
▶Build and share casual decks

▶Build and share Cubes

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What exactly was WotC thinking in printing instant speed turn 2 ramp that's also a 9/9 trample creature with pseudoward?
good job op
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I purchased 4 copies of overencumbered before I realized that junk tokens do not have to pay to sacrifice.
I also purchased 4 copies of overencumbered before I knew what ghostly prison was.
isnt it also a commander card?
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I have an addiction.

However, I rationalize it as okay because I don't have any other addictions, and I'm actually quite economical and well-off with no debt etc, besides this one vice.
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I'll be chipping away at the machine gun crime novelist brew for now, but as usual more ideas are simmering.

First off, MTG uses "don't control" phrasing not "didn't control", you fucking retards.

Second off, I think Valgavoth is strong enough to justify Shadowborn Apostle in PIoneer. He shuts off Cat and other death-oriented combos, flying + lifelink + >5 toughness shuts off Phoenix, and we've received an ungodly amount of efficient recursion for low-cmc creatures in recent years.
Bolas doesn't have any white mana because he unloaded all of it into me.
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Say something nice sbout the upcoming cheat engine that will ruin your games.
ugin pls go
The gay bolas thing is the most forced shit I've ever seen on this general since the "boros is gay" thing. And gay bolas started getting posted soon after the gay boros poster gave up. Curious
>4 mana for a sorcery speed cheat on a creature that dies to bolt is a problem in the format (You) play
Thankful once again to be a Premodern Chad
I can and have already dealt with successful T4 Atraxa cheats that resolve using cards I couldn't interact with, why should I be concerned about one using a card that I can easily interact with?
I'm just gonna say it
I really like Unfinity
I mean, as a set. The only thing that shat the bed was the moronic corporate "THOU MUST PRINT BLACK BORDER" garbage.
If it was all just silver border like Dr. Richard Garfield intended, it would have been great.
Boros is canonically gay though
Anon it's literally actually canon that Bolas is queer.
I agree. Space Beleren is such a stupid goddamn joke but it makes me giggle every time I see the card.
I think what I like about it is just how stupidly comfy it is. Corporate obviously ruined the fuck out of it, but I get the feeling that MaRo & Co. (all the damage they've done to the core game's design notwithstanding) had a lot of fun with it.

I honestly think if my opinion of it hadn't been ruined by the Legacy Stickerpocalypse, it might be in my top 10 favorite sets. One thing that held other Un-sets back was their lack of consistency.
Bolas let Ral's ex rail him and you're saying it's forced?
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I've been on a spree lately.
Many of my brews just fizzle and die when I actually put them to the test, but this one is proving to have some potential.
A weird sort of tempo/midrange izzet brew heavily abusing Plot. What's pushing it over the edge is the FREE ricocheting counterspells that can just wall the fuck out of people.
How are you casting free counterspells when plotted cards can only be cast at sorcery speed?
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Why, Leyline of Anticipation of course!
The counterspells were just a busted touch, nothing about the core dies at sorcery speed which is nice.
>702.170d A plotted card’s owner may cast it from exile without paying its mana cost during their main phase while the stack is empty during any turn after the turn in which it became plotted. Casting a spell this way follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h. A plotted card may be cast this way even if it doesn’t have the plot ability while in exile.
All good. The overall value engine still rips.
Lilah is seriously a nutjob card.
Is it possible to pivot standard rdw deck to a more control one, while keeping the "buff heartfire hero/scamp/SSS, go for the face then burn together in one turn" as a wincon? 4x snakeskin don't do it for me anymore, even with +2x royal treatment. Maybe make it izzet and use shore up instead of snakeskin and other blue shenanigans like counters and card draw?
I just don't want to completely switch decks.
>Is it possible to pivot standard rdw deck to a more control one
A fork is good for grabbing food but bad for cutting it, if you want to make your fork better at cutting stuff it'll end up being worse than a fork and not as good as a knife
Not saying it's impossible but if you're committing to more control cards you're going to be making your pump strategy less consistent and that strategy doesn't really benefit from dragging the game out.
If you're just tired of RDW and want something else you could try Boros Mice, the decks share a lot of cards.
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Alright looks like the Izzet brew will be morphing into a grixis theft-ish Plot garbage pile.
I'll be digging up a other potential support pieces for this in the meantime. Sadly looks like Discover won't be a great option since the Jace eats Valki's mana slot too, but maybe we can make something work.

I totally knew Plot was only at sorcery speed, shut up.
I was only pretending to be retarded, duh.
to be fair, I completely dodged playing Thunder Junction so other than SSS it's my first time ever engaging with the mechanic
>want to go to Duskmourn prerelease
>know i'll get absolutely thrashed due to lack of studying
>haven't been able to find any good resources on what'll actually be good in sealed
feels bad
It's not that I'm tired, it's more that RDW is not possible in my local meta.
Sealed is a dumb meme format that's 90% "get better pulls than the other guy" you don't need to study
dont worry mono red layline will kill you before he gets to drop valvagoth on turn 4
Yeah but it doesn't matter if I get better pulls if I deckbuild like a retard
I'd like to know at least how to identify good shit
god I hate newfags so much
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will mystery booster 2 future sight foils be xpensive af or crash after some months .
Good cards are good bad cards are bad
It's prerelease man you're massively overthinking this
Prerelease at my store is the liveliest it ever gets
every single limited format is either selesnya, gruul, or orzhov
every single one
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day 1 ban
They look like shit, so they'll be as expensive as every other garbage frame version of a card.
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There's been sets where blue was the winner.
So if it was draft I'd kinda get it, but it's sealed, you get what you get. Familiarize yourself with the set mechanics and look for signposting in rares and mythics. If you do that and remember to slot in some disruption and removal you'll be fine.
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Lifeline is fun.
How are your custom sets going, anons?
That seems like a dumb mechanic, constructed decks are just going to jam the single lifeline that's actually good for their deck. Even in limited, you're just going to avoid the weaker ones because the opportunity cost is not being able to use a good one.
God I am not excited for Duskmourn at all. I kinda just want Foundations to come.
>God I am not excited for Duskmourn at all.
Nobody is. It's unfettered trash.
no true
ONE was boros and dimir if I remember correctly
And now for a big meme design.
I feel so sad about the roundup of duskmourn cards
not a single one I'd consider playing in my favorite deck. Okay pyroclasm, but that's it
no good artifacts at all. I mean, I could play Chainsaw as removal but its emphatically NOT a legion extruder tier threat that pumps out golem blockers at instant speed, its just a sorcery speed dragonfire. Even in the rare occasion I'd equip it to a golem/fish/mite token, hell its only upside is that I can sacrifice it to make a golem before duplicator, and then its still worse than another extruder since they can sacrifice each other in chains with duplicator and hit face

Biggest insult of this set is the whole room mechanic. Omen Hawker and Enigma Jewel are still legal in standard. But I can't play them with Roaring Furnace // Steaming Sauna. If I could tap enigma jewel and pay 3+2 mana to unlock the free card draw side I'd be all over that shit, but noooo its a "special action" not an "activated ability".
>Biggest insult of this set is the whole room mechanic.
It's actually so bad. And extremely unintuitive and bound to cause lots of ruling issues. Like it's such a dull mechanic that all of the awkwardness it brings with it just is not worth it.
Enjoy your money while you have no dependants.

I’m lucky to buy one single these days.
Op why are you such a failure that isn't the correct previous thread. Why must you be like this?
You even copied the thread question from last time.
everything about rooms is so fucking awful
the frame
the efficiency (lack thereof)
the interactions with existing mana generators / discounts / etc
the fact they get blown out by removal
the needless 'special action'
the obscure and inane rules with cheating them into play (oh, it loses all abilities and characteristics and is colorless with no cost BUT its still a room - enchantment because that arbitrarily counts even when they're locked on both sides)
their existence in other zones (its a 4UUR card with two different names if you target it with reanimation, then becomes a mana costless colorless card on the battlefield)
the stupid parasitic enablers with a tutor and activator both of which are costed WAY too much to be competitive in standard

>room card gets spoiled with entire rules text visible
>nobody on the internet has any clue how the fuck they actually work, even on the basic level of playing them let alone their interactions

Jesus at least battles had the fact nothing specially hated on them going for them, they dodged farewell in the farewell meta
I just went seven wins last night doing LCI draft, and I drafted Dimir.
this is retarded, you'll never actually get to "control them for the rest of the game" because anyone would just scoop. might as well just say they lose the game because that's how it will always play.

also sidenote: "friendly creatures" is incorrect wording. should say "creatures you control"

second sidenote: go to the custom card thread you retard
BO1 isn't a real format, anon.
Fuck off with this shit. No one cares.
is getting 9 mythics from a play booster box good?
I got meathook massacre 2 and all the other good mythics.
some of the better rares too.
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belcher bros im thinking we are back
I haven't played Modern in two weeks and I think it's been an improvement to my mental health
You may not like it, but this is how perfectly designed planeswalker looks like.
I do like it. She was pretty good at killing cats and ovens in standard.
Why is she black?
>graveyard hate + life gain on a plus
>exile 1 cmc shitters
>game winning ult
>all of this for just 3 mana
if only there was an orzhov pioneer deck I could jam her in...
>sorcery speed graveyard hate
Unplayable garbage faggot.
a mediocre side board card?
Here's what an actual perfectly designed Planeswalker looks like
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3 mana card
no board impact in 60%+ of board states
can't protect herself from on-curve threats (well anything 2+ mana which is basically everything)
has a niche utility of a hoser at which she's worse than a 1 mana artifact lmao
a pointless lifedrain ultimate that isn't anywhere close to big enough to win a game on its own or save you from getting outraced

Don't forget the absolutely anti-synergistic nombo design where she's a lifegain card designed to help stabilize you against aggro, and only gains life if you're against aggro since it requires creature cards to exile- and yet her -1 ability is almost always only going to hit tokens, which don't go to the graveyard, and only hits one at a time, and doesn't feed her +1 the next turn even if it hits a nontoken 1 drop since it exiles it, and then even with all that if the opponent is on aggro they will simply run you or her over because she puts no blockers in front of them or removes any real threats.

Now stand aside and let me show you what a real well designed planeswalker looks like
>watch early access event
>guy attacks in with a flying creature, ninjutsu's it to get out kaito
>taps opponents creature to protect kaito
>opponent just flashes in a creature on his end step
>untaps, attacks the 2 loyalty kaito and kills him
>kaito player's board is empty and opponent has 2 creatures out
Kaito player was just bad idk what to tell you
MTG is fine and just because you no longer enjoy the game anymore doesn't mean the game has gotten worse.
Flooding the game with Jurassic Park and Transformers and fucking MARVEL cards that stick out like a pile of shit is unequivocally inarguably making the game worse.

If they're SLD or if they print Universes Within versions I am 100% okay with all that shit existing. But in MAIN SET with no alternatives that can fuck right off.
The chad neo kaito
>Draws every turn starting the turn he comes down
>Phased out and totally unkillable
>Ticks up to higher loyalty, threatens to print sheoldred every turn

The virgin dickmourn kuckto
>Costs 1 extra if you can't ninjutsu him
>Returns an attacker to your hand and puts you behind on board and thus costs at least 4 anyway
>Needs to tap a creature the turn he comes down, or else he'll die to any 2+ power swing
>Even then he dies to any 2 haste, or 2nd creature on board, or manland, or sorcery speed burn even
>Can't draw if opponent blocked your creatures or removed them in combat, can't loot without it, just surveil (ew)
>Doesn't count up, stays at 2 loyalty as a 3/4 that will die in combat if he attacks and has no ultimate
>Prints emblems for an irrelevant tribe that already rotated out of standard LOL
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>enchantment land
>raw stats vs keywords and abilities
>targets and exiles
You got any more questions?
>stranger things
>little shop of horrors
>the shining

truly this set is
Universes Beyond: Unlicensed IP
yeah how fast can you concede the game when you play turn 1 tapped uncharted haven-but-rare-slot-enchantment and I respond with turn 1 pick your poison
Hey I didn't say they were good cards.
>first strike AND deathtouch

This card would cost $100 in the 90's even it was a 1/1
That Valvagoth land is so bad. Imagine you're drafting and this is your first pack rare.
>artifact land
>creature lands
>sorcery/instant lands (MFDC)
>now enchantment land

What next? PW lands?
A 3/3 for 3 without downsides would already be worth money in the 90s lol.
They already had that. It'll be battle lands next.
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Gotta explore every design space at this point. Too many cards coming out every year. Soon we will have Emblem Lands that go in the command space.
>What next? PW lands?
There was a snake with "both" in invasion block.
How broken is this /mtg/?
I wish they were bold enough to experiment with weird combinations, Embles are weirdly untouched, we got new permanent types with Battles and Rooms, they still have options for do stuff.
urza's saga is pretty cool in hindsight because it's such a massive value card that blue decks don't typically play.
it's unfortunate though because something like this i figured would've been printed 10-15 years from now and not in 2022. the amount of powercreep this game has gone through is obscene.
Emblems aren't spells or permanents, that's why. Rooms are still enchantments, just a subtype like sagas or classes or auras. Battles are legitimately new, but apparently anons hate them.
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>wrenn and six is a $14 card
my portfolio...
its better dryad arbor assuming you have blockers to protect it
Not very. The payoff isn't worth the risk.
we will see the conjure mechanic in a standard set within the next 10 years
we won't see Magic at all in 10 years...
Your first land drop dying to Shock doesn't seem broken.
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>go to new lgs store
>buy a play box
>holy shit what, pic rel
>ask for refund
>owner is pissed off

I feel bad, but, 215+?
this can't be real what the fuck
is this in the us?
Did normal Standard booster boxes really go from being ~$80 to $200+?
Yeah, im not going to reveal the store, but It just went around the corner and bought a collector for the same price
make sure to support your (((friendly local game store)))
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>mainly like legacy and cube
>not a fan of new turbo creature mtg
>try some arena, been like 4 years
>loads free packs
>make dimir midrange
>cool to play tempo-control, I like this archetype
>but fuck RDW
>check out prices for new set, new ninja planeswalker seems cool for dimir tempo
>like 53 euro for some shitty digital cards

are they serious? who'd ever pay this much for digital cards? also arena is 10x worse than paper magic, but cockatrice is pretty dead and I need my dose.
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been having a hot streak with this deck in Standard right now, only real tough matchup is Golgari, and i'm still tweaking trying to build for that effectively.

Jace is honestly insanely good for a deck that isn't just trying to roll face, surprised at how little i see it show up in the format.
>$50 prereleases
>$120 boxes
when will we finally hit a breaking point
feels like mtg players will cough up whatever wotc asks of them
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So apparently the animated series that wasn't happening is happening.
At this point I'll believe it when I actually see an episode.
>What the series should be
An anthology with each episode taking place on a different plane
>What we're gonna get
Marvel Show but Captain America is a furry
I was starting to think it was better cancelled. What we can actually expect from this?
>Marvel Show but Captain America is a furry
Please god don't let this happen
See you in 6 months when it is announced to be cancelled again.
Is that Kaya next to Ajani?
The earliest any survivor could possibly become degenerate is when Death Race comes out
Prerelease was surprisingly comfy.
Didn't the custom card thread die?
What's everyone playing? What did you run? What should we look out for? Help me win, anon!
>buy prerelease kits in advance
>cobble together a very strong deck and put it inside a deckbox
>go to prerelease and build a deck from whatever cards you get
>sleeve it and put it inside an identical deckbox
>pull out your 'real' prerelease deck come game time
Literally got me so many wins it's unreal.
Planeswalkers were such a shit design. What a fucking stupid decision to include them in game.
You know what I'm gonna dream a little
Assuming the anthology series would be the now standard 8-12 episodes, what planes would we visit?

>Dominaria (obviously)
>Ravnica (obviously)
>Kamigawa (People think Japan is cool)
>Bloomburrow (Women like Bloomburrow)
>Innistrad (One of their more memorable planes and there's lots of material for them to pull from.)

What else?
Where the fuck are you getting prerelease kits in advance day 1?
I got into an argument with someone about saying this couldn't hit a dork because the dork tapping was a" mana ability", and the person acting as the judge agreed and said I couldn't hit a dork with it.

Am I really a retard?
i just buy them from one lgs and take them to the lgs i actually play at
Boggles decks will return and everything will be hell.
>cheating in a card game made for children 13 and up
I don't want to believe people this pathetic actually exist.
could be zimone. all of "them" look the same, thanks to wizards
>605.3b An activated mana ability doesn’t go on the stack, so it can’t be targeted, countered, or otherwise responded to. Rather, it resolves immediately after it is activated.
Amonkhet (I love Nicol Bolas)
It's fucking clearly Chandra why are so many people having trouble with this.
This. Mana abilities of any kind don't use the stack. If they did, you could respond to your opponent tapping lands.
Shit, they do have the same hairstyle
He tried to charge you the individual rate for packs, and he got angry when you declined?
I ran wb tempo with lots of removal. Went 1-0-2. Manifest dread was underwhelming.
I ran golgari and went 2-1-0, green has some solid heavy hitters
>Am I really a retard?
if you counter a Llanowar Loamspeaker activated ability with tishana's, it will also lose its mana ability, but you can't target the mana ability
I am, I really like the spooky shit
Rooms are kind of ass but I love Enchantment synergy
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pick up the treasure
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Pioneer bros, why does wotc hate Dimir so much?
printing no more lies exclusively for UW instead of mana leak, giving better removal to white instead of black, and the gotcha they had with "duskmourn is gonna reprint damn", and their complete refusal to print any proper UB cards for control
it feels so tiresome trying to play it
Dimir got to have Rogues for a bit and now it's in time out
what pisses me off more than anything is that with WOE they specifically went UW for Faeries instead of UB.
>UB faeries
they must be saving that for lorwyn
4 mana second mainphase only Show and Tell is not gonna do much to my favorite formats, but it's gonna be fun seeing standardfags shit their pants over it because standard has no bolts
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you don't want busted UB cards
they should do on both, so the archetype could have actual support from 2 sets
let me offer a different perspective: playing UB control in pioneer feels like an actual challenge precisely because UW gets all the brain dead catch all answers
I don't play control very often, but when I do, I want my decisions to matter more than just "do I have boardwipe or do I lose here"
not saying I don't want the archtype to ever get new upgrades, but I imagine that if UB got the same amount of support UW is getting, it probably wouldn't be nearly as fun or customizable
my only problem iwth unfinity is that there's not as many jokes there as there was in unglued and unhinged
oh and the stickers but that's just as ymptom of going for "mechanical design" in the dedicated joke set.
I fucking hope so because having to fill your Faerie deck with Gix and Sheoldred in order to actually be playable pisses me off.

Especially since Bloomburrow has made shit like mice and frogs completely constructed archetypes, having to dig through trash to try and find anything remotely playable to support Faeries as a tribe is just an insult.
>>What the series should be
>An anthology with each episode taking place on a different plane
Or just go with the weatherlight saga...

Imagine going with nuwalkers and choosing a female one that isn't Liliana or Vraska..
Glad I stopped buying mtg and started with other card games, I wouldn't like to be known as the mtg guy after this show airs lmao
doesn't pioneer coming to arena just mean that pioneer will die even more? it certainly hasn't helped paper standard after all
i think using BREAD is still good in sealed to just get a handle on what colors you can try and deckbuild in, even after they changed packs to be horrible
if you don't know BREAD it's a system of thinking about cards and picking the good ones over the bad ones; the order from good to bad goes something like
they can win on their own if resolved, with either raw value advantage, or exactly 20 damage when you cast it.
answering opponent bombs with counterspells, destroy/exile effects, or just dealing damage to them, is a good way to not let the opponent win with theirbombs
Flying, Menace, and other ways for a creature to not be blocked to guarantee damage and guarantee ticking down the enemy life points
like Evasion but without the evasion, just stuff that you play and it beats face.
card that is bad and you don't want it in your deck

but i haven't drafted or sealeded in a while so take my words with some salt
no, it is spirit energy
Thus it is clearly Kaya.
You guys just got kaito
What's the moaning even about
i absolute agree with you on the fact that decisions actually matter on UB and thats why i too play it instead of UW, but my point is exactly that everything else is getting so far ahead in terms of threats (and answers for uw) that our decision making which is supposedly to matter becomes irrelevant
what does any of the kaitos do for ub control?
belcher with MDFC landspells is cringe
wake me up when 7 forest belcher becomes good again
The DSK kaito dodges removal on your turn and slowly beats em to death
Seems like a fine wincon
I agree with you a lot but is not that bad. UB control still can top leagues but it's true is insane how much tools for control WotC gave to UW and neglected UB even the Mill version very hard. Sad.
pioneer ub just needs a good 1 mana value something with mill to turn on drown in the loch for turn 2
thought scour or something
dsk kaito becomes collateral damage if you need to board wipe, with in pioneer is a lot
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>doesn't pioneer coming to arena just mean that pioneer will die even more?
not really
paper and mtgo pioneer have been a thing for practically 5 years now, people who invested into decks to play RCQs and challenges aren't randomly going to ditch their stuff to play on arena, specially since the arena team confirmed they will never have actual pioneer, just an approximation, so whenever a random obscure card becomes playable, the arena meta is gonna have to wait for the card to be implemented
pic related is a good example, it's amazing in exactly golgari roots but there's no way it's getting put on arena anytime soon
>it certainly hasn't helped paper standard after all
the difference is that paper standard rotates, you eventually have to get rid of your cards no matter what happens, so it makes sense why arena would be more attractive if you don't have a lot of money but a lot of free time to spend
This sounds what a Modern fag, a dying format enjoyer, would say
Came like 5th of 19 at my lgs prerelease with a five color Doors Tribal deck

Set seems fun
>limited is fun
>wow XYZ's limited environment is pretty shitty
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>can't be cast off eldrazi temple
>is clearly a spell unique to eldrazi
for what purpose
Coming soon to a Mystery Booster design (and then to a commander deck five years later):

>Noncreature permanents your opponents control have toughness equal to their CMC plus one. (Spells and abilities that deal damage "to any target" can deal damage to them. They can now be destroyed by damage. They're not creatures. If their toughness is somehow ever zero or lower, they die.)
I wish this have a reprint.
Is a very good card.
literally me
People don't seem to realize shows get greenlit and cancelled all the time. I'll reserve judgement until I actually see it.
Reminder that some "mana abilities" do go on the stack
Can't decide whether to go to prerelease tonight or tomorrow fuck
dumb goy
Cost: $35.99 + tax
Format: 3 Rounds of Swiss
Prizes: Players will be awarded 1 Duskmourn Play Booster Pack for each win they receive.
is this good or bad? haven't played mtg in years and i forget what old prerelease prices were
That's really good the ones around me are $40-45
Yeah,basically anything that isn't just "gain mana" as an effect.
That's kinda retarded.
I played against someone using this, and with intruder alarm he just kept tapping to make a saproling with another creature then doing this over and over again then passing when both our decks were empty.
Felt really wrong to be milled by a mostly white and green deck.
People should be able to "take back" mana abilities, Arena has a known bug where using a painland at 1 life immediately loses you the game when it shouldn't. Drawing a card isn't something you can undo like gaining or losing life.
>Local prerelease night
>First game i play guys big play was burning everything to get out the 5/7 megalodon
>I use dominion of duskmourne to steal it
>Just passive aggressive and a bit grumbly the whole time
>Game two with someone else
>Same guy now on next table has the same thing happen to his megalodon again
>Hes not like shuffling his hand and slamming the side down on the desk on his opponents turns
>Game 4 hes behind my opponent
>Guess what happens
>Stands up and yells "EVERY FUCKING TIME???" and walks out the store not even taking his cards just his mat
>At the end hes in last place at the role call and the owner goes "anyone seen James?"
>Sensible chuckles

It was no tableflip but thats the biggest melty i've ever seen in an english store.
standard players everyone
I think we can all agree that the way mana abilities work and how mana costs are paid needs a rework. Mana abilities should work the same as any other activated ability, and mana should need to be added to the mana pool before costs are paid. Everyone who learns to play thinks that's how it's supposed to work, and it's only with intensive study that you can actually understand the esoteric process that is involved with casting a spell.
I don't know why he did it when it a: didn't fucking work and he went all in way to early with nothing else and kept getting stumped by the x/4 cards in every color and b: damn near everyone was running roughly the same shit like the 3/3 blue defender for example so 12 games in and hes still running into a wall and complaining the wall was built in his way? just baffling.
>arena schizo plays paper for the first time
actually he said "i got into the game with lord of the rings". They exist and are in your FLGS right. now.
Biggest meltdown I ever saw was during Lorwyn/Alara standard FNM. A guy was playing THAT jund deck, but his opponent was running Great Sable Stag in his own Jund deck, so almost all of his removal was blank. He lost 0-2 in the first round and threw his deck across the room. He spent round 2 chain smoking outside, then collected his things and left in round 3.
>I share a hobby with these freaks
Tapping for mana on a creature should just go on the stack, I don't know how it would break the game not to.
If only there was interaction in the game to stop this from happening...
Reminder this + Panglacial Wurm still breaks the game.
It would mean that split second cards are basically useless. I think there's also some esoteric interactions with declaring a spell and paying the costs and that might get fucked up too.
>the only planes walker in the set is only good in ninja decks which arnt a thing in standard

i appreciate some backwards compatibility but this isnt the best idea
It would be really annoying passing priority back and forth for every elf you tap
Works as a wincon in a control deck, too
>Are there any Dimir control decks in standard right now?
Don't worry about that
Wouldn't it mean you can't tap all your mana at once? You'd have to pass priority for each mana source.
Split second cards would work exactly the same as they do right now, and those esoteric actions are what we want removed from the game. Things like shorthand KCI loops and Selvala shuffle fuckery only work because there are too many game actions attached to "mana abilities" that aren't just the mana. How many reworks has Lion's Eye Diamond had over the years? The way it works now should be how ALL mana abilities work.
Mana going on the stack means that you can respond to those triggers, without having to respond to the split second spell itself.
but popping LED doesn't go on the stack
Soo... Duskmourn story was just some Avengers shit, mostly Doctor Stranger 2 vibes out of it (as well as stranger things).
The small bad guy dies, the good guys are saved by aminatou kaito and profit (who I think is Azor somehow) and the gay elf brawler.
Status quo maintained. Tamiyo is "dead" "dead". Vagina demon gets loot, etc

What a shit story.
Proft is just Proft. He's just a guy called Proft. He's not Azor.
You can't put non-mana abilities on the stack if there's a split second effect on the stack. What you're targeting doesn't matter.

I had to look it up, but you're right. In that case, it SHOULD use the stack.
wotc still continues the trend of using high value artist for shit chaff cards
if popping LED used the stack then LED would be a lot worse as cards in the graveyard can be removed before you have priority to play them with stuff like surgical etc
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>those hands
that way you don't risk damaging them as you use them
Say I'm playing a deck with an important artifact out. You tap 3 mana to play krosan grip. With current rules, there's nothing I can do to protect my artifact. With mana going on the stack, I could play tamiyo's safekeeping or something in response, protecting my artifact. You could still just not cast krosan grip, but it means you've used up the mana and that can be enough for me to combo off or whatever.
To be clear, safekeeping would be in response to the mana ability on the stack, not krosan grip itself.
Fair enough, but I think that's a small price to pay for simplifying the process of casting a spell.
>peach momoko
>2 ghostbusters

In the last week alone. Jesus fucking christ these jews are pumping SLD out.
They're revealing all of the Secret Lairs for the super drop. They always do this.
Eh there have been way worse SLs.
So what.
Just have lands not go on the stack, everything that makes mana does, not that complicated of an etratta
Those are not mutually exclusive. What if you have a mana dork and an Ashaya? Does the mana dork's regular ability suddenly not use the stack anymore?
If he's now a land, no, which I am fine with because that's a combo that is somewhat weighty.
Yes, and it is fairly decent there.
These cards, while they are in my hand I can choose to play them as a spell OR as a land, or am I missing something.
Kinda new to mtg
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I would play a soulsborne game set on Duskmourn.
Yes you can choose to play either side of the card
Those are modal double face cards. You can choose to play either side, yeah. If not on the stack or the board, they're considered to be the front face.
All sets feel like a cellphone game event now... noir detectives! Cowboys! Remember the 80s?? Race queen Viviana!
Whats next? Chandra goes to the beach episode?
>Chandra goes to the beach episode?
>women in swimsuit
>in current day mtg
Will never happen
Tarkir 2 will save us.
I hope to God it is a proper wedge set.
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I wanna learn how to play Pauper Grixis Affinity. Anyone got any good resources?
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>valgavoth has moth motif
>aminatou has moth motif
>the story spotlight card from BLB that hinted at Jace being bad has dragonflies, which are moth adjacent
Am I becoming a schizo?
I said this from the beginning. Why is niggermoth even there if there is no connection? Why can't she go in the house?
>Set is called "Return to Tarkir"
>Look inside
>Gay Bolas
There's nothing explicit, but her magic and Valgavoth's magic just seem to clash against each other. She doesn't go into the House mainly because she knows that if the House took her, Val would become unreasonably more powerful and she's nowhere near as powerful in the House because of the aforementioned clashing.
Yeah but Bloomburrow was fun
I got to build a bat deck :)
why is bolas gay anyways
So apparently Duskmourn is the first Standard set since RIX to have no dragons whatsoever. That feels weird to think that there's been at least one every set prior.
>her magic looks exactly like the glimmers
>suspiciously desparked despite presumably being able to prevent it
>wasn't able to go into the house for some reason
>chekhov's gun in the extra fateshifter that was unused
I know it's not going to happen, but imagine if she was the secret big bad here. We don't actually know she's desparked/depowered, do we? It's just her word.
>her magic and Valgavoth's magic just seem to clash against each other
That isn't clear. What do you mean by this. I do not read the stories.
It has a fake one.
They don't really elaborate. Aminatou's powers are generally ill-defined and I think they've toned her down from "weaves fate and destiny" into "foresight and some manipulation of fate".
This is such a fucking random card to put in this set
>ho dee do this is the haunted house plane isn't that spooky?
something something dragonstorm arc, something something Tarkir returned
>think they've toned her down
Because she was a literally who blank slate commander character.
Honestly not sure she's a character that should've really been in the story. This vague mysterious background character fits her better than being an active participant.
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>absolutely dogshit pulls, not a single mythic and no good rares
>somehow scrape together a simic manifest dread+survival jankfest
>actually win first two (one grixis one rakdos)
>third set is against a golgari deck that buries me in removal and its own manifests and i get 0-2'd
I dunno whether I wanna stay for the next two rounds but this set's pretty fun so far. Pleasantly surprised at how much value this little thing can print even if it only lasts a couple of turns or if you're not proccing its condition.
Which raises yet another question of why they used her here in the first place. I guarantee the extra fateshifter will become relevant.
It's a 2 mana 2/3 that loots every turn without tapping. That's the floor, it was always going to be strong in limited.
Just back from prerelease, Duskmourn seems FUN
I know b01 isn't "Real Magic" but something has to be done with RDW and Gruul in b01. I am so sick and fucking tired of this braindead deck. Even winning vs it isn't fun, it's just a matter of
>did you draw removal, win
>did you not draw removal lose
Just play frogs, stupid, the mouse deck CANNOT beat it
Like, how the fuck are turn 3 kills, and now turn 2 with the new leyline balanced for fucking standard? Fuck off already.
At some point you have to realize that it's not worth playing anything but "Real Magic". And if you can't get "Real Magic" then stopping is just going to be altogether better for you. If you're just playing shit Magic to feed your addiction, you aren't even getting anything out of it.

We shit on EDH players pretty fucking hard here but for all the faults of that format the players are enjoying it, which puts them far and beyond what you're doing not enjoying it.
Why even play anything but limited?
Bo1 standard is great when you're playing low tier jank piles and tribal decks against other people's low tier jank piles and tribal decks
I'm assuming you're playing Ranked on Arena? See now that's a mistake
I need to actually go to my local store and start playing actual physical magic. MTGA is pure fucking cancer. Like I cannot understate how much it makes me despise the fucking game.
WOTC have lost their way and are just full on corporate greed mode. The quality of their product drops every single set. The art is shit. The direction is shit. The powercreep is insane. I don't know how these fucks are actually still employed.
Limited has like a 50% chance of actually being fun every time a set comes out, and it usually alternates, too.
>All Will Be One?
>Wilds of Eldraine?
>Ixalan 2, Dinosaur Boogaloo?
Fiduciary responsibility and its consequences...
>storm scale is the name of the mechanics that can never come back
>legacy storm would die to a standard deck by the time it can even cast grapeshot

very cool
That's my point. I remember reading an article where WOTC was talking about not wanting turn 3 kills in fucking PIONEER. Now it's a normal thing in standard. If that doesn't tell you how fucking braindead powercrept the game is I don't know what can.
And as a result of the powercreep, removal spells have to get more and more insane, which leads to creatures getting more and more insane.
Just a vicious loop where the future looks fucking grim and every single card is an instant must kill on the spot cause it wins the game by itself. I cannot stress enough how fucking ill WOTC currently is.
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Foundations will fix it Foundations will fix everything
Do those men not know that there's a Grizzly Bear right fucking there? Those things can be very dangerous!
you could give luis scott vargas forty-five minutes and a bottle of jack daniels and he could make better sets than the fuckups at R&D
Have you ever played Eternal? If not, you have LITERALLY no idea how right you actually are
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This thing is insanely good in limited
Like imagine these fucking retards sitting around discussing what aggro cards to add when RDW is already broken batshit insane, and they pick a card which enables turn 2 wins and print it. Fucking braindead retards.
Yeah that's generally understood to be a powerful effect in limited
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I got enough playables at the prerelease to just build two decks and was able to "sideboard" to swap from dimir to selesnya in 1 seconds between games
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Wow this set was fun at prerelease and the art is pure kino. Went 2-1 with izzet because I got both red and blue overlords. Does anyone know why this card has a watermark? I don't think any others do havent really looked into it that much though
>unsleeving and resleeving a 40 card deck in 1 second
nuh uh
No no anon, I built two separate 40 card decks and sleeved them both up. My pool was crazy enough that I couldn't decide between the two, so I just went with both.
Dude grew up looking at Ugin's thighs all day it's no wonder he turned gay for those and had his mental breakdown after Ugin's spark ignited and he thought Ugin died.
The story which i have no idea what it is is probably retarded but the idea for the plane is pure sovl
>recycling every trope in the book
>pure sovl
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>Game 1
>Game 2
I don't think I would be able to understand what was going on
True...i might stop playing arena
Like >>93950546 said,
There is not a session of arena play that does not leave me pissed off.
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got this as my promo so i just went 5 color rooms for my first two matches lmao 2-1'd both rounds.

(switched to sultai midrange for final round because im a coward)

fun prerelease. i didnt really encounter any of the immersion breaking cards that made me dislike this set in spoil season
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Fair point, just didn't anticipate how much value it would actually give in practice. Also holy shit I just finished the last set of the night and
>pulled two of these
>threw both in because I was short on time and options and at least he could kill shit on block
>have no other mill or even forced draw whatsoever
>wound up getting T H R E E wins via deckout since I made that post
>first only had him get to attack once but that was all it took
I will never talk shit about him again, manifesting him so he can hit first turn and can't be countered is absurd. Kinda wanna build him in EDH but dunno about monoblue.

Arena is fun in theory but in practice it's netdeck hell. I quit after I realized I was grinding Starter Deck Duel with the OP boros equip deck to get my dailies to collect fake cards because the main lobbies were miserable, and at that point why not just play actual paper Magic y'know
I've been playing Arena intermittently for a few years and I play tribal decks and turn the creatures sideways to have fun
It's really just that simple
I also have a U/W artifact control deck that's fun as hell cause the wincon is using Thousand Moons Smithy to beat my opponent to death with 11/11s. I mean it's really just this simple.
When do foundations spoilers start?
was there any point to this, from the sounds of it you just drafted a deck from a single different box. at most it gives you extra time to build but i guess if you need more than 35 minutes to build a deck take the handicap brother
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No the whole plane being a house maifested by an ancient moth demon which causes it to shift and twist based on the terror of its occupants. It is objectively inspired design. You fools hated thunder junction, too. Look at this artwork. Maybe you'll understand in a decade why this set is good.
>It is objectively inspired design
It's literally The Cabin in the Woods but with a giant moth.
>Objectively inspired
I suppose this is technically correct, since it was all inspired by a bunch of movies. Can you explain why these six cards are the only things in the set that depict the survivors as being even remotely afraid?
Arena is fine for testing decks.
Unfortunately, to keep testing decks for free you need to play arena daily to have enough resources.
Odds I buy dumb commander shit
Evens I buy cool Premodern shit
Dubs I buy nothing
Trips I buy both
Quads or better I transfer $1000 from my investment account to buy some absolutely retarded cards
Why is Ugin colorless but Bolas is not?
How dumb are we talking?
$50 of dogshit lands for my new necrobloom deck
If it had been quads I would have asked for input from the thread for $100 priced cards
Bolas hasn't been getting his white mana injections from Ugin for a while. That's why they're spending alone time together in the meditation realm right now.
Prerelease was pain today. I pulled mostly B/G Manifest Dread stuff, but all my rares except my stamp were assorted Glimmers and big dick BBBBBB with no reanimator support to fish out if he didn't hit the board.

The closest I got to balling was two innocuous rats to fuel my Final Vengeances. How'd everyone else do?
Watermark is desparked planeswalker, Tyvar has it too.
I went up to 40 life with Arabella enchanted by Sheltered by Ghosts and then still managed to lose.
>You fools hated thunder junction, too
... Yeah, TJ was also shit. Of course we hated it.
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Gonna cry about it?
>second sidenote: go to the custom card thread you retard
Sorry the game is so unpopular that extra threads had to merge into this one.
Take it up with WotC.
Because Ugin is asexual and Bolas is gay.
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We used to have our own thread. I don't know why it's like this now.
just make a new /ccg/ thread
nothing's stopping you
Some neat ideas there
The flavor text suggests that it's an illusion. You can read right?
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We generally agreed that the threads were too slow to be worth it, with the 7-day thread limit. No reason we can't make another thread, but I honestly feel just posting set updates in /mtg/ when we're up for it is perfectly fine.

Sometimes you just don't have updates to post, which makes keeping /ccg/ alive a tedious thing.

>"Hey guys here's this card I haven't updated for days, again. Do you still think the same things about it?"
Gets tough to repeat.
I dig this card though. Tons of "extra turn" spells are just looping do-nothing durdle enablers that go nowhere and waste time. Interesting to see one that just makes extra turns into fast kills, saving people the miserable existence of watching someone durdle with extra turns until they fizzle out.
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OK I can definitely understand that struggle more clearly now; thank you. I'm not sure why this board needs a 7-day cutoff but whatever. I think it's a bit disingenuous though to say that posting the same card multiple times is bad. different people will leave very different feedback on the same design and aren't always browsing the thread at the time.

>I think it's a bit disingenuous though to say that posting the same card multiple times is bad
Not bad, per se.
Just, if that's what you're doing to keep the thread alive just for it to eat death to the cutoff, that kind of sucks.

And it's not like /mtg/ moves fast these days lmao. It needs the help.

Nothing ever triggers "when a player begins a turn." It should trigger on the upkeep of extra turns, or better yet it could just be a static buff: "Creatures get +3/+3 and have hexproof and trample during their controller's extra turns."
>or better yet it could just be a static buff: "Creatures get +3/+3 and have hexproof and trample during their controller's extra turns."
Seconding this. If something can be solved with state-based effects, it's almost always better to do it that way.
Thanks, I'll spend some time thinking about this. I based the templating off of effects that said "if a player would begin an extra turn" but I realize now thanks to your feedback that that's a replacement effect and not a triggered ability.
If you want an example of why Planeswalkers were a mistake, look no further than Blightning's oracle text.
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Mice: The gathering was fun..'so far' you mean?

Bloomburrow is almost certainly coming back come spring and with a far load of arcs andd connective tissues to be establishing it's goings on with the multiverse.

Bloom is a fucking monster-hit. I have steam accounts that got back into Magic over Bloomburrow. Only other set I remember that happening with was the LotR one and War of spark. People that don't even know what magic is care about bloomburrow. The furries have already took over duskmourne. Like what the fuck have they done to this rat.
Seems reasonable to me.
When did you realise a lot of duskmourn is recycled Fallout stuff with a spooky glimmer effect added on?
The left room having a higher cost than the right one really tickles my 'tism
Not being able to put them sideways on the battlefield definitely tickles mine.
The alien stuff is mostly fallout 3 dlc art recycled.
No the fuck it isn't?
>extremely generic albeit disembodied grey alien head
>extremely generic flying saucer
more likely that both franchises are just referencing the same thing.
Went and looked at the first few cards and found another one, unnerving grasp so you are wrong or dishonest. Your question is not an argument anyway
i don't know anything about fallout so i wouldn't know
elevators are more expensive than stairs, anon. otherwise i'd have an elevator in my house
no entry fees
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Golgari manifest/reanimate was very fun
Same reason there are few cards that show love or romance in Eldraine, at the end of the day it's a game about wizards trying to kill each other.
>"at the end of the day it's a game about wizards trying to kill each other."

>"at the end of the day it's a game about wizards trying to kill each other."
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Yeah man there's never been any creatures in the game that have no business fighting.
>at the end of the day it's a game about wizards trying to kill each other.
Huh, I thought it was a game about Wizards (tm) trying to kill itself!
>open xmage
>it's mostly people playign commander
Commander is the most popular format kiddo
>Playing commander
>On an online client
>Probably with random dudes
The fuck. the only point of commander is to fiddle with cards with friends around while you talk about stuff and drink/eat some stuff
>The fuck. the only point of commander is to fiddle with cards with friends around while you talk about stuff and drink/eat some stuff
Lots of people play online commander with no social interaction as part of it.
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Magic the Gatherin.
Magi the Gatheri
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I can't believe /mtg/ is dead........
I just won my local pre release with a simic mill deck, this set is terrible for limited

Each game I had to sit through 8+ removal spells to play my mill boy which insta ends the game
>What we can actually expect from this?
imagine Riot's Arcane, but replace Jinx with Chandra, and remove all the interesting plot and worldbuilding bits.
and that'd be a good thing
She is a ex-planeswalker. Look for cards from march of the machines aftermatch

(god the story is so shit)
How long has Duskmourn been spookified?
I thought it had been generations.
The whole modernity with high schoolers and stuff makes no sense to me.
Also some how people are still fugging and popping babies.
all affinity is the same
>play cheap artifacts first
>play expensive artifacts discounted by affinity later
>use your army of artifacts to win, sometimes assisted by cards that count how many artifacts you have to see how much win you'll get
and that's it really.
he's a soldier
fighting is his business by profession

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