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Can't we all just get along Edition

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TQ: How did your last game go? Are there any tabletop releases you are looking forward to?
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Dark Jedi are cool
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Say what you like, this pack should have been called "A Fine Addition To Your Collection" you cannot change my mind.
The way they name the packs is fucking stupid
>TQ: How did your last game go? Are there any tabletop releases you are looking forward to?

A nearly shadowrun amount of planning to figure out how to steal nerfs and feed them remote thermal detonators to destroy a cargo ship in transit. Tune in next fortnight when I try to neck myself in frustration.
it feels like the only star wars news as of current is e-celeb drama

just give me a show or something to come out already

Shows are struggling (pick your particular favourite reason why), Marvel are continuing to churn out the comics but who truly cares any more? and we're getting a steady stream of previews for the upcoming TCG set (but that is only really of interest if you are already playing the game).

There are Legion & Shatterpoint expansions coming along, but nothing terribly earth-shattering there.
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>Marvel are continuing to churn out the comics but who truly cares any more?
I care, I am hoping the Battle of Jakku will be good, I like Luke Skywalker.
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there is also a bad batch comic miniseries that was announced yesterday, coming out in january

it's dark horse instead of marvel so it could be good
1. Bad Batch could be interesting if they were portrayed in a way that was originally intended: a bunch of assholes (not just Crosshair), who hate the regs, who never worked with the Jedi, who do classified black ops shit, who only care about the mission success and have no moral qualms about anything. Armor painted black, with sculls and shit, with their ship being a prototype of an Imperial Shuttle. It was obvious what they were originally going for. But ever since their dogshit solo show, they've been turned into generic goodie two shoes boring retards. So who cares, other than tasteless low IQ women on Xitter and tumblr, who are the target audience of that crap. Give me Delta Squad instead. I've had enough with Bad Batch over the course of three bad seasons of their show.
2. Dark Horse hasn't been good in 15 years.
the description mentions them being 80s action hero tropes, and this is before omega (and echo) so i'd expect wrecker and crosshair to be assholes, like they were in TCW S7
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Stormtrooper band of brothers would save star wars, people have been asking for it for over a decade and yet nothing of the sort will ever come out. OG Battlefront 2 campaign is the only thing we have
Not happening. Stormtroopers are fanatical fascists, who in their first appearance killed a bunch of defenseless Jawas, murdered Luke's aunt and uncle and burned his house down. You are not supposed to root for them, you are supposed to want them dead. So you will never get a mainstream series/movie that humanizes them, unless it's another defector story.
>we went from these kino designs in the concept art to.....generic stormtroopers with some dirt on them on screen

mando is where creativity goes to die
Are you the one who always sperges out when someone mentions bad batch
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Stormtroopers, rebels, clones, droids WHATEVER, I want more WAR in my STAR WARS. Even as a kid I thought all the jedi shit was for fags I only liked them when they fought in WARS. I want more WAR. WAR I want more STAR WARS
Execs shut these designs down for humanizing stormtroopers too much
We could have had a kino clone rebellion series, but alas.
Bad Batch was a personal hate letter to every military autist in the star wars fandom, the last group that was still clinging on to decade old expanded material. I'm still pissed, at least we got a cool Separatist Remnant episode but it wasn't worth it.

The Umbara arc was a happy accident, we will never see a war story in star wars again. It's all gay jedi family drama shit now
>personal hate letter to every military autist in the star wars fandom
That's what the original Order 66 was supposed. All the clone fanboy muh Mando culture milsim ended up being bad and evil.

Then they changed it to brain control chips, so the theme would be that... bad guys are evil.
lets see here...
>sperges out about it when all that was mentioned was a new comic series
>complains about the show despite it not being mentioned
>mentions twitter and tumblr
>wants delta squad instead

its a 90% chance its him
it's also the same guy who constantly complained about scorch on /co/
The complaints are entirely valid, though.
I'll take constructive complaints over low IQ reddit reject ventressfag posting.
Order 66 was never a hate letter, in fact it was awesome
>A well regimented army could mow down the Jedi like they were nothing
It was based as fuck. A clone army of Mandalorian super commandos was awesome, they were cool just being super elite and professional. You saw that professional respect they had for the Jedi but they ultimately knew what had to happen. It was kino beyond anything Star Wars has ever accomplished in any other piece of media. Then they retconned it to chips, but still it worked because they went from war autists to American GIs, and GIs are still cool. Then Bad Batch made clones gay as fuck as you watch Commandos job to everything in the entire world, and then cut out the entire clone rebellion because it was too interesting
>chips argument again
for fucks sake
Post some models or rpg stories instead of whining like a bitch
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>Then Bad Batch made clones gay as fuck as you watch Commandos job to everything in the entire world, and then cut out the entire clone rebellion because it was too interesting
This is what happens when the lead writer of the show is a woman
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Based and warpilled
I like the lore tidbit of General Grevious being the one who organized the CIS military into an effective fighting force. Imagine being this separatist commander chick, once a corporate security officer and now leading a droid division, and this giant fucking cyborg comes up to you and starts giving you strategic advice. We never see Grevious kill a non-droid subordinate, so I like to think he would not do that to organics. He just thought droids were worthless garbage (which they mostly were)
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TTD (Total Talz Death)
>clone rebellion
Andor had no war, it's about commie revolution on a backwater planet and boring mon mothma pimping her daughter drama.
More interesting than
>the clones were all very upset, very tired of the empire and being used as tools
>this culminates in....half assed veteran's benefits legislation
I do have to get around to watching that, but I understand that is more of a political thriller than a war story
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>We never see Grevious kill a non-droid subordinate, so I like to think he would not do that to organics
In the novelization of Episode 3 he killed a Neimodian gunnery officer on the bridge of the Invisible Hand when he kept protesting that their turbolasers were overheating and they'd need to reduce their rate of fire to let them cool down. At first he told him to keep firing until the turbolasers burned out if he had to, and when he still protested he punched him in the face so hard it pulped his head.
I didn't mind the neutral Mandalore plot, it was interesting and I enjoyed the idea of neutral planets being constantly picked at by the CIS and Republic. Reminds me of a cool ttrpg story I saw of a guy running an edge of the empire iran-contra affair where the players were republic commandos and diplomats selling seized spice in exchange for military equipment to arm a neutral planet secretly planning to join the republic.
There goes my headcanon. Is the novelization worth reading? I've heard some good things about it
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You should play Legion.
The Jawas were running a droid slavery ring. Im glad the Studtroopers took them out
>Stormtroopers are fanatical fascists
Thats why the Imperial Army exists. Take notes from Stalingrad, Generation War, Letters from Iwo Jima, Das Boot, etc. Hell, I wouldn't mind yet another defection story if they saved it for the very end.
I would be if COVID didn’t kill my local community. All my friends bar one are already stuck in the 40K mill, and the one guy also wants to play CIS so I have to start a republic army to sate my autism
>Thats why the Imperial Army exists.
No, it does not.
40k is such a trash game, I legitimately don't understand why (fandoms aside) one would choose it over Legion, and I don't even like Legion that much but its just better
I think think that would work better as Clone Wars era story. There are (or were, since most of it isn't canon anymore) a bunch of battles during the Clone Wars that would lead well to a war movie. The Dark Horse Comics run had some very gritty depictions of war that actually lived up to the bit in the RotS opening crawl about there being heroes on both sides and evil everywhere. There were some grinding battles of attrition where the GAR had bombard entire cities to rubble, killing thousands of civilians, in order to dig out the CIS forces, and both sides suffering massive casualties fighting over some shithole planet that just happened to have some vital resources or be in a strategically important location.
Following a company of clone troopers fighting through the Outer Rim sieges could work as a Band of Brothers style story.
TBF Nemoidian are worse than droids.
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Anon, no. You can't save her and she WILL force lightning your dick.
Challenge mode: You are caught between a tsundere Dark Jedi waifu and tsundere Sith waifu.
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My nigga Kalani out here again.
Animated show centered around Grievous when?
>inb4 never ever
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For me, its green or yellow.
There's no reason you can't play the empire. They fought plenty of wars against separatist holdouts.

With the rebels it's kinda iffy, but the Onderon arc of TCW is essentially Rebels Vs CIS
Green aka the Thinking Jedi's Lightsaber
Kino, albeit the last one had a few colours.
It's definitely the case of "too big to fail". They are THE wargame you first hear of when you try to get into the hobby. The one with the largest community, the most frequent update.

Fortunately, many other games have found their niches. It would be cool to see 40k crash and burn, that game fucking sucks.
It's exclusively fandom and sunk cost fallacy
>Oh man I can't try Legion I already bought so much 40k stuff
>Oh man I don't want to play 40k it just takes so long
>*buys another ebay lot of 40k stuff*
It's like funko pops
A mixed company of local militia working alongside clones would be really cool too.
It's a shame that's how clone wars started out, but then Filoni wanted to project his OC onto darth maul and just ignored Dooku and Grevious for the second half of the series. So we only get to see them in the dogshit early seasons.
Clones are cooler than Empire imo, I'd rather start them to face off against Seps than use the Empire.
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How hot are Jedi?
What's the difference between a sith and a dark jedi?
Anyone have that meme that compares the originals, prequels and sequels and provides recommended reading for each? The basic premise being that the prequels are 4chan and incredibly deep, originals are reddit and sequels are tumblr trash?
It's the difference between a terrorist and a serial killer. The sith is totally convinced by Sith philosophy and will do everything in his power to see it brought to fruition. A dark jedi is usually just fucked up and crazy doing his own thing
Stormtroopers don't work as traditional protags because
>They were already the butt of several jokes before Disney took those jokes too seriously and made them actually incompetent.
>They're the shock troops of the bad guys, while you can humanize them, it's hard for the audience to care for them if they stay loyal to the Empire for too long.

Band of Brothers would work better following a platoon of Rebel Specforce during a major battle. However, I will say you could maybe, just maybe swing Stormtroopers for something more the tone of Generation Kill. Mostly a bunch of uneducated working class guys (with some notable exceptions) who didn't really think too much about why they were fighting and their patriotism and enthusiasm for war get slowly eroded throughout a campaign marked by absolute fuckup commanders, everything possible going wrong, and the legitimate question of what the hell they're even doing there. There's no grand defection or turn to heroism because it's not in the cards for them, but we can sympathize with ultimately decent guys being stuck in a horribly fucked up situation.
you mean the same female writer who also wrote the best episode of the show?
bad batch was never trying to be band of brothers or andor, it's a TV 6+ spinoff of another TV 6+ cartoon that's about a misfit squad of a bunch of 80s action tropes and their adopted daughter
its just more seasons of TCW, that's it

bad batch can do mature themes and episodes but that was never the focus
I half expect Lieutenant Nolan was based off of an officer Corbett knew, or a fragging incident she knew about
because as it turns out, having a military background is a good thing when you want to write something relating to it, probably also a reason why veterans rights and pensions is a plot point (coincidentally: also one of the best episodes)
>Filoni wanted to project his OC onto darth maul and just ignored Dooku and Grevious for the second half of the series. So we only get to see them in the dogshit early seasons
There's that one episode later on where Dooku has Grievous wipe out the Nightsisters. One of the few times we get to see him act badass and brutally slaughter anyone who opposes him, since for once he's not going against heroes who have plot-armor.
Though yeah, out of all the 8 seasons of the show, Grievous appears in about 15 episodes, which is shockingly low when you consider he's the main military leader of the main antagonist faction. And in most of those he's a little more than a generic baddie who blunders around and gets his ass handed to him by the end of the episode, a role that could just as well be given to any one-off Glup Shitto character.
Sith is a specific philosophy, while dark Jedi is a general term for any Jedi that has fallen to the dark side. A lot of dark Jedi eventually end up becoming Sith, since Sith are the most prominent group of dark side Force-users, but not every Sith was a fallen Jedi (Palpatine for example never was one), and not every dark Jedi becomes a Sith (Ventress probably counts as a dark Jedi, since she was originally trained in the use of the Force and lightsabers by a Jedi, even if she was never formally accepted into the order, and while she turned to the dark side and trained under a Sith lord she never really became a Sith herself)
>Glup Shitto
It says a lot about star wars names that I can't tell if that's an insult or an actual character.
Fuck you, that Dengar sculpt is fucking sic
Jedi in the original trilogy (the way George uses the term) means both members of the jedi order but it also separately means any force user.

Dark jedi refers to any practitioners of the dark side of the force, confusingly. All sith are (in that old terminology) dark jedi, but not all dark jedi are sith.

This is reflected in most pre disney books too, including the old novelisations of the movies. Also older interviews.
>you mean the same female writer who also wrote the best episode of the show?
That doesn't say much given that the show was fucking terrible.
>bad batch was never trying to be band of brothers or andor
If it wanted to be babysitting annoying little bitch filler slop: the show, then maybe they shouldn't have falsely advertised it as something different by not even having that annoying little bitch in the first trailer, and maybe they shouldn't have included Rex and commandos and other stuff that they were never going to deal with, but only to bait people into watching, and then take a giant shit on it.
>a TV 6+ spinoff of another TV 6+ cartoon
TCW was not 6+ and you know it.
>its just more seasons of TCW, that's it
Lol no. TCW was always something different and almost always had something to say. Bad Batch was 99% of the time the same fucking shallow shit. It wishes it had the variety of stories and themes that TCW had. You could do so many interesting things in the Dark Times era, and we were left with this - filler dogshit about babysitting a little girl, where the main characters go out of their way to avoid doing anything interesting and important, go out of their way to not have any fucking agency, so that the little annoying bitch could preach some morals to them.
Corbett hasn't actually served in combat zone or was a real military. She was stationed for a short time on a ship, she was in the navy. That's it. She was "formally" in the military, but not really. The question of what will happen to the clones after the war was already set up and hinted throughout Clone Wars, and Lucas was going to explore it in the Underworld show. And Lucas was not in the military. Imagine that.

Kill yourself, ventressfag.
>hurr durr i'm retarded: the post
is there a good podcast or video series of people playing west end ganes star wars? I always like to see how a game plays before I try it out.

Just on first glance, it seems like the differences between stats could be a problem. like 2d6 vs 3d6 not having the incrementality as say 2d6 vs 2d6+1. yah, there is +2 bonuses but it seems really exponential I guess is what im saying:
they really aren't since Jedi are supposed to be good and these wannabe Sith don't have the cohones to be a good person like a proper Jedi
>it feels like the only star wars news as of current is e-celeb drama
Who is it this time
Still Star Wars Theory I think
>Not happening. Stormtroopers are fanatical fascists
That's what made me laugh about Disney Wars. They made the First Order diverse (and the Stormtroopers in stuff like Battlefront 2). Stormtroopers now look like a corporate recruitment stock photo, not faceless soldiers.
What's he done now?
got into a fight with a journalist
He put 16 Ki Adi Mundi figures up inside his butt in protest of the change of birthday
The issue with TBB is the same problem with Disneywars as a whole, wasted potential. The show should have been about a full-on Clone rebellion, you know the Clone WarS, to make something big for the 20 year gap between trilogies.

But instead, like everything else, Disney takes a situation that could be interesting, and does it in the lamest, most boring fucking way possible.
The original Battlefront 2 ended up being a more interesting story.
Jedi: Yellow
Dark Jedi: Red
i'd say its buggest flaw is that its a kids show
if it was an animated show not aimed at kids, the screentime used for silly adventures could be dedicated into fleshing out the inner workings of the new empire, as an example

but a high budget animated show not aimed at kids is a risk I bet disney isnt willing to make, doubly so when the whole "oh I haven't watched clone wars because it's animated" mindset exists
>it's a kid show, so we had to replace clones vs stormtroopers with veteran aid bill discussions in the senate
It was hampered by having shit writers
a few episodes being more mature does not mean it is not a kids show

this is TCWfag mentality
So why do the mature episodes get wasted on boring shit?
who knows, why was ahsoka vs vader locked behind a shitty low budget cartoon?
Aiming these shows at kids is a much bigger risk, because kids don't give a shit about Star Wars anymore.
No, there is no way to make a show focused on Stormtroopers without ruining the concept behind them.
Stormtroopers are a uniform entity that forsake individuality to act as the faceless pawns of the Empire. They literally address each other by identification code.
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Visons season 3 when?
That's Kraken my man
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>umbara arc pushes the moral question of what should the clones do if they have a bad commander who should ideally be removed from his post
>but then completely ruins it by just making pong krell a traitor and making all the clones actions against him justified
SW Explained tried the old "take down a rival with accusations of Chuddery" shtick and Theory dug out receipts showing Explained and his wife are incredibly disingenuous two-faced assholes motivated exclusively by jealousy and money, and it's prompted a huge slapfight between various channels all trying to piggyback on the drama for views. Which honestly, I don't get at all, who the fuck is watching this shit? I barely managed to get through a brief skip through the initial video with a total watch time of maybe four minutes and even that felt soul-sucking, yet now the Almighty Algorithm is bombarding me with ~10k sub channels all sharting out hot takes on the "issue" that somehow have thousands or tens of thousands of views?!
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>is a retarded son of dog
Probably another year or two.
you missed out on context

>acolyte gets cancelled
>chud youtubers celebrate
>some people are understandably pissed about this because the show was never given a chance because of these chud youtubers and yoi cant talk about liking it without being attacked
>they create a campaign for youtube to demonetize them, quoting racist and sexist rehtoric from them
>the youtubers named are nerdrotic, geeks and gamers etc
>but NOT star wars theory
>he was mentioned, but as an example of other youtubers jumping on the hate train for money
>SWT thinks its an attack against him and gets pissed and his fans attack people who supported that initial canapign
>digs up private DMs for some reason? (again, nobody called for him specifically to be demonetized)
>claims thay he's not in it for the money
>in a monetized video that didnt need to be made that has an advertisement for his lightsaber merch in it
>enter forbes journalist paul tassi
>he makes an article based on the whole thing and how the star wars fanbase is divided more than ever
>directly mentions SWT and how hes a piece of shit
>SWT once again gets pissed and makes a video on it
>paul makes a joke at SWT
>SWT gets pissed even more
>SWT fans find pauls private number and start sending threats
>paul calls out SWT for this saying that this is the fanbase he's cultivated and does nothing about
>SWT once again acts like hes the victim, claims that people have sent him death threats over DMs (no evidence) and that once again he'll threaten legal action
>paul takes the DM threats to the police and advises SWT not to continue down this road

thays as far as i've seen, probably missing something+im bored so its the only reason I looked it up
and the forbes article if anyone cares, it sums it up but leave some info out
>hurr durr archive it so they dont get advertisement money
no, i'm lazy.

>Which honestly, I don't get at all, who the fuck is watching this shit?
people who let e-celebs tell them how to think and how to run their lives

watch the tv show and form your own opinion based on your personal experience?
no. just watch the youtuber watch it and agree with what he is saying
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No one cares. Fuck off to twitter or reddit, or wherever you filthy scam came from, and take your gay ass little social media drama with you.
someone asked a question, god forbid they get an answer
>hate train
Thanks for the QRD, trash.
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And you should have ignored that. It was a stupid question. It is not relevant to the games. It is not relevant to Star Wars lore talks. It is not even relevant to Star Wars movies and shows discussion. Retarded e-celeb drama cancer is only relevant to low IQ faggot queers on twitter. You churned out three posts that take up my entire screen. What a waste.
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sure I guess
let us discuss something we can all participate in

like badass designs for stuff
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>internet retards thinking they are relevant unable to conceive acolyte was cancelled because it cost 1/5th of a billie to produce and barely escaped production hell
It was getting too close to high kino. The way it should've ended would be they all get caught in an ambush and as he's injured nobody will come to help him.
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Shit. Kraken is still the inferior Super Tac.
Honestly reading about this is stupid, but at least it's something new, and not the same EUfag this, Ventressfag that we usually do.
So is Edge continuing the FFG Star Wars RPG game or is it dead like X-Wing?
They said they're working on something. They haven't said what it is or when it'll be out or why it's taking so long (the last time they mentioned it was like a year or two ago) but the game technically isn't officially dead yet.
I have Heir to the Empire and The New Rebellion, which would you consider better. Are both worth reading?
Read Heir to the Empire first as it was both written and takes place before The New Rebellion, Heir is the first part of a trilogy, second books is Dark Force Rising last is The Last Command. Heir is generally considered a classic, not many people talk about New Rebellion
None of the EU slop is worth reading. Read real books that will deepen not only your understanding of real Star Wars, but the world and yourself. You won't gain anything by knowing that Faggy Slurpio in the year 9ABY fought in the battle of Sloppa system under Grand Admiral Smurf against evil mad clone Jedi Luuke Skywalker. All the EU, both old and new, is nothing but retarded filler. It doesn't have any artistic or cultural merit.
>has never actually read the book he's recommending otherwise he wouldn't recommend it
its bait
Dark jedi are way cooler without red lightsabers
They should be reserved for sith and their affiliates
> dark horse instead of marvel
Huh? Why?
“Yousa mad? Haha, meesa don’t care, okidey?”
I read Plato (I got paid to write someone's thesis on his works), and he's garbage.

Most books vaunted and mostly enjoyed by "cultured" pseuds aren't page-turners. I'll stick to consuming my capeshit and Star Wars movies (can it really be called consumption if I don't pay for anything, though?), but at least I'll know I'm enjoying myself.
nta but I think a lot of classics are page turners
I suppose they're not "Classical" Classics, but Dumas' books are still very readable. Highly entertaining thriller shit, even if the Three Muskateers makes you want to punch every one of the characters in the face all the time (which seems to be the point). Monte Cristo is the better work anyway.

Kind of surprised SW, with its endless lust for remaking famous plots, hasn't done a version of either of those yet. There's really only so many times one can do a take on Seven Samurai or Yojimbo.
>Stormtroopers are fanatical fascists, who in their first appearance killed a bunch of defenseless Jawas
Why did you start out making them sound cool and morally correct?
You are not cool or funny. The fact that you were bullied at school is apparent. Your lack of social life is evident. You are a genetic dead end - that much is certain.
>Someone else here has read Monte Cristo
Based and abbe Faria pilled.
And both those Seven Samurai episodes were kind of shitty and don't even touch the original, when have they done Yojimbo? I can't remember. The only good overt rip-off/homage they've done was Star Wars 1977

As for classics, I fucking love Frankenstein
So, if you were doing a Star Wars story inspired by the Count of Monte Cristo, what would the premise be?
I have a question for any EUfag here:
do you ever call it legends?

someone pointed out to me that people posing as EUfags (i.e people who do not care about the EU and only mention it to compare and criticise disney) generally call it "legends", and wanted to know if its true as I doubt an actual EUfag would use the disney name for it due to autism
I'm an EUfag as in I have read and enjoyed some of the EU books and think the old EU content is better than the new EU content, I think I may have called it legends once or twice only explaining the different canons to someone. Any other time I used it has been derogatory in heavy quotation marks, I just call it the old continuity generally.
I usually call it the old EU or original EU to distinguish it from the modern (Disney) EU.
>Smuggler is left to die on a barren world by his smuggling buddies
>16 years later, enigmatic count of Somethingchristo comes around to Naboo, or whatever other planet where people can afford fancy mansions live in
>Gets close to the former smugglers who now have lucrative clandestine operations going on
>Count turns out to be the smuggler, who found some sith ruins and through some sith sorcery and conveniently left behind functional space ship and treasure, went on to plot a massive revenge plot

Players could be just freelancers or folks working for one of the old smugglers and discover this shit as revenge plots start happening.
I want to pick up the separatist invasion force box for star wars legion

is there ANYTHING I should know about beforehand?
I know the unit cards were reworked or something on the website? (thus: are the box cards invalid?)
Disgusting little Jawa claws typed post (on a stolen keyboard)

Some of the cards in the box are not up-to-date, but those which aren't can simply be printed off from the website.
You'll need to get an Essentials Kit for dice, measuring sticks etc etc as those don't come in the Invasion Force box.
When assembling B1s, their heads come in two pieces. I recommend leaving the back piece attached to the sprue and glueing the front piece onto it there. Doing it otherwise is far more fiddly and risks the back piece escaping to the floor.
So obviously every star wars planet has the same gravity and most have the same breathable atmosphere... but is there enough development and people on Coruscant to have increased the gravity?
What's the story with Padme and Jar Jar Binks peoples on that one planet?I know the Star Wars setting has precursors and humans are probably the most numerous species in the Star Wars Galaxy but by what I saw and remember I pretty serve both of the people's considered themselves native to the planet.
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The Naboo humans are actually colonists from the planet Grizmallt. The Gungans are the indigenous species.

Even further back though there were the Elders; a reptilian race. Not a lot is known about them. By some accounts they were also colonists that arrived on Naboo and clashed with the Gungans and then vanished leaving only ancient ruins like those giant stone heads behind.

I kind of like the idea a lot of it is just lost to history and the Gungans may even be related to the Elders who branched off and evolved into an amphibian race with an underwater civilization while the surface dwellers died out.
The only philosophers who are worth a shit are the Enlightenment guys. The rest are fucking morons adored by midwits who are desperate to find something to make them seem smarter.
I can't say I've ever used "legends." I'll either call it the EU, the old EU, or refer to material that was formerly in the EU.
The enlightenment philosophers are the dumbest motherfuckers to have ever walked the Earth.
EU fans seem a little split on calling it Legends or just the EU. Broadly I split things into Legends, Disney canon and George Lucas canon because it's easier. Within the Legends Disney canon pillars there other tiers of course (even if Disney Lucasfilm don't want to admit that novels and comics aren't as important as tv and film for some reason even when it's obvious by how much they retcon these days). I also sometimes just use old EU and new EU since all "canon" really is is a reboot/reset of the expanded universe.
what's a chud? chad+stud?
what the fuck even motivates you people to come to 4chan? do you get off on being miserable?
I sometimes use the term "legends" normally when distinguishing continuities. I think its an acceptable term to mark it as distinct.
What you should be looking out for are people who use the word "canon" to specifically refer to disney-wars.
Feel like it happened a lot in the comics. Or at least it felt like it to me. The only one I remember of the top of my head was in the Dark Times/Early Empire comics. But I'm sure they did it more than once.
It's a good question (and there is gravity variance on some planets at least in old EU although it's always close to 1g). But especially in Coruscant's case I feel artificial gravity tech can probably fix any problems
Space travel in some form has been around in SW galaxy long enough that a lot of people consider themselves native inhabitants of a planet even if their ancestors came from another planets because they've been living there for tens of thousands of years. The Neimodeans for example descend from Duros colonists but have been living on Neimodea long enough to become genetically distinct enough from their ancestors to count as a separate species.
Also in the old EU you had the Rakatans enslaving a lot of species, including humans, and forcibly relocating them to other worlds they controlled, so when their empire finally collapsed there were pockets of various species spread across the galaxy, many of which might not even remember that they weren't actually native to the world they now inhabited since they've spent the past several thousand years as Rakatan slaves and lost any memory of their original ho002yhmeworld.
Some of them are absolute bangers, but lots are just pulled along by cultural inertia or someone's love of the topic. I actually discovered a love of academic novels because of a book on Hadrian and another on Von Sternberg. I enjoy reading them but I can see why anyone else would look at the prose and assume you're fucking with them, and so much old work is like that. Especially when it's been translated between 30 different languages or between different authors - I'm reminded of cum non solum that boiled down to the pope accidentally surrendering to the khan of the mongols in 1245 or so while calling him a cunt. Hell, the Night Lands is a classic and to quote someone in another thread recently, the prose there is so purple it's about to start diddling kids.
god i hate wookiees

furry fucks cant even learn basic and expects all the people (especially the j*di) to learn their language but OH WAIT they can understand basic just fine

and fuck kashyyyk too, it doesnt need 3 y's and its not even a rainforest yet acts like one, and its filled with 500 different types of giant spider that all do the same shit
>a fellow Night Landsfag in /swg/ of all places.

I hope you eat your tablets and drink your cup of water bro.
Don't forget the wooden spaceships.
Goddamned stupid powder. I like to think the watchers were just futuristic adbots deterred by far future adblock.
I call it Legends and I'm a hardcore EUfag, I'm also not opposed to including things from Disney into it, provided it fits the EU timeline. Purists are cringe on both sides of the isle. Sorry to say.
>Avatarfagging Ahsoka
>Not ignoring the posts
>Not talking about games either
Follow your own advice too
Edge posted YEARS ago about reprinting books (link is in the OP) and some books got reprinted. Since then it has not mentioned Star Wars at all. Go look at their news page now and you have:
>Brand new Arkham Horror RPG talk.
>Twilight Imperium stuff.
>Legend of the Five Rings.
So much focus on other stuff and other stuff being developed. It feels like there is nothing in the pipeline. Give it a couple months and like AMG they'll announce it is dead and then maybe in 2-3 years we will get a new system.
Bullshit. Nu stars wars fags cream themselves about clone character development when they were expressly made for the same purpose.
You don’t have to show faces to have distinct characters
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You're fucking retarded.
Problem with any Stormtrooper show would be the inevitable:
>Character will become a rebel at some point.
Fucking Agent Kallus in Rebels, Iden Versio in Battlefront 2, even fucking General Hux in the sequels. Becoming a Rebel is inevitable.
it would be fine if it came at the end of a long character arc and not 5 minutes into the characters' development
Even Episode III realized it needed to give unique designs, nicknames, and show faces of clones to give them character. Everything after this only doubled down on it further. It worked because the clones were a new concept still being defined. You do that with stormtroopers and they stop being stormtroopers.
TCW isnt good btw and is not a poor example to follow.
>dont do anything with cody outside of TCW for ages
>there were plans for him to be in kenobi but it didnt happen
>shows up for ONE (uno) episode of bad batch
>goes AWOL and never seen again
According to Disney, it's all canon in theirs, so there shouldn't really be a "Disney EU" it's just all Disney.
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>there were plans for him to be in kenobi but it didnt happen
yes, he was meant to be hanging around with obi-wan and protecting luke with owen while obi-wan was away
Still sucks. Fucking insane that Jesse is the only major named clone who stays loyal to the Empire.
Cody should have been the main villain of a clones vs empire show.
jesse was still under the control of the chip when he died, he wasn't exactly "loyal to the empire" (in fact he probably died before the empire was even formed)

besides, fox was still loyal to the empire, and we havent heard about bly, neyo or bacara and we never will because we're just getting more rex/wolffe wank
Hux at least didn't do it for moralfag reasons. He was just a spiteful bitch.
Feels fucking bad, man. I don't mind that TCW decided it needed to focus on just a few clones for their part of the broader story. I don't even mind that they decided to create donut steels for that purpose, since the commanders from RotS probably already had some characterization from the EU and they wanted to avoid nerd rage for altering that.

But it would have been nice for them to get a little more screen time. Bly gets bit parts on the lemur planet, and Gree gets a smattering over the course of the series. It would have been nice to give Neyo and Bacara at least the same treatment, as opposed to a few frames of one of the episodes in Membur Gascon's Wild Ride.
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Controversial Opinion: Dark Jedi are just as shit as Grey Jedi.

You wanna be your own thing? Cool. Then have the balls to start your own order like the Sith did and come up with your own name for it. Otherwise just be a Jedi. If you aren't a Jedi but you have the word "Jedi" in your title, you are a coat-tail riding shithead who cannot stand on your own and deserve to be ridiculed by both the Sith and regular ass Jedi alike.
Dark Jedi isn't even really a specific designation.
Ostensibly it just means a fallen jedi, ie Vader is a Dark Jedi, Palpatine is not.
However the term is also used just generally towards darksiders who are trained in jedi style combat but are not Sith, under that definition Sariss and Sedriss QL are both Dark Jedi, and Vader... isn't?
Vader is literally a Sith Lord, he passed the rights of the Sith, he is one of the Sith. A Dark Jedi is a Jedi who dabbles in the Dark Side but is specifically NOT a Sith or any other dark order. Vader is an example of someone who was at one point, a Dark Jedi, but bit the bullet to became a Sith. Once you pass the Rubicon on betraying your former values in the name of the Sith religion specifically and its obsession for power at any cost, you are Sith.
but like I just said characters like Sariss and Sedriss QL, whom never were associated with Jedi, are referred to as Dark Jedi.
Then that's an editorial issue.
'Dark Jedi' and 'Grey Jedi' is literally because Jedi have such a stranglehold on the Galaxy's perception of the Force, that 'Jedi' has become the go-to term for Force User. That's why you get shit like the wrongly named Jedi Civil War in KOTOR. Most people never stopped seeing Revan and Malak as Jedi.
Lol, the context is Acolyte was shit for fags and it deserved to get laughed at. Get rekt.
I'm not talking about the videos shitting on the show, it's garbage and deserved to be shat on, I'm talking about the faggy gossiping videos about one channel having a slapfight with another. Unless you're a Disney Mom/Sequel Bumboy like >>93950098 it was easy enough to get the gist with a quick skip through one video, so how are there dozens of videos with tens of thousands of views each "discussing" the matter?

I've seen more dignified discussions among a bunch of single mums screech-laughing over trashy celebrity gossip mags in a greasy spoon.
I default to EU, but if I have the misfortune to be talking to a sequelfag or a mando-mommy(which have become disturbingly common, who knew all it would take to get middle aged women to like star was was a spic doting on a green alien baby puppet) I use Legends just so they know WTF I'm talking about. Anyone who was around before the Disney acquisition who uses Legends exclusively is just a cuck.
We never will, because dogshit Bad Batch show decided to be about babysitting little annoying tranny clone bitch and palpatine returning, instead of being about clones in the Imperial era.
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So Dark Jedi refers to Dark Side force useers who are Jedi trained, or who have just never heard of the Sith?
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So what happened when the Emperor died and all the former CIS worlds seized the chance for independence? Obviously it would be massively hypocritical for rebels to turn around and start oppressing people for wanting freedom.
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There was a Mandalorian episode about that.
There are no rights to being a Sith (nor a Jedi, for that matter). You can literally just call yourself one, and if no one's there to kill you and prove you wrong then I guess you're a Sith.
You will never be a real Sith.
just let it go
maybe filoni can fix himself with ahsoka and we get something a little better since thrawn, big space battles and such, but considering how retarded he is, probably not.
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>thrawn, big space battles and such
No one cares about that. We want Shin scissoring Sabine
just watch random lesbo porn, anon.
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But I don't want to watch some random drug addicted whores. I want to watch Shin and Sabine.
do you think filoni would direct it better than some psychopathic porn jew, anon? considering filoni's track record, you'd be turned off women for life.
there's always the remote chance that filoni can just copy zahn and we get something akin to a space opera and not just rebels in 3d.
I don't want to see the original thrawn trilogy with filoni's shitty OCs instead of the original gang
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Thank God there won't be M*ra J*de.
aspects of it is the best case scenario i can see. which is very unlikely. there's nothing else that offers any hope.
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Then there is no hope at all
seems that way
there's no timeline to fit in anything now
unless they can make a decent sequel to the sequel trilogy, but i doubt anyone can ever do that in hollywood other than george himself

star wars is only really good when it's a space opera.
>there's no timeline to fit in anything now
I disagree, the problem is they just keeping using filoni characters which a minority cares about
That would suck and you know it. The only way it would have worked would have been to make it at the time the Prequels came out. A better version of Ahsoka would be the best rendition of the Thrawn Trilogy in live action.
I don't think you understood my post
Edge studio... where are you?
It's fascinating that who looks better on screen and who looks better IRL is inverted in these two cases.
Mara Jade happened 33 years ago, anon.
It's dead. They are busy developing other shit and don't care. The last Star Wars news was years ago mentioning reprints.

This mismanagement of one of the biggest franchises at every single level has been insane.
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painting a 7ft tall retard
>Wrecker the armless
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he's armed now
had to keep the arms off to paint the chest and gun

surprisingly easy to paint all things considered, drybrushing makes the models feel like TCW artstyle
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and a better photo using the fridge because i'm not paying for a lightbox

Being candid (and as the owner of a pretty much full set of the SW RPG books from FFG); Edge, like AMG, were handed a shit sandwich in the 'restructure'. They were a small studio happily doing their own thing under the Asmodee umbrella only for the Good Idea Fairy to shit on them and serve them up a steaming pile of Other People's Work to deal with.
There's pretty much no good path forwards for them with the Star Wars license. Doing a full 2nd edition would be far too much work for the size of their team and reprints alone at this point isn't going to make sense financially.

It fucking sucks, as I like the system, but the ship has sailed.
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I do wonder though, has anyone drybrushed clones for that TCW look?

I know a lot of people use a gloss varnish as they're wearing glossy armour in the movies
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I posted >>93963743
but not >>93963565

I just did a quick edit on one of the pics, as I sympathize with anyone who struggles to achieve the proper lighting conditions for this kind of thing.

To answer your question, though: Beats me. I used to paint minis for D&D, but that was decades ago. The only Star Wars things I've seen painted are custom jobs on the X-Wing mini game ships, and someone who painted a Disney Infinity Ahsoka, to make her look like possessed Ahsoka.
>or who have just never heard of the Sith
No, because some Dark Jedi directly served Sith.
I think probably the best definition I can come up with for "Dark Jedi" is a darksider who had been trained in Jedi-style combat by a Jedi (ie: Vader, Dooku, Jerec, Kadaan, Ventress) OR another trained by another Dark Jedi, (ie: Jerec's apprentices, Vader's apprentices) but even that might not be catch-all. Its not clear whether Palpatine's dark jedi were ever trained directly by him to fight with a lightsaber.
I swear I posted a response but anyway I digress: I agree with plenty of what you are saying BUT the place where I would disagree is there both AMG and Edge have not been candid enough about it and the lack of communication destroys any good will from the shit sandwich they were handed. The fact we still don't have answers from Edge and people are still asking just sucks. Yeah the ship has sailed but in many ways we are stuck in purgatory: no answers, nothing being developed and nothing being said.
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>dodonna, but more flexible
>but +1 cost and can be shut off
>but also hands out overwhelm
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>Han Solo dead
>Luke Skywalker dead
>Princess Leia dead
>nobody cares about R2 and C3P0

>Lando may as well be dead
He's dead inside
He's old and senile. The real winner is Chewbacca. He even got a medal, apparently.
More like CHADbacca. Dude has got centuries left.
>abaddon gives up on 40k and decides to try a new franchise
Moons are white
Wookiees are not
Moon killed chewbacca
My god.

The lack of communication is (likely) a feature of the tight corporate leash Edge/AMG are operating under. While saying nothing is as you rightly say akin to shoving us in purgatory, saying something 'bad' could land them in all sorts of hot water either with potential investors or with licensing partners (ie. if they announce that SW RPG is dead, Disney *might* get pissy that there isn't a Star Wars-branded RPG product in the market).
There's also the more general point that announcing bad news sucks and leads to you getting screamed at on social media even on other topics, which then requires time & effort to deal with.


He's an interesting one to be sure. I like how they've avoided 'just' giving us a Clone Veers/Dodonna, but I think his stats aren't great for a five drop. If you can keep him standing & keep his Coordinate up he'll do great business.
Also he's only Command aspect, which means you could shove him into a Villainy Separatist deck for memes.
RPGs also have an abysmal like two year manufacturing time, during which the speed of proceedings is entirely out of the studio's hands.
>While saying nothing is as you rightly say akin to shoving us in purgatory, saying something 'bad' could land them in all sorts of hot water either with potential investors or with licensing partners
That's all rather obvious. But the fact remains that eventually they'll have to rip the band aid off, like what AMG did. It has been years since they've mentioned it. It's time. I don't think it requires time and effort at this point to deal with, much like with AMG it just requires the truth, most people have moved on.
>tight corporate leash Edge/AMG are operating under
The way these companies are run under Asmodee is shocking loose, rather than a tight leash. They literally don't even have the staff numbers to think about their brand in a larger way. Fucking up FFG was a mistake.
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>fanatical fascists
the galactic empire isn't fascism, it's an empire. it's akin to a mix of the roman and british empires.
The Empire is very blatantly fascist inspired.
Wanted to read up on some Star Wars EU history, and headed to the old links looking for some books. Noticed that "EU novels and comics" and "Disney novels and comics" are both dead, and "/swr/ download links" is empty.

Anyone know where I can find the books? I was looking for a collection rather than trying to piecemeal them through various sites.
Aesthetically. Also a bit with the alliance of corps and government, but it's not really that fascist
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Who asked for this?
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It literally is.
>Fascism (/ˈfæʃJzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
Sounds like Galactic Empire.
Whose definition is that? It seems overly broad and leaves out corporate collusion ( I could squeeze some Chines emperors into that view). The Galactic Empire may actually be considered fascist under some definitions but it's also a monarchy; something that sets it apart from real life examples.
The Galactic Empire is basically a laundry list of bad traits in a government.
>A monarchy without an heir or any established succession, operating closer to a cult of personality like Maoist China.
>Absolutely moronic economic policy where it over-invests into the military despite a lack of peer adversary to justify all the capital ship killing heavy weapons, in order to pay for this deficit, it nationalizes businesses whenever it needs more money, slowly cannibalizing the private sector entirely.
>Despite all the money poured into the military, the leadership is a mess of sycophancy and promoting for party line following rather than results.
>Actual military results are middling, Imperial forces tend to under-perform despite overwhelming material advantages.
>Needlessly excludes aliens, even when they could be very useful to the state.

If you hate fascists, you'll see fascism in the Empire. If you hate the colonial empires, you'll see colonialism in them. If you hate communists, you'll see communism in the Empire. Because there's no 1 for 1 as to what the Empire is in real life, it's a collection of policies and intentional decisions to make them obvious bad guys.
pretty much everything related to COMPNOR is text-book fascism and it makes up pretty much the entire bureaucratic wing of the Empire.
as you've already stated yourself, even the economy of the Empire is modeled in a way that resembles fascist policies.
Somebody, I assume.

It's a tcg, there's room for deep cuts.
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painted john rambo

think i'll do echo tomorrow
also noticed the model has wreckers knife instead of hunters (hunters knife isnt in it sheath) and it makes me mad
the example models used for the box photo has wrecker missing his knife from his sheath so I dunno why the release models are different
no, thats hunter, not slick
Does the Empire actually nationalize businesses? All the Imperial-aligned corporations are independent.

They nationalized the banks, kind of, but the Muuns still run them.
They did the CIS ones, but yeah, they don't interfere with loyal companies in the Corporate Sector
All the way back in the ANH scripts, Luke hates the Empire because they are running off independent farmers and snapping up land to sell/give? To big state-backed corps.
Or they are deliberately looking the other way when corps run off independent farmers.
It’s vague but it’s context for why Luke says he hates the Empire in the film.

It’s corporatism, which was a very Fascist thing.
Only the CIS ones for nationalised under the Emperor's direct control. Which just so happened to be a vast manufacturing, capital, and technological base approximately equal to the rest of the Republic combined.
It's Wikipedia, which is a nest of communist apologia.
Spain and Italy were fascist monarchies. Albeit puppet monarchies where the king just OKed everything.
Japan sort of as well as Hirohito was enthused about everything but didn’t do the actual policy.
Why does Luke talk about joining the Imperial Academy?
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When did he talk about joining IMPERIAL academy? Faggots keep parroting this shit, but it was never said in the film. Did the Empire run monopoly on flight education in the Galaxy? Why would Luke join the organization that he hates? It makes no sense.
Its never mentioned as the "Imperial" Academy but in deleted scenes from A New Hope and its novelization Biggs talks about him and his friends deserting the freighter ship "Rand Ecliptic" he's been assigned to somewhere passed Bestine so that he can meet with someone who will put him in contact with the rebellion. That would kind of suggest an imperial ship but both Biggs and Luke mention not wanting to be "drafted" by the Imperial Starfleet so its kind of vague what any of it means.
It was hard confirmed as an Imperial Academy by EU material, and the Rand Ecliptic an Imperial ship, but otherwise I'm not certain if that was the original intention or not.
Sounds like pretty textbook EU revisionism to me. Considering Biggs joined the rebels, if it was actually an imperial flight academy the plan was to learn to fly and immediately defect anyway. The point is Luke either way did not want anything to do with the Empire BEFORE they murdered his adoptive parents.
george based the empire on the british empire in his own words (and to a lesser extent the american empire), anon. though with the pt, it's also similar to rome.

anyone who is highly militaristic will look like another who is.
How could dirt-farmer Luke afford to attend a private flight academy? Makes more sense for him to just passively be willing to join the Empire to pave his way for future prospects regardless of what he thought of it politically. Plenty of people irl do the same thing with the US military.
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Yes, in a deleted scene with Biggs at Tosche Station he mentions how the Empire has already starting "nationalizing commerce" in the inner systems.
I kind of get the first one, it was just "Haha, without me they're fucked." like Exalted's Scarlet Empress.
Point taken, but unlike her allies Imperial Japan is not generally considered fascist by historians
The Skywalkers weren't that poor. They had a decently sized property, lived comfortably enough that Luke could afford model kits and to spend time "goofing off with friends", and Owen could hire on some farmhands to take Luke's place in another season, though that may have just been him stalling to keep Luke from leaving Tatooine.

Regardless of how much sense it may or may not make, the movies do not specify it being an imperial flight academy.
You realize this was all in the ANH deleted scene, right? You don't even have to read anything, you can go watch them right now, since I know you're a low-attention span Gen Xer.
The hard confirmation is EU though. The deleted scene is ambiguous as to if it is an imperial academy and ship in the first place. The original post even acknowledged that.
>but otherwise I'm not certain if that was the original intention or not.

So I am calling the EU claim revisionism, not the deleted scene.
>means both members of the jedi order but it also separately means any force user
This could work pretty well as an in universe thing where the average normie calls all force users Jedi because they're the only force user tradition that is remotely well known among the general public.
This is literally the canonical logic that is presented in-universe when it comes to the Jedi Civil War, from the Old Republic era. It's called th Jedi Civil War because most people do not care about the Jedi and the Sith, and saw it as a battle between competing philosophies within the same faith.

And I think that was always the best way to portray things. The overwhelmingly vast majority of people throughout the galaxy should not know about nor really care about the finer points of the philosophies of what is (or was, at least) a fairly specific faith.

The inflation of the importance and universality of the Force as what is essentially a religion over time was a mistake.
They were moisture farmers and they weren't rich but they weren't exactly poor, either. They had what amounted to a good-sized farm. I'd say that they were at least middle-class by any measure (insofar that Tattooine has a "middle class"; it is probably more appropriate to say that they were "upper class", but that would imply that they were rich or whatever).

>never said in the film
Very little is said about it in the film, but we know through secondary sources that it was an imperial academy. It was presumably the same academy that Biggs Darklighter joined, which was an imperial academy that Biggs subsequently defected from.
>Did the Empire run monopoly on flight education in the Galaxy?
In terms of actual academies, probably, yes. Tattooine was a backwater in Hutt space. Any major academies can reasonably be assumed to be Imperial.
>Why would Luke join the organization that he hates?
Luke did not hate the Empire prior to the events of the first film. This was going to be made more explicit in scenes that were cut or went unfilmed, involving Luke's friends (including Biggs) and commentary regarding the Rebel Alliance. Luke was really just a normal kid at the fringe of the imperial influence, and he had very little reason to even question imperial propaganda.

In the context of the wider universe later created, especially the (awful) prequel trilogy, Obi-Wan really did a shit job.
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>In the context of the wider universe later created, especially the (awful) prequel trilogy, Obi-Wan really did a shit job.
>>Needlessly excludes aliens, even when they could be very useful to the state.
This is the neoliberal viewpoint that if you can work, you're useful. It doesn't fit with the Empire, though, because the Empire. It doesn't fit well with an ideological human supremacist state that wants to put the needs of humanity over that of other races.
Palpatine himself wasn't really ideologically human-supremacist, he just used an existing undercurrent of humanocentrism present on the mostly human-dominated core worlds as a useful tool. It's a pretty standard move from a dictator's playbook: take some group your main support base already doesn't like much and use them as a convenient scapecoat and a way to make your supporters feel superior so they won't pay attention to themselves being exploited by you. Even if the average Imperial citizen of the core world might complain about government corruption or the Emperor's tax policy, they would likely look at the rebels working with aliens and view them as traitors to humanity or believe that increased rights for aliens would mean less rights for humans.
>that may have just been him stalling
Wasn't that outright said to him by Beru? And Owen then admitted Luke being like his father was what he was afraid of. It wasn't about not being able to hire farmhands, since Luke spent plenty of time fucking around with friends already, it was keeping Luke away from the Empire (and Kenobi).
Well, yes, exactly, that's what I mean. Neoliberals don't care to actually govern. (And I'm not using this as a diss, but I'm sure the AI janny is going to fuck me up) As in, playing dictator, etc. They care about acquisition of wealth, the politics is just for show. What the anon from above described as 'needless' is not needless for the state Palpatine wished to establish.

The CIS are of the equal-opportunity exploiter variety. They don't care what race you are as long as you work.
They weren't poor by Tatooine standards. By galactic stabdards, they were probably like an Appalachian farm family with tons of property, but there's no fucking way they could finance a kid into some coastal college.
flying and spaceflight is something basically everyone does in the star wars universe, so it'd be like having some private driving lessons rather than private flying lessons in our world.

they're amazingly high-tech.
A Z-95 is described as a 'beginner ship' in the same vein someone talks about a first car, rather than, say, an F-16.
Only because they're not western, they check more boxes of what's generally considered fascist than others. Not that we really get a good definition that isn't "thing I don't like"
Imperial economic and military policy is basically a vicious circle of retardation.
>Why do we need to build tens of thousands of star destroyers?
To keep the people from rebelling
>Why are the people rebelling?
Because we've collapsed their standard of living and exploiting them
>Why did we need to collapse our people's standard of living and exploit them?
So we can get the funds to build tens of thousands of star destroyers
>Why do we need to build tens of thousands of star destroyers?

Repeat at infinitum, or until the Rebellion blows up the Death Star and the Emperor with it.
Spain wasn't fascist, the rebels were an alliance between Franco's religious conservatives, the national syndicalist Falange and a monarchist faction, Franco sidelined the latter two after he won.
They nationalized the former CIS megacorps, and also other corporations that didn't want to play by their rules (Incom being the prime example: the reason the Rebellion got the X-Wing was that when the empire nationalized Incom their original design team quit, stole the blueprints of the new fighter they were working on, and defected to the Rebellion). The corporations that can operate independently like KDY and Sienar are so closely intertwined with the Empire they might as well be state-owned.

At least in the old EU they did initially nationalized the corporate sector, but the governor of the sector later convinced the imperial senate to allow loyalist corporations to resume operating the region in more or less the same way as it had worked under the Republic (with him skimming profits from the top).
I agree with this, to a certain extent Japan was almost more fascist than the actual fascists.
It had reached a level of utilitarian death-driven national fervor that Hitler could only dream of.
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Now we're cooking.
Blue because I'm a chad
Newfags and Disney cultists call it Legends, autists call it EU
Why do they look so fucking hideous?
>Why do we need to build tens of thousands of star destroyers?
because the Vong are coming.
Because some artists can't actually do art. Simple as.
Ugly art reflecting ugly, stupid idea. It's like poetry.
Because he's a shitposter and that's from his "shill for Disney" folder.
Empire was kind of retarded to not use the Vong as a fear mongering "other" that the galaxy would rally behind their protection for. Almost like they were shitty fanfiction meant to make the evil empire seem retroactively good
>Empire says they are trying to defend against random aliens from beyond the Rim that nobody has ever seen
>Vong just continue to wait as they have for centuries
>citizens just get angrier at the Empire lying to them about a supposed threat that clearly doesnt exist
>probably a bunch of people in the Empire would think its bullshit too
Anyways the whole, Palpatine was REALLY preparing for the Vong thing is a very overstated idea. Its pretty obvious he was just an evil dickhead.
>Palpatine was REALLY preparing for the Vong thing is a very overstated idea.
>Its pretty obvious he was just an evil dickhead.
why not both?
An evil dickhead that's wants to protect his holdings, a galaxy that took the Sith many thousands of years to finally obtain.
well yeah, that's sort of what I meant. Any "preparations" are just ancillary to the fact that he wanted total domination of the galaxy.
Palpatine's evil enough where I could see him even welcoming the prospect of war with the Vong.
>Palpatine's evil enough where I could see him even welcoming the prospect of war with the Vong.
I would too. War is fun. What's the point of having a strong military if you don't ever get a chance to use it.
>Is the novelization worth reading? I've heard some good things about it
Its regarded as one of the best star wars novels, some even say its better than the actual movie
The problem is that far too many people assume it is out of benevolence (and then also that all the Death Stars, superweapons, and similar shit were also for benevolent reasons; whitewashing the literal evil galactic empire as "AKSHUALLY the good guys!") or because "the Empire could have beaten the Vong" (never tested, only brought up by a young, arrogant Imperial officer who is partially gloating to Han and Leia about how badly the NR has done).

Furthermore, Sheev was not only deliberately attempting to manipulate Thrawn to his side with his statement of a looming threat and professing benevolence (so anybody who takes him at his word is falling victim to his manipulations like the rest of the idiots), but Sheev assumes, in the context where he actually is deciding that he wants to keep what is his from a bunch of weirdo BDSM freaks, that he can actually win in the first place.
>umbara arc pushes the moral question of what should the clones do if they have a bad commander who should ideally be removed from his post
>but then completely ruins it by just making pong krell a traitor and making all the clones actions against him justified
It would have been too good of a story arc. Krell having a force-vision about clone troopers aiding the destruction of the Republic by betraying the Jedi, but being lost on the details of how or when that happens and being ultra paranoid about it would have been more poetic.
This desu. We've built all these bitchin' Star Destroyers, it'd be a pity to leave them as port queens that never do anything.
The one big win the light has over the dark is that it can just sort of sit there and relax a bit. Darksiders don't really stop. They're the main character of the story, they hate being bored, and if they're not they'll create a few galaxy spanning horrors to make sure they aren't bored. If Palp did win and got godhood he'd probably hear Vitiate laughing at him faintly in the background.
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painted up the team fortress 2 sniper for today

echo tomorrow
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Its because Filoni can't do moral complexities.
>introduce the Separatist Senate in like a single episode
>its brushed aside and the CIS are almost always portrayed as cartoon villains in TCW
>they had more nuance when they were literally just a union between corporations and planetary warlords
I like to think that after losing Ani, Watto bet big buying or shorting some stock during the clone wars that made him the richest man in the outer rim
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CIS are and have always been cartoon villains.
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The Umbara arc was always meant to be an Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness type story and Krell was even compared to Colonel Kurtz. The idea was that he'd gone insane/fallen to the dark side so the clones would ultimately be forced to take him out.

I think the frustrating thing about TCW is they introduced the Separatist Parliament giving the faction this whole other dimension but then never did much of anything with it. We get some exploration of Lux Bonteri and his disillusionment with the CIS after learning Dooku had his mother killed and Bec Lawise sees Dooku's true nature in the Scipio arc and that costs him his life but that's it. I think obviously there were ordinary decent people in the CIS military who weren't cartoonishly evil like Grievous, Trench and all those Neimoidians like Lux's father but the show chooses not to focus on them the same way it avoids depicting any Republic officers who're especially antagonistic towards the Jedi generals and would pave the way for the Empire. Tarkin is the one exception but even he's treated like some anomaly when in reality most of the Republic's military personnel were probably at least ambivalent towards the Jedi leadership.

There was going to be an arc that sort of acted like a secondary series finale alongside Siege of Mandalore which finally delved into the Separatist Council involving Tikkes, Mon Cala and Padme but that never saw the light of day leaving the overarching political subplot of the Clone Wars series unresolved. Lucas and Filoni were setting something up with all this corporate neutrality worldbuilding but they never paid it off.
Alex Jones in Star Wars
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fuck this retard, no wonder the rebels hated him

>galvanizes the empire into being more ruthless over insurrection
>paints rebels in a bad light by just being a terrorist
>gets told to stop being a retard, he ignores it and has to be held at gunpoint to relent
>gets told that if he kills some imperial officers, the imperial command wont collapse because those officers will quickly be replaced, yet still tries to kill them
>compromises and gets a member of an elite commando squad killed, a massive asset he could have had because he ignored advice to stop being a retard
>runs away at the first sign of an imperial counter attack when he could have made allies with the wookiees

tarkin was right to blow up jedha and kill him
But enough about America
>be saw gerrera
>spend your whole life fighting for freedom
>kill empire shits every single day
>ex-republic senators who have never went a day without want you to stop wait and trust le plan
>their plan is to just kind of wait until the empire kills enough people that they get fed up and join the rebellion
He was always right, actually doing stuff accomplishes more than sitting around waiting. Rebels just got lucky god sent them a savior
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>>compromises and gets a member of an elite commando squad killed, a massive asset he could have had because he ignored advice to stop being a retard
>clone force 99
>elite commando squad
X to doubt.
>gets told by soldiers who are way more experienced than him, who are fighting for their freedom that he shouldnt be retarded
>proceeds to be retarded
>gets told by a leader of a spy network who spent the past 10 years building it and has agents within the ISB that he shouldnt be retarded
>proceeds to be retarded and gets held at gunpoint over it until he stops being retarded
>"b-but im the only one with the clarity of purpose!"

he just wanted excuses to blow shit up, the literal day the empire formed he started being a terrorist against them despite them not doing anything against him yet
fennec also beat cad bane so i'd say she's just a mary sue
TWC did have moral complexities, but it wasn't in the Republic vs CIS conflict but within the Republic. At start it seems like a very clear-cut "Republic good, CIS evil" conflict, but the Republic ultimately isn't all that much better. They have government corruption, war-profiteering, and are perfectly fine with invading planets for cynical reason (the entire Umbara conflict can be summed up as "this planet wanted to leave the Republic but it's located on a strategic trade-route so we'll invade them and beat them to submission"). In the end captain Rex's character arc culminates in recognizing the same thing that one traitor clone in s1 had recognized, that the Republic doesn't deserve his loyalty and betraying it is not only not wrong, but the moral thing to do.
They were also captured by Zyggerians, somehow, and had to be bailed out by a literal child.

X to doubt.
They massacred the jedi and gave the chancellor perpetual rule on day 0, I guess if you're a low IQ normie in the star wars verse who cares more about the latest Jizz album or your latest pod racing bet then those things wouldn't be alarming. But for someone who fought against the Seps with republic backing, only for the republic to immediately turn into something worse is understandable to resist.
He was an Imperial Intelligence asset. Tarkin would have known that if he bothered to consult the proper channels.
tech and crosshair carried the team
idk he seems kinda based to me
imagine if he went after the extremely evil outer rim cartels instead of the empire jobbers
he probably would've be skinned alive within a month
Tarkin didn't even blow up Jedha he cracked it. Saw died but his retards remained to attack anyone who came by.
The Clone Wars was butchered.

Dooku abd Grievous were both parallels of Vader, but with zero of the depth. Krell himself wasn't someone who saw the horrors of war and lost himself in it like Kurtz, he was just a turncoat that wanted a big payout.

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